5 Secret Techniques

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Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Here's the truth about what women REALLY want in bed. Master the 5 techniques in this report and your woman will be calling you 'a Sex God' sometime in the very near future!

Better In Bed Special Report:

5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed

Master These 5 Simple Techniques and You’ll Become The Sex God She’s Always Wanted By Adam Armstrong Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Wri$en  for  every  man  who  wants  to  become  a  be$er  lover

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Copyright Notice For Those Thinking of Misusing This Book This book is copyright 2014 with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of derivative works of this book. If you attempt to copy, steal, or distribute all or any part of my book without permission, I will have my solicitor contact you and make you wish you’d never bothered. By purchasing this book, you agree to the following: You understand that the information contained in this book is an opinion, and it should be used for personal entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of this book is to be considered legal or personal advice. You must abide by these rules. I have employees who spend a lot of time searching the Internet for people who violate my copyrights. Now that we’re finished with this notice, let’s talk about “5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed”…

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Disclaimer The information in this book is provided for personal entertainment purposes only. You remain 100% responsible for your actions at all times. Please use this information wisely, with caution and always with total respect for women.

Cautionary Note Some of the information in this book is hard-core. It’s explicit. It’s of an extremely adult nature (and is not intended for anyone under 18 years of age). It may challenge your sexual beliefs about women and what you thought was the truth. But if you desire to master the area of your life that I like to refer to as ‘Women, Sex and Relationships,’ this is required reading…

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


About the Author Adam Armstrong is a sex coach. He specialises in teaching men how to become better lovers. The reason why he is able to do this so effectively is because he has spent years figuring out why most men are clueless when it comes to women and why so many women are dissatisfied in bed with their men. It wasn’t easy to work all of this stuff out, largely because the mainstream sex advice to be found in magazines (both those aimed at men and women), on television and on the internet proved to be mostly inadequate. And the stuff in so called “scientific literature” was often no better. It seemed that most so called “sex experts” skirted around the real issues for fear of offending people, or simply because they did not really know what women wanted, needed and craved in the bedroom and much less how to teach men the skills required to become dynamite with women. Luckily for you, Adam has this stuff figured out. He is not afraid to speak his mind and at times uses some, how shall we say; colourful language! He might challenge your beliefs and seriously make you question much of what you previously thought was true about female sexuality. But if you go with it and read, listen and watch Adam’s programs with an open mind - you will become a better lover than you ever dreamed possible.

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed Master  These  5  Simple  Techniques  and  You’ll   Become  The  Sex  God  She’s  Always  Wanted

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Master These 5 Simple Techniques and You’ll Become The Sex God She’s Always Wanted

5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed When I first started my mission to try to figure out what women REALLY wanted in bed, I found a ton of misinformation. Truthfully, almost everything I read about sex was incomplete or just plain WRONG. In the end, it wasn’t really the thousands of magazine and internet articles, hundreds of books and dozens of audio and video courses that I read, listened to and watched that helped me to figure out what women really want in bed.

What did help me to figure out what women really want in bed were the experiences I shared with women over the past 10 years. My mistakes and successes led me to the answers I wanted.

Giving women great sex has everything to do with the 5 things you’re about to discover in this very special report…

I can tell you now that, “YES” – every woman is different. Yet at the same time – there are 5 things that every woman wants in bed. And if you take the time to master these 5 things… You will become the SEX GOD most women spend their entire lives dreaming of, but never truly find. Can You Become A Sex God Even If You’re Old, Fat, Ugly and Small ‘Down There?’

One night, very early on in my mission to figure out this topic that I now refer to as ‘women and sex’, I was out in a nightclub with a friend of mine.

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


We were sat at a table in the VIP area with a couple of girls we’d met a little earlier in the night. Things were going well and we were about to leave with the girls to go to another venue. But then I had one of those moments where you witness something so crazy it causes you to nearly spit your drink halfway across the room whilst simultaneously rendering you speechless for several seconds. You see, this guy enters the room – laughing, joking and clearly having a great night – with not just one, two or even three hot girls on his arm… But four. “YES” – he had four (!) hot girls on his arm. And the thing is… They ALL looked really into him… Stroking him, hugging him, kissing him… all over him… And, well – you get the idea. He had four hot chicks on his arm and for the moment – every eye in the room was on him. It was unreal. Right now, you might be thinking that he was tall, dark, impossibly handsome, built like a Greek God and seriously rich. But here’s the weird thing… He was NONE of those things. Well, he may have been rich – but he certainly didn’t show it. He wasn’t throwing his money around like many of the other wannabes you see in nightclubs. He was probably 5ft 4” on a good day… He had quite a belly… He was dressed in beat up jeans and a shirt that looked like he’d had it 10 years… He was definitely NOT good looking… He looked at least 20 years older than each of the girls on his arm (he was probably ‘50-something’ and they all looked to be in their late 20’s or early 30’s)… And get this…

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One of the girls went to buy him a drink. So he wasn’t splashing his cash on his ‘dates.’ What was interesting was that these girls looked SERIOUSLY INTO HIM. Anyway, a few minutes later a friend of mine came over and explained to me who this guy was… Turns out he had a reputation in my home city for being EXTREMELY GOOD in bed. Women literally loved him for the pleasure he could give them. And he was so damn good at giving women pleasure that certain women were willing to SHARE him and they didn’t care that he wasn’t tall, good looking, slim or rich. He just had it ‘going on’ in the bedroom. What’s the point of this story? Simply to highlight the fact that giving women GREAT SEX and making them ADDICTED to you in the bedroom has nothing to do with your physical appearance. And “NO” – it has nothing to do with your ‘size’ either. Listen. Giving women great sex has everything to do with the 5 things you’re about to discover in this very special report… Let’s get into the good stuff…

The 5 Things Every Woman Wants In Bed… 1. To Be ‘Taken’ I’m going to share a FACT with you about women that most men will never know (and most women will never tell you). Ready? OK. Here we go…

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


The fact is that women are SEXUALLY SUBMISSIVE. Now, what exactly do I mean when I say that women are ‘sexually submissive?’ Well, I simply mean that, in the bedroom, women do not want to TAKE CONTROL or be in charge. What women really want is a man who TAKES CONTROL… A man who isn’t afraid to be in charge… A man who enjoys ‘calling the shots’… Women want to be ‘taken’ in the bedroom… they do not want to do the ‘taking.’ Simply put… Women want, need and crave a SEXUALLY DOMINANT lover. And the truth is that you must become a sexually dominant lover in order for the remaining 4 techniques in this report to work. There is no other way. Become sexually dominant and you can become a SEX GOD. Period. Fail to act dominantly in the bedroom and you will always struggle to give women great sex. And that’s a fact. And “YES” – this explains why MOST men struggle in the bedroom… Most men struggle in the bedroom because they aren’t dominant. Men don’t struggle to SATISFY women because they are too ‘small down there’ or because they don’t know a certain crazy sexual position from the Karma Sutra. No, men struggle in the bedroom because they act like WIMPS. Period. Sexual dominance and unwavering sexual confidence may be the biggest ‘turn on’ for a woman in the world.

Action Steps: I. Start taking control of sexual situations with your woman II. Be the one who instigates the sex (at least most of the time) III. Avoid ‘weak behavior’ such as asking for sex and asking her if she has had an orgasm. A dominant lover never asks such questions

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


2. Dirty Talk Many decades ago a guy named Alfred Kinsey did a ton of sexual research. And whilst his intentions were probably good – his findings and theories were often complete B.S. Unfortunately, guys like Kinsey have influenced many current ‘sex educators’ and have, therefore, helped people to have LOUSY sex. One of the findings that came out of the Kinsey Institute was that men were 6 times more sexual than women. And if you talk to a lot of people – they actually believe that! For the record – it’s the other way around. Women are at least 6 times more sexual than men… but more on that in a minute. First, let me explain why Kinsey’s claim that men were 6 times more sexual than women was and is a steaming pile of horse shit… Kinsey did experiments in science labs that looked like HOSPITALS. I’ve seen experiments where a woman was lying on what looked like a hospital bed and is then made to pleasure herself with a sex toy. At the same time – Kinsey and a nurse/scientist watch over her and take note of the findings. Needless to say… The girl couldn’t keep a straight face and probably didn’t ORGASM. I bet this happened over and over again… I can’t see many women climaxing in what looked like a hospital ward, with bright lights shining on them and two people stood over them holding clipboards, can you? It was ridiculous. And it highlights the fatal mistake Kinsey made… The same mistake most sex educators make today… The same mistake most men make in the bedroom…

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


Can you guess what it is? Listen carefully… The mistake is thinking that sex is a purely PHYSICAL act. You see, for women – sex is actually a very MENTAL act. Here’s a quote from a woman that highlights what I just said: “A man has to fuck my mind before he can fuck my body” When Kinsey was asking women to pleasure themselves in what looked like a hospital ward – he was focusing purely on the physical. BIG mistake. And when those women failed to orgasm, he was coming to the conclusion that women must not be sexual. After all – if you give a guy a couple of pictures of hot chicks and some lube… he’ll get himself off NO PROBLEM. So… Men must be way more sexual than women, right? WRONG. Women are just more complex. What I’m here to tell you is that if you can stimulate a woman’s mind – you can bring out of her a level of sexuality that men simply cannot compete with. Want proof? OK. You asked for it…

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Most men ‘blow their load’ once and they are DONE. Fit/highly sexual men may be able to go again in 10-15 minutes… but others may need 24 or 48 hours! Now consider this… Women can orgasm over and over again in the same sexual session. It’s routine for my girlfriend to to have 8, 9, 10 orgasms or more every time we ‘get it on.’ And she’s no exception… The reason why many women struggle to have even one measly orgasm per session is because their men don’t know what they are doing! Period. When you consider a woman’s potential for sexual pleasure – it becomes obvious that Kinsey et al were way off the mark and that women are, in fact, MORE sexual than men. That said – the only way you will bring this raw sexuality out of your woman is if you stop focusing on what most guys focus on… Stop trying to last 3 hours… (She’d get sore if you did) Stop wishing they had a bigger cock… (You’ve got what you’ve got – deal with it) And… Stop trying to find that magical position that hits all her ‘spots’… (It doesn’t really exist) And start, instead, focusing on FUCKING HER MIND. How do you fuck her mind? Simple… With DIRTY TALK. Right now, I’m going to help you get on the path to dirty talk mastery… As you now know, dirty talk is powerful because it gives women the MENTAL stimulation they need during sex. Combine this with the correct physical techniques and the orgasms start flowing like fine wine. And as sweet as this situation sounds, the reality is that most men do not talk dirty. One of three reasons usually explains why: • Because they don’t realise that women LOVE dirty talk

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• Because they tried once and made her laugh • Because they tried once and offended her

These reasons are based on ignorance and fear. Neither of those two things is going to stop you from talking dirty to your woman, right? Good. In that case, let me share the most important things you absolutely need to know about dirty talk… • You need to deliver your dirty talk in a relatively deep voice. Be clear, commanding and authoritative as you talk dirty. This way, your woman will take what you say seriously • Use slang words. In the bedroom it’s ‘cock, pussy and fuck.’ Words like vagina, penis and intercourse will make her laugh or TURN HER OFF • The longer you’ve known her, the dirtier you can talk to her • The better the sex you give her, the dirtier you can talk to her • The more turned on she is, the dirtier you can talk to her. Save your DIRTIEST dirty talk for when she’s close to orgasm and during the orgasm itself • Keep it very simple. There is no place for long words and complex sentences when talking dirty • Only ever ask questions that you know she will respond “YES” to • Finally, let me give you some dirty talk examples…

Here are 10 of my favorite, tried-and-tested dirty talk phrases: “You smell so good” (whisper this in her ear during foreplay and watch her become instantly more turned on)

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“I can’t wait to taste your wetness” (say this just before you ‘go down’ on her. She’ll love it) “You’re so wet for me baby” “I love being inside you” “You love it when I fuck you” “You’re my naughty little girl” “You’re my dirty little slut” (only say this when she’s VERY turned on and close to orgasm) “You’re my naughty little whore” (only say this when she’s VERY turned on and close to orgasm) “Cum right now” (say this when she’s right on the verge of orgasm and it’ll tip her ‘over the edge’) “Cum even harder” (say this as she’s climaxing and she will CUM EVEN HARDER. It’s like magic. Try it and you’ll see for yourself) For more dirty talk tips and a list of over 150 tried-and-tested dirty talk phrases, click here

3. New Experiences Most men do the same things over and over again in the bedroom… Same room in the house… Same positions… Same dirty talk… Same techniques… Same time of day…

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Do you know what this does? I’ll tell you what it does… It makes the sex PREDICTABLE and BORING. And once the sex becomes predictable and boring, the guy is in big trouble because sooner or later… His woman will want less and less sex… His woman may cheat to get better sex (over 50% of women have cheated at least once. Most of them cheated to get better sex). The question is: How do you stop the sex from becoming boring and predictable and how do you keep it fresh and exciting even when you’ve been with the same woman for years? Simple… You get CREATIVE and you commit to trying NEW things on a regular basis. Seriously – from this point forward, try at least one NEW thing every time you fuck your woman. It could be a new sexual position, a new dirty talk phrase, a new location, a new position or a new technique. You get the idea. Here’s the bottom line… The only thing that should be predictable about the sex you share with your woman is that it’s going to be BLOODY GOOD! If she truly knows that – she’ll always want it. The problems arise when she knows what’s going to happen before it actually happens because that will not thrill her in the slightest.

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


4. ‘Naughty’ Sex Society has conditioned us to believe that it’s MEN who want to do the naughtiest things in the bedroom and that ‘good girls don’t do that.’ I’m here to tell you that women are very VERY naughty in the bedroom… they just tend not to say so out loud for fear of being judged and labelled as ‘slutty.’ But trust me… Women love to get slutty in the bedroom with the right man. So, what exactly do I mean when I say that women want ‘naughty sex’ and that they love to ‘get slutty’ in the bedroom with the right man? Well, I mean that they like things like this: • Giving blow jobs • Getting spanked • Being restrained • Being (gently and carefully) choked • Being held down • Being tied up • Anal play • Doing it in ‘risky’ places (places where they might be seen) • Watching porn (“YES” really – many women like to watch certain kinds of porn with their men)

Basically, what I’m saying is that women want to do ALL the naughty stuff most guys want to do. They just won’t often tell you that that’s the case… They just want you to DOMINANTLY ‘step-up’ and make it happen. Trust me when I tell you… This idea that women only want sex in the bedroom, in the missionary position, is total hogwash.

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Here are 5 ways to make the sex ‘naughty’ with your woman… I.

Tell her that she’s been a naughty girl. Then sit down, lay her over you knee, pull her panties down and give her a good spanking. To show her you’re a total BOSS – give her a spanking orgasm (you can learn how to do that in my program Bedroom Boss)


When doing her ‘from behind’ – slap her ass, grab her shoulders and pull her back onto you, grab her hair, finger her ass and talk VERY dirty to her


Pull your car over somewhere quiet and get her to give you a blow job. Finger her pussy at the same time and be sure to ‘get her off’

IV. Get a pair of handcuffs from an adult toy store and use them to restrain her whilst you’re having sex. She’ll love the loss of control and your simultaneous gain in power V.

Buy a remote control egg and have her wear it when you take her on a dinner date. Turn it on when the waiter comes to take your order. Priceless.

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


5. Multiple Orgasms Aha! The big one… EVERY woman wants multiple orgasms. In fact, if you give your woman multiple vaginal orgasms during intercourse EVERY time you ‘get it on’ with her – she’ll be literally addicted to you in the bedroom. Before I teach you a simple, near as dammit ‘fool-proof’ technique for giving your woman vaginal orgasms, let me explain something… The first 4 techniques in this report… being dominant, talking dirty, trying new things on a regular basis and making the sex ‘naughty’ all combine to help make the MULTIPLE ORGASMS happen. What I’m saying is that it’s not just a simple physical technique that enables you to give your woman multiple vaginal orgasms… It’s a combination of all 5 things in this report… • Being sexually dominant • Talking dirty • Being creative and trying new things • Making the sex ‘naughty’

And… • Knowing the right physical techniques. Let me be clear… You need ALL 5 things if you are going to blow your woman’s mind in the bedroom and keep doing it for years to come. Now, let’s talk about those orgasms… Most women have only ever had clitoral orgasms.

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But women can, in fact, have all of the following types of orgasm: • Clitoral • Vaginal • Vaginal during intercourse • Multiple • Nipple • Squirting • Anal • Lip • Ear • Spanking • Countdown • Mindgasm (an orgasm that happens without any physical stimulation. It’s the dirty talk that makes it happen)

Right now, I’m going to focus on helping you to make your woman vaginally orgasmic. Once you do that, she’ll automatically become MULTI-ORGASMIC and she’ll want you more than ever. To learn about all the other types of orgasm and several different ways to give your woman vaginal orgasms – read my Ultimate Orgasm Techniques Program.

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How To Give Her Vaginal Orgasms What I’m about to share with you is the simplest, most effective way to give ANY woman her first vaginal orgasm. And once you get it working – it’ll work FOREVER. Nice. Combine this technique with sexual DOMINANCE and DIRTY TALK for maximum results. Here’s what you do: • Get your woman hot, wet and horny • Have her lie flat on her back, legs open • Lubricate your middle finger with Coconut Oil (or another lubricant of your choice) • Insert your finger in her vagina as far as it will go, with your palm facing upwards • Stimulate the front wall of her vagina using a ‘come hither’ motion and firm pressure • Gradually increase the pressure, keeping the pace moderate, until you can tell she’s really enjoying it • Keep going until she has the vaginal orgasm • Let her catch her breath, then repeat as desired.

Why this technique isn’t ‘mainstream’ I’ll never know, but it’s DYNAMITE – as you’ll find out when you use it. Just remember to talk dirty and be very dominant as you perform the technique on your woman.

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Let’s Re-Cap… The 5 Things Every Woman Wants In Bed Although every woman is different, there are 5 things EVERY woman wants in bed… 1. Women want a sexually DOMINANT lover who takes control and leads them in the bedroom. They want this kind of lover because they are sexually submissive 2. Women want a man who uses plenty of dirty talk. Dirty talk is a powerful sexual technique because it provides the MENTAL stimulation that women truly need to have great sex. 3. Women want a sexually creative lover who tries NEW things on a regular basis because this makes every sexual interaction feel like an adventure. 4. Women want ‘naughty’ sex, including things like spanking, anal play, being restrained and oral sex. 5. Women want multiple vaginal orgasms during intercourse because this makes the sex truly rewarding.

To be a great lover – a SEX GOD – you need to master all 5 of these things. Remember that the first four help the fifth one to happen. Get those multiple vaginal orgasms during intercourse working for your woman and she’ll be ADDICTED to you for years to come. That’s a fact.

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To learn more about multiple vaginal orgasms, squirting orgasms, clitoral orgasms and even ANAL orgasms – grab a copy of my Ultimate Orgasm Techniques program by clicking here. And I’ll talk to you soon… Your friend,

Adam Armstrong P.S. Feel free to send your comments, questions, suggestions and success story to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2011-2014. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved


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More from Adam Armstrong

If you want to improve your ‘bedroom game’ even further, check out some of my other products – each one designed to help you have much better sex…

Dirty Talk Phrases If  you’d  like  to  learn  exactly  what  to  say  to  drive  your  woman  crazy  in  the  bedroom  and   make  her  literally  addicted  to  your  voice  –  this  is  what  you  need. Click  here  to  learn  more

Unleash Her ‘Bad Girl’ Every  woman  has  an  ‘inner  bad  girl’  that’s  just  waiKng  to  come  out  to  play.  Here’s   exactly  how  to  unleash  your  woman’s  ‘bad  girl’  and  get  her  to  willingly  do  ANYTHING   you  want  in  bed. Click  here  to  learn  more

Ultimate Orgasm Techniques The  ulKmate  guide  to  giving  your  woman  the  most  powerful  orgasms  of  her  enKre  life.   Discover  how  to  give  her  clitoral,  vaginal,  squirKng,  mulKple  and  anal  orgasms. Click  here  to  learn  more

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Published by: Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD Suite 65 St James Quay Brewery Wharf 4 Bowman Lane Leeds West Yorkshire United Kingdom LS10 1HG Website: http://www.BetterInBed.tv Email: [email protected]

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