5 perc angol 2015 július

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Perfect és Present felfect Continuous

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Greek Islands A lenyűgöző görög szigetvilág

ISSN 2061-2109 15007


772 061 210 001

eaches and Nectarines Barackos finomságok

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5PERC ANGOL KEZDŐKNEK és ÚJRAKEZDŐKNEK Bárhol, barmikor elkezdhető! teljesen kezdőknek es újrakezdőknek önállóan is használható rengeteg hanganyaggal es feladattal tematikus kepes szótárakkal hasznos mindennapi a legszűksegesebb i

t#NKÖHYV “ "»«ItÁII " ’ WUKMlKr,




Kedves Olvasó! Remélem, hogy már javában élvezed a nyarat! Bízom benne, hogy ha még nem voltál nyaralni, akkor sikerül neked is valami szép helyre eljutni az országon belül vagy külföldön. Nyáron sajnos a legtöbb tanuló, akinek nincs alkalm a „é lő b e n ” g ya­ korolni, hajlam os elhanyagolni a nyelvet, így szeptem berben, am ikor m inden visszaáll a régi kerékvágásba, sajnos sok felfris­ síteni való marad, és nehezebben indul újra a nyelvtanulás. Én azt tanácsolom , hogy nyáron is próbálj meg m inden nap egy p icit angolozni, legyen az a napi rutinod része, még akkor is, ha csak pár perced van rá. O lvass el egy-két cikket a m agazinból, iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre, ha még nem tetted, és böngészd w eboldalunkat is, ahol tö b b ezer ingyenes feladatot, olvasm ányt, leckét és hanganyagot találsz. ... és akkor nézzük, hogy milyen tém ákkal találkozhat e havi lapszám unkban. A hogy azt a cím lapon is láthatod, H ollyw ood jelenleg egyik le gfelkapottabb színésze, Jaké Gyllenhaal tö b b rovatunkban is szerepel. O lvashatsz legújabb film jéről, az Everest-ről, am ely egy 1996-os hegym ászó-katasztrófa esem ényeit dolgozza fel, illetve a színészről is m egtudhatsz sok érdekessé­ get az életútrovatunkban. Megemlékezünk Agatha Christie-ről is, aki idén lenne 125 éves, és akinek az élete legalább olyan izgalmas volt, mint regényei! Re­ ceptrovatunkban a baracké a főszerep, négy finom, gyüm ölcsös édesség elkészítését m utatjuk be. Utazásrovatunkkal a csodá­ latos görög szigetvilágot látogatjuk meg, amely most már szinte mindenkinek elérhető akár busszal vagy fapados járatokkal is. Kezdőknek szóló rovatunk ezúttal az oktatással, azon belül is a m agyar és a brit oktatási rendszer bem utatásával fog la lko ­ zik. Szóbeli rovatunkból m egtanulhatod, hogyan kell gratulálni angolul, ha kisbaba születik, vagy részvétet nyilvánítani, ha az elm úlás szom orú esem ényével találkozol.


(~ l / l &HjL Főszerkesztő és laptulajdonos [email protected]

Természetesen ezúttal sem maradnak el megszokott rovataink, így lesznek hírek, pletykák, újdonságok a tudomány és technika világá­ ból, és érdekes állatos történetek is. Most is, mint mindig, megtalá­ lod a nyelvvizsgára felkészítő és üzleti angol anyagainkat is. Jó tanulást és kellem es pihenést kívánok! Szalai Nóri

A magazin cikkeihez tartozó hanganyagokat a www .5percangol.hu weboldalon találod, amelyek továbbra is ingyenesen letölthetők MP3-as formátumban!

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a cikkhez videó tartozik 2015

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a cikkhez hanganyag tartozik 3




Passenger - A világhírű brit utcazenész

Érdekes hírek a nagyvilágból feladattal és audioval





Agatha Christie - Idén lenne 125 éves a krimi királynője

TRAVEL 12 Gorgeous Greek Islands - Csodálatos görög szigetek


46 47 48

BOOKS GYENGE KÖZÉPHALADÓKNAK Level 3 Unit 9/ The Hungarian Education System


NYELVTANI TESZT Feleletválasztós nyelvtani teszt

Hírek és pletykák a sztárok világából


IV SHOWS Love, Lust or Run - Új divatműsor a TLC csatornán

It's the season for peaches! - Barackos-nektarinos finomságok


MOVIES Everest - Hamarosan a mozikban


IDIOMS Sea and ocean idioms - Tengeres idiómák

Két aranyos történet az állatvilágból

BEAUTY 26 Airport Chic - Utazzunk divatosan és kényelmesen

64 67

HEALTH AND FITNESS 28 Travelling with germs - Vigyázzunk magunkra utazás közben is!

HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS Hallott szöveg értését ellenőrző feladatsor minden szinten

ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGÁK Kitöltős szöveg, olvasásértés, és fordítás


SZÓBELI VIZSGÁK The beginning and the end of life - Az élet kezdete és vége

LIFE AND STYLE 30 Bedrock City is for Sale - Eladó Frédi és Béni otthona


OFFICE ENGLISH How to start you own business - Indíts saját vállalkozást!

SPORT 34 Beach Sports - Sport és játékok a strandon


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News Of The World

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Ebben a rovatban olyan érdekes hírekről olvashatsz, amelyek a közelmúltban történtek a nagyvilágban. A cikkekhez egy rövid feladatsort is találsz a magazin 8. oldalán, sőt meg is hallgathatod őket weboldalunkon (www.5percangol.hu) brit és amerikai változatban is.


announces US presidential run with eccentric speech

Donald Trump, the 69-year-old businessman best known for his “You’re fired” catchphrase on the reality game show The Apprentice, announced he was running for president on Tuesday with an eccentric speech attacking Mexican immigrants and promising to build a great wall along the US’s southern border. “Sadly the American dream is dead, but if I get elected president I will bring it back, ” he said. “Bigger, better and stronger than ever before.” He blamed Barack Obama for letting the country collapse to the level of “a third world country”. Most of his wrath was directed at Mexico, which he accused of “bringing their worst people” to America. He also called for a radical reduction on education spending, saying “people are tired o f spending more money on education per capita than any other country”.

in the upcoming nationally televised Republican debate in August. Those who rank in the top 10 in national polls - and Trump currently does, although he’s close to the bottom - will earn a place on the debate stage. That could place Trump in a debate alongside some leading candidates. source: The Guardian

Who’s running for U.S. President in 2016? DEMOCRATIC PARTY ;

Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator for Vermont

Trump, who has long flirted with the idea of standing for president, said he knew that standing for office would be a "tough” job but somebody had to stand up to stop the country “dying”. “We’re dying, we’re dying,” he said. “We need money, and we need the right people. ” The United States presidential election of 2016 is expected to be held on November 8, 2016. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will elect a new President and Vice President of the United States. Trump enters an increasingly crowded presidential race with such big names as former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who is the son and brother of two former US presidents, and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the wife of the former US president Bill Clinton. The presidential primaries are going to take place prior to the general election to determine the Democratic and Republican parties’ nominees. Based on guidelines recently announced by the television networks, Trump could play a prominent role to announce presidential run catchphrase to attack to elect to blame


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tu a nauns] prezi denjl, ran] kaetjfreiz) tu a tæk] tu I lekt] ta bleim]

bejelenteni indulás az elnökválasztáson felkapott szóhasználat támadni megválasztani vádolni, hibáztatni

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Carly Fiorina Former CEO of Hewlett Packard

Martin O’Malley Former Gov. of Maryland

Mike Huckabee Former Gov. of Arkansas

>1 Jim Webb Former U.S. Senator for Virginia

I Joe Biden Current Vice President

Rick George Pataki Lindsey Santorum Former Graham U.S. Senator, Governor of U.S. Senator Pennsylvania New York for S. Carolina

Donald Trump President of Trump Organization

Rick Perry Former Governor of Texas LIKELY TO RUN

Bobby Jindal Source 2016 Election Central wrath tough presidential primaries prior to nominee poll

Pictures U S. Government. AP Getty Images

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.prezi denjl praimariz] praia tu I norm ni ) paul]

John Kasich

Chris Christie


harag nehéz, kemény elnöki előválasztások valami előtt jelölt felmérés

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Sinabung eruption: Thousands flee Indonesia volcano Mount Sinabung, on the island of Sumatra, became active again in 2010 but there has been more activity since 2 June. Before 2010, the volcano had been dormant for more than 400 years. At least 3,000 people living near its slopes have had to leave, including 1,200 on Monday alone. Scientists worry the volcano could pose more dangers in the coming weeks. On 15 June, there were at least 28 pyroclastic flows - surges of hot ash and gas that rush down the side of the mountain at high speed. Gede Suantika, an Indonesian government volcanologist, said there were signs a lava dome was growing on Mount Sinabung. The danger alert for Mount Sinabung was raised to its eruption to flee dormant

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kitörés elmenekülni alvó

u Rome feels pressure of migration buildup with makeshift refugee camp Around 100 migrants live in tents at new camp in shadow of Tiburtina railway station after news that France has increased security at Italian border. Officials channeled a water tap into the makeshift refugee camp that was opened on June 13, prompted by the growing number of migrants left in limbo. People are staying in tents in the shadow of the station, a modern transport hub from where travellers are whisked on high-speed trains to cities including Florence and Milan. buildup makeshift refugee camp


bil.de] meikfift] refju d3 i kaemp]

torlódás ideiglenes menekülttábor

highest level on 2 June. Thousands more people are likely to have to evacuate the area in the coming days, a military commander in Sumatra told AFP. At least 14 people died when pyroclastic flows from Mount Sinabung struck villages in February last year. source: BBC slopes to pose dangers pyroclastic flow

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lejtők veszélyt jelenteni vulkáni hamu- és gázkitörés

The camp was opened in a joint effort by the Italian Red Cross and local authorities, after a growing number of migrants began gathering at the train station. Alessandro Radicchi, the Red Cross’s director for combating poverty across Italy’s rail network, said the worsening situation prompted the organisation to act. News that France has increased security checks on its border has prompted many migrants to temporarily halt their journey north. Although under EU law asylum seekers must register at their first point of arrival, most of those arriving in Italy by sea avoid doing so in order to travel onwards to northern Europe. source: The Guardian transport hub joint effort to combat poverty asylum seeker

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közlekedési csomópont közös erőfeszítés leküzdeni a nyomort menedékkéro

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Russia opened military theme park


reenactm ents of famous Russian and Soviet battles /-\ and observe the latest in Russian defense technology. ^ ^ At full capacity, the park will accommodate tens of thousands of visitors. source: Time

President Putin said the theme park is part of Russia’s “military p a trio tic work with young people". Attractions include m ilitary rations for lunch and tanks and m issiles to play with. The park opened in Kubinka, about an hour outside of Moscow. The opening comes at a time of increased patriotism and militarization in Russia, in the year following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To kick off, Putin organized “Army 2015,” a military showcase for arms dealers and defense contractors. Delegations from all around the world came to “Patriot Park” to buy and sell military gear. In the months to come, visitors will be able to watch military 0i m pa k] pætri otik] militri ræfnj misail]

vidámpark hazafias katonai élelmiszer fejadag rakéta

arms dealer gear reenactment

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fegyverkereskedő felszerelés újrajátszás

SWEDEN ROYALWEDDING: Prince Carl Philip mar­ ries ex-reality star Sweden’s Prince Carl Philip has married a former reality-TV star and glamour model in a lavish ceremony in the chapel at Stockholm’s Royal Palace. Sofia Hellqvist, 30, also worked as a topless model and a yoga instructor before helping to set up a charity. Her new husband, 36-year-old Carl Philip, is third in line to the throne. The pair reportedly first met at a restaurant in 2010.


Thousands of well-wishers lined the streets for the event, despite polls suggesting the Swedish royal family’s popularity is waning. They cheered as Miss Hellqvist, a 30-year-old commoner, became a princess. After their marriage, the couple took to a horse-drawn carriage to parade through the cobbled streets of Stockholm’s old town, waving to crowds in the hot summer sun, before returning to the palace for a 21-gun salute and wedding banquet. About 550 guests attended the ceremony, many of them royals, including Princess Takamado of Japan and Britain’s Prince Edward. Carl Philip is third in line to the throne behind his elder sister Crown Princess Victoria and her threeyear-old daughter, Princess Estelle. source: BBC 2015

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chapel in line to the throne to line waning cobbled street

tfaepl] lain ta da 0raun] ta lain] weinir)] kobl.d stri t]

kápolna trónig vezető örökösödési sorrend megtölteni apadó, hanyatló macskaköves utca




News of the World rovatunkhoz kapcsolódóan csináld meg az alábbi feladatsort! A megoldásokat a magazin végén találod! I. Donald frump announces US presidential III. Rome feels pressure of migration buil­ run with eccentric speech dup with makeshift refugee camp Match the words with the synonyms. 1 2 3 4 5

announce nominee catchphrase tough wrath

a b c d e

slogan hard aspirant fury reveal

II. Sinabung eruption: Thousands flee Indo nesia volcano Match the words with the definitions. 1



2 3

dormant to flee

b c

4 5

slope alert

d e

to run away from danger or pursuers outburst, outbreak ground that has a natural incline a warning or alarm lying asleep, inactive

Pick the best option to complete the sentence. 1. There is a makeshift refugee camp a) next to all transport hubs in Rome. b) near Tiburtina railway station in Rome. c) close to Rome. 2. Security has been a) increased at French-ltalian border. b) increased in Southern Italy. c) decreased in Rome. 3. The railway station next to the refugee camp a) is in Florence. b) has been abandoned for years. c) is a modern transport hub. 4. A growing number of migrants a) were seen in Milan. b) began gathering at the train station, that’s why the camp was opened. c) asked for water. 5. EU law states that asylum seekers a) must register in the first point of arrival. b) must stay in camps. c) must leave the EU.

IV. Russia opened military theme park Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. There is one extra. patriotic reenactment

arms dealer gear

missile theme park

1. In the United States some people hang flags outside their homes as a ............ gesture 2. Waterloo 2015 is a ............ of the famous battle in 1815. 3. I’ve just seen a movie about an international............ and his dangerous life. 4. Gardaland is a .......... with rides and attractions. 5. Soldiers arrived in full co m b a t..........

V. Sweden royal wedding: Prince Carl Phi­ lip marries ex-reality star True or False? 1. Sweden’s Prince Carl Philip has married a former TV cook. 2. Sofia Hellqvist has also worked as an aerobic instructor. 3. It is reported that the pair first met at a restaurant in 2010. 4. The popularity of the Swedish royal family is decreasing. 5. Carl Philip is third in line to the throne behind his elder sister Crown Princess Victoria and his nephew. 8

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AGATHA Christie The Lady Who Killed More People than You Could Imagine by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

She wrote 80 detective novels, six romances (under a pseudonym), 13 plays, and 154 short stories. All of her books are still in print, selling around 500,000 copies a year, and she's the eighth most borrowed author from British libraries. With more than 2 billion of her books around the world, she is one of the most published authors in history, outsold only by Shakespeare and the Bible. She holds three Guinness World Records, a wax figure commemorates her at Madame Tussaud’s, a rose is named after her, and every year England celebrates her birthday with a special Agatha Christie Week in September. Agatha Christie, The Queen of Crime or The Queen of Mystery was born 125 years ago. 2015

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THIS MONTH Her life is as interesting as her writing career. She was born Agatha May Clarissa Miller in Devon, England in 1890, the youngest of three children in a conservative, well-to-do family. As a child she never attended school. She was homeschooled and started creating games to keep herself occupied at a very young age.

At the age of 24, she married Archie Christie, a World War I fighter pilot. That’s where her name comes from. During the war, she worked as a nurse. She came up with the idea of writing a detective novel while working in a hospital. The ”Mysterious Affair at Styles" gave the world Hercule Poirot, a retired Belgian police officer, a meticulous, tidy always neat and orderly little man with a waxed moustache.

Another of Christie’s most well-known and beloved characters was introduced in „Murder at the Vicarage" in 1930. Miss Jane Marple, an elderly spinster, solved all kinds of mysteries with intense concentration and intuition. Miss Marple lived her entire life in the fictional village of St. Mary’s Mead, a prototypical English village whose chief occupation was gossip. She never had any formal training as a detective and relied primarily on her keen intelligence, powers of observation, and knowledge of human nature. She never married and was a sweet, frail-looking sort of person from a by-gone era. She did typical maiden auntie things, like knitting. The character was based, in part, on Agatha Christie’s step-grandmother and “some o f my stepgrandmother’s Ealing cronies - old ladies whom I have met in so many villages where I have gone to stay as a girl" - as she herself stated.

Christie wrote more than 30 novels featuring Poirot. Among the most popular were „Murder on the Orient Express” (1934), and „ Death on the Nile" (1937). In 1926, her husband asked for a divorce because he had fallen in love with another woman. What happened after that could have made an exciting chapter from an Agatha Christie novel. On December 3, 1926, Agatha kissed her daughter goodnight, then promptly got in her car and left. Her abandoned vehicle was found a few miles away, but the writer herself had completely vanished. Lakes were dredged, and 15,000 volunteers combed the area. All of England was involved in the case of the famous missing writer. She was found three weeks later in a small hotel registered under the name of her husband’s mistress explaining to police that she had lost her memory. Whether it was true or not nobody knew. In 1930 she got married to Max Mallowan, a young archaeologist who she met on a trip to Mesopotamia. Her second marriage was a happy one. Christie loved to accompany her husband on digs and serve as his assistant, cleaning objects, matching shards of pottery, and helping to catalogue items. She once remarked to Mallowan that she wished she had taken up archaeology as a girl so she would have been more knowledgeable on the subject as an adult.


In ” They Do It With Mirrors”, one character accurately summed up Miss Marple’s ability to get to the bottom of some rather grisly crimes: „Because you’ve got a nose for that sort o f thing. You always had. You’ve always been a sweet innocent looking creature, Jane, and all the time underneath nothing has ever surprised you, you always believe the worst. ” One of Agatha Christie’s Guinness World Records is connected to Miss Marple and her adventures. The Complete Miss Marple is the thickest book in the world. The massive volume is a collection of 12 novels and 20 short stories. It is 4032 pages long, its spine is 322 mm and it weighs 8.02 kilograms. It is bound in maroon leather with gilt writing on the cover. Reading at a pace of 30 pages an hour, it would take around 134 hours to finish the book. As for more numbers about the book: Miss Marple solves 43 murders: 12 poisonings, six strangulations, two drownings, two stabbings, two people pushed to their deaths, one rather grisly burning, one blow to the head, and one arrow through the heart. In all, 68 crimes are vwwv.5percangol.hu I Szalai Nóra 2015

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committed, including the murders. There are 11 philandering spouses, 21 romances, 22 false accusations, and a whopping 59 red herrings. And, as solid evidence of either Miss Marple’s ability to keep a cool head in all this or the English obsession with tea, characters drink 143 cups of tea. One of the other two Guinness Records is for best-selling author, and the other is for her play, The Mousetrap, which is the world’s longest running play celebrating its 63rd year with over 25,000 performances. It opened in 1952 at the Ambassador Theatre and holds the record for the longest unbroken run in a London theatre. Agatha Christie was a very productive writer. When asked about how she was able to create so many books, she once called herself “a sausage machine, a perfect sausage machine.” For many years she was on a tight schedule of two books per year, including one that was always released right before the holiday season, which was marketed as “Christie for Christmas. ” “People often ask me what made me take up writing ... I found myself making up stories and acting the different parts. There’s nothing like boredom to make you write. So by the time I was 16 or 17, I ’d written quite a number o f short stories and one long, dreary novel. By the time I was 2 1 ,1 finished the first book o f mine ever to be published. ” - she said.

As for the plots she liked to dream up ideas for them while soaking in her large Victorian bath, munching on apples. She even had a ledge installed over the tub to hold paper, pencils, and apples. She stopped the habit when she became dissatisfied with the baths available to her. “Nowadays they don't build baths like that. I ’ve rather given up the practice. ” She liked doing extraordinary things. She and her first husband Archie were some of the first British people to ever try surfing. They first met surfing in Hawaii in 1922. “/ learned to become expert, or at any rate expert from the European point o f view - the moment o f complete triumph on the day that I kept my balance and came right into shore standing upright on my board!” she wrote about surfing in her autobiography. Agatha Christie spent most of her life in Devon, England. Her holiday home - called Greenways - inspired several of her novels. She was a keen gardener winning numerous blue ribbons in contests for her beautiful flower garden. In 1971 Christie was made a dame. She died on January 12,1976. Several of her works were made into successful feature films, the most notable being ”M urderon the Orient Express” (1974) and ”Death on the Nile” (1978). Her work has been translated into more than a hundred languages. In short, she is the single most popular mystery writer of all time.

romance pseudonym in print, to outsell wax figure to commemorate well-to-do to keep herself occupied retired meticulous promptly abandoned to vanish to dredge to comb mistress archaeologist dig shard pottery knowledgeable vicarage intuition fictional chief occupation gossip keen observation frail-looking by-gone era


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azonnal, késlekedés nélkül elhagyatott eltűnni kotorni, átkutatni átfésülni szerető régész ásatás cserépdarab, szilánk agyag/cserépedény jól informált papiak, parókia beleérzés, íntuíció elképzelt, képzeletbeli fő elfoglaltság pletyka éles megfigyelés törékeny letűnt kor

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maiden auntie knitting crony grisly innocent looking spine to be bound maroon leather gilt writing murder poisoning strangulation drowning stabbing arrow philandering spouse false accusation whopping obsession with to release boredom dreary plot to munch ledge to be made a dame feature film in short

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)ed3] deim] : fi tja'] [film]

vénkisasszony kötés öreg hölgy, barát hátborzongató, szörnyű ártatlan kinézetű gerinc be van kötve vöröses barna bőr aranyozott írás gyilkosság megmérgezés megfojtás vízbe fulladás megkéselés nyíl félrelépő, flörtölő házastárs hamis vádaskodás óriási megszállottság kiadni unalom siralmas, sivár cselekmény majszolni polc, párkány a “Dame" címmel kitüntetni játékfilm röviden



Greek Islands Its islands are the main characteristics of Greece, an integral part of its culture, tradition, history and tourism. A truly unique phenomenon for the European continent, Greek sovereign land includes 6,000 islands and islets (227 o f them inhabited) scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. Some o f the oldest European civilizations developed on these islands, but not only visitors interested in culture, history and archaeology vyijl be satisfied: many of the beaches have been awarded the blue flag and are great places for not only swimming, but also snorkelling, windsurfing, scuba diving and sailing. Let’s explore 7 o f the m ost popular and breathtakingly beautiful islands - there are huge tourist m agnets and quaint little places am ong them. y'

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interesting for Hungarian visitors, the Achilleion palace of the Empress of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria, or Sisi. There are many gorgeous sandy beaches and tourist developments along the coastline of the island. One of the most famous and picturesque beach resorts is Paleokastritsa with huge green cliffs surrounding the coast.


Corfu The second largest of the Ionian islands, Corfu is named after a beautiful nymph, Korkyra, who was brought to the island by Poseidon, the god of the sea. The northern half of the island is dominated by mountains, while the island’s interior is a rolling, peaceful countryside. South of Corfu Town (Kerkyra) the island narrows and flattens. Corfu is one of the greenest of the Greek islands thanks to torrential rains from September to May.

Zakynthos is the third largest Ionian island. The most famous landmark of the island is the Shipwreck (Navagio) Bay. This cove on the northwest shore is surrounded by high cliffs and is accessible only by boat. The place got its name after a shipwreck, which sunk on the shore 35 years ago. The northern and eastern shores have lots of sandy beaches. The largest resort is Laganas with a 10-kilometre-wide beach. There are various “ blue caves” in the cliffs around Cape Skinari, which are among the most famous attractions of the island. The caves are accessible only by boats and owe their name to the blue waters inside them. The distinctive element of the blue caves is that they reflect the vibrating and striking blue colour of the waters in them, which at the same time capture and reflect the light of the sky reflected on their surface.

Kerkyra’s beautifully preserved old town is a UNESCO world heritage site. Grandiose palaces, strict fortresses, austere public buildings of the Venetian rule blend in a unique way with tranquil secluded squares and lines of drying washing in quaint alleyways. The town has many fascinating museums, such as the Archaeological Museum guarding the most important excavation finds and the Byzantine Museum housing an interesting collection of icons and ecclesiastic items. Spianada, located in the city centre, is the largest square in the Balkans. The elegant 19th century pastel-coloured buildings create a very special atmosphere. The Saint Michael and George palace, north of the square, are also worth a visit. There are two forts bracketing the town, the Venetian built Neo Frourio and the Paleo Frourio. Ten kilometres to the south of Kerkyra is a place especially 2015

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Hydra Hydra is an island in the Aegean Sea, separated from the Peloponnese by a narrow strip of water. A long time ago the island was known as Hydrea (meaning water), a reference to its springs. There is only one bigger town on the island, called Hydra port. The island has an endearing atmosphere, as a listed architectural reserve, all new constructions are theoretically banned. Hydra is also free of motor vehicles except for a few miniature trucks - donkeys do most of the transportation. There are no museums or ancient sites, so the main thing here is to stroll about soaking up the atmosphere: Hydra, this chic and earthy island, shot to fame after the 1957 Sophia Loren film, Boy on a Dolphin. It has been a favourite with artists and musicians ever since, one of the most famous visitors is Leonard Cohen, who bought a property here.

for its nightlife and summer club scene. The largest town of this white-washed paradise is on the west coast. In contrast to other Cycladic capitals, Hora, the capital town of the island is not built in the shape of an amphitheatre but instead spreads out over a wide area. The town is one of the best examples of Cycladic architecture and a spellbinding attraction for visitors. Stroll around its narrow marble streets and admire the bougainvillea trees in purple bloom, colourful doors and window frames, and hidden churches. Besides the town hall and the castle situated above the harbour, you can pop into the Archaeological, Maritime and Folklore Museums. One of the most scenic parts of the island is Alefkantra or “ Little Venice” , the 18th century district. Along the southern coast, you will find a great selection of sun-kissed beaches.

Santorini Crescent-shaped Santorini is actually a group of islands consisting of Thíra, Thirassia, Aspronissi, Palea and Nea Kameni in the Cyclades group of the Greek islands. The whole complex is an active volcano, probably the only one in the world whose crater is in the sea. The islands that form Santorini came into

Mykonos Lying between Tinos, Syros, Paros and Naxos, Mykonos is part of the Cyclades. The island took its name from the grandson of another Greek god, Apollo. Mykonos is called the island of winds. There are two seasonal winds, the one in winter is called the Sirocco, and the cooling summer wind during July and August is the Meltemi. The island is widely known


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TRAVEL existence as a result of intensive volcanic activity. Santorini is considered to be the most sought after place for a romantic getaway in Greece. Besides its dramatic views, stunning sunsets and white-washed houses, it is also famous for its archaeological sites and culinary wonders. The capital of Santorini is Fira. Its white cobblestone streets are busy with tourists and locals visiting the shops, tavernas and cafés. The beaches are real seaside treasures with deep blue waters and white, red or black sand or volcanic pebbles. A visit to Santorini is a great gastronomic experience. Cherry tomatoes, white eggplants, fava, caper and “ hloró tyri” , a special kind of fresh goat cheese are all typical foods of the island. Visitors can also taste some of the exceptional wines produced from grapes grown in the volcanic soil.

Rhodes Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands and also the historical capital of the island. The wellpreserved medieval city of Rhodes is a popular tourist destination. Further south is the picture-perfect town of Lindos, while the northern and eastern coastlines are lined with high-rise hotels and the other shores are dotted with smaller villages and resorts. With eight sunny months a year, Rhodes is definitely the place to soak up some Vitamin-D. The walled old town of the capital has been given UNESCO World Heritage status. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the 30 metres high Colossus of Rhodes stood probably standing in the port in the 3rd century BC. There are


almost daily ferries or catamarans from Rhodes to other islands, such as the green Kos or the volcanic Nysiros. A visit to Bodrum, Turkey is also a fun daytrip from Rhodes.

Crete The fifth largest island in the Mediterranean sea, Crete is also the largest Greek island. Crete simply has it all: glorious beaches, the remnants of past civilizations, green valleys and impressive mountain capes. The region of Chania is dominated by the White Mountains and the famous National Park. The city of Chania has a beautiful Venetian old town and is a paradise for food and wine lovers. The region of Rethymno is famous for its marvellous beaches, historic monasteries and traditional mountain villages, but visitors can also find luxurious holiday resorts. Heraklion is the busiest and largest region on the island. Among the most outstanding sights of Heraklion are the fortifications of the old city, The first fortifications built by the Arabs were later reinforced by the Venetians in the 15th century. There are many churches and museums worth visiting, as well as curiosities such as the Turkish Charity fountain. The Archaeological Museum contains the unique treasures of the Minoan civilization unearthed in Knossos. If you fancy a glimpse of the Minotaur, you need to visit Knossos, one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe. Which Greek island would you choose? Once you’ve made up your mind you can book budget flights from Budapest and Debrecen and there are also many travel agency options.

phenomenon inhabited snorkelling scuba diving nymph torrential rains world heritage site austere excavation finds to bracket picturesque beach resort cove distinctive element spring


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jelenség lakott könnyűbúvárkodás búvárkodás nimfa felhőszakadás világörökségi helyszín dísztelen, szigorú ásatási leletek körülfogni festői nyaralóhely kis öböl megkülönböztető elem forrás

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banned Cyclades in contrast to to pop into crescent romantic getaway eggplant caper volcanic soil Dodecanese ferry remnant glimpse budget flight

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tiltott Kükládok ellentétben valamivel beugrani félhold alakú romantikus utazás padlizsán kapribogyó vulkanikus talaj Dodekán szigetcsoport komp maradvány, emlék pillantás fapados repülőút



Son of Saul The Grand Prix - winning Hungarian film in Cannes by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi

The film, which has attracted mostly five-star reviews, is the debut of its 38-year-old director, László Nemes Jeles. His film has the power of Lajos Koltai’s Fateless, tackling the same subject from a different angle. Debut films rarely get chosen for the main competition at Cannes unless they’re extraordinary. A first feature film that manages to land directly in the competition in Cannes has done something right and László Nemes Jeles’s film proved to be really extraordinary. It’s not just another Holocaust film but something really special. 16

Nemes’ film focuses on the experiences of one man, a member of a concentration camp Sonderkommando prisoners forced to work for the Nazis helping to load corpses of gassed inmates into cremation ovens. Set in the Auschwitz concentration camp near the end of World War II, almost every frame of the film is centered on the main character, Saul Ausländer (Géza Röhrig). He is a Hungarian Jew forced to assist the Nazis as a member of the Sonderkommando. The film begins with a group of scared new arrivals ushered into a room where German soldiers force them to take their clothes off. Then they are shuffled into the gas chamber, and the door is closed behind them. Saul and his fellow Sonderkommandos have to stand against a door that holds in the poison, but not its victims’ screams for help. Nemes Jeles and his cinematographer Mátyás Erdély shot the film in a unique way. They never let the camera leave its subject. Saul never leaves the viewer’s sight. We can follow him, for instance, as he drags bodies out

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level: intermediate and above


középhaladó szinttől

Saul’s character is performed by Géza Röhrig. Saul has few lines. Most of his acting has to be conveyed through his facial expressions or visible emotions. This is a tough task considering he’s on screen for almost all of the film’s one hour and 47 minute running time. But he acts brilliantly even though Son of Saul is his first film ever. His face fills almost every frame of the film. The director says he was drawn to the actor because “his facial features and his body are always changing. It is impossible to tell his age, for he is at once old and young, but also handsome and ugly, ordinary and remarkable, deep and impassive, quick-witted and slow. He moves, is given to fidgeting, but knows how to keep silent and still.”

of the gas chamber. For most of the film the director shows us Saul’s agonized face. Sometimes we see his back, with the red X marked on his jacket to indicate his status. The scenes are often shot in sickly greens and yellows and with deep shadows. The monotony of Saul’s existence is shaken when a boy is found breathing while the gas chamber is emptied. Saul becomes transfixed on the boy. A doctor is called in and stops his breathing, but there is something about the child Saul can’t dismiss. He volunteers to bring the body up to an examination room where he’ll be autopsied. For some reason, Saul is horrified at that prospect and cannot let it happen. He begins a dangerous personal mission to find a rabbi to arrange a proper burial for the boy.

Géza Röhrig was born in Hungary. His father died when he was four and after some years in an orphanage he was adopted, aged 12, by Jewish friends. He studied Polish literature then film direction, lived in Jerusalem before moving to Manhattan in 2000. He now teaches, writes poetry and is working on his first novel, Dead Bread. László Nemes Jeles (born in 1977) grew up in Paris. He is the son of film director András Jeles. He got interested in filmmaking at an early age, when he made horror films in the basement of their Paris home. He started working as an assistant director in France and Hungary on short and feature films. For two years, he worked as film director Béla Tarr’s assistant.

Although not directly stated, the film appears to happen around October 1944, when Sonderkommandos learning about their impending extermination undertook a longplanned revolt against their Nazi captors, rising up and destroying the crematorium. But Saul keeps focused on his own plan to pay his last respect to a son he never could take care of before, making his burying a greater importance than his own escape. When another prisoner asks why he cares so much about the boy’s body, Saul replies, “ He’s my son.” This response brings along an astonished look as his fellow Sonderkommando insists he never had one. What is the explanation for this behaviour? Is Saul holding on to a semblance of humanity like this? Does he feel providing the boy with a proper burial will atone for the guilt he feels working in the camp? The director leaves it for the viewers to decide. Not everything is explained, nor should it be. It’s an extraordinarily powerful, often hard to watch film. review debut Fateless to tackle from a different angle feature film corpse gassed cremation oven frame to usher to shuffle into gas chamber poison victim scream cinematographer unique to drag agonized shadow to be transfixed


jú liu s

nvju] deibu) feitlis] taekl] difrant] [aerjgl] ko psj gaest] kri meifen] ( Avnl freim] AM jAfl) gaes] [ tjeimbe'] poizn] viktim] skri m] sinama tDgrafar] ju ni k] draeg] aeganaizd] Jaedau] traens hkst]

kritika debütálás, első bemutatkozás Sorstalanság foglalkozni valamivel más szemszögből játékfilm holttest elgázositott krematónum filmkocka bevezet, betessékel átvezetni gázkamra méreg áldozat üvöltés, ordítás operatőr egyedülálló, különleges húzni, vonszolni elkinzott, szenvedő árnyék megbabonázva lenni

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to autopsy burial impending extermination escape astonished fellow semblance to atone for guilt to convey facial expressions to be drawn to facial feature remarkable impassive quick-witted to be given to fidgeting orphanage to adopt

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kwik witid] aivn] fid3itin] o fanid 3 ] a dopt]

felboncolni temetés fenyegető, küszöbönálló kivégzés, kiirtás szökés elképedt, csodálkozó társ látszat feloldozni valami alól bűntudat közvetíteni, átadni arckifejezés, arcjáték vonzódni arckifejezés figyelemre méltó közönyös, érzelmektől mentes gyors észjárású hajlamos valamire ideges nyugtalanság, babrálás arvaház örökbe fogadni




Peaches! Peaches are at their cheapest and most delicious this season, so enjoy them in these scrummy recipes!

Long Peach Tart Serves: 10 Calories per serving: 221 Fat per serving: 12g Saturated fat per serving: 5g Suitable for freezing: NO -1 sheet 320 g pack ready-rolled puff pastry - 60g caster sugar - 60g ground almonds - 6 peaches, stoned and each sliced into 8 wedges - About 15g butter - 2tbsp apricot jam - Crème fraiche, to serve Set the oven to 200°C or Gas Mark • 6 . Unroll the pastry on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment.


Mix the sugar and almonds and •spread this over the pastry, leaving a 4cm border. Arrange the peach slices on top, them dot them with the butter (or melt the butter and brush it over).


Fold the pastry edges over the fruit. •B a ke for 40-45 mins until golden and cooked through.


Warm the jam and brush it over the •fru it to glaze. Serve warm or cold with crème fraiche.


Our tip: Use shortcrust pastry to make this tart if you prefer.


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level: lower-intermediate and above


gyenge középhaladó szinttől

Peaches in Pink Serves: 4 Calories per serving: 231 Fat per serving: 2g Saturated fat per serving: 0.2g Suitable for freezing: NO -1 50ml rosé wine -1 50g golden caster sugar - Parings and juice of 1 lemon - 1 vanilla pod, split - 4 ripe yellow-fleshed peaches - Greek yogurt, to serve -About 15g pistachios, chopped Pour the wine and 300 ml •w ate r into a small pan, then add the sugar, lemon parings and vanilla pod. Simmer gently until the sugar dissolves.


Carefully add the peaches •a n d poach them gently


Peach Coconut Crumble Serves: 4-6 Calories per serving: 254 Fat per serving: 14g Saturated fat per serving: 7g Suitable for freezing: NO - 4 peaches, stoned and cut into wedges -1 50g blueberries - 90g caster sugar - 1tbsp vanilla extract, optional - 45g plain flour - 45g butter - 15g shredded coconut - 45g chopped hazelnuts or flaked almonds - Cream or ice cream, to serve - Shallow ovenproof dish


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ÉTELEK ÉS RECEPTEK for 7-10 mins, until tender when pierced with a sharp knife. Take the peaches out of •th e syrup with a slotted spoon and when cool enough to handle, peel away the skin. Put the peaches back in the poaching liquid and leave to cool completely. Chill.


Serve the peaches in their •syrup as it is, or boil the syrup to thicken and reduce it to about 150 ml, adding the lemon juice, to taste. Leave to cool. Put the fruit in a puddle of syrup sauce with a spoonful of thick Greek yogurt and a sprinkling of chopped pistachios.


Our Tip: This recipe is best made the day before serving and chilled overnight. Instead of rosé, you could use a white dessert wine such as Muscat de Beaumes de Venise.

Set the oven to 180°C • o r Gas Mark 4. Put the peaches and blueberries int he dish. Sprinkle with all but 2tbsp of the sugar, and the vanilla, if using, and mix in gently with your hand.


Mix the rest of the •sugar in a bowl with the flour. Add slivers of butter and rub it in with your fingertips. Stir in the coconut and nuts.


Spoon the mixture over •th e fruit in clumps. Bake for 35-40 mins until golden and crispy on top. Serve crumble warm with cream or ice cream.


Our Tip: Add Raspberries or redcurrants if you like. Or leave out the blueberries, add more peaches and add basil, ginger or amaretto.

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Peachy Lemony Cake Serves: 10 Calories per serving: 221 Fat per serving: 12g Saturated fat per serving: 5g Suitable for freezing: YES - 175g butter, softened - 150g caster sugar (golden preferably), plus extra for sprinkling - Finely grated zest of 2 lemons - 3 eggs - 150g plain flour -1 tsp baking powder - 4tbsp plain yogurt - 3 peaches, stoned and cut into wedges

tart serving saturated fat puff pastry caster sugar ground almond stoned wedge crème fraiche lined with to spread border glaze shortcrust pastry parings vanilla pod ripe yellow-fleshed pistachios to simmer to dissolve


ta t] S3 viq] sætfareitid fæt] PAÍ peistri] ka sta juge] graund a mend] staund] wed3 ] krem frej] laind wid] ta spred] bo da] gleiz] fo tkrASt peistri] pearinz] va nila pod] raip] jelau fle/t] pi sta tjiauz] ta sima] te di zolv]

gyümölcstorta adag telített zsír leveles tészta finom kristálycukor őrölt mandula kimagozott cikk, gyümölcsszelet magas zsírtartalmú tejföl kibélelve valamivel beteríteni szél, szegély máz linzerészta héjforgácsok vaníliarúd érett sárgahúsú pisztácia párolni felolvadni

- Crème fraiche or whipped cream, to serve -23 cm round cake tin, roughly lined with baking parchment

5Set the oven to 180 C or Gas Mark 4. Put the JL*> »butter, sugar and lemon zest in a large bowl. Using an electric hand-whisk, beat for 1-2 mins until the mixture is really light and creamy. 1

Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Sift in the flour •a n d baking powder and then add the yogurt. Mix until just combined.


Spoon the mixture into the cake tin and scatter •th e peach wedges on top. Bake for about 55 mins until cooked and golden. Test with a skewer. Cool for 10 mins, then take out of the tin and leave to cool on a wire rack. Sprinkle with sugar and serve with crème fraiche or whipped cream.


Our Tip: Instead of cream, you can serve cake with a auce made by adding lemon juice to a sugar syrup.

to poach slotted spoon shredded coconut shallow ovenproof dish to sprinkle sliver crispy redcurrants basil ginger grated zest whipped cream cake tin baking parchment hand-whisk to sift to scatter skewer

ta pautfl slDtid spu n] fredid kaukanAt] jælau] Avn pru f díj] ta spnqkl] slive] krispi] red kArants] bæzl] d3ind3a] greitid] zest] wipt kri m] keik tin] beikiQ pa tjmant] hænd wisk] ta sift] ta skæta] skjue]

posírozní lyukacsos kanál kókuszreszelék alacsony, sekély sütésálló edény meghinteni forgács ropogós ribizli bazsalikom gyömbér reszelt citrushéj tejszínhab tortaforma sütőpapír kézihabverő szitálni elszórni hústű

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Are JENNIFER GARNER and BEN AFFLECK headed for divorce? Rumors of a troubled marriage between Batman v. Superman actor Ben Affleck and former Alias star Jennifer Garner have been swirling for some time now. Though the two are just weeks away from celebrating a decade of matrimony, the couple may be teetering on the edge of divorce. “Where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire," a source told Us Weekly. “The marriage is in trouble." The source also said the couple “have had problems from the very beginning,” mainly due to Affleck being a “workaholic" and his “many vices. ” Affleck has been outspoken to head for rumor of a decade of matrimony to teeter on the edge vice


jú liu s

ta hed fo ] tartani valami felé ru mar ov] pletyka valamiről a dekeid avmaetrimani] tízéves házasság ta ti tar on ói ed3 ] a (szakadék) szelén inog vais] bún

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about his gambling habit, which could be one of the reasons for the couple’s marital troubles. He denied he had a gambling addiction. Garner and Affleck have been spotted together several times in recent weeks despite the divorce rumors that surfaced in late May when unconfirmed reports said the duo were living completely separate lives outside of their children. The couple's three children, Violet, 9, Seraphina, 6, and Samuel, 3, were in tow. source: Business Insider outspoken gambling to surface unconfirmed

aut spaukan] gæmblir)] ta S3 fis] Ankan f3 md]

szókimondó, őszinte szerencsejátékos napvilágot lát nem megerősített



i I


FOO FIGHTERS’ Dave Grohl breaks leg, but finishes show During a Foo Fighters' show in Gothenburg, Sweden, Grohl hurt himself after falling off the stage, according to social media posts by people at the concert. He then announced to the crowd: “Now look! I think I just broke my leg. I think I really broke my leg. ” A hospital visit after the show confirmed he sustained at least one fracture, forcing the band to cancel two shows - a June 14 appearance at Pinkpop Festival and a June 16 show at the AFG Arena in St. Gallen, Switzerland, the band said on its website. “As witnessed by tens o f thousands in attendance at Foo Fighters’ June 12 to fall off to announce to to sustain (injury) fracture

tafo I of] tu a nauns tu ] ta sa stein mdjari ] fraekt/a]

leesni bejelenteni valakinek (sérülést) elszenvedni törés

show at Ullevi Stadium, Dave Grohl took a nasty spill during the second song o f the set. With the help of on-site medical staff who p atch ed him up temporarily, Dave was able to rejoin the band to complete that performance,” the statement said. After the spill, Grohl told the audience. “You have my promise, right now, that the Foo Fighters - we’re going to come back - and finish this show. ” source: CNN to witness nasty spill to patch somebody up

(ta witnas) [ no sti spil] [ta paetf sAmbadi Ap]

tanúja lenni csúnya esés összerakni valakit

Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith sell Hancock Park mansion for $15.9M It has been just over a year since they announced their decision to end their marriage. The divorce is not yet official, Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have cut another of their ties by selling their Los Angeles mansion for a cool $15.947million. The sale, which took place less than two months after the house was first listed, breaks records as the highest amount ever paid for a single­ family home in Hancock Park. Antonio, 54, and 57-year-old Melanie’s former home was built circa 1925 and it boasts seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms and three half bathrooms. There is also a recording studio, a


swimming pool centred in a private courtyard, a luxurious bar and a fitness centre. The master suite has two bathrooms and dressing rooms, and the house also features a sauna, panelled library, a huge kitchen, an elegant dining room and a library. The couple had been married for 18 years when they announced their split in June 2014. They have one child together, Stella. Melanie was previously wed to Don Johnson, with whom she has actress daughter Dakota Johnson, 25, and she is also mother to son Alexander, 29, from her first marriage. source: Daily Mail

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BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH and Sophie Hunter welcome their first child Benedict Cumberbatch is a dad! The actor’s wife, theater director Sophie Hunter, gave birth to a boy, a rep confirmed on Saturday. “ Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are delighted to announce the arrival of their to release to the press to tie the knot Ido bling

[ta ri'li s ta őa pres) [ta tai őa not] [a i du ] [bling)

képviselő, szóvivő közzétenni a sajtónak összeházasodni igen (esküvőn) feltűnő ékszer (szleng)


beautiful son,” the rep said in a statement released to the press. Benedict and Sophie announced they would become parents for the first time in January, just one month before they tied the knot in a secret Valentine’s Day ceremony on the Isle of Wight in England. Two days after saying, “ I do,” Sophie, whose wedding dress was inspired by a unicorn, showed off her new bling while on a casual outing with her husband. The couple’s exciting personal life didn’t get in the way of award season, however. Before jetting o ff on a 10-day honeymoon to Bora-Bora, Sophie hid her baby bump while hitting the Golden Globes red carpet in January. The pair then showed adorable PDA while attending the Oscars in February. source: Popsugar award season to jet off baby bump PDA

(a wo d si zn) [ta d 3 et of) [ beibi bAmp) ( pi di ]

díjátadók szezonja elrepülni pocak vonzalom nyílt kifejezése

Charlize Theron

4 »

and Sean Penn split

After starting a romance in 2013, Charlize Theron and Sean Penn have split. Nearly inseparable since getting together, often spending time with Theron’s ¿ 3-year-old son, Jackson, the couple were last seen | looking stunning on the Cannes red carpet in May. [ But in recent weeks, the couple weren’t spotted together at all. According to sources, they stayed under separate roofs: Theron and son Jackson remained at their Hollywood home and Penn at his Malibu mansion, which he had put up for sale but recently pulled off the market. They backed out of at least one scheduled event together before Theron headed to London to film The Huntsman. Penn was spotted solo in the Brentwoocf section of Los Angeles Tuesday, purchasing magazines and cigarettes from a local newsstand. Just last month Theron raved about her partner to British Elle, calling Penn the love of her life. “Putting aside that he’s my partner, he’s the love of my life; for the first time, I felt that my work was m really tobleedi, my life, and that made it hard, ’’ she told the agazine. . rce: People

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to pul of őa ma kit) ta baek aut] ta reiv] ■ te bli d ini


jú liu s

visszavonnia piacról

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Cat Needed Life-Saving Surgery After Eating Shoelaces PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) vets have saved the life of a mischievous moggie who got himself in a terrible tangle after gobbling up shoelaces and hair bands. Black-and-white cat Garry, from Hove, went along to Brighton PDSA Pet Hospital for his annual booster, where PDSA vets discovered an extremely worrying large mass in his stomach. The two-year-old cat was admitted for further tests, and worried owner Ana Barbosa, 32, was told to prepare for the worst, as a life-threatening tumour was suspected. But during emergency exploratory surgery, PDSA vet Jess Maguire was stunned to dispensary vet mischievous to gobble up booster (shot) mass


di spensari] vet] mistjivas] ta gDbl Ap] bu stefoj maes]

nyilvános beteggondozó, -ellátó állaton/os csintalan felfalni védőoltás daganat, csomó

discover shoe laces and hair bands, along with bits of plastic, in Garry’s stomach. If left undetected, the items could have caused a potentially fatal blockage. The items had probably been eaten over a period of time, according to vets, and it was a miracle that the inquisitive feline wasn’t suffering any side-effects after his bizarre snacking habits. Garry’s owner, Ana Barbosa, said: "Garry is a very cheeky little chap who has always preferred playing with human things instead o f cat toys. But we had no idea he was actually eating them. I ’d washed some laces from my trainers, which went missing. I never for one moment thought that Garry was the reason why! When I first heard it may be a tumour, I was devastated. So although I was absolutely shocked to find out what the mass was, we were relieved to hear the good news that it wasn’t a tumour. ” PDSA advises owners to speak to their vet at once if they suspect their pets have eaten something they shouldn’t. Ana added: ‘W e ’re so grateful to PDSA for saving Garry’s life - he’s a big part o f our family and we’d be heartbroken if we’d have lost him so young. Now we know how mischievous he can be, we’ll definitely be keeping a closer eye on him in future.” exploratory surgery stunned blockage inquisitive feline cheeky

ik splDratri S3 djeri] stAnd] blokid3] in kwizativ] fi lain] tp ki]

feltáró műtét megdöbbent elzáródás kíváncsi macska szemtelen

B fiü B Üd S B B Í B 9 h B

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Cute Kittens Raise Awareness for ‘No-Kill’ Animal Shelters

Utah-based Best Friends Animal Society wanted to spread the word about kitten season so enlisted the help of what they have dubbed ‘purritos’. “Sometimes you have to go cute to get serious information out there, ” said Best Friends Animal Society’s Holly Sizemore, director o f national programs, community programs and services. “We are glad that people are enjoying the ‘purritos’ and especially glad to see the offers by people to get involved in being part o f the solution.”

unweaned kittens are born to free-roaming, unowned community cats," Sizemore said. “That is why Best Friends Animal Society and like-minded organisations are working together so hard to spay and n eu ter these cats, we want to break this tragic cycle. ” What remains true is often the kindest thing you can do if you find a litter of kittens outdoors is to leave it alone, Sizemore said: “We want people to understand that if they see a litte r o f kittens, especially tiny ones, please resist that urge to scoop them up because the mother cat is probably nearby and will return to care for them. Taking them away from her severely lessens the kittens’ chances o f survival. ”

Keen to show the positive side of animal rescue, Best Friends also produced a touching video, about the lifesaving work at the organisation’s kitten nurseries. A national problem, kitten season technically lasts from February through November when shelters become overwhelmed with these helpless pets. The workload for a typical animal shelter almost immediately outweighs what staff can handle and results in many kittens being killed upon intake simply because of a lack of resources. “Recent surveys indicate something like 91 percent of pet cats are sterilized, which suggests that the vast majority of to raise awareness to spread the word to dub shelter upon intake


jú liu s

ta reiz a weanas] ta spred da W3 d] ta dAb] Jelta] a pDn wteik]

tudatosítani valamit informálni valamiről elnevezni valaminek menhely bekerüléskor

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to indicate un weaned to spay to neuter a litter of kittens

[tu indikeit] wind] ta spei ] ta nju ta] a litar av kitn.z]


jelölni, mutatni nem elválasztott ivartalanitani (nőstény állatot) ivartalanitani (hímet) egy alom kiscica




How to have your most stress free and stylish summer holiday ever? These days, the holiday starts the instant you step into the terminal. W hether you’re jetting away to the seaside or heading out for a relaxing weekend vacation, you want to look chic while in transit. W e ’ve rounded up a few im portant items that you need to pick up before you head out of tow n. From a cozy cardigan and stylish carryall to an em ergency maxi dress, have a look at what items you need to get your hands on ... to look as stylish as Jessica Alba! When choosing an airport outfit always opt for layers. If you are heading to a warm country where there’s almost 40+ Celsius weather you can experience huge temperature differences as it can be pretty cold about 11 km above the ground. Also, walking around the airport and dragging your suitcase can work up a bit of sweat, so you need to be able to strip off layers too. Sitting on a budget flight for hours is not the m ost enjoyable thing to do, d o n ’t make it ever more difficult wearing tight jeans. As for the footw ear, never ever wear high heels to the airport. Choose comfy shoes, trainers, sandals, ballerinas or whatever; just make sure feel com fortable! Also, wear shoes that you can slip on and off easily at the airport security. Make sure you’ve had a pedicure, too! At last, but not least, have everything that is essential to you in your hand luggage. I always have a fear that my case will get lost, so I pack some underwear, my swim m ing costume, m edications, and contact lenses in my hand luggage! www.5percangol.hu I Szalai Nora 2015

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level: lower-intermediate


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Tunic, 3990 HUF, H&M

ñ Suitcase, Samsonite, 54 000 HUF

Jeans, 9900 HUF, H&M

5990 HUF, H&M


Oversize shirt, 6990 HUF, H&M



Slip-on shoes,

Flat shoes,

Shirt dress,

6990 HUF, H&M

3990 HUF, H&M

9900 HUF, H&M


Dr instant to jet away to round up to pick up to head out of cozy carryall to get one’s hand on to opt for layers to head to experience huge above the ground to drag sweat to strip off budget flight enjoyable tight as for the footwear comfy to slip on/off at last but not least essential hand luggage


jú liu s

in.stant] ta d 3 et a. wei] ta raund Ap] t a p i k A p]

ta hed aut dv] k a u .z i] k a e .r i . o:l] ta get w a o z haend Dn] tu opt to ] leiaz] ta hed tu:] ik. spia.rians] hju d j] a. b A v da graund] ta draeg] swet] ta strip Df] bA.d3 at fiait] in. d 3 0 i.ab.l] taitl az fa di: ] fu.twea]


ta slip Dn of] at lo st bat not li st] i. sen.Jl] hænd lA.gid3]

azonnali elrepülni összegyűjteni felvenni, felszedni elindulni valahonnan kényelmes nagy kézitáska lecsapni valamire választani valamit itt: rétegesen valahova menni/tartan élmény, tapasztalat hatalmas a föld felett húzni, vonni izzadás, izzadtság levenni (ruhát) fapados járat élvezhető szoros, szűk ami a . . .-t illeti lábbeli kényelmes felvenni/levenni végül, de nem utolsósorban alapvető, nagyon fontos kézi poggyász

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White hag,


7 r0 K rl 6500 HUF, F&F

9900 HUF, H&M

4890 HUF, F&F


6900 HUF, F&F

Waist hag

: U

2890 HUF, F&F


4890 HUF, F&F 27


Studies confirm what you’ve already suspected: an airplane is definitely a dirty place. Still, you might be surprised to hear just how unhygienic they can really be. Although most airlines work diligently to keep aircrafts clean, studies show that the average traveller meets a horrifying number of potentially dangerous bacteria and viruses during their journey. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association 1 in 5 passengers on flights reports getting a cold within one week of flying, even if the flight was of short duration. The common cold is one thing, but studies also show that 4 out of 6 airline tray tables tested positive for MRSA and norovirus, the highly contagious group of viruses that can cause vomiting, diarrhea and cramping. To make things worse, almost a third of the tested airplane bathroom sinks, flush handles and faucets had traces of E. coli. The state of airline hygiene is not so surprising, as an airline attendant has revealed that people often use plane tray tables for a number of different purposes besides eating, such as changing nappies and cutting their fingernails. As the trays are not always cleaned properly between flights, it’s easy to see how infections spread. A cabin crew member of a large and popular airline commented: “Cleaners don’t have time to thoroughly clean planes between journeys. Sanitising tray tables and other surfaces before takeoff and using 28

a sanitising spray on your hands after using the loo are highly recommended for all passengers. And never walk barefoot around the cabin, the carpets are filthy and the toilet floors are worse.” Findings by the Auburn University in Alabama, USA, revealed that certain surfaces inside planes are filthier than others. Researchers lead by Dr. Kiril Vaglenov tested old airplane parts to see how long MRSA and E. coli can survive on common plane surfaces such as the armrest, plastic tray table, metal toilet button, window shade, seat pocket cloth, and leather. They found that MRSA, a potentially deadly infection, can last for an entire week on material from the seat-back pocket. And E. coli, which can lead to severe anemia and kidney failure, is able to survive for four days on the material from the armrest. Porous surfaces, such as cloth material, are an especially hospitable environment for germs, they found. It’s not just the airplane that may have dark and filthy secrets. According to a study (on average) four baggage handlers, two taxi drivers, a hotel porter and one member of airline staff will handle any one piece of luggage. We know that the average person carries over 10 million bacteria on their hands, so that one piece of luggage alone can come into contact with an ocean of germs. Another recent research showed that fecal

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matter is present on a staggering 26% of hands in the UK, a number that should be remembered next time when public transport seems just clean enough. Before we decide never to fly again, it’s important to know that airlines claim to have strict and regular cleaning schedules. Also, the possibility of infection is always bigger if there is a crowd. Dr. Vaglenov reassures, “We are not trying to scare the public about airplanes. We are exposed to this kind of bacterial challenge everywhere such as in hospitals, movie theaters and daycare facilities. Be conscious about hand hygiene and don’t travel when you are contagious or immuno-compromised.” The solution is to create a personal airplane hygiene routine. First of all, pack a few hygiene essentials, such as wipes, hand sanitizers, nasal spray or even face masks. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends alcohol-based products made specifically for cleaning hands. germ of short duration contagious diarrhea cramping faucet nappy to sanitise take off loo

d33 m] avfo t dju rei/nj kan teid^as] daia ria] kraempiq] fo sit] naepij ta sasna tai] teik of] lu]

kórokozó rövid időtartamú fertőző hasmenés görcsölés csap pelenka fertőtleníteni felszállás vécé

Further tips for a

safe holiday


Once you get to your seat wipe down the arm rest, window shade, tray table, light and fan knobs. Don’t forget to sanitise your hands afterwards. The same applies if you use the bathroom. Do use a hand sanitiser even if you washed your hands with water. Buy water before you board the plane then take small sips during the whole flight. Low humidity on airplanes often causes dehydration and the mucous in your nose to dry out allowing bacteria to enter and multiply in your throat or nose. Avoid placing food directly on the table, try to keep it in its container instead. As hands can be easily re-infected by a simple touch, try as much as possible to avoid touching your face, nose and mouth. Last, but not least, try to enjoy your journey - if you pay attention to hygiene you will be more likely to have a disease-free period after your arrival. armrest anemia kidney failure baggage handler staggering to be exposed to daycare facility immuno-compromised the same applies mucous

Before trip:

During trip:

J Learn about your destination and ask about special vaccines that are recommended if you travel to an exotic place. J Put together your first aid and medical kit (medicine for pain and fever, antihistamine, laxative, antifungal and antibacterial cream, antacid). ^ Take insect repellent, sun cream, with both UVA and UVB protection and hand sanitizer too. ^ If you travel within the EU, take your EU health card too. ^ Check your travel insurance.

/ Use sun cream and insect repellent as directed. Treat sunburn and insect bites as soon as possible.

SAnb3 n] insekt bait] d 3e lifif stir)] ta nns] viniga] ta sauk] pra tektiv gia]


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karfa vérszegénység veseelégtelenség poggyászkezelő döbbenetes valaminek kitett gyermeknapközi immunhiányos ugyanez vonatkozik nyálka

a mrest] a ni mia] kidni feilj] baegid3 haendla] staegan] ta bi ik spauzd tu ] dei ker fa siliti] i mju na kompremaizd] da seim a plaiz] mju kas]

J If you have a jellyfish sting, wash the area with seawater. Rinse with vinegar. Soak the area in hot water for 20 minutes or use cold packs. ^ 3 Be careful about food and water. Have a supply of medicine for self-treatment of diarrhea. ^

Limit alcohol intake.

S Wear protective gear when needed. napégés rovarcsípés medúzacsípés leöblíteni ecet beáztatni védőfelszerelés






For Sale... Bedrock City To Be Sold I can proudly say that I was there. Yes, 26 years ago I visited the Flinstones’ home that has just been put up for sale. ... but don’t tell Fred and Wilma! A replica visitor’s attraction in Williams, Arizona has gone on the market for $2million. 30

Bedrock City, established in 1972, has been a family business that has offered “over forty years o f family fun”. It features colourful representations of the cartoon characters and their colourful homes. It has a gift shop, a theme park, a restaurant, an RV park and a campground and a convenience store and is claimed to be a “landmark property, recognised worldwide”. Holly Hulen, of Bedrock City, says: “Thirty acres offers plenty o f room to grow. This unique p ro pe rty has unlim ite d potential. Bedrock City offers thirty acres, thirty miles south o f the Grand Canyon. This property provides a perfect location, great access and is equipped w ith all utilities. The business includes a gift shop, a theme park, a restaurant, a campground, a convenience store and on-site residential living quarters. This location presents the opportunity for one to build their vision. ” www.5percangol.hu Szalai Nóra I 2015

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Top fe a tu re s o f the property: 1 ) Location: Bedrock offers a prime location. Annually, over 5 million visitors travel past this location on their way to the Grand Canyon.

2 ) Thirty Acres: With only 15 percent of the state’s land held in private ownership, this property is unique in offering 30 acres that would support commercial use, provide excellent highway access and frontage, and are a corridor to a world-wide travel destination.

3 ) Frontage Property: The property has over 2,000 feet of prime frontage, excellent access from the intersection, and the preliminary infrastructure to support a major development project. replica to go on the market to be established to feature representation theme park RV park campground convenience store to be claimed to be acre unique property

re.plik.e] ta g a u o n ö a mo kit] ta bi i. stae.blijt] ta fi tje) re.pri.zen. teif.n] 6i:m pa k] rv po k] kaemp. gro wnd] kan. vi .mans sto ] ta bi kleimd ta bi] eika] ju . ni k pro.pa.ti]

(művészi) másolat piacra kerülni (meg)a!apítva lenni jellemezni, felvonultatni bemutatás, megjelenítés vidámpark lakókocsipark kemping kis közért, mindenes bolt valamiről állítanak valamit hektár egyedülálló ingatlan/birtok

INTERESTING FACTS In Hungary, the series’ dialogue was famously rewritten in prose by renowned playwright József Romhányi, who has made all of the characters speak in constant rhymes. Most of the characters were also given new names that often also

unlimited potential to provide access to be equipped with utilities re s id e n tia l livin g q u a rte rs

ownership frontage intersection preliminary development

végeláthatatlan lehetőségek lehetővé tenni, biztosítani hozzáférés, megközelítés ta b ii. kwipt wid] valamivel felszerelve lenni közművek, közműhálózat ju . ti.li.tiz] I re.zi. den.fl liv.iq kwo .tez] lakónegyedek au.na.Jip] tulajdonjog folyóparti telek frAn.tid3] metszet, csomópont in.ta. sek.Jn] pn.li.mi.na.ri] bevezető, előkészítő di. ve.lap.mant] fejlesztés An. 'Ii.mi.tid

pa. te n .]

ta pra. vaid] a e k.se s]

rhymed with each other (such as Frédi & Béni for Fred & Barney, and Vilma & Irma for Wilma & Betty), and even the Hungarian title had a rhyme in it (“ Frédi és Béni, avagy a két kökorszaki szaki” , or in English, “ Fred and Benny, or the Two Stone-Age Mates”). Due to the rhyming dialogue and various inserted puns and jokes, which Romhányi’s work was notorious for, the series became an astonishing success in the country, gaining cult status very fast, and it continues to influence many Hungarian cartoon dubs even to this day. Romhányi’s reasoning for this drastic reinterpretation was that he had felt that rhymes and word-plays would not only add a new layer of humour, but also help non-Americans audiences familiarize themselves with the American themes and jokes. One urban legend even claims that upon hearing of the show’s success in Hungary, the original creators attempted to rerecord the dialogue according to the Hungarian translation. However there are no known records to confirm this and it is likely just a rumour.

source: IMDB to be written in prose renowned playwright constant due to inserted puns notorious for astonishing to gain


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[ta bi nt.n m prauz] n. naund plei.rait] kDn.stant]

dju tu ] in. S3 .tid pAnzl neu. to .rias fo ] [a. sto.mf.in] [ta gein]

versben írva elismert drámaíró állandó, folyamatos valaminek köszönhetően beillesztett szóviccek valamiről közismert lenyűgöző, döbbenetes szerezni, (begyűjteni

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to influence dubs reinterpretation audience to claim to attempt to likely rumour

[tu in.fluans] dAbz]

ri in. ta pn. teif.n] o .dians] ta kleim] tu a. tempt tu ] laik.li] ru .ma]

hatással lenni szinkron újraértelmezés közönség állítani valamit megkísérelni valamit valószínű pletyka, szóbeszéd





Real life B|

B j ■ ^

50 First Dates

A young woman has made a scrapbook to help her fall in love with her boyfriend all over again - because she forgets who he is every single week. Jenny Gisby, 20, from Nottingham, who suffers from a rare neurological disorder, often wakes up in the morning with no memory of her boyfriend, Stuart Balmforth, 20. In an attempt to jog her memory, Jenny has compiled a scrapbook full of photographs and mementos from the pair’s three year relationship. Whenever her memory loss occurs, Stuart will show her the treasured scrapbook, in the hope that it reminds her of their romance - just like in the movie, “50 First Dates’’. 32

Jenny’s memory loss is due to Functional Neurological Disorder - a condition that causes seizures which wipe her memories. She is now learning to cope with the condition, and is sharing her story to help others in a similar position. Jenny said: “It all started when I collapsed at work, my manager called for an ambulance and I ended up being in a coma for a few days. I was soon diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder and that’s when my memory loss started. I will wake up after being asleep all night with no memory of who I am or my boyfriend and parents. I decided to make a scrapbook when I realised how distressing it must be for them trying to explain who they were. I feel so angry at first as I

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Doctors believe Jenny has suffered from Functional Neurological Disorder since she was 10. She added: “When I was younger I had terrible balance and I was always dislocating my joints but it has only just showed itself after I came out o f my coma unable to walk at all. It can get worse with age or it could improve but doctors have ruled out it improving for me after looking at my brain scans." Stuart, a student, said: “It’s nice to keep updating Jenny’s book with the places we Ve visited together. It’s so handy to show her when she wakes up with no idea who I am, without the book it would take much longer for Jenny to remember and it would leave her feeling even more frustrated. It was a great idea o f Jenny’s and we use it every week to ensure she never forgets what we’ve done together. ”


50 First Dates think everyone around me is a complete stranger. It is terrifying when I wake up with no memory and it takes half an hour before I begin to remember again. My photo album definitely helps speed it all up. But once I remember it is lovely being able to witness all mine and Stuart’s memories again, it ’s like I ’m falling in love with him all over again. ’’ Jenny woke up from her coma in November, unable to walk after suffering a severe seizure while working at Sainsbury’s - she had suffered paralysis as a result of her rare brain condition. She added: “I was a student at Nottingham Trent University and I had to give that up as I knew I couldn’t keep up with the work load while coming to terms with needing a wheelchair. I have also been diagnosed with epilepsy and I have two big seizures every week which along with my FND is what causes my memory loss. I am so lucky to have my boyfriend, Stuart, at my side as he has been so supportive throughout and will go through the memory album with me to help me remember. ”

50 First Dates is a 2004 American Romantic Comedy film. It stars Adam Sandler as a woman-chasing veterinarian (Henry) and Drew Barrymore (Lucy) as an amnesiac. Henry has a great first date with Lucy, but discovers that the next day she has no clue who he is. Unfortunately, a freak brain injury has permanently damaged her ability to form new long term memories and she forgets everything when she goes to bed and starts the next day as a clean slate. Henry isn’t daunted by this, however, and resolves to make her fall in love with him anew every day.

Jenny is also supported by her parents, Jane and Rob, who have helped her every step of the way. She said: “I couldn’t ask for more support from my family and boyfriend, they have all been amazing and I rely on them so much now. It is unlikely that I will get the feeling back in my legs but I ’m slowly coming to terms with it and I ’m currently trying to raise money so I can buy a lightweight wheelchair. ” scrapbook to suffer from neurological in an attempt to to jog one’s memory to compile mementos in the hope that to be due to seizure to wipe


jú liu s

skraep.buk] ta SA.fa from) njua.r0 .lo .d 31k. II in an a. tempt ta] ta d 3 og ha me.ma.ri] ta kam. pai.lj mi. men.tauz) in da haop daet] ta bi dju tu ] si .3 3 ] ta waip]

fényképalbum valamiben/valamitől szenvedni idegrendszeri betegség arra törekedve, hogy/ azért memóriát frissen tartani összeállítani emlékeztetők, mementók abban reménykedve, hogy valaminek köszönhető roham törölni, kitörölni (képletesen is)

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to cope with to collapse to end up distressing to explain paralysis to keep up with to rely on to come to terms with to dislocate joints to rule out

t 3 kaup wid] ta ka. laeps] tu end Ap] di. stres.ii)] tu ik. splein] pa. rs6 .l3 .s1s] t3 ki p Ap wid] t3 n. lai on] ta kAm ta t3 mz wid] ta di.slak.eit d3 0 ints] t3 raul aut]

valamivel megbirkózni összeesni valahova kerülni/jutni lehangoló megmagyarázni, kifejteni bénulás valamivel lépést tartan valakiben/valamiben bízni napirendre térni valami felett kificamítani az ízületeit kizárni valamit (átvitt)



by Ágnes Salánki and István Dezsényi


Summer is here again. The sun is shining - we hope - and finally you could get away from it all and you’re enjoying your holiday on the beach. But after a while it can get really boring to just lie in the sun and swim in the sea or the ocean all day. Why don’t you try some beach sports? They are fun and help you relax and enjoy the summer even more. We have collected the most interesting beach sports for you.

level: lower-intermediate and above


gyenge középhaladó szinttől

Ball games on the sand: Beach handball It’s also called sandball. It’s a team sport where two teams pass and bounce a ball, trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team. The game is similar to team handball, but is not played in a sports hall but on sand instead. Matches are played in two or three sets, depending on when a team wins their second set of the game. If the goalkeeper scores a goal this counts as 2 points, compared to a goal scored by an outfield player which counts as 1 point.

Beach volleyball


Beach football Also called beach soccer or beasal. Take the world’s favourite game and combine it with everyone’s favourite place to be and you will have a dynamite sport. The sand introduces an element of unpredictability that makes beach football a lot more exciting to play than regular football. Improvisation is the skill most required as the ball can pop up anywhere. The compact field, much smaller than a normal football field, allows players to score from anywhere on the sand, leading to an average of sixty attempts at goal in a single game. With an average of scoring rate of one goal every three or four minutes, around eleven goals are scored in total per game.

It is a team sport played by two teams of two players on a sand court divided by a net. It has been an Olympic sport since the 1996 Games. A hearty game of volleyball is one of the easiest ways to get people mingling on the beach. All you need is a net, a ball and people - the game will do the rest. Playing beach volleyball is extremely fun.

Be careful not to injure yourself when running and changing direction. It’s easy to tw is t your ankle (or worse) in the sand. It’s advisable to wear ankle guards if you have weak ankles.

Fun in the water: Kite boarding or kite surfing

As in indoor volleyball, the object of the game is to send the ball over the net and to ground it on the opponent’s court, and to prevent the same effort by the opponent. A team is allowed up to three touches to return the ball across the net. The ball is put in play with a serve —a hit by the server from behind the rear court boundary over the net to the opponents. The rally continues until the ball is grounded on the playing court, goes “out” , or is not returned properly.

It is one of the most exciting and fastest growing sports to emerge in the last decade. It’s an eclectic sport that combines the freedom and manoeuvres of surfing with the speed and variety of wind surfing - then doubles the excitement. You only need two elements: wind and water. These days people can not only kite board in the ocean, but also in rivers and lakes. Using the power of the wind, kite boarders are pulled along at incredible speeds while standing on a small, easily manoeuvrable board.


The team winning a rally scores a point and serves to start the following rally. The four players serve in the same sequence throughout the match, changing server each time a rally is won by the receiving team. Originating in Southern California (USA), beach volleyball has achieved worldwide popularity.


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Water skiing and wake boarding Water skiing and wake boarding are basically the summer equivalent of the snow variety - the key difference is the boat and the temperature outside. All the basic elements are still there: you glide across the water at high speed, making S-turns across the surface until your legs and arms are too tired to go on. Like most adrenalin-fuelled sports, it’s really addictive and very tiring, but you’ll be even hungrier to master the tricks once you started trying them.

Surfing It is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward or deep face of a moving wave, which is usually carrying the surfer toward the shore. Riding waves is a cool thing to do, and everybody should try it at least once. It feels like flying and walking on water at the same time, and is a lot more accessible than you would think. Ideally you should try it with a friend, so that you can support one another.

Sailing It is one of the greatest ways of enjoying the weather and scenery at sea. If you’re not going sailing with a professional, a tour group or someone who knows their way around a vessel and the coastline, be sure to check the weather charts. Sailing can be wonderful, but it’s very dangerous - the sea and the weather can change in an instant.

Tubing or banana boat If water skiing and wake boarding are a bit rough for you, the easier option is to hop aboard a banana boat or inside an inner tube. The only skill involved is holding on while the boat races you around the river or ocean.

Body surfing It is surfing without any boards or motorised gadgets. All you need is a bathing suit that won’t come off in the ocean and waves. Swimming yourself into the waves can be tricky at first, but once you’ve succeeded in a few decent rides it’ll feel like you’ve


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Scuba-diving If you have a certificate for diving and you are at a place that offers you a chance to go diving, make sure to pounce on the opportunity. The world of the ocean is a beautiful place offering plenty of enchanting wonders to see and enjoy. Have fun and enjoy summer and beach sports!

been doing it your whole life. There are three main methods to riding waves: The Windmill: Place one arm out in front of you, while using the other to keep stroking. The Handcuffs: Place your arms out straight in front of you and keep your wrists tightly together (like they are handcuffed together). The Bullet: Ideal for those with little to no hair. Keep your arms tightly held against your side and ‘steer’ with your head Body surfing is pretty safe, provided you are swimming at a public beach where life guards are present.

Stand up paddleboard Also called SUP. It is the combination of canoeing and surfing. You can ride waves on long surfboards using an oar to propel and steer - all the while standing up. It’s great fun and a fantastic way to stay fit - you’ll find yourself using muscles you didn’t know existed. If you are still learning how to manage the board, be sure to go out where there are no bathers or other surfers. If you lose control of the board and it hits someone else it can be really painful. to get away from it all get] (a wei] goal gaul] goalkeeper gaul ki paf] outfield player autfi Id] [ pleiar] hearty ha ti] net net] miogl] to mingle the rest rest] to ground graund] opponent a paunant] raeli) rally sequence si kwans] unpredictability Anpri dikta biliti] to twist somebody’s ankle[twist] [ æokl] ankle guard æokl] [ga d] kite kait] bod] board


jú liu s

elszabadulni a mindennapokból kapu kapus mezőnyjátékos intenzív háló elvegyülni, találkozni másokkal a többi lecsapni, a földre érkeztetni ellenfél labdamenet sorrend nem kiszámíthatóság kificamítani a bokáját bokavédő sárkány (szörf) deszka

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to ride waves vessel weather charts to glide inner tube to hold on windmill to stroke handcuffs bullet provided life guard paddle, oar to steer enchanting wonder

raid] [weivz] vési] weda'] [tja ts] glaid] ma'] [tju:b] h a u ld ]

windmil] strauk] ha e n d kA f]

bulit] pra vaidid] laif][ga d] paedT][or] stia'] in t/a ntírj] wAnda']

meglovagolni a hullámokat hajó időjárás előrejelzés siklani gumibelső megkapaszkodni, kapaszkodni szélmalom tempózni (úszásnál) bilincs puskagolyó feltéve ha vízi mentő evezőlapát kormányozni lenyűgöző csoda




ell i t vou can t

on learn to love the

level: lower-intermediate and above


gyenge középhaladó szinttől

M Michael David Rosenberg was born on 17 May, 1984 in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, England. His mother is English, his father, Gerard Rosenberg, is American, originally from Vineland, New Jersey. He learned classical guitar from a young age, and at the age of 14 he started writing songs. He left school at the age of 16 to become a musician. Before his career too k its flight, he worked as a chef and spent his free time writing music. His film production worker father introduced him to ex-Faithless member, Jamie Catto, in 2001, which led to a two-song spot at the Free Burma Campaign benefit gig at the Royal Court in London in 2002. This was the night Rosenberg met his future writing partner Andrew Phillips and established contact with the IE Music label. Working out of Phillips’ studio, the duo recorded the songs that would become Wicked Man’s Rest, on Passenger’s debut album. Rosenberg wrote the majority of the album’s tracks, w ith the exception of Four Horses, which was written by Phillips.


until 2013 that a tune from All the Little Lights, Let Her Go, broke through as a hit in Europe. By the end of the year, the single had reached number one in 16 countries, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, and Belgium. Rosenberg began work on his following album, Whispers, toward the end of 2013 and enlisted All the Little Lights’ co-producer Chris Vallejo to work with him. He released Whispers on 9 June 2014. Talking about the album he said, “ This is easily the most ‘up ’ album I’ve ever made, it ’s quite cinematic. There are lots of big stories and big ideas. There are also some sombre moments about loneliness and death but hey, it wouldn’t be a Passenger album without those." Passenger released Whispers II on 20 April 2015. All profits from the album go to the UNICEF UK initiative to help children in Liberia. If you want to listen to Passenger live, he is performing on 16 August, 2015 on Sziget Festival!

Passenger opened up fo r several high-profile indie acts throughout the U.K. that year, including Kate Nash and the Hold Steady. The following year found the band providing the soundtrack to the film Where Have I Been All Your Life? and performing at the 2008 SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Despite all the success they found, Phillips parted ways w ith Passenger in 2009, leaving Rosenberg alone. Following the break-up, Rosenberg kept the stagename Passenger and took to busking for a solo music career in England and Australia. In 2009, he supported acts, such as Lior and Sydneysiders Elana Stone and Brian Campeau, and then played One Movement, a major music industry-focus festival in Perth. He became very successful in Australia, selling out 500-seater venues across the continent. His debut solo album, Wide Eyes Blind, was released in 2009. He was invited to play various shows in the United Kingdom, too. His second album, Flight o f the Crow, was recorded in Australia in 2010. In 2012, Passenger released All the Little Lights, which featured a more fully fleshed-out sound. While the album was released in the summer of 2012, it wasn’t stage name singer-songwriter folk-infected to top the charts

to be nominated for

with the exception of to open up for high-profile


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steid 3 neim] sioa son.rai.ta] feuk in. fek.tid] ta top da tfo ts] ta bi no.mi.nei.tid fo] ta teik its fiait] be.ni.fit gig] traek] wiô ôi ik. sep./n, ov] tu au.pan Apfo] hai prao.fail]

művésznév énekes-dalszövegíró népzenei behatású a slágerlisták élén lenni valamire nevezve/jelölve lenni szárnyra kapni jótékonysági előadás zeneszám valami kivételével előzenekarnak lenni keresett, jó hírnevű

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to provide soundtrackc despite to part ways with break-up to busk to support venue fleshed-out

[ta pra. vaid] [ saund.traek] [ta po t weiz wid] [ breik Ap] [ta sa. po t]

biztosítani, lehetővé tenni filmzene valami ellenére különválnak az útjaik valakivel szakítás utcazenélni támogatni létesítmény, helyszín részletesen kidolgozott sötét, komor


PROFILE 2012 he received positive reviews for the film End o f Watch, a movie about two Los Angeles street cops. For this role, Gyllenhaal took tactical training and participated in actual police drives with his co-star, Michael Pena. 2014 brought him two thrillers, Enemy and Nightcrawler. In the latter he played an obsessive loner named Louis Bloom who finds his true place in life as a freelance news videographer on the streets of Los Angeles. The movie has provided Gyllenhaal with the best reviews of his career.

Gyllenhaal Jacob Benjamin “Jake” Gyllenhaal (December 19,1980) was born in Los Angeles, California in a show business family. His mother is producer and screenw riter Naomi Foner, and his father is director Stephen Gyllenhaal. His sister is actress Maggie Gyllenhaal and his godmother is also an actress, Jamie Lee Curtis, while his godfather is Paul Newman. He started acting when he was 10 and made his film debut at the age of 11 as Billy Crystal’s son in the film City Slickers. Jake’s first lead role was in October Sky in 1999. He starred in the indie hit psychological thriller Donnie Darko (2001) playing a teenager alongside his real-life sister, Maggie. For this role he received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Actor. Following his role in Donnie Darko he played in a number of different genres, including the comedy film Bubble Boy (2001), The Good Girl (2002) opposite Jennifer Aniston and the sci-fi blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow (2004). In his theatrical debut, Jake starred on the London stage in This is Our Youth. He said “ Every actor I look up to has done theatre work, so I knew I had to give it a try.” Gyllenhaal played a frustrated marine in the Gulf war drama Jarhead (2005), and the same year brought him one of his biggest successes, his role opposite Heath Ledger as Jack Twist in Brokeback Mountain, a film bringing him critical acclaim and an Oscar nomination. In 2007 he starred in Zodiac and in the political thriller Rendition opposite Meryl Streep, Alan Arkin and Reese Witherspoon. The following year he played the lead role in Prince o f Persia: The Sands o f Time and in Love and Other Drugs with Anne Hathaway. For the romantic comedy he received a Golden Globe nomination. In skri nraita] ‘indi indi pendant] hit]

3° nra)

blDkbASta] deibju ]

forgatokönyviró független filmes siker műfaj kasszasiker bemutatkozás

His latest movies are Accidental Love, a romantic comedy about a waitress and a young senator and Southpaw, coming to theatres in the US in July. Starring Jake, Rachel McAdams and Naomi Harris, Southpaw is about a boxer (played by Gyllenhaal) who fights his way to the top while his life is falling apart around him. This year his fans can watch his performance in Everest, an account of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster and Demolition, a comedy drama with Naomi Watts. Gyllenhaal is a politically active act In an interview for his political drama Rendition, he remarked that “it ’s a sad time when actors are politicians and politicians are actors”. He is also socially and environmentally conscious, taking part in various projects and fundraisers. In his spare time he enjoys cooking and woodworking. He is the godfather of Matilda Ledger, daughter of the late Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams. His most significant personal relationships have been with actresses Kristen Dunst and Reese Witherspoon. He went to elementary school with Maroon 5 band members and is also a good friend of P Saarsgaard, his brother-in-law, and Matthew McConaughey. manne critical acclaim street cop obsessive freelance fundraiser

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“The truth is most of thefilms that make a lot o f money no one remembers, and I ’m not interested in making films that no one remembers. ”


SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY the new Emporio Armani is a modern reinterpretation of the original Vespa style. The metallic parts have been treated in order to convey a matt effect in line with the body finishings. The words ‘Emporio Armani’ appear on the side, while the iconic eagle logo of the brand sits above the headlight.

Vespa 946 by Giorgio Armani is here ... but don’t ask for the price!

The Vespa 946 Emporio Armani is about technology as well as style. Its aluminium cylinder blocks, brownleather finishes, luxury accessories, electronic riding controls (which also interface with the latest Internet devices) complement the innovative four-stroke electronic injection engine, whose enhanced fuel economy and minimal emissions make this two-wheeler the ideal choice for city riding. The 220 mm double disc brake, two-channel ABS braking system and large 12 inch wheels guarantee maximum safety on the road. The Vespa 946 Emporio Armani will be produced in an exclusive run of individually numbered scooters, and will be on sale in the world’s most important cities

The two iconic Italian symbols are celebrating big time! While the fashion guru celebrates 40 decades of excellence, Piaggio reaches their 130th anniversary. So, the Vespa 946 Giorgio Armani can be regarded as an exclusive anniversary g ift... but don’t ask for the price! Vespa 946 Emporio Armani was developed jo in tly by Giorgio Armani and Piaggio to celebrate two of Italy’s most established symbols of style and creativity. To mark the year 2015 - the 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and the 130th birthday of the Piaggio Group - Emporio Armani has designed a special version of the Vespa 946. In keeping w ith Armani’s signature subdued colour palette, the designer has come up w ith a special combination of greys with subtle hints of green visible only under particular light conditions for the project. The name ‘Vespa 946’ alludes to the year - 1946 - when this scooter, which has become iconic and famous around the world, was first made. The design of excellence to be regarded as to be developed by jointly to be established foundation in keeping with subdued to come up with subtle hint particular [pe.'ti.kju.le] light conditions


ek.se. lens] ta bi n. ga .did aez] te bi di. ve.lapt bai] djpint.li] ta bi i. stae.bli/t] faun. deif.n] in ki p.ii) wiö) seb. dju d] te kAm Ap wiő] SAt.lJ hint]

[Iáit kan. dif.n;)

kiválóság, kitűnőség valaminek tartva lenni valaki által fejlesztve lenni együttesen, közösen megalapítva lenni alapítás, létrehozás összhangban valamivel itt: szelíd előrukkolni valamivel finom, kényes célzás, utalás különös, kivételes fényviszonyok

to allude to reinterpretation to convey finishing headlight cylinder block to interface with device four-stroke injection engine enhanced individually numbered

[tu a. lú d tu ] ( ri:m..t3 pn. teif.n) [ta kan. vei] [ fi.nif.io] [ hed.lait] [ si.lin.de biok] [tu in.te.feis wiő] [di. vais] [fo strauk] [in. djek./n en.djin] [in. ho nst] [ 1n.d1. v1.d3 ue.liriAm.bad]

célozni valamire újraértelmezés szállítani, vinni, hordani kidolgozás, simítás első lámpa henger tömb érintkezni valamivel eszköz négyütemű injekciós motor javított, erősített egyénileg számozott

www.5percangol.hu I Szalai Nóra 2015

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level: intermediate and above

középhaladó szinttől


F UGU the most versatile luggage you have ever seen Despite today’s advanced technology there is one heavily used product that has not significantly progressed in decades: the suitcase. FUGU luggage is an innovative lifestyle product that adjusts to meet the needs of the modern traveller! FUGU luggage has been measured to com ply w ith the standard airline size limitations on baggage. The suitcase is thus designed to expand from the size of a maximum regulation sized carry-on size to the size of a maximum regulation sized check-in. FUGU luggage includes built-in shelves that can be attached or collapsed at any point. The shelves enable the suitcase to double as a storage unit, elim inating the need to unpack into a hotel closet and then later repack. The shelves have the added bonus of keeping belongings neat and tidy throughout significantly to adjust to to comply with thus to expand carry-on luggage check-in luggage built-in shelves to be attached to collapse to enable


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sig. m.fik.ant.li] tu a. d3 ASt tu ] ta kam. piai wiô] ÔAS] tu ik. spænd] kæ.ri on lA.gid3 ) t/ek in lA.gid3 ] bilt infelvz] ta bi a. tætft] ta ka. læps] tu i. neib.l]

jelentősen alkalmazkodni valamihez összhangban van valamivel i9Y kiterjeszteni, szétterülni kézipoggyász feladós poggyász beépített polcok valamihez hozzáillesztve leni összecsukódni, összecsuklani lehetővé tenni

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any journey. Whether FUGU luggage is collapsed or expanded, it is easy to open and comfortably add or remove belongings. The FUGU luggage’s height and width make it ideal for use as a portable table, which can be utilized fo r a variety of purposes, including but not limited to laptop stand, makeup dresser, and reading desk. FUGU luggage comes with a removable laptop case, which can double as a laptop stand. The custom-made laptop case fits both into and on FUGU luggage, and can be used to store your laptop and personal items. This case provides you with the option of either keeping your personal belongings with you at all times, or storing your items with your checked-in bag under the plane. The same pump that inflates the walls of FUGU luggage can also deflate vacuum bags, making the use of vacuum bags extremely convenient for travellers by eliminating the need to carry an external pump with which to deflate the vacuum bags. FUGU luggage does not weight significantly more than the average suitcase. Despite the addition of inflatable walls and an extra handle, the difference in the suitcase’s overall weight is only a few hundred grams. The FUGU luggage suitcase is made of plastic, which contributes to the fact that it is lighter than many standard suitcases! source: www.fuguluggage.com storage unit to eliminate belongings portable table to be utilized for purpose custom-made pump to inflate convenient to contribute to

sto .rid 3 ju .nit] tu i. Ii.mi.neit] bi. Ido.iqz ] po .tab.l teib.l] tab i ju ti.laizd fo ] p3 .pas] kA.stam meid] pAmp] tu in. fleit] kan. vi .niant] ta kan. tn.bju t tu ]

tároló egység kikerülni, kiküszöbölni tulajdon, holmi hordozható asztal valamire használva lenni cél egyénre szabott pumpa felfújni kényelmes, megfelelő hozzájárulni valamihez




Everest, the top of the world by Raymond McManus

Everest is a new film, which is due for release in Hungary on the 17th of September. The film is based on a book called Into Thin A ir: A Personal A c c o u n t o f the M t Everest Disaster, written by Jon Krakauer. The author was part of an expedition in 1996, that got caught up in a snow storm. During the storm eight people died and the rest of the climbing party were stranded on the mountain. The film also relies on other books and witness accounts of the ill-fated expedition.

The film is directed by Balthazar Kormakur, a forty nine year old Icelandic film director. He has worked in Hollywood in recent years on films like 2 Guns and Contraband but is not that well known outside of Iceland. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Jason Clarke, Keira Knightley, Emily Watson and John Hawkes in a recreation of the events that took place on the climb of Everest. It is set in 1996 when a number of com peting expeditions took part in a number of different climbs. The different teams were competing with each other until the storm struck and they had to fight for survival.

Everest is the highest mountain in the world. The air, as you get to the summit, is very thin , and many climbers need to take oxygen. The temperature can drop as low as minus forty, with winds blowing in excess of 20 mph or more. There are also many other hazards, as climbers ascend towards the top, such as avalanches and hidden crevices where a man can fall to his death or be severely injured. Even though more and more people are climbing the mountain, it still remains one of the most difficult climbs in the world. The most experienced climbers are the Sherpas, who are local people, specially conditioned to the harsh environment and are very experienced in guides up Mt Everest. In 1996 there were three teams attem pting the climb. One led by Scott Fischer another by Rob Hall, and the final one being led by the explorers club. Scott Fischer is played by Jake Gyllenhaal and Rob Hall is played by Jason Clarke, while Keira Knightley plays Jan Hall, Rob Hall’s wife. When a blizzard hit the climbers, Rob Hall died, but before his death he was able to contact his wife Jan in New Zealand. She was seven months pregnant at the time with their first child. She never saw her husband again. Before he died he was able to name his baby, too.


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The excellent cast includes Jake Gylenhaal, who is fast becoming one the most sought after actors in Hollywood. He is famous for the cult classic Donnie Darko as well as such excellent films as Nightcrawler, End o f Watch, Source Code and Zodiac. Josh Brolin is another actor who has appeared in films like True Grit, Milk and W where he played the part of W George Bush junior. Jason Clarke is an Australian actor who appeared in The Great Gatsby and in Zero Dark Thirty. Keira Knightley needs no introduction as she is one of the finest actresses working in Hollywood today.

Scott Fischer was an American climber, who led one of the other expeditions. He also died on the mountain. Fischer actually reached the summit, but fell ill just as the snow storm struck. He died on the descent, apparently he froze to death.

Everest promises to be an exciting and informative account of the disaster in 1996. Like Touching the Void and 28 Days Later it deals with the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. Everest is a beautiful mountain but it is also unforgiving. It has a dark side filled with danger and sometimes disaster.

Josh Brolin plays the part of Beck Weathers, one of the climbers who survived the snow storm. Beck suffered from snow blindness on the way up the ascent. When the storm struck, he and ten other climbers got lost in the storm for a number of hours. It was a miracle that Beck survived as he was not a professional climber. Eventually, a helicopter was able to rescue him. It was the highest helicopter rescue in history. Unfortunately, he suffered from fro stbite and had to have his right arm amputated. Also fingers from his left hand had to be removed as well as parts of his feet and his nose, which was eventually reconstructed. The film deals more or less with these dramatic events, using different sources in an attem pt to reconstruct what happened during that snow storm in May 1996. It is a film about bravery and hope, about the triumph of the will to overcome any situation. to be due for release to be stranded ill-fated recreation to take place competing survival summit hazard ascend avalanche crevice even thoug harsh environment experienced to attempt blizzard descend


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t a b id ju fa n . lis ] ta bi straen.did] il fei.tid] re.kri. eif.n] ta teik pleis] kam. pi t.irj] S0 . vaiv.l] SA.mit] hae.zad] a. send] ae.va.la ntj] kre.vis] i v.n, dau] ha j in. vaia.ran.mant] ik. spia.nanst] tu a. tempt] bli.zad] d i. send]

valami valamikor megjelenik zátonyra futni, megfenekleni rossz/szerencsétlen sorsú újra alkotás megrendezésre kerül, történik versenyző túlélés csúcs veszély, kockázat felmenetel, megmászás lavina hasadék annak ellenére, hogy kíméletlen környezet tapasztalt megkísérelni hóvihar leszállás, lejövetel

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apparently to freeze to death to survive to suffer from blindness frostbite in an attempt to reconstruct bravery triumph to overcome cast to include sought after to promise to adversity unforgiving

a. pae.rant.li]/ ta fri z ta de0] ta sa. vaiv] ta SA.fa from] blaind.nas] frDst.bait] in an a. tempt ta] ta ri k.an. strAkt] brei.va.ri] traiamf] tu auv.a kAm] ka st] tu in. klu d] s o t o f.ta j ta p ro .m is tu ] ad. v3 .sa.ti] An.fa. giv.in]

átszólag, valószínűleg halálra fagyni túlélni valamitől szenvedni vakság fagyás valamire való kísérlet (közben) újra alkotni, rekonstruálni bátorság győzelem felülkerekedni valamin szinészgárda. szereplők magába foglalni keresett, népszerű ígérni valamit szerencsétlenség könyörtelen, kérlelhetetlen



level: lower-intermediate and above


gyengeközépfok utáni szinttől




Women with major fashion issues turn to style guru Stacy London for help in turning their over-the-top looks from disaster to “ Damn, girl!” Stacy shows them the im pact their fashion choices are making on their day-to-day life and perception by asking random strangers to rate their style as Love, Lust, or Run. Each woman will have to strip off her hair extensions, wild clothes and outrageous makeup to start from scratch. Once they are a blank slate, Stacy will guide these issue over-the-top disaster to make an impact on perception outrageous scratch to be a blank slate


[ i./u:] auv.a da top] di.'za.sta] ta meik an rm.pækt on] pa. sep./n] aut. re1.d3as] skrætj] ta bi a blærjk sleit]

women through a transformative make-under, changing each woman’s look and, just maybe, her life! ... but, who is Stacy London? Stacy London in an American stylist, fashion consultant, author and magazine editor. She co-hosted the reality television program What Not to Wear on TLC that featured w ardrobe and appearance makeovers. She started he career as a fashion editor at Vogue and transitioned into being a stylist for celebrities and designers. London has styled for celebrities such as Kate Winslet and Liv Tyler, and on fashion shows for designers Rebecca Taylor, Ghost, and Vivienne Tam. She has worked on numerous advertising campaigns, too.

high-heeled shoes, owning over 300 pairs. In 2010, London was profiled by Time Out magazine in their article and photo series about the most stylish New Yorkers.

London is known for her love of

úgy extravagáns, nem normális katasztrófa hatással lenni valamire észlelés, felfogás, észrevétel gyötrő, mértéktelen, borzalmas kiindulóelyzet, startvonal tiszta lappal indulni

transformative make-under consultant wardrobe appearance makeover to transition into advertising campaign

traen.sfo .ma.tív] átalakító meik And. a] átalakítás (alacsonyabb szintre) kan. SAl.tant] tanácsadó wo .draub] ruhatár, ruhásszekrény a. pia.rans] megjelenés meik.auv.a] átalakítás (magasabb szintre) ta traen. zif.n in.te] átalakulás valamivé aed.va.taiz.ir) kaem. pem]reklámkampány

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könyvajánló EErre a hónapra is három, e havi témáinkhoz kapcsolódó kiadványt választottam nektek. Az első Agatha Christie önéletrajzi regénye, amely legalább annyira izgalmas és kalan­ dokkal teli, mint a krimijei. A második egy regénye, a magyarul Nyílt kártyákkal címen futó könyv, amely izgalmas kikapcsolódás és

nyelvgyakorlás lehet lusta, nyári estéken. A harmadik pedig egy hiánypótló nyelvkönyv, ennek célja a tematikus szókincsgyarapítás. A kötet tizenkilenc témakör szókincsét mutatja be tárgykörönként rendszerezve, segítve ezzel a rendszerezett tanulást!



Hasznos weboldalak A következő weboldalak amellett, hogy szórakoztató és hasznos információkat tartalmaznak, még a nyelvgyakorlásban is segítségedre lehetnek, hiszen minél többet olvasol angolul, annál gazdagabb lesz a szó­ kincsed, és magabiztosabb a szövegértésed.

Linguapress A g a th a Christie:

P e lc z K atalin-Szita Szilvia:

An Autobiography book + CD "

Egy szó mint száz M agyar-angol te ­ matikus szókincstár

Agatha Christie-t (1890-1976) az egész világ ismeri. Több mint száz regényt, elbeszélést, színda­ rabot és rádiójátékot írt. Könyveit milliár­ dos példányszámban olvassák a világ összes nyelvén - ő a világirodalom legolvasottabb szer­ zője. Az Életem (An Autobiography) 1977ben, az írónő halála után egy évvel jelent meg. Bepillantást nyújt elképesztően színes és fordulatokban gazdag magánéletébe a kisgyermekkortól a házasságokon és a há­ borúkon keresztül az alkotói mindennapokig, valamint a második férjjel, Max Mallowannel közösen folytatott extrém kalandtúrákig, azaz a régészeti expedíciókig. Kapható: Famulus Könyvesbolt Ára: 3662 Ft

A kötet tizenkilenc témakör szókincsét mutatja be tárgykö­ rönként rendszerez­ ve. A szókincs újfajta 1 feldolgozásának köszönhetően a mű bármelyik nyelvkönyv kiegészítéseként használható. A magyar angol szókincs átfogó és tematikus szókincstár. rendszeres bemuta| tását a hétköznapi nyelvhasználatot tük­ röző példamondatok, kulturális információk, valamint a tematikus egységek tipikus be­ szédhelyzetei gazdagítják. Ajánljuk kezdőtől a haladó szintig önálló tanuláshoz csakúgy, mint csoportban való feldolgozáshoz. Kapható: Famulus Könyvesbolt Ára: 2165 HUF

A g a th a C hristie:

5 p e r c A n g o l M a g a zin

Cards on the Table Mr. Shaitana külö­ nös ember, senki nem tudja róla, honnan származik. Legújabb estélyé­ re furcsa módon válogatja össze a vendégeket: vala­ milyen formában mindegyikük bűn­ tényekkel hozható kapcsolatba. A házigazda nem vesz részt a játék­ ban, csak üldögél a kandalló mellett. A játék befejeztével, a távozni készülő vendégek döbbenten veszik észre, hogy Shaitanát megölték, tört döftek a szívébe. A gyilkos a szobában kártyázó négy személy bármelyike lehet: indítéka mind­ egyiknek feltételezhető. A rendőrség és Poirot együttműködésével megkezdődik a pszicho­ lógiai nyomozás, ami természetesen meglepő eredményre vezet. Kapható: Libri Ára: 5938 HUF 2015

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http://linguapress.com Ezen az oldalon mind nyelvtanárok, mind nyelvtanulók számos ingyenes feladatot, játékot találnak. Ezen felül egy teljes ábé­ césorrendbe szedett angol nyelvű nyelv­ tani magyarázatgyűjtemény is található a website-on.



Digitális Kiadvány Tudtad, hogy az 5 Perc Angol Magazin már digitális formában is kapható? A www.dimag.hu digitális lapter­ jesztő oldalán a nyomtatott verziónál olcsóbban, digitális formában is megvásá­ rolhatod magazinunkat akár lapszámonként, de elő is fizethetsz rá negyedéves, féléves vagy éves verzióban is, így akár lpad-en, androidos készüléken vagy PC-n is olvasha­ tod kiadványunkat!

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'Time is money', thought the waiter, as he added ..












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Food C R O W —English in the Kitchen 78

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wvwv.5percangol.hu i Szalai Nóra 2015

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3-quiet places outdoors 4-devices 5-going for a walk/taking a walk/ getting some exercise 6-different study techniques 7-teach 8-break your work/break your material

NEWS OF THE WORLD - 8. oldal I.1-e, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d II.1 -b, 2-e, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d III.1 -b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-a IV. 1-patriotic, 2-reenactment, 3-arms dealer, 4-theme park, 5-gear V. 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-F

Felsőfok: 1-child asthma sufferers 2-€52billion of health costs 3-would be more lax 4-European Environment Bureau 5-catalytic converter 6- 6-12 year-olds 7-health effects alone 8-energy industry representatives

NYELVTAN - 54-55. oldal I. 1-have been waiting 2- have you seen 3-has broken 4-have been baking 5-hasn’t written 6- has been II. 1-for 2-for 3-for 4-since 5-since when 6-since III. 1-have been cleaning 2-have been listening 3-since half past three 4-for two weeks 5-have cleaned 6-have just listened IV. 1-A: have you been 1-B: have been working; 2-A: have you bought 2-B: have been living; 3-A: have you seen 3-B: have been travelling; 4-A: have never been 4-B: have; 5-A: have you been working 5-B: have started; 6-A: haven’t been 6-B: have finished V. 1-never 2-in the last few hours (or: so far) 3-so far (or: recently) 4-already 5-ever 6-recently VI. 1-have you been exercising 2-has Rita not been practicing 3-have you been doing 4-has Maria been feeling 5-has Pete visited 6-has your daughter been watching ALL ABOUT - 58. oldal I. 1-d, 2-f, 3-a, 4-e, 5-b, 6-c, 7-h, 8-i, 9-g II. 1. a scorching hot summer, 2. changeable humid weather, 3. a long tiring journey, 4. a refreshing cold drink, 5. pleasant cheap accommodation, 6. warm sunshine, 7. a luxurious hotel room, 8. to climb wonderful mountains, 9. a varied itinerary, 10. a disastrous awful package tour FELELETVÁLASZTÓS NYELVTANI TESZT - 60. oldal 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c, 5-d, 6-a, 7-c, 8-a, 9-c, 10-a, 11-c, 12-d, 13-b, 14c, 15-d, 16-a, 17-b, 18-d, 19-c, 20-a IDIOMS-63. oldal I. 1-to find my sea legs 2-between the devil and the deep blue sea 3-rock the boat 4-a spit/drop in the ocean 5-the coast was clear 6-a whale of a time II. 1-e 2-a 3-b 4-f 5-c 6-d HALLÁS UTÁNI ÉRTÉS - 64. oldal Alapfok: 1-c 2-c 3-a, 4-d 5-c 6-b Number one. Number one. (6 seconds) Do you know where the closest Chinese restaurant is? Yes, it’s down the road. Number two. Number two. (6 seconds) I have a headache. Do you need an aspirin? Number three. Number three. (6 seconds) I am going to visit my brother this evening. Tell him I said hi. Number four. Number four. (6 seconds) Who is the new teacher? His name is Mr Patterson. Number five. Number five.(6 seconds) Would you like to go to the show with me? Yes, I’d love to. Number six. Number six. (6 seconds) Susan was so mean to me today. Oh, I’m sorry to hear. Középfok: 1-(reasonable) study schedule 2-attention span/ability to concentrate


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ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGÁK - 67. oldal Alapfok: 1-E: It is the largest country of the continent. 2-A: Brazil is filled with some of the greatest natural treasures on Earth. 3-H: Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in South America. 4-C: The north-eastern coast is flat and dry; the central part of the Brazilian Highlands is mostly grassland. 5-G: Because of the tall trees, very little sunlight reaches the ground. 6-B: Brazil’s population is a mix of several different ethnic groups. Középfok: 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d, 6-c 1. The use of emoji symbols c) is adopted in online communication faster than any other language. 2. According to a British survey 4 in 10 people d) claim to have sent messages made up entirely of the emoji language. 3. Half the people over their 40s a) are confused by what emojis mean 4. 31 per cent of people who are afraid to use emoji b) are over 40s. 5. Emojis are fast becoming the most popular way d) to quickly express how people are feeling. 6. Emoji usage is expected to c) increase exponentially across all age and cultural groups. Felsőfok: True: A, B, D, G, J A VirScan is a DNA-based blood test that can determine a person’s viral history. B The new test has the potential to reveal viruses people have encountered recently or many years earlier. C The immune system does not continue to produce antibodies long after an infection. D Instead of checking on single virus, the new test detects earlier infections. E People in the United States, South Carolina, Thailand and Peru were tested in the first round. F Contrary to the belief that the average person has been exposed to 10 of the 206 different species of known viruses the test proved that it’s closer to 20. G Certain viruses are proved to be far more common in adults than in children H The VirScan test values above $25 and it will be sold for more. I It takes two or three days to process and sequence about 100 samples, and that speed is highly unlikely to increase. J The test is a milestone, as there are a lot of chronic diseases where a virus might be involved.














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