5 Basic Operations Performed by Computer System

August 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Basic Computer Organization Basic operations of a computer

1.  Inputting- The process of entering the data and instruction in the computer system. 2.  Processing- Performing arithmetic operations or logical on data to convert c onvert them into useful information 3.  Outputting- The process of producing the useful information or result for the user such as a printed report or visual display 4.  Storing- Storing data and instruction to make them readily available for initial or  additional processing whenever required. 5.  Controlling- Directing the manner or sequence in which all of the above operation are  performed. Basic computer of organization system

Input unit:

Input unit links the external environment with the computer compu ter system. Data and instruction must be entered to the computer co mputer before performing any competition. Data or instructions can be be entered through input devices


eg. Key board, or any other input devices. Input unit transferred this data into binary coded in short input unit performs the following function: -It accepts data or instructions from external world. -It converts these instructions and data in computer acceptable acc eptable form. -It supplies the converted instruction & data to the computer for further processing. Output unit:

The job of output unit it is just the viewers of that any input unit it provides information reasons of computation to the output of the world. Output unit links the computer with the external world. A computer prepares results in binary code. Output unit converts these results into human acceptable forms. In short perform the following functions. -It accepts the result produced by the computer. compute r. -It converts these coded results to human acceptable accept able form. -It supplies the converted to the outside world. Storage unit:

Before actual processing start, data & instructions entered to the computer must be stored inside the computer. Similarly, results produced by the computer are required to be stored before  being passed to the output unit. The intermedial result produced by the computer must also be stored for further processing. In short the function of storage unit: -It stores all the data to be process. -It stores intermedial results. -It stores final result are realize an output device. Types of storage used in a computer system Primary Computer Storage Devices

Primary storage refers to the computer's memory, which connects directly to the computer's CPU. The computer's memory evolved into what is now known as random access memory (RAM) which is a volatile form of storage. Volatile storage means that you totally lose data when you switch the system off. Secondary Computer Storage Devices


These storage devices are external in nature and non-volatile as compared to primary storage devices. Secondary storage devices do not lose data even when they are turned off. Hence, they are the ideal back-up and data storage devices. Tertiary Computer Storage Devices

This type of computer storage device is not as popular as the other two storage devi device ce types. Its main use is for storing data at a very large-scale. This includes optical jukeboxes aand nd tape libraries. Tertiary storage devices require a database to organize or ganize the data that are stored in them, and the computer needs to go through the database to access those data. Offline Storage

Offline or disconnected storage is not directly connected to the computer and is used as a transfer medium only. Offline storage devices are remotely located and accessed as per need only. This storage device also needs human intervention to be read properly b by y the main computer system. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

ALU is the place where actual execution ex ecution of the instructions takes places during the  processing operations. All calculations & comparisons are made in the ALU. The data and instructions stored in the primary storage are transferred as where required. Intermedial results are also transferred back to the ALU for the final processing. After completion of processing the final results are send to storage units from ALU.  Number of arithmetic & logical operation that a computer can perform is determined by the design to perform the four basic arithmetic operations. They The y are +,-,*,/. The logic operations like . Control unit (CU):

ALU does not know what should be done with the data likewise; output unit does not know when the result should be displayed. By selecting, interning and seeing to the execution of  the program the CU is able to maintain order and direct the operations of th thee entire system CU doesn’t perform any actual processing on data yet it is known as a central ner vous vous system for the comforts of the computer. It manages co-ordinates the entire system.


  Central Processing Unit

CPU or Central Processing Unit is the heart and brains b rains of every computer. Many of us do not know what importance it has on the whole performance of a computer.

4 primary functions of a CPU Fetch

All the instructions are stored in memory. Each instruction has is address. The processor  takes this address number from the program counter. Program Pro gram counter is responsible for tracking what instructions CPU should execute next. So fetching basically means taking the instruction from the memory. Decode

CPU understands instructions, that are written in Assembly programming language. All the programs, that must be executed, are translated to Assembly instructions. Different CPUs understand different instructions, so Assembly code must be decoded into binary instructions which are understandable to your CPU. This step is called decoding. Execute

During the procedure of instruction execution, tree things can be done. Firstly, CPU can do some calculations. To execute calculations ALU is used. Secondly, CPU can move data from


one memory location to another. And An d thirdly, CPU can jump to different address if it is needed. So basically, one of those three options is executed during this step.


CPU must give some feedback after executing the instruction. The output data is written to the memory. In this phase program counter cou nter is incremented Computer as a system

A system is interconnected computers that share a central storage system s ystem and various  peripheral devices such as a printers, scanners, or routers. Each computer connected to the system can operate independently, but has h as the ability to communicate with other ex external ternal devices and computers. A system has following three th ree characteristics: 1.

A system has more than one element.


All elements of a system are logically related.


All elements of a system are controlled in a manner to achieve the system goal,

A computer is a system as it comprises of integrated components (input unit, output unit, storage unit, and CPU) that work together to perform p erform the steps called for in the executing  program.

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