Tricep overhead extensions 5 x 12 Bicep Concentration Curls 5 x 12 Ball slams with tight knee 5 x 12 PVC Pipe Stretching + 30 Burpees 80 70 100 90 115 100 130 110 Tricep kickbacks 5 x 12 Bicep Hammer Curls 5 x 12 Situps with slam ball presses 5 x 12 PVC Pipe Stretching 40 35 55 45 70 60 80 70 Dips 5 x Chins 5 x V-ups 5 x
+ 30 Burpees
12 12 12
Cycle 1 Monday
Overhead Squat 75
Power Clean 140
Front Squat 175
Power Snatch 100
etching + 30 Burpees 35 45 50 55
kickbacks 5 x 12 Curls 5 x 12 ussian Twists 5 x 12
etching + 30 Burpees 35 45 55 60
1K Row + 1min Max Single Unders 65 80 80 100 95 120 105 135 Good Mornings 5 x 12 DB Rows 5 x 12 Plank 5 x 30 seconds 1K Row + 1min Max Single Unders 70 85 90 110 100 125 115
ead extensions 5 x 12 tration Curls 5 x 12 ith tight knee 5 x 12
Good Mornings 5 x 12 Barbell Rows 5 x 12 Abmat Situps 5 x 12
etching + 30 Burpees 40 50 55 65
1K Row + 1min Max Single Unders 75 95 95 120 105 135 120 150
kickbacks 5 x 12 mmer Curls 5 x 12 am ball presses 5 x 12
etching + 30 Burpees 20 25 35 40 ips 5 x 12 ins 5 x 12 ups 5 x 12
Good Mornings 5 x 12 KB Swings 5 x 12 Abroll 5 x 12 1K Row + 1min Max Single Unders 40 45 50 65 65 80 75 95 Good Mornings 5 x 12 KB Snatch 5 x 12 DB Side Bends
50 Wallballs @ 14 45 60 70 75
DB Military Press Seat Reverse Hypers 5 Hollow body hold 5 x 3
50 Wallballs @ 14 50 65 70 80
DB Front,Side,Lat Rais Reverse Hypers 5 Toe to Bar 5 x
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