5 1 9 Ashlesha New-Nakshatra-based-predictions

May 8, 2017 | Author: shunmugathason | Category: N/A
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Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 1 Ashlesha Nakshatra Range: 16°40 Cancer -30°00 Cancer. Ruling planet: Mercury Deity: Naga god, the serpent king. Symbol: Coiled serpent Gana (nature): Rakshasa (demon). Animal symbol: male cat. Sounds: Dee, doo, day, do. Primary motivation: dharma right activity. Ashlesha Nakshatra is the mystical ninth Nakshatra it falls in the sign of Cancer, domain of planet Moon and ruled by planet Mercury. It consists of six stars in the constellation of hydra, the female serpent. Ashlesha Nakshatra is called the entwine. It is called the "clinging star" with desire ‘’to embrace’’ or ‘’entangle’’ the object upon which it is focused. This lunar mention is symbolized by a coiled snake and its deity is ahi, the naga or serpent of wisdom. Ashlesha present the kundalini or serpent fire which is located at the base of spine. When activated this energy can bring mystical power. Ashlesha people may have snake eyes. These people are philosophical, thoughtful independent, penetrating, and have intelligent mind. These people have some magnetic attraction within them. They can be sensual and seductive in nature. The shadow side of this Nakshatra is they are emotionally turbulent, worry, fear, melancholy and mental instability. They may have anger and hot temper, sensitive mind and nervous system. They have eating disorder problem, not able to make discipline in food habits. Ashlesha people cannot tolerate any personal humiliation. Ashlesha is the battleground between emotions and intellect……………A tight embrace brings difficult lessons. These people learn to cultivate a sense of gratitude and courage to face reality of life. As Ashlesha falls in the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon it can give deep emotions that when observed in meditation can bring great insight and devotion to a higher path………..Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 1: falls in Sagittarius namasa, ruled by Jupiter, it relate to most hard work in life, dealing with enemy and disease side of the Nakshatra……….Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 2: falls in Capricorn namasa, ruled by Saturn, it relate to ambitious side and dealing with people, tricky and deceit in nature side of the Nakshatra……….Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 3: falls in Aquarius namasa, ruled by Saturn, it relate to occult side, involve in scheming and plotting, secrecy side of Nakshatra………..Ashlesha Nakshatra pada 4: falls in Pisces namasa, ruled by Jupiter, it relate to all kind of illusion, in this pada the person most likely tricked by others. They hardly show their true nature………..Ashlesha on the ascendant: sensual, capable of much exertion, and service oriented. Manipulative and deceptive in nature……….Sun in Ashlesha: stubborn, business oriented, and have good communication skill……….Moon in Ashlesha: mystical nature,

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 2 astrological knowledge, intuitive and need to watch diet………….Mars in Ashlesha: Mars is debilitated in Ashlesha. Aggressive, quick thinker and argumentative in nature…………Mercury in Ashlesha: Manipulative, calculative and shrewd businessman………….Jupiter in Ashlesha: Intelligent, good in academics, full of wisdom, and communicative…………… Venus in Ashlesha: Venus may become entangled and enmeshed in unhealthy relationships, because Moon is emotional and devotional. It expresses unconditional and selfless love like mother. Venus is romantic and conditional love. When Venus comes under the Moon's influence it may become more emotional and unable to maintain good boundaries which require in healthy relationship………..Saturn in Ashlesha: emotions thoughts, communication, are disciplined, organized, and structured………….Rahu in Ashlesha: clever, scientific, and mind is filled with lots of ideas………Ketu in Ashlesha give good result when aspected by Jupiter. The person is highly spiritual in nature

9 Ashlesha is 16°40 - 30° Cancer, ruled by Mercury ‘the embracer" SUN: If Sun in this Nakshatra is aspected by Moon, the native will be doing other's job, will lose his strength or courage through his relatives and will experience physical distress; if Mars aspects, the native will hate his relatives and cause much trouble to others and suffers from watery diseases; if Mercury aspects, he is learned and become famous in the educational field and enjoys benefits from the rulers; if Jupiter aspects, the native is respected in his family circle, always dependent on the government for his wealth; if Venus aspects, the native gets wealth, cloth and other things through the association of ladies but is always in a sorrowful state; if Saturn aspects, the native may suffer from jaundice, paralysis and poor. K.T.S 1st Pada: SUN:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o If the ascendant falls in Anuradha or Jyeshtha Nakshatra and the Sun in this segment, the native travels from one end of the country to another end. He may become a saint, visits holy places,looks after the poor, but not his family. Diseases of the feet and ankles. K.T.S 2nd Pada: SUN:: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ Sun in this segment and ascendant in Jyeshtha Nakshatra, the native loses his father early. His wife will put hindrance to his progress. K.T.S 3rd Pada: SUN:: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ Sun in this segment and ascendant in Abhijit or Uttara-Ashadha, the native will be blessed with a loving wife, but she will suffer from billious diseases. K.T.S 4th Pada: SUN: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 3 The native cannot enjoy any happiness from the children. But one of his brothers will be famous and the native enjoys or derives much benefit from that brother. If ascendant also falls in this quarter, will cause dryness or defective spots or stars in the eyes. K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………….

MOON: If Moon in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, the native is involved in the construction of buildings, others cannot have any help from the native, employed in a low capacity in the government; if Mars aspects, he is cruel and a black spot in his family, causes danger to mother; if Mercury aspects, the native is endowed with wealth, wife, children and name, may be employed in a good position in the defence or police department; if Jupiter aspects, well-behaved, good in discussion, enjoys a happy life; if Venus aspects, the native is endowed with ·all comforts of his life but suffers from venereal disease or watery disease; if Saturn aspects, he is a lier, does activities against his own mother, much travelling and poor. K.T.S 1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o He is rich, kind and intelligent. Earns through conveyances. He is respected by large communities. K.T.S ……………People with Ashlesha nakshtra pada 1 are very different from the above description yet the same. They are very caring and emotional people who build their huge wealth by giving more wealth to others and opening up charities around the world, however they are same as above description because they also use people in the process of building their wealth, however by giving money to charity balances out their karma. They often make quite good business men medicinal and pharmaceutical companies.KRS …………Well-known, charitable, of broad chest, long arms, good money, happy and wise Ruled by: Jupiter Soul Sound: Dee Keyword: Industrious salagram. …………………It makes the native work hard to achieve his/her career objectives. They know the art of handling their enemies tactfully and always prove themselves superior in comparison to their colleagues and seniors. They can be recognized by their fair complexion, big body, big teeth and good features. kuberastrology 2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ His death maybe due to diseases connected with neck, glandular T .B. or cancer. If Mars, Saturn or Rahu is conjoined here with Moon and ascendant falls in Catabhishaj 2nd quarter, the native suffers from epilepsy. K.T.S ………………………Pada 2 of Ashlesha people are the ones who become the true nature of this nakshatra which is cunning, clever, harsh tongue and harsh speech and only giving or showing emotions to the one that will benefit them the most in future. They only invest their feelings where they feel they will be able to tap on it as a resource in the future, like a mother adopting a specific baby because the baby may have a trust fund. Although

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 4 this is not the case most of the time since aspect and conjunction of moon also alter this behavior, but there is a lot of buildup of emotions.KRS; …………….Ugly, dirty, uncharitable, foolish, sickly and unmotivated. Ruled by: Saturn Soul Sound: Doo Keyword: Ambitious Ruled by: Saturn Soul Sound: Doo Keyword: Ambitious salagram …………..The negative traits of the Nakshatra are seen here. Natives born in this pada will be highly shrewd and will not hesitate to pull down anybody to achieve their end objectives. This is the most difficult Nakshatra pada to handle and people born in this pada cannot be trusted. They can be recognized by their boiled egg like body, protruded veins and Crow like appearance. They mostly do not have their own house; even if they have one, you will see them living in a rental flat. kuberastrology 3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ Causes of death by breaking born due to accidents or due to phlegam. He is quite troubled by his relatives. He will have a diseased sex organ. K.T.S ……………..Pada 3 people usually suffer some illness related to Mercury, like nervous system, lungs and speech, and since Moon and Mind both represent our mind and intelligence; this may also affect them by being prone to depression. However, this nakshatra is also very good in detecting their own illness or illnesses of others, which makes them very good doctors and nurses. People born under pada 2 of this nakshatra are become wealth after the age of 26, that too in medicine or hospitality business.KRS ………..A fat bent or crooked body with much anger and lethargy. Clever in work, of scientific knowledge, opposed to the saints. Ruled by: Saturn Soul Sound: Day Keyword: Secretive salagram ……………People born in this pada can be trusted but overall nature will remain same as above. One can easily recognize natives of this pada as they have inverted V shape head and flat nose. They will normally walk very slowly and give lazy appearance. They will generally be suffering from skin disease. kuberastrology 4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o The native earns enormous wealth by doing illegal activities including misappropriating others money, sinful, doing hard work in foreign countries. He may lose his limbs by cuts or dropsy. K.T.S ………………… People born under the nakshatra of Ashlesha pada 4 are very lucky in life. They get lot of wealth and happiness by their mothers and father and parents usually become a source of wealth. These folks do very well in real estate business, hotel or motel owners and they are also gifted in the art of writing. Education is also a very big part of their upbringing since this is right on the border of Cancer and Leo sign, but most think this is a Gundmool nakashaktra, which is nonsense, this pada only becomes bad if the planet itself is positioned in the bad house.KRS; ……………Passionate, attached to lose sex, frequently sickly, having few children. Ruled by: Jupiter Soul Sound: Doh Keyword: Illusive salagram ………….This is the pada where Ashlesha natives are themselves victim instead of victimizing

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 5 others. They have to work hard to maintain any relationship in life. If this pada is afflicted, it gives serious psychological problems. They generally have fat body, broad chest, fair complexion, long lips and fish like eyes. kuberastrology ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..

MARS: If Mars in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, the native is very courageous, suffers from jaundice and is the head of some educational institution; if Moon aspects, he is always sick, suffers great loss of wealth and always engaged in the thought of such loss; if Mercury aspects, he is discarded by his family, has only limited liability of relatives, does menial job and narrow minded; if Jupiter aspects, the native will attain a very high position in the political field, well- behaved and famous; if Venus aspects, even a native born in a wealthy family suffers maximum poverty due to loss of wealth and confronts frequent obstruction in life; if Saturn aspects, the native has much landed properties and gets benefits from the government or the ruling class. K.T.S 1st Pada: MARS:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o If this quarter is the ascendant also, with Moon and Mars, the native will be injured by steel or iron instruments and also suffers from head or eye diseases. Mars and Rahu in this quarter leads to frequent friction between the couple..K.T.S 2nd Pada: MARS:: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ When Rahu also joins, the native develops intimacy with his servants. The native has to face disgrace out of such intimacy. Moderate wealth. Suicidal tendency is noticed. Sun in this segment and ascendant in Jyeshtha Nakshatra, the native loses his father early. His wife will put hindrance to his progress. K.T.S 3rd Pada: MARS 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ A frustrated disposition. There is no marital harmony. The native becomes cruel and suffers from eye trouble. In some cases, male natives have killed then wives and faced imprisonment. K.T.S 4th Pada: SUN: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o The native has sickly but long living wife or husband as the case may be. If Saturn is also placed here, male native cannot have sexual satisfaction from his wife and he ultimately seeks the company of other women. K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………….

MERCURY: If Mercury in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, the native suffers much grief through his wife, a spendthrift and has a lean body, if Moon aspects, the native may be a cloth merchant or a cloth maker or a building constructor; if Mars aspects, he is highly learned in sastras and greedy for wealth, cruel and may be engaged in the manufacture of iron

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 6 articles or weapons; if Jupiter aspects, highly intelligent, has the power to recognise good and bad, sweet speech and wealthy, if Venus aspects, a talketive, attractive personality interested in music and dance; if Saturn aspects, invites hatred and eternity from the persons he deals with, lives away from his family. K.T.S 1st Pada: MERCURY: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o His actions are systematic and intelligent. Have two children. His both lungs may be affected (water or hole in the lungs)... K.T.S 2nd Pada: MERCURY:: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ The native may be a correspondent or a travelling agent or may deal in silk or yam or clothe. Suffers from gas forming in the stomach, defective lungs and stomach or hysteria. K.T.S 3rd Pada: MERCURY 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ He is addicted to intoxicating agents. Suffers from gas problem, dropsy. However, enjoys a reasonable position in the work field. Frequent travels. Disharmony between the couples till his 40th years of age. Thereafter position improves. K.T.S 4th Pada: MERCURY 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o He may get his education in the scientific field, and may become a chemical engineer or deals in agricultural products including fertilizers. Suffers from Asthma, pneumonia and piles.. K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………..

JUPITER: If Jupiter in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, the native is a highly placed politician or a head of a government department; if Moon aspects, the native will cause danger to his family and enjoy much wealth received out of such destruction; if Mars aspects, the native is endowed with wealth, wife and good children, gets injury in several parts of his body; if Mercury aspects, the native inherits great wealth from his relations, may attain a very high political position; if Venus aspects, several females will be after him and gets maximum enjoyment in such company and he also earns out of such: contact, if Saturn aspects, the native may be a commander-in-chief of the defense or police organization and enjoys power, wealth and health. K.T.S 1st Pada: JUPITER:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o Has ample wealth, good wife and children, enjoys his life. However, if Venus is in debilitation position, the native will lose his frrst wife and does second marriage and will have two daughters. K.T.S 2nd Pada: JUPITER:: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ He will be a scholar, charitable and endowed with truth and penance. Will have duty bound and long living children. Honoured by all. If Mars aspects, the native is one among a thousand scholar. K.T.S 3rd Pada: JUPITER:23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ The wife of the native brings enormous wealth from her parents. If this

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 7 quarter also becomes the ascendant, the native has a legacy of wealth, health and happiness due to merits of his past birth and his soul may not be reborn. He will establish a separate doctrine of life.. K.T.S 4th Pada: JUPITER:: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o He will be employed in government. He will attain a high position, will be happy, and will have houses and conveyances. However, if his Venus is in debilitation, he may lose his first wife and marry a second time and will have two daughters out of such marriage. K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………

SATURN: If Saturn in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, deprived of comforts from wife, good food and causes mental tension to ty.s mother; if Moon aspects, the native is responsible for the sorrows of his family; if Mars aspects, the native is very weak in his constitution, gets wealth from the ruler or government; if Mercury aspects, indulges in cruel talking, interested in unnecessary travellig and arrogant; if Jupiter aspects, earns out of agriculture, have good wife and children and accumulates good amount of wealth; if Venus aspects, has attractive features, enjoys power and earns wealth from the business connected with water or watery products. K.T.S 1st Pada: SATURN:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o Authorities say that Saturn in this segment indicates that the native will be motherless and childless. But in my opinion, while the mother of the native will be very much alive, but the native is unable to get the care and affection that was required and expected of a mother, mainly due to the fact that the mother of the native may be employed in a responsible job and she is so busy with the work that she is not in a position to give sufficient attention to her children. Hence the native more or less leads a motherless life. Truly speaking it is 'blessing in disguise'; as Saturn in this segment indicates a motherless life for the native and if the mother of such native is not busy with work, her death is certain.. K.T.S 2nd Pada: SATURN::: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ The native is highly qualified. Travels to foreign countries. Engage in scientific job. May be associated with scientific or chemical industries. Constitution is weak K.T.S 3rd Pada: SATURN: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ A doubting character. Arrogance for nothing. Suffers from cuts or wounds. However, he will learn wealth through unfair means. Brokerage. If Saturn and Mars conjunct in this quarter in the case of a female native, the native will be abandoned by her father. In some cases, it has also been seen that both mother and the child are discarded by the father and lives in a poor condition without any source for living... K.T.S 4th Pada: SATURN:: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o Destroys father's property. Does not have cordial relation with his father.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 8 His mother will be facing torture from his father who is a drunkard. Good aspect will reduce the evil propensities . K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..

SATURN: If Saturn in this Nakshatra is aspected by the Sun, deprived of comforts from wife, good food and causes mental tension to mother; if Moon aspects, the native is responsible for the sorrows of his family; if Mars aspects, the native is very weak in his constitution, gets wealth from the ruler or government; if Mercury aspects, indulges in cruel talking, interested in unnecessary travellig and arrogant; if Jupiter aspects, earns out of agriculture, have good wife and children and accumulates good amount of wealth; if Venus aspects, has attractive features, enjoys power and earns wealth from the business connected with water or watery products. K.T.S 1st Pada: SATURN:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o Authorities say that Saturn in this segment indicates that the native will be motherless and childless. But in my opinion, while the mother of the native will be very much alive, but the native is unable to get the care and affection that was required and expected of a mother, mainly due to the fact that the mother of the native may be employed in a responsible job and she is so busy with the work that she is not in a position to give sufficient attention to her children. Hence the native more or less leads a motherless life. Truly speaking it is 'blessing in disguise'; as Saturn in this segment indicates a motherless life for the native and if the mother of such native is not busy with work, her death is certain.. K.T.S 2nd Pada: SATURN::: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ The native is highly qualified. Travels to foreign countries. Engage in scientific job. May be associated with scientific or chemical industries. Constitution is weak. K.T.S 3rd Pada: SATURN: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ A doubting character. Arrogance for nothing. Suffers from cuts or wounds. However, he will learn wealth through unfair means. Brokerage. If Saturn and Mars conjunct in this quarter in the case of a female native, the native will be abandoned by her father. In some cases, it has also been seen that both mother and the child are discarded by the father and lives in a poor condition without any source for living... K.T.S 4th Pada: SATURN:: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o Destroys father's property. Does not have cordial relation with his father. His mother will be facing torture from his father who is a drunkard. Good aspect will reduce the evil propensities . K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. RAHU:

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 9 1st Pada: RAHU: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o If this quarter also happens to be the ascendant, the native will be protected from all evils. He enjoys good longivity. K.T.S 2nd Pada: RAHU:: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer 1100 to 1130 20’ If Moon, Mars and Saturn jointly occupy this quarter and ascendant also falls in this quarter the child lives for 7 years only. K.T.S 3rd Pada: RAHU: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ The native may be a doctor or dealing with medicines. He is emotional and so faces tense moments. His professional success comes after his 40th years of age. He may also earn out of agricultural products. K.T.S

4th Pada: RAHU: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer 116O 40’ to 120o He faces lot of obstruction and opposition from his family members. Ultimately he is discarded and leads a separated life. Even his wife may leave him.. K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… KETU:

1st Pada: SATURN:: 16° 40' to 20° 00' Cancer 1060 40’ to 110o Female native may undertake the profession of a nurse. But if Jupiter is placed in Cravana, she becomes a doctor or a chemist. Male native may join defence department. K.T.S 2nd Pada: SATURN::: 20° 00' to 23° 20' Cancer degree of Orbit 1100 to 1130 20’ He is very courageous. Performs religious rites. Reason for most of his miseries is his own father. The native and his mother may be neglected by him. However, he will rise from the ground and provide shelter and comfort to his mother. K.T.S 3rd Pada: SATURN: 23° 20' to 26° 40' Cancer degree of Orbit 1130 20’ to 116O 40’ Reasonably a good position. He gets knowledge in various branches of science. Travels extensively. Accumulates wealth.. K.T.S 4th Pada: SATURN:: 26° 40' to 30° 00' Cancer degree of Orbit 116O 40’ to 120o The native will have several friends, who will not cause any problem to him. Whereas, the native rises to the bight through them. He may take up some business and earn good profit, preferably connected with land and building. Those born in Aclesha Nakshatra should not have any dealings with those born in Purva-Phalguni, Hasta, Svati, Catabhishaj and PurvaBhadrapada Nakshatras. The dasa lord of Aclesha Nakshatra is Mercury, followed by Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars in the respective order... K.T.S ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Results due to placement of some planets in certain degrees of Aclesha Nakshatra :

Ashlesha Nakshatra Pada Based Prediction 10 There are some deadly or fateful degrees in Aclesha Nakshatra for some planets. The following are such degrees for various planets;

   

Mars 620 degree of Aclesha (113O degree of Orbit) Jupiter – 100 20 degree of Aclesha (117O degree of Orbit) Venus – 0O20’ degree of Aclesha (107O degree of Orbit) Moon – 5O20’ degree of Aclesha (112O degree of Orbit)

It would be seen from the above that birth taking place in the above mentioned planetary configuration, curtails the longevity of the native unless a strong Saturn, even though a malefic by nature aspects the above planets. No auspicious work should be undertaken when these planets transit the deadly degrees. The native should be careful whenever these planets transit the respective deadly degrees of the zodiac.

Remedial measures: 1) Panna (Emerald) of 7 Rattis may be got fixed in the ring made of gold and worn in the second (Saturn) finger on Wednesday between 3 hours from sunrise. 2) Aclesha born should always worship the serpents and should in no case harm any snakes or serpents. They must offer milk and egg to the snakes. 3) Recite 'OM NAMO SHIV A YA' daily before commencement of any auspicious work and also before commencement of journey. 4) Recitation of mantra no36 is compulsory to ward off all the evils which he may confronts in his daily life.

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