Language is vital to our life" )n my research ) focus on the very small *art of language: Homonyms" Ho+ever it accounts for a very im*ortant *osition As an English learner ) am myself tra**ed in mista,es related to this to*ic" ) ho*e that it-s a useful and necessary su$.ect to do research ma,e my readers clear a$out all the similarities and differences of English and Vietnamese consonants so that they can avoid ma,ing mista,es in their com*arisons $et+een Vietnamese and English"
)n linguistics a homonym is in the strict sense one of a grou* of +ords that share the same s*elling and the same *ronunciation $ut have different meanings a *air sometimes a tri*let The term is derived from /ree, 0homonymous” 1homos 2 0the same3 and onoma 2 0name34 and thus e5*resses very +ell the sameness of name com$ined +ith the difference in meaning Accordingly !rofessor A")" 6mirnits,y classifieds homonyms into t+o large classes: a4 full homonyms $4 *artial homonyms
Full homonyms 7ull le5ical homonyms are +ords +hich re*resent the same category of *arts of s*eech and have the same *aradigm" Match n - a game a contest Match n 2 a short *iece of +ood used for *roducing fire Wren n 2 a mem$er of the 8omen9s Royal Naval 6ervice Wren n 2 a $ird
Partial homonyms !artial homonyms are su$divided into three su$grou*s: A" 6im*le le5ico2grammatical *artial homonyms are +ords +hich $elong to the same category of *arts of s*eech" Their *aradigms have only one identical form $ut it is never the same form as +ill $e soon from the e5am*les: (to) found v found v 1*ast indef" *ast *art" of to find 4 (to) lay v lay v 1*ast indef" of to lie4 1to) bound v
bound v 1*ast indef" *ast *art" of to bind 4 " Com*le5 le5ico2grammatical *artial homonyms are +ords of different categories of *arts of s*eech +hich have identical form in their *aradigms" Rose n Rose v 1*ast indef" of to ri se4 Maid n Made v 1*ast indef" *ast *art" of to make4 Left adj Left v 1*ast indef" *ast *art" of to leave4 Bean n Been v 1*ast *art" of to be4 One num Won v 1*ast indef" *ast *art" of to in4 C" !artial le5ical homonyms are +ords of the same category of *arts of s*eech +hich are identical only in their corres*onding forms" to lie (lay! lain) v to lie (lied! lied) v to han" (hun"! hun") v to han" (han"ed! han"ed) v to can (canned! canned) (#) can (could)
bo ; a long +ooden stic, +ith horse hair that is used to *lay certain string instruments such as the violin bo ; to $end for+ard at the +aist in res*ect 1e"g"
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