ABRSM Exams Pupil Book Grades 6 - 8 We ask for a £1 donation toards toards t!e "ost of printin# t!is $ooklet% so e "an keep pro&idin# t!em' (!ank )ou
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AURAL TESTS (ABRSM) Aural tests account for 18 out of the 150 marks in your ABRSM exams (12%) !hey "on#t count as much as $ein a$le to &lay your instrument 'ell $ut enouh to make the "ifference $et'een ass*+ail*Merit*,istinction Also confi"ence a$out this &art of the exam 'ill $oost your confi"ence for the 'hole exam -ou 'on#t $e oin throuh the exam 'orryin a$out this one $it How are the aural tests marked?
!he mark for aural tests is arri.e" at $y makin an o.erall assessment of the can"i"ate#s &erformance "urin the set of tests as a 'hole an" relatin this to the assessment criteria sho'n $elo' Rather than startin at /ero an" a'ar"in marks as the tests &rocee" or at 18 an" "e"uctin marks examiners use the &rinci&le of markin &ositi.ely or neati.ely from the &ass mark !he mark then reflects the cumulati.e $alance of ualities that the can"i"ate has "emonstrate" takin into account $oth the accuracy an" the confi"ence of their res&onses t is 'orth notin that hesitation is "eeme" as a mark loser A riht ans'er sai" ner.ously looses marks ractise s&eakin confi"ently e.en 'hen you#re not
Distinction (!)
3 4uick accurate an" &erce&ti.e res&onses
Merit (" # $)
3 oo" res&onses 3 Minor errors or hesitation
%ass (& # ')
3 A&&roximately half other tests correctly ans'ere" 3 6.i"ence of a'areness "es&ite hesitation an" error
Below %ass ( # )
3 Slo' an" uncertain res&onses 3 naccuracy in &arts of all tests
( # !)
3 7ery slo' an" most inaccurate res&onses 3 All tests entirely inaccurate
3 o 'ork offere"
H+, -A. / HEL% M0SEL1 ,/TH AURAL?
f your teacher for 'hate.er reason is una$le to un"ertake reular aural &ractice 'ith you there are many thins you can "o9 1
Sin u& to '''hofnotecom four months $efore your exam an" "o "aily online &ractice
!ry an" listen to lots of "ifferent ty&es of music 3 fin" the &ulse $y ta&&in alon 3 s&ot any chanes in tem&o an" &ulse 3 s&ot any chanes in key 3 try an" 'ork out 'hen it miht ha.e $een 'ritten an" 'hy you thouht that 3 s&ot the ca"ences an" try an" "eci"e 'hat they 'ere
'ith t'o melo"ic &arts in the to& lines o.er a "ifferentiate" $ass
/M/TAT/+. is .ery common A tune starts in one han" an" is re&eate" in the other
,ynamics chanes are usually terrace" > chanes are su""en rather than ra"ual
,on#t use the &e"al of the &iano much as music 'as oriinally 'ritten for instruments such as har&sichor" En a mo"ern &iano Baroue music is often &laye" in a mezzo staccato style as a result
Hse of ornaments such as trills
+or ra"e 8 only it is 'orth kno' a little $it a$out Renaissance Music ('"* # **) Dritten $y Tallis an" B9rd5 +eatures inclu"e9 Sometimes still 'ritten in mo"es use of imitation an" contra&untal in style Eften 'ith as many as < lines of counter&oint at one time May em&loy a roun" $ass Melo"ic lines are smooth an" e.en in structure as are the rhythms
&5 -lassical music
:5 Romantic music9
$"* C !&*
Dritten $y such &eo&le as Moart and Ha9dn and earl9 works t'o melo"ic lines one in each han" of eual im&ortance %ol94honic # similar to contra&untal in that music simultaneously com$ines se.eral "ifferent lines
the &attern of note .alues (reular irreular "otte" tri&lets synco&ate" etc)
Use3ul /talian ,ords
rallentando accelerando a tempo
piano forte mezzo piano mezzo forte pianissimo fortissimo
short an" "etache" smooth hol" for their full lenth su""en accent
mesto scherzando maestoso misterioso tranquillo energico lento Andante Allegro Allegretto Cantabile
sa" &layful ma?estically mysteriously tranuil calm eneretic slo'ly 'alkin &ace li.ely uick $ut not as uick as Allero in a sinin style
,hat ha;e scales e;er done 3or me? Scales hel& the fluency of your &layin your siht rea"in im&ro.isation com&osition an" aural (listenin a$ilities) as 'ell as $ein useful for &racticin techniues on your instrument Remem$er most &ieces are com&ose" usin scales an" ar&eios as the $uil"in $locks
Scale Practice Tips Ti4 %ractice scales when 9ou donFt need to t miht seem .ery o$.ious to say &ractice scales reularly $ut you 'oul" $e sur&rise" at ho' many &eo&le "onJt !hey try an" cram them ?ust $efore a lesson or exam !his is not an efficient use of your time es&ecially 'hen kno'in your scales makes learnin all &ieces so much uicker @a.in ?ust one or t'o scale tarets each 'eek an" re.ie'in your scales reularly makes a hue "ifference to your o.erall &layin an" &roress et them on your &ractice &lan an" you 'ill soon 'on"er 'hat all the fuss 'as a$out Ti4 & S4eed comes later !here is al'ays room for slo' scales &ractice 3 e.en 'hen you can &lay them :oncentrate on your techniue ettin e.ery note totally e.en ensurin finerin is correct e.ery time Ence you are confi"ent you can s&ee" them u& $ut not to a &oint 'here you start to make mistakes Ti4 : Use d9namics Hse scales to &ractice "ynamics :oncentrate on &layin pp all the 'ay throuh a scale 'ith all notes soun"in e.enly ractice ff for the 'hole scale 3 make it slo' as 'ell for a reat $reath control exercise ractice ra"ual crescen"os an" "iminuen"os as 'ell Ti4 ' %ractice articulation Scales may $e &laye" leato staccato tonue" slurre" or e.en accente" Make use of scales to &ractice "ifferent techniues 'ithout ha.in to 'orry a$out the notes in a &iece Ti4 " -hane the rh9thm Ence you kno' your scales &lay them in other rhythms than straiht ua.ers Dhat a$out s'in ua.ers or tri&lets or "otte" rhythmsK Ti4 Down and u4 Scales are enerally &laye" startin at the $ottom 3 oin to the to& an" $ack to the $ottom aain nstea" start at the to& o to the $ottom an" $ack to the to& Dhen you can "o this for all scales try startin in the mi""le Ti4 $ -an8 .earl98 -anGt :reate an honest list of scales you can "o can nearly "o an" really can#t "o Dith reular &ractice scales 'ill ra"ually make their 'ay from :an#t to early to :an an" you ha.e the satisfaction of chartin their &roress to see ho' far you#.e come !his 'ill hel& to kee& you moti.ate" on a $a" scale "ay
S-ALES %ractise all articulations set 3or 9our instrument
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