47807525 Ghost Busters RPG Operations Manual

December 10, 2017 | Author: admiral_wells | Category: Leisure
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Download 47807525 Ghost Busters RPG Operations Manual...


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The Big Table of Contents

The Big Tableof Contents, Which, if you haven'tfound while you read this, Cod help you 2

Introduction r 30th and Lexington + The Adventure 4

GhostmasteringTips a IntroductoryMorale Note For Rookie Camemasters 8 TwelveUsefulThingsto RememberAbout ChostmasteringB

The Couch Potato g The Other Adventure 9 Playingin Character 9 ChostmasterResearchData 10 Using Props 10 BustingChostsfor Big Bucks 10 The Red Hening 12

The Horror of BioMedChemTech'*19 The Other Other Adventure 19

Returnof / Son of / Bride of GhostmasteringTips 23 Keepingthe PlayersHappy 23 PackagedAdventures 23 The ReferenceFiles 23 Doing DramaticReadingsof the All-KnowingDice 24 RewardingYour Playersfor a Job Well Done 24 Movement Rates,Scales,and Came Turns 25 UniversalMovement Rate,Scale,and Turn Chart 25 A Note to VeteranCamemasters 25

BasicGhostology zo ChostlyCharacteristics26 Chostly SpecialAbilities 22 ReallyBad News: Demons,EldritchHorrors, and Accountants 29

ScientificResearchgo GhostbusterFranchises:z How to Run a Ghostbusters Campaign :+

Chostbusters OperationsManual

Adventureldeas lz ldea l: Make a Wish 37 ldea 2: Floor Thirteen 38 ldea 3: And That Chosts for Me, Too 38 ldea 4: Fangsfor the Memories 39 Plottingthe Adventure 39 ldea 5: Were, Oh, Were Has My WereBernardCone? 40 ldea 6: Keepersof the CopperMidnight 40 ldea 7: The ShadowOver Hollywood 4l ldea B: Fragments of Scotland 41 ldea 9: The Chost and the Lady 42 ldea 10: The Road to Ralyeh 42 ldea 1l: The Psychic 43 ldea 12: The Doppleganger 43 ldea 13: So Sue Me 44 ldea 14: The Mummy'sfoe 44 l d e a 1 5 :T h e B l a c kK n i g h t 4 5 ldea 16: The Thine in the PhoneBooth 45 ldea l7: The Uninvited 46 ldea 18: King for a Day 46 ldea 19: RobotMonster 47 l d e a2 0 : T h e A l c h e m i s t 4 7 ldea 21: The Chost Cubes 48 Random Adventure Generation 49

Routines 50 RaceAgainstTime 50 Car Chasey'Vehicular Obtaininga Paperor Permitfrom the Covernment 5'l Coing to Court 52

A Cast of Dozens s+ Cops 54 InformationSourcesand Pettylrritants 54 StreetPeoole 55 Mafia Family 56 Lawyers 57 ResearchScientists 57 ExpeditionPreparingfor Journeyto Unchartedlsland/ Lost City/Sceneof Weird Happenings 58 Occultists 59 St. PitfalzHospital 59 ThingsMan Was Not Meant To Know 60 Chosts 61

3oth and Lexington ,n n', is the first adventure for GHOSTI BUSIERS.lf you are a player,don't readany further - ThereAre ThingsMan WasNot MeantTo Know. Only Mr. Chostmastershould read the adventure. lf you arethe Chostmaster, readon. (lf you are a player,you should be ashamedof yourselfyou shouldhavestoppedreadinglastparagraph. Now cut it outl) To run this adventure,first read "How to Play" (pp. 2&3, ReferenceFile A) and "TypicalTenMinutesof Play" (pp. 1&2,Reftrence File B), and the adventureitself.(lt would be a swell idea to read the "ChostmasteringTips" appearingon page B, but it isn't absolutely necessary.) Letthe playersroleplaythe Chostbustersfrom the movie.Takea few minutesto readthroughthis scenario yourself andfamiliarize with the plot.You don't haveto memorizeeverything(therewill be plenty of time to reread sectionswhile the Chostbusters bicker over who getsto sit in the front seatof ECTOI).Justscanthe adventureto get the generalidea and to learnwhere to find specificdetails.

PreparingTo Play Make sure: . Everyone's read"HornrTo Play" (RefrrenceF/e A) r Eachplayerhas chosena characterfrom the movie and has the appropriatelD card in front of him o Everyone is sittingarounda table(orotherconvenientplayingsurface) . You'veread throughthis adventure(at least) once o Everyonecan reach the dice . Everyone hasplentyof cookiesand milk or suds a n d c h i p so r b a t w i n g sa n d L i q u i dW r e n c h Grrrauauff the Dog God The descriptionof Crrrauauff, the spookin this adventure,is a little differentfrom the other characters'. Insteadof Traitsand Talents,he has two SpecialAbilities, a Power,and an Ecrooresence. O n e o f h i s S p e c i aAl b i l i t i e si s A n i m a t ew , hich meanshe can movearoundan inanimateobiect - in this adventure,a yellow cab. In order to animatesomething,Crrrauauff's statuemust be in contactwith it. (Thestatueis currentlysitting underthe backseatof the cab.)lf the Chostbusters retrievethe statue,the animation will stop; Crrrauauff,havingan exceptionallyshortattent i o ns p a n w , i l l f o r g eat b o u tk i l l i n gB u y u k b a sa ,n d f a l la s l e e pf o r a m i l l e n i u mo r s o .T h e nh e ' l lw a k e u p a n d m e n a c eM o o n b a s eA l p h ao r s o m e t h i n g . But that'sanotherstory.

G h o s t b u s t e rO s p e r a t i o n sM a n u a l

Crrrauauff's other SpecialAbility is Terrorize. When Crrrauauffconfrontsa Chostbuster. vou roll the spook'sPowerttwo dicer againstthe Chostbuster'sCool. lf the spook rolls higher,the victim panicsand flees in horror; otherwise,the gritshisteethand standshis ground. Chostbuster Crrrauauff'sEctopresence is 3, which means get him to stopAnimating that if the Chostbusters the car and materialize, theyhaveto hit him three timeswith protonpacksbeforetheycan lock him into a ghost trap. Most spooksand spiritsCrrrauauffincluded- cannotbe harmedbv oroton beamsunlessthey havemanifested themselves in a materialor semi-material form. Crrrauaufi only manifestsas describedin PartSix below,: o t h e r w i s eh, e r e m a i n sa n i n v i s i b l ei,m m a t e r i a l psychokinetic presenceAnimatingthe cab.

seventh,"What Do TheyDo?" outlinessomeways the playerscan try to deal with the problem. F i n a l l y",T h e E n d "e x p l a i n sh o w t o w r a p u p t h e adventure. Note that certainsectionsare orintedin boldface.Thesecan be readaloud to your players.We do this all the time in our adventures so you can learnhow to talk likea FamousCame Designern o d o u b t a l i f e t i m ea m b i t r o n . You'rewelcome.

PartOne: What's Going On?

Some months ago, a shady dealer in artifacts stolea por,r,erful idol of the ancientHittitedog god, Crrrauauff,from an archaeological dig in DurHow this Adventureis Organized fal,an ancientcity in TurkishArmenia.HeUr{ brought Lookat the box titled "SupportingCast".Now. the idol to America,wherehe sold it to a wealthy You'llfind descriptions of the differentcharacters Americanart collector.The collector'sblacksheep the playersmay encounterin the courseof the son-in-lawstolethe idol and oawnedit. adventure.Norv come back to this paragraph. KemalBuyukbas, a Turkishoccultistof internaI NANK VOU. tional reputation,learnedof the theft,and came Eachdescriptionsayswhat the characterlooks to New Yorkto trackthe idol down. He eventuIike,how he acts,and what his Traits, Talentsand ally locatedit in a pawn shopon the LowerEast Coal are. (lf you need more detaii on char- Side,boughtit, and wastakingit backto his hotel you can either make in a cab when the possession acteristics or appearance, began. them up yourselfor roll on the "EyeColor,Lung The spiritof Crrrauaufflaydormantin the idol Capacity,White Blood Cell Count,and Favorite for millenia.lt beganto stir when removedfrom TV Show" tableson pages679-1808 of our soon- the dig at Urf Durfal;when it came into contact to-be-released RandomPicntc Cenerationand with Buyukbas,whoseoccult explorations have Other Unneces sar,t,But A Im ost Assured/yUseiess sensitizedhim to psychokinetic energy,it came Factssupplement, available directfrom WestEnd fully awake. C a m e ss o m e t i m et h i s c e n t u r yo r f r o m u n s c r u Buyukbaswas carryingthe idol in a brown p u l o u sg a m em e r c h a n t ns e a ry o u . ) paperbag,which he shovedunderthe backseat Someof the Talentsand Coalsfor the supoort- of the cab duringthe trip.When Crrrauauffawoke, ing cdstare differentfrom the orteslistedin the it possessed the cab.(Needless to say,Hittitedog TrainingManual. Don't let this fazeyou; we said godsaren'tpafticularlyup on New YorkCity trafin the Manual that you could inventnew ones. fic laws.) (Afterall,thereareotherthingsin Lifebesides Sex, The cabbie,Max Durnham,foundthe steerins Money,SouIlessScienceand ServingH u manity. w h e e lt u r n i n gi n h i s h a n d sa n d t h e v e h i c l es h i f t T h e r e ' sH a v i n gL u n c h ,f ' r i n s t a n c e . ) ing gearsspontaneously. The doorsbeganopenThe main partof the adventureis divided into ing and shuttingby themselves, and the vehicle eightsections. Thefirst,"What'sCoingOn?" gives beganto buck and roll from sideto side.Durnyou an overvielvof the situation.The second, ham and Buyukbaswere thrown from the cab. "Teaser," explainshow you introducethe players Durnhammadehis way to safety,but the Hittite t o t h e s i t u a t i o nT.h et h i r d ," T h e S c e n e ,e" x p l a i n s dog cab chased Buyukbasdown the street, how you getthe gamemoving.The fourth,"Ques- hooting and growling madly. Desperately, tioning the Characters," indicateswhat each of Buyukbasclimbed a streetlamp, where he now t h e p e o p l eo n t h e s c e n ew i l l s a yi f q u e s t i o n ebdy clings,gibberingincoherently in Turkish. The cab ' "Equipmenti the Chostbusters. Thefitth, explains continuesto circlethe streetlamp, obviouslyhopwhat happensif the players try to usetheirequip- ing to turn Buyukbasinto Plymouth-chow. ment.The sixth,"Big ActionEvent,"describes an LieutenantKrompskycame upon this weird a t t a c ko n t h e C h o s t b u s t ew r sh i c ha l l o w st h e mt o tableau.The cab is blockingtraffic,not to menshoottheir protonpacksand destroysomeof the t i o n t e r r i f y i n gp e d e s t r i a nasn d s q u i s h i n gn e i g h most expensivereal estateon the planet.The borhoodcats,as it circlesthe streetlamp. Shetried to give it a ticket,but there doesn'tseemto be a n v d r i v e r T h i si s a i o b f o r . . . C h o s t b u s t e r s !

l e n u e f Ns u o r l e r a o os r a l s n q l s o q D

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hood flies open, the cab BARKS,and the hood flies shut. You decide not to go any closer just yet and park ECTO-I. Clinging to the lamppost, about fifteen feet from the ground, is a strangelooking man in a dirty black robe and sandals,with a large bushy beand.He closeshis evesand shudderswhen the cab barks. Standing nearby is a lady cop and a cigarchompingman wearinga BrooklynDodgerscap. The cop stalk over to you. 'About time you got here/'she says.

Part Four: Questioningthe Characters

Part Five: Equipment The playersmay wish to use some of their equipmentto assessthe situation.Here'swhat happensif they do: PKE Meter: The meter registersa strongPKE surge.There is definitely paranormalactivity centeredon the cab. (As if they didn't know.) Ecto-Msor:Shcnrrs nothing.Theseonly work in the oarK. Ghost Trap: You haveto see a ghost beforeyou can trap it. No ghost is visible. Proton Pack: Let 'em try it. Remember:you can only reducea ghost'sEctopresence by hittingthe ghost.Crrrauauff is not visible;he'sjustanimating the cab.Hittingthe cab only damagesit - about $1000worth of damageeach time it is hit. Tenhitsand the cab is a smoking,bubblingpile of raggedsteel chunks.This "brute force" ap proachwill stopCrrrauauffaftera fashion- the cabwill no longerbe possessed. lt will alsomean the Chostbusters are sued by the cab company for $15,000(thecostof a new cab.)Sincethe city will not pay more than about $3000for exorcising the cab, this is not a greatplan.

questionany of the charlf the Chostbusters acters standing around, read the character's description to seehow he or sheis likelyto react. When speakingas one of the characters,try to voice inflections, usethe phrases, and mannerisms you'd expect that personto use. Krompsky:She'llgivea conciserecapof the situation as she knows it. (See"The Teaser"above.) Krompskyis prettysurethe cab is possessed, but hasno ideawhy or how."That'snot my job. That's Beach Kit: Not a whole lot. Crrrauauffmight your job. Now get to it!" c h a s et h e F r i s b e ef o r a w h i l e ,t h o u g h . Durnham:"lt's likethis,see.I wascruisingalong Canal when this crazy man, you know, in the black robes,he wavesme down. He'scarryinga brownpaperbag,see.Thisguy,he doesnot look like a big tipper.Still,down on Canalis not the best placeto grab a fare.So I pick him up. He don't speakEnglishso good, but he tells me to takehim to the PentaHotel,so I headnorth.Then, around30th,the cab beginsbuckingand weaving! Sucha big tsimmes!| can't evencontrol itl By themselves, the doorsopen and shut,open and shut,and the cab rolls.We roll out in the street, the cab turnsand shootstowardus! | run one way, thisschlemielrunstheother.lt followshim,chases him up the lamppost,and circles,like you see now" Buyukbas:"Car go woof, woof! Pleaseto you help me now?"To talk to Buyukbas, the Chostbusters haveto shout over the cab's growling and barking. Since Buyukbas'scommand of Englishis slight,effectiveconversation is impossible.Let'em try though. Grrrauauff:lf a Chostbuster approaches the cab and triesto speakto it ("Nice doggie...nice doggie...")it turnsfrom Buyukbas, studiesthe Chost busterfor a minute,and then chargeshim. If the Chostbusterruns away,the cab will lose interest and go back to Buyukbas'spost.

ChostbustersOperations Manual

PartSix: n '


. .


Big Action Event eventoccurs- iustwhen vou One remarkable want it to. After the Chostbustershavearrivedon the sceneand gottenthe lowdownfrom Lt.Kromp skv.but beforethevhaveunlimbered theirnuclear devices and begun blasting away,Crrrauauff manifests itselfand putson a first-class specialeffects show. Timing here is important.The playersshould havehad a chanceto asksomequestionsand play around with their information-gathering equipment(PKEmeters,ectovisors, massspectrometers, radiotelescopes, 3-D glasses, whateverthey hap p e nt o h a v ew i t h t h e m ) T . h i si s t h es e n s r b lteh i n g to do. Howeve;Chostbusters can standto be sensible for only so long. Then they need some action. Time for Crrrauauff'smanifestationand attack. lf your playersaren't sensible,or if they are cheerfuland unsparingin their destructiveimpulses,they maywhip out the protonpack before d o i n ga n y q u e s t i o n i nogr e q u i p m e n t - r e a d i nl ng . that case,the moment they readytheir proton packs.Crrrauauffmanifestsand attacks. To set the scene,you first have to focus the players'attention.For exampleyou might say: Hey.Somethinginteresting.Everythingis quiet all of a sudden.The cab has stoppedmoving. You notice a tingling in the hairsat the back of your neck, and an odd smell,..somethinglike attic dust on a cold morning.There is a slight electricity in the air, like a hint of a coming thunderstorm.

There.They haveall shut up and are paying attention.Theyknow somethingis goingto happen. Now, whack 'em. Readaloud: Suddenlythe air is dark and cold all around you - like a shadowof a cloud passingover,but there'snot a cloud in the sky.The cab shimmers - and standingbeforeyou is the amber,flashing outline of an enormouswolfhound, twenty feet tall, towering over the street, bending forward as if to take you in its teeth. You can feel its warm, foul breath. Sq does anybody want to do anything before you end up like a Laddie Boy commercial? What you really,really want them to do is whip out their proton packsand shoot at the giant manifestation of Crrrauauff,the dog god. This is very importantbecause:1)the playerslike being scared,and 2) they like blowing thingsup with high-techgimcracks. So makethem feel like it's too late to do anythingsensible. Hint if necessary. Say,"Cee, I wonder if there is anythingyou can do to avoid instantdestruction." Hold up a protonpackcardand wink a lot. This is called,"CettingThe Players To Do What You Want". What happensis this. First,Crrrauaufftriesto Ierrorizethe Chostbusters. Then any Chostbusters that don't iog off down the streetscreamingcan take a shot at the manifestation. Then, the first time a protonbeam hits the dog god, it dashes back to the auto, yowling piteously,and once againpossesses the cab.lt will not leavethe comparative safety of the cab for the rest of the adventure. Let'stake it step by step. First, the Terrorizeattack. Have each of the Chostbusters roll as manydice as hisCool rating. (Makesurethe Chostdie is includedin eachroll.) Aftereachplayerrollsand addsup his score,you takethe Chostdie and one other die (that'stwo dice for Crrrauauff'sPowerof 2) and roll for Crrrauauff's TerrorizeSpecialAbility. lf the dog god getsa higher total, the chostbustergetsterrified.Encourage the playerto behavein character and ham it up. lf a Chost comesup on any roll, the terror is so greatthat the Chostbuster faints dead away.lf the Chostbusterequalsor beats Crrrauauff's roll, he standstoughand getsto fire his proton pack in the next step. Now, any Chostbustersnot training for the Olympic Trot,Shiver,and Howl eventor relaxing comfortablyon the pavementgetsto fire his trusty protonpack.Eachfiring hero rollsas manydice as his Movesscore(or if he has an appropriate Talent,like Winston'sFireWeaponTalent,ds many dice as his Talentscore).The difficultynumber is 10 - not quite point-blankrange,but pretty close. Anyone who rolls 10 or higher hits Crrrauauff- who immediatelystartsyowlingand disappearsinto the cab. We don't want the dog god to be completely destroyed, which would happenif threeor more protonbeamshotshit him. Thatwould bringthe adventureto an end right here - boring.This bringsup the conceptof Chostmaster cheating - er, fudging. You and I know that Crrrauauff's Power is 3. But your p/ayersdon't know that.

5o maybe you decide that Crrrauauff,spower is one point greaterthan the numberof pointsthe Chostbusters knock off him the first time thev shootat him. Cheating?Well, sort of. lt's not a good habit to get into, but wheneverthe adventure would be spoiledtrya strictadherenceto rhe rules,use your judgement.Don,t let on to your players;they enjoy rhe illusionof a completelv impartialgame.Why spoil it for them?

Tryingto Cet Into the Cab: Unlessthey come 2. lf they destroythe cab, Krompskywill call up with a reallycleverploy,this requiresa Moves a dump truck pick to up the remains.Durnham difficulty 20 roll to avoid being run over.Once will be enraged, calling the Chostbusters 'hssassins" inside,the cab will startbuckingand rolling and demandingrecompense. Twodays a Musclesdifficulty 15 roll is neededeveryten later:the Chostbusten aresued$, panoptikosCab secondsto stayin the cab.lf the Chostbusterfinds Co.,which claimsthe cab is worth $15,000. and the paper bag under the seatand remo,resit, the wantstriple damages. possession endsimmediately Crrrauauffmust 3. lf they figuredout the idol is causingthe be in physicalcontactwith the cab to animateit. possession, Krompskyseizesthe idol asevidence Or, if they don't think of that approach- the and a.rrestsBuyukbas for disturbing the peace. meterhasbeenrunningcontinuouslysinceMax 4. lf they solvethe problem without destroying . pickedBuyukbasup. lf they knockthe flagon the the cab, Max is pleased,and offers to buv the meter down - the cab stops dead. Chostbusters lunch at a nearbvdeli. "Nice Doggie": Oftering Crrrauauff a bone. Regardless, Blowing SomethingUp: The likeliestapproach Durnhamwill refuseto takethe bill. preferably dousedin gasoline,or somereallybig maintainingthat his is to blastthe car with protonpacks.This not only company isn,t liable. li steaks, or an pair old of slippers may distracthim. handedthe bill, Buyukbaswill only starein con_ won't work, but if carriedroo far will resultin a (TheChostbusters may be able to lead him out sternationat the unfamiliar pile of rubble,a nastylawsuit,and a sarcasticarEnglish,and hand it of the intenectionthis way.)While the cab,shood back. ticle in the next day's Post. is gnawingon the bone or chompingup the steak, Krompskywon't take the bill either. However. looking for More Information: Theycould try tg a characterwill be able to get into the cab without she'll give the Chostbusters an Ny.p.D. Reimlearn more about the situation. difficulty. They've got about 30 secondsbefore bunementRequest Form,which shewill sign.The 1. Max can tell them he picked up Buyukbas Crrrauauffis finishedand startsbuckingagain. form will authorizepaymentup to 93000 - let in front of "Moishe'sKaballicKorner,,onCanal. Hitting Grrrauauffon the nosewith a rolled-uo the Chostbusters figureout how much they want Moishe,a littleold Orthodoxguy with a yarmalke, newspaperwill have no effect whatsoever. to charge,but Krompskywon,t authorize more will tell them he solda statueof Crrrauauffto an 'Arab." look lt Up: If the Chostbusters look in Tobin,s than this.Krompskywill tell themto sendthe bill Tobin'sSpiritCuide listsCrrrauauffas ,,an obscureHittite daemon believedto qovernman- Spirit Cuide or one of the other researchbooks and form to the Departmentof ContractManagefor informationabout hauntedtaxi cabs,they may ment of the Board of Estimate. kind's relationshipwith domesticcanines.,, ( B r a i n sd i f f i c u l t y1 5 r o l l )f i n d t h e f o l l o w i n g : lf the Chostbustersdo so, they,ll never hear penta 2. Buyukbas is staying at the Hotel. lf they . "Crowley another word.The bill will get losi in the la$rrinlearn Buyukbas'sname,they can go to the Hotei. reports a most peculiar cirthine city bureaucracv. The maidswill complainthat his room is a mess cumstanceattendinghisvisit to thepoorer Did they keepa copy of the Reimbursement Reand he burns incenseconstantly,but the Hotel section of Bombay during the recent questForm?lf not, they'llNEVERseea cent.The will not let the Chostbusters choleraepidemic. Thestorvwas imparted into the room without only waytheywill get paid is by physicallygoing a searchwarrant.LieutenantKrompskywill be no to him in awed whispersby the Jain indowntownto City Hall with copiesof the bill and help; shedoesn'tseethe needfoi ali this detechabitants of the area. Thev claimed a form, and threateningto releaseeveryghostthey rickshaw becamepossessedby oneof the tive work, is coming to believethe Chostbusters catch in the officesof the DepartmenioJContract maharani are incompetentcharlatans, spirits, refusing to let and wantsto eet back anyoneon_ Management. to the importantwork of roustingyoung loversoff to its seatand chasingitsowner in circles. "Crowley lf the Chostbusters waiteduntil nightfall,they the grassin Central Park.lf they figure out how dismissedthis as superstition. get no Brownie Points.lf they destroyedthe cab, to break,finagleor bribetheir way inio Buvukbas,s until the Jainisttook him to the owner,s givethem back half the Browniepointsthev speni hovel, where the rickshaw stood outside, room,they'll find all sortsof occult paraphernalia, duringthe adventure. lf they solvedthe pioblem periodically includingminiaturestatuesof Crrrauauff. bashing the door to the dwellAgain, by hittingthe metet givethem backall the ooints Tobin'sSpirlt Culde will tell them who hs is. ing. There seerned naught to be done. that they spent.lf they found the idol and remoraed When nightfall came, the rickshaw beTrying to RescueBuyukbas:lf they get onto one it, give them back the points they spentplus two came quiet. The owner egressed to f ind it ofthe nearbybuilding,sfire escapes, theycan try or three more. quiescent; and lest it reanimate,burned to.lassothe lamppost(a MovesTraitdifficulty .15 l{ t.heyreallyamusedyou with zanyanticsand /t pavement." to the _ roll)..Buyukbaswill use the rope to get to the faithful characterizations,award them a bonus That'sirerynice,but if the Chostbustenwait un- point building. Unlessthey can find some-onewho or two for each inspiredgesture.C,wan. Be speaksTurkish,however,he won,t be able to tell til nightfall,trafficacrossmidtown Manhattanwill a sport.lt's rareenoughin this universethat vou come to an utterstandstilland Krompskvwill harae get points them much and Crrrauauffwill now startdrivfor havingfun. a fit. ing back and forth in front of the buildine. That's Crr.raug.uff the end of the first adventure.Crab all will alwaysknow where BuyJkbas your stuff,count your dice, and sendyour players is and will pursuehim relentlessly. Cleverbhost_ home. Tellthem to returnnext week, preparedto bustersmay try to take Buyukbasacrossthe East face the.unimaginable Riverin a boat,hopingCrrrauauffwill followand terror,the spine-tingling horror of--r'TheCouch potatol drown (or at leaststall).Instead,his quarryvanish_ ed, Crrrauauffwill roam the streetsof ManhatSooneror later,the Chostbusters will solvethe tan, ventinghis rageby chasingbike riders,dis_ problem,eitherby waitinguntil nightfall,blasting gbeyingtrafficlaws,and menacingthe garment the cab into smithereens, or gettinginto the ca6 d istrict. and removingthe idol or hittins the meter. 1. lf they wait until nightfall,the cab sropsbetng possessed. Hcn,yevet $i that time gridlockcon_ ditionsare in effectand trafficisn,tmovinsan inch anywhere in midtown Manhattan. Kiomoskv won't pay, Durnham won't speakto them, the mayorgoeson television to call them ,,ierks,,,and the New YorkTimescomesout in favorof making ghostbusting illegalas a fraudulentactivitv.

Part Seven: What Do They Do?

Part Eight: The End

Chostbusters OperationsManual

Ghostrnastering Tips lntroductoryMorale Note For Rookie Gamemasters

n GHOSIEUSIER$ you as Chostmasterpre sent adventuresfor the players to enjoy. The playerspretendto be Ghostbusters; they add colorful charactersto the plot, saywitty things,have clcver ideas,solve mysteriouspuzzles,and blow thingsup. Yougetto be ErerythingElse- the plot, meet,all the the peoplewhom the Chostbusters world, and all the deadthingsmenacingit. And you also act as the refereefor the game,who for instancejudgeswhetheror not actionsproposed by the Chostbusters are possibleor permissable. Boy,do you ever havea lot of importantthings to do. The single most important thing that the Chostmasterdoes,at leastfrom the players'point of view, is describea situationwhich leadsto a roll of the dice, tell the playerswhat Traitand Talentis appropriateto the roll, and then decide what is the difficulty ratingof the roll. Though ChostbusterTraitsand Talentsvary the rule of thumb is that difficulty5 is easy,difficulty 10 is moderatelyhard,difficulty15 is quite hard,and difficulty20 or higher is very hard to roll successfullyevenfor specialists. A difficultyratingcan be any number - it does not haveto be a multiple of 5. To giveyou an ideaof what is involved,imagine going througha routineday and assigningdifficulty numbersto each challengeyou face. For example,CeftingOut of Bed is a Movesdifficulty 15for me. (DarnsureI got no relatedTalentin that area.) Setting a New World's Land Speed RecordDrivingto Work in HellishTrafficis a difficulty25.TellingMy BossThatthe Came Needs More Work So l'll MissMy Deadlineis a difficulty 15. And so forth. Shouldyou tell the playerswhat the difficulty ratingis?Sure,if you want to. Sometimes, however, the playersshould be kept guessingabout how difficulta taskis - for instance,if they'retrying somethinBunusual,like doingan appendectomy with two can openersand a spoon. Use your judgement- anytime you think a littlesuspense grin evilly and say,"Cee, you're is appropriate, just not sure how difficult that'sgoing to be."

Don't Panic! roleplayWe famousgamedesigners all learnedhow to gamemaster ing gameswithoutformal instruction. The originalroleplayinggames, gaveus almostnothingin the way of like Dungeonsand DragonsTv, advice on how to be great gamemasters. It didn't slow us down a bit. We alsosuspectit won't slowyou down, either.We'vefound that anyonesmartenoughto be intriguedby the gamesis generally notionof roleplaying smartenoughto figureout how to play one without a lot of training. So don't worry.Loosenup. Wing it. Relyon common senseand imagination.Don't get too hung up on the rulesand Chostmaster tips. Takeit from the experts:When in Doubt, lgnorethe Rulesand HaveFun.

TwelveUsefulThingsto Remember About Ghostmastering 1. You can't learneverythingat once. 2. Understandthe GHOSIBUSIERSrulesand mechanics,and talk them over with the players. lf players ask you to describe something, do. Letthem worryaboutwhether or not what y,oudescribeis important. 3. Befair.Earnyour players'trust. Playencheerfully ignorerulesmistakesand hesitations so long as they believethat the Chostmasteris b e i n gf a i r- t h a th e i s n o t p i c k i n go n t h e m , n o t s h o w i n gf a v o r i t i s mn,o r u s i n gh i s a l m o s t god-likepowersto interferewith the effectsof chanceand strategy in solvingthe adventure's challenginp groblems.

8, Help new playersdesigntheir Chostbusters. lf aftera few gamesthey would like to correct whattheyconsiderflawsin the design,let'em. 9. When you are pretending to be the charactersand spooksin your adventures,be (or as bumblingand ascleverand resourceful incompetent) as they would be if they actually existed.Butwhen it comesto judgingconflictsof your characters and spooksagainstthe players' Chostbusters,as Chostmaster you 4. Exoect to extend the GHOSfBUSffRS must be oartialto neitherside. r u l e s .N o > e to f r u l e sc a n b e a s i n g e n i o u a s s 10. Be entertaining. Ham up your characters, playerimaginatrons. Useyour common sense play the comedy bits to the hilt, and make and keep playing.Don't wastetime looking everyconfIict an action-packed,suspensef i Iled up minor rules.Reservethe right to change adventure.lt's a bad sign if your playersfall y o u r m i n d a b o u tr u l e sj u d g e m e n t s( ". T h i si s a s l e e pd u r i n gt h e a d v e n t u r ec' sl i m a x . my rulingtonight,but afterl'vethoughtabout 11. Chostmasters will occasionallyhave to it, I may want to be even more fair and interveneto savea plot and keepthe gamegG r e a s o n a b l eH.e h . h e h . " ) ing.Tryto avoidbeingarbitrarywhen you inAt first,usepublishedadven- tervene,and concealthe intervention 5. Be Prepared. if possitureslike the onesthat come with this game.. ble. lf you'recaught,admit the truth,of course, Studythemcarefully. Thinkabouthow you are but mostplayerspreferthe illusionof the game goingto presentthe characters and dramatic - that's why they play. actionscenes, and anticipatethe reactionsof 12.When you get time, readthe entireOperayour players(i.e.,areyour playerslikelyto talk tions Manual carefully,especially "Basic to a spookor blastit the secondthey seeit?). Chostology"beginningon page26. Helpful 6. Be clearin yourdescriptions of settings and hintson Chostmastering arefoundthroughout s i t u a t i o n sA. n s w e ra l l r e a s o n a b loeu e s t i o n s the book,and studyingthe rulesgivesyou the c h e e r f u l l yt o r a t l e a s d t o n ' tt h r o wt h i n g sa t a confidenceand savvyto be a smooth,enterplayerwho asksuselessquesrrons). tainins Chostmaster. 7. Expectto be wrong sometimes. Admit it. Say "Oops", do an instantreplayon the action,

Ghostbusters Operations Manual

if necessaryand get on with the game.(Don't be a pushover,though. Sometimessomebody hasto makean arbitraryjudgement,and that personis you.)


s! ]eq/v\'srleql) asuasaLue8s,ta,teldaq] uaa ^ -]aq asruo.rdruore qrea.rol ldu.ragepue laAe;d aql q]l/\ railPu aq] ssnlsrc 'uaddeq p;nor Surqle qtns ]eq] ]ueuazeue ssaldxalalf,elELl:) e 11 ;o 1no ,{lsnouas st uolpe pasodold 'suosear pooS aq plnoqs araq] lnq 'suol]f,erapeleqtr-,o-lno a1e1,(lurepar ue) sropeleq) 'fular-uoipads sseu Apnls ,{lsnouaso} ue8aq ueu)uan Jr ro 'alrqourolf,l aq] a lrp ot Aluo palue ^ pue af,uarf,spestdsep{luappns uo831t 'aruelsuttol latf,eieqf, ro lno aq plno/v\]l 'lou lo la]treleqJ u! sl uortf,eaql lou lo loqlaq^\ autgPultot ful €urqlaulos op rallereql laq lo stq seqra,teld e UaLIM 'sra^pld aq] ^q patearf,sar)eleqJ lo er^ou aql roJ palearl $alleJ€Llf,aql laqlaq/!\ 'plnorvrslaDeleqJ rraql sP lfP o] fut p;noqs ,(aqtleqr,(;a.rau'p{oq{y ue6 ro ^ainw llrB ,o 'lu suorssa.rdr"ul ldr.ualleplnoqsrieql ueau ],usoop saasaqsJo aq selellelEq) slq unl tulq ]al pue leql )a]f,eJeqf,ur ua,{e1dtno{ daal o1 fu1 aq] a 18alqlssod 'pFo/\ aq] pa es puPlaq panf,salslalsnqlsotlD lqnop aql ]o tllauaqaqr:aAe1d pue 'uetu)uan go fuaal alDll releueqM ']uaualr)xa ro JaEuepauallxa Jo aq] ]eql 1n;a1e.r8 e ueql aroul ]nq) ^q pauleqf, sr Dar.leBeuecl sau.rrl,tlgenadsa saul] le a8ue.rls,{pardaq 'ja13uad5uo suSlsap 'asrere slue/v\ uer aldoad leq]'q8noq] laqulaulal s{elt1v lllts puE ('uorssassod f,ruouop JrlueuoJ seq '1e:rlre.rdfuen st zltu;a61autuef 'q8noua yo ,{tr;rqrssodaq} uo a}eln)ads pue ',(detaq} 'uo.s8uro8;ernteuradhs,tqpalgeqnq -orp{sd }sa33nsl1tua9 'o1 dn sg :apeleqc a erq sr orourappaz uolsug 'sptaltot luepnld 'qooq Sutueeu-;;alt P s! zluels aql ]eqi!\ jo a oldde Plno/v\ulotu s,Japeleqf, are aarq] llv 'a^rle ala/l^ A;;enlre Aegpue'atruarrs1nqSurq/ue lnoqe alDllsae) aql 11ra,ield aLl] lsv) ral3uad5 uo33 'ueu-uor e st ueu)uan lalad aqs jo aLIjl op plno/v\Jal)eleqf,aql leq/v\pue (aue8 aq] ralf,erpqf, aq],o asuasreq lo stq repPreq] ul tul^eld ]o salnr aql Jo sural ur op ol Surql lsaq aql

'll slloos lepeleqf, Jo lno pue ur Surddorpluorsnllrtell] uoddns sdlaq 'rQr;ea.r uorsnllr JelferEll:)ur Surr{e15 ;o leuorl -ll, aql uo4 notrqretlstp Sutqlou uall/v\a tl /stultj -la#a ]soursr aruauedxeaql pue qooq ur se 'saue8 Eurr(e1de;otur :laquauau 'g ailJ arua.Ja/Ja u1 ,,,ie;6,o salnurw ua1 lertd{1,, aqt }e )ool 'alduexo rol 'arnln, aLl]ul re#o ol pue op ol ,{;e1r1 sraqsro aq teq/v\pue qll^ 3u!leapar,no^ or.l^\/v\ou)lllr/v\(ool'ueAeld,raqloeql puE)no^ uaql 'ol paau noi(;r saloualew lalsnqlsoqD' e auef,aq aqs ro aq /\t\oqlo ,tqn {lletradse pue 'slua;e1pue stre{ 'sapnltne'punolEpeq s,repPrPqfeql jo al$ll e Surure;dxatapereqr eql elnporlul uilq a eq ol arnsaq /(ultJ aql u! lsrxalou plp rplq,\ auo) dn apeu sPqaqs ro aq lelll ratrprpq: e sluasa;dtar(e1de uaq11

' \ou ueLll d;aq p;noc flalsnqtsotlD aql iluo leql paarBe llv 's41 laql paqseus slueprsaraql Jo auos '1urod 1eq] lV 'slaltros lleivraql ol s8nld aq] pasn] pue ul lleq uaql pa88nld uolslo1 'tsn8stpur slasrtaql pa83n1dun sluaprsalaql uaLl6 'alqlssodutruollesranuor3ut -1eu €urplrnqaq] ]noqBno.rql petelqqretl-q8ne; pauu€) snoaprq ''u'd [[ pue g uaamlaq lq8ru aunlo^ }asJo uotletallv fuan3 {;prnb pe/!.rollo} 'xo8^ qf,teiv\ lsnu auofuana:saqf,]!/\s llo/No aql ate;ndrueLuol paulpal uolslo; ]nq ,Jo slesJlsr.l]uel sluaprsareql 'uoBM ol )|:)eqrounl eqt padd;p pue Burpltnqaql 1o 1otledssalaseaJ s1t1uo pasnedlr.rrdss,uo1s;o;'as;a Sutqilue u1 paun] auoaurosJl ,,'sunr-araql ro auoq 'uo8M uo ureBe pue ure8e pue ule8e saluone; tnoi( oos,,- n1-uo8M ueql raqlo lauuPqf,i(ueqrteirt 'eaun] f,luoJpala lou plnof, sluaprsaraq] uoos pue lpnupur alelndrueu o1 q8noua ueq] aJoul

spr!\Z ro ra,uodsrg f;antstrap panou loods aq1 'pa,{eryod/v\eseq sallllPloue Pue sarllxeldtuocurapou aql lo1 ldulaluor 1;a1]l.ttds aql :uortnqularuJalspue 'aruatpaqo1ua;ts'arue -rou8rlaau ;o s.rea,{ ara^{s0g6[ aql Allsow 'f,u] psrJrJrorl sauirl luspetrapasaql ur luauruleualua rol ssedqrlqirt srader unBder puPaf,ualolnleln -f,rqa aql tng 'uorsrnalatpanelr]utds s,uolslou 'sralsnqlsor{Dtsotu ueql ralse1{;a1r19 sanow e qlr/n auoauros se ]se1se''paads lplrtJou str saurl eerqt aler e le a oLu o] lsoLlSaq] s ^olle tltr!q^\ ^]lllqe lPlf,edsanblun 'rvraue st dt7 'ataq Surpearurnlal uaql irtouiQr;rqelerf,edsleql u€f,s plnotls noA lotseu]sorlD sy '97 a8ed 'pnueN suolBrado aqt u! pauleldxa ,!1;;qe ;eltads e 'der1 sr 1sra8ral1o6 1soq8e olul pof,ro1aq uptr aq aro;aq lced uolord e qlr/\ saurt a U uolslo1 trtl ot peeu salsnqlsorlD aq] lprll sueau S aruesard -o]f,1 'af,rp o\ l lloJ no^ lapeJel]) Jatlloue ,o

e lsute8esllol Jo uot]le aulos satll lualel Jo 1re.r1 'lsta8tallo; lsoq8 aqt ranauaq/r supau Z .ramo6 pasnrol osrol-llnl /(paurluaprlltun) lll ss€l) 'otz pue e sPaq plno/\{uollef,ulsself,lenlle slH lsra8rag;o;'sarlrltqe ;etradsoltt pue S Jo aluasald -olf,l ue ql!/v\]soq8 z laMod e se Paulnlar aH 'pFo/v\slql ol lreq lsoq8 (uo}l Sulun} s,uolslodJUf pauouuns ,{;Surgtrvlun ul) pue 'l! pex!,'luatuasEqaql ul uolsl^ala)alal -osqo,{;qsr1,{ls aqt punoj uospr^EC'Surplrnqaql 'uosplAPC olur pa^our'uerf,tuq)alsf,tuojlJalaue aq]1o aujos uoc'986[ ul'1unI oqI,, ,,roltrauuo] Surprersrpro,,3ur]€raqtl,,plolPuPlantssaJ)ns q)ea qll^ 'sapPf,apro, luauaseq aql ul paraPloul a eq suorssassodpue sSuttlstulnl s,uolslou /sllr)slef aLl] 'ua$o8roJsem ilnls s/uolsloupue ul uosar t1se ut ,{ppol }oq e uo q}eaPo} pa)oLll pJolpuelaql spre/lua4euoos ',{;aleunpolun ^urv uortp les aql o] ^uadold s,ru3 aleuop o1 3u1 -pualur 'luaurasPqaq] olu! LuaqlPa oul plolpuel 'slraq ro otl] 'Eulllas quoiv\lou s8ur8uo;aqslH sa rlelarlnoqtr/!\patp uolslou f,ul lolaqfeq V 'aposrdapaldnlralut aqt jo pua aq] q4ef, ot Sutdoq'uolsl^alalaqt o],laslr punoq 'pa!p puejlasutq 1r:pedaptou plp lrlds srq]ng palnf,orlf,ala,{;letuaptrre uolslou hI alosuof, ,,tz qlluaz slq ul uollf,auuof,Puualueleulalul aql pue'lPJ aql raqpry A1tt1 But(ol xr; o13ur1dr-uage -ua {lsnoaue};nr-urs a;tqlt Sutuanaauo 'salpauiotr uorlen]rsSurqrlervro] sJnoqSutlelt sttl Palonap uolslouf,lrl /al!l ul 'u^lloolB ur Sutpltnq]uauj -uedefupulproue slunequollsanbut lsoq8aq1

lold s,olelodq)nof eql 'Pallol uaLl/\ alotrsou sp slunoJpue lsoq9 e sl alp lsoqD aql uo xls aq] leqr Suuaqruaual 'alp ]sot{D aleulo}leue aq ot auo ])alas uer no,{'aJlp palolof,{1}uala11tp.to pazrs,{llua.rag1p a eq no^ }l 'pallol aq ol spaau s^e,v\learp lsotlD aq] leql laquaulal lnq npu€tl ul aurof, llr/!{asoql 'actp papts-xlsel}xo o eq no^ Jl 'o aut a}uarelau ul papnllul arp 'aAV qsnqlell ggg99 p Sutp;tnq aql lo, sueld.roo;j'uo alu/\ o] alqel e,o ued paau ;|,no,{ a)v PUPsat puv'lla/v\se'1np;aqaq uer saSepueq -q)unw {pueq aq lqErursilruad ma; e pue laded 'aueB sllll paau no,{ ,{1;elnlep ,o ped e 1ng

relsElxlsoqD ol peaN no^ lPl.l^ 'sra^eldrnoi pue noA o1 dn st arfol.ff, aql - pnuew tuluptl aqt ur paqrrrsap se ilalJereq) rteu u8rsapro sralsnqlsoqDarnoul eql asn uef,no1 rapereq) e spaaurale;d qce3 'alqnorlsnouas u1dn pua ;1,{aqtos slre}apaLlla8ueq) '^pearle}l peara^Pqrslr^apaln!l ,{1eausaq} Dadsnsno^;1 ('ool 'lq8u ua, aruas) 'un1 rlaql lrods llrM ]eql €u1uor s,teq/r^/\^ou{ ^aq} }l '}l {e;d Aaqt arolaq oueuatrsslql pear ot ]ou sraield rnoit ura

olelod qcnoc eqtr'

The Spook's Dread Intentions Rolston's spirit cannot rest until everyone everywhereroutinely revelsin puerile programming - not only in the buildingor the neighboring buildings,but throughoutBrooklyn,the tristatearea,the United States,and whereverfine televisionsare sold.The spirit'sgrandiosedreams somewhat exceed his modest capabilities,but givena couple of eonsof undisturbedhauntings, Rolstonmight grow into a male\rolentmeta-entity on the scale oI Zuul or Cozer. Prettyambitious for a Brooklynboy.We'recountingon the Chostbustersnippingthis cosmicmegalomaniain the bud, however.

GhostmasterResearchData Chostbustersshould learn as much about the targetspook as they can beforewhipping out the proton packsand scorchingthe client's material possessions.Getting that damage releasesigned is an important first step, but it is not going to get them completeimmunity from civil suits for Wanton Devastation. The details of the plot often dictate where the key widence, information,or artifactexists, and of just what it is composed.City records, local newspapers,witnesses,librarians,experts,consultants,diaries,grafitti,and other commonplace records and informants can prove useful in discwering the nature of spooksand in devisingappropriatestrategies to eliminate them. The Ghostbustersare well advised to cultivate a stable of information sourceswhich they can refer to throughout their adventuring. ln "The Couch Potato" adventure,the focus is on action and character; the mystery elementsarefairly simple,and the recordsare limited. (For instance,the only witnessesare the tenantsof the building; once the Ghostbustersare through interviewingthem, there ain't nobody else.) Hovrrever,in some adventures,the mysterymay be pretty involved,and the only way to defeat the ghost may be through cla,er sleuthing,research,and puzzlesolving.

The Teaser Readthis aloud to start the adventure: When you Ghostbusters come back from a party, decorated as usual with a thin crust of onion dip and confetti, you find this messageon your telephone answering machine: "Ghostbustersl Help us! Our television sets turn on when we're not there! We can't see Dallas ot Miami Vicel The landlord won't help us! We're the tenants,and we pooled our money, and you can have it all! fust get rid of our spook! Call me, Don Davidson,at 555-3092.Thanks." What do the Chostbustersdo? Encouragethem to return Don's call. lf they're reluctant, remind them that their hamburger monev runs out at the end of the week and that their drycleaneris threatening to tum their bill orer to a collection agency.(Do you haveany idea of the time and expenseinvolved in getting dried marshmallowoff of four polyesterjumpsuits?) lf the players are still reluctant, have them roleplaywaiting fpr anothercaseto come in. Sit back, close your books,and stareoff into space. Practiceyour bird calls.Pick your teethwith your thumbnail.Blowbubblesin lour milk for a while. They'll crack. When the Chostbuster identifies himself or herself, Don will say, "Thank goodness l've reached you! Mumble, mumble crazy around here."Don is real hardto understandbecausehis TV is too loud. (Co ahead.Turnyour own TV up. Haven't you always wondered what a TV at top volume sounds Iike?) Phone conrersationswith Don tend to be unenlighteningat besr. Don: Mumble, mumble, horrible mumbling ghost! Ghostbuster:What did you say? Don: Of course mumble can pay! Mumble got mumble-mumbledollarsand 92 cents! Ghostbuster: I can't hear you. Why don't you turn that TV dcrrvn? Don: What? Ghostbuster: TURN THAT B!-ASTEDTV DOWN! Don: Creat!l'll expectyou in half an hour! Thank mumble! Bye now *click*

BustingGhostsFor Big Bucks Chostbusterslnternationalhas established standardfeesfor the following basicservices: On-Site Inspection: Removalof ParanormalEntities For First Entity: EachAdditional Entity: Storage(one-timefee):

$4000 $1000 $1500

CBlnt encouragesindividual franchisesto run specialswith reduced prices or package deals when businessis slow or when a franchise is breaking into a nevryterritory. lndividual Chostbusterfranchiseshavethe right to chargewhateverfeesthey like. In practice, Ghostbusterstend to have Robin Hood complexes- stealfrom the rich, give to the poor. Frequently humanitarian impulses prompt Chostbustersto accept smaller fees from needy and deservingvictims of otherworldly menacet while Naked Creed usually surfaceswhen Chostbusters deal with large corporationsor governmentbureaucracies.

Remind Chostbustersthat thev havea base rate for a housecall (seeaccompanyingbox),and that they should give a written estimate at the premises.Also remind them again that they're broke, and try to get them to FlatbushAvenue so that the adventurecan begin.




pace lf a slow, methodical mystery-solving suitsyour players,let the researchand puzzlesolving phasedevelopat its own speed- Iet the Chostbusters conduct library research,do leg vrork, seekout expert informants,interview witnesses,and so forth. li on the other hand. you and your playersprefer lots of action and characterinteraction,compressthe research "Uh, okay.You'veinvestigated b/ tellingthem, all the plausibleresearchleads;here'sthe information you came up with." Then stick werything in their handsand let them studyit. Initially you'll probably have to tell the playersto do research- the Chostbustersin the movie sure aren't good examples.Once you suggestthe possibiliry by sayingsomething like "Gee whiz, I wonderwhy this nasty old spookis in this building- you don't supposethere'sa reason,do you?" (Wink, wink.) Or, "Bot1,I wonder if the newspaperhas anything in it aboutthis crazyghost?"Then thrcnar them offthe scent$l saying,"Nahh, probably not." lf the playerswant to investigateplaces for which you've no preparedmaterial,you can say that there'sno evidencethere,or require a roll againsta very high difficulty if you want to be deceptive,or you can improvise.Don't give them misleadinghints.lf the carelessly playersfind they cannot trust lour information, they won't botherdoing any research.In fact, they wo4't be real interestedin anythingyou tell them.

Using Props Using a real telephoneas a prop is a good idea. Using props is alwaysa good idea. For example,a playergripping somethingshaped like a PKEmeter is likely to wave it around at the first sign of an ectoplasmicmanifestation. ' This is called "really gettinginto it." Players have lotsa fun when they are "really getting into it." Propsare one way to stimulatethis totally-involvedstyle of play. Costumes is another; jumpsuits look real good on suave dudeslike us.Buyingalotof surplushigh-tech .1963 electronicequipment and a Cadillac hearse for an ECTO-I is another way. Obviously,you can overdoit. You haveour permission. Justdon't blameus when people look funnv at vou. . .

SpecificResearch Resultsin the Couch Potato Case Here'sthe researchdataavailablein the Couch PotatoCase.The Chostbusterswill probablvvisit the apartmentbuilding first, talk to Don davidson, and do a little snooping about beforethey do the research,but unusuallvmethodicalChosi bustersmay get the addressirom Davidsonover the phone and do a thorough informationsearch before they reach the apartment. When they get around to doing the research(or after you prod them a bit in that direction).ask them where they'd like to look for information. Letthem make phone calls to possiblesources of information.Playthe part of busyclerks- some pleasantand helpful, most nastyand abrasiverespondingand invitingthe Chostbusters to come down in person- "Sorry we don,t give out that kind of informationcnerthe phone.,,Someof their ideaswon't pan out - calls to the Smithsonian Institute,the UN Secretaria!and the Theosophical Society won't be very productive - but that,s Chost-biz. When one or more of them visit the places below,you can eithersimply summarizeihe information or reveal it to the playersin character, playing a file clerk, receptionist,lawyer,or reai estate manager.

otherwiseassociatedwith the unusual so far as the authoritiesknow. This information is found with a successful Brainsor LibraryScienceroll againstdifficulty 5. lf the researchingChostbuster,s playermissesthe roll, then either no information is found, or the Ghostbustermusttacklethe problem on another dav. lf the informatlonis found, a successfulMoves or Seeroll againstdifficulty i5 noticesa penciled note on one piece of paper: it says, simply, ,"Rolston." Clue 2: Further Information About the Building's Owners Al "Stonewall" Greenacres -r: Sullen Civil Servant

a lwelyvoice,andsosympathetic. . . Femalesare far lesssusceptible to Amarillis,smesmerizing charm. Brains

5 Law


5 Lav lt On Thick


3 Curtseyand Blush


Muscle 2 PushMalesAround 5 Coal: Claw Her Way to the Top Distinctive Mannerism:LushSoutherndrawl: so sorry she can't help you.

Amarillis, the district representativeof Crasp Property,acknowledgesto the Chostbustersin Al can make a career out of finding one file. personor by phonethat a poltergeistmay (or may not be) presentat 66666 Flatbush.Shethen reads Fromthe moment you reachhim by phone or in ,,that said units person,.he goes into a stall, asking you to hold from a statementshe hasprepared, properly were and fully exorcised on Nov. 15. on while he takesanothercall, looks for a form. speaksto his supervisor,takesa coffeebreak,has 1985,as aftestedby lessorexhibit C herewithatIunch, takesa nap, ad nauseam.Otherwise. he tached, and that any imputed or actual minor isobnoxiouslypolite and cooperative.lf you harre annoyance of poltergeist activity cannot be all day, he'll get you the information you want. demonstratednor should be imputed to be the result of improper lessoractivity nor as a result of lessordefaultor non-compliance Brains 3 Stall Forever with accepted community standardsand practices.Supernatural Cool 3 Speak politely events,exceptas defined herein,are specifically Moves 4 AvoidWork the responsibilityof lessee,as upheld in the landmark case of Wentworth v. Duck.,, Muscles 2 Push Paper On request,she'll read LessorExhibitC below Clue 1: Public Information About the aloud to the Chostbusters. Coal: ServeHumanity at His Own pace Building Roll Brainsor Lawagainstdifficulty 5 to underDistinctive Mannerism:',Excuseme, but could stand thaq at present,Crasp Propertyneedsto do you hold on iust a minute?" Ginger Gasheart and will do nothing. Cum-Popping Moron Crasp Propertyor its parent corporationscan be usedasvillainsto misdirectthe Chostbusters. Cinger holes up in a cubicle at the Hall of The recordsabout Five-Borough Title are in the if_youwant; the playersare likely to be suspicious Records.Her phone voice suggestsa misan- Bureauof Records,in Manhattan,in a Citv Hall of the landlord,regardless of the plot. lf they want thropic,shrill BugsBunny,punctuiied brthe snap- annex.Fir,e-Borough Titleturnsout to be a whollvping and slurpingaccompanyingher gS.00a day owned subsidiaryof Tri-StateFinancialSystem;. to investigatethe landlord, let them uncoverillegalitiesand shennanigans, and stew about what chewing-gumhabit.Shedoesn,tiike you, and you a closely-held dummy corporationbelongingto to do, but don't compromise the operation of can.tell..She keepsforgettingthe last thing you Dilate & Couper A.C., a daughter complny of said, and constantlyinterruptsto ask you to ,epeat Slavicsekand Skutsch,a piratical conglomerate Rolston'sghost unlessyou haveworked out a convincing alternateplot. yourself.Howwer, if you are persisientand pa- headquarteredin Lichtenstein. But this is useless tient, you'll eventuallyget the information you information,unlessit convincesthe Chostbusters Clue 4: Lessor Exhibit C A letter want. not to try to get ghostbustingmoney from such Nov. 15, 1985 blackguards. Brains 1 ForgetAnnoying Ghostbustersget this information with a sucThe undersigned, to the best of their Details cessJulBrainsor LibraryScienceroll againstdifknowledgeand for no considerationother Cool ficulty 1Oor, alternatively,if any Chostbusterhas 5 RadiateCosmic than the welfareof humaniry havetested, a PlayStockMarkettalent,he or she merelvcalls Indifferenceto exorcised,cleansed,fumed,and otherwise his or her brokerand getsthe data in 15 minutes Citizens found the building at66666 FlatbushArze., with no roll at all. Brooklyn Nl to be free of spooks,ghosts, Moves 3 Chew and Pop cold spots,creepiythings, awful demons, Muscles 3 Masticate Clue 3: Statementby a Representativeof and other principalsor representatives of injuriousor malevolentsupernaturalagenGrasp Properties Coa/s; Blow the Ultimate Bubble cies, powers,or unfathomableentities. AmarillisO'Hara DistinctiveMannerism:Energetigincessant, slop (signed) Paralegal Beagle py gum che.r,ving.

Brooklyn Hall of Records,55231 FlatbushAve: Accordingto public record,the buildingat 66666 FlatbushAve. is ovvnedby'Crasp proplrty Management, a division of Five-BoroughTitle. The buildingwas built by Hiram Fink in 1947.lt has never had a fire, been raided, condemned, or

Amarillis is a sweet-talking Southernbelle with a mind like a steeltrap. She lulls you into complacencywith graciousspeechwhile she slyly outmaneu\€B )lrru."Crasp propertiesig of course, not responsible."Period.But who cares- such

FatherX. Flannagan Rev. E. Monroe Rabbi A. Eliazar BishopNephi Kimball Swami Mhaha Ra Zjee ShamanRunningBearjones This document givesthe namesof the exorcists which Crasp Propertiesroutinely hires to ,de.

Chostbusters OperationsManual


spook" its buildingshnd grounds.Theyare much cheaperthan the Chostbusters,requiringonly a small donation to their spiritual causesfor their services. Any of theseworthiescan be contactedin the spaceof an afternoon,and all will agreethat no sign of supernaturalactivity occurredwhen they checkedthe premises.Of course,none of them actuallyenteredthe building; the rituals- such as they were - were conductedfrom the sidewalk outside.They know nothing that will contribute substantiallyto the solution of this case.

of the original screeningsof the old TV shows, they areon the right tnck; if thqy focuson ,,violent deaths" or "fatal accidentsi' during that time, they're real hot. You can give them Brains or Library Referencerolls for hints or make them figure this stuff out on their own - suit yourcelf - and your players. Practicallyspeaking sincefinding the clipping on Rolston'sdeath pretty much resolvesthe nrysteryyou should keep it underwraps until the last minute; then you can pop it out just as the Chostbusters areaboutto figure it out themselves (a typical sleazyChostmastering trick guaranteed to annoy the players),or you can haveAlice find Clue 5: The Brooklyn Commercial Bugle it if they are way off track and in need of a hint. In a pinch, shecould givethem a call on ECfOl,s Alice Tolliver modularphone and readthem the clipping. H igh-Spirited Elderly Fl irt The article itself is very short, giving only the In additionto flirtingwith youngmen (65 and basic details describedin "The Couch Potato,s under)and stackingold clippingfiles in precar- PIot" above, but it is illustratedwith a locally ious,teeteringcolumns,Alice handlesinformation prize-winning photo showing Rolston'smoderate. requests.Alice is pretty sharp in tracking down ly frazzledhand clutchingthe antennawire, and obscurenewspaperrefurences, but it will take her the Zenith'sserialnumberand ID informationcan a while - 50 percentof the files are out of their be seenin the corner.The article'sheadlinereads. cabinets,stackedon somedesk.She,llhaveto go "Fatal Accident at 66666 FlatbushAvenue." through each stack,at considerablerisk to life and When the Chostbustersrealizethat the Zenith Iimb.A little gentlemanlyattention- and a hand in the basementis the agencyof Rolston,s demise, at moving the stacksaround - will greatly ex- they will know just where to hunt the spectral pedite the process.If treated nicely (i.e.,fllrted presencehaunting 66666 Flatbush. with shamelessly),Alice could become a great information resourcefor the Chostbusters. Brains

5 Find Obscure Reference

Part One:


2 Stack File Folder

l'm on the Outside

Muscles 1 Pinch Cute Man's Cheek Cool

3 Scold Young Whippersnappers 6 . Coal: ServeHumanity DistinctiveMannerism:Pokingand pattingmen, calling them "sonnyi'and batting her eyelashes at them.

Justdown the block from the Brooklvn Hall of Recordsare the officesof the BrooklynCommercial Bugle,a communitynewspaperof long standing. Alice, who's in charge of the morgue files, is cooperative,but warnsthat searchestake a long time. The more specificthe informationthe Chostbustersare looking for,the bettertheir chanceof finding it. lf they simply startfrom the presentday and work backwardsthrough every edition, the franchise will go bankrupt before they find anythinguseful.Thereis no specificentry file for 66666 FlatbushAvenue. The Bugle keeps no files on occult or weird events- they' re a respectabIe journal. However if the Chostbusters examinethe filesfor the time


Chostbusters OperationsManual

Let the Chostbustersbribe, threaten, Con, whatever,the cute little lads and lassesto their heart'scontent. Not much will be done to ECIO-I in any case. You're coming up on 66666 Flatbush. This four-story building is much like the others in the neighborhood- an ugly brick box with all the charm of a stateprison. You notice three things as you approach: the muchdefaced cornerstone says1947;loud, raucous laughter is coming from the building; and all of the windows on the top floor have been boarded up - from the inside. When you reach the attractive, institutiongreen front door, you see three doorbell-type buttons on a panel to the left. The bottom ohe is labelled Davidson - Super,the middle one laCoque, the top one Pogoni. From the marks on the panel, there once was a fourth button above the others; it looks as if it has been removed - with a blunt instrument.

Hunter Panama: lournalist, Recluse, Gun Enthusiast, Weirdq and Red Herring The boarded-up window and the removed doorbell should makethe playersrealsuspicious of Panama. Conversationswith other tenants should do little to reassurethem. "The fourth floor?HunterPanamalivesup there.He'sall right - | guess.Justa little strange.A writer,you know? Staysup there all day, only seemsto come out at night. Doesn't bother anybody,but lots of weird noisescome out of that apartmentat all hours,

LookingIn ShiftingThe Scene Since this is your story you can simply say somethinglike, "You Chostbustersget in the Ecto. mobile and you're in front of 66666 Flatbush Avenuein twenty minutes."Or you can be more elaborateahd takemoretime - givingthe players time to bicker and argue about who's in charge is usuallya good idea at the beginningof the adventure.

A Nice Placeto Visit... When they arrivg the Chostbusterswill find convenientparking for ECIOI: a spot next to a fire hydrantsix blocksfrom 66666 Flatbush.(For New York,that'sconvenient.)Readthe following descriptionaloud as they walk to the building: It's B:15p.m., on a warm summerevening.lt,s still light out, though clouds are moving in and it will probably get dark in a half an hour or so The neighborhood is predominantly lower middle-class, filled with tired apartment buildingsand squishedJookingrow houseswith concrete front lawns and in need of paint. Children of all races, colors, and states of cleanlinessscamperabout, riding bikes,playing catch, whacking'each other with plastic rayguns. They look real interested in ECTO-l...

The Red Herring

A "Red Herring" (also known as ,A False Traill' or, more commonly, 'A Hose Job,,)is a nasty trick which a Chostmasteruses to mislead,confuse,slow down, and generally annoy his players.Essentially, a Red Herring is a seriesof clueswhich point to a solution of the mystery- the Wrongsolution. The consequencesof following a Red Herring can rangefrom simply wasting time to seriously jeopardizingthe mission. You can set up a Red Herring when the Chostbustersare approachingthe solution to the adventuremuch too quickly,or when you want them to have an encounter that thev would otherwise bypass,or when you feel that the adventureis too simple. When plotting a RedHerring there are a few thingsyou shouldconsider:l. Who,sresponsible for the Red Herring?ls the villain (or spook)layinga falsetrail, hoping to delay the Chostbusters, or is it simply a seriesof bizarre coincidences?(We suggestyou don,t overdo the bizarrecoincidenceroutineor your players will grow to hate you and mistrustiust about everythingyou tell them.) 2. How much time will the Chostbusters wastefollowing this up? 3. How are you gonna get them back on the right track once the Red Hening stopsbeing fun?



g ::i li adaso rlsoril:::":1r?'?, leuosr lf,e,ou

Aq pollsr^aq llt^ sratsnqlsoqDaq] ,Sutuana}eq1 ']ueuruedestLl ,o ]no uaql )lt) pue suelelreqJ ssalpeaLl se uat{t asrn) 1;,aq,ureSreq o} asn}alllrts sralsnqlsoqDaqlJl lojJolsaq s/uospt^ecsr srql 'auo srLl]Llll/v\Eulleap alqnor] slol pLl a ,o 3urrua5all} r.l}!/v\ ra}snq}soLlD ;1rm1eo9,A1rueun;1 ,{uy ,,',r,ro;aq satrolsaalq} asturapslq ot Sulrlserf, 'sralsruueqpeualear* Alpeq /plo aq] q8norqt 1ea.rq pue drls ]/usaopuelpltqtr8uno,{,t;ano1s,ruo3o6 'slw 'qsog ...lueuodlur ]o auo adoq alns | aroursrstrl]ssan81lng 'slalsruueq aql treda:ol asn o1pasoddnsse ^ | leLll,,'gE1graqtoue q]!^ latJo aq] ualaaAsllr uospr^ec'llol aql sulMlapeleqJ ra,{e1de 11'papensradusaq a eq sra}snq}soqD aql /llor aq] sur^ uospt^ec Jl ('slueualaq] pue uospr^ecSuruopueqelno 11eno1pualaldo1 lualpI Jlnlg srqasnplno)'aldurexa.ro1'uptu)uan) 'lualpl pa]€lal-ure8leglo loo3 lsaq ,s.ra,4e;d aql snsra (a)lp g) 1ua;e1urefuegs,uospt^pclo] aqt;1 lloJ la;Joaql ssnJsrpo] urSaquanasra,{e;d

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pue sdnorE teq] - qll/r^,(eld ol dnor8 uo 3ur{e;d ,{;prtarqs'ureSleqpJeqe sa tlp uos lle/\\ aq] olul pasn, ara/vl slas 'leql .9 'pay -pr^ec ]nq lego poo8 e lou s! s!q]',{;1err8o1 aqt toy s8nld leru]f,alaaql tege 8uo1lop ^ au e puU qot aql a)e] ol aull)ap 1llrs,bql 1g -ra leq] o] ^ ou slalsnqlsotlDoq] Lllr/v\ure8lego1 'unutxeul puesualut 0002$suretuof, ]dLuallellr/!{pup la8pnq leq} ulLlll^ arr.rde ulrop o] saunlo las aq] lle dn panou loods aql .u.d ]t ]eqlpur,'iirlli 'ado;anuaaql auruexa 'qluoul alll Suruur8aq 'alqetsnfpe' ep aq] saur] laq]o slalsnqlsorlDaq] uaq6 lreu ol slue^ uospt^eq [L-guaa/v\]aq lo Jo .]txa pue ,{;tuesealdpou aLl]le durs qe) quo/\ 'sp^\aLUnloAaq] aJtqM 'Luntrltxeut paulnl 00'Ot$ pup arour00.glg ]e ol ro 'gg'g8tg 'srsetldua 'u'd raqlaSot padars lol eruerldde.ro[er-u se/\ auJnlo^aq1 g 1e,{;ldruord'sa^lasulaq} llli\ otln e q8norq] Jo asrurord e q]!M Iq uo urnl o1ue8aqslasaq] lagearaql,{1poq5.g peaq srq 8urtuue15 ;,astor1]pp ro1 asn luala, aneq slueua] laqlo or.ll pup aH 'arrrd 11e1o1 -J!Pe pu!J01]up/v\t,uop no,{ uorsr:aplno,{ taprs slup^ uosptneq'ur8aqualsnqlsoqDaq] atoJaB 'UO8^^ o] 1r osle -uorar 'a1e311sa,ru1 PasnJ,{1)l)tnb ,,{;lsauro s{n8 no,{ 1ep s1sa33ns i(eql se ;eauarard 'asnoLl lsotu ,oq sreun]]ueuiatpldal aql aqt ol ]ueulupde pue qsnqlelj 99999F sualqold ap lnoqp pauros Surplrnqaql lea al o] f,tlsrlealalor.ulnq ,1tor* PouJnlaraJa/v\snl aql pue PallelsulaJa/\{sJaunJ -uof,,/sr - aql ueaut | _ arour s,l! 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:drtsuo loof ('aulzp8eusalelptJry loJ lalui\ proue.red,pazelt 'alzzno aql a[!PN U,,V\O Jo -8nlp 'Suruurrvr-plei\ e ue lsnf s,aq - alrduen e acatda;Dr;u/v\oiaq to srqSuuagopue sa8ua;1eqc srH raquauou sutelB I eureuql :pJoJal aqt loJ) 'ra1em,(Joq 'slape ],usr ql!i\/\Luil.l lerrads umo Jaq lo strl Eurluasaldqrea 3ur;1ur.rds aram ,{aql ,{r1m eueue; o1 ure;dxao1 .tueual -:req)ppo aqt o1 ,(aql uaql taau la8 llp s,eueued,o pua ssautsnq eio rrap o]srqofr';tltJttffi? 3utfu1'gy paleld-.ranlrs q)ea q]!i\ s,Marrualut aletedasqSnojql sanlJ aq] aq]orasessau ,pn; (lr sJaquot-ual aq os q8noue1rleada.r,{aq} aq] lp Eulrplssa lesuaq] putj uoos 1;rm,{aq1 leql dn prd sJalsnqlsoqgaql lal ol sr lem rrleLuelp 'stnoj-&-orq .a;Buer-u tltlM pauadreqs 'uotletuto1ur pue rr1.re3 Eur,(nq aql anlE o1 ,{em Euuoq aq} s,}eq} ,!) ur!Llllal sassoqstq re^aleq^ saopaH 'sarped ,{n3 un1 e pup sarolsals!{pleq pue fuaror8 lero; eq} o} Buru 'qtparq auo 1e loN ^l!ue, te fuols aql llal 'uosprne6 q8norql ol sa^!l olrn -unr 'p;nor no{ q8noql 'satlt^rpp aq plnoqs sratsnqlsor.lD aq] atur] srrll ^B ue s! o]!n s,1soq3eqt ;o auuc qroo8eqqeDaqlrorra)earq-8a1 aq]..'#nls ,;rulq a)!l t/uop spr)'pooqroqqBreu aBpa;mou1,slueualalll sazueululnsuotpas strll poog 3u r4oo1-Euoeua yg leey pue sasselSuns ldaatr asaq]s.teanr si(enleaH .oo] 's;;atus /rrou) sluBual aql lpqM --ourlso8uel a8uells- allq,\ e pup aJuo fuana- pue //ef,eJeiltJoD, oll^

-o^le_ arnlua^pe :iT:?ffJ.i::11_::,"x?_? u,

leac e aIPW s,lel

:o/tu ued

-T I

PartThree: The Buildingat 66666

ln one cornerof the living room are a few thick shardsof broken glasswith an unusual coating on the interior side of the curved fragments. Ghostbusterswho search that room should attempt Moves or See rolls againstdifficulty 10 to notice the glitterof the glassfragments.A sucphysical This section talks about the arrangecessfulBrainsor Electronicsroll againstdifficulty ment of the building,its inhabitants, and describes 5 revealsthat the piecesare random leftcversfrom some of their peculiarities.There are four floors the Zenith'spicturetube, destrqrcdwhen the madand a basement,and four tenants.Eachtenant ocdened Davidson attacked the Zenith with a cupies one floor, in the following order top to hockey stick. bottom: The bedroom is unkempt and has only a mattoo floor Dr. Hunter Panama tressand a few cardboardboxes.His lab/repair third floor Mrs. Maria Pogoni shop is stacked high with ancient chassisand secondfloor Miss Sirena LaCoque boxes of knobs, handles,circuit boards,power first floor Mr. Don Davidson supplies,etc. Fried chicken take.outcartons litbasement furnace and storage ter the kitchen,which is otherwiseunused. There is nothing else of importance here. Exceptfor the basement,the room arrangement Chostmasters!Study this phrase carefully. on eachfloor is the same,thoughwallshavebeen "There is nothing elseof importancehere."This removedin Dr. Panama'sand in Miss LaCoque's phraseis quite valuablewhen the Chostbusters flats.The unitsare reachedby stairslocatedat the begin dismantlingthe furnitureand rippingout front and back of the building. There are no the plasterwallswhile searchingfor more clues. elevators. The impulse to be thorough is praiseworthy,but First Floor: Mr. Don Davidson being thorough can be very boring. Davidsonis tall and skinny,homely,and always EarnestPlayer:I carefullyexamineall the record wearsa shapelessvisored cap, a T-shirt,and jeans. albumsfor missinginner sleeves. His T-shirtsbea6pointlessimages-an empty beer Ghostmaster: Thereis nothingelseof importance stein, a sneeringrat, the formula for the area of here. a circle, a caricatureof Merv Criffin, etc. He is currently laid off from his job at BioMedChem- EarnestPlayer:I sniffthefried chickencontainers. Ghostmaster: Yeah yeah sure. fHERE /5 TechrMand home all of the time. NOTH'NC ELSEOF IMPORTANCEHERE. Davidsonisn'tsubtle.Though he'sa whiz with Keep moving. Next? electronics,he'll follow the Chostbusters around, babbling questions, trying to borrow and lf the Chostbustersneed an extra hand in disassemblea proton pack,and pantingafterany building specialelectronicsgear,or operatingonfemaleGhostbusterin the group(thoughhe won't hand gear, Davidson volunteers. Repeatedly. be braveenough to ask anyone out). Uninterruptedly.Boy,is he ever annoying.Have lf anv female GhostbusterseesDavidsonas a fun being annoying. lt's a dirty job, but somepossiblescoreand she askshim out, the evening body's got to do it. is a disaster.She losestlvo Brownie Pointsand SecondFloor: SirenaLaCoque returnshome at 4 a.m. with her blouse ripped SirenaLaCoque(pronouncedlah-COHE)was and her shoesmuddy,grippinga tire iron with a Davidson-shaped dent in it. A day later,after born Eileen Suggs.She is in her late twenties, gorgeous,and looking for a man. Looking for Davidsoncomes back from the emergencyroom, he'll call her again and again,trying for another several,in fact. Everyhandsomemale Ghostbuster is fair game.lf the Chostbustersknock on her door, u nforgettable eveni ng. she calls sweetly,"Just a moment!" When she Don "The Connector" Davidson, age24calls for them to come in, they enter to find her taking a bubble bath, possiblydistractingsome Brains 4 Electronics Chostbusters and infuriatingothen, perhapsstartMuscles 2 Fix Toilet ing a quarrel about who gets to stay behind to guard Sirena in case the ghost comes bagk. 1 SolderCircuits Those who take Sirenaout (successfulMoves 3 Bargain Cool or Attract Attention, or Cool or Seduce rolls, againstdifficulty 10) find that she likes simple Goal: Fumbling,Croping Sex pleasuresIi ke handd i pped chocolates,stemmed DistinctiveMannerism: Incredibly clumsy - trips roses,ermine coats,and Rolls-Royces. over his own shadow. Those who cross Sirena get to meet an employeeof a friend of hers,Vito Langostino.(See page 13.) Don's flat is messy.Clothes,electronicsjunk, rude posters,and suggestivemagazineslitter the floor. He offers the Ghostbr.lstersseatsin the living room, but first he has to shorrelpiles of old newspapersand dirty sock from the furnituremaking a largerainalgamatedpile on the floor.



Chostbusters OperationsManual

Sirena LaCoque,age 26 Brains

3 EstimateWealth

Muscles2 Crapple Moves

6 Attract Attention


5 Borrow

Coa/; Money DistinctiveMannerisms:Tiltsher headprettilyto one side and batsher eyescoquettishlyat males. Cute as hell, but she can't see a thing.

Sirena'sapartment is lavishly and tastelessly decorated.Finepiecesof antiquefurniturearejuxtaposedwith cheapfootstoolsand molded-plastic parson'stables.Shecollects crochetedcaricatures of poker-playingdogs. Her bedroom is as large and as luxuriousas her living room,with lounges, armoires,heavy drapes,and silk hangings. lf the Chostbustersenter her bedroom, have each attempta Movesor Balanceroll againstdifficulty 10. The first to fail accidentallyturns on the bed. The bed beginsto revolve,a disco ballmirror startsrotatingabwe it, a strobelight begins to pulse hypnotically,hard-dr:ivingrock music blastsfrom concealed speakers,and a heavyduty vibration unit ripplesthe bed like a bronco is bucking beneath. Red-faced,Sirena orders the Chostbustersout. A successfulCool or FastTalk roll againstdifficulty 15 is necessaryto get back in the sameday,though sheforgivesthem by the following morning. The ghost's mischievousactivities have particularlypainedMiss LaCoque,sinceshehasbeen unable to entertain visiting dignitarieswith salaciousvideo tapes.lf the Chostmasterwants to spiceup the action here,Sirenamight be entertaining a Mafia Family member (see 'A Cast of Dozensj' pg 54) when the Chostbustersarrive. Using an ornamentai tomahawk customarily employed to counsel waywardguests,she cut the electricalconnectionto her bedroomTV to end the din. If the Chostbustersexaminethe severed cord, a successfulMovesor See roll againstdifficulty 15letsthem noticethat one of the cutshas been completely repaired- the copper strands have been fused together;though the plastic is untouched. lf the Chostbusterscheck the other cutsfor severaldaysrunning,they seethat all the cuts seemto be repairingthemselves.(Rolston's spirit does the work as his energy permits.)

Floor Three: Mrs. Maria Pogoni Nearingthe third-floordoor in this stoutly-built old building, the Chostbustershear kids shrieking and wailing.The Chostbusters needto knock long and loud to get a response.When the lady of the house appears,she yells.above the din, "Come in! Don't be slow!" Her five children (Betty,5; Count-Down, 6; Dodi, 7; Emmanuel,8; and Franco,9) look like each other and hate each other.Maria is usedto



'}fiHil sr (Joopparouilerouarurlaqroue

]ueuupde aql Jo l)eq aq] uaql 'sasn1atauo €ruos Jl 'uaLl] ol leg arrluastq suadopue i(1puau1 alrnb sauooaq eupupd 's.ragoaq leqlt sldarre euofua a 11 're8ro orlueSrBe 8ur1q8r;'stussq aq ,,;Iotu3,, 'satu^{oJqpup ea} - sluauiqsajJaJ ruorll sJa#oaH ('ur leaJq ol ldrurlr oo1a.re,{aq}yq suaddeq^luo slq laquar.uaX;'tnoqeLualllsmor1s ^lqejJeEruEuql1o 'uotlplt^rlt sil,llp lalua Aaql,l 'ulr.l utol, 1;e1e uorletadoor r{ue la8 o1 fuesserausr 97 l(1;nrrgrplsurege#nlB ro 't-uleql ';oo3 e 'A:en;td S,euieuBd lC pape^ula eq $alsnq -tsoq3 aql eluo '0[ ,{l;nrrgrp tsureSelno ,tem r!aq] )lel lsel ro,'Jlnl8 'yoo3 uer {aqt sse;un3ur -Jaluapue Eurlea:qlo, palsalleoJeslalsnqlsorlD aq] :af,llodaq] llel voqqSrau aql /slooqsaq rl 'lle/v\aql qBnolqt lrnl1ade.rg Joazrsarll seloll ^\olq Jo tuewdtnba lalsnqlsoqD 'sratsnqlsoqD aql sasstu aq llrl uBf, eueu€d q8noql 'lseJleal areld Eurprq poo8 leat e pur, ]/usaopori/v\ralsnqlsorlg tad s1urodalu/!\oJgz 'eunoc 1o ,ft;euadleututou e 1e Jo loVs fuana sass-rt.U aq os 'palf,e#e astMlaqlo pue )unlp sl aq Alatpunuoj'llt) o]lualut r{t!Mpue' lalprpaul -ur sarrjoH 'aloq pazts-lazlt^or.l un8 lueqda;a 1o ]uarf,ueue Sulqsrpuelq#o ulq du lanalltl auo 'snollnJ ou ]eql SulLueaJf,s pue pa,{+.p;rm eueue; purl {aql 'uorssrulad s!q }noq}l/\ .ra1ua ,taq};1

uollesuas;/eo3 ureSrPBt


sa^ow rossaf,old proM salf,snyv s ul-l z APIH €


saf,uelsqns a8uerl5aruauadx3 g


$looD 0g ete'eureue4 relunH .rC r(99 'Joor aq] o1 ,ta1 aqt seq uospr^so 'll oluo uado pue toor aql o] anurluol ]el} srrl o] sltels aql ('l! op elqgne )f,ed uolord e .rlo4 sloqs poo8 rnol ro aarq] q8noqf ')lo1 ^\aN lol uana alqepruJoJale sosuarap s,eu€ued,^or1sto, lsnI sl roop tuor1aqt uo lprp uolleurquof, atll q8noql 'lelJsrr{ol saqJleLl loor .roslq8r;,{1sou alE araql roop rlf,ea ornf,as s)f,ol lloq-ppap a u .patrlo, -ular arp sauei] loop aql pue 'l€]s ,{1rpenb1;nen yo are rool, do] aql o] sroop )lpq pue luorJ aql %L :ut ujaql slal euieupd lllun ^lssaluJtepunole Burrapuell o

ar)oof, ro uorf,auuor t"f,?5H:irfj .

o1oy;Surpar ro rool, aql q8norqlaloq e Bulnrolgr olozzile/'/. e q8norql aloq e Eu;rvrolgr o/ols :roop e q8notql a1or1e Eurrvrolgo :PrueuPd sseru().J ol saJuPllu:l lalsnqFoqD prld,{1 .la{e1d ;nol L.uo.r; Dadxe o] leq/v\/!{ou) llt/\ no{ os latseulsoqg ..r6y,no,{ o] sllnsaraql ]uasardaM .srq]se qJns suotlen1s q]!M Paluorjuof,uaq^\ op ot ^la)ll ale s.rai(e1d ]eq^ lno pul} ot SUJISnSISOHD pa1sa1,{eJd Ala^rlsneqxa a pLl pul tsaM lp alaq aM

'uaql laarBol luaurpedeaql ro lno )le/!{ r.utqa eq ue) lalspurlsoqD Inyemodllv aLll 'no^ 'luaupede srrl olur )eaJq ol (,,/dtllrrvr,,peat) Surprqe-lre; pue alqpuosealoo] are^aql Jt 'puof,as'luar.uuede sltl olu! )eelq ue) ^aql'lslll 'eueued laeu o] ]a8 ueJ sialsnqlsoLlDaql sAe/v\ orvqlluo ale aratll '(3utua4 pad pue"'tstleurnol 'eweued raunH 'et:oqe aas)lpnprnrpurrer;ncadlaqlel sn{l}noqesuorurdo rerlnradraqleJauiosa Eq op slueueleLlf'eueued Llll/vl /v\alrualul uP ulelqo sjalsnqlsoqD aq] d;eq o13u;r1touop uer pue '(uorlrallof,srureal, antssatdur raqlel srLl pue) {renud s,pru€uqj lladsar s;ueual raLllo aql pue uospt^ec ('ual aql o] #o Ireit pue ra o pnol) I1mo1ssala srq se ,{;luesea;dsa;rus uaq} 'alqe} aqt uo lsrJsil.lsuels 1a1e1ssapede3af,l ue a)tl areld ur surds'sareuu8 'salnsderparolof,r(pqBrrq Jo Inpst, e su^ oC) .;araq Surop ru,; saruaued -xa Apoq-Jo-lnoolut rlf,leasar ;errqdosoltld 3ur -raauord pul) aql Surop ar,no,{uaqm Jo Jn;asn 'ltou1 nor{'fuan ',{;1ea.r a;e slderuor qtrnsalns }ou 'aaD,, u,l ,{1r1eet pue uaq} uaa/vUaq tlsrn8urlslp ol raqloq ]/useop aq leql artl s,euleued ,o sluauala aurlnol qf,nsaJpsuorleutf,nllpH'punole $loods8ur^eqlnoqp lensnunlpelnrryed Surqltue a)uou liusaop {;qeqord eueued 'ne; u1 '100ds aql lnoqe In1asnlpelnf,ryed 8urr1y{uer*ou>1 ],usaopetueueprenbsll,aq lselq ped uolo.rde 'anua poqlaw 'Sutrrou V qsnqlell 99999 wor! loods aqt tll!/v\urrqlrq sralsnqlsotiDaqlJl 'allqi\/\pue )Jelq s8urqtdaal o1lsnf 'sde;tlaqt ul )oods aql dorp ot a^ouraruef,salsnqlsoqD aLllsrtemorvrla.rea.raq1 ur saur] raqlo 1olof, ur st uolslou saultlaulos 'ualplrqr aq] aneq,{eu no,( 'ue;d srr.l}}o }u€rJp aulos,o )ulr]} Sur.radurel ]/uop $alsnqlsorlg aql Jl nI p Ll]r/v\ ,(1ruuatur]spl aqt 1ta81;uvtpue) aruasepiaql ;o ,{q derl e }as ol sr ue;d poo8 e 'aurlnol s,lsoq8 uaq] '1oodsaql Llsnque,{;1emrq llrlspue uarplrrlf, aq] qu/v\lelllure] arP slalsnqlsoLlDaq] a)uo eql ;o 1q811ap aq] anraclad stalsnqlsoq3 aql '/!{Ou)t. y1'seuosladasoq] ut su.uoyaduolslo1tpql strtlue tou op pue ,vou1 {aq} }€rl/vqo slaq}o eq} Surp Jaqloro sallf,JeuJarJqaq] alerralddeop ^aq] tnq /llpg alplnl -uttual daal pue ',{;lenprnrpur dnolS qf,eao} )le} ;nlqlno,(aroLue.ro{prsse3Suoledog

euo atels

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Ioods aql uolsloutur1eu1u111 pue u/raogtul)|)e.r1 :a^!J uBd

StageThree Fromhereon it'sall downhill for the spook.The will not be able to shootat him in Chostbusters any of the apaftments,becauseRolstonwill not materializeagain,no matterwhat happens,as he makeshis tour.Only if he can enteran apartment, makean adiustmentto a TV, then split without will Rolstoncontinue encounteringa Chostbuster; his appointedrounds.The hunt will haveto reach its climax elsewhere- in the dark, lonely basement. BeforeRolstonis run to earth in the garbagepile in the basement,however,he may try a last-ditch infiltratinghim assaulton a solitaryChostbuster, to breaktubesand leadsin his ectoplasmically proton pack or other equipmen! or perhapsretunto WBOR. This mayat least ing his walkie-talkie keep the Chostbustersfrom getting cocky' (Obviously,if Chostbustersare actually carrying unshielded particle acceleratorson their backs, Rolston'ssabotagecould be quite dangerous.Don't get carried away.The ghostthinks small,even if it dreamsbig. Letthe Chostbusters survive at least reasonably unscathed, unless someonedoes somethingirresistiblystupid.)

Stagingthe Basement Encounters What happensif the spook getscorneredin the basementbeforevou want the adventureto end? The idea that Rolstoncan be cornered in the basementdependson the spook'sunwillingness to abandon his favoriteZenith, no matter how desperatehis situation.lf the Chostbusterscome upon the Zenith in the basementtoo early in the adventure- say,for example, before StageOne has even really begun, before the Chostbusters havehad a chanceto see Rolstonin action in the apartments- well, the adventureis going to be spoiled if they immediately blast Rolston to ectobits. So,fudgethingsthis way.In StageOne through Three. Rolstonwill stay in the basementduring his off-hours,but he doesn't feel compelled to actually stay in the set - he goesoff and hides in the wall if anyone unpleasantcomes around and tries to blast him. In Stage Four,however, Rolston'smorale is broken,and he clings to the old TV with a pathetic,irrationaldesperation,a sitting duck for Chostbusterswith proton packs and ectovisors.DesperateInstinctsDooming the Monsteris a familiartheme in monsterfilms,making us sympatheticand reflectiveas the monster perishes,squalling piteously.This makes for a good,satisfyingclimax- we triumph,but are not completely unmoved by the tragic condition of our former enemv. Nice dramatic touch, eh?

StageFour - or Rolston'sLast Standin the Basement When the Choitbustersfinallv corner Rolston in the basement,playon their sympathiesby having the ghostmanifestand silentlypleadfor continued freedom. lf the Chostbustersare dumb enough to let the ghost go, haveit go back to its old waysthe next night. Chostsdon't havemuch freedom of action, after all, and Rolstonshould have proved itself a little too sassy to be trustworthy. So. Rolstonis a goner at this point. Zap, zap, zap,containmentbeamson, into the trap- that's all she wrote. Unless... If a non-violentclimax appealsmore to your aesthetic sense. try this on for size. Let the Chostbustersdiscover Rolston'sTV log, still readable,in the middle of the basementpile, suggestingthat he died during My Mother The Car, and detailingthe first part of the actual episode' Suggestto tender-heartedChostbuster that if they find a video tape and play back that episode, Rolston'sobsessivecravingto seethe conclusion might be satisfied,his spirit might let go of this plang and that he mightthereafterpeacefullyand gratefullypasson to eternity. And that, of course,is just how that will work, spiritcavortsand capers if you want it to. Rolston's gleefullyasthe conclusionof the episodeunfolds, blissevidenton everyfeature.Cet the Pogonikids downstairs- hey,why not all the tenants- to watch this tender and upbeat resolution of Rolston'slong vigil. Everybodycriesa little when the closing credits roll past, and the tape goes blank. Rolston'sspirit turns, gazesaround at his fellow tenants,then pops upstairs.Let everyone follow at a hasty pace. Upstairsthey will find Rolstonzipping about to each apartment,repairingthe damagehe has done to the TVs. With each repair, his form becomes a little more insubstantial;his Ectopresence is being consumed to fuel his psychokineticelectronicswork. Finally,with all the TVs in the other apartments repaired, he returnsat lastto the old Zenith in the basement. With the lasterg of his ectoplasmicsubstancehe conjuresfrom the batteredruins'a just-like-new Zenith - and afterflickeringfor a secondor two, Rolstonturns,grinsat everyone/then fadesaway. From that day forward,the old Zenith will be a sparklingconversationpiece in Davidson'sapartment, but he never turns it on - just leavesit mute, waiting, a testamentto a Truly Dedicated TV fan.

PartSix: The Conclusion Once the Chostbustenget the spirit in the ghost trag or encourageit to proceedvoluntarilyto its Final Reward (do they have TV in heaven?),it's time to wrap things up. Eachtenant thanks the Chostbustersin his or her own way - Sirenaasks why don't they come up and see her.sometime,


ChostbustersOperations Manual

Panamaoffersthem a fistful of pharmaceuticals thatwould gagan elephantand promisesto herald their exploitsin print, and the Pogonikids...Well, if the Chostbustershavefiguredout some way to make friends with them, the adieus are earnest and Mrs. Pogoniinvitesthem and heart-warming, overfor a bi g spaghettidinner.lf the Pogoni brats are still sore,a water bag dropsfrom upstairsand breakson Stantz'sor Venkman'shead as thev leave.Davidsonthank them, givesthem their fee, and the Chostbustersdrive off into the sunset. lf the Chostbusterslay wasteto the apartments in the processof eliminatingRolston,the lawsuits defendingthe Chostbusterscost twice as much as they earned in baggingthe ghost- the franchise dips into debt, and things look a little desperatefor the young corporation.Cive each playerhalf the BrowniePointshe spentduring the adventure. lf the Chostbustersdo their research,and methodicallytrackdcnvnand captureRolstonwith a minimum of damage to private prciperty,the small fee they collect on this casekeepsthem in McNuggetsand fries for anothervreek.Cive each playerthe numberof Bror,vnie Pointshe spentduring the adventure. are exceptionallycleverand lf the Chostbusters consideratein their researchand their dealings and if they with the tenants(particularlyPanama), dispatch Rolstonwith efficiencyand dignity, or show him the rest of the My Mother the Car episode,the fee is still pretty modest- but the tenantsare so gratefulthat they scrapeup a 20 Dercentbonus and deliver it to them afterthrowing a colossalblock party in their honor,at which the media is prominentlyrepresentd,and several months later the Chostbustersfind themselves featured in a glowing piece in Lurid Tales, authoredby Dr. Hunter Panama,which, though it doesn'tget them invitedto dinner at the White House, still earnsthem a substantialreputation in a subculturethey may somedaybe unfortunate enough to haveprofessionaldealingswith. Cive each playerthe number of BrcrwniePointshe spent during the adventureplus a substantialbonus. tf any individualChostbusterwasoutstandingly entertaining,or particularlyadeptin achiwing his PersonalCoals (Miss LaCoque,though possessand untutoredtastes,is not disap ed of extravagant pointing in her areaof specialization), awardhim a couple of bonus Brownie Pointsto encourage futu re overachievement. Once the sessionis over,taketime to talk about it with your players.Find out what they liked and didn't like, and tell them the secrets their didn't find out if - but only if - you're characters not going to try tb dse that material later.This is an important part of learning to be a good gamemaster- listen to your critics, and heed them well.


lenuew suotlaedo ilelsnqlsoLlD

:pea|uaLll '000[$ ro] l)aql e uaq] sPueq /(wrr.lf,aluaqfpawolB ro'rul /sralsnqlsoLlD aq qll/v\ rualqord aql ue auolup aa^oldua ]ou to Surssnlsrpruor,uaql Sulpplqror)u.lro]ornsol)srp -uou e u31sIaql ra4y 'aseJ aqt a)e] o] srolsnq -lsoqD aq] apensradol ra8ea ^pealf, sr aq tnq 'alrl-ssaulsnqpue stg 'aBtlsard )slJq s1.rauuer-u pue .raraoda lqeJapr suof,3urleedsaq'snotcedspue paqsrurnj-lla/v\ sr af,r#osr11'1ade;aql ol pauutd e qlrrt ttnsaratd-aarqt prer Cl fl'W'B palpurLuel pue paro;rel-r(;ar-uospueq e Suueenr',Surloo;-poo3 'af,ulos/)aqtre^o)o] uraq]sparlp llet s! )aqre o) lsruolldecaraq] lalua srelsnqtsotlDaq] uaqM

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laLl]ra'leurou llef, p,no,{leq,u 1ou,{;ureperar,l^aqtq8noqt 'lern}eu -radns {1}cexatou are oq,tr sluauoddo }sure8e 'ur er,no{ ssaupooS lsolu p a^eq oM 1ueq1 peprd are sJalsnqlsorl D aql araq;;wrrltraluraq3 ]f,aqre^o) proluPls isolsnqlsorlD,, 'sIPs allon aleu pa1;;ut1py -PawolB jo roroH aql/, pal]llua sr arnl 'sse;3pue 'unurunle '))or laaqs Surlsrs :anurtuof,/papnop an,{aq} arug 1o -uanpPlxauaql'arnlua pe s!q]jo pua oq] s,]eql -uor Surp;rnqfuols-auo3ur;lrerds'mau-puerqe oq14's8u1.r 'asranrun 'aprsfulunor isra/ursue fueur8e are saf,!#oaq1 anbsarnprdaql lop auoqd aql uaqrt 'u31edupf, tulslya^pe ^rou -ur aql pue sarnleo, rerlrueJ auoraq ]eqt lll1puplSurpor;o sa;rdaSnq aql pue lale^^ Inlasn ,o e Sulpels Sulteqap er,no,( pue 'lto1s ueaq seq ra lllol arrlv plo ]aa,^s pue sa:rgo a13ngaql paro;or-,{;p.r ram /qsr)rerq aLlt's}uo)s 8u t}saral 'uoouroup auo punoiP 3u1111s ar,notr 'saull AUet! pa]lslA 'lualuaAuOflaAauaq/v\pa -ur aq] 'satun; alous parolorrt;nu {;e,ro; ot1} ssau!sng Jl -sn aq up) a13ng :ua,{e;d;noA o} pnolP sr.l} pPaU aqrrJsap'araq]a Up sralsnqtsoqDaql sV '(ui\ o] lentawwol uAl4ootg aq] a)ll 'arnlua ;adedsr*aue rO pe upqln Jaqlo auos ul auoq rno{ reausarlrlr)e,qlreasarpeuador{puarat 1a1e;pasnaq plnor uorldursap]eqg 'siatsnqlsorlD a,r,,{aq}aq{eu ro) ra rU )Jpsua)f,eH aq} Suole '4emap ur are sa)UJos/wrqJaluaLl]paworB aqt,{q pato;dxa}ou se/v\0el} s,eLueuPd 16 aqr{eu) asnoqtueuuede aqt 1oyed sdeq:ad'A1relrLur5 'sarnlua^pe lsPo ruoJj sarlle -rifjp Jo saruaua-qrrprlllrl,tdn laaui o] )rurof sr ll ialel ool s/lr arolaq aql sproqLe8aql ^orlsap- qof ,sragsnq]soqD (saLuegur) puv /v\ou) ipearle noi aldoad 1aar.uo1 'aprMpljoM - sJllul saopauo,(ueselsnf 'pa.ralunoc un, sr_1! )JoM,o lno uau uoll -elruestnd pue soeqf,asnerplnof,^aql'3ulpl!nq -ua Apearle a /Aaq] sra]f,ereq) laaur o] a)!l 'arnluanpeSurlrol;o;aurosur ,{e1d qf,.leasaraLl] uroJj adersa sproqre8aql 1t 'uer sra,{e16 tL131ur pa1uruel arn}lnf,aLl}aJuts {eq} sa;orleq/v\aas ol ea}f,ereql ra,{e1d-uou a8eqre8,{ue,{1;enpr,r aq} 'lualsrxouou 'uarplrqr ',3urn3 ^lalerpauur autof, ol utaql slue/v\aq pue sr a8eqre8uou urorJ a8eqre8 auruexa s,{e^|1y ruo3o6aql a1r; rallt aJurS,durnp,,e o11r -ulur sla]f,erPqf, otr,41r1rqe lnq - qol In]ssaltnse lot s]sol pue saa]ur '1e1o1 qsrn8urlsrp raqto punoj no,{ sdeqradpuy 'sar]rAr]tre pue s,aq,{es;;,aq'pessard 3ur1e1pue - e|r,{ro}otu p ueqt ssalsq8rarvr 000'02$o1dn,(edo13ur1;r,r,r lernlPuraons 'urell papuauurof,ar'(,,olelodqrno] 'sanou 'a 3u!tl]Aue ou ro aql// ul u^ raq roJ ra leql o oJ o1 .rap.ro ur Surp;rnqaqt o] ],usaop ,,a8eq 1; 1aB laur sralsnqlsorl9aq] uorl^^) uospt^ec pleuoc -re3,,Surlrallorro1uorssede Lllrmsue) tuaS!llalul -ur pa ot! pue 'Llf,]rMe sr aqs aq^ew 'SUlaq] roJ - r t u a s ' p a l e L u r u pa r e , , s p t o q r e 8 , ,3 u t 1 ; n s a . t silo/v\aqs sdeqrad'suorluaDe ]eq] sltupe aq 'snounf,ale slalsnqlsorlDaq] Jl raq,o uorsja rp aq] 'Lua;qordaq] a 'suer a8eqieS af,Uro- tlllM drtlsuorlelar sluasar aql srolrnsprlehlJaq1oauo sdeq:a6'pa1eor1d los -r.uola1rla)eu ol sur8aqpue 'sralsnqlsorlD Aaql 1r ,,arou ,{;;er1ue1sqns,, sasrurotdpue 'LUal f,rlorqur^se paqsrlqetsapue palelnui seq arn]ln) aqt Jo qotd aq] Dadsurpue aurof,llr^ slalsnqlsorlDaq] aql .^]rJrf,pJ qf,ieasal s/wrqf,alruoqfpaworgto auo Jolsaraluraql surl* anbo3el euel15sdeqra6 '0,r;ncrgrpl,11e8a; 'Lurql^e;dot slue ^ sra,{e1d uaaqspLlarnlln) ,{11er1uarodSurrvr e olur pas€alar,tlleluaptrre aL1}}o auo pue ,! 000t$ ,ied 11,a;1 pue 'Sursse.r.requla laqlel st ll,,) auoqd aq] la o paraaur8uaorqe ]eqt ra o)srp ,{aq} 'ae1Sutta8 lalsnqlsor13e atuoJaq o] sluem-aqsdeq:ad:g 'oueuaf,s ]uala leurouered aql;o arnlpu Jf,exaaql ssn)stp -3e1se predaq ;;rm,{aqtrlf,r.l/\roJ'qot aql petdar ,;wrq)alLuallfpawo!BJo roroH aql,, 'd;aq o1 alqe aq {eu.r sralsnqlsoq3 -re an,,{aq}ra4y 'tuelqold snoua}sAu.t 'wrrlf,alruaq3 e }o are) l/uom aH lxau aq] ur dn sdorr at1 sdeqra; aql qulLl] aq leql 1nq 'slsoqSa lo ur tou saop a ) p l o l ' ' ) u l ' w r q f , a l u a L l f p a w o l B ' u o r l e r o d . r o l - p o f { o l g I q p a , ( o 1 d u a , { 1 1 e u r u o uz l 4 w ua;qord srq leqt sure;dxa)traqf,e^o)/pa)sell snorralsr{r"u e ,{q parrq are ealsnqlsoq" "u s)ruor])alaue sr aH 'uospr^ecuoc ]aLuAaqI 'unB r lueqda;aue q]r/!\u^ op tl, uraql 3ur)trErl 'arnluo^pe rale; e 3ur:np slead de aq '8uua1uepue Surlearq irarll ro, a8uana.r Surpo;d 'pue 'suadaap srsoqc,{sdsrq sdeqlad ro 'sralsnqlsoqDaq] palll all Jr 'saf,uelurenD -Je alJno arouJ sr,l Suotue uror; lplralar E asrqoue.rl eq] SuUq]q8rurropog poo8aqt sdeqraS 'eureuedrC aq]'a)uelsurroJ taur sralsnqtsorlD 'sauoi au olur a8unld ,{aql se sarnluape rarltpauol] sluauala Sullaluno: -ua ,{ofua sra,{e1d'1s;reqap aJolu to1 'yg a8ed 'qrrqr* 'ealsnq lnoqe ,,'uBredue3y 8uruunu,,aas -]sotjDalrtesaq] Sursnsorn]ua^pepa]elal sauas ]o e) uSredtuef, e Suluunr ur palsaralurar,noA;1

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saJnlue^pvteqlo olut //olslod qf,nof agl,, lo sluewatl tulnlt

"lt started two months ago At first, a fer,vhalfempty boxesof office supplies disappearedl'He leansforward. "But now, gentlemen,the situation has deteriorated so far that nobody goes into D-wing at allJ' "But you need He settles back in his chair. Inc. is some background.BioMedChemTechrM, the leader in recombinant DNA research.We're proud of our oil-eating bacteria and our antihistamine viruses.Our safety record has been excellent, but the carelessnessof a single D'wing researcher has created an extraordinary problem. "The biologically-activeremnantsof a failed experiment were accidentally discardedwithout observing routine precautions. "ln some inexplicablemanner,the biological sample has interacted with its environment to yield an animate life form." "What Doubtlessa curious Chostbusterasks, kind of life form?" Kovacheksighs and replies: "Where would any careless person throw things away?A garbage can!" When speakingas Kovachek,try to sound like "we did such and so" an executive:never sav when you can say "We implementeda decision to take responsibilityin the area of..." Put your handsto your collar as if straighteninga tie from time to time. Kovachekgoes on to tell them: 1. He is not at liberty to discussthe purpose of the research. 2. D-wing, which has been sealedoff, is now - the garboids.He infestedwith bizarrecreatures shows them a blurry photo of a man running toward the camera, his mouth gaping in terror. Behind him severalstumpy objects shaped like garbagecans arp in hot pursuit, their lids open wide as if to bite. The picture is too dim to see not they havefangs. 'whether or 3, The creatureswere discoveredsomedaysafter the improper-disposalincident, when unexplainabledisappearances of largequantitiesof officesupplieswerediscoveredby staffmembers. Therefore,either it took time for the virusto interact with the garbagecans/or the creatureswere intelligentenoughto hide until there were lots of them. 4. Thereareapparentlydozensof the creatures in D-wing. sent in a team of 5. BioMedChemTechrM guardsto clean out the garboids,but the team was routed. That's when they decided to call the Chostbusters.

The Deal will enter D-wingand survey lf the Chostbusters it, he will paythem $5000 (aboveand beyondthe initial $1000 payment).lf they manageto exterminate the garboids as well, he promises an additional $10,000.Howevel the Chostbusters mustsignwairerformsacceptingall responsibility for life form disposal.


Chostbusters OperationsManual

Roll Kovachek'sBargain8 againstthe Chostbusters' spokesman's Cool or Bargain. lf Kovacheckwins, the Ghostbustersaccept what turns out to be proprietoryor ward statusfor the new Iife form. lf the Chostbusterswin, Kovachek admitsthat the life forms seem to be intelligent, standsto be in a lot of trouble and that BMCTTM with a lot of governmentalagencies for the mistake,including the EPA,and they get the job without havingto sign the waiver. With a successful Brains,Deduce,or Cuessroll, understandthat, if the life forms the Chostbusters are intelligent,to kill any of them might be considered murder bv the courts. If the Chostbusters realize that BioMedChemTechrM is trying to put one wer on them,

to themaximum Kovachek will raisethepayment he'sbudgeted- $5000for a survey,$14000for elimination of the garboids. Stanford BMCT Executive Brains

4 ExecuteExecutive Came Plans

Muscles2 Jog 3 LookProsperous Cool

5 Bargain

Coal: ServeBioMedChem'IechrM


Carboids are moderately intelligent - if you're one of thosewho believepetsare smart. Forthe most part,they wanderaroundcollecting everythingin sightand bringingit to the Creat Dump (see below) in the vague hope that this will somehow placatetheir creator, whom they hopewill rsrealitselfand tell them why they were created. They don't know much yet, but learn fast. Thev are not malevolent,but can be annoying and tricky.They haveno language,but harrc plenty of emotions,and announcetheir feelingsby gnashingtheir lids,stampingtheir feet, and clanging their bodies together.In many ways garboidsare like big, friendly Labrador Retrievers- responsiveto tenderness,cowed by and resentfulof anger;and capable of as much cheerful,innocent,and unrestrained destructionas a professionalmercenary. Carboids resemblelarge gray-mottledgarbage cans with two large googly eyespopping up from their lids. The eyesbob up and down as the can opens and closesits mouth (the lid); the garboids have learnedto peep orer obstaclesthis way.Carboids haveno arms or hands;they manipulateobjectswith their big scoop mouths, which can open wide enoughto engulfan entirehuman.Their legs SampleGarboid are very short, so they do not move fast, but the Carboidscan tip forward nearly90 degrees Brains 1 Find Litter to grabthingsfrom the floor.Their feetresemble flappy latex gloves but are much more Muscles3 Run durable. 2 Scoop Up Objects Carboidscan digestlots ofthings.They can surviveon paperand pulp products,giren ade 1 FaithfullyPursue Cool quate water,though their thick tinny skins reCoal quire lotsof iron. Carboidscould eat humans, Coa/: Keeo America Clean but they wouldn'tenjoy it unlesssomeonetold them it was a joke. Then they'd like it a lot.




lenuPW suorleJedo satsnqlsoqD

'sa^ase slleqla)seqjo rred e panlS a^eq sproqre8aq] qJlLl/v\ ol talsdulnp a8uetoa8nq e sl aql dole 8u!l )unt pue radpd ,o alrd qBrq-loot-Sz -tls '(dunp parf,esaql) radedalseM deaq a8nq e ro dote pedunp ,{lsnoruoualarun ate ,taq1alaqr* 'asnoqarp\ aql o] ua)e] ale slolsnqlsgqD aql

lPeIac 'a1r1,{aql 'alllpl-al)lpl\ Iq ,! Jaqloueauo o1leads lpls uef,sralsnqlsoqDaqf 'pn; q8nol '(lla/v\se slutodatu/\oJB g 3ulso1) ueaq uolojo aq] lo qse/lqf,eqaql Iq snotf,suof,un 'ailno) 'aJnsroj Pa))ou) sr ralsnqlsor.lDaq] Jo a8uer 1ue;q-lurod'g ,{1Jncrgr6.ro; 1;orlaur; }snf qro/v\srr]j'sproqteSaql aprsu,altq/v\qled uoloJd Iaqt arlJuef, sralsnqtsorlg,tdeq-ra83u1A1nr1 ' 'af,ueqt tno,{ s,alaq '}uaudrnbe ,{ue sJelsnqlsorlD aql o allar ol asnf,xaue lo1 3ur ,o -)ool uaoqan,no,{;;'slrnsdunftraq} s}uau8etl 1o para$el pup leal!\lapun ltaql ut apu aLl] ,o pua raqlo aql ]e a8ratrtasJalsnqlsorlD aql 'lla/\^ ,{;lelnrrped.re;,{uan;ossrp setrnfanrlsa8rp aql }eq} sr arnlparf,aq],o r1Jpr.lrols-lsllj 8tq aql ur Surpr.r lear8aq1 rool1 aLlluo laa, ptoq, 1oa8eluenpesrp ";o de;sdels-delsaq) ldarxa aprstno uor, prear1 aq uPl alBll ,{dunq pue ,{;1arus sr opu aql 'su€lunq ' lsureBe Surqilue ],ua pq ,{11ear,{aqt asnef,aq sralsnqlsor.lD aql dn qseuS1,uop,{aql }nq /}eql le sauo Alseuraqler pue 'qlaal a eq op sproqte8 aql /asolf,d1 raurea,rs,lt leq] ldalxa 'uer a8eq -re8e ur Suraqa1r11o1e sr proqte8e ur Surag

'ltoJulnutunle A^eaq fuan pue rrlseld a;qrxalyule/v\ uaa AlaqssoJJe a)rl arnlxa]p aneqsureual ssa;a1;aq1 'laded ansslt,o apeu tlSnoqtse saldu-rntrpue /saqJ -llMl'sraqll/v\'suear)s l! 'lgr-1 sr proq.reS e aurl quno] aql ,{ervre sunl pue aSe.rnocllp sasol}! /atur]prlr.lle llq sla8proqre8p,l taqto aqt uaq] pue ]ooJ auo uo Surddotl 'sLueaqaq] a8pop o1ureSe1a,{salll }l 'lleq aq} u^ op s)uel) pue slloJ pue 'ure8elano pa)lou) sr proq.re8eq] 'llq p aJo)s srolsnqlsorlDaql ,{ue /punol 1o Jt puof,asaq] u; 'sar;dde,{;nrrgrp e8uerla a}eq^\ o] I ppe suteoq arnlnj ape^a ol salj] ]l 'l!q aruo 'sureaquolo.rdaql pto e ol lnoqe saruepA1;erruocpue 'Surleanbsdn sla8ll

plog E sltH uEeg uolord P uaqM suaddPH lPqM 'lqbnelsuo

lear8 aql erolaq slced uolord r;aql asn ol ^\ori urpalol q8nouapeu 1aBilatsnqlsot1Dalqearead ^ue leLll os ''lla 'pulqaq uol, uaq] grrl 'uaql d!t] ol Surlduelle - ^ulp s,fu|dt1'dn waq] doors pue u^ op uaq] ))ou) o] sar.r]ll 'eole aq] uol, - ealsnqlsoLlDaql - rall!l aql a ouar pue ;eo8 'proqre8aq] qllm ;euouad slt a atqf,pol sarr]lt 'aletlo8au 'asJa alef,tunu.ltuo)asrm.raqloro uo) o] ldua;1e pue raurol Moqauros,{aql;; ro 'aJn}eat) alDll aql ssalppe,tlluesealdsratsnqlsorjgaq] rl '(/!\olaqaas)deJl e ralua ,{at1l'}t anslnd sJa}snq -lsoqD aq] plnoqs 'unr ol sarrt pu€ saqf,aartrs proq/ paraqurnulno aql uaql '())ed uolold e 3ur.r11 roTpueSurlurodse q)ns) sa.rn1sa8 1ualor,r a)eu 'ppaqeanoul']no lle) sralsnqlsor,lg aLlljl 'op a1doa;3rg aql ]eqrt aas ot slreA ploq.re8aqt 'splen8,!unras Ilseu asoql 'snotlnel lnq snounJ e1r1suodeainBurfulecaq ol uJaas,(aql tnq 'a1d -oad arru alll lool {aq} :3ur}salaturale sralsnq iproqrPDP eplsulo4!l ll s,leqM -lsoqD aql 'asudrnsur Suryvrenbspue sa^a s]l 'sra1snqlsoq3 'rfu,vr aql saasll uaq/v\sdolsll 1eq1Surlsaral SurE;nq 'llxa {1uo s,8urm-q uor}f,alp aq} uol, -ur arour s,tl 'srl)euols proqleSut Jo lle uaq] ]ue \ - uraLllpurqaq Luo.r,sauo) ]l laulof, e punolp art 1nq'lqBrltuer;ene dn lnd uaql lal 'pa/v\ollems salqqomproqre8e uaqm pasudlnsar,{aql 'lou 11 aq lle ua/ 1a1 'qeu"lq8noql puo)as uO 'uer e8eqreS3ur;1ore a)rl 'alqrunr{uu11e .reaq 'lle pue auo par,ro;;ems Suraq 'S sralsnqlsor.lD aq] /lnlssaf,rns r.ro4sralsnqlsoqgeql luanerdlllM alU palerlua) Jl ltln)l11lp]sure8e auo srr-l]'llor ualsrl ro sa^ow laqloue lo, llpl -uof,pupaurldrrsrp]sattulsaq] ^luO 'sr.llno|.u ltaql 'sproqre8aqt Suudso] aur] s,lr 'suroo.r,fdrua aa.rql olu! rulq puadn o13urfut 'turr.lpunole 3uua1sn1r r9 o^ l paqJJeasa eq sJalsnqlsoqDaql a.ruo sproqre8,o Jaqutnu aql s,lprl] - talsnqlsoqD pa/v\olle/v\sun q)pa lo, atp auo lloi 'punol Llf,pl sploqrPDaql tuualuno)ul rre aql ur Surner*]ee1raql qlr/v\s1a;;nBproqte8 'sploq, 'deaq aq] umopSuueaddesrp slalsnqlsor.lD ,o qout e Jo oot aqt oluo uaLll tuoue 1ae1 rreql ol )req al8Snrtsol 3utful slalsnq dunp pue araq ureqlfurer ;1,,{aql's,bg.rngarnl 'lalsdurnpa8uero3rq e -lsoqD aruos /r{Uo} pue loeq 3ur11orsproqreS -der sproqre8aq] uarlM paddez- soeqf,lelot aruof,aqplnoqsalgeq aql slrsdeaq aqt 1o dol fua aql uO roolj aq] a oqe 'salsnqtsorlDaql lltollelvrso1fu1sproqre8aq1 laal 9Z Euuai\01 satlddnsa)rrlo pue ]uar,udrnba 'Jau:otraql punore Euueor aLuo) (^e;1y \^ue )rJrluar)s- rlsrqqnrqlalq8lq 1odeaq lessolore 'tuaq] '11anr) sproqreB,o aproq e' iq paleuruop sr laqueqf, a8rel srql 'asnoqate^ Jo 0€ ol 0Z - pueq raddn aqt SurgaEar,rbql all] lle sr araq/v\ puv lutr.ll sralsnq aql ul 2JJnlsSurssrr-u -]soqc oql uaqrvrlsnf - ]equrof, spunoj aalLll ('ul ta8 t,uplnotr ro ro o/v! reUV 'eso;c derl proqle8 aq] lo smef aql sproqreSoql) raluaf, SurssacordpJo/v\aq] ul 'sralsnqlsoqD aql a8e8uasproqle8asaq]allqM af,rr1os,rosrruadnspa11em-ssel8 aql sl uolldaf,xa ,{lsnorcolale8reqr alos aqf 'stalro]aq] uor; raded 1a;lo1at;1'sarlgo lsar oLl] ]nq looH eLll ssorf,pllor pue a)ueleq aq] uror1ser;ddnsa)UJoall] 'sqel aqt r"uo.r; auo8 rlaql sslrusajntParf, aql ro o^ l ro auo raDpltrpue sr aremsse;8aql llp - seq pa ourar aq ue) teql 3ue;r rrpral p q]l/v\Sullla) aql uolJ ur*op do.rp Surqlfuana'xalduor alll Jo lsar aqt ]noq8nolql 'sroop aqt uado sptoqretuszopJleqe 'puau,alnrllno 1olrnund u; l,uplno: 'spueq]noql! { 'sploq -JeBaql acurs';;ny JoPurof, aql u/!\op a^or! sralsnqlsorlD aql sv llrlsaJeslasolf,LuooJqoql

's;aued 1ea1splrll tua Iq aprstno aqt Luo4 fua,r31'ptoqreS paleasuaaq seqjooP pue rrropurrvr e ro - q8no.rq]I^\prf,ol ueu e ro1 q8noua 3tq are slJnp asaq]lErll uorluaull,uoP 'Pa)sessalun) 'sadtd azeu 'spnp rle pue s]rnpuo) 1o lptrul)ala 'ladrer anlq e are s8urlrarat;1 )Jep q]/!\ pala o) '(suetr 'alrqrvr aBeqleS/v\a,P are sll€/v\aql sJoouaql uaaq seLlu/v\op 1o uorldarxa aq] qllM) pa outal "^}dua st 3ut11-6 Palloqlou 3utqtfuan3,{ldLua


ut s/lerl6

'punol pue Uoqs st pafqo Surnou aq] ']1nsarssa:onsq8rqfuan lpLl]saasratsnqlsorlDaqt e qlrM 'rsuroJ aLll punore ro lleq allt u,trop8ul -nou Surqlauos asdur;3e saqf,lef, ratsnqlsot1D 1o aLll /ssaf,f,nse qllM 'sl ,tlnrrgrp lsureSes;;o.r 'sLuooraalq] aas ro sa oW roj )se Alleuorsef,tro .roor4 pale8rlsolura eq stalsnqlsot;Daqt laUV 'slr^apal]l!l aq] )rer] ol sasuasauepunu uMoJraq]uo puaoapol a eq. 'sralsuor.u sralsnqlsor_lD palpln|.uall]rl atnf, aql lsnf - Surq{ue Jo erneJr}aur)oqr,{sd 1osa)er}ou 'ssalasn ;eulouered {;;ear 1,uaresproqre8aqf are suorsnrlurrruse;dopa ]f,alap o] pau8rsap saf,r^ap Jaqlo pue srosrA-ol)a 'sjalauj l)d 'uer a8eq;e8e 'proqre8e lsn[ ]ou s,]t- la of,stp ,(aql 'suaa.raqlrurs ol lr 1se1qLaLlt laUV 'lleLl aql jo Jaluaf,aql ur ssaluorloruSurpuelsuer a8eq le3 a13urs e raluno)uasralsnqlsoqD aq]'uoos .arolaq l! pallausra a seqauo ou 1an13 a1t1altnb3urt1],(ue aue;drreur palroqslnuq8nopa1r;ropo ue s]f,atap lloi JluS V rool1 aql uo s)f,erl luud ano13raq qnr 8rq slods11or aa5y'pedunq Suraquer a8eq -re8e a)rl '3uep ,{emelel',tdua ue reaq slalsnq -lsoqDaql';;o ua1sr1 e uo '0t A;nrr;Ip lnjssaf,f,ns /(stuolelsa^ow ale asaLlt) lsure8eqcea llor JJ!uSe pue'ae5e 'ua1sr1 e JoJlle) lopurof,e ur raurol e urn] ro urooj e Jalua$alsnqlsoqD aql a|.urlqf,pl '3urp1rnq aq] aroldxasralsnqtsoqD aqt se lr o] slrelapppe pue raded 1o alard e uo ueld rool, )rseq aql lno q)la)s 'o a/.rJaJuarqrau ul Surrvr-6wrrllaftlaq3paryolg Jo deLuaq] pulg 'Surualealqlsr-uaas 3urqlou pue '3ur,rou sr Sulr1loN 'sAervuoop ,{q patdnr '{em;;eq -ralur 1o esuedxa ue aos s:a}snqlsor.lD aql'puo a8 'uaql pulqaqroop aql rpq puposoltr spren8aq] €urrt-g Jalua sralsnqlsorlDall] sV roop auo snl] ueq] raqlo ^e/v\,{ue }no }eB o} paou plno ^ sralsnqtsor.lD a]rLUeuAp aql 'palpas ,{ylq8;r are s/v\opur/v\pue sloop ,a,jto "gt .lyop aql qf,olun )aqtre^o) 'go paddrrgssr ure8ereno puera o UIDNVC UIDNVC UIDNVC s,{esqrrqrr edel Sururempau 'pa ouar aip sreqSurperrlleg '3u1rvr-6 olur roop aql ol uaql uo:sa sp.ren8 auos pue laqf,e^o) (peal are sralsnqlsotlDaq] uaqM

tulnn-Otulra1u3 :eerql uBd

ls it the chief of the garboids?Let the Chostbusterssit with this ideafor a while - you can even havethe dumpstershift once or twice atop the unstablegarbagepile, if you like. The dumpstet by the way, is not alive, though the Chostbustersmay havedark suspicionsabout it. The'boidssurroundthe pile and beginto jump up and down, makingbafflingmooingand grunting noiseslike a whole barnyardof animals.As any Chostbusterwho makesa difficulty 15 Brains or Anthropology roll will recognize,they seem to be worshippingthe dumpster.Like any proper god, the dumpster remainsimpassivebefore its patheticsupplicants.After a whilg the garboids wander off, leavingthe Chostbustersalone atop the trashpile. Encouragethe playersto sit quietly there a while, conferringon a courseof action.

Now What? There are severalwaysthe Chostbusterscan try to deal with the problem - at least,severalthat we can think of. As always,playerscan be fiendishly inventive,and they may come up with some other approaches.lf so, you'll have to wing it. Rememberalwaysto rewardcleverness. with a tastefor loud noises Plan A:'Chostbusters destructioncould stalkthe'boidsone and reckless by one, blastingthem with protoh beamsuntil all This plan is primitive of them havebeendestroyed. and inelegant,but it may satisfyplayerswith a preferencefor flamboyantaction. Of course,as a discerningand sophisticated Chostmaster, vou mustn'tlet this plan be too sucshrewd cessful.The garboidsbecomeincreasingly and cautious,hiding from their tormentorsand usingthe ductsto evadethem. lf the Chostbusters persistin their singlemindedcampaignof gar'boids might escape boidicide, severalor many ideally through holes from BioMedChemTechrM, haveblastedin the roof or walls. the Chostbusters In the outsideworld, they matewith ordinarygarbage cans and spreadtheir race. Soon the .lerseylandfill is crawling with garboids.Somemaketheirway into suburbanhomes, terrorizinghousewivesand strippingthe shelves of canned goods. The problem is traced to which is hit by a billion BioChemMedTechrM, dollar class action lawsuit. lf the Ghostbusters signed the waiver, they're named as co-respondents. Plan B: Thev can tame the little buggers.This, in fact,can work; positivereinforcement(praiseand a goody to eat)and negative(a soundthwack on the side)can trainthem to eat only thingswhich are genuinelygarbage.The garboidscan become a oositive benefit to mankind! It won't take long, in fact. lf the Chostbusters hit on this idea, the garboids prove remarkably easyto train. A few hours later,they can lead a paradeof well-behavedgarboidsout of D-wing to meetan astonishedKovachek,who will gladly pay the bill.


OperationsManual Chostbusters

can make a Of course, BioMedChernTechrM tidy profit selling garboidsto jaded housewives Our heroeswill get ascombinationpet/disposals. doodly-squat- unless the Chostbustershave assumedproprietorystatusfor this new life form "The Deal" as a condition of their contract(see abore).In that case,the legalguardiansof this new Iife form can wear sunglassesand act like Hollywood agentsfor child starsasthey negotiate fat contractsfor the servicesof their wards- taking a proper and modestcut off the top, of course. Plan C: Or the Chostbusterscan try biological research,trapping one of the cans and studying it or scoopingup some of the virus from the first can, It turns out that a powerful dose of spray cleanserstunsthe cans(pickthe cleanserbrandnamethat soundsmost banaland ridiculousto you).Sprayedcansfall over backwards,kick their legs a couple of times, and go comatose.Dispatching them is then a breeze.

LookingAhead As always,study the conclusion of the adventure for loose ends and interestingcharacters which may prwide the basisfor futureadventures. BMCTTMis a likely source of further adventures.lt hasplantsand facilitiesall overthe world, does lots of researchinto obscureand potentially dangerousmatters,and hasplenty of cashwith pensionplans. which to underwriteChostbuster And the garboids offer possibilities,too, including: further mutations,competing intelligences, game preserveintrusions,the sudden disappearanceof trash from city after city (putting garbagecollectorsout of work), and garboid population explosions,to mention a few.

The End...?

Okay.That'sit. That'sall the professionallyinspired and polished adventuresthat come with this basicgame.Now you've got to do your own geniuswork. Unless,of course,you want to shell out some cold cash for some of our swell published CHOSIBUSffRS adventures,soon to be available (or already abundantly available, dependingon when you buy this) at fine game stores everywhere. We have given you bunches of neat ideasfor Once the Ghostbustershave disposedof the 'Advenadventuresof your own. Justlook at the trash can threat, StanfordKovachekmeets with page 37. And now that them. He gratefullypaysthem the amount they ture ldeas" section on you've seen how Big Time Came Designers the players,and let the agreedupon. Congratulate Chostbustersdrive away into a glorious sunset. organizeand presentadventures,you kncvr all you for your (Figuratively,of course.As one of our Famous needto kncnvto whip up swelladventures Came Designerspointsout, they'reheadingback compatflots. But don't let's get too far ahead of ourselves to Manhattanfrom New Jersey- going east, in here. There'slots of fascinatingstuff to read before glorious cloud into a driving fact. Maybe they're you get to the 'Adventure ldeas" section. Now of orange.redpollution.) tips and Basic lf the destructionwrought by the trigger-happy it's time for more Chostmastering paranormalexterminatoris proportionallyin ex- Chostology. cess of their services to BioMedChemTechrM, Co on now. Readon. Simon Says. Kovachekbills them for the damages(a sum proportionalto their destructivegenius),substantially reducing their profits for this venture. Cive everyonesomethingbetweenone-halfand all of the Brownie Pointsthey squanderedduring the adventure. If the garboidsare exterminatedor eliminated in an efficient and sensiblemanner,the Chostbusterseat high on the hog for a few weeksand can send a fat paymentto LouisTully for the exlnternationalhas pensiveequi pmentChostbusters foisted upon them. If the Chostbustesmanageto turn the garboids into a profitableindustry or if they releasethem into the world at largeon the basisof moral commitmentsto the sanctityof intelligent life, give them the Brownie Pointsthey spent during the adventureand a healthy bonus, besides.Note, however,that if they unleash these intelligent populace,BioMedbeingson an unsuspecting ChenflechrMis not only going to refusepayment, but will bringa heavycourt suit againstthem in the bargain.Betterget our heroesout on another adventurequicklike so they can pay the lawyers' fees.

PartFour: WrappingThingsUp



'a)rlou Uorlsuo ]no oJnlua pe pa8el:ed e 1;ndo1 elqe aq o] aJru s/l! 'suaddeqsrql uaq/!{1a)ue pe u! ornlue^ppu/v\oJno^ areda;d ol aull q8noue a^eq l,uop no^ 1eq] put, uauo i(eu .no1 '6 'aJnlua pe ue ro, ruessaf,ou peq 'llnPJ]e lou aja/v\']uaf,ouurare sralsnqlsotlD aql Suuedeidpue Surzlue8Jo roj lapoul aq] leql iv\ot{sllr/v\tlf,rtliv\//a)uapl^aanlsnl)uof,,, slerrateur poog p no,{ sanr8 arn}uo^pe pa8eped y '7 o8pnf oql ol puell pue dn /\ orls ll,aH 'fuolsaq] olu! 'aue8 '1o aql unr ol /v\or.luo ,{;;n1srnol af,nportu!oluert lr{Elr,unoA 1nota8 du8 ragaq e la8 no^ sd;aq e.rnluanpepaSoped e 1,uecAaql luarua;tuelua lete; e p ]spru aq] u! Suruunrleq] pulJ,{eu no,{ 'SAilSng15OHg lo sa lasuoql pug sJalsnqlsorjgaq l; 'alduexa tq1 ' uolluodJo) suorssas/v\ajlsrr, at1]SuilalseulsoqD uaqM 'l ue-r r,uas'; nyd tuas e 8u tuared llou ;aq-t :suosPere^ll ro, se '{;1n1slnol }o uovad aq} ur ,{;lerauaE'leuoueu -ralu| sJalsnqlsor.{D af,uejeaddeaq} rvropetlsarol lntesn sarnluo pe paSoped pug a,vr'{1snopa5 ro pue qf,rpuof, lelluolod dn ]as o] papualur sem fu8unq JParla8 ol 8ul peJluof, aslq)uPrjaql 'seap!oueua)s lPuoruppe -ot ale a/v\rO'sarnlua pe rno,{nq oS ^la}predas 'asrqruel, e qsrlqelsa orourauos paqsrlqndaneq'pn1 {ue qtltr'11la,r ]sa88nsuef, sleualpurasaq] ol aPrf,aP no^ ,! ',saJnluape /\ aJ lsjrJ aql ro, aM 'uaql qsrur;no,{aLur}aq} LB 'Jrono,t ueis ol ralsnq eue8 aql qlr/v\saJnlua^peaerql popnlfur aA,aM tueuodrurunare ,taql qEnoql (,;uSredLue) -lsoq9 e unu ol /v\oH,,pue //saslqf,ueuslalsnq 'sarnlua^pe SAilSnSISOHg paltdsut u8tsap -lsol1D,,uo suorlJasaql pear ',{e1dlo a;,,irsu8;ed ol pauJ ,lauardns arojaraql pue ']sotu uPql -tuef,aql ]noqe uorleurorur arou ro.l) 'aure3uSred palsr/!\]arour ar,a/v\]eq] 8ur)ulLl]ur sa lasrnoJa] -ue) aql ol /sarqqoqsnolo^rJJuo ,terure llPlaPpue ro^eFppe ol ^lueurud sl rauu} ol {el1 o/!\ pue /llr/v\ /Lurol 'asealar a8euep otl] pue ]!M ol Vdl aLl] atr.trl aaJJ snordor seq auofuala lou la aMoH 'tf,Prtuof, 'salnluanpe u/v\o aq] aq] - Jjnls aq],o ]sar aql Jo lsol l iquol s/tuerD lno{ SuruSrsapun; ro put) auresaqt eneq;1,no,{ 'spuau, Jno ro, ur paunq s,oq/v\/v\oul no,{ op /^e5 'ro1 ar,,{aql luauureualua palsr^1 Iulrll aM leq/v\lno a;n8rl uer no,{1aq |'Q aH aJuaraJau Surlearcuo#a pup aurl Surpuads1o1no>pr1e 1aB ur are saJnlua^pe //wrqJaluaqJpawolB,, a7y1f;1enpe laDel aq] ro; arrpnfard e lrupe aM pue ,,olelod LlJnol,, aq] roy sue;d Jool, aLlf ralspurlsorlDaq] Aq patua^urAlarlua sauo pue laqtra 'asaqt ^pnls ol nol unq ],uPlno/v\ ',4ueduror raqloupro puf 1se4tr,Q paqsrlqndsauo 'sural f,!,rluarf,sopnasd ]l lnpo;oc asn o1 sre,{e;d ,,pa8eped,, :saJnlua^pe,osyos o ^l aJeajaqf aBernorua ol ^erlt aln) lear e sr ) ail! aJuaralay sornlua^pv peEq)Ed 1o yed ,,sural {1tsoq9 uoturuol,, aql larFea ol no plol 'unj Jo stol Surreq are ,{aql uraqt a/v\a)!l asaql pear {pealle a eq no^ 'suor}f,arp ,{ar a)ur^uo) o] ou sr uaAeldrno,{larropoqsqSnor ^ olloJ ol pual no,( jl 'aLue3suJlsnSlsoHg Sutuunrlnq 'A1roqlneleuUaq] aJpno1 'lesodo.rd eql ol slar{e;d/v\au pue slauurSaq of,npoj}ul aleuralleue sraJlooqlt auoi(ueol rea JeaPP utnl ol papuaturare (,,^eld,o satnurw ua1 ;errd{1,,) pue'suorsrJap pue suorperno,{ure;dx1's8ur g alrJ a)uaraJau 'o jleq pup (,,uorlp)rlddv ],uop -;aa1.sra,{e1d rno,( o} a^rlrsuasaq rnB ,;alf,pqap asrll)uEll 1o arueldaly Jo Jaual Lurol,, ,isalnu slql ellno nortla3 euuoSsr uorluarualulaur^rc Jo aq1,, ,i{e16oI ^ oH,,) V alH drualetau ro llv 'slurodaru^or8 ')f,nl jo 'puauJAru lunoureou lnq '#nls 'pn; q8no1,,'luaurerrpardureuaf,e llaMsjo spur) llP ureluof,(c ralsnq lno Jo -V pallaqpl) salJ aruarorau a8ed-rno,rnoJ aql -lsoqD e la8 ue) slulod a!u/!oJB raqunu ou Jo salry arualaJau aql leql 'atruelsurro,'aprf,ap uef, no^'ssoq ar/no^ '3urq1 pooS e sr 'lualuof, s/ueaqrno ol asr^oJourl srql'aure8 ragaq e a)eu o] salnJ,!rpolu o1 luem uaLll/aJnluape ue Jo arn]f,nrlsJrseqaql roJ arn] llr/v\ralsPrutsor.l5 fuana'aur] auos 1y 'saur;aprn3 'xr; 'saurlaprnB 'salnJ -uanpepa8eped poo8 e o1u.rn1s,{ern;e ,{;uoale,{aq}}nq poo8aresoln1 ue: ann aueS e ro;1oqpue aurl uo uoqs aJ,eA uaqM 'g aql apuralo .ro 'puadsns 'arou8r ol aar1 laaJ 'slold 'sa;nraueS lerlloqplpumo rno olur uaqt alerod.ro:ur pue seaprosaqlleals,t;;n;raaqraM'sarnlua pe pa aql jo 4o/!\auer, alqrxal] aql pue uorleurSerur -8eped ur spaprSururepalua ssorJeauroJ,{;;euors paurldrrsrpun rno{ Sursna;qrssod srSurrlltuy'3u; -)ruqploD /)ooB e 3u!qsrlqndlaMod -etrf,osn a)rl sralseuaure8pardsur ua l 't lell]llod

slpoD au aleaJ) 'sar^owpeg ,{ofu3'8n1-e-3nq3 'sra)Jaqf - slualel ^ au atpar) 'eusrJeqf 'sund 3ur1e61'qedanqS - s]!p{ i\ au o}ear3 'peaqe oD lun, oLll llp a pq sreuBrsa6aulpD snouel rno qui\{ ']ueM aiv\plnoqs ^qm ',ueaurI '3urssa1q noi( au g],tueseInr SUJJSngJSOHg.aql I, rrSotu -suerl,{1;eraua8 pue 'l,1rpour'puedxa uef, no^ 'sJals€urlsorlD pa)ua -uadxa uanaasnruoJuef, af,uo le suorlsanb3ur -1sealdoadrno1ueql arou asnpf,aq'ra{e1d ntau q]!/v\aLupSe ur aldoad {uetu oo1 " "u l6l,?f",0 'af,rp r-1}!/\^ sauof, aslaSurq},!en1 aql 11o,o1^or.1 pue ealsnqlsorig apeLu-e:duaq] a^!3 uaql /v\or.]s - salnr aLllsoJr^ouBurqreaglnoqe fulor* 1,uo6 '3ur{e;d oi\u ro rnoq ue puads pue ',,uofurxa1 pue !10€,,se qlns 'arnluanpea;durs e ue1; 'aure8 ler)os luallaf,xa ue aq uef, suilsnsJsoH9 'suorlelsalur lerrj -rouered,o aprsteaqdn aql sr SUJJS4SISOHD 'Qrl 'no,{ 1uer1}ou.'Surlsn8srp1nq aq,{eu sa^ 'praM 'luatuJaqtlaursrpPueatrualorAleuorl -esuas'pun; leql auou - qloj 'lf,e sselJp st Jo pue'pea1 Suraq aqt 1o SUilSnSISOHt'gueg 'anesseytl/ esuleL!)se(a1alrl qrrp :e11e;ds lq8ry ur re;ndod os sJoJrorlpalsnoua-a:o8'Surraqqr8 'Suuaqqolsaql qll/v\Aervre par:rer 1aB1,uo6 fpa -Luore '1;erale /srSUJJSpSISOHD')Urxoq aql Ll]!^{paxlu snolnf,rpuaql }o lurrl e daal puy '1n1a1er8 os ra a aq llr^- sraAe;drno^ ,,'snuanuo araq/v\auos ')relq o] apel,, ro r.r,rooj laloLllleursP uo ur apel f,rlPuaurf, asn 'uorlle /;"ol a lossrc,,a)rl sr.uja] eql 1o sped nno;sssarduotr ro azueuuns ol ',{ddeus ,{e1os,11'peaqedr)s 'urrrop3oq sBulr.li }l pue Surnour-1sey aue8 aql dae) ')ro,^ lou 'unJ oq plnoqs3ur{e;d- }aurueu e aq t,uop }nB 'ua/ )treLlM 's1urqa11ua8ulaql a rB 'aq o1 Sutpualard ale ,{aql}l 'srattrpreqf, rraql ,{e1da1o.r {aqt oqlr 1e8ro1 ua,{e1drno,{ dlag 'uorpe aLl} lle 8oq aldoad 'eue8 fuana JrteusrJeq)ro anrssa:83e ]al l,uo6 arns aIeW leads o1 atrueqtre sla8 ,{poq,{-rena

{ddug sroAeldaqt tu;daay 'sra,{e;daq} urPua}uano,{ alrqnr un, a^eqo1srqof rno,(latsplulsoqDaql s

sd1& relseurlsoqC Io eplrg/Jo

uos/Io urnleu

the legalauthorityto do what they did, and probably deserve compensatory damages for the damageto their good reputationcausedby this "unfounded slander." A complete list of the GHOSTBUSTERS Reference Files and their contents is found in Reference File D.

Doing DramaticReadingsof the All-KnowingDice Rollingthe dice is alwaysa dramaticmoment. With suicess or failure in the balance,the element of suspenseis ever-present- just watch those bright facesas they squinch up their eyes, shakethe dice like down-and-outcrapshooters, "C'mon, baby needs and intonethe ritual words, a new pair of shoes." Exploitand distill the essenceof this exciting moment by learning how to read Mr. Dice with a dramatic flair. Here are the basic techniques: "Oh. You rolled Real Big/RealSmall Numbers: Boy,areyou a'3'on threedice.Quite remarkable. ever lucky. Boy,did you ever blow that maneuverj' Or. "Coodnessme. Four'6'sand one'5'on five dice - and a five on the Chost die. Prettyspectacular. Seven Olympic judges stand up from behind a row of ash cansand hold up signseach a '10.0.'A beam of sunlight breaksthrough the cloudsand illuminatesyour features.ln short, you succeedbeyond your wildest dreams." Whenevera player rolls close to the absolute maximum or minimum possiblewith a certain numberof dice, his successor failureis particularly dazzling. lmprovisesome little dramatic 'A detail to emphasizethis specialtwist of fate. '3' on three dice? Nope. Not successful.Do you havea plasticbag to carrythe little pieies of your device back to the lab?" Missingor Exceedingthe Difficulty Number by "Well, to makethat cornerat 75 a Wide Margin: to roll a 15.You roll a...'2! Yery need MPH. vou good. Hmm. l'm not altogethersureyou are still in New Yorkstate.Hmm. Okay.When you come to, some men in unfamiliaruniformsarejabberyou do recognize ing in an unfamiliarlanguage... 'passPort."' the word Exceptionalsuccessor failure must alwaysbe accompaniedby some charmingdetailsin the resultthat dramatizethe scaleof the tremendous "Okay. To kick open that door, you feaVdisaster. needto roll a'5.'Oh?You'readdingfive Brownie Pointsto your Muscles5 Trait.Ahem' The roll is... 52. Close.Realclose.Butyou do succeedin kicking the door open...and throughthe room, the oppositewall, througha seriesof smallerrooms, throughone exteriorwall, and another230 yards, where the door comes to restgently againstthe window of a china shop.No, no one in the room " seemsto have noticed the noise...


OperationsManual Chostbusters

For us, that's the important thing. As Hamlet "The play's the thing;' says, But we also know enoughto acknowledgethe principlethatfolk like to be rewardpsychological ed for a job well done. Brownie Point awardsat the end of adrenturesarethe main sourceof such externalrewards.But creativeChostmastershave anothersourceof goodiesthey can useto amuse and gratify their players. Equipmentcards. Of course,you don't need to go out and print up new cards.(We won't prornisethat we won't trv to sell you such neat items in the future.)No, we want you to make ufr your own little handcraftedcardsto give to your players.After all, it's the thought that counts. An obvious kind of rewardis new equipment from GhostbustersInternational- wifty devices designed for specific menaces,or new more powerfuland versatileversionsof currentequip ment. Thesedevicescan get out of hand if you are too generouswith them. lt is a good practice to havea high factoryrecall rateon such devices so you can havefun with them for a few adventures,let them breakdown - usuallyat the wrong moment - then send them back to cBl where they languishfor severaleternitiesawaitingrepair. And when somecharacterdesignsa new widget, make a card for it. Other new equipmentmight includeclassier, - maybeyou need to more upscaleaccessories add a fleet of Ferraristo ensureswift responseto house calls, or a Lear jet for those annoying GBI is alwayssendingyou on. mission-adventures And in additionto the beachkit, a franchiseneeds accessoriesfor every vacationing location Aspen,Monte Carlo, Rio, St. Maarten,Pittsburg, Vladivostok. Another good idea for equipment awards is selectingtreasuresto match the PersonalCoals and personalities of the Chostbuster player characters.For example,Janinemight get those darlingdiamondearringsfrom Tiffany's,Raymight get a stack of swell occult reference books, RewardingYour Playersfor a Winston might get a fat stockportfolio,and Dana Done Well fob presentablesuit for Venkman. other roleplay- might get a At the conclusionof adventures, Now, note: the gamelord giveth, and the ing games award oodles of experience points gamelord taketh away.Whenever a character has which can be turnedin for or qualifythe character a bad day, or does somethingfoolish, or rolls a for powerfulnew abilitieswith which to terrorize "Hey, oh, boy, now my MasterAc- Chost, somethingawful could happento one of the universe these prized rewards.Maybe a spook snatchesthe countant has the Baffle IRSAgent power!" The earrings,or slimesthe books,or splitsthe seams charactercan also accumulatevastquantitiesof The Chostmasterpolitelyask that the plunder and nifty magical items/artifacts/ on the suit. be turned over to him, and leaves reward cards technologicaldevicesto enhancehis destructive the players in suspense about whether the caDacities. will ever be recovered. treasuredDossessions Well, this could be lots of fun - if it weren't part of this Chostmasterdesigned neatest The for the stupid bookkeepingit requires.And after equipmentcardbusinessis makingup the cards. a while, the plunder and whiz-bangjunk gets your artisticabilities,it is alwaysfun to Whatever "Yeah, gather baskets yeah, we the pretty tame pencils,crayons/and constructionpaper mobilize of platinum and the six-packof magic wands... in the serviceof grade-schoolart. And your players isn't there anything intercsting?" will, of coursg praiseand cherishthesecreations get And we are a little worried that folks can as emblemsof your generouscreativity- that is/ confused.I mean, thev could startthinking that if they know what's good for them' the idea of the game is to accumulate points, junk. plunder,and whiz-bang C'mon. lsn'tthe playingof the gameitselfsupoosed to be fun?

EnormousNumerical DifferencesWith Opposed "You want to Bluffthe Chief Trait or TalentRolls: Okay.YourBluffagainsthis Cool'..awk. Inspector? You beat him by 34 points.Did you haveany big bridgesor Florida real estateyou were looking to get rid of?" When the opposedroll is an unusuallydecisive win, the victim shouldbe discomfittedin some exquisitelydramaticfashion. "Right. Youdive or Failures: RealCloseSuccesses the room with starts spraying Venkman for corer as the experimentalspook repellent- a difficulty '10.'Eeeeyah. Well, you think 10- and you roll a... you got out of the way in time. No, no, don't worry you probably are perfectly safe. Maybe." When the dice are real close,it is a good idea to: l) keep the victim ih suspense- make him wonder if he is really okay, and occasionally and 2) burdenhim with someminor annoyance, take the next convenientopportunityto havethe victim makeanothersimilaror relatedroll - to "C'mon, I to/d you everything keephim worried. is ail right. I mean, you weren't all that fond of that pair of shoesafter all... oh, and by the way, would vou make a Brainsroll to see if it occurs to you to check your... oh, nothing, nothing serious,just roll those Brainsdice." Your Bozos... Ahem... Honored Friends and Fellow Playerslust Loveto BounceThem Dice: Really.They'lldriveyou wild playingwith those "Clatter,clatter,bdoink, oh, exstupid things cuse me, could vou hand me... rattle, rattle, bounce" - so you might aswell let them bounce them for an adventurerelatedpurpose.Evenwhen there is not a lot going on in the difficulty department,find someexcuseto exercisethose ivories. "Cood. Youwant to call your motherand tell her you won't be home tonight.Veryadmirable.Roll Brainsdice.Oops.Failed.Well, guesswhosebirthday pafi you forgot,and who givesyou a major earfulabout it...?"



slulod aru/trorg ( u o r l l raWu o ) ****

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rolseulsoqDrw Jo rapro aLl]o] Aed

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'Lua,3er1'arnlrld aql Jo lno ra]f,eJeqf, teqt aas uoos se 1sn[p,no,{}l '(dlaq paau no,{1r arnouJpuoB sauef lue aas lolaz punotS1e1se1q realf,nue Surnrrunsrlglsn{uer nor{alns al,a/v\)pa -qle)sun Alqeuospara^r^rnsuil.l lal ialnlua pp or]] ul ialel Jo, punole lallPjPq) leql paau nor{;1'r{1 -rssa)auoueLuerpi(q paprnSasuasuor..r.tluotr asn srea,{61 ro} letldsoqaqt olur rurrqqnd 1raq,{eLu ro JJo /!\olq oql sgnrqs ]snf urlrrn aq] aq^ehl 'are s]f,aJlaaqt leqm aprf,ap ol ta8 no,{ - no,( e^eqleqM 'alrssruJ re-o]-af,ej.rns buerd leqrvrorr e qu/!\ - asla ,4poqaLuos slf,eqM ,tpoqauLos 11 'sn slPa8 ,,2jeq/!\orf,e qlrrvr,{poqauos Surprrl uaqnt1aBZt sal)sny\rq]!^ ^nB e saop sassnldyo pul) teq6 2salqetaSeuepaql s,araLl6Zslurodlrq aq] s,araq4,, SurAes,{;qeqord ,{g are no,{,r,rou

sralsPruoruPD uPrele^ol aloN v

sseulsnq eloq/\ eql u! lsaralutEutsolal,no^"fum8uo;P3uto8aJ,no^',1;aa,r l,uop 1aa1 no^ l1ntsJoslol r{lrmpe:aqurnfua al,no^'slooplnoal,no^'Sulutets;l!- C ('Jla 'euafolsrald'snoaf,elaJ]^^oul no^) ela - 3 lnoq'alnutu'puolas'puoresoueu lear{'q}uotu'lqSrul.roy lef,rSoloa8 'as;nd 'aseqd '1uer 'urnl 'punor 'luau8as - g a1tt1s ree^oueu 'llun '(os .roseltutuotlltulE6 lnoqe rea^lqgrl lertuouollse) 'an8eal '8uopn; 'loo1 'qlut-aule8lalautlltLu /]lun ulollsSuV-V' nV 'a)uelstp ,o ltun laqlo auos s! (y) /(uolllp ueq/\^ uoJ Fuonda)xa ue - O) uaq^\ ldaf,xa 'autl plloanleal ut (lrun eut\ plJo/Aleal e - J) o] tuale rnba Sdraq (B) ples '(eJnlJnJlsulnl aureSjo suun ro uun e - B) ur (afuelslp]o \un e - fl sanou uosled/ Surql aql

uEqf urnl puP'a;er5 'e1exluaua^ow lPsJa^lun

'alsP]Jno^ slrnsaJnl -)nrls uJnlJo 'aur] 'af,uelsrp ]run ra aqJrLl/v\ asn ro 'SurBosaq] pue 'penJonur sar]rluapue sra])ereqf, aql /saf,uelsurnf,rf, JrletueJpaLl] uo Surpuadaq 'ueqr Surrvro;;o1 aq] aprnold ar* 'sarnllnrls urnl puP 'oletrs'aleJleuortrpe4o] palJrppeasoLllrol '8utqt Sunsanlur Jaqp awos op o] s:e9auoAtana 'p aLls tu!J sr ul nt rcqt uaq,14'3w 1sanlu t 3utqD u os op ol auohana loy sa4eltr aLun aq) sr urnl V :sural alours ur 10 'purI auos jo sllor af,rpSuurnbarsuorlre - suorlJe sauase olur dn uorlJeaql ,t1;ensn Jo noi lelll uortef,rpurue se aurrl Jo arnseaul learq e qf,nu os lou sr ,,urn],, e 'SAilSngISOHg Jol 'salnuru.r ro spuoJasjo sr.uralur ]ou 'uor])e up uroyad o] sa)el tr 8uo1,r,roq,o sural ur lurq] 'aq plnoqsurnl aLUeB e 3uo; moq lno 3uun3$uaq6 //'sraqf,ealqp;ag1rq8u aq] olul ua up aq o] ]noqeare'ueu)uan'no^ pue'xoq s,ra$eqaq] u! s! 1,1,'upru) do6,{a1;y' IlaM ;9t,'uou8eyl-o.r3 uan - r1v'sa oW 'sAsa oW ixauon-aurl aql q8norql sdals auoq LlSrLl]uopolseLuaq] qll/!\ uou8eyl -or] aql arojaq laued lorluoJ all] ol ]aB no,{ uef, 'ueuluan 'Atl1,O,, leo8 e ol Suoer uaqr* sIlor pasoddoro; 1se'asuadsns3urru noq-arrp ;o '()oods e ro; 'rarvro6 luauala ue ppe o] ]ue/v\no^ Jl ro) slle{ sanoyl areduof, }sn[ iralset sl oqM uorlsanb)rle[!erp f,rseqall] ra/v\sue o] sf,rueqJar.x aq] no,( uant8 e,req a/\ 'SUJJSnSISOH9 ul 'salef,s luaqM asn ol LlJr.1l^lno eln8rl pue "'1ng '1urod luara#rpasoq)lle urealol sluemoqm all] Surssr.u ,{;1ea.r sr plar, lleq}oo,e pue uroorrl}eq P UrJuauranouro, arnlJnils urnl pue 'ale|alef,s atues aLll Sursn 'a;duexa rol - sraqlo ueql ral 'salPr'saletrs luorajlp iaq )ro.4 sarnpnJlsunl puP 'sa)uelsLunJrrf, pue s8urpastuara1Jrp ul ]uara1J!p 'luarar,lpsr uorlpntrs tf,rlluoJ-uorl)ptua^a puv 'ls4 araqt sla8 oqm ro '3uo; nroq u r sao8 auoauos Je,/!\or.{.ro '1s.r 11;eqrr saop or.l/v\ 1o uorlsanb^ue araql sr af,uelsunf,rf, prlluo)-uorpe ue 3u;rnp ^luO 'SyZSngtSOt+C 'paredlsel p ur pelap a1r1aue8 3ur;aaqm-aar1 ]o pur) leq] paau],uop no^ aur] aq] jo lsoru ',lsrtl 'Surloxa fuan Surqlyoyos ]eq] puno, ra au ait\ ,^Aoqauros "'pa.repenbro "'pa ,,]eql qll Surqlauos.ro leLlsl aler luaua our sr.{os a1r1,1-eq1-ro1-SulqlaLUoS pue 'ellaJqun ']eof,urer'aseqauq - paraqun:) -ul sr ]uelunoJry rno{ 'la8rol t,uop pue "'r.lf,unl 3uo1 e o11ua;enrnba sr ulnl aue8 e uaq^\ 'luatu -uor^ua roopur ue sr luelunof,)v aql uaq/!{}oaJxa "'salnuru 01 luale^rnbasr urnl eure8e lurql I 0l ".lea{ - urnl aueS rad s8uopnl o/vqanourupf }ue} -uno)Ov lalsPw la al Llltl lno[// - /v\ou) no{ 'alnl -)nlls urn] aue8 rrlrads e pue 'salef,spue salpl ]uauanoru rr;r:ads aneqsaue8 3ur{e1da;ortsoyl

suJnl aluPD puP /salP)s /saleu luatua^ow

Basic Ghostology the heart of any adventureis a ghost, ft spook, demon or otherweird critter.Sometimes an adrentureis built aroundsomethingbizarre which can't reallybe classifiedas a ghost- like aliensfrom Arcturut bioengineeringexperiments gone awry or the LochNessmonster.Most of the time,though,your playerswill haveto facea dead guy. Typicalghosts(in our terms,oneswith a Power between I and 6) are not realtough to deal with. will learn,all vou haveto do As the Ghostbusters is go in, blast'em a coupleof timeswith a pro'em ton pack, suck up with a ghost trap - and then it's Miller time. Let'sfaceit, usuallyChostbustingis a humdrum, everyday business. Essentially,ycu're nothing more than a glorified exterminator. Butyou'realsodealingwith highlyvolatileand potentiallydangerousmaterial.No exterminator fearsencounteringa horde of giant radioactive cockroaches- but it can easily happen to a Chostbuster. Once your playershavesome experiencewith mundane ghosts,you'll want to go on to more elaborateones. The simple fact is that many, if not all, ghosts are too powerful, shrewd, or enigmaticto be defeatedby the simple application of a proton beam. lt isn'tthe typical,humdrum, zap-zap-inthetrapChostbusterhousecall that'sgoing to makea good adventure.You'regoing to be interestedin the bewildering,nighinvulnerablemenacesto Nature.Mankind,and the Almighty Dollar.

Chostmasterdoesn't haveto adhere to any particularrulesor anything- just do whateveryou want, and when the playersbabble about inconsistentor contradictoryparanormalphenomena, grin broadlyand pronouncg"My, how mysterious and enigmaticthe manifestations of theseotherworldly creatures.") All ghostshavethreethingsin common:all have a Coal, a Power,and at leastone SpecialAbility. AIso, most ghostshave an Ectopresence. Ghostlv Goals Chosts,like humans,haveCoals. lt's perfectly possiblefor a ghostto haveone of the "normal" Goals - fame, money, sex, science,and so on - but most ghostsreanimatethemselveson the earthly plane of existence for more profound reasons.When inventinga ghost,one of the first thingsyou shouldestablishis its Coal. Knowing a ghost'sCoal helpsyou determinea sensiblepattern of haunting,and helps you decide its reactions to eventsduring a sessionof play. For example,if you know that CrandmaBiddledied of a heartattackwhile yellingat littleAlice Nigglebaumunderthe mistakenpresumption thatAlice had been torturing one of La Biddle'scats,and now she returnseveryday at 6 p.m. (feedingtime) to try to scareAlice Nigglebaum,you'll probably

Ghostly Characteristics Chosts are normally immaterial.Mundane weaponssuchasfists,clubs,and beerbottlespass right through them, whether or not the ghost seemsto be material.If a ghostis holdingor has swallowed something, a physical attack might knockthe thing out of its handor belly.But it takes a proton pack or similardeviceto defeat(or even disconcert)a ghost. A proton beam can destroy an ectoplasmic presence'ssourceof psychokineticenergy(referred to as a spook's"Ectopresence")by disrupting and disordering the spook's contact with the otherworldly plane from whence it draws its power. But... unless you can see the spook to target it, firing a proton pack is an all-but-futile gesture,and evenwhen you can seesomething, you may be viewing an ectoplasmicmanifestation - and not the spook itself.So a proton pack, though useful,is not a universallyeffectivetool. Despitethe apparentimmaterialnatureof ectoplasmicentitiet they evidentlycan touch and manipulate objects with whatever appendages they possess. For example, ghosts with the Poltergeist SpecialAbility can manipulateobjects at a distance.The physicaland paranormalnature Goal: Gluttony of theseeventsis poorly understood.(Read:The


Chostbusters OperationsManual

begin to imagine all sorts of interestingevents invo.lvingAlicg her ghost,and the neighborhood Coalscan suSgest specialadventures. Perhaps a particularghost is a philanthropistwho strews ectoplasmichundred-dollar bills acrossthe freeway during rush hour. Perhapsanotherghostwas once a nurse,and now tucksdoctors,nurses,and delivery people into vacant beds in the local hospital.In general,knowinga ghost'sCoal helps you plan an adventurelogically. SimpleghostshavesimpleCoals.Cood simple Coals are the sevendeadly sins: anger,avarice, envy, gluttony,lust, pride, and sloth. An angry ghostgoesaround breakingthings.An envious ghosthauntsa singlepersonor type of person(say, coilegetrack stars),making their livesmiserable. Chosts like this are often obsessivebut rarely smart- nearly mindless,actually. Chostswith higherPowers(3 or more)are more sophisticated, and shouldhavemorefully defined Coals.Maybethere'sa Marxistghostwho haunts the FederalReserveBank and tries to make the U.S.economycollapse.Or perhapsthe ghostof a former circusstuntdriver possesses some poor schmuckcab driver,and startscareeningaround Manhattanat breakneckspeed.



s:a,{e;drnor(}ue,r,rno.{ sauir}auos:srrl}sr uoseai 'a1r1no.{ ',{qmure;dxaot learaq] ]nq lt 1oo3,{pa;q qo8 rrlluarrsopnasdauos rlll/v\dn auo) uef,no1 's1red uolo.rd,{q palra;;e aq },uetrnroq8 1H?3., e saolaH JaqloSursnsrodenol lr A olq ol af,ueLlf, rng Surnr8']odsureuare ur aztlpualelrlol lsoq8e 'sarrnbar af,loj o] pasnaq ,(eu s1en1u ]old aql Jl '3urq1 pooS e paurelf,)p,{llesranrun - sarlr^r]f,prar(e;dSururepalua 1ane1rsarlol -urar{larrrlrsod slql 'sljl aN))aJJa arcu aql'pasod -otd atnpatod aLfl)rleweJp pue rcau aJow aLll :srqunLl] ,o alnr rno 'uorlarf,srp s,ralseulsor]D aql le 'af,uasaJdolr3 s,tsoqSe aJnpal ,{eu slen}r.r raqlo pup sluauqsrueq 'susrf,roxl 'ool 'sueau y raqto,Q palnpar aq ue) aluosardon3s,1soq8

']s4 aLll uo sauo aql ueq] InFa^od arour]rq e are alqet puof,asaq] uo sartrlrqvoql illllqv lerf,adss,lsoqSe autu -ralap ot aSedlxau aql uo salqelaq] auo o] ratar Jo /a^rleurSeurun Surlaa,ar,no^Jl Puearp e llor ,{auou ;ear s,Jatsnq}soqD e 1o areld aq} a)el qlrq/!\ ro /salsnqlsoLlDaq] punoJeaf,ualsrxa r.l)rqlt,r sllrqrpllop Jo ]no pue ut dod z{1lenur1uor se qrns 'lsad aleurueuryo Uos auos suor.rltrlns 'sazrleualeua6 pue slsad suor.u(xns l! aq^eu qloq l! ]l 'la8eqf,rFEBloo!-le )o - asdrotr3ul]]or snoaprqe Jo uro] lp)rs^r{daq} sale} 1r sdeqrad 'azr.ro;ra1pue azrl€ualew qloq uer lsoq8 e 'sar]rlrqe aurquo] 'anrJearraq '^}r1rqylercad5 Jl auo ueql arourseLlSurlearrare no,tlsoq8 aq111 'aues aq] op slsoq8 Jno^ lal o1 fuessarauare sartrllqv ;errad5leqa,t pue /op slsoq8 uor1r11 pue arlotu s8urql ,{daa.rr aql lle lnoqe 1urq1 'anrleur8euraq 'sauoplo aulq /sauo,4 -uroJ au ppv'lle Jo lue asn oi aelt laal 'sallllgV a^laM]lsrl arvr',,r,o1ag ;enad5 pa1se88ns 'paroq 'sdeqrad la8 no,{ ;r1unro 'asrrunsplun - ra8uo;slse1 'pa aqt aq,(er-u Arlrqe -lloi sl lsoqD e jl loMod s,)oodsaLllsrr.urlsotnuru g ro] lra11aur sureuar ^t!llqv ue arn8ry'qrunq] ,o elnr e sv t)aJJaur sureurar,(1r1rqy ;errad5 e 3uo1rrroq/!\ou) o] luepodr.urs,]r'saurlat.tlos ,t;.relnre1cads spaa)f,ns ]l')sor.lD p sllor pup spaaffns lr uaqm puy '[e,rirauos ur 1r d;aq ll!]s ^eLUarnlre]str 'lsoqD.eslloj tnq slre,PueAlllqv lelradse osnol slduailelsoq8e uaq6'eatsnqlsorlD sunq tl qgnoq ua,ra'slsoq8 sd/ag arp tsoqD aql leql raquraurar/illeurJ 1'umop;;el slued 'al)rnq srq 3ur>1eur ]laq s,ralsnqtsorlDe opun 'ure8e o1fu11,uo6')f,ru]lf,ew e Urlo] 1cn4 aqt ryq1 'alduexa s;re1 e ro1) '3uuoq puPalqe tsra8rellod lrrpard sla8leqt -,{ea,r aues aql u! ll asn l,uop

Jo ,,{lrlrqe alSuts^ue asnlalo1,uop';etaua8 u1 ,{r -ueJrnol sltnsta aleqM ,{err,r Surureyalua aulos ut parusrura eq A€ur]t lo 'lle le pa)lo^ a pq ]ou ,{eu ,{1t1rqylercad5aq} ro '(sdeqrad'as1aaraqnr -auos ssau e 3ur)eLu)ta8relslr passltu1sn{aneq ,(eu tl 'llol ,{t1tqy;errad5e s;re1}soq8 e uaqM .AbEtUPD 'f,la 'aluo le slf,alqo lela^asUtl ol alqe aq 'ar.ro1 op uel salsnqtsoq3 aqt arolaq adersa t! ro qtli\ lear ]tlSrur lealS Ull o] Surlduaile sr lr 1soq3aqt aresppoaql'ssalturodA]tardsr;;r,,n s11or oqm ]trafqoaq] ;rnq tq8rLuqBrqLpe;ncri-red '61 {1n.r1 e Ll}lA\}soq8e ,{rlllqv tsra8rallo;aq1Sursnlsoq8 e 'a1dr-rexa.ro1 ,fus - a:uasardolr3sso.r8 'os1y'aruo 'ssa))nslelnrrped e lrq ar,,{aql lsureSe L13r11 ,{;;ercadsa lced uolorde Sursn ue lapts 11or -uor o1qsr,r,t,{ew rage ^lrunr^ aql ,o lno la8 o1yoga fua,raaleu noA'y7 a8eduo palsa33nssy ')la /aror! ro ',{lnrrgrp slsoq8tsotu pue - ueaq uotold e qtyr ]l ]11 0t e llor tsntu 1r leur 11,tr '11pury 'punore s8ueq -rou t,uer no,{y; t; 11 l,uef, no^ Jo )sel e Surlduape jt lpoaJtns ol alout lo ^e ^ slll lsoqg e dert {luo uer no,{ leql atoN I e llor tsnLuu')set aldu!s e ro1,,$r1rqy ;errad5 (rnoq tad wrod auo Jo aler e te aruasald slr osn ol 3ur1dua11e sr lsoq8 e Jt 'snqI 'paaf,f,ns -o1t1 sure8at4oods e 's4)ene uontd nqltnl Aq 01raqI.unu,tJnorgrpe paalxa ro ;enbatsn|.ullor -arplPlo]s,]soq3aql lslua;e1ro s]!ell o)!l lsnI pasn paqlntstptou J/) 'anle leurSuostrot surnloruoos 'paldnrralur,{prerodual,{1uosr uorsuaurp are sarlrlrqv;errad5'1ar6]soLlDaq] Surpn;rur) pue 'sat}tltqv srql olur uorle.rlauads1r lanaltoq 'paualeam larvrods,]soq3aql se a)rp ,{ueu se llol 'Surgas ,{lluaueurad },usr}soLl8eq1 ,,luauure} s1r jo auo sasn e tltre:l atut] lsoq8 ;enad5 -uo3,, aLl]uo qred uolord1orrede,Q derllsoq8e (lalseLulsoq9 olur paiannaueu aq ueJ puP ssalolaqsauof,aq )hJ /asrAJaqlolr luert noI se uoos se asel aql aq 'g saqrear aluasardolr3 s,lsoq8 e uaq41 'ssassod 1r ot sasea),,{;1ens61,,; .{aq}tannod1olurod 'quo1os pue 'Rurodg sasollsoq8aql /papaauspm qrea ro; ,{lr;rqylerredgauo aleq lllensn slsoqg 'aruesardolrl LalunoJua,lrrauqf,ea qlrn Burssan8ua,{e1d leqrt a1drr1sr llor aq] 1; ,o slurod ']sorl8 aLlt lrq ol papaau spm tno,{ daa>1ue) satltlrqv ;errad5 ,uau Surluanu; 7 saso;]soqB aLp 'asrousnoaprLl o1lenbasr lplol alrp s,ralsnq ]tula sraLllolllls 'sls!a8rallodare leqm arou ro af,rl\l 't {sorlD aql Jl Iq paf,nparsr aruasaidop3 sgr sraLlto 'aurls rruse;do1ra r*ads slsoq8auo5 'ueaq ped uolord e q]l/\ llq sr lsoq8 p uaqM salllllqv lP!)ads,(15oq3 'uosurqou )f,el 'af rP ,(es uer noA ueLI] Ja)lrnb ra&nquleq olur raLlf,reas llor o] ]r' -a.r e punod {11ensnuer sarlrluaqtrnsasnplaq salrnbarleq] aslaSurq],{ue Surop.ro/(ralsnqlsor.lD ,{lqeurnsard'saruasardolrlqBrq qlrnrsar}rluauo e Suruunrlno a)rl) )se] ,{ue 8ur}du.ra}}€uaq/\ '(Molaqaas)^lrlrqV elep leluaturJadxa raqte8ol le8ea uaalunlo ,ltaJ lerrad5s1rSursnuaqr* s;;o.r uaaqa^eqoraql'arour ro 00[ ]o a)uasaroopl ue Ir a)rp ,o raqunu aql sr ra ^od s,]soq8V '(l)d) A8rauarrlaurloqr,{sd alelndrupul ol r{1r1rqe s1r aneq,{eu lnnz a)rl ar}:adse}aue aruasaldop3 ou sr araql roj urnurxetrl le)rlaroaql Paqsrlqelsa Surluasaldarraqurnu e ta/Aodaneqslsoq81;y 'tuauoddoalqeprurro1 arou e sr 61-91oaruasa:d sta/nod ,(lroqg -o]tr:luV 'ped uolord at1t suouecr;ddepaleadaL 1o 'uorssltlqnsolur Surqy{lana Ll]!/!\ panpqns,{;rsea ua}o are qrns 1eue1d ',past)oxa aq lselq AlaurtnorLUaLI] lal ueq] raqler srL1tol uorl)auuof )eam ,{;tte1e salefrpurS-t 'uo.r; 'anpqnsol sr upl ]r orl pue 'punore Sur8ueqsr 1ri{q,,r,r ]r ]ln)UJrporour ;o acuasardopl uV auec lsoq8 aql araq/v\lno arn3r1o1ta,{e1daq} a8e aq] 'aruaserdolrls,lsoq8e Laq8rqaql 'uorsuaturp -Jnof,uao1Surureyaluaalour,ua]rost ]t 'lana/v\oH rno Jo uorlprlauad ;eurouered s1r;o arnseaur 'a;Deq 'aldrruud e sr srql 'a:uasa.rdol:3ue a pq slsorlS]sow lced-uolord e ur paleululla aq ur 'ue: aJuasardolclue q]!i\ lsoLlS^uV')urrll o] a)uasaJdopf

GhostlySpecialAbilities SpecialAbilitiesTableI roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

ability Slime Terrorize Materialize Possess Poltergeist DematerializeObiect

Slime: SIime is a disgusting,gooey/gelatinous, ectoplasmicproductwhich ruinscarpets,spoils food, and embarrassesChostbusters. A ghostSlimesone personor object per attack. The ghostusesthe Slimeasa weapon:sinceSlime can be usedonly at point-blankrangg the ghost need only beat a difficultyof 5 to hit its victim. When the spook hits, its target is gummed up, grosslyhindered,and his or her ghostbuster suit is ruined.

SpecialAbilitiesTablell roll 'l 2 3 4 5 6

ability ReadMind Make lllusion SummonPests Animate ControlMind Murphy

Match the spook's Poweragainstthe Cool of each Chostbusterpresent at the scene of the attack.lf the target'sCool is overcome,he or she panicsand flees.lf the Chostmaster rollsa Chost when overcoming a Chostbuster's cool, the Chostbusterfaints dead away.Terrorizecan affect a whole gang of Chostbustersat once. Recoveringfrom a Terrorizeattacktakesabout half an hour. A Chostbuster resistinga Terrorizeattack is immune to that attackby that ghostfor the same half hour of time.

Materialize: This Ability allowsa ghostto take physicalform - as a dancing skeleton,a walking statue,or anythingelseyou canthink of. Normally,a ghost has only one physicalform, although there are exceotions. Once a ghosthasphlsicallymaterialized,it uses its Power in place of Muscle or Moves when attempting physicalfeats. lt is possibleto armwrestle or swordfight a dancing skeleton, for instance; conceivably, a ghost can do actual physicaldamage in this case. Revertingto a ghostly statetakesa few seconds. This meansthat the Chostbustersare allowed at least one attempt to do something before a materializedghostfadesarnay.Materializedghosts are alwayssusceptibleto proton pack attacks. A materialized ghost cannot suffer physical damage.lf a dancingskeleton'sarm is cut off, for is Slimed, Being5limedis uncool.lf a character example,it can just reachdown and reattachit. his Cool Traitis halved(roundup) until the Slime Possess: is removed. Thisabilityallowsa ghostto takeoverthe will lf a Chost is rolled on a Slimeattack,the target is so gummed he can hardly move until some- of a personand controlhis or her actions.Since ghostsdon't think or act like people,when someone helpswipe the Slime off. one is possessed,it is usually pretty obvious to paralyzing ghost Terrorize:The or can evoke panickingfear.Someghostsalwayslook frightening. Otherslook normal until they transform,like the librarianghostin the movie.Other ghostsare subtler,usinga varietyof effectsovertime to chip awayat the composureof Chostbusters. While a visual,it is actually terrorizeattackis recognizably a mentalattack,affectingsusceptibleChostbusters whether or not they close their eyes.

The Terrorize attack can also be employed to cure hiccups.


GhostbustersOoerations Manual

an observer.(RememberDana Barrettpossessed by 7uul7) This is not invariablyso, however. A possessed character'sMovesand Muscle are used,but the ghost'sPoweris used insteadof his or her Brainsand Cool. The ghost has no access to the knowledge,memory or personalityof the personwhose body it occupies. When a ghost attemptsto Possesssomeone,' match the ghost'sPoweragainstthe Brainsof its target.If theghostwins,ittakesover.lf theattack fails,the ghostis driven off and can'ttry againfor at leastan hour,- unlessit rolled a Chost, in which case it can try again wheneverit pleases. Poltergeist: Poltergeists[POLE-ter-guysts]specialize in levitationand telekinesis, tossingthingsaround without touchingthem. Vandalghostsespeciallylike this power,since they can crash all the dishes off the shelvesat oncg insteadof havingto go overand pull them down one by one.

I am a Materializedgirl... When a ghost usesthis power,determinethe difficulty of its action. For example,if the ghost wants to lift only a small object, the task is not difficult.and it onlv needsto roll a 5 or more. lf it wants to make the Brooklyn Bridge vibrate like a pluckedstring,the task is prettydurn difficult, and it might need to roll a 50 or more. A ghost can toss more than one thing around at once; just takethe number of things into account when determiningthe difficulty. A ghost can do lots of things with this power. It could move furniture, pick a Chostbuster's pocket, or havea dozen plucked turkeysdo the cha-cha-cha in a bizarreand horrificchorusline. It could evenattackChostbustersby hurling furniture at them. In this case, you'd match the Chostbuster'sMuscle againstthe ghost'sPower to detemine whether the Chostbusterstopsthe furniture or vice versa. It is possible to move animate as well as inanimateobjects,but Ghostmasters should resist the temptation to arbitrarily hurl Chostbusters around wheneverthey want to soak up Brownie Points.



'alef,sJapuerSLlf,nu e uo sl Sueqaqsaloq/v\aLll lnq - sarnlua Perarauqro, sEatuesaLl]suleuJal aurltno,,told,,JlsPqaLlI 'uolsnlluof,pueiSfuol -f,elsrl€s la^o € ol dn Surpeal'salnlua pe IeJaAas peg ^llead af,nporlurUPJnol lsa8elue,r surellr^ -pe roleu raq] ]o auo 'lce1ut 'st stql 'sanuale oP ol a eq ,(ueuraro;dxapue q)reasallPtluelsqns 'os op o1 '{e1d suorssas }o Il!,MsralsnqlsoqDaq) Auer-u rol lsel e sr ,{1quasrrlay peg e Sutlealag 'salnJ

'(qf,]e/!\ lP]lblp paulelul€r.u -llai\^e a)ll) qSno]sl llej alqerlarfua,rSutqlaLros uaaq 3ur>1eu 1(srea^ uaau!ql u! .palledal l,useqqf,rqMralspeorpuPFao SAII|M9s, palsnre alrl) Lpurf,e sr arnlrejol auo.td,(peat;eSutqlauos u r u M o p ) e a r q e S u r s n e 3 ' ] d r u a D ea q ] l o j sa11lllqvletrad5aql {q pa}tutrllaal}/uopAlureuar raqtunu ,{llnrtgtp e sautuJa}apla}seul}soqDaq} "'seare.re;nrryedol suotlelso,tueru ol lolluoa) 'Surqlauos xrlloq ol satll lsoq8 aq] Ja auall7171 lnq 'Jla'slusltu '1uem ,{aq} ,ter.u no1 raql }eq^ oP ]lurll ;o a.raqds 'sautqreu 'stq8t; 'e1r;'uer s,{n8asatlt- sal}lllqv ulnq a>1eLu ]no lelradsroj svol sped uotord 'Suornt oB s8urql a)eu o] lsoq8 aql learq 'sped uolord Sursnlnoqe 1a8ro,qlnLu ,{Darduei srqt 'rtel s,,{qdrnylruot3 :,(qdrnyl smo;|e,{}r1rqe 'rurr.l sralsnqlsoqDssaldeqtood aql )eLl]saluasaldolJl Ior] sMaNpe€ AllPau alqrParlurqf,nsa eq sarJrlua -uor uer lsoq8aqt,t auttujalapol loo) s/lalsnq ')eznh/ o1 pasodxaslaqlo pue ua8 -]soqD aqt lsure8erar*o6 s,loods aq] qrtew -uassedrolena;a3utzt.to.tta1 'Pauale,l\e ,{q sye ueadlalnaaq1 luaPpnsJl 'lorluof,uteSarp;nort lalsnqlsotlD s,^]tueunq uo a8ua,ralstq se paJaplr/v\aq 1o uorsraruadssalalsel ',Pl!^ sa)ielf,rsnuAuuef,un op ot saPr)aPlsoq8aqr ro uoulaPpa]!BlHlual:) aql /uaql 'as;aSurqlar-uos -ue aql 'noeu)rnuaJql'aldul€xalol 'saqslJnol, olut lalsnqlsoLlse Sulu:n1 s,lsoqB aql a els Illun rr1sr1,{1s a r}JUtls!p pue 'sassauleam 'setueu ,{;anrpaga'urq Surssassod }noqlt/!\ta&e} e lol}uof, 'suorssasqo'sleo8 ur*o s]t q]!i\ lenplAlpul o1 lsoq8 e slltolJepurw lorluof :putw lorluof ue sr laatu sralJereLpaq] uouac q)ea alns aB '^]rlrqeallt Sursnur ssauauosenr8pue loLunq 'leLl]a)ll 'araq aq ol lqSu ie3a1ou seq lr leLl] 'uorlarrsrpa)ueleq plnoLlslalseurlsoqDaql lnq lr af,ur^uoJlq8tu autuef'uotsuaultpu/v\os]l ol 'apeu aq uet qf,rq^^s)leDe aleutuv Jaqtunu Jo lalad uetuluan ol alqe oq ]LlSltu llPq ]! llP]-laaMs 't; op uoSl LuoJ,o)l^ap llrltual)s /v\auv lt131Lu {ervrenbrun e ur pa}earapaq }snul uouac qlel -lllqPslr.lsalenrlJe 'u/!\opsJailu)asalll,o auo /!\olsua a ]/uoi\ q)eo )oods aq] uall.^ pallorsl ]soqD 'ateurue ue) e 'dn 'sralsnqlsoqD )oods aqt s8uttlt jo laqunu ll aqt :oy ,{1aleunyo;u1-1 uolo.rd "r,l'J:l* -)f,nls pue'olleuelpolar.u'papueq-t18t q',asoqlan aq] sr srql )a,^od s,)oodsaq] o] lenba re11rruadnslooq f,tutoJ al tl'}sanbuol a.r,r{eql'su unl raLllopue iuaql punorellotrpuPsalsnqlsoqD ro, ro /putluew uo aluea8ua ;eqo1tBurldruane ssa;deq raupraqtrlsanssl]]altol,o sleltdsle;nre1 suoulag leurala Surlaas roJ snotJolou ale'tuaq] -ua] 'sur;esmor8rreqr e /alqel aq] ssol)e slloJls ]eaJaP ra)eqslles aq] - aJ!ljo srrlsuapereqraq] Joatuos ol sla8pe8aruatrsradnsalqtpaJJutAueLujo uotl :aleultuv ',ttnua8ut -eerlddeaql pup'1lor* preq snopuautall uo a)e] ol s]rafqo a]eutueul Sutsne3 'q8no1 ';eutl 'uotleluol1uof, suo!l uorlllr.rt e 3ul qlnos aq] sr alod e o1 ]e )tlf,EtutlJ arnba.r 11rrvr ll lear peal leq] sapostdasnollPl.utpaluolluof,ale oqr* -uoulr.uns:AsealParsr luauraua]apls ]sel laMol suorunr 8ur,!u.roqjo slol aleq ,(;luanbat;,{aq1 e ur saqreorjo apjotl e Eutuotuuns ,!;nrg1p 'slsad,{1sedalou 's1sed 'LlBnolAlleorare s,{nBasaql 's1soq8lo1 salnr aqt PUe Jo aq] t)alJe,{r;11qe;rene 'SutuotuLunsoll] ,{uemo;;o1A;uessareu },usaops^\aNpe6 ,{11eaX Jo sraqurnu a8rel teql arn8rl '1oods luopuer e uPql uotlua]]elnoA alou uSrsse JalseullsoqD ,t;nrrfrp e o] raqunu tsnu Jo 'alrl aql pue 'spo8 aq] 'slsaduotuuns ol sldLuaDe lsoq8 e uaq1l ]!q e arnbar 1|m sSuraqasaqf 'suorldarxeole araql 'suoLuapare sluauoddo - snolaSuep lnpa,vrod '(,tes'uausa;es aJueJnsut)lsad ad^l auo aql aulos 1nq Sur8ua;;eqrlsoul Jo lsou pue Jo 'gn1s3ur,{ouue i(;uo slorluoc lsoq8 e 'l'1;e.rauag /Ile Aaplsaql uo ltds pue,{auou lol no,( Jaqlopue 'saleus 3ut 'uarplttlf, lelq )se oqm a;doad ,{;.rns -1n1 'ster Eururqrt'sraptds,idaalr 'sat;11o spno;r 's1eqS.urdooms'saproq qJeollf,otr lolluo) Pue uouruns ot tsoq8 € sl\ollp slql :slsoduoutuns

'uorsnllrue sr ]tral -qo aq] ]ou lo laqlall/v\LuaLl]lla] ]snu no^ ',lnJssa:) -f,nsare,{aql11:rartods,1soq8 aql snuarrsutelg3ut -qrleur ^q arnsa)eu ol ]duuaue,fuu ,{eql 'ltadsns Lluo Aaql 'ra aMoq ',1 'uorllnpap ,{q ,fuosn1;l sr uorsnllrue leql lno aln3rl AeLlstaLeldaq1 '1sdet|ad'02) llnrultp aloru are (SulplrnB a1e15arrdru3 aql 3u!lf,r!f, 1,frepotatd paSutrt a8nqe) suorsnll!alarf,uotr'a3rBl1(S,Q;nl;gtp;,isea ar€ (eajel1euse Suuarro)lslul e) suolsnlllasnjjlp 'lleLus'uorsnllraq] roj lo]trejAllnrtgtpe aulruralap 'uorsnllr ue a]€arf,ol sldr.uaBe lsoq8 e uaq11 'sralsnqlsorlDaq] roJ Sutlsataluta)eul pue /leoD sapznd lpn]trallalut palelal ate alealf, ol sasooLl:) sll ol ^eM atuos ur 'ua)lrqr 1ade 1o lsoq8e suorsnlltaq]'^llelauaD a8eurraql alealrro 'aLl;1osuotsnlltaleu lq8tu 11 .rl,rauuaq/r se,^]1seteadde asnoq Pauasapplo ue aleu tq8:u ]r 'ald[u€xalol 'suolsnlllIrols o u ro auo seq uago1soq8V'stueMtsoq8aq] se ald -ultsselo xalduotrseaje suolsnlll:uolsnlllalew 'Aeldjo spunor /v\aj

aq]o]],u,,t ous,araql "::.d?lH,rjlilffi"^,

slueluno)f,v pue 'sJoJ -roH rlJllJpF 'suorua6 :s/lraNpeg {|1eax

lxau aq] rol suorlualullaq ro sltl lalseulsoq9 aql 'spaarf,ns]t 'saqsrMll Jl llal lsnu ralsnqlsotlDaql ra^auaq/v\spulyv peau o] ldu:aDeuec tsot13y 'l nlasn Surq],{ueSururea; r-uorl tsoq8 aq} Sutlua ald 'xe/h rea pue 'soaptn euuopel4l 's,r,rotteq;aaqr* a{.1'ln}ssa) a1r1s8urqtuo olellua)uof,o] sa8eueLu -Jns Jl 'loof slq q]r/\^la,uo6 s,lsoq8aq] aulof, -ranoo] 3urfu1,,Qlreq lq8;yot fu] uer aq 'paqotd Suraqsr puru raq ro stLlteqt alemest la8Jetaql jl 'Surqtouspadsns ']lllqe sll pasn lr uaq/v\lsotlD aq] ualll ]a8rel e pallorloods aqt ssalunIutlnlfs lJpun sl pultu raq lo srq leq] s^\ou) 1a8te1aq1 'alnlnJreau aq] puP puttu s,la&e1aql speal ro; sueld ,(ues,r,rou1 'sutelg s,le8tetaql lsute8e 'sur,r,r ]t ,l lsoq8 aql 'slq8noqt s,rolsnq Jamodslr saqf,leu lsoq8 aq1 -]sotlD e peel o1lsoq8 e s/vrollestql :PulW PPaU lalseulsoqD eql Jo asuaspooSaqt sl alqtssodqfeBe azlletJal -euac ]o raqunu aq] o] ]!ru!l ^luo aql (2lleH 'lrulll ,{]!l aqt,o,ool aq] uo l.Olll aas la l) aurl s,lsoq8aql Jo pua aql ]e ^llts alaqmatuos geaddear lralqo pazt;etlaleulaclP ' lletuloN 'slf,alqoaleurtueutAluo - pazllella]euap

.,i:ili,;ltJ"Jl, aqrouue),.f,]a,qsrj :lJ:j],,

]snf- aruo ]e pazrletlaleuapaq uer lralqo auo laLlSnolaq plnoqs ueq] arow '(sI aqleur ro',O|.) poleraSulaLe a)rl) sBulq] ra8rel i(S AllnlUJrp) Aseaaq plnoqs oau8eurrolela8tllal P a)rl) s8ulq] 'palqo uP Eulzlleualeuap ,{l;nctgtp ,o 'ure8y lleurs aql aururalap plnoqslalselulsoqSaqt ,{emeoB ol lr Jo ued e tsnf asneJl,uef,]! - a)uo ]e ]f,alqo uant8e lsoq8aq1 readdestps8utql ,o lle sazrleualeuap aleu ol raivrodaql sr slql :pafqg azl;ellalPurao

Seientifie Researeh Or, How to take a blender and two batteries and create a Di'Variable Veeble'Vettzerl



mal investigatorsthey will sometimesfind that their usualequipment provesineffective,normal avenuesof researchrevealsnothing, and they're in deeptrouble.Then, it's time for WeirdScience.

The Difficult We Do At Once The lmpossibleTakes, a Little Longer

Choosing.themethod is only the beginning. After all, you can't just whip up a complex technologicaldevicein a couple of minutes,then blastthe little buggersinto oblivion. lt ain't that easy.You haveto get the right equipment. You haveto experiment.You haveto build a prototype. And you may have to deal with obstructionist Inventinga new devicecan be the beginning federal agencies. of a whole adventure,or,at leasta major part of Or to put it anotherway,there'sno element of one. drama if our heroeswin in fifteen minutesby sayAlthough... a caveat is in orderl. Sometimes ing "l build aEizmol' rollingagainstBrains,and unimaginativeplayerswill want to build a new blastingthe little buggers.If they're going to win widget to avoidthinking about a problem.Well, by buildinga device,buildinga devicehasto be don't let'em. You'rethe Ghostmastetafterall; the a problem in itself. playerscan developa device only with your apIn the section "Plotting the Adventure,"we proval. Come to think of it, if superscientific outlinea typicaladventureplot (seepage39).This widgetry leavesyou cold, you can decide they structurecan be applied to equipment developcan't ever develop a new device. lt's up to you. ment, too. Basically,the idea is that, in order to Okay, but supposeyou've given them the gobuild a deviceand makeit work, the Chostbusters ahead.The firstthing you shoulddo is havethem have to overcomea lot of little obstaclesfirst. brainstorma bunch of waysto do what they want. When they finally reachtheir goal,they'll feel like They should come up with a semiplausible they'vereallyaccomplishedsomething. justificationfor why each way should work. That. we think. is a lot more dramatic. Once they've done so, choose one of the Foran exampleof what we means/seethe box methods, and tell them to go ahead with it. on the next page. Choosethe one vou think would be most interesting- and giveextrapointsfor well-conceived pseudoscientificgobbledygook! For an idea what we're talking about, see the box in the right-handcolumn.

l'll fustWhip Up a Monofomatic Chromodynamic Spitzdingen..

1 "Caveat" meanswarning,by the way. lt's Latin.We like to use Latinto show how smart we are. lf you learn someLatin,you can impresspeoplewith how smart you arc. I bet you'll rememberwhat "caveat" means now that we've made such a fussover it. gamesare educational.lf someone See?Roleplaying askswhy you'respendingso much time rollingfunnylookingdice and crouchingovera table,you can point to this footnoteto show how educationaland worthwhile they are.Kindamakesyou proud,don't it?


OperationsManual Ghostbusters

Sample Semiplausible lustifications: Huge mutantgeraniumsare ravagingldaho, stridingacrossthe rural stateon giant root-legs, uprooting and sucking the juices out of potatoeswhereverthey go. The Department of Agriculturecontractswith the Chostbusters to halt this vegetativemenaceto the American diet. Our heroes fight with the plants several times,but can'tstopthem. Egondecidesto try some weird science.You (the Chostmaster)ask him to come up with a coupleof wacky ideas, and he produces: 1. Since Egon once had a flowerbox of geraniumswhich died when his catskept peeanalyzingcat urine ing on them, he suggests and constitutingthousandsof gallonsof the stuff to be sprayedon the plants. Since the local farmerswill be lessthan thrilledif thev learn what it really is, he intendsto call it ,,K7:, 2. Sincethe plantshaveno apparenteyes,Egon concludes they sense their environment through vibrations.He suggeststhat a broadcast from the local radio stationon the proper wavelengthwill confusethe plants,rendering them defenselessto the Chostbusters. 3. Running short of ideas, Egon suggests developingeyesfor the plants using genetic manipulationtechniques,then supplyingthem with televisions. They'llwatchTV and become true vegetables. You like the third idea,but think Plan 2 is more plausible. Egoncould go aheadwith one of the other two ideas,if he reallywantedto - but it's not nice to disobey the Chostmaster.lf he does, you'll probablywant to make him fail a lot, until he getsthe idea.



lenuew suorlejedo slalsnqlsoLlD

'lrnljr) aq] ro ueo aJe sotpej JPJ aq] asne)aq 'slPJaql ur oq lsntrJsauanEqle:) aq] 'asrno)rO rapualq e ol sauaupqler lq8ra dn Surlooq ,{q alealr ,(Jsnolrdrpuatas ue) aq Lllrq^ ]nq - razrsaqlu^s e SurrluelSoldalpue SururuelSold slaam Surpuads^q alnpotdal surnrueroS I;qeqord p;nor uo33 rlf,rq/\\arueuosarruloj or.ll"'pueui\orr.l] s! u"'ijjTr" -a e/\{ |plrl}f,aloxa1dLtoce spaau:asnluora8an '(uroqSal f,ruosaq] sueau srq] l!e^ ot saarSedar fll aql ,(1;eurl rnq ]eq] apDap no^']soqD ]W alqprouoLlaql) loleuas loruas s/oqepl,o e s1a3pue surergs,uo31s11ot ta,{e;daLlI'pa uortuaruaturaqt pue Eurra;1oq,o tol e sa)e] -u8tsapaq lsnu a)r^ap alll :oi\I alf,elsqo lau/!\o aq] sloo]-tno lalad allq/!\ ll ^lluntu|.Uolaql Jo ^laresaqt roJ pauraluo:) 'luelunorre s,uoqets are pue luaurradxa alll lnoqP preaqa^,^aql aql salppnJaq aulue[']ued 'ffl aq] ruorj lls!^ P slaS ]r ',Surlsetpeolq -uLer3uruunlare sunruera8aq] alaqmoqepl urSaqol lnoqe sr uorlelsorper aLllsv 'sorper ,o uor]f,asaloq/v\orll ]a)uelq o13uro3at,,{aqt qtri\^ palernles sr oqepl rnol alrelsqo Jr uorlpls olper le)ol aLll ruolj uorleladoor paau "ut '"r9,i1r""#?n, ]sl,talsnqlsoqD ,,'Alast)ald,, )olad qse /,zoqpplro^o lle sralselqo$aq8 dorplp are supouraq] 'unr Burneqal,ieqt jr l;;aqSui -^!l e aj!l raq] 3ur)eLuel,noA ureldutoo,(aql ol a eq ol Suro8al,ea,rau Sutllal noi alv, uaq/\ uorlualleou ,{e6,{a\^aq] 3uo;e sualqord i;sorpel auros ta8 ol aleq aM 'spunos]nq 'sane,^otpej asuasl,uop slueld auos auofrano uraLllalpru ol sr qof tnol 'tasn; 'uo8l 'r,lalqord aq1// iles ,iaunoo y6,, aql ]no -uora8a4rruo5 e Surdolarrap Aql! a los o] ful pa:nBr1 s,aqlspaaif,nspue lloJ sutelBe saleu o] Suro8 are sralsnqlsor.lgaq1 'Lua;qord3rg uoSl 'uo8l le ^lSutsnf,tresalels ueu)uan Alleau aql ale sutnruela8snotlelol aq] ,lold 'popajjPun uaas s1ue1d aqI :aarLlIalf,elsqo arnluanpelerrd,t1o1ord lno,o stuta] aql ul 'la)reu aeJ,aql jo sanur^ aqt pue 'ard raqlou /pooqaldde lannq qlli\ spndsloq ro, fuopr^ laqlouv '3ur1r13ry 51ue;fl aq] lnoqe palrolv\ raSuol ou ',ruaq1qrledsrp {;prder saoleq rnO ipasn}uotr'tnoqe 1;rLu

:sal)PlsqoalDll eslol alduEs

('uoriJas //suazoc Jo lspl v/ aql ut //Mou) oI ]upaw loN seM uew sSutrll, aas) 'or.url pue aJeds puo^aB ruotJ seleo) JapesnJ] s^e/!\leale alaql 'llar\ - uorlf,un;lpru a)eul ol ^eA snotua8ul ll ue qlr,^ dn auof, l,uef, no^ pue 'uSreduectno,{ ,3ur ,o srseqtua^ aql sualealqttl 1eq1anrpegaos -raMoora^ooo] sr aJt^apl au aql ]no sulnl ]t rl 2]uaudrnbaSurlsef, -p€olq lraLl]asn ol slalsnqlsotlDoql Molle llr/v\ suorlelsorper ^ueu Mor] puv 'lasnjuotroSan aql raMod ol raqlaEol sJef,lqSra la8 ol ^spa s^p Ale 'ale.r l,usr ll zalpueqo] snoJaSuppro ',anrsuadxa are qJrLl/v\sluauodr.r.ro) arrnbal af,r^apa{} soofl o 'trns/!{el )JnqeSaLuP puP ffl aql qlu!\ salsseqlladxa uef, ^aql 'slalsnqlsor.lS aql ol ))eq paf,el] la a sl slr.ll ]l 'slle/vlolul 'tuauuadxaaql aulttaqt ]e )le ^ uaq] 3u!)eu Jo uorlelsorper aq] o] paun] sluaprsaroqppl auos palJa#e rasnJuotraSan )tuos aLll /sralsnqlsoqD aql ol u/\ ou)un - alduexa roJ 'un, arour rlJnur


satr.tllaulossl sltll UalqPllalunaf,llap all sl r 'alduexa ro, la)Pads ,{qreaue uo.r; punosaq] asuasUPJ]a8relaql ssalunlro/v\l,usaop 0q3! aql ol xoq aas)rasnluolaganf,ruosarjf Zol ]r ]ueM sralsnq]soLl3aqt se Lllnu sp op lr saoc Mofi o iaq o] 3uro3 af,r^ap/v\auoLll sr aArltraJJa 'r{padords)lo/v\ta8uol ou arrnap aql ^q/\ roj aleuorler p dola ap ol paau^eu no^ 'osJl iaurl aq] lle pasnaq upf,tr jl sarnluo^peaq] dn ,ry\oJf,s aJnln]ul ll ]r llrM 2saruES asn ^aq] uef,,^^oq'qrom {11en}r.eer[n:[:^: roJ a)r^ap A au p alpJauaSo1 go Sutuunl LUaLI] ]ue,Ml,uop no^ zlualqordaql ]noqe LlSnoua3ul -)urr-l]]ou ]snf ^aLllarero /papaauaJr^apaql sl o :slf,eJlaaql Japtsuol iaf,tAap /!\au P oola ap o] sau] Jalsnqlsor]De uaqM 's8uIr,.ll'pa))orl^l snot^qo',(zetr,{1aua.r1 '#nls qslpuellno -xaroJ Lluo/v\si Ilor-a)rpoMl puP JoJLlUo/\sillor-arPe plei\p qurnq] Jo alnl p sv 'prPMeplnoqs no^ slurod atu/!\olB aJotu aql ',llnsal aq] Auez arou aql 'f,r8ol aql raruez aql 'alualtrs ^If,e A Alnrl ro1 slulod atuMolg pleMpol ]aBJoJl,uoc


Ghostbuster Franelrises ou canprobablyamuseyourselfandyour playersfor quite a while if you use no more than and the Chostbuster the originalmorriecharacters Headquarters,and if you focus on the more glamorous action-adventureelementsof eliminating paranormalpests. However,a more ambitiousand satisfyingprojfranchise ect is seftingup your own Chostbusters and headquarterswith unique, home-made Chostbustercharactersdesignedby your players. Ideallyyou should set up your new Chostbuster operationin your hometown,or in somefamiliar neighboringcommunity,but you can chooseany location you want - Manhattan,Toronto,London, - take your pick. Transylvania Note: Settingthe adventuresin yrur home town means that sometimes you'll have to adapt published adventureslike "Couch Potato" and "BioMedChemTechrM" to your local setting,but the wealthof descriptivedetail at your fingertips, and the convenienceof knowing the way your town works, of knowing the streetsand the real residents(anyof whom could appearas a minor character),will amply rewardthe effort expended. Sucha campaigncan be set in realtime, and all the realitiesof weather,the time of year,local problems,etc., can be incorporatedwith little trouble.Also, when somethingunexpectedcomes up, your familiaritywith the settingmakesit a lot easier to improvise an appropriate response. Overall, adventuresset in your home town are richer in textureand your presentationof adventures is made more easv and flexible.

The Establishing Franchise Presumethat new Chostbustersmet the financial requirementsfor the franchiseby havingsold or mortgagedeverythingthey cnrrn- houses,can, land, stocks,etc. The players'charactersstartwith just enough money to take out ads and to buy a week's supply of eats.lf they want to know exactly how much money they have,let each player roll the five regulardice. The total each rolls is the full amount of money in dollarsthat player's characterhas left. The new Chostbustershave(1)the right to use the Chostbusternamg (2) the exclusivedistrict right to purchaseand to operatepatentedChostbustersequipment,and (3) an exclusiveterritory


Ghostbusters OperationsManual

of Chostwithin which they act as representatives busterslnternational.The equipmentcardswhich the playerschoseat the beginningof the firstgame represents that equipmentwhich was purchased from GhostbustersInternationalas part of the expenseof setting up the franchise. In returnfor thoserights,the ownersof the new franchise must pay off an extensive debt to ChostbustersInternational,offer quality service within its customerservicearea,promptlyattend to consumer complaints, properly contain or otherwise neutralize supernaturalagents, use intelligentlyand maintainproperlyall devices patented and sold exclusivelyby Ghostbusters lnc., hold both ChostbustersInc. and ChostbustersInternationalfreefrom all but reasonable and customarycomplaints,and try to avoid being saddledwith the outrageousand inflatedservice chargeswhich Venkmanand LouisTullyare fond of inventing. Show the playersthe samplecontract,the letter of greetingfrom Louis"Lou" Tully,the release form, the EPA permit, the form will (see the RefurenceFiles for these documents). lf you like, photocopy theseforms ahead of time so that they all havecopies.To help them get into the spirit of things,encouragethem to sign the documents in their characters'names,and treat the papers as the legal documentsthey purport to be.

SettingUp Your Franchise Here arethe three stepsnecessaryto setyourself a Chostbusters and your playersup for establishing franchise.



Step One: Getting local Maps The advantageof usinga familiar locale is that you know it well, and you haveaccessto plenty of maps,diagrams,floor plansof factories,school buildings,shoppingmalls,etc.that you can easily adapt to your adventuringpurposes.You kncnrrthe are,where terrain,where all the local businesses the bad part of tcnvnis,and where any local ethnic groupshangout. You know the local lawsand ordinances;you know town politicsand police tactics (which may influence your Chostbusters' operatingstyle - some local officialsare not as cooperativeas the officials in the movie). Co to your lgcal Chamber of Commerce (or send one of your players)and get a map of your own city or home town. This is the area your Chostbustersuse as their home territory.lf you live in a rural areaor a town too small to support a Chostbusterfranchise,usethe map of a nearby town a5 your base.


Duties PRESIDENT: the ostensiblehead of the franchise.He may or may not be the 8uy that put up the money in the first place.He must meet annoyingpublic officials,setcompanypolicy, and take the blame for fiascos. the presidenthas In a Chostbusterfranchise, little formal power,and he certainlyis no dictator! He is routinely overruledby the bther Chostbusters,but when nobody seems especiallyqualifiedto makea particulardecision, he should make it. everyonecan be a viceVICE-PRESIDENTS: presidentaswell as any otherjob, if they wish. Be sureto give each vice-presidentsome sort of descriptivetitle, such as Vice-Presidentln In Charge Chargeof Shipping,Vice-President of SittingBehindthe Door,VicePresident\Mth Three Phoneson His Desk, or whatever.

TREASURER: this is the idealjob for the guy with the Money goal. He must keep tabs on how profitablethe franchiseis. He should set fees,bargainwith clients,and guide the franchise in largeexpenditures,like replacement of smashedEctomobilesand maltreatedpro. ton packs. the secretarymostly just sits in SECRETARY: the office. He must take phone calls, keep minutesof importantmeetings,and makeappointments.His most importantfunction is to man the office when everyoneelse is gone. You may wish to hire a non-player-character, or a secondarycharacter,as the secretaryor get a phone answeringmachine. TECHNICIAN:he hasto designnew equipmentwhen needed,repairold equipment,and run the team'scomplicated laboratorv.




sralsnqlsoqD IenuewsuorleJaclo

'jlasll ul arnlua pe lleLuse to l)arqns oq] sr leql uaq] 'uorlef,olalourarE ur sralsnqlsoq9aleradsap r.uor1pre ro1 eald e o] puodsar traql 1r ro isaasrqf,uer, Jotsoqaqaql JeuorseJJouo ^llnI qui\ aparralurIaql jl 'tl ruorl ]aB,{aqtspaqr s8ururea,{peyenb allt Llspf,o} }darxa IBD .lll^ op ot Eurqv(uea,req,{;arer'ale {aql leq} s^n8 l,pn;-o8-,Udeq'sralsnqlsor1D aq1 leurBrro 'DaJreSPUPCol roop 'ar^oru lxou pa rl oqM SUlISng$OHD aq] Joralseuila)nuplunof,re xet oql'rt;;n1 srnol {q paprnB uorgnl -1lsutEuuaalrlo.rd pue ;errlerrde 'uorlerod.rol (lBD) leuortPuralu I sralsnqlsoqS,oraplor.l))ols ^]uofeur aql pup o1 uorlerod.ro: luared e sr ]l 'ueltequew ur ral8uad5pue /zluels 'ueLuluan,(qdn /'Jul 1asasrqruerlleur8uoaql sralsnqlsorlDs! auo 'perluo) aslqtruer} aql u! o] paJrararsar]llua alerod;or oml arp araql

I srelsnqNoqD lEuo!lPurelu puP'Jul srolsnqlsorlD

aql af,eld'cla'a8re1,{1npunuaaq a eq arnluanpe -uorssrtuaqt uorj surep a8euep aq] ]eq] ro ^1.tlp aJaMsurJolunraLll leql salou 'arnlua pe-uorssil.u lsalel aql ur sa)elsrur ralsnqlsor]D saz^leue aq qf,rq/!\u! Allnl srnol urorj ]dra)ar ,o sroual ,{q sra,{e;d Jtaql pue sa^lasuaq} Surlrrr*,{;re1n3ar asnue ol ]up \ AetU sl€lseullsoqD auos (sqe;qreasar s,uo33 [!orJ sla rpur 1err8o1ouqra1 mau ,{4rm ro 'erog eroB ur aur] uorle)e^ prlxo a)!l) s)JodsnoJaua8 pue sasnuoqauospueq alnqrjlslpo] uMoul uaaq seqlgD 'alqelgord,t;ueurproerlxa uorssrru aql pue 'euop-;;em {pelnrrped sr qof aq} rr pue 'uorssnu e qrns Surrnppa arqle slpo8leuosradroJslurod aru/!\or81a3ualsnqlsoqDaq] la^a \oH 'pa1lunr3 -srp pue snoleafsoasrqf,uerj lelol aq] 8ur1eu 'apeu:aq plnoqs(^q}leamfuenasrqruerl ,{1;nladoq sr..uns snorlsuour ue a)Pu Plno/!\qf,rq/v\) lPnpl^rPUr Alnr] ol saf,uaJojarpue 'sluarltraql uror] ]uauj -,tedpa.rrpalqpraprsuotrstog lgD ,{;qeLunsar6 'lBD tl]!i\{ 1!parr sa^raJaraslLlf,uerjle)ol aql Ll)rrl/v\jo LlJledsrp aq] ro, lnq luaLu,tedou sa^raf,alastLlf, lnlssatrf,ns 'lsanbaruorssr.!p sa)pLu -uerJ lpJolaqt qf rqmroJ :1uaui,{ed ,t;leuorselo leuorleuJalul s.talsnqtsor.lD -uorssr.raql;o lderuor aq] punore uapum uaaq seqlf,erluof,asrqJuerjaql'3u r{e1da;or3ur;aaq,n -aar] ,o lurds aq] o] fuerluor sr Surdaal-p;ora.r aleroqelapue 'sluelunof,f,e]sof, lou aje sralsnq -1sol19'yed lsou aLl]ro] lng 'un1aq 1q3!urleql '3ur11r1ar peau pue fudua,illenper8p;nor 1ue1se8s,fot.rl ua a :slsof,a eLlplnof ")]a 'sasuafrl ssaursnqlarvrod 'xe1 sa;es 'luar 'Surddrr.ls'f,la 'lso) las e a^eq p;nor luaudrnba paluated1oarerd qrea 'alud e a^pqplnotrs1t13r.l asrqruellaql'sauraqf,speqLed pue 'aa11uar1c'uorlezrlelrderaleloqe;adn las ol 's8urq]qrns ,bfua ,{aql11 aar,are sralseu[sor.lD

eslqruPu aql rol tul{e4

'lf,ejluol ,(q o1parro; lou ,{aql ararvrplno/v\auo ou pue'sluauu8rsse qJnsldarce ol salrl aasrqf,ue4 oN 'l€D .ro;]daexa'a;qet;lordunpup 'snora8uep 'lln)rtrp Alurojrun are sarnluan 'saasrqf,ue{slrPP-uorssrw uror} a)ueu roped a;qrssodtur Surpueueppue sluorl) tuor, suret a;qlssodrurEurldalle ',{nBpeq aq} se s}f,p - illn1. ,nol,, srno-lJo uosjad aql ul Allelladsa - (lSD) leuorleuraluI sralsnqlsoqD',{1 lertd,{1 ']!efo' sl ssrr{ru€r}aq} Jo /pa}ald -uof, aq lsnu ]l ']uaulastqf,uerrua lalsnq]soqD yo sa8alr,rudpue slq8rreql ro, purl-ur-luau{ed st arnlua pe-uorssruaql'r1e trlord ']rpar)aql sale] roJ ;gg :lueuu8rsseaql Jo uorla;duuocInjssaJJns agqrsuodsar sr asrqf,ueJ, aql'asrqf,uer1lerol aql ol pauErsseuaq] pue ')ro1 /v\aNur srauenbpeaq salsnqlsor{D,tqro1paler}o3au luau lPuolleuJalul -uErsse e sr arnlua pe-uorssruaql SurlsnqlsoqD

aql arnluo^pv-uolsslw 'sragalaql uorl alonb 'dn auor slualuoul aunuoddo uaqM 'pafasua uaaq an,,{aqtlet;l 1a8rolalrnb ra,rausJalsnqlsoqDaql lprll os rlluoru raqlo fua a auo Jo rlluour e auo ,{;qeqord rnf,f,o sajnlua^p€-uorssrur aql sE al9 e ur sraDal

,t;;eruroyJo ]ol e roy ur oB t,uop sratsnqlsor1D a)ll )lo, snorua8urpue a rlpan leq] pue 'sarrgo arou ro o/v\]plorl ,{eu ,{n3 ouo lPq} raquaLuou 'lnlasn spuUdnol8 .rnoAs.rarrgo,{uedluol raLllo i(uepue rapeal Jerr]f,el1a^u6 [-Or1] la8eueyr,t a)r#O 'Jarnsea{ e })ala os;e ,{eu no,{ 'a1;1 no,{11'luaprsarde tseal}e pala ol paau ll,no^ ('s8ur;aa1 preq asne) uef, 8urr1t1o uos srr.ll- lnJpel aq pue ']srryuorspns rad ^rf 'uorpala s,Jaf,r#o,{ue olan uec no,{ rapeal ,{qsnde aq o} spua}aq asne)aqro 'suors -sasaue8 lle ol l! a)eLuo1,(snqoot sr aq asnef,aq aq,{eu - luaprsardalqelrnse a)eu }ou plno/!\ auoauos )urr.ll no{ 11'oo1"{ese aneq';euor1eura1u1 sralsnqlsoqD]o anueluasardarpue'ralsEr.ulsor.| I aql 'no^ 'asrqf,uerjaql roj s.raJr#oJo uorl)ala 'sra]snqlsoqD ue llef se seuosradrraql olur dols aq} lle raq}eD uaq] a eq pue raqleSolsre,{e1d


sre)!#o lo uollrall :aorql dals

'slapenb lraql anordtur o] preq )ro ^ ol sralsnqtsoqDaqt salP rloru srr.l]pue'araqi[auos ue]s o] a eq no1 'arue18ls.rrl lp r1Juplqot alep e asnef,plnom leqt SulqlaLuos - srauenb,@qeqstrpel ',{ur1ur sreqseuoloods 3url8pap aq] )llts or alpusaq l/uop puv .Uenuew tululet! agl ,o ra of, )f,eq aas) no^ urPrlsuof,]r lal ],uoP ]nq ^\ollo, ot lapou.rpoo8 € sr asrq)uerjralsnqlsoqD 'spaeu rno{ ro1 }l ^Iporu )ro^ MaN aql uaql 'auo q8nol e dn ^\erpro 'll Jo ueld .roope laB 'urealrno,tro; alqellnssl ur*o1ur Surp;rnq leare rl '3urp;rnqasrqf,uer1 ralsnqlsorlD aql1o Luer8erp e dn sr*e:ppue u/v\opsllsralseulsoLlDaq] /lxaN

rolsnqFoqD srauPnbpEaH Io, eilS e IJld :oinl dals

I { I

How to Run a Ghostbusters CarRpaign here are two different waysto run GHOSIEUSIfRS: session-by-session or campaign-style. play, each adventureis In session-by-session plannedto begin and end in a singlesitting.ln each session,the Chostbustenfacea differentfoe. The enemy is neatly defeated (or not) in the climax, and the Chostbustersretireback to their headquartersuntil the next adventure. This is a common narrativestructurefor actionadventuretelevisionseries- eachweek the hero has a differentproblem,which is disposedof beforethe end of the show;whereupon next week he startson a completely different problem. Session-by-session is the easiestway to play Chostbusters.Most Chostmasterswill start out runningtheir adventures this way.

Runninga Campaign Once you've gotten the hang of Chostmastering, or if you're an experienced roleplaying gamemaster, you'll probablywant to try running a campaign. In a campaign,last week's problemsmay still remainto be sohed the follcnruing week. The problems are usually more challengingthan in a game, and it may take many session-by-session play sessionsto finally overcomethe ultimate nemesis. To run a campaign,you must plan ahead,and think of your sessionsas a seriesof stepsleading to a final conclusion.Eachsessionmustend with a dramatic cliffhanger(with the playersin terrible suspenseabout the fateof their characters) or with a dramatic revelation which leads the characters evercloserto the main antagonist.The final sessionmustbe an actionclimaxwherethe Forcesof Cood (Our Side - huzzahl) confront, and ultimatelyovercome,the Forcesof Evil (The Bad Cuys - hiss, boo!). ln the first sessionof a campaign,there is usually no morethan a hint of the menacingnature

behind the threateningevents.Cradually they campaigns,but it's also nice to sit back and let become hip to the fact that the minor problems us BigTime Came Designersdo all the work (and they are encounteringin each sessionare parts be real clever and.entertainlng,natch). of some terrible plot which they alone can preCAMPAIGN1: vent. In the end, the noble and heroic Chost- SAMPTE busterschallengeMr. UltimateEvil (preferablyin Gozer the Gozerian front of a largeand adoringaudience)and Fix His Session One: Dana Barrett finds that her Wagon But Cood. refrigeratoris haunted and calls in the ChostReally ambitious Chostmasterscan overlap busters.Nothing untowardis discovered.A coucampaigns$r introducingthe firststepof the next ple of small spooksmashing jobs keepthe team campaign before the playershave reachedthe busy,though. climax of their currentcampaign. SessionTwo: The Chostbustersare worked to a For instance.as thev reach the home town of frazzle by a suddenspateof ghosts.This session Count Draculaand begintheir searchfor the lair of the evil Count, they might be besetby farmers is a non-stopsequenceof annoyinglittle menaces. askingthem to help exorcisetheir homesof phan- lf the Chostbustersare smart, maybe they'll get tom rabbits.Of course,the Count is a TopPriority suspicious how come thereare so manyghosts all of a sudden? job, and the Chostbusterhave no time to fool The E.P.A.sendsa hatchetman (WalterPeck) around with flop-earredspectres. to threatenthe Chostbusters.Peckis temporarily However.bv the time the Chostbustershave finally disposedof the Count, phantom hamsters drivenoff, but the sessionendsominouslywith and gerbils have also appeared in the region, the threat of further governmentinterference. voraciouslyconsumingcropsand threateningto SessionThree:The NY.P.D.deliver LouisTullyto throw the entire agriculturalbaseof Europeinto the Chostbusters'doorstep. He is apparently possessedby an ancient Sumeriandemon that confusion.Thus the Chostbustersare led into a campaignagainstthe dreadfulmachinationsof calls itself, among other things, the Keymaster. Corobongo,an ancientSumerianDemon Lordof Small FuzzyThings. \ later,as they discoverthat Severalplay-sessions Corobongois beingsummonedbecausea Chuck E. Cheese pizza parlor is being built over his Chuck E. ancientrestingplace (coincidentally, happensto look just like ancientSumerianstatues of Corobongo),the Chostbustersmay noticethat shadowypresencesin dark bathrobesare follow- .-.-.> ing them around. By the time Corobongo is laid to rest, the Ghostbusters mustdeal with the MvsteriousMen in Dark Sleepvrrear... And so forth... And so on...

:i,'ffi "'H,X?il';'i' :l':.?,:l,i ::i,:, ;ii:,l?'iiJTwosampIe c ampaigns

deal with than anyoneanticipated.As the sessions Here are two samplecampaignoutlines.The proceed, the Chostbustersbecome more and first outline may look a bit familiar to you. Welre more awareof Mr. UltimateEvil,the guidingforce sure you'll get the idea. We arealsosurethatyou'll be interestedin buying dozensof campaignadventures that WestEnd Cames is publishingReal Soon, like GHOSI IOASITES.lt's nice to design your own clever


Chostbusters OoerationsManual

"Many Shubsand Zuuls knew what it was to be roastedin the depths of the Sloarthat day I can tell vou."

J ,




lenuew suorlejedosjalsnqlsoqD

'Lu !J pue do1uo sauop aLltpunore1;elL13r1SurmoJ8 altlll r.ltlrlt saoqsul fuelaue;drelur qlouueur rrssep rnor( - sa lasuaql sJa)nesSurr{;1rvrele tll8rs^llenlre satsnqlsorlDaq1 fuo1ura1 4ro1,v€N pue 'salaSuvsol uaq} aql ur ,{;1eu11 ,sralsnqlsoqD 'o8eJrqf uorj ur aurof,suodar:arnes3ur,(;1a.rou ')aa^ 'ualoqoH Luo.r;s8urlq8rsrarnes ]xau aql SurL;;aarqtsuodarrededsr"rau aq1:eug uolssas

sndopo /urlJou :Z NDIVdWVf IIdWVS

'uorleluorluof,P ro, sa lasuaLll eredard ol sJauenbpeaqraq] ol ]earlaj ilalsnqlsoqD aql) l! alelo uel salsnqlsoqD aql ,o auou aqt 'luod jraLl]Sulzlleau 'puod Surlras daap ]nq /]uatrtre,{uun1e seq a;1 'rarvrodu8tarol e sluas e Jo uroroq aq] ]e ualqo -ardaraq ]eql Surf,unouue''cu1 'sralsnqlsotlDro iraf,nes3ur,{pe lrllelatu 1uer3e ;o af,uaprla leanarsluaunllsul sarUJoarll s]rsr^stooq {oqltor pue 'teLluos}a}S ']tnsssaursnq rraql pue 'alrs aq] Je a^uJe /sralsnqlsorlDaql y:earq1 uolsses e ur passarp,{nB 'u/!\ol aprs . ,o ,;snoolf,o 1no 1ue1dluaurl€ar]aSemesaql ]e sr uorlelsalul aqt;;er olSutuelsale sja)rolv\ aq] Joraluatraql ]eq] la of,slp^aql 'slaaulSuauo!] ,ur)lor aqllo u8rs,, 's8n1s-qreor)ro) aq] lle ]o sapts -elruesanrleradootqlr/v\s/v\alrualur pue 'suorle8rl ramasaq] qrrqnt olur paqrla a8eLurppo aups aql alou ^eql -sanu ua a';e grlsar;e1er1x3aq] r'qleasar lua8;I1ptll11,4' 'paapuru8rarolsrJamodu8taro;e uol; toltst,rpaAa 'sJalsuotuaq] jo atuos Suuntder ro 3ut,{ollsap -aarq] aq] lprll pup s8n;s-qreorpor aq] lq8norq ur paatrtrnspue'ale8rlsanursralsnqlsoqDaql 'uorlellelsur ]uaulearl a8elrasauoq aal1e uana sralnes3ur{g aqt leqr ezllearsra}snq}soqgaqf 'srellop spuesnoqlSupagos.tal]alra^rlapol pup ' '3urp1rnq lo ralsnqlsorlDaql pulqaq 'dn ruaqt>prdol saursnoutl,truel8ut ruor1JJo3ur1e1uaas sr rernes 3ur,{;1e se aprs sprB{pard 'sarrruas aql ro13ulpp;q uels -lno pjpor1arp slnoqspue slauqs 1ale;sluauoyrl -puas ,srslsnqlsorlD uorlplruesJo sluauyeda6 snoueAaql 'ua)oqoH 'salnurura ur aqg ry r;o sJpamlfarla Surz{1ered 'slalsnqlsoqD pue 'sa;a€uy so1 'o8errq3 uor, ul Sututoc are suodar relrurs pup 's.laAasaq] ut payoda.r ']no slaad e^e pttql e aqt te ,{1,{1s3ut>1uu* are s8nls-qreollf,of,arilosqleolaJoW:oinl uolsses PUePeaqaql Jo lreq aq] ]e sued rrPq eql loop lrellf, tsur)f,orP u! reguel]s se slq se)elu sdr;s aq aq] ]no 1sn['1gxa aq1 'paz,{leredllesurr-1Pur, sra}snq}sollDaq} sndolco ue 3u!]sa83nsa8eul prrame 'aprsslt uo 's.r.rgqlt pue saqsel,unB rtlseld a;Dl1 urnq Jo ooilel,o uos p pelrlou uo33 2;rsr rg Jo qf,€apue 'paqsrldtrore 'a183nr1s eleladsaptatrq e st araql aql ^lleurl 'unB u o r s s l W ' 1 r ;o asodslppue purl ,{;;enl rrlselda1ur1 e 1nos1;ndaq /paurelv '1;asurq,{11 -ua a pue 'a|q/v\ e ro, punorerelsuouraql lf,prl -uapr aq ]eqt pueuap pue'asnJarAeq] 'sanrloru 'sra \as aql olur u/!\op 1aBsralsnqlsoqg aq1 'srolebrlle srrl1osnorrrdsns1nq 'pa1dua1are,{aq1'os op ot plo8 prlos;osdun; asuauu! uaql sro#opup s8nls aql ot pasn8urDa3ararvrvalro/v\ Ja Aoseql selsnf -qJeor)ror aLl]3u!]eSrlsaur dols ol sratsnqlsoqD pue '8ur^ouueelrnb - Llf,eoJ)f,of, e pue 3n1se uaamlaq sso.n 3uo1-]oo;-xrs,o uos e - sra)rol!\ aql apens.radol sau] ra8uerlssnouals,{ruaq1 ,{1r1euor1eu srq }noqe suorlsanb ra/v\asaq] Surualq8ul uaaq seq leql arnlearf, aql o] sleadde {ue o1 puodsar},usaopaq pup /(sr.1}ro1 }uaf,Jp auos alegusolu!ol sralsnqlsor.lD anbrun e dn Eurleur un1a^eq upJ ralsetulsot1D uorletruesro tuaurueda6 )ro1 /raN oq] uaql

'pul aqr 'smorsa8eqre8s,,!13 nra51 1o,{11nladrad-uFlo 4o1 -padsul se pau8tssear eq ,tlqeqotdllr/!\oqm /)rad ralleM Jo uortelllunLl8ullsella,raaql pue /etPaul aql'a)elndod ;nlalet8 pue,{3rapaqt ro sapelof,f,e e ,o sraeqJ aql ol pua)s3p slalsnqlsoqDaql 'AEpaql sa^Pspue ',lalsuoy,'l /!\olleuqsJew aql s^orlsap ',asia^lunlno Jo lno lazoc slnqs 'a1e8aq] sasop - sueaq uolotd aql 8ulssolf,- ltq 'qf}tp-}sele lanan'rog -rue8,{>1su }nq snorua8ur 'll Mou) aM sv uorlezrlrlrl uJalsa6 pue 'a;ddy 81gaq] 'saoLaq rno roj )llep fu1ard1oo1s8urtll - uew /\\olleur -qsrew Und-AplS aql - woop rtaq] Jo tuatunrlsul aq] suouurns JazoD uaqM puv 'anSeal,slalsnq -lsoqD aqt 1o1no,fu^|- qSnol ool lsnl sl lazoD a)rl s)ool ]l ']sllj lv razoD ]uolJuor pue Sutpltnq aql Jo do] aq] o] dn qurl) sralsnqlsoqDaql 'xetrlrlJ f,ueurerpoq] 'MoN razoD raue oB ol aruetp P uaq] sanr8'ooueprluocpue Sutuosealltaql ,{q pacutn -uor lo,{eu aql'ueur Vdl aq} loofino pue 1o^Pu aq] ol )l€l ol Pauoululnsale sralsnqlsotlDaql "' :lnoJ uolsses 'alnuru,r aq] te ',t1a1eunyol1nq ]sel 'gtet 2"'op euuo8 ,{aq}ale 1eq7y1 ut 'asool aql uo sl puv aql are sralsnqlsoL.lD Irnls ladaalaleg aqt'gar.regeue6 'padecseseq lalseu -^a) aq] 'L;;n1 stnol 'uotsnluotraq] ut 'lrop 'elrnap Suruoutuns-lazoD uos auos ]o 'ul\o] sr Surplrnqluauuede s/llallPg PueC puv ur ,{}rnr}re,{lfoqE pasearJuraq} Jo} uoseoJaq} sl IrsrnSurluordnsrqtpuv'uoos leat Alll )JoA,vtaN 'lnoqe3ur11e1 daal q;o1 passassod lrsrno] SuroBsr aql ]eqt Sulaq aql lazog 'uo Euto8 sl leq/v\lno arn8rl pue uMop lls ilatsnqtsorlDlla) Iaql ul '1refur dn pua sJalsnqlsoqDaql ')lo1 /\{aN Surlradsnsunue uo posoolale slt.tlds1ue;ona;eru pue sno arqrsr.u jo suotlltZ 'erur] alqrssod ]sro/\ aq] le pp8 1ueuu1e1uof, /sralsnqlsoqSaq] #o slnqspuelaplo Unof,e qll/v\sulnlal))ad la]leM 'ra1seu,{a;aq} aq o} sullelf, }eq} auo,{ueafnpas o} saul aqs 'tadaalateg aq} rlost! {puateddesl 'oo1 slletr]pql uouap e,(q passassod 'aqs ralsnqlsotlSe,(q luauuede taq sulnl aql lo ur pala oJsrpsrualleg euPc 'atutl aues aql lv

SessionFour: The technical wizards improvise uniquedevicesto enablethem to enterthe saucer and to defend against the strange paralyzing weaponsof the aliens.Diving suits and other equipment are obtained to permit underwater operatrons. The Ghostbustersbreak into the saucer.Fortunately, the owners aren't at home, and the Chostbusterscan wander around inside and discoverall kindsof fascinating thingswhile being chasedaboutby guard"goo-bots"which look like a crossbetweenthe Tin Man of Oz and the Incredible Cooey Man. These guard goo-bots alwaysbreakin on the Chostbustersiust afterthe Chostbustershave discoveredsome tantalizing fact. Finally the guard goo-bots chase out the Chostbusters,who were going to leaveanyway, since they discoveredthat the owners were just about to return. However,they have discovered three vital bits of information: f . in the saucer'smesshall, there are freezers full of bitsand piecesofcockroach-slug in all conditions:filleted,hamburger, rump roast,pickled, etc. Clearly the cockroach-slugis an alien food staple. 2. a can of Drano sits inside a metal box with six-inchthick sides.Only one heavilyleadedwindow peeksinsideat the can, and robot arms permit remotehandling.Might Dranohavesomepernicious effect on alien biology?


Chostbusters OperationsManual

3. pin-upgirl-oidsinsidewhat is clearlya locker room demonstratethat the aliensare into macho, but probably not after our women - few earth women have multiple arms, eyestalks,or other charms that these guys apparentlylust after. The Chostbusterstake stock of their knowledge, and make plans for an ultimate confrontation. Session Five: Hip to the fact that the aliens apparentlyeat cockroach-slugs, they surmisethat thesealiensplan to use Earthas pasturesfor their icky herds.Fortunately,Drano may be an effective weapon, and the techs labor feverishlypreparing Drano-broadcasting devices. When the Chostbusters testtheir Drano-rifleson a caotured cockroach-slug the slugglcnvspurple,then green, then +pops*out of existence. Now it's possibleto disposeof all the slugsin all the sewers- just pour a couple of hundred cans of Drano down the storm sewers,and +pop] awaythey go! This plan is amazinglyeffective,and the saucermen, desperately tryingto protecttheir herds, emerge from the pond to confront the

Ghostbusters,landing smack in the center of Broadwayand Sixth Avenue where the Chost bustersemergefrom the sewersto meetthe alien menace. Waveafter uraveof goo-botsare sent againstthe Chostbusters,but the Drano-riflesare completely effective. Unfortunately,the paralyzing ray shieldsare not so effective,and things look grim for the Chostbusters and human civilization. But, miraculously,at the lastmoment,a Chostbusterhasan inspiration.Crabbinga proton pack from the Chostmobile,he activatesit - and sure enough, the containment beam is sufficientto neutralize the paralyzationbeams, yielding awesomepyrotechnicdisplays,and causingthe al ien weaponsto shortout, smokingand sputtering then finally explodinginto tiny fragments. The saucermen, completelyoutclassed,retreat grumbling to their saucer,but just before they disappearinto the ship,they turn and addressthe stunned spectators.A glowing symbol - the octopusin the rockingchair - forms in the air above the saucer. "Chostbusters,beware! We shall return and claim this planet!Watch...theskies...!" The End.



-re)s pue 'aur1sSurmads's1ooqEutssol'punole ueuJ)t tuseldoltrasnotle qlt/!\ 3u rddrz suorlelsarr aJuanbasuollJe aJlu e paau aM alaH 'alols)ooq srqo1furnq o] uraql 3ut33eqrallaqooq aLl]tuor] ealsnqtsotlDaql uoospuv ;1eceuoqd e anraf,ar ""sproM aql sauolu! aq 'aJuel] e u1'aue1dsrLllo] sraaodlttgdsauosamesuotruns qrrqlt 11ads e Surqursapa8ede o] - ldttlsnueu aql suado ^ ollaj aLll 'slartod snoualsltu {q Illm srq }sure8e pa1;adLuo3'}rparzeqv ]rueun ,leuotst,ruetuotxlv PEtuaq] ,{q pa11d -ruor s1;edslerr8eu pue satraqdoldfuoteutrn;1eq aql - ldlrfsnuPu e 'uo:r1qndoary Jo uorlelsuprl alel v laleap)ooq ue sranotrslp sralsnqlsotlD aq] ]uerf,ue ldaf,re rlaql ro ued sPlduf,snueul aql le$ slslsu!aq la omotl lasou aql tlSnotql s,{ed 'sloods ]uargtler.u i;;npter8 raleap)ooq aql pue 'suapleu aql anpqns sralsnqlsot.lDaql Alleulj 3ut ,{peloqrs-rnq-,{;adeqspue su.rorvr>1ooq

-sJr!uP$aE oq/v\ssanSpuv'uotsnl)uol s,lladsaq] 'pa3l, aq /snfllf, aql o] le ra aleq/v\ro Paulnlal 'uoll lo, lda) aq] sl Llfltl/\ uPf pue pauileq lou -xa dn pasnaJPqualPaJEulasaq] llv 'uoll a ll e pue /plo8 ,slooj jo suo] lq8ra lelSlnq e Jo preaq aql 's834 elun] uezop e - sluatpalSulxopotl] -roun raqler ar,uossargribal;;adsaq1 'saqsl/( aalLl] Ja)uup aql sluer8'autrt ut )unlp pue palaprvrod uaqrrr'qrrr{vr auols rt8eu e dn alnfuor o} suod -rnd qrlqirt ;1adse o1- ldtllsnueu aql uado o] 'slapenb uols;nduoc alqtlslsaxtue sla8auoaruos -peaH sratsnqlsoqDle peq 'q8noua alns",


:L Eapl

sBepl .frors aqJ, 'ue1d tsaq aLlls! 3u!)lel .ro3u! -lurql pue uotpe uaaMlaquollPulalle.re1n8al 11no 'aulof,la/!\ ,{poqfuanaream :a}ou q)ntu oo} uot}tre }nB llt/r,r e r , n o A ' s l u a u r a l a l u e l r o d r . u ra s a q l a z u e u l '1srrqodulat at11Surdaal ut lef,ltuf,sl uolltrV('3ul -f,ed pue 'auo] 'seaptltaql jo lsout lo, alnlelalll -rrns o/!\eaprfuo1sqrea ro pua aql ]p lpqt atoN uo {lar - nqlnqD Jo Ue) pue wfuoaet1 '(ra aleq/v\'8oC rapuoM aql pue suoaSuno a)r1- saueS 3ut,{e;dalottottoq 'crleuaurc s! 'fuetalll ]ou SUilSnS iryed5 'suazrlr3roruas Jr[rso3 aq] ',{rerrdsuo3 pue,(se1ue3) -ISOH2 :salrluntroddg uo1yty aql ur odua] aqt)(s)^n8peq ureur lsrunururo]leuorsuaurpralul 'slnol ansst-plepuPls aqt 1o sueld snorrelauaq] qlli\ ur slryeopr fuo1s aq ol lsnf ';eurouued uraasleql s^n8 aq] u! luauralaauros/!{or]1noSuun8tlsueau leq] lno urnl lnq PeqouPp {11ens1'uBredurertuarrnJ rnoAo}ut fuots otl} }lJ -unu ,(|Da;-rad ut ssolol altq^\ e ul af,uo^P)o s,]! ',te1d uBredr,uer lnq 'uaq] ot tslrv! ;eru.roueledaurosa^erlo] ]q8no uer no,{/v\oq}noqp 1u;qt s{elt1e ur palsaralu! no{ 1o asoqt )oJ is1ooH u31edue2 si(n8peq aql'qtli\ al$eg snolrolD op ol saolaH 'var{e1d aql JoJEurqlauosa eq o] o eq no1 'saleuaw letl.t auos }eaq#o pue a^rlparf,uorl sasr.rdrns 'sAsaolaH arreB e sr srrll :uo -rouered r \Jeqlyl nr ryed'suor}esrnorduu Jo eledorlue no{ uaqrt r{;re1 'sBultll /bl4 ot slng peg rc 'sa1ta1s{141 rno{ ue;dpue peaqe)urrl}o} sunqra au lr lnq UnnO asrnordr,ur o11oBan,no,{'arunl e noi( ssol srar{epd :sluaualalueYodut asaql aql uaq^ ';ensn sy 'uraq] roJ pauue;da eq no^ e lo, s! }! raprsuof,'arnlua pe suilsnslsor{9 'papadxeun leqm Suropte 11eqib411 leqirz pue alqe]rns/!\oq aas ol Paplfuols e /!\al^alno^ sv Surqlaruosop sla,teldaql Jr teq^ '1 :sauo8aler ;e.raua8o/vuotur slle, slrll gnlg />1t1t1lell,ludtod 'uaq] ro, 'q}rlt e purl Surpas aql uaql pue jo lno ued 1ue{ 'no^ 1eAo1ralsnqlsoqD aq] ro, sralf,ereqf,q8nouaapr^ -ordt,usaoplold aql11'uotssasSuti(e;de;or lnlssar rol q8noua,htarrs pue paddtqmate,teq] l!]un dn -Jns p ued 8rq p aJpsJapereqf,Alf,eM 'pelera8 ro puP seaptlno aIP] 'sy15 paruattad 'sarnosa.t uaql anbro] -Eexe's1uaualaSurpas -xa no1 'saxoqeLl]ur altnpp padxa aql ro; dteqs ;nyolor lsnI ro ro salf,elsqoare {aq} raq}aLl6 :sJarJp.rprrJ}paN ',SAr)OOJ nOA'SeapltuOlsauos Jo' /v\o, IOOI ?#o,

sluauall oJnlue^pvlueuodut;

'o1 ,tllnyapuom J",ii,i; ;ao1{aql os suotlnlot

asr^ap pup rapuod o1 sra,{e1d aqt ro; suelqotd lq8noqt Ap;r1 - saualsr{uro sa;zzndJouru aq plnoqsse8ualleqroLlljo ^uery 'uoltf,put pa losaj aq plnoqssa8uay;eqr aq] lle ]oN :sualqoq ,{1yyt1

,{pea.rar,no,{pue 'sldaruor }1n::o atrueru€por atlloso] a)uarJs praM auros,(;ddeLo 'suotluanut a1,{1s-4rrvr5 urof ,Ma}e dn dtqrt }snf - uot}en}ts rvrauqf,eao1ldepe ol Asealr a)eu salnr ]ualstxa -uou-,{| s-ol-}ou'a1durs,tllue8a;aaql 1errpe.rd,fu

seepl ernlue^pv

ro, sauo}spue s8utgesareztq }o puy'8ur,{e1da1o.r eueroued ssalpuaue dn suado ,{3o;otulouele6 'ajnlPlalll qsell le;ndod lo a)ual)s aloq/v\aql ur puu plno/!\ no^ ueq] ]no-paltre/v\aroul Alqeq '1eu13t.to -o.rdpue "'angleur8euga.rou aJou aq ol Suro8areseaprrno1 's8urqtyoaptslq8ttq aq] uo ')ro/v\aroru alBll e s! suilsnsJsoHg )ool ]nB rot seaPr ,{ro}s rl}l/!\ dn Suttuol os 'r-uorJ 1o slo; uaue8 ;;1 leatsol spapr,fuo1s anr8 saop ]! leql st ]t ]noqe Sutql poo8 auo aql '1r ur suo8erppue 'sprezrnt'sprortsq]!/\ )-N-n -[Jo lol e s,ajaLllMou) no^ 'punole uaaq a ,no^ 'arn1e.ra1t1 ,{se1ue1 3ut1cou1}ou ou)l no,( Jl ]nq i\'41au/P9 Jaqio lPtll se uolJ seapl leals ar,aM o] sla ou arnlua pe Aqse.rl,tueu se ,(1leauareq 'MoN lPqr anl] s,lr ],usaop sailsnslsoHg 'qllM punole loo, o] suols -uaurp aloqM a^lai!\]orP araq] 'lle lauv 'acleqs poo8 ur ala,^ aM paztleal a/!\ leq] seapt tuols a)eur o] Paill pue u/!\oples a/!\ lllun ,o lsrl P on 'olriM e io] l|eq lno alo] pue ]/use/v\ll PsDalJaM 2leq] aq] punore llp q]l/!\ ataduor o] oP alqel uaqf,]l) ';;arvr - uaalrs SurprssaoJe8eranya/\Auel leqM aql uo slra#a lerradsaull-8tq aql lle pue ra eaM pue ,te;.rn14Suraesre4e 'ueaLu | 'l! tllr^\ alPd -uro) ol Surqlaruos Aga.rd dn )ulrll ogSuqeprr-ur1ur s,]rtpqt sr ornotrtlnlssaJf,nsfua^ e qttm ulalqold aq1 'lrnpord lla/!{srno lo} spnq 8tq la^o )Jo} noA a)Pur puP ar{arno,{ tltr}ef,o} Ie A alu-alns P uPq} raqler 'Lua;qo.rd 1sa33tqtno aq ol Suto8se/v\allotx al] slalsnqlsotlDaql Jo ssolJnsaq] ]eq] PalJro/v\ ',aasno1 'seaplaln}uo pe -l!l e ara ^ am,{11eut3uo ]eau ,o rl)unq aloq/\ e no^ a 13 aM /v\olag '/v\oljqse) anlllsoo e pue 'acrlsnf'qlnJl Jo sa;dtruud leluaulPpunjaq] uassearo] af,rpJalll af,unoqPUesalpoourlaq] asn uef,sralJpJ€r]f, ,ua,{e1daql teq} os sul;a} aueS o}ut 'aposrda,{q aposrda'fuols aq} etelsuerlno,{ uaq} r 'Pa los sr ualqord 3rq eloqm aq] aroJaqlaqto aq] tage auo 'pa los aq ol spaauleql ua;qord .tou1ue Sut,req qrea 'saposrda]o q)unq e olut dn |t )earQ no{ o 'a spaau teLlt los o] sralsnqlsor.lD lrtusoJ Jofeu e 'eapl fuo1se le8 nor{o af,uplpqLUr :laaMslool sldaruor f,tsPqsql ,^arlar ll,a/!{'sar)oo: no{ to1}nB 'aut} 3uo; e lo1 ]l 8.ulopuaaq ,{lqeqorda^eLl^rsaurP, ;aqlg 3ut -,{e1duaaq a pq oq/v\noA1oasoql 'pleq fuan 1ou s,ll 'uA o fuanrno,{;o sarn}uape u8tsapo1aueS 8tq ]xau aqf slql asn ol /v\oLl ]no 3uun3r1sr >1se1 ('araLlsar)ooJ aql ol 8u!)lel al,a14larualaduroralqessede ueql arou a^eq no,{ os ^raure2 n$o 1eq13u|,te;d uaaq lle an,no{ moul aM 'sra}spuaue8 Uadxa paruauadxano{ 11e'dn }nqs) 'saopra}seu}sotl3 learD e ]eqm to eapr ue la8 o] Sutuut8aq ale no^'a)ll sl alnlua pe ue ]eLl/vlpue]gopunno^ 'sf,tueqf,aul ('lno ornS!,ol lol e s/araLIt leq] ]oN) aql lno pa:nBt1 a^,no1 'SUJIS1SISAHD ,{e1do1 Morl puelsrapun no^ ^\oN *rO

sistiblecompulsionto collect all the ingredients, read the incantations;and obtain the stone? fusemblingthe ingredientscan providea series of minor episodes.Maybe His Honor the Mayor can okay the loan of a lion from the Bronx Zoo. Maybe one has to be "borrowed" from Ringling Brothers.("...in the interestsof sciencei'as Egon would say.)Alternatively,the gathering of the ingredientscould be simplified or abstracted. ("Okay.Yougot all the ingredients.No problem. Now what?") When the ingredientsare assembledand the mumbo-jumbo mumbled, **tweedle!+*a fivehundred-poundboulderof solid graniteappears. Anyonehardyenoughto grind it all up and drink it (a processprobably taking sereralmonths)does, indeed, get his wishes..However,once it is all drunk, the drinker gets the world's biggest stomach-acheand unlesshe beatsa 30 with his Cool his first wish is automatically"l wish l'd neverdrunk that stuff!" Which, of course,causes the boulder to reappear,intact,on the floor (and also removesthe Chostbuster'spain). If anyonedoes manageto drink the stuff and withstandthe achg he getshis wishes.Sadly,the boulder'spower is limited, and it can only grant little wishes- nothingmorethan a smallsavingsand-loanoperationcould grant.A few thousand dollars or a nose job is about the limit. lf a Chostbusteras|1 lceqlyl 'atuo pa]lnsuotr^aql ]od))ertr leql ianorsrpleql lo o1 sAnS peg to 'saltdrslyl 4nctg c$u1t11/7t1

What we havehere is an entire community of blood-suckenwho haveimmigratedfrom the Old Country boughtout a condominium,and bought into the American Good Life - a cooperativeof aspiringto-Yuppiedomvampires with Slavic accentsand quaintlyprimitivepeasanttable manners.Thereare evenvampireAkitasand vampire parakeets. Tricking down this community will require (e.9.,study patterns investigations detective-style of attacks,study police reports,etc.), research (immigrationrecordsshow unusualnumber of Transylvanian immigrantsthis month), or bait stake-outs(Ray is perfect for this sort of heroic hose-iob).The clincher - the Chostbustersmay notice that the new apartment{ondo in the neighborhood hasone distinctivefeature.The curtains on everywindow aredrawnduringdaylighthours every day - without exception. When the Chostbustersarriveand try to enter the condo, the vampiresare exceptionallycongenial in Steve Martin-Dan Aykroyd-Wild-andmode.Once the heroesare insidg the Crazy-Cuys vampireslock the dooi behind them and chase them all throughthe building tryingto catchthem and turn them into vampires,too. Thesevampires stereoareyour basicuryrardly-mobile'immigrant types - not quite yet hip to the mores and technologyof modernAmerica- and should be playedfor comic effect. The main point of this adventureis the frantic chase through the condominiums,where the C h o s t b u s t e r sc o m e u p o n s u c h s h o c k i n g "Type Oi' discoveriesas wine bottles labelled "'Type Ai' and "Night Traini' etc.; platform coffins instead of beds; La Machine blood centrifuges;video decks running Loveat First Bite; vampire dentures(for an elderly vampire);and, of course,the vampire parakeet. Thereare too many vampiresto pull a Rambo here,and vampiret being the particularlypowerful occult entitiesthat they are,are likely to take the Chostbustersin any direct power confrontation. Howevel the vampirescan be handled in several ways - portable sun lamps, a hightech/medicalcure for vampirism,a negotiated withdrawal to Transylvania(afterthe Chostbusters havezappeda few viampiresin bat-form),an agree' ment to limit blood drinkingto that which can be bought at plasma banks, discovery of the nutrientelementin freshblood and an acceptable substitutesource,and so on. Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Whack On: vampiresa go go


The Chostbustersget a call from l'lerbie, a world-classnerd with an exotic problem. Seems ever since Herbie got bitten by a mysterious animal in the woods,he'stransformedinto a hairy "You gotta help me, animal every full moon. Chostbusters!You'semy only hope!" Werewolf?Don't be ridiculous- there are no such things. This guy turns into a were-St.Bernard. Herbie doesn't haveany blood-lustwhen he'sa St. Bernard,and in fact,still retainshis normal mind and feelings.However,he lives in an apartmentbuilding that doesn't allow pets especiallylargepets- and he'stenified that the might find out and expel him. superintendent To study this problem, the Chostbustersare going to haveto observeHerbie'stransformation at the full moon - a nice opportunityto set up an action confrontationand chasewhen Herbie getsnasty,then smashesthrougha door and runs off into a nearby park with the Chostbustersin hot pursuit.And naturallyanyoneaccidenallybitten by Herbie in dog-formgetsthe disease,too, evendogs: if Herbie getsinto a dog-fight,the other dog will turn into a St. Bernardeveryfull moon, doubtlessto the chagrinof the animal'sowner. Another action possibility is a search for the social creaturethat gaveHerbiethis embarrassing disease. might be This is a toughie.The Chostbusters forced to end up suSgestingthat poor Herbie simplycheckinto a kenneleachnightof the full moon - it's only a few dayseach month, after all. Or Herbie might move into a building that allowsanimals.On the other hand,they might find out that the mysteriousherb dogsbanecures the condition.Or aftersomeweird sciencesomeone discwersthat lycanthropyis caused$r viruses - hauntedviruses- and the Chostbustersget themselves reduced a la FantasticVoyage and Or, how enter Herbie'sbody to bust microspooks. vaccinedevisedhl a mad scienaboutan anti-PKE And if Herbiebitesthe superintentist consultant? dent,he'll probablychangehis no-petsrule fast. Our favoriteoption is to have some anti-lycanthropy weird sciencebackfireand put Herbie inAciion Oppo rtunities: i ntermi nable chase scene to the pooch-form permanently,whereupon he becomes a permanent part of the Chostbuster in condo intelligentparanormal squad - a more-or-less Nifty Problems:conning vampiresinto evacuating mascot. Neaf Cf aracfers: reporter,i nterview i ng m ugging victims,immigrantYuppievampires Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Cuys to Potential Tricky Stuff, obtaining a floor plan of WhackOn: Herbiein were-Bernard form, original an apartmentbuilding sourceof Herbie'sdisease Campaign Hooks: a couple of the vampires Action Opportunities: attack and chase with escapeand start independentoperations,or sell Herbie-oooch their servicesto the local UltimateEvil Nifty Problems:cure or cope with Herbie'slycanthropy


Chostbusters OperationsManual

Neat C/raracters: Herbie the Nerd Mutt Potential Tricky Stuff: getting the Chostbusters to studyHerbiewithout precautionsthat preclud6 a good chase scene Campaign Hooks: Herbie bites lots of people and assortedother things, creatinga were-syndicate of rummies, street thugs, and school board politicians

ldea 6: KEEPERS OF THE MIDNIGHT COPPER The Chostbustersare invited by an inesistibly foxy chick/slickdude to join a stylish new occultists'society.lt is a high complimentto be invitedto join, and there are lots of high society, free booze,and fancy dressballs - not to mention all the valuableprofessionalcontactsto be and experts.The inmadewith occult enthusiasts ductionpartyitselfis an opportunityto whip out a plethoraof weirdosand oddballsfrom the Upper Crust and the AvantGarde - each eagerto sharesome bit of fascinating/boringinformation about the World Beyond. After a few weeks,one of the Chostbustersis with Slightly invited$ a WeirdEccentricProfessor Manic Overtonesto join the Inner Sanctum,to which only the Very SecretMastersbelong.Here he discoversthat the true purposeof the Keepers of the CopperMidnight is to do honible things such as worshipingthe SeniorCitizensof the Cosmos- a race of dodderingAncient Evils which smellbad,havearthritictentacleqand want to retireto Floridaand Arizona - afterthey have exterminatedthe annoyinglyyouthful and noisy humanoids there. Naturally, the Chostbusters must intervene to stop the Copper Midnight occultistsfrom Opening the Portalfor the Really Old Cuys. The ReallyOld Cuys are physicalbeingswith ghost-likeparanormalpowers.Each Guy has a Power of 6-12 and a bunch of ghostly special abilities.When a ProtonPacklowersa ReallyOld Cuy's Ectopresenceto Q the being apparently (but reallyhe hasjust dissolvesinto nothingness been banishedto the Happy Nebula RestHome). is to breakup the CopThe Chostbusters'goal per Midnight organization,give the bum's rush to any ReallyOld Guys who havebeen gated in by the Very SecretMasters,and thus preventthe annexationof sovereignAmerican soil as a BEM retirementcommuniW. This mighttakemorethan a singlenight'swork. Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Whack On: ReallyOld Cuys, Copper Midnight and Very Secret Masters Action Opportunities: interrupting a ribboncutting ceremonyfor a Portal,bashing escaped VeryOId Cuys,rescuinga Chostbustertakencap tive by a VeryOld Cuy or the CopperMidnight



]soq8 aLl] uo uoM a llralap pue qf,reasarisuagou IIhIN adld8pq e Surlseor-uoloJd:sa14u4toddg uotyty loods qsrpor5 :uo \reqA /s8u1r11 I7t1 o1 slng peg rc 'seua7sl141 4nct6 pleuoclew to oureu poo8 aql Sur.rolsar ^qaraq] '(,,uptustoJse aseald p,leql arud E le pue 'arppel 'raaq aql s,araH,, :uou) spleuoctrew ro] sler)raururo) to sauas e op ro uprt.lrapalprne6 uo aruereadde]sanB Inraueqsstll }o lno ;erradse ]a3,{eLu.ro€uquneq /puellols o} uln}al pe)le] aq ,{eur,{oq plo aql lo Aeu oruuou )ouor] srrlreolf,luePuaJsapsltl ]eql arsap srrlslpa ar oqm '>loodss,uoXplo ssarppe uaq] uef, p1euol 3uno,{pue ealsnq}soqDaqt 'palea ar sr pleuou prol Jo alel InJarueqs aql 'sluaredpuer8.ro sluared slq qllM )esds aq teql lseSSnsl;druts .to 'queasal atolll ottlos 'a8eluaqqsrpof,S srqlnoqe op ealsnqlsoLlDat1]11 Surqlou s/v\ou)all ]eq] s]rtupe aq uodnaraqnt 's8ut}uneqaql ol 'urq ]uo.r1uolo] a eq ,{aq} Ia) aq] aq ol plpuo6f,ew padsns sralsnqlsotlD aq] a)uo 'uo os pue 1ool, srLluo {;uo leadde sedrd'3;6 Josla al q8;qratslSat luauyede stq ut sf,rlarleJlsaf,ue'prorarsadtd8eqe seq plpuogf,ew 'aueu s,pleuocf,pw teq] $aquauar ]ueual e sapnlf,urlsrl llaqjooPaql sanlf,plar^lll/v\asnoLl luauuede aqt le uorle8rlsalurpue l]f,reasau ,,"',{epo1)parB e a rasa6 no1,,- ounl auo i(;uo ,(e1do1uaas {aql roy'Eur1t;s,p;euoXprol o} auou ar,rbtll pue - sadrdluauace;dar pauotlrstnbaj -i(plsequo alpoo] ol rolsatrue ;erlrads aql polro, seq sadrd o]uoneJu/v\oslrl Jo ssol aql ^laleun] -roJun 'aueu AlruPJaqt rPalf pue puellols o] urnlal o] uptusur)srrlol llel uorrelf,e Sulnsstst pleuo; prol yo 1sor13 aql 'uapollnf jo alupg aql 'sr 'a1qou-.tot.r pa,{e:1eq url srrl a9 ]e lrlun leql -relv\alqou pue rapeal uep pue;q8rg e ',pleuoc -few pleuou Pro'lJo luepuaf,sapaq] sr 'uraPow raqler e /!\aN f,llsrlrqtu'SurruepuuelslpeAe-p;r/!\ puetuauruedeaql ur lueua]e'p1euo6re61p;euo 3uno1 :rouoq pue arrlsnf Jo, spueuap qt ,{1st1es pue '1soq8atll 1o ;eo8 pue ,{ltguaptaq} ureal o} aqt tsoq8srqta oruaroI a pq ll!/v\sralsnqlsor1D 'sasearf,ura|'Unlo^aql se asearJapol sanur] -uor 8ut,{e1d raql Jo l(1r;enbaql pue -,{eme auo ileJ sralsnqlsoqgaqt ua4o ^ oq ra]teurou lq8ru qrea leaddear 1;rmsedrd8eqasaqt - taleadal lrseq JnoA sr elaq a pq a/t\ 1eq,14{lssa;eunl daarls pue l,renbs l,;uo sadrd8eq alll /v\ou ts.rrlaq] lseal ]V llt)s auos rlllm pelpld 1sot18 'asjo^\ qfnu s/ll aurl srrll ')f,eq ale spunos lnB adrd8eqatp - Eulpllngtuauruedeoues eql uolJ '1soq8 1or5 aq] Suunlde) llec e la8 saoJeHJnO raryelq8ru aq] la a^ oH 'r-ualqordou - sadrd8eq aqt dernsoq8 pue dez uetrsratsnqtsorlD aql'tsrl1 le premloptlSrells{11ardaq ol sureasqo{ aql 'oaals uef, {poqou teq,i;pno; os pa{e;d)lpslapnp ;elpadse {;uo - uaasaq uer arn8rlop '8urp1tnq luauruede ue Sulluneq,{lluareddest lsoq8 Sur^e;d-adtd8eq e araq^ osef,e uo ur pallPtraiP sJalsnqlsor.lD

cNvtrofs JO SIN]WDVUJ :B Pepl

',(predoa[ur sl atloul aq] pue 'Pautnl ,(11e1o1 are saqsntaLlI 'tluo, os pue nla lsslLuslp S u r . r n l s a 8p u e a s o u s t q S u t p g o t l ' s a s s a l l f , e 'sro}r€ aql ]sar1ard aqt Sulssll ,{;Sutuaes ,o saultlaulos saplnoqsaqt uo dn Surqrur;r,(;lenlre /)lel pup 1;er* ,{aqt IeM aq} 1o un1 3ut1eu '$o1f,eureruaq] punole af,uepo] ueadde loods 'uaas uo4o sl uos rrlaSraua 'passatp-;;a,usltll Sursrrro.rdoo] lou :s4oog utpdueS -tad erlxa ue 'uaarJs8tq aq] uo pa,b1d{ltuanb bolPrp,o slol -asqns sr rulu aql uaqM lnq /las aq] uo uaddeq ldurordpue sturqdorp ol paau{eu - uoqre a1pr1 o] suaas prel\olun Sutqlou ',1oqsale sauaf,saq] q]fM alzznd ,(>prrtr$lald :gryg A4t1t1 pltudtod uaqM'ar^ouJlsaMauslq aslfloxao] galsnqlsotlD f,rJuJ'sassarl)epue sjolJe aql sarlq (ornle)ue) ol lo]f,allp a^l])ullslp e 'malr u111loperrp poorvr{11o9:s.ratJp.rprrJ lpaN 1o lcrd .rnor{;lopalp a.rnpld uorlou lofeu y go ,{e1o1 urtq Surpensiad: p :suta1qo4 I1g1711 lsoq8 a;q rpalapu r ue 3u r1ra1a - Ired llPJpue uolord qlrm loods lcege :sa111un1toddguo11ty rrlrrr {;1soq3aqt :uO 1re.ilt o7 strng peg ro 'se1te1s,!41llnctg 'sturt11 A4c1 2tf,adxa^aql plp leqllt rnq 'uorsran leur' aql ur spuo)as/!\a]e ro] alqrsr^aq l,1uo;;,,taq 'aslnof,JO 'af,ueqlaql te dpal plnoqs 'sasodrndsnorouJnqo1 yaruad pue qsel] 1r aurel ur palsaralursralsnqlsorlD,{elduaalrs ;eur1 ;elndod alqepadsara)el ]prl] 1pe21a8elurnpue aql u! uaql enealo1Suua;;o,{qaa1,sratsnq}sorlD ' uoodwel /euorlpN)saurze8eupue' (uoLnLd aql ^ed o1Surneq1o1noa;83unnol sau] ro]f,arp A1uo1,t1 pue at11 lt;'31S1Aeptn1e51uotsr^alal /Pausrles ro paleaJapst lsoq8 aql af,uo eqt '(ulatsua\uul 3uno1; sarnou sa;duexa 'tq8u a8Pts(;;n;acer8 lo ;o ,{1uo1d aneqno,{1nq lournq lnlaaqc r(lledord slrxa lsoq8 aql /pausrlesare sarsap srq af,uo aq] ppe pue a;o8 pup rorotl Surddu-puruaq] 'erard:alseu s,Jo]f,arpaq] uoJJ palrpa a8elool 'Suunluanpe lno )ueA o] paau ;;,no1 UJ/Sng arolsar o] ro]f,alrp aql slue/'^aq lo nlpeq plp -tSOHg ol ldepe uer no,{ }eqt s}uaualddns Jol)aJlpeql leql alAoule a)eulal ol slue/v\eq lo arnlua^peoq] se qf,nu os puauuo)al a A]eq] - uMo slr.l arlorrt p a)eu ol ]o leep 3rq e ]ou sa las[!aq] satue8aql lou s! l! ]nq /salnlaulp8 'uaarcs sluer*lsn[ )ryrf, aq] eq,,{eyr1 aq} uo f,!}lJJ leuJo1aJotua eq pue auol ur Jauult8 lo; e ,{;tsoq8aql lo sasuodseleq}}no arn8ryrapeardr;e qloq are ,(aqtq8noqt uana'pau8rsaplla \ are Surneqpue Lu1,atil peq 3ur{e1duaql'suortsanb saue8 qloB 'railasared{q aue8 e ITIH) pue lse,taqt se sra]snqlsoqDarll 3u!rulU,{qlsorq8aqt nHlnHl) JO 71V) pauorluau-a oqe alll Llllmalef,runuuol ol aq plnom ue;d iaqlouv - seoprarnluo^pelo, saJJnossp puauluof,al {;relnrryed arvrsaue8 3ur,{e1da1or Joltorl o/v\l '(ssarlre ]prlt q8not s,a1rl ]trpxaaq] 1t,O p;ffi are araql 'nHlnHI) JO llv)'eure8 lo.uoq ralseulsoqD aq]) sal^oLu ur uetuoM lnjrlneaq qrlupla Sururepalualsour slrro1unrsoeq3 ,{q lsou aql ssrl o1 sla8 ralsnqlsollD e erolaq lsnf paqsrlqndarntua pp ue ,ilrlSlll,\I ra^lrSaql 'aua)sa ol prrol e alppru alll ur a^ure plnoLls ]o jo rapro JrlauiraHaql., uo paspqsr g eapl 'sdal lsoq8 aq1 lsoq8 pue qred uolord q1rrt,{elre Eurlselquets uEf,{aql uaql pue 'sanrrre}r uaqi\ (preqool aq ],uplnoqss!r.lt) lsoq8aql aasuec,bql q:rq,lr qSnorqtaf,r^apaurosluanuriladxa atruarrs .lrorll a^eq ot paau 11,,iaq1'Lurq dols o1 aratll aq] pue'aLuorolarns sl tq8u aq llrM sralsnqtsorlD 'pr11Suruordn ue u! srope auo)aq lsoq8 aq1 plnoqssalsnqlsoqDaql'paurlrlSuraqsr al^ou e uaqmveadde,{1uoroq8 aq} arurs lsoq8 eq1pul ol sJelsnqlsor,lD aLllro, sr i(emiapaq e,tlqrssod 'sarlour poo8 lou ,l(quou poo8 eleu o] slue/!\ ro]f,arp aq] aJuls 'pJpr1 uorlezlue8ro aq lq8;u srql 'arotrl ,{ue rograrp aqt tuneq o} raqlued ,{erg rrpeleEra}ur ue o} Suolaq ^etu lou saprf,appue 'tr sa)rl tsoq8 aqt leql pooE os s,in9 p1g fuan aql ro ',{rerdsuor leqo;8e 1oyed - arnourpoo8 fua^ p parrp o1 roparrp aql 1aB aq ,{eu sra}sew 1alra5 fuan slooH utledue2 ol sr Jrtuf, lerpads aq] aleulu!la o1 ,{enraug Ilarcos tr{E!upr1,q laddo3 aqt 'uaar)saq] ur seloq roy ue;droo11e Suuedard :gn1g /:1c1t1plpapd surnq,{1alaue8eur penafo.rdeq] ]e sr-ueaquotord slalsuor.u a;ruas'sraquau Surrr;- asrf,roxa plnor tsoq8relncr] ol p.reqa,ro.rd -red srql 'uaasurri sa)eu prolnllar{;uo - a1q ,{larros olcervr pue alersdn :sratJp.rprtt ,paN -rsrnuri(1;eurousr aq ]pql srrar*od stalsew 1alra5 fuan aql ;erradss,1sot13 srr1l'sarlorus,Joltrarps;qlSuguneqsrf,r]rJf, arloru Jo urnJolf,uesunlJues aql olu! Burleaus ';epo6 aql leas ro llo} o] ,{8o1ouqre1:suta1qo4 I411t1 rrdorqluesru e 1o lsoq8 aq] ']no surnl ]r sV




sailsngrsoH9 rol

ueql tu;1dupypuEsetuPD raqlo uorl suepltulpals :ltdlfNtud NDtstc IUNINTACV

NeatCharacters: youngRonnie assorted tenants,



Potential Tricky Stuff: keeping a brisk pace in a mystery/puzzle


Campaign Hooks: Chostbustersmay accompany young Ronto Scotlandto clearthe moorsof other MacDonald clan spooks haunting the MacDonald's restaurants on the site of the Culloden battle

The StateDepartmenthiresCBI to handlea little problem on a tiny island protectoratein the middleof the SouthPacific.CBI cheerfullyassigns the Chostbusterfranchisethis iob as a mission adventure,with the assertionthat this wonderful islandvacationis a rewardfor their recentexcellent performance. Of course,CBI doesn'tgiveany "Just a routine mattet details about the task don't worry your pretty little heads." The tiny Pacificisland nation of Ralyehhas a problem.The tribal religionworshipsThu-thu,a volcanic god which has recently become quite restless and hasapparentlydevelopedthe hotsfor Cuesswho will anive just in time a few sacrifices. to perform this important statefunction? The nation'sleaders(a scragglybunch of tribal elders)have learnedall they know about good government by watching media coverage of totalitariandictatorsand their goons.They improviseappropriatecostumesfrom materialsat hand (coconuts,palm leaves,seashells,colorful flcnrcrs, etc.) and do their best to echo the soothing platitudesthey hear on radio reportsof thriving banana republics. When the Chostbustersdisembark on the beach,a platoonof gorilla-sizedRalyehanpolice, fitted out in coconut-shellriot helmets,sea-tortoise riot shields,and Uzi-shapedclubs carvedfrom driftwood, meetthem, bedeckthem in flcnrcrsand escortthem towardsthe volcano.The police are very friendly.They'll answerquestions,offer part of their lunch to the Chostbusters,and be very nice, all things considered.They won't let the Chostbuster wanderaround or anything hcmever. Cheeringrowsof childrenand prettygirls line the route to the volcano and make it impossiblefor the Chostbustersto run for it. shouldthink that they At first.the Chostbusters are receivinga royalwelcome. Only afterthey start asking a few questions should they become suspicious. "Say, are we going to meet your leadersor something? "Why should we? The volcano-god is our destination." "But isn'ttherea ghostor somethingwe're sup posed to be busting?" "Chost? There is no ghost. Clorious Thu-thu, the voracious volcano god, permits no other supernatural entitieson his island."

ldea 9: THEGHOST AND THE IADY The ghostof a fashionableinteriordecoratoris hauntingthe Statueof Liberty,nightly painting largesectionsof the statuehot pink. The statue's caretakersscrub off the loathsomecolor as fast as they can, but each night another even more color appears.Fighting electrifying ai r-sea-rescue for help. a losingbattle,they call the Chostbusters (lf your Chostbusterslive far awayfrom the Statue of Liberty, use a local monument/ such as 5t. Louis'sarch, Mount Rushmore,or the Colden Cate Bridge.) Mountain-climbinggear is needed as theChostbustersclamber all over the surfaceof the nationalmonument,trying to get closeenough to the flitting ghost to zap it with their proton packs.The spectraldecoratorfloatstantalizingly out of reach,spoutingartisticgobbletygook("The lady must LIVE!Her spirit must SCREAMher of the senoutrageat the Philistinetastelessness timentalistpuke-godpig-dogs!").They will have to herdthe ghostto a placewith a ledgeon which to set up the ghosttrap.Helicoptersand jet-packs in the handsof Our Heroescould be endlessly entertaining. The Chostbusters could alsotry to convincethe decoratorthat the Statueof Libertyis too modest a canvasfor his talents,or contactstill-livingcolleagueswho might help persuadethe spook of the errorof his wa1c.Thisplan mightbacKire,only strengtheningthe spook's resolve,and perhaps persuadingthe Chostbusters themselvesthat dayglo orangeis a reallynice color for the LittleLady. Persuadingthe RestorationCommittee of this new color scheme might be tough, though. Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Whack On: ghostly decorator Action Apprtunities: scramblingaroundon the statueand blastingaway Nifty Problems:confrontinga more mobile foe on impossibleterrain


The Chostbustersare conducted politely but firmly to the top of the volcano.lf through some clever stratagem, they manage to escape the Neat Characfers: the decorator police,let them run aroundthe islandfor a while, Potential Tricky Stufl: visualizing the maneuver- and then eventuallyget caughtagain.So back they ing and line-of-sightson the statue hike to the volcano lip. At the volcanq probably much to the ChostCampaign Hooks: well, I guess you could have an epidemic of OId Mastersrisingfrom the grave busters'relief,they are not pushedinto the boilto redecoratethe national monuments of their ing lava.Instead,they aresimplytied to a treeand left. With reasonableMoves, the Chostbusters homelands,but I think that'spushingit a bit manageto escapewithin minutes.But just asthe lastGhostbusterbreaksfreeof his bonds,a gigantic grinning vaporousapparition rises from the


Chostbusters OperationsManual

volcano'smouth and comes afterthem. Thu-thu lookssort of Iike the greenslimerfrom the movie CHOSIBUSIERS, but it is orange-coloredand a hundred feet tall. lt has a Powerof lQ an Ectopresenceof 2Q and zips around like it had a Movesof 3. One of its specialabilitiesis Terrorize; as it is zooming around afterthe Chostbustersit triesto tenify them.When a Chostis rolled,one characterwill keel over in a faint. At this, Thuthu pops the delectablemorsel into his mouth. Heaw scene.man. Well, this could work out in a couple of ways. First, if the Chostbusterscan reduce his EctoDresenceto zero beforethe lastvictim is consumed, no problem. Second,if all the Chostbusters get popped down Thu-thu'sgullet, they discover that Thu-thu'salimentarytract is a little pocket universethat containsall the sacrificeshe hass,rer eaten.At this point, it is hardto missThu-thuwith a proton pack-beam,and all Thu-thu can do is rhumbaaroundand moan a lot. When Thu:Ihu's Ectopresenceis reduced to zerc, all swallowed Chostbustersand several hundred bewildered former sacrificesreappearin... well, somewhere. I guessthey could all just returnto the island,but wouldn't it be entertainingto havethem return to find themselvesin Outer Mongolia?Tierradel Fuego?on the bridge of the StarshipEnterprise? a restaurantat the End of the Universe? And it couldn't hurt if the Chostbustersget creati\€in pacifyingThuthu. Sincehe'sa volcano god, cold thingsshouldprobablyharm him - a carbondioxide fire extinguishermight be better than a proton pack.And maybethe islandersjust misunderstandThu{hu's needs.Maybe he only wants a drink of somethingcool and refreshing, insteadof those nasry salty humanoids.Things Co Better with Coke. we hear. lf you're a nice guy and you don't strandthe in someexoticdimension,it might Chostbusters be nice to give them a real vacationon Ralyeh after they take care of Thu-thu - plenty of opportunities for hot dates with the grateful island beauties... Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Whack On: Thu-thu Action Opportunities: scrambling around and zappingThu-thu Nifty Problems:making a big comeback after being sacrificedto a god Neat Characters; the basically cheerful and friendlytribal eldersand musclemen trying to imitate totalitariansand thugs Potential Tricky Stuff: keeping the Ghostbusters going to the volcanotop without a big fight (may want them knocked unconsciousin the eventof a scrap) CampaignHooks: Thu-thu,when threatenedwith extinction,decides to turn state'sevidence and revealsa plot of ancientalienslike himselfwho have come to Earth to pose as gods and eventually Control the Universe



srqslladsrp aq serayeus,{;qrsrn sauoreq s33nlD uaq/v\ snor^qo souo)aq srql ')lPq paller ro palledsrpsr 1sor.13 aLl]uaq/v\ugq o1sulntraigurod surergaql'(B sur€rBseqaq) slsoq8a1€JsrqJoauo atearf ol surerg,o lurod e sEBnlDslsotrll 'rusrf, -roxasrqlno sauref aq se LUrqaruasqouaql 1a#o srq uo dn s33n;3 a1e1ue) satsnqlsorlDaLll/auo 'aleudorddeare relnrryed ur saqceorddeoivrl 'slsoqBsnoreunu fuan 'pe;;adsrp lnq o1 slalsnq lalJas str.l1ra1o.rd -,t1rsea'snouals,tu ,{q pan8e;d aq ure8e y;,Aaql 'paranorsrpsr -lsoqD raLllo aql ,{eu aq )Jelte 'ralpl sr.lluor.u /v\eJe puv 'slurod aru^ org Jraql ^]ltuapl raSue8alddopy :seplunyoddg uo11ty rl)ea plnoqs,iaqt'1raf srqtarrqol aprrap ,leq osol lo er] aur] la8ue8a;ddop :uO IJe.llVl saurn raqlo ro, suorlf,eJ]srp aprnordro s8ur Aaqlteqt lnopedurrrvros are satsnqlsoqDaqt Jl /se1te1s{141 ts8ultll o7 sAng peg n /(Iq IFDO '/!{opur/!\aql q8noiql spalqo aq] -tuneq a)eJo1sAnBpeq raqto,iq parrq 'sarnluenpe 'uo sao8 aue8 aq] 'aspf,roq]la ul ralsnq .retre; ut dn ,l\ot1splno) sBEnlD:s)tooHutredwel aos ue) oq se Euol se 'r{lrnrpelsra8rel;od3ug}e}q -tsoriD ponf,sare ro raSue8a;ddop ',arqf,srluf,rlaur)alalalDll e op osl€ up) all -Lul lnlssarrns e slurq anr8 o1 paledardaq 3ur,(e1d /(ou sr aq ]ou ro raqlaq/v\aprrap,{1}a.nas sanbruqrala rl)a,rau!'prepuels3ursn palerlsnrl lsloods aql yo sa8eur aql slf,afordpue sreyenb -peall aq],o s/v\opur/\aql q8nolql s1oo1aq turod uer ra,{e;dpapege-ra8ue8alddopaqg 'Mou) ra au 'lear 1aB,furu pup l,uare slsoq8]eq] ltrej uo dn ,{eur sralsnqtrsoqD aql 2}q3;raq seM 'lle raue a8elue,r srql Luorl 'rayenbpeag ralsnqlsoqg o1mols eq ,{eu ua,{e1d$nrs II4tl plruapd auo lPar aq] se/v\aq leLl] slsalord ;;r1sale sprorvr lcrd rrJorj laarls aq] ssorle aluJo ue ua)el seq aH 'alotus u1 dn sao8 aq sV 'ulrl azpoden s33n19 lapodar s/v\ounI :srarJprp.n rpaN 'purru ui\ o sr,l tuor, sarlrads3ur{ouue aqt sa}ear) 1se;srq pue a)e, aql uo slced uolo.rdrraql urerl,{eu {aq} sBurlunetlpepuPts 'crqr,{sdpoo8^uarde,,{;;enpesr oqm 's33n;g'3ur ';earsr auo qf,r.l/\^aprf,ap{J;eurl{aql uaq^\ 10 -uou -tuneqaq] qtlM op o1Surqleuosseq s33n;g teqt ,o arrnos Sururrurclap :sua1qo4 /17ry 'deqsru.r ;eurBr-ro s88n;3 til;r,r uorleluorluof, lradsns plnoqs sratsnqlsoLl3aq] lurod srql ty "'LULUH aLll ^Jlllar o1 r-urqEurAueduorcero - arnlnj 'lsoqS,iuoqd dn Surlooqs:sa14unyodd6uorjcy aq] o] Ileq ra8ue8a;ddopaLll Sulpuassdeqrod aql q]lm tuasard uaaq peq ,{aql isralsnqlsollD 'aurqf,eu a|.url aLl] pul, uef, sralsnqlsorlDaql suolluedde paurertsrr.lpue sBBn;g :uO lJeqq ssalun ^ ou) plnof, aslo auo ou leql 8ul] tsa1ta1s(141 yntt6 /s8u1q1,{4c1 -uneq tnoqe ya51 'ra8ue8alddopaql p uortef,Urluapr anrlrsode o1 strng peg ro aq] Jo sllelap,o aldnor e ol eaJarsE8nlg...taq|1 salqPua(,/ialnlnJu/!\olno,o alnleal e - uA o lno a{a s,ralsnqlsoqDe qJ}el llr^ lrplap ppo auo ueq] aprxouotuuoqre) ur raq8rqre1alaqdsoule rol ]ua8e pasuaJrls,lBD se ]uas aq uer aq sdeq ,;sJaueur 'ssaursnq pJJxaauos dn unrp ol rulLlasn ro ue o1 arnsodxaslea aJ fulsruaqf, leuralurs,ueul -rad qrns ur ;eap,(lanrpa#o ueJ 'llnrro aql lo seualgtu 'slua;e1 s1qrol luau,{o;dua lnlure8at.uospur} upf, aql ul posra^pue sarralseuouu€]aqrI ur pauleJl srr.ll/r{soD,,)aruarrsopnasdlla/v\s ro srsoud,(q }nq '1nlarec srra8ue8alddop sralsnqlsotlD aq] sdeqrad'rrqri(sdpalua;e1 ,{pre;e aql d!Jsauo srqlralv se qJns auo ,(;ug 'pporvruaasunaq] Jo ;ear 'luelorurep ro.ralanerlaurl e 'lod))prf, plo ssalturerle 'lle raUV Jlasitu lnq auor{uerQ unnou>1 pue lsnf s,aq ua8uepaql qlr,uador 11as11 ,{qtouuer ,€o;ouqrat aq ],uplnor]eql uorleuro1ul,o tlq auos drlss1a1 ,{orau ro1 3aq pue lapuallns 's1soq3srq ;;erer alau 'paranolsrparreqnoi( se 'asnoJ JO,, - ral 'lno Llsrpue) s33n;3leql Surqiluealpueq -lal all] pua aq] reau luautuof, aPruse oslPsl ,t;lueuanpeur ra8ue8a;ddop eq] uaq^ paddorpeq ll,aq ro 'la8ue8a;ddop uef,]urrl aq1 oq} af,uo aql rol lunof,f,eplnof, uer ,{aq} u^ oqs a^eq sralsnq}sor.lD araql 'slsoq8iraql,o uaq] pu llr/v\all 'aa1,iryat1 e 'q)eue srq deqsru la er]aut] e ]eLl]uo!t!nlu!aLllaq llrlvtIa) ]uanaldlll^ Lulrlplolpullq ro purlq uuq Aedllr^ srelsnqtsorlD aq],l ]eLBpue '*teu 6 {gueroduralllr^ }eq} Surq},{ue1s1ea1 rrqc,(sdsrt; aq] uo srualqord,sralsnqlsorlDaql lnoqp prearj aql 2olv\} aLlluaa/vuaq qsrnSurlsrp,{aq} uef /v\oH 'rlf,rr.l/!{ sr rl)il.] ^ arnsaq uPf,Apoqou uroyad o] rsp;o ur Surop sr aq ]eLl/v\aas ol seq set{aq leq} sa}e}s/v\oll3Jsrtj1 's33n;3 snluoraqd zlEq/!\/v\oN s33n15leql nel aLl]]loldxao1sr qoeordde.raqlouv '|.unlpatu rlf,rq/v\Jo pua aLl]]e 'sonsuaol#ntrsv 'o)P, aql P [!ol] lletu aql ul lPtrol u/v\ou)-lla/v\ 'stsoq8',{sr,ur;1 sr ,{nBraq}o aq} - auo lear aq} sr aq }pq} sulelJ yg'snora8ueplaa as q}r^ leop o} rapal e ]aB iaq] uor{l 'uaq} dols o} ,{e,l. e }sa8 qrtetr Aaq]auo aqt ',aasno^ 2^aqtop ro 'paaf,3ns a eq sralsnqlsoqS -3nslo s8urluneqa8ue:1saLll,o af,rnosaql aqt 'aLurlueauaql u! 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htential Triclry Stuff. whipping up the future and time travelstoryfor the doppleganger- an exercise for the apt pupil Campaign Hooks: areyou kidding? time travel a go go - with the time machinethe Ghostbusters could get into all kinds of trouble, and theft of the machine could be even more distressing

ldea 13: SO SUEME The Chostbustersjust evicted a Classlll FreeRoaming Non-Repeaterfrom a small haunted housein Hoboken (or whereveris convenientfor your own franchise). Justasthey anive home,they areservedwith a restraining orderprwentingthem from puttingthe ghostin the ContainmentCrid, and they are hit with a lawsuiton behalf of the ghost. lt seemsa lawyerand psychic- a real firstclassoddball- HaroldSharpnose, claimsto be in mental contact with the ghost.The ghost, he states,has sufferedgrievousbodily and mental harm from the abusiveand unnecessaryacts of the Chostbusters.Not only that, but the ghost is being kept prisoneragainstits will (in the ghost The American trap),and is suingfor $50,000,000. Civil LibertiesUnion showsinterestin the case, eagertobring up the whole issueof the civil rights of ghosts. This is a good puzzlethought problem adventure - not a lot of action, but with some tricky intellectualchallengesthat might be fun to fool with, particularlyif you set up the problemat the end of an adventure,tell the playersto think about it betweensessions,then havethe court caseat the beginning of the next adventure. What are a ghost'slegal rights?Lawhasalways assumedthat dead is dead - but now the dead show up as sympathetic personalities- now what?We don't want to go into all the ramificaall historicalconceptsof death tionsof cnrerturning - that'sfor you and your players.lf you want to keep it simple, the Chostbusterscan argue that ghostsare hardlypeoplein any normalsense,and that they can't legallybring a suit againstanyone. They might claim that the ghostwas trespassing inside the haunted house,so they were within their legalrightsin committingassaultand battery and unlawfulimprisonment.(Welike the idea that ghostsare unregisteredaliens from another dimension,and thattheyshouldbe immediately deported.) But whatever argument the players come up with, it's the right one - the judge is convinced,and Sharpnose'ssuit is thrown out. But next week they are hit with another suit. It seemsMr. Sharpnosedemandsthat the ghost be releasedinto his custody immediately.This has time he can'tbe stopped.Thistime Sharpnose gotten a judge sympatheticto his plea, and the judge demandsthat the Ghostbustersturn over


ChostbustersOperations Manual

Amenhortense the Vl. Thiscuned creaturewalked the night, seeking revengeon those who had caused its early demise. Ancient sorcerorsperformed mysticritualswhich temporarilydisabled the mummy.In orderto set it permanentlyto rest, they swered its left big toe, which was embalmed and sealedforeverin a tomb.As long asthe mummy and toe are kept separate,AmenhortenseVl is no more than dried skin and cloth windings. But, if the toe were united with the rest of the mummy, might AmenhortenseVl walk the earth again? the The Chostbusters arecalledin to investigate mysteryand sureenough,the toe walked out (so to speak)on itsown; a little trail in the dust shows the hall, and how it scootedacrossthe floor; dcrvrrn out the window. There the trail stops,but the footprintsof a largedog can be seen.Yes,the toe has made its will known to a puppy dog, who now bears it in the direction of the rest of Amenhortense. To complicate matters,the toe has also summoned somedistantrelationsof Amenhortense (immigrantsfrom Egypt, natch) to aid it in its quest.Thesefolk - a cab driver,a fancy clothes designer,and a famoussoccerplayer- are now Icky Things, Occult Mystefies, or Bad Guys to Whack On: a bad guy lawyer,plus any spook wanderingthe city in a daze, seekinga rendezvouswith their mysteriously compellingmaster. plaintiffs ProfessorHorspooldoes some quick research Action Opportunities: spooks loose in court and discoversthat the rest of Amenhortense's N ifty Problems:phi losophical/legalquestionof mummy is in the PennsylvaniaUniversity ghost rights Museum. The prospectsof using roadblocksto Neaf Characters:sleazypsychiclawyer,fun court- preventa mummy's toe from reachingPhiladelphia are somewhatdiscouraging, but a nationroom menagerie wide toe-huntis such a charmingconceptthat Potential Tricky Sfuff: too much thought and talk, you should do everythingyou can to encourage not enough action it. Trackingit and its servitors(thedog should be Campaign Hooks: psychic lawyer can become a prettyeasyto find if the toe usesmasstransit)on stock nemesis- hired by other bad guys or a the way from New YorkCity to Philadelphiaprofreelance exploiter of the hazy legal status of for silly encounters. videsa lot of opportunities paranormalbeings to do The sensiblething for the Chostbusters is to go to the museum,camp in the vaultwhere the mummy is stored,and wait for the toe. When the toe arrives,it is in the companyof a big sheep dog and three dazed servitors.Time for a big action climax.The toe usesits ControlMind abilafter ity to sendthe dog and three out-of-towners An Egyptologist,Fred Horspool, calls up the while it struggles to reuniteitself the Chostbusters Chostbusters."l fear I may havereleasedan an"Mummy! Mummy!" the Chostcient curseupon an unsuspectinghumanity."Last with its mummy. faintly hear in an eerie voice. month he broke into a previouslyundiscovered busterscan And the toe will attackthe Chostbusterswhen tomb in Egypt.The only object insidethe tomb the going gets tough. The toe can scoot across was a golden casketholding an embalmed toe. Ratherthan sharehis discoverieswith the Egyp- the floor quite quickly- fastenoughto zip into a mouseholgcrack,or spacebehinda mummy tian government,ProfessorHorspoolsmuggledit casebeforethe Chostbusterscan catch it. lt might out of the country.He hoped to studythe toe and find out why it had beenmummifiedso rwerently. knock somethingoff a shelfonto a Ghostbuster's head.Or it might terrify someoneby wiggling up But the night after he smuggledit into America, a trouser leg. But let's face it, there'snot a heck he forgetfully left the box top open. When he returnedthe next morning,the toe was missing. of a lot an animated toe can do. At first, he thought thievesmight havestolen it, and, of course,since he had obtainedthe object illegally,he could hardlynotify the authorities. However,on reflection,Horspool recalledthe hieroglyphicsinscribedon the toe's casket,depictingthe entirehistoryof the toe. lt seemsit was once part of the horrible animated mummy of custodyof the spiritto Sharpnose.The bestthing to do is actuallygive him the for the Chostbusters ghost.lf they do this,Sharpnose'llrapidlybecome disenchantedwith the whole prospectof dealing wiih ghosq as his legalbooksare slimed,his dog is terrified,and ectoplasmicsugarappearsin the gastank of his Lincoln. lf the Chostbustersstand on principle and try to preventSharpnosefrom obtaining the ghost, let them argue their caseone more time before the court. Be warned: legal shenanigansare not particularlygood adventurematerial- short on action as they are - unlessthe spook is brought in to testify.lf the spook gets loose in the courtroom, there is plenty of room for funny character stereotypes- judge, court clerk, guards, the twelveoddballsof the jury - fountainsof slime, and corruscatingraysfrom the proton packs.A realfine final touch - a ghostlawyerappearsand arguesthat Sharpnoseis completelyincompetent to representspooks,since he isn't one himself. The judge agrees with the ghost lawyer, and remandsthe caseto a judge and jury of his peers - spooks,of course.For further ideas,see "The Devil and Daniel Webster."




aql,o saf,ro^aq] Jpaq^oql 'll ot uolsrlol JentaJal aq] dn qrrd auo,{ue1; 'fueurp.roalrnb s1ool qlooq auoqd aq]/a pre sralsnqlsor1D aq] uaq4 'paLlstueLl}og'll xtJo} uautreda; 2d;aqno{ ue3 o^ l luas a^,Aaqf taplo Jo 1no sao8 1r aprs -ur auotld aql ,{;;errporla;'alqnotl Sursneruaaq seq sqlooq auoqd rraq] ro auo asne)oq sJalsnq -]sotlD aq] dn s11er,(uedr.uorauoqd ;ero; aq1


o] aq plno \ A€/\\ raqlouv .alaqrvr{ueo3 1,uer ]l os'asef, sse;3paloule alqp)earqunue ut auo qtpa asef,uaol sr unosnul aq1dn Sursseuuo.r.1 Joule jo slrnsaq1daal o1,telt aug .oa;Jtaq)lue^ ,{9$ 1l tqStu}xau aql peq oB o1aneq;;,,{at1t lng '3urp1rnqaql Suraal,^q adelsa uec sralsnqlsoqD

aqlos'unasnur aq]a^Eat ,"" rllHi,?1filxlr*

alqe aq plnoqssralsnqlsor{D ^sun;r {;rrel uala os '7 {1uo sr paads aLlt ol aptnJ ,la\tqWUH luauanou.l,sJoureaqg .Eurp;rnq aqt punore ralsnqlsollD sql Sutseqf,uels pue (DdU uorprj af,uarrsprdnls.rallloautosrxorj auo 'a;qeur8eursareur lsarllds lsaS8rqaql tno ;;nd dlrls .#qS uarle dn Surrvre.rp pguapd hpru Ieals) 'peu ]aB s]tnsaq] 1;e'uorqse;let)os-tlupstr.l]ul uauJteoar ralqBnels a^eqaqsra]snqlsoqDot,|lJl (.]e looLlso1Surqlou auoqda;al e8elsoq o/v\]'suo||e :srappJp./J rpaN {;tq8rul 1os,{epplo poo8 aql o} plro/\^aql urntar sr araql {ep aql Suunppaltqequrt,uarpsltnsoql suar;eSurlrsrrr uaq,rn nor{qlrm3ulrqo1leqlt ldrqs ol tduape ue ur slurdsasaql asn o] paprf,apspq uaq/v\pup loulle oql alellauadliuom srupaquol uaffe ol faler] ol aruarJs ptralu.:sua1qo4 ,{19161 uo|.uapa)rlJe^\e lsunasnLusnoue^ut ajll o] auotr -ord aql 'pallqellul e.r,,bqtseSuoJse slrnsaq1ep -ueuslp l/uef,statsnqtsoqDaqD 'u/vroppa)f,ou) aql ral\o lle Joure Jo syns:s>1oo11 uttedue2 lnotoor{sSurnsuap.rep PfJo/v\ sr rorrte at11q8noq !o lq8rr saf,unoq ueaq -ue1spue drqsualle lnol :se4runyoddg uo1yty ,{eldun8 s}ol o} pasnat,,{aqt;galpf,tunLuurof, o} Jo lo aqt 'ped uolold srq q]!/v\s]tnsaql Jo auo slootls poau e i(eu s.ra,(e|d lt1c14 lurq suatP iuo \req/vl 71n75 lelwdtod lalsnqlsoqDe Jl 'uo os pue 'volena;eaq] qll/v\3ul o1 s,{ng peg rc'sa1ta7sl141 qnctg'stu1q1 ,{qc1 sjolf,arIp -,{eld'sllq!qxaeql te 3ur)ool 'Eurp;rnqaq} punore 'slauosr.rd ,o pJeoq unasnu loute :sJatJpJpr/f,,paN Surluep uels (t-uaq],oaalq] arp aJaLll) totulp ,o s]rnsaql 'pee1sul'sreaddelsoq8 ou ,J;a11.1oods aq] aaJjo] )rolv\tq8lu leql anbruqral ta alf, p Jo 'auoqd aqt uo 3uu e Lfll^ ^fallJodSurlelruntutuo t,r."rrorr'1f,1f,, aql qf,lef,pue ]q8lu aLllpuadso] patlq are salsnq 1u;ql ;;,noi,{epar.uossdetpa; -lsoqD aql o5 '3urr* a,!l urrq anr8sr op ot areq ,{aq}lle - sraq}oaq} q}l^\ le^alpaw s,unasnur s]rnsror.lljeAq ]f,eralur'uorsef,trouo /llrls upJ talf,eJeqf,paddell pansrndpunore Surddrz:saryunyoddg uo1yty aql ur toullp Jo sltns aql pa8ueltea.rseq aJJo, 'sralsnqlsorlD snouals{ruauos Suru.rotufua a lpq} sruaas11d;aq oql polue/v\un1o esodslp ol Ie \ e rourre Jo strnspaleutue iuo \Jeq/vl se oueuof,ssrq] asn lq8lur no^ lalseulsoqg sy /sjalsnqlsorlDaq] spaau unasnul lptrol aql 'auoqdalalsnl] o1 s,{ng peg to lsalrals/(N lnctg ,stuy11 lt1c1 Jolno {ervrou sr alaql aq^eu lO 'asuaJap 'suorge;n1er8uo3 'alou,{ue lq8lu }e )uplf, l,uop 'auUs)ro^\ 'uounlos -]lasur aql lr )f,eq auotue^opuassuatleaql ltlun suoDnq puelddeq aresunsaql 'l!ns Sutqsndpue s8urqlSurlooqspunoleJapue^uel ra alpqM e qf,nsarnlfernuet!o1tautro doqs ,{eql'drr.1s aq} preoqeeru g' 1e1.roda;a1 auoqdalat -aurqf,eurJo rluruqf,elq e arrq sdeqladlO 's]tns aql pr^ drqs aql ol sa lasuaq] Surpodsue:} s,f,Jv,o ueof ]o auo Anq unasnLuaqt leql ]sa8 t:',l3!%liT 'drqs uar;e alll uo ]lnpsse ue a8els ol sJalsnq -3nstq8tu sralsnqlsorlDaql '/\ ou) no,{'uatuort ro1Burlool sarur.,n., Bur;qrue ," -lsoqDaql aJro,ol sr pafo.rdsnortrquealout V ro] appu loule Jo s]tns^ueu ool l,uala/v\alaql aq plnof, araql'slarirodrrlsiru lueoue uodn s;1er '3ueq '8ueq '3ueg 's{oq aq.}qU/\ a^ure sualle 'a)eu sralsnqlsoqD aql uorlsaSSnsla^aleqm pue asool sla8asuayoquawy y:ss1oo1q utredwe1 'uorpe 'oruoLl 'l! auos alp!l e ppe oI peq s,bq rno a)el llr/\ pue ]noqe op ol ]eq^ ajns ],usl sralsnqlsotlDqta]-lrl lo1 lueuoddo alqelqnoparp Suuq pue acrnepuoda;a1eq1ssJaAaJ ol st uotlnlos preoq aq1'lsanbal ,slsoq8atll alpln)rue pue aot patertllue ue turleu g1n1g,{t14.t1plyapd (fupruerpunraqler pue) aldurrs'1crnb V 'alqnoll lddrp alltll e lle 'sossa1ord pue saltler)os,ouotpal -;or (ralqSnep{xas 1nq ,ipn;d pue) rossalordp1o stol otur pue q]!/v\ punore uer sad,{1 Surr-u.rerir e pJeoq urnasnu aq] ol oB ueJ 1aB l! ,o ;oo1 yodsue.rla;e} sralsnqlsotlD aruarc5-3ul1ae5-,(;ssa1;no5'arrnap aqt o5 'stqBnoqt arru Eurlurqt',(1pr JrJluaJJo'sloltruaspassassod:sJappJpa/JrpaN f,ltsunln, e sr ]! ]eql sleanerauoqd aql lo ^pnls -lols puetslnq 'alou'I{ue lq8ru }e punolp )uel) sauff alels ssorJeool e 3ur1te.r1:sutalqoq /171111 'qel aql le lno ]! Eurlceqr pue aseqrolsnq l,uolt i(aql 'saqsrlr.rraqlla8 ibqt 1; lerp asruo.rd Inraref 'paroq 'uort)allo) -lsotlD 3rl] ol a.r,ibq1 aqt o} pappe aq )leq (ralaur l)d aqt uo ,(;8uo.r1s ,{aq1 ao]qll/!\uorleluorJu of,,", ur-o-"rrH#j ?llrji sralsrBerqlrq/v\,o Jaq]la)/suteuat s1rro 'auoqd o]ror.ui' ro]rnsoteura, :"lTl,.: ;:,:,rJl""i"rri_ sro]fruas pessassod'ao1 s,AurtunLuiuo peq/yl aq Suqel p )ulrp plnoqssutelgqlr/v\ralsnqlsoqD .sa!ra1s/141 ynctg ,s8urt11,(4t1 auos ']urodsrqlaJoraqlo le laqltf '.readdeal 1,uop /v\4, e toj lunasnul aql punore sla]snqlsorlD o7 strng peg ro ralsnqlsotlD pue ueulredel aqt tng 'l! slollsap oq] saspqf,pue paradual-poqssla81r'ueua;1uafl 'aol 1twLunrylaqt urnpg,lanbas fuole8rlqo Jo sped uolord aql qlli!\ auoqda;a1aqt.3u;1se;$ ,{pq31u1e se saruasap}l padsar }o pur) oq} }aB aLll dn slas osle stql 'ure8e 1r funq pue ,aser 'sa^a ruan 'pasn;uor sle8route aql uaqM roulp palposs]r ur 1d{Ego} )f,eq 1rdrqs o1sr anbluqral /salerf, l/usaopJo -osse srq alopq sleaddestpJalsnqlsoLlDaqt ,s;en1r.r oql sasnluo) ,{Juo ,{Eo;ourrulalulapou 3uls1'1 lesodsrplsa;esaql 'll rltli\ )lnls a.reAaql 'aldues e a)el ol uaddeq 'r.luo,os puy lsnf suar;e *alpaa/\^I* ,,;pue13u1plo arlaru urorJ noLlt rrlsr{Lu uerldr{81 ol ssaJJe o^eq sta}snq}sorlD aql'auoqd aq] 3u!ulurPxa ale sJalsnqlsoqD aql sV UV ZauleuAq] aq teq6 'sralsnqlsorlDa^ lqSlll aql ssalun 'alqrlrnrlsapur st Jlastt ao] aql 'sropa;;or-8nq crpelefualur,(q parpnlsaq ol araql aM,, a)ll (Soloaserqdqsr13u3plo 'luroI ad,(yleuro; ur lll; aq] o] Sutruult.ulleuao] 'lrqro ur drrls uarleaqt,o plor.{aq} ot pauodolal )lel ]eq] sratsnqtsoqDpuptsrapun,{1uouer ,{aq} - spoLllaurleuorlrperlo] )rtls o1 aneq ;;,Iaq] Alluplsur srtols uJnlarurol aql aprsurs1oo1 to dn pue '(3ur)uelrro slaurlaqrratll Surleqsro Surp 'der1lsoqt e olur pelod aq l,upf, )oods srq] tnq suedo1eq1auo{uv 'ppo/v\Jaq}oueulol} suar;e,(q -pou ,q ]da)xa)peq 11e11,uer laql 'uaql ol uatsll 'daz ol urvropacuasaldop3 s,,{ur.unu aql allltq/\ 'auq 'fuauacs passassodsr ]r ]eqt sr euoqd oq] jo ]ai)as aqf pue sauoS{qaq sauoSq }al llrir^s}rnsaqt loure uef, Aaql u1 paqspwsjo slol pup 'lno slrns aqt ol )le] ot fut salsnqlsoqD ag jl ta8 ot o)rl plno^ qced uolo.rdaql lo, aultl 'ulnasnutaql ul aSed ,o 'uorlnlos iaq] leq] pue 'ere,(;;ear{aqt araq/!{paprou aleq lsel str|t,o -uer e uo saoE pue sn;d-11eq ra$aq slr qtli!\ dn IoLl]]eql 'auoqdaq] aprsurar,,{aq}tprltSurureldxa )urtll o] aJueqf,e 1aBp;noqssutpJgqlt/v\auo,{uy surofU 'aol aql dots ol Aaq]1 {poq s1r;o lsar llp, 'peq 'tueq o} qle} ialsnqlsorlD 'luP/\ Aaq] leqi\ lno puu pup loule Jo sltns aql qtl^ dn SueBol slaB tr arolaq aol aql auof, 11e111;{aq 'de4-ao1lene;re astnap aql ]l 'aJe,{eqlalaqnrSuuapuo/v\pue '3ur1of'3ur aql ol )lel ol aq tq8!u Ieirt lseq aq] ]ng 'af,eld -lano 11,{aqlralel to lauoos -u;e;duor laqlo qf,eao1 3ur>1;e1 uautredal 1so1 aleJedase ur uaql 8ur.rols's8a1s,1rnsqf,paa ouar Aaq] Jr ro 'alanasradslalsnqtsorlD aq t; ,tng iauo^ue'Axe1e3 :s4oo1q utleduel

:g[ Papl


:g[ Papl

This is called in plot biz your basic reversalinsteadof spookeliminationthe Chostbusters are supposedto bring a few loaded ghost traps into the houseand let the spiritsloose.The tech-types Have you ever seen the old television shows may haveto do a few modificationsto existing "The Munsters"or "The AddamsFamily?"This devices(like who ever tried to take a spook out scenarioshouldresembleone of thoseshows.The of a containmentgrid?),which may causesome Chostbustengeta phonecall.A hollcnvTransylra- fun when the modified devicesdon't work right. "Vee haff a probnian voice comesoverthe line. For example,while extractinga spook from the pliss?" you The Chostbusters containmentgrid, a coupleothersmight get loose help uss, lem. Can arriveat a creepyEdwardianmansionwith a spike and raisehell with Janine'sfiles. topped fence,dead trees,ominous-lookingover[JANINE:ECON! Cet this revoltingthing out of growth,and the noiseof clankingchainsin the my invoicesat oncell background.Workingat the fenceis a cadaverous Thisscenarioshouldbe a lot of fun.The Malifigardenerwith a patch wer one eye,lank, cobrrcbr centsoffer a few of their third-floorguest rooms by hair,and long, claw-likefingernails. As the Chostbustersdraw nearet they see that to the Chostbustersfor the duration of their serthe gardenerhasa file. He'ssharpeningthe spear vice.The Maleficentswill be as helpfulas they points on the iron fence.When he catchessight can. Keepthrowingin littledetailsto amazethe Chostbusters. One running gagyou can use is to of the Chostbustershe givesa visible start,then meetJunior.He might walks over to them and lets them in. He never neverletthe Chostbusters speaksexceptto emit gutturalmoans.The house's be stayingover at a friend's houseone night, be ill with the flu and forced to stayin bed another doorbell has the sound of a woman shrieking. The door is opened by the lady of the house, night, and so forth. They might see Mrs. Maleficent knitting a three-armedsweaterfor Junior,or Mrs. Maleficent.She standsabout six feet tall in Mr. Maleficentmight boast of Junior'sschool her slinky black dress,has pastywhite skin, a "B+ in Uglification,A- in CemetaryAdmarked widow's peak, and black lipstick. She grades: invitesthem inside. Her hunchbackhusband, ministration,B+ in Helminthology.That's my Fritz, soon shows up. He looks like an escapee boy!" Uncle Fergshould prove to be a real pest movie.Behindhim on a dog from a Frankenstein leashwaddlesan eight-footalligatornamed Fido. quite difficult to remove.Nothing seemsto scare A clock suddenlv strikesthirteen and a little him very much, no matterhow honific it is.Once mechanicalcuckoodanglingfrom a gibbetpops it seemsclear that the soooksthe Chostbusters out, croakingthe hour. ln a bird cage in the cor- can providedo little to erodeFerg'scheerfulcomner squeakand fluttera pair of cute vampirebats. placency,the Malificents will beg the Chostbustersto improvisesomethingto get rid of him. By now the Chostbustersshould havegottenthe idea.Ham it up some more,if you like.Making Theycan experimentwith weird science,bribery up ghastlyeventsin this householdseemsnatural. or simple intimidation,but nothing fazes the The Maleficents'problemis that Uncle Ferghas unwelcomeguest. The secretis that Fergis really a very low-key come to stay.He's scaring the piranhasin the decorativepool, tells Maleficent Jr. frightening demon summonedloylittleJuniorasa high school bedtime storieswhich keep him awakeat night, scienceproject.Sooneror laterthe Chostbusters and persistsin trying to fix squeakingshutters will tumble to his paranormalessencewhen their PKEmeterstriggerin his presence,or when they which bang elegantlyin the wind. seehim throughtheir ectovisors while he is sneakAs you've probably guessed,Uncle Ferg is a at nightfor somecookiesand warm normal-lookingguy.Maybetoo normal.He wears ing dcnvnstairs loud ties,pinstripedsuits,hasa big brassysmile, blood. Fergcan either be evitted with applicaand a loud cheeryvoice.He doesn'tseeanything tionsof protonbeams,or he may voluntarilyleave 'A little run- for greenerpastureswhen his cover is blown. spookyahouthis cousin'shouseAnd of courselittleJunioris gonnaget it when down, maybe,but l'll haveit all fixed up in a jiffy. Justyou watch. Ho, ho!" He tells bad jokes in- his parentsfind out what he's been up to. Poor cessantlyand is impossibleto faze. The Malifi- little guy.And guesswho he'll come to visit when he runs away from home? 'Aw gee, guys, the cents want to rent a few spooks from the onliest thing in the whole world I want is to Ghostbustersto put a properscareinto Uncle Ferg And maybethe and they want the Chostbustersto hang around becomea real, live Chostbuster." and supervisethe project,just in casethe rented kid has a certain gift - though his three-armed jumpsuitswill haveto be custom-made. spook get a little out of hand. Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Whack On: Uncle Ferg,originally a mundane, then later revealedas a paranormalpest

ldea 1Z T H EU N I N V I T E D

Nifty Problems:scaringan un-scare-ableguy Neat Characters:the Malificents Potential Tricky Sfuff using the Addams' Familystylegagswithout slowingthe paceof the puzzleheavy,action-lightplot Campaign Hooks: the Malificents can be usedas characters,informants,and consultantsin other adventures,expertsthat they are in the occulq they also probablyhavemany friendsof a lessbenign nature("Oh, yes,the Von Choulohs - a charming couple, but a bit eccentricin their gustatory preferences,you know...")

ldea 18: KING FORA DAY

.ln the mail the Chostbustersreceivea package containing an odd ring covered with little indecipherable scribblings and cabalistic signs.The note enclosedexplains,"My dear wife is under the unfortunatedelusionthatthis thing is haunted - silly, of course,but to humor her, l'd like you to takecareofde-ghostifyingit. Pleasesenda real official-looking document certifying your professionalservicesin eliminating any spectral presenceswithin the ring." The ring is actuallysent by the resident-occultbad-guyof your campaign.lt really is haunted. Anyonewho seesit feelscompelled to put it on. After putting it on, he finds out that every time he tel.lssomeoneto do something,he or sheobeys without question.lf he says"Co fly a kitei' that persongoesto the nearesttoy store,buys a kite, and does just that. He'd better be careful not to say "Drop dead!" Soon after discoveringthis power(haveseveralamusingthingshappenwhile wearingthe ring), he also discoversthat the ring exactsa toll. Everytime he uses its power, he becomesexactlyone inch shorterin height.And he can't take off the ring. So he'll haveto eithergo aroundn"u"r,hing anyonewhat to do, or keep on shrinking away. The best,though most drastic,answermight be to amputate his finger.Jewelersexpressamazementatthe unnaturaldurabilityof the ring'ssubstance - all attempts to cut it off fail. And... perhapsthe personwill decidehe'djust as soon keep the ring. lf the playerstartsabusinghis power(like going to politicalralliesand forcingimportantmembers of his leasffavoritepolitical partyto performamusing antics in front of all the delegates),then the ring shouldfall off his fingerand get lost- if the playerdemandsan explanation, tell him that he hasshrunkso much that the ring simplyslipped off his finger.And the Chostbustersstartto read reportsin the newspaperof strangeoccurrences - explainableonly by the hypothesis that the ring Action Opportunities: setting ghostsloose at the hasfallen into the handsof some unscrupulous job?Tofind the IncrediMalificents,then rounding them up afterwards; person.The Chostbusters' maybea little roughhousewhen Fergis revealed ble ShrinkingBad Guy... to be a demon And if the playermanagesto keepthe ring, hint that some device might be designedto reversethe effect of the shrinking. Of course, that device


Chostbusters OperationsManual

lenuew suorleredo$elsnqlsoqD

lv 'aas

'leuorle)npaaramseue8 3ur,{e;da1o.t no^ plot a ^ ;Iprap 8ur1eu1xe;slql /v\oul ot O"'U "*.jililX'"

ol pua] searetulutolpe ur salnleJadulal,tqataqm pue rolalul aql Surloof 'ul ssarord leru:ou aql Eugsra'raj pue tno sutole ,,loq,, Sutnou sauo ,,ploJ,, Eurnou-r,to1s -lsejssolplnoJ ^ oput^\ uado ue u; uoslunu18ul4orrt uaql Jo Mals e 'alduexa to1 'ldollua esla^el plnol - srt.totealpuequeuro1 qSnouelleuts sauo - suoulap aq 'Idollua ,o aldr)ulld arnle!ulurleqt patsaE8ns SululaoB aql turle4snllrernirel E uy 'us;lauSeuorDala aql peraolstp otlM'(6l8Fltgt) suollenbaletueurppunl qsluof,S peu^\ouai lJa/!\xewlJalf sauel']srrrs^qd suouao s/llaaxPwr eql lq Pauotst^ualsJl, aJa/\A

aq] lnoqp petu Atard i(;1earsr loof, Plo aq] aruasardopl 1o slutod 0t seq ll) 1 ,{q acuasatd -o]rl s,loqor/allnq aql la/\ ol ol {;snoauellnuts 3urp1q 1;e sped uoto.rdaarql sa)et ll lng i(er qel srq qserl loqor aql dlaq ;;,,{aqt (^poqauos ro ,lep 's^ 's6 ifueduror pooB ur er,no^ aq{eu lure8e'}sltuerf,speu aql :s4oo14utrcdwe2 teaLl slred uolord - l! qllM lq8uarrJe olur la3 -ue3 ur p,e/v\ llEr 'srrs,{qd^llrs slLll Ll}li\ alqno{ ,{ueaneqno,{;1; o1fu1p;noe ilatsnq]soqDeql 'aptsulpunole 8ul Jle paluneq {11earsr ll }eql s}ultl Sutddotp -Iuplf 'fuluno) loqor aql oas uPf,sralsnqlsor]Daql //'suaajeqlrusol uall] /loqor aq] ro uolldaf,uorstu leutEt.to,ua,{e;d aql ur uolsueu ouols s/lsrluarf,speul aq] ]v suouap aJD!lasoql/v\olqo] ^Solouqf,alpaf,uPpE aq] jo ]no lsou aq] 3u!ua3 gn15 ,{7t1t1plruarod 'ollqM e lo} punole laq ,{lqrpanur rno ql!^ no{ pre lll/v\ ai!\ alo1alaql '8u;q peq e sr srlll 'asra ]oqor ryasraqaq ot Sutpualald sauref,uaql 'lrq P saqlol) raq eaDe] ]oqor/ollnq lun aqt,o rJleagleaH '1sr1ualrspeur :sraJrprpll) NaN aq] tnoqp aletuel {;adetls e s,araqt}r lelnf,l} ldo:lua lo 8uls,tanar ]soq8 s,rallnq peureproaJqJaql lua eid ;1rair -red u1'saurze8eudlnd uorlf,Uaruatf,ss0€, uloj, aJr/v\IEq rnoi 's1epoy1r{sllooJ,,'rfuspue auof, asranrun lou'paluneLl sl ]oqor a$ leql 1no 3uun3l1 :sua1qot4 ,{1111t1pauealS{;}sou are suol}ou slq 1a)ll )le} PlnoM aql ]o pul aq] uor, seleo) Surpesnr] '9 'suoua6 s,llaMxew uodn asool loqor pa8uerape ]eq/v\Jo uotlou slq atelllu! o] ol ]as sre/v\]oqor :salryunyoddg uopty qduelte,tlqaai }soq8eq1 'urq pareldat teq] loqor - seurleJ lueu - suaDll s,ler s,raSulpoJqtrs Jo 't tuo ryeqil loqor/altnq Iq .ralseruJauJJo,stq uo a8uana.t alll Eurssassod drqs ;ercadse sratsnqtsorlDaql spuesuoEl 'stu1t11,Qt1 'qrqqer ra4e salEeaq ot s^ng peg rc 'sa1ta7sl1,t1 4ntcg laE ol pa8uerreseq lsoq8 s,lallnq plo aql']ue 'll plp rallnq aql - laSro}l,uop puv -ras ;e,{o;srq 1o slurds pue q}leaq Sururl)apaq} a)rl suals^s Suruorlrpuor-;reJo lno suouap 'aSuanars!r{ro, alf,rqa }uaf, a)rlou ol pallej aLlleql luauare;dar paleutolne aq] larra, ol qoods u!er] sralsnqlsoqSall '€ 'apnu^rasJraql uro4 -rlruEer-u ,{1nr1 e a,reqlllrlt lsoq8 s,ral}nqaq} aut!l s,rallnq^papla aql uo Eul)ro/\ {snq os se/v\oLl/v\ 'qurrp pollrql ro})^er lalseu srrl,{q paurnouun pue papelSau'polp ^l paarj aq ,teu ,{aqt os }srluarf,spel.uaq} o} sra}snq srql'osuuarrs peu aql s,{es -]ua)ar sPr]tsrluarf,speu aql ]o Jallnq Plo aLlI /llr/\^ azearje pue Aer]eaq e qloq seq pue -tsoqD aqt ^or{} uodnalaLl/v\ ol rajjo llel ]aa, zl Peol '1e,{o1 '8uolrlt ,{;3ut1te1un ]uarvrSurqlauos 1ng pa orour! ue rallnB uo spuels uorsran ]eq] ,ilap ol pacrol Suraqare JraqllsureEelte; ;ecrs,{r.1d Bl 'd1r;od'lealf,srp - ]upruas]f,arrod aql aq o] 'pa pue tng ^aq] tprll lsalord pup ilelsnqlsor.{D aql o} auol )loM ol sla8,i;a1elpautu1lslluat)s peu aql 'ste8tr -;ro1,{luerodr.uat lq8r; o1 s; tsoq8 s,ral}nqaqt /pa^ol}sap popualur{;leur8rrose^\lI ral]ng suouac s,Ila/v\xew aqt Jo sa rlPlu"ta"rjl"irrr1* 'uodeelr {es lo] seM asn ot ral]ng ]t leql l[ sr ]oqor aq] uaqM'saurl JaModaulos olul lleM 1l,aq Iur] aql )selq o] saJuel uotold-tutul lpttrads ol ro (lr slrnf,rlr-uoqsq)rq/v\)uteluno,leluauteulo paralrod-q8rqe qrns lueudrnba 1oacatd patsalun aq ,{qm }sr}ua!)saLl})se sla}snq}sotlD pue suoLuapf,ldorsonru aql aasol salsnqlsoLlD aqt ape \ ol 8urfutolur ]oqor/allnq aq] )ltrt ua^a ue ane8 arll Jl 'looFotl aq] ralsnqlsoqDe ant8lo ']uauof, ,{eLu,{aql '}q8!ams,toqor aq} plorl }/u€r rllrq/\ aq] ]lLurad ]Pr1l slost^ol)a-olrtu do;anap 'J qrors 'salr1ref,alpJautf,uto1q8noua1oqsa,{aslt :seaprauos s,ara6'ue;draqlouedn lutq] o] aneq a8puqtool ,{1apt.re ssorcedn Luaqt/\ ollo} o} ll 'uen1qf,le) tqBrLUpue 'un, fuers 1o1e Surta8rQ .rolrd e olut 8ut;;e1olut 113utpul ,{q ruor] ueaq leaq e aru ue) pue lle] laa, ual ]noqe 1o ;;,Aaq1 spuels2t rallnB patueu 'loqor snll 'urq dlaq aneq1;,LaqlqSnoq]'sraMasaql u! lo]f,op lr^a aql 1!lealap up) flalsnqtsoqDaql'loqor uol-rllnu e aq] slue ^ aq MoN 'l! ,o lorluof, p;nor leqt arnlualppsru4o suos ol sralsnqlsor.lD ro, alqnorl 11eds qf,te) o] 1re1 ,,i1qeqodplnoqssralsnqlsoqDaql 'loqor e 's;laqroop 'ppaqarojsrq alppruraql ul a^a auo Iluo pue ]sol ueql aleloqpla aql ezruSof,arl,usaop Palear) seq tstlualf,sPeul v Jo seqaq'oslv')rep aql ut oasuef,'asrno),o'ue l arour sLusruPqf,auqlr/v\ luesra^uo) Alpreq 'stq8rlqsegraq] (isrorroq)ro sped uolo.rdlreq] '1sor18 s,ra;lnqaql'L surprBseq,{;uoqrtqm J;aslt toqor aq] uo )roM Aeur s.ralsnqlsoqDaq] rO leerq o13urfu1pue slalsnq]soqDauol le araq/\\ou 'oo1 qs aq] 1no Surdunf e1r1 s8u;ql ,!seu 8ulop 1o 'araqt qjnl aH 'sreMesaql sa)rl uen; 'uen; 'tuel ur uorsuew tear8 aql ro, toqor aql sa^eal loods -srssePaurorapP seqro]f,opaql leql lno surnlll parrsrles aqt uaq/v\aa1e 3utpa11orq]!i\ ]arqf,srr! sralsnqlsorlDan8eld o1 sto;d 'saqf,eor)f,o:) ]snf-.radnsal$ll e Sulu!quof, 'a8ualar sttl ul ,{ueu s,,{n8peq p ro auo }snf :sqoo14utpdue2 'ts;lualrs peu aql urorj 3uo;-1ooJpue lale/v\ aqt ut ,,sasudtns,, loods aqt pre ,fur.u,(eql 1ue1nu.r ^tlllqlxaU pue uollpsr^oldtut1,.15;o slo; 3ur1eo11 algll /sler qlr/\ uaql ast.tdrn5'srervras pa^taf,arseq ir,rolla,plo aq] ]uaulearl lsnfut aq1 sarlnba.r - aurl]o;d pat ou'gn1g A4trll Fryuapd ',lsnpopa ol tl 3ur1urls/)rpp aq] ro surn]pue sdoolaq] q8notqt rl]lM l!]aLlledur,{sarou ate Ieql }l 1o Eurleradost 'araql ultop urLl aseqf, ol la8 slalsnqlsotlD ]splqpup toqor aq] tno loods oql /v\erpot len]tr lo afiezrq auos osn raqlra uer ,{aq1 'a}er.rdo.rdde 3uu 1o4uocpuluraq] uaqi\\punojesl JelsnqlsotlD aql pue'en8e;drluouap slq Eurlf,attp's.rarvras Alr 'palunpq st aLll ja aoql - papua-uado :sJarre.rPtJ,PaN aql u; SulPlgsr rolrop aq] leq] ]no sulnl ll 'urrtl are sarnparordSunsnqlsoqgaurlnor sad,{1peq aq} }o spueq aql olu! )f,erl ue) Jalau l)d aW'stolcanatnssaldarepalut ]oqor aql lEr{}tno ern3r1sralsnqtsoqDaql af,uo 'L,2qa pooSrol lar*od1;nDo sllej]l jl 3uu Surpurl11rna.ro aql PauolsrPseq lenlu s/lo]troPP"r.u leuorsuaurP 'll!M s[] ]no atu a^eol- ]u!lr-u!)splo-olqluntu Sursnl]uer8E ro aql u! sllel ro{eu aq1 ]f,asulue sea;tl :sua1qot4 {ry1p aql af,u!s'$alsnqlsor.lD Jo .,{1rralrlua aqt gullleu)telq -elqurnu-)uelr-)uelf,,)sueas lr se lou sr lle qll^\ punole 1oo1la,{e1d aq} lolluo) pulu.r auos la aMoq 'lualsrsradale s,aH 'Jauuns aq] Jo a P^ ]eaq ]slo,^^aql gu! teq d11s,(eus1urr1 eq] uo spuedap :saglunltoddg uollty spull 'po]-llLu to -rnp sr;odor1ay1 3rB aq] ut suals,{sSutuotllpuor sralsnqlsor]Daql Jl /,'ale-uluj-lal-xa]snu I ilalsnqlsor,lDpszls -rad sl -re eql lle o$a^ar pue quoJ o8 o1 uaq] eq uer atruo-Jsr-xa loq-or Al-uO ro-t-Ja1-ut -8ur; ro -ruru.t's8u;.tlorluo)-putut :uO IJvII1V1 'ale-ulr.u-Ja]-xa 'rsuourac pauue;3-o.rd ue upur-nH o] ajrl la o s/lleMxehl spueuuo) aH ;,, lojluof, 'lsrleuortesranuol of sInD peg ro /solals,fia1 11nctg /stu1t11tr4c1 tr 2[ ral]n8 ol turq sanr8]eq] lenlu e sJo^of,srp ]srluot)speul V llnp e aq ol sa^ord 'uerxoM 'aprqtreq SutLue;j 7oo1-Ayt1aql p 11e1or ful sralsnqtsotlDaql ,l aqlro tldunu] ;eqcoda aql-Ue f,lleulaulr srqloo) ol urelunoJlpluaueulo palls-^lluaruauo) ryellv aql q)lelvr slrelap raqunj loJ illPl 1aa1Aryt;ot aqt ol #o Surddoqo8 o1ralsnqlsorjDaq] salroj r.urqa8relua,{;uerodual pue artr*,(eqoB plnoqs ,{erqteeps,}oqoraql Iq }tq {ue puy'(3utqr aloqrt

U]ISNOW IOgOU :61 Pepl

ISIW]H)]V lHI :02 popl

can vanished.Now they'vegot a thost hauntingtheir This new device,which the scientist-player "hyper- house - and that wasn't in the bargain! (we the suggest call whateverhe pleases ln a matter of days,the bottom has dropped out soasticalcrombifier") is attachedto a ghosttrap of the Chost Cubes market. Seemsthe hyperThe hyperspastical spook. holding an entrapped crombifier producesa field that decays sDastical and crombi-fierhums, flashespretty little lights, ghostwhen the field colgives a little burp. After the burp, it spits out a overtime, releasingthe havebeenpurchascubes these of Zillions lapses. brightly-colored side) (about on a Nifty Prohlems: goofy physics; microscopic 2 inches imall all startingto they're And nation. the over ed all empty demons plasticcube.The ghosttrap is found to be the warranty expires, worse yet' before decay... inburied has been spook hapless the the fact, lvan, in and Neaf Characters: mad scientist And quesswho has to go clean up the mess? sidethe small plasticcube!The color of the cube maYor Louistilly calls up and readsthe contractfine varieswith the particularghost caught.Thus, a "mission-adventure'" Off go print concerningthe Potential Tricky Stuff: playersdon't get the Maxa has banshee green a cube, ghost a has green well's Demons joke (make them take a physics tartan cube, and so forth. ihe Chostbusterson one of the messiestparanorcourse or somethinS) mal mop-ups in history. lmagine a depa-rtment The cubes can bounce and move around on of Chost Campaign Hooks: mad scientist; microscopic their own, like Mexican jumping beans,but are storeor shoppingmall where hundreds once.... at military dissolved Cubes will megalomania, demons-coulddevelop completeiy harmless.A smart Chostbuster This is a blanketexcusefor turning looseany technology,and economic theory then vow to soon realizethat the ghostcubescould become of ghostyou can devisein any settingwhere kind Rule the World items. hot noveltv might be sold,shipped,or stored-,drug norelties Chost Cettinga multi-milliondollaritem like rallroao airport concourses,. Cubes to proper distribution and sales requires stores,dime stores, - or where the proud owners warehouses cars, players' The the by lots of wheeling and dealing are ncnr' ruing their purchases.Eventhe President's Chostbustersshould haveto run through one or wife has one... a shyster with up meet routines, Bureaucracy two do somefirstFed aql u|tu'd € llll lleM :alnltel lpuequed aq loolt.r.lltt aql ot dn lleM ol salf,snw;;o1 'Lu'dg ]qBlU'9 ;rtunlredarrapunaresro]eala :8utp1tng 'a8els ]xau ol oB pue role^alepJeoqeleD .'ssaf,f,n5 ;]rxa {ruaBratuq se pasrntsrp srpls pulJ ol suteJg llou :aJnl,e1 's.ra8uassed arolu Jo auo pa[a o] a]PPtult]ul ro t1nlg 'sanoyl;nlssarrnsllou 'llnJ st osle (ralel salnurLu) role ala pr!r.ll 'lln, st oslelole ala lxaN 'lln, sr rool,.rado.td ot rotPlale:3urp;tngtq8lU '9 '3 o1 oB :ssarrns 'o oqe ol oD € :atryte1'prcn8 to fuelalras loole uoJJ uoneullolul 'pear aq ]ouuel pue Eutplogecs la8 o] sa,rowllo; qlr/v\para of, sr xaPurSutpltnq:3utp;tnglLlSlu't '3 o1o8 pue Surplrnqaq] lalu:l ;ssarfns ' AolJoutol JA o I UelS- sqluol.uxls loj pasolf uaaq seq rlf,rq/r umol Joaprsraq}o uo Surpllnqo1noAspuas ,{lEuorrrt,{qrasse6:aJnlteJ'af,uel}uaapts pul} ol llor surerglsredar ro1pasolf,st a)upllua u!ef{'f, '3 o1 oB ;sseJJnS'l ol oD 'aullnor slq] u! lauealaq lalunoJua qf,ealo,

.g o] og :55af,rn5:'euuaq] 01 000'0t$ ppe pue /v\olaq Z o] oD :a/n/,PJ ]allal aql ]uas oqi\^ lno arnSryol sllorefuat)S fuelqt1to suterBlaqunu uroor ro aureu]f,eluof,ou santE1nq '0009$ Jo aulJ e ro siep SI ulqt!/!{aruet;dutor spueulapatrl]ou aql 'asrq)ue4 aql loj papaau sl llLulaclVdl lo 'J asuaf,rlssaursnqe ]eql af,!]ou pauluaf,e a laf,au

v uolpos

luauuJa^oD aql uotl llured to radPde tululelqo 's;rrBralrq dn 'lelldsoLl o} oB :ssaf,3ns .{elt /vrau uJeol o1 1c1d pue aseqJpul:alnlteJ 'llor sa ow - r.llaa]llaq] rl]!M suef,zgelgdoldod uado o] rvroquaql s/v\oqs pue sraaq uaq] sraJloaq ]nq ')se sralsnqlsoqD aq] tulql^ue lnoqe Sulqlou {;aln;osqe sr*ou1 aH 'llaq aql sra/v\sue'o)ld ouand ulol, le llle 'oplepllD 'ssarppetq8u aql sl slql '9 ]uaf,ar e 'uorlPurlsap o] oD :ssaJJns'loo, uo anulluoJ lo aseq) aq]

llor loof leuorlrppe,isaqto;r8uo:n,, aql 3u!rea\ aLllul saloqqltrvrsueaflo ltns )oJ :aJnlteJ'saau) d urn[ .relsnq]soLlD lou'll ns ssaulsnqe 3utleant;o 'uo!]etrolaleudoldderaqlo lo )urql ol llor sa oW 'sprof,au yo ;;eg 'arrgoureurVdl 'lleH ^tll ]ls!n'Z 'f ol oD :ssaf,f,nsla^o uels puP o] v aqt 1aBo1qSnoua oD :arnlteJ'uolleuroJur lt181r pul:alnlteJ'laatl/v\ e Sutso;ptoneo] lloj all!qan 8uo; tsrrad ol llor loof l]t ut Jaqunu LuooJ a uc ro sa^ow:pPaqealoqueuuado ue sl alaql 'l put] ol auoqd pue aqt Sutp;tnq.radotd tq8u aqt pup Jaurof,e punore surear)salrqouopl aql '9 'pa/v\o]uaaq sPq allqoulolJl aql 'aSlaua-al 'eurlnor,o pul 'rolfl no{ uaqrvr '}ou 1t lrer aql ut JalsnqlsoqD '4ed o1are;d ou s,aiaq] qJrqMaJUe a eq pue 1o}radsutSutpltnq auo aleal ol llor surerB s,{orlsap 'ssarppe tq8ttaql s! slql't A]rtraql aqrr8 :spaafJns /ool '8 ol oD :spaaf, asne)aq4ed-a;qno6 ' urnlar sJalsnqlsol,lS :uot1 tnoA11o.t suIPJB ans sueJg'1oo3rnoi(]suleBP -radsulapor Sutpltnqssed]snu seslualdaq1 '9 aql uaq^ ualotss/ll 'lou,l 'sllqouopl aql ))ol o1 ol llor surerg'sserppetq8u aq] sl sltil_T raqurou.ror ,{dor tno,{ azt;eaX 1ala1du.tocur sr o1 oB 6 'ure8eful pue )t#erl ,{eul splo)o; :ssaJf,nsimolaq9 ol oB lldor e a,req aq] :alnlteJ'sa1t1 Assau /sralsnqlsotlD qSnolql r(em lno,{ a1ey1'}sq A lou urvrolsso.D,{neaq ,o fleH ul ll pulj ol llor af,ua!)Stuelqtl ro 'sf,!]errnearn8 '1se3aq plnoqstl lnq laqrunutq8y eql sl sltl1'Z 'surerg lpalcaLll aq ol aneq slurrdan;q ptt8 ']salls aq] jo ]no qf,eq aH luauuteluo) aql leqt s,{eslopedsur uostpl uo]'g :ssaf,f,ns'artapelq e qll/v\)lolq aql punol€ 03 '8 o] oD jssaf, uor; tenup,(;.rnqaql dael no :arnlrcJ'lnoSurBaB -rn5 'a8els srql u! I futua ot oD .'a/n/rPjr'lnoqe o1 ure8regro 'gnlg 'sanoyl 'aleplu!]ul 'sal)snw '8ut1uoq 'pulqaq lq8tr st uen 3ur11e1 s,aq ]eq/v\s/!{ou) aLl leq} Pue}sjaPuno} ]o llor ln1ssaf,trn5 'sasruardaq] ]lnb ro llturad Vdl urelqo a8nq e pue 'aprr* rer ouo sl laalls aql '1ted ol llol loof o1no,(srapropue sasluardaql slls!^lopadsul 't ece;d ou s,araq]lnq 'ssarppelqE;t atll sl slr1l 't 'aurlnor slr{l }sar aq} atouEl }o s! ]ltuJedou :sse))n5 'g ol oD :ernlrcJ'fuessacau 'urnqueaq r{}l/v\ ol oB no1 :ssarcns 'aseqtr C ,o teqt pue tnoqe 3ut1;e1s/oqleqm ^\ou) ]/usaop 'palsarjeare no,{ pue 'dn sMotlsaq o} ullelf, aq ]eqt puelsrapunol llol strllPlrnealnBro surer8 pul 'asrn8st6 'g to sa ol4l no{ rap;oqacrgoeLIf :arn/,PJ :laerls aql u/v\oprau/v\oleuealJ fup o1 11e1 'unl pup lea pue 'uepl]|;od e eq o1 puelald 'B o] oD :ssaffns 'auu aq] ol llou pPP pue a oqP 000s$ roJtaarls{a1 e paso;rseqAlf '9 'auo oneq lsnuj slalsnqlsotlD no1 'uorlerqalaf, I ol oD :alnlreJ '6 o1 ,{1}ua8oB pue ur"rop A ols 'as!Alaq}O 1eq1azru8orar ol llol s)tlelf,neaJnglo sutetB ']oo, uaq] qf,lef,ol lloJ un lo sal)snw e a)Pul uo ,{eu astqr paau ,{;qlssod lasua)rl .ro llturad € 'g 'uo sr aseql e {er* tapun -uel, aql leq] uotle)t1louEutlteu-sseua laf,a; 'Z 1.rorrlteda:-1aal15 11

g uollras

c uolpes

6. Right Office: they say their calculationswere in error.The franchise'ov,rres nine timesmore than they thought, and they are placing a lien on all corporationassets.Cool, Bluff, Bargain,or Convince roll. Failure:They'reserious,and you have to pay.Success:The exorbitantsum returnsto its original amount. And congratulations.

GoingTo Court SectionA

1. Lackinganotherplaceto park,'iou leaveEC|OI in one of those "Don't even think of parking here!" zones.When you come back, it's been towed and, when you find it in the municipal lot, there is a $150parkingticket on the window as well. You can pay,or protestthe tow and fine in court (in which case go to B).

6r,? if


Ghostbusters OperationsManual

2. While racing to the scene of a severeectoplasmicdisturbance,you avoida jaywalkingpoodle wearing a $5000 dollar jewelled collar, but the doggy is frightened by the incident and its millionaireowner and an army of shysterlawyers sue you for everything you've got. Co to B. 3. You remove a ghost from a mansion at the behest of the son of the ghost. The ghost's daughter is distraught,and suesto force you to returnthe ghost.lf you do so,the ghost'sson sues you for acceptinga fee and failing to fulfill your obligations.Eitherway, go to B. 4. A stateprosecutorhasyou arrestedas con men preyingon the superstitionsof the public. (Everyone knows ghostsdon't exist,after all.) Co to B. 5. YourGhostbustersfranchiseis suedfor damages in excessof what is properand reasonablein the pursuitof and the captureof ectoplasmicentities. Go to B. 6. The $18,000check with which your lastclient paid for his de-ghostinghasjust bounced.On the phone, he cacklesand says,"So what! Sue me!" You do. Co to B.

SectionB 1. You need a lawyer.On the recommendation of a friendyou makean appointmentwith the firm of Nasry Dull, Brutishand Short.Theylistenattentively,and seemto askthe right questions.Attempt a Mo/es or a Seeroll. Failure:You hire the shysters. Co to C. Success:You seethat all that they have written on their pads are dollar signs in various sizes,and the word "Tahiti." Try B again. 2. You want a lawyer.On the recommendation of a friend you make an appointmentwith the seniorpartnerat Bossy,Mossy,Martin, and Fuss, Aftorngn-at-Law.Shelistensattentirely,and seems to ask the right questions.Attempt a Brainsor a Psychoanalysis roll. Failure:You hire the shyster. Go to C. Success:You understandthat most of the personalbooks on her shelveshaveto do with fabulouslydrawn-outand expensivecivil cases. Try B again. 3. You know a lawyer.He or she ask you if you really want to devotea lot of time and effort to somethingnot at all connectedto catchingghosts and serving humanity. Attempt a Brains or a Bureaucratics roll. Success;Youwork out a commissiondeal with the lawyerthat letsyou off the hook with a mere2Gminuteaffidavit.The routine is over.Failure:You set your jaw grimly. Nobody will get the bestof you. Take'em to couft! Cb to C.

4. Youdecide to representyourself.You readthree or four bookson court procedures,and one very helpful one titled Strange Proceedings:Curiosa From the New York State Appellate Courts. Roll your Cool. Success:Youaccidentallvchoosesettlements which have been reinforced as precedentsby later proceedings.Co to C. Failure: You selectludicrouslines of attackand defense, lesseningby two dice any rolls called for in the later stagesof this sequence.Co to C. 5. Youthink hard about the matterand decide that a lawsuit is inappropriate.You call up the other principal and suggesta compromise.Roll your Cool, Blufi or Convince.Success:Cet a quick settlement out of court. The routine is ower.Failure: You both become so angry that nothing and no one can keep you from court. Co to C. 5. You get LawyerTom, the socially-conscious public interestlawyer,to help you out. He agrees to defendyou at no fee - but you get the sinking feeling he'll call on you for a favorsometime in the future. Probablya big {avor.Co to C.

SectionC 1. The morningof the trial, you graba cup of coffee and a hot dog. In the crush of the commute, you must make a Movesor Balanceof difficulty 10to avoidstainingyour clotheswith mustardand coffee.Success;Go to D. Failure:Roll Cool or Bluff to avoid idiotically holding your handsover the spotsfor the restof the day.lf you fail this roll, any Cool roll you make for the rest of the trial routine is reducedby one die. In either event,go to D. 2. lf you havea lawyer,his or her Brainstrait is 4. Roll it to convince the opposition to avoid a jury trial. lf you haveno lawyer,roll your Cool or Bargain against difficulty 15 to convince the oppositionthat a jury trial is not necessary. Success:Lor,ver any final judgment againstyou $r half. Failure:double any final judgmentagainstyou. 3. The bailiff excitedlyconferswith the judge for severalminutes,then the judge calls you or your lawyerto a quick conference.Someoneforgotor neglectedto fill out an important form, and by mistake a court form from another case was inserted.The judge throws up his hands- procedurecannot be violated without creatingsure groundsfor appeal.The casemust be startedagain from the beginning - go to B. 4. A fight suddenlybreaksout in the court room, as a weirdlydressedspectatorleapsup and shouts that all Chostbusters are in leaguewith the devil. A guard quickly restrainshim, but not beforehe splashesyou with a foul-smellingred dye, ruining your clothes.Roll your Cool or Orate against difficulty 7. Success:You make a brief, seemly, pitying speech which ingratiatesyou with the judge (andjury ifany). Co to Q and add one extra die to any roll you makefor the restof the trial. Failure: You whine about being poor and misunderstoodwhile judge and jury stareat you contemptuously and decidethatyou haveno right whatsoeverto win this trial. Youroll one die fewer than normal in any roll you make for the restof the trial. Co to D.



'saop aq asol no,{ lpatulls 1a3l,usaop fl a8pnf eql jr asel aq] ut^ no1 'Z Jo af,uasald -oltr:l ue seqtsoq8aq1 ia8pnfaqt sautls lt 'a.rr1 no,{ aur] LlunoJaql xolelf,aose saulls Puesaqf,aaJf,s ']l le ped uolold lno{ a.rr1no,t aul1fua,r3 ,;sqof a1ull,,asaq] qlr/!\ dn ua1e1 ll'rloorunof ']no 'ul sat11 aql punore Sutryvrenbs lt ]! op aq o1 8ulot are sqluotu xts lxau aql ]nq '8uo1 la1 nor{ uaqtr^ 'ssoj}Pqleue se pauJn}al seLlol'l/!{ spueq ]tns aq] u!/v\no^ 'slaar puru rnotr oo] a)el t,uoM lr leq] 'fulo \ l,uplnoqs no^ ]eq] laod funluar qluoalautupazelf,e,o ]ueuual aql s! pue 'no,(ro1qo[a1n|;e seqaq ]eLl]suol]uoulr.lrea (1nooB1ou1nq'ut oB qsoq8 sla; pt.t8luaLuuteluor aql) uollellsuoulap aql lo, atutl ut dell uer auo,{ue puv 'oJeno,t lprBro) ioq aclu e leqr* Sullleua.t pue pu€q rno,{ Surleqs '}eas lno,{ ,{q dols 11e qrrqrt tsoq8 ^luo aql tpqt suaddeq1tlnq ldarre ,{ltuapr;uorno,{{1;ern1e51'8ut1snq1sot13 sl auo sessautl/\aql'pepnlf,ul Jlsilno^',palzzep 1osuollep -fuanJ'araqdstuaH uralsaMaq] ut lqqel pauleal -uno, aql ]e a)tJlsot Eurldulage'unot ut lsoq8 e uoltqsoddo A;aletadsap lsou aq] uaq] puv'leulplPl aql uot{}puv'saulof, arnpord o1no,{sa8ua;;eqo 'suolleluasatd lnoA,{q paualq8tll '7 1ua;1arxa alllod Jo,alqf aql ueq] puv 'Ieqaq lno^ u! Arllsol aq] 'u^\op papueq sgluau8pnf aq] se sall llaq] allq aq}'1ea;q1oo1sSulq}selsnl'9 ol sa urp ro,{eyr1 '8uro8acr51'luarrad af,!]ouo] S ^llnl91lp tsule8eaa5 slueuoddo.rno,t Il 09 dn st ssaulsnq ';;e saEeuepou lo} palse -rep.rno,( le pue.'(ailnof,,o'uagr.rrvrlsoq8),{qdelSolqro sa ol4l rnoi( 1;o1 -otne ue roJ af,up pe 0000€$ e a pq 'ueluJa]tal no,{I uanano,{ p.rerte{aq} qonLultotl s,1eq}lo 'lo; laq se;1op palse no{ leqr* ro ssa)xaut nor{ptervre uo uaaq an,nor{'sapnlruoJ lPll} aq} a|-ul}aq} IB '1ua8eue a.rrqpue la{,lte; rno{ artl no1 'Sutslyanpe ,{ueu rvroqs,teq}- puesnoqt auo {q artp eql pue /loo) rno,{ 11o;'noi( 1e aar1pue uorluape erparu Surua8 olut setSlaua ,o letol erlt ,t;dg1nu.r 'safu{P; '}tns pue uot}tsoddoPalapl!/v\aq {;8ur}opalrrus sltl} Eulu rno,( ;;e lnd o1 aprrap no,{ os pua aqt {g 'pn;d -u!/v\ ra,{erde l,uaneq no{ leql azlleal no^ 's aq} {ar1t aql sslrl Jo lerrt Jo lno,{ Aq pauleqo pue poo8 alqrssardalll rounq 'g lP la^o fun( pue a8pnf 'tuto8 pue arou auotraq arou 'aso1 'leadde noi ue utrvr a)uanbas aq] Uels Pue ^pee aql ur ,{;peq palqunls en,no,{qtnoql '1 'asr^uaqlo '^pp aql ut^ ot os A;nrgrp lsuteSe 'lelo] aq] ol sulel8 laLl lo srq ppe 'la^/v\el t llou e aneqno{ 11raqraSotsa^ow pue ',lool ',suler8 'C ol oD 'saqlu i(seaeuos rno,t ppry ,,'1no 3u;d;aq ,{lqunq 1snf,, al,noi( '(are ssru no^:/rpJ ra o sr ,{poq Aaql oLl/v\uo Sutpuadap) ]prll pup leul aqf reJ sr laal no^ teLl^{ -fuanaro; ueld paurepro-,{laur^rp aq} st }eql }eql a)rm] uorlpsuaduol ur Sur.ragoillnpaaqt pue ol Supaalunlon'asecaql dorp pue saf,uelsunrJ!tr raDaqur uJoqarro uroq eJP.lo slsof,unof, 11e,{ed pa/\ ol pue ]aal tno{ 1e1anot3,(aql olle aq o1 3aq oq/v\ alP laaq/v\f,il.lre) aql Jlo ]43 ro ua Poqol oE :suorlualuof,s,uorlrsoddo aq] s,{or}sap q3rqMrurq oqlt v(n8 poo8aq] lle moqe )ulLl] p;noqstunf aqt tuoJ]uorleuJoJur1aBno1 :ssaf,Jns'sur8aqunoc ]eq1pue lunof, aql ul snlPls]noLl]!/\^ale af,uaq pue eroJoqsatnutu gt aql ul uputlappNxe1t1 peap,{11e3e1 perel)apuaaqa eq soplla \ asolll}o lqEu eql pue alef,olol 02,llncrgtp lsute8eacuatr5 fuerqil ro alqeJrsapun lluaur Suttuaapar lnoqll/v\ teql lle ,{;;errosare aro}araq}oqiv\puP 'alqlssodtutluau.l surergllou //'ueulapeNxe1,1dn Suuq1,uo6,,'uor1 -]ualuotrlpnlUldsa)eu salsap lanleuun asoLl/!{ -plou palmerf,se pear ^lluaf,ouur pue 'dn uaqt sale!^aplnosale slsoq8 lcrd raq d;eq ,{;snoraua3no1 'araqltfuanasraded luelnelsau e le alqel e lal o suaruadrluse;dopa pue 'asr;ena;,ts-;aqJlesJaq sdorp ,{au.rope 'laad ,tq palJa notr ur ,{;dar ]eqt uolle lasau aul|lv ue a)sw . 1ettlse q)ns s}q8ll 3ur11rds /uoor Unotr aq] reau noi sy '9 leuorn]rlsuorrraqlJo sueunq-lsodesaqlpanudap uorlrsoddoaq] lslleunof P AB paMa!rualul3€ o 'c ol 1a)ualsrxa uolssa.l8 pue upurnq no{ aneq }eq} uorlJadsulalrl Jo llf anefi o }o -ord ;ernleu aq] /asliv\lnos/paptlsa eq no^ leql oD :qpq u, paar)n5 'ssoleql alpueq o] q8noua ]ue8v ef,uetnsuleql uolJ ltstn e taD . {1sno1;erl,q 8gqt,usr tuno))e 1sa11glua - ueol p lno a)el spjof,au pue spaec plo dn lool . l€lluelsqnsur8ur1e;nsdeeua )ueq Jno^ 'pans Suraqal,no{ '1so;an,no,{- irnou ]uoruuoJrnua;errsftldelau aq pa1;odsapa,reqno( tq8lN ]e )|le(| lerluaf llorts. lrns aq} 11 uolllsoddoaq] /leul )uolsrt{ sltl} ul 't leql sanS.re arenbs sarlrl qSnorqf )lPM . do.rp:1;asrno,{ yo ;oo1a1a1duof,e a)pu no1 .'s//oJ 'rano{;ure;d sl }rns/v\el esnoH pelunPH e alPSrlseul . lno,{ 'arroulsnf a:?r l,uop qtoq lo auo ltel 'auo^ue sse.rdul ol ^)f,nl ]aD no,{ q8noql 'Jciopaq} }no }aBol unu ro salf,snw ro loo] rno,{ pue 'g ,{rlncrgrplsureSearnpa5 lo lP]ldsoHall ol o! o lxel P ul aplu pue laD . rno,{ .ro 'agpnf aq} ape a ot a8poq lo sanoyrl sa,royrlrno,t ;1ox'o8e sqtuou aarql sar)oof, ]nors alPC lsJU . rnoA ;1oX 'no{ plervrolsdeal ,b;}ua aq} sP smel pD Jo saxoq ontt no,{ plos or.l^ iipe; tuno,t eql 'aJn8r,pera^arJaqloJo ueul,{&ap s,a;runlno( Eurde8olug uaq] 'aceu1.t8E olul suJnlaltuts stH pue ltel o] oD . 'ueu 'no,t ',no,{.ro3,, fuerqrl aql as61o a8eqre8Jnoi dn punor nol 'tsel 8ur1urr41 ,/ialel ool aq ,{elul; lalsnqlsoqg 'qselqeN 'po#eH 'slueuJalddnsarnln, ul palpue8leuv l€ salrus aSpnt aq1 luseldotoa qll/\ pqoql sl Jo oJ e)uernssry' 'auofuana1esdunf lelaul aq1'pa ,o slasseprnbrlaql qll/v\llzer8 ol pap seq qttlSra /v\e,e epnl)ur ll,e/\^eq^eyv'pelll no^ rr saurlnor uooJunof, aq1 -lletr a eq nort sassauly* ro 'spuat.ll 'lar{lte1 ,{ue aql leql puP /pueletrlol pa)trefrquaeq seq rllua as olurdola ap plnof,no^ sarlr^lpeauos aJearaH ro1ldacx3 'uo lr urnt no{ 'spueqturlquall q}t1A aql lPql 'sluaprrce)r#Erl ur arP aaiql lPr]l 'llr are rataur l)d e ro;3eq luar-udlnbaaldues oq] otu! oivqleql ',Qeq e Surneqsr auo ]eqt no{ s1;a]arrn 'sarppo}s uaql luauou e loJ -las Suqranuuernoi( €uru.rotu lprll uO 'readdeol qrear noA'{1a,rnrn1u; 'g sossoulr/!{Jatf,eJpqf, urlnbs pue Jaurulqs ol suraasuoolunoJ aqf 'g ry8la palnpaqls a eq no1

c uolpos


raqlo oruos

A Cast of Dozens ere we provideyou with a whole bunch Brains 3 Rememberthe of normal, eccentric characterswhom the ChostCood Old Davs busterscan encounterin the courseof an adventure. Feel free to have any of these guys pop up 2 SaveYoungsterfrom Cool whenever they can advance the action or you a Life of Crime 5 otherwise feel like it. lf you like a particular 2 Whack Hoodlum character,you can havehim show up a lot, as a with Nightstick help or hindranceto the Chostbusters. Recurring characters lend continuity to a Chostbusters Muscles 3 Load Drunk Into campargn. Paddywagon Feel free, of coursg to introduce recurring Coal: ServingHumanity charactersof your own. Distinctive Mannerism: Distrustsanvone in a leatherjacket.


RealTough Detective Who Has TakenThe Law lnto His Own Hands A ti ght-li pped, steely-eyed,bloodth i rsty ki Iler, Westtreeis happiestwhen pushinga punk'sface through a plate-glasswindow or pumping six bullets from a .44 Magnum into the guts of a reputed crime boss. lf he tangles with the Chostbusters he will pound them into hamburger ratherthan deal with the paperworkinvolvedin arrestingthem. He hatesjobs involvingghostshe can't kill them.

Brains 2 JustifyActsof Unbelievable Brutalitv 5 Cool

6 Narrow Eyes Menacingly


4 Shoot .44 So That Blood and Core Splatters Everywhere

Muscles 5 Bust Heads Coa/: TeachThose Punksa Lesson Distinctive Mannerism: Face never changes exoression. lohn MacClannahan Cop On The Street A kindly old duck in his late fifties,John has beenwalkinga beatfor 34 yearsand likesto think he knows everythingthat is happening on the street.He doesn't.In fact,John'sbrain turned off somewherearound 1955,and he is blithely ignorant of all that has occurred since.John tries hard, but he has an uncanny knack for arresting the wrong personand lettingthe bad guy get away.

George Smith and Mike fonesFBI agents FBI agentsalwaystravel in pairs.They are all thirty-fiveyearsold, dressin off-the-racksuits(grey or black), wear black leather shoes,drive latemodel Plymoutht and insiston shcnvingyou their badgeswhen you first meet them. They all love working for a huge,soullessgovernmentagency which letsthem carrygunsand tap phone lines and other neat stuff. Smith (or Jones, I forget which) is white; Jones(or Smith)is black. Brains

3 Claim Federal Jurisdiction


3 BlameTheir Mistakeson Local Law-Enforcement Agencies


3 Fire Handgun

Muscles 3 Kick Door Ooen Coal: Servethe FBI Distinctive Mannerisms:None




Cab Driver Ernieis your typical New Yorkhack. He knows all the short-cuts;drives recklessly,swiftly, and true; alwayskeepshis meteron; complainsabout his wife and hisdigestion;and alwayssmellsIike mustard.He works all the time except when it rains- then he can't be found. He likes to pick up passengers at Madison SquareCarden,not far from Chostbusterslnc., so the playersmay encounter him frequently. 3 Find Addresses Cool

2 StreetTalk 6 Drive Vehicle

Muscles 1 Brawl


Chostbusters OperationsManual

Coal: Money Distinctive Mannerism: Always chomping on cigar. Scooter MacBurnie Cab Driver Scooter is from Jamaica,and speak in the distinctiveliltingaccentof that island.He knows nearly nothing about New York geographyand can't get you anywhere,but he takesyou there so pleasantlythat you won't mind until you end up at the wrong address.lf you manageto make the misunderstandingclear, he'll turn offthe meter and drive around New York foreverin a fruitless attempt to get you where you want to go. Brains

2 Voodoo


5 Misunderstand Plain English 2 Dance

Muscles3 Swim Coal: ServeHumanity Distinctive Mannerism: Staresat you expressionlessly, sala"Yes,mon, yesi'and bobshis head in tune to the reggaemusic he playsincessantly on his radio. Conrad Hot Dog Vendor Conradis on the streetday and night. His buns are alwayssoggy,his onions are old and volatile - his standcan be trackedfor block $r the smell of onion on the breeze.He seeseverything:what happens,Conrad knows. But he'll only tell you if you buy a dried-out hot dog, eat it right there, and lie that it was very very good. Elaboratenews requiresEvo or more hot dogs and a Muscle roll againstdifficulty 10 to refrainfrom gaggingand spoilingthe deal. Brains

1 Cook Hot Dog


6 Borrow


2 Cossip

Muscles 3 Lift Coa/; ServeHumanity D i stinctive M anner i sm : Alwaysviolently cleaning out an ear with his finger.


lenuewsuorleradosralsnqlsorlS 'sar] s,[-ot1):l Jo ]no llP aql Surga;sr yods aluonelslH 'rulr.lualealql pue ulLl qtr]ef,uer ,{aq1t1 tulqlauos uaql 11al,{1uo1;rrt pue sralsnqlsoqDaql sateqaq tng ']uauurenoS 's8ue8aLll ur /slaarlsaql uo - a.raqmfuana '(lr43us,aqs1 &te ut arn8rl.raqsurn.r ,{ep;;e 3ur1 suaddeq ]eqt Burtlllra a s^ oul solreJ -llsi!\oqlnoqesure;duro3 :txstleuuehlaNlJutlslo pDl ]palls zaulyew solrP)

'rErl l)elq )|:)rlssrrl :usueuuery e^!pu!ts!e 8ulrJloo[us s^E/\ lrEq lV regueg tnoqll6 JJO eldoad drX leog

unu t asrn8srq7

)lnrc t, uof on lulql s

al)snw sa ohl loof


'tuaBe Vdl ue selasurq asrnBsrp AeLuaH 'uaqlro lno alou 'pua uo qeeM ro, lf,eq at.Uolll,aq letsot 8urfut '{auoLr urq Surrr8 olur palooJalp sJelsnqlsorlg orll Jl 'auPu tuaJarJrP P ut qtrBa/sprPf,cl uazoP 'ajleulproeilxa upur uo] lEJaas sEli qog aof uel^,luo) 'fla'urelslel peu e1e {dd;13 qog aof e1e'uosre3rHaqou atuoral '8ur1eadsalrqrt,{11err1erra peaq qlaf /leq fforurl sleaM :r]rstrauuebla^rtJultslg pPW ua 116Surag prony 1eo3

]sarrv]slsau z


AP!H €

sa ohl

srauent)a8pe3 1 suarlvq]!/r^ ,{qteda1a1 7

loof surBrB

'a,!l roj puarrJe a eq ll/Aaql op Aaql1; lnq /lno slrl] arnBrllana llr^\ sralsnqlsorlD aq] Ila)rlun s,ll 'peu urq a^up ot 3urful aJeoq/v\snrJrsujorJsuarleqlriv\lf,eluof,rrqtedalal ur sl eq 'llEJ ul :eloN 'auo )llerra up J! 'af,rnos uorlerurolurpoo8 p s,aH 'peu tlrq anr.rpo1 Eur -fu1pue {;1ecrq1edagal wrq ql!/vl3ur}ecrunuuor ere snurs uro4 suorle/!{oq}noqe8ur)le} uels puE ',(11euotle.r ,tlnapad sleads Jlo )parq llr^\ uaql lnq uaryoaH 'tolseur pooqroqq8raue 1o 8ulqlauos aurof,aqseLlpue 'poorpoqq8rausrr-1 ur uo sao8 lPtli\\ lnoq€ a;qeaSpa;ivroulfuan st ag 'sleeJlseqt uo sdaalspue sa^!l',{lgunuuor aq} o} pa8reqf,srp r r u a l q d o z r q r s p a s o u 8 e l pp ' u J n u e l n r . t e H



rtauoyqqSnotql plroM eq] qtl/vrua l taD :/poJ unu z g


srredaXalpl a)ew


alf,snw sa^ohl

)lel tsPl I

Ioof sulerS t 'ruru uor]f,nrlsuo) a8re1e;o ueuaroJ e /pupqsnqraq lnoqe ^lluels -uor sure;duof,aqs 'sulnslue1qJoxaJoJ ltrpq alJ -rqa^(pa#nls)aql lo3 pup '^ 01 s,epueMol o3 ]snLu salsnqlsorlDaqt 'pa/v\olsr alrqouo]f,f aq] jl .ue) aqs ra auoq/\^ leaq3 ll/aqs 'uorsseduol lnoqlrm Apatln 'ueuro/v\pa8e-a;pprr-n q8nol e sl epueM 'ueuroo6 aq] uollref ot qtrpellr) senr8 epueTyl raurolsn] leaqf

'sleads aqs uaqiv\pueqraq;o aSpaeql ql!/v\lte aql sdotic,pa -ruoorS{peyad slanrJy:ursrrauue alviou tlst W O pooqloqq8ray aql 'o auol aqt asle1 :/po:)

g ,(emqn5 oluo a oqs Z rulu:l Plec


alf,snw sanow

{ouuy g

Iool po15 Ae16 sureJB ]aIrPW I 9 'sureals leaB a^llnJaxa le lunof,f,e ue s,aqs 'a;qerasrur$atsnqlsoLlDaq] 8ul)eLu 'flasaq ]/usraqs uaqM Jo a)upsrnuleel e sa)eul aq] lsure8e suorl leraua8 ur pue isJalsnqlsoLlD -erlsuoulapsazrue8roisuorlplorApaur8eurlro 1ea: 'Vdl Sulyoder aql pue'luaudolana6 pue uorte -rasal; Sursnopl;o luaupeda6 'luaulpeda6 al13 aql o] suodar snou{uoue seler.u13ur1snq}soqg llqlqord o] prrlsrp aq] auozar ot Atlf, aql suol] -!]adaq5 1?nouall slue/l^pue'pooqroqq8rauaqt ,o auol aloqi\^aq] uivropSuuq slatsnqtsoqDaql s)urql aqs '(fuessaf,au se aurpuaqt a8ueqf,)uou -plf,ossv )f,olg ]aarts r{}0€ aqr speaq pue pauro, aqs 'f,ul salsnqlsoqDreau opuoJ e otur pa^our^l -luafal oq/v\arddnA an8ea1{n1 ue sr 1ate3:ey1

rcAtlo \)nL-Mol PpUPM

'sdor aql 11ec ro ot no,{ s;1a1 aq uaqi\ 1so1 1a8 ll/aq \lenadsa 'v(ervr;y - 3ur1ru.rs s,terrt;e :tusuauuery atltoultst7 snlels .'/Po9 aleprulllul I roog uadg




aleunjul € loof aruerouS; 1 sur€rB 'u!q Iq )Paus ol agqeaq lq8ru sratsnqlsoqD lalnb 'lqqol lotoqaq] aprsullsnf uorlelsplen8aqt ]p daalsepunoJsarul] -ourossr uolllp3 'slsoq8se Surq] qrns ou s,araq] uotpt)ossv tuaptsald \)olB leql s^\ou) eg 'pooqroqqSrauaqt ul lled-alqnop lare8re6; sratsnqlsorlDatll Ja^auaqm^emepamo] t-Otll '3ulp;rnq srq ,o luor, aq] uorJ sralsnq 'qtraadsraLl ul sustrlstp spq pue -lsoqD alrl a;doad Surlsaralutsaseqr{;}uelsuor -P!i sasn i,,ileaqlaa\{s,, ro ,,alol,, s.tatuo}snf, uollJel 'uro,run s,larpeua:tanlq e ut passalc r a q s11er slerrly :uJsuauuehl a^n)utlstO uewlooo ^auow i/PoJ uolFeJ luPrnPlsauJo ]no '(8uoji\ ,{;;ensnsr pue) s)unrg Sutmorql Z allsnw saf,ua}uass,ald -oad reqlo qstuUo] sat{.'.lrsr.rauupWatn:.unstO pool

Jo gop 1 iler13ur;;rd5 urefueg9 nuaw peaj-srw €

sanow loof


{lrueulng aruas ../po3 oleprurlul t sallsnw reaH € sa ow

)tleunl ssalwleH role/vruoow unuelnf,roH

'sJnoqrauP af,raurllJot slleq aLl] ut uo af,ur^uo] I loof ,o seo3,{1;earleq/v\/\ oul oqrur'spuaul rtpef-Sutueal) punoiSrapul 'ssarls sluauour ur sdr;s qrrq,vr req uo4 slounr lsoq8 aql Jo IJe sreaq aurplf JAAnaUPW' sureJg ,o saulsedaql'qspq pue 'luarre rluedsrH e spal;e aq ',(poayedqst13u1 rnos urearf,aq] pup'ape1s 'sautlnoJ {;to aegor aql'auoprapun.ro pa>looranov(el,r;esr >1eads uer aq q8noql;y :ustJeuuery aNl:utlslg s8uuqaure;3qlrqi!{ poo1aql 'dr1poo8 e raq a^eal af,ueualureu A1c pue 'punoJ8 molaq saSessed ganas '{1rc aql ,o uolalals Suuaaur8ua aq} slelsnqtsoqD{ouuY ;1eo3 noi se8uo; se'sualqord .lno{ o1ualsr;o} tu!lp^{ sifuirir;e 1nq-,,ra !l paddoqr arru ar-uosnoAp3 ;;,1 ]noqE]ol p sMou) ueuuoa,r Suno{ 1no1ssrql .qof o1 aldderS € alf,snw ,{epo1poo8 ou s,}r 'rueJJsedaql luern },uop no^ qof uo,t; req al#nqsuautaro,lpq] qf,nLuos san8re 'peaqgaarts'oN,, - anrleluaurn8tepue {1unds aqs 'qf,nl] oluo a8eqte8 Eurpeo;Suru.rou aql af,uep)earg t s,aqsiaqloupua8 qsrlraf pe.rreq,,br8 e sr aurelf Jo enoq aa/\ aql ut punoJ aq ualo ue) ^sou g qtaal qSnorql ar1 g loof ssallteM nauBul uoneltues su!erB uaqr t SraquasoX aurelg


Father Ihe Street Priest

ferry di Lucca

FatherLuigi is at least200 yearsold and looks it. His favoritesayingis "lf I ain't crazy,I should be." He is.

Young, idealistic, religious. Incredibly hardworking he prcrvidesfood for hundreds of people too weak,phpically or emotionally,to do for themselves.Doesn'ttake care of himself; needs a woman'stouch, but too busy savinglives and souls to find her. Everyonesays he's a saint: probably he is.


3 Theology


3 Orate


2 Attract Aftention




Coa/: ServeHumanity Distinctive Mannerism:Peersat things as if he vwre going blind (he's not).

Sexv Lucia Papa loe's daughter

She/ter Operator


5 RaiseFunds


3 Convince 4 Aftract Converts

Muscles 4 Lift Canned Coods


Coa/: Serve The Poor SleazyLady Shedoesn'tmeananyoneany harm, and that's hor,vshe'sgottenthe "heart of gold" appellation, but she'slazy and without much principle:she lets people pressureher into doing what she knows she shouldn't do. A good information sourceabout disreputablegoons. Brains

4 Waste Time Elaborately


4 Bargain


3 Attract Attention

Muscles 2 Crapple Coal: Money Distinctive Mannerism: Constantly wringing handson availableclothing(hersor anyoneelse's). Bottlecap Wino Eddyis incrediblymalleablebecausehe only caresabout securingboozg shelter,and personal safetyin that order.Bribablg but unlikelyto come through becausepersonalsafetycomes in first. Smellsbad; self-righteous;has enlargedAdam's appre.

Brains 2 CalculateLiquid Ounces Cool

3 lgnoreInsults 2 Open PopTop Cans with Teeth 5


Papa Codfather PapaJoe is strict and watchesover "his people" well. He's alwaysjolly, and only ordersterrible things like arson, assault,and murder out of a senseof duty to his family. He has scruplesof a sort and won't touch one type of criminal activity (up to you whether this is prostitution,drugs, extortion. or whatever). Brains

6 Plotting


B Bargain(who could refuse?)


2 Dodge


1 Fisticuffs

4 Plotting 3 Bluff Daddy


5 Seduce


2 Dance

Coal: Sex Distinctive Mannerism: Runs a pearl necklace acrossher front teeth, between her lips, etc.


PapaJoe'sson fu sexyasLuciaissultryhe isthemostdsrious Italianin thecity.Someday PapaJoewill wantto son. dumphim in theriver,butMeanVicis Papa's Brains

4 Convince


2 Bluff


5 Seduce


3 Intimidate

Coal: Power Distinctive Mannerism:Alwap standswith hands on hips, hips thrust forward. Freaky Nick Enforcer PapaJoe keeps Nick on a chain in the basement. He only lets him loosewhen there'ssomeone Papa is really, really angry at.

Brains 1 Attempt Coherent Speech

Coa/: Money Distinctive Mannerism: Speak with an ltalian accent; sits in a relaxedposition. but with hands clenched. Mama Stella Papa Joe'swife She is a good Catholicand goesto Massevery day of the year,prayingfor her husbandand son. Brains

3 lgnore Family's CriminalActivities 6


2 Orate


2 Pratl

Muscles 2 Drag Self to Shelter 5 Coal: Find Pipeline from Brewery DistinctiveMannerism:Tellspeoplenotto shout, even if they whisper.

Brains Cool


Distinctive Mannerism: Speaks with clasped hands in a "Mr. Rogers" voice: soothing and boring.


She'sa sultry Sicilian beauty,but anyonefalling in love with her is askingfor plenty of trouble. Daddy knows she can do no wrong.

Drunk Muscle 5 Dragging Spouseto Bed


8 FrightenVictim


1 Attempt Clear Vision 4

Muscle B BreakThumbs

11 11

Coal: Meanness Distinctive Mannerism: Babbles,screams,and drools. Liftle Paulie the Brain Bag Man This guy is the friend of one of the Chostbusters, and he'll let them know what'sgoing on in the city. But he won't crossPapaJoe.No way.Paulie's a smart little weasel,who takes handoutsfrom both sides.He livesin an abandonedwarehouse. He also likes it that way.

Coal: ServeHumanity


3 Accounting

Distinctive Mannerism:Wails about her familv and fondles a rosary.


5 Bluff 3 Listen


1 Bite

Coal; Money Distinctive Mannerism: Always has a cold.


Chostbusters OoerationsManual


l e n u P h Js u o r l e r a o o s j a l s n q l s o r j D

'pau3]q814 puE pesnluol l o l P s r a d L u r L l M: L r J s t J a u u e wd A t D u t l s t Q ( s l r P JS A D ^ ^ I Er a) l s u o | , ! A q p e l l r ) t e D t o N j / p o f


sl)eu luaurrlrnbl Ja^o )i3ou) z snor^qo arrloN ol lreJ z ralod Aeld Z

'sassPlS .raLlSutuealJ ro iuMop 'dn Surqsnd:ustJauueryaNl)unst] xas j/eo3 LUI/1^S Z slefruaq] Ma.r8 €


a)urAUoJ z loof surP.r I

ASolorg 6

'll^ap .rood sButql ntg q)le/M ol qel ut auolv aal sta) oLlM luelstssv)tlrluat)s

,43o1oua1reg 9

a^PU Z

lool surPrg

atero t lool sllrllod s s ur e J B 'saserAqse11 '8rq salr; oslp aH

ls/tua/Js:padv-appt w le)etuel\

slsllua!)sPoluauac ,o

uollp!)ossv luelo^aphJ leunrualuerl ua&nI rC

'],uef aq leLilsaspf sdorp pue'utM ue) aq leql saseJsa)rlaH 'altl;o trlqnd sanetcfureg ta,(mr1

'Preoqorltr € saure:) pue parl s)ool :wstJauuey\,1 s,ter*1e aNDullslo AruPtUnHaruas:/eo)

af,urAuol € tu)srLuaql I



loo) sulerB

to sallo1 aql ^q arnluanpe eLll,o alppil.llaql ur JJopa))ouI staD ']stluar)s a;eurej ,{xa5aql Jo alf,unro laqlej aq} illpnsn

plo AtpulX ls,iua/r5: I1sdr61rossarord 'uado.{;lqBrls qlnoLu srrl sPrl uauo :wstJauuew a^rlJutlsto xas i/Po,

arnpas s arur^uo] s

ratsAtls r /v\PflfP Aaurollv 'raq)eruralsual 'b seuoql 'adrd :wstlauuery aNDutlstO e sa)ours'Addeqs,{e,r,r1y firuetung aruas :/poJ alPprLurlul€ aJuec €

AauoUV jrlrjs!e ulPUoWAlleg Aaurollv lJtJlsrc

'sla8pry aq asrMraqtoi llrts uaLlt oaal ol spueqsrq uo slrs rLr./s,Jauuew a(rDurlsto




lool surerS

srts,{q6 1 'slooqtxat

loor]fs -apet8 uo4 saulo) lle afuatJs 1o a8pa;mou1 'saJup^pe srH s,lstluat)Sa;eue1 Axa5 aqt to; 3ur;;e1 srg 1ollqeq slq sr arnlealSurqsrn8urlsrp Axa5 ls/tuar)Sa1ey,1 'O'tld'relsel drl!r,ld

asefrau€ a8ng fure3 € ualsrl t uorlerooroJ aql aruas t ,\^el 9




']t Aq pue ro1ldarxa Eurqiousaoppup uorterod:o3aqg ot (raqloLupuer8 srq pue) lnos srLlp;oso8e 3uo; eH 'uolterodJol aql Jol s1.ro,r1116 ra,{,r're1 JaA/Ae1aIeJOOJO)

'bs1 'Arraq;n61 'd prPq)lu ' S u r q l o ; rp a ; d u n r :wstJauuel/\l sieamaq 'lunrp A1lt1Er15 aNDurlsrO ,4auoy1:1eo9 aleprLUrlulz a ) u a P r ^ la p ! H I l]ntq q /t\P'I



loof s ur P j B


loo) sureJB

'llP auolur ou ]e ,i1atn;osqe L{lr,,l,r rrig ;e8a1srtiuretureuo} sagpuetu aq ,l,toq fuals,{n-r}ear8 e s,}1 'ssalruuad auo -aurosJojleqaq uo (q) pup tue alar Aller)os(e)arp pue o11aq8 aq] ur teLl]sasprot,lasLulqsauUuotr ,{;uo sryo,aroqm ,{n8 a)ru lear e s,qoBJaiMel JaA/Ae'l raA,trP-l

- ""^^r, "r.r}:11..il:0" AuunJ Burqiou s,araqr

-sJaAA€'lE pup

s)Jlrxs s,4e,u;y :rusr:auuehl

.sualPalql aNDutisrO Aauohl i/pot

uorlerooro] alll aruas ;/PoJ


stnf rlsrl I

troldxa qrlLl^^(q) pue anrlelaunualAllpar8(e) are ]pql sasef,sa)el Aluo aH 'Jaspqf,-aluelnqule uP sr ipueq Jaqlo aql uo'LUo1 ra^,r\Pl

'JnlB t

ssau]rMaleprr.rJrtul € altsnw uorluauv tJPr]lv -c sa^ow

raif,prprlf srLll,o asnplaq suaddpq8urqt,(.tan3 1o;d aql ur uoslad Surlsalalurtsoul aql

'sr1lpdorlJ^sd paUruar as€alaraql sarnlas all 'unl roj 'suorsplto alei ,o pue sueqdlo uO 's/!\opt,^^

sls!lue!Js q)Jeosau r

ro,4ey,1 aurorag :1eo3


aqnl lsal ]Jll z ualsrl €


'uerJrlrlode altl spunosApearleag aaso1 ,,'no,4 pplD,, r]]!Mno^ slaarD:wsr)auuerya\rDurtstO

aas I fl


alewal AxaS ts,luarJs: '6'q6',Qsdrp1 lare8rery

r '41lereruer-u sq'ner uauo ":J::,'.',"g1#iffi alrsnw


os ,,'pasnJuof tu,;,, '3ur,{es pue sasselS taq go 3ur1e1Aq ta8ur; alurl Jaq punoreisrluarf,S alpy! AxaSaqt delM o] j u r t l s r n B u r l surt p u ll a H & ; 1 1 q rea q s r a r n l e a S

's'8 /ulllew uqol

Jalsuow rll!^{ aldderD €


alePrurlul t rPJauc 5

alf,snw sa^ol /

loo) ilnl€ € re) xtJ z sureJB 'auo aql s,olsaut3'd;aq speauof,soBuaLlM'reJs,aofpd% sa up olsaull rnaJJneq) olseurl 'f,la 'llr,^^aa# ',{1r;euosrad :utstJauuery atrl:utlsr7 }o )JeJ lelol srapro ,^^ollol i/Po3

sJrntrrtsrl s


unD arl

' ra)od Aeld t

arol un9 [



')|lo,4 AUrp s,ao[ ede6 ]o s]ol saop or1,u Snqt ,{;3n qun6 taJJoluf oJsog

lgor Unqualified Handicapped 5clence Assistant Need more be said? Brains

2 Find Wrong Brain


1 Bluff


1 TortureHelpless Victim

Muscle 7 Climb Coal: ServeMad Doctor DistinctiveMannerism:Walla with a shuffle,talk like PeterLorre.


fourneyto Uncharted

tsland/LostCity/Sceneof r r Weird Happenings

fessica Newman Snootyl M i staken Woman Reporter

Mbwana Mobuto, O.B.E. BearerWho Used to LiveWhere They'reCoing

Thoughshegoesalongto getswellstories,she rarelywritesanything,beingtoo busymisunderstandingFrankArmstrong(seeabove),sunbathing alone,swimmingin crocodilepoolswithout r,vearing a bathingsuit, breakingthe River Rat'sjaw for his UntowardManner,aftractingthe attention of the wrong sort of nativeor nativecreature,and being kidnapped.

An intelligentbloke, he passeddown from Oxford but has sweetlyagreedto tote 120 pounds on his head across 200 miles of indifferent hospitaliryAfterdinnereachnight,he annotates severaldifferenteditions of Tennysonin preparation for his definitivevariorum edition to be '15 published yearsfrom now


4 Journalism


2 FlareNostrils Contemptuously


5 Scream


4 Anthropology


6 ContemplateClass Standing 3 Hurl Spear

Muscles 4 Lug Stuff

Muscles 2 StretchJodhpurs

Coal: Succeedto Family Throne

Coa/: Fall ln Love

Distinctive Mannerism: PerfectEnglishspeech.

DistinctiveMannerism:Holds head aloof in snooty way. Cook With Tricky Monkey Cap'n Wjszkclzsk Experienced,Reliable SeaCaptain

A crankyfellourwith a heartof gold, he is fussy about food, indifferentto cleanliness,and hates River Rat Who Drinks Callons of Whiskey An ancientYankeesaltfrom Polandor Rumania thingslike placesettings,flc,vters, candles,or food with moustachewho eitherowns a well-insured which knivescan cut. His helper,the monkey,is Though his resumelooks great,not only does tramp freighteror leasesit on very good terms, both more intelligent and more social, and guy do something ill-shaven this weak-chinned, becausehe doesn'tblink when she goesdown understandscomplex eyebrow commands like to almost get the expedition destroyed,but his at the end of the first reel or is nearlyswamped "untie me quick and go for help downriverto the breathis awful in the mornins. Legionnairesat Fort Massif." during the climacticvolcaniceruption. Brains

2 FussOver Documents


1 Bluff


6 SteerCorrect Course With EyesClosed 9


4 W i e l d M a r l i n e s p i k e7


4 Hide Whiskey Muscles 3 Crab Heroine in Untoward Manner


Coal: Failure


4 IncidentalHistory of StrangePlaces

Muscles 3 Fisticuffs

2 Halve Recipe


1 Accept Praise


2 ThrowCutlery

Muscles 4 Drop Flour Sack On Monkey Coal: Self-Basting Chili

Coal; En.ioyAdventure

DistinctiveMannerism:Constantlvpick his nose. DistinctiveMannerism:Combs his moustache with hisfingers. Zolatu Evil Witch DoctorlSorcerer/Asentof UnfriendFrank Mortimer ly Power Handsome Hunterlsoldier of FortuneWhose Aged or Sickly Man with TreasureMap FirstMarriage Ended Badly This sly fellow deceives people who have Sometimesthe fatherof the heroine,sometimes known him all his life in exchangefor half-baked guy has hidden who A stern, happy-go-lucky promisesfrom foreign provocateursor whispers s i m p l yc r u e l l yd i s p a t c h ebdy t h e v i l l a i n se a r l yi n himselfin the jungley'desert/Antarctic and thereby the game,this fellow hasa quick eyefor trustwor- of impendingpower from idle gods who don't met manytycoonswho considerhim remarkably thy people(likeArmstrong,seeabove)whom he haveto meet payrolls.He usuallystagesa murder steady,our hero is ruggedlysexyand has little to instinctivelyknowswill settleall his affairs,act in reelone or a coup in reeltwo. Persistently asks do with women exceptthe snooty reporter(see asexecutorof his (oftenvast)estate,act honorably to hold vour rifle while vou take a shower. below). by hisdaughter, and getthosedirtydogswho did Br a i n s 1 Not Believe him in. B r a i n s 5 Cuess Anybody or B r a i n s 3 Accounting Anything Cool 3 Bargain

Distinctive Mannerism: Uses sweeping arm gestureswhen speaking.

4 Dodge Muscles 5 Crapple


4 Look Death In Eye

3 TellStories By Campfire


Coal: UnexpectedlySettling Down Muscles 2 Lift ldol Distinctive Mannerism:Never showsemotion facially,but can verbalizeit ("1feel a certainsense Coal: Accept lmminent Death of trepidation,Johnson,"he saidwithout betray- DistinctiveMannerism:Talksin feeble,quivera ing emotion.) ing voice.


Chostbusters OperationsManual


5 Bluff 4 Throw Dagger

Muscles 4 Grapplewith Hero or Hero Surrosate


Coal: BecomeChief,King, E.P.A.administrator, etc. DistinctiveMannerism:Chillingly polite.



'talalerq e uotl SurSueq /i'salqnoll srqLUrrlpasnef,,, oqr* a;doadaLll]noqe sureldr"uor p!^ec Jo rpls salpuoj :wstrauuew aNlrutlsro 'pno; s,{e,u1e oo1s1ead5:LustrauuelyaNDutlsrO Aauoy,l:1eo9 arnlrel:/Po, aleprLurlult salfsnw pls

'uofleurjolut sllpB :u_rs/Jauuew a{n)unsro ,{lluerunHaruas:/eo, oou ro ]r a)tl ^aql raqtaq,r,r) I

pa8 ul 1uat1e3 dea; t


sjopo lno #!us t alPro t lo]f,oc alenle^l €

)lel ]sPJ t Surlunorry g

loof surPrB

'sesselSuns sa)pl ra^aN fo Suunp sarp Iqataql pue ,s.ra,,r,rod antl laal spq qf,rq,l,turalr a;3ursaqt Iq pasudrnsaq ,{e6.r 'poo8sr ssautsnq 'Uelf ,'cla seSuogse,{1uo qf}t,tr 'rr8eu ur sanarlag'Jla 'asnoq laplo ltel! lJerus 'doqs 'alols)ooq llnlto ue suMO 4rB ]lnlfo

asrnN pPaH 'p'X'{a11ery,9 1a.re8re14r


loof surPr€


')ooq suortplnBaL lelrdsoqaql :r.rtrp taq iapun )ooq e satJJeJ.saalndule lnoqp sauotsAture llat ol salll 'lla,^ se op p,no,{1eq1 'plol a^arlaq]/usaopaqs pue semaqsteq,trSurop Aq sre^\aalql ut ]eqLuof,autl-iuolj pa trunsaqs

'ls lPtrdsoHzlPllld r

]aD I soltsnw a)npas I sa^ohi

p u e H, o l q 8 r a l 5 g

tnauatda4ul 4ntt61

'os op ta au ue] afualuas e qsruu01 sprom3rq ro1saqfieas:ustrauueyla^n)unste lEuroN aB i/Po,

'sqtJ tuanbar,srq ale]ard ot salqLUnl 13ur.ra]lnls pue sasned:wstnuuery attDutlstO

A 11n J t q B n o q l u r q l a ) o r l s z salJsnt\

auPl :/Po, xo8 tulaMaf q8no.rr.l1 a8etur-unXZ sal)snt!

leaus € ]lnl? z slrlerfneolnB z

loof surPrB

ualsrl I u r e 8 r e g7


lohl ralsef 'Suueaqyo peq ,{;tq8r15 :tustrauuel/\,1 a^tDuttstO JaModrauul pue]sjapun:/Pol s)ll{ aluPas aleJaoo


PPaHolul d1 saA3;1oy g atero € llnf,f,Q





':o1paure8teqaqs ueLl]aloLu slfeluo) ,{;Surprrvrun sAe.,vr;y st pue 'sllnsat 1eq;o pauJeLlsp a)e] ol seq uauo ssaursnq e unl ol lnq'lt sMou) pue aue;d lr.rrdsaql l)eluol uef, saultlauos w n tp al/l p aBy-a1p p r1,^,1 eJ9W

loof sureJ€

.{q}edLu,{s tsatqBrls aql a^eLl1;r,r,r ,trnf oN 'uotuap ,{ue {q alqeu8rs 1uof,aleroqplaue ur ,4nB1;elttapad aqt s,aq,,ize1 pup'a^rsuaJap'snoa1qB u11e5'1ua8e lerllleaqlua,ro srL{se s}f,v 'ultrl saltLlauo ou lpLl}asuassa)eu ll rr8eu 4or* ],uef auo stql aJUts1nq ,qof e anerl s,{e,tr1e p;no,truelllSeu e leq} )utLlt plno,r\no1 uertt8elrtlpaAoldwau2 urelsua8lol4talqtpallul aql


"aas qltM // l// sarualuas sur8aq,4;;ens1 :wst)auuel4aNDutlstO ^auow :/Po3 unu € salfsnht a s r n 8 s r 6g


loof alurAUoJ s loof A r o l s r HA l r u e J 9 suet8or; uotstnalal a8ue.rlsllelau g surerI plo raquaurau € surPrg 'asotpuelbpuP to leletuet! 'luatodruruopue ,{;pu11,41qeqoLd ,aLue8 gy3152g rno,{ur sr a,nlnJ :no1,,'ueao1s ,"", ",ji1l:; -ISOH, e u1 aruea8uan]eat8 to ro uorssed paddrnbauel p sa uC 'aneqnor([]Jnu Moq ]no -uor lear8 a;qede3 aJtlstr.{paLr.rlaLl,\\ra^o s€r.{ pur; ot stal:od rno,i qBnotq]SuroBaJrq,,r,t 1o ,{auor"u Lltr!q,lr 'raqlra,,(sd,t8 aqt uoll ,,lualet,/lanrf,all] 1o satnsssatd ;no,{ssa;qo1Sulpuala:ds,4o[u3 e 1ou s d e q r a d ' 3 u r 1 e q 1 1 a s , { ; a u o 1 , p a 1 e 1 o s 1 leprtrrns s,aqsuaqt]nq 'sLUlpd ppalAllpnlfpl,usaopaqs

'a a aql ur uosrao lsauoq ue )ool ],uef 'Luoop Sutpuadur adeJsaol to uef aletoqela,o tno turq tag o] sralsnqlsor.lg a1r;a;doadsarrq,{ltuanb -arl 'alqnoJ]raqlo a eq o1.to 'sareulqStuaneLlol 'a;qnor1ur 'arpoi saruasap 'a:r1sn[ apot ]aBot 1o rrt.ulUaql Aq 'pue aJrlstq patse,,rn ,t11etl1eua1s,{s 'qrtU seq aq Lpaar8 pue '3ur1aas-uortesuas ls,l/nffo

MoiloB z


sJa/Aodleluar\ anJI Ll)rMuosrad snoiJaN uerllr9 lrehi asouAuunle spll s^e,{\lv:wsrJauuewaNl)utls!o ssaurddeg;1eo3 s u e a Ia nl B olul azaanbs z salrsnhi

tapeay w1e4AsdA2


Islsrllnf,Jor -rrourorur ius,rarrr^r^l!l;,lliJ sueorD

o r s s o D€ atero € loof s)ooB dlaHJlaSpeau E surPrB 'sluauro{.rl Altrnb seq 'a)rnos uorlpturolutalqetlat lnq e ,i;;ens1.1eo8 leuosrade sp xas seL{oLl,^^lalsnq}soqD^up le 'a]tl xasraq ro1,{o;d ssedp sa)pur,4lpatqnopu11 Surzrue8toue ,{lluanbarlBellqf,}tM (.lstuetpsp loN) 'fla islpnluspnpuof .Apoquo alaLlMatlos paoopel utof,run seq Ja)Jtls :adunq ,,ue8e6 ure8y urog,,SuueaqloutW slltol.Ai plo sanuc q)lt/^A laqtor^l LllJel

Allol / .relsuoow

poolsrapunaB oI:/Po3 0z

raoPr)s^)sralleB lI salf,snw ]uauie)rpard u l a u r o J a Hl n d t Alanrl a:ltoN t fuaqrea.r1arr1o1rl L

sa oh/ loof sureJB

'sarpralsuouraql 'auoaulos a^es uef, aq leql os laar lsel aql ut apoldxa ]ou saop ouef,lo^aq] ,{1uo ;; lurr1sla8uesrql ,{poq stLlto1 ultLl1ue,r,l aldoadtnq uollfarjpsa er) aq 'a13unfpapeqrun ur punoJsatutlauloslaLllaSoluMassaultlauos plo) lo ueaH qtlM )alsuow UPPOJD

Melissa Young,ldeal istic, CompassionateNurse The perfectnurse- tireless, enthusiastic, intelligent,dedicated,beautiful.Six maledoctorsand nurseswant to marry her,and one will in three monthsor less,leavingthe Head Nurseto rule the floor. Brains

4 Medicine


3 Cive Emotional Support


5 Dispense Medication

Muscles 4 Massage Coa/: ServeHumanity DistinctiveMannerism:Has a "gosh" attitude about life.

H e i n r i c hR e i c h ,l l l , M . D . Psvchiatrist Dr. Reichis the Head of Psychiatry at St. Pitfalz.Lotsof Chostbuster clrentsmightprofitfrom his services.He puts great stock in Orgone Therapy.Split personality:by night he assumes his alternatepersonaof Mad Scientist. Brains

7 Ask lntimate QuestionsAbout PersonalLife


6 C a l m l yC o n f r o n t LOOney


2 SteepleFingers

contempt for doctors, nurses,orderlies,and patients.Happiestwhen he can chargean ins u r a n c ec o m p a n y$ 2 0 p e r a d m i n i s t e r eads p i r i n or make dogs cringe. Brains

4 Accounting


3 Sneer


5 Steal

M u s c l e s3 l n t i m i d a t e


C o a l : B e c o m eO n l y H u m a n I n U n i v e r s e D i stinctive M anner ism : A Iwavsrvhistli ng, espec i a l l yw h e n o t h e r sa r e s p e a k i n g .

M u s c l e 2 StiffarmLooney Coals: RicherSex Life for All Distinctive Mannerisms:Often cacklesfor no apparentreason.Has shifty eyes.

ThingsMan Was Not Meant To Knowr r

We'reof two mindsaboutthis,actually.Firstly, Chostbusters are scientists,' there is nothlng man was not meantto know. No knowledgeis forbidThe perfectdoctor- tireless, intelenthusiatic, den; indeed,dedicatingoneselfto the relentless ligent,dedicated,handsome.Six femaledoctors A mediocre doctor who works in a large pursuitof Knowledgeis the highesttaskone can a n d n u r s e sw a n t t o m a r r yh i m , a n d o n e w i l l i n hospital partly to cover up his own mistakes. undertakein this life. lt makespedectsensethat threemonthsor less.The YoungNurse(seeabove) M e d i c i n e h a s l o n g s i n c e s t o p p e db e i n g i n - humanityinteracts with the spiritworld by the use w i l l . o f c o u r s e b. e t h e o n e w h o c a t c h e sh i m . teresting.This cad thinks more about student of complex technologicaldevices,ratherthan n u r s e st h a n a b o u th i s p a t i e n t s . primitivesuperstitious ritual;afterall, technology Brains 4 Medicine is what permitshumanityto masterotheraspects Brains 3 UseInfluence 2 Cive Emotional Cool of nature,and if paranormalphenomenaexist, Support it is technologythat will permit us to masterit 4 l g n o r el n n u e n d o LOOI as weil. Moves 5 Dispense 5 Seduce Moves So we don't think thereoughtto be any limits Medication M u s c l e s 3 L i f tM a r t i n i on the naturalinquisitiveness of the humanspirit... Muscles 5 Massage your On the otherhand,somethingscan destroryr Coal; Lurid Fornication campaign.Those of vou rvho've gamemastered Coal: ServingHumanity Distinctive Mannerism:Always talking about Other Came-\lknolv what we're talkingabout; DistinctiveMannerlsrn:Has a "gosh" attitude nurses'physicalanributes. got a ring rememberrvhenone of yourcharacters about life. of unlimitedr,r'ishes? Or the time the mutantcarDr. losephTrustworthy nivoroustribblesgot looseand destroyed civilizaRonny Napolitano FatherlyDoctor tion? lf the charactersdevelop somethingtoo Smart-AlecOrderly powerful,1,oulose control of the game. Hasbeenmarriedto samewomanfor 40 years, How can this happenin GHOSIEUSIfRS? Well, jokApparentlywithoutcare,alwayslaughing, perfectlyhapp1,, contented,gentle,belovedby ail permitstravel suppose Egon develops a device that ing, and playing practicaljokes, he secretly who know him, but strangely persists in hiringthe alongan1,oithe eleven(or maybe twelve)dimendreamsof being a great doctor/pianist/military craziest,mostbizarrelyincompetentstaffin any sionalaxes.Thisdevicepermitstravelin time,as h istorianllum berjack/martial artist/theologian, but h o s p i t atl h i s s i d eo f a H a m m e rf i l m . well asto an infinitenumberof other"universes" hasn't quite got started.But any day now. - the ChostbusteB can go to Oz, or a world where Brains 5 Cuess the Nazis \von, or eventhe world of your Other B r a i n s 5 Unsystematic 7 Talk Cool Camet|campaign. Reading S y m p a t h e t i c a l l y 10 Thatsoundsreal interesting, but let'sface it Cool 2 N u r s eC r u d g e you're not playing GHOSIEUSIERSany more. MOVES 2 \Valk With Cane You'replal,ingsomekind of transtemporal multiver4 See Moves M u s c l e s 1 S h a k eF i s t sal game. Muscles 5 Lift So how' do vou stop this? Here are some (andanother, Coa/:Cive PeopleAnothei'Chance s u g g e sot ni s : Coal; Know Why He's Here and another...) DistinctiveMannerism: Laughsat things that DisttnctrveMannerism: Blandlyassumes the best aren'tfunny. of everyone. Oftenreclineswith his handsbehind CrusaderKoalasFrom Bevond his head. Spaceand Time When the Chostbusters haveinventeda device Dirk or stumbledonto somethingwhich can potenEvil Administrator t i a l l y w r e c k y o u r c a m p a i g n a, C r u s a d e K r oala shows up. The stubby little marsupial says, in a ghostly PKEmetersmay detect accountbooks


Young,ldealistic, CompassionateDoctor

JohnGluteus,M.D. Libidinous Doctor

a n d c a l c u l a t o rcsh a i n e dt o t h i sf e l l o w H . e i ss l i m and well-dressed,and somehow always has enough money even though St. Pitfalz Boes t h r o u g hr e g u l a rf i n a n c i a cl r i s e s H . ascomplete


C h o s t b u s t e rO s p e r a t i o n sM a n u a l


lenuewsuotleiadosralsnqlsoLlD A l l P r r l s e qL u o q s ) l e l p u e a o r o u o s ) J n s : u r s / J a u u e Na A t l ) u t l s t o

a r u a r f s s s a l l n o si / e o ? u^^oc alllas pue lrD r.lsr,^^af aJrN e purl o] pr^ec laD :/eo9



s a t IA a c xaloLUoJ alPraoo

(,,i|zu) au 3ur)PLuar,noi 'eyt1,,''B'a'Azen aleur ol loof 1a8re1 3e51 lsure8e1;oX1

s a r t r l r q IvP r ) a d s JaMOd

snlErEoov lr.lrluarfsa ol,! L



srPloLlrs raLllo ^q ]oalxl p a s s a r o L U r au B n z ^ r l o o s o l r q lde r n l e N 9

alrsnw sa^oh/

loof s ur e r g

'3urleads a1rq,tn,{llerroraq sasod:wsrJauuel aNDurlstO '1a,ne4 lerodural pazuoqlneun ]ua^ard :/pot

' a d r ds r q lnoq]r,lp l uno] altsarM 9 alfsnhl aq o] ra^ausr pue'raLuunsaq] ul leq ^\ejlspue D-UAZ P '.ralurM aql ur .ial,\\oq puPspaaiw ]rns.ra)lnsraas ur rannauet\ 9 sa^ow 'saoraqrno anfsa.ro] sJPaM llasurq alls!qMlul a:e1d.ro aurl ,{ueur dn dod uer 11'sa;3ueplramlp uJroJr un Surt:aford s r o q l a d o rpdu e ' s l l p qS u r l e l oa; B u e r l s ur pooD )ool 9 lool 'sadrdanotsq1r,nduullguapoome a1r1Surqlauos surerB saxopP.rPdlP.rodLual 9 6 $1oolpup paramod-1eor sr tl af,r^apuorleyodsuer] 'ueuradns{:n1ua3 q}BZ}ra}iad aql l e u o r s u a u r p s u eer'lo f n p a p l l r , Ms . r a l s n q t s o q J p a u r l f u r , { 1 1 e r r 1 } u a na sr o u r a l l t s e ' s r r a r l u B !s nqor' pame[-r-u.r 4' pa,i+,{1aat5 :uer-u ;or1e31errdAl -orusup{ 'xopereoalqrssoo l p a r a L l t a s u pS{u r z e r u ya q 1 ' e r u e n 1 . ( s -uuad jo Allsta.tlunaLll ]P ^qdosolrqd lernleN ,{ueSurluanerd snql 'uroq aiamAaq}arolaqsluared e sr puP 'elraurv 6881 ol anrleu sl lo .rossalord raqt ol lnq afror]f ou a^Pq l||,^^lorled aq] lll) altsrqmlul'alqnorldaap1olno s.ralsnqlsoqJ aq] 'ureBe 'eraatuoq aurl ur la^erlol ,&l ra,ra,{aqt;1 la3 ol asn uet noA eutq)ew xa snJp raqlouv Aaqlpup 'paleJsrruoJ u \ o raLll ol peurntJraq 11r,nn .1s111;$outsue{ tpatoq}asup4 Suraqsr aurq)eLraLur]ilaql Jartlfsrur;erodural a pLipue turzeuy slH pue eltsSl/\alul ;o ,{t1rnBpuno; pue paul uaaq,4pear1e s.rauosud are Aaql sralsnqlsoqD aLUrf aL1] lorted 1o uosralla[sPrl] rossarord aql e 'uaqf 'sturo] Surllali prpaLlsr arron,(;>1re.rr luaqun)ar .ilaqlra^o ,{e1d1qBr1 1a1sed 1o srueaq palolor Ala8uerlspue preaq are sasroupraM laLlpt/\,13ur33eS1 e ur pa oqs pue aurqfeuraurl e araqMraqLUeLlr ',t1q tBa8auq5 'srw ,o lsoqD aql rsuaqardr"uoru r preoqeuo)el ar,,{aq1paz,4;ered are sratsnq}soqD sorlqf pue sallsrqM :wstJauueL^,i a{tDurlsto aq] pue ratsPlq e Luorj ]oqs auo '(asaurLll 'A11en1re'uorle)e^ urrepupt! >1eads uo ar,,{aql- unl a^eH r/po, 11e.{aqtaq,{eu ro) suefuaurv aq] dn ueall :/Po, sAPMqns ,{ep-urapor-u qsr;3u3 ot a;qrsuaqardLuo:,{1areq 'funtuarqlBZaqt uror] a 1 3 r n 1 3g d e u z , { ; 9 lo tuerrp^e leads ;1epue :aluasardolJl aruor ,{aq1 sra}splqsnoqlnq ,furerpue 'sBur,u ueu]nH snora .raplnoqs L{trMsrlrlo}runa1r;-sra8o;1rng,4uun1 sJalnu]tlloJ -darlsqg urPrlsaut allsnf,\ :sarlrlrqylertad5 reamlle,{aq1dn sMoqslo.r}pd auJrtaLl}'xopered snorxouqo l*oqll dtLlsret5 a^uC S sa^of{ ro 'aurl qlr,trpunore3ur aurrt e dn o] a8eueu ]as raMod -ssauaur] qlnui oo] puadssralsnqlsoqD aql,l sueun;-1Aq 'srau/!\o]-,o-]no alllll aq] aref,slllM ,^^or.ls passarou.runurPurau t lool lorled arull s,arFPriJteql prerrPsr preo8lsunol aq] pue 'on uorle8rnep 'taqlaSolle Burr"uolsr uospaslsunot aql lana,uo;-1 r e l l a l s r a t u fl suIerB arlipq3 arou8r sralnuulol )ro1 ,ttaN ]sot^l 'r.IlopsrM 'uaql ol u/\^oulspueulapslq a)PLUol afueL.l) 'aJaqMauros : w s t l a u u e W a N ])uttstO e s l J a l o r d 3 u r 1 a a 1 aql apll ,{1alel;tl - puelAausr6ur urelunoy\rr8eyl aql dot aLl] 1 o alilrl seq arlreq3 os "{e,tnqns lo -uno3 ,(1r3aLl]jo sraquaur aql pue 'vlh/ aLlljo :/Po, frursol aql urelureyv afuPJPB u o ' e r u e q l Vu r a r a q M a u r o s ' 3 u r p ;ar n1ge 1a5r r d r - u 3 srol)arp,o prpoqaql lo^Pu aql ^lateunuoJun aLl] uorleruasqo alll asla araqMauros Jo )lap 'asruap aa{ 'arnsod 3ut lnlpearpsrqSutlearrarpue,4;snoattd ,lo uraLltdorp suarle aql ;IUUnldS* slrsnw snlo^lElnl qLU!ll z -lre^^'uorlels e -uroJraq] ure8aro] SuruurBaq ol uorlelsu.rorlsrapuPM'ase)jal.lq are sralsnqlsoLlD Surfurerpue lrns arard-aalqle Suuear*/atlteql a l l t q p t s n I r a q t o u pe u o o t d r r L l :p u p a l l s r L ] . M sa^ow uooalal z 'uaq] raql urer] 'uJnl l r l u n ' s l u a u r a ^ o r o L ul er l l u e l s q n ss a l e u uaql 'suplunqaql uo s)lelsaAa uorlearJ (^luoqtnv ]rsup{ ssEW)VIy\ aq} lrlun tsa.rtou Aaqtlteas]uor; aql ur Surursa.res8uraqrelnrel ',punolStapun Jo atel aql u! uo^ ,^^aNaLl] -uat paqlno Lu-uaa lllM ]soq8s,arlreq] o,u1 ta}sppoj Ieq' pa,{a-A13oo8 'uter]aq] loJ a g q e d d e l l uul r e u a u € loof ppoqs aql snounl uorlrpuoJ le rellalsraturue Jo ]pas)f,eqaqt u! sa lasulaLll ]o salnuru Ey Surlrer*raryeqf,er] aql ol palqunt pup puUAaql dn Luall]slrrd pue ,{qSurddrzsaluo: sraMod €Z daa;seue;;e1peq aq suaasl! - urer]AeAqns,,Ud,, dtqsaredsuarlpuV 1ZZZ1HMleq,ussan8'11a,11 letuah/ rrlseluel 0z surerB '''rea,Mrapun ssajdxaue,o slaaqMaLllrapun palp aluPqf raLll ur eJrl)JpluvJo ralual alll ul ,,'a:e;dpue autl tadotd "rno.to] auo;ear,Aaq]ro 'alnqrerede ]noqlr,^lautllalaql roqg Aenqn5 tuorl 3ur;;e1 no,{ u:nlar pup purur :nor{ ruo.rytr 1o a8pa;,r,rou1 '))olre ro ar,Aaqt aq] Jo tno u,,r,rorql arueq) lle asrfxalsnLuI lla/!\lr asn o] ast,lt,{1}uat:tgns sanlasuraLll uapo8 aneqsralsnqlsoq3rno,{ 'o5 lou sr a)pr rno1 asrJnrun aql Jo )uqe; AJaAaql - suerlvolqrsuaqaldurorul A;n4 sualea.rql -Cl\r\lfnoJrAapsrqL, 'a:ronlueuosalpuPclaap

'(')]a 'epuoll tuneq ol aldnor aqt ta8 s s n' J l p u e r 8 a B a u r qr5W ) l p q ; ; e : o 1 , { r a r t o a aslaajaqMauioso3 o1raq afurnuol ol a^eqlllM ^aq] 1(lle.ra4elaqtou.rsrq sr aqs)t8e8auq5'sry1 aql tal t,uoMpr^e6 1:ed uoiord sralsnqlsoq3 ' p u a s , l r Ms r ql e s l p ! ^ e c ' l o o f s , l ru a q M e ) s e p u e s u l P l] l f uaqMsraqqnrsreaMaq ]eql aJnsuao] 'sa eal aLl uaqMlalqe]rnss/aqsraqiaqMuo )f,aqf,o] 'autot.l 'lpl,, ot u-ttqa8tn ;rrBe sBuuqall uaqM 1,,]ea ',4;ssalrrrau u-ttt1 s8eu11 ot aur]leau te Surreadde ']uauuedes,prnecur ]sajruptrr o1ueSaqt8a8aruq5 'lpunq aq] ra4e sqluoul auros 'sr1,q 1olsoq8 aql q s r m aaf f r u e p u t Jp u p e s ) t q st e L ]dt n a ^ 1 3 ,,2;rrB ol Suro8noAare uaqM,, a.laM'pt^ec uos iaq o] ualods 'splor*lsel raH 'umop aluas pue ,futeuu 'srolrop auof,aq ]ou p!p ]ou p!p pue ,,'Ptlltxot\ 'ollaH,, Aes ol tsnl uana lou 'paller ia^au ot1m/uarplrr.llSuuelun pue snollel taq ,{q paq -qleapraq o] ua up semt8a8auq5tzltw 'slr\

The Ghost of Colonel Parkins-

CIyde DeceasedDoberman Pinscher

ColonelCenld Parkins, a \€teranof the Spanish AmericanWar,spentmostof his decliningyears In life ClydeguardedMarty'sAll-American Serdozing in an armchair before the fire at the vice Station,protectingthe gasstationfrom bums, Mi Ilenium Club,Manhattan's mostdistinguished criminalsand riffraffof all sorts.Clydegavethe gentleman'ssociety.There,he would drink port bestten yearsof his life to Marty - ruining his and talk to his croniesaboutarmy life and com- h e a l t hs t a y i n gu p a l l n i g h ta n d s l e e p i n gi n g a s ' mostof whom, plainabout "this new generationi fumesall day.Then Marty boughta new dog in his opinion, "deserveda goodthrashing."Since and withoutso muchasa "thankvou" had Clvde hasocca- put to sleep.Needlessto say,Clyde'sghostdoesn't hisdeathin 1936,ColonelParkins'ghost sionallymanifested as a form sleepingin his old like Marty very much. armchair.The membersof the club, charmedby NorruClydehauntsMarty'sAll,{mericanService this link with the past,left the old gentleman's Station.He likesto SneakUp behindMartvwhen ghostalone. Marty is operatingheavymachineryor working Recently,a new city ordinancehas forced the undera car,barkloudlyand ChompMartyon the Millenium to open its membershipto women. seatof the pants.Marty isn'tstandingup so good ColonelParkins, who spentso manyhoursin the to the pressure. companyof crustymalecompanions,is outraged. Power: Severaltimes, he has manifestedto Argue with women members;once,he Thrashedwith a ghostS p e c i aAl b i l i t i e s : C h o m p ;S n e a kU p ly ridingcrop - not the womanwhosepresence Ectopresence: annq,edhim - but her malecompanion(he'stoo much of a gentlemanto beata woman).Several Coal: Drive Marty Crazy femalemembershavecomplainedof harassment, a n d t h e T h r a s h e di n d i v i d u a il s s u i n st h e c l u b . Power S p e c i aAl b i l i t i e s

Argue;Thrashthe YoungBlighters

Tammanung lndian War Chiei

Threecenturiesago,Tammanung's tribe (pick a n I n d i a nt r i b ew h i c h u s e dt o i n h a b i ty o u r a r e a ) wasambushedand brutallvmassacred bv a rival Coal: Restorethe Millenium to an Exclusively tribe who covetedtheir rich, fertile land. Every hundredyearson the anniversary of the massacre Male Membershio T a m m a n u nrge t u r n tso t h e s i t eo f h i sv i l l a g e H . e hauntsthe areafor a week,drivingthe inhabitants away- or, if they don't leave,destroyingthem. Nick Tammanungmanifestsas a 25{oot tall Indian LateD rug-CrazedMotorcycle M ani ac dressedin leatherbreeches, moccasins, and full N i c k ,s t o n e do u t o f h i s m i n d ,w i p e do u t w h i l e headdress.He carriesa tomahawk,bow and doing 95 MPH on the New YorkThruwayin a arrows,and spear.He speaksonly his tribal thunderstorm. Sincethen he travelsOur Nation's language. Highwaysand Bywaysby night,poppingwheelies, Tammanung's pc r'r'ers areawesome(he restsand making obscene gesturesat police cars, and gathershis strengthfor a hundredyearsbetween frightening the wits out of nunsin stationwagons. manifestations); the Chostbusters would be well The Chostbustersare hired by the Highway a d v i s e dt o s e e kt h e h e l p o f a n I n d i a n s h a m a n Authorityto eliminatethis supernatural menace b e f o r et a c k l i n gh i m ( i f t h e yc a n f i n d o n e w i l l i n g to safe motoring. to helo). EliminatingNick is no bowl of Nachos,howPower: ever.Nick never gets off his bike, and once hit by a proton beam will zoom awaycursing,leavSpecialAbilities: WeaponUse; Tering a trailof ectoplasmic skid-marks behindhim. rorize;Rain Dance The Chostbusters will haveto chaseNick down Ectopresence: the highwayat speedsgreaterthan would normally be considered safe - or sane. (Picture a Coal: Reclaim AncestralHomeland Chostbusterclingingto ECIOI's roof-rackand attempting to proton-packNick as they scream along at 95 MPH... Prettydarn exciting,no?) Nick is stilla lousydriver,and mustroll against his Powerto keepfrom wiping out when aftempting dangerous, stupidstuntson his bike.But look at it this wav: he'salreadvdead.What'sthe worst that could happento him? Ectopresence

Power: SpecialAbilities

When Timor Development,Inc., demolished the BaldwinTheateron Broadwavand 41stStreet. the eliteof New York'stheatricalcommunitycame to protestthe desecration. The Baldwinwasone of the city'soldestand grandestplayhouses, and in its day had been a major contributorto the legendof the CreatWhite Way.Here,/oes& Janes, North Pacific,Jumpin' Jehosephats and the immortalStarzapopplnhad their Broadwaypremier. The New York Times called its demolition "a tragedy";Joe Pappsaid,"New York has lost an old friend." A megalithic office-and-luxury-apartment complex, Viola Tower,rose on its site. The architecture was uniformlydamnedby criticseverywhere, but the $500,000apartments(completewith saunaand patio in everyunit) sold like wildfire. But now the ghostof the Baldwinappearsevery day at 1 p.m. (no matineeson Sunday)and every night at B within Viola Tow,er's cavernouslobby/ s h o p p i n gm a l l .C h o s t l yc h o r u sl i n e s ,d i v a sa n d l e a d i n gm e n t r o t t h e b o a r d sw i t h i n t h e g h o s t l y v u s i c a ln u m b e r s B a l d w i n ,b e l t i n go u t g h o s t l . m amid ghostlylaughterViolaTower's residents find the din appalling. Co-opsalesin the Torverareplummetting,and Sol Timor,owner of the complex,is furious. Power:

Coal: Die BeforeHe Cets Old (alreadyachieved)

Ghostbusters OperationsManual


S p e c i aAl b i l i t i e s : S i n g& D a n c e Ectopresence Coal: PutOn The BestDarnShowThis BurgHas EverSeen

[uigi Elgato Art Director L u i g im e t h i s e n d a t t e m p t i n gt o m e e t a t i g h t deadline.He was found buried under a oile of galleys- drownedin a cup of rubber-cemented coffee. L u i g i ' ss p i r i t n o w h a u n t st h e a r t d e p a r t m e n t where he met his final deadline.He wanders a b o u tc h a i ns m o k i n gf,i l l i n gt h e r o o mw i t h e c t o smoke and ghostlycigarettebutts.At night he completelyreorganizes the art department,hiding importantwork in drawers, and gathering supplies and books and stackingthem in boxes in the middle of the floor. By the time the employees sorteverythingout, the day is shotand no work getsdone. Luigileavesa trail of rubbercement wherever gibbers,"Slapit down and he goes.He constantly get it outi ' as he works his destruction. Power: S p e c i aAl b i l i t i e s : S l i m e( R u b b e r Cement,actually); Poltergeist Ectopresence:

Zip on Bike (Moves at speed of 9)



The Ghost of the Baldwin Theater-

Coal: Revenge

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