
March 10, 2017 | Author: allmynamesweregone | Category: N/A
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FHt Features 048 THEDAWN o c kb a n do n r e t i r e T h ea c c t a i r n er d m e n i ,b a dh a i rd a y s a , n d h j t t i n go r groupies.



yourcheating Witlsheforgive ways? Take ourtestth€npray!

114 DONOFTHEDEAD Ifs the embatme/s turn to writehis Git Diaryl

You'tL Look letterl21

T22 SEKSI! SEKSI! K a m i k a z eseo w e t f d r e s s ei dn dappersujts?Wetoo can't betieve w h a tw e t € s € e i n g l

130 MIKESWIFT T h eg L i bh, i t m a k i n gr a p p eor i FreddjeAgujLathis trusty firadof, and PaaloCaelhas Wanot af Light.

132 FAYEBORDEOS L u c k yn u m b e r s1 4 6

0fficiattytakesa bow as lvlissRan 0 n t i n e6 i r t 2 0 0 6 .



084 PBA EXTRAVAGANZA CrispalToyotalAndthe rookie cLassof 2006! FH,a, tatksto the past and future of Asial first p r o - h o o plse a g u e l


ocrosrR 2006wwwfhm.com.ph


Twofans get possessedby the spirit of punk and The Ramones.


F H t il"ffi #*il###ff;$ltl#iyiii. f

Goi E n€wsto I lheratd Fr,t'sDiamond spectacutarl Synovate, a gtobat teading market intettigence company, reveareo recentty in its l'4ediaAtLas Survey that our 75-issue-old rag is the mostwjdety readmagazine in the Phjtippines, boashng a whopping 1.1 mittionreaders from theABCD income ctassesl Thankyou in attfor betieving usl Doknowthat weletrulyhumbied byyourunwavering support.Excuse us, though.for ending this oscarmoment now Bottorntess bee/scalLing, fotks. Andwehateto jt keep waiting!

sr_,: :-€: :;i

Photographer JakeVerzosa and . : ALexPaitatrjedthejr besrto : : out qrjn eachoiher.

Whathappened beforethjs srap was,Flancine hadherbackbehind : the camweannswjck€dthonss.


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actors acclaimed ng Dofi,andbecoming rockbandonsanitarynapktns,Tulod Thelegendary soundslike now then they should The band's 20 years old. Are you with the culture and findinq its significant placein society. Thenit's tisten to it. Ifs alsoa niceprecedent surcrisedyou lasted this long? for the neratalbum,pdrdngtesting. JB Leonor:No,we werenot really okay being called an "institutlon." I(dri somepeoplewhenthey say We'refeelingeachother out and ErpELu'19 dr!yLn!'9, institution, it's pegqedassomething, maganda. Jett Panga Wewereliving on a then for the next 50 yearsit stays as Jett: (laughs)That'show we've day-to-daybasis,especia\ when such.Woldnqgrowth,there'snothing lasted.we feel eachother out. Ha hal we werejust starting. xverYching dynamicaboutit. But if it's about fulad ng Datl, lhe di$ital film about lYasunsue. Xveryyear that went your band,won the 20OGBest Fullchange,sunaval, and thriving in the by I remenberJB sayirg,"0kay, industry that we've chosen,then ifs length leature in the Cinemanila we'regoodfor anotheryear." okayto be calledan institution. Festival,How close were you to Hewasalwayssayingthat, so it thumbing down the proiect? becamethe mentaUtyfor the band. Do newbies hassle you often for Jettr Coltecilvelythere wasdoubt. time advice? JB: But the mostchattenging waswhenTeddy(Diaz,TheDam's Jeth Wenever give unsolicited advice, WeatLhad different levels of faith only when we'reasked.ThenbasicaLly and doubtin it. Whenwe werefirst originaLguitarist)died,kala we give them a pictwe of what we've askedto do it, we wereLike"Yeah, naminv,r'ala na talaga. beenthmugh,howwe'dcopedand whatever,swe!" But at the backof In those 20 years,what do you ',4n0 our rnindswe alwaysthought, think has changed in you guys? managedwith the times. trari ifs give to an Ano koYang to a singular advice mangydydri? hard kayang Ha ha hal Body JBr Hairstylel But it wasgoodto individual in a band. Case-tocase kdlalabdsdn?" weight also. be a collective have a wdter and diJectorwho's a Francis Reyes:I don't really know, basisdin kari. It shouLd effot. You'vegot four to five guysin fan, someonewho, in a way, reaLly I still feel the same.I meanI've a group,soifs rea\ up to themhow wantedto be a part oI TheDawn. alwayshad the attitude na-I got really did an to handlethemselves. JB: l"likeSandejas this from JB actuaLly- "growth diectodal job. Hewasvery Youi recently released awesome should end only when you die." ftom everyone commemorativealbum showcases opento suggestions 0n a personalLevelyou haveto new takes on old classics. Was and he actually askedour opinion on keepevolving,not necessatily a lot of things. changingbut ratherseeinqthings this an effort to keep up with the times? How elated are you about the in a different perspective,always ErancigrI think a largepart of it overwhelmingpositivevibes that having an open mind whether it's thereweresongsnc we is because have accompaniedthe film's goodor bad,kasiyou canlearn recordeddudng a certainpedodna success? from everythingndmantaldgd. we were not reaLlyhappy with the Franci!: thatt rea[y overwhelming. How has your music changed results.It wasmoreof a technical It was a fun expedencemaking over the years? issuein the senseno we knewthat the movieto beginwith and once Jet* It's funny when peoplesay we'd finished it, we felt we'd done that the band'smusichaschanged. we canrecordthe songbetter, somethinggood.But the peoplet Fromthe very start, The Dawnhas makinqit soundbetter.Theband's fote kari is playing tive and a large reactronwasrcally amazing.Weknew aLwaysbeenabout change. part of our frustration is that our that we cameout with something Francis!Although"changeis recordstend not to capturethat Live goodas a team.Weneverreally BreakingUsApart"! Ha ha! aspect.AtthoughI haveto admit, expectedpeopleto Loveit. Wedidn't The Dawn was a primetime get into it thinking tlat we're going playerin the 1990s iock scene. ifs kind of scarytdsi whenpeopte hearthe rc-workings,evenif we feel to havea parallelcareetin acting. How do you comparc the band explosionthen to what's happeningnow? Jettr YouknowIte beenasked that questrona Lot of times but it is only now that I have a ctearpictureof what'sqoingon. Thebandsceneneverdred,it's aLways beenthere,it's just that the industry now is more open to bands.I'm notjust refering to the musicindustry. but even in advertisinqand othercorporate structures,bandsarejust more nd the snaredrum didn't soundthat lts Likewhen someoneapproaches acceptednowin business. good15yea$ ago... us to do a vldeofor a sonq,we lilrc Are you comfortablewith being Jett: ...somepeoplemay havebeen the ideabecauseifs thereto help called an institution? attachedto that. the song. Buddy Zabala:As long asthe Erancis:But hopefullytheYtl Any lifechanging message Youwish institution keepsgrowing, undetstandwhat we'retryinq to do. to convey through lulad ng Dat? aian moyun. keepsdevelopinq, Changinq with the times,growing If theyle cuious abouthow the band Francis!As far asthe bandis

QiHowhasyourmusic changedov-erthe years? z,rFromthe verystart,The Dawnhasalwaysbeen aboutchange



concemed,I don't think therewas an effot to make an impact. We didn't approachit asus changing the whole film industry Wejust thought that it wasnice to be part of somethingdifferent. lt wasus making out little contribution to Mike'svision. Jett It's about life. Ifs a microcosmof solts.lts not all aboutthe musicbec*rsethe music is a treat. I guessthey alsosaw in the movie.Ifs about themselves family, love and rediscovering yourself,very universaL themes. And it's a very different medium din kosi I mean,a concet can do wonders,but throughthis film, we wereableto touchpeople.It pretty muchsealedthe 20 years. JB! Yungendingdin kasing movie nd ifs time to moveon. suggests How do you deal with sexually aggressive tans? Buddy: GentLy!Ha hal Jett Let'sjust say that we know how to thank them. JB: Webare them up then tie thernup. Ha ha! oncepushedme Francis:Someone into a roomandthen lockedit. It wasa gi':l.,pero nakakatakotdin, kasishewaslookingstnight into my eyes.And then I heardthem sayil.g, "Si KiLo?Nasaansi Kiko?" "I'm here!I'm hetel" I answered, Jettr It wasmoreUkean o4asmic, "I'm here,but I'm almostthere." Haha! Otherthan underweaiwhat has b€en thrown at you while performing? oncethrew an Francis:Somebody unusedsanitarynapkin.Buh nd langunused.Ha hal Ever tried to make love to The Dawn's catalog of hits? Francis:Nol Ha hal Buddy: okayyun ah. "Youknow that basssoto?Thafsme playing, baby."Ha ha! JeLt "Ayan pdbilb na yon nang pabilis." So anothdr 20 years coming uP flom you, guYs? JB: That dependson us really.But personaLl& my outLookon that is I want musicto be a part of my Life-and my musicis this band. Youtake away The Dawn, wala na Idhatyun. Interview8y B.A.Eorteo

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bigla-biglako na lang nasasabi nanghindi ko alam.Basta-basto na lang lumalabosyung hulasa bibig ko.Peromost of theseso-caLled predictions wereneant to bejokes taiaga.Like the one aboutthe 100 Sexiestresult. I wasreatlyjoking last year when I said I'd be this yea* sexiestPinay sd poll ninyo. But it happened,right? What,s creepy is, when we saw you last, you said your next cover appearancewouldbe in October. Pro-nise,hindi /
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