47 Top Strategies

August 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ES STRATEG Potent The Most


Members Hand-Selected by GKIC That Could Summon A Surge of Profits For Your Business






Think of your electric company as tÏe best continuity program in the world. Nobody wants to go without their power, so they'll gladly pay the monthly bill. So if you have an 'ãddictivd' product or service-or a product or service they cannot do without, you cant afford to ignore the possibilities


of this income model


Sell B¡g Ticket ltems

So think of ways you can implement continuity and ascension into your business model. This is how your customers, clients or patients "self-select" themselves so you know who is going to spend the most money with you. This will allow you to communicate with them diferently, invest more

money in some than otlers, and design ofers for them.

GKIC Peak Performers member Shaun Buck mentioned that the best piece of advice he ever got from was to move away from small ticket items and start selling more expensive products anã

always been good at sales but for most of my life I was selling small ticket items and on I havecD some somewhere I heørd Dan make the comment about manl times it is easier to seII 1 person an item for a million dollars then it is to fnd I million people to buy something for a dollar.

I thought about that for a bit and realized he was right and I fnatly put that information to good

use afew years back and personaþ would neyer want to go back to trying to make ø millioi small sales.

Big-ticket items you can sell include coaching programs the thousands to tens thousands of dollars. You can also sell entrance into Mastermind that can range in a¡d of groups memberships for even more money. Another idea is to sell a "Platinum" level of your product/service. At GKIC, we sell something called the "whole Enchilada" where prospects can buy all of our products at once. This can go for over $ I 5,000 depending on the products that are available at that time

So what big-ticket products and services can you sell? This will allow you to raise your prices and make the same amount of money with fewer customers, clients and patients.




His usP was: 'Fresh, hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed ' Ten words that brilliantly incorporate two product benefits with the meaningfi:l specific of delivery within thirty minutes-not quick, fast, or soon, but preciseþ in thirty minutes-and a guarantee. This marketing message was used over and over again until they had to change it-delivery guys started running over people in a rush to deliver the pizzas. But this USP and marketing message catapulted a small pizza joint into the 2nd largestpizza chain in the world. So what message will hit home for your target market? As fohn explains above, different messages and offers for your customers and prospects.

you'll have to test

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Become A "Problem Solver', ln Your Market GKIC member fohn Sharpe also talked about a very importa¡t strategy most entrepreneur dont do very often when it comes to getting customers, clients, or patients to ão business with them: about him saying that at Maitbox Millions, reminds me of what perry Marshall says about I forgot problem talking instead of solution. As entrepreneurs, we quickly move froÁ probtem to solution,

we haye to.

When working with the customers, seems you have to do exactly the opposite Talk about the problem 80% of the time, solution small percentage of the time. He is right. when you see yourself as a problem solver, you will capture the attention of your customers because 'þu're entering the conversation already going on in the minds,,, as Robert

Collier once

said. Speaking of Perry Marshall, here's an example of this taken from his site www.perrymarshall.com where he outlines the importance of becoming a problem solver in your ma.kËt.

mis am. iew

migþt run out of toilet

It was a great ideafrom a





SIRATEGY Don't Follow The Crowd ln Your Market

It was a flop. I, and a lot of other people, Iost money in that business. Why did it fail? Because that business did not enter the conversation that was already going on in customer's heads. It didn't harmonize with what they were already thinking about. So what pain does your product or service solve? What conversation is already going on in your ProsPects mind you can attune to in your marketing? In other words, if your prospect was sitting at their kitchen table and talking to their spouse dejected about a problem, what are they saying when

tlreylament:'If I could


Fill in that blank and you'll be aheað, of


99o/o of

your competitors.

Ifyou only take away one success secret from this book, let it be this one. This alone could explode your income and give you a HUGE adva¡tage over your competition This concept is not new. Earl Nightingale, considered to be the father ofPersonal Development, described this in his program Lead the Field. It goes like this:

"Ifyou want to achieve success in any endeavor, and have not an example to follow, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite. Because the majorit¡is always wrongi'- Earl Nightingale

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This- can be said for pretty much arything in life, but it can be HUGE when it comes to your marketing. This is something that GKIC member Christopher Yates realized for his photography



ing the crowd in my industry. If to not look at industry norms and

If youre just starting out with GKIC youre go strategies that might make you feel a little "un for you. In fact, some of them are going to be Thaß because what you're going to learn is vastly different then what the majority teaches about marketing and advertising-ald probably what youïe heard as well. You're here because what youïe been doing to market your business hasnt been your business has stagnated arld youie looking for more "arrows in your quiver,, working. you can pdùutOrand summon more customers and clients at the drop of a hat.

And-to accomplish this, you simply need to do what most of your competitors will not you simply need to "go against the grain' of how other people in your industry market themselves-or "how things are done around herd' in your market.

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Realize That People Like Stories, Not Th¡ngs:

Realize The Business You're REALLY ln: New GKIC Member |ef Campbell had a major 'A-ha" moment when he realized one of the biggest secrets most marketers wiII NEVER know when it comes to their business:

Member Dave Keys implemented one of most powerful strategies I teach when it comes to influential writing and persuasion: using stories to influence buyers and build trust.

I am a new member of GKIC and have ølready learned a lot, and realize I haye more to learn.

onthfrom aftedgtingSEobusiness.

i;rn DNA


s that

in game changer


or "I'm a Copy'rwiter'i In other words, they'll simply tell you the

ink make those subject to them yearn presentations that engaged the at how consistenþ my new Stories are extremely powerfrrl because everyone loves stories. That's why movies and television shows are popular-each one ofthem tells a story and weve been raised io appreciate stories.

Since ubconscious mind. S persuasion tool to co

pitches" the slip related to yow target you want.


rs what business they're in, they'll more than likely tell you, ..I,m a


nature as well.

I can't stay in the

Sadly focus

ey attempt to improve their income. They simply a living and beliãve that more money is suddenly


you're in is the MARKETING business


see, without marketing you ll simply be hoping and praying that targeted customers and clients Yorr magically will contact you for your product and services.

While the line "If you build it, they will come " worked for Kevin Costner in the movie Field of Dreams, It wont work for you in your business

matt ofice, business

Why? Because it doesnt clients coming to your head that the REAL

.thing,'if you have a dearth

of customers and you. Ànd ihat's why you have to get in your .lhing,i of the ."thli th* the ttring itsàf.




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TEGY #3 o



Design Your Business Around Your Life

Have Prospects

Jump Through Hoops has experienced significant strides in his business after strategy that has allowed him to charge more and position

GKIC Member Steve Mash brings up the subj ect of autonomy in your business . . or the ability to do business as you choose, and charge as you please for the value you bring to the markeçlace. .

I received? You need to give yourself permission to conduct your life and your your own rules. All the other decísions you make are derived from this:

The best advice business by

Work.vs. free time....the quality of client you accEt ønd your family....the amount of compensation you deserve.

lour mønagement

to haye an assessment test to test your current client ortance of my laintng. And another great one ís they øre so many other things, but these two haye helped

of then....time with

Most people are tenifed to accept that level of responsibility, and would rather leøtte their fate in the haniß of the client or market. That\ why people like Dan Kennedy are so few and før between.

Many people assume that havi


rio- yoo. rro**. ,,

customers, clients,


t'om doing r-qualified

Frequent GKIC speaker and longtime member Ali Brown exemplifies this very well. She runs her ofher home and designs her business so she can create an extraordinary

business from the comfort

life for herself. Myself? I usually work fro m 7 -4:30pm and head to the track to race horses. I used to live in Phoenix but I decided to move back to Ohio because the heat was a little too much. I dont have to get anyone's permission to do this either, and I'm not afraid to dictate the terms by which I do business. So you can either live the big life and occasionally be seen on CNN Financial and participate in reality shows like AIi Brown, or you can be a hermit like Michael Jans. It's up to you. And guarantee when you implement these strategies one-by-one, you can do it too


This is the best way to do business, in my opinion. To work with people who are arready predetermined to do business with you-instead of having to ,.p"iro"dd,p"oph Jth cutth¡oat selling tactics.






Add More Done For Them Packages GKIC Membe¡ Bill Harrison had been in business for fifteen years when he attended his frrst Dan Kennedy seminar in 2000. Co-owner of Bradley Communications Corp. that serves authors and entrepreneurs who want to get publicity, says his business tripled in five years from the time he met Dan and continues to grow.

Harrison who owns and operates the business with his brother, Steve Harrison, says, Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR.com) was almost our entire business when we met Dan. Today our business includes a membership site, training Programs, coaching, events and more. Harrison said the biggest thing that contributed to the growth of his company was implementing one strategy I espouse all the time: We had all these høppy advertisers who would get interviews on radio and TV shows, but after observing how Dan did things we realized we should ofer a premium príced event. We had aII these customers who wanted publícity and all these media relationships, so we ueated an eyent called the National Publicity Summit where people get ø chance to meet top nøtional TV producers ønd print journalists one-on-one-almost like speed dating with the media.


and goof


'big ticket items earlier in larger price tags. Because so they can do other thing for a change. So they'll pay big money to get everlthing done for them.

think about anything about your product or service you can have 'done for thenf'. You could easiþ command $5000 to $100,000 depending on your product/service ifyou play your cards right. So

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Send A Newsletter

To Your Customers GKIC Member BiIl Harrison also shared one of his biggest breakthroughs gleaned from my teaching: through teleseminars rather than one to one minars as a result. (For an exømple toJollow,


Speaking to groups is extremely powerfrrl for 2 reasons:

pressure. By d others. Seeing e others will fo

a room or on a teleseminar applies back ofthe room tends to crãate a . Some marketers even stage this in

Plus selling in groups makes your work more eftcient since you're selling to more than one personinstead ofa bunch of'bne-on-one sessions that can take up a lot oftimJ and energy.

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