45C 3150_PARTS

June 9, 2019 | Author: Edil Carvalho | Category: Vehicle Parts, Manufactured Goods, Vehicles, Machines, Mechanical Engineering
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No. 3150


35C/45C/SSC miCHIGAn

TRACTOR SHOVEL For Machine Serial Numbers 35 DETR~IT - 472A 35 PERKINS - 458A 45 DETROIT - 473A 45 PERKINS - 459A 55 CUMMINS - 481A 55 CUMMINS - 481 B 55 DETROIT - 480A 55 DETROIT - 480B

Record Your Mochine Serial Number Here








CLARK VvARRANTY CLARK warrants each new Construction Machinery Group product. including attact1ments and accessones therelo. sold by It to be merchantable and free from detects In matenal and workmanship. CLARK will cause any part of a CLARK product covered by this warranty (except as excluded below) which proves to be defective In matenal or workmanship dUring SIX (6) months Immediately follOWing the delivery of said product to the person who first puts It into use, to be replaced without charge with a new or repaired part (whichever CLARK elects). CLARK also will cause the labor to remove any such defective part and to Install the new or repaired part to be prOVided without charge to the owner of said CLARK product. The parts and labor to meet thiS warranty Will be furnished by a CLARK distnbutor designated by CLARK. CLARK also warrants each replacement part for the products covered by thiS warranty sold by It to be merchantable and free from defects 10 matenal and workmanship. CLARK will cause any such replacement part which proves to be defectIVe dunng the first SIX (6) months followtng Its installation In a CLARK product to be replaced, Without charge, With a new or repaired part (whichever CLARK elects). CLARK'S warranty does not cover,' (I) the replacement of parts found to have been damaged by abuse. aCCident or a failure to maintain or use the CLARK product or part according to the instrUCtions applicable to It. (II) the labor to remove and reinstall a defective replacement part after the eXPiration ot the warranty period applicable to the product In which such part IS located. (III) overtime labor premiums. (IV) transportation of the CLARK product to the distributors service faCility or transportation of the dlstnbuto(s service men to the product'S location, (v) the engine or the tires ot any CLARK product. nor does It cover the carner on any truck mounted hydraulic cranes. The warranty of the respective manufacturers at these components shall'apply to said Items unless said manufacturers make no warranty With respect to said Items. In which event CLARK'S warranty shall apply. The Buyer accepts thiS warranty and the limitations of liability and disclaimers set forth herein as part of the purchase ot the CLARK product or part to which thiS warranty applies. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND THERE IS NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Remedies available to any person claiming under thiS warranty are exclUSive and expressly limited to obtalnln9 the Darts and the labor. where applicable. In accordance With terms of thiS warranty, CLARK'S liability for losses. damages or expenses of any kind arlslOg from Its deSign. manufacture or sale ot the products or parts covered by thiS warranty. whether based on contract. tort or otherwise. InClUding liability arising from a breach of thiS warranty. IS limited. unless otherwise pronlblted by law. to an amount not exceedmg the cost of performmg the obligations contamed In thiS warranty accordmg to ItS terms. and In no event shall CLARK'S liability exceed the value of the CLARK product giving rise to such liability. CLARK disclaims all liability for loss. damage or expense attributable to a loss of use of the CLARK product. a lOSS or damage to property other than the CLARK prOduct. a loss of profits or other commerCial loss. or-any speCial or consequential damages (except liability for consequential damages which by law may not be disclaimed). The 'etm CLARK means Clark EQUipment Comoanv or one of Its subsldlanes. which..,.. f.SI sokt ttl. product to wnlcn tt\IS rantyapphH


The lerm Conslructlon Macn,nerv Grouo prOducts refer, to machines at the 10110wlng types: TractOf' ,novets (loaders I. wn... GOZ" ers. scrapers. log sklOders. log loaders. motor graders. l"Iydrauhc cranes. cable cranes. extavators. and power snovels INOlln .. cluded .r. hft trUcks. S!raadle camer5. SkId 5teer loaders. agriCultural prOducts or other prOOucts soid by CLARK'S Male,.al Handling Group or the General PrOducts Group)

AtM.IId AuguI' 1978·1

IMPROVEMENTS It is CLARK'S policy to constantly strive to improve its products. The right therefore is reserved to make changes in design and improvements whenever it is believed the efficiency of the product will be improved thereby, but without incurring any obligation to incorporate such improvements in any product which has been shipped or is in service. PM 3150 Print.,. in I'

c: Jl

ClARK HOW TO USE THIS PARTS MANUAL The pages In this Parts Manual are arranged rn alphabetical order by Parts Group. Axle (A). Brakes IB)' Frame (F). and TransmiSSion IT) Each page within a group is numbered separately with the alphabetical letter as a prefix: A1. 81. Fl. etc. Revisions to a page are rndlcated by a hyphen (-) and appear as A1-2. A1-3. etc.


All standard eqUipment is Included in alphabetical groups A thru Y. Optional equipment. accessories and attachments will be founa In group Z. There is a separate Alphabetical Index for use as a gUIde in locatmg page numbers. Abbrevlalions and symbols used are explarned on a separate page. Attention IS called to SERIAL NUMBER (SIN) rnformanon on the illustrations and by use of an asterisk titles. Applicable SERIAL NUMBERS will appear as a FOOTNOTE.


as a suffix on the page

ILLUSTRATIONS shown are only typical examples of the appearance of pans arrangements. Illustrations are provided to lace and identity pans only and should not be used as a gUide for assembly. WHEN ORDERING PARTS always give the distributor the Model and Serial Number of the machine. Order bv Part Number. Descnptlon and Quantity Furnish complete SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS to avoid delay in delivery. CheC''' your order as soon as pans are received. Clark Equipment Company encourages the use of "Origlnal EqUIpment Replacement Parts' and the experienced "Service Know-How available through our distributors.

ABBREVIATIONS adjusting ............. adj assembly ............. assy bearing .............•. brg brake ................ brk carrier ............... err cluster ............... cfsr connecting ............ connctg converter ............. eonv cylinder .............. cyl differential ..........•. diff

engine ......•........ eng emergency ............ emgcy hydraulic ............. hyd includes .............. inc inlet ................. in instrument ............ inst left hand .............. L.H. mounting ....•........ mtg Qutlet ................ out planetary •...•.....•.. planet power ................ pwr

pressure .............. press protective structure ..... prot structr radiator .............. rad receptacle ............ recept retainer .............. ret right hand ............. R.H. ring .•............... rg section ............... sectn steering .............. strg temperature ........... temp windshield ............ wndsh





Printed In U.S.A.

5 Language Dictionary Dictionnaire de langues Sprachenworterbuch Dicionario de IInguas Diccionario de idiomas Description Adapter kit Adapter starter Adjuster assembly Air cond kit Air dryer Air duct assy LH Air duct assy RH Alternator Angle Arm Armature Arm rest LH Arm rest RH Axle assy Back rest Back-up alarm Back-up ring Baffle Ball Ball jOint Bar Barrier Basket Battery Bearing Bearing assy Bellcrank Bellcrank assy Belt Belt alternator Belt assembly Belt fan Bleeder Body Bodyassy Bolt Bolt assy Bolt loctcwasher Boom assy Boss Bottom tank Bracket Bracket assy Bracket lH Bracket RH Brake assy LH Brake assy RH Brake head Brake head assy Breather Bucket Bulb Bumper Bushing Gab assembly Cab body Gable Gable tie Cage assy Cam

PM 3150


Description adapt trousse damarr adapt ass d'alusteur climatlseur leu secheur air conduit d air ens CG condUit d'alr ens CO alternateur angle bras Induit accoudoir CG accoudOlr CD essleu ensemble dossier siege alarme reeul anneau de rentort delleeteur bille rotule barre barn ere pamer battene palier paher ens levier coude levier coude ens courrOie courr alternateur courrole ens courr ventll robmet de purge carrossene ens carrossene DGulon boulon ens boulon ronO trem fieche ens moyeu reservOir Interleur support ens support support CG support CD trein ens CG trein ens CD etrier trein atrier trein ens renlflard godet ampoule butOir chemise cabine ens carossene cablOe cable lien cables boitier raul ens came

Benennung Adaptersatz Zwischenstuckanlass Einstelletnhelt Klimaanlagesatz Lufttrockner Luftrohr vallst L Luftrohr vollst R Alternator Winkel Arm Anker Armstutze L ArmstOtze R Achse vollst ROcklehne ROckfahralarm Stlitznng Deflektor Kugel Kugelgelenk Stange Schranke Korb Battene Lager Lager vollst Kniehebel Kniehebel vOllst Riemen Treibrmn Alternat Riemen vollst Treibrmn Vent Ablasshahn Karossene Karossene vollst Bolzen Bolzen vollst Bolzen Sichrschb Hubarm vallst Nabe Unterer Tani< - Winkel Winkel Va list Winkell Winkel R Bremse vollst l Bremse vollst R Bremsknopf Bremskopf vollst EntlOfter Schaufel Birne Stossfanger Buchse Kabine vollst Fiihrerst Kaross Kabel Kabelband Rollenlager vOlist Nocke


adapt logo arranque adapt coni aluslador condicionador ar Igo secador ar conduto de ar Cia LE conduto de ar CiO LD alternador angulo bra!;o induzido descanso bra!;o lE descanso bra!;o lD eixo conlunto encoslo alarme de re anel do retrocesso defletor estera artlcular;ao est barra barreira cesta batena mancal mancal coni balanclOha balancinho coni correia correia alternador correia coni crr vent tornelra de purga carro!;ria coni carro!;ana paratuso paratuso conI partuso arr press bra!;o coni cuba reservatorio Intenor grampo coni suporte grampo LE grampo LD freio coni lE freio conI lD cabe!;a freio cabe!;a freio conj respiradouro cat;amba bulbo batente bucha cabina coni carroe da cabin a cabo liame cabos aloj rolam eonj came

OlScripcion adapt iuego arranque adapt disp de ajuste acoMic air jgo secador de aire conducto aire cio U conducto aire cjo to alternador angulo brazo inducido apoyo brazo LI apoyo brazo LD eie conjunto respaldar alarma de retroceso aniUo de respaldo deflector bola articulacion esf barra barrera cesto baterla cojinete cojinete conj balanein balancin coni correa correa altemador correa conj corr vent robinete de purga carroeena coni carroceria bulon bulon conj bulon aran seg aguilon conj cuba deposito inferior grampaconi soporte grampa LI grampa LD freno coni LI freno conj LD cabeza freno cabeza freno coni respiraderu . cucharlin lamparilla tope buje cabina coni cuerpo de la cabina cable atadura cables caja rodamiento coni leva

5 Languaga Dictionary Dlctionnairede langues SprachenwOrl8rbuch Dlcionario de Ungues Dlccionario de idiom.


Description Canopy CanOllyassy Cap Carrier Carrier assy Case Case assy Case kit Channel Check Circuit breaker Clamp Clam., hall Clevis Clevis pin Clip Clutch Clutch assy Coil assy Compressor Condenser core Cone Cone inner Cone outer Cone roller bearing Connector Control valve assy Core assy Comer plate LH Comer plate RH Cotter pin Counterweight Counterweight kit Coupling Cover Cup Cup outer Cup rolier bearing Cushion Cutting edge kit Cylinder assy boom Cylinder assy bucket Cylinder assy LH Cylinder assy RH Cylinder assy strg Cylinder LH Decal De-clutch valve Detent assy Dill carrier asay Differential case Dipstick Disc Disc inner Dome light 12V DoorassyLH Dowe. Drain COCk Drive arm Drum shaft asay


Description dais dais ens chapeau porteur porteur ens boitier ens boitier trousse boitler canal clapet dlsjoncteur plOee deml serrage etrier gouPllie chaoe attache embrayage embrayage ens boblne ens compresseur noyau candenseur cone cdne Inter cdne exter cone roulement raccord ens soupape commande noyau ens plaque corOier CG plaque carmer CD goupille fendue contrepolds contrepOids leu accouplement couvercle cuvette cuvette exter cuvette roUiement couss;n lame coupe ens ens verin fleche ens verin gOdet ens verin CG ens verin CD ens verin direction verin CG decalcamanle clapet debrayage ens piece crantee ens chassis-port dif boitier differentiel jauge disQue disque interieur lampe platond 12V porte ens CG gouion robinet vidange levier entrnmnt ens arbre Ii tambour

BeRennung Schutzdach Schutzdach-Baugr Kappe Trager Trager vollst Gehause Gehause vollst Gehausesatz Kanal Ruckschlagventil Stromunterbreeher ScheUe Klammerhalfte Schakel Schakelstltt ScheUe Kupplung Kupplung vollst Spule vollst Kompressor Kondensatonnnentell Kegel Innenkegel Aussenkegel Kegel Rollenlager Verbindungsstlick Regelventil vollst tnnenteil-Baugruppe Eckplatt L Eckplatt R Splint Gegengewlcht Gegengewlchtssatz Kupplung Deckel Schale Aussenschale Aussennng Kegellgr Kissen Schneidkantesatz lylind vollst Hubarm lyl votlst Schaufel lylinder vollst V lylinder voUst V lylinder vollst Lenk lylinder L Abziehbild Entkupplungsventil Arretierung voll Trager Oifflagr voll Differentialgehause Messtab Scheibe Scheibe innen Deckenleuchte 12V Iiil'votlst l Stift Abflusshahn Antriebshebel TrommelweUenaggreg

Descriljio dassel dossel coni tampa suparte coni suporte careac;a carcac;a coni careac;a Igo canelura gatilho disjuntor brac;adeira meio grampo garto pino garto brac;adeira embreagem embreagem coni bobina coni compressor nticleo condensador cone cane interior cone extenor cone rolamento ligador coni valv controte nucteo coni placa canto LE placa canto LD contrapino contrapeso contrapeso jogo acoplamento tampa capa cap a exterior cap a rolamento almofada fio corte coni cll brac;o coni cil cac;amba coni cilindro con; LE cilindro coni LD cil direcao coni cilindro LE decalcomania valvula desebreagem coni detentor con; suporte dif diterenciaJ carcac;a vareta verif disco disco interior luz teto 12V porta coni lE espiga tomeira purga alavanca acionadora coni eixo tambor

Descrl.,CiOll dosel dosel coni tapa soporte can; soporte carcasa careasa coni carcasa igo canal clapeta cortaCircuitos abrazadera media grampa horquilla pasador horquilla abrazadera embrague embrague coni bobina coni compresor ntiCieo condensador cono cono interior cono exterior cono rodamiento conector coni vatv control nlie/eo coni placa punta LI placa punta LD chaveta dOS patas contrapeso contrapeso iuega acople tapa cubeta cubeta exterior cubeta rodamiento cojin cuchitla corte coni cil aguilan coni cil cucharan coni cilindro coni LI citindro coni LD cil direccian coni cilindro LI calcomania valvula d8Sembrague coni detMi· coni soporte dif diterenCiaJ carcasa varitla nivet disco disco intemo luz techo 12V puerta coni L1 espiga grifo purgapaJanca imputsora coni eie de bol1Jba,

PM31f1O I'ItnIIIHIt-Us.A.

5 Language Dictionary Dictlonnaire de langues SprachenwOrterbuch Dlcionario de IInguas Dlccionario de idiomas Description Elbow Element air cleaner primary Element air cleaner secondary Element fuel Element fuel primary Element fuel secondary Element full flow Element 011 resvr Element transmission " cony Evaporator Face plate Fan Fan alternator Fan guard Fender LH Fender RH Fender kit front Fender kit rear Filler cap RII neei Filter head Fitting Flange Flat Floormat Foam Frame front Frame rear Fuse Fuse holder Gauge Gauge conv temp Gauge engine temp Gauge oil press Gauge voltmeter Gear Gear kit Gea, set Gllr shaft GlalS Glass rear Greale fitting Grille Grommet Guard Handle Handle asIY Handrail kit Hamill Head ligllt Hlng. Hold down Holder fuse Hood Hom Hom button Hom button kit Ho.. HO.. luedon Hourmtter

PM 3150

ClARK-· Description coude elmnt fltr air onn elmnt tltr air second element carbu rant elmnt pnmalre carb elmnt secon carb lilem hUile-ess elem rsvr hUile elmnt transm & cony evaporateur plaque desurface ventilateur souffleuse d' altern prot ventllateur garde-boue CG garde-boue CD garde-boue leu AV garde-boue leu AR bouchon de remolls goulot rempllssage culasse filtre ajustage bride meplal tapis ecumB/mousse chassIs avant chassis arnere fusible porte fUSible, lauge lauge convertlsseur jauge temp mot juage pression hulie jauge voltmetre engrenage engrenage leu engrenage leu axe pignon verre verre arnere graisseur grille oeillet protecteur manette ass de la pOlgnee main courante leu harnais phare charniere installer porte fuse capot avertisseur bouton d' avertis trousse intrr avert tuyau flexible tuyau flexible aspir compteur d'heures

Benennu\1lJ Winkelrohr Einsatzluftfilt Prim Einsatzluftfilt Zweit Einstz Kraftstf Einstz Erst-Kraftstf Einstz Zweit-Kraftstf Triebsttvrbrauch Einstz SehiUtertileinsatz Einstz Getr-Drehwdlr Verdampfer Frontplatte Ventilator Alter-Ventilator Ventilatorschutz Kotfliigel L Kotftiigel R Kotfliigelsatz V Kotfliigelsatz H Flilldeckel Eintlillstutzen Filterkopf Verbindung Flansch Flache Sodenmatte Schaum Vorderahmen Hinlerrahmen Sicherung Sicherungshalter Instrument Tempmssr Drehmwndlr Tempmssr Motor Messer Qldruck Voltmetermesser Zahnrad Zahnradsatz Zahnrad Satz Zahnradwelle Glas Glas Hintere Njppel Schmier Grill Augenring Schutz Handgriff Handgriffeinheit Gelandersatz Kabelbaum Scheinwerfer Scharnier Nach unten Halten Sicherungshalter Haube Hupe Hupenknopt Hornknoptsatz Schlauch Ansaugschlauch Siundenzahier

Descriljio cotovelo elmnt flfr ar orrn elmnt tltr ar secund elmto combustivel elmto combstvel pnm elmto combstte secun elem oleo tluxo total etem rsvtno oteo elmto transm & cony evaporador chapa da sup ventilador vent alternador prote~ao ventllador para-tama LE para-lama LD para-lama jogo 01 para-lama logo TR tampa de abastesc tuba enchimento cabe~ filtro ajuste flange bloco plano capacho assoalho espuma chassi diantelro chassi traseiro fusivel porta-fullvel calibrador termtro conversor termtro motor ind pressao oleo manom voltimetro engrenagem engrenagem jogo engrenagem logo eixo engrenagem vidro vldro traselro graxeira grade ilhd proteqao punho cj da mal1aneta corrimao jogo chicote farol charneira restritor porta fUllvel capo buzina botao da bUlina jogo botao bUlina mangueira mangueira asplra~o horimetro

DescripCion codo elmnt tlfr aire prin elmnt tltr aire secund elmto combustible elmto combstle prim elmto combstle secun elem plno acert etem deposito aceite etmto transm & cony evaporador placa de trente ventilador vent alternador guarda de ventilador guardafangos LI guardafangos LO guardatango juego DE guardatango luego TR tapa de lIenado tubo lIenado cabeza tiltro accesorro brida planchuela colchoneta del piso espumadora bastidor delantero bastidor trasero fusible portatusible medidor termtro convertidor termtro motor manom presion aceite manom voltlmetro engranCIJe engranCIJe juego engranje juego ele engranaje vidrio vidrio trasero grasera careta arandela pasacable protector mam,a conj perilla passamano juego.

mazo faro bisagra restringir porta fUSible capo bocina batOn de la bocina juego botOn bocina manguera mangue,. asQiraCiOn cuenta-hora

5 language Dictionary


Description Housing Hub Hub assy Ignition switch Impeller Inner ring Instrument panel Insulation Insulation R Insulation roof F Kit boom kickout Kit windsld washer Knob Ladder Latch Latch LH Latch RH Lens Lever Light Lining brake Link Linkage assy Lock Locknut Lockplate Lockring Lockwasher Main cutting edge Member Mirror Modulation valve assy Motor Moulding Mount Mount engine Mount transm Mud flap kit Muffler Nameplate Nipple Non skid No-spin Nozzle Nut Nut assy Oil cooler Oil seal Omit O-ring O·Ring kit Outer ring Packing Pedal Pedal assy Pin. Pin cotter Pinion Pinion kit Pipe


Dictionnaire de langues Sprachenw6rterbuch Dicionario delfnguaa Diccionario de idioma Description boilier moyeu moyeu ens mterrupteur allumage Impulseur anneau Inteneur tableau de bora Isolation Isolation AR isolation tOlt AV regl hauteur lev leu lave-glace leu bouton echelle loquet verrou gaucne verrou droit lentl"e levier lampe garniture freln articulation tnnglene ens serrure contre-ecrou plaque d arret anneau blocage randelle Irem bord coupant pnn membrure mirolr soup module ens moteur moulure support support mateur sup bolte VI! trappe boue leu silencleux plaque du constructr raccord antlderapant anti-patin age gicleur ecrou ecrou ens relroidis hUlle jnt etanchelte hUlle omettre Joint torique ensemble de bague 0 anneau exterieur garniture pedale ass de la pedale .goupille. goupille tendue pignon pignons jeu tuyau

Benennung Gehliuse Nabe Nabe vollst Zundschalter Pumprad Innennng Armaturenbrett Isolierung Isolierung H Dachisolierung V HubhOhenbegrenz-Satz Scheibenwaschan satz Knopf Leiter Verschluss Klinke links Klinke rechts lInse Hebel Licht Belag Brems Gelenk Gestange vollst Schloss Gegenmutter Schlossblech Klemmrrng Sicherungssc:1elbe HauptsehnelOkante Bauglred Spiegel Ventil modulier vollst Motor Abdichtung Betestigung Befestigung Motor Getriebegehause Schlammklappesatz Ausputftopf Namensschild Nippel -Nichttrutsch No-Spin DOse Mutter Mutter vollst OikOhler Oldichtung Auslassen o Ring Dichtungsrrngsatz Aiissenring Dichtung Pedal Pedaleinhelt - -Stift Splint Ritzel Ritzelsatz Rohr

Descri~o Descripcion carcac;a careasa cubo cuba cuba conj cuba conj interruptor Ignlc;ao Interruptor encendido impulsor impulsor anel interior anrtlo interior painel instrumentos tablero instrumentos isolamento alslacion isolamento TR aislacion TR isolac;ao telh 01 aislacion techo DE regul autom eley jgo regul autom elev Igo lav para-brisa !go lava parabrisa jgo manipula boton escada escala cerrojo trinco fecho esq pestillo izq fecho dir pestillo der !ente lente alavanca palanca l cabo planchita envolvente con; columna lateral cuchill corte latn cuchil cortl'tater II cuchil corte later LO panel lateral chapa laterat U chapa lateral LO

-: .. :



..&n.. ;


5 lang~age Dictionary Dlcttonna.... ·de~lang... Sprachenw6rterbuch Oicionario· de Iinguas.; Diccionario de idlomaa..


Description Sight glass Sleeve Slug Snap ring Solenoid Solenoid switCh Spacer Spacer kit Spider Spider U-joint Spindle Spool Spring Spring clip Spring lOner Spring outer Starter Starter motor Stator support Steering wheel Stem Stop Strainer Strainer assy Strap Stud Support Support F Support R Switch Switch back-up alarm Switch cold start Switch eng temp Switch limit Switch neutral start Switch ovemeat Switch press Switch trans temll Swivel joint Tab Tag Tail light Tail light LH Tail pipe Tank Tank group Tape Tallped block Tee Terminal Thrust plate TIp TIre Tooth assy Top tank Transmission Tube Tube assy Tube LH Tube RH Turbine


Descricltion viseur manchon lingot Glrclips solenoide solenoide tnterrupteur entretolse entretolses leu crotslilon crotslUion In! untV fusee tiroir ressort bride de ressort bride inteneur res sort exteneur demarreur demarreur support stator lIolant direction tlge butolr tamls tamls ens bande goulon support support avant support AA Interrupteur • interrupt alarme recul Interr demarreur froid Inter temper moteur Intrptr fin course contact dep pt mort Interr 5urcnaut Intrptr pression Inter temp tran5m 10IOt emeniton patte etIquette feux AR feux AR CG tuyau d' echappement reservoir reservoir groupe ruban bloc taraude raccord T borne plaque de butee pointe pneumatique dent ens reservoir superieur transmission tube assemblage de tube tube CG tube CD turbine

Benennu", Anzetgeglas Muffe Pfropfen Sperrlng Schaltmagnet Schaltmagnetschalter Oistanztetl oistanztetl Satz Kreuzgelenk Kreuz Kardangelenk Spindel Spule Feder Haltefeder innenteder Aussenteder Anlasser Anlassermotor Stator Abstutzung Steuerrad Schaft Anschlag Sieb Sieb voilst Band Stitt AbstOtzung SWtze vordere AbstOtzung H Schalter Ruckfahralarmschalter Kaltstartanlage schalter Motortemp Schalter Schaltbegrenzung SChalt Leertf Start Uberhitzenschalter oruckschalter Getriebetemp Schalter Drehzapten Darn Etiketl ROcklicht Rlicklicht L Auspuffrohr Tank Tankgrupe Band Gewinde Block T· Verbindungssttick Anschluss Druckplatte Spitze Reiten Zahn vollst Tank oben Getriebe Rohr Rohreinheit Rohr L Rohr R Turbine

Descnc;ao IIlsor luva libra-massa anel de trava solenoide solenoide tnterruptor espal;ador espa~dor j6go cruzeta cruzeta acopl univ haste carrete! mala prendedor de mala mala interior mala extenor arranQue motor arranQue suporte estator 'lQlante direl;30 haste batente coador coador coni faixa pnsionetro suporte suporte dianteiro suporte TR interruptor Interruptor alarme de re interr arrancador frio interrup temp motor interruptor limite intrplr arr pta mto Interr superaQuec interruptor pressao Interrupt temp transm junta artlculada aba etiqueta lanterna TR lanterna TR lE cano escape tanque tanque grupo fita pec;a can rosca te terminal chapa de empuxo ponta pneumatico dente conI tanque superior transmiss30 tuba conjunto de tubas tubo LE tubo lD turbina

Oncrillctill. mirilla mangulto lingote anillo de retendon sOlenoide solenoide interruptor espadacior espaClacior jgo cruceta cruceta acople univ eie carrete resorte. pinza de rnorte resorte interior resone exterior arranque motor arranque sopone estator volante direcdOn vastago tope tamiZ tamiZ conj banda espa.rraoo soporte soporte delantero soporte TR interruptor interruptor alarma de retroC8Sll interr arrancador frio inter temp motor interruptor Omite intrptr arr pta mto Interr recalenta mterruptor pruiOn inter temp transm union articulada apendic8 eriqueta luz TR luz TA U calio escape. tanqUi tanque grupo cinta piaza roscada-. te terminai placa de empuje punta neumatico diente COn; lanque- su.,..,,. transmisiOn rubo conjuntD del tuba tubo U tuba LD lurbinl PMata· PMIItIlt·~· ",t.:

5 Language Dictionary Dlctionnaire de langues Sprachenw6rterbuch Dlcionario de Unguas Dlccionario de idlomas , Description Tum signal kit Tum signal lamll Tum sig switch assy U-bolt Valve Valve assembly Valve brake Valve control Valve cover Valve steering V1braUon mount Warning light Washer Wear plate Wear ring Wheel Window assy Wilier Wire Wiring harness Wndshld willer arm Wndshld wllr blade Wndshld wllr motor kit Yake

PM 3150


Descril'tion trousse clignolants lampe cl1gnotants ens Inl cllgnotanls boulon U soupape soupape ens soupape treln soupape commande soupape couvercle soupape direction mont de Vibration voyant d'alarme rondelle plaque il usure bague d usure roue ens tenetres racleur til harnals Installation oras essule-glace balal essUl-glace ens mot d ess gl cnaoe

Benennung Blinklicht Bausatz Blinklichtlamp BlinklchtschJtr voll U-Bolzen Ventil Ventll vollst Ventil Bremse Regelventil Ventildeckel lenkventrl Schwingmetall Warnlicht Scheibe Verschleissblech Gleitring Rad Fensteraggreg Wischer Oraht Kabelbaum Scheibenwischerarm Scheibenwischerblatt Schelbenw Mot Satz Joch

Descrilj30 logo SlOaliz CUMS sinal curvas lamp cj int sinaliz crvas cavilha U valvula valvula coni valvula freio valvula controle valvula tampa valvula direGao mont de vibraGao luz de aVIso arruela placa desgaste anel desgaste roda conlunto lanela limpadar fio chicote rnstalaG30 braGo limp para-br paleta limp para-br CJ mot limp par garto

DucripaOn Juego luz direcc luz direcClon lamp co", int luz direcc bulon U valvula valvula conj valvula frena valvula control valvula tapa valvula direccion mont vibracion luz de alarmo arandela chapa desgaste anilio desgaste rueda conjunta de ventana limplador cable mazo cables orazo limplaparabr escob limpla para-br equlpa mot limpiapara horqueta



Air Conditioner Kit .............................23 Alternator ................................... El0 Axle Assembly. Front - 35C-45C ............... A3 Axle Assembly. Front - S5C ................... A5 Axle Assembly. Rear - 35C-45C ............... A7 Axle Assembly. Rear With Brakes - 35C-45C .... A9 Axle Assembly. Rear With Brakes - SSC ....... A 11 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Front - 35C-45C ........................A13 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Front - S5C ............................A 15 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Front - No-Spin - 35C-45C .............. A 17 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Rear - 35C-45C ............ . ..... A 19 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Rear - 55C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... A21 Axle Differential & Carrier Assembly. Rear - No-Spin - 35C-45C .............. A23 Axle Differential & Carner Assembly. Rear - No-Spin - 55C .................. A25 Axle No-Spin Unit ............................ A27 Axle Planet Carrier Assembly. Front & Rear Drive ..............................A26

Cab Assembly, ROPS .................•..•.• .z17 Clips - Wiring, Pipe & Hose .................•.C2 Clutch Assembly ..............................T4 Cockpit Assembly .......... ~ ..................C5 Cold Start Kit - Cummins .................. _.Z18 Cold Start Kit - G.M ..........................Z19 Converter Assembly ..........................T11 Counterweight - 45C .....................•...CS Counterweight - 55C .......................•.C7 Counterweight Kit - 35C-45C ................ .z20 Counterweight Kit - 55C .....................Z21 Counterweights, High Lift - 4SC .............•.222 Cylinder Assembly, Boom - 35C ..............•C9 Cylinder Assembly. Boom - 45C ..............Cll Cylinder Assembly. Boom - 55C ..............C13 Cylinder Assembly. Bucket - 35C .............C15 Cylinder Assembly. Bucket - 45C .............C17 Cylinder Assembly. Bucket - 55C .............C19 Cylinder Assembly. Steering - 35C-45C ....... C21 Cylinder Assembly, Steering - 55C ...........•C23

o Defroster Fan Assembly .......................Z23

8 E Battery & Battery Mount - 35C-45C ............ B2 Battery & Battery Mount - 55C ................. 83 8attery Disconnect Kit ........................224 801t-On Cutting Edge ..........................25 800m Assembly, High Lift - 45C ............... 26 800m. Beilcrank, Pushrod & Bucket Leveler ...... B5 Boom Kickout Kit ..............................n 800m Support Kit ............................22e Brake Controls ................................87 Brake Controls, Parking ........................B8 Brake Head Assembly .........................B9 Brake Head Assembly, Parking & Emergency ... Bl1 Brake Lines, Front. ........................... B13 Brake Lines, Rear (Optional) .................. B15 Bucket Assembly .............................B17 Bucket Assembly, Multi-Task - 35C ............29 Bucket Assembly, Multi-Task - 45C ...........211 Bucket Cylinder Assembly, High Lift - 4SC ...............................215 Bucket Teeth (Optional) ., .....................214

Electrical Instrument Panel - 3SC-45C .......... E3 Electrical Instrument Panel - S5C .............. ES Electrical System ..............................E7 Electrical System Color Code ................... E9 Engine Accessories - Cummins - 55G ........ El0 Engine Accessories - G.M. - 35G-45C ....... El1 Engine Accessories - G.M. - SSC •..•........ E12 Engine Accessories - Perkins ...........•.... E13 Engine Air Cleaner & Connections Cummins - S5C .........................E14 Engine Air Cleaner & Connections G.M. - 35C ..................••.........E15 Engine Air Cleaner & Connections G.M. - 45C ..........................•..E16 Engine Air Cleaner & Connections G.M. - SSC .............................E17 Engine Air Cleaner & Connections - Perkins ... E19 Engine Controls - Cummins - 5SG ., .....•...E23 Engine Controls - G.M. - S5C ............... E21

ClARK ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT.) Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine

Controls - Perkins - 35C ............. E25 Controls - Perkins- 45C ............. E27 Exhaust System - Cummins - 5SC .... E2B Exhaust System - G.M. - 35C-45C .... E29 Exhaust System - G.M. - S5C ........ E30 Exhaust System - Perkins ............. E31 Oil By-Pass Filter ...................... E33 Oil Cooler - Perkins - 35C ........... E34 Oil Cooler - Perkins - 4SC ........... E35 & Transmission Mounting - Cummins ... E37 & Transmission Mounting - G.M........ E39 & Transmission Mounting - Perkins '" .E41

L Lifting Lugs Kit ...............................Z34 Lubrication System ............................L.1

M Mirror Kit ....................................Z35

N Nameplates & Decals ..........................N3

F Fan ..........................................EB Fenders & Mud Flap .......................... 224 Fork Attachment ............................. 223 Frame Front & Rear - 35C-45C ................ F2 Frame Front & Rear - 5SC .................... F3 Fuel Gauge Kit ............................... 226 Fuel Tank & Lines - Cummins ................. F4 Fuel Tank & Lines - G.M ...................... FS Fuel Tank & Lines - Perkins ................... F7

H Hand Rail Kit ................................227 Heater Piping - Cummins - 5SC ............. 233 Heater Piping - G.M ......................... 230 Heater Piping - Perkins - 35C ............... 231 Heater Piping - Perkins - 45C ............... 232 Heater & Pressurizer Kit ...................... 229 Hydraulic Oil Reservoir - 3SC-45C ............. H1 Hydraulic Oil Reservoir - SSC ................. H3 Hydraulic System. Main ........................HS _ Hydraulic System. Steering - 35C-4SC .........H7 Hydraulic System. Steering - S5C ..............H9 Hydraulic System. Transmission & Converter - 35C-45C .................... H11 Hydraulic System. Transmission & Converter - S5C ........................H13

Instrument Panel .............................. E3


o Oil Filters ....................................E10

p Piping Installation & Parts (Three Spool) ........Z36 Planet Carrier Assembly ......................A26 Propeller Shaft Assembly. Mid-Mount Bearing to Front Axle - 35C-4SC .................... . Propeller Shaft Assembly. Mid-Mount Bearing to Front Axle - 55C .........................P2 Propeller Shaft Assembly. Transmission I Mid-Mount Bearing ........................P3 Propeller Shaft Assembly. Transmission I Rear Axle - 35C-45C ..................... P4 . Propeiler Shaft Assembly. Transmission I Rear Axle - 55C ......................... P"'Pump Assembly - 3SC ....................... .P, Pump Assembly - 45C ........................P9 Pump Assembly - 55C ....................... P11

R Radiator Assembly - G & 0 ................... R3 Radiator Assembly - Stewart Warner ........... RS Radiator & Connections - Cummins ............ R7 Radiator & Connections - G.M. - 35C-45C ....• R9 Radiator & Connections - G.M. - SSC ...•.... R11 Radiator & Connections - Perkins - 35C ••.... R 13 Radiator & Connections - Perkins - 45C .•.... R15

ClARK ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT.) ROPS .......................................Z17 Rotating Beacon & Cab Lights ................. Z37

s Seat Assembly ................................ S1 Sheet Metal Group - 35C-4SC ................. S3 Sheet Metal Group - 55C ..................... S5 Spark Arrestor Kit ............................Z38 Steering Controls .............................. S7

v Valve Assembly. Brake - 35C-45C ............. V2 Valve Assembly. Brake - SSC ................. va Valve Assembly. Flow Divider ................. V12 Valve Assembly (Three Spool) .................Z41 Valve Assembly (Two Spool) ..................•V5 Valve Controls ................................ V7 Valve Controls (Three Spool) ..................Z43 Valve, Main, Electric Detent Assembly, Boom ..... V9 Valve. Main. Electric Detent Assembly, Bucket. .. Vl1 Vandal Cover Kit .............................Z44

T Transmission & Converter Assembly ............. T3 Transmission Clutch Group. Forward ............ T4 Transmission Clutch Group. Low ................ T5 Transmission Clutch Group. Reverse & Second ... TS Transmission Clutch GrouP. Third ............... T7 Transmission Control Valve ..................... T9 Transmission Converter Assembly .............. T11 Transmission Controls - 35C-4SC ............. T25 Transmission Controls - 5SC .................T27 Transmission - Gear & Shaft Group ........... T15 Transmission Modulation Valve ................ T23 Turn Lights ...................................Z39

w Wheel & Tire Assembly ........................W1 Windshield Washer Kit ........................Z45 Windshield Wiper, Front .......................Z46 Windshield Wiper, Rear .......................Z47




Accessolre de fourche ........................223 Accessolres du moteur - Cummins - S5C ..... E10 Accessolres du moteur - G.M. - 35C-45C ..... E11 Accessolres du moteur - G.M. - S5C ......... E12 Accessolres du moteur - Perkins .............. E13 Alternateur .................................. E10 Attaches - cablage, tuyau & durites ............ C2

Deconnection de la batterie, jeu ................ Z24 Dents du godet (optionel) ............ , ........Z14

B Battene & fixation de la batterie Battene & fixation de la battene -

3SC-4SC ...... B2 55C .......... B3

c Canalisation d'alr du trein arriere (optionel) ...... B15 Canalisatlon d'alr du trein avant ................ B13 CMssls avant & arnere - 35C-45C ............. F2 ChAssis avant & arriere - 55C ................. F3 ChauHage & pressunseur, jeu .................229 CircUit du chauHage - Cummins - 55C ....... 233 Circuit du chauHage - G.M .................... 230 Circuit du chauHage - Perkins - 35C ......... 231 Circuit du chauHage - Perkins - 45C .......... 232 Circuit, installation & Pieces (trois tiroirs) ........ 236 Climatlseur. leu ...............................23 Clignotants ..................................Z39 Codes des couleurs du cAblage electrique ....... E9 Commandes de direction ....................... S7 Commandes de la transmission - 35C-45C ..... T2S Commandes de la transmission - SSC ......... T27 Com man des de soupape .................... , , .V7 Commandes de soupape (trois tiroirs) , .. """ ,Z43 Commandes du trein ..................... , .... 87 Commandes du trein de stationnement ....... , .. 88 Commandes du moteur - Cummins - 55C .... E23 Commandes du moteur - G.M. - SSC ........ E21 Commandes du moteur - Perkins - 35C '" ... E2S Commandes du moteur - Perkins - 45C ...... E27 Contrepoids - 45C ...........................C6 Contrepoids - 5SC ...........................C7 Contrepoids, haute elevation - 45C ............ 222 Contrepoids, jeu - 3SC-4SC ..................220 Contrepoids, jeu - SSC .......................221 Convertisseur de la transmission, ensemble ..... T11 Convertisseur, ensemble ......................T11 Couvercleprotecteur contre vandalisme,jeu .... ,-Z44

E Embrayage, ensemble .........................T4 Ensemble d'arbre d'entrainement, palier central a essleu avant - 3SC-4SC ................. P Ensemble d'arbre d'entralnement, palier central a essieu avant - 55C ..................... P2 Ensemble d'arbre d'entralnement, transmission / palier central .............................. P3 Ensemble d' arbre d' entrainement, transmission I essieu arriere - 35C-45C .................. P4 Ensemble d'arbre d'entrainement, transmission / essieu arriere - 55C ...................... P5 Ensemble de cabine avec structure de securite ROPS ...................................Z17 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu arriere - 35C-45C .......................A 1'" Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu arriere - 55C ...........................A21 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu arnere, anti-patin age - 35C-45C , ......... A23 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu arnere, anti-patinage - 55C ............... A25 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu avant - 35C-45C ........................A 13 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu avant - S5C ............................A 15 Ensemble de differentiel & porteur d'essieu avant, anti-patinage - 55C ...............A 17 Ensemble de la fleche, haute elevation - 4SC ... Z6 Ensemble de soupape du frein - 3SC-4SC ...... V2 Ensemble de soupape du frein - SSC ........... V3 Ensemble de soupape (deux tiroirs) ............. V5 Ensemble de soupape repartiteur de debit ...... V12 Ensemble de soupape (trois tiroirs) .............Z41 Ensemble d'etner du trein de stationnement & d'urgence ............................... 811 Ensemble de verin du godet, haute elevation - 4SC .........................Z15 Ergots de levage, jeu .........................234 Essieu arnere avec treins, ensemble - 3SC-45C .AS Essieu arnere avec treins, ensemble - SSG .... A 11 Essieu amere, ensemble - 35C-45C ..... " , ... .)



PrinIIId it U.S.A.

ClARK TABLE DES MATIERES CONT.) Essieu avant. ensemble - 35C-45C ............A3 Essieu avant. ensemble - 55C ................. AS Essieu. ensemble anti-patinage ............... .A27 Essuie-glace. arriere .......................... Z47 EssUie-glace. avant ........................... Z46 Etrier du frein, ensemble ...................... 811

F Feux clignotants balise & de la cabine .......... Z37 Filtre a air du moteur & raccords Cummins - 55C ......................... E14 Filtre a air du moteur & raccords G.M. - 3SC ............................. E1S Filtre a air du moteur & raccords G.M. - 45C ............................ E16 Filtre a air du moteur & raccords G.M. - 55C ............................. E17 Filtre a air du moteur & raccords - PerkinS ..... E 19 Filtre a hUile de derivation du moteur ........... E33 Filtres a huile " .............................. E 10 Fleche, levier de renvoi, POUSSOlr & nlveleur du godet ................................. 8S

G Godet. ensemble .. , ............... , . , ........ 817 Godet. ensemble - tache multiple - 35C ....... Z9 Godet. ensemble - tache multiple - 45C ...... Z11 Groupe d'embrayage de la transmiSSion. lente . , .. TS Groupe d'embrayage de la transmiSSion. marche arriere & deuxieme ........................T6 Groupe d'embrayage de la transmission. marche avant ....................................T4 Groupe d'embrayage de la transmission. troisieme .................................TT Groupe de toles - 3SC-45C ................... S3 Groupe de toles - 5SC ........................ S5


M Main-courant, jeu ............................ .zzr Mirroir, jeu .... " .............................Z35 Montages du moteur & transmission - Cummins E37 Montages du moteur & transmission - G.M. . ... E39 Montages du moteur & transmission - Perkins ..E41

p Pare-chocs & trappe de boue ..................124 Pare-etincelles, jeu ...........................238 Planetaire d'essieu d'entralnement avant & arriere, ensemble porteur ................ .A26 Plaques de constructeur & decalcomanies ....... N3 Pompe, ensemble - 35C ...................... P7 Pompe, ensemble - 45C ...................... P9 Pompe, ensemble - 55C ..................... P11 Poste d'operateur, ensemble ................... CS

R Radiateur, ensemble - G & 0 ................. A3 Radiateur, ensemble - Stewart Wamer ......... RS Radiateur & connections - Cummins ........... A7 Radiateur & connections - G.M. - 35C-45C .... A9 Radiateur & connections - G.M. - 55C ....... A11 Radiateur & connections - Perkins - 3SC ..... A13 Radiateur & connections - Perkins - 45C ..... A15 Refroidisseur d'huile du moteur Perkins - 35C ..........................E34 Refroidisseur d'huile du moteur Perkins - 45C ..........................E35 Reglage automatique de hauteur de levage, jeu •. ZT Reservoir de carburant & canalisation - Cummins F4 Reservoir de carburant & canalisation - G.M •.•.. F5 Reservoir de carburant & canalisation - Perkins •. F7 Reservoir d'huile du systeme hydraulique 35C-45C .................................H1 Reservoir d'huile du systeme hydraulique - 55C .H3 Roues & pneumatiques, ensemble .......•...... W1

Jauge de carburant, jeu .......................126

L Lame de coupe boulonne ......................ZS Lave-glace, jeu ...............................Z45

S Siege, ensemble ..............................Sl Soupape de commande de la transmission .......T9 Soupape module de la transmission ............T23

ClARK TABLE DES MATIERES CONT.) Soupape principal. ensemble du r$glage electnque du hauteur. tteche ................ V9 Soupape princIpal. ensemble du r$glage electrique du hauteur, godet ............... V11 Support de la fleche, jeu ......................22B Support de plan$taire, ensemble ............... A26 Systeme d'echappement du moteurCummins - 55C ......................... E2B Systeme d'echappement du moteurG.M. - 35C-45C ........................E29 Systeme d'echappement du moteurG.M. - 55C ............................. E30 Systeme d'echappement du moteurPerkins ................................. E31 Systeme de lubnfication ........................ L 1 Systeme electrique ............................ E7 Systeme hydraulique de direction - 35C-45C .... H7 Systeme hydraullque de direction - 55G ........ H9 Systeme hydraulique pnncipal .................. H5 Systeme hydraulique. transmission & convertlsseur - 35G-45C ................. H11 Systeme hydraulique. transmission & convertisseur - 55G ..................... H13


T Tableau de bord ...........................•..E3 Tableau de bard du systeme hydraulique 35C-45C .................................E3 Tableau de bard du systeme hydraulique - SSC .ES Toit de protection & securite ROPS ...... ~ ..... R11 Transmission & convertisseur, ensemble .........T3 Transmission - groupe d'arbres & engrenages .. T1S Trousse de demarrage a froid - Cummins ......Z18 Trousse de demarrage cit froid - G.M ...........Z19

V Ventilateur ....................................EB Ventilateur de degivrage, ensemble ............ 223 Verin de direction, ensemble - 35C-45C ....... C21 Verin de direction. ensemble - 55G ........... G23 Verin de la tteche. ensemble - 35G ............ C Verin de la fleche, ensemble - 45G ........... G11 Verin de la fleche, ensemble - 55G ........... C13 Verin du godet, ensemble - 35C .............. C15 Verin du godet, ensemble - 45G ..............C17 Verin du godet, ensemble - 55G ..............C19

PM 3150 l"IIIMda U.S.A.

ClARK INHALTSVERZEICHNIS A Abdeckungsgruppe - 35C-45C ................. S3 Abdeckungsgruppe - S5C ..................... S5 Achse, No-Spin Anlage .......................A27 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-Baugruppe, hinten - 35C-45C .......................A 19 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-Baugruppe, hinten - S5C ............................A21 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-Baugruppe, hinten - No-Spin - 35C-45C .............A23 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-Baugruppe, hinten - No-Spin - S5C .................A25 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-Baugruppe, vorne - 35C-45C ........................A 13 Achsenditferentral & Trager-Baugruppe, varne - SSC .................... . ... A15 Achsenditferentlal & Trager-8augruppe. varne - No-Spin - S5C .................. A 17 Achsenplanetentrager-Baugruppe. Vorderrad- & Hinterradantrreb .......................... A26 Alternator ................................... E 10 Aushebebehaltersatz .........................234 Auslegertragersatz ........................... 228 Auslegerzylinder-Baugruppe - 35C ............. C9 Auslegerzylinder-Baugruppe - 45C ............ C11 Auslegerzylinder-Baugruppe - 55C .. '.' ........ C13

8 Battene & Batteriehalterung - 35C-45C ......... B2 Battene & Batterrehalterung - S5C ............. B3 Battenenausruckungssatz ..................... 224 Bremshebel ................................... B7 Bremskopf-Baugruppe ......................... B9 Bremsleitungen. hintere (Option) ............... B15 Bremsleltungen, vordere ...................... B13 Bremsventil-Baugruppe - 35C-45C ............. V2 Bremsventil-Baugruppe - S5C ................. V3

o Deckel wider Vandalismus·8ausatz ............. 244 Drehendes Such· & Kabinelichter .............. 237

Elektrischesystem ....................... : ...••E7 Elektrischesystemfarbschlussel ...............••6 Entfroster-Ventilatoreinheit ....................•Z23

F Fahrerstand-Baugruppe .....................•••CS Fahrgestell. vordere & hintere - 3SC·4SC .....••F2 Fahrgestell, vordere & hintere - 5SC ..........•• F3 Funkenfangersatz ........................... ~

G Gabelzusatz .................................223 Gegengewlcht - 45C .........................C5 Gegengewicht - S5C ........................• C7 Gegengewicht, Hochausleger - 45C ...........Z22 Gegengewichtsatz - 35C-45C ................Z20 Gegengewichtsatz - S5C .....................Z21 Gelandersatz ................................ZZl Gelenkwelien-Baugruppe, Getriebe I Hinterachse - 35C-45C ................... P4 Gelenkwellen-Baugruppe, Getriebe I Hinterachse - S5C ........................P5 Gelenkwellen-Baugruppe, Getriebe I Mitteliager ................................P3 Gelenkwellen-Baugruppe, Mittellager zum Vorderachse - 35C-4SC ................... P1 Gelenkwellen-Baugruppe, Mittellager zum Vorderachse - 55C ....................... P2 Getriebe & Umformer-Baugruppe ................T3 Getriebekupplungsgruppe, dritte " ...............T7 Getriebekupplungsgruppe, Langsam .............TS Getriebekupplungsgruppe, ruckwarts & zweiter .... T6 Getriebekupplungsgruppe, vorwarts .............. T4 Getriebemodulierenventil ......................T23 Getrieberegelventil .............................T9 Getriebeschalthebel - 35C-45C ...............T2S Getriebeschalthebel - 55C ...................T27 Getriebeumformer-Baugruppe ..................T11 Getriebezahnrader- & Wellengruppe ............T15

H E Elektrishe Anlage Elektrishe Anlage -

35C-45C .................. E3 55C ....................... ES

Haupthydrauliksystem .........................HS Hauptventil, elektrische HubhOhenbegrenzer· Baugruppe ...............................V9

ClARK INHALTSVERZEICHNIS (FORTS.) Hauptventil. elektrische 5chaufelbegrenzer8augruppe ...........•.................. V11 Heizungs- & Druckanlagesatz ..................229 Heizungsrohre - CummIns - 5SC ............ Z33 Heizungsrohre - G.M .........................Z30 Heizungsrohre - Perkins - 35C .............. Z31 Heizungsrohre - Perkins - 45C .............. Z32 Hinterachsen-Baugruppe - 3SC-45C ............A7 Hinterachsen-Baugruppe mit Bremse - 3SC-4SC .A9 Hinterachsen-Baugruppe mit Bremse - 5SC .... A 11 Hubarm-Baugruppe. Hochausleger - 4SC .......Z6 Hubarm. Kniehebel. 5tosselstange & 5chaufelNivelleirvorrichtung ........................ BS Hubhbhenbegrenzersatz ....................... Hydraulikblbehalter - 3SC-4SC ................. H1 Hydraulikblbehalter - SSC ..................... H3 Hydrauliksystem. Getriebe & Umformer35C-45C ................................ H11 Hydrauliksystem. Getriebe & Umformer - S5C .. H13 Hydrauliksystem. Lenkung - 35C-45C .......... H7 Hydrauliksystem. Lenkung - 55C ............... H9


K Kabine-Baugruppe mit Uberrolischutz ROPS '" .Z17 Kaltstartsatz - Cummins .....................Z18 Kaltstartsatz - G.M ..................... '......Z19 Klimaanlagesatz ...............................Z3 KotflOgel & Schlamklappe .....................224 Kraftstoffmessersatz ..........................226 Kraftstofftank & Leitungen - Cummins .......... F4 Kraftstofftank & Leitungen - G.M ............... F5 Kraftstofftank & Leitungen - Perkins ............ F7 KOhler & AnschlOsse - Cummins .......... " ... R7 KOhler & AnschlOsse - GM - 35C-45C ......... R9 KOhler & AnschlOsse - G.M. - S5C ........... R11 KOhler & AnschlOsse - Perkins - 35C-45C '" .A13 KOhler & AnschtOsse - Perkins - SSC ........ A1S KOhler-Baugruppe - G & 0 .................... A3 KOhler-Baugruppe - Stewart Warner ............ RS Kupptungs-Baugruppe .........................T4

L Lenkvorrichtung ...............................57 Lenkzytinder-Baugruppe - 35C-45C ....... '" .C21 Lenkzylinder-Baugruppe - SSC ............... C23 ... . . Luftfflter des Motors & AnschlOsse - . Cummins - S5C .........................E14


Luftfflter des G.M. Luftfilter des G.M. Luftfilter des G.M. Luftfilter des

Motors & AnschlOsse 35C .............................E15 Motors & AnschlOsse 45C .............................E16 Motors & AnschlOsse 55C .............................E17 Motors & AnschlOsse - Perkins ... E19

M Motor- & Getriebebefestigung - Cummins ...... E37 Motor- & Getriebebefestigung - G.M ........... E39 Motor- & Getriebebefestigung - Perkins ........ E41 Motorauspuffanlage - Cummins - 55C ........ E28 Motorauspuffanlage - G.M. - 35C-45C ....... E29 Motorauspuffanlage - G.M. - 55C ............ E30 Motorauspuffanlage - Perkins ................ E31 MotorblkOhler - Perkins - 35C ............... E34 MotorblkOhler - Perkins - 4SC ............... E35 Motorbl-Umgehungsfilter ......................E33 Motorregulierung - Cummins - S5C .......... E23 Motorregulierung - G.M. - S5C ............... E21 Motorregulierung - Perkins - 3SC " .......... E25 Motorregulierung - Perkins - 45C ............ E27 Motorzubehbr - Cummins - 55C ............. E10 Motorzubehbr - G.M. - 35C-45C ............. E11 Motorzubehbr - G.M. - 55C ................. E12 Motorzubehbr - Perkins ...................... E 13

N Namensschitder & Abziehbilder ................. N3

o Oltilter ......................................E10

p Planetentrager-Baugruppe .....................A26 Pumpe-Baugruppe - 3SC ..................... P7 Pumpe-Baugruppe- 45C .... '.' '.'" ........... P9 Pumpe-Baugruppe - SSC ....................P11

PM 3150 Prtntwd In U.s.A.



Rader- & Reifen-Baugruppe ................... W1 Richtungslicht ................................239 Rohrleltungen, Einbau & Teile (drei-Spulen) ..... 236

Tafel fOr elektrische Instrumente ............. _••E3



Schaufel-Baugruppe .......................... B 17 Schaufel·Baugruppe. Mehraufgabe - 35C ....... 29 Schaufel-Baugruppe. Mehraufgabe - 45C ...... 211 Schaufelzahne (Option) .......................214 Schaufelzylinder-Baugruppe - 35C ............ C15 Schaufelzyllnder-Baugruppe - 45C ............ C17 Schaufelzylinder-Baugruppe - S5C ............ C19 Schaufelzyllnder-Baugruppe. Hochausleger -

Uberrollschutz ROPS ..............••.•..•••• 217 Umformer-Baugruppe .........................T1f

45C ......................... , ........... 215 Scheibenwaschanlagesatz .....................245 Scheibenwischer, hintere ........ , ........ , ....247 Scheibenwischer. vordere .....................246 ScheUen - Drahte, Rohre & Sch/auche ......... C2 Schmiersystem ..... , .................... , .. , , .L 1 Silz-Baugruppe ................ , .............. S1 Spiegelsatz ......................... , ........ 235 Stand- & Notbremskopf-Baugruppe ... , ......... B11 Standbremshebel .............................. B8

v Ventilator .................................•.•.EB Ventil-Baugruppe (drei-Spulen) ................•Z41 Ventil-Baugruppe. Trennfluss ...............••• V12 Ventil-Baugruppe (zwei-Spulen) ..............••. V5 Venti/regler ................................••.V7 Ventilregler (drei-Spu/en) ..................•...Z43 Verriegelte Schneidekante .................•....ZS Vorderachsen-Baugruppe - 35C-45C ......•.••.A3 Vorderachsen-Baugruppe - 5Se ...............AS


A Acess6rio de gaffo ...........................223 Acess6rios do motor - Cummins - 55G ....... El0 Acess6rios do motor - G.M. - 35G-45G ....... Ell Acess6rios do motor - G.M. - 55G ........... E12 Acess6rios do motor - Perkins ................ E 10 Alternador ................................... El0 Aquecedor & pressurizador. jOgo ............... 229 Assento, conlunto ............................. Sl

B Batena & montagem da bateria - 35G-45G ...... B2 Batena & montagem da batena - 55G .......... 83 Bomba, conJunto - 35C ....................... P7 Bomba, conJunto - 45C ....................... P9 Bomba, conJunto - 55C ...................... P11 Brac;:adelras - cabo etetrico. tubo & mangueira .. C2 BraCfo. batanclnho, varelo de empuxo & nivelador da caCfamba ..............................85

c Cabec;:a do treio. conjunto ...................... 89 CabeCfa do treio de estacionamento & de emergencia. conjunto .................. 811 CaCfamba. conjunto ........................... 817 Chassi dianteiro & traseiro - 3SG-45G .......... F2 Chassi dianteiro & traseiro - 55C ............... F3 Cilindro da caCfamba, conjunto - 35C .......... C15 Cilindro da caCfamba, conI unto - 45G .......... C17 Cilindro da caCfamba. conjunto - 55C .......... C19 Cilindro da direc;:8.0. conlunto - 35C-45G ., ..... C21 Cillndro da direCfclo. conI unto - 55C ........... C23 Cilindro do braCfo. conlunto - 35G .............. C9 Cilindro do brac;:o, conjunto - 45G ............. Cl1 Cilindro do braCfo, conjunto - 55C ............. C13 C6digo de cOres de sistema eletrieo ............. E9 Condicionador de ar. j6go ...................... 23 Conjunto da cabina com estrutura de protec;:ao ROP5 ...................................Z17 Conjunto da caCfamba. multitrabalho - 3SC ......Z9 Conjunto da caCfamba. multitrabalho - 45C ..... Z11 Conjunto de cilindro da cac;:amba. elevac;:clo alta - 45C ..............................Z15 Conjunto de diterencial & suporte de eixo dianteiro - 35C-45C .....................A 13


Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de eixo dianteiro - 5SC ...... ·.· ................A 15 Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de eixo dianteiro - anti-patinante - 5SC ..........A 17 Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de elxo traseiro - 35C-45C ......................A 19 Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de eixo traseiro - SSC ........................•.A21 Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de eixo traseiro - anti-patinante - 3SC-4SC .......A23 Conjunto de diferencial & suporte de eixo traseiro - anti-patinante - 5SC ...........A25 Conjunto do brac;o. elevac;:clo alta - 45C .•.•.....1 Conjunto do eixo propulsor. mancal central a eixo dianteiro - 35C-45C .................. P1 Conjunto do eixo propulsor. mancal central a eixo dianteiro - 55C ...................... P2 Conjunto do eixo propulsor. transmissclo / eixo traseiro - 3SC-4SC .... " ............. P4 Conjunto do eixo propulsor. transmissclo / eixo traseiro - 5SC ....................•.. PS Conjunto do eixo propulsor. transmissclo I maneal central ..... , ...................... P3 Contrapeso - 4SC ............................C6 Contrapeso - 5SC ......................... , . ,rContrapeso. j6go - 35C-45C ................. .L Contrapeso. j6go - 5SG ......................Z21 Contrapesos. elevac;clo alta - 45C .............Z22 Controles da direc;:8.0 ........................... 57 Controles da transmissao - 35C-45C .......... T25 Controles da transmissao - 5SC ..............T27 Controles da valvula ........................... V7 Controles da valvula (tres carreteis) ............Z43 Controles do treio .............................87 Controles do freio de estacionamento ............ BL Controles do motor - Cummins - 5SC ........ E23 Controles do motor - G.M. - S5C ............ E21 Controles do motor - Perkins - 3SC .......... E2S Controles do motor - Perkins - 5SC .......... E27 Conversor. eonjunto ..........................T11 Conversor da transmissclo. conjunto ............T11 Corrimao. j6go .............................. .Z2.7

D Dentes da cac;:amba (opcional) .................Z14 Desconeetador da bateria. j6go ............... .Z2.4 Dispositivo de arranque em frio. j6go - Cummins Z18 Dispositivo de arranque em frio. j6go - G.M. . .. Z ....

PM 31150 PrtNIOIn u.s.A.



E Eixo, conlunto anti-patinante ................... A27 Eixo diantelro. conI unto - 3SC-45C ............. A3 Eixo diantelro. conjunto - 5SC ................. AS Eixo traselro, conJunto - 35C-45C .............. A7 Eixo traseiro com freios, conjunto - 3SC-4SC .... A9 Eixo traselro com freios, conjunto - 5SC .......A 11 Embreagem, conjunto ..........................T4 Encanamento de aquecedor - Cummins - 5SC Z33 Encanamento de aquecedor - G.M. . .......... Z30 Encanamento de aquecedor - Perkins - 35C .. Z31 Encanamento de aquecedor - Perkins - 45C .. Z32 Encanamento, instalac;:ao & pec;:as (tr~s carretais) ...........................Z36 Esfriador de 61eo do motor - Perkins - 35C ... E34 Esfriador de 61eo do motor - Perkins - 45C ... E35 Espelho. j6go ................................ Z3S Estrutura protetora contra tombamentos ROPS .Z17

Orelhas de elevac;:ao, jOgo ................•.•••Z34

p Painel de instrumentos S Painel de instrumentos eletricos - 3SC-45C •.••• E3 Painel de instrumentos eletricos - 5SC . S Para-faiscas, jOgo ..... Z38 Para-lamas & lama chapeleta ..................Z24 Placas da fabrica & decalcomanias ....... N3 Planetarios dos eixos de propulsao dianteiro & traseiro, conjunto de suporte ..... oA26 Posta de operador. conjunto ........ .C5 Purificador de ar do motor & conexOes E14 Cummins - 55C ............ Purificador de ar do motor & conexOes G.M. - 35C ......................... E15 Purificador de ar do motor & conexces G.M. - 45C .................... o.E16 Purificador de ar do motor & conexOes G.M. - 55C .......................... E17 Purificador de ar do motor & conexces Perkins .................................E19 0















































Filtro em derivac;:ao & tubulac;:6es de 61eo do motor ......................... E33 Filtros de 61eo ............................... E 10 Fio corte aparafusado ................ _ ......... Z5














Grupo Grupo Grupe Grupo

Radiador, conjunto - G & 0 ................... A3 Aadiador, conI unto - Stewart Warner ........... AS Aadiador & conex6es - Cummins ............. oA7 Aadiador & conex6es - G.M. - 35C-45C ....... A9 Radiador & conexOes - G.M. - 55C ......... oA11 Radiador & conexOes - Perkins - 35C •....... R13 Radiador & conex6es - Perkins - 45C •.....•. R15 Regulador automatico da elevac;:ao do brac;o. jOgo ..................................... .z:7 Reservat6rio de 61eo hidraulico - 35C-45C •..•.. H1 Reservat6rio de 61eo hidraulico - S5C .. H3 Rodas & pneus, conjunto ......................W1

da chapa - 35C-45C ................... 83 da chapa - 5SC ........................ S5 de embreagem da transmissao. baixa ..... T5 de embreagem da transmissc1o. marcha a ra & segunda ...........................T6 Grupo de embreagem da transmissc1o, marcha T4avante ..... Grupe de embreagem da transmissc1o. terceira ... T7 0




Lavador para-brisa, jOgo ......................Z45 Limpa para-brisa. dianteiro Z46 Limpa para-brisa. traseiro .....................Z47 Luzes de farol rotador & da cabin a .............Z37 Luzes de voltar ..............................Z39 0





s Sistema de escape do motor - Cummins - 55C E28 Sistema de escape do motor - G.M. - 35C-45C E29 Sistema de escape do motor - G.Mo - 5SC .... E30 Sistema de escape do motor - Perkins •....... E31 Sistema de lubrificaCfSo ................... L1 Sistema eletrico . E7 0

ManOmetro de combustlvel, jOgo ., .............Z26

au "4&ft






ClARK INDICE ALFABETICO (CONT.) Sistema hidraulico da direc;6ll- 35C-45C ....... H7 Sistema hidraulico da dir84f1Kt 55C ............ H9 Sistema hidraulico principal •. : .................. H5 Sistema hidraulico. transmissAo & conversor - 35C~C .................... H11 Sistema hidrauJico. transmissao & conversor - 5SC ........................H13 Suporte da planetaria. conjunto ................A26 Suporte de braC1O. conjunto ................... .z28 Suportes do motor & da transmissao - Cummins E37 Suportes do motor & da transmissao - G.M .... E39 Suportes do motor & da transmissao - Perkins E41

T Tampa protetora contra vandalismo, conjunto ....Z44 T anque de combustlvel & tubulaqOes - Cummins F4 Tanque de combustlvel & tubula¢es - G.M ..... F5 Tanque de combustlvel & tubulaqOes - Perkins .. F7 TransmlssAo & conversor. conjunto .............. T3


Transmissao. grupo de eixos & engrenagens ... _T1S Tubos dos freios dianteiros ............. , ...... 813 Tubos dos freios traseiros (opcional) ........... 815

v Valvula. conjunto (dois carreteis) ................ V5 Valvula. conjunto (tr~s carreteis) ...............Z41 Valvula de controle da transmissao ............•.T9 Valvula divisora de fluxo. conjunto ............. V12 Valvula do treio. conjunto - 3SC-4SC ........... V2 Valvula do freio. conjunto - 5SC ............... V3 Valvula modular da transmissao ...............T23 Valvula principal. conjunto de regulador eletrico de eJeva


> 21


18 19

TS-15700 No_ A

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9


11 12 12A 13

Part No.

22527689 2528379 16D5 31990400 1572143 2527866 2527867 1736910 2527864 2504975 2527845 252784& 2519653 t961873 85D4


1 1

2 1 1

1 1

4 1 1 1 1 1 1


DeSCri2t1on Cold start kit Cover Wing nut Clamp Cylinder Wire Wlnt Cable tie WInt Switch Decal Decal Valve Gauet Nut


Part No.

14 15 16 17

25E14 17C414 1513575 742175 2527865 1307187 19F1

18 19

20 20A 21 21A 218 22 23 24 25


42520868 2538374 1517532 1513577 2504973 1990278 2504977



2 1 1

1 3 1

1 1

1 1 1

1 1


Descri2tion Washer BoH Plug Sleeve Wire Grommet Bushing Tee Thermostat Thermostat Wire Terminal Elbow Tube Atomizer

2lnc. 1 - 25 31nc.2 4For complete replacement use item 21A & 218 5CMD sales item only.



PM31SO Prin~_U.S.A.

Cold Start Kit - G.M. - 55e


T 2



/ 21




No. A· B 1 2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 12A 13

Plrt No. 22527868 2528379 1605 31990400 1572143 2527866 2527867 1736910 25278M 2504975 2527845 2527846-2519653 t961873 5904

zinc. 1 line. 2

Q!l. 1

Description Cold start kit

1 Cover Wing nut 2 1 Clamp 1 Cylinder 1 Wire 1 Wire 4 Cabla tie 1 Wire Switch 1 1 Decal 1 . DICII1 VIIve 1 Gault Nut 2

No. 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 21A 21B 22 23 24 25 26

Plrt No. 25E14 17C414 1513575 742175 2527865 2529471 19F4 2520868 2538374 1517532 1513577 2504973 2527799·· 961450 2527852

Q!l. 2 2 1 1

1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Descri2t1on Washer Bolt Plug SIeIYe Wire Grommet Reducer Thermostat Thermostat Wire Termlnll Elbow Tube Atomizer Adapter


PM 3150 grift ..... In II C.6.


"'4ft ft

Counterweight Kit - 35C - 45C

TS-20084 No.

Part No.


A 2142518469 18C1680 1 1523350 2 2518470 3 60D16 4

1 4 8 2 4

Description Counterweight kit Bolt Washer Counterweight Nut

line. 1~4 31n lieu of hydroinflation 'CMD sales item only PM31SO



Printecl in U.S.A.


Counterweight Kit - 55e



Part No.

No. A 1

2 3 4 4A

5 6


2525140 59016 539404 2_ _


32525142 42525146 539404 17C16156

2 2 4 4


1 4


DescriptlDn Counterweight kit Nut Washer Counterweigbt Counterweigbt Counterweight Wasber BDlt

2Standard Counterweight Page C7-1 lTorehed 4Cast 5CMD sales item only. sine. 1 - 6

PM 3150

Printed in U.S.A.



Counterweights, High Lift - 45C 4



11 ~



10 TS-15346 No. A B

1 2 3 4 5

SA 6

7 8 9

10 11

Part No.


: :2525270 ' 52525271 59016 1523350 2518470 '2525245 '17C16152 817C16216 1523350 17&1688 1523350 1523350 59016


2 2 2 ~


2 2 2 2 2 2 2

oescription Counterweight kit Counterweight kit Nut Washer Counterweight Counterweight Bolt Bolt Washer Bolt Washer Washer Nut Frame

'See Index llnc. 1~5. ~lO lWith hydroinflation (Inc. 1~4. 5A~10 sin lieu of hydromflation '4 used in 2525271 Kit

'For A aFor B



PM3l5O" Prlntect in U.S.A.


Defroster Fan Assembly


t 1


~/ ..




t£\~ ~ \ \



TS-20256 No. A 1

2 3 4

Part No.

2517846 949036 949037 949039 949191


§3_ _


552442 755152 949192 963078

7 8 8A 9 10



Ott· 1 1 1

2 1 4 1 1

Description Fan assy Guard Fan Guard Motor Screw Grommet Wire SwHch

1 1


2 2

Washer Nut

2lnc. 1 .... 5, 8 ... 10 3S ee 2

PM 3150

Printed in U.S.A



Fenders &Mud Flap

23 1 \\ \ tr







lA 1B

2 3 4

5 6



Part No.


'2517823 '2517834 ' 5 '2525398 J "2528195 "2515030 '2517337 '2525403 '2527741 2542208 18C824 8608 2542208 8606 2515088 1


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 8 2



Fender kit front Fender kit rear Fender kit rear Fender kit rear Mud flap kit Fender LH Fender LH Fender LH Fender LH Bolt Nut Fender RH Nut Mud flap

2515087 25£18 18C620 '2517326 '2525404 llA lIB 82526597 12 791635 13 '25E18 13A 7619021 17C616 14 15 4E6 16 H 611 1531606 17 tt 61 2519431 18 :j:t'1509590 8 9 10 11

Part No.

Oty. 2 8

8 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8

Description Flat Washer Bolt Fender RH Fender RH Fender RH Tapped block Washer Washer Bolt lockwasher Non skid NDn skid Non skid

21ne. 2~5 line. 1. 11... 15 ·!ne.~lO

'CMD Sales Item only '458AIOICB~116CB. 459AIOICB~138CB. 472AI01CB~192CB. 473AI0ICB~248CB

7458A117CB '480AlOICB


&~. &~.

459A139CB &~, 472A193CB 481AIOICB & ~





PM 315Q. PrlntllcthtU.s.A...


Fork Attachment


-L i


TS·20292 No. .A

2 2A

Part No. "2532354 :2524358 '2532301


5 6 7 8

9 10


12 13

1 1 1 1


3 4


22351139 32362721 2512159 27E8 18C824 1772420 18C824 27E8 2514887 2516717

1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Description Fork kit Cylinder assy Cam Cam Pushrod Back rest Back rest Pin Washer BoH Fork Bolt Washer Pin Carrier assy Boom

'See Index

235C 45C 355C

'CMD sales Item only.

Sine. 3 - 12

PM 3150 Printed in U.S.A.



Fuel Gauge Kit

/' / / /'


/ /' /' /'




~-.- 2


i 1-

TS·15310 No. A

1 2 3 4

Part No.



2523445 2521330 51K20 2523402

1 1 1 1 1

Gauge kit Gauge Flange Tube Tank fuel



lSee Index 'Inc. 1.3



''':'- PM3l!4.PrintedrIn>lJ.a.A..c

Handrail Kit

~~r"'" 2 I



r5-20181 No.

A 1

IA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part No.



23 2519703

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Handrail kit Handrail RH Handrail LH Washer Wasber Bolt Spacer Wasber Wasber Bolt

2519427 2519428 799058 4£6

17C616 131743 799058 4£6


2CMD sales item only

3Ine.1+8 PM 3150 Printed in U.S.A.








!i :II






, TS-20266


Heater & Pressurizer Kit

No. A

1 2 3 4

" ~

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

:8 i9

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Part No.


;2512056 949736 15E10 65G1008 2511247 2520249 960681 960562 '2520255 949141 949639 65G1008 1300051

1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 I 1 1




2520252 2511248 62511248 2520251 2520250 2520265 2520310 2520247 lF312 2520286 17C412 4E4 25E14 2520246 2520266 17C408 17C412 4E4 25E14 2501949 949737 '2520273 2520280 949158 949803 960595 949767 949598 949598 2520262 15E10 65G1008 949136 2511233 8949602

2lne. 1~101 line. 5~10. 12~20

4See 18 sSee 17 -Ine. 13 7lne. 4~52 8216 mm (8.51 in)

PM 3150 Printed in U.S.A.

2 1

1 2

1 1

1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 1 1 1



Heater assy Strap Washer Screw Wire Wire Wire Switch Panel assy Nut Knob Screw Plug button Cap Fuse Cap Fuse Fuse holder Fuse holder Wire Wire Foam Pressurizer assy Spring Cotter pin Damper assy Bolt Washer Washer Cap Handle Bolt Bolt Washer Washer Screw Ring Blower assy LH Air duct Filter Gasket Knob Decal Nut Nut Cable Washer Screw Strap Motor Gasket

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 52 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 72A 73 74 75 76

77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 35 96 97

98 99

Part No.


949134 2520261 17C416 25E14 896803 25E14 4E4 17C412 6002456 2520245 1303297 2520257 2520256 799476 91529688 799476 2000494 10 1529688 799476 6304 2523078 2520290 t 1l 2510261 25E14 4E4 "2510216 13 2520261 637139 2520264 4E4 6304 2520263 25E14 4E4 2520294 17C412 2520283 1303297 2501949 949737 142520271 2517176 17C412 4E4 25E14 2522417 2520267 949738 1949602 2511234

1 1 4 4

1 6 6 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2

2 4

1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1

Description Blower wheel Louver assy Bolt Washer Plug button Washer Washer Bolt Plug button Grommet Grommet Tube Tube Clamp Hose Clamp Valve Hose Clamp Nut Core Cover Gasket Washer Washer Gasket Gasket Plug button Angle Washer Nut Foam Washer Washer Housing Bolt Air duct Grommet Screw Ring Blower assy Latch Bolt Washer Washer Bracket Louver Blower Gasket Motor

976 mm (3.0 in) mm (4.5 in) 11794 mm (31.25 in) 122267 mm (89.25 in) 13 2289 mm (90.12 in) 141ne. 1,2,3,88,89, 90, 9~99 10 114




!ii :II


24 22


! 21



25 /

-26 1-21 "-28




"-, L

·~.i {t~










I , 1 ~-33

: 31




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