44 Sale of Goods Act

March 15, 2019 | Author: Vishal Gattani | Category: Private Law, Justice, Crime & Justice, Common Law, Business Law
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The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 Arrangement of Sections Section1 Short title and commencement Section2 Definitions of buyer, seller, goods, future goods, delivery, mercantile agent property, insolvent Section3 Provisions of Indian Contract Act applicable Section4 Contract of sale, agreement to sell Section5 Formalities of a contract of sale Section6 Subject matter of sale, contingent contract, sale of future goods, existing goods Section7 Destruction of goods at the time of contract- void ab initio Section8 Destruction of goods after the contract Section9 Ascertainment of price Section10 Ascertainment of price by third party Section11 Stipulation as to time for price/delivery Section12 Definition of condition, warranty Section13 Treating a condition as a warranty Section14 Condition as to title; warranty to unditurbed po ssession, warranty of no-encumbrance Section15 Sale by description and sale by description & sample Section16 Condition as to quality or fitness; warranty as to quality or fitness for usage of trade, caveat emptor  Section17 Sale by sample Section18 Passing of property only when the goods are ascertained Section19 Passing of property of ascertained goods when parties intend to do so Section20 Specific goods- property passes when put in a deliverable state Section21 Buyer must have notice of goods in deliverable state Section22 Property passes only after seller has done his part Section23 Unconditional appropriation of goods- unascertained goods Section24 Goods sent on sale/return Section25 Reservation of right to disposal Section26 Passing of risk Section27 Transfer of title- sale by mercantile agent Section28 Transfer of title- sale by joint owner  Section29 Transfer of title- sale of goods obtained under voidable contract Section30 Transfer of title- sale by estoppel, sale by buyer before obtaining property Section31 Duties of buyer and seller regarding performance Section32 Concurrence of delivery and price Section33 Modes of delivery Section34 Delivery of goods- part delivery Section35 Delivery of goods-buyer to apply for delivery Section36 Delivery of goods-Place, time of delivery, third party in possession, expe nses, tender time Section37 Delivery of goods- wrong quantity delivered Section38 Delivery of goods- instalment de livery Section39 Delivery to carrier  Section40 Risk of deterioration during transit Section41 Buyer's right ot examine the goods Section42 Buyer's acceptance of goods Section43 Buyer is not bound to return the rejected goods Section44 Buyer's refusal to take delivery Section45 Unpaid seller 

Section46 Section47 Section48 Section49 Section50 Section51 Section52 Section53 Section54 Section55 Section56 Section57 Section58 Section59 Section60 Section61 Section64

Righs of unpaid seller  Right of lien Right of lien Loss of right of lien Right of stoppage in transit Right of stoppage in transit Right of stoppage in transit Sub-sale/pledge by buyer  Right of resale Suit for price(seller) Suit for damages for non-acceptance Suit for non-delivery(buyer) Suit for specific performance(buyer) Suit for damages for breach o f warranty Suit for damages for anticipatory breach Suit for interest(seller), suit for price recovery(buyer) Auction Sale

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