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December 22, 2018 | Author: Julio Herrera | Category: N/A
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Simmons Hall Massachusetts Institute of  Technology  Technology Cambridge, MA Steven Holl


Simmons Hall is located in the campus of Massachusetts Institute of plan sho"ing the buildings bar shape.  Technol  Technology ogy.. The residence residence hallSite looks like a vertical slice of the city, it is ten stories tall.  The overall building mass makes makes focus on ve large!scale openings "hich correspond to main entrances, corridors, and main outdoor activity terraces.  The ne#t scale of openings openings create create the porosity e$ect on the building, the large dynamic openings correspond to the houses in the dorm, these openings can be seen as the lungs of the building "hich bring natural light do"n and move air up through the building.

The building has three main buildings .

&#terior fa'ade of building.

 *  The corridors corridors of the building are very (

"ide and even though the building Is double loaded it does not feel like it is because of the multiple skylights and lounge areas.

 The vast use of concrete concrete especially especially inside the dorm rooms makes)ie" some of the lobby sho"casing the "indo"s. of the spaces feel very cold and

)ie" of a lounge in the lobby.

)ie" of a skylight in a student lounge area.

Simmons Hall Massachusetts Institute of  Technology  Technology Cambridge, MA Steven Holl  The building provides provides for +- beds, a / seat theater, a night caf0, a street!front like dining hall "ith a special a"ning door and outdoor tables. The corridors that connect the rooms are "ide like streets and they often break into a public space or a lounge area "hich further enhances the idea of an urban e#perience.

&ight 1oor plan

Seventh 1oor plan

2irst 1oor plan

3round 1oor plan

5ouble occupancy room

Single room "ith atrium

Single room furniture

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