40k Scenarios

August 23, 2018 | Author: adam545454 | Category: Leisure, Violence, Armed Conflict, Unrest
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Cleanse II Mission Objective: The player who controls more table quarters at the end of the game wins. To control a table quarter, you must have a unit with at least 50% of its starting unit size or a mobile vehicle (units falling back do not count) in the table quarter and there must be no enemy units at or above 50% of their original unit size or mobile vehicles in the table quarter. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.   : Who Goes First?    nBoth players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    o may elect to go first or second.    i    s Game Length: game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    s    i The Battle Point Modifiers:    m+1 If you you have have units units over over 50% 50% or unda undamag maged ed vehic vehicles les in your opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end of the game. Fleeing units do not count. +1 If your your Gene General ral is is still still alive alive at at the the end of the the game. +1 If your your highe highest st point point unit unit is stil stilll at or or above above 50% 50% and not fleeing at the end of the game. -1 If you you con contr trol ol no no tabl table e quar quarte ters rs at at the the end of the game. -1 If non none e of your your opp oppon onen ent’ t’s s unit units s are are unde underr 50% 50% of their original unit size or none of your opponent’s vehicles were destroyed.


  :    s infiltrators    e    l    u deep strike    r    l    a    i The above special rules are described in full on    cpp. 132-137 in the Scenario Special Rules rulebook .    e section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.    p    s

“Mankind stands upon the brink; on the one hand lies a realm of unimaginable power, on the other awaits darkness, death and utter damnation. Only those that follow the guiding light of the Emperor may save their souls.” Inquisitor Damarn, Ordo Malleus

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time    ountil their entire forces are on the table. The units must    l be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e    dWe recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If



you are running this scenario on a different sized table you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.

Arch Rivals Mission Objectives: Use normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following exception. If your General fought the enemy General in hand-to-hand combat and lived, and the enemy General is dead at the end of the game, you receive +200 Victory Points. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.   : Who Goes First?    nBoth players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    o may elect to go first or second.    i Game Length:    s    s    i The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers:    m+1 If your your Gen Gener eral al is is stil stilll aliv alive e and and is not not ffle leei eing ng or or has not fled off the table at the end of the game. +1 If you you have have a unit unit at lea least st 50% 50% of of its its star starti ting ng uni unitt size in your opponent’s Deployment Zone. +1 If your your hig highe hest st poi point nt unit unit is sti still ll at at or abov above e 50% 50% and not fleeing at the end of the game. -1 If If,, at at tthe he end end of of tthe he game game,, no no ene enemy my unit unit is destroyed, is fleeing, or has fled off the board. -1 If you you don don’t ’t cont contro roll at at lea least st one one tab table le quar quarte terr.


  : infiltrators    s    e    l    u victory points    r    l The army commander must end each of his Movement Phases closer to the enemy commander.    a    i If a commander can assault his rival, he must. When    che charges, he may ignore other enemy models to    e get to his target. He is not, however, required to    p    s move full speed towards his rival.

“The Strength of the Emperor is Humanity, Humanity, And the Strength of Humanity is the Emperor. Emperor. If one turns from the other we shall become the Lost and the Damned.” The Sermons of Sebastion Thor, Vol. XXVII, Ch. LXII

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players alternate placing pieces of terrain. After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice

  : equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    t die. The player with the highest result may select which    nDeployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    e opposing player places a unit on the table first. The    mplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time    yuntil their entire forces are on the table. The units must deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    obe then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    l    p Units that may Infiltrate may Infiltrate may make one more free move    e before the game begins.    d



We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.


Never-Ending Carnage Mission Objectives: Use normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Remember every time a unit is removed and brought back, it is worth that many Victory Points again (e.g., when a unit of 10 basic Space Marines is destroyed twice, it is worth 300 Victory Points not 150). Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.   : Who Goes First?    nBoth players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may elect to go first or second.    o    i Game Length:    s This scenario uses the Random Game Length rules. Length  rules.    s    i Battle Point Modifiers    m+1 If you you con contr trol ol more more tabl table e qua quart rter ers s tha than n your opponent. +1 If your your Gene Genera rall is is sti still ll aliv alive e at at the the end end of the game. +1 If you did not use Sustained Attack rules Attack  rules for any of your units. -1 If all all six six of your your Troop roop sele select ctio ions ns were were wipe wiped d out out at least once during the game. -1 If you you don don’t ’t cont contro roll at at lea least st one one tab table le quar quarte terr.

Deep Strike   :    s    e    l    u    r    l    a    i    c    e    p    s

infiltrators Random Game Length sustained attack victory points The above special rules are described in full on pp. 84-85 in the Scenario Special Rules section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

“The more I learn about these aliens, the more I come to understand what drives them, the more I hate them. I Hate them for what they are and for what they may one day become. I hate them not because they hate us but because they are incapable of good, honest human hatred.” Inquisitor Angmar on Tyranids

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain. After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice

  : equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    t die. The player with the highest result may select which    nDeployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    e opposing player places a unit on the table first. The    mplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time    yuntil their entire forces are on the table. The units must deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    obe then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    l    p Units that may Infiltrate may Infiltrate may make one free more    e before the game begins.    d



We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly. ™



Deep Strike   :    s    e After placing terrain and rolling for Deployment    l Zones, both players may allocate a total of 6 points    uto different areas of the table. These areas could    r be the top of a hill, a wooded area, or even an    l open space. Players alternate placing pieces of paper with a secret points allotment between 1-3 at    a    i the points they must control. Priority markers must    cbe placed at least 6" outside the controlling    e player’s Deployment Zone (but may be in an    p opponent’s) and at least 10" away from the    s controlling player’s other priority markers.

Mission Objectives: At the end of the game, players reveal their priority markers. Check to determine if you control any of your markers. There may be no enemy units at or above 50% of their original unit size or mobile vehicles within 6" of the marker, and you must have a unit with at least 50% of its starting unit size or mobile vehicles (units falling back do not count) within 6" of the marker in order to control it. Total Total up the value of the priority markers you control. Whoever has more priority marker points wins. If both players have the same number of points, the game is a draw. Line of Retreat   : Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their    nnearest deployment table edge.    o    i Who Goes First?    s Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    s    i may elect to go first or second. Game Length:    mThe game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers +1 If you you cont contro roll your your opp oppon onen ent’ t’s s high highes estt allo allott tted ed point priority marker. +1 If you you co cont ntro roll more more tab table le qua quart rter ers s th than an your opponent. +1 If the the enem enemy’ y’s s high highes estt poi point nt sele select ctio ion n is dead dead,, has been destroyed, is fleeing, or has fled off the table at the end of the game. -1 If you you don don’t ’t cont contro roll any any of your your or your your oppo oppone nent nt’s ’s priority markers. -1 If your your gene genera rall is is dea dead, d, is flee fleein ing, g, or has has fle fled d off off the board at the end of the game.

“Give me but a thousand men who are crazy enough to want to conquer hell and we will do it!” Warmaster Solon

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t After equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If    dyou are running this scenario on a different sized


10" 10"


table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.

The Hunted Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following exceptions. After players have set the terrain and selected Deployment Zones, both players nominate one enemy selection. This selection may be anything with the exception of HQ. That selection is worth double Victory points if it is destroyed or flees off the table. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First?   : Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    nmay elect to go first or second.    o    i Game Length:    s The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    s    i Battle Point Modifiers: +1 If your your “hunt “hunted” ed” select selection ion nom nomina inated ted by your your    m opponent has not been destroyed, is not fleeing, or has not fled off the table at the end of the game. +1 If you you hav have e mor more e uni units ts at or abov above e 50% 50% of thei theirr original unit size in your enemy’s Deployment Zone then he has in yours (note vehicles don’t count). +1 If all all your your opp oppone onent’ nt’s s Troo Troops ps selec selectio tions ns are are unde underr 50% of their original unit size. -1 If you you cont contro roll no no tab table le quar quarte ters rs at the the end end of the game. -1 If your your gener general al is dea dead, d, is flee fleeing ing,, or or has has fled fled off off the table by the end of the game.


  : infiltrators    s    e    l    u    r victory points    l    a    i The above special rules are described in full on    cpp. 84-85 in the Mission Special Rules section rulebook .    e of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.    p    s

“Kill them - Kill them all!” Warlord Ghazghkull Thraha

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain. After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice   : equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    t die. The player with the highest result may select which    nDeployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    e opposing player places a unit on the table first. The then take turns deploying one unit at a time    mplayers until their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ybe deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    othen Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.

   l    p Units that may Infiltrate are Infiltrate are deployed last and may be    e deployed anywhere on the table but no closer than 20"    dto enemy models.



We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly. ™


Triangulate the Perimeter Mission Objectives: Use normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following additions. Each messenger that is in one of the three far table quarters at the end of the game is worth +150 Victory Points. If all of the three far table quarters are occupied by messengers, the controlling player gets +500 Victory Points (note: these Victory Points are awarded INSTEAD OF – not in addition addition to – the 150 Victory Points for each messenger). Line of Retreat:   : Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their    nnearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First?    o    i Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    s may elect to go first or second.    s    i Game Length:    mThe game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers +1 If you control more table quarters than your opponent at the end of the game. +1 If your enemy’s highest point selection is destroyed, is fleeing, or has fled of the table by game’s end. +1 If all your messengers are still alive at the end of the game. -1 If no enemy Troop selections are less then half of their original unit size. -1 If none of your messenger models are alive at the end of the game.

victory points deep strike   :    s    e MESSENGERS    l    u W S BS S T W I A Ld S    r Messenger 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 8 5+    l    a    i Messengers: Each army must use three messenger    cmodels. If a player has appropriate models to use for the    e messengers, he/she may. If not, take three models of the    p controlling player’s choice from any units in the army.    s Messengers are armed with a pistol (range 12", Strength 3, AP-). Messengers have a 5+ Invulnerable save and are Fearless . Messengers count as a unit of one model.

“The Adeptus Astartes Astartes is not a subtle instrument to be delicately wielded like a surgeon’s knife. Rather it is likened to a mighty hammer which smashes asunder that which stands in it’s way” Tactica Imperium

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t After equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If    dyou are running this scenario on a different sized


Far Quarter 2

Far Quarter 3

Far Quarter 1

Your Deployment Zone 18"

table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.


Unplanned Assault Mission Objectives: At the beginning of the game, the armies have not yet received their orders. At the beginning of Turn 3, roll a D6 and consult the table below. 1-2 Hold Hold the the object objective ives. s. Whiche Whichever ver player player contro controls ls more terrain features wins. To To control a feature you must have a unit unit at 50% or above its original unit size or a mobile vehicle within 6" of a terrain feature. If your opponent also has a unit at or above 50% of its original unit size or a mobile vehicle within 6" of a terrain feature, neither player controls the objective. Before starting the game both players should agree what will count as terrain and what won’t 3-4 3-4 Table able Qua Quart rter ers s (as (as in a Clea Cleans nse e Missi Mission on). ). 5-6 Use Vict Victory ory Points Points to dete determi rmine ne the the winn winner er.. If the   : difference in Victory Points is within 250, the    n game results in a tie.    o    i Line of Retreat:    s Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their    s    i nearest deployment table edge. Goes First?    mWho Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may elect to go first or second. Game Length: The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 If your General is still alive at the end of the game. +1 If you have have more more units at or above 50% of their original unit size in your enemy’s Deployment Zone than he has in yours (note: vehicles don’t count). +1 If all all your your opponen opponent’s t’s Troops Troops select selections ions are under under 50% of their original unit size. -1 If you control no table table quarters quarters at the end of the game. -1 If your General is is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off off the table by the end of the game.

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time.    oEach player may only deploy their compulsory Troops    l selections and units that can Infiltrate . All others are    p held in Reserve .    e Infiltrate are deployed after all other    dUnits that can Infiltrate are units (except Reserves ) are deployed and may be deployed anywhere on the table but not within 18" of enemy models.


  :    s    e    l infiltrators    u    r deep strike    l    a    i    cThe above special rules are described in full on pp.    e 84-85 in the Scenario Special Rules section of the    p Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.    s

We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones acc ordingly. ordingly. 18"


Emissary Escort Attacker: If the Emissary is killed or has left the table for any reason, the Attacker gets +200 Victory Points. Defender: The Defender’s primary objective is to keep the Emissary alive. If the Emissary is alive and still on the table at the end of the game, the Defender receives +150 Victory Points. The secondary objective is to get the Emissary to the transport site. If, at the end of the game, the Emissary is not fleeing and in any part of the enemy’s Deployment Zone, the Defender receives +150 Victory Points. Note that these Victory Points are in addition to the 150 for keeping him alive.   : Line of Retreat:    nForces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.    o    i Who Goes First?    s Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    s    i may elect to go first or second.    mGame Length: The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 If your opponent’s opponent’s General is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table at the end of the game. +1 If you have units at or above 50% of their their original size in your opponent’s Deployment Deployment Zone. +1 If your highest-point unit is still at or above 50% of its starting size and not fleeing at the end of the game. -1 If no enemy enemy units are dead, dead, are fleeing, fleeing, or have have fled off the table at the end of the game. -1 If you control control no no table quarte quarters rs at the end end of the game.


Deep Strike victory points infiltrators   : (attackers only)    s    e    l EMISSARY    u WS BS S T W I A Ld S    r    l Emissary 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 9 4+    a    i    cThe Defenders have an Emissary to protect. Use an    e extra model (an extra from the army, messenger model,    p or whatever), or if no unused models are available, use    s a basic Troop model pulled from a squad of the Defender’s choice. The Emissary is armed only with one close combat weapon. He is treated as an independent character and may lead units if he joins them. He may ride in the Transport of a unit he joins only if there is enough room in the transport for him to fit. The model uses none of the special rules for the army he is a part of.

Identify your target. Concentrate your fire on it to the exclusion of all else. When it is destroyed choose another target. That is the way to secure victory. Tacticus Imperium

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t After equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If    dyou are running this scenario on a different sized



table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.

Traitor Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following additions. If you kill the traitor model (the one your opponent controls), you receive +150 Victory Points. Points. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First?   : Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    nmay elect to go first or second. Game Length:    o    i The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    s Battle Point Modifiers:    s    i +1 If you you con contr trol ol more more tabl table e qua quart rter ers s tha than n you yourr opponent at the end of the game.    m +1 If tthe he ene enemy my Gene Genera rall is dead dead,, is is flee fleein ing, g, or or has has fled off the table by the end of the game. +1 If non none e of you yourr Tro Troop op sel selec ecti tion ons s are are dest destro roye yed, d, are fleeing, or have fled off the table by the end of the game. -1 If no enem enemy y unit units s are are unde underr 50% 50% of thei theirr ori origi gina nall unit size. -1 If the the Tra Trait itor or mode modell you you cont contro roll is is in in your your Deployment Zone at the end of the game.



  :    s    e victory points    l    uTraitor. Players must nominate one model from    r any of their Elites selections. If you have no Elites    l selections, choose a Troops selection instead. If you don’t have any Troop selections, stop playing;    a    i you are cheating. The nominated model has    cbetrayed your army! Give it to your opponent (for    e the game only – you’ll get him back). Treat the    p traitor as an independent character with all the    s stats, special rules, and equipment he had originally in the parent army. army.

The Daemonic leads two crimes. You turn away from the path of righteousness and you abandon the Emperor as the object of your devotion. For the first death is merely a just retribution. The second is a Heresy so terrible that no punishment can be sufficient. Yet Yet the search for an appropriate penalty continues, and it shall be found. -Ecclesiarch Issus

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    p    e that can Infiltrate are Infiltrate are deployed after all other    dUnits models are deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table but not within 18" of an enemy model.

We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones acc ordingly. ordingly. 18"


Suicide Squad Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following additions. If your Suicide Squad dies, you receive +150 Victory Points. If they survive, you lose 150 Victory Points. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.   : Who Goes First?    nBoth players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may elect to go first or second.    o    i Game Length:    s The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    s    i Battle Point Modifiers: your Suicid Suicide e Squad Squad killed killed at leas leastt one one enemy enemy    m+1 If your unit or destroyed at least one enemy vehicle. +1 If you you h have ave a unit unit at at 50% 50% or more more of its starti starting ng unit size in your opponent’s Deployment Zone. +1 If your your highe highest st point point unit unit (not (not coun countin ting g the Suic Suicide ide Squad) is still at or above 50% and not fleeing by the end of the game. -1 If If,, at at the the end end of the the game game,, no enem enemy y unit unit is is destroyed, is fleeing, or has fled off the board. -1 If you don don’t ’t contro controll at least least one one tabl table e quart quarter er..


infiltrators   :    s victory points    e    l    u deep strike    r    l armies must choose one unit to be the    a    i Both Suicide Squad. The unit must be either a Troops    cor an Elites choice. This unit hates the enemy and    e will always hit the enemy on a 3+ in hand-to-hand    p regardless of WS. The unit will also automatically    s pass any Morale or Pinning checks and will never fall back (they are suicidal, after all).

“You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigor of other, more righteous souls. You are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honorable man dry and offer nothing in return. You have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will fight for your freedom the currency of honest toil and human blood. Inquisitor Czevak - Address to the council of Ryanti

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t After equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e that can Infiltrate deploy Infiltrate deploy after all other selections    dUnits are deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table at least 18" away from an enemy model or unit.

We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones acc ordingly. ordingly. 12"



Archeotech Excavation Deep Strike

Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook with the following addition. The army that is in control of the objective marker at the end of the game receives +300 Victory Points. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First?   : Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    nmay elect to go first or second. Game Length:    o    i The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    s Battle Point Modifiers:    s your oppon opponent ent’s ’s highe highestst-poi point nt HQ sele selecti ction on is    i +1 If your dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by the    m end of the game. +1 If you you have have units units at at or abov above e 50% of thei theirr starti starting ng size or undamaged vehicles in your opponent’s Deployment Zone. Fleeing units do not count. +1 If you you contr control ol more more terr terrain ain feat feature ures s than than your your opponent at the end of the game. -1 If no no enemy enemy unit unit is dea dead, d, is is fleei fleeing, ng, or has has fled fled off off the table at the end of the game. -1 If you you hav have e no uni units ts a att or abov above e 50% 50% of the their ir starting size or no mobile vehicles.

victory points Six markers will be placed on the battlefield to potential locations where the archeotech   : indicate be hidden. To inspect a marker, a model must    s may end its turn in contact with the marker. In the    e Shooting Phase, instead of shooting, the model    l with its unit may inspect the marker. Roll a    ualong D6. On a result of 5-6, you have found the    r objective; on a 2-4, you have found nothing of    l consequence (remove the marker); on a 1, you    a set off a booby trap! Center the large blast    i have template on the model inspecting the objective. All    cmodels completely under the template suffer a S3,    e AP- hit; those partially under the template suffer a    p hit on a 4+.


A unit may inspect only one objective marker per turn. Once the objective has been found, remove all other markers. The objective may not be moved by any means. If all the objective markers have been inspected, and none of them is the objective, you are both on a "Wild Zoat Chase" (now don’t you both feel silly), and there is no objective.

“Look upon this hammer I hold before me, for it is far more then a weapon. weapon. It is a symbol of the Imperial justice that that smites the diabolic enemies of the Imperium wherever they are found, just as I. Though it has banished even a mighty Greater Daemon to the hell from which it was spawned, it remains true and pure, just as I. Furthermore it is a symbol of my order and my office, of the authority granted to me by the divine will of the Emperor. Emperor. By that authority, I am commanding you and your entire regiment to obey me without question or hesitation. Advance, or it will not be daemonic blood that stains my hammer this day.” Inquisitor Lord Hephasestos Grudd, Addressing Colonel Molian of the 223rd Gudrunite Rifles.

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    p    e We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If    dyou are running this scenario on a different sized


12" 12"


table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.


Battle in the Eye of Terror Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First? players roll a D6. The player with the highest result   : Both may elect to go first or second.    nGame Length: scenario uses the Random Game Length rules. Length  rules.    o    i This    s Battle Point Modifiers: If you contro controll more more table table quar quarter ters s than than    s    i +1 your opponent.    m+1 If your your Gene General ral is is still still alive alive at at the the end of the the game. game. +1 If your your high highest est point point unit unit is is still still at or above above 50% 50% and not fleeing by the end of the game. -1 If you you con contr trol ol no no tabl table e quar quarte ters rs at at the the end end of the game. -1 If non none e of your your opp oppon onen ent’ t’s s unit units s are are unde underr 50% 50% of their original unit size or none of your opponent’s vehicles were destroyed.

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time    ountil their entire forces are on the table. The units must    l be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e Infiltrate deploy after all other selections    dUnits that can Infiltrate deploy are deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table at least 18" away from an enemy model or unit.

Random game Length infiltrators

  :    s    e    l victory points    u    r Deep Strike    l    a    i the beginning of a player’s Movement Phase    cAt player whose turn it is may remove any    e the single friendly model (not a vehicle) or unit from    p the board and redeploy it immediately per the    s

Deep Strike rules. Strike rules. When placing the unit back on the table, any model whose base is not completely covered by the template is lost in the warp and considered destroyed.

We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones acc ordingly. ordingly.



twilight Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First? Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may elect to go first or second. Game Length: game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.   : The Battle Point Modifiers:    n+1 If your your oppo opponen nent’ t’s s Genera Generall is dead dead,, is flee fleeing ing,, or    o has fled off the table at the end of the game.    i your oppo opponen nent’ t’s s highes highest-c t-cost ost unit unit is dead, dead, is    s +1 If your fleeing, or has fled off the board by the    s    i end of the game.    m+1 If you you contr control ol more more hill hills s than than your your oppone opponent nt does. does. [To [To control a hill, you must have a unit with at least  50% of its starting strength or mobile vehicles  (units falling back don’t count) on the hill; in  addition, no enemy units at or above 50% of their  original size and no mobile enemy vehicles may be  on the hill] . -1 If no ene enemy my units units are dea dead, d, are fleein fleeing, g, or have have fled off the table at the end of the game. -1 If you you cont contro roll no no tab table le quar quarte ters rs at the the end of the game.


Night Fight (see rules below)

Preliminary Bombardment

  :    s    e (both players)    l    u    r infIltrators    l    a    i    c victory points    e    p At the start of the 4th turn, roll a D6; on a 4+, night    s has fallen. If not, roll again at the start of the 5th turn; on a 3+, night has fallen. On the 6th turn, night falls on a 2+. After night has fallen, players must use the Night Fighting  rule found on p. 134 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook for the remainder of the game.

The Emperor is out guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness. As we serve him, he is our greatest servant. As we pray to him, his thoughts are only for us. And in the dark when the shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact.

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time their entire forces are on the table. The units must    ountil be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    l then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    p    e that can Infiltrate deploy Infiltrate deploy after all other selections    dUnits are deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table at least 18" away from an enemy model or unit.

We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones acc ordingly. ordingly. 18"



SCouting Engagement

Deep Strike   :    s    e    l reserves    u    r    l victory points    a    i    cAll Reserves rolls Reserves rolls receive a +1. This bonus is    e in addition to any other bonuses the army    p normally receives.    s

Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First? Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result may elect to go first or second.   : Game Length:    nThe game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers:    o    i +1 If you you have have units units over over 50% 50% or undam undamage aged d vehicl vehicles es    s in your opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end of    s    i the game. Fleeing units do not count.    m+1 If your your highest highest-point -point Troops Troops selecti selection on is still alive and still at 50% or more of its original unit size. +1 If you you contro controll more more terrai terrain n featur features es than than your your opponent at the end of the game. -1 If no no enemy enemy unit unit is is dead, dead, is fleein fleeing, g, or or has fled fled off off the table by the end of the game. -1 If you have have no units units at at or or above above 50% of thei theirr starting unit size or mobile vehicles in your own Deployment Zone.

“There is no art  more beautiful and diverse than the art of  Death”

Laconfir of Beil-tan

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the    nhighest die. The player with the highest result may    e select which Deployment Zone he/she wishes to    mdeploy in. The opposing player places a unit on the    ytable first. The players then take turns deploying one    ounit at a time. Each player may only deploy his/her    l compulsory Troops selections. All other selections    p are held in Reserve .    e    dWe recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If


10" 10"


you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.

Hostage Retrieval Mission Objectives: The Mission uses the normal normal Victory Point Point rules with the following exceptions: • If tthe he Defen Defender der has has contr control ol of the the ho hosta stage ge an and d he is still in the Defender’s Deployment Zone, the Defender receives +250 Victory Points. • If the the Atta Attacker cker has has control control of of the hostage hostage and he is in the neutral zone, the Attacker gains +150 Victory Points. If the Attacker has control of the hostage and he is in the Attacker’s Deployment Zone, the Attacker gets +300 Victory Points. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge.

  :    n Who Goes First?    o    i Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result    s may elect to go first or second.    s    i Length:    mGame The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 If you you have have units units over over 50% of of their their star startin ting g size size or undamaged vehicles in your opponent’s Deployment Zone at the end of the game. Fleeing units do not count. +1 If your your Gene General ral is is still still aliv alive e at the the end end of the the game. game. +1 If your your high highest est-po -point int unit unit is stil stilll at or or above above 50% 50% and not fleeing at the end of the game. -1 If you you con contr trol ol no tabl table e qua quart rter ers s at the the end of the game. -1 If non none e of your your units units are at or over over 50% of their their original unit size.

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players then alternate placing pieces of terrain. The player with more points used in Fast Attack selections is the Attacker (for Saim-Hann, count the   : “Troops” Fast Attack selections). The other player is    t the Defender. In the case of a tie, players roll off and    nadd their Strategy Rating; the winner may choose    e whether he wants to attack or defend. Make an    mexception to this rule when one army is always the (e.g., Dark Eldar). If both armies have rules    yAttacker saying they are always the Attacker use the rules    oabove to determine Attacker/Defender. Attacker/Defender. The Attacking    l player places the hostage, which is a model from any    p Troops selection of his choice, 6" up in the center of    e the Defender’s Deployment Zone.


infiltrators victory points HOSTAGE WS BS


















  : a model representing the hostage in the    s Place    e Defender’s Deployment Zone (see Deployment ).). The    l hostage may NOT move until the Attacker gains control To gain control of the hostage, the attacking    uof him. To player must get any model with a WS in base contact    r with the hostage. The hostage can then move freely with    l the unit (or model) that rescued him. The hostage must    a    i remain in base-to-base contact with the unit or model    cthat freed him. The hostage may only move 6" a turn    e and may not make any additional movement unless the    p unit he is with is assaulting. The hostage has a 5+    s invulnerable save, is unarmed, and may not lead a unit he joins. If the model carrying the hostage flees or is destroyed, the hostage will then move D6" in a random direction during both players’ players’ Movement Phases until until he is picked up my any model with a WS. DO NOT KILL KILL THE HOSTAGE! HOSTAGE! He has priceless information BOTH armies need. If the hostage dies, the army responsible for his death loses 300 Victory Points, even if it is an accidental death (e.g., deviating barrages, etc.). The Hostage may not be targeted by the owning player if the unit he is with takes enemy fire. players then take turns deploying one unit at a time until their entire forces are on the table. The units must be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first, then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack. We recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. Defender’s Deployment Zone 18" up

Hostage placed 6" up in the center

   dAfter terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice

equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest die. The player with the highest result may select which Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The opposing player places a unit on the table first. The

Attacker’s Deployment Zone 12" Up

“This is heavy, Doc.” Mission Objectives: Use the normal Victory Points rules found on p. 85 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Line of Retreat: Forces that are forced to flee must move towards their nearest deployment table edge. Who Goes First? Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result   : may elect to go first or second.    nGame Length: The game lasts 6 turns or until time is called.    o    i Battle Point Modifiers:    s +1 If the the e enem nemy y Gener General al is is dead, dead, is flee fleeing ing,, or has    s    i fled off the table by the end of the game. your high highest est point point selec selectio tion n is still still aliv alive, e, is is not    m+1 If your fleeing, and has not fled off the table by the end of the game. +1 If all all of of your your oppo opponen nent’ t’s s Troo Troop p selec selectio tions ns are are destroyed, have fled off the table, or are under 50% of their original original unit size. size. -1 If you you con contr trol ol no tabl table e qu quar arte ters rs.. -1 If have have no no unit units s in in yo your ur e enem nemy’s y’s Deploy Deploymen mentt Zone Zone at the end of the game.


  :    s Gravitational Instability: At the beginning of each    e turn Roll 2D6+N where N what turn number it is in    l the game and consult the table below:    u High Gravity -D6" movement for each    r 3-10 model, unit or vehicle movement    l    a 1-12 Norm Normal al Grav Graviity no spec specia iall rule rules s app apply    i 11-12    c13+ Low Gravity +D6" movement for each    e model, unit or vehicles movement    p    s

“I have received your messages, acquainting me that these worlds belong to your Emperor, your master. In return I am to inform you that the said worlds worlds belong to his Ethereal Majesty. Aun’O Bork’an Vral, my master, by right and settlement. Should you wish to gain similar rights you must submit yourselves to his wisdom as members of the Tau Empire.” Por’el Tau’n Ukos, Water Cast Negotiator

Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest result places the first piece of terrain. Players proceed alternating placing pieces of terrain.

  : After terrain is placed, players roll a number of dice    t equal to their Strategy Rating and choose the highest    ndie. The player with the highest result may select which    e Deployment Zone he/she wishes to deploy in. The    mopposing player places a unit on the table first. The    yplayers then take turns deploying one unit at a time    ountil their entire forces are on the table. The units must    l be deployed in the following order: Heavy Support first,    p then Troops, Elites, HQ, and finally Fast Attack.    e    dWe recommend a 6'x4' table for this scenario. If you are running this scenario on a different sized table, you may have to adjust the sizes of the Deployment Zones accordingly. accordingly.



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