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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator

Thomas Gantioler October 2009

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at

Author Thomas Gantioler Innsbruckerstrasse 13 6071 Aldrans Austria mobile: +43-676-9463908 [email protected] www.gantioler.at Maritime radio instructor and examiner.

fig. 1: Gantioler

I can not accept any resposibility for any errors or omissions or for any consequences resulting therefrom for following contents. All rights reserved. title: GMDSS Martime Radio Operator photo: Ploder; esturay Zrmanja - Novigradsko More, Croatia revision: October 2009 1

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at

Contents I

Restricted Certificate


1 Maritime Radio Operator 1.1 Restricted Operator Certificate ROC . 1.2 Short Range Certificate SRC . . . . . 1.3 Syllabus for SRC and ROC . . . . . . 1.4 Radio operator certificate . . . . . . . 1.5 Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers STCW

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2 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS 2.1 Regulations and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Safety Of Life At Sea SOLAS . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Radio Regulations RR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Sea areas A1-A4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 A1 - Very High Frequency VHF . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 A2 - Medium Frequency MF . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 A3 - International Maritime Satellite INMARSAT 2.2.4 A4 - polar regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Shorebased system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Master Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Search And Rescue SAR . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Shipbord system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Radio equipment for SOLAS vessels . . . . . 2.4.2 Radio equipment for non-SOLAS vessels . . . 2.4.3 Radio equipment tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.4 Radio watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.5 Ship radio licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.6 Radio log book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.7 Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.8 Radio secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.9 Accounting Authority Identification Code AAIC 2

13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 21

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 3 VHF Maritime Mobile Radio 3.1 VHF Radio Telephone RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Receiver RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Transmitter TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 VHF handheld device . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 VHF Digital Selective Calling DSC . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Maritime Mobile Service Identification MMSI 3.2.2 Type of calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 VHF DSC controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 VHF Maritime Mobile Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 VHF wave propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 VHF antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Simplex ship-ship and ship-shore . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Duplex and semiduplex ship-shore . . . . . . 3.3.5 VHF class of emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.6 International VHF channels 01-28 . . . . . . 3.3.7 International VHF channels 60-88 . . . . . . 3.3.8 International VHF channel usage . . . . . . . 3.3.9 National private VHF channel usage . . . . . 3.4 RT communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Phonetic Alphabet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Standard Marine Communication Phrases SMCP 3.4.3 Maritime radio stations . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Distress - MAYDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 DSC distress alert on VHF ch70 . . . . . . . 3.5.2 RT distress call and message on VHF ch16 . 3.6 Distress relay - MAYDAY RELAY . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6.1 DSC distress relay call on VHF ch70 . . . . . 3.6.2 RT distress relay call and message on VHF ch16 3.6.3 RT distress relay acknowlege message . . . . 3.7 Distress cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7.1 DSC distress cancellation on VHF ch70 . . . 3.7.2 RT distress cancellation on VHF ch16 . . . . 3.8 Distress silence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8.1 Radio silence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 3.8.2 Normal working . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Urgency - PAN PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9.1 DSC urgency call on VHF ch70 . . . . . . . . 3.9.2 RT urgency call and message on VHF ch16 . 3.10 Safety - SECURITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 DSC safety call on VHF ch70 . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 RT safety call and message on working channel 3.11 Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11.1 DSC routine call on VHF ch70 . . . . . . . . 3.11.2 RT routine call on VHF ch16 . . . . . . . . . 3.11.3 RT routine call on working channel . . . . . . 3.11.4 RT routine message on working channel . . . 3.9

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4 Search And Rescue Satellite COSPAS/SARSAT 4.1 EPIRB distress alert on 406MHz . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 EPIRB distress cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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5 Search And Rescue Transponder SART 5.1 Radar SART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 AIS SART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6 Maritime Safety Information MSI 6.1 NAVAREA . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 NAVTEX MSI service . . . . . 6.2.1 NAVTEX frequencies . 6.2.2 NAVTEX coast stations 6.2.3 NAVTEX message . . .

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7 Power supply 7.1 Direct Current 12V/24VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Alternating Current 230VAC . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at


General Certificate


8 Maritime Radio Operator 8.1 General Operator Certificate GOC 8.2 Long Range Certificate LRC . . . 8.3 Syllabus for LRC and GOC . . . . 8.4 Radio operator certificate . . . . .

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9 MF/HF Maritime Mobile Radio 9.1 MF/HF propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 MF/HF classes of emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 MF/HF Radio Telephone RT . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.1 Receiver RX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.2 Transmitter TX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Radio bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 MF/HF Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6 MF/HF Tuner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 MF/HF Digital Selective Calling DSC . . . . . . . 9.7.1 Type of calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7.2 MF/HF DSC controller . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8 Distress - MAYDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8.1 MF/HF DSC distress alert . . . . . . . . . 9.8.2 MF/HF RT distress call and message . . . 9.9 Distress relay - MAYDAY RELAY . . . . . . . . . . 9.9.1 MF/HF DSC distress relay call . . . . . . . 9.9.2 MF/HF RT distress relay call and message . 9.10 Distress cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.10.1 MF/HF DSC distress cancellation . . . . . 9.10.2 MF/HF RT distress cancellation . . . . . . 9.11 Urgency - PAN PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.11.1 MF DSC urgency call . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.11.2 MF RT urgency call and message . . . . . 9.12 Safety - SECURITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.12.1 MF DSC safety call . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.12.2 MF RT safety call and message . . . . . . . 5

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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 9.13 Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.13.1 MF/HF DSC routine calling 9.14 MF/HF telex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.14.1 MF/HF selcal . . . . . . . . 9.14.2 MF/HF telex terminal . . . .

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10 International Martitime Satellite INMARSAT 10.1 INMARSAT satellites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 INMARSAT Land Earth Station LES . . . . . . . . . 10.3 INMARSAT Mobile Earth Station MES . . . . . . .

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11 SAT-C Mobile Earth Station 11.1 SAT-C Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 SAT-C priority distress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.1 SAT-C distress alert . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2.2 SAT-C telex distress message . . . . . . . 11.2.3 SAT-C telex distress relay message . . . . 11.2.4 SAT-C telex distress cancellation message 11.3 SAT-C priority routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3.1 SAT-C telex urgency message . . . . . . . 11.3.2 SAT-C telex safety message . . . . . . . . 11.3.3 SAT-C telex routine message . . . . . . . 11.4 SAT-C shore-to-ship routine . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 SAT-C shore-to-ship Enhanced Group Call EGC . 11.5.1 SafetyNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5.2 FleetNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.5.3 EGC receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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12 SAT-B/M Mobile Earth Station 12.1 SAT-B/M Terminal . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 SAT-B/M priority distress . . . . . . . 12.2.1 SAT-B telex distress . . . . . . 12.2.2 SAT-B/M phone distress . . . 12.3 SAT-B/M priority routine . . . . . . . 12.3.1 SAT-B/M Special Access Code 6

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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 12.3.2 SAT-B/M shore-to-ship routine . . . . . . . .


13 Fleet 77/55/33 Mobile Earth Station 13.1 Fleet 77/55/33 Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 Priority distress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2.1 Fleet 77 phone distress . . . . . . . . . . . .

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14 Mock questions 14.1 Operation Performance Test OPT . . . . . . . . . . 14.2 Safety Of Life At Sea SOLAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Radio Regulations RR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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15 Translations 15.1 RT messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1.1 Ships distress message . . . . . . . . . . 15.1.2 Passing a distress message . . . . . . . . 15.1.3 Distress relay message from coast station 15.1.4 Ships urgent message . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1.5 Urgent message from coast station . . . . 15.1.6 Ships safety message . . . . . . . . . . . 15.1.7 Safety message from coast station . . . . 15.2 Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3 Vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.4 Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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16 Identifications 100 16.1 MID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 16.2 Callsign series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 17 Maritime Radio Equipment 17.1 Manufacturer . . . . . 17.1.1 EPIRB . . . . . 17.1.2 MES . . . . . . 17.1.3 NAVTEX . . . . 17.1.4 RT DSC . . . . 17.1.5 SART . . . . . 17.2 Simulator . . . . . . .

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18 Abbreviations

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GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at

Part I

Restricted Certificate 1 1.1

Maritime Radio Operator Restricted Operator Certificate ROC

Required for commercial use on passenger ships, cargo vessels >300GRT and some vessels over 24m. This certificate authorises the holder to use a Radio Telephone RT on the Very High Frequency VHF channels of the maritime mobile band including Digital Selective Calling DSC on a compulsory GMDSS fitted SOLAS vessel which sail in sea area A1. fig. 2: ROC At least one holder of a certificate of competence for maritime radio stations on board compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels is required, normally by the shipmaster himself and all marine officers.


Short Range Certificate SRC

Required for pleasure or fishing use on small crafts. This certificate authorises the holder to use a Radio Telephone RT on the VHF channels of the Maritime Mobile Band including Digital Selective Calling DSC on board voluntary GMDSS fitted non-SOLAS vessels.

fig. 3: SRC At least one holder of a certificate of competence for maritime radio stations is required, normally by the shipmaster himself. 9

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at


Syllabus for SRC and ROC

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations CEPT examination syllabus for maritime radio operators in sea area A1 (VHF) for using GMDSS voluntary (SRC) and using GMDSS compulsory (ROC). www.cept.dk www.ero.dk 1. Maritime Mobile VHF Radio Telephone RT communications (a) General principles and basic features 2. Detailed working knowledge of radio equipment (a) VHF radio installation (b) Purpose and use of Digital Selective Calling DSC 3. Operational procedures of the GMDSS (a) Search and Rescue SAR Procedures (b) Distress, urgency and safety communication (c) Protection of distress frequencies (d) Maritime Safety Information MSI (e) Alerting and Locating Signals (f) Communication with non-SOLAS ships


4. Operational procedures and regulations (a) Ability to exchange communications relevant to SOLAS (b) Regulations, obligatory procedures and practices (c) Practical and theoretical knowledge of RT procedures (d) English language written and spoken



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Radio operator certificate

Every ship radio station must be controlled by an operator holding a certificate issued or recognised by the government to which the station is subject. The operator must hold an authority to operate by the shipmaster. National radio operator licensing administrations: • Austria: by law (FZG, FZV, FZGV) www.ris.bka.gv.at SRC = UKW Betriebszeugnis II UBZ II ROC = UKW Betriebszeugnis I UBZ I Radiotelephone Operator for Inland Waterways included. Fernmeldebeh¨ orde FMB www.bmvit.gv.at • Germany SRC = Beschr¨ankt g¨ ultiges Funkbetriebszeugnis Deutscher Segler-Verband DSV www.dsv.org Deutscher Motoryachtverband DMYV www.dmyv.de ROC= Beschr¨ankt g¨ ultiges Betriebszeugnis f¨ ur Funker BBZ Bundesamt f¨ ur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie www.bsh.de • Switzerland SRC = Beschr¨ankt g¨ ultiges Betriebszeugnis f¨ ur die Sportschiffahrt Radiotelephone Operator for Inland Waterways included. Maritime Mobile Satellit Service for INMARSAT C included. Schweizer Bundesamt f¨ ur Kommunikation www.bakom.ch • United Kingdom SRC = Short Range Certificate Royal Yachting Association RYA


ROC = Restricted Operator Certificate Association of Marine Electronics and Radio Colleges www.amerc.ac.uk 11

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at


Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping of Seafarers STCW

The STCW Convention defines international basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on commercial vessels. www.imo.org 1. Medical Certificate Austria: Seeschiffahrtsverordnung United Kingdom: MSN 1765

www.ris.bka.gv.at www.mcga.gov.uk

2. STCW 95 Basic Safety (a) Elementary First Aid (b) Personal Survival Techniques (c) Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (d) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities ROC (and GOC) must be endorsed by the national maritime agency. • Austria: Oberste Schifffahrtsbeh¨ orde OSB


• Germany: Bundesamt f¨ ur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie • United Kingdom: Maritime and Coastguard Agency STCW revalidation is required every 5 years.




GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at


Global Maritime Distress and Safety System GMDSS


Regulations and Rules

GMDSS is a combination of regulations and rules for shipping and radio communication. 2.1.1

Safety Of Life At Sea SOLAS

The SOLAS Convention is concerning the safety of merchant ships. It was adopted in 1920, in response to the Titanic disaster 1914. In 1988 Chapter IV radiocommunication of the Safety Of Life At Sea SOLAS convention incorporates GMDSS. SOLAS was adopted 1960 by the International Maritime Organisation IMO. www.imo.org The IMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations UN and based in London. www.un.org 2.1.2

Radio Regulations RR

The Radio Regulations RR mainly setting out frequency bands and technical parameters. Radio Regulations incorporating decisions of the World Radiocommunication Conferences WRC by the International Telecommunication Organisation ITU. www.itu.int ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations UN and based in Geneva. www.un.org


GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at


Sea areas A1-A4

fig. 4: UK GMDSS sea areas 2.2.1

A1 - Very High Frequency VHF

An area within radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continous DSC alerting is available, as may by defined by a contracting government. ∼30nm from coast 2.2.2

A2 - Medium Frequency MF

An area within radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continous DSC alerting is available, as may by defined by a contracting government (excluding A1). ∼150nm from coast 2.2.3

A3 - International Maritime Satellite INMARSAT

An area within the coverage of all INMARSAT geostationary satellites, in which continous distress alerting is available (excluding A1 and A2). ∼70◦ S-70◦ N 2.2.4

A4 - polar regions

The remaining sea area outside A1, A2 and A3. 14

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at

2.3 2.3.1

Shorebased system Master Plan

The Master Plan contains status of shore-based facilies for the GMDSS. Resue Co-ordination Centres RCC Coast Stations CS Satellite services GMDSS Master Plan ALRS Volume 5 GMDSS 2.3.2

www.imo.org www.ukho.gov.uk

Search And Rescue SAR

The Search And Rescue Convention SAR from IMO aimed an international SAR plan, so that, no matter where an accident occurs, the rescue of persons in distress at sea will be co-ordinated by a SAR organization. www.imo.org National SAR organisations: • Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbr¨ uchiger DGzRS www.dgzrs.de Bremen Rescue www.mrcc-bremen.de • Switzerland: Swiss Maritime Navigation Office, RCC Z¨ urich Swiss Air Rescue www.rega.ch • United Kingdom: Her Majesty Coastguard HMCG



GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at

2.4 2.4.1

Shipbord system Radio equipment for SOLAS vessels

SOLAS vessels on international voyages are compulsory fitted. Mandatory equipment is defined by navigation area. It must be approved by IMO and carry a wheelmark symbol. area A1

certificate ROC/GOC







equipment VHF RT DSC VHF DSC watch receiver VHF handheld device NAVTEX receiver EPIRB float free SART MF RT DSC MF DSC watch receiver either INMARSAT MES + EGC receiver or MF/HF RT DSC + watch receiver MF/HF RT DSC MF/HF DSC + watch receiver MF/HF telex

On compulsory fitted vessels the availability of equipment must be guaranted. This can be done by 3 different methods listed. Ships sailing in Sea Area A1 or A2 can choose one of these 3 methods, while sailing in A3 or A4 they have to choose 2 of these 3 methods. 1. DOE Duplication Of Equipment • A1 and A2: VHF RT DSC • A3 and A4: MF/HF RT DSC or INMARSAT MES 2. SBM Shore Based Maintenance (contract, arrangment) 3. ASM At Sea Maintenance (qualified personal) 16

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 2.4.2

Radio equipment for non-SOLAS vessels

Ships not sailing under provisions of SOLAS are voluntary GMDSS fitted and called non-SOLAS vessels. GMDSS equipment may recommended by natinonal organisation or required by national law. It must comply with the regulations of the European Union EU and carry a Conform European CE Symbol. eur-lex.europa.eu Austria: by law (JachtZulVO) area all inshore >3nm ocean >200nm

certificate SRC

www.ris.bka.gv.at equipment radio receiver VHF RT EPIRB

Germany: recommended (Sicherheitsrichtlinien) area all inshore ocean

certificate SRC

equipment radio or NAVTEX receiver VHF RT EPIRB

Switzerland: recommended area all ocean



equipment SSB radio receiver EPIRB

United Kingdom: recommended area all inshore >3nm offshore >20nm offshore >60nm offshore >60nm ocean >150nm


certificate SRC SRC


www.mcga.gov.uk equipment VHF handheld VHF RT DSC NAVTEX receiver EPIRB, SART MF RT DSC INMARSAT 17

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 2.4.3

Radio equipment tests

Required by SOLAS vessels, recommended by non-SOLAS vessels. Daily DSC internal (self test) batteries (damage, voltage test, load test, charge) printer (function, paper) Weekly VHF handheld (batteries, damages, RX, TX) MF/HF DSC test call (to coast station) LRC/GOC generator (function) Monthly EPIRB internal (batteries, damages, selftest) SART (batteries, damages, selftest) antenna (damages, cleaning, insulators) Yearly EPIRB transmission test (company ashore) 2.4.4

Radio watch

Continuous digital radio watchkeeping is required by SOLAS vessels and recommended by non-SOLAS vessels while at sea. MF NAVTEX receiver on 518kHz VHF DSC watch receiver on ch70 MF/HF DSC scan watch receiver INMARSAT SafetyNET EGC receiver


Every ship, while at sea, shall continue to maintain, when practicable, countinuous watch. VHF RT listening on ch16 VHF RT listening on ch13

SOLAS vessels 18

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 2.4.5

Ship radio licence

Ship radio stations have to be licensed and are costumable. License is issued by the authority of state and must be carried on board. Ships name and registration number Radio Telephone RT identification: callsign Digital Selective Calling DSC identification: MMSI INMARSAT identification: IMN LRC/GOC Telex identification: selcal GOC Accounting Authority: AAIC List of radio equipment (manufacturer & type) National radio licensing administrations: • Austria: by law (TKG, TKGV) www.ris.bka.gv.at Fernmeldebeh¨ orde I. Instanz FMB www.bmvit.gv.at Licencing fee 49,05 EUR, using fee 10,90 EUR/month validation: 10 years • Germany: Bundesnetzagentur BNetzA www.bundesnetzagentur.de Licencing fee 130,- EUR, using fee 21,10 EUR/year validation: life of vessel • Switzerland: Bundesamt f¨ ur Kommunikation www.bakom.ch Licencing fee 50,- SFR, using fee 10,- SFR/month validation: 1 year • United Kingdom: Office for Comminication www.ofcom.org.uk Licencing fee 20,- GBP, using fee 20,- GBP/year validation: life of vessel


GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 2.4.6

Radio log book

For SOLAS vessels a GMDSS radio log book with the following minimum entries is required: Summary of distress/urgency/safety traffic Important incidents connected to the radio service Appropriate ships position every day Master must sign every day Equipment tests National radio log book forms: • Austria: Seeschifffahrtsverordnung


• United Kingdom: Martime Safety Agency www.mcga.gov.uk date/time UTC


station to

station from

communications summary, tests, remarks

frequency channel, satellite


The following documents must be carried on bord: Ships radio licence Radio operator certificates compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels in addition: Radio log book ITU List of Coast Stations or ALRS Volume 1 ITU List of Ship Stations ITU List of Callsigns and Numerical Identities ITU Manual for use by Maritime Mobile Services ALRS ITU

www.ukho.gov.uk www.itu.int 20

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 2.4.8

Radio secrecy

No person shall divulge or publish the contents of any messages transmitted or received by such station, or to another station employed to forward such message to its destination, unless legally required so to do by the court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority. Radio operators have to declare this. 2.4.9

Accounting Authority Identification Code AAIC

Accounting authorities are used to facilitate the effective collection and distribution of radiocommunication charges between ship and coast stations and the Public Switched Telephone Network PSTN and Packet Switched Data Network PSDN. Ship stations need a contract with AAIC for public correspondations. AAIC: 2 letters (country) + 2 numbers (company): Examples: AU01 Telekom Austria AG DP07 Seefunk GB11 NSSL Limited

www.telekom.at www.dp07.de www.satcom-solutions.com

Maritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System MARS www.itu.int


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VHF Maritime Mobile Radio


VHF Radio Telephone RT

fig. 5: Simrad RD68

For calling each station needs a name, normally it would be the ships name. As the ships name is not unique a radio call sign is allocated.

Transceiver is a combination of transmitter and receiver. 3.1.1

Receiver RX

• Power on/off: switch or combined with volume control • Volume control VC: loudspeaker • Squelch SQ: noise limiter, receive signal limiter • Dimmer: display brightness • Channel: select TX/RX frequency – Distress channel 16: select distress channel and 25W TX – Working channel: 01-28, 60-88, national channels – Dual Watch DW: alternating present channel and ch16 3.1.2

Transmitter TX

• Transmission Power – Low / 1W: range about 4nm – High / 25W: range up to 100nm • Push To Talk PTT: activate transmitter 3.1.3

VHF handheld device

Used on board, tender, survival craft, towing, mooring, ... 22

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3.2 3.2.1

VHF Digital Selective Calling DSC Maritime Mobile Service Identification MMSI

For selective calling each station needs a unique 9-digit MMSI, including the 3-digit country code MID. ship station group of stations coast station 3.2.2

MMSI = MIDxxxxxx MMSI = 0MIDxxxxx MMSI = 00MIDxxxx

Type of calls

Primary type of calls to one, some or all stations in radio range: • distress – alert (acknowledge)

all stations

– relay all (acknowledge)

all stations

– relay individual (acknowledge)

coast MMSI

• urgency & safety – all ships

all stations

– individual (acknowledge)

ship or coast MMSI

• routine – group

group MMSI

– individual (acknowledge) 3.2.3

ship or coast MMSI

VHF DSC controller

class A all facilities for compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels class B full requirements for compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels class D minimum facilities for voluntary fitted non-SOLAS vessels Watch receiver continuous digital watch on VHF DSC ch70 23

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3.3 3.3.1

VHF Maritime Mobile Band VHF wave propagation

Electromagnetic waves in the maritime VHF Band 156-174MHz are propagating in the line of sight. These are called space waves. Due to the earth’s curvature the range will dependpon the height of the transmitting an receiving antenna. d[nm] ≈ 2 h[m] radio contact 2 handheld 2 motor yachts 2 sailing yachts motor yacht - coast sailing yacht - coast 3.3.2

antenna height 1m/1m 4m/4m 16m/16m 4m/100m 16m/100m

appr. distance 4nm 8nm 16nm 24nm 28nm

VHF antenna

Vessels are using VHF omni-directional rod antennas. Frequency band (∼150MHz) is selected by antenna length (∼1m). 3.3.3

Simplex ship-ship and ship-shore

A single frequency is used for TX and RX. While pushing the transmit button PTT the radio changes from receive RX to transmit TX. 3.3.4

Duplex and semiduplex ship-shore

Two separate frequencies for TX and RX are used for duplex operation for simultaneously receiving and transmission. Semiduplex: alternating RX and TX on Duplex channels. 3.3.5

VHF class of emission

Modulation is superimposing low Audio Frequency AF (voice) onto a High Frequency HF carrier. PM Phase Modulation is used in VHF maritime radio (G3E used for RT and G2B for DSC). 24

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 3.3.6 ch 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

International VHF channels 01-28 Ship TX [MHz] 156,050 156,100 156,150 156,200 156,250 156,300 156,350 156,400 156,450 156,500 156,550 156,600 156,650 156,700 156,750 156,800 156,850 156,900 156,950 157,000 157,050 157,100 157,150 157,200 157,250 157,300 157,350 157,400

Ship RX [MHz] 160,650 160,700 160,750 160,800 160,850 156,300 160,950 156,400 156,450 156,500 156,550 156,600 156,650 156,700 156,750 156,800 156,850 161,500 161,550 161,600 161,650 161,700 161,750 161,800 161,850 161,900 161,950 162,000

Sim Dup D D D D D S D S S S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D D D D

primary usage

SAR, intership intership

intership for safety of navigation on board distress, urgency, safety, calling on board


GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 3.3.7 ch 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88

International VHF channels 60-88 Ship TX [MHz] 156,025 156,075 156,125 156,175 156,225 156,275 156,325 156,375 156,425 156,475 156,525 156,575 156,625 156,675 156,725 156,775 156,825 156,875 156,925 156,975 157,025 157,075 157,125 157,175 157,225 157,275 157,325 157,375 157,425

Ship RX [MHz] 160,625 160,675 160,725 160,775 160,825 160,875 160,925 156,375 156,425 156,475 156,525 156,575 156,625 156,675 156,725 156,775 156,825 156,875 161,525 161,575 161,625 161,675 161,725 161,775 161,825 161,875 161,925 157,375 157,425

Sim Dup D D D D D D D S S S S S S S S S S S D D D D D D D D D S S


primary usage

DSC intership

1W, safety of navigation 1W, safety of navigation intership

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International VHF channel usage

DSC alerting / calling (distress, urgency, safety and routine) RT RT RT RT RT

distress, urgency, safety, calling Search And Rescue on board (bridge to handheld, tender, tow, ...) ch primary intership working ch 06, 08, secondary intership working ch 09, 10, 15, 17, 67,

RT intership for safety of navigation

ch 70 ch ch 15, 72, 69,

16 06 17 77 73

ch 13

Communications between ships whose purpose contributes to the safe of movement of ships. Bridge-to-bridge communication on ch13 is used without preceding a DSC call. AIS Automatic Identification System

ch AIS1/2

Ships information as position, course, speed, MMSI, ... is transmitted periodically for safety of navigation. 3.3.9

National private VHF channel usage

nation Belgium Croatia Germany Netherlands Scandinavia United Kingdom

ch 96 17 69, 72 31 F1, F2, F3 L1, L2, L3 M, M2 67 80

usage Marina Marina pleasure crafts Marina fishing vessels pleasure crafts club safety, race control Her Majesty Coast Guard for small craft safety Marina


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3.4 3.4.1

RT communication Phonetic Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Decimal point Full stop

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu


Decimal Stop



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Standard Marine Communication Phrases SMCP



an error has been made numbers are written in figures numbers are written in letters spelling the next word phonetically RT distress signal (french: m’aider) termination of working, no reply expected expect reply reuqest strenght an clarity of transmission receiving station read back information acknowledge receipt of transmission RT urgency signal (french: panne) repeat part or all of message ALL AFTER, ALL BEFORE WORD AFTER, WORD BEFORE RT safety signal (french: se´curite´) french: SEELONCE MAYDAY french: SEELONCE FEENEE unsure of the identity of calling station radio traffic identification of station calling follows

IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases www.imo.org BSH IMO-Standard Marine Communication Phrases www.bsh.de Captain G¨ unter Schmidt www.maricom.de


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Maritime radio stations

ALRS Volume 1 Coast Stations www.ukho.gov.uk ALRS Volume 6 Pilot, Vessel Traffic Service, Port Operations ITU List of Coast Stations www.itu.int ITU List of Ship Stations ITU List of Call Signs and Numerical Identities ITU Maritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System MARS Coast Station CS


Name: place of station + RADIO Call Sign: 3 characters MMSI: 00 + MID + 4 digits

SPLIT RADIO 9AS 002380100

Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services VTS and Port Operations place + function Port Bridge Pilot Marina Radar Lock Traffic control


Ship Station SS Name: name of vessel Call Sign: 4 or more characters MMSI: MID + 6 digits

MOUSE OEDF 203984534

Survival Craft Name of parent vessel + 2 digits (20-99) MOUSE 20 Call Sign of parent vessel + 2 digits (20-99) OEDF 20 On board Master (fixed): + CONTROL Sub (handheld): + 1 character 30


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Distress - MAYDAY

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. 3.5.1

DSC distress alert on VHF ch70

Alert includes ships MMSI, position, nature and working ch16 Undefined distress alert push DISTRESS button >5s Defined distress alert enter menu a) check position (interconnected GPS or manual entry) b) select nature of distress from list: undefined/undesignated, fire/explosion, flooding, collision, grounding, listing/capsizing, sinking, disabled/adrift, abandon, piracy/armed robbery, man/person over board c) push DISTRESS button >5s Received by DSC ship and coast stations in radio range Await DSC distress acknowledge from CS/RCC If not, automatic reptition of DSC distress alert 3.5.2 call:

≈30nm 5min

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Distress relay - MAYDAY RELAY

There is a distress situation if you observe orange smoke, red parachute flares, raising an lowering arms, flying a ball over/under square shape. Or if you receive DSC distress alert, RT MAYDAY, SART, EPIRB. • Set continuous watch on VHF ch16 • Await acknowledge or response from CS/RCC call: MAYDAY MAYDAY 3x station called SILVI SILVI SILVI this is this is 3x calling station 3x RIJEKA RADIO message: RECEIVED MAYDAY RECEIVED MAYDAY • If no CS/RCC involved relay ashore by any means 3.6.1 a) b) c) d) e)

DSC distress relay call on VHF ch70 select individual call priority distress relay (only some DSC) enter or select MMSI of CS/RCC select working channel 16 enter distressed MMSI, POS, nature (only some DSC) push appropriate button to transmit

Await DSC distress relay acknowledge from CS/RCC If not, repeat after 5min, third transmission after another 15min. 3.6.2

RT distress relay call and message on VHF ch16

call: MAYDAY RELAY station called this is calling station message:

MAYDAY RELAY RIJEKA RADIO this is SEAGULL DG9156 211645735 received / observed


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RT distress relay acknowlege message

If you receive the following from CS/RCC: • NAVTEX distress relay message • DSC distress relay call/alert • RT distress relay call and message call: 3x MAYDAY RELAY this is 3x calling station message: MAYDAY ship in distress position nature of distress kind of assistance additional information OVER

3x MAYDAY RELAY this is 3x RIJEKA RADIO MAYDAY Silvi OEX6437 203783420 position 43◦ 59.2’N 013◦ 28.9’W abandon ship to liferaft immediate assistance required 4 adults with life jackets OVER

Take the following actions, if you are able to assist: • Set continuous watch on VHF ch16


• Transmit RT distress acknowledge to CS/RCC call:

MAYDAY 3x station called this is 3x calling station

message: RECEIVED MAYDAY RELAY position distance to the incidant maximum speed Estimated Time of Arrival OVER

MAYDAY 3x RIJEKA RADIO this is Seagull Seagull Seagull RECEIVED MAYDAY RELAY position 43◦ 49.9’N 013◦ 27.1’W 15nm from incident speed 10kn ETA 1.5h OVER 33

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Distress cancellation

Distress has to be canceled after transmission of a false distress alert or distress situation no longer required. 3.7.1

DSC distress cancellation on VHF ch70

a) b)

push CANCEL button to stop transmission select distress cancellation call (only some DSC) self acknowledge push appropriate button to transmit

c) 3.7.2

RT distress cancellation on VHF ch16

Follow up with RT distress cancellation call and message: call:

3xall stations this is 3xname+callsign+MMSI message: position cancel my distress alert of date and time OVER

all stations all stations all stations this is SILVI SILVI SILVI OEX6437 203783420 position 43◦ 59.2’N 013◦ 28.9’W please cancel my distress alert of 0837 UTC today OVER


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Distress silence

Whilst a distress situation is in force, radio silence is required on distress channel used. No radio traffic allowed, except distress. 3.8.1

Radio silence

Controlling stations may impose silence on stations which interfere with distress or SAR traffic. to all: all stations SILENCE MAYDAY

all stations SEELONCE MAYDAY

to one: name SILENCE MAYDAY 3.8.2


Normal working

When distress traffic has ceased, the control station indicates that normal working can be resumed. MAYDAY 3xall stations this is 3xname time of handling in name callsign MMSI SILENCE FINI

MAYDAY all stations all stations all stations this is 3x RIJEKA RADIO 1541 UTC SILVI OEX6437 203783420 SEELONCE FEENEE


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Urgency - PAN PAN

A very urgent message concerning the safety of a ship or a person. • Medical assistance, advice www.medico-cuxhaven.de Radio Medical Advice RMA Tele Medical Advice System TMAS • Maritime assistance (tug, towing, ...) • Search And Rescue SAR information Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. 3.9.1 Call a) b) c) d) e)

DSC urgency call on VHF ch70

includes ships MMSI, stations called, working channel select urgency call select all stations, group or individual (only some DSC) on individual or group call enter or select MMSI select working channel 16 (only some DSC) push appropriate button to transmit

On individual call await DSC urgency acknowledge If not, repeat after 5min, third transmission after another 15min. 3.9.2

RT urgency call and message on VHF ch16

call: 3x PAN PAN 3x station called this is 3x calling station message:


PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN all stations all stations all stations this is SILVI SILVI SILVI OEX6437 203783420 position 43◦ 59.2’N 013◦ 28.9’W grounded in heavy swell. require urgent tug assistance. OVER 36

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A very important information to shipping. • navigational warning • meteorological warning Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. 3.10.1 Call a) b) c) d) e)

DSC safety call on VHF ch70

includes ships MMSI, stations called, working channel select safety call select all stations, group or individual (only some DSC) on individual or group call enter or select MMSI select working channel push appropriate button to transmit

On individual call await DSC urgency acknowledge If not, repeat after 5min, third transmission after another 15min. 3.10.2

RT safety call and message on working channel

call: 3x SECURITE 3x station called this is 3x calling station message:


3x SAYCURETAY all stations all stations all stations this is SILVI SILVI SILVI OEX6437 203783420 position 43◦ 59.2’N 013◦ 28.9’W nearly submerged container obeserved. danger to navigation. OUT


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Routine traffic between ship stations and ship stations or coast stations containing nautical information is free of charge. Routine traffic between ship stations and coast stations containing private information is charged via AAIC. Traffic is controlled by coast station or station called. Routine traffic on VHF working channel only. 3.11.1 a) b) c) d) e) f)

DSC routine call on VHF ch70

select routine call select group or individual enter or select MMSI select working channel enter aditional information (only some DSC) push appropriate button to transmit

On individual call await DSC urgency acknowledge Repetition after 5min, the third transmission after another 15min.


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RT routine call on VHF ch16

3x station called this is 3x station calling OVER


Maximum length allowed 1min, in total 3 calls within 3min delay. Reply on VHF ch16: station called this is calling station working channel 3.11.3

RT routine call on working channel

station called this is calling station OVER 3.11.4

SILVI this is SEAGULL switch to ch72


RT routine message on working channel

station called this is calling station message OVER

SEAGULL this is SILVI sailing to Pula Marina OVER


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Search And Rescue Satellite COSPAS/SARSAT

COSPAS/SARSAT was founded in 1979 by Russia, USA, Canadia and France. It is used for worldwide locating persons or mobile units in distress in GMDSS since 1988. www.cospas-sarsat.org 3 geostationary satellites GEOSAR in 36000km. 4 polar orbiting satellites LEOSAR in 850km. Maritime use Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon EPIRB Aeronautical use Emergency Locater Transmitter ELT Personal use Personal Locater Beacon PLB


EPIRB distress alert on 406MHz

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only activated by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. EPIRB distress alert includes ships MMSI and position from integrated GPS. It is transmitted on 406MHz passing satellites to a Local User Terminal LUT on land. Then routed via Mission Control Centre MCC to the responsible Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre MRCC. fig. 6: EPIRB An EPIRB can be activated manually or by hydrostatic release. Once activated it transmits a periodic distress alert for more then 48h. Some devices using homing transmitter on 121,5MHz for Radio Direction Finding RDF by SAR forces in addition.


EPIRB distress cancellation

Do not switch off after a false alert! Contact RCC by any means and switch off by instruction. 40

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Search And Rescue Transponder SART

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only activated by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. SARTs are used to locate distress position by SAR forces. They are manually activated. The range is about 10nm. Transponder is the short form of transmit and respond.


Radar SART On reception of a 9GHz radar pulse a Radar SART transmits 12 radar pulses. That means a distress signal on the radar screen.

fig. 7: SART



Once acticated it transmits periodic distress alert on VHF Automatic Identification System AIS channels. AIS SARTs are transmitting MMSI and Position from integrated GPS. That means a distress signal on the AIS or Electronic Chart Display Information System ECDIS screen.


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Maritime Safety Information MSI

Important information concerning the safety of persons or vessels. 1 2 3 4

Navigational Warning NX Meteorological Information WX Search And Rescue information SAR Urgent or safety related information

Scheduled MSI broadcasts from coast stations are free of charge. aera A1, A2 A3 A3, A4


GMDSS Master Plan


ALRS Volume 3 MSI Services ALRS Volume 5 GMDSS


BSH Handbuch Nautischer Funkdienst BSH Yachtfunkdienst Mittelmeer BSH Yachtfunkdienst Nord- und Ostsee


Sailing directions Nautical Alamancs DX Information Centre Frisnit Uceanography & Marine Meteorology


www.dxinfocentre.com www.frisnit.com weather.gmdss.org

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NAVAREAs are geographical sea areas estabilshed for co-ordinating the broadcast of MSI www.imo.org

fig. 8: NAVAREAs Sub-Area means a sub-division of a NAVAREA in which a number of countries have established a coordinated MSI system.

fig. 9: Sub-NAVAREAs in Mediterranian Sea


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NAVTEX MSI service

NAVTEX means navigational text, no fax or pictures are transmitted. Transmission time every 4 hours for 300GRT and some vessels over 24m. This certificate authorises the holder to use a Radio Telephone RT on all maritime mobile bands including Digital Selective Calling DSC an maritime mobile satellite communications on a compulsory GMDSS fitted SOLAS vessels. fig. 10: GOC At least one holder of a certificate of competence for maritime radio stations on board compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels is required, normally by the shipmaster himself and all marine officers.


Long Range Certificate LRC

Required for pleasure or fishing use on small crafts. This certificate authorises the holder to use a Radio Telephone RT on all maritime mobile bands including Digital Selective Calling DSC and maritime mobile satellite communications on board voluntary GMDSS fitted non-SOLAS vessels. fig. 11: LRC At least one holder of a certificate of competence for maritime radio stations is required, normally by the shipmaster himself. 47

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Syllabus for LRC and GOC

CEPT examination syllabus for maritime radio operators for using GMDSS voluntary (LRC) and compulsory (GOC). www.cept.dk www.ero.dk 1. Maritime Mobile Radio Telephone RT communications (a) General principles and basic features 2. Detailed working knowledge of radio equipment (a) VHF, MF/HF radio installation (b) Purpose and use of Digital Selective Calling DSC (c) Narrow Band Direct Printing NBDP, telex


3. Operational procedures of the GMDSS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Search and Rescue SAR Procedures Distress, urgency and safety communication Communication with non-SOLAS ships Protection of distress frequencies Maritime Safety Information MSI Alerting and Locating Signals


4. Operational procedures and regulations (a) (b) (c) (d)

English language written and spoken GOC Ability to exchange communications relevant to SOLAS Regulations, obligatory procedures and practices Practical and theoretical knowledge of RT procedures

5. Maritime Mobile Satellite Service (a) INMARSAT System (b) INMARSAT C operation, Enhanced Group Call EGC (c) INMARSAT B/M, Flett 77 operation GOC 48

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Radio operator certificate

Every ship radio station must be controlled by an operator holding a certificate issued or recognised by the government to which the station is subject. The operator must hold an authority to operate by the shipmaster. National radio operator licensing administrations: • Austria: by law (FZG, FZV, FZGV) www.ris.bka.gv.at LRC = Allgemeines Betriebszeugnis II UBZ II GOC = Allgemeines Betriebszeugnis I UBZ I Radiotelephone Operator for Inland Waterways included. Fernmeldebeh¨ orde FMB www.bmvit.gv.at • Germany LRC = Allgemein g¨ ultiges Funkbetriebszeugnis Deutscher Segler-Verband DSV www.dsv.org Deutscher Motoryachtverband DMYV www.dmyv.de GOC= Allgemein g¨ ultiges Betriebszeugnis f¨ ur Funker ABZ Bundesamt f¨ ur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie www.bsh.de • Switzerland LRC = Allgemein g¨ ultiges Betriebszeugnis f¨ ur die Sportschiffahrt Radiotelephone Operator for Inland Waterways included. Maritime Mobile Satellit Service for INMARSAT C included. Schweizer Bundesamt f¨ ur Kommunikation www.bakom.ch • United Kingdom LRC = Long Range Certificate GOC = General Operator Certificate Association of Marine Electronics and Radio Colleges www.amerc.ac.uk


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9 9.1

MF/HF Maritime Mobile Radio MF/HF propagation

Ground wave This type of waves travels along the surface of the ground. Propagation is influenced by the frequency and the conductivity of the earth. At MF the ground wave has a range of 150-250nm during daylight. At HF the absorbtion of the ground increases and the range can be less than 5 miles. Sky wave The sky wave has the ability to bend or reflect in the upper atmosphere (labled F1 and F2) so that it returns to the earth. With more than one skips you can reach stations around the world. Skip distance increases with the frequency. Lower bands 4/8MHz have to be sent in the morning and at night. During sunlight at mid afternoon use higher bands 16/22MHz. And in the evening 8/12MHz. So MF sky wave can reach more than 400nm during night. Dead zone No signals are heard between the end of the ground wave and the skip of the sky wave and so it is called the dead zone. Fading If more then one reflection is received the receiver will combine the signals. Combining these two signals means the strength of the signal can vary greatly. Variations from zero to maximum are possible, called fading.


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9.2 A H J F G

MF/HF classes of emission modulation AM SSB carrier SSB no carrier FM PM

1 2 3

signal digital digital subcarrier analog

A3E Double Side Band DSB


information teleprinting fax telecommand telephony

LF/MF/HF broadcast

The Radio Frequency RF carrier and 3kHz bandwidth of the Audio Frequency AF are fed into the amplitude modulator AM. On the output is a Double Side Band DSB signal with 6kHz bandwidth, named A3E. Those two bands call Lower Side Band LSB and Upper Side Band USB. H3E Single Side Band SSB with carrier

former MF RT 2182kHz

An LSB filter makes the Upper Side Band USB, a Single Side Band SSB with carrier H3E, from Double Side Band A3E. You spare 25% of power. J3E Single Side Band SSB no carrier


A carrier filter produces the SSB without carrier J3E. You spare 50% of power. On receiving J3E signals you must reinsert a carrier to demodulate information. TX and RX frequency are not really the same, so you need to adjust RX frequency with fine tune or clarifier. F1B Frequency Shift Keying FSK


FSK means the transmission of two different frequencies for two states of binary digits 0 and 1. J2B Single Side Band SSB with subcarrier


Bit 0/1 are converted into two different audio tone signals and sent in J3E 51

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MF/HF Radio Telephone RT

Based on the same technology a single MF/HF radio device is used for MF and HF communication.

fig. 12: ICOM M710 GMDSS 9.3.1

Receiver RX

• RX/TX paired frequencies – Select ITU channel: associated RX/TX frequency table – Input RX and TX frequency – 2182 direct tune to MF 2182kHz, J3E, high power • Class of emission mode • RF Radio Frequency gain

signal sensitivity

• AGC Automatic Gain Control • AF Audio Frequency gain • Fine tune / clarifiy 9.3.2

reduce fading volume of loudspeaker

shift RX carrier frequency ±150Hz

Transmitter TX

• Push To Talk PTT • Tune

activate transmitter matches the length of the antenna

• Power

MF 60-400W, HF 60-1500W 52

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Radio bands

band LF MF

definition 30-300kHz 300-3000kHz

wave 10-1km 1000-100m


3-30MHz 30-300MHz 300-3000MHz

100-10m 10-1m 10-1dm





maritime useage NAVTEX 490kHz, 518kHz MF RT+DSC 1605-3800kHz HF RT+DSC 3.8-26MHz VHF RT+DSC 156-162MHz COSPAS/SARSAT 406MHz INMARSAT 1.5/1.6GHz GPS 1.5GHz RADAR 3GHz & 9 GHz SART 9GHz

MF/HF Antenna

• Wire: Yachts are using the aft stay, lager vessels a wire between two masts bow and stern. The wire, more then 7m, has to be insulated from superstructure. • Whip: Yachts are using pushpit or flybridge mounting, larger vessels the top of bridge tower.


MF/HF Tuner The MF/HF carrier frequency changes from minimum MF 1.6MHz to maximum HF 26MHz and therefore the wave length from 188m to 10m. But the antenna has a fixed length. Automatic antenna tuner matches the real length to the ideal length using coils and capacitors.

fig. 13: ICOM AT130E


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MF/HF Digital Selective Calling DSC


Type of calls

Primary type of calls to one, some or all stations in radio range: • distress – alert (acknowledge)

all stations

– relay all (acknowledge)

all stations

– relay individual (acknowledge)

coast MMSI

• urgency & safety – group, geographical area

group MMSI or coordinates

– individual (acknowledge)

ship or coast MMSI

• routine – group

group MMSI

– individual (acknowledge) – test (acknowledge) 9.7.2 class A class E

ship or coast MMSI coast MMSI

MF/HF DSC controller full requirements for compulsory fitted SOLAS vessels minimum facilities for voluntary fitted non-SOLAS vessels

Scan watch receiver

continuous digital watch scanning all 6 MF/HF DSC frequencies


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Distress - MAYDAY

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. 9.8.1

MF/HF DSC distress alert

Alert includes ships MMSI, position, nature and working frequency Undefined distress alert Defined distress alert a) b)




push DISTRESS button >5s enter menu

check position (interconnected GPS or manual entry) select nature of distress from list: undefined/undesignated, fire/explosion, flooding, collision, grounding, listing/capsizing, sinking, disabled/adrift, abandon, piracy/armed robbery, man/person over board select calling frequency: single: 5 consecutive calls on 1 frequency ∼35s multi: 6 consecutive calls on all 6 frequencies ∼42s MF 2187.5kHz HF 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, 16804.5kHz select associated RT working frequency: MF 2182kHz HF 4125, 6215, 8291, 12290, 16420kHz push DISTRESS button >5s

MF DSC received by ship & coast stations in radio range ∼150nm HF DSC received by ship & coast stations in propagation range Await DSC distress acknowledge from CS/RCC If not, automatic reptition of DSC distress alert 9.8.2

5s Possible without any contract with INMARSAT corporation. Designated distress alert enter menu a) select distress alert b) check position (interconnected GPS or manual entry) c) select nature of distress from list unspecified, fire/explosion, flooding, collision, grounding, listing, sinking, disabled/adrift, abandon, further assitance, piracy/armed attack d) login to any LES/CES (nearest to your position prefered) e) push appropriate button to transmit Received by Inmarsat satellite → LES → RCC ∼70◦ S-70◦ N Await SAT-C distress acknowledge from RCC within 5min. If not repeat SAT-C distress alert as above. 11.2.2 a) b)

c) d)

SAT-C telex distress message

select distress priority prepare distress message MAYDAY ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position, nature of distress, assistance required additional information select the same LES/CES through the alert was sent to transmit push appropriate button 66

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SAT-C telex distress relay message

There is a distress situation if you observe orange smoke, red parachute flares, raising an lowering arms, flying a ball over/under square shape. Or if you receive DSC distress alert, RT MAYDAY, SART, EPIRB. Take the following actions: • Set continuous watch on VHF ch16 and MF 2182kHz • If no CS/RCC involved relay ashore by any means Relay to RCC on SAT-C terminal: a) b)

c) d)

select distress priority prepare message MAYDAY RELAY ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position observed / received the following ... select LES/CES to transmit push appropriate button


SAT-C telex distress cancellation message

If you accidentally send a distress alert, you should notify the appropriate RCC to cancel the alert by sending a distress priority message via the same LES through which the false alert was sent. a) b)

c) d)

select distress priority prepare distress cancellation message ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position cancel my distress alert of date and time select the same LES/CES through the alert was sent to transmit push appropriate button 67

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SAT-C priority routine

Messages are selected by 2-digit Special Access Codes SAC. www.inmarsat.com 11.3.1

SAT-C telex urgency message

A very urgent message concerning the safety of a ship or a person. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. a) b) c)


e) f)

select routine priority select message type special access enter specific 2-digit code 32 medical advice 38 medical assistance 39 maritime assitance prepare message including PAN PAN ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN / position select LES/CES to transmit push appropriate button


SAT-C telex safety message

A very important navigational or meteorological warning. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. a) b) c) d)

e) f)

select routine priority select message type special access enter specific 2-digit code 42 navigational hazards prepare message including SECURITE ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN / position select LES/CES to transmit push appropriate button 68

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SAT-C telex routine message

Message type: shore ship

type telex telex

data fax sms email


country country 581 AOR/E 582 POR 583 IOR 583 AOR/W country -

destination subscriber IMN

DNIC subscriber -

prefix 28 28

ext. T30 -

preamble TO+ TO+

SAT-C terminal: a) b) c) d) e)

select routine priority select message type, country, destination, prefix, extension prepare message including preamble select LES/CES (shore charges → nearest to destination) to transmit push appropriate button ≈ 0,30USD 50 character 36 character 32 character

Inmarsat air charges per 256Bit ITA-2, 5Bit, telex ASCII, 7Bit, text Binary, 8Bit, data

/ / / /

256Bit 256Bit 256Bit 256Bit

Inmarsat sms/email Provider: contract required Vizada (former Telenor, France Telecom) www.vizada.com Stratos (former Xantic) www.stratosglobal.com Inmarsat Mobile Number IMN: ITU List of callsigns and numerical identities Maritime Access and Retrieval System MARS www.itu.int Inmarsat ships directory www.inmarsat.com Data Network Identification Code DNIC: 69


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SAT-C shore-to-ship routine

fig. 18: INMARSAT shore-to-ship telex


country 581 AOR/E 582 POR 583 IOR 584 AOR/W 1111 AOR/E 1112 POR 1113 IOR 1114 AOR/W

destination IMN


Inmarsat Mobile Number IMN: ITU List of callsigns and numerical identities Maritime Access and Retrieval System MARS www.itu.int Inmarsat ships directory www.inmarsat.com

sms email

destination Vizada: +49-1709127629 Stratos; +47-95222333 Vizada: [email protected] Stratos: [email protected]


message preamble MES: i IMN subject: keyword subject: al:telex

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11.5 11.5.1

SAT-C shore-to-ship Enhanced Group Call EGC SafetyNET

SafetyNET provides Maritime Safety Information MSI broadcasts outside NAVTEX coverage free of charge. MSI may be addressed to all ships (coverage, ocean region, NAVAREA) or within a geographic area (circle, rectangule, coastal area). Priority levels: distress, urgency, safety, routine Scheduled MSI broadcasts (UTC): area I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI


NAV Information 1730 1630 1200, 2400 1000, 2200 0400, 1230 0200, 1400 1940 1000 0800 0700, 1900 0005, 0805, 1205





1030, 2230 0930, 2130 0930, 2130 on receipt 0210, 1410, 2210 0519, 1119, 1719, 2319

ALRS Volume 5 GMDSS GMDSS Master Plan INMARSAT SafetyNet User Handbook 11.5.2

MET Information 0930, 2130 0900, 2100 1000, 2200 0430, 1030, 1630, 0730, 1930 0230, 1730 0940, 1940 0830, 0900, 1630, 0700 1030, 2330 0230, 0330, 0815, 1430, 1530, 2015, 0545, 1145, 1745, 0230, 0830, 0930, 2030, 2130 0930, 2130 0100, 1330, 1845 0515, 1115, 1715,



0830, 2030 2345 1430,


www.ukho.gov.uk www.navcen.uscg.gov www.inmarsat.com


FleetNET provides charged commercial broadcasts to a group of stations selected by EGC Network Identification code ENID code. 71

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 11.5.3

EGC receiver

Set up EGC receiver: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

automatic update of ships position from GPS or manually input at least every 4 hours designate current NAVAREA I-XVI based on ships position designate INMARSAT ocean region for current NAVAREA login in to ocean region NCS of AOR-W, AOR-E, POR or IOR enter NAVAREA I-XVI select NAVTEX codes and/or EGC services from list enter alternative NAVAREA

fig. 19: MSI SafetyNet


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SAT-B/M Mobile Earth Station


SAT-B/M Terminal

terminal SAT-B SAT-M Mini-M


service phone, telex (fax and data are optional) phone, fax, data (small-scale, non GMDSS) phone, data (portable, non GMDSS, spot beam area)

SAT-B/M priority distress

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. 12.2.1 a) b) c) d)

SAT-B telex distress

go online push DISTRESS button >6s await RCC answerback and GA+ (Go Ahead) type distress message or retrieve from DMG MAYDAY ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position, nature of distress, assistance required, additional

Distress Message Generator DMG is a memory for pre-programmed telex distress message. Ships identification and position is included. 12.2.2 a) b) c) d) e)

SAT-B/M phone distress

lift headset and await dial tone push DISTRESS button >6s # -key to start call await RCC operater answers give distress message MAYDAY ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position, nature of distress, assistance required, additional 73

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SAT-B/M priority routine


SAT-B/M Special Access Code SAC

SAT-B calls are selected by 2-digit Special Access Code SAC. www.inmarsat.com a) b) c) d) e) f)

g) h)

select mode phone / telex (SAT-B only) select routine priority P0 select LES/CES (shore charges → nearest to destination) lift headset (phone) / go online (telex) await RCC answers / answerback and GA+ enter SAC 00 automatic dialing 32 medical advice 38 medical assistance 39 maritime assitance 42 navigational hazard followed by # (phone) / + (telex) enter country + area + subscriber number on phone call give message (phone) / type message (telex)


SAT-B/M shore-to-ship routine

Automatic phone call shore-to-ship: +870-IMN Inmarsat Mobile Number IMN: ITU List of callsigns and numerical identities Maritime Access and Retrieval System MARS www.itu.int Inmarsat ships directory www.inmarsat.com


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Fleet 77/55/33 Mobile Earth Station


Fleet 77/55/33 Terminal

terminal Fleet 77 Fleet 55 Fleet 33

service ISDN phone, MPDS data, preemption, 4 priorities phone, data (small-scale, non GMDSS) phone, data (mobile, non GMDSS, spot beam areas)

Pre-emption is the ability to interrupt voice or data communication by higher priorities.


Priority distress


Fleet 77 phone distress

Grave and imminent danger to ship or crew, immediate assistance required. Only be sent by authority of shipmaster or person in charge. a) b) c) e)

push DISTRESS button >5s select LES (nearest to incident) or use default await RCC operater answers give distress message MAYDAY ships name / call sign / MMSI / IMN position, nature of distress, assistance required additional information

Inmarsat Mobile Number IMN: ITU List of callsigns and numerical identities Maritime Access and Retrieval System MARS www.itu.int Inmarsat ships directory www.inmarsat.com


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Part III

Appendix 14 14.1

Mock questions Operation Performance Test OPT

1. VHF Radio Telephone RT (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

switch power on/off set volume and squelch for optimum performance adjust dimmer and contrast select distress, urgency, safety and RT calling channel select working channel 77 demonstrate dual watch facility adjust power output 1W / 25W (explain its significance)

2. VHF Digital Selective Calling DSC (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m)

check ships MMSI enter position and time manually send an undesignated distress alert send a designated distress alert cancel a false distress alert send a distress relay call to CS/RCC send an urgency call to all stations (RT working ch 16) send an safety call to all stations (RT working ch 08) send a group call (RT working channel 72) send a ship-to-ship routine call (RT working ch 77) send a ship-to-shore routine call retrieve received calls from log (memory) enter name and MMSI into directory (address book) 76

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Safety Of Life At Sea SOLAS

1. State the information included in a DSC distress alert. 2. The RT call should sent on which VHF channel. 3. shipmaster advised you to transmit DSC distress alert followed up with distress call and message: (a) 43-43.3N 017-12.7E badly holed, ship is sinking, 4 persons (b) 44-13.6N 017-45.3E explosion in engine room, ship is on fire, 3 persons (c) 43-57.1S 016-59.9E lost prop shaft, flooding, 5 persons (d) 44-01.0N 016-48.8W dense fog, collision with fishing vessel, 8 persons (e) 43-26.5S 117-15.0W hit an underwater rock, 1 person (f) 44-33.2S 016-29.6E lost keel, heavy list to port, 8 persons (g) 44-19.9N 015-59.1E lost rudder, drifting ashore in heavy sea, 2 persons (h) 43-00.2S 116-25.8E 7 persons abandon ship to liferaft (i) 44-19.1N 016-39.8E attack by 4 armed pirates, 6 persons (j) 01-21.2N 017-45.9W person over board in heavy sea (k) 44-32.7N 016-56.0E 62 years old crew member had a heart attack (l) 12-43.4S 017-17.6E capsized, no life raft, no dinghy, alone 77

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 4. Define distress, urgency and safety priority. 5. There is a yacht about one mile from you, it is trailing orange smoke and has a crew member standing on deck and repeatedly raising and lowering his outstreched arms. List the actions you should take. 6. State the RT distress relay call and message to CS/RCC. 7. State the procedure for cancelling a false DSC distress alert. 8. State the RT signal you should you to precede a request for medical assistance. 9. State the priority of the DSC alert you should use to report a navigation hazard. 10. State what the signal SILENCE MAYDAY and SILENCE FINI indicates. State which station is allowed to use. 11. State the correct use of 518kHz for the Safety of Life at Sea communications. 12. State two different items of maritime radio equipment recommended for use in survival craft. 13. State two purposes of an EPIRB. 14. State the changes you will see on your ships radar screen as your vessel gets closer to an active radar SARTs position.


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Radio Regulations RR

Requires one answer only. 1. Under whose control may members of the crew use the radiotelephone? (a) The Skipper of the boat (b) The holder of a Certificate of Competence. (c) The Owner of the ship radio licence. (d) Any responsible person aged 18 and over. 2. Under whose authority is a distress alert made? (a) The Skipper. (b) The licenced radio operator. (c) The Coastguard. (d) Any concerned crew member. 3. For the purposes of DSC, vessels are refered to by their (a) MMSI (b) callsign (c) name (d) AAIC 4. If you are using a VHF radio with an aerial height of 16m and power output of 25W, at what range would you expect to alert a coast station with an aerial height of 100m using Channel 70? (a) 5-10nm (b) 25-35nm (c) 50-70nm (d) more then 100nm 79

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 5. Which electronic navigational aid can be interfaced with a DSC controller to input position? (a) NAVTEX (b) Fluxgate compass and electonic log (c) GPS (d) RADAR 6. Which one of the following types of call is permitted? (a) Misleading distress call. (b) Call addressed All Stations. (c) Call containing profane or indecent language. (d) Routine broadcast call. 7. Is the VHF voice distress channel: (a) Channel 06 (b) Channel 67 (c) Channel 70 (d) Channel 16 8. Which of the following calls is prohibited: (a) unidentified (b) all ships (c) ship-to-shore (d) ship-to-ship


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RT messages

15.1.1 1




Ships distress message

Auf Position 12sm n¨ ordlich von Kap Arkona, Feuer in den Aufbauten, Schiffe in dem Gebiet werden gebeten, L¨oschhilfe zu leisten. Auf Position 54-10.7N 00415.4E Feuer im Laderaum ist außer Kontrolle geraten, keine gef¨ahrlichen G¨ uter, keine giftige Rauchentwicklung, 1 Person verletzt. Erbitten sofortige Hilfe. Um 2110UTC, auf Position 2sm nordwestlich von Warnem¨ unde, Mensch u ¨ber Bord, Schiffe in der N¨ahe werden gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten, bei der Suche und Rettung zu helfen und RCC Bremen zu berichten. Auf Position 3sm westlich von B¨ usum, Ruder gebrochen, treiben in rauher See auf Land zu. Ben¨otigen sofortige Hilfe.


in position 12nm north off Cape Arkona, fire in superstructure, vessels in area are requested to assist in fire fighting. In position 54-10.7N 00415.4E fire in hold out of control, no dangerous goods, no poisoning smoke, 1 person injured. Immediate help is requested. Person over board at 2110UTC in position 2nm northwest of Warnemuende, ships in vicinity please keep sharp lookout, assist with search and rescue and report to Bremen Rescue. In position 3nm west of Buesum broken rudder, drifting ashore in rough sea. Require immediate assistance.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 5





Auf Position 17sm n¨ ordlich von Puttgarden, Kollision mit Fischereifahrzeug Meyenburg DCYJ, gef¨ahrliches Leck, Schiff sinkt nach Wassereinbruch, ben¨ otigen sofortige Hilfe. Auf Position 61-10,6N 00345,3E nach einer Explosion Feuer im Maschinenraum, 2 Personen schwer verletzt, wir m¨ ussen das Schiff verlassen, ben¨otigen sofortige Hilfe. Auf Position 4sm n¨ ordlich der Tonne DB2 Kollision mit Tanker NEWEXCO. Starke Schlagseite nach Backbord und Kentergefahr. Ben¨ otige sofortige Hilfe. Auf Position 16-28,7S 174-51,8E, gef¨ahrliches Leck unter der Wasserlinie, Wassereinbruch ist nicht zu kontrollieren, Schiff befindet sich in kritischem Zustand, Schiffe in dem Gebiet werden gebeten zu Hilfe zu kommen. Deutsche Bucht, in der N¨ahe der Leuchttonne DB7, Schiff brennt, bekomme das Feuer nicht unter Kontrolle, ben¨otige sofortige Hilfe.


in collision with fishing vessel Meyenburg DCYJ in position 17nm north of Puttgarden, dangerous leak, vessel sinking after flooding, require immediate assistance. In position 61-10.6N 00345.3E after explosion fire in engine room, 2 persons are seriously injured, we have to abandon the vessel, require immediate help. in position 4nm north of buoy DB2 in collision with tanker NEWEXCO. Heavy list to port side with danger of capsizing. require assistance immediately. In position 16-28.7S 17451.8E with dangerous leak below water line, cannot control flooding, ship is in critical condition, ships in area are requested to approach for assistance. German Bight near light buoy DB7, vessel on fire, fire out of control, require immediate assistance.

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Passing a distress message

10 Auf Position 58-55,8N 00224,3E, beobachtet wie ein kleines Flugzeug mit zwei Propellern notgewassert hat. Das Flugzeug ist noch treibend. Schiffe in der N¨ahe werden gebeten, mit dem Flugzeug auf UKW K16 Verbindung aufzunehmen und via Inmarsat MRCC Stavanger oder via KW Lyngby Radio zu berichten. 11 Um 0732UTC folgendes auf UKW K16 empfangen: Mayday Fjaellfjord LGBX auf Position 4sm nordwestlich von Helgoland, Explosion im Maschinenraum, 6 verletzte Menschen an Bord, ben¨ otigen Hubschrauber und medizinische Hilfe. Ende der Meldung. 12 Rote Raketen beobachtet in recht-weisender Peilung 045 und 8sm gesch¨atzter Abstand von unserer Position 5516,9N 016-23,1E, alle Schiffe in diesem Gebiet bitte scharf Ausschau halten und MRCC G¨oteborg berichten.


Observed small unknown aircraft with two propellers ditched in position 58-55.8N 002-24.3E, aircraft is still afloat, ships in vicinity please try to contact aircraft on VHF ch16 and report to MRCC Stavanger via Inmarsat or on HF via Lyngby Radio.

At 0732UTC on VHF ch16 following received: Mayday Fjaellfjord LGBX in position 4nm northwest of Helgoland explosions in engine room, 6 persons are injured, require helicopter and medical assistance. End of message. Our position 55-16.9N 01623.1E, observed red rockets in true bearing of about 045, estimated distance 8nm, all ships in area please keep sharp lookout and report to MRCC Gothenburg

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Distress relay message from coast station

13 Auf dem Motorschiff Freyburg DCAW Mensch u ¨ber Bord, um 0730UTC zuletzt gesichtet 2sm n¨ ordlich der Radarantwortbake Elbe. Alle Schiffe in der N¨ahe werden gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten und MRCC Bremen zu berichten. 14 Um 1525UTC auf UKW K16 folgendes von Motoschiff Blue Sky 5KMO empfangen: Auf Position 12sm nordwestlich von Calais Mensch u ¨ber Bord, Schiffe in der N¨ahe bitte scharf Ausschau halten. Ende der Meldung. Schiffe in dem Gebiet werden gebeten, sich an der Suche und Rettung zu beteiligen und MRCC Falmouth zu berichten. 15 DSC-Notalarm von Motorschiff Uranus empfangen. Die gemeldete Position ist 10-04N 077-14W, die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu hatlen und der K¨ ustenwache Miami zu berichten.


On motor vessel Freyburg DCAW person over board last seen at 0730UTC in Position 2nm north of racon buoy Elbe. All ships in vicinity please keep sharp lookout and report to Bremen Rescue.

At 1525UTC on VHF ch16 following received from motor vessel Blue Sky 5KMO person over board in position 12nm north west of Calais, vessels in vicinity keep sharp lookout. End of message. Ships in area are requested to assist with search and rescue and report to MRCC Falmouth.

received a DSC-distress alert from motor vessel Uranus. Reported position is 10-04N 077-14W. Shipping is requested to keep a sharp lookout and report to Coast Guard Miami.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 16 In der N¨ahe der LeuchtHeultonne Humber 5 wurde ein gekentertes Rettungsfloß ¨ beobachtet. Uberlebende wurden nicht gesichtet. Schiffe in dem Gebiet werden gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten. 17 K¨ ustenwache Falmouth hat folgende Information vom Fischereifahrzeug Parrain FHEF erhalten. Die Meldung beginnt: Mayday, alle Besatzungsmitglieder an Bord des Schiffes sind vom Rettungshubschrauber 137 geborgen worden und fliegen weiter nach Stornoway. Das Schiff treibt noch auf Position 59-05N 013-55W. Ende der Meldung.


In vicinity of light and whistle buoy Humber 5 capsized life raft observed. Survivors were not sighted. Ships in area are requested to keep sharp lookout.

Coast guard Falmouth received following information from fishing vessel Parrain FHEF. The message begins Mayday all crew members on board the vessel have now been airlifted and are proceeding to Stomoway on rescue helicopter 137. The vessel is still adrift in position 5905N 013-55W. End of message.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 15.1.4

Ships urgent message

18 Ein Besatzungsmitglied ist vom Mast gefallen und schwer verletzt, ben¨ otige dringend ¨arztliche Hilfe. Position 12sm s¨ udlich Cape Spartivento, Kurs 275, Geschwindigkeit 13kn. 19 Auf Position 55-12,4N 00508,7E, ein Besatzungsmitglied, 56 Jahre, bewusstlos, Verdacht auf Herzinfarkt, ben¨otige dringend medizinische Hilfe per Hubschrauber. 20 Ein Mann ist vom Mast gefallen und hat sich schwer verletzt, starker Blutverlust, Position 54-48,1N 006-55,7E, ben¨otige medizinischen Rat, Schiffe mit einem Arzt an Bord bitte auf UKW K16 melden. 21 Schiff ist aufgrund von Problemen mit der Ruderanlage man¨ ovrierunf¨ahig, Position 51-10,4N 00345,6E, ben¨ otige dringend Schlepperhilfe.


In position 12nm south of Cape Spartivento, a crew member is fallen from the mast and seriously injured, course 275, speed 13kn, require urgent medical assistance. In position 55-12.4N 00508.7E, a crew member 56 years old unconscious, suspect heart attack, require urgent medical help by helicopter. Require medical advice for man fallen from the mast, seriously injured with heavy loss of blood, position 54-48.1N 006-55.7E, ships with doctor please contact VHF ch16.

Due to steering gear problems vessel is not under command in position 51-10.4N 003-45.6E require urgent tug assistance.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 22 Auf Position 56-25N 02719W, Schiff rammte kleinen Eisberg, Wassereinbruch, ben¨otige dringedn Schleppund Pumphilfe. 23 Maschinenausfall, Schiff treibt man¨ ovrierunf¨ahig in sehr schwerer See und sehr hoher D¨ unung auf Position 55-23,4N 00618,1E, ben¨ otigen dringend Schlepphilfe. 24 Auf Position 2sm nord¨ ostlich der Heultonne A, Maschinenraum brennt, Hauptmaschine l¨auft noch, fahren mit langsamer Fahrt weiter, ben¨otigen dringend Schlepphilfe. 25 gebrochener Mast, Ruderschaden, Schiff treibt man¨ovrierunf¨ahig in schwerer See, auf Position 61-17,3N 004-28,4E, ben¨ otigen dringend Schlepperhilfe.


Vessel struck growler in position 56-25N 027-19W, ship is making water require urgent assistance with towing and pumping. Engine is broken down in position 55-23.4N 006-18.1E ship is not under command in very rough sea and extremely high swell, require urgent tug assistance. In position 2nm north east of whistle buoy A, engine room on fire, main engine still working proceeding at slow speed, require urgent tug assistance.

broken mast, damaged rudder. Vessel is not under command, rough sea, in position 61-17,3N 004-28,4E, require urgent tug assistance.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 15.1.5

Urgent message from coast station

26 K¨ ustenwache Miami empfing eine u ¨berf¨allige Meldung der Segeljacht Windigo, 38 Fuß, die Fajardo am 20. Juni um 0800 Uhr Ortszeit auf dem Weg nach Canaveral verließ. Weiße Segelyacht mit roten Aufbauten. Die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten und der K¨ ustenwache Miami Beobachtungen zu melden. 27 Segelboot Rubin, 12m L¨ange, roter Rumpf, weiße Segel, zwei Personen an Bord, verließ Klintholm am 16. Juli um 0600 Uhr Ortszeit mit Ziel Visby, Schiff hat bisher Visby nicht erreicht, Schifffahrt wird gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten und Lyngby Radio zu berichten. 28 Segeljacht Relaxe SWLU, 40 Fuß, weißer Rumpf, braune Segel, unterwegs von Martinique zu den Azoren, seit dem 16. Januar keine Meldung mehr erhalten, Schiffe, die sich auf dieser Route befinden, bitte scharf Ausschau halten und der US K¨ ustenwache berichten.


Miami Coast Guard received an overdue report of a 38 feet sailing vessel Windigo left Fajardo with destination Canaveral The sailing vessel is white with red superstructure. Shipping is requested to keep a sharp lookout and report sightings to US Coast Guard Miami.

Sailing boat Rubin 12m red hull, white sails, 2 persons on board, left Klintholm on July 16th at 0600 local time, bound for Visby, ship has not yet arrived, shipping are requested to keep sharp lookout and report to Lyngby Radio. Sailing yacht Relaxe SWLU, lengths 40 feet, white hull, brown sails, underway from Martinique to Azores unreported since January 16th, ship on route please keep sharp lookout and report to US Coast Guard.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 15.1.6

Ships safety message

29 Schiff auf Grund gelaufen auf ungef¨ahr 54-27,7N 00728,0E. Die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, weitr¨aumig zu umfahren. 15.1.7

ship aground in approximate 54-27.7N 007-28.0E. Shipping is requested to keep a wide berth

Safety message from coast station

30 Gebiet Humber, Thames, Dover, Isle of Wight und Belgische K¨ uste leicht bis m¨aßige NE Brise, Windst¨arke 3-4, m¨aßige oder schlechte Sicht, u ¨berwiegend heiter. 31 Seegebiet Dogger Bank bis Isle of Wight, starke westliche Winde zunehmend auf Sturmst¨arke 8 bis 9, rechtdrehend, sp¨ater zeitweise Spr¨ uhregen, m¨aßige bis gute Sicht. 32 Sturmwarnung vom 21. September 0600UTC, Hurrikane Clara, 958hPa im Zentrum, Position 28-36,5N 072-41,3W, bewegt sich nordwestlich mit 40kn, in einem Radius von ungef¨ahr 40sm, Seegang u ¨ber 7m.


Area Humber Thames, Dover Isle of Wight and Belgian Coast northeasterly gentle to moderate breeze force 3 to 4, moderate or poor visibility, mainly fair. Sea area Dogger Bank to Isle of Wight strong westerly winds increasing to gale force 8 to 9 veering later drizzle at times, moderate to good visibility. Gale warning at 210600 UTC September, hurricane Clara with central pressure of 958hPa located in position 28-36.5N 072-41,3W present movement NW at 40kn within a radius of about 40nm of centre, seas over 7m.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 33 V¨anernsee nachts Nord 25 bis 35kn, im Sund, im Großen und Kleinen Belt, westliche und s¨ udliche Ostsee S¨ udwest zunehmend bis 35kn, in der sp¨aten Nacht West 30 bis 40kn, S¨ udfinnisches Archipel in der Nacht S¨ ud 30kn, Bottensee nachts Nordost 35 bis 45kn, dichtes bis sehr dichtes Eis. 34 Wetterbericht f¨ ur das Gebiet n¨ordlich von Portugal: Regen oder Schauer, zeitweise SW 6, rasch zunehmend auf W 8, sp¨ater rechtdrehend NW 5. 35 Sturmwarnung f¨ ur Skagerrak und Kattegat, W 8 bis 9, abnehmend auf 7, rauhe See, Schauer, m¨aßige bis gute Sicht. 36 Sturmund Eiswarnung Skagerrak, Kattegatt und V¨anernsee: Heute Abend NW 30kn Sund, Belts, westliche und s¨ udliche Ostsee: Wind aus s¨ udlichen Richtungen zunehmend auf 30kn, heute Nacht N-NW 30-40kn, Zentrale Ostsee und Rigaischer Meerbusen S¨ udwest zunehmend auf 35kn.


Lake Vaenern from this night north 25 to 35kn. The Sound, the Betts, westem and southem Baltic: southwest increasing to 35kn. From late night west 30 to 40kn. Archipelago Sea: tonight south 30kn. Sea of Bothnia: From tonight northeast 35 to 45kn and close to very close ice. Weather forecast for the area North of Portugal, rain or showers, at times SW 6, temporarily increasing W 8 veering to NW five later. Gale warning for Skagerrak and Kattegat, W 8 to 9, decreasing to 7, rough sea, showers, good to moderate visibility. Gale and ice warning. Skagerrak, Kattegatt and Lake Vaenem: From this evening NW 30kn. The Sound, the Betts, Western and Southem Battic: Around south, increasing to 30kn., this night N-NW 30-40kn, Central Baltic and Golf of Riga: southwest increasing to 35kn.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 37 Humber-Elbe-Fahrwasser auf Position 53-25,7N 005-28,4E eine fast untergetauchte, treibende, gelbe Glockentonne, gef¨ahrlich f¨ ur die Schifffahrt. 38 Bohrplattform Drill Epsilon auf Position 58-17,3N ¨ Uberlauf ¨ 002-43,8E, Olund Gasleck, Schiffe in diesem Gebiet werden angewiesen, die erw¨ahnte Position mit einem Mindestabstand von 2sm zu passieren. 39 Eiswarnung, Eisberge rund um Belle Isle and Cape Freels beobachtet. Mit einer ¨ Anderung der Eissituation ist in den n¨achsten 24 Stunden nicht zu rechnen. 40 Auf der Position 4sm nordwestlich von Cape Finisterre sind mehrere rote 40Fuß-Container gesichtet worden, ein Container mit der Aufschrift TEXASCON, Schiffe in diesem Gebiet bitte sorgf¨altig navigieren. 41 Gef¨ahrliches Wrack lokalisiert, Dunkerque Ansteuerung, auf Position 51-04,6N 001-52,2E, Schiffe werden gebeten, großen Abstand zu halten.


Humber-Elbe-Route in position 53-25.7N 005-28,4E observed nearly submerged drifting yellow coloured bell buoy, dangerous to navigation. Drilling Platform Drill Epsilon in Position 58-17.3N 00243.8E spilling oil and leaking gas, ships in area are advised to pass the mentioned position with a wide berth of at least 2nm. Ice warning. Icebergs are reported in area around Belle Isle and Cape Freels. Ice situation is not expected to change in the next 24 hours. In Position 4nm Northwest of Cape Finisterre sighted several drifting 40feet containers red painted, one container marked with TEXASCON, ships in area are requested to navigate carefully. Dunkerque approach, dangerous wreck located in position 51-04.6N 001-52.2E, vessels are requested to keep a wide berth.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 42 Gef¨ahrliches, in der Karte nicht angegebenes Unterwasserhindernis, gekennzeichnet durch gelbe Boje mit West-Toppzeichen, Position 53-48,3N 007-41,7E, Schifffahrt wird gebeten, Abstand zu halten. 43 Motorschiff Xanthippe hat Anker und -kette verloren, auf Position 51-25,8N 002-40,5E, Schiffe in dem Gebiet werden gebeten, dort nicht zu ankern und kein Fischereigeschirr zu nutzen. 44 Fahrwasser zwischen Den Helder und Den Oever ist die Leucht- und Heultonne MG18 als verl¨ oscht gemeldet, die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, in diesem Gebiet vorsichtig zu navigieren. 45 Unterwasser-Kabelarbeiten werden bis zum 16. Februar durch Motorschiff Leon Thevesin fortgef¨ uhrt, die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, innerhalb eines Radius von 2sm der Position 33-55,6N 008-04,2W großen Abstand zu halten.


Dangerous uncharted underwater obstruction reported in position 53-48.3N 007-41.7E marked by yellow buoy with west top mark Navigation is requested to keep a berth.

motor vessel Xanthippe lost anchor and chain in position 51-25.8N 002-40.5E, shipping in this area is requested to use neither an anchor nor fishing gear. Fairway between Den Helder and Den Oever light and whistle buoy MG18 is reported unlit shipping in this area is requested to navigate with caution. Underwater cable operations by motor vessel Leon Thevesin in progress until February 16th, wide berth is requested in area within 2nm of 33-55,6N 008-04.2W.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at 46 Englische Ostk¨ uste. Im Norden von Blyth, Windturbine Nr. 2 ist besch¨adigt worden und gef¨ahrlich f¨ ur die Schifffahrt. Alle Schiffe werden angewiesen, ausreichend Abstand zu halten. Eisbrecher Odeon und Atle. 47 Westansteuerung Englischer Kanal. Unterwasserarbeiten werden ausgef¨ uhrt in der N¨ahe der Verbindungslinie 48-00N 007-15W und 48-51N 007-13W. Großer Abstand erbeten. 48 Eisbrecher Odeon und Atle assistieren im Bottnischen Meerbusen, Ymer in der s¨ udlichen Bottensee und im Kvark. Nur Schiffe, die f¨ ur die Winterschifffahrt (Eisfahrt) geeignet sind, k¨ onnen mit der Hilfe der Eisbrecher rechnen 49 Navigationswarnung Nr. 64, 130915 UTC Februar: Ein großes B¨ undel Schnittholz treibt im Verkehrstrennungsgebiet der Deutschen Bucht auf Position 53-47,4N 00611,1E. Aufhebung der Navigationswarnung 131100 UTC.


England East Coast. Blyth northwards, No. 2 wind turbine suffered damaged and is dangerous to shipping. All vessels are advised to keep well clear. lcebreaker Odeon and Atle. Western approaches to English Channel. Underwater operations in progress, vicinity of line joining 48-00N 00715W and 48-51N 007-13W. Wide berth requested. lcebreaker Odeon and Atle assist in northern Bay of Bothnia, Ymer in Southern Bay of Bothnia and the Quark. Only vessels suitable for winter navigation can expect icebreaker assistance.

Navigational warning No. 64, 130951 UTC Feb: German Bight traffic separation scheme large package of timber drifting in 53-47.4N 006-11,1E. At 131100 UTC Feb navigational warning cancelled.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at ¨ Kanal, Straße von 50 Ostlicher Dover, s¨ udliche Nordsee, zahlreiche Baumst¨amme (L¨ange 7m, Durchmesser 0,40 m) treiben von Le Havre bis zur belgischen K¨ uste. Die St¨amme treiben nach Norden in die s¨ udliche Nordsee. Die Schifffahrt wird gebeten, scharf Ausschau zu halten und jede Beobachtung Oostende Radio zu melden. 51 Westliche Ostsee. Verkehrstrennungsgebiet s¨ udlich von Gedser Austausch der Betonnung der Tiefenwasserlinie und des Verkehrstrennungsgebietes ist laut Nachrichten f¨ ur Seefahrer 41/01 durchgef¨ uhrt worden, beachte ebenfalls die D¨anischen Nautischen Warnnachrichten 10/02. 52 Aalandsee. Leuchttonne Troeskeln Vaestra auf Position 59-39,58N 019-51,72E zerst¨ort. Unter WasserHindernisse unter der Wasseroberfl¨ache. Die Ost-Kardinal Tonne wurde ¨ ostlich der Hindernisse verankert. Großen Abstand halten.


Eastern Channel, Dover Strait, southern North Sea, numerous trunks (length 7m, diameter 0,40 m) reported adrift from Le Havre to the Belgian coast. Drifting north into the southern North Sea. Shipping is requested to keep a sharp lookout and report any sighting to Oostend radio. Westem Baltic. Traffic separation scheme south of Gedser. Changes of buoyage of deep water lane and traffic separation scheme according to German notices to mariners 41/01 has been carried out, see also Danish navigational waming 10/02.

Sea of Aaland. Light bouy Troeskeln Vaestra position 59-39.58N 019-51.72E destroyed. Underwater obstructions left below surface. East cardinal light buoy established east of the obstructions. Wide berth is requested.

GMDSS Maritime Radio Operator www.gantioler.at



Bf wind force SS 0 calm 0 1 light air 1 2 light breeze 2 3 gentle breeze 4 moderate breeze 3 5 fresh breeze 4 6 strong breeze 5 7 near gale 6 8 gale 7 9 strong gale 10 storm 8 11 violent storm 9 12 hurricane distance visibility 40km excellent 20km very good 10km good 4km moderate 2km poor 1km very poor 500m moderate fog 200m fog 50m thick fog
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