4 Sexual Tension Routines
April 25, 2017 | Author: mr_mahesh_in | Category: N/A
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Download 4 Sexual Tension Routines...
“Push-Pull” Report 4 Techniques For Creating Sexual Tension with Women By Steve Scott
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
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How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
Introduction In this brief report, I want to discuss an important concept that’s vital to both flirting AND attraction. This technique is incredibly powerful. Do it right and you’ll build some SERIOUS chemistry with ANY woman you meet... The concept is called “sexual tension.” It’s no secret that as people we usually want what we can’t have. If someone denies something from us, we tend to want it MORE. And this is certainly true with women. When you’re talking to women, you want to create that flirting vibe by introducing the ELEMENT of sexual tension into your conversations. (This is something that I cover in specific detail in my Flirt Mastery System) So what is sexual tension? Well it’s that feeling of “unresolved emotion” a woman experiences in a conversation with a man. This feeling is similar to the emotions a woman experiences when she reads her favorite romance novel (or watches a soap opera). At the beginning there’s conflict. Then the characters work to fix that problem and go through a series of obstacles. At the end, there’s a climax where the hero overcomes the conflict. And if the writer is good enough, he (or she) will introduce ANOTHER bit of drama at the end to set up a “cliff hanger”.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
When it comes to women, you want to use your conversation skills to create that same feeling of tension. But you’re going to do in a manner where her “unresolved emotion” is directed towards YOU! How do you do this? It’s simple. You use what’s often called “Push and Pull”. This is where you create sexual tension by showing your interest in a girl, while not showering her with affection either. Think of it as the give-and-take of any encounter with a woman. The idea is to do things that pull women towards you, after which you push them away. It’s an advanced form of teasing that (if done correctly) will draw practically any woman to you. Think about it this way: If you know someone who very rarely compliments others, you would be extremely flattered if he actually did say something nice to you. His words have a certain value tacked onto them, due simply to their scarcity. In fact, it wouldn’t be farfetched to say that you’d go to greater lengths to receive similar compliments from them. It’s the SAME idea when creating tension with a woman! For instance, consider the “nice guy.” He approaches a woman he’s attracted to, showers her with compliments, agrees with everything coming out of her mouth, and more.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
And because his affection is unlimited, she very rarely appreciates it. On the other hand, with push and pull, you do stuff that sends mixed signals to women. They’re never sure where they stand with you, and in effect, you become a challenge. You’re an unpredictable mystery that she feels compelled to solve! Now if you’re a little confused, here’s how to use EACH in a conversation:
Pulling The pull element of this technique is just that: You’re pulling (or drawing in) a woman towards you through your flirtatious nature. Or saying something that’s *almost* complimentary. The key is to say something that doesn’t come across as needy OR ass-kissing. For instance, you should never comment on a woman’s physical attributes when first meeting her. Remember – this is what other guys do, and you are one-of-a-kind. Instead, focus on her personality, intellect, etc. Another thing to remember is to not lay on the flattery too thick. When pulling a girl in, hint at something that you *might* like, but you’re still not sure. Decide one part of her personality you like, and comment solely on that. No matter what, keep in mind that your pull is
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
NEVER complete acceptance. You’re simply giving a compliment that shows that you’re sort of interested in her.
Pushing First, allow me to stress one thing: Pushing is NEVER an insult (nor does it involve shoving her physically to the ground.) It’s merely a hint that you might not be all that interested in her after all. If done correctly, you’ll grab her attention; if done incorrectly, it’ll destroy the fun, flirty vibe you’ve created up to this point. And she’ll tell all her friends to do the same thing. For example, let’s say you’re talking to a woman. You’ve pulled her in through the usual methods of approaching: strong body language, mild touching, or a few engaging stories. Then you compliment her on something that’s related to her personality or something she’s done during the conversation. Your next tactic should be to push her away, which you could accomplish by saying something that causes a little bit of conflict in the nice thing you’ve just told her. Confused by what I just told you? Well here’s a quick example to illustrate this concept: Say you encounter a girl who seems like a nice person, you would start by saying something like:
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
“So...you seem like a really nice girl. The kind that’s probably all innocent and stuff.” HER RESPONSE “Yeah, that’s probably why we could NEVER hang out. Because I would definitely hurt your feelings with my sarcasm. I don’t think you could keep up with me...” Etc, etc, etc. This example shows how you start with a compliment. But as soon as you say it, you’re almost giving her a challenge. You’re creating tension because you’re literally forcing her to live up to YOUR expectations. A comment like this creates a sense of tension within a woman where she subconsciously feels like she has to rise to meet your challenge. I feel that sexual tension is a VERY important element to creating a huge amount of sexual attraction. Do this correctly and it’s like you have her under YOUR hypnotic spell. To get an idea of how to apply this technique, this report covers FOUR different ways to use Push/Pull when you’re talking to women. I do have to warn you that this is some really powerful stuff. Use it at your own risk…
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
#1- The Frame Stealer I call this technique “The Frame Stealer” because you create sexual tension by mimicking the SAME things that women use to control men. Girls do this all the time, but now it’s time for YOU reverse roles... As you know a lot guys experience a lot of tension when they interact with women. Females flirt with guys they aren’t even interested in. They go on dates, accept gifts, and act in other ways that appear as genuine interest. Then, as soon as the guy wants something more, they push him away. This leaves a lot of guys in the position of pursuer, chasing after a girl who NEVER wanted them in the first place. Sometimes, they even feeling guilty for desiring her. And who can blame him? After all, she put up a great act in the beginning. But there’s GOOD news here.... This technique works both ways! In fact, you can use this technique to make her ALWAYS think about you. The Frame Stealer involves making a woman feel a certain emotion, only to reveal to her that she was wrong. This may sound cruel, but TRUST me, it works.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
One method to try is to set up a date, or get her to imply that it’s a date. When you’re out with her, joke about how you don’t want to ruin your friendship. This creates that feeling of dissonance. Another method is to find those moments when the sexual tension is REALLY high. Pull her towards you (the “about to kiss” move), and then accuse her of trying to kiss you. Tell her that she’s like a little sister, and is acting weird. This’ll keep her in suspense. Here’s a quick story to illustrate this concept... I once knew a girl who my friends called “The Succubus”. (There’s a long story behind this nickname) Although she was beautiful, this girl had a nasty reputation for destroying the guys she met. Don’t get me wrong – she was hot, and like so many other guys, I couldn’t help but be attracted to her. However after hearing the horror stories about how she treated guys, I knew I had to go in with a different tactic. Instead of pouring on the flattery that she was so used to, I “stole her frame” and used the same tactics she often used withother men. On our first ‘meet up’ I made sure she had LOTS of fun. I teased her. Used sexual innuendos like crazy. And established a ton of physical contact. But I refused to make any move. When she hinted about me liking her, I laughed it off and told her kissing her would be *gross*. Like kissing my sister.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
At the end of the “date”, I knew she was unsure about how I felt about her. THEN... I “flaked out” for a couple of days and “forgot” to return ANY of her calls. Finally when I reconnected with her, I talked about at all the fun things I did during the week and talked about what I had coming up. But I NEVER invited her to anything. This went on for another week. I would call her up. Flirt like crazy. Tease her about being a loser and told her she wasn’t “cool enough” to hang out. FINALLY one day I invited her to come with me to go clothes shopping. Needless to say we didn’t make it to the mall that day. When I went to pick her up, she invited me in while she got ready. The funny thing was her “getting ready” started AND ended in her bedroom. Looking back... I realized that the ONLY reason I had a chance with this girl was because I did the exact OPPOSITE of what other guys do. In every interaction with The Succubus, I set up the frame that I was The Prize that SHE had to chase. In order to win my approval, she had to be something special. So here’s what I recommend... The next time you find yourself dealing with a difficult girl who has LOTS of men seeking her attention, think of all the things that women do to get you to chase them! Then reverse roles and use these tactics to get that girl to
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
chase you!
#2- The Rapport Breaker As you probably know, when a person is attracted to someone of the opposite sex, there’s that feeling where you want to know more. So most people do this by trying to establish what’s known as “rapport”. For instance, a person seeks rapport by asking standard background questions. Like where they’re from. What they like to do for fun. And where they went to school. Usually this is done to establish some sense of commonality on which they can build a relationship. Normally I recommend waiting till you know a woman is attracted before trying to establish rapport. HOWEVER, with “The Rapport Breaker”, you can show an intimate side of your personality while building MASSIVE amounts of sexual tension. Here’s what I mean.... Whenever you’re talking to a girl, reveal a hidden quality about yourself. Something that’s a REALLY positive side of your personality that most people don’t get a chance to see. You can do this by telling a story about something you’ve done in the past. Or by giving an opinion to show her that you have a unique way of looking at the world. This is a type of “rapport” because you’re connecting with a woman on an emotional level.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
With a simple story or example, she’s seeing you as an emotionally deep person. In essence, you’re PULLING her in by showing that you’re a guy who has an interesting outlook on the world. But here’s the trick to make this concept REALLY make her want you... As soon as you show the deep, meaningful side of your personality you PUSH her away by changing topics. This generally frustrates a woman, because she sees an interesting side of your personality, and wants to know more. AND you’re purposefully NOT giving it to her. Even if she presses on about the subject, you’ll brush aside her attempts at findingout more about this particular topic. In a sense, you’re “breaking rapport!” This is a great PUSH/PULL technique that’s guaranteed to build sexual tension. You’re showing a vulnerable side. But you’re not revealing TOO much about yourself at first. You’re being a guy with little bit of mystery. This technique can also be called a “A Peak Behind Your Veil”, because she’s catching a glimpse of a deep quality, but then you’re shifting tactics and teasing with ONLY a sneak peak of what you COULD be like. Here’s an example of how I use it... When I meet a girl for the first time, I always like to tell
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
stories that establish my high status. Usually one of the ones I like to tell is about the time I went to Costa Rica. In this story, I’ll talk about the time I went to a crowed bar by myself and watched the Costa Rican national soccer (football) team play an important game versus Guatemala. I’ll mention how I couldn’t speak a word of Spanish and they couldn’t speak a word of English. Yet I had a great time hanging out with these guys, getting drunk and cheering on the Costa Rican team. The punch line (or meaning) of this story is how men don’t really need to speak the same language to hang out. We can all find that universal bond of alcohol and sports that brings us together! Now I tell this story pretty well. And when I tell it, I know it subtly demonstrates a number of positive qualities. Things that tell her how I’m: λ An adventure seeker λ A world traveler λ An amateur philosopher λ Etc, etc Anyway, I’ll tell this story knowing that it showcases a number of great personality traits. And by the end, I know I’ve *hooked* her into MY reality. THEN...I’ll pull the rug right out from under her. When I finish telling this story, she’ll start to ask questions
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
about traveling or things about Costa Rica. Instead of talking MORE about this topic, I’ll immediately shift focus. Usually I’ll do this with some type of teasing comment. Something like “You know what...YOU have a kind of soccer player quality about you...” Then I’ll start some form of bantering where I refuse to tell her WHY I thought this. Usually I’ll keep teasing her. And eventually I’ll move on to something else. I like The Rapport Breaker technique because you’re showing an attractive part of your personality WITHOUT being obvious that you’re trying to impress her. With this method, you’re building interest (pulling), but dismissing her attempts to seek rapport (pushing). It’s powerful because you show a quick glimpse of your good qualities, then you immediately MOVE AWAY from this topic. I recommend that you use this technique whenever you’re telling a story that showcases one of your high status traits. You can build attraction, while subtly pushing her attempts at getting to know more about you. While it might seem counterintuitive, this technique works great for creating attraction. You’re showing an awesome side of your personality while keeping that hint of mystery alive.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
#3- The Accuse Her Now before we begin, I want you pay close attention to this technique because it’s one of my personal favorites. If you understand the principles behind WHY this works, you’ll have an unfair advantage over other guys. In case you didn’t already know, women love to test men. More often than not, guys don’t even realize they’re being tested until being notified that they failed...miserably. But what if I told you that you can reverse this role women love to play, and use it for your own benefit? What you’re going to do is set up a fun conversation dialogue by assuming the role of YOU being pursued by the girl. As you know, MOST guys go for the sex way too soon. They’re too aggressive and often trip up a woman’s barrier. Women are familiar with the male sex drive, and they know that nine times out of ten, that’s all we’re interested in. With that said, cutting to the chase and trying to get her into bed too soon usually will backfire on you. To elaborate, when a woman does start talking sexually to a man, he tends to take it as a green light to get her in the sack. But just because a girl gets kinky in her dialogue with you it doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with you.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
You can use this to your advantage in another form of role reversal. At some point, she’ll start to feel attraction for you and say something that “slips.” As a confident and secure man, how do you handle a suggestive comment of this nature? In short, go against your instincts by not responding with enthusiasm. In fact, you counteract her suggestion with a VERY teasing comment. To create sexual tension with this technique, you’re going to show her something that she’s never seen before. You’ll be that guy who doesn’t go for the kill right away. In fact, you’ll reverse roles by ACCUSING her of being a pervert. Like she’s stalking you. And she only *wants one thing* from you. Here’s an example... A lot of times I’ll be in a conversation when a woman will say something suggestive. Instead of responding to it, I’ll call out her comment. Typically I’ll say something like: take “Wow, you’re coming on strong! Have to tell you that I’m not a piece of meat. I WON’T sleep with you on the first night. You sound like one of those creepy girls that probably stalks guys. Am I going to wake up tonight and see you parked outside my house? Hiding in some white van without windows?”
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
Now when I deliver a comment like this, I make ABSOLUTELY sure she knows I’m joking around. This comment is always coupled with a ‘knowing smile’ on my face, where I acted like I’m mocked insulted by her attempts to seduce me. The Accuse Her routine can be done in many different ways. For instance, you can joke that she: λ Likes to stalk guys λ Is perverted and is looking for sex λ Trolls the Internet looking for dates λ Has no friends and probably “buy drinks” for attention The main idea behind this technique is to reverse roles and accuse her of doing all the things that creepy, low status guys would do. It’s a way to show that you “get it” and know what she probably goes through. Plus you’ll also set up a fun conversation where you’re teasing the HELL out of her while putting her in a position where she has something to prove. A great way to use this technique is to look for those moments where she does (or says) something that’s sexual in nature. Then use her comment to build up a role-playing scenario.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
#4- The Role Player As you’ve learned, women LOVE drama! Bringing girl through a range of positive emotions, like a roller-coaster, is one of the fastest ways to build attraction. And when she’s experiencing that sensation of unresolved sexual tension, it’s easy to make her think YOU are the only person that can provide this feeling. With “The Role Player” technique, you create that up-anddown emotional range by putting her in an imaginary scenario. Almost like you’re assigning her a “role” that she has to play. This is an incredibly powerful technique. That’s because YOU set up the scenario. And she has to follow “your rules” in order to play. Done correctly, you’re establishing the precedence that she has to follow YOUR lead in order to have fun. Furthermore, role playing is a fun way to have a “no consequence” conversation that’s completely imaginary. Instead of DOING something, you’re playing the “what if” game where you talk about what’s like to do something together. Now before we move on, I want to mention that this is NOT one of those things that you would do in the bedroom. So don’t start talking to a girl, asking her how “you’re a bad boy that needs to be punished!”
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
In other words, keep ANY role playing sexual tension PG rated! For instance, here are a few different roles you can assign: λ You are being stalked. She has to protect you. λ You are her boyfriend. She is your girlfriend. λ You are a rock star. She is a groupie. λ You are a world traveler. She has to plan your perfect trip. With The Role Player technique, I like to take something that she says (or a physical attribute) and challenge it. Then I’ll talk about how I’m a certain type of person. In order to hang out with me, she has to pass my tests. I’ll then start asking a bunch of questions to see if meets my criteria. Now the key here is to constantly PUSH and PULL her with the responses she gives. Sometimes you’ll be happy with what she says. Other times, you act mock indignant and told her that ‘she’s not good enough’. To give you an idea of how this works, let’s review one of my favorite role-playing scenarios that I like use with women. It’s one I like to use with shorter girls: [Lead in] ME: “...blah blah blah. Oh crap. You see that girl over there?” [Point in the general direction of a group of people] “I think she’s been stalking me for the last week. I see her EVERYwhere!” HER: “Blah blah blah” [Usually she’ll ask which one, etc.]
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
ME: “I’m getting kind of scared now. What if she’s like one of those Silence of the Lambs serial killer types. If she does anything you’ll have to be my bodyguard!” HER: “Blah blah blah” ME: “See I don’t know if you’re up for the job. You’re kind of Hobbit sized.” [I LOVE saying this to girls] “Are you trained in any form of martial arts?” HER: “Blah blah blah” [No matter what she says, tell her she’s not good enough to be your bodyguard] ME: “No that’s not good enough. See this face? It’s my meal ticket. I can’t afford to have it damaged. If she gets near me, you’ll have to be scary. You gotta war face? Let me see your war face!” HER: [Makes a silly face] ME: “Bullshit that’s not a war face! You don’t scare me...” Etc, etc, etc I can usually keep up this routine for a good 10 minutes. The entire time, she’s working hard to meet my expectations. Plus, I’m also positioning her body in front of me, like she’s actually my bodyguard. Most of the time, you’ll have a girl laughing and touching you all over in order to ‘protect’ you. Again, this is one of those techniques that COMPLETELY depends on the vibe you’re sharing. As long as she’s responding, then have fun with it. But if she’s not responding, then immediately shift to another topic of conversation.
How to Create Sexual Attraction with Any Woman
Remember sexual tension is about creating attraction. It’s not about doing anything that makes her feel weird or creepy. So keep doing what’s working and cut off what’s not!
Well, that’s it for this report! Hopefully you learned a little about the value of creating sexual tension. By implementing these four techniques into your conversations with women, you can easily create a ton of attraction. No matter who you’re talking to! And as a reminder, this is just a small sample of what’s included in my Flirt Mastery guide. If you want to learn advanced techniques on sexual comunication and how to flirt with any woman, then I urge you to grab a copy today! Keep on Rocking and Rolling,
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