4 Sexual Arousal

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Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards



By Nick Richards “The Master Of Having Women Desire You” www.ShesCravingYou.com Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

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Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

One last thing before we begin. You do not have reprint rights to this manual. You may not give this manual away. You paid for it, and only you should be reading it. You made a decision to step up and take charge of this area of your life. Don’t devalue yourself by letting other people see what you paid for. The only way you get value out of this information is if you invest in it, and if you respect it. Passing it onto others is a guaranteed way to make sure that these techniques won’t work for you. Please don’t compromise your integrity in any way. Karma is real. I’ve lived long enough to see it in action. Okay, now let’s get onto the secrets for making women have incredible orgasms.

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Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

How To Sexually Arouse Her And Have Her Lust Uncontrollably For You Introduction Welcome to part 3 of the Orgasm On Command Formula. Do not be fooled by the length of this report because I’m sharing with you the most powerful techniques for arousing a woman. These techniques will work for you if you’ve just met a woman or if you’ve been with her for years and want to bring a spark back into your relationship. This special report will teach you how to plant seeds of thought in your woman’s mind that will grow into uncontrollable lust for you. This guide is all about one thing, how to get her aroused and to start thinking about the two of you being together. The best part is when you use these simple techniques it is a great way to warm her up and these seeds will grow to the point where she’ll think about you all the time. Heck, some of these techniques are so dam effective; she might even become sexually addicted to you.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Okay, let’s jump right in and talk about why these tactics work so well… She Won’t Resist Her Own Ideas This is an old but powerful ‘sneaky’ concept used in persuasion so you must promise to only use it only for good. See, if you can get a woman to think things on her own then she won’t resist those thoughts because they came from her own mind. If however, you try and tell her to think about something, she is more likely to resist it because it came from outside herself. See if you walk up to her and tell her to feel uncontrollable lust for you… It’s not going to work. Here’s an example: Instead of telling your woman that you were imagining the two of you having sex, you could tell her about a dream you had where “you two were doing… oh never mind, it’s too dirty to talk about”. You’re not actually saying that you were dreaming of the two of you having sex, but you are giving her something to interpret so she can come to that conclusion on her own. As a result, she will almost be forced to also imagine the two of you having sex. The techniques that follow are about planting little seeds of thought like that into her mind, so that they will sprout as time goes on. This is better, and more fun than telling her directly in the beginning, because it gives her time to think about it in a way that she won’t resist (because it’s coming from her own mind). This Is Chess, Not Checkers The techniques in this section are very indirect. These aren’t meant to communicate your entire message to her all in one shot. They’re just

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

meant to get the ball rolling, and plant the thought in her mind. It’s the first step in your strategic plan to Orgasm On Command. Having her lust uncontrollably for you is a feeling that you grow and cultivate inside of her. Don’t worry with these techniques it’s very simple and easy but you need to build this feeling inside her it’s not something you can just lay on her all at once and then expect her to become addicted to you. See, she’s used to seeing you in a certain way, and so in order for her to break out of her old ways of viewing you, you need to get her to come up with these thoughts seemingly on her own. You can do that by planting seeds and hints. Otherwise, she will resist you when you try to convince her to change the way she sees you. Before we get to the powerful tactics, I need to share with you something vital to your success… The 2 Reasons Why Guys Can’t Arouse A Woman There are 2 very specific reasons why guys can’t arouse women and it’s important that you understand them because once you do then using the tactics in this report you’ll be-able to bypass any resistance she has and grow the feeling of uncontrollable lust with in her. 1. She’s not comfortable 2. She’s bored with you Let’s dig into number 1. When she’s not comfortable this comes down to two simple pieces. There is no trust between the two of you and she feels that on some level you may judge her. This is why it’s extremely important that you review Part 1 Sexual Trust and Part 2 Judgment Free of the Orgasm On Command Formula. These powerful reports will give you a great start on making her comfortable with you if she’s not. So go back and review them if you need to.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Her not being comfortable can happen in two situations. It can happen when you are just meet her for the first time and it can also happen when you’ve been in a relationship with her for a long time but the spark has faded or gone out. When this happens you need to open the line of communication and make sure you plant the seeds that whatever she does and says won’t be judged by you. Okay, let’s move on to number 2. What is she’s bored with you. This can happen if you’ve been in a relationship and you’ve just been doing the same thing over and over again for years. Your woman has become bored and has begun to distance herself from you both in communication and sexually. This can be a big problem and it’s important that you use the entire Orgasm On Command Formula to respark that passion in your relationship. So if you need to, go back and review Part 1 and Part 2. The tactics in this report will help you bring back and maintain that passion outside the bedroom and will plant the seeds of lust inside of her mind. Okay, onto the tactics. Tactic #1 Acknowledgment One of the most powerful and completely over looked techniques to creating intense arousal is acknowledgement. What do I mean by that? Well, it’s very simple. Tell her what you like about her. Now before I tell you how to do this, I need to tell you exactly how not to because this is where most guys mess it up. You do NOT need to list a whole bunch of things she does that you like. Instead think of this like adding salt to your food when you are about to eat. You pour just a little bit on and you improve the taste of your food but you pour too much on and you make it so you can’t even eat the food because it’s too salty. That’s how you need to think about Acknowledgement. You want to sprinkle it on from day to day without doing to much. Just a little bit goes a long way.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Here’s why it’s important. People always want to feel wanted and needed. They want to feel that they are doing things right to. There is no greater feeling then know that you’re right. So give her that good feeling and she will thank you for it. From time to time tell her exactly how much you like something that she does no matter how small. This techniques works even better when you are commenting on the small stuff, like if she washes the dishes or the certain way she wears her hair or just as simple as her opinion on something. As you sprinkle this into your relationship whether it’s in your first conversation or a conversation you have during dinner after being together for 50 years, it’s the most powerful technique you could possibly use. Tactic # 2 Dominance Taking the lead is a powerful tool that many men forget in this new age of the sissy men in the media teaching males to take female traits. You have to be the one intitating new things. Going new places and bringing excitement into your relationship whether it’s the first tiem you’ve met or if you’ve been together for decades. It’s your job as the man to lead. You have to lead both logistically, physically and emotionally. What does that mean? Well, actually it’s very simple and very powerful and as a side benefit when you do this one tactic you will consistently increase her arousal. So first let’s look at logistics: As the man you should be initiating the picking of exciting thing so go see and do. Not passively sitting around watching TV every night. This doesn’t mean you have to constantly be doing new and exciting things but from time to time it’s important that you plan date. You plan what happens on those dates whether they are first dates or your 500th date.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Now let’s look at physically leading: As the man you should be the one leading her physically. When you are initiating sex you need to be the one taking charge about when and where it happens. If she’s comfortable with you and she trusts you and the lines of communication have been open this is going to turn her on. Next let’s talk about emotional dominance. As the man it’s your job to be the rock. Now when it comes to emotions a lot of guys really screw this one up and are emotionally unavailable to their woman. This is not what she wants and not what she needs. As a man you are wired specifically for this purpose and the purpose is to set the emotional tone. See, women can be all over the map when it comes to emotion. They are like a swirling sea of it, but you as the man can be the rock. When I say you can be the rock, you can set the tone of all of her emotions by being the positive and happy rock. As a man you are not so easily swayed by emotion as most women are. This gives you the power to set positivity into everything you do with your women. Use this tactic of dominance and leading both logistically, physically, and emotionally and you will have a dedicated women who lusts deeply for you. Tactic # 3 Creating Sexual Tension Let’s face it, orgasms only last a few seconds and if you really want to create red hot desire with you woman then you need to build up to the orgasm long before the two of you get into bed. You can easily have her dripping with desire for you every minute of the day when you create a little sexual tension with her. You want to plant the seed of sex in her mind and have them linked to you. How great would it be if she was constantly dripping wet for you and only you almost every second of the day?

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Well when you bring in sexual charged topics on and off then you will create this effect. Use the following tactics to bring some sexual tension into your life. Tactic # 4 Sexual Eye Contact Your eye contact is a very powerful tool that you can use from time to time when you’re with your woman to turn her on and get her lusting for you. See, most communication comes through sub communication like your body language, vocal tone, and eye contact. And when you can master these little tweaks she’ll crave you. The best part is that this tactic is really simple and you can do it anywhere. First, just imagine your having sex with your woman or about to. Feel how you would feel lusting for her yourself. Then take those feelings and feel them fully well you look at her. Imagine that you are about to take her and have your way with her. Do this well looking at her and project your feelings. You can do this anytime. It will work even better when you’re out somewhere you couldn’t have sex. When you do it she will experience the feeling she gets when you would have sex with her. You’ll melt her. Tactic #5 Putting Sex On Her Mind When you can put sex on her mind, you’ll have her automatically aroused and craving you. The best part about this tactic is that it’s so embarrassingly simple you’ll wonder why more guys don’t do it. The thing that most guys don’t know is that women are programmed to crave men who want them. (Provided you’re coming from a place of power and choice) So what does that mean?

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

It means that you should tell her how sexy she is and how she turns you on. Tell her the things that she does in bed that turn you on. Tell her what you’re going to do to her and how you’re going to make her experience the most pleasure ever. You can do this all in and out of the bed room. Drop little hints with your eyes. Send her little naught text messages or emails while you’re at work. Whisper them to her when you are out of the house together. When you start doing this, you will put sex on her mind and she will become automatically aroused for you. Tactic #6 Arousal Her With Your Body First of all, I want to get something out of the way right now. Arousing her with your body does not mean that you have to have a six page and a chiseled chest. What it does mean is that you are going to use your body to turn her on. One of the best ways you can arouse your woman is to touch her from time to time when you’re not in the bedroom. Maybe the two of you are walking down the street and you give her a little pat on the butt. Maybe she’s doing dishes and you walk up behind her and kiss her on the back of the neck. Maybe you’re out to eat and you rub your leg against her leg under the table. The thing is, most guys completely forget to touch their woman outside of the bedroom. If you take this simple tactic and start using your body to touch her she’s going to get turned on by you.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

Tactic #7 – Do Some Light Reading This is a fun tactic, and is relatively easy to pull off. While the two of you are out and about, make a trip over to your local bookstore. Most malls have at least one bookstore in them, so this should be a relatively easy imprompt suggestion to make. Tell her to go look at whatever she wants, and to come find you in 1015 minutes. While you’re separated, go find a couple of interesting books, and make sure one of them is an illustrated sex book. Make sure you hang out in the sex book section so that she finds you while you’re in there browsing that section. When she comes over, you should be smiling and casually looking over a book of sex positions. Say to her, “Hey, look what I found. Come check this out.” When she comes over, point to a couple of wild and crazy positions, and then point to one that seems doable in a standing up position (like her bending over a bed while standing up and taking it from behind). Then you can say something like, “This one looks interesting but how comfortable can this be?” Warning: Before I tell you what to do next, I just want to caution you to only do this if you two have this kind of comfortable, joking, casual relationship where sexual innuendo is brought up between the two of you on a fairly regular basis. In other words, if you know that she would not be cool with you making a joking sexual remark to her, then don’t do what I’m about to suggest. Pick a different tactic. Okay, back to the sex book. Now just put the book down and say, “Okay, how’s this work… you bend like this, and…” (and then actually start to bend her over and position yourself right behind her like you’re banging her). She may be like, “Oh stop it, you dork”, but the bottom line is that the two of you were just in a sex position together, and she’s going to have that stuck in her mind. This silly little tactic takes less than a second, but it leaves just enough of an impression to make her think about it. Later on, while she’s lying in bed and thinking about the day, that one

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

little event in the bookstore will be enough to make her imagine the two of you actually having sex for real. Again, you’re not trying to close the deal with these techniques. These are just designed to plant seeds in her mind so that she’ll already have been thinking about you by the time you talk to her about this. Tactic #8 – Dirty Text Messages This is a great tactic to be used after you have already used one or two of the other tactics in this report. It’s going to drive her mad, but in a good way. It works, and it works damn well. First off, if you two aren’t already in the habit of text messaging each other, you need to start right away. This new technology allows you to directly communicate to your woman where ever she is. This way you can plant the seeds of sex in her mind. Send her text messages detailing what you want to do to her later in bed. Tell her what she did that really turned you on last time. Now this isn’t something that you want to do all day every day, but if you sprinkle it into your relationship with your woman then she is going to be hot and ready for you the instant she sees you. Tactic #9 – What Were You Doing In My Dreams? This is another great tactic. The point of this one is to let her know that you were thinking about her sexually, but without actually saying it directly. All you need to do is call her up when you know she’s not going to answer her phone, and leave this on her voicemail. If you aren’t sure when to call, then just send her this in an email instead: “Okay, I have a question. Have you been beefing up your psychic powers or something? What the heck were you doing in my dream last night? I’m not even gonna tell you what we were doing… well actually, you should already know, since you were there… but I just wanted to call and say… umm… thanks for the good time last night… hahaha.”

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

This is going to get her to use her imagination to fill in the gaps. If she presses you to tell her what you two were doing, you have a couple choices. You can keep the mystery going by not telling her, or you can describe in detail what the two of you were doing to each other. If you’re a semi-decent storyteller, then the 2nd option is far better. In fact, the 2nd option is better anyway, because as you tell her the story, she has no choice but to imagine it happening while you’re talking. Tactic #10 – Role Playing One of the best ways to have a passionate relationship with your woman is to engage in a little role playing. Now before you worry that I’m going to go all crazy here and tell you to whip out the whips and chains, I’m not. This tactic is actually very simple and you can apply it in your life in a number of ways. It can be as simple as one day you play the role of the passionate lover and have a long slow love making session. While on another day you become the aggressive sex crazed man who grabs her and pulls her pants down in the kitchen and takes her right there and then. My point here is that if you want to have her aroused for you then you need to mix it up. Buy her some sexy lingerie or a sexy costume if you’re into it. Tell her how much whatever you want to do turn you on. All in all taking on different roles in your sex life and switching them up can have a powerful effect of adding ‘new’ and ‘exciting’ things to do in your life. Most guys get really lazy in relationships and this will keep her dripping wet and wanting you. Tactic #11 Her Choice One of the best ways to keep her aroused and wanting you is to give her, her exact fantasy. The problem is most guys skip on Step 1 in the Orgasm On Command Formula and they don’t build trust by communicating.

Copyright 2001 - 2012 – Nick Richards – ShesCravingYou.com – All Rights Reserved


Orgasm On Command – by Nick Richards

If you can communicate what turn you and what you like, then I’ll bet you anything she’ll tell you what turns her on and what she like. Make it your mission to give her the fantasy she wants and you will reap the erotic rewards that she’ll give you as thanks. A Few Last Words Remember, the point is just to get her thinking about the two of you being together in bed… nothing more. You’re just trying to plant these images in her imagination. She’ll take care of the rest by thinking about it on her own. I would love to hear how the women in your life respond to these tactics, If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at: [email protected] I may not have time to answer you personally but I promise that I will read everything that comes in and address it in the email newsletter. Get the most out of life now. Nick Richards “The Master Of Having Women Desire You”

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