4. Project Report Intelligent Breaking System 2

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Need Of New System: We have pleasure in introducing our new project “INTELLIGENT BRAKING SYSTEM”, which is fully equipped by IR sensors circuit and Pneumatic braking circuit. It is a genuine project which is fully equipped and designed for Automobile vehicles. This forms an integral part of best quality. This product underwent strenuous test in our Automobile vehicles and it is good. The “SENSOR OPERATED BRAKING SYSTEM” can stop the vehicle within 2 to 3 seconds running at a speed of 50 KM. The intelligent braking system is a fully automation project. This is an era of automation where it is broadly defined as replacement of manual effort by mechanical power in all degrees of automation. The operation remains an essential part of the system although with changing demands on physical input as the degree of mechanization is increased.

Degrees of automation are of two types, viz. 1. Full automation. 2. Semi automation.

In semi automation a combination of manual effort and mechanical power is required whereas in full automation human participation is very negligible.

Braking systems of commercial vehicles were always given the highest importance concerning safety issues and in particular active safety. Due to different design and load characteristics of these vehicles, different performance of their braking system especially related to different wheel brakes and their tribological behavior are the main reasons why the operation of their braking systems should be constantly monitored and controlled depending on the driver’s demands and the adhesion characteristics between tyres and road. Inappropriate braking of these vehicles may cause heavy accidents due to relatively longer stopping distances and higher energy output of brakes particularly in the case of vehicle combinations.

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Ever-increasing demands in term of responsiveness and control are being made on system for brake and chassis management in commercial vehicles. The traditional medium used for brake system (compressed air) can be now controlled with the speed and precision offered by modern electronic abilities. Intelligent Braking System going to introduced in commercial vehicles providing rapid brake response during parking for drivers and vehicle safety.

1.2 Objectives: Intelligent Braking System has objectives as per following: [1] As there is always problem regarding with parking of vehicle properly and with minimum time. [2] Many time driver unable to judge the proper distance between back side of vehicle and obstacle during parking. 

This parking problem tends to damage of vehicle most of time and cause critical accident.

To provide safe parking.

To avoid damage of vehicle.

To provide comfort for driver with regarding parking purpose.

1.3 Functions: Intelligent Braking System provides many useful functions: 1. It will provide safety for driver. 2. It will provide safety for rear side of vehicle during parking. 3. It will judge the proper and required distance between back side of vehicle and wall for parking. 4. It will immediately give control signal to apply brake instantly.

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2.1 Project plan: Intelligent Braking System means a braking system that provides a safety for vehicle during the parking of vehicle in parking area. Many time it seems that the driver unable to judge the obstacle at back side of vehicle during the parking of vehicle. So, Intelligent Braking System introduced with the feature that avoid the damaging of vehicle during the parking process. The project, Intelligent Braking System is planning to introduce a new advanced system in automobile market. Damaging During a parking of vehicle is quite major problem but until there is no solution on this problem. So we introduced a new system that will avoid damaging of vehicle during parking. Intelligent Braking System will open up new and promising opportunities to engineer in order of safety and discipline. Basic human being are many time unable to judge the accurate and safe required distance during the parking in parking area.

2.2 Project scope: Intelligent Braking System is introduced for providing safety and comfort to driver during parking of car. The main aim of system is to avoid critical damage of vehicles at the time parking. Most of time drivers unable to judge proper distance between car and obstacle, so this system will helpful as well as important in car safety. The intelligent braking system will open up a new ideas and concepts for automobile industry As the requirements of human beings for comfort and safe driving are increases. This system is addition in regular safety system. And also increases the demand of vehicle in market view.

2.3 Resources: For the making and developing of this project many raw materials, main components such as 5/2 DC valve, pneumatic cylinder, connecting wires and tubes were required in list. Required material for project were obtained from different hardware shops, electrical shop and from near workshop. For making of this project, 5/2 dc valve, polyurethane tube, tube connectors pneumatic cylinder were purchased from nearby hardware store. Intelligent Braking System

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The frame material such mild steel angles and plates were purchased and obtained from workshop. Electronic equipments such as IR sensor, control circuit for valve were made by an skilled electronic engineer and adapter for external power supply of DC motor, IR sensor and control circuit were purchased from nearby electronic shop. Welding of frame was done in welding workshop, circuit for control unit and sensor were made by with the help of an electronic and telecommunication engineer.

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Figure.3.1: Construction Detail

3.1 Constructional feature: Whole assembly of “Intelligent Braking System” consists of following main parts: 3.1.1. Frame: Frame is made up of 40C8 material. Frame is generally made up in order of required dimensions. Dimension of frame: 

Length: 500mm


Height: 150mm


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3.1.2. Pneumatic Cylinder: One pneumatic cylinder for braking purpose. Cylinder is mounted on rectangular bar. Specification of cylinder: Cylinder Sr. No. - 30825-95166 Bore:-


Stroke: - 50mm

3.1.3. Solenoid Valve: One solenoid valve of 5/2 DC valve for controlling of pneumatic cylinder. Valve consists of 5 ports and 2 positions. Valve is mounted on frame and valve ports are connected to cylinder by using polyurethane tube.

3.1.4. D.C. Motor: One D.C. motor is mounted on one wheel to provide free rotation of wheels. Specification of motor: Torque: 200rpm Volt:

12V DC

3.1.5. IR sensor and control unit: IR sensor unit is mounted at back side of frame. External power supply is provided to IR sensor. Control unit is connected to solenoid valve in order to actuation of valve.

3.1.6. Working Wheel: Two working wheels of free rotation are mounted on both end of metal shaft. Two ball bearings are provided for smooth rotation of both wheels and both ball bearings are mounted on rectangular bar.

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3.2 Working of system Intelligent Braking System is work on principle “of working of clutch and braking system through pneumatic pressure which is equipped by using IR sensor circuit.”

Wheels are continuously rotating in clockwise direction as the motor is connected to the wheel. IR circuit consists of one transmitter called as ‘IR Transmitter’ and one receiver called as ‘IR Receiver’. IR Transmitter continuously transmitting the Infra Red rays. If any obstacle is there in a path, the Infra-Red rays reflected. This reflected Infra-Red rays are received by the IR Receiver. The IR Receiver circuit receives the reflected IR rays and giving the control signal to the control circuit. The control circuit is used to activate the solenoid valve. As the solenoid valve activated it will allow passing the air from compressor to cylinder through the connecting tube. High pressure of air move the piston to outside of the cylinder and shaft of the piston come in contact of rotating wheel and thus brake applies and wheel stop rotating.









Figure.3.2: Flow diagram of system

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3.3 Component diagram System consists of following main component:

1. Frame 2. Pneumatic Cylinder 3. Solenoid valve 4. D.C. Motor 5. IR Sensor

3.3.1. Frame:

Figure.3.3: Frame

Dimension of frame: Length: 500mm Width: Height:

400mm 150mm

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3.3.2 Pneumatic cylinder:

Figure3.4: Pneumatic cylinder

Specification of cylinder:

Cylinder Sr.No.:30825-95166 Bore:-25mm Stroke:-50m

3.3.3 Solenoid Valve:

Figure.3.5: 5/2 dc valve

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Specification 5/2 DC VALVE: P

= inlet port of valve

A and B = work passages port of valve R1

= air exhaust port 1


= air exhaust port 2

Symbol of 5/2 DC Valve:

Figure3.6: Symbol of 5/2 dc valve

3.3.4. DC Motor:

Figure.3.7: DC motor

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Specification of DC motor:


: 12 VDC

Output Power: 1.1 W Gear Ratio

: 1:20 or 1:60

For Gear Ration Rated Speed:

200 RPM (for gear ratio 1:20) 58 RPM (for gear ratio 1:60)

Rated Torque: 7.84 N.cm (for gear ratio 1:20) 25.4 N.cm (for gear ratio 1:60)

Rated Current: 0.41 A Encoder Resolution: 60 counts per revolution Weight: 160 g Diameter: 37 mm Shaft diameter: 5.5 mm

3.3.5. IR Sensor:

Figure.3.8: IR sensor

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3.3.6. Compressor:

Figure.3.9: Compressor

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3.4 Material requirement Used materials and their properties:

The materials used in this project are detailed as follows: Ferrous materials MILD STEEL EN-4 TO EN-6 [1]Carbon- 0.15% to 0.35% [2]Tensile strength-1200/1420 MPA [3]Yield strength-750/1170 MPA 40C8 [1]Vehiclebon-0.25% to 0.35% [2]Tensile strength-620 MPA [3]Yield strength-400 MPA

Non metallic materials The non metallic materials are use in engineering practice due to their low density, low cost, flexibility, resistance to heat and electricity. Though there are many non metallic materials, important materials used in our project are list below: Rubber It is one of the most important natural plastics. It resists abrasion, heat, strong alkalis, and fairly strong acids. Soft rubber is used for electrical insulations. It is also used for power transmission belting, being applied to woven cotton as a base. The hard rubber is used for piping and as lining for pickling tanks dimensional stability. They are mostly use in manufacture of aero planes and automobile parts. They are also used for making safety glasses, laminated gears.

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The system consists of following materials: 1. Angle of cast iron material selected for frame purposed. Angle of 25×5 selected for frame. Angles cut in following dimensions: 2 Nos. 500mm in length 2 Nos. 400mm in length 4 Nos. 150mm in length All these parts are welded together in order to making of frame for supporting all assembly of system. 2. Two rectangular bar used for supporting of wheel shaft, cylinder and bearings. Both bars are made up cast iron material. Bar in size of 120mm×50mm×10mm.Both bars are welded on frame in vertical direction. One hole is provided for bearings mounting purposed. 3. Two ball bearings are selected of the standard 6000 ball bearings. These bearings are mounted in hole of rectangular bar. Outside diameter of selected bearing is 25mm and internal diameter is 10mm. Bearings are provided for smooth working of wheels during actual working of system. 4. One shaft of cast iron material is used for mounting of wheels. Shaft is cut in required dimensions as per the attachment of wheels. Diameter of shaft is 10mm and 6mm at both ends. 5. Polyurethane tubes are used for connecting solenoid valve ports to cylinder ports. Diameter of tube is 6mm. Connector are used to connect the tube to port and avoid the air leakage. 6. One pneumatic cylinder is used for braking purposed. Cylinder is operated through compressed air from compressor. Inlet port of cylinder is connected to port ‘B’ of solenoid valve and outlet port is connected to ‘A’ port of solenoid valve. 7. One solenoid valve is used for controlling the passage of air toward the cylinder and forward and backward moment of piston. Main port of valve, inlet port is connected to compressor discharged port. Port ‘A’ and ‘B’ are connected to cylinder. For actuation of valve, a connection of control circuit is given to valve. 8. One DC motor is used to free rotation of wheels during working. External power supply is given to motor and motor is attached to one wheel out of both. 9. IR sensor is used for detection of obstacles and connection of IR circuit is given to control unit which further activate the solenoid valve.

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10. One compressor is used in system for purposed of air which required for braking system. The compressor pressured should be within 2-5bar.

Photograph 3.4: sensor operated intelligent braking system

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CHAPTER FOUR PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND TESTING 4.1 Technical specifications of component used in system 4.1.1. Specification of Pneumatic Cylinder: Force: To determine the size cylinder that is needed for a particular system, certain Parameters must be known. First of all, a total evaluation of the load must be made. This total load is not only the basic load that must be moved, but also includes any Friction and the force needed to accelerate the load. Also included must be the force Needed to exhaust the air from the other end of the cylinder through the attached Lines, control valves, etc. Any other force that must be overcome must also be Considered as part of the total load. Once the load and required force characteristics are determined, a working pressure should be assumed. This working pressure that is selected must be the pressure seen at the cylinder's piston when motion is taking place. It is obvious that cylinder's working pressure is less than the actual system pressure due to the flow losses in lines and valves. With the total load (including friction) and working pressure determined, the cylinder size may be calculated using Pascal's Law. Force is equal to pressure being applied to a particular area. The formula describing this action is: Force = Pressure * Area Force is proportional to pressure and area. When a cylinder is used to clamp or press, its output force can be computed as follows: F = P * A P = pressure (PSI (Bar) (Pascal's)) F = force (pounds (Newton’s)) A = area (square inches (square meters))

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Figure.4.1: Pneumatic cylinder

Table.4.1: Component of pneumatic cylinder




No. 1

Piston rod

High alloy stainless steel


Bearing cap

Wrought aluminum alloy


Cylinder barrel

High alloy stainless steel


End cap

Wrought aluminum alloy

Speed: Speed of the piston rod depends upon floe rate of air. The volume per seconds entering in the cylinder must be change in volume per second inside. It follows than that: Q m^3/ s = Area X distance moved per second Where, Q is the volume of compressed air and this change with the pressure.

Power: Mechanical power is defined as the Force X velocity. This makes easy to calculate the power of the cylinder. Compressed air power is more than the mechanical power output because of friction between sliding parts. P = F v watts Basic principle: Figure.4.2 Shows some of the basic principles of drawing pneumatic circuit diagrams, the Numbers in the diagram correspond to the following points: Intelligent Braking System

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Figure.4.2: Principle diagram of pneumatic cylinder

1. When the manual switch is not operated, the spring will restore the valve to its original Position. 2. From the position of the spring, one can deduce that the block is operating. The other block Will not operate until the switch is pushed. 3. Air pressure exists along this line because it is connected to the source of compressed air. 4. As this cylinder cavity and piston rod are under the influence of pressure, the piston rod is In its restored position. 5. The rear cylinder cavity and this line are connected to the exhaust, where air is released. 4.1.2. Specification of DC Motor: DC motors consist of one set of coils, called armature winding, inside another set of coils or a set of permanent magnets, called the stator. Applying a voltage to the coils produces a torque in the armature, resulting in motion. Stator: The stator is the stationary outside part of a motor. The stator of a permanent magnet dc motor is composed of two or more permanent magnet pole pieces. The magnetic field can alternatively be created by an electromagnet. In this case, a DC coil (field winding) is wound around a magnetic material that forms part of the stator.

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Rotor: The rotor is the inner part which rotates. The rotor is composed of windings (called armature windings) which are connected to the external circuit through a mechanical commutator. Both stator and rotor are made of ferromagnetic materials. The two are separated by air-gap. Winding: A winding is made up of series or parallel connection of coils. Armature winding - The winding through which the voltage is applied or induced. Field winding - The winding through which a current is passed to produce flux (for the electromagnet) Windings are usually made of copper. Torque developed: The equation for torque developed in a DC motor can be derived as follows. The force on one coil of wire F =i l x B Newton Note that l and B are vector quantities Since B = θ/A where A is the area of the coil, Therefore the torque for a multi turn coil with an armature current of Ia: T = K θ Ia (2) Where θ is the flux/pole in weber, K is a constant depending on coil geometry, and Ia is the current flowing in the armature winding. Note: Torque T is a function of force and the distance, equation (2) lumps all the constant parameters (Eg. Length, area and distance) in constant K. The mechanical power generated is the product of the machine torque and the mechanical speed of rotation, ῳm Or, Pm = ῳm T = ῳm K ῳ Ia (3) It is interesting to note that the same DC machine can be used either as a motor or as a generator, by reversing the terminal connections.

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Voltage: 12 VDC Output Power: 1.1 W Gear Ratio: 1:20 or 1:60 For Gear Ration Rated Speed: 200 RPM (for gear ratio 1:20) 62 RPM (for gear ratio 1:60) Rated Torque: 8.84 N.cm (for gear ratio 1:20) 28.4 N.cm (for gear ratio 1:60) Rated Current: 0.41 A Encoder Resolution: 60 counts per revolution Weight: 160 g Diameter: 37 mm Shaft diameter: 5.5 mm

Figure.4.3: DC motor

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4.1.3 Specification of IR sensor: Infrared radiations is the electromagnetic waves in the wavelength region longer than the visible light wavelength, lying from 0.75µm to 100µm. the wavelength. Region of 0.75µ to 3µm is called as near infrared, the region of 3µm to 6µm is called as middle infrared, and the region of 6µm to 15µm is called as far infrared. An infrared radiation has the following characteristics: 1. Invisible to human eyes. 2. Small energy. 3. Long wavelength. 4. Emitted from all kinds of objects or obstacles.

A typical system for detecting infrared radiations consists of following parameters: 1. Infrared sources: infrared sources include blackbody radiations , tungsten lamps, silicon carbide and other sources. In addition of these radiant sources, infrared lasers that emit infrared energy of a specific wavelength are used . 2. Transmission

media: Typical Ex. Of infrared transmission media include the

atmosphere and optical fibers. The bandwidth from 3µm to 5µm and 8µm to 12µm, where the rate of absorption is lower, are sometime called as ‘atmospheric windows’ and are often used for sensing application 3. Optical system: to coverage of focus infrared radiations, optical lenses made up of quartz, CaFe2, Ge and Si, polyethylene Fresnel lenses, mirrors made up AL,AU materials are use according to wavelengths. 4. Detector: there are two types of infrared detector, one is thermal type which has no wavelength dependence, and second one quantum type that is wavelength dependent. 5. Signal processing: signal output from detector generally small and needs to amplified. When designing preamplifier, it is necessary to consider impedance that match the detectors, low noise and bandwidth. If the detector is cool, it is also cooled the amplifier.

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4.1.4 Specifications of polyurethane tubes:

Figure.4.4: Polyurethane tube Features: The polyurethane tube, featuring excellent flexibility, helps compact piping requiring small bending radius. Tubes come in a variety of colors so that piping’s can be identified by color or can be completed in the same colors as the devices.

Specifications: Fluid Admitted- Compressed air Serviced pressured gauge- 0~100psi(0~0.7Mpa) Working vacuum: -29.5in Hg(-100Kpa) Service temperature range: -5~140C (no freezing) Model designation: Ex. UB 0640 – 20 B UB-model code 0640-tube diameter (outer diameter/inner diameter) 20-tube length B-tube colour

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4.1.5 Specifications of Direction Control Valve:

Directional control valves start, stop or change the direction of flow in compressed air applications. Valves are designed for different applications and a factory may use several different types of valves with each being suited for a particular job.

Figure.4.5: 5/2 direction control valve Material Used: Body: aluminum Actuator: zinc die cast Spool : stainless steel Bushes : brass Seals: viton (valve body) Nitrile (solenoid) Technical information: Type: spool valve Style body: ported Port size: g1/8 Mounting: any plane Temperature range: -100c to +550c

Pneumatic information: Pressure range: vacuum to 10 bar Minimum spring return: 3 bar Nominal: ø 3,2mm Intelligent Braking System

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4.2 Cost Estimation: Table.4.2: Raw material cost Sr. No






Pneumatic cylinder





Auto 5/2 valve










Bearing housing





Bush material





Pneumatic connector










Pneumatic tubes




Shaft material




Sensor and electrical parts




Nuts and bolts






Table.4.3: Operation Cost Operation

Rate Rs/hr

Total time hrs

Total cost



1.25 HRS




2.35 HRS



10r / drill








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Table.4.4: Miscellaneous cost Operation


Gas cutter






Table.4.5: Machining cost Grinding




Fuel charges


Color charges




Total cost: - Row Material cost + Machine cost + miscellaneous cost + cost of Parches cost + overhead the total cost of m/c = 13825/- only

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CHAPTER FIVE PROCESS SHEET Process sheet generally consists of the total operation required and carried on each component during the designing and developing the project.

Process sheet for various parts used in project as per following order: 5.1 Process sheet No.01 Part name: bearing mounter-1 Part weight- 1 kg Part material- M.S Part quantity-2 Nos. Part size- 120mm×50mm×10mm Table.5.1. Process sheet for bearing mounter Sr. No 01





Cutting the material as per our Power

Tool Hacksaw blade

required size.


Drilling 10mm hole.






Boring tool

Make diameter 26mm.

Time 10 min

bit 10 min

15 min


Same operations are carried out for another bearing mounter. 5.2 Process sheet No.02 Part name: lower frame Part material - M.S Part quantity-1 Part size-2 nos of 500mm × 400mm and 4nos. 150mm

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Table.5.2: Process sheet for frame Sr.





No. 1


Cutting the material as per our Power required size.


Welding of a frame

Arc welding

Hacksaw blade 40 min Welding




5.3 Process sheet No.03 Part name: -wheel connecting shaft Row Material Size: - Ø 265×12mm Material Quantity

: - EN 9 : - 01 Nos.

Table.5.3: Process sheet for wheel connecting shaft Sr. No. 1.



Clamp Stock on Lathe


Tool Single


Pointe 10 min

Cutting Tool 2.

Wheel shaft size Through Thickness



Pointe 10 min

Cutting Tool 3.

Shaft size Ø 12 Through Thickness



Pointe 15 min

Cutting Tool 4.

Shaft finishing


Through Lathe

Finishing Tool

15 min


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6.1 Conclusion and Result: [1] Intelligent braking system is the braking system of future. The interdisciplinary interaction of mechanic and electronics provides its greatest benefits –sensors, valves and pneumatic cylinder work together and allow totally novel, highly dynamic brake. [2] In this system, Sensors unit sense the obstacle which cannot be judge easily by basic human beings. This sensor gives control signal and process of application of brake is done within the few seconds. [3] The intelligent braking system is useful in avoiding the damage and accidents occurs during the parking of vehicle in parking side specially when driver parking a vehicle from rear side

6.2 Advantage Disadvantage And Application Of System: 6.2.1 Advantage of system: [1] Avoid damage and accidents during parking of vehicle. [2] Brake cost will be low. [3] Less power consumption system [4] Free from wear adjustment. [5] As the system consists of pneumatic operations, whole system will pollution free. [6] Installation is very simple and less costly [7] System will open up new ideas and opportunities in automobile industry 6.2.1 Disadvantages of system: [1] As the pneumatic parts are quite costly, system will required additional cost. [2] If there is fault in working of sensor or control circuit, will create problem in system. So its better way that sensor should be properly installed

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6.2.2 Applications of system: [1] As there is major problem happens during the parking of vehicle that vehicle damage or critical accidents. So this system is applicable in modern as well as regular vehicle as the parking system. [2]This system is also applicable in automobile industry, as advanced breaking system.

6.3 Future scope of system: The regular demands and requirements of human beings are increases for comfort and safe driving. Most of time it seems that the problem is creates during parking of vehicle. Driver unable to judge the actual and approximate distance at such time which results into damage of vehicle or serious accidents. Thus this advance system in breaking will open up new concept to automobile industry. There is no recent research on parking problems so this system will helpful to over come from such problems.

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REFERENCES [1] Adams, N.D., et al., 1996, Warehouse & Distribution Automation Handbook, McGrawHill. [2] Apple, J.M., 1972, Advanced Braking System Design, New York: Ronald. [3] Bartholdi, III, J.J., and Hackman, S.T., 2011, Warehouse & Distribution Science, version0.95, http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~jjb/wh/book/editions/wh-sci-0.95.pdf. [4] Frazelle, E., 2002, World-Class Warehousing and Automated System, S.T. Jhonson. [5] Kulwiec, R.A., Ed., 1985, Pneumatic Controls Handbook, 2nd Ed., New York: Wiley. [6] Mulcahy, D.E., 1994, Electronic Sensors & Control Unit Handbook, McGraw-Hill. [7] Mulcahy, D.E., 1999, Industrial Handbook, New York: S.T. Jhonson

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