4 HON. ANTONIO M. NUESA in his capacity as the Regional Director of DAR Region III and RESTITUTO RIERA! petitioners! "s. HON. #OURT O$ A%%EA&S '(4th Di".)! HON. DE%ARTMENT O$ A*RARIAN RE$ORM AD+UDI#ATION ,OARD 'DARA,) and +OSE ERDI&&O! respondents. *.R. No. (-/40 March 1! //
In 1972, then Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued an Order of Award in favor of Jose Verdio over two !2" #arces of agricutura and, ocated in $uacan on the condition that within a #eriod of si% !&" months from recei#t of a co#y, the awardee!s" sha #ersonay cutivate or otherwise deveo# at east one'fourth of the area or occu#y and construct his(her house in case of residentia ot and #ay at east the )rst insta instame ment* nt* faiur faiure e on his(he his(herr #art #art to com#y com#y with with this this re+ui re+uire remen mentt sha sha e su-cient cause for canceation of this order and for aocation in favor of any +uai) +uai)ed ed a##ic a##ican ant. t. In 199/, 199/, #riva #rivate te res#o res#onde ndent nt )ed )ed an a##i a##icat cation ion with with the the Regiona egiona O-ce O-ce of the 0AR for the #urcha #urchase se of said said ots ots caimi caiming ng that that he had com#ied with the conditions set forth in the Order. Order. etitioner )ed a etter of #rotest caiming that contrary to the manifestation of #rivate res#ondent, it is #etitioner who had een in #ossession of the and and had een cutivating the same. In an investigation, it was found that the suect ots were #reviousy tenanted y other #ersons namey, Aga#ito 3arcia and ao 3arcia for amost si%teen years #rior to the entry of Restituto Rivera. 4uesa #romugated an Order canceing the award to #riva #rivate te res#o res#onde ndent. nt. Res#ond es#ondent ent )ed )ed a #etiti #etition on rovi rovinci ncia a Ad Adu udic dicati ation on $oar $oard, d, Region III, for Annument of said Order. etitioners )ed a 5otion to 0ismiss the etition on the ground that the #ro#er remedy was an a##ea to the Secretary of 0AR from the Order of the Regiona 0irector and not y a etition with the 0ARA$ rovincia Adudicator.
6hether or not the 0ARA$ has urisdiction over the case
R8I43 :he res#ondent res#ondent ;ourt of A##eas erred in hoding that the 0ARA$ 0ARA$ and its o-cias have not committed grave ause of discretion tantamount to e%cess or ac< of urisdiction urisdiction in this case. .0. 9=& #rovides that matters invoving the administrative
im#ementation of the transfer of the and to the tenant'farmer under .0. 4o. 27 and amendatory and reated decrees, orders, instructions, rues and reguations, sha e e%cusivey cogni>ae y the Secretary of Agrarian Reform, incuding !?" issuance, reca or canceation of certi)cates of and transfer in cases outside the #urview of .0. 4o. @1&. :he revocation y the Regiona 0irector of 0AR of the earier Order of Award y the Secretary of Agricuture fas under the administrative functions of the 0AR. :he 0ARA$ and its #rovincia adudicator or oard of adudicators acted erroneousy and with grave ause of discretion in taance of the case, then overturning the decision of the 0AR Regiona 0irector and deciding the case on the merits without aording the #etitioner o##ortunity to #resent his case. In the case at ar, #etitioner and #rivate res#ondent had no tenuria, easehod, or any agrarian reations whatsoever that coud have rought this controversy etween them within the amit of the de)nition of agrarian dis#ute. ;onse+uenty, the 0ARA$ had no urisdiction over the controversy and shoud not have taance of #rivate res#ondentBs #etition in the )rst #ace. 6hie it ears em#hasi>ing that )ndings of administrative agencies, which have ac+uired e%#ertise ecause their urisdiction is con)ned to s#eci)c matters are accorded not ony res#ect ut even )naity y the courts, care shoud e ta
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