4. HYDROGEN COOLING AND SEAL OIL SYSTEM- STAGE II 4.1 GAS SYSTEM The gas system consists of the following following assemblies:
CO2 distributor
H2 distributor
Gas dryer
Gas unit
4.2 HYDROGEN DISTRIBUTER The hydrogen for the generator is supplied from the hydrogen distributor. The hydrogen cylinders are connected to the manifold on the dist distri ribu buto torr. Vale ales s on the the cyli cylind nder er and and al ales es on the the manif anifol old d allo allow w repla replacem cement ent of indi indiidu idual al cylind cylinders ers during during operat operation ion.. The hydro hydrogen gen gas aaila aailable ble in the manifo manifold ld at cylind cylinder er press pressur ure e is passed passed to two parall parallel el-connec connected ted pressu pressurre reduc reducer er combin combinati ations ons for e!pans e!pansion ion to the press pressur ure e re"uired for generator operation. #elief ales on the low-pressure side of the $rst pressure reducer are connected to an outlet pipe system through which which e!ces e!cess s hydro hydrogen gen is passed passed to the atmosp atmospher here. e. The two press pressur ure e reducers are of identical design. The combination of two reducers ensures a constant pressure een in low or no %ow condition. On the other hand& the arrangement of two combinations allows large "uantities of hydrogen to be reduced in pressure during hydrogen $lling procedure.
4.3 CARBON DIOXIDE DISTRIBUTOR To preent a potentially potentia lly e!plosie mi!ture being formed& hydrogen and air must neer be allowed to come in contact with each other either during charging of hydrogen or scaenging s caenging of hydrogen from the generator. generator. 'n both cases& CO2 is used as an intermediate medium. The CO2 is also supplied in steel cylinders in li"uid state. The arrangement of the CO 2 distributor corresponds corresponds to that of hydrogen distributor. distributor. The li"uid CO2& which is stored under pressure& pressure& is fed to the gas unit ia a shut o( ale. )t the gas unit the li"uid CO2 is eaporated and e!panded in a CO2 apori*er. The heat of apori*ation is supplied to the apori*er electrically. One relief ales each on the high pressure pressure and a low-pressure side protects the pipe system against inadmissible high pressure. pressure.
+or remoing the CO2 from the generator& a compressed air supply with compressed air $lter is connected to the instrument air system of the power plant. ,nder all conditions of operation e!cept for CO2 purging& the compressed air hose between the $lter and the generator pipe system should be disconnected. This isible brea is to ensure that no air can be admitted into hydrogen $lled generator.
4.4 GAS UNIT +or measuring and checing the gas pressure in the generator& the gas unit is proided with pressure transmitter and one pressure gauge for local measurements. The purity is also measured by a purity meter. This meter system functions only at rated speed.
4.5 GAS DRIER ) small amount of hydrogen circulating in the generator for cooling is passed through a gas drier. The gas inlet and gas outlet pipes of the gas drier are connected at points of the generator with di(erent static heads di(erential fan pressure/ so that the gas is forced through the drier due to the di(erential pressure only. 0rying of hydrogen is ensured by two driers proided with silica gel& which can be reactiated with the help of built-in heaters .The drier consists of gas tight cylindrical body with silica gel in a perforated container at the top. ) heater is proided in the central portion of the drier& which is completely isolated from hydrogen *one. ) thermostat is embedded which cuts o( supply to the heater at 12 3C& automatically indicating thereby that the drier is ready for reuse. The colour of silica gel can be obsered through two glass widows proide at the top. ) local control cubicle is proided for electrical control of heaters of both the driers. The following lamp indications are proided on the cubicle for each drier.
Heater on
Heater o(
#egeneration complete.
4ormally out of two& one drier is in operation while other is in reactiation. The continuous circulation of hydrogen through drier is facilitated by the di(erential pressure created by fan mounted on the generator shaft across which the drier is connected .The hydrogen from inlet connection enters silica gel from bottom and moisture is gien up to the
silica gel while it passes through. The drier hydrogen is led away to outlet connection from the outer annular space in the drier. 5ilica gel in drier needs reactiation as it becomes saturated with moisture. 5aturation state of silica gel can be seen through glass window at the top/ by its colour& which transforms from blue to pin. 6hen silica gel is saturated& closing inlet ales isolates the drier and other drier is commissioned by opening the respectie ale. +or reactiation of silica gel& heater is switched on and as the temperature goes up& the moisture eaporates and condenses on inside of the outer cylinder& which tricles down to the bottom of the drier where there is a proision for draining o( the water collected. 6hen the temperature of the silica gel reaches 123C the thermostat cuts o( the supply to the heater automatically indicating that the drier is ready for re-use. The supply for the heater is 22V ).C. single phase& 76atts.
4.6 TECHNICAL DATA #ated hydrogen pressure inside the generator casing g;cm 2 di(erence in readings of pressure gauges ?G-8 ?G->/ and ?G-B includes the static hand ale of .@ g;cm 2./ b/ 5ITT'4G O+ 0?#V N F The seal oil $lter 5+ is $lled by means of changeoer ale V->=;V->B and the $lter is ented by opening the ent plug. The ).C. seal oil pump is stopped .The 0?#V-F is adDusted by adDusting nut for di(erential pressure of 2.1 g;cm2 di(erence in readings of pressure gauges ?G-8 ?G->/ and ?G-B to obtain seal oil pressure of 1.2 g;cm 2 aboe the gas pressure at generator shaft seals./ 4ormally 0?#V-) ale remains in operation and in case of the failure of pumps and as soon as the di(erential pressure at generator shaft seals drops to 1.2 g;cm2 and the 0?#V-F opens and the oil from goerning oil system %ows to the shaft seals. 0?#V- F is set at alue less by .8 g;cm 2 from the actual set ale of 0?#V-).
4.15 SETTING O# RING RELIE# OIL "RESSURE The ring relief oil pressure is set by means of ales V-22 and V-28 to a alue of .9 g;cm 2 aboe seal oil pressure at shaft seals that is operating alue as read on pressure gauges ?G-9;?G-7 shall be 7.>g;cm 2 with rated gas pressure of 8.9 g;cm2. )ll the contacts for the starting of the standard ).C. seal oil pump& 0C seal oil pump& and annunciations are set. The leel switches at seal oil unit& seal oil storage tan and pre-chambers are checed and adDusted. 'n the seal oil cooler& the cooling water is regulated for maintaining the seal oil temperature below > 3C. The thermostat T5-' is set for >93C. The seal oil system is thus commissioned.
4.16 TAING SEAL OIL SYSTEM INTO SER%ICE 5eal oil system is re"uired to be taen into serice when the generator is
To be $lled with hydrogen or&
To be $lled with air for the leaage testing.
The following instructions are to be carried out for starting a system.
1/ ?rior to starting& it should be ensured that all indicating instruments;deices are ready for operation. 2/ Insure that the seal oil leel is obserable at the leel gauge of intermediate oil tan and sight glass of seal oil tan. 'f not $ll the seal oil according to the instructions gien for commissioning of the seal oil system. 8/ Chec and ensure that the following pressure gauge;?ressure 5witch isolating ales are open. a/ V->7 for pressure gauge at inlet of goerning oil. b/ V-8= for pressure gauge after seal oil pump. c/ V-8B for pressure switch at the outlet of ).C. seal oil pump. d/ V-= for pressure gauge after 0.C. seal oil pump. e/ V-89 for acuum gauge. f/ V-8@ for pressure gauge after duple! $lter. g/ V-77 MV-7= for di(erential pressure switch across duple! $lter. h/ V->9 for pressure gauge for ring relief oil on TI. i/ V-> for pressure gauge for ring relief oil at II. D/ V->8 MV-=2 for pressure switches for seal oil pressure at TI. / V->> for pressure gauge for seal oil pressure at TI. l/ V->1for pressure gauge for seal oil pressure at II. m/ V->2 M V-=1 for pressure switches seal oil pressure at II. n/ V-@1 for pressure transducer for seal oil pressure at TI. o/ V-B@ for pressure transducer at seal oil pressure at II. >/ Chec and ensure that the following stop ales are open. 'f not& the ales are to be opened in the speci$ed se"uence.
4.17 AT GENERATOR a/ V-99 in $lling pipe.
4.18 AT SEAL OIL UNIT a/ V-8 after 'OT. b/ V-19 before 5OT. c/ V-1 before ).C. 5O?. d/ V-2 before 0.C. 5O?. e/ V-17 before 0?#V - F. f/ V-2 after 0?#V - F.
g/ V-2= before acuum pump. h/ V-21 after 0?#V - ). i/ V-B after seal oil pumps. D/ V-1 for ring relief oil. / V-22 for ring relief oil at TI. l/ V-28 for ring relief oil at II. m/ V-81 for seal oil supply at TI. n/ V-82 for seal oil supply at TI. 9/ Chec and ensure whether the following stop ales at seal oil unit& on the impulse lines are open. a/ V-8 gas impulse to 0?#V N F. b/ V-29 oil impulse to 0?#V N F. c/ V-2@ gas impulse to 0?#V N ). d/ V-2> oil impulse to 0?#V N ). 7/ 't is to be checed and ensured that the acuum pump is suciently $lled with special oil 472. =/ The ).C. seal oil pump is to be started. 'n order to aoid the build up of an e!cessie pressure in the piping system air cushions;locs in the piping must be displaced with the oil ).C. seal oil pump should be started and immediately stopped again until all in cushions hae been positiely remoed from the piping system. 5ubse"uently the pump is to be ept in continuous operation. The following pressure gauges are to be monitored. i.
?G-1 after ).C. seal oil pump.
?G-2 after duple! seal oil $lter.
?G-8 for TI seal oil.
?G-> for II seal oil.
B/ 6hen the ).C. seal oil pump is started& the acuum pump and the acuum e!tractor must be started simultaneously. @/ 6hen the oil foam rises aboe the upper edge of oil sight glass in the 5OT V-2= is to be closed and once again V-2= is to be opened on its disappearance. 1/
't is to be checed and ensured that all the oil pressure alues
are normal.
The interlocs for auto starting of the standby ).C. seal oil pump
and the 0.C. seal oil pump are to be checed. 12/
The gas tightness of 5OT including the connected pipelines and
the ales is to be checed. The alue of the acuum should be between 8 to 1 torr and this should not change for a period of at least 2> hours. 18/
The seal oil coolers are to be ented by opening the ent ale of
operating cooler until oil emerges. The ent ale is to be closed. The standby cooler is to be brought into serice and the aboe process is to be repeated. 1>/
Foth the seal oil $lters are to be brought into operation and the
$lters are to be ented by opening the ent plugs. On completion of enting one of the seal oil $lters is to be taen out of serice. 19/
The seal oil $lters are to be checed for contamination& and if
necessary to be cleaned. The degree of $lter contamination can be seen at the di(erential pressure switch 0?5-1/. 'n case of red indication $lter cleaning will be re"uired. 17/
The seal oil coolers are to be $lled on the waterside and the
coolers are to be ented. 1=/
't is to be checed whether the following ales are open. i.
V->7 pressure gauge for goerning oil.
V-2 after 0?#V N F ale.
V-17 Fefore 0?#V N F ale.
V-8 Gas impulse to 0?#V N F.
V-29 Oil impulse to 0?#V N F.
V-1@ Goerning oil supply.
't is also to be checed that the $lter 5+ is set for operation. Fy isolating the electric supply to ).C. and 0.C. seal oil pumps& the seal oil supply must be taen oer by the turbine goerning system when the seal oil pressure in the deliery pipe has dropped by .8 g;cm 2. 1B/
't is to be checed whether the seal oil supply is at the normal
operating alue. 'f not& the oil impulse line to 0?#V N F is to be ented/.
The seal oil supply is to be changed oer top the main ).C. seal
oil pump. 2/
To bring the ring relief oil into serice& the following al8es are
to be adDusted until the normal operating alues are reached. i.
V-22 for ring relief oil at TI.
V-28 for ring relief oil at II.
4.19 NOTE$ The $nal adDustment of pressure for ring relief oil can only be made when the generator has been $lled with H2 at rated pressure and the machine is running at rated speed. 21/
6hen the seal oil temperature has reached 83C& the cold water
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