4. Casumpang v. Cortejo
March 9, 2017 | Author: Nori Lola | Category: N/A
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Casumpang v. Cortejo...
CASUMPANG v. CORTEJO G.R. No. 171127 | March 11, 2015
On April 22, 1988, at about 11:30 in the morning, Mrs. Cortejo brought her 11-ear ol! son, "!mer, to the "mergen# $oom o% the &an 'uan !e (ios )ospital )ospital *&'()+ *&'()+ be#ause be#ause o% !i%%i#ul !i%%i#ult t in breathing breathing,, #hest #hest pain, pain, stoma#h pain, an! %eer. herea%ter, she as re%erre! an! assigne! to (r. Casumpang, Casumpang, a pe!iatri#ian. At /:30 in the a%ternoon o% the same !a, (r. Casumpang, upon eamination using onl a stethos#ope, #on%irme! the !iagnosis o% ron#hopneumonia. Mrs. Cortejo imme!iatel a!ise! (r. Casumpang that "!mer ha! a high %eer, an! ha! no #ol!s or #ough but (r. Casumpang merel tol! her that her sons bloo!pressure is just being a#tie an! remare! that thats the usual bron#hopneumonia, no #ol!s, no phlegm. (r. Casumpang net isite! the %olloing !a. Mrs. Cortejo again #alle! (r. Casumpangs attention an! state! that "!mer ha! a %eer, throat irritation, as ell as #hest an! stoma#h pain. Mrs. Cortejo also alerte! (r. Casumpang about the tra#es o% bloo! in "!mers sputum. (espite these pie#es pie#es o% in%ormati in%ormation, on, hoeer hoeer,, (r. Casumpang Casumpang simpl simpl no!!e! no!!e! an! reassure! Mrs. Cortejo that "!mers illness is bron#hopneumonia. bron#hopneumonia. At aroun! 11:30 11:30 in the morning o% April 23, 1988, "!mer omite! phlegm ith bloo! strea prompting the "!mers %ather to re4uest %or a !o#tor. 5ater, Miran!a, one o% the resi!ent phsi#ians o% &'(), arrie!. &he #laime! that although aare that "!mer ha! omite! phlegm ith bloo! strea she %aile! to eamine the bloo! spe#imen. &he then a!ise! the respon!ent to presere the spe#imen %or eamination. herea%ter, (r. Miran!a #on!u#te! a #he#-up on "!mer an! %oun! that "!mer ha! a lo-gra!e %eer an! rashes. At 3:00 in the a%ternoon, "!mer on#e again omite! bloo!. (r. Miran!a then then eami eamine! ne! "!mer "!mers s sputum sputum ith bloo! bloo! an! note! that that he as blee!ing. &uspe#ting that he #oul! be a%%li#te! ith !engue, (r. Miran!a #on!u#te! a tourni4uet test, hi#h turne! out to be negatie. (r. Miran!a then #alle! up (r. Casumpang at his #lini# an! tol! him about "!mers #on!i #on!itio tion. n. 6pon 6pon being being in%orm in%orme!, e!, (r. (r. Casump Casumpang ang or!ere or!ere! ! seera seerall pro#e!ures !one. (r. Miran!a a!ise! "!mers parents that the bloo! test results shoe! that "!mer as su%%ering %rom (engue )emorrhagi# 7eer. (r. Casumpang re#ommen!e! "!mers trans%er to the C6, but sin#e the C6 as then %ull, the respon!ent, insiste! on trans%erring his son to Maati Me!i#al Center.
At 12:00 mi!night, "!mer, a##ompanie! b his parents an! b (r. Casu Casump mpan ang, g, as as tran trans% s%er erre re! ! to Maa Maati ti Me!i Me!i#a #all Cent Center er.. 6pon 6pon eamination, the atten!ing phsi#ian !iagnose! (engue 7eer &tage that as alrea! in its irreersible stage. "!mer !ie! at ;:00 in the morning o% April 2;, 1988. )is (eath Certi%i#ate in!i#ate! the #ause o% !eath as )poolemi# &ho#
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