4 basics

January 10, 2017 | Author: itsjai1303 | Category: N/A
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4 Basics, 3 Powers and 3 donts[Never] 11:42 AM Dr.Anand Here are very simple and basic steps for building a successful network marketing business for distributors and IBO’s of any network business. Especially highlighted Britt (BWW) 4 basic steps focusing on building an on going growing network. Step 1 : Step 2 : Step 3 : Step 4 : process.

List Building Process. Contacting and Inviting Tips. Showing the Business Plan. Follow up and Follow through and Getting a new distributor started with Kit opening

Lets understand this basic steps in details one by one Building a list of names. Network marketing business is successful because it is a “people business” If you put a number of prospects in front of the marketing plan, some will get in the business. Of those who get in, some will develop the business and some will develop a big business which depends on quality of people there business skills and total number of people who joins your network. So to understand and build a huge network one needs to have an ongoing and increasing list of people to get the people see the plan which is a constant process and step 3 of the building a network. Contacting and Inviting people to see the marketing plan. A skill full step of contacting and inviting all the people in the list you built in step 1 of the Britt (BWW) recommended 4 basic steps as there are different approaches to invite someone to business meetings, seminars and see the business marketing plan. This can be done in few different ways : a) Calling people to book and appointment for a brief overview of marketing plan. b) Calling people to have a One on One plan session. c) Calling People to invite them to a home meeting. d) Calling people to invite for a plan at Open Meeting with around 50 to 100 such newly invited people. Showing the Marketing Plan. Once you have people ready from step 2 of Britt 4 basic steps, Next is to show them the Business plan and the purpose of showing the plan is to show your prospect how they can obtain their dream and goals by utilizing the sales and marketing plan. One should keep the business plan as simple and brief as possible an up to the point which created interest and desire to gather more information about the network business. Marketing plan shows how he can be an IBO being your own boss. Its very important to give the prospect business material and literature pack. Like Amway business plan one can have an Business overview, One-on-One meeting, Home Meeting or Bringing prospect to an Open meeting. Follow up and Follow through with Start up and Kit Opening. Of all the steps of building a successful network marketing business, Followup and Follow through process are by far the most important. The follow-up process is the natural conclusion to new people’s introduction to the business. Now that they have seen the marketing plan, what should be done next ? which will base upon the prospect’s interest, schedule and other factors. The general objective is to get back to the prospect in couple as soon as possible with in few days when

business information is still fresh in the mind and before they can contact friends and relatives for suggestions which will lead to few negative feedback.

Three Powers: 1.

Power of Unity – Only do what is taught by the system. Do not try to ‘reinvent the wheel’ or do things your own way.

2. Power of Submission – Always be in submission to your upline. 3.

Power of the Spoken Word – Always speak in the positive, confess in the positive, and never speak anything negative or anything that you don’t want to happen.

Three Nevers: 1.

Never mess with someone’s spouse.


Never mess with someone’s money

3. Never pass any negative downline.

9 Core Steps 11:40 AM Dr.Anand

The growth of both the business are high because of the core values and system that is commonly used by all the distributors in BWW system. Using the same Amway 9 core steps, Amway 4 basics and 3 powers of proven Britt system the process of growth and building human network is faster. Lets looks at all this core steps in depth. BWW system has nine core steps, 3 powers and 4 basic business rules to be followed. This has been made by Mr. Bill Britt, founder of the Britt system after lots of self and till day business experience and are the steps which can be used in almost all the business strategies. 9 CORE STEPS Step 1. Books (Read Bww recommended books daily for at least half and hour) Amazing knowledge is gained by one reading the books written by people already successful in the field of Network Marketing and MLM business. Books created and changes peoples attitude and thoughts towards life, it motivates and gives a depth knowledge about what you reading. Step 2. Tapes (Listen to Bww recommended tapes, multiple times, daily once in morning) This are the Bww business and rally tapes by Bww & Amway leaders like Kumar Sivaraman, Sugeet, Kanti and Lata Gala from united states and also from leaders in India who are already successful in the business. As this is a business of duplication one can imitate exactly what a leader have done and ignore some mistakes. This way learning process improves. Business highly recommends to subscribe to SOT, means (Standing order Tapes) where monthly tapes are provided to IBO’s at some fixed charges. Step 3. Functions & Meetings

( Attend Britt meetings, Monthly Seminars, FED (Free Enterprise Day) and PASE meetings regularly). Britt India has lots of Weekly and Monthly meetings in almost all the states of India, The weekly meetings is known as Open Meeting, BWW functions are once in 2 months called Seminars where Leaders at Emerald and Diamond levels teachings and talks about the success stories in Amway business. Where as FED is a day of free enterprise for IBO’s where recognitions for new Diamonds happens which proceeds with there Amway success stories, hurdles and how they did it. Whole Ground, Stadium roars together with words like Fireup, Freedom with Rocky Music. Its a celebration day for new diamonds in Bww system and a learning and motivating day for distributors. ( STEPS 1, 2 & 3 are called personality and attitude building steps) Step 4. STP (Show the Plan) where new and old business leaders are recommended to Show the Amway business plans at least 5 day in a week. One can show the business plan more also but the system recommends minimum 5 plans to get the proper success rate in business. Step 5. Use the Products Before recommending some products to someone it is recommended by Britt system to consume the products by distributors themselves as this brings faith in the products and also increase the PV and business sales volume. Step 6. Generate Sales Best business is one with best sales volume and so every IBO is been recommended to do a personal PV of 100 to 300 per month via selling and recommending it to friends and relatives who already are using and wants to. This way the individual sales volume in the network grows and everyone gets benefited of the commission till the top, including the person who sales. (Step 4,5 & 6 are the Action steps in the business that actually generates the sales, business volume and commissions) Step 7. Be Teachable ( Whoever you are, From whatever job, business or profession you can to the Network Marketing business, the rules of doing MLM business is different and every one needs to learn the same steps again and again to successfully copycat marketing business and be with the leaders). If you are not teachable you cannot survive in any business you started. Every day some new things has to be learned to grow. And as MLM business is of copycatting one has to follow the simple rules of duplication being in the business. Step 8. Be Accountable Network Marketing business is a People and Money business. There are very good changes that people mess up with other people money, they can forget to give back the lending money etc. Also a very important Accountable factor is Time, Respect others time for you to get the same. You have to be accountable to your responsibilities like do cash business, don’t ask for time period to pay back, keep the transactions clear. Your upline is there to help, but finally its your own business so never take advantages of same. Just ask yourself one thing : Can you do the same in any other business or shop you want to purchase the goods you want ? Step 9. Communication This is the new step introduces in BWW system in last 2 to 3 years, Before this there were only 8 core steps in business. Communication gap works as a BUG in any business which reduces the business output. So britt world wide has newly introduced this step where all the Distributors/IBO’s

has to be in touch with there Uplines and should not do anything beyond the recommended system without asking and confirming with there uplines.

how to be rich? 12:16 PM Dr.Anand

Hi friends

one request - plz wipe out your ego before u read it and dont take lightly Last Lines. Ask me who r successful person? U all has definition like ‘who have lots of money’ But its totally wrong successful person mean who has lots money + time to expense it + security of his/her money[security means if he/she stops working then after money flows] we can see 3 types of human being in world [to see better view of image just click on it]

group 1 :- who hv lots of time but no money,then we cant say for their security  they r always seen at pan corners,at the end of societies ,etc

group 2 :- they r middle class person who works whole year with or without rest but no

savings except for saving tax group 3 :- they have lots of money but poor with time

group 4 :- only 3% of whole world comes in this group

I think now its cleared who we are!!!?

Now question yourself Why r u working? Coz for Vitamin M To fulfill our needs/dreams

Which r needs/dreams?

1st - basic needs roti,kapda aur makan

2nd – a good education for child [if not married still u have same dream]

3rd – to help our parents

4th – vehicle - bike/car

[if u hv a car then u must dreamed for luxurious car]

5th – passport vacation 6th – appreciation

7th – people will remember your name …….

Now u r doing job/profession/business to achieve this needs/dreams And u r selling your time Coz Income = Time x Money

If u r in job then u r selling 6-8 hours a day If u r doing business then u r selling 14-16 hours a day If u r in profession then u r selling 10-12 hours a day

Now compare it with your income circle to needs/dreams’ circle [to see better view of image just click on it]

So you have to compromise your dreams to fit with your income circle like, If one room-kitchen house is ok,if it is big then other expenses also comes

If my child is intelligent then he/she shud 1st in any school If I bought a big car then there is a parking problrm,petrol price is increasing,etc so small car is enough. Whats in passport vacation- beaches,hill station,etc r also in my state/country My parents r happy with their pension 11/21 rupees donation in temple, etc are also a charity.

So now its time to think why u r in list of 97% that known as linear income Means when u work you get money,if stop,money also stopped.

I had told a Slogan Income = Time x Money

See it in graph [to see better view of image just click on it]

Its calculated per daily basis

For example

If you work 8 hours a day n u get 800Rs so you will get 100RS per hour and monthly salary/income is 24,000 Rs

If you work 12 hours in a day so you get 1200Rs per day and monthly salary/income will 36,000Rs.

If you work 24 hours in a day so you get 2400Rs per day and monthly salary/income will 72.000Rs.

But here you can see a limitation means you can work maximum 12 hours a day daily but cant 24 hour daily and after you become old your ability also decrease so u cant work 12 hour daily also.

See one example of a doctor If a doctor charges 10,000Rs of one operation and he do 5 operations per day then his income is 50,000Rs per day. But if that doctor meet with accident and fracture of that hand/ paralised with that hand then what shud the income?????

I am not Scaring you but giving chance to think for your future and family

Be a Smart not Intelligent Meaning of above sentence is work like tata,ambani,etc Still didn’t understsnd Ambani hd started a company and they gave job If 1000 people are working in his factory and they daily work for 8 hours so ambani’s total hour is 1000 x 8 = 8,000 hours of a day Its known as duplication

We cant start a company like ambani but we can duplicates people n get incomes like them

One another thing you have to accept that we all r customer [to see better view of image just click on it]

For example If I wanna buy a fairness cream of 30Rupees then I have to go at shop not directly to wholesaler/distributor/stockiest/factory Do u know how exact cost of a 30 Rs. Fairness cream It must be 5 to 8 Rs coz there is 60-40/80-20 ratio of any product And u r paying 30 Rs,why? Coz upto 40% of costing of any product is at this chain and 20% at advertiser coz they r teaching us, how to groom your skin more white n uses it till death but your skin cant white,its fact….. So your 25 rupees goes to this between people Now calculate if your monthly expense is 15,000 Rs then 10,000 Rs goes in this chain system per mnth 1.2 lac per year 12 lacs in 10 years If you r doing job/else on avrg u work at least 40 yrs and as we bifurcate in 60-40 ratio than u work 24 years just for this middle men…. Think on it….

So they r living in your house They driving your car . . .

Now u have reason n if have vision then its upto u

If u wanna change then think.

What we have to do? [1] Just we have to change our buying habits means If u change a shop,u will get instant 20% discount on any product whenever u buy Get pur and natural product 100% money back guaranty [2] teach people how to duplicate Which u r doing normally n getting nothing means if u like product/movie u will ask your frnds/relatives

[3] Only you have to work 2hours in a day for 2 to 5 years And we can get 100% security of our earning. Coz it’s a Franchise business

Before I ask about it, 1st u shud know about concept

Do u know Mr.Ray Kroc? No!!!!!!!

He founded gr8 restaurants of McDonalds in 1950s He start a restaurant,got success so open another restaurant at different city/area but he cant handle both restaurant, understand the customer to factory chain and decided to different so offered a deal to his sister[nancy] for a franchise business means deal of 98%-2% If nancy invest for a restaurant he will supply all materials to run restaurants n she will pay only 2% Now u can see McDonalds in many city around world n >31000 restaurants last year

If daily earning of 1 McDonald is 1000Rs so ray kroc is earning 20Rs daily from one restaurant n if we multiply with 31000 then its 6,20,000Rs per day If 1000 Restaurants not working/closed then his earning will 6,00,000Rs per day So u can see only small changes comes [only 20, 000Rs per day]

One thing I wanna add mr. ray kroc hd died in 1984 that time aprx.20,000 restaurants n still his restaurants are increasing n also earning even after his death….

This income known as Residual/Royalty income

But for this business we need big amount So 2 person think for everyone win concept in franchise business,even they replaced large amount for investment and started in 1959 This 2 great legend are Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos And his company name is Amway, turnover was more than 1800Cr Rs in 2010 talks in last

See products at main site

Lets discuss how be a millionaire

1st month

1st clear in mind Here u don’t make members It’s a total pure n legal business. There is need of a sponser to plug in business means u need a license number to get your license number Its done by online/ by filling a form[with original details] with address proof submitted at office It costs 995 Rs. Just for example n better calculation, May be m wrong in calculation. M taking 100 Point Value[PV] = 6000Rs. Coz 1 PV = 60Rs When u buy a products after changing shop on 6000,u get 20% instant discount So your benefit

6000 x 20% = 1200Rs

As discussed above if u like products n business u definitely advertise it If u hd asked 6 person n sponsored 6 person then[there is no rules for selling and sponsoring u can sponsor as many as u know] So your total group is of 7 including u [to see better view of image just click on it]

your Business is 100PV x 6 = 600PV + your 100PV = 700PV

so your turnover is 700 x 60 = 42,000Rs

Now there r different level commission according to your business turnover

Your Business Turnover

Your Group PV

Level commission as Business Turnover

18,000 Rs.



60,000 Rs.



1,20,000 Rs.



2,40,000 Rs.



4,42,000 Rs.



6,00,000 Rs.



1st your 20% Retail discount

6,000 x 20% = 1,200Rs coz you had buy product worth 6000 Rs. [a] Now your level commission is at 6% so 42,000 x 6% = 2,520 Rs. [b] So u will get total a + b = 1,200 + 2,520 = 3,720Rs.

This income is extra income coz u earn it in your extra time/spare time[which u were spenting with your frnd or in tv] Friends mind on this word extra income coz if u r in job/business/nothing this comes in presence of job/business/nothing

2nd month

Now as u did your downline also sponsor few person,for example they sponsor only 4 person n all do 100 PV

So your total group is of 31 including u [to see better view of image just click on it]

So your business is 500x 6 = 3000PV + Your 100 PV = 3100 PV Now your turnover is 3100 x 60 = 1,86,000 Rs Now you r at 12 % so group commission

1,86,000 x 12% = 22,320Rs. [a]

Now you see your all 6 legs r at 6% so Their commission are 1,80,000 x 6% = 10,800 Rs [b]

Your actual commission is . a – b = 22,320 - 10,800 = 11,480 Rs. [c]

Your 20% discount @ your 100 PV is 1,200Rs [d] So your total commission is c + d = 11,480 + 1,200 = 12,680 Rs.

3rd month

As u n your downline did last month your downline little work less n sign up only 3 person n all do 100 PV

So your total group is of 103 including u So your business is 1700x 6 = 10,200PV + Your 100 PV = 10,300 PV Now your turnover is 10,300 x 60 = 6,18,000 Rs So you r at 21 % so group commission [to see better view of image just click on it]

6,18,000 x 21% = 1,29,780Rs. [a]

Now see your all 6 legs r at 9% so Their commission are 6,18,000 x 9% = 55,620 Rs [b]

Your actual commission is . a – b 1,29,780 – 55,620 = 74,160Rs. [c]

Your 20% discount @ your 100 PV is 1,200Rs [d] So your total commission is c + d = 74,160 + 1,200 = 75,260 Rs.

So its good or bad You r getting this income as extra income.

This is just example u can do as 6-4-3 plan or it can be as 6-6-9 or 10-9-10

And other main thing as I had mention 3 month plan but it happens in one year then what u lose ???? Nothing. coz previously u did nothing in your spare time n now u r getting this in your spare time. after this level main charm of business starts means if your one of downline also reaches at 21% level your commission frm this group coz u r also at 21% but compny will give u 4% royalty commission for this group coz this person get this level beause of u so that group turnover is aprx 7,00,000Rs then 4% is 28,000Rs now this person to stop business whats d his answer?will he stops? never coz he is getting 75,000Rs so this 4% never stops even after u died what if this group turnover reaches at 7Cr Rs!!! if u teach 3 person how to earn 75k then this level is knowan as EMERALD if u teach 6 person how to earn 75k then this level is knowan as DIAMOND and that after other commission also starts this is the main charm of this business

Few about Amway

Established in 1950s,now in more than 90 countries Manufacturing 500+ eco-friendly products,having 600+ patents, Before amway starts business in India,they started Amway Opportunity Foundation since 1996 and still providing brail books for blind children Started 1998 Turnover in 1999 was 90Cr. Turnover in 2007 was 800Cr Turnover in 2008 was 1128Cr Turnover in 2009 was 1407Cr Turnover in 2010 was 1800Cr Now everyone knows year of 2008 coz in whole world all business were down but see amway’s turnover rise more than 40% frm 2007 Why? Just because of this business coz its based on work for dreams n there is no down in dreams

Last Lines- if u r married then wake up in midnight without disturbing your wife n child[if not married then see your parents],just see them how they sleep,just free from any tension because they have faith that u r always ready to protect n help.....now think if u meet with accident/paralised or .... your income stopped then...... u must be thinking for insurance n investment but how long it help...... i hd given the key for success

now its upto u coz

how to be rich? 12:16 PM Dr.Anand

Hi friends

one request - plz wipe out your ego before u read it and dont take lightly Last Lines. Ask me who r successful person? U all has definition like ‘who have lots of money’ But its totally wrong

successful person mean who has lots money + time to expense it + security of his/her money[security means if he/she stops working then after money flows] we can see 3 types of human being in world [to see better view of image just click on it]

group 1 :- who hv lots of time but no money,then we cant say for their security  they r always seen at pan corners,at the end of societies ,etc group 2 :- they r middle class person who works whole year with or without rest but no

savings except for saving tax group 3 :- they have lots of money but poor with time

group 4 :- only 3% of whole world comes in this group

I think now its cleared who we are!!!?

Now question yourself Why r u working? Coz for Vitamin M To fulfill our needs/dreams

Which r needs/dreams?

1st - basic needs

roti,kapda aur makan

2nd – a good education for child [if not married still u have same dream]

3rd – to help our parents

4th – vehicle - bike/car

[if u hv a car then u must dreamed for luxurious car]

5th – passport vacation 6th – appreciation 7th – people will remember your name …….

Now u r doing job/profession/business to achieve this needs/dreams And u r selling your time Coz Income = Time x Money

If u r in job then u r selling 6-8 hours a day If u r doing business then u r selling 14-16 hours a day If u r in profession then u r selling 10-12 hours a day

Now compare it with your income circle to needs/dreams’ circle [to see better view of image just click on it]

So you have to compromise your dreams to fit with your income circle like, If one room-kitchen house is ok,if it is big then other expenses also comes If my child is intelligent then he/she shud 1st in any school If I bought a big car then there is a parking problrm,petrol price is increasing,etc so small car is enough. Whats in passport vacation- beaches,hill station,etc r also in my state/country My parents r happy with their pension 11/21 rupees donation in temple, etc are also a charity.

So now its time to think why u r in list of 97% that known as linear income Means when u work you get money,if stop,money also stopped.

I had told a Slogan Income = Time x Money

See it in graph [to see better view of image just click on it]

Its calculated per daily basis

For example

If you work 8 hours a day n u get 800Rs so you will get 100RS per hour and monthly salary/income is 24,000 Rs

If you work 12 hours in a day so you get 1200Rs per day and monthly salary/income will 36,000Rs.

If you work 24 hours in a day so you get 2400Rs per day and monthly salary/income will 72.000Rs.

But here you can see a limitation means you can work maximum 12 hours a day daily but cant 24 hour daily and after you become old your ability also decrease so u cant work 12 hour daily also.

See one example of a doctor If a doctor charges 10,000Rs of one operation and he do 5 operations per day then his income is 50,000Rs per day. But if that doctor meet with accident and fracture of that hand/ paralised with that hand then what shud the income?????

I am not Scaring you but giving chance to think for your future and family

Be a Smart not Intelligent Meaning of above sentence is work like tata,ambani,etc Still didn’t understsnd Ambani hd started a company and they gave job If 1000 people are working in his factory and they daily work for 8 hours so ambani’s total hour is 1000 x 8 = 8,000 hours of a day Its known as duplication

We cant start a company like ambani but we can duplicates people n get incomes like them

One another thing you have to accept that we all r customer [to see better view of image just click on it]

For example If I wanna buy a fairness cream of 30Rupees then I have to go at shop not directly to wholesaler/distributor/stockiest/factory Do u know how exact cost of a 30 Rs. Fairness cream It must be 5 to 8 Rs coz there is 60-40/80-20 ratio of any product And u r paying 30 Rs,why? Coz upto 40% of costing of any product is at this chain and 20% at advertiser coz they r teaching us, how to groom your skin more white n uses it till death but your skin cant white,its fact….. So your 25 rupees goes to this between people

Now calculate if your monthly expense is 15,000 Rs then 10,000 Rs goes in this chain system per mnth 1.2 lac per year 12 lacs in 10 years If you r doing job/else on avrg u work at least 40 yrs and as we bifurcate in 60-40 ratio than u work 24 years just for this middle men…. Think on it….

So they r living in your house They driving your car . . .

Now u have reason n if have vision then its upto u If u wanna change then think.

What we have to do? [1] Just we have to change our buying habits means If u change a shop,u will get instant 20% discount on any product whenever u buy Get pur and natural product 100% money back guaranty [2] teach people how to duplicate Which u r doing normally n getting nothing means if u like product/movie u will ask your frnds/relatives

[3] Only you have to work 2hours in a day for 2 to 5 years And we can get 100% security of our earning. Coz it’s a Franchise business

Before I ask about it, 1st u shud know about concept

Do u know Mr.Ray Kroc? No!!!!!!!

He founded gr8 restaurants of McDonalds in 1950s He start a restaurant,got success so open another restaurant at different city/area but he cant handle both restaurant, understand the customer to factory chain and decided to different so offered a deal to his sister[nancy] for a franchise business means deal of 98%-2% If nancy invest for a restaurant he will supply all materials to run restaurants n she will pay only 2% Now u can see McDonalds in many city around world n >31000 restaurants last year

If daily earning of 1 McDonald is 1000Rs so ray kroc is earning 20Rs daily from one restaurant n if we multiply with 31000 then its 6,20,000Rs per day If 1000 Restaurants not working/closed then his earning will 6,00,000Rs per day So u can see only small changes comes [only 20, 000Rs per day] One thing I wanna add mr. ray kroc hd died in 1984 that time aprx.20,000 restaurants n still his restaurants are increasing n also earning even after his death….

This income known as Residual/Royalty income

But for this business we need big amount So 2 person think for everyone win concept in franchise business,even they replaced large amount for investment and started in 1959 This 2 great legend are Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos And his company name is Amway, turnover was more than 1800Cr Rs in 2010 talks in last

See products at main site

Lets discuss how be a millionaire

1st month

1st clear in mind Here u don’t make members It’s a total pure n legal business. There is need of a sponser to plug in business means u need a license number to get your license number Its done by online/ by filling a form[with original details] with address proof submitted at office It costs 995 Rs. Just for example n better calculation, May be m wrong in calculation. M taking 100 Point Value[PV] = 6000Rs. Coz 1 PV = 60Rs When u buy a products after changing shop on 6000,u get 20% instant discount So your benefit

6000 x 20% = 1200Rs

As discussed above if u like products n business u definitely advertise it If u hd asked 6 person n sponsored 6 person then[there is no rules for selling and sponsoring u can sponsor as many as u know] So your total group is of 7 including u [to see better view of image just click on it]

your Business is 100PV x 6 = 600PV + your 100PV = 700PV

so your turnover is 700 x 60 = 42,000Rs

Now there r different level commission according to your business turnover

Your Business Turnover

Your Group PV

Level commission as Business Turnover

18,000 Rs.



60,000 Rs.



1,20,000 Rs.



2,40,000 Rs.



4,42,000 Rs.



6,00,000 Rs.



1st your 20% Retail discount

6,000 x 20% = 1,200Rs coz you had buy product worth 6000 Rs. [a]

Now your level commission is at 6% so 42,000 x 6% = 2,520 Rs. [b] So u will get total a + b = 1,200 + 2,520 = 3,720Rs.

This income is extra income coz u earn it in your extra time/spare time[which u were spenting with your frnd or in tv] Friends mind on this word extra income coz if u r in job/business/nothing this comes in presence of job/business/nothing

2nd month

Now as u did your downline also sponsor few person,for example they sponsor only 4 person n all do 100 PV

So your total group is of 31 including u [to see better view of image just click on it]

So your business is 500x 6 = 3000PV + Your 100 PV = 3100 PV Now your turnover is 3100 x 60 = 1,86,000 Rs Now you r at 12 % so group commission

1,86,000 x 12% = 22,320Rs. [a]

Now you see your all 6 legs r at 6% so Their commission are 1,80,000 x 6% = 10,800 Rs [b]

Your actual commission is . a – b = 22,320 - 10,800 = 11,480 Rs. [c]

Your 20% discount @ your 100 PV is 1,200Rs [d] So your total commission is c + d = 11,480 + 1,200 = 12,680 Rs.

3rd month

As u n your downline did last month your downline little work less n sign up only 3 person n all do 100 PV

So your total group is of 103 including u So your business is 1700x 6 = 10,200PV + Your 100 PV = 10,300 PV Now your turnover is 10,300 x 60 = 6,18,000 Rs So you r at 21 % so group commission [to see better view of image just click on it]

6,18,000 x 21% = 1,29,780Rs. [a]

Now see your all 6 legs r at 9% so Their commission are 6,18,000 x 9% = 55,620 Rs [b]

Your actual commission is

. a – b 1,29,780 – 55,620 = 74,160Rs. [c]

Your 20% discount @ your 100 PV is 1,200Rs [d] So your total commission is c + d = 74,160 + 1,200 = 75,260 Rs.

So its good or bad You r getting this income as extra income.

This is just example u can do as 6-4-3 plan or it can be as 6-6-9 or 10-9-10

And other main thing as I had mention 3 month plan but it happens in one year then what u lose ???? Nothing. coz previously u did nothing in your spare time n now u r getting this in your spare time. after this level main charm of business starts means if your one of downline also reaches at 21% level your commission frm this group coz u r also at 21% but compny will give u 4% royalty commission for this group coz this person get this level beause of u so that group turnover is aprx 7,00,000Rs then 4% is 28,000Rs now this person to stop business whats d his answer?will he stops? never coz he is getting 75,000Rs so this 4% never stops even after u died what if this group turnover reaches at 7Cr Rs!!! if u teach 3 person how to earn 75k then this level is knowan as EMERALD if u teach 6 person how to earn 75k then this level is knowan as DIAMOND and that after other commission also starts this is the main charm of this business

Few about Amway

Established in 1950s,now in more than 90 countries Manufacturing 500+ eco-friendly products,having 600+ patents, Before amway starts business in India,they started Amway Opportunity Foundation since 1996 and still providing brail books for blind children

Started 1998 Turnover in 1999 was 90Cr. Turnover in 2007 was 800Cr Turnover in 2008 was 1128Cr Turnover in 2009 was 1407Cr Turnover in 2010 was 1800Cr Now everyone knows year of 2008 coz in whole world all business were down but see amway’s turnover rise more than 40% frm 2007 Why? Just because of this business coz its based on work for dreams n there is no down in dreams

Last Lines- if u r married then wake up in midnight without disturbing your wife n child[if not married then see your parents],just see them how they sleep,just free from any tension because they have faith that u r always ready to protect n help.....now think if u meet with accident/paralised or .... your income stopped then...... u must be thinking for insurance n investment but how long it help...... i hd given the key for success

now its upto u coz

product demos 9:59 AM Dr.Anand 1] SA8 Vs Your Best Detergent - take 2 glass of water - in 1st glass mix 1 spoon of your best detergent powder - in 2nd glass mix 1 spoon of SA8 [only for distributor] - now mix 1-1pinch of turmeric powder to both glass - result must be as in glass colour must be orange-red n in 2nd glass colour must be yellow coz turmeric powder has colour changing tendency in acidic/basic solutions 2] LOC Vs Floor Cleaner - open your shoe polish n just touch in and spread over white area over your hand - now do u wanna clean it with your floor cleaner,answer must be NO coz Floor cleaner must contains concentrated acid - now put a drop of LOC[only for distributor] over your hand where u had spread shoe polish - whats sensation?...must be cool with nice smell - now use your index finger to mix LOC with that area - after 20-30 second clean it with white handkerchief - now washed your handkerchief with plain water n find that shoe polish, its washed 3] IronFolic Vs any IFA tabltes available Take one capsule of Cofol-Z and bring it next to the magnet. It sticks to the magnet. It means it contains chemicals. Pour the contents out of the capsule and bring the magnet near it. All the black stuff sticks to the magnet. Our Iron-folic tablet does not stick to the magnet. Result: Our Iron folic is made from spinach (Palak) and other greens. It is natural. Body always absorbs natural products better. 4] Demo 4 Talk 2 tablets of our Daily. Crush it and make a powder. Put rice 2 spoons of rice in 2 empty glasses. In the first glass put 2-3 drops of weak iodine solution. Stir the rice with spoon. Rice turns black. Rice represents our cells in body and iodine is the pollutant. Cells get affected with pollution. In the second glass put, the daily powder and small quantity of protein powder. Now put 2-3 drops of weak iodine solution. Stir with spoon for a couple of minutes. The rice stays white. Iodine does not affect the rice now. It shows that if we use daily and protein powder, our cell are not affected with pollution. Put the contents of first glass (the black color rice) into the 2nd glass. Add one spoon of water. Stir it for a couple of minutes with a spoon. All the rice turns white. It proves the cells that are affected with pollution are also fixed with the use of Daily and protein powder. Result: Our body needs natural vitamins and protein on a daily basis 5] Demo 5

Take the Polythene with something printed on it and put the some Colgate toothpaste it. Using one finger rub the paste in the small area. In a few minutes the color starts coming out. On a different part of the print, put glister and rub using another finger. No color comes out. Result: Glister is natural and Colgate contains chemicals.

6] Demo 6 Fill large bowl half with water (preferably with soft water). Add few drops of Dish drops. ( if water is hard, like boring water, you will need half a cap of dish drop) Dip the foam piece in water in bowl and squeeze the foam 5-10 times. Large foam develops. Result: Dish drops is highly concentrated and lasts for a very long time. It also contains aloe vera which is good for hands. 7] Demo7 Take the persona talc and apply on the body of the prospect. It does not leave a layer as other powders do. It smells very good. It can also be used as air fresher. Put some powder on your hand and blow it in the air. The whole room gets the smell and no residue left. Suggestions: 1.

Please try the demos at home first before showing it to a prospect.


Amway products must be taken out of Amway bottles and containers. This gives the belief to the prospect about the products.

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