3spt synthese 3.pdf

February 8, 2017 | Author: Aida Kadhi | Category: N/A
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Bourguiba School Monastir

Mrs. A. K. Sbaihi

English End - Of - Term Test

Name: …......................................................................

June 2013


Class: 3rd Form Sports


 Teachers will be given new powers to






discipline pupils as part of a government plan

fireworks. Previously, teachers could only

to restore order in classrooms. An education

frisk pupils’ clothes and search bags without

white paper being published next week will

consent for weapons, drugs, alcohol and

give school staff the right to confiscate

stolen goods.

mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players and other electronic gadgets.

 The white paper will also set out plans to simplify rules on the use of physical force,

 For the first time, teachers will be able

giving teachers more powers to remove

to search pupils for any item they believe

disruptive children from the classroom

troublemakers can use to cause disruption

without fear of legal action. Head teachers

during lessons. The move follows a series of

will be given the power to expel pupils from

incidents in which pupils have taken photos

school without the decision being overturned

and videos of teachers then uploaded

by an independent appeals panel. It will also

compromising images on to the internet.

introduce rules giving head teachers the


ability to punish pupils for bad behaviour

Secretary, warned that the balance of power

outside school. Mr Gove said teachers “had

in schools had shifted in recent years, with

to be respected again. We have to stop

teachers “living in fear of breaking the rules

treating adults like children and children like

while troublemaking students felt the law

adults. We will ensure that the balance of

was on their side”. The reforms, which are

power in the classroom changes and teachers

designed to tackle bad behaviour, will give

are back in charge.”




staff the power to search pupils for any item,

www.telegraph.co.uk (Adapted)





Choose the most suitable title to the text. (1 mk) (a) Don't tell off unruly pupils, praise them (b) Teachers' failure to deal with unruly pupils (c) Teachers given new powers to discipline pupils



  


Correct the following FALSE statements with details from the text. (3 mks)


Teachers were able to search pupils for any item, even cigarettes. (para.3)



The rules are applied inside the school only. (para.4)



Pupils will be free to use their mobiles freely. (para.1)



What pushed the authorities to opt for the ''white paper''? (para.2) (1 mk) …..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.. …..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Find in the text a word meaning almost the same as: (1 mk) (a) unruly (para.3) 



What does the underlined word refer to? (1 mk) (a) It (para.4) 



Would you like your school to opt for the ''white paper'' rules? Why? Why not? (1 mk) …..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

.. …..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

II. Language 1.



Choose the correct option. (3.5 mks) ''It just took me by surprise, seeing all those people there and cheering. When we had finished,

everyone wanted to interview me, and not the (loser / winner / player), because I’m the only one from Afghanistan. I wasn’t (pleased / pleasing / pleasure) with my time – I had trained so much, worked so hard. But it was still a good experience, and definitely the (least / most / worst) important of my life. It was so good to be able to learn from all the other girls. I talked with a lot of the other runners, and they (are / were / aren't) all encouraging me. There was a girl from Yemen who was also Muslim and she was wishing me good luck; I also met with Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, the world champion from Jamaica at my training, (where / who / which) was a great experience. Getting medals from the (Olympic / Olympics / Olympia) Games is very difficult for every athlete and for my country and me, it is even harder. The training facilities are much worse than most other countries so we cannot prepare as (good / well / will). But I knew I was not going to win a medal when I came here; I am here to begin a new era for the women of Afghanistan to show people that we can do the same things that people from other countries can do. There is no difference between us.'' Tahmina Kohistani (from Afghanistan) 2.

Fill in the blanks with 8 words from the list below. (3.5 mks) but / must / how / understanding / more / upsets / quickly / can / less Children can get bad grades for a variety of reasons. A child may face obstacles with her classes or

find certain classes boring, or she may even have difficulty learning as …................. as her peers. The idea of getting a bad grade not only …................. parents, but can also frustrate the child . …................. the root of a child's bad grades can help parents determine …................. to help improve school work. Children transitioning from elementary school to middle school have a hard time organizing. Children …................. forget to write down assignments, which results in a failure of completing the assignment. Bullying among school-aged children not only affects the victim, …................. the bully as well. Bully victims resort to skipping school or are afraid to go to school, which results in bad grades. Bullies develop bad grades as a result of their behaviour. Children who have personality conflicts with their teachers may refuse to submit homework in defiance. Children who spend …................. than two hours in front of a TV can develop bad grades.





1. Fill in the bubbles with appropriate statements of your OWN. Use complete sentences. (5 mks)

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