3ms All The Sequences by Precious Rose 20181

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Download 3ms All The Sequences by Precious Rose 20181...



School: Chibane Aissa.

Teacher: Miss NACERCHERIF.

level: 3ms. Sequence: one.


Second generation.



The Algerian ministry of culture is organizing a national contest to elect the most colorful ,expressive and richest region which represents most the Berber civilization . Write an article illustrated with pictures to introduce your region and to represent our ancestors’  values  values and traditions.



Situation one: you read a newspaper article which speaks badly about

today’s teenagers. You don’t agree with it. Write a reply which you post on the web to save the teens reputation. Talk about how amazing teens can be. (What they can do and how they can change the world of tomorrow) Situation two: you’re

proud to be a teenager. You w want ant the world to know

that. Write a report in which you describe yourself and friends characters, abilities, inabilities, specificities and magical world. Situation three: The editor of my school magazine asked me to write an article about Mohamed Farah Djelloud. I decided to present his profile in order to make all my schoolmates see what a 2nd  year primary school can do. I want to make them understand that reading is importantand necessary for the development of individuals and nations. Situation four: My school is going to participate in an international competition in Dubai for the best world reading Challenge Poster. The winning poster will be awarded 50.000 prize and will be published by all the media. (web, TV, press…) 


  Seq: one.

Level: 3ms.

Lesson: one.(PDP)

Learning objectives: BTOTL, L will be able to talk about his and oth others ers interests. Target competencies: interc, Intrp, prod. Domains: Oral and written. Target stres: like+ (v+ing)/ Adjectives of personality features. / present simple. Materials: textbook, Pics, White board. Cross cur comp: -Intel comp: He can understand, interpret verbal and non verbal messages. -Meth comp: He can work in pairs or o r group. -Com comp: He can talk about his and other interests. -Pers and soc comp: He socializes through oral and written messages. Core values: Identifying with other persons positive personality features (friends, parents, teachers,  famous scientists and scholars) scholars) Time


Frame work Warm Up:

Pre listening:





White board

V  A K

Focus T greets and welcomes her L T introduces talks about the project work


Introduce the topic

T introduces the new sequence

5’   In seq one, we’re going to talk about our world s teens. We’ll describe ourselves from the inside and outside, we’ll talk about our interests, abilities and inabilities.

Miming Pics T asks L about their hobbies in free time When you finish your homework, what do you like to do?


While listening:


T asks L to open their books on P 11 T asks L to describe the pics on the right of the page. T gives going the instructions You’re to listen to some four


Elicit data  from the L

V  A T K

Get L used to use their


listening skill

Pc White


board Copybook



Then, you’re going to c hoose hoose the corresponding word from the list (Task one p 11)

NB: The teacher may read the script two or three times. The teacher may ask his L to take notes. Whole class correction

Task 4 P 11: T gives the instructions You’re going to a Japanese student introducing himself. Then I complete his profile:





V  A T K

Filling in  profile

 Answering an interview

Task 6 P 12: Idem. Post Listening: L/L


Pair work: T asks L to work in pairs T asks L to do task 8 p 12. T checks, guides, helps T asks L to read their interviews in pairs

Use the new items Idem


Seq: one.

Lesson : 02 (PDP)

Level: 3ms.

Lesson focus: Language use. Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to fill in his and others profiles. Target comp: INTER, INTP, PROD Target stres: Adjectives describing personality features. Domains: O&W. Materials: white board, PC, pics, textbook, copybook. Cross cur comp: -Intel comp: -He can understand an interview -He can pick up data from an interview to fill in a profile. -Meth comp: He can work in pairs, or groups. He can mobilize his resources to fill in a profile. -Com comp: -He can gather data from an interview. -He can communicate his profile to others. -Pers and soc comp: He socializes through oral exchanges. Core v alues: alues: Identifying person’s positive personality features.  Time





T greets and welcomes her L



work Warm up:

introduce the topic

T introduces the lesson’ subject  


Today we’ll talk about


 A V K

 personality features, we’ll learn to use adjectves describing

White board

 people’ personalities, fill in  profiles with meaningful data.


Pre listening:



Task one: T brings cards representing the trget structures, adjectives, nationality, age, sex, country. T writes the chart below on the board and asks L to complete it with the cards. Natio  Age Country Sex nality


…………..  …… 


…..  Peru

USA Peruvian


Review neede vocabulary



Nigerian Female

T  A V K




While listening: Task one: T sets up the situation: -You’re going to listen to a BBC radio interview and you’re going


to complete in two profile (a girl’s and a boy’s profiles) 


Pick up data from

( Task 10 P 13) T gives some time to the L to read the question Class correction

an interview to fill in a  profile


V  A

Textbook PC


T reports L ‘s answers on the board   10’  

Task two: (Adjectives of  personality): I listen and repeat: -vocabulary: T brings pics representing adjectives describing character to  provide L with some new vocabulary T pins the pics on the board

T/L L/L Provide L with some adjectives




Task three: ( Task 15 P15) T explains what the L are required to do Correction on the board



Use adjectives of character


Post listening:


Idem T asks L to do the following task  Activity: I complete my own  profile:


First name : …………………………….  Last anme : ……………………………  Nationality : …………………………..  Country : ………………………………..   Age : ………………………………………. 

Sex: …………………………………………  Personality features: I am:

……………………………….  …………………………………  ………………………………….. 

Consolidate the new items to talk about oneself

Copybook White board


Seq: one.

Lesson: 03 (PPU)

Level: 3ms.

Lesson focus: Language use. Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to ask and give information about their and others abilities and inabilities. Target comp: intct, intp, prod. Target stres: can (three forms) Domains: O&W Cross cur comp: Intel comp: He can identify his and others abilities and inabilities. He can understand and interpret a conversation. Meth comp: He can work with his peers in groups. He can evaluate himself and his peers. Com comp: He can interview his partner. He can gather data from a verbal message. Pers and soc comp: He socializes through oral and written exchanges. Core values: valuing learning and knowledge in general. gen eral. Time





Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L T gives a general idea about the lesson







erial  s


introduce the subject


V  A K



Today, we’ll talk about abilities and inabilities.The use of the modal “can”.  “can”. 

Presen tation:


T brings pics representing plants, birds and animals. T pins them on the board. Then asks L to describe them T guides and helps T explains the words:( birdwatcher, Botany, Biology)


Provide L with new vocabular  y




T names some items and asks L to repeat after her


Task one: (task 13 p 14) T reads the BBC interview (part 2) and asks L to do the activity Whole class correction


Practic  Task two: (pair work)( oral practice) e: T writes the dialogue below on the board or distributes handouts


Get used to the  pronunci  ation of the new words

Practice the new item



 A : Tell me, what what can you do ? B: I can sing.  A: can you play the piano? B: No, I cannot play the piano but I can whistle.  A: Can you jump? B: yes, I can.  A: can you fly?

B: No, I can’t. I am not a bird. 



  T reads the dialogue T pays attention to the pronunciation pronunciation of “can”   T asks L to read in pairs T checks L pronunciation Use:


L/L 1-………………….  2-……………………. 



T reviews the previous lesson

Idem Consolida te the new item

PIASP lesson: 5’  

Check L assimilati  CB on WB

1-………………….  2- can’t. 

Task four: (task 1 p19) Homework : Read pronunciation tool P17(b)

Warm up:


Task three: I identify the right pronunciation of can and complete the table below: Weak form /k ən/ Strong form /kæn/  /kD:nt/


Checking  pronunci  ation

V  A T/L Remind L Wb


Presen tation 2:

T distributes the handouts with the dialogue above Task one: pair work T asks L to read the dialogue in pairs T asks checks L pronunciation

L/L Refresh L memory

Task two:


T asks L to pick up the sentences with “can”   Positive, negative and interrogative

Isolati  on


 Analys is


Eg: -I can (Modal) -I cannot

sing. (verb) fly.


Statin g the


Identify the different uses of can

(modal neg) (verb) -What can

Pick up data from a non verbal context


V  A K

Can + subject + verb …?  



V  A K


Sum up




the rules

Grammar tool p21 Practice: (pair work) L/L

Use the new structure

T asks L to do the following tasks in pairs


Task 14, 15, 16 p 29. L/L T checks, helps Correction on the board



Seq: one.

Lesson: 05.(ppu)

Level: 3ms.

Lesson focus: Lge use. Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to ask and give information using (always& never) Target competencies: itnterc, intrp, prod. Domains: O&W Target stres: Frequency adverbs(always, never) + present simple. Materials: TWB, WB, pics. Cross cur comp: -Intel comp: valuing learning and critical thinking. -Meth comp: He can work on his own or with partners. -Com comp: He can reinvest the lge in real life situation. -Pers and soc comp:He socializes through oral and written exchanges. Core values: Valuing time and having critical thinking towards his and peers p eers interests. Time


Frame work Warm up:





T greets and welcomes her L T asks L some questions: -what do you like doing during your  free time ?


Introduce the topic Elicit data  from the L

WB Miming


K V  A

-Do you have any interests? -What fields do interest you and make you curious to know more about?

Today we’ll talk about our interests, and learn how to use the  frequency adverbs(always, never)


Present ation:


We’re going to study a conversation between Amal and Karim who talk about their interests. T may provide L with handouts or write the dialogue on the board.

T/L Get the L in the bath



   Amal : Hi Karim, do you like computer games ? Karim: yes, I am keen on them.  A: Which one do you prefer?


K: “Game of thrones”, it’s amazing. 


 A: How often do you play it ? K: I always play it but I never win. What about you?

 A: I don’t like computer games, I am fond of reading. 


Practice: -Task one:Pair work: T reads the dialogue and asks L to  play in pairs. T asks some questions: -What’s Karim interested in?   -What game does he prefer? -How often does he play it? -what’s Amal interest?   -What’s she keen on?   -How often does she read? Notice: keen on, fond of= like, enjoy.


Practice the new items

Check L understanding T/L


N.B: “always, never” are frequency adverbs. Always is the opposite of never. It means every day.


WB L/L Idem

100%) (Never=0% /Always = 100%) Study the examples: -I always play it. -I never win. -How often do you read?



State the rule Task two: I study the examples above then I complete the chart below:

We use : ………………… and …………………… to talk about the

 frequency in which something happens.

Form: s+ ……………../……………………+v. 



Task 9&10 p

To ask about frequency I



Seq : One.

Lesson : (06)I read and do. (PDP)

Level: 3ms.

Lesson focus: Language use. Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to read texts and gather information about famous characters. Target comp: INTRP, PROD. Domains: O&W. Target stres: Lexis and expressions related related to hobbies and interests. Materials: TXB, CB Cross cur comp: Intel comp: He can understand and interpret verbal and non verbal texts. Meth comp: He can develop effective study methods, mobilize his resources efficiently and manage his time rationally.

Com comp: He can use ICT’s to interact with learners of other o ther cultures.  Pers and soc comp: He can be b e inspired from outstanding people as role model. Core values: Valuing hard work and great g reat achievement. Vlauing reading and thinking. Time


Frame work Warm up:

Procedure T greets and welcomes her L T asks: what are your hobbies? Who is your hero? What did he / she do? Do you have a dream? What do you do to make it become true?

Focu s

Objective s


Introduce the topic

Materia ls



Pre readin g:

Step one: T asks L to open their books on P 30. T asks L about the pic on P 30 Do you know this boy? How did you hear about him? Step two: T divides intoP30 three g roups groups G1, readsthe theclass text on andmin deals with its tasks G2, reads text on P31 G3 reads the text on P 32


While Readin g:


Give an idea about the text



Group 01: (text P 30) T asks L to read the text on P 30 and do the following tasks: Task one: I read and I complete the  following:


Interpret dif texts in terms of lexis and


V K  A T



comprehe nsion Bibliographical notes :



Title : ……………………………………….. 


 Author : …………………………………………  Source : ………………………………………….  Date of publication : ……………………….. 

Task two: I read again and complete the  following:

Name : Mohamad.  Age :………………………………….  Nationality :……………………….  Prize :…………………………………. 


Competition name :………………. 

Task three: I read again and say true oe  false: 1.Mohamed read 100 books. …………  2.The Algerian Education minister was  present at the ceremony. …………  3.The Arab reading challenge is a worldwide competition. …………  Group 2: (text P 31) T asks G2 to read the text on P 31 and do the following tasks: (task 5&6 P 31)


Idem L/L

Group 3: (text P 32) Tasks G3 to read the text on P32 and do the following tasks (task 9 & 10 P 33)

Idem L/L

T checks, helps, guides Correction on the board




Post readin g:

T asks each group to do his specific task and to report his work orally o rally to the class. Group one: Task one: I answer these questions and use the information to write a little speech:


Text P 30: -Who is this boy? -What competition did he take part in? -How many candidates were there? -How many finalists? -What was the prize he won? -Why did he win?

Produce a  piece of writing out of questions

Text p 31: (same question) -Does Mohamed like reading? -Why? -What does reading do to the mind? -What’s Mohamed dream?   -Can he achieve his goal without reading? Text P32: -What grade did Mohamed win? -Whom is Mohamed grateful to? -Why? -What’s his favourite book?   -How is Mohamed like? -What are reading benefits for children?


Each group reads his speech before the class so as to give an idea about the text he read.



Seq : One.

Lesson : 07. (PDP)

Level : 3MS.

Lesson focus: Language use. Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to read texts and ga gather ther information about Tuareg and Imzad culture. Target comp: INTRP, PROD. Domains: Written.

Target stres: Lexis and expressions related to national culture (music, instruments…)  Materials: TXB, WB, Pics. Cur comp: Intel comp: He can understand , interpret verbal and non verbal messages. Meth comp: He can develop reading skill strategies. Com comp: He can process digital data in English. Pers and soc comp: He can show sh ow responsibility towards his nation and culture. Core values: Being proud of Algerian culture diversity. Time


Frame work Warm up:



T greets and welcomes her L T pins on the board pics representing musical instruments





Introduce the topic

T asks L to name them Pics L/L

Classify genres of music


V  A T K

5’   Pre reading:

Task one: T asks L to name some music genres T asks L to classify them into modern and old ones. Old music Modern music


Task two: (Pair work) Task 18 P 36. L/L


While reading:

Text 1: T asks L to open their books on P34 T asks L to describe the pic on P 34 Or brings the pic of an Imzad

Interpret differebt texts in terms of lexis and comprehe nsion




  T asks: Do you know these instruments? Read the text and try to answer the question Task one: bibliographical notes: Taks two: Task 13 P 34


Text 2: T asks L to read the text on p 35 T asks: what’s the text about?   T asks L to do the following activities


Idem Idem


Task one: Bibliographical notes P35 Task two: task 16 P35: P35: Make a  poster to save the cultural heritage.


Post reading:

T asks L to do the following activity: Task: (task 2 p 40)



Seq: One. Lesson: I learn to integrate. (PPP)(08)

Level: 3MS.

Lesson focus: Language focus.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to work in small groups and write Mohamed’s profile.  Target comp: INTRP, PROD Domains: O&W. Target stres: Lexis and expressions related to profile and reading. Materials: TXB, WB, CB, POSTERS. Cross cur comp: Intel comp: He can show some degree d egree of autonomy in all areas of learning. Meth comp: He can work in small groups, manage his time rationally and share information with the whole class. Pers and soc comp: He can show sh ow responsibility towards team work. Core values: Valuing the Algerian heritage and being proud to be Algerian. Time


Frame work Warm up:






T greets and welcomes her L T splits L into groups of four


Review needed resources




V  A

T asks some questions about Mohamed Djelloud -  Do you remember Mohamed? -  Who is he? -  What did he do? -How old is he?.....


Presen tation:

 practice: 15’  


Gather information

K T asks L to open their books on P 37 T asks a L to read the situation T makes a little review to complete the KSA chart

T asks L to read the layout and reading notes on P 38 T asks L to read the text about Mohamed on p (30, 31, 32) to help them in their work

Fill in KSA chart


 A V K

L/L Produce a  poster Peer correction

T helps, guides monitors her L L/L 30 ’  ’  


T asks L to display their profiles and  present their work to the class. Posters


Seq: one.

Lesson: I think and write.(PDP) (09)

Level: 3MS.

Lesson focus: Language use. Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to prepare a poster about the Arab reading challenge. Target comp: INTRP, PROD Domains: O&W. Target stres: Lexis related to the competition and reading. Materials: CB,TXB,WB. Cross cur comp: Intel comp: He can show creativity when producing oral and written messages. Meth comp: He can mobilize his resources to produce a meaningful message. Com comp: He can use English to produce p roduce a poster. Pers and soc comp: He can show sh ow some degree of autonomy in learning. Core values: Valuing his identity and culture. Time


Frame work Warm up:


T greets and welcomes her L T asks some comprehension questions: Do you know the Arab reading challenge compettion ? Where do you watch it? What is the winner’s reward?


Before writin g:




Review needed knowledge



L/L Idem


While writin g:

Drafting: T invites L to start their work T helps, guides….  Redrafting: T asks L to check their works in peers Editing: T asks L to write their final work

10’    After writin g:

T invites L to present their posters to the class.


TXB Brainstorm L to  prepare them Familiarise L with thelayout of a poster

T asks L to open their books on p 39 T asks L to read the situation T asks L to read the layout of the  poster(p39) The information on p 39 The texts p(30, 31,32)if necessary

Materia ls WB

Present the L  production s


Sequence: 02.


Seq: 02.

Lesson: I listen and do. (part 01)(PDP)

L: 3ms.

Lesson focus: Language learning. Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to: compare life in the past and present. -answer an interview. Target comp: intrc, intrp, prod. Domains: o&w. Target stres: Past simple tense/ Semi modal used to. Materials: WB, TXB, pics, Audio scripts. Cross cur comp: Intel comp: He can use his critical thinking. He can interpret oral messages. Meth comp: He can mobilize his resources. Com comp: He can pick up information from an audio interview. Pers comp: He socializes through oral exchanges. Core values: Being proud of the Algerian way of life. Time


Frame work Warm up:





T greets and welcomes her learners T announces the move to the second sequence T writes it on the board


Introduce the topic


T asks : what does do es the word “lifestyle” means to you? If we want to compare lifestyles, what should we compare? T pins pics on the board to help L compare life in the past and present



WB Elicit data  from L






Pre liste ning:

T writes the ‘Initial situation on the board”: 


Introduce the situation

Initial situation :

It’s « Grandparents day » in Algeria. To celebrate the event, I am going to make a video interview of my grandmother or grandfather. Then, I’ll post it on my school  website or my personal blog to share with other people around the world.


While listen ing:

T sets up the situation: “you’re going to listen to an interview of Jenny’s grandmother and you’re going to do

Granma’s L/L

different tasks.

life in the  past

Pc Scripts TXB

Task 1 p 48:  Answers: 1.F 8. T 2.T 9. T 3.F 10.F 4.T 11.F 5.F 12.F 6.T 13.F 7.F 14.T



Interpret an audio message

Task 7 p49 :  Answers :

1 (tell me…..)  2 (porridge at breakfast….)  3 (I don’t like fastfood…)  4 (That sounds….) 


Post liste ning:

Task 5 p 49: (pair work) T asks L to do the work in pairs and play it orally. (in pairs)


Food in the  past


 Answering an interview about life in the  present


Seq: 02.

Lesson: I listen and do (part 02)

L: 3ms.

Objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able able to talk about clothing and having having fun in the past and present times. Time


Frame work Pre liste ning:




Warm up: T greets and welcomes her L


T reminds the L of the part one of the lesson T asks L to open their books on P 50 Step one: Task 11 P 50: T asks L to match the pics with the corresponding items:


Mater ials


Review the seen items


V  A K M I T


Introduce the topic


L/L Nb: T may bring pics of garments and use them to provide L with some vocabulary.

While listening:

Naming garments

L/L T sets up the situation

You’re going to listen to another  part of the interview and you’ll you’ll do


different tasks

Games and having fun in the  past and present

Task 9 p 50: Step two: Task 14 p 51: (introduction to the next task)


Task 12 p 51: T listen to the interview and do the tasks

Post listening:

L/L Tasks L to do the following tasks

20’   Task 17 p 52 Task 15 p 51 (pair work)




Seq: 02.

Lesson: I listen and do (part 03)

L: 3ms.

Objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to talk about school wears in the past pa st and present, fill in an interview card. Time

Frame work Pre listen Ing:

While listen ing:




Warm up: T greets and welcomes her L


Introduce the topic

T asks l to make a short summary about the interview content sen before



School wear in the  past and  present

T asks L to open their books on p 53 T asks L to do T 20 p 23: (orally)(as a lead in to the next task) T invites l to listen to part (5) of the interview and do the following tasks.




V  A K T M I


Idem Task 18 p 53 Task 22 p 54 Task 24 p 54 (pair work) Task 26 p 55 Post listen Ing:

Fill in an interview card L/L

T asks l to do the following task Task 28 p 55: Interview card : Grandma’s childhood.  

Date and place of birth : 1939 in the North of England. Type of dwelling  description of farmhouse): Average building where domestic animals were raised. Daily routine: bathing once a week, boys help the father and girls help the mother. Food: porridge, Yorkshire pudding, roast beef, boiled potatoes, kidney pies. Table manners: no talking with mouths full, no elbows on the table. Clothing: formal clothes, long dresses and blouses, scarves, clogs. School uniform: black gymslip and white blouses. Childhood games: marbles, hide and seek, hopscotch, rag dolls. Childhood memories: impatient to learn.



Seq: 02.

Lesson: I pronounce. (PPU)

L: 3ms.

Objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to identify the sounds: / u, u: , ə , ɜ:/ Time

Frame work





Warm up: T greets and welcomes her learners T may review the vowel sounds seen


introduce the topic


Present the new sounds

before /e,æ,ə /

Today we’re going four new sounds  Present ation:

T writes the text below on the board or distributes handouts

10’   This afternoon , when I went to school I took my Oud . My

teacher reacted pretty good because he understood what is it like to appreciate childhood . He didn’t think I was a complete fool and he even let me play a song in full .

Task one: I listen to my teacher end read the text as better as I can: T says: notice the words in bold, what are the sounds repeated when you utter them?  / u, u:/



Task two: I listen and repeat (a) p56. T puts on the scripts or says the words T/L

L repeat

●I notice P56 (the different spellings of the vowel sounds /u, u:/

Task three: (I listen and repeat each pair  p 56) T notices: the words may be written in the same way but have ha ve different  pronunciation. ●I notice p 56 (the special difficulties) 



Practice the sunds

Mater ials




Present ation 2:

T writes the text below on the board or distributes handouts



 A girl grows up early   , usually before her twelfth

birthday . She is like a bird which is eager to discover the world . But soon it is given a cold shower and learns that it’s hard to be alone and wishes to go back to what it was like some years ago.

Task one: I listen to my teacher and read as good as I can: T reads and asks L to read T asks: when reading the passage above, which sounds are repeated in the words in bold?  / ə , ɜ  ɜ:/


Idem Practice:


Task two: I listen and repeat (a) P 57. T puts on the scripts or says the words L repeat after her


●I notice p 57 (the spelling of the target sounds) Task three: I listen and repeat each  pairs: (special difficulties) difficulties) Sounds:/ u, u: /, /  ɜ:, ə /

Task one p 60: Task three p 60:



Discriminate between the learnt sounds


Seq: 02.

Lesson: I pronounce. (PPU)

L: 3ms.

Objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to discriminate between the vowel sounds / ə , æ, ᴧ / Time

Frame work





Warm up: T greets and welcomes her L T may review the sounds seen before T sets up the situation:

Today we’re going to see other sounds  10’  

Present ation:

T writes the passage below on the board or prepares handouts to be given to the L

Grandma and my uncle played a scrabble just after breakfast time. She

couldn’t find the word London and lost the game. Granny shouted: “As far as I can remember  , I never win! I wish you could see me when I was young , I knew how to be fun.”  

T reads the passage Task one: I listen to my teacher and read the passage as best as I can: T asks : which vowel sounds are repeated when reading the words in bold?

Introduce the target sounds


 /  ᴧ , æ, ə /



T asks L to open their books on P 58 Task one: (I listen and repeat (a) P 58)

●I notice P 58 (the different d ifferent spelling of the vowel sounds) Task two: (I listen and repeat each line)

T writes the passage below on the board or distributes handouts


Practice the vowel sounds

Mater ials





Present ation 2:

 A writer wrote that a man whose wife was a ballet dancer and vanished years ago. The man lived alone in a castle but every night he could hear her ghost whistle to his ear and so he felt his whole body shiver. Each time he would fasten himself in his room and shouted ooh! Dear God, what did I do that wrong?!”  


Introduce the target items

T reads the passage Task one: I listen to my teacher and read as best as I can:



Identify the silent letters

T asks: when reading the words in bold, there are some letters that you see but not utter, what are these letters? W, T

They are called “ silent silent letters”   Task two: I listen and repeat p 59: Task three: I notice p 59.




Consolidate the learnt items

Tasks 5&7 p 61 Task 9 p62 Task 11 p 62



Seq: 02

Lesson: Ipractice

Level: 3MS.

Hi ! I am James. I am a teacher at a high school in Harlem ,New York a boy I used to be a rebel; I didn’t use to work hard. I didn’t use to listen to neither my parents nor my teachers.  The latter used to punish me and send me to the classroom corner. I used to hate school. I used to wear glasses but now I don’t. I  used  used to do a lot of sport.

 A)- I r ead ead the text and underline the phrases with “used to” and “didn’t use to”:  

●Do they refer to: Positive I You He She ( used to It ( wear glasses. We They

1. The past or the present? Negative I You He She (didn’t use to It ( wear glasses. We They

2 .Things that happened once or for a long time?  

Interrogative I You He Did She S he (use to It ( wear We ( glasses? They

●Use “used to” or “didn’t use to”

Positive answer I You He Yes, She did. It We They

Negative answer I You He No, She didn’t . It We They

+ infinitive for things that

happened for a long time in the past;(a habit in the past).   Eg: I used to be a good pupil.  Used  only exists in the past.   ●“ U  s  ed to”  only Ussed   ed to” and “didn’t use to” are both pronounced: /јu:stə /.  ●“ U 

 Dicaprio”  has  has changed. I write five sentences about how he was then. ●Look at how “  Dicaprio

“T hen hen “  

Eg: He used to be slim.

1………………………………………………………………………….. long black hair. 2………………………………………………………………………….. short fair hair. 3…………………………………………………………………………..fat.  4………………………………………………………………………….. wear glasses. 5…………………………………………………………………………… have  a beard.


“ Now.”  


Seq: 02.

Lesson: PPU.

Level: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to talk about abou t past habits using the semi modal “used to”.  Targ comp: intrc, intrp, prod. Domains: O&W. Materials: worksheets, TXB, WB. Cross cur comp: Intel: He can understand verbal and non verbal messages.

He can express himself using “used to”   Meth: He can develop effective study methods, mobilize his resources and manage his time rationally. Com: he can work in pairs or alone. Pers and soc:he can socialize through oral and written exchanges. Core values:He values his past and express it in words. Tim ing


Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her learners T introduces the lesson’s objective: 


Introduce the topic

Today we’re going to talk about our



White board

 past, what we used to de then, some some of


our habits…. 

 A I T

T may ask these questions: -Do you remember your early childhood? -What primary school did you use to go to? -What games did you use to play?... Presen tation:

Mate rials

Task one: T distributes the worksheets T asks L to take a look at them T asks L to describe the pic in the top

L/L Miming

Gestures L/T Wksheets

T reads the text T asks some L to read T asks L to underline all the phrases

containing the semi modal “used to”  

Present the new item T/L L/T

T asks questions: -Do these actions refer to the past pa st or  present? -Did they happen once or many times? -what are the terms repeated mostly in this passage? T emphasizes the pronunciation of used to The teacher explains: Practice:


se it to “used to” is a semi modal. We uuse talk about past habits. ❿ 

K  A M Help L identify the new stre and its uses




  Task two: T asks L to pick up a positive and a negative sentence from the text



Eg: -I used to be a rebel. -I didn’t use to work hard.  -Did James use to be a good pupil?

The different  forms of the new stre identifica tion


Idem WB L/T

T may add an interrogative sentence or asks L to give one. T helps L to identify the different elements of each form. T sets up the rule. (go back to the worksheet) We use the semi modal « used to” as the following:   1.Positive: S+ used to +stem

2.Negative: S +didn’t use to + stem 


Consolidate the new stre uses in the L mind

Use: Task one: (oral)(the task on the worksheet above) L/L Task two: Task 15 p52. Task 3 P67 & 68 Task 5 P 68.

NB: T may ad tasks of his own.




Sequence: Me and my lifestyles.

Lesson: I practice.

Task one: Here is Karim’s confession about his childhood. Let’s have a

Hello, my name is Karim.I am 35 years old and a nd I am a fireman.

1.when I was a kid, I was naughty. 2.My parents were often mad at me. 3.My teachers were not satisfied at all. 4.Was I happy to do so? Of course I wasn’t . 5.Tell me, was it the same for you? y ou?

●●● ●●● ●●● ●●●  I remember tha …  1.I arrived late to school. 2.I always forgot my homework. 3.I never brought my school things. 4.I didn’t wear  my  my pinafore. 5.Did I improve myself? Yes, I did.6.What did I do? 6.I worked on myself. 7.Why did I act like that? 8. I guess, I had some issues.


Level: 3ms.

look at it. 


Seq: O2.

Lesson: I practice.

Level: 3ms.

Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to use the past simple tense with its d different ifferent forms. Target comp: intrct, intrp, prod Domains: O&W. Target stres: past tense, regular and irregular ver verbs, bs, positive , negative and interrogative fforms. orms. Materials: WKSTS, WB, TXB. Cross cur comp: Intel: He can deduce meaning from context. Meth :He can interpret verbal and non verbal messages; He can work individually or with peers. Com: He can identify the past tense and use it coherently. Pers and soc: He can can talk about past events. events.

Core values: He values his past and respect other’s past.  Tim ing

Frame work



Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her learners. T sets up the situation

Today we’re going to continue talking about our past lives. T may ask some questions: Do you remember what happened to you last year? Something memorable? Who was your teacher of English? What was the best mark you had in English? What was your favorite subject? Who was your best friend?....

Presen Tation




Introduce the topic


Remind L of the past use

Now we’re going to learn more about somebody’s past  (Karim)   (Karim)

15’   T distributes the worksheets above T ask L to describe the pics on the sheet T reads the examples T asks L to read T may ask comprehension questions about the examples




Provide L with vocabulary

Task one: I read the examples and complete the table below:


Identify the verb changes  from infinitive to  past





Infinitive 1to be 2 3 4 5 ●●●  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Simple  past Was


Irregular L/L


Chart completion

T helps L to complete it on the board. T helps L to identify the different changes in the verbs forms


Notice: There are two kinds of verbs; regular and irregular ones. The regular verbs form their past simple by adding”ed”   The irregular ones change and you have to go back to the list.

 past tense  forms T/L

Piasp part one:: T may write the examples on the board

T deals with the verb “to be” first, then the rest. Eg: I was was naughty.  naughty. I wasn’t  happy.  happy. My parents were angry. were angry. They weren’ t happy. Was I  I happy? Was Were they  they angry? Were


“to be”past tense uses

Rule:”To be” is different from the other verbs: -Positive: S + was /were. /were. -Negative: S + wasn’t / weren’t.  -Interrogative: was / were / S…?   “to be” is irregular. 






Piasp part two: T follows the same steps as above then states the rule. Rule: 1.Positive: Regular verbs : verb +ed Irregular verbs: learn the list

Other verbs  past uses


2.Negative: S+ didn’t didn’t + stem  3.Interrogative: Did + S+Stem….?   Use:


NB: T provides his L with the list of irregular verbs.

Consolidate the learned stre

See the worksheet below





The past simple : (Review and consolidation)

Task one : I compl complete ete the table : Infinitive Take Walk Rain Shut Open Speak Close

Past simple

…………………………..  ……………………………  ……………………………  ……………………………  ……………………………  ……………………………  …………………………… 

Infinitive Have Be Tell Write Sit Read Cook

Past simple

……………………………..  ……………………………..  ……………………………..  ……………………………..  ………………………………  ………………………………  …………………………….. 

Task two : I put the verbs in the past simple : 1.She (to go) ……………………………….. home alone. 2.The wind (to blow)………………………………. throughout the night. 3.An apple (to drop)…………………………………… on his head. 4.A frog (to jump)……………………. ……… i nto nto the well and (bring)



5.J ack ack (get) ………………his highest grade in his English class. 6.The party (to begin )………………. ……………

at 8.00P.M. 7.He (to sell)……………….. ……………… his car and (buy) ……………… …. a new one. 8.Who (to shut) ……………………….. all the windows? 9.They (to be) ………………………..  friends and he (be) ….………………….  my best friend.

Task three : I re-write the paragra paragraph ph in the past simple:   Andrew is a happy man.He spends his time in front of his computer.I t’s t’s true that he makes a lot of money without moving from his house.Life is just cool. His friends are amazing; they always call him and invites him to different parties .H e isn’t married and he can do whatever he want s. s. He has a very expensive car. He is a rich man ; he can afford it.Yes! He can go wherever he wants and eat what he  fancies but somet imes he gets bored and he doesn’t know why.    Activity four : I write sentences in the past simple: 1.Amina (to go)……………………………………………………………………………… ……….

………………………………………………………………………………………….  3.Life (to be) …………………………………………………………………………………………….  4.She ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  5.Pupils …………………………………………………………………………………………………  6.Teachers …………………………………………………………………………………………….  7.My friend …………………………………………………………………………………………….  8.Girls………………………………………………………………………………………………………  9.You……………………………………………………………………………………………………….  2.I (to speak )

10.They……………………………………………………………………………………………………  ⓰ 


Seq: 02.

Lesson: PPU.

Level: 3ms.

Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to ask and answer questions using the time marker

“ago”.  Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her learners. T may review the previous


Introduce the topic

lesson(past simple tense) T introduce introduce the target language structure

Mate rials


Today we’ll continue talking about  past events, we’ll learn learn how to use ago”   the time marker “ ago T may ask some questions: When did you leave primary p rimary school? Who was your teacher of French? Did you have a lot of friends?...


Presen tation:


V  A K I M

Gestures L/L


Enhance data  from L

Task one: I read the dialogue and answer the questions:

WB wkshts

NB: T may write the dialogue on the board or distributes handouts to L. Omar and Malek are friends. They are talking about their schooling. s chooling. O: Hey! How are you?


M: I am fine. And you?

O: I guess I am okey! Tell me…   M: Yeah! How can I serve you? O: When did you get your Elementary final exam? M: I got it in 2014 2014..

T reads the dialogue. T asks L to play it in pairs. T asks some questions as a leading to the target structure. -when did Malek hisFE exam? -What ‘s the priod priod of time since then? -what’s the period of time since Omar got his exam? -When did Omar et his EF exam? ⓱ 


Practice the new item Check L understanding





Notice: 1.  I got my exam in 2014. We are in 2017. 2017 ─ 2014 = 3  The period of time is three years. 2.  I got my exam three years ago? The first sentence gives the exact date.



Clarify the new structure use WB

It’s an answer to the question “when?”   The second sentence gives a period p eriod of time.

It’s an answer to the question “How long ago?”   Rule: “ago” is a time marker of the  past.

I ask questions with “ago” as it  follows:

How long ago + did +s + stem…?   I answer with “ago” as the following: 


S+past simple+ period of time+ ago. ago.



Use the target stre

Pair work: Task one: I answer the following questions: WB CPB

 A : How long ago did you leave primary primary school ?

B: ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………….   A: How long ago did you start English?

B:……………………………………………………………………………………………………   A: How long ago did you see your last horror movie?


B: ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………….. 

Task two: I ask my partner two

questions with “how long ago”, which he answers.


L/L Use:

Task one p 66.




Seq: 02.

Lesson: PPU.

Level: 3MS.

Learning objectives: BTEOTL, L will be able to talk about what things are made of, and where they are made in. Timi ing


Frame work warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T writes the example below on the


Introduce the new stre

Mater ials WB


board. in a pan made of  iron.  iron. I made a made a cake in a T reads the sentence. T asks L to read the sentence. T asks about the words written in red Made: the past simple or past participle of “to make”   In: a preposition of place. Of: preposition.


V  A K


Practice the new stre

Present ation:

WB Task one: I read the dialogue below:


Karima and Amale are school mates.They are in the school yard waiting for the bell to ring.  Amale: Look! I bought a new scarf yesterday.

Karima: I saw it! It’s so beautiful!    A: And so soft; touch it!

K: Yes, it’s so smooth! What is it made of?  A: It’s made of silk. 

T reads the dialogue. T asks L to read it in pairs. T asks some questions about the dialogue. What did Amale buy? How is it? What is it made of? Where is it made in? PIASP: Notice the examples:


Clarify the uses and  forms of the new stres



-The scarf is made made  of  silk.  silk. -The scarf is made  made in India. in India.




“silk” is a material. / “India” is a place.  I use the expression “made of” + materials to talk about what something is consisted of.

I use the expression expression “made in” + place to talk about the place where something is made. Questions: what is it made of? Where is it made in?

Task one: I complete with “made in or made of”:  10’  


Use the new stres in meaningful context


Practice: -Bottles are ……………plastic or glass.   -Most o f today clothes are……………… are…………………. ….  China. -The world’s weapons are ………………….. …………………..  USA. -I love shoes ………………………leather.   -Expensive jewellery is ……………… ……………….gold .gold and diamonds. -All women fancy about garments ……………  Paris. Consolidation L/L Tasks 7 & 8 p 69. 69. Tasks 13 & 14 p71 & 72.






Seq: 02.

Lesson: I read and do. (PDP)(01)

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to read a text and gather information about Setif. Reorder an e-mail describing a town. Target comp: Interp, prod. Domains: o&w. Target stres: Lexis related to a town description. Materials: WB, TXB, a map of Algeria. Cross cur comp: Intel: He can interpret verbal and non n on verbal messages. Meth: He can develop reading skills strategies.

Com: He can use ICT’s as e-mails to interact with learners of other cultures. Pers and soc: He can show responsibility towards his nation and culture. Core values: Being proud of his identity and town. (region) Tim ing


Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T brings a map of Algeria T may ask some questions:


Enhance data from L

What’s the name of our country?  


Mate rials



V K  A T I

Where is it situated? What’s our capital?   What are the colors of our flag?......


Before Reading:

T bring small maps of Algeria without illustration T may answer the question below: What are the most important  Algerian cities? Task two: I locate the following cities on the map:  Algiers, Setif, Oran, Constantine, Bejaia, Bouira,

T checks, class correction. 21

Introduce the topic Map of  Algeria


Situate the  Algerian cities on a map




While reading:

T asks L to open their books on P73. T writes the questions below on the board

L/L Interpret non verbal texts

Task one: I read the text and answer the questions: -What’s the text about?   -How many paragraphs are there in the text? -Give a title to the text.

Task two: Bibliographical notes P 73 Task three: questions (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) P 73 Task three: I pick up from the text synonyms to: Trip= ………………………………  City = ……………………………….  I pick up from the text opposites to: Ugly ≠……………………………..    




 Analyse a written message to gather data

Yesterday ≠………………… ≠……………………………… ……………  After 15’   reading:

Reorder an email

T asks L to do the following task Task: My friend amine sent me an email in which he describes his

town”M’chedallah”.. I reorder it to town”M’chedallah” make it coherent:


Handouts L/L Identify amenities


Task one : I reorder Amine’s e -mail: object:

My town, Maillot ! CHIBANE Aissa pupils (Chorfa)


 [email protected]  Amine2018@gmail .com


I live in M’chedallah  », also called »Maillot » in honour of the French doctor (1806-1894).  And it’s crowned by the majestic “Djurdjura” mountains. It’s located in the East of Bouira.   Maillot is about 10mns far from Chorfa. I love my town very much and I hope it will prosper more. First, it was colonized by the Turkish  people, then by the French.There is a town hall, a police station, two two hospitals, schools, mosques, a post office, a court of justice, shops, a cinema, a museum and dwellings.w What about the place where you live? Yours, Amine.

M’chedallah is composed of; Ath yevrahim, Ath yakhlef, Assif assemadh, Ighil ouyazidh, ouaklane and Maillot centre. Maillot was founded in 1885. More than 25000 people live in

M’chedallah.  Hello mates! My name is Amine. I am a middle school student.

Task two : Here is an approximate plan of M’chedallah.  Court of


 justice Buildings

Garde n



Town hall

Post office Shops

Middl  e







Hospital2 Bus station

High school  


Hospital 1


Seq : 02.

Lesson : I read and do (PDP) (02)

Learning obj:BTEOTL, L will be able to read a text and gather information about Constantine. -write an e-mail describing the place where they live. Tim ing


Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T brings a map of Algeria


Introduce the topic

T asks questions about Algeria: location, capital, population, … 


Before reading:

Interpret a non verbal msg

Task one:I classify the cities in the th e table below:, Tindouf, Oran, Constantine, Djidjel, Bejaia, Mostaghanem,  Algiers, Tamanrasset… 

Mat erials



V K  A I T


WB North









T asks L to open their books on p 74


While reading:

T asks: How many paragraphs are there in the text? What’s the text about?   Give a title to the text.


Task two: (task 4 P 74) Task three: questions (2,3,4,5,6,7, 8) p 74.

 Analyse the text and gather data


T checks, correction on the board NB: this work can be dealt with as a group or pair work


 After reading:

(pair work) Task: I love the region where I live (Chorfa). Following Amine’s e-mail model and  plan; -I use the information in the form to describe Chorfa. -I draw an approximate plan of its amenities. 24





Town : Chorfa. Location : 50kms East of Bouira. Borders: three rivers( Ouakour to the West,


Turn notes into an e-mail


 Aghbalou to the East, Amaregh to the South) Localities: Chokrabe, Thoghza, Chorfa centre, Tikhsighidene. Population: more than 16000 people.


 Amenities: ……………………………………………. 

one’s region




Seq: 02.

Lesson: I learn to integrate.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will bbe able to conduct an interveiw. Target comp: intrp, prod. Domains: O&W. Target stress: Lexis related to past life. Materials: TXB, WB. Cross cur comp: Intel: He can solve problem situations using a variety of communication means. Meth: he can work in small groups and share information with peers. Com: He can process digital data in English. Pers and soc: He can show responsibility towards team work. Core values: Valuing his identity and national heritage. Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T splits L into small groups T deals with a short review of the items seen in sequence two (oral review)


Introduce the topic Review  prior knowledge

Mate rials




T asks L to open their books on p 75 T reads the situation of integration T explains difficult terms



V K T  A M I

Identify the situation  problem

Practice: T clarifies: Before writing our interview, we need to fill in the interview card



(Interview card p 76)




Fill in an interview card

T invites each group to write his interview, with the help of the textbook(I listen and do tasks), interview card p 76


T asks L to play their interviews T writes the best one on the board.


Conduct an interview



   An interview sample:

Hello, grandpa. I’m going to ask you some questions about your childhood. It’s for my school project.So, let’s get started!   Interviewer: Where were you born? -I: Where were you born?  _I: Could you describe the house where you lived? -I: What did you use to have as a routine? Did you use to have any chores? -I: What did you use to eat? -I: Did you use to have eating rules? -I: What did you use to wear every day? And in special occasions?

-Did you use to go to school? -What games did you use to play?


-What’s the event that you never forgot?



Seq: 02.

Lesson: I think and write.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to write a comparison between past and present life in the  Algerian cities. Target comp: Produce. Domains: Both. Target stress: Lexis related to daily life.

Materials: WB, TXB, pics…  Cross cur comp: Intel: He can understand and interpret verbal and non verbal messages. Meth: He can work on his own and mobilize necessary resources to accomplish his tasks. Com : He can use English to compare lifestyles. Pers and soc: He can show autonomy in his learning. Core values: Valuing his nation and freedom. Tim





ing 5’  

work Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L T asks L to open their books on p77


Introduce the topic

Presen tation:

T asks L to describe the pics on p 77,78,7 77,78,79 9 T reads the situation of integration T explains difficult terms



rials WB


V K  A T M I






Guided writing: T writes the chart below on the board or distributes handouts. Task: I use the notes in the chart to write a comparison between life in setif in 1917( 100 years ago) and now: T/L Setif in 1917 -Politics: under the French rule,  Algerian people were colonized. Work for the colonizer. -dressing: women wore the haik Men Turkish pants and kachabia.

Setif in 2017  Algerian government rule People are free citizens, work for their own welfare. -wear all kinds of clothes (traditional or modern)

Provide L with helping notes




  Dwelling: old houses of mud, tents, low quarters.

-buildings, villas, …  28 Transport: cars,

Transport: Carriages, animals backs, on foot, bus. -Schooling: a few  privileged went to school but most of the population was illiterate.


Produc tion:

buses, planes, …  -All children must attend school at the age of 6.

 A description sample:  A hundred years ago, Setif was under the French rule. Algerian people were colonized and were considered as second degree


citizens. Women used to wear the haik and the Turkish pants and men used to wear the Turkish pants and kachabia.Only a few privileged were allowed to attend school. Most of the  Algerian population was illiterate. They used to live in old houses of mud, tents or low quarters. They used to travel on the animals backs , carriages, or sometimes French buses. Today, Algerians are free citizens. Every  Algerian child must must attend school at the age of 6. Women are free to dress as they please and men too. People live in their own villas,

Guide L how to write their descriptions


houses or rent flats in buildings. Both men and women work for their own welfare.  Algerian people travel in in cars, buses trains or whatever is available. There is a great change in lifestyles between

1917 and 2017. And it’s important to appreciate our national freedom. Individual writing: Following the model of Setif description lifestyles, I write a comparison between past and present life in Constantine. NB: to be done at home. 29





Q: 03.


Seq: 03.

Lesson : I listen and do.

L: 3ms.

L earning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to fill in an ID card, reorder and interview. Target comp: interc, intrp, prod. Target stres: past simple tense, past continuous. Domains: o&w. Materials: TXB, audio scripts, WB, CPB. Cross cur comp: Intel: he can understand and interpret verbal messages. Meth: he can use strategies for listening and interpreting oral discourse. Com: he can play roles to communicate appropriately. appropriately. Pers and soc: he can socialize through oral or written exchanges. Core values: valuing studies, science and technology. Tim ing


Frame work warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T introduces the new sequence:


Introduce the sequence



V K  A

Today we start a new seq. In which we’re going to deal with items like: famous scientists lives (biographies), the past continuous tense,the ing form spelling, requests with may and can,relative  pronouns who and which,the connector while, the sounds/f/ and /v/.




T asks l about the meaning of the word “scientific” “scientific”..  T asks l to give her the words related to the adjective scientific.


(science, scientist, technology,  progresss, research,… 


Pre listening:

T writes the Initial situation on the board. T reads it or asks L to read it

Introduce the Initial situation

T asks L about the terms they don’t understand and underlines them T explains 1




We will celebrate the 16th of April soon. It’s the Science day in Algeria. Your teacher of English asked you to write biographical information about a famous scientist to be published in your school magazine.

Now, you’re going to listen to the 30’  

During listening:

biography of an Algerian


ID Completion

scientist(researcher) and you’re going to complete hi ID card: Task one p84: First name : Abdelhamid. Surname : BOUROUIS. Date of birth : 1986. Place of birth: Tlemcen.

Father’s occupation: mechanic.   Mother’s occupation: housewife.   Primary, Middle and High school: Tlemcen. Undergraduate studies: University: university of Tlemcen, ABOUBEKR Belaid. Degree: BE (Bachelor of engeneering) Postgraduate studies: University: Tlemcen. Degree: ME (Master of engeneering) Year: 2009.

T asks l to do the following tasks: Task 11 p 87 Task 10 p 86 Task 6 p 85 Task 8 p 86 Task 13 p 88 Task 15 p 89 2

Interpret oral discourse to  fill in blanks



  T checks, helps, guides. L/L


Post listening:

Idem T asks l to do the following task Task 4 p 85. (pair work) T asks L to play the interview in  pairs. 3

Interview completion


Seq: 03.

Lesson: I pronounce. (PDP)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to discriminate between the sounds /f/ and /v/. Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L


Introduce the topic

Mate rials

T sets up the situation: today we’re Pre listening:

During listening:



going to see the sounds /f, v/ T writes the words below on the board:

V Of, phone, van, fan. T asks l to say them T checks L pronunciation and corrects if necessary.



T asks L to do the following task: Task: I classify the words below in the table according to their consonant sounds pronunciation:  /f/


Discriminate between the target sounds



Identify the target sounds


T may choose the words on p 91. T notices: Sometimes /f/ is spelled: PH, F, FF. The “f” of “of” is pronounced:/v/   TXB Post listening:


MI T asks L to do the following tasks: Tasks 1&3&5 p 92. L/L T checks Correction on the board.

Consolidate the learned items CPB



Seq: 03.

Lesson: I listen and do. (PDP)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to fill in a timeline (biography) of a scientist.(IBN KHALDOUN) Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:

Pre listening:





T greets and welcomes her L T asks L to name some famous scientists


Introduce the topic

Mat erials



T asks L to say what they did so important to humanity L/L T pins the pic of IBNKHLDOUN on the board T asks L about the name of this  person Does he look modern or ancient? T name the character Do you know what he did?

During listening:

Guess who is the target character

V  A


Fill in IBN




You’re going to listen to a History teacher and you’re going to fill in IBN KHALDOUN’s timeline. 


T asks L to open their books on p 89. TXB Task 17 p 89: Keys: May 27 th , 1332. 1348-1349 1354 1365-1374 Task 19 p 90: 1375-1378 1383 1384 1387




March 17 th , 1406



Post listening:

T asks L to do the following task Task 22 p 90: (pair work) T asks L to work in pairs T asks L to paly the dialogues dialogues in  pairs.


 An interview completion L/L



Seq: 03.

Lesson: I practice. (PPU)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to talk about progressive actions in the past. Target comp: interc, interp, prod. Domains: O&W. Target stres: past continuous in the three forms. Materials: WB, TXB, pics. Cross cur comp: Intel: he can interpret non verbal messages to pick up information. Meth: he can assess himself and his peers. Com: he can process digital data. / He can manage his time rationally. Pers and soc: he socializes through oral o ral or written exchanges. Core values: valuing his time. Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T may review the simple tense seen in seq two


Introduce the topic

Mate rials


 A V

T sets up the situation:

K Presen Tation

Today we’re going to see another past



tense, called « the past continuous ». Samir is having an exam today, and he

had to get ready last night. Let’s see what happened to him while he was  preparing himself.


Set up the situation T may prepare handouts or write on the board.





  Last night, while I was preparing my exam, my parents came in into my room. They


weren’t looking good at all. I wasn’t feeling comfortable! I was saying to myself.” What did I do again?” While I was trying to imagine some excuses, mom said: “Why are you still st ill awake that late?”I told her t hat hat I had an exam. They were smiling at me when they wished me good night and left the room. I was relieved they didn’t catch me chat on the web.

T reads the passage Tasks L to read. T asks some comprehension questions : who is speaking in the text ? what is he narrating Did the events happen now or in the  past?

Check L understanding

Why the parents were angry?.... T asks L to underline all the verbs in the text T asks L to identify the tenses of the verbs T clarifies: the tense which is new to


Identify the  past continuous tense

you is call “The past continuous”. We use for past action which took some time when happening. It’s made up of two parts:  (was/were) + ing form.

PIASP: T writes the following examples on the board:

10’   -I was preparing my exam. -They were smiling at me. -I wasn’t  feeling  feeling comfortable. - They weren’t  looking  looking good. -Was I smiling? -Were they smiling? 8

Identify the  form and use of the target stre



  T asks L to identify the different elements of each sentence.


T clarifies and takes notes on the board:

The continuous is composed two past parts: the past simple of be +of the ing form of the verb.


Positive: S+was / were + ing form

Negative: S+wasn’t / weren’t + ing  form Question: was / were + S + ing  form…?   Ing spelling T deals with the ing form spelling: Textbook P 94. The use of while



T writes these examples on the board: 1.They were smiling while they were leaving.


 they 2.While they were leaving , leaving , they were smiling. While is a connector. I use it to talk about two actions that happened simultaneously. (in the same time).


T asks L to take notes.

20’   T asks L to do the following tasks: Tasks 4 & 6 p 96.


Consolidate the learned items.


Seq: 03.

Lesson: I practice. (PPU).

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to make requests using u sing “can” and “may”.  Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm up:



Mate rials


Introduce the topic

T greets and welcomes her L T may give two examples as it follows: Listen: When I say; Open the door! And Can you open the door, pleas?



WB Handouts Pics… 


K Is there a difference? Which one sounds more polite?.....  A Presen tation


T writes the dialogue below on the board or may prepare handouts


Present the new stre MI

T sets up the situation:  Alex class are having a drawing session.

 Alex doesn’t have his pencil pencil with him. He is looking for a pencil. Let’ s see what happened!

 Alex : Hey, can I have your pencil ? Kevin: where is yours?  Alex: I forgot it with Tom, yesterday. Kevin: Go and check it!  Alex: excuse me sir, may I go out please? Teacher: Why is that?  Alex: I want to check my pencil. It’s with my little brother in the class below!

Teacher: All right , but don’t be long!    Alex: Thank you, sir. I’ll be quick. 

T reads the dialogue T asks L to play the dialogue in pairs T asks some comprehension questions 10




  T says: Pay attention to these examples: 1.Can I have your pencil? p encil? 2.May I go out?


What is Alex doing here? He is making requests. When he was talking to his friend, he used the modal “can”   But when he was addressing his teacher, he used the modal “may”. Why is that?

State a rule

T clarifies: Idem May and can are modals. May is formal and more polite. Can is informal and less polite. I can use them both to make requests. I use can with friends and people I know very much. I use may with strangers and  people older than me.

Rule: Requests:

Can / May + S + stem…..?   15’  

Practice: T asks L to take notes. Practice the target stre

Pair work: T asks L to do the following task. Task: I make the following requests sound more polite:


 A:Hey, mom. I want something something to eat! B: I have some cookies.

Waiter: Are you ready to order sir? Customer:: Give me a soup and a lemonade?

 A: listen, clean the board! board! B: of course , sir.



  Pupil :I want to get off the bus! Stop right now! Bus driver: Okey, kid. Just a minute.

T asks L to do the following tasks in  pairs



Tasks 8 &9 p97.


Consolidate the new stre.


Seq: 03.

Lesson: I practice. (PPU)

L: 3ms.

Obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to use the relative pronouns “who, which”.  Tim ing

Frame work



T writes the words






Presen Tation


KVA brainstorming

On the board T asks L: What are these? (wh pronouns, question words) Task: I classify the words on the table: Pen, man, cat, book, house, doctor, actor, dad, brother, ….  who which …………..  ……………… 

Mate rials

Introduce the topic

T greets and welcomes her L Warm up:



The identification of which and who


Task: I combine the following sentences using who or which: 1)-The woman has a red car. -The woman is my teacher of English.   The woman who has a red car is my teacher of English.

Which and who new use as relative  pronouns

2)-I live in a small house. -The house is not far from here.  



I live in a small house which is not far  from here.


3)-I love my mom. -My mom is great woman. 4)-My son studies in a middle school. -The middle school is in Chorfa.


T does the first two examples and helps L do the last two ones orally. T clarifies: Who and which are relative pronouns. Who refers to people. Which refers to things and animals.



They are used to combine two sentences and avoid repetition of the same word.


Practice the target stre



Pair work: T asks L to do the following task:

Task: I complete with”who” or “which”:   A: who was the man ……. talking to you?

B: You mean the man …..had a black MI


 A: yes, and a car ……looks ……looks very expensive!

B: he is my boss…….lost his way.    A: ……….way?  


B: The way to the central bank.

Use: T asks L to open their books and do:

15’   Tasks 11, 12, 13 p 98 T checks, helps correction on the board.


Consolidate the seen items.



Seq: 03.

Lesson: I read and do. (PDP)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to read text and g gather ather information about ancient moslim scientists inventions and discoveries. Target comp: interp, prod. Domains: W. Target stres: past simple, past continuous, relative pronouns. Materials: WB, TXB. Cross cur comp: Intel: he can show creativity when producing p roducing oral and written messages.

Meth: he can his work and his peers’.  Com:he can process ICT’s.  Pers and soc: he can be inspired by important characters. Core values: valuing science and Islamic civilization. Tim ing


Frame wok Warm up: Pre reading:




T greets and welcomes her L


Brainst orming

T writes on the board the names of some important personalities T asks L: Who are these people? What did they do?

Mate rials



V K  A

elicit data about important character

Einstein, victor HUGO, Mouloud MAMMERI, IBN KHALDOUN, George WASHINGTON…. 


During reading:

T splits the L into small groups T asks L to open their books on p99 T asks them to read the texts silently


Interpret texts to get information

T asks L to answer the question below: What are texts 1 &2 about?


T asks L to read the texts again and do: Tasks 1&2 p 99 L/L Task 3 P 100 Task 4 P 100: Diagram A : part 2 Diagram B : part 1


Title: the pinhole camera. 15



Task 8 P 101: The light coming through a window hole.

Task 9 P 101: 1; scalpel 2;scissors 3,forceps 4, bone saws

MI Idem L/L

Task 11 p 102: 1, sutures 3, catgut


Post reading:


T asks L to do: Task 13 p 102: Possible sentences: -While ALZAHRAWI was operating on the  patient, his students were watching. -ALZAHRAWI was operating on the  patient while his assistant assistant was holding him tightly.

Produce sentences




Seq: 03.

Lesson: I learn to integrate.

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to write the biography b iography of “BOUROUIS”.  Target comp: interp, prod. Domains: O&W. Target stres: lexis related to biography writing. Materials: WB, TWB. Cross cur comp: Intel: he can use his critical thinking while gathering information and doing research. Meth: he can work in small groups. / He can share information with the whole class. Com: he can process digital data in English. Pers and soc: he can show responsibility towards team work. Core values: valuing Algerian scientists and technology in general. Tim ing


Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L


Introduce the topic

Mate rials



V K  A

T writes the two words on the board:

Biography Hamid BOUROUIS


T asks L about what these two words mean for them?


Give an idea about the writing task

T sets up the situation:

Today, we’re going to write the biography of BOUROUIS. Before writing:


T asks L to open their books on p103 T asks L to read the situation Tasks L to underline the difficult

Present the situation L/L

words T explains So, what are you asked to do? L answer. T goes through a brief review of the items seen in seq three to complete the KSA chart.

KSA chart completion

T says: so to write our biography, we need all what we studied in the sequence, and we need more information like the ones on p 104. T asks L to study the layout on p 105







While writing:

T splits the L into groups T asks L to design a leader, a writer and a reader T lets L work together.

L/L Write a biography of BOUROUIS

Drafting: L write their first sample T guides and helps Idem Editing: L rewrite with taking teachers advice into consideration


 After writing:


Publishing: L report their final work to the class.

Check L work

T chooses the best one and write it on the board.




Seq: 03.

Lesson: I think and write.

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, L will be able to write a timeline about Islamic Scientific heritage.(optional) Target comp: interp, prod. Domains: W. Target stres: lexis related to inventions, discoveries, past simple. Materials: pics, WB, TXB. Cross cur comp: Intel: he can show creativity while producing an oral o ral or written messages. Meth: he can ue reading strategies to collect data. Pers and soc: he can show some degree of autonomy while learning. Core values: valuing his scientific and cultural heritage. Tim ing

Frame work




Warm Up:

T greets and welcomes her L T asks L to open their books on p 106


Before writing:



Introduce the topic


T are you asked to do? L:asks: writewhat an introduction to the b rochure brochure in which I set up a timeline about the Islamic Scientific heritage.


 A Guide the L and provides him with necessary data to write the timeline

T helps L to understand the layout on p 107



T lets L work on their own T helps and goes around the class Drafting: L write their first production Editing: T goes around, helps and corrects L rewrite their timelines.

Write the introduction.

L/L  After writing:



T asks L to read the situation T asks L to underline difficult words

T asks L to read the information on P 106 T explains So you underline the items you want to include in your timeline

During writing:

Mate rials

Publishing: L report their work to the th e class T selects the best one and writes it on the board.





  Production sample:

 A timeline of the Islamic Scientific Scientific Her Heritage. itage.

The Islamic civilization wasn’t always in decline as it is today. It had its  flourishing days. Here is a timeline to sum up the events that marked that period: The eighth century: In 707, the muslins built the first hospital I Damascus, Syria. During Harun  ALRAHID caliphate, they opened the first free public hospital. The ninth century:

The three Banu MUSA brothers the “Book of Ingenious Devices” between 800 and 873. In 859, Fatima Al FIRHI,a woman founded the first degree granting university in

Fez, Morocco. …  It’s worth pointing out that modern technological te chnological progress owes a lot to the steps made during the Islamic civilization.





Project work:

My School Environment Litter Survey. I interview my schoolmates to know more about the causes of litter in our school and the adjacent streets and neighborhood, and the measures that should be taken by all pupils to solve this problem. Then, I report the results of this survey to my class and display them on the

school’s notice board using visuals. 

Starting off situation: situation: As a member of Greenpeace organization, you want to  protect the the environm environment ent where you live. Pre Prepare pare a sho short rt article to be  published in social ne networks. tworks. Make people in your your city awar aware e about tthe he causes and bad effects of pollution . Suggest some solutions.


Seq: 04.

Lesson: I listen and do.

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBA to ask and give information about Algeria’s location and national parks. Target comp: Intrct, intrp, prod. Domains: O&W.

Target stres: lexis related to environment, location, parks….present simple.  Materials: TXB, WB, visuals. Cross cur comp: Intel comp: he can understand and interpret verbal and non verbal msges. Meth comp: he can use strategies for listening and interpreting oral discourse. Com comp:he fill out information forms about countries and environment. Pers and soc comp: he socializes through oral or written exchanges. Core values: he values environment, plants and animals. Timing


Frame work


Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L



Mate rials


T/L T pins pics on the board (pics representing animals, plants, landscapes, seas, ….)  L/L

Introduce the new subject


T asks K to name them T sets up the situation:

In seq four, we’re going to talk about our environment, all what surrounds us. The other creatures that consist biodiversity, dangerous  phenomena that threatens life on earth like

 pollution. We’ll try to suggest some solutions that can slow the environmental degradation.

Visuals Maps








Pe listening: T may bring a map representing the world and asks L to locate Algeria.

Locate  Algeria on T/L

the world’s map


While T asks L to open their books listening: on p 113.


T says: we’re going to listen to a UNESCO representative

talking about Algeria’s


Set up the situation


biodiversity and do the  following tasks.  Audio Task 1p113.(part 1) Task 3p113.(part 1) Task 6p 114.(part2)

Scripts Interpret a


Post T invites L to do the following listening: task(pair work)


 Algeria’s national  parks

Task: I complete the dialogue: L/L  A : where is Algeria located ?

Me: ……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………….   A: are their national parks in Algeria?

Me: ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………..   A: can you name some of them?

Me: ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………   A: what are national parks created for?

Me: ……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. …………. 

T checks Correction on the board

non msg verbal about


  I pronounce: ( Intonation in questions) 15'

While listening: Step one: T writes the examples below on the board


Eg: Where is Algeria located? What’s a national park?  

Identify intonation in questions

Discriminate between  falling and rising int

Do you love animals? Is the environment in danger? T asks some L to read the questions T asksand L to“yes classify “wh” andthem no”   into questions T asks l to listen carefully to her reading the questions T asks: Do you notice any difference in the music my voice is making? L answer by “yes”   T clarifies; this is called intonation.. intonation If you focus well, you will see that my voice is coming up or


down Now tell me: Wh q: down or up? Yes and no q: down or up? Notice:

In “wh q” the intonation is  falling (.↘)  In “yes&no” q, the intonation is rising.(↗)  Post listening:

L/L Consolidate the new stre



Task9 p 128. Seq: 04.

Lesson: I listen and do(PDP)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBA to ask and give information about endangered fauna and  flora. Ti 

Frame Procedure

m ing 5’  




Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L T brings pics representing plants and animals T asks L to name them T writes the following task on the Pre board: listeni  Task: I classify the names in the table ng: below: Fauna (animals) Flora (plants)

focus Objective


Elicit data  from L





Pics WB



While listeni  T sets up the situation: today we’re ng: going to talk about endangered species in Algeria.(Animals and plants). And we’l l talk in particular about the

Introduce the topic  Audio script  s

Barbary macaque. L/L



  T asks L to do task 19 p 118; (explain difficult words to be used in the interview)


Explain dif words Idem

T puts on the audio script and asks L to do : Task 16p117.(Fact file about  Algeria’s endangered species) 

Endangered species in  Algeria

T puts on the audio script (53) and asks L to do task 21p119.(Interview with Dr Sian Waters)

Ide m

Task 23 p120 Task 25 p120. T asks L to do task 9 p 115(modified): Post Question: I fill in the blanks with: 1986, 10’   listeni  understand, biodiversity, ecosystems, ng:



idem Filling in blanks


about wildlife reservation s


identify the two target sounds


I pronounce:  ᴣ /, /d  ᴣ / The sounds /  I listen and repeat: p124 (a,b) I practice: task 1&3 p 127.


  Seq: 04. Lesson: I listen and do (PDP) L: 3ms. Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBAto ask and gibe information about pollution. Ti  m ing 5’  

Frame work




Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L


Introduce the topic

T explains the word “pollution”   T pins on the board pics representing pollution


Mat  e rials



Pre T asks L to classify the pics in the listenin table below: g:  Air Water Soil  pollution  pollution  pollution



T sets up the situation: While We’re going to listen to the listenin interview of eco-schools g: organization representative. He discusses the problem new are all

T/L Set up the situation

Ide m



 facing which is litter. litter. T gives and idea about the meaning of the word. T puts on the audio script parts 1 and asks L to do: Task 27 p 120(what is litter?) Then part 2 and do Task 29, 31; 33 p121(problems caused by litter)


Dangers of litter

Then part 4 and do Tasks 37, 39 p 122(solutions) L/L



Post (pair work) listenin T asks L to do task 41 p 123. g:

I pronounce: (silent letters) /k,w,h,t/ I listen and repeat p 125 I practice: Task 6 p 128.

Def of litter

Solutions to get rid of litter

Silent letters identification

Ide m


  Seq: 04.

Lesson: I practice.

L: 3ms.

Task: I read the text then then I do the tasks below:

Leila and Karim are school mates. When going back home from school, Leila saw a kitten bleeding. She stopped to know why. Leila Leila:: Look this poor kitten is bleeding in the eye! Karim:: poor little creature, some kid must have hit him with a stone. Karim Leila: we must take him to the vet right now! Karim: yes, we mustn’t waste any minute mo re. The following day, Leila said to Karim: “we should do something to

make our friends

that harming animals is bad.”   Karim: you know what, we can organize a meeting and make a speech! Karim: Leila: Leila: a sharp touching speech then! One week later, the two friends fulfilled their schedule and did the following speech; Dear children,  All kinds of life are worth being respected and valued! As pupils pupils we should make an

example. We mustn’t hurt animals such as dogs and cats or any other animal. If you  feel threatened, just make a sign with your hand and the dog will flee. Whenever you see a kid trying to hurt an animal, you must stop him. We should be aware of the importance of any creature safety and welfare. Most experts say that a kid who violates animals, has a great chance to violate human beings when he is grown up!

Do you really want to be this kid? You shouldn’t do to others what shouldn’t be done to you! Please, help us tell all the t he kids that we must  stop torturing animals!


  Seq: 04. Lesson: I practice. (PPU)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBA to express obligation, prohibition and make recommendations (advice). Target comp: intrct, Intrp, prod. Domains: O&W. Target stres: must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t.  Materials: worksheets, TXB,WB. Cross cur comp: Intel: L can deduce meaning from context. Meth: L can mobilize his resources and manage his time rationally. Com: L can make recommendations and express obligation. Pers and soc: L socializes through oral or written exchanges. Core values: L values all kinds of life. Ti 


m in g 5’  

work Warm up:


Objecti  Mat  VK 




Introd  uce the WB topic

T e rials  AM I

T greets and welcomes her L

T writes the word “can” on the board   T asks a L to read T asks what is it? Do you know other modals?

If yes, so we’ll learn more about them  If no, we’ll see two other modals”must and should ””   

Prese 10  n ’   tation


T splits the worksheets above T asks l to take a look at their worksheets T asks L to describe the pics on the sheets T may explain the difficult words like: torture, speech…  T reads the text and asks some L to read T asks l to do the following tasks:



Review WK  V ST the seen  A modal can


Explain dif words Ide m

Task one: I complete the table with sentences  from the text: L answer orally , T takes notes on the board. L/T


  obligation Prohibition Advice/ recommendations -we must take him to the vet.


Ide m

We should do something!

mustn’t waste a minute.

L/L Task two: I study the following sentences then I complete the table below: -we must go to the vet. must st + stem (obligation) S+ mu -You mustn’t waste time. tem (prohibition) S + mustn’t + s 

10  ’  

Ide m


-Must they come early? T/L

-You should go early. S + should + stem -they shouldn’t hurt animals.

Identif  y the dif  functio ns of must and should

stres of must and should

Ide m

S + shouldn’t + stem (advice / recommendation)  -Should you pick up that rose? Mod  Positive Negative al Must S+must+st  S+mustn’t+st  em. em. S+shouldn’t+s Shou S +should ld + stem. tem.

Interroga tive Must + s+stem ? Should +s +stem?

Tasks 1,2,3 p 133

Practi  20  ce: ’   Use: 15 ’  

Task four: I complete with “should” or “shouldn’t”:   people …………brush their teeth everyday.  - people -we ………use plastic bags.   - Every kid……..own a pet.  -We …………cut trees.   people ……………..organise cleaning campaigns - people every month.



Use the target stres



  Seq: four. Lesson: I practice. L: 3ms. Dialogue:: Dialogue  Amine : Have you ever been to the US ? Lila: Yes, I have already been there.  A: What has impressed you most?

L: The Statue of Liberty. It’s awesome. What about you?  

 A: I have never been anywhere. L: I guess you haven’t saved enough money yet.    A: yeah! I have just started. L: Take it easy! The world has changed since 2001.

 A: Yes! And it’s quite dangerous. 

Notice : The present perfect forms : 

❶Positive: have / has + past participle. participle. ❷Negative: haven’t / hasn’t + past participle.   ❸Question: have / has + subject + pa past st participle ….?    Adverb/ Preposition Since For  Already Yet Never  Just Ever

Its use + a date. + a period of time Between the auxiliary and the past participle  At the end of sentence (negative) Between the auxiliary and past participle (negative) Between the auxiliary and past participle (positive) Question

Taskone: I write sentences in the present perfect using the notes below: ❶-He / wake up / just.

❷-They / make / bubbles. ❸-I / see/ The Revenant / yet. ❹-Amel / start / a/ new / book / already. ❺-you / be / to / England / ever. ❻you/ ever/ kill/ an animal. ❼I /never/ see/ an elephant.


  Seq: 04.

Lesson: I practice.

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBA to use the present perfect tense with time adverbs. Tim ing 5’  

Frame work Warm



T greets and welcomes her L



T writes “to have” on the board  

T asks L, what is it? T asks L to find the present forms of this auxiliary verb.  presen T splits the worksheets(above) 20’   tation: T asks L to describe the pics on the sheets T reads the dialogue T asks L to read it in pairs T asks L to pick up from the text, a  positive, negative and interrogative stce. Eg: 1. I have already have already been  been  there.(positive) 2.You haven’t  saved  enough  enough money.(Negative) 3.Have 3.Have you  you ever been to been to the US? (Interrogative) T asks : Are these sentences in the  past or present?(pastbut continues continues to the present)



Introduce the topic Review the  present  forms of have


Present the target stre



Identify the  present  perfect  forms and use


+ past participle of the verb.

the board: -How long have you lived in London?



tense, it’s composed ot: have / has

-“How long”use:  T writes the examples below on




T L identify the dif elements ofhelps the sentences T notices: The present perfect is a compound

-The use of time adverbs: (explained in the worksheet above)

Mate rials

The use of how long? Since For





Prac tice:

-I have lived in London since 2000. -I have lived in London for 18 years. How long? Is used to ask about to ask about the duration of an action. I answer with: since + a date. Or: for + period of time.


L/L T asks L to do the first task on the worksheet above.

Use the learnt stre in meaningful context TXB CPB

Task 16 p136. Task 17 p136. Task 18 p 136.


Use: Task: I answer the questions below:  A: How long have you you studied English? You: …………………………………………   A: Have you ever been been to England? You: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………..   A: Have you finished finished you middle school? You: ………………………………………….. …………………………………………..   A: Have you ever seen seen a lion? You: …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 

T checks, helps. Correction on the board. T asks L to act the dialogue in  pairs.

L/L Use the  present  perfect to talk about oneself.




Seq: 04.

Lesson: I practice.

L: 3ms.

 Alex is driving his son Tom to school. Tom didn’t have his breakfast. He took a croissant with him rolled in a paper pape r cover. When he finished eating it, he opened the car window and wnted to throw the paper out

of it. The father shouted” don’t throw litter in the street!””What’s wrong with you? I always tell you not to do that! Listen to me and do

what I say. It’s for your good and mine. My son, this planet doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to all the living creatures; humans, plants,

animals, birds, insects, fish…We found it beautiful and clean , we must keep it as it is or better! All the kids should be aware of the importance of taking care of the environment for our survival sake.”  

Tom: I am sorry daddy, I know you’re right. I just forgot.    Alex: Be a good boy and don’t forget! Okay dear? I am sorry I yelled at you!

Tom It’s alright pa!


Seq: 04.

Lesson: I practice.

L: 3ms.

Learning objective: BTEOTL,LWBA to use the imperative (positive and negative). Ti  Frame m work ing 10’   Warm up:

Presen tation:



Focu s


Mat  VKT e  AMI rials

Interact T greets and welcomes her L T takes a paper and scramble it T throws the paper and throws it on the  floor. T asks: what am I doing? Is it a good or bad action? Do you do something like that? How do we call this rubbish on the floor? Why is it bad to throw litter anywhere? Where should we put our litter?


Enhance data from L

Ide m

MI Introduce the topic Explain dif vocabular  y


Ide m

Learners give the sentences T takes notes on the board T writes the following examples on the board: -listen to me! -would you listen to me please? T asks L to compare the two tones The first is an order , no choice given. The second is a request which can be



T splits the worksheets T asks l to take a look at their sheets T asks L to count the pics T asks L to describe the pics T delivers the correct vocabulary as “litter…”   T reads the text T asks some L to read again Tasks some comprehension questions: Who is speaking in the text?... T asks L to do the following tasks Task one: I read the text then complete the table below: sentenc   positiv  negativ   function e e e ●  Listen Imperativ  to me! e/ order …………. 

with L


Identify the imperativ 



e mood




The imperativ  e structure and  punctuati  on

accepted or refused. T writes other examples on the board: be a  a good boy . (positive) (positive)   -be -don’t throw  litter  litter on the floor !(negative)  !(negative)  T explains: We use the imperative to make orders. The verb in the imperative has no subject, it’s implied (you)  Positive: stem!

Negative: don’t+ stem.   An imperative sentence sentence can end with a Practic   full stop or exclamation exclamation mark. e:


T asks L to do the following tasks: Task one: ( pair work)I give my partner

Ide m


 four orders, two things to to do , and two things not to do. (a game) Use:


T asks L to do the following task: Task: I put the verbs in the correct form: -(to be ) ……quiet and (to do) your work.   -(not to cut )………trees!   -(to respect) ………. All living creatures.  -(to preotect)………environment (not to spoil) …….it. 

Use the learnt stre orally

Written way


Seq : 04.

Lesson : I practice. (PPU) L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL,LWBA to use comparatives of superiority. Ti  m ing 10’  

Fram Procedure e work Warm up:

T greets and welcomes her L T brings pics representing animals and asks L to name them T draws the chart below on the board:

Focu s

Objectiv  e


Introduc  e the topic

Mat  e rials




 Adjectives Tall Dan gero us giraf  Tiger  fe


L/T Frien dly





Beau tiful

Explain the adj meaning

Pand  a

MI Ide m

T asks L to classify the animals in the corresponding adjective column Prese n 30’   tation :

T sets up the situation:

Today we’ll learn how to make comparisons of superiority using short and long adjacives T draws a cahart like this: Short Two syllable  Adjectives adj (1s) Tall Nice Fast

Friendly Happy Rapid

Long adj (3s +)


Beautiful Exensive Dangerous


T gives adj and asks L to classify them T pins pics of two animals on the board and write an adjective they share next to them

Identify the number of syllables (descrimi  nate between short and long adj)



Ide m  A.Regular adjectives: adjectives:

Let’s use the following adjectives adjectives to compare these two animals: Kind, friendly, dangerous. -A dog is kinder than a cat. -A dog is more friendly than a cat. -A dog is friendlier than a cat. -A dog is more dangerous than a cat.


Identify the stres and the use of the compara tives

Rule: to compare two persons or things or animals we use adjectives. 1.Short adj+er than 2.More + long adj than 3.Two syllable adjectives accept both rules above. B.Irregular adjectives:

Some adjectives don’t accept the rule above, so you have to learn them by heart.(chart  p131) C.Spelling rules: P132.


Practi  T asks L to do the following task ce: Task 20 p138.(oral)

15’   Use:

Task 19 p 137.(written)


Use the learnt stre


L/L consolid  ation


Seq: 04.

Lesson: I read and do.(PDP)

L: 3ms.

Learning obj: BTEOTL, LWBA to interpret a non verbal message about pollution. Target comp: intrp, prod. Domains: O&W. Target stres: lexis related to pollution problems and solutions. Cross cur comp: Intel: He can understand a non verbal text and show creativity while creat creating ing oral and verbal messages. Meth: He can develop reading skills strategies. Com: He can process digital data in English. Pers and soc: He can show responsibility towards his environment. Core values: valuing environment and nature. Tim ing 5’  



Frame work Warm up:




T greets and welcomes her L T brings pics representing all types of pollution and asks L to classify them in the correct category.


Introduce the topic

Pre T sets up the situation reading: Today we’re going to read about litter; its dangers and how to get rid of it. T asks L to open their books on P 139. T asks L to take a look at the text and say how many paragraphs are there. T asks L to read the text and say what is it about. While reading: T asks L to read the text and do task one p 139. -bibliographical notes:  Argumentative. Web article. -Reading notes: 1.litter, its dangers and how to get rid of it.

3.because it’s  associated with health risks…. 4.p3

Mate rials






Discussing litter  problem





Interpreting a non verbal message about litter TXB


5.to encourage them keep their environment clean. 6.we: Scottish people Them: children Who: pupils Their: pupils They: pupils. Its: school.



8.NO, they shouldn’t. The author’s opinion is that they should see it a positive action to improve their environmental neighborhood.


Post reading:

Idem L/L

Question 9: as a class discussion. T asks L to give their opinions.

Class discussion about litter  problem

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