3G Signaling Trace-RCT Installation and User Guide V1.0

March 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download 3G Signaling Trace-RCT Installation and User Guide V1.0...


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RCT-GUTV3.00.300d Installation and User Guide Huanglisheng-2013050 !"out this do#u$ent% Part 1: RCT Installation Guide Part 2: RCT Signaling Trace Guide

&ress 'nter to de(ault )ath.

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Part 2: RCT Signaling Trace Guide

User na$e:ad$in &assord :no )assord /er,er address : RCT I& : 31100 ( 31100 is )ort nu$"er (or ea$)le &6 #ir#le RCT I& is 10.132.15.10 then you need to )ut 10.132.15.10%31100)

7aintenan#e88+/u"s#ri"er Tra#e

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Create Tas988+Tas9 a$e88+Tas9 Ty)e88+et

Re$ar9% Tas9 na$e should not in#lude s)a#e.

Choose RC 88+U'-R:C88+!dd *以上所有信息均为中兴通讯股份有限公司所有,不得外传+ !ll Rights reser,ed o /)reading a"road ithout &er$ission o( T'


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&ut I7/I I< and desele#t rest as "ello%

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第 10 页

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第 11 页

内部公开 Internal Use Only▲ /ear#h the tas9 na$e and start tas9 then you #an $onitor the signaling.

The signaling shoing as "ello% *以上所有信息均为中兴通讯股份有限公司所有,不得外传+ !ll Rights reser,ed o /)reading a"road ithout &er$ission o( T'

第 12 页

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/a,e all a(ter you (inish tra#ed.

O)en the (ile then e #an analy=e the signaling.

>ou #an get so$e hel) hen you $eet so$e ?ury.

/ear#h the 9ey ord then you ill (ind the relate result.

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第 13 页

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@eel (ree to #onta#t $e hen you $eet so$e other issue hi#h you #anAt get result (ro$ hel).

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第 1 页

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