365 Days With Marie Eugenie

October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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365 Days with Marie Eugenie

1. “God leads leads us, and no wiser wiser and more loving loving hand hand can guide guide our destin destiny. y.”” 2. “Be gentle, gentle, strong strong and joyful joyful.. He who has conquer conquered ed the world world loves and guides guides you.” . “Having “Having great great confiden confidence ce in God!s God!s graces graces fills fills you with with a qual quality ity of love for for God that it "ecomes im#ossi"le even to dou"t His goodness.” $. “%esolve “%esolve to have as a goal goal not glory glory,, fortune, fortune, or the the things of this earth "ut "ut the good of souls, the glory of God and the e&tension of the %eign of 'esus (hrist.” ). “*eo#le “*eo#le often often judge judge +ur ord "y those those who "el "elong ong to Him. Him. -he Holy #irit #irit see/s see/s to "e welcomed in our ou r hearts when so many hearts are closed to Him.” 0. “ #ers #erson on filled filled with with love of God and of love of neigh"or neigh"or reflec reflects ts someth something ing of  heaven.” . “-rue “-rue love is is generous. generous. -o -o love love is to give of one!s one!s self.” self.” 3. “-he secr secret et of ttrue rue joy joy is to to live live in truth truth.” .” 4. “mia" “mia"ili ility ty is the the fruit fruit of charit charity y.” 15 15.. “6hen “6hen our own own is e& e&ha haus uste ted, d, when when ou ourr he hear arts ts "e "ecom comee al almo most st "i "itt tter er,, when when  "oredom, disgust, and suffering seem to have ta/en all our strength away, let us a##roach Him7 He will show us that none of our efforts should "e the last, and that 8eal, no less than the divine love from which it comes, can ever say9 “:t is enough.” 11. “uffering alone does not transform a #erson, #erson, unless "orne with love. ;or only love,  #erfect love, cancels even the consequences of sin.” 12. “;ind joy in sacrifice and in the total gift of yourself to God.” 1. “-o see the "est side of others is a great gift.” 1$. “centered? (H%:->centered? we wor/ for Him Him,, with Him, in Him, reflecting His #ersonality, #ersonality, using His means.” 22. :t is a #riceless #riceless moment in our lives when when we "egin to understand understand that we can do nothing "y ourselves, "ut that we can do all with God.” 2. “-o give give ourselves com#letely to God is merely to give God what "elongs to Him.” 2$. “=ee# very near God and you will find Him in in everything.” 2). “God has destined each one of us to resem"le resem"le 'esus (hrist. How eager we sshould hould "e to form Him in us7” 20. “=ee# as close as #ossi"le #ossi"le to 'esus (hrist in order to judge everything everything "y His light.” 2. “ee/ to cultivate the seeds of grace grace that we may "e li/e 'es 'esus us (hrist.” 23 23.. “: must must en ente terr into into a de dee# e#er er frie friend ndsh shi# i# wi with th 'e 'esu suss (hri (hrist st an and d "e "eli liev evee in Hi Hiss tenderness. He has loved me, He has chosen me? : come from Him, : am going to Him7: will "e totally immersed in Him.” 24. “;aith is the foundation of love. +ur life is a llife ife of faith. ;aith is its "asis? we must ceaselessly renew, enlarge, fortify in ourselves, all the thoughts, all the sentiments of faith.” 5. “6e should should live for 'esus, follow Him, Him, give Him all, and e&#ect every everything thing from Him.” 1. “ll comes from 'esus, all goes to 'esus (hrist, (hrist, all should "e for 'esus (hrist.”


2. “'esus (hrist as/s me to live "y His #irit? #irit? to de#end u#on Him in a wholly interior  life. -his life must "e totally joyful near Him and : must "e drawn into it with great freedom of heart.” . “: loo/ at 'esus (hrist7 (hrist7 How one learns to love "y sim#ly loo/ing at Him.” $. “+ur life must "e a constant “@esA” “@esA” to God.” ). “acrifice is the the first sign sign and characteristic characteristic of love.” 0. “+ne of my greatest joys joys is to feel that : have made a sacrifice to to God.” . “:f your own heart is filled with love of God, ordinar ordinary y acts will a##ear full of grace and raise the hearts of others.” 3. “ove #laces #laces us at the service service of God.” 4. “'esus (hrist drew me me "y a mysterious love with the sole #ur#ose of #ossessing #ossessing me and ma/ing my heart e&clusively His.” $5. “+ my 'esus, 'esus, teach teach me to fi& my inner inner ga8e on @ou alone7 alone7 my soul desires desires to  "elong to @ou. @ou. Be its "eloved, its joy, joy, its delight.” $1. “Become “Become holy, God God wishes it.” it.” $2. :n ary, ary, all was adoration.” adoration.” $. “-he well>s#ring of +ur ady!s joy was the #ossession #ossession of 'esus.” $$. “ove tends to ma/e ma/e us #refer the the good of another to our own.” $). “: would li/e to ma/e my love flow into hearts that are weary. weary. : wish : could give this light and this love which : e&#erience to those who have never /nown it.” $0. “-he "est way to "ecome a saint is to love our ord and to "elieve in His love.” $. “-he love in us should "e characteri8ed "y sim#licity sim#licity,, o#enness, and honesty. honesty.”” $3. “6e should should love each other with the same love that God has for all and with the same aim> their holiness in this world and eternal ha##iness in the ne&t.” $4. “-he s#irit of the ssum#ti ssum#tion on is characteri8ed characteri8ed "y straightf straightforwar orwardness, dness, o#enness, o#enness, thoughtfulness, sim#licity, honor, /indness C courage.” )5. “incere, “incere, gentle humility humility leads us to say all that we ought to say and do all that we ought to do.” )1. “-he s#irit s#irit of the ssum# ssum#tio tion n tends tends toward towardss a joyful joyful detach detachmen mentt from from earthl earthly y things and a going "eyond trials and difficulties without com#laining or wasting our  time over them.”


)2. “Discouragem “Discouragement, ent, sadness and cowardice cowardice cannot "e found in souls who give all to God and e&#ect all from Him.” ). “6hat draws down the grace of God is a life woven out of ordinary acts. :t is wor/9  #hysical wor/. :t is the effort to do it well in the s#irit of o"edience. :t is self  forgetfulness.” )$. “ay the Gos#el live in us and may we draw our life life from it.” )). “+rder is a result of the s#irit of God in us.” )0. “6hat is needed today is to /now how to allow others to "e themselves.” ). “i8e “i8e u# the things things going on inside inside you, "y distan distancin cing g yours yourself elf a li littl ttle, e, the way  #ainters do, so they don!t distort the #ro#ortions.” )3. “(hrist "rings a li"eration li"eration that transforms society.” society.” )4. “-here can "e no contradiction contradiction "etween the human scie sciences, nces, culture, culture, the arts and the wisdom of the 6ord. ;ar from limiting the human s#irit, the light of (hrist reveals the true meaning of human values.” 05 05.. “By “By joy joyful ful de deta tach chme ment nt,, the the s#ir s#irit it of the the ss ssum um#t #tio ion n se sets ts as asid idee si sigh ghss an and d lamentations and see/s what God wishes us to do to ma/e the "est of things for His service and glory.” glory.” 01 01.. “-he “-he love love of God whic which h sh shou ould ld #roduce #roduce humil humilit ity y in us ca can n only only do so if we coo#erate.” 02. “God is our ;ather. -here -here is never a moment when we cannot throw throw ourselves ourselves into His arms? trust Him, e&#ect all things from Him.” 0. “: as/ God to give me the grace of continual #rayer? #rayer? the grace to no longer de#end on myself or on any human su##ort "ut only and totally on Him.” 0$. “6e cannot /now the over all design design of *rovidence, "ut we do /now for sure that our #rayers, as/ed in the name of 'esus, will "e acce#ted as adoration, re#aration, and than/sgiving and "ring us e&cellent gifts for our souls.” 0). “-he regeneration regeneration of humanity on earth must come forth from the 6o 6ord rd of 'esus (hrist.” 00. “+ur faith must act u#on our life, transform our mind, fill our affect affections, ions, and renew our love.” 0. “'esus (hrist is the source of life. Be a "ranch if you want to "e useful.”


03. “y total de#endence on 'esus (hrist is the secret chain of my li"erty.” li"erty.” 04. “:t #ains me to hear this earth called called land of e&ile? : consider it a #lace of glory for  God.” 5. “s#ri well>s#ring ng of +ur ady!s ady!s joy was the #ossession #ossession of 'esus.” 'esus.” 223. “-he mystery mystery of the ssum#tion ssum#tion is essential essentially ly a mystery mystery of adoration. adoration. 6hen the Blesse Ble ssed d Lirgin irgin was assumed assumed into into heave, heave, she went went to offer offer to God sovere sovereign ign homage7;rom heaven, she draws others to Him, she forms other adorers who, in their turn, will follow in her footste#s.” 224.. “-he 224 “-he s#irit s#irit of the ssum ssum#ti #tion on tends tends toward towardss a joyful joyful detachme detachment nt from from earthl earthly y things and a going "eyond trials and difficulties without com#laining or wasting our  time over them.” 25. “;ollow “;ollow ary to (alvary, (alvary, to the se#ulch se#ulcher. er. Be with with her at the %esurrectio %esurrection, n, at the scension. Be aware of what she felt for 'esus in his various mysteries and "eg her  to form them in you.” 21. “:n ary ary,, all all was was adorati adoration.” on.” 22.. “-he 22 “-he s#irit s#irit of adorat adoration ion which which should should "e ours ours in a s#ecial s#ecial way will lead lead us to receive the 6ord of God and the teachings of the faith with an ardent love.” 2. “:n all things things and in all ways, we should should live with adoration adoration and 8eal for the the rights of God.” 2$. “-he #rimary #rimary right of God is to "e "elieved "elieved when He s#ea/s. s#ea/s. +ur #rimary #rimary duty is to receive the 6ord 6ord of God with #rofound res#ect and great faith.”


2). “-he /nowledge /nowledge of our ord is the the first fruit fruit of setting setting our ga8e on 'esus 'esus (hrist in in  #reference to all other things, followed "y loving attention, recollection K and finally, union.” 20.. “-he 20 “-he #relude #relude to eterni eternity ty is to "eliev "elievee evermore evermore in God and in our ord 'esus 'esus (hrist, who was sent "y the Heavenly ;ather. -o /now Him "etter is already to  #ossess /nowledge of eternal life.” 2. “God calls calls me to just one thing9 the necessi necessity ty of allowing allowing the s#irit s#irit of 'esus (hrist (hrist to live and act in me.” 23. “7seeing “7seeing everything everything the ord ord has done for us, us, : was stru struc/ c/ "y a thought : need need to e&#ress to you. :t is that in our wor/> everything "elongs to 'esus (hrist? everything must "e for 'esus (hrist.” 24. “God has made made me free, free even even to go against His His designs> designs> a frighteni frightening ng #ower  when : reali8e that the least act of refusal can "ring a"out so much evil and #revent so much good.” 2$5. “-he sacrific sacrificee of my own will, fidelity fidelity to the ins#irat ins#irations ions of grace grace are the way to enter into the #lans of God!s *rovidence.” 2$1. “@es, “@es, my God, : assent to, : acce#t, : love your will, "ecause y you ou will it? it fills fills me with delight. : cling to you my God.” 2$2. “@ou “@ou are my only only desire and my soul!s soul!s ho#e. : want all all you want, ord? ord? how you want it, when you want it and "ecause you want it.” 2$. “: choose choose to receive from from the hands of +ur +ur ord the #ain #ain that #eo#le #eo#le might cause cause me and the words that might "e said to me or a"out me.” 2$$. “=ee# very very near God and and you will find find Him in in everything. everything.”” 2$). “a/e everyone, everyone, with with whom you come in contact, contact, understand understand that sheEhe sheEhe is for  God, sheEhe "elongs to God, sheEhe comes from God.” 2$0. “Do or say nothing nothing that does does not have as its goal goal the e&tension e&tension of the =ingdom.” =ingdom.” 2$.. “-here 2$ “-here is also also a night night for us when wor/ does does not succeed. succeed. But the moment moment will will come when God will send His grace, His light.” 2$3. “-he ultimate ultimate end of our effort effort is to draw souls from from their innate innate egotism in order  to induce them to give themselves without reserve to doing God!s will.”


2$ 2$4. 4. “6ha “6hatt draw drawss down down the the grac gracee of God more more su sure rely ly is a li life fe woven woven out of th thee ordinary acts. :t is wor/ K hum"le, #hysical wor/? it is the effort to do it well in the s#iri s#i ritt of o"edien o"edience. ce. :t is self self forget forgetful fulnes ness, s, cha charit rity y, humili humility ty,, sim#li sim#licit city y and  #erseverance in #rayer.” #rayer.” 2)5. “:n s#irit, s#irit, soul, heart and will, will, we must strive to imitate imitate the Blessed Lir Lirgin. gin. he was ta/en u# to heaven "y a humility which has no equal on earth.” 2)1. “-he #erfect #erfect of creatures, creatures, ary ary is also the most most hum"le.” hum"le.” 2)2. “:n ary, ary, all was adoration. :f ever there was was a worshi##er in in s#irit and in truth, it was the Blessed Lirgin.” 2). “et us o#en wide wide our hearts and #urify #urify them, them, let us do all things for for love and to render to God, through 'esus and ary, a homage that re#resents the "est use of our  gifts.” 2) 2)$. $. “He “He send sendss ea each ch day a ne new w thou thought ght to our mi mind, nd, a more more gentle gentle feeli feeling ng to our  heart.” 2)). “ince God "ecame "ecame man, we find find something something of the divine divine in everything everything human.” human.” 2)0.. “6it 2)0 “6ith h the desire desire for the glory of God, #our into the heart heartss of your stud student entss the overflow of your own love of God to inflame them with the love of 'esus (hrist.” 2). “@ou “@ou have to mar/ mar/ your students with the im#ression im#ression of the Holy #irit. #irit. Be solely His instruments.” 2) 2)3. 3. “Hav “Havin ing g at attr trac acte ted d Hi Him m into into yo your ur he hear arts ts "y #r #ray ayer er,, go fu full ll of coura courage ge an and d confidence, to your mission of teaching.” 2)4. “-hat hour is is a #riceless #riceless one in our lives when we "egin "egin to understand understand that we can do nothing "y ourselves K "ut that we can do all with God.” 205. “esta"lish this natural rectitude in the soul. Given our mission of education, we should have a great 8eal to re>esta"lish in ourselves and in the souls entrusted to us, the foundation of virtue.” 51. “-here are Mvalley Mvalleys! s! in in the soul and #aths that are not straight straight.. -he wor/ we have to do with the children is to hel# them to "e sim#le, honest, straightforward, loyal, generous>hono generou s>honoring ring all that is "est in human nature. nature. +n these foundat foundations, ions, grace grace will #roduce marvelous effects and create something magnanimous, no"le, holy and eternal.” 52.. “-hose 52 “-hose who are called called to wor/ wor/ for the e&tension e&tension of the reign of 'esus 'esus (hrist (hrist is so soul ulss ou ought ght to un unde ders rsta tand nd ho how w much much ca care re sh shoul ould d "e ta ta/en /en99 al all, l, whet whether her in them themse selv lves es or in othe others rs,, ar aree go good od amia amia"le "le,, si sim# m#le le,, o# o#en en an and d ge gener nerous ous.. :t is  #articular to the s#irit of the ssum#tion.” ssum#tion.” 5. “-he s#irit s#irit of the ssum#ti ssum#tion on requires of us that we return to original original goodness, goodness, and that we as/ for the grace of 'esus (hrist who made us good "ecause He is eminently good.” 5$. “6hen you you come "efore the Bl.acram Bl.acrament ent in the name of 'esus 'esus and He is #rese #resent nt for you, #ray to God with confidence. Glorify Him with assurance and #raise and  "less Him as He deserves.” 5). “6hy are there there so few interior interior souls souls Because we do not /now how to "e quiet quiet or  to listen. :f we do not hear God s#ea/, it is #ossi"le that we are listening to something else.” 50.. “*atien 50 “*atience ce is another another virtue virtue that we must must acquir acquire. e. 6e should should #racti #ractice ce it with ourselves and with others. : would even say we should "e #atient with God. :t sometimes ha##ens that we do not wait #atiently for the moment God has chosen to s#ea/.”


5. “et us listen listen to what +ur ord says, says, for it is in list listening ening where He awa/ens awa/ens in us the desire to "e "etter than we have "een. ay He give us a greater fidelity, a greater love, and all that ma/es for holiness.” 53. “6henever “6henever things things do not go too well, when we are in difficult difficulty y or suffering, suffering, let us try to rise higher "y faith and love. -his is what the ssum#tion means for us. :t draw drawss us a" a"ov ovee al alll thes thesee su suff ffer erin ings gs an and d di diff ffic icul ulti ties es,, al alll th thee so sorr rrows ows of li life fe,, maintaining us in a state of faith, ho#e and love of +ur ord.” 54. “nother “nother as#ect of the ssum ssum#tion #tion is the s#irit s#irit of 8eal and fervor fervor for the coming coming of the reign of +ur ord on earth. -his s#irit of 8eal must show itself "y our loving wor/ for +ur ord, and in the desire for all that can most glorify +ur ord 'esus (hrist and increase His reign in souls.” 15.. “-here 15 “-here is a way of "eing, of acting, acting, of thi thin/i n/ing ng that was character characterist istic ic of +ur  ord when He was on earth. +ne should often #icture how He would have "ehaved with regard to health and illness, life and death, friends and enemies, #arents and neigh"ors, so as to conform to His e&am#le.” 11.. “6e 11 “6e shou should ld never sto# as/ing as/ing that the universal universal social social reign of the ord ord may come, no matter how "ad the situation might "e. (onsider the lives of the saints who never "ecame discouraged des#ite of the difficulties of their times. -hey never  sto##ed sto##e d #raying for the coming coming of the =ingdom, for the honoring of His name, for  the trium#h of the Gos#el in the world.” 12. “:t is fitting fitting that the the faithful faithful as/ God to esta"lish esta"lish His =ing =ingdom dom in this world world even though it no longer seems to want Him. :t is good to #ray with ardor and to say, M(ome with your gentleness which converts, with your #ower which su"dues. (ome with s#lendor of your doctrine and your truth. (ome, enlighten the world, come and save us.!” 1. “6e “6e shou should ld #ray for His reign reign in us. :s His reign fully fully esta"lished esta"lished in us ll ll we do> in our teaching, administration>should show the action of the ord.” 1$. “-here is another another social social coming of +ur ord 'esus 'esus (hrist to whi which ch we are directly directly committed. :s our main concern in our wor/ with the #u#ils that they #ass their  e&aminations e&amin ations,, that they /now more history or geogra#hy Fo. +ur first concern is


that the reign of +ur ord "e esta"lished in them? that His =ingdom should come in them and that through our education, a (hristian family may "e formed.” 1). “:f through through education education we first form (hristian (hristian girls girls and then (hristian (hristian women and families, shall we not have contri"uted to the social reign of 'esus (hrist” 10. “@ou “@oung ng #eo#le are the roots from which will s#ring s#ring (hristian (hristian families, families, and from these families will come others. nd, if a new generation comes forth from our  teachi tea ching, ng, we shall shall have truly truly wor/ed for the coming coming of the reign reign of 'esus in society.” 1.. “-he 1 “-he evangel evangeli8a i8atio tion n of the world world "y the #ost #ostles les is a mirac miracle. le. 6here 6here did they o"tain their strength ;rom their union with their Divine aster. -hey taught the Gos#el and they "ecame themselves the living e&#ression of that Gos#el. 'esus (hrist lived in them and everything in their "eing #roclaimed Him.” 13. “et us wor/ to e&#ress e&#ress 'esus 'esus (hrist (hrist in our lives. et us receive receive fro from m Him what we are to give others.” 14. “ll that that enters the the minds of our #u#ils #u#ils shoul should d "e founded on faith faith so that armed armed with this conviction, they would find there a su##ort which would strengthen them and "ring them "ac/ to accom#lish their duties as (hristians.” 25. “6e “6e give our #u#i #u#ils ls an education education "ased on faith and on (atholic (atholic teaching.” teaching.” 21.. “-he 21 “-he imitatio imitation n of the life of +ur ord is necess necessary ary to ena"le ena"le us to go "eyond "eyond nature to wor/ for the salvation of souls, and the e&tension of the =ingdom Nof God on earthO.” 22. “-his is what what 7you must wor/ to increase increase daily daily99 the desire for the (hristia (hristian n life in oneself and in others? the desire for #erfection in oneself and in others7” 2. “:t is a folly folly not to "e one!s one!s "est as fully fully as #ossi"le #ossi"le.” .” 2$. “6henever “6henever things are not going going well, when we are in diffi difficulty culty and suffering suffering,, let us clim" higher "y faith, "y love.” 2). “:t is good to go "eyond the #etty limitat limitations ions of self>#reoc self>#reoccu#ati cu#ation on in order to "e filled with love for greater things.” 20.. “:t is true 20 true that that all (hristi (hristians ans should should a##ly a##ly themse themselve lvess to imitatin imitating g +ur ord7 ord7  "ecause the heavenly ;ather has #redestined for glory those in whom He finds the traits of His on.”


2.. “'esus 2 “'esus lives lives in us "y grace and "y the
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