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NICOLAS vs. Ca and BUAN G.R. No. 122857 March 27, 1998
FACTS: FACTS: Nicolas and Buan entered into a Portfolio Management Agreement, wherein the former was to manage the stock transactions of the latter for a period of three months with an automatic renewal clause !owe"er, upon the initiati"e of the pri"ate Buan the agreement was terminated, and thereafter he re#uested for an accounting of all transactions made $% the petitioner & weeks after the termination of the agreement, Nicolas demanded from Buan an amount representing his alleged management fees as pro"ided for in the Portfolio Management Agreement But the demands went unheeded, much to the chagrin of the petitioner 'e$uffed, 'e$uffed, petitioner filed a complaint or collection of sum of mone% against the pri"ate respondent $efore the trial court (n his answer, Buan contended that petitioner mismanaged his transactions resulting in losses, thus, he was not entitled to an% management fees After hearing, the trial court rendered its decision in fa"or of Nicolas, ordering Buan to pa% pa % him for the management fees, attorne%)s fees and e*penses of litigation Buan appealed the decision to the CA Finding merit in his case, the appellate court re"ersed the trial court)s finding finding and ruled against Nicolas Petitioner)s M' was denied $% the same court (SS+: -.N the CA committed re"ersi$le error in o"erturning the decision of the 'TC 'TC !/0: the assailed decision of the CA is AFF('M0 N.1 To $egin with, petitioner has the $urden to pro"e that the transaction reali2ed gains or profits to entitle him to said management fees, as pro"ided in the Agreement: *** For his ser"ices, the (N3ST.' agrees to pa% the P.'TF./(. MANA4' 567 of all a ll reali2ed profits e"er% end of o f the month *** Accordingl%, Accordingl%, petitioner su$mitted the profit and loss statements for the co"ered, showing a total profit p rofit of P&89,&9&8, of which 567 would represent his management fees amounting to P;,5;&ser"ing statements (n fact, it did not e"en state when the stocks were purchased, the t%pe of stocks $ought, when the stocks were sold, etc The statements simpl% ta$ulate the num$er of shares ac#u ired from each compan%, a column for profit and the last column for loss The statements were not ?e"en@ authenticated $% an auditor, nor $% the person who caused the preparation of the same (n short, no e"identiar% "alue can $e attri$uted to the profit and loss statements su$mitted $% the petitioner These documents can hardl% $e considered a credi$le or true reflection of the transactions -e -e find that petitioner has not n ot pro"en the amounts indicated ade#uatel% /astl%, the futilit% of petitioner)s action $ecame more pronounced $% the fact that he traded securities for the account of others without the necessar% license from the SC Clearl%, such omission was in
"iolation of Section 9 of the 'e"ised Securities Act which pro"ides that no $roker shall sell an% securities unless he is registered with the SC Stock market trading, a technical and highl% speciali2ed institution in the Philippines, must $een trusted to indi"iduals with pro"en integrit%, competence and knowledge, who ha"e due regard to the re#uirements of the law N.TS: 9 Admittedl%, like an% ser"ices rendered or performed, stock $rokers are entitled to commercial fees or compensation pursuant to the 'e"ised Securities Act 'ule 9>9&, which reads: 'SA 'ule 9>9& Charges for Ser"ices Performed Charges $% $rokers or dealers, if an%, for ser"ice performed, including miscellaneous ser"ices such as collection of monies du e for principal, di"idends, interests, e*change or transfer of securities, appeals, safekeeping or custod% of securities, and other ser"ices, shall $e reasona$le and not unfairl% discriminator% $etween customers Moreo"er, the same law pro"ides that an% fee or commission must $e with due regard to rele"ant circumstances
[G.R. No. 122857. March 27, 1998] ROY NICOLAS, petitioner, vs . TH HONORA!L CO"RT O# A$$ALS %S&'(h D&)&*&o+ a+- !LSILO #.!. !"AN, respondents. DCISION ROMRO, J . Th/ &**0/ &+ (h&* /(&(&o+ &* h/(h/r (h/ Co0r( o3 A/a4* co&((/- r/)/r*&64/ /rror &+ &(* -/c&*&o+ &[1] -a(/- A00*( 1, 1995 o)/r(0r+&+ (h/ -/c&*&o+ &&[2] -a(/- Ma :1, 199: o3 (h/ R/&o+a4 Tr&a4 Co0r( o3 $a*&, !ra+ch 15, 6 or-/r&+ (h/ -&*&**a4 o3 /(&(&o+/r* co4a&+( aa&+*( r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( 3or 4ac; o3 /r&(. O+ #/6r0ar 19, 1987, /(&(&o+/r Ro N&co4a* a+- r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( !4/*&(o !0a+ /+(/r/- &+(o a $or(3o4&o Ma+a//+( Ar///+(, &&&[:] h/r/&+ (h/ 3or/r a* (o a+a/ (h/ *(oc; (ra+*ac(&o+* o3 (h/ 4a((/r 3or a /r&o- o3 (hr// o+(h* &(h a+ a0(oa(&c r/+/a4 c4a0*/. Ho/)/r, 0o+ (h/ &+&(&a(&)/ o3 (h/ r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( (h/ ar///+( a* (/r&+a(/- o+ A00*( 19, 1987, a+- (h/r/a3(/r h/ r/, =04 :1 a+- A00*( 19, 1987 a* ro)&-/- 3or &+ (h/ $or(3o4&o Ma+a//+( Ar///+(. !0( (h/ -/a+-* /+( 0+h//-/-, 0ch (o (h/ char&+ o3 (h/ /(&(&o+/r. R/6033/-, /(&(&o+/r 3&4/- a co4a&+( &)[?] 3or co44/c(&o+ o3 *0 o3 o+/ aa&+*( (h/ r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( 6/3or/ (h/ (r&a4 co0r(. I+ h&* a+*/r, )[5] r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( co+(/+-/- (ha( /(&(&o+/r &*a+a/- h&* (ra+*ac(&o+* r/*04(&+ &+ 4o**/*, (h0*, h/ a* +o( /+(&(4/- (o a+ a+a//+( 3//*. A3(/r h/ar&+, (h/ (r&a4 co0r( r/+-/r/- &(* -/c&*&o+ &+ 3a)or o3 4a&+(&33, h/r/&+ /(&(&o+/r, (h0* I+ V&/ O3 A44 Th/ #or/o&+, @0-/+( &* h/r/6 r/+-/r/- or-/r&+ (h/ -/3/+-a+( (o a 4a&+(&33 a* 3o44o* 1.Th/ ao0+( o3 $8,2:.7 3or (h/ a+a//+( 3//* o3 4a&+(&33. 2. Th/ ao0+( o3 $8,>>>.>> a* a+- 3or a((or+/* 3//* a+- /'/+*/* o3 4&(&a(&o+. :. Co*(* o3 *0&(. SO ORDRD. D&*a/-, r&)a(/ r/*o+-/+( a/a4/- (h/ -/c&*&o+ (o (h/ Co0r( o3 A/a4*. #&+-&+ /r&( &+ h&* ca*/, (h/ a/44a(/ co0r( r/)/r*/- (h/ (r&a4 co0r(* 3&+-&+ a+- r04/- aa&+*( (h/ /(&(&o+/r, (o &( HR#OR, (h/ a/a4/- -/c&*&o+ *ho04- 6/, a* &( &* h/r/6 RVRSD a+- ST ASID, a+- a* a co+*/.>> 7>,??>.>> $ ?8,12>.>> 5,>>> GLO 189,1:1.25 2>2,>.>2 %1:,?7?.77 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB N/( $ro3&( $ :?,?5.2: ' .2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBB $ ,929.>5 '&&[12] I+ accor-&+ +o ro6a(&)/ )a40/ (o (h/*/ -oc0/+(*, (h/ Co0r( o3 A/a4* -/c4ar/- (ha( 'h&6&(* C, D a+- 4&;/&*/ ca++o( 6/ r/4&/- 0o+ (o ro)/ (ha( ro3&(* /r/ &+-//- r/a4&/-. A( o*(, (h/*/ ar/ */43B*/r)&+ /)&-/+c/ h&ch -o +o( carr 0ch /&h(. Th/r/ &* +o 8 SCRA 589. Th/ *(a(//+(*, co)/r&+ (h/ o+(h* o3 =0+/, =04 a+- 0 (o 19 A00*( 1987, *&4 (a604a(/ (h/ +06/r o3 *har/* ac SCRA :?8 %1995F !a4&a Tra+*&( I+c. v . Co0r( o3 A/a4*, 25 SCRA 7? %199. xix[19] A6aa+&,
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