35646684 Investigatory Project in Physics Focusing on Optics and Renewable Energy Fortune High School ehehioeodjkedel;kepo eiuieoeioeoiw
Short Description
investigatory projectedeeediodoi nddsiopidso09sddo9n dhioyeiydede deieoieyiohedihde ehoiehoeooiesiowiuie euheoeopeiueiug...
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Th is study aimed to fi nd out i f an old shoebox and a thi ck tin f oil can be conver ted to a mor e usef ul piece of cooki ng equi pment.The f easibi lity of r ef lective solar heated gr il l that is built f rom a car dboard box, tin foil , and poster board as an altern ative cooki ng equi pment was studied in this r esearch project. Th e cardboard box was cut and shaped.the tin f oil is settl ed in the mi ddle maki ng i t looks like a slide . We go outside in the heat of the sun. th e barbeque sti cks wer e placed in th e spot wher e r eflection of the sunl ight f ocuses on th e hotdog .just like a r eal skewer the hotdog wer e cooked there for minu tes.tasted it.and voila.real hotdogs on sti ck just like mom used to cook.
A solar heated gr il l can be built fr om a cardboard box, tin foil , and poster boar d. Sun light hi ts the r eflective sur face and f ocuses on th e hot dog held i n th e center . Students can work i n pair s or i ndividually i f there are enough materi als. Th is is a paraboli c cooker we built a whil e ago, so unf ortunately we can' t show step by step photos of it' s constr ucti on. H owever, it' s r elati vely easy to see how it was put together . I t makes a great Physics project. Unl ike most, you' ll actually get some use out of it af ter wards. Some of the principles it demonstrates are: 1. Optics: focusing parallel r ays of i ncident l ight thr ough the use of a paraboli c mir r or.
2. Ener gy tr ansf ormation: li ght to heat 3. Renewable energy: solar power
Th is study thr u physics aims to fi nd out if an old shoe car ton box can be usef ul to make an alter nati ve cooki ng machi ne.
Th is study aims to fi nd out if an old shoe car ton box can be useful to make an altern ative cooki ng machine.
Provide inf ormation to students and teacher s with r espect to the recycli ng of car ton box or old shoe box
ser ve as motivating factor f or the schools or institutions to dir ect their students and to f ur ther str engthen their capabil ities for developing old carton box into a cooking gri ll and other processes to maximize the r ecycling of old carton box. F ur thermor e, the outcome of th e study wil l pr ovide empir ically – based information to poli cy makers i n Ecological recycled Waste M anagement. (RA 9003) jun k carton s are usuall y stocked or thr own out elsewher e .Conver ting th ese non-f unctional car tons does not onl y suppor t RA 9003 but i t also opens an avenue to develop technology in the commun ity.
This study was conducted Au gust 07, 2010 to Au gust 10, 2010 finalized in a day. I t is limited to the use of carton box, tin foil . Glues, muski n tape barbeque sti cks , and hotdogs , yummy. Th e conversion of an old carton box i nto a solar heated gri ll is the main concer n of this r esearch. Th e output can be done by pr oper ly assembli ng it.
F or pur pose of clari ty, the foll owing ter ms used in the study are her e by defined - H otdog - A commonl y-used (but etymologicall y obscur e) ter m for a sausage that is usuall y eaten i n a bun wi th ketchup, mustar d, and/or r eli sh. Gr ill - .Outdoor cooking appliance .To cook food above char coal , gas or other means of heat. (typicall y outside) . Ti n F oil - A wr apping substance to keep food fr esh
Skewer - is a thi n metal or wood stick used to hold pieces of f ood together . Th ey are used whi le r oasti ng meats, and i n other culi nar y appli cations.
1. Two pieces of heavy car dboar d (like the side of a cardboard car ton). The f ir st piece must be at least ten i nches squar e and the second smal ler piece must be at least f our inches by fi ve inches. 2. A pi ece of light poster boar d eight inches wide and sixteen inches long. 3. Twelve-inch wi de aluminum foil . (You will use about 32 inches of the mater ial .) 4. Some masking tape. (You may experiment wi th other types of tape.) 5. Nine inch l ong sti cks about 1/16 in ch in diameter . You may also use length s of heavy wir e.
1. Select a long nar r ow box; the longer the box the more heat collection i s possible. Choose a focal length between 5" and 10" and design a parabolic cur ve as seen in the pictur e. One template coul d be used for all the cooker s. Tr ace the cur ve on the open end of the box so that it i s center ed and str aight
2. Cut out the cur ve with a utili ty kni fe. Str ess the importance of being exact. M easur e and cut a piece of poster boar d that wi ll fix flush against the opening to the box. Attach this with tape begin ni ng at th e center and wor ki ng towar d to edges.
3. Cover the curve with whi te glue and apply alumi nu m foi l shiny side out. Start i n the middle and smooth toward the edges. Try not to wr in kl e or fold the foil; you want it as smooth as possible.
4. Use two scraps of cardboard taped to each side as supports. Using th e sun or a projector li ght, test the focal poin t. Th er e shoul d be a bri ght spot wher e light i s concentr ated; mark thi s spot and punch a hol e for the skewer . Use a section of a coat hanger fr om whi ch the paint has been r emoved for a skewer .
Enjoy your hot dog!
Th is chapter presents the data, analysis and inter pretati on of f indi ngs. I t is in this part where by the data have been sorted out, tabul ated, subj ected to stati sti cal anal ysis and then th e findi ngs wer e inter preted. after we had pr oduced the hotdog grill out of r ecycled old carton box.and gri lled the hotdog ther e thr u spotted sun light r eflections on the ti n foil. We asked somebody to rate the taste and acceptance of the food.
Our hypothesis was right. The hot dog gr ill made of car dboard can r eall y cooked delicious hotdogs whi ch i s acceptable in the real world, the cooker is cheap if bui lt . Because the mater ials are not expensive. Produced hotdog is the same as it i s cooked in the gr ill .We think that if a reflective hot dog cooker can be built f rom a cardboar d box, ti n foil , and poster boar d is feasible that hotdog can be cooked there just like mama used to cook. We think that it is cheaper and economical since we live in a tr opical countr y, we thi nk that th is wil l be acceptable in our ti me..
On the basis of the conclusions formul ated, the foll owing r ecommendati ons are offer ed for possible fur ther study. 1. I nf ormation disseminati ons to the people on the proper r ecycli ng of old an d dil apidated Car ton boxes and oth er r ecycled wastes should be intensif ied. 2. People should know the values of recycling not only the biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes but al so for them to do their part to cut down on waste polluti on that aff ects the environment. 3. Carton user s should be gui ded accordi ngl y on how to r ecycle destroyed shoe cartons rather than to junk them elsewhere, because dumping them elsewhere, will eventually can cause messy sur r oundin gs. F or them also to help r educe the fir e whi ch are fatal to human beings.
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