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People of the Philippines v. Hon. Jude P!l"! !nd Ro"ulo Inti! # $o%!d! Case No. 219 G.R. No. L-44113 (March 31, 1977) Chapter I, Page 2, Footote No.3

F!C"#$ P%iv!te Respondent Ro"ulo& 1' #e!%s of !e& (!s )h!%ed (ith v!%!n)#. Respondent Jude dis"issed the )!se on the %ound th!t he% )ou%t *h!s no +u%isdi)tion to t!,e fu%the% )oni-!n)e of this )!se (ithout p%e+udi)e to the %e/0lin the%eof in the Juvenile Cou%t& e)!use he elieved th!t +u%isdi)tion ove% 1 #e!%s olds up to unde% 21 (!s t%!nsfe%%ed to the Juvenile Cou%t # the issu!n)e of PD 34 o% the Child !nd Youth 5elf!%e Code& (hi)h de0nes #outhful o6ende%s !s those ove% 7 #e!%s of !e ut unde% 21 !t the ti"e of the )o""ission of the o6ense. I##%&$ 58N the issu!n)e of PD 34 t%!nsfe%%ed the )!se of the !))used f%o" the %eul!% )ou%ts to the Juvenile Cou%t. '&L$

The Juvenile !nd Do"esti) Rel!tions Cou%t e9p%essl# )onfe%s upon it ! spe)i!l !nd li"ited +u%isdi)tion ove% *)%i"in!l )!ses (he%ein the !))used is unde% 1 #e!%s of !e !t the ti"e of the 0lin of the )!se. The suse:uent issu!n)e of PD 34 ,no(n !s the Child !nd Youth 5elf!%e Code !nd de0nes ! #outh o6ende% !s *one (ho is ove% 7 #e!%s of !e ut unde% 21 !t the ti"e of the )o""ission of the o6ense did not # su)h de0nition t%!nsfe% +u%isdi)tion ove% )%i"in!l )!ses involvin !))used (ho !%e 1 !nd unde% 21 #e!%s of !e f%o" the %eul!% )ou%ts to the Juvenile Cou%t. L!"IN M!IM$ 4;

P%i"i)i!s v. $uni)ip!lit# of U%d!net! Case No. 244 G.R. No. L-2*7+2 (ctoer 1, 1979) Chapter I, Page 4, Footote No.14

F!C"#$ Petitione%& (hile d%ivin his )!% in the +u%isdi)tion of U%d!net!& (!s )h!%ed (ith viol!tion of O%din!n)e No. 4& Se%ies of 17!(? st!tin th!t the Cent%!l @!n, of the Philippines 09ed ! unifo%" "!%in fee of 2;E on fo%ein e9)h!ne t%!ns!)tions. Ho(eve%& the Audito% of the @!n, %efused to p!ss in !udit !nd !pp%oved the s!id %efunds upon the %ound th!t Petitione%Fs sep!%!t e i"po%t!tions of u%e! !nd fo%"!ldeh#de is not in !))o%d (ith the p%ovisions of Se). 2& p!%. 1G of RA 237. The pe%tinent po%tion of this st!tute %e!ds *The "!%in est!lished # the $onet!%# @o!%d  sh!ll e i"posed upon the s!le of fo%ein e9)h !ne fo% the i"po%t!tion of the follo(in *III. U%e! fo%"!ldeh#de fo% the "!nuf!)tu%e of pl#(ood !nd h!%d(ood (hen i"po%ted # !nd fo% the e9)lusive use of end/use%s.


58N *u%e! !nd *fo%"!ldeh#de !%e e9e"pt # l!( f%o" the p!#"ent of the "!%in fee. '&L$

The te%" *u%e! fo%"!ldeh#de used in Se). 2 of RA 237 %efe%s to the 0nished p%odu )t !s e9p%essed # the N!tion!l Institute of S)ien)e !nd Te)hnolo#& !nd is distin)t !nd sep!%!te f%o" *u%e! !nd fo%"!ldeh#de (hi)h !%e sep!%!te )he"i)!ls used in the "!nuf!)tu%e of s#ntheti) %esin. The one "entioned in the l!( is ! 0nished p%odu)t& (hile the ones i"po%ted # the Petitione% !%e %!( "!te%i!ls. Hen)e& the i"po%t!tion of *u%e! !nd *fo%"!ldeh#de is not e9e"pt f%o" the i"position of the "!%in fee. L!"IN M!IM$


Asto%! v. ille!s Case No. 23 G.R. No. L-2347 (!pr 3+, 1974) Chapter I, Page 11, Footote No.37

F!C"#$ House @ill No. 72 (!s p!ssed f%o" the Hous e of Rep%esent!tives to the Sen!te. Sen!to% A%tu%o Tolentino "!de sust!nti!l !"end"ents (hi)h (e%e !pp%oved # the Sen!te. The House& (ithout noti)e of s!id !"end"ents& the%e!fte% sined its !pp%ov!l until !ll the p%esidin oK)e%s of oth houses )e%ti0ed !nd !ttested to the ill. The P%esident !lso sined it !nd the%eupon e)!"e RA !(& (hi)h p%ovided *th!t no ill (hi)h "!# e en!)ted into l!( sh!ll e"%!)e "o%e th!n one su+e)t !nd th!t su+e)t sh!ll e e9p%es sed in the title of the ill& e)!use it (!s "e%e l# ! %evision of the p%ov isions of the Ad"inist%!tive Code en!)ted fo% the pu%pose of !d!ptin it to the Jones >!( !nd the Reo%!ni-!tion A)t. L!"IN M!IM$ 4'


>id!s!n v. Co""ission on le)tions Case No. 14 G.R. No. L-2+9 (ctoer 2, 19*7) Chapter I, Page 13, Footote No.1

F!C"# Petitione% )h!llened Repuli) A)t
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