Case No. 34: Heacock v. Macondray, 42 Phil 90, October 3, 92 Shipper: H! Heacock Co. "#lainti$ and a##ellant% Common Carrier: Macondray Carrier: Macondray & Co. "de'endant and a##ellant% Goods: 'o(r cases o' )erchandise, one o' *hich contained t*elve "2% + day !d)ond Clocks, #ro#erly bo-ed Destination: Ne* Destination: Ne* ork to Manila Condition: No delivery o' one case *hich contained t*elve "2% +day !d)ond Clock Facts: Plainti$ Plainti$ Heacock ca(sed to deliver deliver the 'o(r cases o' )erchand )erchandise ise on board in the stea)shi# Bolton Castle. /n Castle. /n *hich one o' *hich contained t*elve "2% +day !d)ond Clocks. hen the vessel arrived in the #ort o' Manila, neither the )aster o' the vessel nor the de'endant, as its a1ent, delivered to the #lainti$ the one case o' )erchandise *hich contained t*elve "2% +day !d)ond Clocks, Lower Court: in favor of Plainti; (led in accordance *ith cla(se 9 o' the ill o' adin15 de'endant is ordered to #ay P226.02, this bein1 the invoice val(e o' the clocks in 7(estion #l(s 'rei1ht and ins(rance, *ith le1al interest oth #arties a##ealed
Other i)#ortant 'acts o' the case: . the )arket )arket val(e val(e o' the )erchand )erchandise ise in city o' Ne* Ne* ork ork *as P22 P22 and in the Manila *as P420. 2. 8he bill bill o' ladin1 iss(ed iss(ed and and delivered delivered to the the #lainti$ #lainti$ by the )aster )aster o' the said stea)shi# olton Castle contained, a)on1 others, the 'ollo*in1 cla(ses: . /t is )(t(ally a1reed that the val(e o' the 1oods recei#ted 'or above does not e-ceed 00 #er 'rei1ht ton, or, in #ro#ortion 'or any #art o' a ton, (nless the val(e be e-#ressly stated herein and ad valore) 'rei1ht #aid thereon. 9. ;lso, that in the event o' clai)s 'or short delivery o', or da)a1e to, car1o bein1 )ade, the carrier shall not be liable 'or )ore than the net invoice #rice #l(s 'rei1ht and ins(rance less all char1es saved, and any loss or da)a1e 'or *hich the carrier )ay be liable shall be ad(#re)e Co(rt aIr)ed the
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