
April 17, 2017 | Author: Küplein Nátán | Category: N/A
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C s B R




Michael S1g1a,r

Frank Parisi



Fantasy Flight Cam 1995 West Count , R xi 8 Roseville, MN : r 11 · LJ ·r\

Wf-3 0

Printed m China

For more 1nformat1on tJouL th Star \Vars · FoRcE AND DESTINY line. free downloads answers to rule qu ri s. or Just to pass on greetings, visit us online a.,,.,,,_,.,. . . .www.FantasyFlightGames.com www.StarWars.com CREDITS





Llllllg tilr ,lll(ll'lll li.l\S ()/ IIH' h'dl 01dc'I llldll\, it'd! l1vc•cl clo1stc1rd 11\l''> 111 I ill' kd1 lc111pil' 011 ( 0111L' ol till' f,ll,l\\ I l1c1; p11111c11 II\, sl11d1t'ci 111cJ nrrd Lated Oil till' IV 1\ '> ol till' l"OICC, ldlC'lv ll'cl'vlll{' Ill( l l l'll'I itJEd Lil.ii p Lll l 11':>LI 1it Cil gall\- lhlS -i rnL' 11' LI ol c A•111\ ol L1~l1t, rd J t>te•a11 of l11e , -1dE s ara 111 q t11e Br, t l1erl ood ot D.11 k He ~Cr\C'd ,J 1 p,if h of 1!1, whr>re lhPy fr•c I lht·y r ,111 rfu !hr· rrio•,i gorJrJ Of (Ourc,r. lhP Corr is rt 1s tf1p ,:, ril 1 of lrnfH'rrc1I powr·r 1rrrf P l V(•c, " ,111 t" ,'> t' I1t 1L1I \! Ill' c 111 0 pl 1' 111 I ,1r Ii\ I', \ l' l llll\J • l~l' lll\111, \l\l' "J P' l(l till' 11,)lt p al~O 1111 • iq 1\1I 111111 V\lll ' IIH ·1 l>\ ILK)I u1 li\' vctml e tlieRJLer d 1 ••I II ·1. 1 I•' ' •I I\ 1\1 II( ", 01 l '\ L' ll p •oplt' to wl1Nr tic\ I are neeent 1111 ' 1111 1,I , 111\ll ,1mt 1)111 ,I danger zone s W1t1 1 govern~ che 111 u 1111111111 1' tu111!111\ t1c1!tic ,rncl slicer c1gents sco.ur~~e arid I li ili J~Jl 1 ,u111LL1111c's the Racer proves rnore re\ia (s rur 5 qui cl·LI llic lu1lC' ,,, ,1 powerful certainty 1n th e Racepot IJ11\( i1l Ill e• , d riving the character from hot sp ot to hOt s ltll' 1 ,~u~r anticipates Lhe next moment of conflict.









1rp 1r at,or

c, Investigat ors r O r,it' Ofrfoc an t J J J,f'r r-r= 0f lhE .::lrl'>l'1U 1C 1 \ ;:J Ho vever Racer'> ta e tr s hobby ·,eriousl; TJ be thf' best and fa 'c.st ake'led warehouses 1nrl f-:lConec f> " ;i, 1 ,r a r'101c 1s an avenue •or ad,enture Fv al, o• 'l E R 1 'l1e Force c,1lls therr not 1 0 r;ice awa> frcrr re ,', J.., r t11c11 11, cs but to11vard a greater purpose

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Sentry laborers backgrounds as bouncers. ~ l'e·~ 01 e,en i s ,;erct' ongoing purpose gives them peace of rr1nd For 0• 1e''i • P turmoil between right and violence rerna ns a strugg e t · J" least they have a goal and the guidance of the Force

Ld'1c:rer sta1 t off 1n menial occupations that requ ire es sw t,,:1/ but less valued skills and often involve repet1t1ve. pr 1s1cal wo rk Tl1 ey often suffer econom ic 1niust1ces on the lower rung of th e socioeco nomic lad der Labo r lea ders At th e Act1 v1st background better. so tl11S background often refl ec ts those who grew up in humbler circum stances. A laborer's struggles can be about moral co1rupt1 on but ca n also in clud e Aghting against despair and drudgery

Shadows with a laborer background ha, e seeri ·re - c mun1t1es· resentment. bitterness. and ;rustra• on a,rr • and hatred Due to a variety of ,nequa,,t,es. those co.,., ties l1ave had good reason to ·ee1 trese negat ve er"'o· Protests. strikes. and walkouts don't occur because a e _ are happy Tile hatred means agents of ·he dar s e c come from Vvlthin the COmfT'un t~. not JUSt fror"' t· '-, r _ so 1s, push ing good people to do bad tilings HO\\ ur _ · 1 ows conde mn so meone for gi\ 111g in to anger \"i en t e It l hern selve~? Th e moment when these abl rer 'G--. t co mmuniti es hatred 111 order to sa\e tt1e,11 . t"e their Sl1 adow nature and the Force

Artisan laborers l1ave moved beyond l1andcraft1n g de vices during off hours, allowin g the rorce l11 e helri guide tt'e1r choices. Whe1 ea s on ce they wer e se/1111 g an odd pie ce hPrP and I hPre for riroAL, Liley now design macl1111rr11111 /!11/ I

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111111 ,llfl/1 ' j 0111, n l,H ,nc nirHd l d nr l' I 11ca1drcis,()ns i, nllll'I ,p< or IJl'I I W, 1nfl1 1Jr tesy Lo ollm 1accs a11cl more as a pract1cal1ty since l'vluun dea l w1l11 sr:i ec ,es from across the galaxy Rather 1h1n le:-irn add1 ll on al languages most Muun simply utilize protocol dro1d s Muun who travel wide ly m::iy learn more due te, c 1r cumstance. as a protocol d101d might not al1,ays L1e nL -irry to hire or purcl1ase

orld: The Muun originated from the icy pl anet of

o the Albarrio sector. Though it had powerful geonergy, the planet offered liLLl e in Lh e way of natural Another planet the Muun colonized, which tl1ey uunilmst. was more temperate with rich mineral rawmg on Muunilint's abundant resources, the ble to spread outwards into the ga laxy. It wasn 't that rocketed them literally and figuratively I tics. however Instead. it was their establish on credit-soon to become t11e standard a y and the lnterGalaclic Bank111g Clan

plo. and especially t11e laws l11e t ransactions as secrcllve as hotbed of power and 111 wer brokers. "respec.L

Perception of the Force: It may appear to outsiders tl''l the greed)'. se lf-serving l'vluun would be unl1kel) to t1a,e a connection to the Force Darth Pl ague1s. a r-- luun. 1s ,rretut able ev id ence to th e con tr ary In add1t1on one fVlu un cont1n gent l1as a ph1l oso pl1 1ca l perspective on com merce. see in g 1L as being less about t11 e acc umulation of money and more about how se ntients co mm uni cate Eco nomi es fun cti on 1n cyc les. Just as livin g bein gs do Th e Empire ro se like any oth er government and ,s doo med to fa ll eve ntuall y, like a 11 v1ng organism To these Muun . tl1 e ga la xy is alive. and money 15 its sin ew But what 1s the lifebl ood of the gala xy? Wh al 1s the purpose of commerce? Can ,t be used to improve all lives 111 th e galaxy, not Just Muun lives? In seeking the answers Lo tl1 ese ques ti ons, Muun economic philosoph ers find th em se lves close Lo un dersl and1ng th e Force.


Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

Special Abilities: Muun begin th e gc1 mc w1tt1 one ran1' 111 Knowledge (Educat 1011) and one I c1 111'. 111 Knm, lcdg (Co1 c Wor Ids) They sllll may not t1 c1 111 l f\loc,I Pc111Lora 11 s have a ge11e1 al 111tc1 Ct'( lll ll\ ol l \ 111Ll1rc101 rt crt1 zLns Astiniegoeson h 1111• 111 t•l1IH1od uf 11 1 rr 1C1dent forcing Pantoia LO e e e tor th 5 ',ti\ 1•11 'l{1 rtl\ 111cr •c1 es f\lostPantoransllOP l.tll •r r 1tl11 •r ll1c111 so oner. especially as the Galactc rc1 p,1••, u111v1tl1out a clear winner



111 f 111Pe1c11111 1g1lall(f' cllc, he; DE

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t lillll'IC c;e.:11 hd~p( r1f1 c llel ll l1Jlf

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prr r 111k l1f

Sm11ts lrorr Slirct

\\ 1' incl Knowledge' ,L n clmvo, lei! cl1ccks


Remove • per rank of l\een Eyed from Perception and Vigi lance checks. De crease time to searcl1a spe e1fic ar·ea by half

Remove • per rank ol Str eet Smarts from Street wise and Knowledge [Un derworld) cl1ecks.

RECONSTRUCT THE SCENE Perfcr'll e R >ie Sc" e 1 Hard (• • •) Perception check · e 3 L

UNRELENTING SKEPTIC When targeted by a De ception check, add 'f to the check equal to ranks 111 Vigilance.


CLEVER SOLUTION Once pc, session . mc1!--e one skill cl1eck using Cun 11111g rather than t11e cha,aL te ri sllc lin ked to th tne ject to move acros or d pa•


FULL THROTTLE (IMPROVED} Activation: Ac t1 Ranked: l\io Trees: Rae ·r

Th ch ir 1ner ,n t mpt I ull rh rc tu r1rn11, t f 11 1hr ,



lul l l11ntlll tl 1e ll



,,1 l\1llll d S

Activation : I) J make a Street1, se cheL a Knowledge [Core Worlds Outer R1rr) ere Cover Upgrade: \\ h1le ~1\ C ty 1s act• e d' i 1s 1n the chosen Cit\. whene,er the cr1r,1 trr " 1r1c1eases his ranged defense b\ onr Destiny Upgrade: To act I\ ate i\ 1\ Cl to spend onl\ 1 De tin, Point r q ·a Reduce Difficulty Upgrade: \ l 1 ' e ,1 1L'lJLIII " 111 Average skill check ' te d c skill check

c+ ••)

(+ +J


Downgrade (Stealth) Upgrade: \\ h1le t\ I Cl :,, flt' • ll H I I I H H IL 1 1 111 L11e cl10 en c1t 1 the character niJ\ e lr 111110 low1w11de tile difficult ~t an1 Steaitti ctit'L"




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ntinel Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Vigilance


All PCs add D Lo the11 com bat checks targeting an\ NPC who l1as al read\ La ken 1 tu1 n durrng the current round

All NPCs add • to thc11 com bat checks targeting any PC who has not yet taken a turn 111 l11e current round


When the character acti , ates Unmatched Vigilance. he may chose to in troduce a "fact" or additional co ntext directly into the narrative as rf he had spen t a Destiny Point.

SE Tl EL SIG NAT ABILITY: NMATCHED VIGILANCE A classic mark of many Sentinels is Lheir foresight and alert ness. From carefu lly scouting out the terrain and possible cover in likely combat locations to always watchin g for signs of ambush. they are rarely if ever caught unawares. To th eir enemies. Sentinels appear to possess complete situational awareness, and always seem to be a step ahead of them. Part of this is the intense preparalion that Sentine ls un'Clergo before they conduct their crusades against injuslice. often carry a wide variety of useful ilems on Lheir per and always seem to have just Lhe right device or piece n their pockets or packs for Lile cu n cnt situation . n or any contingency readied and an un encllng y n be the masters of almosl ,my rncoun l cr





A~er activa ting Unmatched Vigilance, the character may 1mmed1alely perform I free maneuver

UPGRADES Always Alert Upgrade: After activating Unmatched

lance. the character may choose to use either Cooi c lance for his Initiative check un til the end of the en· Preparation Upgrade: Wh en the 1.ti activa tes Unmatched Vigilan ce. he rn ay chose to mt "fac t" or addili onal context directl y rnto th e narr ::it had spent a Destiny Point Combat

1 ,

Combat Readiness Upgrade: Aft er JC ti\ ,1tir 1 , L Vi gil ance. Lh e character rnay 1mmed1Jte1, pt.:rt rr maneuver. Duration Upgrade: The ln1t1c1t1,e Vigil ance esLabl1 shcs la ts Olll' ,1dd1t, upgrade pur chased


ii r

Destiny Upgrade: l o ,lt ll\'1ll' tti'

base c1bilily, Lill' chc1r.i lll'r tll''d · flo111l 111 ,; lc\Hi ol ltH' 1101111 ,1




Group Pr r ,n-.,11011 Up , c d : \ II f s 1dd to their ( ur 11 lic1I ( l1t•1 " " ldl f li ng HI\ I lc1\ t' I Cl1arc1oer wt, o has no t \1'1 i,il I'll .I illlll Ill illt' llll1'lll lOlll lci

,tc up V II 11 l' Up ,rad : \11 P c1 cid D to L11e1r combal I•, l.lll'l'lilll' Hl\ NI) 1Vl10 ll cl S Jlr ead y taken a turn dur l11c tlu l lll l\'111 1uu11u

I 111•1



orce Power Tree· M requisites: Force Rating 1 +

. a nI p U (ate


Force Ability





Spend \) to increase the pm~er 5 ange b\ d riumber or range bands equJI ,0 Range upgrades pu rc1-ased

\ \ ill'll



,r,'er1cl () to c 111,t t

, 1 l'ol r

Lt, to

1L1u 1t101 11 r 11 1 'I \ tern st r 1111 or tic 11 1 a rl d1 l1 0 11.i l WOI IPU tc c , ILlOll'I




rur, 'H,td


Spend rJ to nue i l' t'le power ·s rJr1t:;c ti a nu 1 b r ran t' band equ, to Range upgrc1de5 purer cd



Mastery Upgrade: \'Vher perform1r g a Manipulate power check as part of a Mechanics skill check the user mav spend O O when using the power to gain@ on the check The ust:r r1a, rot -r'.I ate th S rrultiple t mes Range Upgrade: The user may spend '.) to rcrease the pu1 er s rdnge b) d number of personal range bards equal to Range upgrades purchased The user ma act ate tt11s mul tti:- e ti·nes ncreastng the range b, this nur"ber eact1 time

Strength Upgrade: \\ hen us,ng this power •o cause a L1r;::d tL ,, lO\H tr::itn or s,stem strd1n or real wounds, the user ma spt:r d () to cause the target to rec.over one , 01t1onal tram. stern strain or Ilea! one add1t onal ,vound per St1e11gtl upgrnde Th s may be acmated mult1p1e times





BR-219 HEAVY BLASTER PISTOL The BR 21 9 1 a rart.: I 1gl per 1o~ma11ce /1ea\, blaste1 pistol produced b\ Ba Tel11 .\ large. 111t11rndat1ng 1Veapon tl1e BR-21 9 l1as a s/101 t thick. ban-el with a broad aperture. a hea\''y duty f1 ame. and a custom g11p with an 1nteg1 al I eco1I compensation S\ stem These supe1 J1ea\ \ pistols we1e developed 1n response to 1-equests f1 om bount\ !1untei-s and law enforcement agencies for a powerful. pistol sized 1Veapon for use in taking down part1cula1-Jy dangerous opponents To meet the demand. Blas Tech tu1 ned to one of its most popular and well respected product lines and de\eloped tile BR-21 9 from its E 11 series of m1l1ta1 y blaste1 11fles Using the E-1 1's rece1\er and firing rnechan1s111. BlasTech engineers then reeng1neered the XCite1 and actuating mod ule to produce an overcha1-ged bolt. equipped tl1e d1 astically shortened barrel with an 1mp1oved Galven patte1 n. and de veloped a special and highly volatile blend of blaste1 gases to feed their new weapon All of Lllis enl1anced tecl1nology combined with the new bespoke blaster gas made fo1 an extremely powerful-if slightly inaccurate and fln1cky-p1s tol The bolt from the BR 219 1s nea1 ly as powerful as Lile E 11 ·s. and the weapon produces a t1 cmcndous 1101se and rnu11le flash when fired It 1s ne1tt1e1 a sub lie 1101 a I esll a111ec1 1Jr ipon openly ca, ry1ng one of tllese mass1v pistols makes , r c10r4uc>nt point about tl1e user's 111Le11L1011s

n, rm

JI (J 1s riot sold t111ougl1 RIJsTecl1's usual clecJlc1 ,, r Jd, Hit Wf'i]f)Orl IIIIJ lll n1fiC'lt'd t rer"a ri ' sLorr1gc' 111 ,irrnorres deep below the Irr perra 1 Palace on Cv 11c.,ccJnl SornC' l1c1vc made their way Lo Lhe galact1r vveapor" market, however, commanding steE p prices A herie er ti"f 1 are sold The damage rrom the Superior quality ~ nrludea n tht' weapon's profile When the integral ,tun prod rs used 1n close combat, 1L has the following profile l\1e ee Daragt + 2, Cr1L1cal 6, Range (Engaged) Disorient 2 Stun Dan- age

IL I'> run1c,red ! l1al a va r ran t called th e LD 1a rs produced in small numhc r.., [01 Lhc lmpe11al Security Burea u The Lrulh of these rumors llas yet to be verified, bul rf th ere rs a special ISB verc.; ron of the LD 1 rt would se ll ror a Morr·s ransom on the bl ack ma rket should one ever appear tt1ere

Wl1ile blasters are orten the ranged weapon of ho1ce rrar sll ll prerer other weapons that offer un q,1e carab1l1t es be yond whal energy weapons offer


l u1111 c:iLu i al, SlllCC llwy ('l\!S\ Olll'>lcie of l l1e 101((' These daycll ll S, clllli 0( c1SI01laii\ J stillc1ed from a lack of 1111t1at ,e Cle,e l'I du11caled LI 1111111al5 could usually outthink tl1em 1\1tl1 I tt e d fflcult Guardian police dro1ds stand ust unde1 two meters tall They have rouglil\ hurran propon1ons. w1l11 long, dexte1 ous arms. powerful legs. anct a 1ound l1ead w1tl1 gold colored photoreceptors Tl1e1r heads a1 e capped w1tl1 a tall, cap like structure reminiscent of a sl1ako or kepi. complete w1l11 a short bnm ove1 tl1e1r photoreceptors, tl11s strnctu1 e l1ouscs sensors and a powerful commu111cat1ons suite. Tl1e d101ds a, e o~en painted dark blue w1Lh silver and white accents. w1Lh a CSF badge painted on tl1e1r left cl1est plate When on patrol, Guardians are ty p1cally armed with a BlasTecl1 SS 410 Police Special blaster pistol and a simple truncheon Depending on the s1tuat1on. they can also be equipped with stun batons. grenade launchers. not sl11elds, and blaster rifles By the end of the Clone Wars and L11e rise of the Galactic Empire, most Guardian dro1ds were phased out of operation with the CSF Replaced by stormtroopers and newer-model. more aggressive droids. surplus GU series dro1ds were sold off to other worlds, reassigned to lower-priority sectors, or srmply scrapped Some can still be found patrolling the lower levels of the Imperial caprlol. however Many of these veteran dro1ds have not had a memory wipe 1n decades and some l1ave even developed very drst1nct personal1t1es srmrla r Lo no nonsense police officers Th ey strll serve the people of Coruscant, but rnost arc entirely too old and outdaled to be ca rrying out ac'W:J pol1cr> duties

Skills:Attilrt1c s} l\t1rlct l,P1rc11,L11J11 1, fJlic,tlllf' (Pl. nctdry) 2 Ra11 1 d (L1gtit) 2 Strc v1w1 ,c I , Vip,ilr1iile 2



Talents: Nol1ocly\ rool I [11pgr dro1ds ~ICl'(lliliJPL d lll,lkl'S liH' lll lll Cl (' d1l)l y fo 1ll11CT clh lC' oppOlll' llLS. 1' 1l "t'lll c; d101lh 11,l\ l' slc111 . l1u1110 1ic' c spice doubles any strain and Conflict s11• er 1 to generate O.

SCANNING AND SURVEILIANCE EQUIPMENT While some Force users shun technology that a J, ness. relying on their connection to the Force to fl t11c edge t11ey need. being able to balance the two ,:irJ on the benefits of botl1 can be even more eftectt\l


IN FRAB I NOCULARS A normal pair of macrob1noculars allows their 11ser t distant obJects w1t11 great cla11t . and more ad\anced t1ob111oculars allo\\/ for SLtr\etllance 1n d1111 1gh or at gr 1 1anges Both tools a1·e of limited u e 1n a ut . wile•e t11e , of l11gl1 11se buildings frequently l1rn1t /111es of sight lrifr 11oculars a1e specializ d tools designed to enhance di" 11ess 111 urban em,ironme nts. Instead ot enhancmg v1s1on a distance, 111f1 abinocula1 s are able to pick up heat s1gna 1 Ll1rough even thick or shielded walls outlining life forms d 1 0L11e1 heat em1tt111g phenomena A cl1a1-acter using infrabrnocular can see through 1 two met rs of wall, possibly allowing surveillance ot bu1ld1ng at once. Walls made of dense material l sll ucted to shield the ir interiors may impose one or rv on Perception checks to see inside, at the GM's d sere Some models of 1n frabrnoculars c.an alternaLe this infrared sensor package and a long range ve t lent to that of electrobrnoculars. This more ad\ar e 1s also listed in Table 2-5: New Gear. or page S

MICRODROID LISTENER These tiny spiderlike automata are l1tt e "')ore t a audio bugs, barely worth the name ·ct,01d • C~ara ud o o, must place and activate them like any otrer 3 te hiding them behind Furniture or rn vents Howe\cr once m 1crodro1ds are rn place. the follow a set of pre-pr~g 1nst1 uct1ons from their master returning after a se, Pdo c · d r au 1 tirn' 01 upon detection of a specific keywor O a e,r B cause m1crod101ds do not broadcast th · su'Ve, data. Lhe\ can be quite d1fflcult to detect untt t'le


Hard[tt 1

till dt\lll' 1\ll l1llll( lit'III('. 11\111\l'li l l'l!illll ''. ,Ill kuldu ry v rsu Vigilan ce h ck ( 111l ,ltlE'f" lt 1 l ~1',l II rl'l l \ l'I L' Pr 1\H• r l'vil L' •1, 1 t I ,rm l l11L•ll 111 1 11'\\ t He ul 10 11 rt 1 C'[ f' 1r1d l ,ll lflll' ot tlWIT l1gl1t ,,llcr l 1l C Jr) ;;, 1 t 1ri

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gli tl1L' ,roci1f1L c1t101ic- 111,lh-l' us1n, 1 •r 11 1 1 q 'll rlll\ l'ici\ 11 l IW pr OL C'iS 11 Models Include: None. 1N'I c; mu . . t LI l'itom 11 ~l 1, ,

._, l•L 1 ll )il)l'lll Base Modifiers: Till' 1, rclcil'r zictd" 0 tc ;ill Lr~t' ,,; LIL b 1 ;icil' 1 1t11 tl11c; l1gl11'i,1lwr. hut i ld @ ll L , its 1tlE'I t llC'L k, M odification Options: Norw Hard Points Required: 1 Price: I 00 L edrts Tl,e


t1on ,., Models Include: sabe d tlL e Base Modifiers: 1 e ie - , !Light D ., Jg rnrgl,l bC' 'J,lt' tu 11 t 1e r 0 c e erv 1gh 1 -sabc1 s still 111 its K\ Lwr uv L1· [, 1 1 •1e a e pr nnr \ k1101, n ,,s u, ba•, a l gerc; c, 11 1n 1 ro 1" queo;;b tor lier cr \ stal w1t11 tl1L' sJnie pi , P cir , c::. t11e1• cr u,.:ides aga111st 1111ust1cc

Tl1E se lflL1SL1a1 k bL'I cI ystc:ils to t 111 111 LIH' dl t"f c 1, 'ms, f\11d R•m 1,01 d of ELJt G1,e11 Ll,at Lill' uv



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Haid Point





1,1 I , Pit 1 )[I l I f I 11 ll'l llhl l I Ill ii ' ti 11 Hil 11 "' v '11lt' ll1t' lw ll11t LI , 1 1 11 -,I tilt ti 1n 1'1 11 1 llll lill' \V1t•ltit'I Ill ly /H rid \") ti tJ tJ t)' l{ ) IL) prt n Ill '11, 11'( 11,,111 11,1111' lilt' I' HI\ I 11('111 ILl 't'1il1, l' ti 1111 l \I Ii ill Hi Modification Options: 'It, rn 011i1l1t\ [[)p c•n w I' f\h)d , \, 1 I

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f\ h1(1

Hard Points Required : Price: {I I l (lll L t·l11



I t'\L 11111('. llld d,11lgl'lt1ll\. t ll\[L11ll hllill IJl Ill(; l,llld



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11 111 Pl'L'Lit'I lll ,l,lt l1glllL'I IJL'lll [\1(11,H l'I pilll[\ plll

1, !Ill\ I H l' Till'\ \l ll' 1111 dll\\'ll llllt)ll, 11 LiL' ]di\ tlll\l,H lt'S \\'t[ll li[lil'


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Llill'll ldl,ll ,lll\,l\'> S!Wl

ml 111' Llllt' Lll lilt' llft'~'L''-I d1,11vs 101 l

llll'lllSt'ilt'S ,lit' !,lit'l', Sl ll\lllllllt;,

Lill k ,llld \flll dill11101\l ltkt' lW,lSh ,ll l L'I dusl ,l!ld ,1d 1t'lld l111t' 111d t'd 111 Pod1.it1ng wc1e 11ckel\. ·10pdc1·11 Jtt 111 cobbl ct togC'tlll'I II Olll SLJVC11gcd J)Jl Ls ,rnd illllildl \ SUI plu, en me-,; Till'\ 1vt'IL' loud, srno kv. trerncmiousl\ u11::,,1fe ,ind 111ucd I t'\C1t111g Rulc.> s 111 Ll1e 111st 1c1ce 1vNe ·1111plc build J ra lllJkt' 11 JS la st i1S po ·s1ble. c111d , ::tee 1t 1he 111 ·t on tL r

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l'il Jl,lilllt' ,l!l customs On\ 1n tf1e past few years has the Mammoth been O\ertaken r poou larity and sales-by Col/or Pond rats new Plug 2 Bel1errotti and Plug C Gargantua models Veh icle Type/ Model: PorJrar 0r BB 10 Ot1dcJra Manufacturer: 8.::i •;:i rrJO..Jdt Maximum Altitude: JJ ry c ·0r Sensor Range: r r, Crew: r; > } Encumbrance Capacity: Passenger Capacity: Price/Rarity: 1, Customization Hard Points: / Weapon s:





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11t1on ,,yc,lr•111 111( 111 11 J111rn ftH I 1c, c,o t HJLl:DVICiL

CR-17 INCENDIA Ill The new lncend1a Il l 1s Czerka's latest enlry 111 the com petitive factory custom Podraccr market It 1s ll1r Podracer pilot's Podrace, light, fast. and s1mplr. w1tl1 plrnty of slylc and power to spare Tllr ust I pr ov1cicci hy a p,111 of C1rr1«1Cl, H.2 liquid 1nJeCLcd lur bofan engines. us11,1 1/y founci 011 l11gl1 Performance combat a11spcecic1s A rn111l)111c1t1011 of small attitude Jets and ,a, 1ablr cont,ol su, facrs prO\.idrs decent high-speeci ilancil111g, but tl1c lnccnd1a suffers al I01ve1 speeds due to the ilea, 111css or l11e CK-H 2 engines Tl1e cockpit 1s one of tl1c most basic offered on a factorv custom Podra ce, It consists of little more than an acceleration seal with harness. a I ud1mentar) instrument panel. a HOTAS conlrol setup sourced from Czerka's Marauder ra cing swoop, and a single-coil repulsorl1ft gene1ator No concessions fo1 p1lol comfort were designed into tl1e lncend1a s Pod1ace1. and 1L possesses only tl1e most basic safety rcatu1es The lncend1a 1s among the cheape1 fa to,\ customs on the_ market today. It 1s ma, keted squarelv to budget minded racing teams and cash strapped racers 1usl st11t111g lhe11 careers. Despite its reputation as a "s ta1 ter · Pod1ace1. ll1e lncendia has a broad foll01v1ng 111 t11e galactic Pod1ac111g scene, especial/'.} among those 1acers 1,'10 app1ec1ale 1ls simplicity and purity.








Integrated Ejection System: The 8TB comes an n egra'~ eJect1on system (see page 58) which 1s included 1 t Podracer's price.

Vehicle Type/M odel: Podracer CR l 7 lncend1a Ill Manufacturer: Czerka l\rms Maximum Altitude: 30 meters Sensor Range: Close. Crew: One pilot Encumbrance Capacity: Passenger Capacity: 0 Price/ Rarity: 11,000 credits 5 Customization Hard Points: Li Weapons: None.

FG STS-T Perhaps the most unique and visually striking Podracer currently on the market, the 8T8 1s a technological wonder in the world of Podracing It 1s produced by Farwan & Glott. a small, boutique producer of Podracers and highperformance Podracer parts. The 8TB, also known as the Twin B1ock2 Special, is a remarkably agile, maneuverability focused Podracer powered by a pair of LGN l 9 MagnaPulse ,on drives designed for use 111 starfigl1Lers and patrol boats. Instead or having the engines mounted in free floating nacelles connected to the cockpit by contrnl cables, L/1c Twin BlucvYs rngincs are hard mounted di1eclly Lo Lile Pod,ace, cocvr1 1t via a pair of short, 1e1nforced, fully fa11ed spars Tl1is place l"d do 'O "C JOF Enco.1mbranc1:: C;:ic;;i, • Pas,;e ge, C;;ir,;,, , Pr ce Par ., C..1stom za• r; a d P-; ~·, V eapor,s







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Hull Type/Class: \l 1ul li t' I lo t 1,1'>'> Manufacturer: C\ c1ws Sp. It ,•wrn" Hyperdrive: P1111 1,1 1\ 1,1.,., ), 13,H kt 1p ( 1.,.,., I Navicomputer: ) t''> Sensor Range: \ll t11l Ship's Complement: One pilot, 1lllt ' t U p1lu1 Encumbrance Capacity: 100 [111111u1 11 p.1 "' ' ll /'t ' I ,11 1il 11 111 '> I• '' 1111 11111 Pr,( /R,II ity: WI (JrH J , 11 t// 1 11



in a dorsa •urret. g \ rg [ "e a 01ving 1t to fight of~ a I While th es s ps were once common, espec ially in the regio1' L ~ , us-c lass courie rs are a rare sigl1t in today 's celanes ,. ~e rew that have survived the decades since collapse Repub lic and the purge of the Jedi are togeth er . L 1 c:;cavenged parts and wishes, but tl1ey still

Although t has on 1 bee O" • e the Legate-c lass cour er has a ea D en tse ci and reliable sl1 ip. Cre1 s repo that 1t s a j e ' ·, • is easy to maintai n. I\ 1tl1 good support" o , SFS S ,..,.,e also stated that fitting s~ stems f1om t e .., ., c ss. s, as engines, weapons s) stems. and sh e d ge nera o . s :. prisingl y ea sy. Indeed. much of the I\ ring ar man ,.,L for the military system s are still intact bet1ind the ~cu decks, walls, and bulkheads.


BRINGING URBAN ENVIRONMENTS TO LIFE f bling rom thehallst01 ofr1111gCir Jd 11P •01 1 o es hoping to drOl\11 tl1e pain of tl1e1r da11, toil 111 tne botto 11 of a bottle of lum Cl\ 1c halls and corporate offices see alliances and credits shift with onl) a fe1, 1vo1 ds and a simple tap on a data pad Starports and sh.y lanes are flooded 1, 1th all manner of trade and commerce-not all of 1t legal ~mong all this acti, 1t). a, e1age citizens go about the11 dall) routines-working, pla\ ing, and living in a galaxy rocked b\ c1, 11 war. I

While many of tl1e ad\'e11tu1 es depicted in tile Star \\ors saga take place in tl1e vv1lds of the gala y, cities a,-e no less exciting. Daring security , olunteers fougl1t street-to-street in the capital city of Theed 011 tl1e planet of Naboo, and brave rebels engaged in daring broad-daylight tl1eft in tl1e a enues of Lothal's Capital City Cloud City t11rives as a l1 aven for dashing scoundrels and rougl1 Tibanna gas miners Force sensitive investigators question cantina patrons and local citizens in their efforts to foil tl1e machinations of tl1ose who serve the dark side of the Force. all while avoiding the watchful eye of the Empire. By virtue of their dense populations, consolidated resources. and high technology levels, urban environments offer GMs the opportunity to bring virtua ll y any adventure they can think of to life. The galaxy lives and breathes in its c1lics, the very heart of galactic civilization beats within the grec1t urban locales of the universe It 1s in tl1ese metropolises that Hw f rnpltfl l1old s tl1e greatest sway over its citi zens, sh1eldme Uwm frorri thc..; Galnclic C1v1I Wat and 111doclrinat111g them with p1opagJnda th1l r,lrJri11c,.., [1111wr()1 Pr1lpr1li11r Nev ertheless. tl1rougl1 lh e.:nrJlc•Pllll l ' 'l.lllt1 d j /111!~ ,/lid oil/I'/ , 111111 Il l' ,>I 'l l' I' I ' H lltll/ fl 1/l! ' I ' l ' I l' l ' d d ii I ll'l 1gl1l wl11le 1111 1




ob· me


dc11ly cvc•ntc, dlld tro tJIL, of thr lo populac t' Mr1c;querc1d1ne as dro1d le< h vr ;i gritty barterder a c Sentinels to qu1elly warch r e beloved rn y and keep> thGrn kee" of the plight of tr·e1r ne1P.rbo' Sentinels rrust rJe extrerif Beirg so close to the hea t l 1 can expose them to Jriexµ" ger forcing trierr o shadows or raoe I to obs mornert's otice


Particularly braz8n or brash Sentin els might even take up the role of a v1g1lante By seeming to appear from nowhere to engage ,n surgical strikes again st th e Empire or 01hers who oppress local residents and then fading into lhc sh adows, they strike dem,ve and effectt ve bl ows aga in st l 'yran ny ancl oppression However e;:i ch l 1me t11 ey engage 1n such blatant defiance. tfiey draw more' and more attC' nll on Lo LhC'm selves, undoubted! \ 1ncreas1ng t11e ri sk of brin ging the full m1ghl of the Emp1'e down upon th eir heads.

THE FORCE IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS Though then deep connection to th e Force makes Se ntin els

a danger to bot11 ll1emselves and tho se around L11em, the Force ,s also their greatest ally Like all wl1 0 a, e strong 111 the Force, Sentinel s feel 1Ls ebb and flow from all li v111g tilin gs Despite being su rounded by durasteel skyscrapers, an end less array of publ, service dro1ds, and t11 e co nstant l1u m of transit speeders Sent nels find the urban environme nt no less alive than t~ wild . untouched pl anets of th e ga laxy While mariy o' tbJse strong 111 th e Force feel ,ts g, ea t, slow. and sweep1rg power. Sent111 els fe el th e , ap,d fire pulse of thousands of lives as the\ go about their infinite tasks tl1ro ... gl' da\ and night Sentinels pe, ce1ve the flow cf people thi-ough cit'y streets as lifeblood rustll'1e trirot..gh the veins of a living being The city P ,le; tes. and Sentinels feel the city living Jnd breathing When t11e city s sick. Sentinels f t. t~ e growing miasma When the city i. trot..t:led, Sentinels are the first to sense tr Jt nervousness. When the city rnes out 1t1 pain. Sentinels bleed with 1t. Because or this unique bond with urban environments. Senttnels are natu rally vigilant about the state of their sur round1ngs. This inst,ncttve connection often gives them 1ns1ght mto troubles bubbling beneath the surface.

Thi s k nettc cor nect1or •e, •h f'Jrt ( "ll l' Sent,n C'I charactere man \'.ate i,ers anr nt "la • thE IE' Ill gnt t~e OfnL'rllS Ca ·eFuil rr>Jr tC. r ng 1r J 1 f coLJld be a chaotic spra'v\l n "c •he or tc get trrC' 1gh a crowd 1s to push one's \~a~ thrcJgr 'r ard the air S thick With a mi x Of poilut 10n a" .:l 1nt., r1

tt l'\,(


l , t

, 1 ld L ti PSe dsoe, 'i pd1g11 111clud111g ,iftering re l1 cwl111 g l o l11 c11 of f1c rs 111 cl h llt ,



The presence an d charac ter of crowds can also be a drance or he lp to ac tivities. depending on the det::i 1 s. C sider addrng one or more O to checks when the PC , takrng action s th at benefit from the presence of passes such as shaking a pursuer, or where their act1 c1es are mon fo r that locale. such as avoiding attention frof" t " 111 an alrea dy lawless area. S1m1larly. consider addirig • crowd co uld cause trouble for the PCs or 1f the PCs do tl1at are out of place in the city, such as trying to s,1ce with plenty of potential witnesses or asking quesl city full of Imperial spies. Crowds are a particularly noteworthy concern r , encounters. as they can easily become a serio.1" the PCs start a fight in a crowd. the GM sho 1 combat checks for the first round (or unt1 1 the bystanders can flee the scene). If the b , pa111c and flee at the outbreak of b\a·ter ft )' of lightsabers-the chaos of w\11c.h can p,e e' , lems then they are at risk of gettm hu't ,n th fI orn co llateral damage Rut11l pponent$ 1 1 · be\11nd innocent c1v1l1c1ns. 01 110\d them 110 tage , G 01 po111l Suclt a s1tual 10n u rn e~ sil\ become a ourcl fo, PC " w l\\ l don \ tkl\lglle 1t ca1efull\

Table 3-2: Spending t), , @,and@ in Ct Pcit~l' I ,, 111Llud add1L1onal ideas for spending 11ill'11 tltc PC.s 01 NPCs 1T\L£ss Vial.



VERTICAL SPACES Tall buildings Lowc1 up 11110 the skies 111 c1lrnos1 rvrrv c1L While not all species build 111 tl11c; fc1o:;l11011. ll Inl I



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1 01

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pl111c ( nll 1

pee I lli hi HIE Customizable: Increase tl,e lighLsa b , Delicate B I T . er s Hard Po1nLs by I (thrs can on ly be selected once) a ance: he l1gl1Lsaber loses Ll1e C b value (Lh1s can only be se lecLed once l um er so me quality and gains the Unwieldy quality with Lhr ScHnE Personalized Design: Wlien the crafle I Lo the ,esults Add automati c ,5, L makes a successfu l L1ghtsaber check w1Lh thrs weapon. add automal c :t,: selected once) '-' 10 ightsaber checks other characters make with thrs l1ghtsaber (Thrs can onlv b

tH)tH:> or@

Inbuilt: Th e hilt is constructed as t f encumbrance l or hi her th L ti pa, o anotlier item such as a tool or weapon Choose an appropriate rtem ot the hill ,s part of thatgilem ~h 1e ~ha 1ricler possesses and increase rls encumbrance by that of the l1ghtsaber hrtt. I1 purpose and must spend el e 1,glilsabe, 15 ignrted , t11e wielder cannot use the orrgrnal item for rts 111tended a maneuvc, lo switch between functions (Thi s can only be selected once l Energy Bleed: Tli e li glitsabci gains the Stun 2 qt1a l1ly (or increase the value of the Stun quality by 2) Fine-Tuned Emitter·· Add automat 1c '-f .,.~ Lo com bat checks made wrth thrs lrghtsaber (thrs can only be selected once) Personalized Inlay Redu ce the d1fficu lly of checks to modify any l1 ghtsaber crystal installed 111 thrs weapon by I (this can only be selected once) Integral Attachment: Add + 1 hard point Lo the weapon, Lhen rnslall one applicable weapon attachment that requires l or fewer hard porn ts and 1s not a l1 ghtsaber crysta l No check rs required to obtarn thrs attachment and 1t costs O credits Heavy: Increase the lrghtsaber's encumbrance by 1 Exhausting Effort: Upon completing Step 3: Construction , the character suffers 3 strain Oddly Weighted : The lrghtsaber gains the Cumbersome 2 qualrty (or in crease the value of rts Cumbersome quality by 1). Fragile Casing: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this l1ghtsaber by 1 Awkward Grip: The lightsaber gains the Unwreldy 2 quality (or increase the value of rts Unwield y qualrty by l J Misaligned Emitter: The lightsaber requires a maneuver to ignite rather than an 1nc1dental, 1t can strll be powered down as an incidental (this can only be selected once) Erratic: Once per combat encounter, the CM may spend@ from any combat check wrth the l1ghtsaber to ha,e the energies within rippl e out, damaging the hilt and shocking ll1e wrelder. The lrghtsaber becomes damaged one step (minor to moderate. moderate to maior, etc.) and the wielder suffers 3 strain (This can only be selected once l Poor Focusing Lens: The lightsaber gains the Inaccurate quality (or increase the value of its Inaccurate qual t b, 1). If it has the Accurate quality, reduce the va lu e of that quality by I rnstead .


Faulty Inlay Increase the difficulty of checks to modify any lightsaber crystal 111stalled in this weapon b') 1 (t'' :

can only be selected once).

Tragic Accident: During the process of crafting tl1e hilt. the character:s focus slips at a key moment. and th, character suffers a maior in Jury. Upon complet111g Step 3: Construction , the character suffers a Ct rttLa l'lJUt (, page 223 of the FoRCE AND DESTINY Core Rulebook . Tl11 s ca n on ly be selected once l

. Th G -M d @ from any combaL with the lightsaber lo have 1t sputter Jnd short Hit It r r Unsta ble. e . may spen (t t) M chanics check mop rable until ,t ,s repaired through an Average e · ·ence: The< rafter I( arns va lu able techniqu es 111 the c1llPrnpl tl1L£SS" VIGIL



entine ls are a unique asset for any group of Player Characters 111 a FoRcE AND DESTINY campaign The comb111at1on of tecl1nical proficiency. stea ltl1. and connection to t11e Fo1-ce makes them perfect 111vestigators. spies. and scouts Above all things. subtlety 1s tl1e1r stock-111-trade

Tl1 is can. at first glance. seem to be at odds w1tl1 tl1e t1-aditional image of Force use1-s fo1- botll playe1s a11d Game Maste,-. Th e flowing robes and flasl1ing l1gl1Lsabers of L11e Jedi a, e botl1 almost an anatl1ema to Sentinels and l11e1 e111 lies tl1e key for any Game Master l1oping Lo offe, Se11t111el playei-s a satisfying gaming e perience A Game f'v1aste, sl1ould , emembe, that Se11t111els still l1old the same ,alues of peace a11d Justice as l11e11 mo,c t1ad1t1011 al Jedi counte,parts. but s1111pl, choose to c11fo1cc tl1ose ,al ues with a more subtle metl1odolog\ To l111S e11d. the G1me Maste, sl1ould des1g11 e11cou11te1 s tl1Jl catc, Lo Se11t111e1s· propensit'y fo, stealth a11d subtlet\ IL CJL'Jles a sal1sfy111g experience for the Sent111el pla,e,s 1,1le11 tile\ see Lile Game Maste, has c1afted encou11te1s 1\lth111 a ca111pa1g11 Lhal allo1, them to utilize the ab l1t1es that make tl1e11 clla1acte1·s u111que and to present mollfs tl1at ht the Lo1e 1dent1ty of the cJree, An epic l1ghts::iber duel 1 1111 a powe1 ful da, k side Fe, user ,s a l1all111ark of tile Star 11 ors experience 11 c1eat1ng a direct co11f1011tat1011 beLwer11 go howeve,. the Game Maste1 m1gllL weave cl and mouse beL1vee11 Se11t1nels a11d tlm1 lol 1 COUid climax 111 a SlladOl'V\ CIOSSlllg OI Sclill'I
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