
April 30, 2017 | Author: VARBAL | Category: N/A
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Re tell lecture (Speaking Module) Important Topic – ● Sound receptors - ear drum, vibration ● & Aztecs and cacao, chocolate and cocoa seeds. ● BOMB CALORIMETER ● Calcium and vitamin D ● Infinite monkey theorem ● Space photograph- why sky is dark at night ● DNA.RNA , cells in body ● About space and world, for about 1000 years’ people thought its flat but later in 19th century Einstein theory proved wrong. .........."/About space, ppl thought its constant but Ein Stein found its moving in space constantly. ● Population growth in Britain / Relationship between UK population and resources in 1900-2000 ● Human Brain Development (synapse formation) Image given ● Rat eating habits and possible diseases ● Leadership learning in business and education ● Some research about sea creatures/ "world we do not know under the sea" with a clip of jellyfish and a guy is keep talking the creatures under hundreds miles of the ocean. ● Thermodynamics theory Vs Kinetics theory ● About adult rats and LD i.e Light dark behaviour. Don't worry if you miss the lecture there is quite good image given which you can use for further explanation. ● Haussmann's renovation of Paris. This was about improvements done by Napoleon 3rd like lit ups XXX lamps(Changed from oil lamps to Gas lamps), ~18K planted trees, changed sewer line, painted whole Paris and made a lot of changes which made Paris a very better to live and hangout for coffee. ● Wilson’s contribution to America’s literature ● Atomic theory ● Global temperature- Measures taken for addressing climate changes in past and present ● How emigrants are sending money to their home country by two channel: semiformal and informal ● Species ability to survival and reproduction / Dolphins and its survival ● Type of dimensions. Started from the 1D, 2D, 3D.. Then told that in 4D, time is included Dimensions different aspects to calculate ● The government does not inform civilians before making any decision they come to know when it becomes policy, when asked by the mob, elected and non-elected always throw reasons from rulebooks.s – something about liberal party of democracy – ● Women prefer their profession instead of being mother in uk. ● Two bar graphs showing comparison of marks secured by boys and girls in maths and english and impact of Psychology and cognitive development. ● Debt of farmers is increasing due to high use of pesticides. Subsidy given to farmers. Farmers are borrowing money to buy fertilizers, fertilizing companies getting benefitted, impact of raising prices of seeds on agriculture. ● Bar graph about the expenditure for the territory education in different countries. ● Image given about the process of aquaculture in ocean and discussing about proposed techniques ● Changing economy of world affecting graduates ● About time constraint for both males and females

Just Topic ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Electric car. HIV Laughter Welsh language result America culture and Europe A university competing for students, founds and staff. U.S. commodities and expenditure Help from affluent country over developing nation Economy of Australia / Australia's export to Asian countries Globalization, it’s effect on natural resources, climate change. Juggling worm-like balance Training given to Community Health Workers - trainings and basic skills The numbers of frog limb deformities in NA.

Summarized Spoken Test (Listening Module) Important Topic – ● A policy change in Britain that forced archaeologists to rebury human remains after 2 years of study. ● Unlike other animals, humans have the ability to ask unimportant questions and set human oriented-goals. ● Shortage of talent and how companies and countries are fighting to recruit the best candidate. ● Marry Mcllan and her beliefs regarding introducing development of curriculum in schools. ● Making voting mandatory in democratic country. ● An author talking about the reason behind writing nobel . “The secret of bees” made her a novelist / about a lady who wrote fictions in her early life n how she became a novelist through a dream ● 43rd old lady talking abt her loans and debt., unable to clear, no proper job, debits are more than income, affects children education. ● New Hampshire seashore monitoring systems ● Some facts about human brain and short time memory ● About some explanations about some allergy, diabetic basically it’s about health related topic ● Mary who was born in Ireland in 19XX – migrated to US in 19XX – Was a great cook – suspected to be died coz of typhoid but no strong evidences – typhoid a contagious disease spread due to contaminated food – Typhoid took 197 lives in 19XX – Mary never got herself inspected so thought it’s just FLU ● Study of Biology and its chain - interconnection with every species

Just Topic ● Increased globalization and global economy. ● how democracy is being manipulated ● About governmental evolution. U.S as example democratic and republicans - Modification/Devolution of government in US (Democrats Vs. Republicans) ● Agriculture vs urban area ● Drug effect on human ● Saturated and unsaturated oil. ● University of LSE and all ● World marketing and how business works by exchanging goods. ● Indian software engineers ● Species - factors impacting survival and reproduction ● Universe/Space - what is it and beliefs of Einstein ● Chocolate bar aesthetic issue ● Problems faced by students in exam.

Summary Writing (Writing Module)  How Australia has curbed beauty contests and is promoting inner beauty as compared to outer.  Relationship between cow and grass- Mutually helps each other – Cow spreads seeds of grass – Manure helps as a fertilizer to grass – cow has Rumen medicine ball like organ which help in digestion of high protein like grass – also some bacteria helps in digestion

 Nobel Peace prize winner Al Gore – Former US ex vc (Don’t remember his designation properly) – studied the climate changes – predicted in 2050 there will be deaths due to heat increase – global warming will save lives  Storing of knowledge in form of wiring texts have been replaced by recent technology enabled voice, hand signals, etc.. Something about agricultural revolution was also mentioned in the paragraph.  Skipping breakfasts - disadvantages and practice needs to be incorporated to avoid breakfasts. Benefits of morning breakfast between both children and adults.  Predicting about the technology like personal computer and communication channel is not relevant or is a waste of time as it grows as per its own pace like earlier radio.  Dendrochronology  Unpredictable development in technology  Female and male bird singing and listening  TV watching habits  Computer technology and programming is easy in India as compared to US  Tourism is beneficial for industry development as well economics as it creates job. Opportunities for both women and men  Act regulating use of wines in USA  Al Gore and another group of scientists who got Nobel peace prize and the difference in their predictions abt climate change.  Text about striving to obtain culinary identity particularly Australia

Diagram Image (Speaking Module) Bar graph/Table      

Bar graph - growth in educational spending by various nations on tertiary education Bar graph - rise in traffic in two regions of sydney for 1994 to 2002 Three subject arts, math and enlish and their mean of GPA. Difference between boys and girls regarding their studies One bar graph was a comparison men and women activities Sleeping time of a child in different age ( Table )  Graph about reasons for people not visiting museum and art galleries  Graph about sales of Product X,Y,Z across four quarters  Bar chart Average rainfall inches in 4 cities,  Bar chart attending library

 Horizontal bar graph of something for different age groups of females.. For years 2010 n also forecasted for 2020

Line graph-

 Line graph comparison of uk and Scotland paygap,  Population trend line graph of liechard city  line graph - bit complex. It had two line graphs, one showed the temperature ranges for the various months and the other just focused on may and showed the average rainfall recorded on may 1 -16.  Multiple line graph showing sales of drinking products  Line graph of average total population of 100 large cities

Pie Chart 2 Pie chart about where students in the UK fund their college studying

Process Map / Image/ Other-

 Perception changes map,  Diagram of process of learning  Circular diagram like life cycle, in which you have to explain how things will change  A map of Africa,  One picture depicting the process of cutting trees and forming paper,  Tutor providing coaching ( process maps )  Process of downloading song / Diagram showing process for shopping audio online (search,buy,download and listen)  Image shaped like a pyramid and had 100% healthy life written in center and showed the transition to being motivated to stay healthy.

Answer Short Question (Speaking Module) Straight Question● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Between June and august Which is bigger country side or ... Something about weather related ASAP meaning Three words spoken and asked which one is odd (Decrease, Increase and Decline) - Increase What month is preceded by april? Successful organizations make profit or loss? Profit Ten years - decade Table was given, asked for how many classes that students enrolled in - 4 classes Table was given and asked for the particular that falls for highest learners. Where do ppl wait for train to arrive- i answered platform What is frozen water? If a person is leading sendentary lifestyle, is he active or inactive? What is the content in the end of the book with references known as? If a person wants to travel between Sydney and New York, what is the mode of travel? What is AM stands for Whales will be found in oceans or mountains – oceans

Image Based Question● Person has 3 kids, age related and what is B's age ● One more image which was easy to spot the answer - most number of undergraduates in a particular year 1098 ● Image with a lady with papers all flying around. What happened to the papers in the image because of the wind ? I answered "they all blew away" ● One image question to name the building ● One image of two bulbs is given one glowing and one is not, question is which energy is needed by bulb? ● Some data shown in graph. What is year when sales are low? ● A table full of data of flights and passengers was given and was asked for busiest airport. ● Image where man weared spec's- what is he wearing - i answered "glasses or spectacles" ● A jellyfish was shown and was asked what is its habitat ● A picture was shown of some students and asked what day it is - Ans Graduation Day ● Picture of lady in library and asking what she is doing? ● One big table given with lot of information in it related to export asked which country has max export - I think it was Atlanta something like that not sure... ● Once flow diagram given and asked in which step Director takes action - Step no 6 100%cent sure ● Image - Index of convex cylinder ● One map given and I think asked about which ocean is on west of it..- Pacific Ocean ● One image given and asked what item is circled: - landline phone was circled ● Gave image and asked which is 2nd highest population in the graph ● Shown a timetable and told that this subject is being studied for how much day? ● From graph, which has holiday on some month ●

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