
April 19, 2018 | Author: minoro2583 | Category: One Direction, Languages
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Reading 20 points 1

Read the text. Then complete the sentences below. (10 points) The first World World Exhibition was in Hyde Park, London in 1851. Six million isitors took a tri! to see new wonders of s"ien"e and te"hnolo#y and they weren$t disa!!ointed. %y 188&, the World World Ex!osition in Paris was "rowded with abo't () million isitors and there were many ex"itin# thin#s for them to see and do. *ren"h ar"hite"t *erdinand +'tert and en#ineer i"tor i"tor -ontamin desi#ned and  b'ilt a /allery of 0a"hines for the Ex!osition. 2t 2t had 13,444 ma"hines with all the modern te"hnolo#y. There was a re!rod'"tion of a "rowded, noisy street from -airo, E#y!t and there were m'si"ians and dan"ers from aa, ietnam, ietnam, 6fri"a, the 0iddle East, the 7S6 and more. The food wasn$t like the fast food of today. There weren$t weren$t any hot do#s, "hi!s or fiy drinks. Peo!le ate tasty, a'thenti" meals from aro'nd the world. %'t, of "o'rse, the fao'rite attra"tion was the (449metre9tall Eiffel Tower. Tower. 2t stood at the entran"e to the Ex!osition and !eo!le walked 'nder it to #o in. /'stae Eiffel desi#ned the tower for the Ex!osition and it was taller than any other str'"t're in the world for the next :4 years. 6t ni#ht, t he Eiffel Tower Tower had red, white and bl'e li#hts. Ele"tri" li#hts were new in 188& and !eo!le were amaed to see them. World World Ex!ositions ; or Ex!os ; are !o!'lar today, too. 2n )41), there was a World World Ex!o in So'th >>>>>>> = 5. 6 >>>>>>>> flies a !lane. 3. 2$e #ot a blanket and two >>>>>>>> on my bed. ?. We lie in a small >>>>>>>> on a rier. 8. That >>>>>>>> ho!es to be"ome !resident in the f't're. &. 0'm >>>>>>>> in her bathroom and #oes to bed at 11.44.

!rite the word according to the de"inition. (5 points) 1. 2t$s the fifth day of the week. >>>>>>>> ). We make "hi!s from these. >>>>>>>> (. @o' ki"k a football into this. >>>>>>>> :. 2t$s the o!!osite of strong . >>>>>>>> 5. This bird "an learn to talk. >>>>>>>>


#rammar 30 points 1

Choose the correct answer. (10 points) 1. This isn$t my sweater. 2s it > = a. their

b. mine

". yo'rs

d. she

". wasn$t

d. has #ot

). 6 s!ider > ei#ht le#s. a. is

b. didn$t #et

(. > some b'tter for the !otatoes in the frid#e. a. There is

b. There isn$t

". There are

d. There aren$t

:. 6nthony often > his homework at ni#ht. a. is #oin# to do

b. does

". isn$t doin#

d. don$t do

". "an$t

d. m'stn$t

5. 6 "hi"ken is a bird, b't it > fly well. a. "an

b. m'st

3. 2 neer #o s'rfin# with my sister. She > s!ort. a. enAoys

b. doesn$t enAoy

". isn$t enAoyin#

d. enAoy

". isn$t startin#

d. start

?. amie > his new Aob tomorrow. a. started

b. don$t start

8. @o' > take water when yo' hike in the desert. a. m'st

b. "an$t

". "an

d. m'stn$t

". Where

d. When

". the

d. any

&. > is the !oli"e station= a. Why

b. Who

14. There aren$t > olies for the !ia. a. some


b. an

Complete the sentences with the correct "orm o" the ad$ecti%es in brac&ets. 'se an ad%erb o" manner( a comparati%e ad$ecti%e or (not) as … as. (5 points) 1. Horses are >>>>>>>>>>>> Bbi#C foxes. ). 0y m'm "ooks >>>>>>>>>>>> B#oodC. (. Dabbits are >>>>>>>>>>>> Bintelli#entC #orillas. :. She swam >>>>>>>>>>>> BlayC in the lake. 5. 6n am'sement !ark is >>>>>>>>>>>> Bex"itin#C a library.


Complete the text with the correct "orm o" to be( have got ( there was or the correct "orm o" the %erbs in brac&ets. (15 points)  iall Horan 1.>>>>>>>> from 2reland. He ).>>>>>>>>  bea'tif'l bl'e eyes and blond hair, and he (.>>>>>>>> BlookC like a film star. When :.>>>>>>>> 13 years old, he "om!eted in the !o!'lar teleision !ro#ram The X Factor . The !rod'"ers of the !ro#ramme


>>>>>>>> B!'tC iall in a band. 3.>>>>>>>> fo'r other boys in the band ; Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Lo'is Tomlinson and Fayn 0alik. They ?.>>>>>>>> B"allC the #ro'! Gne +ire"tion. The fie teena#ers san# to#ether on The X Factor , b't they 8.>>>>>>>> Bnot winC. %'t,  !eo!le loed their m'si" and they &.>>>>>>>> ery !o!'lar so Gne +ire"tion 14.>>>>>>>> BstayC to#ether. Today, Gne +ire"tion


>>>>>>>> three alb'ms and oer 14 million

followers on Twitter. iall still 1).>>>>>>>> B!layC the #'itar and all the boys 1(.>>>>>>>> Bsin#C. Soon, they 1:.>>>>>>>> BstartC a new world to'r. They


>>>>>>>> BwantC to #ie )44,444 from their

to'r to Stand 7! To -an"er.

!riting 10 points 'se the in"ormation in the "act "ile to write a biography o" )ichael *ordan. +ersonal ,n"ormation.ame-

Michael Jordan

/ate o" 0irth+lace o" 0irth1ducation-

17 February 1963 Brooklyn, New York

Universiy o! Norh "arolina

*ob- #ro!essional Achie%ements-

baskeball #layer 

$ le! colle%e and &oined he NB' $ co(#eed in he )ly(#ics in 19*+ and 199 in he U- baskeball ea( and won %old (edals $ beca(e an NB' su#ersar  $ was he .Mos /aluable 0layer in he NB' !ive i(es


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