
January 27, 2018 | Author: mrf236 | Category: Feng Shui, Qi, Classical Chinese Philosophy, International Politics, China
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JOEY YAP’s 2011

翠ling架勢廣場賀年特備 Chuiling’s Drive Time Mall Chinese New Year Special

兔年運程 Chinese Astrology for 2011 31st Jan 2011 Chinese Metaphysics Explained


These notes are meant to complement the material and content of the ‘Your 2011 with Joey Yap’ radio show on MY FM. Use it to help you further understand the principles and techniques explained by Joey during the show. Feel free to print out the notes prior to the show and have them on hand to assist and guide you in understanding the material as you tune in to the radio show. 請在收聽‘玄知有你’節目前細讀此筆 記。它有助您進一步了解 Joey 在節目中 所提及的各種風水名詞或術語。您也可 以在節目廣播前把筆記打印出來以方便 了解節目的內容。

Joey Yap on Facebook : www.facebook.com/joeyyapFB

風水的真面目 (摘自 Joey Yap 的書:笑談風水)

風水:回到原點 無論是作任何的研究或學習,開始的階段是 很重要的。如果在起步時就被錯誤的觀念 誤導,那接下來的過程將會面臨更大的困 難。因此在這裡,我將會更正一些在坊間廣 泛流傳的迷信以及錯誤的觀點,以便為讀者 們建立起正確的基礎。首先,我們必須認清 風水這門學問的來源,包括它從什麼時候開 始流傳?為什麼會被廣泛的運用,還有最重 要的是,它究竟是什麼?

翻譯自英文版: 笑談風水

事實上,要追溯風水是如何演變的,以及誰 才是真正發明風水的人是不可能的。但是 可以肯定的是,’風水’這個名詞,是在100 年前才被廣泛流傳的。 很明顯的,風水並不像傳說 中擁有5000年的歷史。事 實上,較早前的風水系統 一直以來並不完善,它 只運用非常基本的陰 陽法,而且一般只用 於選都,建造宮殿或皇 陵。一直到唐朝年間 (公元618-907),風水才 有了突破性的進展。而且當時風水這個名 稱並不存在,而是被稱為’堪輿’。

市面上有許多的書和文章,都在熱烈地討論 著風水的來源,尤其是它源自什麼時候。有 些人認為風水始於3000年前,有些人認為是 2500年前,也有人認為是2000年以前。不久 以前我閱覽一個網站,它甚至認為風水始於 5000年前! 5000年的歷史,的確非常令人嚮 往,而且聽起來非常的了不起。但是我卻非 常好奇,5000年前的人們,可能連一間像樣 的屋子也沒有,他們究竟會不會花時間研習 風水源自於什麼地方,那當然是中國。但如 風水這麼深奧的學問呢? 果我問,風水源自於中國的什麼地方,我想 很多人都會答不上來。其實這得看我們所 有著這麼多的意見,你可能會問我:那究竟 談論的是哪一門風水系統了。以玄空來說, 風水起源於何時? 它是浙江蔣大鴻所創立的,但是在上海,卻 以譚養吾派的玄空較廣為人知。 在了解風水起源於何時之前,讓我們先看 看風水是如何演變而成的,以及是誰發明 現在你對風水的來源大概也有了一些概念, 了風水。 但是風水究竟是什麼,你可能還是沒辦法搞 清楚. 我會在這裡說明一下。 有書籍記載, 風水是由一位傳說中的人物伏曦的計算學裡演變出來的。另外,也有人 在日常生活裡,你一定聽說過風水是一種 提到,風水是結合了易經, 中國農曆以及 令家居及其周遭環境協調的技巧吧? 但這 羅盤所產生的民間學術。除此以外,也有人 種說法,是不是太過模糊了呢? 如果這就 認為風水是一種象徵性的符號或是家居擺 是風水,那我們需要協調些什麼?又究竟要 設。 如何協調呢? 至於是什麼人發明了風水,坊間也有著許多 不同的版本, 有人認為是伏曦,有人認為是 周文王因為他同時也是發明了先天八卦和 後天八卦的人。甚至有人認為風水是由九 天玄女或是黃帝所發明的。

2 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

其實,真正的風水並不是這樣子的,你大概 會覺得無法置信,但事實上,風水不過就是 陰和陽的運用而已。這些簡易的陰陽運用 法在經歷了無數的朝代後,漸漸地演變成新 的學說,同時也有了許多新的發現。這些發 現漸漸地變成了公式,然後演變成今天我們 所常接觸的風水系統。

j oey y a p . c o m

比較深入的來說,風水是一種吸納氣的方 法。氣,存在於我們周遭的環境, 影響著我 們每一天的生活,因此所納的氣是好或壞就 十分重要了。要有效地利用一些有好影響 的氣, 我們可以根據一些公式,再加上時間 及地點作出計算,然後加以善用。 在中國命、相、卜、山、醫五術中,面相, 掌相及風水都屬’相’,而風水就是’宅 與地的相’。何謂的宅與地的相? 宅與地 的相就是觀其地形及周遭的環境。來判斷 它們對一間屋子(包括住在裡頭的人)的影 響。因此,看風水也可以說是為一間屋子’ 看相’。

接下來,我們可以更深入地了解什麼是氣。 氣,又分為陽氣以及陰 氣。陽氣是活躍,生 動的,它是一種能 量,可以加強我們的 表現。一般上,我們 把陽氣歸類為’錢 財’或’事業’的能 量, 因為每一個人都 必須辛勤以及活躍地工作 以換取金錢或事業上的成就。 如果 你希望得到這一方面的回酬,那你就應該利 用適合自己的陽氣來加強你的運程。 陰氣則是靜態的,緩和的,它不活潑,因此 人們會誤認為陰氣是不吉利的。這是大錯 特錯的! 陰氣只是氣的一種,並沒有所謂 的好與壞。由於陰氣比較溫和,因此它也 會需要長一點的時間來發揮功能。我們 把陰氣歸類為’健康’,’個人修養’以 及’人際關係’的能量。它會影響我們的 情緒,想法以及看待人,事,物的觀點。因 此,很多風水師都會將之稱為’人運’。 陰氣在你睡著或休息的時候保護你,如果它 被破壞,那它對你的保護也就自然消失了, 你就會很容易被病魔侵襲。

另一個比較普遍的通病,就是以為風水只能 夠促進健康,財富和個人運程,或更甚的, 以為風水就是擺設一些吉祥物和符咒之類 的。現今的社會實在存有太多類似這樣的 迷思,致使許多人對風水有錯誤的成見。作 為一個認真對待風水這門學問的我們,是有 責任令這些人理解真正的風水的。 風水是一種利用地形,時間以及空間的優勢 讓人們得益的學問,單單的作一些園藝設計 或擺設是不可能成效的。

除了它的保護功能,陰氣也會影響一個人的 行為。有某些陰氣會令一個人變得更有愛 心和體貼,有某些陰氣會令人變得不可理 喻或暴躁,也有某些陰氣會令人變得善妒或 陰險。因為陰氣是影響行為的能量,因此很 多風水師都會利用它來作感情和婚姻的基 礎。

許多人有擺放吉祥物以納氣的習慣,比如擺 放一對鴛鴦在西南方來加強桃花運,或是擺 簡單的來說,首先我們必須分析這棟屋子裡 放龍或蟾蜍的裝飾品來招財。可是,風水既 頭和環境周圍的的氣, 看看這些氣究竟會 不是神話,也不是魔術,所以擺放這些裝飾 為住在裡面的人帶來什麼影響。然後再選 品是絕對不會有任何風水作用的。 擇吸納對屋子主人有利的氣。這個過程稱 為’藏風聚氣’也,就是整個風水系統的精 華所在。

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3 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

Extracted from Joey Yap’s Book: Stories and Lessons on Feng Shui 笑談風水

現今的社會對風水有太多負面的誤解,這 還要是歸咎於做風水這行業的人,利用風 水的名義作出許多不實的引導,以致許多 人都不再信任風水了。

一個風水師正確的做法是,先了解屋子周圍 的環境,以了解的氣的性質,然後再運用風 水知識來協助房子的主人. 這些都是以陰 陽協調為基礎的。

真正的風水不只是可以加強你的財運,健 康運以及桃花運的技巧而已,只要你投入 了努力,它可以協助你,同時也讓你更順利 地達到目標。

To learn, explore and discover more about Classical Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, get a copy of Stories and Lessons on Feng Shui Series. Education, fun yet practical, these books will help you see Feng Shui in a new light and gain an appreciation for Classical Feng Shui in its true form. 《笑談風水》是Joey Yap 所編寫的風水與中華星象學隨筆故事。通過這些有趣,娛樂性強以及簡單易懂的故 事,你將了解更多有關傳統風水和中華星象學的知識。別錯過這本為風水愛好者而寫的書,這本書將帶給大家 對風水的一個的觀點,使大家更容易理解受傳統風水的真正意義。

Available at www.masteryacademy.com and all major bookstores. 可在網站和各大書局購買

4 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

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Feng Shui: Back to the Future

an article by Joey Yap

It is important to always begin on the right footing in any study. In this first article, I would like to correct (and debunk) certain ideas about Feng Shui that have built up over the years. The idea here is to answer the WHEN, WHY and WHAT questions relating to Feng Shui.

(618-907). Before that, it was only an art of selecting sites for capital cities, palaces or graves using very simple Yin and Yang methods. Even in the Tang Dynasty (around 1000 years ago), it wasn’t really referred to as ‘Feng Shui’. It was then known as the art of ‘Kan Yu’.

Let’s start with the origins of Feng Shui.

Next we come to the question of WHERE. Where did Feng Shui come from?

Many books, articles and websites offer different dates as to the origin of Feng Shui. Some books say 3000 years, while others 2500 and 2000 years. A website I visited recently even claims that Feng Shui originated in China 5000 years ago! 5000 years is an impressive and interesting claim considering people didn’t even have proper houses to live in, let alone study or practice something as profound as Feng Shui. Which of these is correct? The origins of this ancient science are quite murky. Some claim that Feng Shui has its origins in Chinese folklore, while some are of the idea that it is a numerical model from the sage Fu Xi. I have also read some books that say Feng Shui was formed by the combined knowledge of the Yi Jing, Chinese calendar and the Feng Shui Compass, which eventually developed into a science. Others say it is about symbols and decorations. Some people say it was the sage Fu Xi or King Wen, the founders of the Early Heaven and Later Heaven Ba Gua. Others say it came from the Lady of the Nine Heavens and the Yellow Emperor.

Which is it? It is not possible to exactly trace WHO developed Feng Shui in the first place – indeed, the term Feng Shui is in itself a relatively recent term, only coming into existence in the last 100 years or so. It is clear from history that Feng Shui is not a 5000 year old science as some claim. Sophisticated Feng Shui methods were not used officially until the Tang Dynasty

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The simple answer is CHINA, of course. The real answer to the question is it depends on which system of Feng Shui we are discussing. Different systems of Feng Shui developed in different parts of China. Xuan Kong for example was pioneered by Master Jiang Da Hong who came from the Zhe Jiang province of China. The Tan Yang Wu system of Xuan Kong has its roots in Shanghai. From WHEN and WHERE, we move on to the question of WHAT is Feng Shui. Now, often you hear people say that Feng Shui is about living in harmony with the environment. Feng Shui is NOT really an art of ‘living in harmony’ with the environment. I think this definition is too stereotypical. What do we exactly mean by ‘living in harmony with’ something anyway? Feng Shui, at its core, is a study of Yin and Yang. I can just hear you say … WHAT? Just Yin and Yang? Yes, just Yin and Yang. Through the dynasties, the simple application of Yin and Yang evolved to incorporate many new findings. Patterns were compiled and later turned into formulas. This led to the rise of the many existing systems of Feng Shui. It is more accurate and precise to say that Feng Shui is an art of assessing the qualities of Qi that converge at or affect a certain location in our environment and to ascertain its potential and shortcomings. As the influence of Qi in any given environment is governed by certain patterns calculable by formulae, we can assess the potential of Qi in reference to TIME and Location.

5 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

This definition is supported by the ancient Chinese texts, where Feng Shui is classified under “Physiognomy of the Land” in the Chinese Five Arts. The Chinese Five Arts or Chinese Metaphysics are Mountain, Medical, Divination, Destiny and Physiognomy. The Art of Chinese Physiognomy includes areas like Face Reading, Palm Reading and of course, Feng Shui. The purpose of Feng Shui therefore is to foretell the fortune of the house (and its residents) through observations of the factors in our environment. Thus, it is not wrong to say that Feng Shui is ‘HouseFortune Telling’. Another misconception about WHAT Feng Shui is about is the idea that Feng Shui is all about promoting Health, Wealth and Prosperity or the very shallow definition of Feng Shui as being about the placement of objects or cures. If we must define Feng Shui as an art then Feng Shui is the art of harnessing the powers of the land, time and space, to benefit an individual’s endeavours. In recent time, there has been much confusion about Feng Shui that it has been reduced to this New Age concept of the art of placement. For practitioners and serious enthusiasts of Feng Shui, I believe it is important to provide a more dignified view of Feng Shui by ensuring that accurate information is available to unveil the What, Where, When, Why’s of Feng Shui. What is Feng Shui really about? Do you know? To the majority of people, if you ask them, they think that Feng Shui is nothing but the way they’ve designed their garden. Contrary to popular belief, Feng Shui is far from just decoration and interior design. Feng Shui is about assessing the flow of Qi in a property and how this Qi affects the residents. It is about harnessing the Qi from the external environment into the home to benefit the residents in terms of their endeavors in life. It is about how Yang Qi flows to and interacts with Yin Qi to give birth to new Qi – the interaction of Yin and Yang. Yang Qi can be described as what is active and dynamic. The energy that helps us work and perform at peak. We can conceptualize this in general terms as ‘wealth’ or ‘career’ related energies. You have to work to get wealth and career success, right? Your Feng Shui assessment should include analyzing and enhancing the right kind of Qi that is needed to help achieve this end. Yin Qi is passive, subtle and often inactive form of energy. Often people assume Yin is bad. This could not be further from the truth. Yin is only a ‘form’ of Qi, it is not to be judged as good or bad. Because Yin Qi is subtle, it plays a longer-term effect on people. Yin, passive Qi, often affects the areas of health, personality development and human relationships. Yin Qi affects how we feel and how we think and perceive things. That is why many Feng Shui practitioners term it as ‘people luck’. Yin Qi is the source of energies that protect and nurture you when you sleep and rest in a house. When you sleep, there is Yin Qi protecting you and if this is dispersed, you will lose your protection and will easily get sick. There are various forms of Yin Qi that will affect the character of a person. Some can make a person more caring and loving. While there are some that can make a person bitter and angry. Others make a person jealous and unkind. Thus, Feng Shui practitioners generalize Yin Qi also under love and marriage.

6 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

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People are led to believe that it’s the ‘items’ or the ‘decor’ they have around their house that create or manifest Qi. Really, there is no magical trick. You cannot cultivate good Yin Qi (or Yang Qi) to bring love and romance by having a pair of mandarin ducks in the southwest part of your house. You also cannot harness ‘wealth’ Qi just by placing a dragon or a frog figurine in the corners of your house! Knowing and understanding the characteristics of different types of Qi in a house (as presented by their immediate external environment in which their house is built) a Feng Shui practitioner can find a way to help people with Feng Shui techniques. This is in accordance with the concept of Yin and Yang balance. Feng Shui has a bad reputation today because of the way people practice it. Commercialization of Feng Shui into a 12-step process, akin to roasting a turkey, has become the way to go these days. The practice of Feng Shui is not just about wealth, health and love. It is to help us achieve our endeavors, whatever those might be.

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7 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

Be prepared! Get ready to study with the following items for easy reference and understanding during the course of the Joey Yap’s Voyage 2011 TV show:

1) Your house plan; 2) A mini compass, or if you are tech savvy, an iLuoPan; and 3) Your BaZi Chart.

Online Tools These are easy-to-use tools to assist in the study and practice of Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics. It was designed and developed by Joey Yap as a result of the combination between his years of practical experience as a consultant, and his knowledge and interest in technology. Download these helpful Feng Shui tools online at www.MasteryAcademy.com/resources/onlinetools.asp

• BaZi Ming Pan Calculator Simplify your BaZi calculations to help you plot a person’s chart immediately.

• Flying Star Feng Shui Calculator Find out the direction your property faces and the Period of your property to accurately plot your chart.

• 8 Mansions Feng Shui Calculator Your Gua Number helps you identify your favorable and unfavorable compass directions based on the directional-based Eight Mansions (Ba Zhai) Feng Shui system.

Obtain accurate Feng Shui directions, no matter where you are. This brand new iLuoPan app works directly out of your phone, and goes wherever you go! 無論您身在何處,都能獲得精準的風水方向。您能夠隨時隨地的從手機中運用這全新的 i-羅盤! Joey Yap's i-LuoPan Stardard Edition | Joey Yap 葉威明 i-羅盤 :

Available now at http://www.masteryacademy.com/iphone/iLuoPan.asp 可在網站購買

8 All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2011 by Joey Yap.

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