31017357-T2000-LCT User Guide(V200R004C01_01)

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT V200R004C01

User Guide





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Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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Huawei Technologies Proprietary

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


Contents About This Document.....................................................................................................................1 1 Installation...................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Installation Process..........................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 Preinstallation..................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 Configuration Requirements..................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.2 Preparing Hardware................................................................................................................................1-3 1.2.3 Preparing Software.................................................................................................................................1-3 1.3 Installing the T2000-LCT................................................................................................................................1-4 1.3.1 Installing T2000-LCT Client and Server Software and MSDE Database..............................................1-4 1.3.2 Connecting the T2000-LCT to an NE..................................................................................................1-12 1.3.3 Verifying Installation...........................................................................................................................1-12 1.4 Backing Up the Setup Application................................................................................................................1-14 1.5 Uninstalling the T2000-LCT.........................................................................................................................1-14

2 Product Description...................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 System Overview............................................................................................................................................2-2 2.1.1 Position in TMN Hierarchy....................................................................................................................2-2 2.1.2 Manageable Equipment..........................................................................................................................2-3 2.2 Application......................................................................................................................................................2-5 2.3 Features and Functions....................................................................................................................................2-6 2.3.1 Alarm Management................................................................................................................................2-6 2.3.2 Performance Management......................................................................................................................2-8 2.3.3 NE Information Management.................................................................................................................2-9 2.3.4 Security Management...........................................................................................................................2-10 2.3.5 Communication Management..............................................................................................................2-11 2.3.6 SDH NE Configuration........................................................................................................................2-12 2.3.7 WDM NE Configuration......................................................................................................................2-17 2.3.8 ASON Management.............................................................................................................................2-20 2.3.9 NE Configuration Data Management...................................................................................................2-22 2.3.10 Reports...............................................................................................................................................2-22 2.4 System Architecture......................................................................................................................................2-22 2.4.1 Software Structure................................................................................................................................2-23 2.4.2 External Interfaces................................................................................................................................2-25 Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


2.5 New Features.................................................................................................................................................2-25 2.5.1 New Boards Supported.........................................................................................................................2-25 2.5.2 New Equipment Supported..................................................................................................................2-26 2.5.3 New Features........................................................................................................................................2-27

3 Getting Started............................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 T2000-LCT Process........................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000-LCT....................................................................................................3-3 3.2.1 Starting the Computer............................................................................................................................3-4 3.2.2 Starting the T2000-LCT Server..............................................................................................................3-5 3.2.3 Viewing the T2000-LCT Process Status................................................................................................3-5 3.2.4 Logging In to the T2000-LCT Client.....................................................................................................3-5 3.2.5 Exiting a T2000-LCT Client..................................................................................................................3-6 3.2.6 Shutting Down the T2000-LCT Server..................................................................................................3-6 3.2.7 Shutting Down the Computer.................................................................................................................3-7 3.3 How to Use T2000-LCT Online Help.............................................................................................................3-7 3.3.1 Opening the Online Help........................................................................................................................3-7 3.3.2 Performing a Full Text Search...............................................................................................................3-8 3.3.3 Using Index............................................................................................................................................3-8 3.3.4 Printing Help Contents...........................................................................................................................3-9 3.3.5 Conventions............................................................................................................................................3-9 3.3.6 Closing the Online Help.......................................................................................................................3-10 3.4 T2000-LCT Main Window...........................................................................................................................3-10 3.4.1 NE Information Management...............................................................................................................3-11 3.4.2 NE Explorer..........................................................................................................................................3-12 3.4.3 SDH NE Panel......................................................................................................................................3-13 3.4.4 Subrack NE Panel.................................................................................................................................3-15 3.4.5 The Browse Alarm and Event Window...............................................................................................3-17 3.4.6 The Browse Performance Window......................................................................................................3-18 3.4.7 Operation Object Status.......................................................................................................................3-19 3.4.8 Key GUI Components..........................................................................................................................3-19 3.4.9 Frequently Used Buttons......................................................................................................................3-20 3.4.10 Common Shortcut Keys.....................................................................................................................3-21 3.5 Menu Description..........................................................................................................................................3-22 3.5.1 File Menu.............................................................................................................................................3-22 3.5.2 Configuration Menu.............................................................................................................................3-23 3.5.3 Fault Menu...........................................................................................................................................3-23 3.5.4 Performance Menu...............................................................................................................................3-24 3.5.5 Report Menu.........................................................................................................................................3-24 3.5.6 System Administration Menu...............................................................................................................3-25 3.5.7 Load Software Menu............................................................................................................................3-25 3.5.8 Window Menu......................................................................................................................................3-26 3.5.9 Help Menu............................................................................................................................................3-27 ii

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


3.6 Operation Precautions...................................................................................................................................3-27 3.7 List of Operations That Might Affect Network Running and Monitoring....................................................3-27 3.8 Customizing Parameter Display....................................................................................................................3-29 3.9 Copying Table Text Quickly.........................................................................................................................3-31 3.10 Setting Parameters in the Table...................................................................................................................3-31 3.11 Rules of Entering Information on User Interface........................................................................................3-32

A Service Ports Description.......................................................................................................A-1 A.1 Background....................................................................................................................................................A-2 A.2 Notes and Precautions...................................................................................................................................A-2 A.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000-LCT.........................................................................................................A-2 A.4 How to Query Service Ports..........................................................................................................................A-3

B Glossary......................................................................................................................................B-1 C Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................................C-1 Index.................................................................................................................................................i-1

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


Figures Figure 2-1 The position of the T2000-LCT in TMN............................................................................................2-2 Figure 2-2 Networking of single layer management network..............................................................................2-6 Figure 2-3 NE Information Management.............................................................................................................2-9 Figure 2-4 T2000-LCT software structure.........................................................................................................2-23 Figure 2-5 External communication interfaces of the T2000-LCT....................................................................2-25 Figure 3-1 NE Information Management...........................................................................................................3-11 Figure 3-2 The NE Explorer window of an SDH NE........................................................................................3-12 Figure 3-3 The NE Explorer window of a WDM NE........................................................................................3-13 Figure 3-4 NE Panel...........................................................................................................................................3-14 Figure 3-5 Legends.............................................................................................................................................3-15 Figure 3-6 Path View.........................................................................................................................................3-15 Figure 3-7 Subrack NE Panel.............................................................................................................................3-16 Figure 3-8 Legends.............................................................................................................................................3-16 Figure 3-9 Path View.........................................................................................................................................3-17 Figure 3-10 Browse Alarm and Event................................................................................................................3-18 Figure 3-11 Browse Performance.......................................................................................................................3-18

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


Tables Table 1-1 Operating systems supported by the T2000-LCT................................................................................1-2 Table 1-2 Installation process...............................................................................................................................1-2 Table 1-3 T2000-LCT software and hardware configuration requirements.........................................................1-3 Table 1-4 T2000-LCT hardware configuration requirements..............................................................................1-3 Table 2-1 Manageable MSTP series equipment...................................................................................................2-3 Table 2-2 Manageable OSN series equipment.....................................................................................................2-4 Table 2-3 Manageable SDH series equipment.....................................................................................................2-4 Table 2-4 Manageable WDM equipment.............................................................................................................2-5 Table 2-5 Software modules and functions........................................................................................................2-23 Table 2-6 New SDH boards supported...............................................................................................................2-25 Table 2-7 New WDM boards supported.............................................................................................................2-26 Table 2-8 New equipment supported..................................................................................................................2-27 Table 3-1 T2000-LCT processes..........................................................................................................................3-3 Table 3-2 Path and port status............................................................................................................................3-19 Table 3-3 Key GUI components.........................................................................................................................3-19 Table 3-4 Frequently used buttons.....................................................................................................................3-20

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

About This Document

About This Document Purpose The OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide describes how to install and start the T2000-LCT, and also describes the features and functions of the T2000-LCT.

Related Versions The following table lists the product versions related to this document. Product Name


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT


Intended Audience The intended audiences of this document are: l

Installation engineers


EMS administrators


Network monitors


Data configuration engineers


Network administrators


Maintenance engineers

Organization This document is organized as follows.

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)



1 Installation

This chapter describes how to install the T2000-LCT.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

About This Document



2 Product Description

This chapter provides a brief introduction to the T2000-LCT.

3 Getting Started

This chapter describes some basic T2000LCT operations.

Appendix A Service Ports Description

This part describes the service ports used by the T2000-LCT.

Appendix B Glossary

This part lists the glossary used in the document.

Appendix C Acronyms and Abbreviations

This part lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in the document.

Conventions Symbol Conventions The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows Symbol



Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.


Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and performance degradation, or unexpected results.


Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save you time.


Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text.

General Conventions




Times New Roman

Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

About This Document




Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root.


Book titles are in italics.

Courier New

Terminal display is in Courier New.

Command Conventions Convention



The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italic.


Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... }

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } *

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.

GUI Conventions Convention



Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK.


Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the “>” signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)




Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

About This Document



Key 1+Key 2

Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressingCtrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2

Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operation Action



Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.


Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

Update History Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 01 (2007-01-10) Initial commercial release.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation



About This Chapter This chapter describes how to install the T2000-LCT. 1.1 Installation Process This chapter describes the process for installing the T2000-LCT system. 1.2 Preinstallation Before you install the T2000-LCT, you need to prepare software, hardware, and environment and so on. 1.3 Installing the T2000-LCT After preparations are complete, you can install the T2000-LCT. 1.4 Backing Up the Setup Application To facilitate installation, you can copy the whole setup application to the hard disk of a computer or other storage media. 1.5 Uninstalling the T2000-LCT You can uninstall the T2000-LCT.

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

1.1 Installation Process This chapter describes the process for installing the T2000-LCT system.

The T2000-LCT can be installed on Windows only. Table 1-1 shows the supported operating systems. Table 1-1 Operating systems supported by the T2000-LCT Platform

Operating System


Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2) Windows 2003 Server (Service Pack 1)

Table 1-2 shows the installation process. Table 1-2 Installation process Stage


Refer to


Installation preparations

1.2 Preinstallation


Installing the T2000-LCT

1.3 Installing the T2000-LCT

1.2 Preinstallation Before you install the T2000-LCT, you need to prepare software, hardware, and environment and so on. 1.2.1 Configuration Requirements 1.2.2 Preparing Hardware You need to prepare hardware before you install the T2000-LCT. 1.2.3 Preparing Software Before you install the T2000-LCT, you need to prepare software, which is the operating system, the T2000-LCT installation CD-ROM or software package and so on.

1.2.1 Configuration Requirements Table 1-3 lists the T2000-LCT software and hardware configuration requirements.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Table 1-3 T2000-LCT software and hardware configuration requirements Item



A laptop computer is recommended. The system requirements are Pentium M 1.3G or above/256M/30G/flopy disk drive/DVD/Integrated NIC/56K Modem/14.1"TFT/Windows operating system

Windows operating system

Windows XP Professional (SP2) or Windows 2003 Server (SP1)

1.2.2 Preparing Hardware You need to prepare hardware before you install the T2000-LCT.

Procedure Step 1 Check if the computer is working properly. Step 2 Prepare additional peripherals, including the crossover cable, serial cable and crystal plug. NOTE Table 1-4 T2000-LCT hardware configuration requirements Item



Crossover cable

DL4423-crossover cable 5m-8pin/8-core 5 category 24AWG/8pin-connection of PC terminals


Serial cable

5m serial cable for transmission network management systemDB9 male/3-core 28AWG communication electric cable (black)/DB9 female


Crystal plug

Network interface connector-8 bit 8 pin-crystal plug -with the inner conductor stranded flat cable



1.2.3 Preparing Software Before you install the T2000-LCT, you need to prepare software, which is the operating system, the T2000-LCT installation CD-ROM or software package and so on.

Context During installation, properly set the T2000-LCT system time. A stable system time of the server is crucial for the T2000-LCT. You are not allowed to change the system time during the running Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

of the T2000-LCT. If you need to change the system time, exit the T2000-LCT, change the time and then restart the T2000-LCT.

Procedure Step 1 Create a user t2000 that has the administrator authority. Step 2 Check if Windows XP Professional or Windows 2003 Server and the corresponding patch are installed. (Install Service Pack 2 and KB893803 for Windows XP; install Service Pack 1 and KB893803 for Windows 2003.) NOTE For details on how to install the Windows operating system and its patches, refer to the Windows installation CD-ROM and relevant documents. TIP

To confirm whether the SP2 patch has been installed in the Windows XP operating system, right-click My Computer, and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. If there is Service Pack x in the System Properties list in the General tab, it indicates that Service Pack x is installed.

Step 3 Check if the T2000-LCT installation CD-ROM and the product key are available. NOTE l

The setup.exe file is the T2000-LCT installation application.


The sn.txt file contains the product key of the T2000-LCT.


The setup.exe file in the MSDE directory is the MSDE database installation application.


The ServicePack folder contains the KB893803 patch that must be first installed. If this patch is not installed, the installation of the T2000-LCT fails.


1.3 Installing the T2000-LCT After preparations are complete, you can install the T2000-LCT. 1.3.1 Installing T2000-LCT Client and Server Software and MSDE Database This section describes the entire process for installing the T2000-LCT software. 1.3.2 Connecting the T2000-LCT to an NE You can connect the T2000-LCT to an NE. 1.3.3 Verifying Installation If all of the following check items are passed, it indicates that the T2000-LCT is successfully installed.

1.3.1 Installing T2000-LCT Client and Server Software and MSDE Database This section describes the entire process for installing the T2000-LCT software.

Context The database of iManager T2000-LCT is Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE).


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

MSDE is a desktop database, whose kernel is basically the same as Microsoft SQL Server. Therefore, it can be regarded as a minimised version of Microsoft SQL Server.

Procedure Step 1 Log in to the Windows system as user t2000. Step 2 Insert the installation CD-ROM and run the setup.exe file.

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation NOTE

When a window is displayed prompting you to install a patch, install the KB893803 patch in the ServicePack directory in the installation CD-ROM. Then run the setup.exe file again.

Step 3 Click Next.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 4 Select I accept the terms of the licence agreement and click Next.

Step 5 Enter the User Name, Company Name and the Serial Number provided with the T2000-LCT installation CD-ROM. Click Next.

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 6 If you want to choose another directory, click Change.... Try to make the folder path simple and convenient. Make sure that no space or punctuation exists in the path. Click Next.

Step 7 Select proper numbering scheme for VC12 timeslot that suits your needs. Click Next.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 8 Click Install, and the Setup Status dialog box is displayed. After the installation completes, the Question dialog box is displayed.

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 9 If the MSDE has already been installed, you can select No to skip the installation of the MSDE. Otherwise, click Yes.

NOTE If the MSDE has not been installed, the installation program prompts you to restart the computer.

Step 10 About five minutes later, the following dialog box is displayed.

Step 11 Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now., click Finish. Step 12 Restart the system and log in as t2000. The system initialises the database automatically.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 13 The password is null. Press Enter. Step 14 The database initialization is completed. The DOS window displays the information that indicates the successful operations.

Step 15 Press any key to continue. A window is displayed, indicating that the installation is completed.

Step 16 Click OK. The installation of T2000-LCT is complete. ----End Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Result After the installation is complete, you can run the T2000-LCT server and log in to the client.

1.3.2 Connecting the T2000-LCT to an NE You can connect the T2000-LCT to an NE.

Procedure Step 1 Use an Ethernet line or a serial cable to connect the NE and the computer where the T2000-LCT resides. NOTE For the position of an NE where the Ethernet line or serial cable is inserted, refer to the Hardware Description of the equipment.

Step 2 Set the IP address of the T2000-LCT computer and the IP address of the NE to be in the same network segment. Step 3 Optional: Before you use the T2000-LCT to log in to an NE and manage it, if the T2000 has logged in to the NE, enable the LCT Access Control Switch of the NE using the T2000. Select Serial Port Access Control or Ethernet Access Control. Step 4 Run the T2000LCT-server and the T2000LCT-client. Step 5 Choose File > Search for NE from the Main Menu of the T2000-LCT client. Set search criteria and click Start. If the connected NE is searched out, it indicates that the T2000-LCT is connected to the NE. ----End

1.3.3 Verifying Installation If all of the following check items are passed, it indicates that the T2000-LCT is successfully installed.

Procedure Step 1 Check the directory. The corresponding directory must exist after the T2000-LCT is installed. For example, the C:\T2000-LCT directory must exist by default. Step 2 Check the shortcut icon. 1.

The shortcut icons of T2000LCT-Server and T2000LCT-Client must appear on the desktop of Windows.


Click Start > Programs . The iManager T2000-LCT group must exist in the programs bar and the group must contain T2000LCT-Server and T2000LCT-Client shortcut icons.

Step 3 Check environmental variables. Right-click My Computer on the desktop, choose Properties from the shortcut menu, and then click the Advanced tab. Click Environmental Variables on the Advanced tab. The IMAP variable should exist in the field of environmental variables in the dialog box. NOTE If T2000-LCT is installed under C:\T2000-LCT, the variable is C:\T2000-LCT\Server. If it is installed under other directories, the variable changes accordingly.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation

Step 4 Check the running status of the database. Click Start > Programs > Startup > Service Manager, and the MSDE database server can be started correctly. Step 5 Check the running status of the T2000-LCT. 1.

Double-click the T2000LCT-Server icon on the desktop.


Enter the user name (admin), password (T2000) and server (Local). NOTE When you are normally logged in to the T2000-LCT server, all processes including Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server、Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server and Database Server Process are in the running state.


Double-click the T2000LCT-Client icon. The T2000-LCT client can be normally started.


Enter the password (T2000). You can normally log in to the T2000-LCT client and access the GUI of T2000-LCT. NOTE The T2000-LCT does not provide the user management function. As a result, you can only log in as user admin whose default password is T2000.

Step 6 Upload NE configuration data. 1.

Choose Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu.


Select an NE from the Object Tree and click the double-right-arrow button (red).


Select one or more NEs from the Configuration Data Management List.


Click Upload, or right-click the NE(s) and choose Upload from the shortcut menu.


Click OK in the Confirm dialog box.

Step 7 Perform the data consistency check. 1.

Choose Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu.


Select an NE in the left pane and click the double-right-arrow button (red).


Select one or more NEs from the Configuration Data Management List.


Click Consistency Check, or right-click the NE(s) and choose Consistency Check from the shortcut menu.


Click OK. NOTE If the result indicates an inconsistency in the configuration data between the NE and the T2000-LCT, you need to upload or download the data to achieve consistency.

Step 8 View current alarms. Under normal conditions, no alarm should exist. 1.

Choose Fault > Browse Current Alarms from the Main Menu.


Select one or more NEs in the lower left pane, and click the double-right-arrow button (red). Then the current alarms of all severity levels for the selected NEs are displayed.


If you want to display the latest alarms, check the Display the Latest Alarms check box. NOTE The function of the checked check box is equivalent to the refresh function. Thus, when the check box is checked, the Refresh button is grayed out. Synchronization is used to compare the alarms in the T2000-LCT and the alarms in the NE. If data is inconsistent, the data is uploaded from the NE to the T2000-LCT.


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

To query NE alarms by certain criteria, uncheck the Display the Latest Alarms check box and press Filter. The Filter dialog box is displayed. Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

1 Installation NOTE

If you check the Display the Latest Alarms check box, in the Filter dialog box that appears, the Cleared Time filter criteria is not available.


Select display conditions as you need and then click Filter. The alarm information that meets the conditions is displayed.


1.4 Backing Up the Setup Application To facilitate installation, you can copy the whole setup application to the hard disk of a computer or other storage media.

Procedure Step 1 Open the installation CD-ROM. Step 2 Select all files and press Ctrl+C. Step 3 Navigate to the destination folder and press Ctrl+V. ----End

1.5 Uninstalling the T2000-LCT You can uninstall the T2000-LCT.

Procedure Step 1 Remove the T2000-LCT by using Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. Step 2 Remove the MSDE by using Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. Step 3 Remove the remaining files in the installation path of the MSDE. ----End


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description


Product Description

About This Chapter OptiX iManager T2000 local craft terminal (T2000-LCT) is an NE layer management system for the optical transport network. The T2000-LCT uniformly manages OptiX series optical transmission equipment from Huawei, such as SDH and WDM equipment. 2.1 System Overview 2.2 Application 2.3 Features and Functions 2.4 System Architecture 2.5 New Features

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

2.1 System Overview The following describes the position of the T2000-LCT in the TMN, and the equipment type that can be managed by the T2000-LCT V200R004C01. 2.1.1 Position in TMN Hierarchy 2.1.2 Manageable Equipment

2.1.1 Position in TMN Hierarchy The OptiX iManager T2000-LCT (local craft terminal) (T2000-LCT for short) is the Element Management Layer (EML) NM system for the optical transmission network. It can manage the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and Metro optical transmission equipment. In TMN hierarchical structure, the T2000-LCT is located at EML, as shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 The position of the T2000-LCT in TMN

NOTE The T2100 is a network management system (NMS), and manages the subnetwork management system (SNMS) or element management system (EMS).

The T2000-LCT provides the users with single-layer management network solutions to the transmission networks of up to 32 NEs to realise integrated management of multi-service transmission network. Usually it uses the crossover cable or serial port cable to connect one NE, so as to configure and maintain a single NE.


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

2.1.2 Manageable Equipment The T2000-LCT can uniformly manage OptiX series optical transmission equipment from Huawei, such as SDH and WDM equipment. The manageable SDH equipment is listed in Table 2-1, Table 2-2 and Table 2-3. Table 2-1 Manageable MSTP series equipment

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)



Name in the T2000-LCT

Multi-service transport platform (MSTP) series

OptiX Metro 100 terminal STM-1 optical transmission system

OptiX Metro 100

OptiX Metro 200 ultra compact STM-1 optical transmission system

OptiX Metro 200

OptiX Metro 500 ultra compact STM-1 multi-service transmission system

OptiX Metro 500

OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4 MSTP optical transmission system

OptiX 155/622H(Metro 1000)

OptiX 155/622H(Metro1000) STM-1/STM-4 MSTP optical transmission system V3 series

OptiX Metro 1000V3

OptiX Metro 1050 compact STM-1/STM-4 multi-service optical transmission system

OptiX Metro 1050

OptiX Metro 1100 compact container STM-16 multiservice transmission system

OptiX Metro 1100

OptiX 155/622(Metro2050) STM-1/STM-4 compatible optical transmission system

OptiX 155/622(Metro 2050)

OptiX 2500+(Metro3000) STM-16 MADM/MSTP optical transmission system

OptiX 2500+(Metro 3000)

OptiX Metro 3100 STM-16 multi-service transmission system

OptiX Metro 3100

Huawei Technologies Proprietary


OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description



Name in the T2000-LCT

OptiX 10G(Metro5000) STM-64 MADM optical transmission system

OptiX 10G(Metro 5000)

Table 2-2 Manageable OSN series equipment Category


Name in the T2000-LCT

Intelligent optical switching network (OSN) series

OptiX OSN 1500 Intelligent optical transmission system

OptiX OSN 1500

OptiX OSN 2000 enhanced STM-1/STM-4 multi-service optical transmission system

OptiX OSN 2000

OptiX OSN 2500 Intelligent optical transmission system

OptiX OSN 2500

OptiX OSN 2500 REG STM-16 regenerator

OptiX OSN 2500 REG

OptiX OSN 3500 Intelligent optical transmission system

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent optical switching system

OptiX OSN 7500

OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent optical switching system

OptiX OSN 9500

Table 2-3 Manageable SDH series equipment




Name in the T2000-LCT

SDH series

OptiX 155C SDH transmission unit for the access network

OptiX 155C

OptiX 155S simplified STM-1 optical transmission system

OptiX 155S

OptiX 155/622B STM-1/ STM-4 compatible optical transmission system (19-inch rack)

OptiX 155/622B

OptiX 2500 STM-4/STM-16 compatible optical transmission system

OptiX 2500

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Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


2 Product Description


Name in the T2000-LCT

OptiX 2500 REG STM-16 regenerator

OptiX 2500 REG

The manageable WDM equipment is listed in Table 2-4. Table 2-4 Manageable WDM equipment Category

Equipment Version

Name in the T2000-LCT

Metro WDM series

OptiX Metro 6020 compact container CWDM system V100R001

OptiX Metro 6020

OptiX Metro 6040 compact container WDM system V100R001

OptiX Metro 6040

OptiX Metro 6040 compact container DWDM system V200R001 or higher

OptiX Metro 6040 V2

OptiX Metro 6100 DWDM multi-service transmission system V100R002

OptiX Metro 6100

OptiX Metro 6100 DWDM multi-service transmission system V100R003

OptiX Metro 6100V1

OptiX Metro 6100 WDM multi-service transmission system V100R004 or higher

OptiX Metro 6100V1E

OptiX BWS 320G backbone DWDM optical transmission system V300R002


OptiX BWS 320G backbone DWDM optical transmission system V300R004

OptiX BWS 320GV3

OptiX BWS 1600G backbone DWDM optical transmission system V100R003 or higher

OptiX BWS 1600G, OptiX BWS 1600G OLA

Long-haul DWDM series

NOTE The OptiX BWS 1600G OLA is an independent power supply subrack. It is supported by the OptiX BWS 1600G backbone DWDM optical transmission system V100R004 and higher versions.

2.2 Application Single layer management network means that a transmission network is under the management of a single layer network management system. That is, the entire management network only includes NEs and EMSs. Figure 2-2 shows the networking mode. Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description NOTE

Single layer management network does not mean that there is only one network management system in the entire network.

Figure 2-2 Networking of single layer management network

NOTE For the internal networking mode of T2000-LCT, refer to 2.4 System Architecture.

2.3 Features and Functions The T2000-LCT has the T2000 NE layer functions, for example, fault management, performance management, configuration management, security management, and system administration. The T2000-LCT removes the T2000 network layer functions, for example, fibres, protection subnets, trails, and clock subnets. The T2000-LCT also has its own special functions, for example, NE information management. NOTE Before you log in and manage the NE through the T2000-LCT, if the T2000 has already logged in to the NE, you need to start the LCT Access Control switch on the NM, and select either Serial Port Access Control or Ethernet Interface Access Control.

2.3.1 Alarm Management 2.3.2 Performance Management 2.3.3 NE Information Management 2.3.4 Security Management 2.3.5 Communication Management 2.3.6 SDH NE Configuration 2.3.7 WDM NE Configuration 2.3.8 ASON Management 2.3.9 NE Configuration Data Management 2.3.10 Reports

2.3.1 Alarm Management 2-6

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

Alarm Monitoring Policy Settings By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Set several alarm functions. –

Automatically acknowledge alarms.

Automatically synchronize alarms.

Automatically change the cleared alarms to history alarms.


Customize the alarm attribute templates. A maximum of 16 attribute templates can be set in addition to the default template.


Set the filtering status of alarms.


Set NE alarms in a quick manner by using an alarm attribute template.


Set other attributes of NE alarms, including:


Saving mode

Reversion mode

Delay switch

Alarm occurring hold-off time

Alarm ending hold-off time

Set the attributes of T2000-LCT alarms, including: –

Alarm severity

Suppression status


Set alarm severity and automatic reporting.


Set the alarm suppression.


Set the alarm reversion.


Set the ATM connection alarm suppression.


Set the AIS insertion switch.


Set the UNEQ insertion switch.


Set the bit error alarm threshold.


Edit alarm remarks.


Save alarm data by printing a report or exporting a text file.

Alarm Browsing By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

View the current alarms on the T2000-LCT, including NE and NM alarms.


View the history alarms on the T2000-LCT, including NE and NM alarms.


View abnormal events.


Query current alarms from NE.


Query history alarms from NE.


Acknowledge alarms manually or automatically.


Check alarms.


View the information of current alarms and abnormal events by using the tool bar.

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description l

Automatically save the alarm filtering settings.


Turn off the alarm indicator on the top of cabinet.


View alarm remarks.

Alarm Deletion By using the T2000-LCT, a user can delete current NE alarms.

Alarm Synchronization The T2000-LCT can manually or automatically synchronize alarms between NEs and the T2000LCT. By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Manually synchronize alarm information networkwide.


Manually synchronize alarm information of NE(s).


Manually synchronize the NM alarms.


Automatically synchronize networkwide alarms under different conditions, such as when the T2000-LCT user quits the T2000-LCT.

Alarm Statistics By using the T2000-LCT, a user can collect alarm statistics according to different conditions, such as time period, alarm severities, and whether the alarm is cleared.

Alarm Insertion By using the T2000-LCT, a user can manually insert an alarm into a service to help users locate the fault point.

2.3.2 Performance Management Performance Monitoring Policy Settings By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations:



Customize performance threshold template: Users can customize a maximum of 16 threshold templates in addition to the default template.


Select the threshold template for NE and set the performance threshold.


Set the performance threshold for a specified board.


Set the start and stop time for NE performance monitoring.


Set whether to prompt unavailable time (UAT) and threshold crossing events in a timely manner.


Set the start and stop time for Ethernet performance monitoring.


Set Ethernet performance event monitoring status.


Set the ATM performance monitoring time.


Set the ATM performance monitoring period.

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description


Set the ATM performance event monitoring status.


Set the ATM performance real-time monitoring.

Performance Monitoring By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

View the SDH current performance data, history performance data, UAT and threshold crossing events.


Monitor the ATM port performance in real time, and view ATM port history performance data.


Monitor the ATM VP and VC performance in real time, and view ATM VP and VC history performance data.


Monitor Ethernet port performance in real time, and view the Ethernet port history performance data.


View the Ethernet performance data in the form of a graph or a table.


Monitor the Ethernet RMON performance.


View the current performance data, the history performance data, UAT, threshold crossing events, and other performances.

Performance Register Resetting By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Reset the performance register on the board.


Reset the performance register on the ATM board.


Reset the performance register on the Ethernet board.

2.3.3 NE Information Management The NE Information Management has the main menu, the toolbar and the NE Information List.

Interface See Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3 NE Information Management

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

2.3.4 Security Management NE Security Management l

Manage NE users.


Manage NE login.


Lock NE login.


Lock NE configuration.


Set the LCT access control to determine whether the LCT is allowed to access an NE.


Manage NE user groups.


Query logged-in NE users and force an NE user to log out.


Set security parameters for NEs.


Manage NE security log that contains the operation records of logging in to the NE, deleting an NE user and forcing a user to exit. NOTE The NE Explorer supports some of the NE security management functions. Users can perform operations related to a single NE using the NE Explorer. The Main Menu allows users to perform operations on multiple NEs. The detailed functions of NE security management in the NE Explorer depend on the type of NEs.


Manage the LCD password. If you forget the LCD password, you can change it using the T2000-LCT. NOTE OptiX Metro 100 equipment supports the LCD control panel. You can use the control panel to set and query parameters. Log in to the LCD control panel as an Admin or a Guest. Enter the password as Admin. You can use the T2000-LCT to set and change this password.


Query all users of an NE.


Configure the NE Syslog protocol.


Perform NE security log auditing.


Support NE basic ACL rule and advanced ACL rule.

System Security Management



Support the timeout mechanism for a user login session.


Set the timeout value, which is default to 15 minutes, for a user login session.


After a user is logged in, the system locks out the client screen if the user does not perform any operations in a specified duration.


The system locks out a user if the user fails the login for three consecutive times.


If a user is locked out, the user can be automatically unlocked.


Sensitive information such as the password cannot be displayed in plain text, stored, or transferred in plain text.


Monitor the status of each process.


Monitor the status of each database. Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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2 Product Description


Monitor system resources, such as memory usage and disk partition information.


Monitor the CPU usage.


Display a legal statement during the user login process.

Log Management l

Log operations: Query NE security events on the T2000-LCT.


Events recorded into logs: –

System startup and shutdown

Application startup and shutdown

Change of startup parameters and other parameters of the system and applications

Successful user login and logout

Failed user login

Modification of policies and configurations

Access to sensitive information

2.3.5 Communication Management NE Communication Parameter Settings By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Set the following NE communication parameters: –

IP address

Extension ID of NE

Gateway IP address

Subnet mask of GNE

NSAP Address


Set extension embedded control channel (ECC) parameters of the Ethernet interface and serial port.


Manage ECC link: Query ECC link related to the NE.


Access control –

Enable the T2000-LCT or the command line terminal to access the NE through an Ethernet or serial port.

Set the access rate for the serial port.


Change DCC access rate by selecting the bytes used by DCC channel. Bytes used in DCC communication can be set: three byes (D1-D3), nine bytes (D4-D12) or twelve bytes (D1D12). The corresponding access rates are: 192 kbit/s, 576 kbit/s, and 768 kbit/s.


Set transparent transmission of DCC: When networked with other vendor's equipment, the OptiX series equipment can transparently transmit the D bytes of other vendor's equipment through the D1-D3 bytes, and communicate with the OptiX equipment through the D4-D12 bytes.


DCC resources allocation: Query and set how D bytes are allocated and used.

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2 Product Description l

Open systems interconnection (OSI) management: Includes parameters configuration of the network layout and the route table.


OSI tunnel management: You can configure OSI tunnels for those NEs at the edge of a non-OSI network by OSI tunnel. In this way, the NMS for an OSI network is able to pass through a non-OSI network to manage OSI NEs.


IP stack protocol: Includes IP route management, OSPF parameter settings and proxy ARP. The IP route management provides a table that stores the IP route relations between the NE and other NEs in the network. You can query all the IP route information in this table.


Enable OSI link: Enable the OSI protocol at the Ethernet port of an NE so that the data in accordance with the OSI protocol can pass through the NE. In this way an OSI link is enabled.

DCN Protection Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Select active and standby gateway NEs (GNEs) for an NE.


Set the revertive mode.


Set the type and address of a GNE.


Test the communication state of NEs.


Query in DCN management the number of non-gateway NEs connected to each GNE.

2.3.6 SDH NE Configuration NE level configuration includes the configurations on communications, services, protection, and clock on an individual NE basis. The configuration data is saved at the NE layer on the T2000LCT and in the database of the NE.

Basic NE Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l


Modify NE attributes such as: –

NE name


NE Extended ID


NE pre-configuration


Synchronize NE time: Align all NEs with the system time of the T2000-LCT server. The user can configure the T2000-LCT to automatically synchronize the NE time by specifying the automatic synchronization period.


Query physical resources in the following lists: –

NE list

Board details

Board list

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2 Product Description


Support the board plug and display feature: After a board is inserted to the slot, the NE Panel automatically displays the board and board information.


Set the auto release of the NE function for some operations that may affect services. When the time expires, these operations automatically stop.


Environment monitoring information. You can set the following interfaces:


PMU interface

EMU interface

CAU interface

NE fan speed

Virtual NE management –

Create a virtual NE.

Add a board.

Create SDH services.

Board Protection Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Configure board 1+1 protection.


Configure 1:N TPS (tributary protection switching) protection on the tributary board.


Configure board level protection.


Configure port protection.

SDH Interface Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Interface board management: Query and set the SDH interface boards installed on NEs.


Set the parameters of SDH interfaces.


Set the parameters of PDH interfaces.


Set overhead interfaces, including: –


Hotline number

Special line number

Conference call number

Subnet number length

F1 data port

Broadcast data port

Communication port

Data port

Out-ring route


Set the optical amplifier board interface.


Manage the optical power of a board.

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description l


Set tone and data access (TDA) interfaces, including: –

TDA clock source.

TDA power feeding.

Query and set overheads, including: –

Regenerator section overhead (J0).

Lower order path overhead (V5, J2)

VC4 higher order path overhead (J1, C2) its pass-through or termination.

VC3 higher order path overhead (J1, C2).

Configuration for SDH Services and Protection By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Configure VC12, VC3, or VC4 services and select protection groups for them.


Manage Transmux services, including M13/E13 Transmux and M13/E13 Transmux Server services.


Configure VC4-4C, VC4-8C, VC4-16C, or VC4-64C concatenated service; bind or unbind services, and select protection groups for them.


Configure other services: ESCON service, 64 kbit/s service (including TDA board service, N x 64 kbit/s service) and DSL service.


Manage SNCMP services.


Activate or deactivate services.


Convert an SNCP service to a normal service or change a normal service to an SNCP service.


Perform dual-ended protection switching of an SNCP trail to keep the routes of the positive and negative trails consistent. This operation solves the problem of service delay caused by discrete routes.


Configure REG. After the line board is set as REG on the T2000-LCT, each pair of optical interfaces of the line board provides a special receive or transmit function. Through the internal switch, the SDH signals from the receiving optical interface are sent out directly to the corresponding transmitting optical interface after passing through the regenerator section layer and being amplified. The REG function is completely realized by the board without the need of system control and communication unit and cross-connect unit.


Query the remaining lower order cross-connect capacity on the cross-connect board.

Configuration for ATM Interfaces, Services, and Protection By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations:



Interface board management: Query and configure the ATM interface board on an NE.


Set ATM interface parameters.


Configure ATM traffic.


Configure ATM cross-connection services. –

Configure ATM cross-connections.

Configure ATM protection groups.

Configure ATM protection pairs. Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

Configure ATM services from ATM board to SDH line.

Activate or deactivate ATM cross-connection.


Configure ATM binding path.


Operate and maintain ATM (OAM).


Set or query the section-end attribute of the connection point.

Set or query the continuity check (CC) activation state of the connection point.

Perform remote loopback test.

Set or query the NE loopback location identifier (LLID).

Upload, download, duplicate the OAM data of the NE or perform the related consistency check.

Configure the ATM IMA group.

Configuration for Ethernet Interfaces and Services By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Interface board management: Query and configure the Ethernet interface board on an NE.


Configure fast Ethernet transparent transmission board.


Manage Ethernet interfaces including Ethernet interfaces and link state pass through (LPT) management.


Configure Ethernet internal interfaces, including:


Basic attributes

TAG attribute

Network attributes



Bound path

Advanced attributes.

Configure external ports of Ethernet interface, including: –

Basic attributes

Flow control

TAG attribute

Network attributes

Advanced attributes.


Configure private line services, including Ethernet private line (EPL) and Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL). You can create a new service and configure a bound path.


Configure LAN services, including Ethernet private LAN (EPLAN) and Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN). You can create a new virtual bridge (VB) and configure the following: VB mount ports, VLAN, VLAN unicast, disabling MAC address, and binding path. For the EMS4 and EGS4 boards of the OptiX OSN 3500, the following functions are also supported: Self-learning MAC address, VB Port MAC Address Table Capacity, and VLAN MAC Address Table Capacity.


Configure Ethernet Layer-2 switching, including:

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2 Product Description –

Aging time

Spanning tree

IGMP snooping protocol.


Configure QinQ service: QinQ is an embedded technology in VLAN, and tags users with multi-layer VLAN ID, so that VLAN can be extended. You can perform operations such as adding, stripping and exchanging of tags in different scenarios.


Configure a link aggregation group (LAG).


Create or delete an LAG.

Add or delete LAG ports.

Query LAG ports and aggregation state.

Configure quality of service (QoS), including: –

Flow configuration

CAR configuration

CoS configuration

Port shaping management


Test frame receiving and transmitting on Ethernet boards, including the EGT, EFT, EGS, EFS and EMS boards.


Configure OAM management for Ethernet services.


Configure the LCAS attributes such as hold-off time, WTR time and protocol mode.


Use QoS template to simplify the QoS configuration for Ethernet services.

RPR Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Modify resilient packet ring (RPR) node information.


Set and query the node information of an NE in the RPR.


Set the RPR link information of an NE.


Query the topology of the RPR that the NE belongs to.


Query the protection status, switching status and switching position of the RPR that an NE belongs to.


Set forced switch, manual switch or clear switch in the RPR that an NE belongs to.

Clock Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Query the clock synchronization status.


Set clock source priority tables, including:


System clock source priority list

Priority table for phase-locked sources of 1st external clock output

Priority table for phase-locked sources of 2nd external clock output.

Set clock source switching, including: –


Clock source restoration parameters

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide



2 Product Description

Clock source switching condition

Clock source switching

Configure clock subnets, including: –

Clock subnet

Clock quality

SSM output control

Clock ID status

Set phase-locked sources output by external clock, including: –

External clock output phase-locked source

2 Mbit/s phase-locked source external clock attributes

Ethernet OAM Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Create and set maintenance points.


Perform the continuity check (CC) check.


Perform the loopback (LB) check.


Perform the link trace (LT) check.

2.3.7 WDM NE Configuration NE level configuration includes the configurations on communications, services, protection, and clock on an individual NE basis. The configuration data is saved at the NE layer on the T2000LCT and in the database of the NE.

Basic NE Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Synchronize NE time: Align all NEs with the system time of the T2000-LCT server. The user can configure the T2000-LCT to automatically synchronize the NE time by specifying the automatic synchronization period.


Query physical resources in the following lists: –

NE list

Board list

Board details


Set the auto release of the NE function for some operations that may affect services. When the time expires, these operations automatically stop.


Modify subrack NE attributes such as:

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

NE name


NE Extended ID


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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description – l

NE pre-configuration

Environment monitoring information. You can set the following interfaces: –

PMU interface

NE fan speed

WDM Board Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Configure the optical transponder unit.


Configure the service multiplexing and de-multiplexing unit.


Configure the optical amplifier unit.


Configure the spectrum analysis unit.


Configure the optical supervisory channel unit.


Configure the optical add/drop multiplexing unit.


Configure the variable optical attenuator unit.


Configure the optical equalization unit.


Configure the optical fiber monitoring unit.


Configure WDM overhead interface, including: –

Orderwire phone

F1 data port

Conference call

Broadcast data port

Subnet number length

WDM Service Configuration At an OADM station, a user can perform ADM configuration for GE/FC services using the LQG, LOG and other boards as follows: l

Several WDM service boards in specified slots form a cross-connect unit group.


GE/FC services can be added or dropped, passed through or looped back in each crossconnect unit group.


Support for WXCP protection, with working and protection cross-connections configured at the sink NE.

Optical cross-connection management The following new features are added for the OptiX Metro 6100V1E, OptiX Metro 6040V2, OptiX BWS 1600G.



Dynamically create OCh-level cross-connections. Manage optical cross-connections for a board. Create, activate, deactivate, delete and query optical cross-connections on a per-NE basis.


Support for the creation of edge ports.


After the optical cross-connections are dynamically configured and the multiplexed wavelength is output, the optical power between each wavelength channel is diverse. To Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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2 Product Description

avoid negative impacts on service transmission, the power equalization function is provided.

ROADM Configuration Using the ROADM function in the T2000, a user can perform add/drop and pass-through configuration for optical channels, as follows: l

Create an ROADM wavelength group.


Set the wavelength blocking monitoring unit.


Set the OTU mapping.

Clock Configuration By using the T2000, a user can perform the following operations: l

Configure a board clock source.


Configure transparent transmission of an external clock.


Configure a clock for the SCC board. –

Configure a clock for the optical supervisory channel unit.

Specify the traceable clock source for the SCC board.

Define the clock source priorities.

WDM Protection Configuration By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Configure optical line protection.


Configure optical wavelength protection group.


Configure 1:N optical channel protection.


Configure protection for clock transparent transmission.


Configure WXCP protection for GE/FC services. –

Configure WXCP protection group for the NE in the sink slot.

Configure and query the WXCP protection parameters.

Query the status of WXCP protection switching.

Query the services with WXCP protection.

Perform WXCP protection switching.


Configure tributary protection set.


Configure dual path protection set.

Optical Power Adjustment By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Manage the optical power. The user can query the input power, output power and power threshold and so on for each WDM board.


Perform the function of intelligent power adjustment (IPA) management. When a fiber is cut off, the optical amplifier board detects the signal loss at the station. The station reports

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

2 Product Description

an exceptional event to the T2000-LCT. After the user confirms the event, the optical amplifier boards at the upstream and downstream stations reduce their output power to a safe value to prevent the fiber maintainer from being hurt by the lasers emitted from the cut-off fiber. After the fiber is reconnected, the optical signals restores to normal and the optical power of each optical amplifier board automatically returns to a normal value. l

Perform the function of automatic power equilibrium (APE). If the MCA board at the receive end detects that the optical power of some channels is abnormal, the station reports an exceptional event to the T2000-LCT. After the user confirms the event, the T2000LCT issues a command to the optical attenuation adjustment board of the upstream station. This board adjusts the optical power of the abnormal channel so that the optical signal noise ratio (SNR) of each channel at the receive end is equalized.

Dispersion Compensation The DCM board can conduct dispersion compensation to each band to realize dispersion equalization.

2.3.8 ASON Management The automatically switched optical network (ASON) is an optical transport network composed of intelligent NEs. ASON NEs refer to equipment that is equipped with both SDH and ASON features. An ASON network is managed by the T2000-LCT that combines ASON and SDH features.

ASON Reserved Resource Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: Query reserved resources station by station.

VC4 Timeslot Occupation Status Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: Query VC4 timeslot occupation status station by station.

Control Plane Parameter Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Enable open shortest path first (OSPF).


Query whether OSPF is enabled.


Set the routing algorithm strategy parameter.


Query the routing algorithm strategy parameter.


Set the WTR time of revertive rerouting.


Query the WTR time of revertive rerouting.

Link Protocol Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: 2-20

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2 Product Description


Query control paths.


Create control paths.


Delete control paths.


Query TE links.


Query component links.


Set the LMP auto discovery type.


Query and set the overhead byte used by LMP auto discovery type.

OSPF Protocol Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Query control paths.


Query TE links.


Query component links.


Query OSPF IP addresses.


Set OSPF IP addresses.


Query the flood threshold for TE links.


Set the flood threshold for TE links.


Query OSPF protocol authentication.


Set OSPF protocol authentication.

RSVP Protocol Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Query resource reservation protocol (RSVP) protocol authentication.


Set RSVP protocol authentication.


Delete RSVP protocol authentication.

ASON Trail Information Querying On a Per-NE Basis By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Query ASON trails.


Print ASON trail information.

ASON Trail Group Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Query an ASON trail group.


Add an ASON trail group.


Delete an ASON trail group.


Query the members in an ASON trail group.


Add a member to an ASON trail group.

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2 Product Description l

Delete a member to an ASON trail group.

ASON Control Plane Advanced Maintenance By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Maintain ASON signaling.


Maintain the ASON switch controller.


Maintain ASON protocol management.

2.3.9 NE Configuration Data Management By using the T2000-LCT, a user can perform the following operations: l

Upload or download the configuration data of NE.


Check whether the configuration data in NE is consistent with that in T2000-LCT.


Back up NE data to the databases of FDB1 and FDB0.


Back up the NE database to and restore the NE database from mobile storage media, that is, a CF card.


Initialize configuration data in the T2000-LCT. Delete the configuration data in the T2000LCT.


Enable the T2000-LCT to automatically check the synchronization status between the T2000-LCT and NEs.


Synchronize NE data automatically or manually. In this way, the data in the T2000-LCT is consistent with that in the NE. The user can also view the information that is not synchronized.


Copy configuration data of an NE to others.

2.3.10 Reports The T2000-LCT has comprehensive reporting capabilities. T2000-LCT user is able to print desired data while viewing them. In addition, the T2000-LCT provides the following reports: l

NE information report


Slot configuration report


Board information report


Board details report


WDM subrack resources report


SDH trail report, including single specifics, identical route combination, and end-to-end combination.


WDM trail report

2.4 System Architecture The T2000-LCT provides the standard client/server architecture. 2-22

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2 Product Description

2.4.1 Software Structure 2.4.2 External Interfaces

2.4.1 Software Structure The T2000-LCT adopts an open software architecture and a modular structure. Figure 2-4 shows its software architecture. Table 2-5 briefly describes each module. Figure 2-4 T2000-LCT software structure

Table 2-5 Software modules and functions Module T2000-LCT Client

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Function client

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A Java-based graphical application that can run on different platforms. Through the 2-23

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2 Product Description


Function client, the user can interact with the T2000-LCT system to perform relevant T2000LCT functions.

T2000-LCT Server

System Monitor


The primary process of the T2000-LCT server. It realizes the core management functions including fault, performance, and configuration.


The message distribution process. Distributes all messages between the T2000LCT server processes, as well as between the T2000-LCT server and client.

Topo Server

The topo server.

Syslog Agent

Forwards the T2000-LCT system log to the syslog server.

Toolkit Server

Upgrade software and configuration data management of the network management system.

Security Server

The security server. Mainly implements T2000-LCT security management, for example, user validity check and user operation validity check.

Schedulesrv Server

The schedule server. Manages scheduled tasks.

Sysmonitor Server

Manages and monitors all T2000-LCT server processes except MDP.

Sysmonitor Client

A simple GUI monitoring terminal based on Java.

The Database refers to the database management software adopted for the T2000-LCT, that is MSDE. The T2000-LCT manages OptiX series equipment through the Qx interface. For the details about external interfaces, refer to section "2.4.2 External Interfaces". 2-24

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2 Product Description

2.4.2 External Interfaces Figure 2-5 shows the communication interfaces between the T2000-LCT and the external system. Figure 2-5 External communication interfaces of the T2000-LCT

Qx The Qx interface uses the internal OptiX private management protocol of Huawei. It enables the T2000-LCT to connect the OptiX series equipment.

2.5 New Features The T2000-LCT V200R004C01 provides the following new features: 2.5.1 New Boards Supported 2.5.2 New Equipment Supported 2.5.3 New Features

2.5.1 New Boards Supported The T2000-LCT V200R004C01 supports the following new boards listed in Table 2-6, Table 2-7. Table 2-6 New SDH boards supported Equipment


OptiX OSN9500 V100R004C01

ESCC, F64D, D64D, L16V, O16D

OptiX OSN9500 V100R003C03

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2 Product Description



OptiX OSN1500 V100R006


OptiX OSN2500 V100R006


OptiX OSN3500 V100R006


OptiX OSN7500 V100R006


OptiX OSN2000 V100R001

PIU, SCC, PL1, PT1, LA1, TA1, L12S, T12S, L75S, T75S, AUX, XCS, STI, SL1, EFT0, EMS1, ETF6, ETF8, SL4, OSB1, OSB4, FAN, PL1P, PT1P

OptiX Metro1000 V300R004C01


OptiX Metro3000 V100R009C01


Table 2-7 New WDM boards supported Equipment


OptiX Metro6040 V300R002


OptiX Metro6100V1E V100R007


OptiX BWS1600GV100R005


OptiX BWS1600G OLA

ST1, ST2

2.5.2 New Equipment Supported The T2000-LCT V200R004C01 supports the following new equipment listed in Table 2-8.


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2 Product Description

Table 2-8 New equipment supported Equipment

Name in the T2000LCT

OptiX OSN 2000 enhanced STM-1/STM-4 multi-service optical transmission system

OptiX OSN 2000

2.5.3 New Features The T2000-LCT V200R004C01 has the following new functions:

NE security The following NE security features are added for the OptiX OSN 1500, OptiX OSN 2500, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN 7500, the OptiX BWS 1600G and OptiX Metro 6100V1E. l

The NE Syslog protocol can be configured.


The NE security log can be checked.


The NE advanced ACL rule is supported.


The management of all users of an NE is supported.

Optimized alarm management Alarm parameters are saved when a user saves the T2000-LCT alarms.

Data synchronization between T2000-LCT and equipment The following new features are added for the OptiX Metro 1000V3, OptiX OSN 1500, OptiX OSN 2500, OptiX OSN 3500, OptiX OSN 7500, the OptiX Metro 6100V1E, OptiX Metro 6040V2, OptiX BWS 1600G and OptiX BWS 1600G OLA. l

The automatic check of the synchronization status between the T2000-LCT and NEs is supported.


A user can manually and automatically synchronize the data in the T2000-LCT with the data in an NE. The automatic synchronization needs to be enabled.

Board plug and display The following new feature is added for the OptiX Metro 1000V3, OptiX OSN 1500, OptiX OSN 2500, OptiX OSN 3500 and OptiX OSN 7500. When a board is inserted into a slot, the NE panel automatically displays the board and its board information.

Optimized T2000-LCT functions The function of NE ID modification is optimized.

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2 Product Description

Optimized SDH service management l

The SNCMP service management is supported by OSN equipment and the SNCMP functional user interface is optimized.


The disable mode for the J byte is added. This is supported on OptiX Metro 500 and OptiX Metro 1000V3.

Optimized ASON functions on a per-NE basis l

A user can query the utilization of VC4 timeslots.


A user can query and set the overhead byte used by link management protocol (LMP) automatic discovery mode at a local node.


A user can query and set the authentication and encryption of the (open shortest path firsttraffic engineering) OSPF-TE protocol at a local node.


A user can query and set the authentication and encryption of the (open shortest path firsttraffic engineering) OSPF-TE protocol at a node.


A user can set and query the flood threshold value of the TE links at a local node.


A user can create, query and delete ASON trail groups at a local node.


A user can manage ASON protocol at a local node.


A user can set and query the OSPF-IP address.

Optimized data features l

The LCAS function is supported. New LCAS attributes, such as Hold-Off Time, WTR Time and Protocol Mode, are added.


The QoS template is provided to simplify the QoS configuration for Ethernet services on a per-NE basis.


The ATM Service Management and ATM Traffic Management interfaces are optimized.


The switch mode attribute is added for bridge so that the MAC addresses can be forwarded. This function is supported by the N1EMS4 and N1EGS4 boards on the OptiX OSN 1500, OptiX OSN 2500, OptiX OSN 3500 and OptiX OSN 7500.

Optimized wavelength protection for metropolitan-area WDM l

For the metropolitan-area WDM, the intra-extended-board wavelength protection is supported, which is realized by using the OLP and the single-transmit and single-receive OTU/OCU board.


The 1+1 tributary protection switching (TPS) is supported.


The data post processing system (DPPS) protection is realized based on the 1+1 TPS and the line board protection.

Optical cross-connection management The following new features are added for the OptiX Metro 6100V1E, OptiX Metro 6040V2, OptiX BWS 1600G.



Dynamically create OCh-level cross-connections. Manage optical cross-connections for a board. Create, activate, deactivate, delete and query optical cross-connections on a per-NE basis.


Support for the creation of edge ports. Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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2 Product Description

After the optical cross-connections are dynamically configured and the multiplexed wavelength is output, the optical power between each wavelength channel is diverse. To avoid negative impacts on service transmission, the power equalization function is provided.

Backup and restoration for the CF card of NE database The NE database can be backed up to the mobile storage medium, CF card, and also restored from the CF card. This function is supported in the OptiX BWS 1600G, OptiX BWS 1600G OLA, Metro 6100V1E and Metro 6040V2.

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

3 Getting Started


Getting Started

About This Chapter The following pages introduces some preparation operations that will ensure a smooth, troublefree launch of the T2000-LCT. 3.1 T2000-LCT Process The server processes of the T2000-LCT and what functions the processes realize are described. 3.2 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000-LCT The T2000-LCT uses the standard client/server architecture and single user mode. So, you are recommended to start or shut down the T2000-LCT by strictly observing the following procedure. 3.3 How to Use T2000-LCT Online Help The online help is the main information resources of the T2000-LCT, which helps you to master the operations and know about the GUI operations at any time. 3.4 T2000-LCT Main Window The T2000-LCT main windows and what you can do in the windows are described here. 3.5 Menu Description The Main Menu and submenus of the T2000-LCT are described as follows. 3.6 Operation Precautions The operation precautions for ensuring correct operations are as follows: 3.7 List of Operations That Might Affect Network Running and Monitoring Performing the operations listed below on the T2000-LCT might affect the running or monitoring of the network. Confirm an operation prior to performing it. 3.8 Customizing Parameter Display It is a customisable function of the T2000-LCT. You can customise the display of parameters as you like, by putting important parameters to a place easy to find and hiding those hardly used. 3.9 Copying Table Text Quickly The T2000-LCT allows you to copy and paste table text. You can copy table text to other programs quickly. 3.10 Setting Parameters in the Table Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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On the T2000-LCT GUI, the object tree is arranged on the left side and parameter table is arranged on the right side. All the parameters are set in the table. The following illustrates how to perform operations in the NE Explorer. 3.11 Rules of Entering Information on User Interface These rules specify the typing requirements for the text boxes in the T2000-LCT operation interface. These text boxes are used for typing character strings, file names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, numerals, passwords, dates, time, and so on.


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3 Getting Started

3.1 T2000-LCT Process The server processes of the T2000-LCT and what functions the processes realize are described.

Table 3-1 describes the functions of processes in the software structure of the T2000-LCT. Table 3-1 T2000-LCT processes Process


Ems Server

The primary process of the T2000-LCT server. It realizes the core management functions including fault, performance, and configuration.

Schedulesrv Server

The schedule server. Manages scheduled tasks.

Security Server

The security server. Mainly implements T2000-LCT security management, for example, user validity check and user operation validity check.

Syslog Agent

Forwards the T2000-LCT system log to the Syslog server.

Toolkit Server

Upgrade software and configuration data management of the network management system.

Topo Server

The topo server.

Database Server Process

The T2000-LCT uses the database management software MSDE, the simplified version of MS SQL Server.

3.2 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000-LCT The T2000-LCT uses the standard client/server architecture and single user mode. So, you are recommended to start or shut down the T2000-LCT by strictly observing the following procedure.

Context l

You are recommended to start the computer and the T2000-LCT application in the following sequence: Start the computer, start the T2000-LCT server, and then start the T2000-LCT client.


You are recommended to shut down the T2000-LCT application and the computer in the following sequence: Exit the T2000-LCT client, stop the T2000-LCT server, and then shut down the computer.

3.2.1 Starting the Computer To avoid equipment damages or data loss, follow the steps listed below strictly to start the computer. 3.2.2 Starting the T2000-LCT Server Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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After starting the computer where the T2000-LCT is installed, you must start the T2000-LCT server application for network management. 3.2.3 Viewing the T2000-LCT Process Status When you fail to log in to the T2000-LCT or abnormally exit the T2000-LCT, you can use System Monitor to view the T2000-LCT process status. 3.2.4 Logging In to the T2000-LCT Client To manage networks through the T2000-LCT client graphical user interface, you need to use the T2000-LCT client to log in to the T2000-LCT server. 3.2.5 Exiting a T2000-LCT Client Before shutting down the T2000-LCT server, you must exit the T2000-LCT client. 3.2.6 Shutting Down the T2000-LCT Server When the T2000-LCT server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer that the T2000-LCT resides or upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor to shut down the T2000-LCT server. 3.2.7 Shutting Down the Computer Normally, do not shut down the computer where the T2000-LCT resides. In special situations, for example, when the computer becomes faulty, shut down the computer in the correct sequence.

3.2.1 Starting the Computer To avoid equipment damages or data loss, follow the steps listed below strictly to start the computer.

Prerequisite l

The T2000-LCT must be installed successfully.


The power cable of the workstation or the computer, the power cable of the monitor, data line and Ethernet line must be connected correctly.


If there is printer, modem or other peripherals, their power line and data line must be connected correctly.

Context The T2000-LCT only supports Windows operating systems.

Procedure 1.

Power on the printer, modem and other peripherals.


Power on the computer and the Windows is automatically started. The Login dialog box is displayed.


Enter the Username and the Password in the Login dialog box. User: t2000 (by default) Password: t2000 (by default).


Click OK to open the Windows user interface.

----End 3-4

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3 Getting Started

3.2.2 Starting the T2000-LCT Server After starting the computer where the T2000-LCT is installed, you must start the T2000-LCT server application for network management.

Prerequisite l

The T2000-LCT server must be started correctly.


The operating system of the T2000-LCT server must be running correctly.

Procedure Step 1 Double-click the T2000LCT-Server icon on the desktop of the T2000-LCT server. The Login dialogue box will be displayed in a few seconds. Step 2 Enter the User Name, Password and Server. For example, User Name: admin, Password: T2000 (T2000 by default) and Server: Local. Step 3 Click Login to display the System Monitor window. Wait a few minutes until the Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server and Database Server Processare all in Running status. Now the T2000-LCT server is started successfully. Step 4 Optional: When needed, you can also start the Toolkit Server processes manually. NOTE If the System Monitor client application is started, you can restart the T2000-LCT server on the System Monitor client. Perform the following steps: Choose System > Start Server on the Main Menu of the System Monitor client. When Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server and Database Server Process are all in the Running state, the T2000-LCT server is started properly.


3.2.3 Viewing the T2000-LCT Process Status When you fail to log in to the T2000-LCT or abnormally exit the T2000-LCT, you can use System Monitor to view the T2000-LCT process status.

Procedure Step 1 Start and log in to the System Monitor. Step 2 Click the Process tab. View the status of EMS Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Toolkit Server, Topo Server and Database Server Process. All the process should be at "Running" status. ----End

3.2.4 Logging In to the T2000-LCT Client To manage networks through the T2000-LCT client graphical user interface, you need to use the T2000-LCT client to log in to the T2000-LCT server. Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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3 Getting Started

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT server must be started correctly.

Procedure Step 1 On the computer of the T2000-LCT client, double-click the T2000LCT-Client icon on the desktop. Step 2 Enter the User Name, Password of the T2000-LCT client. For example: User Name: admin; Password: T2000. Step 3 Click Login to enter the NE Information List. ----End

3.2.5 Exiting a T2000-LCT Client Before shutting down the T2000-LCT server, you must exit the T2000-LCT client.

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT client must be started normally.

Procedure Step 1 Select File > Exit from the Main Menu. Step 2 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. ----End

3.2.6 Shutting Down the T2000-LCT Server When the T2000-LCT server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer that the T2000-LCT resides or upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor to shut down the T2000-LCT server.

Procedure l

Shut down T2000-LCT server only. 1.

From the Main Menu of System Monitor, choose System > Stop Server to close all processes of T2000-LCT server.


Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. Wait for a moment until the Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent and Topo Server are all in Stopped status. Now the T2000-LCT server is shut down successfully.

Now you cannot shut down the MDP process or initialize the database.


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3 Getting Started

Shut down T2000-LCT server and System Monitor. 1.

From the Main Menu of System Monitor, choose System > Shutdown System to close the T2000-LCT Server and System Monitor.

After all the T2000-LCT processes are finished, you can initialize the database. ----End

3.2.7 Shutting Down the Computer Normally, do not shut down the computer where the T2000-LCT resides. In special situations, for example, when the computer becomes faulty, shut down the computer in the correct sequence.

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT server and client applications must be stopped.

Procedure 1.

Choose Start > Shut down from the Windows desktop.


Choose Shut down and click OK in the dialog box. The computer shuts down automatically.


Turn off the monitor and the peripheral equipment.


3.3 How to Use T2000-LCT Online Help The online help is the main information resources of the T2000-LCT, which helps you to master the operations and know about the GUI operations at any time. 3.3.1 Opening the Online Help Use this procedure to open the T2000-LCT help. 3.3.2 Performing a Full Text Search When reading this help, you can enter a specific word or phrase in Full text search for full text search to find out the related help topic. 3.3.3 Using Index When using the online Help, you can enter a specific word or phrase in the Index field to search for the coherent topics. 3.3.4 Printing Help Contents You can print the help contents that you need. 3.3.5 Conventions The T2000-LCT online help uses the following conventions. 3.3.6 Closing the Online Help Use this procedure to close the online help.

3.3.1 Opening the Online Help Use this procedure to open the T2000-LCT help. Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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3 Getting Started

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT must be working normally.

Procedure l

Select Help > Help Topics from the Main Menu.


In the operation interface of the T2000-LCT client, press F1 to display the help topic for this function. For example, press F1 in the SDH Interface window and the Help Topic of this function is displayed.


On the Windows desktop, choose Start > Programs > iManager T2000-LCT > T2000LCT Help to open the help offline.


3.3.2 Performing a Full Text Search When reading this help, you can enter a specific word or phrase in Full text search for full text search to find out the related help topic. in the upper left corner of the help window, enter a specific word or phrase and Click press Enter to begin full text search. The result is displayed in the list and indicated with before the title according to the matching degrees from the top down. Then in the Full text search list, you can select the desired title to view the related topic. It is shown below:

3.3.3 Using Index When using the online Help, you can enter a specific word or phrase in the Index field to search for the coherent topics.

Procedure Step 1


Click Enter.

on the upper left corner of the Help window. Enter a word or phrase and press

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Step 2 When you press Enter again, the system locates the next index item. ----End

3.3.4 Printing Help Contents You can print the help contents that you need.

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT must be working normally.

Procedure In the left pane of the online help, click the subject to be printed. In toolbar, click the The Print dialog box is displayed, and click OK.



3.3.5 Conventions The T2000-LCT online help uses the following conventions.

GUI and Keyboard Conventions Action


boldface font

Tab names, menu items, button or icon names and field names are labeled as boldface. For example, the New User window is displayed. Click the OK button.


Multi-level menus are separated by a right angle bracket. For example, File > Create > Folder .

Key1 + Key2

Press the keys concurrently.

Key1, Key2

Press the keys in turn.

NOTE For keyboard operations, the term "press" means one or more keys are pressed and then released; "enter" means to enter (input) characters from the keyboard.

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Mouse Conventions Convention



Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse button by default).


Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.


Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.


Press the secondary mouse button (right mouse button) to display a shortcut menu.

NOTE The mouse operations described above are oriented to the right-handers. Therefore in most cases, the click, double-click or drag actions all refer to using of the left button of the mouse. If there is a need to use the right button, it is specially pointed out in the text.

3.3.6 Closing the Online Help Use this procedure to close the online help.

Prerequisite The T2000-LCT must be working normally.

Procedure Step 1 Close the active dialog boxes. Step 2 Click

of the help window.


3.4 T2000-LCT Main Window The T2000-LCT main windows and what you can do in the windows are described here. 3.4.1 NE Information Management The NE Information Management has the main menu, the toolbar and the NE Information List. 3.4.2 NE Explorer The NE Explorer is the main user interface used to manage OptiX equipment. In the NE Explorer, the user can configure, manage and maintain the NE, boards, and ports on a per-NE basis. Therefore, the NE Explorer is the main user interface for commissioning and configuration on a per-NE basis. The NE Explorer contains a Function Tree that makes the operations easy. To 3-10

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3 Getting Started

display the configuration window for an object, the user can just select the object and then choose a desired function in the Function Tree. 3.4.3 SDH NE Panel The NE Panel displays boards, and ports in different colors depending on their current status. In the T2000-LCT, most operations such as equipment configuration, monitoring, and maintenance are performed in the NE Panel window. 3.4.4 Subrack NE Panel The NE Panel displays subracks, boards, and ports in different colors depending on their current status. In the T2000-LCT, most operations such as equipment configuration, monitoring, and maintenance are performed in the NE Panel window. 3.4.5 The Browse Alarm and Event Window You can view the current and history alarms, abnormal events and statistics on current alarms. This window provides buttons, such as filter, refresh, synchronize, check and acknowledge, help you to quickly locate the alarm cause. 3.4.6 The Browse Performance Window You can view the current and history performance data, UAT events and performance threshold crossings. 3.4.7 Operation Object Status The meaning of legends on a view is described here. 3.4.8 Key GUI Components The key T2000-LCT GUI components are as follows: 3.4.9 Frequently Used Buttons The frequently used buttons on the T2000-LCT GUI are as follows: 3.4.10 Common Shortcut Keys Using shortcut keys, you can increase the operation efficiency. The shortcut keys include Enter, Ctrl, Esc, Tab, F1 and so on.

3.4.1 NE Information Management The NE Information Management has the main menu, the toolbar and the NE Information List.

GUI See Figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 NE Information Management

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3 Getting Started

3.4.2 NE Explorer The NE Explorer is the main user interface used to manage OptiX equipment. In the NE Explorer, the user can configure, manage and maintain the NE, boards, and ports on a per-NE basis. Therefore, the NE Explorer is the main user interface for commissioning and configuration on a per-NE basis. The NE Explorer contains a Function Tree that makes the operations easy. To display the configuration window for an object, the user can just select the object and then choose a desired function in the Function Tree.

NOTE You can open at most five NE Explorer windows at the same time.

GUI In the NE information list, right-click an NE and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu. The NE Explorer window of an SDH NE is shown in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 The NE Explorer window of an SDH NE

The NE Explorer window of a WDM NE is shown in Figure 3-3.


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Figure 3-3 The NE Explorer window of a WDM NE

Customizing a Window You can select either of the two options to customize the NE Explorer window: Display in Maximization and Display in Window. The NE Explorer window is by default displayed in the display mode you select. Choose File > Custom Options > Custom Window from the Main Menu. Set the initial display mode for the NE Explorer window. NOTE If the NE Explorer is already open before you modify the settings, you need to close and open the window again, so that the settings take effect.

3.4.3 SDH NE Panel The NE Panel displays boards, and ports in different colors depending on their current status. In the T2000-LCT, most operations such as equipment configuration, monitoring, and maintenance are performed in the NE Panel window.

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3 Getting Started

GUI In the NE information list, right-click an NE and choose Open Slot Diagram from the shortcut menu. See Figure 3-4. To add a new board, right-click an idle slot, and choose a board type. Figure 3-4 NE Panel

NOTE Check the Always On Top check box, and the Slot Layout window is never hidden behind other windows.

Click the icon on the toolbar to view the legends on the right of the Slot Layout. For example, Figure 3-5 shows the legends of the OptiX OSN 3500.


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Figure 3-5 Legends

To select an operation related to an installed board, just right-click the installed board and select it from the shortcut menu. For example, right-click an AUX and select Path View to display the detailed path information. See Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6 Path View

3.4.4 Subrack NE Panel The NE Panel displays subracks, boards, and ports in different colors depending on their current status. In the T2000-LCT, most operations such as equipment configuration, monitoring, and maintenance are performed in the NE Panel window.

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3 Getting Started

GUI In the NE information list, right-click an NE and choose Open Slot Diagram from the shortcut menu. See Figure 3-7. To add a new board, right-click an idle slot, and choose a board type. Figure 3-7 Subrack NE Panel

NOTE Check the Always On Top check box, and the Slot Layout window is never hidden behind other windows.

Click the icon on the toolbar to view the legends on the right of the Slot Layout. For example,Figure 3-8 shows the legends of the OptiX Metro 6100V1E. Figure 3-8 Legends


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To select an operation related to an installed board, just right-click the installed board and select it from the shortcut menu. For example, right-click an FIU and select Path View to display the detailed path information. See Figure 3-9. Figure 3-9 Path View

3.4.5 The Browse Alarm and Event Window You can view the current and history alarms, abnormal events and statistics on current alarms. This window provides buttons, such as filter, refresh, synchronize, check and acknowledge, help you to quickly locate the alarm cause.


Choose Fault > Browse Current Alarms from the Main Menu.


Choose Fault > Browse History Alarms from the Main Menu.


Choose Fault > Browse Abnormal Events from the Main Menu.


Choose Fault > Current Alarms Statistics from the Main Menu.

See Figure 3-10.

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Figure 3-10 Browse Alarm and Event

3.4.6 The Browse Performance Window You can view the current and history performance data, UAT events and performance threshold crossings.

GUI Choose Performance > Browse SDH Performance from the Main Menu. Choose Performance > Browse WDM Performance from the Main Menu. See Figure 3-11. Figure 3-11 Browse Performance


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3.4.7 Operation Object Status The meaning of legends on a view is described here.

Path and Port In the Board View, the status of a path or a port icon are as follows: Table 3-2 Path and port status Path/Port icon

Status This path is loaded with services (only applicable to path). Inloop is set for this path or port. Outloop is set for this path or port.

3.4.8 Key GUI Components The key T2000-LCT GUI components are as follows: Table 3-3 Key GUI components Component


Button Shortcut icon Radio button Check box Tab Field

Drop-down menu

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Function Tree

Dialog box

3.4.9 Frequently Used Buttons The frequently used buttons on the T2000-LCT GUI are as follows: Table 3-4 Frequently used buttons Button

Functionality Selects the objects. Queries the data from the NM side. Unfolds and displays all available options. Folds the display of all available options. Displays or hides a dialog box. Switches to other NEs in the NE Explorer.

Displays the slot layout of the NE.

Backs up the NE database.

Decreases the priority of the selected object. Increases the priority of the selected object. Displays a dialog box.


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Functionality Queries from the NE. Imposes the current settings. Displays the latest result(s). Exports the selected scheduled tasks to Internet Explorer for printing. Saves selected data to the specified file. Makes the current setting effective and closes the dialog box. Cancels the current setting and closes the dialog box. Allows the user to view and select the board ports. Deletes the selected data or icon. Closes the operation wizard. Creates a new service or protection. Proceeds to the next step. Returns to the previous step. Closes the dialog box.

3.4.10 Common Shortcut Keys Using shortcut keys, you can increase the operation efficiency. The shortcut keys include Enter, Ctrl, Esc, Tab, F1 and so on.

Shortcut Keys

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Shortcut Key



Displays the Help topic specific to the current window.

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Shortcut Key



Selects all contents in the list if the cursor is in the list box.


If the cursor is in the list box, press Enter once and the cursor moves downward to the next line.


Closes a alert box and a dialog box.


Switches between text boxes if the cursor is in the list box; switches between buttons if the cursor is on a button.

3.5 Menu Description The Main Menu and submenus of the T2000-LCT are described as follows. 3.5.1 File Menu The file menu allows you to change the system settings. 3.5.2 Configuration Menu The configuration menu allows you to configure and manage the NE. 3.5.3 Fault Menu The Fault menu allows you to view alarms and abnormal events, and set alarm detection conditions. 3.5.4 Performance Menu The performance menu allows you to view and analyze the current performance data and the history performance data, set the performance threshold template and set the performance monitor time. 3.5.5 Report Menu The Report menu allows you to create different types of reports. 3.5.6 System Administration Menu The system administration menu allows you to manage the T2000-LCT system. For example, you can manage the NE security, DCN and so on. 3.5.7 Load Software Menu The load software menu allows you to upload or download the NE software and board software, back up and restore the NE data. 3.5.8 Window Menu The Window menu is used to manage the windows you open. 3.5.9 Help Menu The Help menu allows you to view the online Help topics, the version information about the T2000-LCT.

3.5.1 File Menu The file menu allows you to change the system settings.


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Menu Items Menu Item Create

Description Topology Object

Displays the Create Topology Object on which you can create NEs.

Search for NE

Search the T2000-LCT to create NEs in batch.

Custom Options

Displays the Custom Options dialog box for you to configure the system. For example, you can set the alarm sound and color, customize the default size of the NE Explore, lock out the client.

Lock Client

Enables you to lock out the client screen.

Modify Password

Enables you to change the password of the current user.


Enables you to log out the current T2000-LCT system and return back to the user login interface.


Enables you to exit the T2000-LCT system.

3.5.2 Configuration Menu The configuration menu allows you to configure and manage the NE.

Menu Items Menu Item


Configuration Data Management

Displays the NE configuration data, and enables you to perform some operations to ensure that the NE configuration data on the T2000 is consistent with that on the NEs.

Automatic Disabling of NE Function

Enables you to set whether to automatically disable the NE maintenance functions and set the automatic disabling time.

QoS Template Management

Enables you to add, delete, modify and query the parameters in the QoS template.

Optical Power Management

Enables you to query the board optical power and save the input power reference value and the networkwide reference value.

3.5.3 Fault Menu The Fault menu allows you to view alarms and abnormal events, and set alarm detection conditions.

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Menu Items Menu Item


Browse Current Alarms

Displays the current alarms for the selected NE, board or port.

Browse History Alarms

Displays the history alarms for the selected NE, board or port.

Browse Abnormal Events

Displays the abnormal events for the selected NE.

Current Alarms Statistics

Displays the statistics on current alarms for the selected NE in the specified time period.

NM Alarm Attribute

Sets T2000-LCT alarm attributes, alarm attribute template, equipment alarm filtering and enables alarm functions.

3.5.4 Performance Menu The performance menu allows you to view and analyze the current performance data and the history performance data, set the performance threshold template and set the performance monitor time.

Menu Items Menu Item


Browse SDH Performance

Enables you to view or set the current performance data and history performance data for an SDH NE, a board or a port.

Browse WDM Performance

Enables you to query or set the current performance data and history performance data for a WDM NE, a board or a port.

Performance Threshold Template

Enables you to customize different performance threshold templates for different NEs.

NE Performance Monitor Time

Enables you to set a time range during which the NE performance is monitored, and set the 15-minute or 24-hour monitor mode.

3.5.5 Report Menu The Report menu allows you to create different types of reports.


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Menu Items Menu Item


NE Information Report

Creates the NE information report. This report contains the configuration information for the selected NE.

Slot Configuration Report

Creates the slot configuration report. This report contains the information about board slot configuration.

Board Information Report

Creates the board information report. This report contains the information about board configuration, slots and board count.

Board Details Report

Creates the board details report. This report contains the details of boards. The details include models of all boards on the selected NE and the slots that hold the boards.

3.5.6 System Administration Menu The system administration menu allows you to manage the T2000-LCT system. For example, you can manage the NE security, DCN and so on.

Menu Items Menu Item


Operation Log

Enables you to query the client you logged in and operations you performed according to the filter criteria you set.

DCN Management

Enables you to configure NEs and the gateway NE.

NE Security Management

Enables you to perform NE user management, NE login management, NE login lock and NE setting lock.

3.5.7 Load Software Menu The load software menu allows you to upload or download the NE software and board software, back up and restore the NE data.

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Menu Items Menu Item


Load NE Software

Enables you to load the NE software of a selected NE. Note that only the active SCC can be loaded.

Load Board Software

Enables you to load other board software other than the active SCC, including the standby SCC.

Backup/Restore Configuration Data

Enables you to back up and restore the NE configuration data.

Backup/Restore Database Package

Enables you to back up and restore all data on an NE.

Load Patch Software

Enables you to load the patch software of the SCC and other boards.

LED Test

Enables you to test whether the LED on each NE and board works normally.

Set FTP Parameters

Enables you to set the FTP parameters in the FTP Properties Settings dialog box so that the FTP server automatically starts.

3.5.8 Window Menu The Window menu is used to manage the windows you open.

Menu Items Menu Item


Close Window

Closes the current window.

Close All Windows

Closes all windows except the NE Information List.

Tile Horizontal

Shows all windows horizontally.

Tile Vertical

Shows all windows vertically.


Arranges the window in an overlapping manner.

NOTE The Window menu also includes a list of all windows that are currently open. The tick to the left of the window indicates that the window is active. You select any one of the window from the list to be the active window.


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3.5.9 Help Menu The Help menu allows you to view the online Help topics, the version information about the T2000-LCT.

Menu Items Menu Item


Help Topics

Views the online Help topics.


View the version information about the T2000-LCT.

3.6 Operation Precautions The operation precautions for ensuring correct operations are as follows: l

Do not modify the system time when the T2000-LCT is running. You need to set it before the T2000-LCT installation. To modify the system time of the server, exit the T2000-LCT server and restart it after the modification. To modify the system time of the client, exit the T2000-LCT client and restart it after the modification.


Avoid modifying the name and IP address of the T2000-LCT server computer.


In Windows, you must log in as the user you chosen during T2000-LCT installation. Do not change the user and password of Windows.


The data created on the NE is consistent with that on the T2000-LCT. When an NE is configured and runs normally, you can keep the data on the NE and that on the T2000LCT consistent through manual or automatic synchronization.


Back up the T2000-LCT database periodically to minimize loss caused by system abnormity.


It is recommended to query the latest data from NE before setting parameters.


Usually, when a hazardous operation is performed, the T2000-LCT will ask for confirmation.

3.7 List of Operations That Might Affect Network Running and Monitoring Performing the operations listed below on the T2000-LCT might affect the running or monitoring of the network. Confirm an operation prior to performing it.

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Reset a board

May be service-affecting.

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Initialize NE data

Loss of data on the NE

Initialize T2000-LCT data

Loss of data on the T2000-LCT


The data on the T2000-LCT overwrites that on the NE. If the data on the T2000-LCT is incorrect, services might be interrupted.


Loss of the original data of the NE on the T2000-LCT.


The data of an NE overwrites that of other NEs on the T2000-LCT.

Clear the backup board data

Loss of the original backup data of a board.

Set PDH path attributes

Change the attributes of a PDH path. If the settings are incorrect, service on this path might be interrupted.

Set laser switch

Turning on or off a laser might interrupt services at this optical port.

Port or path loopback

Services at the port or on the path are interrupted.

Set overhead byte

Incorrect settings might interrupt services on this path.

2M PRBS test

Services on this path are interrupted.

Automatically shut down the laser

Services at this port might be interrupted.

Delete a protection group

The original protection fails and services might be interrupted.

Perform protection switching

The protected services might be interrupted.

Delete a service

This service might be interrupted.

Activate and deactivate a service

This service might be interrupted.

Delete ATM traffic

The ATM services might be interrupted.

Activate and deactivate ATM traffic

The ATM services might be interrupted.

Delete an ATM cross-connection

The ATM services are interrupted.

Activate and deactivate an ATM cross-connection

The ATM services might be interrupted.

Start and stop a protocol

Services might be interrupted.

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Interface loopback

Services at this interface are interrupted.

Set NE communication

The NE might lose its communication.

Set DCC access control

The NE might lose its communication.

Lock Out/Unlock NE login

Affects NE security management.

Allow/Disable LCT access

Affects T2000-LCT security management.

Delete current alarms

Loss of alarm information affects the T2000LCT's monitoring of the network.

Clear all alarms for an NE

Loss of alarm information affects the T2000LCT's monitoring of the NE.

Set alarm suppression

The T2000-LCT cannot monitor the fault corresponding to the suppressed alarm.

Set trace bytes

Services might be interrupted.

Set the C2 byte

Services might be interrupted.

Set alarm reversion mode

Affects the monitoring of NE alarms.

Reset a performance register

Loss of performance statistics.

Initialize a database

Loss of all T2000-LCT data.

Delete 1+1 wavelength protection at the client side

Services might be interrupted.

Delete interboard wavelength protection

Services might be interrupted.

Delete WXCP

Services might be interrupted.

Delete TPS

Services might be interrupted.

Delete DPPS

Services might be interrupted.

3.8 Customizing Parameter Display It is a customisable function of the T2000-LCT. You can customise the display of parameters as you like, by putting important parameters to a place easy to find and hiding those hardly used.

Prerequisite You must be an NM user with "NE and network monitor" authority or higher.

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Procedure Step 1 In the right-hand pane of a window, right-click on the top of a parameter list, and select the desired items from the shortcut menu. The unselected items are not shown in the parameter list.

Step 2 Optional: Click Setting in the shortcut menu and the Column Settings dialog box is displayed. You can set whether to show items in the shortcut menu, the sequence and the column's width.



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3.9 Copying Table Text Quickly The T2000-LCT allows you to copy and paste table text. You can copy table text to other programs quickly.

Procedure Step 1 Select text in a table, and press the shortcut keys Ctrl+C. NOTE l

Select all texts in the table by pressing the shortcut keys Ctrl+A. Only the current screen of the table is supported.


To view all data in the current table, click Print or Save As.

Step 2 Switch to another program, and press Ctrl+V. The selected text is copied to the system clipboard. ----End

3.10 Setting Parameters in the Table On the T2000-LCT GUI, the object tree is arranged on the left side and parameter table is arranged on the right side. All the parameters are set in the table. The following illustrates how to perform operations in the NE Explorer.

Context l

If an item in the right-side table is greyed out, it indicates that it cannot be edited.


If the value of an item in the table is "/", it means that the value of this item is unknown.


If the value of an item in the table is "-", it means this operation object does not support this item.

Procedure Step 1 Select the operation object in the upper left pane of the NE Explorer: NE or board. The functions supported by this operation is displayed on the Function Tree in the lower left pane. Step 2 Select the function to realize in the Function Tree. Click the contained subdirectory. Step 3 Optional: Click

in front of the Function Tree to unfold

and the data saved on the T2000 side is displayed in the table.

Step 4 Optional: Click Query and the data queried from the NE side is displayed on the table. Step 5 Select either of the following ways to set the parameters in the table. l

Double-click the column to be set to display the drop-down list or text box. Select a proper item from the drop-down list or enter a desired value in the text box.


Right-click on the item to modify and then you can select the proper item directly from the shortcut menu.

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3 Getting Started NOTE If there are multiple items to be set, repeat Step 5.

Step 6 Click Apply. ----End

3.11 Rules of Entering Information on User Interface These rules specify the typing requirements for the text boxes in the T2000-LCT operation interface. These text boxes are used for typing character strings, file names, IP addresses, MAC addresses, numerals, passwords, dates, time, and so on.

Types of Character Strings The character string is a kind of descriptive text and usually there is no limitation for the characters typed in. However, when you enter the names in the T2000-LCT (including the names of the PDH path, SDH path, NE, NE user, logical system, J0, J1, PM(C)U relay, DIP switch, EMU input and output paths and Ethernet user) and all remarks, or when some functions involve typing in characters that are subject to naming rules, you are recommended to use the standard characters listed as follows: l

Upper case and/or lower case English letters




Common symbols:()-_/\.& and a space

The symbols / and \ can only be used in names of an NM (T2000-LCT), NE, fiber, trail and protection subnet. Note that these characters must be entered in English input mode. NOTE l

The name of a rule, trail, or customer can also contain "+" and ":".


The Tab key input cannot be contained in the above names or the values of overheads J0, J1, and J2.


These rules are made in order to avoid database operation errors or errors occurred when an HTML report is generated. The Tab key input cannot be contained in command lines.

File Name General rule: file name + extension name. The extension name consists of letters, numerals or underscores, and cannot exceed three characters. Naming rule: A file name consists of letters, numerals or underscores. It cannot exceed eight characters. A file name cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters: \ " . * ; > [ ] ( ) ! $ { } < >. If you need to separate two characters, use "_" for substitute.

IP Address The IP address is decimal, for example, (where 9801 is the port ID, which can be omitted).

MAC Address The MAC address is hexadecimal, for example, 00-06-5B-84-50-84. 3-32

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Types of Numerals Integer type: In this mode, only integral numbers can be typed in. Decimal fraction type: In this mode, besides numerals, characters f and e, as well as the decimal point is allowed.

Password When password is typed, "*" is present in the password box instead of the specific content.

Date and Time Generally, date and time can be selected from or typed in the "Time/Date Property" dialog box, for example: Time: 16:06:06 (Hour:Minute:Second) Date: 2000-06-06 (Year-Month-Day)

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A Service Ports Description


Service Ports Description

This appendix describes service ports of the T2000-LCT, related precautions, and how to query the service ports. A.1 Background This section describes the service ports used by management systems. A.2 Notes and Precautions In the practical communication process, the source (the server) and the sink (the client) use relevant ports. Usually you only need to specify the source port, and the sink port is dynamically created. A.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000-LCT This section describes service ports of the system. A.4 How to Query Service Ports This section describes how to query the service ports.

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A Service Ports Description

A.1 Background This section describes the service ports used by management systems. To ensure the network security, you can take measures on the customer's network. The following are the two cases that affect the network security: l

Security filtering settings such as routers or firewalls are configured in the network environment where the NMS runs. When carrying out the project, avoid the service ports used by the NMS being filtered by those security filtering settings.


Some service ports providing system services are closed to prevent network or virus attacks. Note that the service ports used by the NMS should not be closed, and otherwise the NMS will not run properly.

A.2 Notes and Precautions In the practical communication process, the source (the server) and the sink (the client) use relevant ports. Usually you only need to specify the source port, and the sink port is dynamically created. Note the following during the project implementation: l

The service ports used by the NMS should not be closed.


If there are routers or firewalls between the source and the sink, then check all ports used by the source and the sink to make sure that they can be opened, and the source can communicate with the sink.

A.3 Service Ports Used by the T2000-LCT This section describes service ports of the system.


Service Name

Service Port/ Protocol

Direction (Server Relative)



T2000-LCT server



Listens the access of T2000-LCT client.

If there are routers or firewalls between the client and the server, check whether the service port is filtered.

Gateway NE



Listens the access of T2000-LCT or command lines.

If there are routers or firewalls between the T2000-LCT and the gateway NE, check whether the service port is filtered.

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A Service Ports Description

Service Name

Service Port/ Protocol

Direction (Server Relative)



Gateway NE



The port is used for automatic device discovery. It listens the T2000-LCT's automatic device discovery.

If there are routers or firewalls between the T2000-LCT and the gateway NE, check whether the service port is filtered.

T2000-LCT server

35600-35654/ UDP


The port is used for automatic device discovery. It listens the T2000-LCT's automatic device discovery.

If there are routers or firewalls between the T2000-LCT and the gateway NE, check whether the service port is filtered.

T2000-LCT server



Listens the MML interface access of the upper NMS. It is unconfigurable.

If there are routers or firewalls between the T2000-LCT server and the upper NMS, check whether the service port is filtered.


514/UDP, 601/ TCP


This port is used for Syslog Service.

If there are routers or firewalls between the application and the T2000-LCT server, check whether the service port is filtered.

Toolkit Server

8999/TCP, 9000/TCP


Listens the access of Toolkit client.

If there are routers or firewalls between the application and the T2000-LCT server, check whether the service port is filtered.

A.4 How to Query Service Ports This section describes how to query the service ports.

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A Service Ports Description

Procedure Run the following command to view the Windows system service ports: netstat -ab



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B Glossary




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Alarm hold-off time

Alarm delay includes start delay and end delay. An alarm is not regarded as being generated until the NE has been detecting it for a period of time, and this period of time is the alarm start hold-off time. An alarm is not regarded as being cleared until the NE has been detecting the ending of it for a period of time, and this period of time is the alarm end holdoff time. Setting the hold-off time can avoid the generation of unnecessary alarms due to misreport or jitter.

Alarm severity

According to ITU-T recommendations, the alarm is classified into four severities: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning.


A visible or an audible indication to notify the person concerned that a failure or an emergency has occurred. See also Event.

ATM protection group

An ATM protection group refers to the logically bound ATM VP network or subnetwork connections that share the same physical transmission channel. In the VP group (VPG), a pair of VP connections (working connection and its protection connection) is used for monitoring the automatic protection switching, called monitoring connections (APS VPCs). If the monitoring connections switch over, the whole VPG will switch over to quicken the ATM protection switching (as quick as the protection switching of the SDH layer.


Property of an object.

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B Glossary

B Binding

In virtual concatenated payload configuration, designating one binding number to identify the VC4s of the same virtual concatenated payload is called "bind". If a fault occurs to one of the bound services, all bound services will switch as a whole.

Board View

The Board View displays the ports and the paths in different colors depending on their current status, with legend and description illustrated aside.

Bound path

The VC Trunk refers to the 2 M paths which are bound together to transmit Ethernet data. The VC Trunk is an entity between the Ethernet port and the 2 M path.




A kind of terminal (PC or workstation) connected to a network that can send instructions to a server and get results through a user interface. See also server.

Configuration data

The data that configures the NE hardware for coordination between this NE and other NEs in the entire network and operation of specified services. Configuration data is the instruction file of NEs, and it is the key for efficient network running. The typical configuration data includes board configuration, clock configuration and protection relationship.


To set the basic parameters of an operation object.

Connection point

A reference point where the output of a trail termination source or a connection is bound to the input of another connection, or where the output of a connection is bound to the input of a trail termination sink or another connection. The connection point is characterized by the information which passes across it. A bidirectional connection point is formed by the association of a contradirectional pair.


A "transport entity" which consists of an associated pair of "unidirectional connections" capable of simultaneously transferring infor-

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mation in opposite directions between their respective inputs and outputs. Cross-connect slot

To perform GE ADM, an OTU board with that function has to be in a cross-connect slot. Several successive cross-connect slots form a cross-connect unit group. You can only configure cross-connections within a cross-connect unit group.

Current alarms

Alarms that do not clear, or has cleared but is not acknowledged.

Current performance data

The performance data stored in the current register is called current performance data. The current 15-minute or 24-hour register (only one for each) is applied to collect the performance data in the current monitoring period. It changed within the monitor period.


Within an STM-N signal there are two DCC channels, one is the 192 kbit/s DCC-R channel composed of bytes D1–D3, and the other is the 576 kbit/s DCC-M channel composed of bytes D4–D12. All NEs can communicate with one another through the DCC-R. The DCC-M is not the regenerator section overhead and does not support communications among regenerators, and it is used to support communication channels of more universal purpose. For example, it supports TMN as a physical channel of ECC.


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Embedded Control Channel. An ECC provides a logical operations channel between SDH NEs, utilizing a data communications channel (DCC) as its physical layer.


Environment Monitoring Unit. As one type of power and environment monitoring unit, EMU is installed on the top of the OptiX 155/622H equipment cabinet to monitor the environment variables, such as the power supply and temperature. With external signal input through the relay, fire alarm, smoke alarm, burglary alarm, and so on can be monitored as well. Displayed on the T2000-LCT, the change of environment can be monitored timely and accurately.

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B Glossary

F Failure

The fault cause persisted long enough to consider the ability of an item to perform a required function to be terminated. The item may be considered as failed; a fault has now been detected.


A fault is the inability of a function to perform a required action. This does not include an inability due to preventive maintenance, lack of external resources, or planned actions.

G Gateway NE

The NE that communicates with the NMS through an Ethernet line or a serial port line. The non-gateway NE communicates with the gateway NE through ECC and communicates with the NMS through the gateway NE. The gateway NE is a communication route that the T2000-LCT must pass through when managing the entire network.

H History alarms

Alarms that have cleared and been acknowledged.

History performance data

The performance data stored in the history register and the auto-report performance data stored on the T2000-LCT are called history performance data in a unified way.

I IP address

In the TCP/IP protocol, it is used to uniquely identify the address of the communication port, which consists of four bytes in decimal digits, for example,




A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.


A concept used to allow the transport network functionality to be described hierarchically as successive levels; each layer being solely concerned with the generation and transfer of its characteristic information.


Local Craft Terminal. The LCT provides the user with single-layer management network

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solutions to the transmission network of up to five NEs to realize integrated management of multi-service transmission network. Usually it uses the cross-over cable or serial port cable to connect one NE, so as to configure and maintain a single NE. See also T2000-LCT. M MSP

Multiplex section protection. The nodes online achieve protection switching through the K1 and K2 bytes in the multiplex section, including linear 1+1 MS protection switching link, linear 1:n MS protection switching link, dedicated MS protection ring and shared MS protection ring.


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

NE Explorer

NE Explorer is the main operation interface of the T2000-LCT. For easy navigation, the NE Explorer window presents an expandable directory tree (Function Tree) in the lower left pane. The configuration, management and maintenance of the equipment are accessed here.

NE Panel

NE Panel displays subracks, boards, and ports in different colours depending on their status. In the T2000-LCT, most equipment configuration, monitoring, and maintenance are performed in the NE Panel window.


Network Element. NE includes the hardware unit and the software running on it. Usually, one NE has at least an SCC (system control and communication) board which responsible for the management and monitoring of the NE. The NE software runs on the SCC board.


Network Management. In the telecommunication network management architecture, the T2000-LCT is an element management system that supports all functions at the element management layer. See also T2000-LCT.


Network Node Interface. NNI identifies the interface between the ATM network nodes. See also SDH NNI.


In non-revertive switching, there is a working and protection line, board and so on. Services remain on the protection line or board if the

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switch requests are terminated; that is, when the fault that caused them to switch to the protection line or board is cleared. O Online help

An indexed collection of information on all aspects of the T2000-LCT. They can be accessed at any time from the Help menu or by pressing the F1 key.


Optical Wavelength Shared Protection. OWSP is a bidirectional ring, where each node is equipped with an OWSP. There are two channels (λ1 and λ2) in the main optical path on the internal and external rings in each span on a ring. The fibre and the OWSP on the main optical path are connected with the optical ports inputting λ1 and λ2 on the mux/ demux board (unnecessary to be connected with the OTU), and thus λ1 and λ2 can be added and dropped at every node.




A major separate area of a window or dialog box, usually used for display rather than data entry.

Path protection

The working principle of path protection: When the system works in path protection mode, the PDH path uses the dual-feed and selective-receive mode. Through the tributary unit and cross-connect unit, the tributary signal is sent simultaneously to the east and west lines. Meanwhile, the cross-connect matrix sends the signal dually sent from the opposite end to the tributary board through the active and standby buses, and the hardware of the tributary board will selectively receive the signal from the two groups of buses automatically according to the AIS number of the lower order path.


A trail in a path layer.

Performance register

Performance register is the memory space for performance event counts, including 15-min current performance register, 24-hour current performance register, 15-min history performance register, 24-hour history performance register, UAT register and CSES register.

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Performance threshold

Performance events usually have upper and lower thresholds. When the performance event count value exceeds the upper threshold, a performance threshold-crossing event is generated; when the performance event count value is below the upper threshold for a period of time, the performance thresholdcrossing event is ended. In this way, performance jitter caused by some sudden events can be shielded.


One type of power and environment monitoring unit.

Private line

Both communication parties are connected permanently.


A generic term for an action.


A generic term for a collection of actions.

Protection service

A specific service that is part of a protection group and is labelled protection.

Protection subnet

The resources that form a protection subnetwork include NEs and fiber cables. The creation of the protection subnetwork actually means that corresponding logical system is configured for each NE by means of creating the protection subnetwork, the optical interfaces (or VC4) of each board are mapped into the logical system, and then these independent logical systems are connected with one another to form a complete network structure.


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)


Reconfiguration Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing. ROADM helps you to terminate or pass through any one wavelength at every node without affecting the existing services. At the same time, ROADM can change wavelengths through the T2000-LCT remotely, to adjust wavelengths added or dropped in a quick and convenient manner. In addition, ROADM enables power equalization at path level through a built-in power equalization function, and thus adjusts power for passthrough paths in a better way than a bandbased dynamic gain equalizer (DGE) does.


The IP route selection is in table driving mode. In each host and each router of the In-

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ternet, there is a routing table that contains information about how the service is transmitted from the source to the sink, providing a basis for route selection. Ethernet static routing in ET1 refers to the mapping relationship between the Ethernet port and the bound path. Its routing type includes port routing and VLAN routing. Port routing: It means configuring a route between the Ethernet port and the bound path port, which is usually used for point-to-point networking communication; VLAN routing: It means configuring a route between the Ethernet port and the bound path port based on the VLAN service. It can be used flexibly in point-to-point, point-tomultipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint communication. The implementation is to divide and converge the data stream according to the VLAN flag of the packet. As a VLAN flag can be added to the Ethernet port, the equipment can be applied more flexibly. S



SDH Network Node Interface. It is applied to build communications connection with the equipment beyond the T2000-LCT management area. Usually, the NM creates an SDH NNI by creating a logical system on the port of an idle line board, and the NE must be a TM without protection and fiber connection.


A trail in a section layer.


Parameters of an operation that can be selected by the user.


See Alarm Severity.


Signal Fail. A signal indicating the associated data has failed in the sense that a near-end defect condition (not being the degraded defect) is active.

Shortcut menu

A menu that is displayed when right-clicking an object' s name or icon. Also called a context menu.

Spread type

The spread type of ATM service includes point-to-point (p2p) and point-to-multipoint (including p2mpRoot and p2mpLeaf). The p2p spread type supports real-time bi-directional communication service. The two com-

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munication parties are in the same status and participate the session actively. p2mpRoot and p2mpLeaf belong to the point-to-multipoint spread type. It supports point-to-multipoint multicast service. During the creation of a point-to-multipoint (multicast) connection, a connection to identify this group of connections is necessary. This connection is a p2mpRoot connection, while other connections are p2mpLeaf connections. If there is a p2mpLeaf connection in a group of connections, the p2mpRoot cannot be deleted. To create a multicast connection, the p2mpRoot connection must be created before the creation of p2mpLeaf connection. Subnet mask

Also referred to as the network mask off code, it is used to define network segments, so that only the computers in the same network segment can communicate with one another, thus suppressing broadcast storm between different network segments.

Subnet number

Subnetwork numder is used to differentiate the different network sections in the sub-network conference. Actually it is the first several digits (one or two) of the user phone number. An orderwire phone number is composed of the sub-network number and the user number.


Sub-network is the logical entity in the transmission network and comprises a group of network management objects. A sub-network can contain NEs and other sub-networks. A sub-network planning can better the organization of a network view.


The frame on the bottom of a cabinet, when installing the cabinet on the antistatic floor.


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)


The T2000 is a subnetwork management system (SNMS). In the TMN architecture, the T2000 is located between the NE level and network level, which can supports all function of NE-level and part of the network-level management functions. See also NM.


A lite version of T2000. It is an element level management system for the optical transmission network. It can manage SDH, DWDM

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and Metro optical transmission equipment. See also LCT. TDA clock source

TDA is short for Tone Data Access. For the 2500+ NE equipment, it can be installed with the external TDA board for which the clock source must be set so that the TDA board can switch according to the set clock source sequence when clock source switching occurs.


Telecommunications Management Network. The entity which provides the means used to transport and process information related to management functions for the telecommunications network.

Tributary loopback

A fault can be located for each service path by performing loopback to each path of the tributary board. There are three kinds of loopback modes: No loopback, Outloop and Inloop.


Unavailable Time. A UAT event is reported when the monitored object generates 10 consecutive severely errored seconds (SES) and the SESs begin to be included in the unavailable time. The event will end when the bit error ratio per second is better than 10-3 within 10 consecutive seconds.


Report all or part of the configuration data of the NE to the NM and overwrite the configuration data saved in the NE layer on the NM side.


The user of the T2000-LCT client, and the user and his/her password define the corresponding authority of operation and management of the T2000-LCT.



VC4 loopback

The fault of each VC4 path on the optical fiber can be located by setting loopback for each VC4 path of the line. There are three kinds of loopback modes: No loopback, Outloop, Inloop.


The VCI, shorted for Virtual Channel Identifier, occupies 16 bits in both NNI cell or UNI cell. It indicates the virtual channel in the

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path. The VPI and VCI together indicate a virtual connection. VLAN ID

Namely, it is the virtual LAN identifier. One Ethernet port can support 4K VLAN routes, and one NE can support up to 8K VLAN routes.


The VPI, shorted for Virtual Path Identifier, occupies 12 bits in the NNI cell, and 8 bits in the UNI cell.


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

Wavelength protection group

The wavelength protection group is important to describe the wavelength protection structure. Its function is similar to that of the protection sub-network in the SDH NE. The wavelength path protection can only work with the correct configuration of the wavelength protection group.

WDM cross-connection

Internal GE cross-connections for OTU boards with GE ADM function, the source and sink of which are optical ports at the WDM side and the client side. The level for WDM cross-connection is channel.

WDM service

The WDM service is accessed at the client side of the OTU board that can access SAN services.

Working path

A specific path that is part of a protection group and is labelled working.

Working service

A specific service that is part of a protection group and is labelled working.

WTR time

A period of time that must elapse before a – from a fault recovered – trail/connection can be used again to transport the normal traffic signal and/or to select the normal traffic signal from.


Wait to Restore. This command is issued when working channels meet the restoral threshold after an SD or SF condition. It is used to maintain the state during the WTR period unless it is pre-empted by a higher priority bridge request.


Wavelength Cross-Connection Protection. It is a path protection type for ring networks. In this protection mode, services are switched Huawei Technologies Proprietary


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between the primacy and secondary rings through cross-connection based on the dualfeed and selective-receive principle.


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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide

C Acronyms and Abbreviations


Acronyms and Abbreviations


Asynchronous Transfer Mode


Business Management System


Committed Access Rate


Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing


Data Communication Network


Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing


Ethernet Private Line


Ethernet Private LAN


Enterprise System Connection


Ethernet Virtual Private Line


Ethernet Virtual LAN


Element Management System


Gateway Network Element


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C Acronyms and Abbreviations


Internet Group Management Protocol


Integrated Management Application Platform


Internet Protocol


Intelligent Power Adjustment


Local Area Networks


Linear Automatic Protection Switching


Local Craft Terminal


Media Access Control


Message Dispatch Process


Network Element


Network Management System




Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy


Provider Edge




Remote Monitoring




Synchronous Digital Hierarchy


Subnetwork Management System


Service Management System


Sub-Network Connection Multiple Protection


Sub-Network Connection Protection

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Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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C Acronyms and Abbreviations

Synchronous Transport Module Level


Tone & Data Access Unit


Telecommunication Management Network


Tributary protection switching


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)


Virtual Bridge


Virtual Connection


Virtual Circuit


Virtual Container


Virtual Channel


Virtual Channel Identifier


Virtual LAN


Virtual Path Identifier

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OptiX iManager T2000-LCT User Guide


Index C


client exit, 3-6 login, 3-6 customise parameter display, 3-29

operation object path status, 3-19 port status, 3-19



external interface, 2-25

position in TMN hierarchy, 2-2



fast copy, 3-31 function alarm management, 2-6 ASON management, 2-20 communication management, 2-11 configuration data management, 2-22 NE level configuration, 2-12, 2-17 performance management, 2-8 report, 2-22 security management, 2-10

query service port, A-3


main window NE Explorer, 3-12 SDH NE Panel, 3-13 WDM NE Panel, 3-15 manageable equipment, 2-3

Server Start, 3-5 server running status, 3-5 shutdown, 3-6 service port, A-2 shut down shut down , 3-6, 3-6 software structure standard client/server structure, 2-23 standard client/server structure software structure, 2-23 Start Start , 3-5 start log into , 3-6 start, 3-4 System Monitor, 3-5



network application single layer management network, 2-5 new feature new board, 2-25 new equipment, 2-26

table text, 3-31

I installation procedure, 1-2


Issue 01 (2007-01-10)

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