30 Seconds to Guaranteed Tennis Profit

December 3, 2016 | Author: Valentin Paveliuc | Category: N/A
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30 Seconds To Guaranteed Tennis Profits

Here’s Exactly How I’ve Made $357.19 Every Day For The past 9 Years By Simply Using This 30 Second Tennis Betting System!

Copyright 2006 – No Part Of This Document May Be Reproduced Without Written Permission www.tennisbettingsystem.com

30 Seconds to Guaranteed Tennis Profits



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______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………….… 3 The System……………………………………………………………….. 5 Results Based On $150 Bets……………………………………………… 10 Results Based On My Actual Bets……………………………….……….. 13 Some Things to Remember………………………………………..……… 16 Your Secret, Highly Lucrative & Time Sensitive Bonus……..…….…… 17

Here Are Some Of My Recommended Sports Betting Sites: http://expekt.com http://www.tab.co.nz http://www.aisbet.com http://www.bet365.com http://www.pinnaclesports.com

Please avoid betting at exchanges such as betfair.com as the dividends are not as stable as what’s available at regular bookmakers…

______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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Introduction This ebook is probably the shortest publication in today’s market place…yet one of the most effective moneymaking tool you’ll find anywhere. Before I start explaining this fantastic moneymaking opportunity I’d like for you to make me two promises… 1- Do not share this information with anyone. From now onwards this will be your secret moneymaking system. Think of this information as your business trade secret. If you owned a highly successful ‘tangible’ business, you wouldn’t share your secrets with others, would you? Well, please treat this information the same way. Remember you’ve not invested in just an ebook…but in the information/secret it carries. Don’t let the small size of this publication make it look any less important. The information in “30 Seconds to Guaranteed Tennis Profits” is extremely important and is a result of my 9 years of blood, sweat and tears…lots of sleepless nights and my relentless effort to create a simple yet highly powerful moneymaking system that works! 2- Start treating your betting strategy as a business by focusing on long-term profits. Start right now and set aside an amount for your bets…this will be called your betting bank. All successful bettors use a betting bank, treating this bank similar to owning a Limited Liability Company. Depending on your budget you can start with either: $200, $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000 or any other amount that you are comfortable with. Now use only 5% of your betting bank for each bet. Keep doing this until you are happy with the size of the bets you’re using…and the profit this bet size is generating for you. When you reach this stage you simply stop increasing the size of your bank and bets…and start to withdraw the profits every month or so. Very Important… Do not be disheartened by the results of just one week or even if you had a ‘not so good’ month. Although this system has proven to generate profit year after year for the past 9 years, there were some losing weeks and 5 losing months where small losses were made. This is just part of doing business. If you cannot accept the fact that all businesses have their ‘ups and downs’ then maybe you are just not cut out for making money from any business venture. The important thing is that in the mid to long run you are guaranteed to make very nice profits! So, in the unlikely event you do end up starting out on an ‘average’ month…just hang on as mega tennis profits is just around the corner and your patience will be fruitfully rewarded!

______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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Even More Important: For legal reasons I have to say this. Although all results have been proven over the past 9 years, no guarantees can be made on the future profitability of any system, including this one. If you wish to minimise risks, paper trial the system before investing any of your real money. I’m sure you’ll have a very profitable future with this system…just like the profits my other users are enjoying right now! Yours for mega tennis profits

Chris Campbell

______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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The System You’re just about to discover a moneymaking technique that will change your life, for the better, forever! So sit back, relax, take a deep breath and enjoy… You’ve probably read on my website that in tennis matches there are no draws and the favorite wins far more often than the outsider. However you can’t be profitable simply by betting on all the favorites. There are certain simple rules you’ll need to follow to make massive amounts of cash from tennis betting…over your lifetime. The Principle of Picking Winners in Tennis Matches The greater is the gap between the favorite and the outsider…the higher your strike rate will be! Using the above principle I’ve devised 2 rules that when followed maximizes your winnings while dramatically helping you to avoid matches that reduce your long-term profits. 2 Simple Rules For Selecting Consistent Long-Term Winners Rule 1: The minimum dividend of the favorite player has to be $1.45 or more. So if the favorite is paying $1.14, $1.30 or $1.44…ignore the match (I’ll soon explain why)

Rule 2: The difference in the dividends between the favorite and outsider has to be $0.50 or more

Here’s Why It Works First of all you’ll think that the favorite in matches such as these… Favorite: $1.14 Outsider: $5.30

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…would have a much higher chance of winning and should provide longterm profits. However they don’t! The problem with such matches is that the dividend is simply too low to invest in when compared to favorites in other matches. And if you analyze the long-term trend, profits are significantly increased by eliminating all favorites paying less than $1.45 for a win. Therefore $1.45 is the optimal minimum win dividend for a favorite. Now by using Rule 2 we want to ensure that the favorite has got more than just a fighting chance of winning the match. $0.50 is the absolute minimum discrepancy we would accept between the dividends of the favorite and outsider. Naturally the larger the discrepancy, the more likely it is that the favorite will win. However when you only select favorites that have a very large discrepancy (say $1.00), you significantly reduce the number of matches you can bet on, thus reducing your overall profits. So by sticking to Rule 2 exactly as it is…my long-term strike rate settled at 74.3% returning $1.74 dividend per winning bet on average. However if you’d like to achieve such a strike rate in the short run, you can increase the gap to say $0.80 or $0.90. Let’s Explore Some Examples Here’s a typical daily schedule for tennis betting Bet




1. J Melzer 2. F Vicente 1. A Roddick 2. T Haas 1. V Spadea 2. M Fish 1. G Garcia-Lopez 2. F Verdasco 1. M Safin 2. G Gaudio 1. C Castano 2. M Petrova 1. AL Groenefeld 2. S Kuznetsova 1. J Henin-Hardenne 2. D Safina 1. P Schndyer 2. N Dechy

$1.90 $1.85 $1.80 $1.95 $1.75 $2.00 $2.35 $1.55 $1.70 $2.05 $5.00 $1.14 $3.10 $1.33 $1.20 $4.20 $1.45 $2.60

362 363 114 113 369 368 366 267

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Let Me Explain Each Match Bet 365

1. J Melzer 2. F Vicente

$1.90 $1.85

This match does not qualify for a bet. The favorite (Player 2) does qualify under Rule 1 but the gap between the dividends is only $0.05…therefore it fails Rule 2. These are the types of matches you want to steer clear off…by far! Bet 362

1. A Roddick 2. T Haas

$1.80 $1.95

This match does not qualify for a bet. This is very similar to the above match (Bet 365). The favorite (Player 1) does qualify under Rule 1 but fails Rule 2 as the gap between the dividends is only $0.15. Bet 363

1. V Spadea 2. M Fish

$1.75 $2.00

This match does not qualify for a bet. The favorite (Player 1) qualifies under Rule 1 but fails Rule 2 as the gap between the dividends is only $0.25. We require a minimum of $0.50 for it to qualify. Bet 114

1. G Garcia-Lopez 2. F Verdasco

$2.35 $1.55

This match does qualify. The favorite (Player 2) passes Rule 1 as the dividend is above $1.45 and passes Rule 2 as the gap in the dividends is $0.80. The minimum requirement is only $0.50. Bet 113

1. M Safin 2. G Gaudio

$1.70 $2.05

This match does not qualify. The favorite (Player 1) passes Rule 1 but fails Rule 2 as the gap between the dividends is only $0.35. Bet 369

1. C Castano 2. M Petrova

$5.00 $1.14

This match does not qualify. The favorite (Player 2) fails Rule 1 as it is below the minimum dividend of $1.45. Although it passes Rule 2 with the gap being

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$3.86…the low dividend of the favorite makes it not profitable in the long run. Bet 368

1. AL Groenefeld 2. S Kuznetsova

$3.10 $1.33

This match does not qualify. The favorite (Player 2) fails Rule 1. This match is similar to Bet 369 above. Bet 366

1. J Henin-Hardenne 2. D Safina

$1.20 $4.20

This match does not qualify for the exact same reason as Bet 368 & 369. Bet 267

1. P Schndyer 2. N Dechy

$1.45 $2.60

This match does qualify. The favorite (Player 1) just passes Rule 1 and easily passes Rule 2…the gap is $1.15. How To Spot Qualifying Bets In Seconds I’ve just given you 9 examples. As you’ve seen, spotting winners is easy, very easy in fact! At one glance at the daily schedule you’ll find matches that do not qualify at all. These matches would be where the dividend of the favorite and outsider are very close. Example:

Favorite: $1.90 Outsider: $1.70

Also you’d eliminate in seconds are matches where the favorite is paying below $1.45. Example:

Favorite: $3.10 Outsider: $1.16

Now you’d be left with matches where the dividend looks like these: Favorite: $1.55 Outsider: $2.10 Favorite: $1.47 Outsider: $2.85 ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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Favorite: $1.75 Outsider: $2.00 …and so forth. All you’d have to do now is subtract the two dividends. If the answer is equal to or greater than $0.50…you have a bet. As simple as that! Follow These Guidelines to Achieve the Results as Described Tournament Matches Early rounds of any tournament match are always geared to give disappointing results, as the players seem to be ‘testing the waters’ and not give in their 100% effort. So, I’ve devised a system to avoid wasting money on such early round matches. Basically avoid ALL first round matches of any tournament and only bet on second round matches with the biggest spread. Naturally you’d want to bet on ALL third and final round matches. I have some clients who only bet on third round & final matches! Hunt for Better Dividends if You Can Even a small gain in dividend can make huge difference at the end of the year. For this reason it is highly recommended that you always hunt for the best dividend. However if you are just starting out, don’t be too fussed about hunting around for the best dividends. Use a fairly large and reputable bookmaker and stick to it – there is a list on page 3.

Coming up next is the profit summary for the past 9 years…

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Result Summary Based On $150 USD Bets At Level Stakes Year 1 Results Summary Number of Bets 806

Bets Won 626

Bets Lost 180

PROFIT – YEAR 1 Yearly: $37,220

Monthly: $3,101

Weekly: $715.76

Year 2 Results Summary Number of Bets 904

Bets Won 676

Bets Lost 228

PROFIT – YEAR 2 Yearly: $42,896

Monthly: $3,574

Weekly: $824.92

Year 3 Results Summary Number of Bets 633

Bets Won 501

Bets Lost 132

PROFIT – YEAR 3 Yearly: $28,684

Monthly: $2,390

Weekly: $551.61

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Year 4 Results Summary Number of Bets 1014

Bets Won 711

Bets Lost 303

PROFIT – YEAR 4 Yearly $49,101

Monthly: $4,091

Weekly: $944.25

Year 5 Results Summary Number of Bets 702

Bets Won 481

Bets Lost 221

PROFIT – YEAR 5 Yearly $36,432

Monthly: $3,036

Weekly: $700.61

Year 6 Results Summary Number of Bets 1112

Bets Won 818

Bets Lost 294

PROFIT – YEAR 6 Yearly $43,112

Monthly: $3,592

Weekly: $829.07

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Year 7 Results Summary Number of Bets 776

Bets Won 587

Bets Lost 189

PROFIT – YEAR 7 Yearly $40,802

Monthly: $3,400

Weekly: $784.65

Year 8 Results Summary Number of Bets 815

Bets Won 590

Bets Lost 225

PROFIT – YEAR 8 Yearly $30,202

Monthly $2,516

Weekly: $580.80

Year 9 Results Summary Number of Bets 1119

Bets Won 863

Bets Lost 256

PROFIT – YEAR 9 Yearly $37,486

Monthly $3,123

Weekly: $720.88

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Results Summary Based On My Actual Personal Bets Year 1 Results Summary Bet Size $150

Number of Bets 806

Bets Won 626

Bets Lost 180

PROFIT – YEAR 1 Yearly $37,220

Monthly $3,101

Weekly: $715.76

Year 2 Results Summary Bet Size $225

Number of Bets 904

Bets Won 676

Bets Lost 228

PROFIT – YEAR 2 Yearly $64,344

Monthly $5,362

Weekly: $1,237.38

Year 3 Results Summary Bet Size $300

Number of Bets 633

Bets Won 501

Bets Lost 132

PROFIT – YEAR 3 Yearly $57,368

Monthly $4,780

Weekly: $1,103.23

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Year 4 Results Summary Bet Size $450

Number of Bets 1014

Bets Won 711

Bets Lost 303

PROFIT – YEAR 4 Yearly $147,303

Monthly $12,275

Weekly: $2,832.75

Year 5 Results Summary Bet Size $450

Number of Bets 702

Bets Won 481

Bets Lost 221

PROFIT – YEAR 5 Yearly $109,296

Monthly $9,108

Weekly: $2,101.84

Year 6 Results Summary Bet Size $600

Number of Bets 1112

Bets Won 818

Bets Lost 294

PROFIT – YEAR 6 Yearly $172,448

Monthly $14,370

Weekly: $3,316.30

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Year 7 Results Summary Bet Size $600

Number of Bets 776

Bets Won 587

Bets Lost 189

PROFIT – YEAR 7 Yearly $163,208

Monthly $13,600

Weekly: $3,138.61

Year 8 Results Summary Bet Size $900

Number of Bets 815

Bets Won 590

Bets Lost 225

PROFIT – YEAR 8 Yearly $181,212

Monthly $15,101

Weekly: $3,484.84

Year 9 Results Summary Bet Size $900

Number of Bets 1119

Bets Won 863

Bets Lost 256

PROFIT – YEAR 9 Yearly $224,916

Monthly $18,743

Weekly: $4,325.30

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Some Things To Remember I personally hunt for better dividends Because my bets are now substantial…even a small gain in dividend can make huge difference at the end of the year. However if you are just starting out, don’t be too fussed about hunting around for the best dividends. Use a fairly large and reputable bookmaker and stick to it. What to do if the dividends vary drastically at the various bookmakers First of all always bet with a large bookmaker where the bet volume is huge. Doing so will ensure to a certain degree that the dividends offered by the bookmaker are accurate and stable. However if you find that your ‘large and stable’ bookmaker has a bet that does not qualify under the two rules BUT some other bookmaker has the same bet as ‘qualified’ – DO NOT make the bet. However if your ‘large and stable’ bookmaker has a qualified bet but the bet doesn’t qualify at other bookmakers – go ahead with the bet. How I control my strike rate Sometimes if I’m having a bad run I temporarily modify Rule 2 and bet only when the gap between the favorite and outsider dividend is $0.80 or $0.90 or more. I keep doing this until my strike rate and profit stabilizes and then I go back to the $0.50 gap rule. You could try using this technique to gain more control over your strike rate and profits. Also, follow the guidelines described on page 9 for Tournament Matches – this is very important! When to place your bets I usually place all my bets in the morning and forget about them…it doesn’t bother me if the dividends change. The good thing about tennis betting is that the dividends do not fluctuate that much and they are pretty consistent throughout most of the reputable bookmakers. How about ‘lay betting’ You can use it with lay betting…I personally have no interest in this area. If you don’t know what lay betting is simply search for the term “Lay Betting” on the Internet. The different ways dividends are displayed All my workings, examples etc in this ebook are in decimal odds. By the way, a dividend is just another way of saying odds. Websites such as Pinnacle.com have their odds/dividends displayed in American format. However they have an option at their homepage to make all dividends displayed in decimal odds. Some other sites have them displayed in fractional odds. However sites such as Bet365.com have all their odds displayed in ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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decimal format. This is a good place to start if you’re not that familiar with sports betting as my ebook uses decimal odds as well. I’ve chosen this option to explain my system, as I believe decimal odds will become the most prevalent method of displaying dividends/odds. Currency differences I’ve used $ to represent monetary value of the bets but the same two rules apply to all markets, UK, USA, Australia, NZ, S Africa, etc… You can apply the rules in your own currency by taking the decimals only (Rule one: 1.45 & Rule two: 0.50 spread) Doubles, men or women matches My stats are based on single matches only, NOT doubles. The stats are based on betting on both men and women matches. Which player is the favorite Some of you may be new to betting and this very obvious selection process may not be so obvious. The favorite is the player with the lower odds/dividends. The other player is the outsider. Example: Player A $1.65, Player B $2.05. Player A is the favorite. Attaining high dividends Four years ago the tennis betting market was restructured making it a bit harder to get the high dividends we were all so accustomed to. This drop in overall divided/odd makes it more important to follow the two guidelines given on page 9 to ensure a decent win strike rate.

I Wish You A Very Profitable Future!

Please view next page for your secret bonus…it reveals exactly how to stretch your tennis profits even further …making an EXTRA $10,813+ per month… ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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How You Can Easily Multiply Your Tennis Profits Even Further…Making An Extra $1,423, $5,128, $10,813 Or More Each Month By Betting On Other Sporting Events Simply By Using… …Frank Belanger’s Daily Sports Picks For Only A Measly $0.27 (27 Cents) Per Day! For some, making $357.19 per day is enough but for the rest of us it is just the beginning. So if you’d like to stretch your tennis profits even further, spreading your investment portfolio more evenly while making a ton of easy money from sports betting…

…then listen to what I have to say, very carefully. I’ve recently discovered an amazing sports tipping service that produces remarkable profits year after year. I’m not sure whether you’ve used tipping services before but anyone giving out tips this good costs around $300 to $900 per week (Yes, per week!). ---But not Frank. His tips are highly profitable yet he only asks 27 cents per day for them. When I first visited Frank’s website I thought he was crazy. I kept reading over and over looking for a ‘catch’. But guess what? There isn’t any!

Here’s how it all works… You simply visit Frank’s website and read how 13 other ordinary people are making tremendous amounts of money from his tips. In fact you can actually listen to their successes in their own voices as Frank has made this available on audio at his website. You simply press one button and hey presto…the audio file starts playing in real time! Next you simply sign up for Frank’s service in seconds….and start making profitable bets using his tips immediately!

As part of the package you’ll get: • The number 1 selling ebook titled “Bookie Buster”. This ebook is a sports betting moneymaking masterpiece. The moneymaking tactics ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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described in this ebook is so powerful that I personally believe that the bookmakers will soon be trying to stop any further sales of this publication! • Unlimited lifetime membership to Frank’s personal Daily Picks. Without any doubt this service alone is worth at least $700 every week. • An unbeatable sports betting system that has never lost in the past 3 years. This system is the first and only system in the whole world that is 100% guaranteed to consistently win. I simply cannot emphasize the importance of incorporating this strategy with your overall betting plan – it is absolutely mind blowing! • 30 day access to Frank’s Premium Picks. Premium Picks are similar to the Daily Picks above but there are fewer picks (3-6) per day. Now…you’d think this is phenomenal value for a measly 27 cents per day…and you are right…but there’s more. On top of all these, Frank is actually giving an Iron Clad…

…365 Day Full, Risk Free, Money Back Guarantee! That’s how confident he is of the profitability of his service. I personally think only an idiot would ever ask for a refund or let such a lucrative offer slip by! When people first met me they thought I was a nutter for practically giving away my tennis betting secrets…but after they’d met Frank…there was no doubt in their minds that he is way, way, way more crazy than I am. I mean…

--Just look at the deal he is offering…it’s totally insane! However there is one small catch. Frank has recently come to his senses after hundreds of his members asked him why he was giving away his profitable tips for only 27 cents a day. Therefore he plans to triple his price and also remove some of the offers from the package…

…so you need to act fast! I’d really hate for you to miss out on this once in a lifetime deal. So go visit his website right now by clicking here. If you delay it you will no doubt ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © Tennis Betting System, Chris Campbell – All Rights Reserved

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miss out on this fantastic moneymaking opportunity…please don’t come crying to me if this happens. Seize this opportunity right now and you’ll have absolutely no regrets, I promise. Remember, I have never endorsed any product or service in the past until now. I’m a veteran sports better and tipster and if I’m willing to stake my personal reputation on Frank’s services…so you better believe it…it is very good!

This is exactly what you’ll be doing each morning to make thousands of dollars every week from sports betting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Click on the ‘Members Login’ link at Frank’s website Enter your login & password Get the picks included in the members only area Logout Visit your favorite bookmaker online or offline and place your bets

…then you simply collect your winnings…as simple as that! So without wasting another second visit Frank’s website right now by clicking here!

I look forward to ‘meeting’ you in the members only area…

Visit Right Now!

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