30 ngày tự luyện TOEIC.pdf

November 5, 2017 | Author: Du | Category: Test (Assessment), Business
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Nội dung bài học 1. Các thành phần câu 2. Nắm vững câu và các cấu trúc bổ nghĩa 3. Nắm vững câu mở rộng 4. Luyện tập phân tích câu Bài tập luyện Bài tập kiểm tra

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



1. Các thành phần câu Chức năng của từ loại Từ loại

Chức năng

Diễn tả hành động của chủ ngữ. Động từ rất quan trọng trong câu, Động từ do đó khi đọc câu, phải xác định động từ trước tiên.

Ví dụ

The plant manager organized a day-long safety workshop. động từ

Danh từ

Construction for the new plant will begin next Có vai trò là chủ ngữ (ở đầu câu) và danh từ tân ngữ (sau động từ). week.

Tính từ

Medical experts expressed concerns about the Có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho danh từ increasing use of antibiotics. và thường đứng truớc danh từ. tính từ

danh từ

Trạng từ

Có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ We recently hired several sales personnel. trạng từ động từ hoặc tính từ.

Liên từ

Có chức năng liên kết câu với câu hoặc liên kết các động từ trong cùng một câu.

Giới từ

Có chức năng liên kết danh từ, thường đứng trước danh từ.

Because Pierce liên từ chủ ngữ (1) (2)

was động từ

sick, he

missed the

chủ ngữ động từ

meeting. The concert has been canceled because of the giới từ

heavy rain. (cụm) danh từ

2. Nắm vững câu và các cấu trúc bổ nghĩa (1) Các hình thức cấu trúc bổ nghĩa Mạo từ + trạng từ + tính từ + danh từ : an  increasingly  popular  hobby  Danh từ phải đứng sau mạo từ.  Tính từ đứng trước danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.  Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ, bổ nghĩa cho tính từ. ● Hình thức bổ nghĩa sau danh từ Danh từ + giới từ + danh từ :  A newproduct ( under development)  will be introduced next year.  Cấu trúc bổ nghĩa giới từ (under development) đứng sau danh từ (product) và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN  Trong cấu trúc câu này, chủ ngữ (a new product) và động từ (will be introduced) đứng cách xa nhau. Danh từ + mệnh đề quan hệ (who / which / that) + động từ  The accounting manager ( who was transferred to London branch)  was fired last week.  Mệnh đề quan hệ (who was transferred to London branch) đứng sau danh từ (manager) và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.  Trong cấu trúc câu này, chủ ngữ (the accounting manager) và động từ (was fired) đứng cách xa nhau. Ghi chú Phân tích cấu trúc câu theo thứ tự dưới đây: 1. Xác định động từ. 2. Tìm chủ ngữ (thường là danh từ). 3. Xác định cấu trúc bổ nghĩa rồi phân tích. 4. Xác định sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ.

3. Nắm vững câu mở rộng (1) Mở rộng câu bằng cấu trúc bổ nghĩa Khi thêm cấu trúc bổ nghĩa vào câu cơ bản, câu sẽ dài và phức tạp hơn. Trước hết, ta phải xác định được cấu trúc của câu cơ bản (chủ ngữ + động từ + tân ngữ). Câu cơ bản:

The company fired employees chủ ngữ

động từ

tân ngữ

Thêm trạng từ:

The company recently fired employees.

Thêm tính từ:

The company recently fired several employees.

Thêm (cụm) giới từ:

The company on 5th Avenue recently fired several employees.

Thêm mệnh đề quan hệ:

The company, which is located on 5th Avenue, recently fired several employees.

(2) Mở rộng câu bằng cấu trúc liên kết ● Liên kết danh từ bằng giới từ Để hiểu câu nhanh chóng, trước hết ta nên bỏ qua cấu trúc liên kết bằng giới từ, chỉ tập trung vào cấu trúc câu cơ bản trước. The company, which is located in the business district, recently fired several employees because of the economic slump. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



cụm danh từ

● Liên kết câu bằng liên từ The company, which is located on 5th Avenue, recently fired several employees because its sales have declined substantially. liên từ

chủ ngữ

động từ

(= Because its sales have declined substantially, the company, which is located on 5th Avenue, recently fired several employees.)

4. Luyện tập phân tích câu 1. Gạch dưới chủ ngữ, động từ và tân ngữ 2. Xác định cấu trúc bổ nghĩa và cấu trúc liên kết ex. The plant manager organized a day-long safety workshop. chủ ngữ

động từ

tân ngữ

Bài tập luyện: Tìm chủ ngữ, động từ và tân ngữ 1. The human resources department will take further stops. 2. All new employees must attend this week's session on company policies. 3. The company announced the opening of its new production line. 4. To meet customer's demands is our most important priority. 5. Retaining competent employees is important to succeed in business. 6. A new fax machine will be installed in the copy center. 7. Customers are requested to complete the survey. 8. This medical appliance is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase. 9. All financial reports must be sent to the accounting department. 10. Special discounts will be given to all new subscribers. 11. The mediator in the merger talks was replaced. 12. The contents of this journal are carefully examined for errors. 13. Regional managers who exceeded sales goals will receive special bonuses. 14. The central library, which was built in 1970, is currently under renovation. 15. Ms. Leona, who is in charge of the accounting department, will be promoted. 16. The concert has been canceled because of the heavy rain. 17. According to a recent survey, interest rates are expected to rise slightly. 18. Because his flight was late, Mr. Lim missed the meeting. 19. The project has been a failure though we invested a lot of money in it 20. International Affairs, a monthly journal, has been published for more than 10 years.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 5 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Bài tập 1: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 (Register, Registration) begins at 7 a.m. 02 The (cost, costly of housing rose dramatically last year. 03 (Write, To write) a novle is a goal of many creative writers. 04 (Eating, Eat) well leads to good health. 05 (Our (strategic, strategy) is to launch the product in Europe. 06 The (satisfaction, satisfactory) of our clients is our highest concern.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 The ______ of accidents should take priority in the workplace. (A) prevent (C) prevention (B) prevented (D) preventive 08 _____ should submit their evaluations of this new hairdryer before leaving. (A) Participants (C) Participate (B) Participated (D) Participatory 09 The _____ in the research budget caused a delay in the design process. (A) reductive (C) reduction (B)reduced (D) reduction 10 Because of this poor performance, the _____ dismissed the company’s financial manager. (A) direct (B) directive

(C) director (D) directed

Bài tập 2: Choose correct option in the parentheses. 01 These positions (require, requirement) extensive experience. 02 The company (to organize, should organize) a training program for staff. 03 Mr. Lee (purchased, purchasing) new office furniture. 04 Dialogue (helpful, can help) people to resolve problems. Actual Question: Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 The CEO _____ a new management system in the board meeting. (A) will suggest (C) suggesting (B) suggestion (D) to suggest 06 The members of the HR department _____ every applicant's file. (A) to review (C) reviewed (B) reviewing (D) reviewer

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 He reported the (problem, problematic) to the administrator. 02 We signed an (agree, agreement) with a foreign company. 03 Many young consumers prefer (to shop, shop) online. 04 The labor union demanded the (resign, resignation) of the president. 05 Mr. Kato considered (launching, launch) a campaign to promote a new PDA. 06 Flyaway Service guarantees (deliver, delivery) in three days. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 Our team can design the _____ according to customers' requirements. (A) produced (C) productive (B) product (D) productively 08 The proper _____ of equipment will prevent injuries. (A) utilization (C) utilize (B) utilizing (D) utilized 09 A broadband connection offers the _____ of immediate access to the Internet. (A) advantaging (C) advantageous (B) advantageously (D) advantage 10 Mr. Hornby did not notice any _____ between the two brands of camera. (A) difference (C) different (B) differ (D) differs Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 The new buildings are (spacious, spaciously) with high ceilings. 02 New LCD screens made the enterprise (popular, popularly). Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 7 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 03 04 05 06

Airplane tickets are not (transferable, transfer) to other individuals. We consider Ms. Elson a qualified (apply, applicant). It is (advise, advisable) to obtain a second opinion if you plan to invest. Jack is a (manager, manage) in the computer business.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 It was a great _____ that you were not hired for the position. (A) disappoint (C) disappoints (B) disappointedly (D) disappointment 08 Steven Williams was a market _____ when he worked for KMN, Inc. (A) analyze (C) analyst (B) analyzes (D) analyzing 09 Researchers found the recycling system _____ in reducing garbage. (A) effect (C) effective (B) effects (D) effectively 10 State governments and local citizens are _____ in developing and financing educational programs. (A) cooperative (C) cooperated (B) cooperate (D) cooperatively Bài tập 5: Put brackets ([ ]) around the modifier(s) in the following sentences. 01 Despite the bad weather, the event is continuing. 02 Tenants cannot renovate their homes without the approval of the owner. 03 Because of a technical problem, we postponed the performance. 04 It was Mr. Downes who was involved in stealing funds. 05 Customers seeking refunds should present a receipt. 06 Economic experts met to analyze the impact of higher interest rates. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. PRESS CONFERENCE ON BARKLEY-MILLER MERGER The Barkley Software Company will hold a press conference to announce its merger with Miller Associates. Barklev Software has developed an innovative _____ to restruct the two companies. It 07 (A) strategic (C) strategize (B) strategy (D) strategically will be ____ because it will increase product output and employee creativity. 08 (A) beneficial (B) beneficially

(C) benefited (D) benefit Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 8 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Bài tập 6: Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence. 1. Mr. Smith decided to _____ for the job advertised in the newspaper. (A) apply (B) recommend (C) do (D) pay 2. The company is going to run a new commercial to _____ sales. (A) return (B) quit (C) transfer (D) promote 3. I have to _____ this final report by the end of the week. (A) solve (B) repair (C) participate (D) complete 4. The director strongly _____ Mr. Watson for the job of manager. (A) contacted (B) recommended (C) quit (D) transferred 5. The board of .directors will gather to _____ the problem next month. (A) do (B) participate (C) solve (D) apply 6. The manual _____ lots of information on how to use the machine. (A) makes (B) is (C) has (D) seems 7. Jackson’s proposal about the new marketing policy looks _____ (A) interests (B) interest (C) interesting (D) to interest 8. Jackson’s proposal about the new marketing policy looks _____ (A) interests (B) interest (C) interesting (D) to interest Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 9 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 9. Many people _____ in line in the lobby. (A) made (B) recommended (C) wrote (D) waited 10. All of the applicants _____ the system very inconvenient. (A) became (B) found (C) turned (D) mentioned 11. He _____ the doctor’s office to make an appointment. (A) called (B) calling (C) caller (D) to call 12. The Madison Hotel _____ guests free coffee and drinks in the lobby. (A) becomes (B) finds (C) offers (D) keep 13. The _____ looked effective, and the board of directors liked it. (A) propose (B) proposal (C) proposed (D) proposes 14. The factory manager sent a memo _____ all of the employees. (A) of (B) for (C) in (D) to

Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter Dear Lost and Found, I am writing this letter to ask you about my missing wallet. Last Friday, I ____ on your airline to go to Boston. I had my wallet when I boarded Flight No. 053 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 0 15. (A) flew (B) rode (C) boring (D) useful in Vacouver. After arriving in Boston, I took a taxi. When I tried to ____ for the taxi, I found my 16. (A) fill (B) pay (C) enter (D) make wallet was missing. I guess that I dropped my wallet on the plane. The wallet is brown leather, and there are several credit cards in my name in it. Could you kindly check if there is a missing wallet on the plane? Thank you in advance. Regard, Luke Danes

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. She has spent many ………………….nights examining the questions. A. sleepy B. sleepless C. sleeplessly D. sleep 2. Many people like her because of her……………………… A. polite B. politeness C. impolite D. politely 3. You will have to work hard if you want to …………….. A. succeed B. successfully C. success D. successful 4. Read the book …………… and you can find the information you need. A. care B. careful C. carefulness D. carefully 5. Lonan Imports will work ….... with any distributor to fulfill a customer request. A. directly B. directs C. directed D. directness 6. Products made by Izmir Vitamins are designed to promote... and well-being. A. health B. healthy C. healthful D. healthfully 7. Jane Turngate was elected chairperson of the board of directors at Stellmann Corporation by a ..... margin. A. narrow B. narrows C. narrowly D. narrowness 8. Grove Canoes' prices may .... vary depending on changes in the cost of raw materials. A. occasion B. occasions C. occasional D. occasionally 9. A 20 percent increase in revenue makes this the .... year yet for the Sorvine HotelGroup. A. more profitable B. most profitable C. profiting D. profitably 10. McLellan Associates, the ..... of the two law firms, is presently advertising several job openings for paralegals. 11 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 2 A. largeness B. larger C. largely D. large 11. The route to Sandy Shores Inn is .... marked from exit 262 on the coastal highway. A. clearly B. clear C. clarity D. clearance 12. A ... from Jensen-Colmes Corporation will be happy to meet with prospective job applicants at the Westborough Job Fair. A. represent B. representing C. representative D. representation 13. The board of trustees will .... vote on the revised proposal at its meeting later this month. A. define B. definite C. definitive D. definitely 14. Payment is ... at the time you check out of the conference center. A. expect B. expecting C. expected D. expectation 15. Dr. Sato has indicated that there may soon be an ... for an apprentice technician in the chemicalproduction laboratory. A. open B. opened C. openly D. opening 16. Although Dr. Obetz is qualified in several areas, nutritional health is one of her .... A. special B. specializes C. specialties D. specialists 17. The analyst's commentary in the progress report was sharply ..... of the leadership team. A. critical B. critic C. critically D. criticism 18. The ... of the Municipal Park Restoration Project was announced yesterday by the local hospitality association. A. completed B. completes C. completion D. complete 19. The loan application process at Palau Bay Bank is very ..... A. efficient 12 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 B. efficiency C. efficiently D. efficiencies 20. According to a new study, the United States will face ever increasing ….. in the global economy over the next decade. A. competes B. competition C. competitively D. competitive 21. Almost everyone who prepares to start a business finds that the financial projections and market analysis are …… than they expected. A. difficult B. difficulty C. more difficult D. much difficulty 22. The hotel is .... located in London’s downtown within walking distance from banks, post office and stores. A. convenience B. convenient C. conveniences D. conveniently 23. Over the years we have earned the .... trust and confidence of hundreds of students worldwide through our unmatched performance in English education. A. complete B. completely C. completed D. completing 24. If you have .... received an incorrect order or your shipment has arrived damaged please see our Customer Service section for our Return Policy. A. mistook B. mistake C. mistaken D. mistakenly 25. In order to use these materials for profit, you must gain formal .... from our company in writing. A. approving B. approval C. approved D. approves 26. A rapidly growing beverage company is seeking qualified and .... regional and district sales managers to work with local distributors. A. motivate B. motivator C. motivated D. motivation 27. Our university has one of the most .... financial support programs in the US to ensure that students can meet the cost of their college education, regardless of background. A. extend B. extent C. extensive 13 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 D. extending 28. Because it would generate a lot of money, the .... to win the contract will likely be aggressive and fierce. A. competitively B. competitive C. competes D. competition 29. This book will teach you how to get .... out of debt including your mortgage. A. total B. totaling C. totally D. totaled 30. The software company .... sent out e-mails containing a virus to about 50,000 members on an email discussion list. A. accident B. accidental C. accidents D. accidentally 31. Most anti-virus programs are scheduled to perform a background check .... throughout the day on a set schedule. A. periodically B. periodic C. periodical D. period 32. The interior of the high-speed trains is .... and able to carry more than 500 passengers. A. space B. spacious C. spacing D. spaciousness 33. In a recent survey, people appear to consider changing their job when they find their current work too .... A. repeat B. repetitive C. repeating D. repetition 34. Today a lot of manufacturing firms have been too .... about investment, opting to amass cash reserves instead. A. caution B. cautiousness C. cautious D. cautiously 35. There are many folk cultures on the island, which are .... distinct from the mainland. A. clearer B. clearly C. clearest D. cleared 36. During the war, a lot of companies in Japan were able to add .... to their wealth by selling deadly weapons. A. consider 14 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 5 B. consideration C. considerately D. considerably 37. The .... of these ancient burial grounds has given us a lot of useful information about their culture. A. survive B. survivor C. survival D. survey 38. A variety of pictures are scanned into a form of proper .... that computers can recognize. A. informal B. informative C. information D. informing 39. In order to .... the internal market, exports were controlled, and foreign exchange and issuance of permissions were used as foreign trade policies. A. regulate B. regulating C. regulation D. regular 40. Visitors to the library are asked to speak .... and keep conversations brief when in the main reading room. A. quiet B. quietly C. quietest D. quietness

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội




Nội dung bài học Chú ý 1: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian diễn tả quá khứ Chú ý 2: Trạng từ chỉ thời gian diễn tả tương lai Chú ý 3: Trường hợp phải dùng thì hiện tại Bài tập luyện Bài tập kiểm tra

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 Chú ý 1: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN DIỄN TẢ QUÁ KHỨ Chọn câu đúng. 1. a. Kathy will send an e-mail last week. b. Kathy sent an e-mail last week. 2. a. Kathy provided a free meal yesterday. b. Kathy provides a free meal yesterday. Đúng: Kathy sent an e-mail last week. Kathy provided a free meal yesterday. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian ở quá khứ => động từ được chia ở thì quá khứ Ngữ pháp bổ sung Các trạng từ được dùng ở thì quá khứ: yesterday last ~ : last week, last month, last year ~ ago: a week ago, a year ago, ten years ago Pierce submitted the document yesterday / last week / a week ago Bài tập 1: 1. Mr. Kim (will attend/ attended) the conference last year. 2. The company (conducted/ will conduct) the survey two weeks ago. 3. I (included/ include) the report in my e-mail yesterday. 4. J&J (held/ will hold) a press conference a month ago here. 5. Early last week, we (will inspect/ inspected) the quality of the products. Bài tập 2: 1. Ms. Helen________transferred to the Chicago branch last week. (A) is (B) will be (C) has been (D) was 2. The sales manager________our company six years ago. (A) will join (B) joined (C) joins (D) is joining 3. The money________deposited in the bank last Friday. (A) was (B) is (C) has been (D) will be 4. The City Hall________constructed in 1945. (A) were (B) was (C) is (D) will be 5. He________elected as vice president of our company in the last week’s meeting. (A) is (B) was (C) will be (D) were Chú ý 2: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN DIỄN TẢ TƯƠNG LAI Chọn câu đúng: 1. a. Kathy will work next Saturday. b. Kathy worked next Saturday. 2. a. Kathy delivered good news tomorrow. b. Kathy will deliver good news tomorrow. Đúng: Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 8 Kathy will work next Saturday. Kathy will deliver good news tomorrow Trạng từ chỉ thời gian ở tương lai => động từ cũng ở thì tương lai Ngữ pháp bổ sung Các trạng từ được dùng ở thì tương lai: tomorrow next ~ : next week: tuần sau / next month :tháng sau/ next year :năm sau Pierce will submit the document tomorrow/ next week/ next month/ next year. Bài tập 3: 1. I (submitted/ will submit) the proposal in person next week. 2. During next week’s seminar, the managers (will discuss/ discusses) the problem. 3. The company (constructed/ will construct) a new assembly plant next year. 4. There (was/ will be) an orientation for new employees tomorrow morning. 5. We will (implement/ implemented) a new vacation policy as of next month. Bài tập 4: 1. Ms. Jin__________from her trip next week. (A) returned (B) returns (C) to return 2. The manager__________with the president tomorrow. (A) will meet (B) met (C) meets 3. The bank __________ interest rates next month. (A) raises (B) is raising (C) will raise 4. The economy __________ from the recession next year. (A) will recover (B) recovers (C) recovered 5. Effective next week, Mr. Park __________ in charge of the sales department. (A) is (B) will be (C) be

(D) will return (D) meeting (D) raised (D) is recovering (D) was

Chú ý 3: TRƯỜNG HỢP PHẢI DÙNG THÌ HIỆN TẠI Với thì hiện tại, ngoài việc nhận biết thông qua trạng từ chỉ thời gian, ta còn có thể nhận biết qua ý nghĩa của câu TRƯỜNG HỢP DÙNG THÌ HIỆN TẠI   

Khi diễn tả sự thật nói chung Khi diễn tả một sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hay một thói quen Trường hợp khác

1. Khi diễn tả sự thật nói chung Ex: Managers spend considerable time training new employees Manager: giám đốc, quản lý Spend time (in) + V-ing: dành thời gian để làm ~ Considerable: nhiều, đáng kể Train: đào tạo 2. Khi diễn tả một sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hay một thói quen Ex: We usually spend much money on advertising Những trạng từ diễn tả hành động lặp đi lặp lại hoặc thói quen Always often usually frequently every day every year Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 1 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 9 3. Trường hợp khác Sự việc diễn ra trong thời gian ngắn bây giờ, phải dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn Be + V-ing Ex: They are planning to build a new plant now. Plan to do: dự định làm Build: xây dựng Plant: nhà máy Bài tập 5: 1. It usually (will take/ takes) one hour to get to the City Hall. 2. I (read/ have read) a book every morning. 3. He usually (goes/will go) to work at 7:30 4. The company (recruits/ is recruiting) an experienced sales manager now. Bài tập 6: 1. The public library usually … no fees for local residents to borrow books. (A) will change (B) charging (C) to charge (D) charges 2. Every month, we … a monthly business meeting. (A) will have (B) have (C) having (D) has 3. The department heads frequently … with the overseas marketing team. (A) to meet (B) will meet (C) meet (D) meeting 4. A good supervisor … encouragement to employees. (A) gave (B) is giving (C) given (D) gives 5. We are now … our efforts to provide better services to our customers. (A) increase (B) increasing (C) increases (D) increased BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP: Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây. 1. The blueprint for the office building __________ finished by next week. (A) will have (B) have (C) are (D) will be 2. The president __________ the office early every Friday. (A) will leave (B) left (C) is leaving (D) leaves 3. The recruitment of sales personnel __________ last week. (A) is ending (B) will end (C) ends (D) ended 4. By next Friday, all budget reports __________ reviewed by the accounting team. (A) will be (B) are (C) have (D) were 5. I knew Mr. Kim’s resignation when I __________ his office last Tuesday. (A) will visit (B) visited (C) visiting (D) visit Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 0 Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau. Starting next week, the new City Library _________ a variety of services to meet the needs of all 6. (A) will provide (B) provides (C) provided (D) providing citizens. In the past, it _________ impossible to provide those services due to the lack of 7. (A) has (B) was (C) is (D) will be technology and equipment. We always _________ comments and suggestions that may help us serve you better. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, let us know. 8. (A) welcomed (B) will welcome (C) welcome (D) welcomes BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Bài tập 1: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Mr. Chen (finished, finish) reviewing the summary yesterday. 02 We often (announce, will announce) the date for interviews in a local paper. 03 The board (convened, will convene) an executive session tomorrow. 04 Many workers (go, went) abroad in 2003. 05 Next Tuesday, the ship (will leave, left) the harbor at 12 p.m. 06 Ms. Cooper (met, meets) one of her European clients three days ago. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 The hotel's recreational facilities _____ a swimming pool and tennis courts. (A) include (C) inclusion (B) includes (D) to include 08 Some experts predict that urban areas _____ 98 percent of the world's population by 2050. (A) hold (C) will hold (B) held (D) holding 09 Some experts predict that urban areas _____ 98 percent of the world's population by 2050. (A) hold (C) will hold (B) held (D) holding 10 Several computer manufacturers _____ their new lines in the next several months (A) introduce (C) introduction (B) will introduce (D) be introduced Bài tập 2: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Ms. Tracy (is preparing, was preparing) the annual report now. 02 Our CEO (will be attending, was attending) an important workshop at this time yesterday. 03 This time tomorrow, Chris (is attending, will be attending) an important conference. 04 She (worked, was working) on her report when the fire took place. 05 Mr. McCain (is returning, was returning) to Korea now. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 06 We (were making, will be making) arrangements for the Trade Conference tomorrow. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 Ms. Thomas _____ in the employee development session at 3 o'clock yesterday (A) participates (C) is participating (B) to participate (D) was participating 08 Wellton supermarket _____ its customers a 20 percent discount until Monday. (A) offered (C) will be offering (B) is offering (D) was offering 09 The manufacture _____ changes to its billing procedures now. (A) implements (C) implementing (B) implemented (D) is implementing 10 The memo informed us that the company _____ the renovation of the office next month. (A) is carrying out (B) has been carrying out (C) will be carrying out (D) is being carrying out Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Mr. Heath (has appointed, will have appointed) Richard Barth as a financial officer by next May. 02 Before the results came in, she (had already gone, will have already gone). 03 The price of gas (increases, has increased) considerably since 2000 04 The revenue of the company (falls, has fallen) significantly for two years. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences 05 The cost of living In the country_____ by 17 percent over the last 15 years. (A) will rise (C) rising (B) has risen (D) rise 06 Mr. Jantick _____ in the military for six months by the end of the year. (A) been served (C) will serve (B) has served (D) will have served Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement. We are looking for a corporate trainer. Applicants should hold a master's degree in business or communications studies. Also, five years of experience is required. The Business Training Program _____ the most popular of all the programs we have offered over the past two years. The 01 (A) will be (C) had been (B) was (D) has been qualified candidate _____ training programs related to marketing strategies and management Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 2 02 (A) conducts (B) conducted

(C) will conduct (D) has conducted

starting next month. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Barry at 555-7800.

Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 02 03 04

Toxic chemicals should always be (practiced, handled, prevented) with care. Effective advertisements (broaden, attract, convene) many new customers. If you wish to attend the seminar, do not (expand, consider, hesitate) to contact me. Computer programs are (labored, utilized, proceeded) in the shipment of orders.

Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 A deposit of $50 is required to _____ seats for the upcoming season. (A) respond (C) connect (B) appoint (D) reserve 06 The annual meeting _____ as planned last month without any interruption. (A) reviewed (C) proceeded (B) obtained (D) marched

Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following e-mail. From: Julia Banks, CrackEnglish Publishing To: Cathy Jones, Customer Service Dear Ms. Jones, Due to defects in the audio tapes we ordered from your company, we have received numerous complaints from our customers. As we think that this problem could have been _____ if you had 07 (A) protected (B) solved

(C) reported (D) prevented

not sent us faulty merchandise, we believe that your company should seriously _____ how we can 08 (A) counsel (B) impact

(C) consider (D) notify

be compensated for the losses. We would like to hear from you as soon as possible

Bài tập 5: Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence. 1. ICD Co. announced that it would _____ a new product next year. (A) remain (B) conduct (C) launch (D) renew 2. The secretary _____ a ticket to New York. (A) booked (B) complained (C) increased (D) met 3. The company decided to _____ the workforce in the Maintenance Department. (A) afford (B) reserve (C) postpone (D) reduce 4. Mr. Brown _____ the sales report last week. (A) submitted (B) submit (C) submits (D) submission 5. We _____ a new model to the China market in a month. (A) introduce (B) introduced (C) will introduce (D) were introducing 6. Last year, my team_____ a seminar every month. (A) held (B) holds (C) holding (D) will holding 7. There _____ increased concern about our competitors for the last year. (A) have been (B) has been (C) was (D) be 8. The committee _____ the proposal at the moment. (A) was reviewing (B) is reviewing (C) reviews (D) reviewed 9. By next month, Morgan _____ in the department for 3 years. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 (A) is (B) was (C) has been (D) will have been 10. Ms. Sanderson _____ for a marketing firm before she came here. (A) has worked (B) works (C) working (D) had worked 11. Ms. Kimberly _____ out. of the country until next Tuesday. (A) was (B) is (C) will be (D) has been 12. The manager asked if there _____ any calls for her. (A) is (B) are (C) had been (D) has been 13. By 2020, the demand for digital cameras _____ twofold. (A) will increase (B) has increased (C) will have increased (D) increases 14. If managers _____ their employees to work overtime, they will have to pay them more money. (A) want (B) will want (C) wants (D) have wanted Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Lee, I am so sorry that we _____ a mistake while processing your order last week. 15. (A) made (B) makes (C) making (D) has made I understand this caused a terrible inconvenience for your business. I _____ the product you Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



16. (A) sent (B) will send (C) sending (D) has sent ordered as soon as possible as well as a free gift. Once again, 1 am sorry about the inconvenience, and I hope to continue to do business with you for many years. BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. My wife and I ______the company picnic last weekend. (A) were attending (B) attend (C) attended (D) attending 2. ______ coming into work today because I am sick. (A) I am (B) I will (C) I'm not (D) I didn't 3. No, I _____ think that an office assistant would be useful. (A) don't (B) does (C) doesn't (D) am doing 4. The company ______taking the stand that even being five minutes late is the same as missing a day's work. (A) is (B) will (C) am (D) isn't 5. I usually eat my lunch in the breakroom, but today I _____my lunch at my desk. (A) eat (B) ate (C) eaten (D) have eaten 6. Planning the new office layout has been the hardest task I ______ in a long while. (A) had have (B) did have (C) did had (D) have had 7. Everyone_______ been wonderful to work with, and I will sorely miss working here. (A) have (B) did (C) hasn't (D) has Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 6 8. The committee _______that we do not pursue legal action at this time, but wait for the result of the tests. (A) suggesting (B) is recommending (C) has (D) is recommended 9. The worst that can happen _______ that the store will have to alter its operating hours until we can hire replacement staff. (A) are (B) was (C) is (D) have 10. The boss was so angry at me that I was sure I _______ be fired. (A) will (B) would (C) may (D) might 11. She said she_______ rather not meet with you face to face. (A) had (B) could (C) did (D) would 12. My arm hurts. A bunch of us _______blood today at work. (A) give (B) to give (C) gaved (D) gave 13. She _______always on time. (A) is (B) does be (C) are (D) be 14. She _______spoken to me about your proposal. (A) did (B) have (C) is (D) has 15. There_______ no “I” in "Team." (A) be (B) isn't (C) ain't (D) is 16. Tomorrow, I_______ going on a week-long business trip to the Maldives. (A) will (B) to (C) is (D) am 17. We'll start when he _______ready. (A) will 26 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 (B) will is (C) will be (D) is 18. We _______at a party two months ago. (A) meet (B) met (C) have met (D) meeting 19. So far, there _______no word from them. (A) is (B) was (C) has (D) has been 20. When I called on her, Mary_______ her room. (A) clean (B) cleans (C) cleaning (D) was cleaning 21. All things _______, Professor Kim is the best instructor I've ever had. (A) considered (B) to consider (C) considering (D) considerable 22. I'm quite sure this business will_______. (A) paying (B) pay for (C) pay off (D) paid 23. I'm sort of _______with his flattery. (A) disgust (B) to disgust (C) disgusting (D) disgusted 24. These pills will surely _______your pain. (A) ease (B) easy (C) easily (D) easiness 25. I _______ like to see his daughter right now. (A) will (B) shall (C) would (D) could 26. Losing interest in her business, Kimberly has recently_______. (A) retired (B) be retired (C) to be retired (D) been retired 27. Almost every part of our lives _______computerized over the past to years. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 8 (A) have been (B) has been (C) was (D) had done 28. I went to Los Angeles fifteen years _______ . (A) before (B) ago (C) since (D) next to 29. Kate usually _______ to class by bicycle, but today she went by bus because of the rain. (A) go (B) goes (C) went (D) gone 30. Frank_______ a TV show when Karen got home. (A) watched (B) watches (C) watch (D) was watching 31. We _______her for more than twenty years. (A) know (B) knows (C) have known (D) are known 32. His father _______a lawyer, but now he's a politician. (A) is used to be (B) was used to be (C) use to be (D) used to be 33. We were asked not to disturb the baby because he _______ . (A) is sleeping (B) slept (C) was sleeping (D) sleeping 34. He has studied English _______ since he was in elementary school. (A) during (B) while (C) as long as (D) Since 35. While Steve was washing his car, he _______ some dents in the doors. (A) discovered (B) is discovering (C) was discovering (D) has discovered 36. Ever since he arrived, he _______ quietly in the corner. (A) sat (B) has been sitting (C) sits (D) is sitting Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 2 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 9 37. When he got home, his wife _______dinner. (A) fix (B) fixes (C) fixing (D) was fixing 38. On my trip to Italy, not only _______ a suitcase, but I broke my glasses. (A) I lost (B) I lose (C) lost I (D) did I lose Questions 39 through 42 refer to the following letter. Questions 39 through 42 refer to the following letter. Mr. Albert Di Beni, 333 Spring Road Penshurst Kent Dear Mr. Di Beni, The Penshurst Medical Practice invites you to make an appointment for a medical _______. After 39. (A) exam (B) examination (C) quiz (D) test the age of forty, we recommend that you have a full physical every year. Our records show that you recently _______ your fiftieth birthday. However, it is over seven years since were 40. (A) celebrated (B) have celebrated (C) had celebrated (D) were celebrating celebrating your last appointment with our clinic. If you contact the Penshurst Medical Practice before September 15s, you will be able to take advantage _______ a free check up. In this 41. (A) from (B) in (C) of (D) to medical to we will check blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar. For a small extra charge. it is possible to have a more detailed examination. If you are ____ in this offer, please call Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



42. (A) available (B) wanting (C) interested (D) believe the Medical Practice at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Penshurst Medical Practice Questions 43 through 46 refer to the following memo. This semester, be prepared for your exams. Follow these handy hints from the Student Advice Center. Don't _______ until the night before an exam. The best students revise and learn early and regularly 43. (A) be wait (B) waiting (C) wait (D) had waited throughout the semester. Revise each night what you learned in class that day. Reread class notes, assignments, handouts or previous tests and textbooks. _______ key words and points with a colored 44. (A) Highlight (B) Notice (C) Spotlight (D) View pen or pencil. It is very helpful to write summaries of the notes you take in class. If that sounds like too much effort, then you start studying at least two weeks before _______ your 45. (A) had to (B) should (C) would (D) shouldn't exams. Make a study schedule and stick to it, but be realistic about your goals. Don't try to do too much in one day. Resting is as _______ as studying.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 46. (A) important (B) importance (C) duty (D) must Questions 47 through 50 refer to the following information.

Choosing a college _______ a college is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. The following 47. (A) To choice (B) Chosen (C) Choosing (D) Having chosen suggestions should help you _______ an informed decision. Visit the school you are considering. 48. (A) have (B) suggest (C) make (D) perform While you are at the school, take some time to look at the equipment and facilities. Talk to lecturers and _______ students. Ask questions that will give you first-hand knowledge about the school: 49. (A) now (B) current (C) presently (D) immediate Do the instructors seem knowledgeable? What is the students' opinion of the instructors? What _______ they like most and least about the school or program? Finally, look at several schools that 50. (A) do (B) are (C) had (D) can offer similar programs. Compare program length, schedule, cost, transferability of course credits, financial aid availability, and any other factors that are important to you.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội




Chú ý 1 1. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian 2. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện Chú ý 2 1. Trong mệnh đề that theo sau những động từ chỉ yêu cầu, mệnh lệnh, đề nghị ta luôn dùng động từ nguyên mẫu dù hành động đó ở hiện tại, quá khứ hay tương lai. 2. Những tính từ chỉ sự cần thiết cũng dùng với động từ nguyên mẫu. Chú ý 3 1. Dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục đích 2. Dùng làm chủ ngữ thật và tân ngữ thật cho câu có đại từ it Chú ý 4 1. Phân biệt danh từ và danh động từ Chú ý 5 1. Cấu trúc đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to 2. Các động từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to 3. Các danh từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to 4. Các cấu trúc đi với danh động từ 5. Động từ đi với danh động từ

Bài tập luyện tập 1 VERB + V-ing/ To-V 1. Các động từ + V-ing 2. Các động từ + To V 3. Các động từ + O + To V Bài tập luyện tập 2 Bài tập kiểm tra

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Chú ý 1 1. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian

    

when (khi) before (trước khi) after (sau khi) as soon as (ngay khi) while (trong khi)

Ex: Please don’t forget to turn off the computer before you leave the office. 2. Liên từ của mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ điều kiện  once (một khi)  if (nếu)  unless (trừ phi) Ex: If you return this survey, we will give you a 10% discount coupon. Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và chỉ điều kiện Tương lai -> Hiện tại đơn Tương lai hoàn thành -> Hiện tại hoàn thành Quick quiz 1. If you ___________ any help to organize the meeting, please don’t hesitate to ask me. (A) needs (B) needed (C) will need (D) need Chú ý 2 1. Trong mệnh đề that theo sau những động từ chỉ yêu cầu, mệnh lệnh, đề nghị ta luôn dùng động từ nguyên mẫu dù hành động đó ở hiện tại, quá khứ hay tương lai. request, recommend, suggest, insist + that + chủ ngữ + động từ nguyên mẫu Ex: The accounting manager requested that all budget reports be submitted by Friday. 2. Những tính từ chỉ sự cần thiết cũng dùng với động từ nguyên mẫu. It is imperative, essential, important, necessary + that + chủ ngữ + động từ nguyên mẫu Ex: It is imperative that the facilities in the plant be checked regularly. Quick quiz 2. The system engineer has requested that the existing computer system ________ as soon as possible. (A) upgrades (B) is upgraded (C) be upgraded (D) upgraded Chú ý 3 1. Dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục đích Ex: To provide better service, we receive feedback from our customers. Động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to provide) có túc từ là better service, được dùng làm trạng từ chỉ mục đích (để phục vụ khách hàng tốt hơn). 2. Dùng làm chủ ngữ thật và tân ngữ thật cho câu có đại từ it Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 a) Khi chủ ngữ quá dài, người ta thường dùng chủ ngữ giả it. Lúc này, chủ ngữ thật là mệnh đề danh ngữ that hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có to Ex: It is impossible for our team to meet the deadline. Chủ ngữ giả chủ ngữ thật b) Khi túc từ quá dài, người ta thường dùng tân ngữ giả it. Lúc này, tân ngữ thật là động từ nguyên mẫu có to. Ex: This software program made it possible to reduce production time. Tân ngữ giả tân ngữ thật Quick quiz 3. In almost every business, it is really imperative __________ responsive to customers’ needs. (A) to be (B) being (C) is (D) that Chú ý 4 1. Phân biệt danh từ và danh động từ  Danh động từ có chức năng là danh từ trong câu và có thể đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ.  Danh động từ khác danh từ ở các điểm sau: - Danh động từ không có mạo từ như danh từ. - Danh động từ có thể có túc từ theo sau (thường là danh từ) Ex: Danh động từ The management has decided to discontinue producing lady’s hats. Danh từ The management has decided to discontinue production of lady's hats. Quick quiz 4. It is expected that we will begin ________ our new line of portable printers next month. (A) production (B) productive (C) producing (D) produce Chú ý 5 1. Cấu trúc đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to be going to do be able to do be sure to do so as to do be liable to do be delighted to do be supposed to do be reluctant to do would like to do hesitate to do

be eligible to do be unable to do in order to do feel free to do be pleased to do be likely to do be designed to do be willing to do be ready to do

2. Các động từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to propose/ intend/ plan/ decide/ fail to do/ want/ wish/ hope to do 3. Các danh từ đi với động từ nguyên mẫu có to ability/ right/ way/ need to do Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 5 4. Các cấu trúc đi với danh động từ be capable of ~ing have difficulty ~ing upon ~ing be committed to + Noun/~ing be entitled to + Noun Ở đây, to là giới từ nên sau to là danh từ hoặc danh động từ.

succeed in ~ing be busy ~ing be devoted to + Noun look forward to +Noun/~ing

5. Động từ đi với danh động từ consider/ discontinue/ avoid/ finish/ suggest/ include/ keep ~ing BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP Bài tập 1: Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống. 1. Early last week, the city council formally ________ the downtown renewal project. (A) approved (B) will approve (C) approves (D) has approved 2. After considerable effort, the company has succeeded in ________ the new environmentfriendly home appliances. (A) development (B) develops (C) developed (D) developing 3. If commercial banks ________ mortgage rates, many households will have difficulty in repaying interest. (A) Will raise (B) raise (C) to raise (D) raising 4. It is important for security guards ________ the security guidelines while they are on duty. (A) following (B) to follow (C) followed (D) follow 5. Some technical support workers ________ at the headquarters to learn how to operate the new network access system over the past two months. (A) trained (B) have trained (C) have been trained (D) are trained 6. The newly installed security system _______ requires that every user the four-digit access number. (A) have (B) to have (C) having (D) has 7. Construction workers are responsible for _______ their own equipment and tools. (A) provides (B) providing (C) provided (D) provision Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 8 ~ 10 trong mẩu quảng cáo sau đây. Want to sell your property? Why only sell to local buyers? Intemational-Properties.com offers the first international private property sales service. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 6 Our bilingual sales team enables the Intemational-Properties.com network to sell your property directly to our database of international clients. If you ____________ to sell your property internationally, we will be the best choice. 8. (A) will plan (B) plans (C) plan (D) planned We ___________ working as a specialist for international property over the past 20 years. 9. (A) were (B) have been (C) are (D) will be By ________ your property description to Intemational-Properties.com, your ad will be 10. (A) provide (B) provision (C) providing (D) provided promoted on our network until the sale of your property. VERB + V-ing/ To-V 1. Các động từ + V-ing • avoid (tránh) • admit (thừa nhận) • advise (khuyên nhủ) • appreciate (đánh giá) • complete (hoàn thành) • consider (xem xét) • delay (trì hoãn) • deny (từ chối) • discuss (thảo luận) • dislike (không thích) • enjoy (thích) • finish (hoàn thành) • keep (tiếp tục) • mention (đề cập) • mind (phiền, ngại) • miss (nhớ, bỏ lỡ) • postpone (trì hoãn) • practice (luyện tập) • quit (nghỉ, thôi) • recall (nhắc nhở, nhớ) 2. Các động từ + To V • agree (đồng ý) • appear (xuất hiện) • arrange (sắp xếp) • ask (hỏi, yêu cầu) • beg (nài nỉ, van xin) • care (chăm sóc) • claim (đòi hỏi, yêu cầu)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

recollect (nhớ ra) recommend (nhắc nhở) resent (bực tức) resist (kháng cự) risk (rủi ro) suggest (đề nghị) tolerate (tha thứ) understand (hiểu) can’t help (ko thể tránh/ nhịn được) can’t stand (ko thể chịu đựng đc) can’t bear (ko thể chịu đựng đc) It is no use/ It is no good (vô ích) would you mind (có phiền...ko) to be used to (quen với) to be/ get accustomed to (dần quen với) to be busy (bận rộn) to be worth (xứng đáng) to look forward to (trông mong)

• • • • • • •

consent (bằng lòng) decide (quyết định) demand (yêu cầu) deserve (xứng đáng) expect (mong đợi) fail (thất bại) hesitate (do dự)

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 3 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 • hope (hi vọng) • learn (học) • manage (sắp xếp) • mean (ý định) • need (cần) • offer (đề nghị) • plan (lên kế hoạch) • prepare (chuẩn bị) • pretend (giả vờ) • promise (hứa) 3. Các động từ + O + To V • advise (khuyên) • allow (cho phép) • ask (yêu cầu) • beg (van xin) • cause (gây ra) • challenge (thách thức) • convince (thuyết phục) • dare (dám) • encourage (khuyến khích) • expect (mong đợi) • forbid (cấm) • force (buộc) • hire (thuê) • instruct (hướng dẫn) • invite (mời) • need (cần) • order (ra lệnh) • permit (cho phép) • persuade (thuyết phục) • remind (nhắc nhở) • require (đòi hỏi) • teach (dạy) • tell (bảo) • urge (thúc giục) • want (muốn) • warn (báo trước)

• • • • • • • • • •

refuse (từ chối) wish (mong) seem (dường như) struggle (đấu tranh) swear (xin thề) threaten (đe doạ) volunteer (tình nguyện) wait (đợi) want (muốn) afford (đủ khả năng)

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



FORGET, REMEMBER + Ving: Nhớ (quên) chuyện đã làm I remember meeting you somewhere last year + To inf: Nhớ (quên) để làm chuyện gì đó Don't forget to buy me a book. TRY + Ving: thử làm gì I try eating the cake he makes + To inf: cố gắng để ... I try to avoid meeting him REGRET + Ving: hối hận chuyện đã làm I regret lending him the book + To inf: lấy làm tiếc để ...... I regret to tell you that ... ( tôi lấy làm tiếc để nói với bạn rằng...) - chưa nói - bây giờ mới nói STOP Stop + to inf: Dừng để làm gì After I’d been working for 3 hours, I stopped to eat lunch. Stop + Ving: Dừng việc gì lại We stop eating meat 5 years ago. MEAN Mean + to inf: Dự định I mean to go out Mean + Ving: mang ý nghĩa Failure on the exam means having to learn one more year. NEED 1.1 Need dùng như một động từ thường: a) Động từ đi sau need chỉ ở dạng nguyên thể khi chủ ngữ là một vật thể sống: Ex: - My friend needs to learn Spanish. He will need to drive alone tonight. John needs to paint his house. b) Động từ đi sau need phải ở dạng verb-ing hoặc dạng bị động nếu chủ ngữ không phải là vật thể sống. Ex: The grass needs cutting OR The grass needs to be cut. The telivision needs repairing OR The TV needs to be repaired. Your thesis needs rewriting OR Your thesis needs to be rewritten. 1.2 Need dùng như một trợ động từ Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 39 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Chỉ dùng ở thể nghi vấn hoặc phủ định thời hiện tại. Ngôi thứ ba số ít không có "s" tận cùng. Không dùng với trợ động từ to do. Sau need (trợ động từ) là một động từ bỏ to: Ex: We needn't reserve seats - there will be plenty of rooms. Need I fill out the form? Bài tập 2: 1. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before we_____ for the day. a. leave b. leaving c. to leave d. have left 2. Due to_____ fuel prices, the company has decided to add a surcharge to all deliveries. a. rise b. arisen c. rose d. rising 3. Speakers should be prepared_____ their finding to the audience and be able to answer questions regarding them. a. has presented b. presenting c. present d. to present 4. Abigail Sanchez is going to attend a conference in Hamshire tomorrow. She remembers_____ there last year. a. to come b. came c. to coming d. coming 5. Please remember_____ your identification and sufficient documents with you when you come here to register. a. to bring b. to bringing c. bringing d. being brought 6. Mr. Michael needs_____ all the CVs of applicants before contacting them for interviewing. a. review b. to review c. reviewing d. to be reviewed 7. The first solar-energy motorbike of Apo Motors needs_____ carefully before introducing to the public next month. a. test b. to test c. testing d. to be testing 8. One of the most effective methods to protect precious animals is that people should stop_____ them for leather and feather. a. hunt b. to hunt c. hunting d. be hunted 9. According to the schedule, after leaving the National Park, the visitors will stop_____ the view beside the Sachihiro River. a. to enjoy b. to be enjoyed c. enjoying d. be enjoying 10. Auto-car manufactory tried_____ the fixed cost and variable cost to increase the profit. a. to cut b. to be cut c. be cutting d. cutting 11. In order to ensure that the medication does not have side – effects, pharmacists have tried_____ it on a variety of animals. a. to experiment b. experimenting c. to be experimented d. experimented Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 40 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 12. In financial terms, IPO( initial public offering) means_____ a company’s shares to the public for the first time and then the stock is said to be listed on the stock exchange. a. sell b. to sell c. selling d. be sold 13. The full version of Salem’s newest song that meant_____ was leaked. a. to launch b. to be launched c. launching d. be launched 14. Ms. Saffron regrets_____ protective gloves when using this cleaning liquid. Serious burns have resulted from direct contact with her skin. a. to wear b. wearing c. not to wear d. not wearing 15. Mrs. Happy, the founder of Happy’s Pie Hut, regrets_____ that she will retire and leave her business next year a. to inform b. informing c. to be informed d. being informed

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 41 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Bài tập 1: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 We hope (gain, to gain) a greater market share 02 Our goal is (to attract, attraction) more customers. 03 Simon’s mistake was (to forget, forget) the date of the conference. 04 I am writing (inquire, to inquire) whether my order was shipped. 05 She is beginning (prepare, to prepare) the company s anniversary celebration 06 We will need (to enhance, enhancement) the security of our website. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 The board members unanimously agreed _____ Mr. Weber’s suggestion. (A) accept (C) accepted (B) to accept (D) acceptance 08 Some residents wish _____ their phone numbers after they move. (A) to keep (C) kept (B) keep (D) keeper 09 One way of boosting profits is _____ the cost of production. (A) reduced (C) to reduce (B) reduce (D) reduction 10 The accounting department may request receipts _____ your expenses. (A) verifying (C) be verified (B) verify (D) to verify Bài tập 2: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Many people prefer (invest, to invest) in the IT industry. 02 (To update, Update) our website is my main responsibility. 03 Our policy is (donation, to donate) money to charities every year 04 He has a presentation (to make, make) on sales strategies. 05 (To protect, Protection) your skin, you should use UltraCare sunblock. 06 She called (to reschedule, reschedule) her appointment with Mr. Lee. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 _____ the facilities before the upcoming event, the firm required several staff members to work overtime. (A) To inspect (C) Inspection 08 The meeting's purpose is _____ improvements in employee benefits. (A) discuss (C) discussion (B) will discuss (D) to discuss 09 Every company has an obligation _____ its workers with a safe and healthy work atmosphere. (A) provide (C) provision (B) provides (D) to provide 10 Mr. McCarran checked the advertisements in several newspapers _____ for a used digital camera. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 42 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) of looking (B) to look

(C) look (D) looks

Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 The presenter forced attendees (to set, setting) yearly goals. 02 Bigtown, Inc. permits employees (moving, to move) to other branches. 03 The corporation wishes (relocating, to relocate) outside New York. 04 The manager promised (to lower, lowering) the sales quotas tor new dealers. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 We would like to remind customers _____ this device cautiously. (A) handling (C) handle (B) handled (D) to handle 06 The team failed ____ the project, so they did not receive bonuses. (A) complete (C) completes (B) to complete (D) completed Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following notice. Date: August 10 Subject: Employee Awards Night We have scheduled the ceremony _____ awards to the company's employees of the year for 01 (A) present (B) presents

(C) to present (D) presented

August 18. There will be a rehearsal on August 16, so please ask Jane Williams and Ryan Monk to report to the second-floor conference hall at 5:00 p.m. My secretary plans _____ out the invitations to 02 (A) to mail (C) is mailing (B) mailed (D) mail the employees and their families soon. Bài tập 4: Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence 1. We call the mall ____ out whether the produce were sold out out. (A) to finding (B) for finding (C) to find (D) find 2. Mr. Taylor has the ability____ people. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 43 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) persuading (B) persuade (C) to persuade (D) persuasion 3. All the employees were asked ____ the meeting on Sunday. (A) attend (B) attended (C) attending (D) to attend 4. Ms. Watson tried hard to help the customers only ____ her. (A) upset (B) have upset (C) upsetting (D) to upset 5. _____ sales, we decided to advertise our product in the local newspaper. (A) Increase (B) Increasing (C) Increased (D) To increase 6. They finished the research but failed ____ the results. (A) reporting (B) to report (C) report (D) for reporting 7. The company made every effort _____ customer satisfaction. (A) boost (B) boosting (C) to boost (D) for boosting 8. I am very pleased ___ you of our decision. (A) inform (B) to inform (C) to be informed (D) information 9. The purpose of this meeting is____ an agreement on our marketing strategy. (A) to reach (B) reach (C) reached (D) to reaching 10. We believe that Jason is ready _____ with others. (A) cooperate (B) cooperating (C) to cooperate Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 44 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (D) of cooperating 11. You have the right ___ for a refund. (A) asking (B) to ask (C) of asking (D) ask 12. They tried to ____ the disease from spreading. (A) deal (B) comment (C) prevent (D) apologize 13. Many companies took ___ of the recent rising oil prices to raise the prices of their products. (A) point (B) exposure (C) advantage (D) means 14. We have to take ____ to deal with the problems. (A) foots (B) steps (C) stairs (D) feet Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter. Mr. David Hornsby 190 Broadway Vancouver, BC Dear Mr. Hornsby, I am writing this letter _____ that you will start working for Big Office Supplies on April 12. Your 15. (A) confirm (B) to confirm (C) confirming (D) for confirming job duties will be explained during the training session. As we discussed before, you will be able ____ twenty days of vacation and three sick days. If you 16. (A) have Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 45 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B)having (C) to having (D) to have have any questions, please let us know. Bài tập 5: Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence. 1. ____ the restaurant will attract more customers. (A) Renovation (B) Renovating (C) Renovated (D) To renovating 2. The newly hired secretary is good at _____ (A) organizing (B) to organize (C) organize (D) organization 3. The president suggested ____ a new staff lounge to better serve the employees. (A) to build (B) build (C) built (D) building 4. We would like to thank you for ____ in our annual conference. (A) participate (B) participating (C) to participate (D) participated 5. Mr. Carter has had difficulty ____ experienced research specialists since last month. (A) find (B) finding (C) to find (D) found 6. Because of the bad economic situation, we could not help ___ our New York branch. (A) close (B) closed (C) closing (D) to close 7. You can simply book your ticket by ___ our website or dropping by one of our stores. (A) visits (B) visiting (C) visit Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 46 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (D) to visit 8. We regret ___ you that your application has been rejected. (A) to tell . (B) told (C) telling (D) tells 9. They stopped ____ the old model in order to promote a newly released one. (A) to sell (B) selling (C) sold (D) sell 10. ____ the number of security guards will hopefully, reduce the chance of thefts. (A) Increase (B) Increasing (C) Increased (D) To increasing 11. Atlantis Co. strictly prohibits its employees from ____ an office phone for personal reasons. (A) use (B) to use (C) used (D) using 12. The company has considered ____ its branch to Boston for the past few weeks. (A) relocation (B) to relocate (C) relocating (D) relocated 13. The ____ a simple survey to find out about their customers’ needs (A) talked (B) conducted (C) filled (D) notified 14. It usually takes a lot of time and effort to ___ to a new environment. (A) accustom (B) refer (C) postpone (D) adjust Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Myer, According to our records, your membership with California Fitness will expire in a few weeks. We Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 47 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN would like to ____ you with a special offer. With your renewal of your membership, you can 15. (A) provide (B) schedule (C) cancel (D) approve continue ____ our facilities and services at a discounted price. 16. (A) use (B) used (C) using (D) uses Sincerely, Jane Miller BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. The Trattoria Restaurant requests that patrons _______ reservations for a table at least two weeks ahead of time. (A) makes (B) making (C) made (D) make 2. The manufacturer insists that the defective air bags_______ replaced in spite of the high cost of recalling thousands of affected cars. (A) are (B) be (C) have (D) has 3. Due to the urgency of this matter, it is imperative that Mr. Lambert _______one of our customer representatives by 5 p.m. (A) is contacting (B) will contact (C) contact (D) contacted 4. While Harman's used to _______imported furniture, it is now sticking to local products to avoid the hassles of customs. (A) have sold (B) sold (C) sell (D) selling 5. It is essential that no unauthorized persons _______ into the building once it has been locked by the security personnel. (A) admitted (B) admit (C) be admitted Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 48 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (D) admittance 6. Financial advisers suggest that setting aside cash for emergencies _______it easier-for the firsttime investor to recover from losses. (A) makes (B) be made (C) make (D) made 7. The notice on the community bulletin board requested that the purse_______ to its owner and stated that a small reward would be given. (A) returns (B) returning (C) be returned (D) to return 8. At the meeting, we will _______ about the problem concerning the misuse of company telephones and fax machines. (A) object (B) oppose (C) talk (D) discuss 9. Once all the proposals have been submitted. we will _______ which company is best suited for the new construction project. (A) determination (B) determine (C) determined (D) determines 10. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans _______, regardless of losses to the company. (A) recall (B) recalling (C) be recalled (D) are recalled 12. A test was given to the applicants to eliminate those who did not _______ the basic knowledge requirements for the job. (A) meet (B) meeting (C) be met (D) to meet 13. The final report should _______ on the more recent findings rather than on the data collected a few months ago. (A) base (B) based (C) be based (D) to be based 14. Only after one of the employees expressed concern did they _______ investigating harassment claims against the supervisor. (A) started (B) starting (C) starts (D) start Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 49 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 15. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before we _______ for the day. (A) leave (B) leaving (C) to leave (D) have left 16.. Many researchers are doing research on how to reduce the time it takes _______ and forget an accident. (A) will overcome (B) be overcome (C) to overcome (D) has overcome 17. Speakers should be prepared _______ their findings to the audience and be able to answer questions regarding them. (A) has presented (B) presenting (C) present (D) to present 18. Please _______ any information, no matter how insufficient it may seem, to your client in the very near future. (A) forwards (B) forward (C) forwarding (D) to forward 19.. So as to _______ that your medical treatment will be paid for, you must present a note from your doctor. (A) ensure (B) ensuring (C) ensured (D) be ensured 20. The employees in the planning department spend most of their time _______ proposals for a better management structure. (A) write (B) writing (C) written (D) for writing 21. He expects _______ soon. (A) arrive (B) arrival (C) to arrive (D) arriving 22. All I want is _______ to return safe. (A) he (B) him (C) of him (D) for him 23. I'm sorry about _______ their feelings. (A) hurt (B) to hurt Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 50 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (C) hurting (D) I hurt 24. Christine promised to meet _______ at the theater. (A) our (B) us (C) we (D) ours 25. He is making every possible effort to _______ his opponent. (A) best (B) well (C) good (D) better 26. When _______ to resign his position, the manager reacted badly. (A) ask (B) to ask (C) asking (D) asked 27. When we arrived, the film was about _______. (A) start (B) starting (C) to start (D) started 28. The prince was married to the Duchess of Kent and _______ by his brother. (A) to succeed (B) succeeded (C) succeeding (D) successfully 29. Who is responsible for _______ the dishes tonight? (A) do (B) to do (C) doing (D) will do 30. She forced him _______ the work. (A) does (B) do (C) did (D) to do 31. We _______ to inform you that the position has been filled. (A) sorry (B) apology (C) apologize (D) regret 32. Would you mind _______ the window? (A) to open (B) opening (C) to opening (D) if opening 33. Does she remember _______ the report to the secretary last week? (A) give Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 51 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) to give (C) gives (D) giving 34. They needed to practice _______ the ball. (A) catch (B) catching (C) catches (D) caught 35. Frank has been really busy _______ the new products ready for the exhibition. (A) getting (B) get (C) to get (D) to getting 36. She asked which chapter _______. (A) read (B) reads (C) to read (D) reading 37. I enjoyed _______ in the park with Jane this afternoon. (A) walk (B) walking (C) to walk (D) to walking 38. I'm looking forward _______ her tomorrow. (A) to seeing (B) to see (C) seeing (D) see 39. It was necessary that she _______ her father the truth. (A) tell (B) to tell (C) tells (D) does tell Question 40 through 41 refer to the following advertisement. A smoke detector is an easy way to protect your family. It is very easy to install one. Most people expect _______ if there is a fire, but poisonous fumes from smoke kill 40. (A) to wake up (B) woke up (C) wake up (D) waking up hundreds of people every year. _______ a smoke detector will give your family a chance to escape in the case of a fire. Ask at your local fire station for advice. 41. (A) Putting (B) Fixing (C) Installing (D) Hanging Question 42 through 45 refer to the following letter. Hi Mom, Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 52 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN You were _______ when I left, so I'm leaving this note for you to read. I am going to 42. (A) off (B) out (C) over (D) in spend the night at Anna's, so don't wait up for me. I have also taken the spare keys from the hook in the kitchen, so don't be _______ to find them missing. I can't find my 43. (A) surprising (B) surprised (C) surprise (D) to surprise keys - don't worry, because I know they are in the house somewhere. I used them to let myself in earlier today. My room is ______ mess that I can't find them in there. I'll be sure 44. (A) such a (B) such (C) so (D) too to tidy up when I get back tomorrow evening. I know that you hate my room being so messy. Anyway. I'll see you tomorrow. Hope you managed _______the coat you wanted. 45. (A) buy (B) buying (C) bought (D) to buy Love, Melanie Questions 46 through 49 refer to the following notice. Notice to all Movie-rama movie house managers. Now that the summer movie season is approaching, we at Movie-rama would like to remind all of our managers that food and drink sales should _______ by 200%. 46. (A) increase (B) decrease (C) stay the same (D) be better Especially in the case of cola and flavored water, sales should increase by 300%. To achieve the intended sales goals, we recommend putting _______ salt on the popcorn, 47. (A) salty (B) less (C) more (D) no which will make customers more thirsty, which, in turn, will increase drink sales. Also, be reminded that Movie-rama movie theatres are now selling Sugar Cone ice cream bars. The suggested selling price is two dollars, but each theatre can set their own_______. 48. (A) cost (B) price (C) ice cream (D) movies Thank you all, and have a _______ summer. 52 Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội

NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 53 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 49. (A) hot (B) terrible (C) wonderful (D) big The Management


Chú ý 1: Làm quen với thể bị động Chú ý 2: Hình thức chủ động và bị động ở các thì Chú ý 3: Ngữ pháp nâng cao Bài tập luyện tập Bài tập kiểm tra Chú ý 1 1.1: Làm quen với thể bị động He delivered the document in person. S V O

The document was delivered by him in person. So be + PII by + chủ thể hành động (S) chủ ngữ của thể chủ động (S) đổi thành by + chủ thể hành động 1.2: Exercise 1. You must [sign/ be signed] the employment contract. 2. The employment contract must [sign/ be signed] by you. 3. The sales department will [hold/ be held] a marketing seminar. 4. The marketing seminar will [hold/ be held] by the sales department. Ghi chú 1. Chủ ngữ trong câu bị động là tân ngữ của ngoại động từ trong câu chủ động. You must sign the employment contract. 2. Nội động từ không đòi hỏi có tân ngữ nên không bao giờ có trường hợp câu bị động với nội động từ. The price increases rapidly. Chủ động => trợ động từ + động từ nguyên mẫu Bị động => trợ động từ + be + quá khứ phân từ BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP Bài tập 1: 1. The manager will _________ the new safety guidelines. (A) distributing (B) distribute (C) distributed (D) distribution Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội






The parts could not _________ to the factory by next week. (A) be shipped (B) shipping (C) ship (D) shipment Attendance records should _________ to the personnel department. (A) submission (B) submit (C) submitting (D) be submitted The contents of this proposal can _________ by the manager. (A) be revised (B) revise (C) revision (D) revised The company will _________ its staff by 20 percent. (A) be reduced (B) reducing (C) reduce (D) reduction

Chú ý 2 Hình thức chủ động và bị động ở các thì

Thì Hiện tại đơn

Thể chủ động S + V (s/es) + O

Thể bị động S + am/is/are + PII + by + O

Ví dụ Ex: The manager sends a memo to all distributors. -> A memo is sent to all distributors by the manager.

Hiện tại tiếp diễn

S + am/is/are + Ving +O

S + am/is/are + being + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager is sending a memo to all distributors at the moment. -> A memo is being sent to all distributors by the manager at the moment.

S + have/has + been + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager has sent a memo to all distributors. -> A memo has been sent to all distributors by the manager.

Hiện tại hoàn thành

S + have/has + PII + O

Quá khứ đơn

S + Ved/ P-I + O

S + was/were + PII Ex: The manager sent a memo to all + by + O distributors yesterday. -> A memo was sent to all distributors by the manager yesterday.

Quá khứ tiếp diễn

S + was/were + Ving + O

S + was/were + being + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager was sending a memo to all distributors this time yesterday. -> A memo was being sent to all distributors by the manager this time yesterday.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Quá khứ hoàn thành

S + had + PII + O

S + had + been + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager had sent a memo to all distributors before the electricity went off. -> A memo had been sent to all distributors by the manager before the electricity went off.

Tương lai đơn

S + will/ shall +V+O

S + will/ shall + be + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager will send a memo to all distributors tomorrow. -> A memo will be sent to all distributors by the manager tomorrow.

Tương lai hoàn thành

S + will/ shall + have + PII + O

S + will/ shall + have + been + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager will have sent a memo to all distributors by next Monday. -> A memo will have been sent to all distributors by the manager by next Monday.

Tương lai gần

S + is/am/are + going to + V + O

S + is/am/are + going to + be + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager is going to send a memo to all distributors this holiday. -> A memo is going to be sent to all distributors by the manager this holiday.

Động từ khuyết thiếu

S + modal verbs +V+O

S + modal verbs + be + PII + by + O

Ex: The manager must send a memo to all distributors. -> A memo must be sent to all distributors by the manager.

Bài tập 2: 1. The company has [reduced/ been reduced] its production cost. 2. Its production cost has [reduced/ been reduced] by the company. 3. The secretary has [distributed/ been distributed] this pamphlet. 4. This pamphlet has [distributed/ been distributed] by the secretary. Bài tập 3: 1. The proposal has _________ by my secretary. (A) revised (B) revising (C) revise (D) been revised 2.

The accounting manager has _________ all budget reports. (A) reviewing (B) reviewed (C) been reviewed (D) reviews Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



The company’s travel budget has _________ substantially. (A) reduced (B) reduce (C) been reduced (D) reducing


The researchers have _________ a new vaccine. (A) been developed (B) developing (C) developed

(D) develops


They have consistently _________ quality services and products. (A) provides (B) been provided (C) providing (D) provided CHÚ Ý 3 Ngữ pháp nâng cao Xác định nhanh thể chủ động/ bị động thông qua tân ngữ 1. Hình thức câu chủ động chủ ngữ + động từ + tân ngữ Ex: The manager sent a memo to all distributors. -> A memo was sent to all distributors by the manager. Tân ngữ của câu chủ động trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động  câu bị động không có tân ngữ. Do đó, có thể đoán nhanh câu chủ động và câu bị động thông qua sự tồn tại của tân ngữ. 2. be + ... + (cụm) danh từ: có tân ngữ ở sau nên là câu chủ động.  từ điền vào chỗ trống là ngoại động từ ở dạng hiện tại phân từ. Ex: He is inviting all his friends to the party. be + ... + (cụm) trạng từ: không có tân ngữ (danh từ) ở sau nên là câu bị động => từ điền vào chỗ trống là ngoại động từ ở dạng quá khứ phân từ. Ex: All his friends are being invited to the party Quick Quiz 1. Please remember that all application materials should ________ by next Friday. (A) send (B) be sending (C) be sent (D) sending 2. Money refunds will ______ into your account within 7 days of your claim. (A) deposited (B) to deposit (C) depositing (D) be deposited Bài tập 4: Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây. 1. The new employee handbook was ________ to all employees. (A) distributed (B) distributing (C) distributes 2.

You should ________ the rent before the deadline. (A) paid (B) be paid (C) pay

(D) distribute (D) paying


The research and development budget has ________ substantially. (A) reduced (B) reduces (C) been reduced (D) be reduced


The president has ________ a new strategy to increase sales. (A) proposing (B) proposed (C) been proposed

(D) propose

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



The terms of the contract must ________ carefully. (A) be reviewing (B) review (C) reviewing

(D) be reviewed

Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau. Teen Ice Cream Party & Game Night Thursday August 31 @ 6:30 P.M. All teens and their friends are __________ for an End-of-the-Summer Ice Cream Party and 6. (A) invite (B) invited (C) inviting (D) invites Game Night. All the food for the party will __________, along with cards and various board games. 7. (A) provide (B) provides (C) provided (D) be provided Registration is __________ to join the event. 8. (A) requiring (B) requires (C) require (D) required Bài tập 5: Part V: Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống. 1. Though a great deal of money had ___________, the project was a failure. (A) invested (B) be invested (C) been invested (D) invest 2.

Public buildings throughout the country will soon __________ a no-smoking policy. (A) implement (B) implementation (C) be implemented (D) implementing


It is a great pleasure to inform you that your company has __________ as our new supplier. (A) selecting (B) selected (C) be selected (D) been selected


If you require additional information, __________ one of our sales representatives. (A) contacting (B) contact (C) contacts (D) contacted


Because of a mechanical problem, the replacement parts could not __________ by tomorrow. (A) shipped (B) be shipped (C) be shipping (D) ship

6. A special luncheon will be held in honor of the sales department, which has __________ monthly sales goals. (A) reached (B) been reached (C) reaching (D) reaches 7.

According to a new policy, overnight camping in all national parks is no longer __________. (A) permits (B) permitting (C) permitted (D) permission

8. Sales personnel ____extra office supplies should get permission from their supervisor. (A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchased (D) have purchased 9. Beginning next month, a technician will ____new security cameras on every floor of the building. (A) install (B) be installed (C) installing (D) installed Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 58 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 10. A number of large corporations have recently been _____ considerable downsizing. (A) undergo (B) undergone (C) underwent (D) undergoing 11. Tickets to Bob Mollen's charity concert will ____online starting next Tuesday. (A) have sold (B) selling (C) be sold (D) have been selling 12. Applications for bank mortgages must ____by the end of this month. (A) to receive (B) be received (C) received (D) receiving 13. Overall company profits at Kaplin Tech, Inc. ____ steadily for the last five years. (A) risen (B) were risen (C) have risen (D) have been risen 14. The revisions ____ by the senior accountant should be included in the following budget report. (A) were made (B) was made (C) to make (D) made Part VI: Chọn đáp án đúng cho câu 15 ~ 17 trong thông báo sau đây. Enrollment policies: Requests to withdraw from a course must ________ in writing via email before your allotted 15. (A) receive (B) be receiving (C) receiving (D) be received time has expired. ___________ an email to [email protected] requesting a withdrawal. 16. (A) Sending (B) Send (C) To send (D) Sends You will need to include your name, the course title and the course section number. Following the proper withdrawal procedure will ensure an appropriate grade assignment. No extensions will __________ for this course. 17. (A) grant (B) have granted (C) be granted (D) have been granting

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 59 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Bài tập 1: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Our appliances will (be serviced, service) for free. 02 We (convey, are conveyed) gratitude to loyal customers. 03 The CEO (was paid, paid) a bonus to the employees at the end of the quarter. 04 Scientists (argue, are argued) that greenhouse gas emissions are a major cause of global warming. 05 Management (required, were required) to develop a good relationship with the new partners. 06 The process of filling prescriptions should (change, be changed) to prevent mistakes. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 The current tenants must ___ the offices by the end of June. (A) vacant (C) vacate (B) vacancy (D) be vacated 08 The company's future sales may ____ by the growth of its competitors. (A) affecting (C) be affecting (B) be affected (D) affect 09 The airline industry by a government body before 1979. (A) regulates (C) was regulated (B) regulation (D) was regulating 10 The finance manager ____ that the company spent too much money on office equipment. (A) is concluded (B) concluded

(C) to conclude (D) conclusion

Bài tập 2: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 The Direct-Help Organization is dedicated (to, at) helping people. 02 The firm is engaged (in, for) buying and selling real estate. 03 New car models are equipped (by, with) anti-theft locks and air bags. 04 The development team was (pleased, pleasing) with the performance of the new diesel engine. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 People living near manufacturing plants are exposed ____ various pollutants. (A) to (C) for (B) by (D) at 06 The report said that many health problems are ___ to a lack of exercise. (A) relate (C) related (B) relating (D) relation Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following article.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 60 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN The Internet is now available on some of the largest planes of Bobkin Airlines. The service ____ 07 (A) is allowed (B) to allow

(C) allowing (D) allows

passengers to connect to the Internet and utilize various web services, including e-mail. Sean Monk, the president of Bobkin, said in a press conference that passengers, especially those on business, ____ with its new service. He said it marks a first in the travel industry 08 (A) are satisfied (B) are satisfying

(C) satisfied (D) satisfying

Bài tập 3: Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) -best completes the sentence. 1. A lot of errors ____ in the final report. (A) were found (B) found (C) find (D) be found 2. The company is faced ___ a financial crisis. (A) in (B) from (C) with (D) on 3. The annual conference ___ in the Schicago Convention Center (A) holing (B) holds (C) is held (D) to hold 4. A new assistant can ___ within (A) a month. (B) be found (C) is found (D) finds 5. This marketing position ___ at least two years of experience in a related field. (A) require (B) requiring (C) requires (D) is required 6. The training is going to ___ place in the seminar room at 1 p.m. (A) took Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 61 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) is taken (C) taking (D) take 7. The lawyer is dedicated ____ helping small businesses in trouble. (A) to (B) with (C) of (D) in 8. Many changes ___ to the construction plan because the president didn’t like it. (A) have made (B) have been made (C) made (D) are made 9. The president ____ after he had worked for the company for 30 years. (A) retired (B) retiring (C) was retired (D) retirement 10. The air conditioner ___ to your office no later than tomorrow. (A) delivered (B) will deliver (C) delivering (D) will be delivered 11. The team has been devoted ___ upgrading the system. (A) in (B) with (C) to (D) at 12. The company technicians ____ to fix the broken computers. (A) asks (B) is asking (C) was asking (D) were asked 13. The R&D team is going to ____ the new product. (A) examine (B) relocate (C) solve (D) refrain 14. We need to discuss it in detail before we ___ any kind of conclusion. (A) replace (B) quit (C) reach (D) fill Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 62 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter. Best Buy, Inc. 3452 Seaside Street Seattle Dear Mr. Denis Lee, We thank you for your order from Best Buy. We are glad to meet your order for ten printers, three copy machines, and two fax machines. Since this is your first order, we ____ a special 20% 15. (A) evaluated (B) dedicated (C) canceled (D) enclosed discount coupon for you. You can use this on your next purchase. We are certain you will be ____ 16. (A) satisfy (B) satisfying (C) satisfied (D) satisfaction with the quality of both our products and services. We hope to do more business with you soon. Sincerely, John Hopkins Sales Manager

BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. The mistake has already been_______ by him. (A) correct (B) correcting (C) correction (D) corrected 2. The family has _______ from their vacation already. (A) return (B) returned (C) been return (D) been returned 3. They were seen _______ kites in the park last weekend. (A) fly Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 63 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) flown (C) flying (D) to be flown 4. The manager was preoccupied _______ checking the reports. (A) in (B) at (C) with (D) from 5. Losing interest in her business, Kimberly has recently _______. (A) retired (B) be retired (C) to be retired (D) been retired 6. Almost every part of our lives _______ computerized over the past 10 years. (A) have been (B) has been (C) was (D) had done 7. We _______ her for more than twenty years. (A) know (B) knows (C) have known (D) are known 8. I never see him without being _______ of his grandfather. (A) remember (B) memory (C) remained (D) reminded 9. During the experiment, people _______ to use calculators if necessary. (A) were let (B) were allowed (C) were allowing (D) let 10. I'm quite sure you will soon grow_______ to the new work environment. (A) accustom (B) accustoming (C) accustomed (D) to be accustomed 11. The United Nations _______ to begin fund raising for the earthquake victims. (A) are expect (B) is expect (C) are expected (D) is expected 12. The instructions _______ precisely. (A) must follow (B) must followed (C) must to be followed (D) must be followed 13. You had _______ have your teeth checked at least once a year. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 64 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) should (B) good (C) better (D) worse 14. _______snow, the mountain looks fantastic. (A) Covering (B) To cover (C) Covered with (D) To have covered 15. Everybody _______ with the results of the meeting. (A) was satisfy (B) satisfied (C) was to satisfy (D) was satisfied 16. Left alone, the baby _______ into tears. (A) cried (B) burst (C) poured (D) sobbed 17. Why was the soccer game _______ yesterday? (A) to cancel (B) canceling (C) cancel (D) cancelled 18. Last week, John an award for his community service. (A) gave (B) was gave (C) was given (D) had been given 19. A second attempt was made to collect _______ from the space probe. (A) informations (B) knowledges (C) data (D) fact 20. Once the files are ready, please have them_______ me. (A) send (B) send to (C) sent to (D) sent into 21. The pictures, _______ by a professional photographer, are going to be on display. (A) taken (B) which taken (C) were taken (D) was taken 22. I can't _______ it anymore. That website seems to have suddenly vanished. (A) reaching (B) log out (C) access (D) pass Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 65 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 23. _______ at a distance, it looks like a miniature city. (A) Seen (B) Seeing (C) Having seen (D) Having been seen 24. This math problem _______ solved in ten minutes. (A) will able to be (B) be able to is (C) is ably (D) can be 25. Brian was seen _______ his car. (A) washing (B) wash (C) have washed (D) washed 26. My umbrella _______ by that terrible wind this morning (A) broke (B) was broken (C) break (D) had broken 27. With only one more week, he _______ better prepared for the concert last Saturday. (A) could have been (B) could be (C) could well have (D) could well be 28. The photocopier needs _______ . (A) to fix (B) to be fix (C) fixing (D) to be fixing 29. It is reported that the boat _______ about 6o miles off the coast of South Africa. (A) disappeared (B) was disappeared (C) was being disappeared (D) has been disappeared 30. I have no money. I'm _______ . (A) broke (B) broken (C) breaking (D) break 31. Let's have this letter _______ by express mail. (A) sends (C) sent (B) send (D) being sent 32. Ms. Parker was very _______ with the answers the applicant gave during the job interview. (A) impress (B) impressionable (C) impression (D) impressed Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 66 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 33. The benefits program_______ in the next few months. (A) had changed (C) changed (B) were changed (D) will be changed 34. Mr. Honda is a terrific worker. He _______ two promotions this year. (A) has been giving (B) gave (C) was given (D) giving 35. I'll be home for dinner unless, the boss _______ me to work overtime. (A) will ask (C) asks (B) is asking (D) asked 36. Make sure you get these contracts _______ before you meet with the lawyer. (A) signed (B) to sign (C) signing (D) sign 37. This group of doctors _______ in important research. (A) is involved (B) are involved (C) be involving (D) been involving 38. The trade newsletter where we advertise _______ widely distributed. (A) has (B) have (C) is (D) are Questions 39-40 refer to the following report. A survey of mobile phone use was conducted _______ the National 39. (A) to (B) of (C) by (D) from Telecommunications Institute. They discovered that only five percent of people have downloaded a mobile phone game. The study found that many were confused about whether their handset could play games or how to download them. 2,500 phone users were _______ across the U.S. and several European countries. 40. (A) interviewed (B) interview (C) interviews (D) interviewing Questions 41-44 refer to the following advertisement. Are you looking for an economical car to rent? Look no more. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 67 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Come to Mr. Miser's Car Rental Agency Why pay more than you have to? At Mr. Miser's, we have _______ prices in town. 41. (A) low (B) lower (C) lowers (D) the lowest Why travel farther than you have to? Mr. Miser's has three convenient _______. 42. (A) cars (B) prices (C) locations (D) schedules We have offices at the airport, at the train station, and downtown on Main Street. At Mr. Miser's we _______ to serve you with a friendly smile. 43. (A) always ready are (B) always are ready (C) are always ready (D) are ready always Next time, _______ your car from Mr. Miser's. 44. (A) rent (B) rents (C) renting (D) will rent Questions 45-47 refer to the following letter. Dear customers of Equips Shipping, A recent _______ in fuel prices has made Equips Shipping adjust our shipping rates. 45. (A) rise (B) proposal (C) shortage (D) benefit Prices for deliveries within the NYC area will remain unchanged; however, rates for out-of-city and our-of-state shipments will incense by five percent. The revised price list is _______. 46. (A) enclose (B) enclosed (C) enclosure (D) enclosing All the changes will be effective as of July 1. We sincerely _______ any 47. (A) doubt (B) bother (C) concern (D) regret inconvenience this will cause you. We appreciate your continuous support of Equips Shipping. Sincerely, Robert Matson Marketing Manager, Equips Shipping Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Questions 48-50 refer to the following e-mail. I am writing to let you know that the IT department has completed its network overhaul and we will begin the changeover to the new system - HAL - immediately. Al employees will now be able to access electronic files and account information at the touch of a button. HAL _______ in response to the network problems we have 48. (A) will be created (B) has created (C) was created (D) is creating experienced since last year. Before running HAL on your desktop computers, it is important that you all download and view the guidelines on using HAL and _______ related software you require. 49. (A) whatever (B) which (C) whom (D) elsewhere All content available through HAL is safe from viruses, and I am sure it will prove to be very convenient to use. HAL will be available through the HAL site, www.grblx.org/HAL.html. Passwords will be e-mailed to all employees within the next 5 days. Do not share your _______ information with anyone, including 50. (A) bank (B) access (C) income (0) contact supervisors. Recovering lost passwords will result in lost time and productivity for IT.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội




Các đuôi danh từ phổ biến CHÚ Ý 1: Không có chủ ngữ thì không có danh từ Ngữ pháp bổ sung 1. Danh từ 2. Đại từ CHÚ Ý 2: Danh từ cũng đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ Ngữ pháp bổ sung CHÚ Ý 3 Mạo từ và từ sở hữu gắn với danh từ KIẾN THỨC MỞ RỘNG Tìm danh từ gốc (danh từ được đại từ thay thế) Bài tập luyện tập Bài tập kiểm tra

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 70 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Các đuôi danh từ phổ biến -tion -sion -ure -y -ant

application extension departure inquiry attendant

completion compassion exposure security applicant

-ment -ance -sis -al -ness

enrollment attendance basis removal kindness

investment maintenance crisis denial happiness

CHÚ Ý 1: Không có chủ ngữ thì không có danh từ Chủ ngữ có vị trí ở đầu câu nên đóng vai trò làm chủ thể của hành động. Vì là chủ thể của hành động nên vị trí của chủ ngữ thường do danh từ đảm nhiệm. Nếu danh từ nằm ở đầu câu là chủ ngữ thì sẽ rất dễ trả lời câu hỏi. Hãy xem xét kỹ hơn về vấn đề từ loại nào sẽ làm chủ ngữ. 1-1: Chọn câu đúng. 1.

Is great.


Paid vacation is great.


Ngữ pháp bổ sung Có 2 loại từ ở vị trí chủ ngữ 1. Danh từ Overtime work is not allowed. Danh từ work đuợc dùng ở vị trí chủ ngữ. * Không chỉ có danh từ mà đại từ (pronoun) hoặc cụm danh từ (danh động từ, động từ nguyên mẫu có to) cũng có thể đặt ở vị trí chủ ngữ. Working overtime is not allowed. (danh động từ) To work overtime is not allowed. (động từ nguyên mẫu có to) 2. Đại từ Những đại từ chỉ định chỉ người hay sự vật cũng có chức năng chủ ngữ. You are invited to attend the seminar. Đại từ you được dùng ở vị trí chủ ngữ. Số ít it he I

Số nhiều she you

they they we / you

Bài tập 1: 1. (Compete /Competition) in the global market has increased. 2. Customer (satisfy /satisfaction) is our top priority. 3. (Encouragement /Encourage) will be given to each trainee. 4. (To produce /Products) can be ordered through Internet. 5. (Construction /Construct) on the road is on schedule. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 71 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN … + [cụm từ bổ nghĩa] + động từ => chỗ trống là vị trí của chủ ngữ nên cần phải điền danh từ

NOTE: Danh từ competition satisfaction encouragement product construction

Động từ compete satisfy encourage produce construct

Bài tập 2: 1. ___________ will be completed by next month. (A) Constructive (B) Construct (C) Construction 2.




(D) Constructed

Every ___________ will receive a written response. (A) apply (B) applicant (C) applied

(D) applicable

Closer ___________ is required to meet the safety standards. (A) supervision (B) supervise (C) supervised

(D) supervisory

Certain ___________ must be met to apply for a loan. (A) conditioning (B) conditioned (C) to condition

(D) conditions

The research and development ___________ has gradually increased. (A) spend (B) spending (C) spent (D) spends

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 72 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN CHÚ Ý 2: Danh từ cũng đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ Danh từ đóng vai trò như người giám hộ của động từ, ngoài vai trò làm chủ thể của động từ, nó cũng có vai trò làm tân ngữ của động từ. 2-1. Chọn câu đúng. 1.We hired for the construction. (X) We hired supervisors for the construction. (O) Như đã trình bày ở trên, nếu không có tân ngữ thì không thể biết đối tượng tuyển dụng và không tạo thành câu. Nên nhớ rằng sau ngoại động từ chắc chắn phải có tân ngữ và danh từ cũng có thể đóng vai trò tân ngữ. Ngữ pháp bổ sung Tân ngữ là gì? Tân ngữ (O) là đối tượng cho hành động của động từ. Ví dụ: We hired supervisors for the construction. S V O (1) Động từ hired diễn tả hành động tuyển dụng của chủ ngữ we. (2) Danh từ supervisors trở thành tân ngữ và là đối tượng của hành động tuyển dụng. Bài tập 3: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau: 1. We do not accept (responsible / responsibility) for lost items. 2. The company has begun (produce / production)of new digital cameras. 3. Mr. Ram provides (translate / translation) of official documents. 4. The storm has caused (damage /damaged) to the building. Ngoại động từ (V. trans) + ... + giới từ (prep) => điền danh từ đóng vai trò làm tân ngữ vào chỗ trống Danh từ Bài tập 4: 1. An important part of a manager’s job is offering _________ to new employees. (A) encourage (B) encouragement (C) encouraging (D) encourages 2. The new product will give_________ to our customers. (A) satisfaction (B) satisfy (C) satisfied (D) satisfying 3. You should receive official_________ for taking a day off. (A) approve (B) approved (C) approving (D) approval 4. The new airline has increased_________ in the airline industry. (A) compete (B) competition (C) competitive (D) competitively 5. You should seek_________ from your supervisor. (A) advised (B) advisable (C) advice (D) advise

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 73 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN CHÚ Ý 3 mạo từ và từ sở hữu gắn với danh từ Sau mạo từ (a/an/the) và từ sở hữu (my/his/her/our/their/its/your) chắc chắn phải là danh từ. Mạo từ là từ dung để làm rõ nghĩa của danh từ theo sau. Do đó sau mạo từ luôn phải có danh từ kèm theo. Hơn nữa, nếu không có danh từ thì các từ sở hữu chắc chắn phải là danh từ. Ngữ pháp bổ sung 1. Mạo từ (1) Mạo từ bất định a/an: chỉ đối tượng không rõ rang và không thể xác định được. a company Mạo từ bất định có nghĩa là “một”, danh từ có mạo từ bất định được thể hiện số ít. (2) Mạo từ xác định “the”: chỉ đối tượng cụ thể được xác định. The company The performance was very exciting. Mạo từ xác định chỉ đối tượng cụ thể, chủ yếu dung khi đã biết đối tượng. 2. Từ sở hữu (1) Từ sở hữu đứng trước danh từ mang nghĩa là của ai. His performance was very exciting. Buổi trình diễn là của anh ấy chứ không phải của ai khác. Từ sở hữu My His its

Our Her Their Your

Bài tập 5: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau. 1. They made many changes to the[proposal/ propose]. 2. Our bank will review your [apply/ application] 3. The company reserves the [rightful/ right] to revise the contents. 4. Please turn off your cellular phone during the [perform/ performance]. 5. We have to maximize our [produce/ productivity]. (mạo từ/ từ sở hữu+… => phải điền danh từ vào chỗ trống) Cấu trúc “mạo từ/ từ sở hữu+danh từ” Mạo từ/từ sở hữu The Your our

Danh từ proposal Application Right Performance Productivity

Động từ Propose Apply Right Perform produce

Bài tập 6. Xác định danh từ đứng sau mạo từ hoặc từ sở hữu 1. You have to refuse the _____ of packages from unknow senders. a. Deliverable b. delivered c. delivery d. deliver 2. You need to get your supervisor’s _____ for the seminar. a. Approval b. approve c. approved d. approving Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 74 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3. I learned this program through the _____ in today’s newspaper. a. Advertise b. advertisement c. advertised d. advertising 4. Companies should evaluate employees’ _____. a. Performance b. performed c. performing d. perform 5. All members are looking forward to a fruitful _____. a. Conclude b. conclusive c. concluded d. conclusion KIẾN THỨC MỞ RỘNG I. Tìm danh từ gốc (danh từ được đại từ thay thế) 1. Danh từ gốc và đại từ Đại từ được dùng để thay thế cho danh từ, nhằm tránh sự lặp lại danh từ đó. Việc xác định xem đại từ trong câu thay thế cho danh từ nào là kỹ năng rất quan trọng mà bài thi TOEIC đánh giá.

Số ít

Danh từ gốc

Đại từ

Số nhiều (cả người và vật)




Người (nam)


Người (nữ)


PIA Investment Inc. announced that it will invest more in emerging markets. danh từ gốc số ít, chỉ vật đại từ Công ty PIA Investment thông báo là họ sẽ tăng cường đầu tư vào các thị trường mới nổi. BÀI TẬP LUYỆN TẬP PART 5: Incomplete Sentence Questions 1-10 Choose the word that best completes each sentence. l. The_____for the building renovation is now available on the company bulletin board (A) scheduled (B) scheduled (C) schedules (D) schedulers 2. Faster Shipping offers exceptional _____in customer satisfaction. (A) performer (B) performing (C) performed (D) performance 3. The bank will celebrate the _____of the senior accountant at the upcoming monthly meeting. (A) retire (B) retirement (C) retiring (D) retired 4. Thanks to his _____to the project, we could complete it on time. (A) commit (B) committed (C) commitment (D) committing 5. The newly installed system requires that every _____ have a savings account. (A) user (B) useful (C) used (D) using 6. We introduced an innovative compensation plan to increase staff_____. (A) produce (B) product (C) productive (D) productivity 7. It took the division almost a week to receive a _____from the manufacturer. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 75 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) response

(B) respond

(C) responding

(D) responsive

8. When you receive your _____ to the grand opening, please respond to us ASAP. (A) honor (B) invitation (C) expression (D) ovation 9. Executives agree that there is a ____for better equipment and financial resources. (A) need (B) look (C) control (D) center 10. Employees can find out about the _____of the recent survey on the Web. (A) events (B) chances (C) matters (D) results

PART 6: Text Completion Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.

Dear Prudent investment customer, We are writing to inform you that an error might have occurred on your bill due to a recent ____to our online system. l.(A) update (B) updated (C) updating (D) to update Please contact our customer service representative regarding any suspected discrepancies within 30 days of receiving your bill. The Prudent Investment Group feels____ about any inconvenience this might cause, 2.(A) regret (B) regretted (C) regrettable (D) regrettably and we will try our best to resolve any problems as ____as possible. 3. (A) temporarily (B) currently (C) effortlessly (D) promptly We sincerely appreciate your support and will continuously provide you with the best quality service you will ever experience. Best regards, Francesca Gonzalez Customer Relations Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 76 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN The Prudent Investment Group BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Bài tập 1: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Our company strengthened (security, secure) by hiring more guards. 02 The (grow, growth) of the IT market was larger than expected. 03 Oil companies earned (profits, profitable) during the recent quarter. 04 It is an (advantage, advantageous) to have experience in a related field. 05 The supervisor will examine her (apply, application). 06 The movie drew widespread (criticism, criticize). Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 This is a ___ of recent comments from our product users. (A) summarize (C) summarizes (B) summary (D) summarized 08 Interviewees normally have a fear of ____ (A) rejection (C) rejected (B) rejecting (D) to reject 09 The book was released after it got final ___ from the author. (A) approved (C) approve (B) approving (D) approval 10 Once the __ of the parking lot is completed, visitors will have no problem parking their cars. (A) construction (C) constructive (B) construct (D) constructing Bài tập 2: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Diana obtained (access, accesses) to classified files. 02 The supplier has many different models of (furnitures, furniture). 03 Mr, Anderson has received some (advice, advices) from his co-workers. 04 Jennifer will stay in Hong Kong for (a month, month) to hire more engineers. 05 He complained to the airline officials about his lost (luggages, luggage). 06 The partners failed to reach (an agreement, agreement). Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 07 This article will discuss the ___ of the new commercial law. (A) implicates (C) implicating (B) implicated (D) implications 08 If you have questions regarding your pur chase. please provide our staff with the relevant ____ (A) informed (C)inform (B) information (D)informations 09 The director has asked us lo send monthly ___ to Ms. Shriver in the finance department. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 77 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) statements (C) states (B) statement (D) state 10 ____ of labor union met with management to discuss the contract for the next year. (A) Represent (B) Representing

(C) Representative (D) Representatives

Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 The committee interviewed one of the (candidate, candidates) this morning. 02 (Several, Every) calculators were found to be defective. 03 (Another, Some) staff members will attend the seminar tomorrow. 04 The policy change caused (much, many) debate. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 Recent studies have found that there are a number of ___ why customers prefer placing orders online. (A) reasons (C) reasoning (B) reason (D) reasoned 06 ___ franchises comply with strict rules on structure and operations. (A) Another (C) Most (B) Much (D) Little Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. From: Tom Klein, Training Manager To: All employees I would like to remind you about the training program you are scheduled to take. You will be asked to assess the trainer's ____ at the end of the program and submit a report to the department. 07 (A) performance (B) perform

(C) performed (D) performable

Also, ____ employees who have good attendance records will receive certificates for completing the 08 (A) another (B) all

(C) every (D) each

program. Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 A well-organized work environment will increase staff (interest, productivity, compliance) 02 The baggage (weight, security, allowance) on international flights is 20 kilograms. 03 Advances in computer (technology, concern, relation) are giving companies a lot of advantages. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 78 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 04 The results of recent customer (concerns, allowances, surveys) show a high level of satisfaction with our services. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 Due to time ___, the executives were not able to interview all the applicants. (A) obstacles (C) allowances (B) records (D) constraints 06 Employees’ ____ records are included in the performance evaluation. (A) attendance (C) interest (B) maximum (D) retirement Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following e-mail. From: Margie Weston, Marketing Manager To: Sarah Hall, Human Resources Manager Dear Ms. Hall, It is my understanding that Ms, Lee has applied for the ___ of Marketing Manager with your 07 (A) position (B) request

(C) question (D) reason

company. Ms. Lee has been working for our company's marketing ___ for two years and has shown a 08 (A) campaign (B) management

(C) department (D) sales

keen interest in sales. I have complete confidence in Ms. Lee's ability to attract potential customers to GlobalNetwork. Bài tập 5: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 There is no (inconvenience, collection, exception) to this rule. 02 Ms. Lewis received positive (feedback, complaint, objection) after the conference. 03 Clients make a frequent (discount, thought, complaint) that the products arrive late. 04 The company only allows (representatives, subjects, opponents) to attend its meetings. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 High Airlines is offering conference attendees a 40 percent ___ on economy class tickets. (A) discount (C) retail (B) feedback (D) improvement 06 Hotel employees do their best to create a friendly ____ (A) atmosphere (C) apology (B) temperature (D) responsible

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 79 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Jones, We are sorry to inform you that the large teddy bears at AllToys.com will be temporarily unavailable. The manufacturer that makes these toys has moved its ____ and the items are not in production at this 07 (A) qualities (B) responsibilities

(C) facilities (D) categories

time. We apologize for any ___ this may cause you. We will let you know when they are available. 08 (A) income (B) inconvenience

(C) exception (D) incentive

Bài tập 6: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Respondents will receive the (results, chances, proportions) of the survey before July. 02 The company spent a large (proportion, size, incentive) of Its budget on research. 03 Credit cards and checks are the preferred (methods, efforts, concerns) of payment. 04 Cities offer (obligations, incentives, complaints) to companies that hire disabled workers. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 The regional office is always available and will promptly respond to any___ that may arise. (A) agreement (C) importance (B) incentives (D) concerns 06 Consumers have no ____ to pay for goods that they did not order. (A) obligation (C) promise (B) effort (D) exception Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. From: Warren Becker, PR Department To: All staff Managers have agreed to set aside 5 percent of the company’s funds for competency-based training. The training department has redesigned its program in an ___ to improve employee performance. 07 (A) objection (B) opinion

(C) effort (D) influence

This will be a good opportunity for staff members to upgrade their capabilities. Since we believe a truly successful training ultimately depends on the ____ of all employees, we will require everyone 08 (A) participation (C) obligation (B) proportion (D) conclusion to attend the training sessions. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Bài tập 7: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 The company needs a consultant with {inquiry, expertise, defects) in real estate. 02 The CEO should ensure the (stability, issue, request) of the company. 03 Stock price is an (indicator, invitation, expertise) of expected future profits. 04 The medication reduces the (duration, profits, purpose) of symptoms associated with the flu. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 05 Mr. Robert recently received an ___ to participate in the annual conference. (A) expression (C) indicator (B) invitation (D) honor 06 ___ for additional copies should be addressed to the Service Center. (A) Requests (C) Retirements (B) Developments (D) Facilities Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter. Dear Ms. Pena, We ordered car accessories from your company and were very impressed with the speedy delivery. However, some of the accessories were damaged. Because of the ___ , we were not able to meet an 07 (A) alterations (B) shortages

(C) charges (D) defects

important deadline, and the actual ____ from the sale of these cars was much less than we estimated. 08 (A) incentive (B) profit

(C) price (D) concern

Since the problem was caused by your company, we feel that our losses should be compensated. Bài tập 8: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 01 Guests will have the (complaint, effort, opportunity) to try new wines. 02 The following is a (total, point, summary) of activities scheduled for this year. 03 The hotel is gaining (participation, discount, popularity) because of its facilities. 04 Mr. Dyen will secure his (schedule, position, order) as a manager for another year Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences 05 Every customer will have the ___ of canceling the order at any time. (A) summary (C) exception (B) option (D) expertise Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 81 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 06 Changing the locks frequently is a highly recommended ___. (A) plot (C) spot (B) point (D) practice Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. I am pleased to announce that Mary Murphy was recently promoted to manager of the real estate development department. She will start her new position on May 15. Most of you know that the company's sales department has been under the _____ of Ms. Murphy for two years. During that 07 (A) attendance (B) supervision

(C) provision (D) sight

period, a comprehensive____ of the property development industry has allowed her to increase the 08 (A) knowledge (B) opinion

(C) ability (D) obligation

company's real estate sales by 150 percent. Bài tập 9: Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence. Then, name its function. 1. The (meeting / meet) will be delayed __________ 2. The event was a huge (success / succeed) _____ 3. What we need now is your (cooperation / cooperate)____ 4. The (manager / manage) is not fulfilling his job____ 5. We need to arrange a (gathering / gather) ______ 6. My boss is satisfied with his (employ / employees)_____ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1. Unfortunately, the subject is out of order. (A) copier (B) copy (C) copying (D) to copy 2. The R&D Department at Info Tech is looking for object . (A) special (B) specialize (C) specializing (D)specialists Bài tập 10: Choose the correct noun from the adjective or verb given. 1. distribute → (distributor / distributence) 2. conduct → (conductor / conductant) 3. train → (trainee / trainment) 4. apply → (applicant / applier) 5. supervise → (superviser / supervisor) Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 6. ____ can get a brochure on the second floor. (A) To participate (B) Participate (C) Participants (D) Participating 7. ____ in computer courses has increased for the past few years. (A) To enroll (B) Enrollment (C) Enrolls (D) Enrolled Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 82 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Bài tập 11: Look at the following sentences and place the nouns in brackets in the correct position - (A), (B), (C), or (D). 1. (applicant) The (A) is not (B) qualified (C) for (D) the job. 2. (supervisor) (A) Your (B) will inform (C) you (D) next week. 3. (campaign) An (A) aggressive (B) will (C) be effective (D). 4. (renovations) The (A) shop (B) is closed (B) for (D). 5. (accountant) An (A) experienced (B) will (C) be hired (D) soon. 6. (satisfaction) We will try (A) to solve your (B) problem (C) to your (D). Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 7. An early ____ is required, especially in this kind of situation. (A) decide (B) decision (C) to decide (D) decided 8. We are looking for someone with two years of ____. (A) experiencing (B) to experience (C) experience (D)experienced Bài tập 12: Choose the correct noun in brackets for each sentence. 1. The book provides general (information / informations) on health. 2. Your country should sign (agreement / an agreement). 3. My boss is always late for (meeting / meetings). 4. You cannot carry a lot of (luggages / luggage). Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 5. You need to wear protective ____ at the construction site. (A) cloth (B)clothe (C) clothings (D) clothing 6. The research shows that this ____ can cause big noise problems. (A) some machineries (B)machineries (C) machinery (D) a machinery Bài tập 13: Fill each gap with some or any. 1. ____ companies make a lot of profits in this economic situation 2. Do you have _____ concerns about your new job? 3. Our office needs _____ equipment before we start a new project. 4. You should not touch ____ furniture in this lobby. 5. Mr. Norris found ____ mistakes in the final report. 6. The management doesn’t want to fire _____ employees next year. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 7. The trainees didn’t have ___ questions about the new system. (A) theirs (B) any (C) some (D) a 8. The engineers reported that ____ machinery has critical problems. (A) they (B) some (C) any (D) a Bài tập 14: Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence. 1. Make sure you bring ____ ID to open an account. (A) you Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 83 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself 2. _____ for the job must pass a very difficult test. (A) Applying (B) Apply (C) To apply (D) Applicants 3. I need to find ____ investors for this business. (A) any (B) some (C) yours (D) yourself 4. Your -___ in this matter will be appreciated. (A) cooperation (B) cooperating (C) cooperate (D) to cooperate 5. The recent ____ conducted by Today’s Report showed some surprising results. (A) researching (B) research (C) to research (D) researched. 6. The ____ will inform you of any changes happening here. (A) managing (B) manager (C) managed (D) manage 7. It costs a lot of money to conduct a(n) ____ to find out customers’s need. (A) office (B) ourselves (C) survey (D) equipment 8. The ____ was established in 1977 to help poor children in the world. (A) consultant (B) agreement (C) transportation (D) organization 9. It is always better to use public ____ during rush hour. (A) transportation (B) convenience (C) appointment (D) agreement Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 84 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 10. The company is going to hire a __ to help us with our management problems. (A) consultant (B) trainee (C) candidate (D) contractor 11. You can make a call or send an e-mail to make a(n) ____ with Dr. Stewart. (A) development (B) possibility (C) renovation (D) appointment Questions 12-13 refer to the following advertisement. Do you want to get some new home apliances? Sears can help you. Enjoy our special offer! This weekend, we are offering a special ______ on home appliances such as refrigerators, washing 12. (A) discounts (B) discount (C) discounting (D) to discount machines, and dishwashers. The offer lasts only for three days. ____ should hurry up. This offer ends on March 3. Visit Sears 13. (A) You (B) Your (C) Yours (D) Yourself today and get the home applicances you want. BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. Did you buy _______ I asked you for? (A) a toothpaste (B) a toothpastes (C) the toothpastes (D) the toothpaste 2. Have you seen _______ stapler? (A) I'm (B) my (C) mine (D) me 3. Do you have _______ rooms available? Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 85 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (A) some (B) sometime (C) sometimes (D) any 4. I cut ten _______. (A) slice of bread (B) slices of bread (C) slices of breads (D) slice of breads 5. I met a lot of _______ at the party. (A) peoples (B) people (C) person (D) persons 6. For more _______, contact us at 721-3431. (A) informations (B) informed (C) further information (D) information 7. Let's take another _______ at the sales figure. (A) view (B) scene (C) glance (D) vision 8. My favorite color is _______. (A) grapes (B) apple (C) orange (D) pear 9. The managing director asked his _______ to contact the shareholders regarding the crisis management meeting. (A) aid (B) aide (C) aided (D) addition 10. _______ all of the newly-hired employees were unhappy with the organization of the orientation schedule. (A) Most (B) Mostly (C) Almost (D) Every 11. Fortunately, changing the members of the committee halfway through the project has had no noticeable _______ on the price of shares. (A) point (B) affectation (C) affect (D) effect 12. I will be announcing to the media today that all _______ from sales of this CD will go to charity. (A) proceeds Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 86 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) precedes (C) precedent (D) results 13. There has been a leak of confidential data to one of our biggest _______ It would seem that we are the victims of corporate espionage. (A) enemies (B) oppositions (C) rivals (D) opposites 14. The company will spend more money on the _______ of environment-friendly vehicles. (A) develops (B) developed (C) develop (D) development 15. Mr. Kim, the plant manager, expressed his support for _______ a new parking lot. (A) constructive (B) construction (C) constructively (D) constructed 16. The accounting director decided to conduct an _______ on the cash flow problem. (A) introduction (B) investigation (C) satisfaction (D) exhibition 17. Mr. June has outstanding _______ for the position of sales manager. (A) qualifying (B) qualification (C) qualified (D) qualify 18. I have attached a copy of our new catalog to my e-mail for your _______. (A) performance (B) supervision (C) encouragement (D) convenience 19. The company reserves the _______ to change the prices without any prior notice. (A) goal (B) seat (C) occupation (D) right 20. You need to present one form of _______ to pick up a package. (A) identity (B) identification (C) identifying (D) identifiable 21. The results show that there were a significant number of customer _______ about our delivery services. (A) complaint (B) complaining (C) complains Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 87 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (D) complaints 22. We couldn't take _______ measure to deal with the problem. (A) some (B) any (C) their (D) the other 23. _______ of the applicants from around the country were qualified for each position. (A) Either (B) Every (C) Each (D) Most 24. We make it a rule to double-check_______ report with important contents. (A) all (B) some (C) every (D) other 25. The main _______ of the novel gives us a keen insight into the loss of humanity. (A) ideas (B) ideal (C) idea (D) idealess 26. Customers can access this website for _______ information about items on sale. (A) almost (B) more (C) each (D) another 27. Most of _______ living in this country fear another economic crisis after they went through the currency crisis in the late 90s. (A) peoples (B) many people (C) many peoples (D) the people 28. Tommy Books will offer _______ of up to 20 percent off on the first book of the series throughout this month. (A) discount (B) discounting (C) discounts (D) discounters 29. In order to brand your business, you'd better include your _______ in every letter you send to customers, which helps remind them of whom they do business with. (A) signing (B) signed (C) signature (D) to sign 30. _______ for reconstruction contracts has been getting stiffer over the years since it can generate enormously lucrative earnings. (A) Competitively (B) Competition (C) Competitive Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 88 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (D) Competes 31. When the_______ for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers, a number of experts were asked for their comments. (A) proposing (B) propose (C) proposes (D) proposal 32. A questionnaire asked _______ to evaluate the appearance and the overall brightness of the new merchandise. (A) shopping (B) shoppers (C) to shop (D) shopper 33. Please read the terms and conditions carefully to determine whether or not you can request a refund or _______ for the products you ordered. (A) replacement (B) complaint (C) receipt (D) promotion 34. Superb _______ has been paid to even the smallest detail, as the project was expected to cost billions of dollars. (A) attends (B) attention (C) attended (D) attendant 35. All _______ to our fabulous nation park will be given a complimentary lunch at the top of the hill. (A) visit (B) visitations (C) visitors (D) visiting 36. We are proud to announce their upcoming _______ in an event whose purpose is to educate attendees on e-mail management tools. (A) participation (B) participated (C) participating (D) participate 37. Employees must reserve a time to copy by writing their names on the _______ on the lid of the photocopiers. (A) schedule (B) scheduled (C) schedules (D) schedulers 38. The two companies signed an _______ on the acquisition in spite of a few differing opinions. (A) agreement (B) agrees (C) agreements (D) agreed Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 89 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Ouestion 39 through 41 refer to the following email. To: Everyone From: [email protected] Subject: Party Date: October 20th Hi Everyone, As you know, the office halloween party is coming up. As usual, we will have a costume competition. It is a _______ for you all to have some fun and win some great 39. (A) chance (B) change (C) concept (D) challenge prizes. The party starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, October 30°. We will be closing the office early, so you will have one hour to get _______. I am looking forward to some 40. (A) rest (B) real (C) ready (D) realize great costumes. This year, the first prize is free membership at the company sports club for one year. Second prize is dinner _______ the Magic Chef restaurant for four people. 41. (A) in (B) at (C) with (D) for See you on the 30th. Miranda Kim Questions 42 - 44 refer to the following notice. Music Festival To celebrate the 25th anniversary of ABC Times, we invite our _______ readers to 42. (A) value (B) valuably (C) valuation (D) valuable the Music Festival. Our current _______, will receive two tickets for free. 43. (A) subscribe (B) subscription (C) subscribed (D) subscribers New readers will receive one free ticket for the concert. The festival will_______ by the National Magazine Association. 44. (A) sponsor (B) sponsoring (C) be sponsored (D) sponsored Questions 45- 47 refer to the following advertisement. Meetings & Conventions Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 90 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Taking_______ of discounted fares and benefits is easy with Concord Airlines' 45. (A) address (B) advantage (C) admission (D) advice Meetings & Conventions Travel Team. _______ your company is planning a business 46. (A) During (B) Often (C) Because of (D) If meeting or your association is planning a convention, let Concord Airlines be the official airline. Our service representatives are ready to satisfy your air travel requirements. You can call_______ to our Meetings & Conventions Travel Team to get any 47. (A) direct (B) direction (C) director (D) directly information about our discounted fares and group benefits. Questions 48 - 50 refer to the following notice. Please help us improve our website by answering a few questions_______ your 48. (A) because (B) about (C) if (D) while experience today. This _______ survey will take less than a minute and your answers 49. (A) shortly (B) shorten (C) shortage (D) short will remain confidential. Your _______ will be used solely to improve the quality and 50. (A) respond (B) responded (C) responsive (D) responses content of this site.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội




CHÚ Ý 1: Chia động từ phù hợp với ngôi và số của chủ ngữ Kiến thức bổ sung CHÚ Ý 2: Xác định sự hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ, bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ làm chủ ngữ Kiến thức bổ sung BÀI TẬP LUYỆN BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 92 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN CHÚ Ý 1: Chia động từ phù hợp với ngôi và số của chủ ngữ (1) Số của danh từ: Danh từ nằm ở vị trí chủ ngữ có hình thức số ít và số nhiều. 1. Danh từ có mạo từ chỉ số ít: a book, a chair, an employee 2. Danh từ gắn với “(e)s" thể hiện số nhiều: books, chairs, employees (2) Số của động từ: 1. Động từ có gắn “(e)s” thể hiện số ít: expands, needs, requests 2. Động từ ở dạng bare inf thể hiện số nhiều: expand, need, request Bài tập 1: Chọn câu đúng trong hai câu sau: 1.

The company hires new employees.

The company hire new employees. 2.

Many bank hires MBA graduates.

Many banks hire MBA graduates. Động từ số ít hay số nhiều được quyết định tùy theo số của danh từ làm chủ ngữ. Nghĩa là nếu danh từ làm chủ ngữ là số ít thì động từ cũng là số ít, danh từ làm chủ ngữ là số nhiều thì động từ cũng là số nhiều. Đây chính là nguyên tắc về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ.

Kiến thức bổ sung 1. Sự khác biệt giữa số ít / số nhiều của động từ chỉ quan trọng khi động từ ở thì hiện tại, còn ở thì quá khứ thì số của danh từ làm chủ ngữ không ảnh hưởng đến việc chia động từ số ít hay số nhiều (ngoại trừ động từ be). He delivers products to customers. Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ ba số ít ở thì hiện tại nên động từ có đuôi là -s. They deliver products to their customers. Chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ ba số nhiều nên động từ cũng là số nhiều. He delivered products to the customer. vs They delivered products to their customers. 2. Trợ động từ (auxiliary - aux) không bị ảnh hưởng bởi số của chủ ngữ và luôn được viết với cùng một hình thức giống nhau ở các ngôi, số hay thì của chủ ngữ. He will / can / should deliver products to customers. They will / can / should deliver products to customers. Bài tập 2: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau. 1. Dr. Brown (has/ have) requested the report. 2. A notice (is/ are) posted on the bulletin board. 3. The documents (was/ were) sent by e-mail. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



They usually (charge/charges) high fees. The company (need/ needed) a partner to expand its market.

Lưu ý: Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì hiện tại, động từ thuờng Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì hiện tại, động từ be Chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít, thì quá khứ, động từ be

=> => =>

động từ nguyên mẫu + (e)s is was

Tóm tắt: Trường hợp của động từ be, khi ở thì quá khứ cũng có số ít và số nhiều. The product was delivered to the customer. Chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít nên chia là was. The products were delivered to the customer. Chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều nên chia là were. 3 dạng của động từ be: am / is → was → been are → were → been Bài tập 3: 1. Many companies________criticized the government’s bill. (A) have

(B) has

(C) having

(D) to have

2. The committee________the proposed nonsmoking policy. (A) reject

(B) rejecting

(C) to reject

(D) rejected

3. The furniture________scheduled to be delivered on September 14. (A) be

(B) were

(C) are

(D) is

4. The post office________one form of identification. (A) require

(B) requires

(C) requirement

(D) requiring

5. All department managers________to attend the monthly business meeting. (A) needs

(B) to need

(C) needing

(D) need

CHÚ Ý 2: Xác định sự hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ, bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ làm chủ ngữ Chọn câu đúng The plans for the project is prepared by Mr. Kim. The plans for the project are prepared by Mr. Kim. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 94 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Đáp án: The plans for the project are prepared by Mr. Kim. Ở câu trên ta có thể hiểu nhầm danh từ project gần động từ are là chủ ngữ, nên dễ chia thành dạng số ít is. Để xác định chủ ngữ chính xác, ta nên (1) bỏ cụm từ bổ nghĩa “giới từ (prep) + danh từ [for the project]” vào dấu ngoặc và (2) tìm cấu trúc “chủ ngũ - động từ (plans - are)” để thống nhất về số của chủ ngữ và động từ.

Kiến thức bổ sung Phương pháp xác định sừ hòa hợp về số của chủ ngữ và động từ bằng cách tách cụm từ bổ nghĩa. 1. Xác định động từ trước. 2. Tìm danh từ để xác định chủ ngữ. 1. Tìm danh từ đầu câu để xác định chủ ngữ. 2. Nếu có danh từ nằm sau giới từ thì bỏ “giới từ + danh từ” (cụm từ bổ nghĩa) vào dấu ngoặc. 3. Cụm từ bổ nghĩa chính là bẫy! 3. Nếu nắm vững được cấu trúc “chủ ngữ - động từ” và bỏ qua cụm từ bổ nghĩa thì sẽ trả lời được câu hỏi về số của chủ ngữ và động từ. Bài tập 4: 1.

The conditions for a promotion (are/ is) clearly explained in this handbook.


The material for the workshops (are/ is) going to be distributed.


The use of online games (have/ has) caused problems.


The committee for the 10th anniversary party (need/ needs) ideas.


All items in stock at this store (are/ is) discounted.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 95 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Tóm tắt: The material The use The committee

Chủ ngữ số ít

Động từ số ít Cụm từ bổ nghĩa

All items The conditions

Chủ ngữ số nhiều

Động từ số nhiều

Bài tập 5: 1.

Centers for public health_________become popular. (A) have


(B) are

(D) was

(C) has (D) is

Many prizes_________awarded to the marketing department. (A) is


(C) is

The newspaper company_________lowering subscription rates. (A) are (B) were


(D) to have

The prices in the new product catalog_________discounted by 10 percent. (A) be


(B) has (C) having

(B) were

(C) was

(D) be

The suggestions in the report_________to be reviewed. (A) need

(B) needy

(C) needs

(D) needing

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 96 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN BÀI TẬP LUYỆN Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây. Bài tập 1: 1. The new museum________ to attract many tourists. (A) continue (B) continues (C) continuing (D) continuity 2. The opening date of the new public libraries ________ been postponed. (A) have (B) having (C) to have (D) has 3. The shipment of your orders ________ delayed due to some defective products. (A) have (B) were (C) are (D) was 4. The new employee guidebook ________ finally distributed to the new employees. (A) was (B) are (C) were (D) has 5. The contents of this report ________ thoroughly checked for errors. (A) is (B) are (C) be (D) was Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau. U.S. UNIVERSITY FAIR ASIA FALL 2008 All interested students _______ invited to attend the U.S. University Fair. 6. (A) was (B) are (C) be (D) is Admission to the fair _______ free. 7. (A) were (B) is (C) are (D) have If you _______ to join the fair, please register now. 8. (A) wish (B) wishing (C) to wish (D) wishes

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 97 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Bài tập 2: Choose one correct options in the parentheses. 1. Holding the conference in our hotel (are, is) advantageous to your company. 2. The requested document (has, have) not yet arrived. 3. Access to this file (are, is) limited to authorized personnel. 4. Each report (contains, contain) information on key economic indicators. 5. Thar Mr. Smith was absent from work (were, was) suprising. 6. The editor (want, wants) to change the layout of the newspaper. Choose one correct options for each of the following sentences. 1. The firm ___ profit increases with the new marketing strategy. (A) anticipate (C) are anticipated (B)anticipates (D) anticipating 2. This chemical ____ only approved for use in animal foods. (A) was (C) has (B) were (D) have 3. Obtaining a good job ____ difficult due to the economic situation. (A) have remained (C) remain (B) are remaining (D) remains 4. Every area manager ____ required to visit all the offices under his management once a week. (A) is (C) were (B) are (D)have Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. The applicants (have, has) plenty of experience in foreign trade. 2. Many offices (instruct, instructs) employees about what to do in case of lire. 3. The survey forms (was, were) not filled out completely. 4. The headquarters and the branch office (plan, plans) to reorganize some divisions 5. A few reports (provides, provide) accurate data on the current market. 6. Our facilities (are, is) available for family and company events every weekend. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 7. The company and the striking workers _____ to a settlement. (A) has agreed (C) have (B) agrees (D) agreeing 8. The cellphone charges for local calls ____ discounted for the first month. (A) has (C) is (B) was (D) are Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. All of the old magazines (is, are) available at a discounted price. 2. Some of the executives (refuse, refuses) to reduce expenditures on advertising. 3. The competition between low-cost airlines (has, have) increased. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 98 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4. Senior employees in the workplace (know, knows) less about computers. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. The rest of the guests for the Best Employee Award ____ to arrive after 7:00 p.m. (A) expects (C) are expected (B) expecting (D) is expected 6. Some of the pens in the shipment ______ faulty parts and cannot be used. (A) has (C) was (B) is (D)have Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Woods, Half of the emplyees in the system maintenance department ____ recently. We think that 7. (A) have quit (B) was quit

(C) quitting (D) quits

dissatisfaction with their jobs ____ the cause. Therefore, we would like to involve employees in 8. (A) are (B) is

(C) were (D) have

decision-making by having monthly meetings with management. Also, they will be granted stock options beginning next month. We believe these steps can help the company retain its workers. Bài tập 5: Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) - best completes the sentence. 1. The article ____ that the population of the world is increasing. (A) saying (B) says (C) say (D) is said 2. The number of online shopping malls ______ increasing. (A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) being 3. Both of the applicants _____ scheduled for an interview today. (A) to be (B) was (C) is (D) are 4. Some of the luggage ______ stolen at the airport. (A) has Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 99 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN (B) are (C) was (D) were 5. The president and the vice president ______ in the conference room. (A) are (B) being (C) is (D) was 6. The good news ____ that I will get a pay raise. (A) have (B) were (C) are (D) is 7. Every country _____ interested in the global trade issue. (A) have (B) are (C) is (D) has 8. Most of the interviewees ____ very punctual. (A) is (B) are (C) to be (D) being 9. The sales meeting ____ place in the auditorium every two months. (A) is taking (B) is taken (C) take (D) takes 10. Tim Scott, the founder and CEO of the company, ____ in 2000. (A) died (B) die (C) is dying (D) is died 11. Fortunately, neither the driver nor the passengers ______ injured. (A) had (B) has (C) was (D) were 12. The prime minister was _____ in a bribe scandal. (A) improved (B) involved (C) equipped (D) concerned 13. This cellular phone is superior ______ the competitors in quality. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 0 (A) for (B) to (C) on (D) than 14. Prices may be ____ to change without notice. (A) subject (B) engaged (C) payable (D) conscious Questions 15-16 refer to the following letter. Dear Mr. Rosenberg, A number of the workers in the factory ______ off lately. That will have a bad effect on the rest of 15. (A) has been laid (B) have been laid (C) are laying (D) is laid the workers in our company. Some of them _____ already quit their jobs. 16. (A) have (B) had (C) has (D) having Therefore, we suggest that you hold a meeting to explain the financial situation of the company. This will help the employees want to keep working here.

BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. Physics _______ one of my favorite subjects. (A) be (B) to be (C) is (D) are 2. There are some books on the table, which_______ about fish. (A) does (B) do (C) is (D) are 3. A third of the students_______ passed the test. (A) are (B) have (C) has (D) is 4. The bus comes here_______ 30 minutes. (A) each Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 (B) another (C) every (D) all 5. Teaching children_______ not easy. (A) are (B) is (C) were (D) am 6. Either Bill or we _______supposed to contact Sylvia about the meeting. (A) is (B) could (C) was (D) were 7. Kim Jones, together with her roommate, _______ to write a letter to the campus newspaper. (A) will (B) are (C) is going (D) wills 8. Most of the fish I caught _______ too small to bring home. (A) will (B) am (C) were (D) was 9. Two-quarters of the land _______ sold to investors. (A) will (B) have (C) have been (D) has been 10. Neither Professor Johnson nor his students _______ going to join the project. (A) will (B) is (C) are (D) either 11. Fifty cents_______ how much I owe you. (A) does (B) are (C) do (D) is 12. Nowadays, most _______ have four wheels. (A) cars (B) of the cars (C) the cars (D) among the cars 13. There was_______ left in the safe. (A) two-hundred dollar bills (B) two-hundreds dollar bills (C) two-hundred dollars (D) two-hundreds dollars 14. There are no_______ between the brothers. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 2 (A) same (B) difference (C) similarities (D) variation 15._______ people are not happy with the class. (A) Most of (B) Every (C) Many a (D) A number of 16. The students, as well as the teacher, _______ happy about the test results. (A) was (B) are (C) is (D) has 17. All of the food_______ prepared by seven. (A) were (B) is (C) have (D) was 18. All of the people there_______ from Japan. (A) were (B) is (C) be (D) was 19. _______ remain complicated economic problems to be resolved, while the economic conditions have been good. (A) They (B) It (C) There (D) That 20. Applicants for the managerial position_______ to possess high levels of motivation along with basic computer skills. (A) are required (B) require (C) requires (D) has required 21. Please_______ any information, no matter how insufficient it may seem, to your client in the very near future. (A) forwards (B) forward (C) forwarding (D) to forward 22. The revised version of an unpublished manuscript_______ due to arrive this morning at 10 o'clock, but unexpected problems delayed the shipping. (A) was (B) were (C) is (D) are Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 23. When I closed the window, all of the files and folders on my desktop computer_______ except for the icon. (A) are disappearing (B) will have disappeared (C) had disappeared ( D) disappear 24. Due to recent changes, Nordon Express_______ delivery of equipment effective the first day of the coming year. (A) to discontinue (B) will discontinue (C) discontinued (D) have discontinue 25. As portable audio items_______ currently unavailable in the store, you'd better check the Internet for more information. (A) is (B) been (C) are (D) being 26. Employment application forms completed by applicants must be_______ to Mr. Keith by Friday at noon. (A) submitting (B) submitted (C) submit (D) submission 27. Most stores _______special discounts, coupons on gifts and personalized gifts to retain their existing customers. (A) offering (B) be offered (C) to offer (D) are offering. 28. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before we_______ for the day. (A) leave (B) leaving (C) to leave (D) have left 29. All the storage rooms are scheduled to undergo renovations and_______ closed for several days next week. (A) will be (B) was (C) are (D) has been 30. According to many_______ of the industry, the majority of small-sized firms are hoping to enter into lucrative businesses. (A) survey (B) surveys (C) surveying (D) surveyed Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 31. Ms. Watanabe will be unable to finish filing the data by Friday unless she_______ one of the office interns to help her. (A) got (B) has gotten (C) gets (D) will get 32. The factory manager reports that currently all the machinery_______ at full capacity. (A) will have been operated (B) was operating (C) had operated (D) is operating 33. _______ you require assistance with the installation of the product, contact a customer sales associate at the number below. (A) Would (B) Have (C) Should (D) Had 34. Alterations to the work schedule cannot be made until they_______ by the shift supervisor. (A) will be cleared (B) were cleared (C) are cleared (D) will be clearing 35. Mr. Walter's business partners, who_______ a venture capital firm in Santa Barbara, will be at the investors' meeting tomorrow. (A) manage (B) manages (C) management (D) managing Questions 36 through 37 refer to the following advertisement. World famous folk singer, Daniel Matthews, _______with the Smallville Choir, will 36. (A) next (B) along (C) by (D) who give a small concert on August 27th. Mr. Matthews will perform songs from his new CD Voices of Heaven. Tickets are limited so_______ fans who missed his last concert 37. (A) every (B) another (C) all (D) each should hurry! Tickets go on sale on June 306. Call the Smallville Arts Hall on 021-333-0999 for more information.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 5 Questions 38 through 40 refer to the following letter. Woodworks 23 Culver Lane Westford 12034 Alice Burns 934 Garden Highway Fremont Dear Ms. Burns, Dank you for your recent enquiries about "Woodworks: Woodworks_______ a small 38. (A) are (B) be (C) is (D) has family-owned company. We are in our sixth year of business. We specialize in hand-carved pieces. We_______ local wood and make sure three trees are planted to replace 39. (A) uses (B) use (C) used to (D) using every tree we use. Woodworks has its own forest, and all of our products are made from trees that grow there. As you say, we are a little expensive. However, we make a unique, high-quality product. Every piece we make is designed individually. It takes about six months to make______- of our products. Of course, this costs a lot of money. 40. (A) every (B) everyone (C) each (D) anyone Please enjoy the enclosed catalog. Sincerely,

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following note. Dear Sally, I am going to_______ grandmother's house this afternoon. I will be out when you get 41. (A) the (B) our (C) your (D) yours home from school, so you will need to get your own dinner. Help yourself_______ anything in the 42. (A) with

(B) to (C) by (D) over refrigerator. There is some cheese and plenty of vegetables. There is bread, too. You can pick_______ apples from the tree in the garden if you want. As a 43. (A) any (B) some (C) all (D) almost special treat, I have bought some chocolate fudge ice cream. Don't eat too much - I want to try some, too! Do your homework, OK? be home about eight o'clock. See you later. Mom

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following memo.

Memo To: Sales Staff From: Marketing Re: Christmas sales target Date: October 15th It is time to start thinking_______ our Christmas sales. Last year, we saw very low profits, so we 44. (A) on (B) about (C) for (D) off really need to improve things this year. The store wants to double its profits, so we have a lot of work to do. We will have a meeting next Tuesday at three o'clock to discuss this. Please think of some good ideas to increase sales. If we reach the new target, _______ will get a bonus. 45. (A) everyone (B) no one (C) anyone (D) each If we are not successful, there will be no bonuses. The store manager will come to the meeting. He is going to_______ us his ideas and listen to our opinions. 46. (A) say (B) talk (C) tell (D) speak This is a very important meeting. Don't miss it.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 10 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 8 Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following advertisement.

Getaway Tours We now have the details of our Summer Specials. As always we have some real treats. Just take a look at a sample of_______ we have on offer this year six 47. (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) why nights in Guam, staying in a luxury hotel with breakfast included - starts at just $50 per person per night. Five nights In Hong Kong, staying in a 5 star hotel, including a guided harbor boat cruise starts at just $75 per person per night. _______ of our 48. (A) Almost (B) All (C) Nearly (D) At all prices include travel insurance and free transportation from the airport _______to your hotel. Give 49. (A) straightly (B) directly (C) firstly (D) immediate us a call at 234-0009 for reservations or further information.

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



NGÀY 7: TÍNH TỪ VÀ TRẠNG TỪ A- TÍNH TỪ CHÚ Ý 1: Tính từ đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Ngữ pháp bổ sung BÀI TẬP LUYỆN B- TRẠNG TỪ CHÚ Ý 2: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ Ngữ pháp bổ sung CHÚ Ý 3: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ Ngữ pháp bổ sung CHÚ Ý 4: Trạng từ thường chen vào giữa Ngữ pháp bổ sung TÓM TẮT CHÚ Ý 5: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ 1. Trạng từ đứng cuối một câu hoàn chỉnh, bổ nghĩa cho động từ 2. Trạng từ đứng sau nội động từ, bổ nghĩa cho nội động từ Một số cụm nội động từ - trạng từ phổ biến BÀI TẬP LUYỆN BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA

Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội



A- TÍNH TỪ CHÚ Ý 1: Tính từ đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ Bài tập 1: Chọn câu đúng. 1. the attractive building the attraction building

Kathy’s create idea Kathy’s creative idea


Tính từ: (1) ở giữa mạo từ và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ (2) ở giữa sở hữu cách và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ theo sau Hơn nữa: (3) Tính từ ở trước danh từ là tân ngữ của ngoại động từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ. Ngữ pháp bổ sung Vị trí của tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ: 1. Mạo từ [a/an/the] + tính từ + danh từ: tính từ nằm giữa mạo từ và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ. an


mạo từ


test result




online store

mạo từ adj


2. Từ sở hữu [my / your / his / our /their / its / her] / sở hữu cách + tính từ + danh từ: tính từ nằm giữa từ sở hữu và danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho danh từ. its




từ sở hữu



sở hữu cách





Bài tập 2: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau. 1. He received the award for his (creative/ create) idea. 2. The special team will conduct an (extend/ extensive) inspection. 3. The country will experience an (annual/ annually) growth rate of 10 percent. 4. We will conduct a (thoroughly/ thorough) inspection of the facility. 5. We are not able to meet the (presently/ present) production schedule. Bài tập 3: Nắm cấu trúc: mạo từ / sở hữu cách + ... + danh từ 1. We are looking for an__________ person for our sales department. (A) experienced (B) experience (C) experiences (D) to experience 2. The president had a meeting with employees during his__________ visit to the plant. (A) recently (B) recentness (C) recency (D) recent 3. The__________ attractions of the city continue to attract visitors. (A) diversification (B) diversifying (C) diverse (D) diversity 4. We recommended a__________ review of all of the facilities in the hospital. (A) comprehensive (B) comprehend (C) comprehensively (D) comprehensiveness Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 5. Dr. Marriot recently completed a__________ study on economic trends. (A) detail (B) details (C) in detail (D) detailed BÀI TẬP LUYỆN Bài tập 1: Part V Chọn từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống dưới đây. 1. Our company recorded _________ profits this year. (A) impress (B) to impress (C) impresses (D) impressive 2. The university is seeking _________ individuals to participate in a survey. (A) interest (B) interests (C) interested (D) interestingly 3. Managers will discuss _________ methods for the promotion of our products. (A) addition (B) additional (C) additionally (D) additions 4. Due to the recent _________ conditions, the company made a lot of money. (A) economy (B) economic (C) economist (D) economically 5. All _________ information should be submitted by next week. (A) necessarily (B) necessity (C) necessaries (D) necessary Part VI Điền vào chỗ trống trong mẩu quảng cáo sau. Business Cards BizCard offers great products and services with ________ prices. 6. (A) excellence (B) excellently (C) excellent (D) excel We sometimes have sales and promotions for our ________ products. 7. (A) reliable (B) reliably (C) reliability (D) rely Our ________ designers guarantee the most impressive business cards for your business. 8. (A) experience (B) experiential (C) experientially (D) experienced On our website, you can find some of BizCard’s most amazing offers.

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B- TRẠNG TỪ CHÚ Ý 2: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ Trạng từ là một trong những loại từ được đặt câu hỏi nhiều nhất trong bài thi TOEIC. Vì trạng từ có vai trò rất đa dạng: bổ nghĩa cho toàn bộ câu, bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, động từ, trạng từ trong câu nên có thể gây khó khăn nhất định cho học viên. Tuy nhiên, nếu nắm được nguyên tắc thì việc giải quyết các câu hỏi về trạng từ cũng khá dễ dàng. Ngữ pháp bổ sung 1. Hình thái của trạng từ => Thường có cấu tạo adj + -ly. Tính từ increasing current close

+ - ly


Trạng từ increasingly currently closely

2. Chức năng của trạng từ => Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ và bổ nghĩa cho tính từ. a popular hobby => an increasingly mạo từ adj n mạo từ adv a competitive market => an extremely mạo từ adj n mạo từ adv

popular hobby adj n competitive market adj n

It is_______easy to get information through the Internet. => Là vị tri cần một loại từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ easy nên phải là trạng từ và trạng từ increasingly có ý nghĩa phù hợp trong câu. Bài tập 4: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau. 1. The (new/ newly) opened plant will hire more workers. 2. Reading is becoming an (increasing/ increasingly) popular hobby. 3. You can buy this product at (significantly/ significant) discounted prices. 4. It is (extremely/ extreme) important to finish this report by noon. 5. We need to develop (clear/ clearly) planned marketing strategies. [Mạo từ + ... + tính từ + danh từ => phải điền trạng từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ

Bài tập 5: 1. Our products are doing well in the _________ competitive market (A) extreme (B) extremely (C) extremity 2. Most companies provide _________ low wages to interns. (A) signified (B) significantly (C) significant 3. Patients’ private health records will be kept _________ confidential. (A) completely (B) complete (C) completion

(D) extremeness (D) signify (D) completed

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 4. _________ discounted tickets have many restrictions. (A) Heavy (B) Heavily (C) Heaviness 5. They worked together on a _________ profitable development plan. (A) highly (B) high (C) highness

(D) Heavier (D) higher

CHÚ Ý 3: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ có vị trí đứng trưóc động từ để bổ sung ý nghĩa của hành động (động từ) Trường hợp khi trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên diễn tả thói quen, trạng từ được đặt trước động từ thường và sau động từ be. Ngữ pháp bổ sung 1. Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ => Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ diễn tả thời gian, nơi chốn, mức độ và tính thường xuyên xảy ra hành động (động từ) của chủ ngữ. We frequently meet with regional suppliers. Trạng từ frequently bổ nghĩa cho động từ diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên xảy ra hành động của chủ ngữ. Trạng từ này có vị trí đứng trước động từ meet. 2.Vị trí của trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ => Trạng từ đứng trước động từ - ở giữa chủ ngữ và động từ - có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ. We recently employed several programmers. Trạng từ recently có vị trí đứng giữa chủ ngữ và động từ, có chức năng bổ nghĩa cho động từ employed. => Trạng từ chỉ tần suất có vị trí đứng trước động từ thuờng và sau động từ be. Kathy always feels tired afternoon. trạng từ chỉ tần suất động từ thường Kathy is always late for the meeting. động từ be trạng từ chỉ tần suất Bài tập 6: Chọn từ đúng trong các câu sau. 1. He (original/ originally) suggested the ideas for the advertising campaign. 2. The manager (direction/ directly) reports to the president. 3. The company (unfairly/ unfair) raised the subscription rates. 4. He (thorough (thoroughly) reviews the monthly reports. 5. Every employee (secure/ securely) locks the door after work. Bài tập 7: Tìm vị trí của trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ trong câu. 1. We recommend that you ________ purchase your home. (A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicken 2. Our production team ________ inspects the quality of our Products. (A) through (B) thoroughness (C) thoroughly 3. The stock analyst ________ predicted the increase in stock prices. (A) correct (B) correctly (C) corrective 4. Most interviewers ________ examine applicants’ educational backgrounds. (A) closely (B) closer (C) close 5. Small-business owners ________ use local newspaper advertisements. (A) frequent (B)frequency (C) frequentness

(D) quickness (D) thorough (D) correctness (D) closest (D) frequently

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 CHÚ Ý 4: Trạng từ thường chen vào giữa Ở phần trước, chúng ta đã biết vị trí của trạng từ là đứng trước và bổ nghĩa cho động từ và tính từ. ngoài ra nó cũng bổ nghĩa cho động từ nhưng ở một số vị trí khác. Ngữ pháp bổ sung 1. Trạng từ: -

Trạng từ nằm ở giữa cấu trúc tổng hợp cuẩ động từ và bổ nghĩa cho động từ. Ngoài trạng từ ra,

không có loại từ nào có vai trò như vậy. 2.

Các trường hợp đứng giữa của trạng từ:


Trợ động từ + trạng từ + động từ nguyên mẫu

Eg: The landlord will probably raise the rent. ( trạng từ “probably” đứng giữa trợ động từ “will” và dộng từ nguyên mẫu “raise”, bổ nghĩa cho động từ) b. Động từ have + trạng từ + quá khứ phân từ Eg: The applicant has clearly shown his interest in the position. ( Trạng từ “clearly” đứng giữa trợ động từ hoàn thành “have” và quá khứ phân từ “shown”, bổ nghĩa cho động từ. c. Động từ be + trạng từ + phân từ (V-ing/p.p) Eg: the directions to the meeting room are easily displayed. ( trạng từ “easily” đứng giữa động từ “be” và quá khứ phân từ “displayed”, bổ nghĩa cho động từ) Bài tập 8: Chọn từ đúng cho các câu sau: 1. Interest rates will (probably/ probable) rise by 0.5 percent. 2. Every office door should be (secure/ securely) closed. 3. The company has (consistent/ consistently) donated money. 4. You can (easily/ easy) find our products in retail stores. 5. The local museum is (current/ currently) closed for renovations. ( [trợ động từ + … + động từ nguyên mẫu ] / [be + …+ phân từ] => điền trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ vào ô trống) TÓM TẮT Trợ động từ/ động từ be + trạng từ (probably/ securely/ consistently/ easily/ currently) + động từ nguyên mẫu/ phân từ(p.p/V-ing)

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 5 Bài tập 9: Chú ý vị trí đứng giữa của trạng từ. 1. We are _____ seeking new university graduates to join our sales team. A. Current

B. Currency C. Currently D. Currentness 2. Identification cards must be _____ displayed. A. Clear

B. Clearly C. Clearance D. Clarity 3. The result was _____ predicted before this quarter. A. original

B. origin C. originally D. originality 4. The hotel is _____ located within easy walking distance of the beach. A. Perfect

B. Perfectly C. Perfection D. Perfecting 5. The company is _____ implementing new vacation policy. A. Active

B. Activity C. Actively D. Activate

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 6 CHÚ Ý 5: Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ 1. Trạng từ đứng cuối một câu hoàn chỉnh, bổ nghĩa cho động từ Before you install this software, please read the directions carefully. carefully bổ nghĩa cho read Trước khi cài đặt phần mềm này, xin vui lòng đọc kỹ hướng dẫn. 2. Trạng từ đứng sau nội động từ, bổ nghĩa cho nội động từ Những động từ đi kèm với giới từ mà không có tân ngữ được gọi là nội động từ. Trong trường hợp này, trạng từ đứng giữa nội động từ và giới từ. You need to respond promptly to questions from customers. promptly bổ nghĩa cho respond Anh/chị cần trả lời các câu hỏi của khách hàng ngay tức khắc. Một số cụm nội động từ - trạng từ phổ biến travel regularly increase dramatically work collaboratively react calmly to delays speak clearly to the audience

grow rapidly decrease slightly meet frequently with ~ rely heavily on tourism communicate easily with ~

Bài tập 10: 1. Due to the financial constraints, the company had to reduce its travel budget_________ . (A) substantial (B) substance (C) substantiate (D) substantially 2. The population of this city has decreased_________ for the last few months. (A) slight (B) slightly (C) slightness (D) slighted BÀI TẬP LUYỆN PART V: Incomplete Sentence Bài tập 2: 1. The teleconference is scheduled to start ____at 10 A.M. next Tuesday. (A) precisely (B) preciseness (C) precision (D) precise 2. Replacing the old building with a new one was a ____ impossible task. (A) near (B) nearby (C) nearly (D) nearing 3. The construction site makes a visual impact that is ____ . (A) impress (B) impression (C) impressed

(D) impressive

4. The sales figures have been revised ____ due to the miscalculation. (A) significant (B) significantly (C) significance

(D) signification

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 5. The sales staff was especially ____ and willing to help the customers. (A) friend (B) friends (C) friendly

(D) friendship

6. The team members would reach an agreement under more ____ circumstances. (A) favor (B) favorite (C) favorable (D) favorably 7. The insurance company does not seem to be _____ sound. (A) finance (B) finances (C) financial

(D) financially

8. Best Computers is ____to increase its customer base in European countries. (A) frequent (B) common (C) large (D) eager 9. New York state residents are ____to apply for a NYS library card. (A) capable (B) valuable (C) eligible

(D) flexible

10. Students who have not received their IDs should visit the Registrar’s Office ____. (A) recently (B) especially (C) unexpectedly (D) immediately PART VI: Text Completion Questions 11-13 refer to the following letter. Dear Ms. Angela, Please be informed that we have recently obtained your request to renew your subscription to Economy Weekly. Your new 2-year subscription will start on May 8, 2008, and the payment of $48.00 is due on the first day of each month ____the end of 11. (A) because of (B) beyond (C) regarding (D) throughout your contract term. In the ____ that you need to contact us regarding this subscription, 12. (A) affair (B) event (C) happening (D) opening please include your full subscription number (EW-200805223) on any correspondence with us. This ____a timely response and efficient processing of your request or problem. 13. (A) ensure (B) has ensured (C) will ensure (D) ensured Respectfully, Serena Glory Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 8 Economy Weekly Bài tập 3: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. Consumers offer (construct, constructive) advice on our new product lines. 2. (Success, Successful) candidates require excellent communication skills. 3. The service at the automobile repair center is (quick, quickly). 4. The applicants were provided with (specific, specify) guidelines on what to submit. 5. The Pinesville Resort is the (ideal, ideally) place to spend a holiday. 6. Susan is not (surely, sure) if she will accept the position. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 7. Ms. Bell is an especially ____ employee at Ewing, Inc. (A) value (C) valuably (B) values (D) valuable 8. Depositors should bring the _____ identification to complete a transaction. (A) necessity (C) necessitate (B) necessarily (D) necessary 9. All the visitors to the power plant must wear _____ clothing provided when entering the laboratory. (A) protect (C) protective (B) protection (D) protecting 10. The new R&D head was highly ______ of our procedures for collecting data. (A) critical (C) criticize (B) critically (D) criticizes Bài tập 4: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. Ms. Byrd (usually, usual) makes coffee when she arrives at the office. 2. The president (final, finally) decided to close down the old branch. 3. The parcel was sent (mistake, mistakenly) to the wrong address. 4. The unemployment rate has been decreasing (relative, relatively) slowly. 5. Please make sure that the invitation is addressed (correctly, correct) before mailing it. 6. The executive director travels (regularly, regular) for business. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 7. Mr. Gifford said the network system will be ____ operational by January. (A) completion (C) completing (B) complete (D) completely 8. All supervisors in the company agreed that Mr. Yoshio works _______. (A) conscientiously (B) conscientious (C) conscientiousness (D) conscience Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 11 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 9 9. Consumer opinion is becoming an ______ essential factor in project planning. (A) increase (C) increasing (B) increases (D) increasingly 10. We ____ inform our subscribers that Kotins Press will stop publishing this month. (A) regrettable (B) regretfully (C) regret (D) regrets Bài tập 5: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. The election was (close, closely) observed by the media. 2. The travel agency offers (reliant, reliable) service. 3. (Near, Nearly) 70% of companies say that their business operations are profitable. 4. The pilot is (responsible, responsive) for the safety of the passengers. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences 5. The attached file is a list of professors who will speak at the seminar. (A) distinguish (C) distinguishably (B) distinguished (D) distinguishable Another branch could have been established under more _____ conditions. (A) favorable (C) favorably (B) favorite (D) favorableness Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement. If you are not sure of how to manage your savings, contact Investment Associates. Investment Associates is a small group of _______ advisors that assist people in making the right decisions about 7. (A) financially (C) financing (B) financial (D) finances their money. We can give you information on what investment strategies can most help you. The best time to begin setting investment goals Is while you are in your twenties. It is _____ recommended 8. (A) high (C) highly (B) height (D) higher that you sit down with one of our advisors to determine which plans are suitable for your age group. Bài tập 6: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. Our staff members had (temporary, differing, qualified) opinions on the matter. 2. Future economic prospects look less (common, unprecedented, promising) than expected 3. Investors feel (incapable, unanimous, insecure) about the current market. 4. It is the obligation of the company to recall (untrue, defective, differing) products. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 0 Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. Retail prices increased after an ______ in oil prices. (A) abundant (C) informed (B) accomplished (D) unprecedented 6. Mr. Gunn served as a ______ replacement for an employee who is on leave. (A) minor (C) temporary (B) demanding (D) lengthy Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. From: Ralph F. McKinney, CEO To: All ChemField employees It is fairly ______ for new businesses to take some time to become profitable. However, it took 7. (A) insecure (C) even (B) common (D) level ChemField only two months to establish a strong customer base in the food industry. This resulted from our _____ improvements in serving our customers’ needs. To celebrate our rapid growth, we 8. (A) mature (C) continuous (B) straight (D) promising will be giving all employees a bonus of 20 percent of their current salaries on the last day of this month. We look forward to your ongoing loyalty and dedication to ChemField. Bài tập 7: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. Individuals should provide (annual, qualified, accurate) contact information on packages. 2. Companies use new methods to improve (mounting, maintaining, existing) technology. 3. The food industry is currently expanding at a(n) (active, powerful, rapid) rate. 4. Workers should not feel (sincere, apprehensive, surprising) about voicing their opinions. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. Conducting online transactions is less _____ for the elderly due to their lack of computer skills. (A) sophisticated (C) convenient (B) accurate (D) protective 6. The CEO is required to attend a(n) _____ conference to determine ways to achieve yearly goals (A) recent (C) existing (B) annual (D) typical Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following notice. We are sorry to announce that as a result of system crash in our main server, some of the music data on our website was lost. For the moment, the data we have will be _____ at www.tempmusic.com. 7. (A) available (C) defective (B) effective (D) potential

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this unexpected problem may have caused you. 8. (A) original (B) completed (C) sincere (D) estimated Bài tập 8: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. The team made (considerable, confidential, rapid) efforts to collect the data. 2. Everyone congratulated Mr. Park on his (modern, late, recent) promotion. 3. Any (improper, complete, appropriate) behavior will not be tolerated in the office. 4. A (recent, pleasant, broad) atmosphere improves work performance. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. Management expects applicants to have a _____ knowledge of economics. (A) high (C) round (B) whole (D) broad 6. When the installation process is _____ the "Done” tab will appear on the monitor. (A) entire (C) total (B) accurate (D) complete Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. From: Olivia Johnson To: All staff This memo is to refresh everyone's memory on the importance of keeping records private. Please remember that all _____ records must be kept in locked file cabinets when not in use. The company's 7. (A) confidential (C) limited (B) former (D) unprecedented reputation rests upon your ability to handle _____ client information properly. Employees who fail to 8. (A) apprehensive (B) competitive (C) sincere (D) sensitive do so will be warned, and if it happens repeatedly, access to the files will be restricted. Bài tập 9: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. Oil prices increased (simultaneously, importantly, markedly) two years ago. 2. Companies work (initially, cooperatively, fairly) to find solutions to problems. 3. Clients have (repeatedly, markedly, briefly) requested information on our new products. 4. The employee who (seriously, voluntarily, widely) took on a difficult task was promoted. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. The New Chinese Financial Newspaper will be released _____ in Singapore and Taiwan. (A) typically (C) conveniently Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 2 (B) stringently (D) simultaneously 6. The country suffered a(n) _____ high unemployment rate for years. (A) wrongly (C) unusually (B) improperly (D) hugely Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following advertisement. Welcome to the Grand Opening of the Lake Park Plaza! Please join us as we celebrate our Grand Opening on Friday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m. The Lake Park Plaza shopping center will _____ open for business with a ribbon cutting. The president of the 7. (A) normally (C) presently (B) officially (D) recently Lake Park Plaza will then give a speech about her long-term vision for the shopping center. The speech will be followed by a party which will begin _____ at 2:30 p.m. 8. (A) randomly (C) promptly (B) relatively (D) ultimately Bài tập 10: Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. The item is (shortly, temporarily, efficiently) out of stock. 2. The product was (conveniently, widely, directly) advertised throughout the region. 3. Passwords should be changed (lately, clearly, frequently) to prevent unauthorized access. 4. For technical reasons, the website is (currently, precisely, highly) not accessible. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. Shareholders should not rely _____ on the fund's investment adviser for assistance. (A) surely (B) recently (C) nearly (D) solely 6. The session will help participants learn how to _____ conduct a survey. (A) accidentally (C) effectively (B) apparently (D) informally Question 7 and 8 refer to the following advetisment Alpha Auto Body has served Tokyo motorists for over 20 years. Since our opening, we have _____ 7. (A) broadly (C) fairly (B) formerly (D) consistently provided our customers with superior customers service. We are located ___ in the city’s center near 8. (A) gradually (C) conveniently (B) quickly (D) marginally department stores and subway stations. Our facility is equipped with the latest high-tech machines and computerized systems. We ensure you an excellent repair job at a fair price. Bài tập 11: Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 Choose one correct option in the parentheses. 1. This year's budget has been reduced (late, widely, significantly). 2. Most stores stay open (well, much, late) on weekends to accommodate shoppers. 3. The number of clients has grown (politely, dramatically, carefully) in the last few years. 4. The food at the French restaurant was (initially, reasonably, solely) priced. Choose the correct option for each of the following sentences. 5. Our goal is to maintain a _____ beneficial relationship with our customers and users operate the computer more community. (A) conveniently (C) regularly (B) mutually (D) precisely 6. The manual provides information that helps users operate the computer more _____. (A) frequently (C) cooperatively (B) efficiently (D) simultaneously Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following memorandum. From: Erica Turner, Office Manager To: All staff I know that not everyone in the office is comfortable using computers, but all important office announcements will now be sent by e-mail. So, it is very important that you _____ check your e-mail 7. (A) entirely (B) flexibly

(C) regularly (D) strongly

inbox for messages. If you are having trouble using the company's e-mail system, please _____ read 8. (A) carefully (C) mildly (B) easily (D) softly the directions in the employee manual. Bài tập 12: Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions Decide which of the choices - (A), (B), (C), or (D) best completes the sentence. 1. The _____ report shows that Chilean wine’s market share increased this year. (A) various (B) legal (C) official (D) productive 2. Your company should take _____ action to solve the problem. (A) proper (B) permanent (C) competitive (D) complimentary Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 4 3. The president said that it was the _____ meeting he has ever had. (A) more productive (B) productive (C) most productive (D) productivity 4. The team made a presentation in a very _____ way. (A) impress (B) impressive (C) impressiveness (D) impressively 5. We need to finish the report by next Friday at the _____. (A)later (B) late (C) latest (D) lately 6. Sales directors should go _____ to Room 100 for another meeting. (A) direct (B) directly (C) direction (D) directive 7. We found the manual absolutely _____ in dealing with customer complaints. (A) importantly (B) importance (C) important (D) importing 8. The more motivated the workers are, the _____ the productivity becomes. (A) high (B) higher (C) highly (D) more highly 9. Please read the instructions as _____ as possible. (A) careful (B) care (C) carefully (D) more carefully 10. The budget cut made our project _____ more difficult. (A) many (B) very (C) so (D) even 11. Make sure you have all the _____ data with you. (A) need (B) necessary Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 5 (C) necessarily (D) needs 12. They _____ renovated the stores in order to attract more customers. (A) late (B) recently (C) likely (D) hard 13. We will discuss who is _____ for the position. (A) afraid (B) aware (C) eligible (D) subject 14. The solar panels were, not so_____ as we had anticipated. (A) efficient (B) efficiently (C) more efficient (D) most efficient Questions 15-16 refer to the following notice. We would like to inform you that the employee cafeteria on the second floor will be closed for renovations. These renovations will enable us to provide all of our employees with _____ service and 15. (A) good (B) best (C) better (D) well food than now. The renovations will take _____ three days. The snack bar on the third floor would like to inform 16. (A) approximate (B) approximations (C) approximately (D) more approximately employee cafeteria renovation enable provide cooperation will be open for drinks and snacks. Thank you for your cooperation. BÀI TẬP KIỂM TRA 1. The conference's keynote speaker addressed_______ impacts of digital technology on the current music industry. (A) variety Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 6 (B) variably (C) variation (D) various 2. We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and_______ customers were impressed by our efforts. (A) fortunate (B) fortunes (C) fortune (D) fortunately 3. The more we spent with the sales team, the more_______ we were with their innovative marketing skills. (A) impression (B) impress (C) impresses (D) impressed 4. The manager said that it is_______ to test emergency equipment frequently to avoid any malfunction. (A) appropriate (B) appropriateness (C) appropriately (D) most appropriately 5. The unexpected operating complexity was more serious than_______ anticipated. (A) origin (B) original (C) originally (D) originated 6. As the company's strongest competitor released a new line of fall clothing, NTR Inc. moved_______ to introduce its new leather jackets. (A) regularly (B) quickly (C) softly (D) tiredly 7. The expansion of the natural history museum is most_______ the cause of significant revenue increases. (A) probabilities (B) probability (C) probable (D) probably 8. Many science majors enter graduate school_______ after completing a bachelor of science degree. (A) directly (B) direct (C) directed (D) direction 9. Customers who purchase more than 500 dollars worth of items can request an HDTV cable box at no_______ charge. (A) additional (B) addition (C) adding (D) additionally Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 7 10. Mr. Garry Noxon in accounting was_______ warned about having too many numerical errors in the budget report. (A) repeat (B) repeatedly (C) repeater (D) repetition 11. During the one-week promotional period, we offer all the visitors and customers 10 dollars worth of kitchen appliances_______ free of charge. (A) extremely (B) exclusively (C) continually (D) completely 12. Despite_______ efforts and partial success for the last few years, the unemployment rate is still on the rise. (A) proficient (B) considerable (C) secondary (D) present 13. Employees will be given bonuses and incentives_______ depending on their performance achievements, not based on their relationship with supervisors. (A) exclusive (B) excluding (C) exclusively (D) excluded 14. Over the past three months, employees have been working_______ with support staff to accomplish their goals, working an average of eight hours per day. (A) initially (B) originally (C) primarily (D) numerically 15. While smokers are highly_______ of the ban on smoking in workplaces, most non-smokers support the ban. (A) critic (B) critically (C) critical (D) criticism 16. If you send the_______ information, I'll drop by your area to look for suitable housing. (A) enthusiastic (B) serious (C) pertinent (D) appreciative 17. We are_______ considering a wide variety of potential applicants, so please fill out your background information accurately. (A) ordinarily (B) currently (C) commonly (D) lately 18. _______ parts stored in the warehouse may be procured at special sale prices, which are negotiable. Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 8 (A) Lengthy (B) Opportune (C) Surplus (D) Brief 19. The renovated French restaurant next to the post office attracted more customers as a result of its_______ priced, various food selections. (A) reasonably (B) thoroughly (C) gratefully (D) virtually 20. All employees should be informed explicitly of their responsibilities in relation to_______ client information. (A) sensitive (B) competitive (C) affordable (D) courteous 21. Since the corporate system has a_______ structured daily schedule, it would be nearly impossible to impair the work efficiency. (A) hopefully (B) highly (C) probably (D) rarely 22. The local government is planning to construct_______ performing arts facilities in order to meet the cultural needs of the population. (A) infrequent (B) additional (C) ongoing (D) incidental 23. Our experienced and skilled technicians can be of much help in the event that you_______ delete something essential from the program. (A) accident (B) accidental (C) accidents (D) accidentally 24. Any employees who are_______ late or absent from work may be subject to disciplinary actions, regardless of their position. (A) consistently (B) steadily (C) sensibly (D) exactly 25. If you need to hire_______ help for your growing business, our experts can assist with the hiring process from start to finish. (A) additions (B) additionally (C) additional (D) addition 26. After the introduction of collaboration tool programs, the company, which was in temporary financial trouble, was_______nable to increase its market share. (A) lastly Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 12 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 9 (B) at first (C) meanwhile (D) finally 27. Many people call fairy tales too_______ and obvious, but that's why they are needed. (A) predicting (B) predicted (C) predictable (D) predictably 28. Our GTA phone roaming service is suited for individuals who travel_______ anywhere in the world for business. (A) regular (B) regularity (C) regularly (D) regulate 29. The president of Kasara Inc. _______ announced that Lopez Davis, who has served the company for more than 30 years, would retire at the end of next month. (A) regretting (B) regretted (C) regretfully (D) regretful 30. It is_______ through broadcast media such as television and radio that companies place an advertisement to attract prospective customers. (A) predominant (B) predominantly (C) predominating (D) predominated 31. Workshop participants were required to be_______ not to choose any reserved front-row seats. (A) caution (B) cautious (C) cautiously (D) cautiousness 32. Road and street signs must be_______ visible even in the distance in order for drivers to know where they are heading. (A) clearness (B) clear (C) clearly (D) clearest 33. This e-mail is to let you know that the book you ordered is_______ on backorder. (A) quickly (B) precisely (C) currently (D) temperately 34. We have worked_______ hard on health insurance plans to enhance employee satisfaction. (A) exception (B) exceptionally (C) exceptional (D) except 35. It appears to be a_______ impossible plan to charge fees to cars visiting the city park on the weekend. (A) nearing Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội


NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 13 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 0 (B) nears (C) nearly (D) neared 36. The recent findings indicate that the effects of weight loss associated with calorie restriction are quite_______. (A) beneficial (B) benefits (C) beneficiary (D) benefit 37. Please make sure that all the volts in overhead compartments are tightened_______. (A) secure (B) security (C) securely (D) more secure Questions 38-40 refer to the following event personnel advertisement. LaDon Talent has good opportunities for part-time personnel. Positions available are part-time, mostly weekends, and typically 5-7 hours a day. Earn $8 for a 5-hour event plus bonuses. You will be_______ for promoting brands by distributing brochures and samples or demonstrating products 38. (A) aware (B) eligible (C) responsible (D) qualified to prospective customers, _______ creating brand awareness of the product features. 39. (A) if (B) given (C) within (D) besides If you apply for this position and it's not available at the time, please be assured that LaDon Talent will retain your application in our files for 60 days. During this time your application will remain available for_______ until opportunities become open. 40. (A) consider (B) considering (C) considered (D) consideration

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 13 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 1 Questions 41-43 refer to the following letter.

Dear donors, We are extremely grateful for your generous_______ to UNICEF. 41. (A) acquisitions (B) benefits (C) excursion (D) contributions The money you donated will help UNICEF provide both immediate relief and long-term rehabilitation of essential services for children in need. Our review committee recently found that in 55 out of 80 villages, water systems have been severely damaged. Therefore, there's an_______ need for expanding the distribution of bottled water and 42. (A) urgent (B) current (C) prior (D) neutral sanitation systems. Another major challenge includes the threat of landmines. Many children are presently receiving treatment in the hospitals for injuries resulting from remnants of bombs. So as to alleviate the problem, UNICEF is involved in a campaign to_______ people to the dangers of 43. (A) disregard (B) alert (C) volunteer (D) promote unexploded bombs. We are appealing to you, companies, and foundations for continuous support. Thanks again for your generosity.

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 13 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 2 Questions 44-46 refer to the following message. To: Employees From: Dax Shepard cDaxetpl.zs.us>. Date: Tue.12. June 2007 14:58:23 This message is being posted to all employees. First of all. I'm pleased to announce that Dale Spencer was appointed as the district manager. As you know, It's fairly common for our employees to receive positive feedback from coworkers, but Dale's case is_______ 44. (A) unique (B) predictable (C) common (D) desirable For the past few weeks, we have received many letters from customers expressing their_______. 45. (A) disappointment (B) importance (C) appreciation (D) concern They often said that Dale is exceptionally patient, courteous and quick to respond to special requests from his customers. This sort of commitment indicates that Dale puts customer_______ before 46. (A) satisfaction (B) satisfied (C) satisfying (D) satisfyingly anything else.

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NGOẠI NGỮ 24H 13 WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN 3 Questions 47 to 49 refer to the following email. From: Kelly Cho, Maintenance Manager [email protected]> To: Emilio Francaise, Chief Operations Officer
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