3 Trading Systems for Football Tennis and Cricket1
December 3, 2016 | Author: Jim O'Brien | Category: N/A
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These are Trading systems for Football, Tennis and Cricket....
3 Trading Systems for Football, Tennis and Cricket 3 ways to trade on either the football, tennis or cricket markets on be6air
BF Trading
Introduc;on So I guess a congratula;ons is in order... Yes... Congratula;ons for making a brilliant decision for downloading your free BF Trading guide. You REALLY are going to enjoy it. AdmiGedly, you will find that these systems are quite simple and are perfect for the newbie beGor but don’t let that put you off. Simplicity doesn’t necessarily mean that a system is useless and won’t work. First and foremost: It does maGer if you know NOTHING about cricket, you hate football and just know Tennis is a couple of rackets and a ball. So basically... You don’t need to know anything really for these trading methods. Provided that you know how to place a back and lay bet on Be6air, then you will be all good with these trading methods. So let’s get to it, there’s no point bea;ng about the bush because I know all you want is the systems, so get reading. Oh... And before you go for it, make sure you paper trade these systems so you become fully aware of how they work etc. Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee earnings of any sort from the systems enclosed within this guide book. The outcome of a football, tennis or cricket match cannot be accurately predicted 100% of the @me and results cannot be guaranteed by anyone. The systems in this guide book are to aid you in your beAng and are not a guaranteed way of earning money. GambleAware.co.uk | 18+ | Please Gamble Responsibly
BF Trading!
Football Trading System -‐ Back the Draw with a Fall Back This is a liGle system that we can use to trade the football... It’s twis;ng the standard ‘lay the draw’ trading system on its head a fair bit yet we’ve put a few fall backs or fail-‐safes in place so that this trading is completely fool proof -‐ Well almost of course. 1. First of all, you want to work out 10% of your beZng bank -‐ Let’s say that this is a bank of £250 and your 20% would be £50. 2. Now you want to split this beZng bank into 3 parts of 70%, 15% and 15% which equals £35, £7.50 and £7.50. 3. Now go to the Match Odds market and back the draw for the 70% part and then back the 1-‐0 and 0-‐1 with the 15% parts. An example of how this looks is to the right. You want there to be a long period at the beginning of the game where there is no goals. HOWEVER, if there is, then then you are covered with the backing of 1-‐0 and 0-‐1. 4. Assuming, you get the opportunity, you need to wait 10 mins and if no goals have been scored then you want to lay when the price of the lay odds has dropped by 1.25 -‐ In this case, we want the lay odds to be 2.25. 5. Once they reach this stage, then Click Here and use a calculator to work out what your lay should be. 6. So in this case, we would place a lay bet of £54.44 at 2.25 so we would secure a profit of £19.44 on the Match Odds market -‐ Of course, this doesn’t take into considera;on of any other bets. We have used £15.00 on the correct score market so taking this into considera;on, we would have the following profits: 1-‐0 Win = £71.94 0-‐1 Win = £62.99 Any other Score Line = £4.44 As you can see... CLEAR profit! And if you get a 1-‐0 or 0-‐1 win then well... You’re quids in from just this one trade. And it’s not like these are unlikely. 7. Now it’s a case of repea;ng on any other matches.
BF Trading!
Yes... It really is as simple as that! So why does this work so well? Well when you originally place your Back the Draw bet, it is at its set odds. Then as the game goes on with no goals scored, the likelihood of that being the final score line increases by the second. Just check out the graph to the right which shows the odds for the draw decreasing over just 15 minutes of play. What tends to happen is the odds shoot up by about 0.5 at the beginning of the game and then it jumps around a liGle. Aier 5 minutes, the odds will slowly begin to decrease un;l aier 15 minutes where the odds will oien drop all the way by over 1.0 which is the perfect opportunity for trading out.
BF Trading!
Cricket Trading System -‐ Lay a Clear Favourite Because this is a one trade system per cricket match, we recommend using large stakes. There’s no point to using £2 stakes when you are taking this seriously. Of course, it all depends on whether you’re tes;ng this or using it to make money. If the former, then use small stakes, and the laGer will require higher stakes. So here goes with this system: 1. First you need to find a cricket match where the lay odds are lower than 2.0 -‐ This way your liability is no greater than your stake. In this case, we have placed a lay stake of £250 at 1.41 on the West Indies with a liability of £102.50. 2. Of course, the likelihood of the West Indies losing is super slim. HOWEVER, that is not what we are interested in. 3. Now you play the wai;ng game (as is the case with most trading methods). 4. Sit and wait for the odds to double. So if you laid at 1.25, then you wait for the odds to increase to 2.5, if the odds you laid at are 1.41, like in our example, then you wait for the odds to increase to 2.8 5. Now using a trading calculator, found if you Click Here, you can place a back bet as these increased odds to secure a profit. If we take our example of laying at 1.41 with £250 -‐ We would back at 2.82 with £125. This would secure a profit of £125 regardless of the outcome of the cricket match. If you can find cricket matches with clear favourites then you can use this cricket trading method. You just have to have the ;me and pa;ence to sit and watch the odds dancing around. It all depends on events that occur during the match. EVEN IF they are a clear favourite, there are events that can cause the odds to really jump around. The graph to the right shows how the price changed for a favourite during just 30mins of play ;me. It went from lows of 1.20 to highs of 2.3 -‐ LOTS of TRADING POTENTIAL! BF Trading!
Tennis Trading System -‐ Lay a Clear Favourite (Deja Vu?) The first thing you should know is that you won’t be able to use this method during the months of November and December as the tennis takes a short break. It will begin again around January/ February and ends October/November ;me. Are you ques;oning the Deja Vu? Well... The reason for that is because this system is almost iden;cal to the previous except with Tennis, not cricket. Apologies in advance if this is a liUle too simple and basic (and short). But here goes: 1. First of all, you need to find a tennis match with a clear favourite. Look for players such as Murray, Nadal, Djokovic, Federer and so on... Of course, there are matches with unknown players that have favourites so check all the matches out. You are looking for matches where one player has odds of under 2.0 (sounding familiar?) 2. Now, lay this player with 20% of your bank. So if you have a bank of £500 for your trading, then lay at £100. Remember, because your odds are 2.0 or lower, your liability will never be higher than your stake. 3. Now play the wai;ng game. You need to sit back and wait for something to occur in the match that will force the odds up a bit. Even top players from Nadal and Federer cock up occasionally. No, not lose, but they might lose a set or a game within a Tennis match which can play havoc with the tennis odds. 4. With the Tennis, you want to sit back and wait for your odds to increase by 1.5 before you trade out. You will need to sit and wait for this to occur... But it will occur at some point during the match on MOST matches. Of course, there will be matches where a player will just be on incredible form and this cannot be helped. If you’re heading towards the end of a game, then don’t panic and just trade out and minimize your lost.
There you have it, your THREE trading systems, one on Football, Cricket and Tennis. Now it’s ;me to paper trade them. Really get to grips with how they work and really understand how these markets work. Finally: GOOD LUCK!
BF Trading!
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