3 ThreeBond 1227 ENGLISH-convertido (1

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accor ding to 19 1907/ 07/2006/ 2006/E E C , A rticle 31  Printing date 15.04.2019  

Version number 4  

Revision: 26.03.2019  

 S E C TI O N 1: 1 : I den denti tifi fi c atio ation n of the s ubs tanc tance/ e/mi mixx tur ture e and of the company co mpany / undertaking   - 1.1 Product identifier   - Trade name:   TB 12 1227  27   - 1.2 R el eleva evant nt ide ident ntified ified us es of the subs tance tance or mixture an and d us es advis ed ag ains t   - S ector of Us e SU3 Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in    preparations  preparation s at industrial industri al sites - Pr oduct ca cate tegg ory   PC1 Adhesives, sealants   - A pplicatio ppli cation n of the s ubs tance   Silicate sealing    / the mixtur mix ture e  - 1.3 Details of the s upplier of the s afet afetyy dat data a s heet   THREE BOND EUROPE S.A.S  - Manufac  Manufactur turer/Su er/Su pplier ppli er::   B.P 9105   95073 CERGY PONTOISE FRANCE   - Inf Information ormation department: department:   - 1.4 Emerg ency teleph telephone one 


TEL : 33 (0)1 34 32 39 60   FAX : 33 (0)1 34 32 39 61  

Three Bond Europe H&S department : ms : ms [email protected] [email protected] Site :  : http://quickfds.com http://quickfds.com  ORFILA (France) - Tel : +33 (0)1 45 42 59 59 (24h)   Ireland - Tel : 00 353 1 8092568 - 00 353 1 8379964 (24h/24) EU Tel : 112  

 S E C TI TION ON 2: 2 : Haza H azard rdss i dentif dentific ic at atii on   - 2.1 C lass las s if ifii catio cation n of the ssubs ubs tance or mi xtur e  - Class ific ation a according ccording to Reg ula ulattion (E C) No 1272/ 1272/200 2008 8  GHS07   Eye Irrit. 2 H319 Causes serious eye irritation.   - 2.2 L abel elements   - Labe Labell lling ing according to 

R eg ulation ulation (E C ) No 1272/ 1272/2008 2008 The product is classified and labelled according to the CLP   - Haza Hazard rd pi ctog rams  


GHS07  - S ig nal word - Hazard sta s tatem tements ents - P recautiona recautionary ry s tate tatement mentss

- A ddition ddi tional al infor in for mati mati on:

Warning   H319 Causes serious eye irritation. irritation.  P280 Wear protective gloves / eye protection. protection.   P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if  present and an d easy to do. Continue rinsing.   EUH208 Contains 3-aminopropyltriethoxysil 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane. ane. May produce an  allergic reaction.  

- 2.3 Other Oth er hazards hazar ds   - R esul esults ts of PB T a and nd vPvB as s ess me ment  nt   - PBT : Not applicable.   - vPvB: Not applicable.  


(Contd. on page 2) 


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accor ding to 19 1907/ 07/2006/ 2006/E E C , A rticle 31  Printing date 15.04.2019  

Version number 4  

Revision: 26.03.2019  

Trade name: name: TB 1227   (Contd. of page 1) 

 S E C TI TION ON 3: 3 : C ompos i tion/ tion/ii nfor ma mation tion on ing in g r edi edients ents   - 3.2 Mi x tures tur es   - Description:   - Dangerous comp componen onents: ts:  

Mixture of the substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.   (**) Liberates methanol on exposure to humid air.  

trimethoxyvinylsilane    Acute Tox. 4, H332   CAS: 2530-83-8   [3-(2,3-epoxypropoxy)propyl]t [3-(2,3-epoxypr opoxy)propyl]trimethoxysi rimethoxysilane lane   EINECS: 219-784-2   Eye Dam. 1, H318; Aquatic Chronic 2, H411  CAS: 919-30-2   3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane  EINECS: 213-048-4  Skin Corr. 1B, H314; Acute Tox. 4, H302; Reg.nr.: 01-2119480479-24-XXXX   Skin Sens. 1, H317   CAS: 67-56-1  methanol   EINECS: 200-659-6   Flam. Liq. 2, H225; Acute Tox. 3, H301;    Acute Tox. 3, 3 , H311; Acute Acut e Tox. 3, H331; H33 1;   STOT SE 1, H370   CAS: 2768-02-7   EINECS: 220-449-8  

- S V HC   - A ddition ddi tional al infor in for mati mati on  

2.5  –10%   ≥1 –2,528 mg/kg (rat)  

LD50 17,100 mg/kg (rabbit)   Inhalative  LC50/4 h  128.2 mg/l (rat)   Dermal

- P ri ma mary ry ir ri ta tant nt e effect: ffect:   - S k i n corr cor r os i on/ir on/ir ri tati tati on   Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.   - S eri ous eye dama damagg e/i e/i rr i tat tatii on Causes serious eye irritation.  - R espira espirattory or ski n  s ens iti s ation   Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.   - C MR effects effects (carcinog enit enity, y, mut muta ag enicity an and d to toxic xic ity for r ep eproduction) roduction)  - G erm cel celll m muta utagg enici ty Based on available data, the classification classification criteria are not met.  - Carcinogenicity Based on available data, the classification classification criteria are not met.  - R ep eproductive roductive toxici toxici ty

Based on available data, the classification classification criteria are not on met.   6)   (Contd. page GB 


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accor ding to 19 1907/ 07/2006/ 2006/E E C , A rticle 31  Printing date 15.04.2019  

Version number 4  

Revision: 26.03.2019  

Trade name: name: TB 1227   - S TO TOT-s T-s ing in g le expos ur ure e  - S TO TOT-r T-r epeated expos expo s ur e  - A s pir pi r at atio ion n hazard  

(Contd. of page 5) 

Based on available data, the classification classification criteria are not met. Based on available data, the classification classification criteria are not met. Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.  

 S E C TI TION ON 12: 12 : E co colog log i cal infor ma mation tion   - 12.1 Toxicity   - A quatic tox i ci ty:  

67-56-1 methanol  LC50/96h  15.4 mg/l (Leopomis macrochirus)  CE50/48h >10,000 mg/l (daphnia)   CE50/96h  22 mg/l (Selenastrum capricomutum)   - 12.2 Pers is tence tence and

degradability   No further relevant information available.  - 12.3 B ioaccumula ioaccumulative tive No further relevant information available.  potential  potenti al  No further relevant information available.  - 12.4 Mobilit Mobilityy in s oil  - A ddition ddi tional al eco ecolog log i cal in infor for mati mati on:   - General notes: - 12 12.5 .5 Results Results of PB T a and nd vPvB - PBT : - vPvB: - 12.6 Other Other advers e effe effects cts

Generally not hazardous for water.  

as ses s me ment  nt  

Not applicable.   Not applicable.   No further relevant information available. 

 S E C TI TION ON 13: 13 : D is pos al con conss i deratio derations ns   - 13.1 W aste treatm treatment ent methods   - R ecomm Must be specially treated adhering to official regulations.   ecommenda endation tion   - Uncle Unclea aned pa packag ckag ing s :   - R ecomm ecommenda endation: tion:   - R ecommended ecommended clea cleans ns ing  


Dispose of packaging according to regulations on the disposal of  packagin gs.    packagings.  Alcohol  

 S E C TI TION ON 14: 14 : Trans T rans por portt i nfor mat matio ion n  - 14.1 UN-N umbe umber  r   - A D R /R I D /A D N, A D N, I MDG MD G , IA TA  


- 14.2 UN proper proper s hipping name name  - A D R /R I D /A D N, A D N, I MDG MD G , IA TA  


- 14.3 Transport hazard class(es)   - A D R /R I D /A D N, A D N, I MDG MD G , IA TA   - Class  


- 14 14.4 .4 Packing Packing g roup  - A D R /R I D /A D N, I MDG MD G , IIA A TA  

Void   (Contd. on page 7)  GB 


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accor ding to 19 1907/ 07/2006/ 2006/E E C , A rticle 31  Printing date 15.04.2019  

Version number 4  

Revision: 26.03.2019  

Trade name: name: TB 1227   (Contd. of page 6) 

- 14.5 E nvir onme onmenta ntall haza hazards rds :   - Mari ne pollutant:  




Not applicable.  

14.6 Special precautions precautions for us er  - 14.7 Transport in bulk bulk according to Annex II of Marpol Marpol a and nd the the IB C C ode  Not applicable.   - Trans port/A port/A dditiona dditionall infor mation: mation:  

Not dangerous specifications.  

- UN " Model Model R egula egulation tion"" :  



to  the   above 

 S E C TI TION ON 15: 15 : R eg ulatory infor i nfor ma mation tion   - 15.1 S afe afety, ty, hea healt lth h and e envir nvir onmenta onmentall reg ula ulations tions /legi s lation lation s pecifi c for the subs tance tance or


- Di rectiv e 2012/ 2012/18/ 18/E E U   - Nam Named ed dang erous  

 s ubs tances - A NN E X I  


1907/200 1907/ 2006 6 A NNE X XV II   - 15.2 C hem hemic ic al s afety afety assessment:  

None of the ingredients is listed.  Conditions of restriction: 3    A Chemical Safety Saf ety Assessment Assess ment has not n ot been carried ca rried out.  

 S E C TI TION ON 16: 16 : Other O ther infor i nfor mat matio ion n  This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.   - R el elevant evant phrases

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour.   H301 Toxic if swallowed. H302 Harmful if swallowed.   H311 Toxic in contact with skin.   H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.  H318 serious  eye damage. H331 Causes Toxic if inhaled. H332 Harmful if inhaled.   H370 Causes damage to organs.   H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.  

- A bbrevi bbr evi at atio ions ns and a acr cr ony onyms ms : RID: Règlement international concernant le transport des marchandises 

dangereuses par chemin de fer (Regulations Concerning the International   Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail)   ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organisation    ADR: Accord europée n sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)  IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods IATA: International Air Transport Association  GHS: Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances   CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society) DNEL: Derived No-Effect Level (REACH)   LC50: Lethal concentration, 50 percent   (Contd. on page 8)   GB 


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accor ding to 19 1907/ 07/2006/ 2006/E E C , A rticle 31  Printing date 15.04.2019  

Version number 4  

Revision: 26.03.2019  

Trade name: name: TB 1227   (Contd. of page 7)  LD50: Lethal dose, 50 percent   PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic SVHC: Substances of Very High Concern vPvB: very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative Flam. Liq. 2: Flammable liquids  – Category 2  Acute Tox. 3: Acute toxicity  – Category 3   Acute Tox. 4: Acute toxicity  – Category 4  Skin Corr. 1B: Skin corrosion/irritation  – Category 1B  Eye Dam. 1: Serious eye damage/eye irritation  – Category 1 Eye Irrit. 2: Serious eye damage/eye irritation  – Category 2 Skin Sens. 1: Skin sensitisation  – Category 1  STOT SE 1: Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)  – Category 1   Aquatic Chronic 2: Hazardous to the aquatic environment - long-term aquatic hazard  – Category 2   GB 


Quick-FDS [18870-58510-10826-010879] - 2019-08-30 - 16:15:10

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