3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls

March 22, 2017 | Author: JesperSB Skjærbæk | Category: N/A
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3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls Or How to become confident and Get More Sex “Learn the form, but seek the formless.“ - The Silent Monk - “The Forbidden Kingdom”. By JesperSB Skjærbæk This technique is build on part of Dave Rikers “Technical Manual”. And on BadBoys “Deep and wide Rapport techniques”. The picture on the frontpage is from here: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/ CouplesPartners_g216-romantic_Couple_Making_Love_p85906.html

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The Intro It was a cold night. The snow covered the streets. I was waiting at a night bus stop. A nice girl walks up to the bus stop. Normally I would spend the wait and the bus ride, thinking about what to say to her. But I took a chance, took my phone in my hand, and asked her for help. We started talking. We talked all the way home on the night bus. We sat close with our shoulders touching. I held her hands, while showing her palmestry. She wanted to have sex with me, and she was half my age. Have you ever stood and looked at a girl.? Wanting to have the guts to talk to her.? Because after a month of training this technique, you will have both the skill and the confidence to talk with new girls. Have you ever been in love.? When I was about 15 years old, I was in love with a girl in my class. You have a picture of this girl in your mind, and every time your eyes closes, you see this girls face. You would have given your soul, to know how to seduce her.... If I knew, what I know now, it would have been great. What would you give to know, how to seduce girls.? The ability to know how to seduce, gives You Power. The ability to seduce a girl, by being honest, gives you peace. Because She can not shit test the truth. The best advice's I can give: First is to read this book, and practices talking about your DHV's for a month, before judging, if you have more confidence. The Second is to find friends or guys from a local lair to Share This journey with. A Thanks to the great guys, that shared the journey with me. Because Brothers makes it easier to get rejected, and getting into weird situation. Walking with 2 guys on a dark backroad in the rain, to a try Croquis drawing... Because I got a couple of friends with me, I went through it. I learned a little, but most importantly, I actually had a fun time. When did you last try something new, outside your comfort zone.? (At the end is The November Man Sequence, which is 15 Question that make girls fall in love with you, and an explanation on Why it works.) 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Index What she really wants, and how to give it to her 3 Quick Starts How to Begin Showing You Got Value Getting the girl to trust you Let us talk about have sex Touch her A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. The Psycholy of Pick-up Bragging Vs. StoryTelling. A Basic Overlook of Communication Skill-levels of a Pick-Up Artist The Short Version of Inner Game. Naturals and Freak of Nature. Become a Confident Person Acknowledgment and Reading Material Appendix A: The November Man Sequence

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

What She Really Wants, and How to Give It To Her To get a girl interested in you, you need to do one of these three things. A. Show her, you have the values, she wants. She has a list of things she wants a man to have. You can ask what she wants, and she will tell you. But there is a difference between what she says, and what she really wants. If she says “a tall guy”, ask her, what a tall guy does for her. If she says “Get people's attention”, that is what she wants. If you tell her a story about you getting a lot of attention, she starts to think you have that value, and she will want to be with you. B. Tell her other girls want to be with you. Every girl on the planet, want to be with the highest value man. But girls don't always have time to figure out, if you have high value. When you tell that other girls finds, that you have high value, and wants to be with you, she thinks you have high value. If other girls want to be with you, she also wants to be with you. The next chapter will teach you how to show that other girls want you. C. Make her feel things. If you want to sell stuff, get the person to feel an emotion, and the common sense goes out the window. If you want to seduce a girl, a way is to get her to feel emotions, and it will be easy to get her to be with you.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

3 Quick Starts There are three simple “cheat codes” in seduction. 1. Telling about girls in your life. If you have girls in your life, you must have high value, because other girls choose to stay with you. 2. A girl by your side. Gives you instant high value, because if a girl stays close to you, you must have high value. 3. Qualifying her. If you only want to talk with her, if she has X, you signal that you have choices. The one that has options, has the power. The Quick start: Version 1 Find some stories about you being alone with a girl. They can be funny, scary or even embarrassing. Because the only thing that matter is that: It is a story about you being alone with a girl. If we look behind The Matrix: “Girls want to be alone with you.” The power of this is, if she ask your friends about your trip to Russia, where you met that girl, they will tell their versions of that story about you meeting and being with a girl in Russia. You could find your old passport, with a Russian Passport stamp in it. But of course, that is at home, and now you have a good reason to get the girl home.. If you lie and fake a frame and pretend to be good with girls, the girl will look through your story. (She might still have sex with you, because you talk with her.)

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The Quick start: Version 2 Ask any girl to walk with you through the club. Ask a pretty girl to look at something on your phone. Take your sister / lady friends out to a club. (That worked for me.) Everybody in the club thinks you are together, and if you got a girl by your side, you must have high value... Instant high value. The girls in the club already, sees themself in a competition for you. The Quick start: Version 3 “I only date tall guys.” Think about that line for a second.... Did it stop you from wanting to be with that girl.? Let us change it. What if you said, “Ohh, I only date Models. Are you a Model.?” That line makes a guy into the high value person, with just one line. Find 3-4 things that you want a girl to have, before you will date her. If you want to set the limit low, just make it sound important. I want an adventurous girl, means I want a girl that likes sex. I want a sporty girl, means I want a slim girl.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

How to begin So is it just to tell stories about you having high value.? Yes And No You tell stories that shows You have high value, but more important is to... Get the girl to talk 75% of the time. When you talk, you tell stories that shows you have High Value. But First focused on getting the girl to talk 75% of the time. The most important rule in seduction is, that she talks 75%. Mixing the Arts The biggest problem when you teach anything, is when people already have been taught something else, on that subject. A cup filled with tea, can't have any more tea in it. Now you will empty your cup, to learn something new. What if, everything you were taught about seduction was wrong.? Imagine, You take the things you was taught on seduction, and put them into a box. You close that box, and put it away, until you have sex with a girl. Because when you take all your knowledge about seduction and throw it away, You are ready for new ideas. As if, You empty your mind about pick-up, and start with a blank sheet. Read this book, and learn something new.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Showing You Got Value This is where you show the girl that you have High value. And that will create attraction in her. Which subject can you talk about, that shows you got high value.? Here is my list of areas that shows, you got high value: you can choose 2 or 3 from this and in any random order. Remember: Do not just tell you have been somewhere, but rather tell a funny story, that just happened to be in the state capital. Pre-selection. Pre-selection means that you have been chosen by girls before. Pre-selection is like a cheat code to get girls. Because if a girl has chosen you before, other girls think you must have high value, and that makes it easy for the new girl to choose you. Find any story, that shows a girl choosing you. It can be any story. In 6th grade I was chosen as first pick by the alpha girl. It was for a cooking class. In 7th grade I was chosen as the guy girls wanted to be with. Girls and their ideas. ;-) It was because I was a dancer, but I never knew that. But still it shows that girls like me. That I got Pre-selection. Find a story that tells something that happened, when you were with a girl. Because that shows “That girl wanted to be alone with you.” That will give you high value, and that will get a girl to start liking you. Ask Yourself, have You ever been alone with a girl, And How can you tell a story about it.? It might be the most important question in your seduction life. Ever made anything in school, where you were alone with a girl.? (I had a school project where a girl would be alone with me...) Anytime at work, where you are alone with a girl.? (A girl would stop doing her job and come talk to me, because she saw me standing and working alone..) 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Areas where you are cool/the best. Do you have a hobby that you do for fun, or where you are the best.? Have you ever won anything.? Not a spelling contest in second class. But if you have gone to the championship, this makes you cool. Is there something you like doing, because it makes you feel good.? Maybe you are an average soccer player, but you have fun or you do it because of the cool mates you got at training. Dreams If you got a dream of standing on the top of Mount Everest, tell the girl about it. A man that has dreams, has a chance of fulfilling those dreams. DHV Routines. If you already know some DHV routines, this is where you use them. That is why the theme is called DHV. Travels. Have you been anywhere that are cool.? If you are young, the state capital, or if you are a little older farther away. Can you tell a funny story about being at that place.? That shows, that you got High Value, because you have experienced new things. If you are young, tell her about where you want to travel. Demonstration. Can you do magic, card tricks, hand reading, or a funny test(Chick crack).? Can you do anything, that hold the girl's attention for a minute or more.? If you can not, you can learn it in 10 minutes. Search on “strawberry fields pua” or “the cube pua”. Do you know any stand up routines, or just a couple of jokes.? But only show one thing to a girl, or you become her “dancing monkey”. If the girl wants to hear more, move her to a private place. Sometimes it can be 10 feet from her friends, but it is still a little private.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Pua Version: Pre-selection: Means that some girl has found you interesting. An important part of your value is another girl has selected you before. If you walk in to a club with a girl or two, you show High value. Leader of men: A girl likes a man that has the potential to be a leader. It may be that you have not been a leader of man in a professional way. But do you have the potential, it counts as a DHV. Protector of loved ones: Are you a man or a weakling. If push comes to shove, can you protect the girl.? Do not tell you are out ever weekend, picking fights. Tell that if your niece/kid sister ever need help you will be there for her. Risk taker: Her life is boring. Can you make her life, more fun.? Ever done anything dangerous or risky.? World traveler: She wants a man that has traveled to more than the locale 7-eleven. Funny: Can you make her laugh. Can you tell a joke, or a funny story.? Money/high status: Or the idea of wealth. Do you have a well paying job or go to rich places, tell a story about that. Knowledge/wisdom: Do you know something that few others know.? This is both demonstrations, and also spiritual things like being a monk. Success/Failure: Nothing create High value like Success, except for failure. Because real men know that, when you fail, you stand up and try again.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Cheat sheet for Displaying High Value: Ask Yourself, have You ever been alone with a girl, And How can you tell a story about it.? What is the most faraway place you have been.? If you had money and time, where would you travel to next.? What is the wildest thing you have tried.? What is the wildest you would try.? What was the most dangerous.? What is the fastest you have travelled (On ground/in the air/in space.)? Who is the prettiest girl/boy you ever kissed.? What was the wildest rejection from a girl/boy.? What is your wildest ambition.? If you should dedicate your life to one goal, what should it be.? What was the cheapest/expensive date.? Which is the most Low/High-class place you have been.? What is the latest Success/failure in your life.? Where are you the coolest.? Can you do any kind of magic trick.? Can you do any kind of fun personally test.? Can you tell a fun story about a girl, you have one story about a girl. Part 2: I was once in Russia, and because of a foul up in my papers, I was held back in a Russia bordergate. It toke only like 1 minute to clear up, but the head line, is “Detained By Russian soldiers, on the border to Finland.” Is that a story you want to hear.? Do you think girls want to hear it.? For each thing you found, find a funny/exciting story And write it down in just 3 or 4 lines. You can make it into an interesting Headline. You write it down on your mobile, so next time you are talking with a girl, you can say something like... I was once detained by Russian soldiars.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Getting the girl to trust you You need to create Trust, so the girl dares to be alone with you. The girl wants to feel that there are things that you have in common. When you got high value, you need to build comfort with the girl. The list of my comfort/connection subject. Universal experience: General stuff, that happens to everybody everywhere in the world. The teacher that you talked really well with. The school trip that was funny/dangerous. Being home alone. Holidays at the sea/lake/in the city. Think of some funny story that happens, will you when at the lake/home/at school. And the girl will tell you a story that happened, when she was, and you start to bond. People you got a connection with: If you got somebody that you are relaxed with, and can talk about everything with, tell the girl about that person. She will think of somebody that she feels that way about, and link it to you. Find 2-3 stories of you talking with a friend, that you felt connected with. If it was a girl it gives doublet point. One for Comfort, and one for DHV/Pre-selection. Love lost: Your first crush, or the girl that really burned you. Things that connect people are things that both are universal and painful. Do you think the girl ever got a broken heart.? Only ten times before you ever met her. Do you think any guy ever have told her about his heartache, or for that matter, shared stories about it, with any but their best friend.? Secrets: Tell the girl a little secret, and that shows her that you trust her. The she tells you a secret, and that shows you that you can trust each other. And that creates Comfort. 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Ex girlfriend or just a good Female friend: When you talk about ex girlfriends, it means somebody else wanted to be with you . It counts as both a DHV and Comfort, because it shows you have girls before her, and that other girls trust you. If you are still friends, that also gives double point. Talk about something you did together after you broke up, so the girl knows you can act nice, even if it did not work out between you. That she can trust and feel comfort around you. Some says "Do not talk about you having a female friend, it will put you in the LJBF zone", but because you started by showing value, it is okay. Rapport: Rapport and mirroring. When you sit and do the same as somebody else, that person feel a connection with you. Only do this about 50%. Do it to much, and the girl will know it. If you sit front to front, keep one of your arm as she has her arm. Think of it like sitting in front of half a mirror, you are only mirroring the one half. And change it from time to time.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Cheat sheet list for Trust & Comfort Who was your best teacher in school. Who was the one person that change your life. What was the scariest that happen when you where home alone. Who where you in school. Nerd, loner, stoner, best friends forever. Who was the person you trusted the most as a child. Whom can you speak with about everything. Who was your first crush, and what happened. Which person broke your heart the most. What do you love about your x-girlfriend/Ladyfriends. What do you love about your children. If you have some small embarrassing secret, this is where you tell it. If you have a problem with remembering a persons name... If you have a racial problem... it is better to say it and talk about it. Because it shows you have the balls, to show areas where you need to improve. Again.. write it down in 3-4 lines and make it into a comfort headline. And put it into your mobile Phone, so you always have some comfort stories ready.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Let us talk about have sex Sex is where you remember the girl of what you two could be doing. Getting her sexual turned on. Sex Jokes: That explains it self. When you get a girl to laugh about sex, the girl thinks of sex, fun and you. And she gets a more relaxed about sex, because you are relaxed about sex. My (female)friend's sex adventures I am not perverted, but my friend is. This is his adventure. Once he was in Rio, for the carnival with some friends. He had sex in a room on the street, where the carnival train went pass. While he was having sex, he could hear the carnival music in the back ground. The music sounding higher and higher, as the girl got closer and closer to orgasm. Tell a story about a (female) friend, having sex. She can not say that you are a pervert, because it is not you, but one of your friends. First sexual experience. If you never had sex with the girl, you need to remember her of other “first times”. If you get the girl to tell about the first time she kissed, or the first time she had sex, she will link it to you, and start thinking of you in a sexual way. Sexual sub communication. Do you feel this idea penetrate you, again and again, deep into your soul.? Describe intercourse, but talk about something else. Penetrate, Feel it inside you, feel sweat all over you, a hard force.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Cheat sheet about sex. First kiss. First sexual experience. Worst / best sexual experience. Sexual joke(s). Search on “GM Style”, for lots of funny sexual one-liners. Sexual experience of a “friend”. The difference between female and male orgasm. What she likes in bed, and what you like in bed. You can talk about this, because you have shown value and created comfort. Write them down in the deepest darkest part of your mobile, so kids don't see them.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Touch her So Why do You want to touch the girl.? You want to have sex with the girl, Right.? If you touch her, she will be more open for being touched. And sex does involve touching. It is normal to touch other people. First time you meet the girl, you touch her arm, while asking her something. First chance you get, you move to stand next to her, your shoulders touching. If you stand front to front, and are not touching, you are blocking her way. If you stand next to her, you stand like two friends. Random ideas: At a Dinner or a date: Give her a hug, first time you meet her. That is the normal social thing to do... Especially if you are hoping for sex. ;-) Walking somewhere: Guide her with a hand on her arm, or back. Like if she was a blind person you are helping. Inspect the jewelry: Ask her about her watch, earring, necklace, and other things. And touch what you are talking about. If you are side by side: Compliment her shoes, while touching her knee Brush some dirt of her clothes. Brush a stray hair, from her face. Hip bump her, and walk away.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste. There is a big difference between girls and boys. I work in a store and when people has to pay with a card, they have to put this card into a small slot. And I wanted to try to be a little more dirty, when talking to girls. You can pay two ways, either with the card in the slot or with NFC, which is wireless. So I asked the girls “if She has NFC, or she still need to stick it into the hole.?” The difference between boys and girls is, guys knows that it is dirty to say. Girls in a shopping line, just thinks “He is trying to help me...” I have done it for two months and only one girl, called me out on it. But a lot of girls started to flirt with me, the next time they meet me. The fun part was the others at work, started helping customers to use NFC, because they did not understand that I just trying to talk dirty. Find something that could remind girls about intercourse, and make it sound innocent, to hide what you are really saying. Being undercover dirty is fun, but...

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Can We be more explicit.? I want to show you this idea. It will give you a heavy wallet, filled with large notes... Does that line create an image in your head.? If you have to say something dirty, describe the pictures. Don't say “I want you to give me a Blowjob.” Say “I want You to suck on my dick. Imagine Feeling your lips around my Cock.” If she has to think about what a blowjob is, anything can happen... The other line, is a picture everybody can imaging. It is not... “Do you want to have sex.?” It is... “Do you want to sit on My hard dick, riding your way to an orgasm.?” If the person has a picture in their head 90% af the time it will, overwrite anything else going on. Which mean, if you have the balls, you can describe really dirty things, and the girl just have to imagine it... and when she imagine it, her body starts to react to it. Or you can start with being undercover dirty, and when she starts to react to it, you can start to describe more and more dirty pictures. Or even... Say somebody else said it. “Went to a party last night, and I was shocked... I heard this guy saying to a girl. 'Imagine your lips around my cock.' ”

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The Psychology of Pick-up or Why not start with Comfort. When you meet a new girl, she wants to put you into a role in her life. If you start with showing value, the girl puts you in the role of High value guy. If you start with Comfort, the girl puts you in the role of friend. If you start with Sex, the girl puts you in the role of pervert. When you are put in one role in the girls mind, you have a hard time of breaking out. Now which of the 3 roles, do you thing the girl want to have sex with.? When you go from Comfort to Sex, the girl “Just want to be friends”. When you go from Comfort to DHV, you can turn the girl around, but it takes time. When you go from Sex to ---- Actual she has runaway, before anything else. When you go from DHV to Sex, if you are lucky, you may close her fast. When you go from DHV to Comfort, the girl starts to think of you as potential lovers. When you work with a girl or you go to school with girls, you are already cast in one role with those girls, because they know the old you. And changing them will be an uphill struggle. That is why … when you begin in Seduction, you should find some new girls to practice with. Of course if you are already lost for the girl, who has you in one role, train to tell your DHV stories to her, and in time you can change your role. That also mean you can choose what role the girl should cast you in. Meet a nice girl, but not your type, use Comfort, so you become friends. Of course When you want to scare a girl, and try to be openly sexual, it never works.. That is that one girl, out of a million that actually wants to be sexual with you...

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Bragging Vs. Story Telling. How to show you have high value, without being called a Braggart.? Make it about something else than “trying to DHV yourself”. Eg. Girl talk about being in a foreign country... She want to learn if you are cool with travelling. Wrong way: I have been in Russia and many other countries, and travel often. Better way: She has told you are story from Mexico. You tell her a story from a country you have visit. The first says... I have been to many countries. Aka try hard to impress. The second: She has experiences from a foreign country, You have experiences from a foreign country. We both have value, and both like to travel. Aka creating comfort between you and showing value. E.g. Girl talks about a special club... She wants to know, if you have class (Money) enough to go to those places. Wrong Way: I have been to This exclusive ABC club, and met X, Y, Z. Aka Try hard by dropping names. Right way: I have been to that club, but there was to many wannabes, so we went to this smaller club around the corner, where you could talk with your friends, without getting your drink knocked over. Meaning: You are not a Celeb Wannabe, you are a social guy who loves to talk with people. Aka DHV Point: Good Social skills and a People Person. Will the girl always see the difference. No. Some girls are Wannabe Celeb, and will fuck their way to the stars, and will jump your dick, if you drop enough names. But I like girls who has a brain and can see the difference between Bragging and being a high value male.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

A Basic Overlook of Communication In Dave Riker's “Technical Manual”, there is a basic overlay of the levels in game. This is not it, but it is close. Read his book for the true version. This is more focused on the words you say. From the top: Level 6: Who you are. If you are a Rock star or a multi-millionaire, you have the beliefs and the frame to pull any girl. Because that is who you truly are. Level 5: Beliefs and will. If you do not have the millions, and have not made it as a rock star yet, but you have the beliefs and the will, that will take you there, the girl will pick it up, and you will have a bigger chance of getting laid. Level 4: Frame. Your frame is Who you pretend to be at this moment in life. With this book, you learn to show that High Value guy, that lives inside you. Level 3: Themes. Themes are big boxes of subjects, that are connected to a certain theme. Again with this book, you learn to talk in themes that makes you a high value guy. Level 2: Subject and Stories. 5-10 lines of a subject that you have told more than one time. Patterns/poems/jokes/canned stories. Level 1: One liners If you want the most power out of your every sentence, you start writing any sentences you says to a girl. You rewrite it, and train to say it right, to make it more powerful. If you need help with Level 1 or 2, buy Ross Jeffries - “Basic Home Study Course”. Actually he does also tell you how to get the other levels, but I missed it. If you are stuck after reading this, get Dave Riker's - “Technical Manual”. In this paper I am focusing on Themes, because when you get those down, everything else flows more easy. 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The skill-levels of a Pick-up Artist I had written this book, and been teaching it and using it in my daily life, Because it helps to make yourself more confident. I had not been to a party in two years, after I wrote this book, because I was 100% into Inner Game. The week before I was going to my first party in a long time, I talked with my dad about it. I told him how my technique worked, to get his take on it. And He told me the Master Level Technique in 1 minute. Let me show you the four levels I have discovered in Pick-up. 1. Un-trained. Technique: Plowing, annoying the girl to give you sex Staying close to the girl, treating her like a goddess. You are a needy wimp, and Treating the girl like an unobtainable goddess. 2. Newbie: Technique: Magic and games The cube, Negs and the PUA techniques You are a needy wimp still, and trying to trick the girl into having sex with you. 3. Advanced: Technique: Talking about the areas where you have high value This Book, DHV, and Inner Game. You treat the girl like an equal and showing her what a great Guy you are. 4. Mastery: Technique: Get the girl to talk 75% of the time. Stop talking, and focus on letting the girl talk. The Most important person in the world is ME, and when you let ME talk, I like you. When she ask you directly about your job, or hobbies, you answer with a short story that shows value, and you again ask her about her life. You know you have high value, and it is the girl that needs to show you how much value she has.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The Short Version of Inner Game. How to describe what I have been doing for 2 years. Think for 60 seconds about Each of these questions. Just let your mind go and explore the question, and see what comes up. It is to see hidden sticking points. What do you think about girls.? What do you think about talking with a girl.? What kind of girls do you find attractive.? And what is your thoughts about those girls.? What do you think about meeting a girl.? What stops you from picking up a girl.? What does it demand from you to get a girlfriend.? What does having a girlfriend mean to you.? What limits you from having a girlfriend.? What do you normally say to a girl you just met.? And Does it show High or low Value.? What do you talk about with a girl from this moment forward.? What do you think about sex.? What kind of sex do you like, and why.? There is a million other questions that you should think about.... Remember the last time with a girl, that went bad. Think what should you change to make it better.? What should you focused on next time you are in a similar position.?

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Naturals and Freaks of Nature. Or I have never used any of those techniques, Why did that girl sleep with me. Before I was born and long after I am dead, girls and boys will have sex. Sometimes it happens that the girl want dick, and you got one of those. But the most times it is because you have shown her these things. Sometimes it is your body language or your clothes that show you got values. Personally I got natural rapport skills, because of my 21 years as a dancer. As a dancer you need to be able to follow your partners body language. That is why this document, is a little heavy in focused on DHV, because I have natural Comfort. Just as being good looking is a DHV, having a relaxed body language is Comfort. Being big and strong is a DHV, and small and soft are more of a Comfort thing. You can change some things, like wearing more expensive clothes to make you appear like a rich guy. Wearing an earring and a tight cowboy jackets makes you appear more of a bad boy. Wearing a little gold makes you appear rich. Wearing a lot of gold makes you appear try hard. ;-) Doing body building gives you bigger muscle, and that is a DHV. Unless you over do it... That said, be able to do 10 push-up and 10 sit-ups. Just so when you have sex, you have stamina to do more than one backand forth. Learning to have Alpha Body language also shows high value. Learning to mirror somebody gives the girl a feeling of Comfort. The cool about this technique is, you can appear like the guy you want to be, if you have stories that shows the girl that, that is who you are. Naturals: Naturals are for the most times, some one who got a success, maybe won some sport. 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Told a girl about it, got to make out with that girl, and figured out that starting with DHV, is the way to get the girls. Trying to talk with naturals is difficult, because they are unconscious competence. They know how to close girls, but they do not have to think the steps through. They are just good with girls, but they have forgotten why they do, what they do. And that is the level I am trying to get to, and get you to. Instead of thinking.. I need to say this pattern or this line. Think instead.. What can you get the girl to talk about.? And What stories do you have that show you got High Value.? I was a natural, because a dancer has high value. Until I step of the stage and become, just jesper 28 years, and nothing more.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

The Truth about Picking up girls. Some girls will like you, some girls will hate you. When you meet a new girl, she will either... A. Love you, and nearly nothing you do will change it. Those girls are easy to pick up. B. Neutral about you, and those girls you can seduce. C. Hate you, and nothing you will do will change that. Why does she hate you.? Maybe you look like the guy that hit her cat. Those you should just eject and walk away from. That also means that just because a girl rejected you, the next girl you meet will maybe love you. I always try to be neutral. I do bodybuilding, but not to the extreme. I do Martial Art, but only to be good enough to defend my self. I read books, but also do a lot of physical things too. Because when you are neutral, the group that hates you becomes small. Why should they hate you, when you are neutral in most aspects.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Become a Confident Person Normally here I would tell you, how to show the girl a fake Frame. A frame is a state of mind. When you normally learn how to pick up girls, you try to lie and fake it. But there is a way to build up your confidence without being a Master Pick-Up Artist. Imagine you are building a house on pillars. The ground is where most people are building their houses, but you want to build your house higher up, so you can get the sun, and avoid the “Shit Storm”... When you “fake it”, and try to pick-up girls, it can work, but you are on very shaky ground and the girl can easily shit-test your frame to the ground. Because you are building your house on a fake pillar. But if you fake it and start having some success, you start to replace the fake pillar, and start to have a real pillar under your house. It is still shaky, because you only have one thin pillar. To have confidence you need many areas, and many “success” stories. The more areas you have success, the more pillars. The more success in one area, the stronger that one pillar is. When I was in 6th grade, the alpha girl in my class picked me as first choice for a cooking class. In it self, that story is a very thin pillar, but because I have more stories that shows the same, it becomes a stronger and wider pillar with time. Go back and look at those High Value stories, and figure out which areas they are in. Find 3 areas, each with a success story, and use the next week to find other success stories in those 3 areas. So the 3 thin pillars starts to become stronger and wider. If some girl try to shit test you, you have confidence that is build on 3 or more areas, and you stop trying to fake it. The fun part about this is that it works in all of your life. When you have build your confidence on many areas, you will have more confidence in all the parts of your life. 3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Acknowledgment and Reading Material Ross Jeffries for being the first to stop hoping for sex, and actually think about the stuff that works. Buy his “Basic Home Study Course”, and learn more. Dave Riker for getting me to the next level, and open my eyes for my mistakes. For a different look on speed Seduction Get “Speed Seduction Technical Manual“. Blake Richards or 'In10Se' in his book “Get Game” for the advice. “Go back and look where does that guy get his ideas from”, Mystery “The Blueprint”.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Appendix A: The November Man Sequence These Question are made so the girl will become open and sexual ready, if you ask them in this order. (If you want to make the girl fell like you are soulmate, you tell a story too each of the question, so you two share stories, and create a deep connection.)

First part: First day at school First BFF First time she experienced death First boy she fell for First sexual dream Second Part: Best Candy Best connection Biggest loss Best holyday ever Best/Dirties sex fantasy Third Part Most hungry Biggest Idol Closest too dying Best experience ever Strongest Orgasm/Estacy

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Explaning “The November Man Sequence” The Question are divided into three parts. First Part is about First and old experinces, because if a person talks about something from the past, they will link it to you. Meaning... They think, you where there in that old memory, and they have known you from that time and up to know. First question: First day of school... instead of the girl has known you for 1-2 hours, she thinks she has known you from her first day in school. First BFF(Best friends forever): She had a friend way back in kindergarden, and now she feels you where part of that friendship. First time she experienced death: Two things: First get her to think about first time she lost somebody, she liked/loved and link it to you. Second: Girls don't want forever and ever happy emotions. They want the contrast between happy and sad... and that you give them. First boy she fell for: Get her to remember the feeling of being in love, and link it to you. And she will start to see the guy she loved in you. First sexual dream: Turning up the heat, and get her to think about sex. And also give you some good ideas for later in the evening.

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

Second Part: about evoking strong feelings in the girl. Best Candy: Get her to think about things she can have in her mouth.;-) Best connection: Get her to remember a connection, and she will start to fell that connection and link it to you. Biggest loss: Again get her too fell a contrast between happy feelings and sad feelings. Best Holyday memory: Get her too link being on a holyday, with you. Best/Dirties sex fantasy: Get her to think about sex, and link it to you, and you might even get an idea or two for the bedroom. Third Part: Strong feeling about loss and sex... to awaking the Horny side.. Most hungry ever: If she is hungry, she will be open to larger body sizes. Biggest Idol: If she was alone with her biggest idol, what would she do..? Closest too dying: When she think about near death experience, her heart rate goes up, the adrenaline starts to flow and in the mind, that fear of dying feeling is nearly the same as falling in love. Best (Non sexual) experience ever: Get her to link her best experience ever to you, and maybe you have a great idea for something to do next... Strongest Orgasm/Estacy: Get her to remember having an orgasm, and linking it to you... And she want to have sex with you, right now.. Few things are ever so surprising as getting the first girl (you meet 15 minutes ago), to tell you about her best orgasm.... Not just tell about, but re-live it... next to you in a busy nightclub...

3 Simple Secrets to Seduce Girls, Or How to become Confident and Get More Sex

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