3 - Risk Opportunity Register

February 23, 2019 | Author: Armando Corbo | Category: Risk, Economies, Business
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Short Description

Risk Opportunity Register...


Republi o! t"e P"ilippines CENTRAL LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY 

#iene $it% o! &u'o(, Nuev) *i+) OFFICE OF THE UNIVERISTY PRESIDENT



Risk Acton Plan Actviy

Refers to the major nal outputs Refers to the ne%a'e e-ect of (MFOs) commied by CLS as re!ected uncertainty on objec'es in the "erformance "erformance #nformed $ud%et and "$$ &ar%ets and the func'onal objec'es of the unit as per the epartment "erformance* "erformance* Commitment and Reie+ ("CR) form,

OUP.XXX.YYY.F.020 (Revision No. 0; August 11, 2017) 


Refers to an ac'on used "erson responsible for to direct the uniersity the ac'ity  and to control the iden'ed ris./ op'ons to address ris. can include aoidin% ris.* ta.in% ris. in order to pursue an opportunity* opportunity* elimina'n% the ris. source* chan%in% the li.elihood or conse0uences* sharin% the ris.* or retainin% ris. by informed decision,

Completon Dae State the tar%et date that the ris. +ill be eliminated 

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ISTER  Reference

Risk Score

Risk Saus as of

"ast occurrences or data Refer to the Ris. State the status (4 accomplishment) of suppor'n% the  2ssessment Matri3 the ac'on plan at the end of each ris.1threat   for the scorin% 0uarter and tar%et comple'on date

OUP.XXX.YYY.F.020 (Revision No. 0; August 11, 2017) 

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Republi o! t"e P"ilippines CENTRAL LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY 

#iene $it% o! &u'o(, Nuev) *i+) OFFICE OF THE UNIVERISTY PRESIDENT


Opporuniy Acton Plan Actviy

Refers to the posi'e e-ect of uncertainty on objec'es/ opportuni'es may include ne+  prac'ces* launchin% ne+ products* openin% ne+ mar.ets* addressin% ne+ customers* buildin%  partnerships* usin% ne+ technolo%y and other desirable and iable possibili'es to address the uniersity or its customers5 needs

OUP.XXX.YYY.F.020 (Revision No. 0; August 11, 2017) 

Refers to an ac'on used to direct the uniersity and to address the iden'ed opportunity 

Responsibiliy "erson responsible for the ac'ity 

Completon Dae State the tar%et date that the opportunity +ill be addressed 

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ISTER  Opporuniy Saus as of State the status (4 accomplishment) of the ac'on plan at the end of each 0uarter and tar%et comple'on date

OUP.XXX.YYY.F.020 (Revision No. 0; August 11, 2017) 

Remarks State reason1s for non implementa'on of the ac'on plans

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