3 Questions For Regina Modify

July 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Descr Describe ibe how your past edu education cation,, profess professional ional and othe other r experiences experiences hav have e prepar prepared ed you to be successful in this graduate program.

My internship has given me an early taste of the struggle, perseverance and thereby joys that result from good teamwork and engineering. Also, project experience has exposed me to the pragmatism in core research area of Power system, Power System Protection and lectrical Machines. !urthermore, they have enabled enable d me to think critically critically,, apply my knowledge knowledge and tap my potential. potential. Moreover, Moreover, contribut contribution ion in the "ollege fest as coordinator, as well as my active participation in the different events did increased my opportunity to interact socially with different people and explore their culture as well. My bachelor#s degree has helped me develop an even greater respect for lectronics ngineering and the vast diversity of its applications. $astly, the curiosity of the little kid on the tram regarding the motion of tram still drives me to find simple explanations and solutions within complex theories and problem. %hus, all of these invigorated a firm decision in me to pursue a graduate degree further in the &epartment of lectronics System ngineering.


Descr Describe ibe wha whatt you ho hope pe to ach achieve ieve in this gr graduat aduate e progr program. am.

Masters of engineering in the electronics system engineering will not only help me in broadening the  perspective of my knowledge but will help me also to learn and grow into a competent professional. Studying with the new people who comes from different background will surely expose me to their cultures and ethics, as well as improvise my communication skills. Also ' am looking forward to learn new skills,  build a proactive mindset and thus broaden my academics and gain exposure of an international level education at your campus. $astly, ' wish to learn and grow under thriving work force offered at your  university univer sity under under the superior superior guidance guidance of expert profe professor ssorss my research research areas. areas. 't will also also help me to accomplish my career goal. ' am hopeful that graduate program of o f lectronics System ngineering will help me in my preparation for professional practice and bring b ring me closer to reali(ing my dream


Describe why this particular graduate program at University of Regina may help you fulfill your long term aspirationsob!ectives.

%he courses that ' primarily aspire to pursue at the )niversity of *egina will surely are kindred with my interest in power electronics, power system and electrical machine. %he M.ng in lectronics System


ngineering with the concentration in the +lectrical energy system design, Power System &esign and "ontrol "ontr ol system system design# design# will surely corroborate corroborate me with the right knowledge, dexterity, dexterity, and experience experience to accomplish accompl ish my profession professionalism alism.. orking out with the highly experienced and skilled professors in the &epart &ep artmen mentt of le lectr ctroni onics cs Sys System tem ng ngine ineeri ering ng alo along ng wit with h the emi eminent nent fac facili ilitie tiess and res resear earch ch bei being ng  provided will surely back me in my academics academics.. Additionally, the rich cultural diversity and thriving work  environment offered will remove any future inhibitions related to international exposure from my career.

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