Part III linear equation word problem
1. If A. X= B. X= C. X = D. X=
+ 4x= - x + 2, what is the value of x?
2 3
10 1 2 5 6 15 2
correct aswer! A
"i#cult "e$ree! 1
2. %x+& x+&='x( ='x() ) I the e*uatio show a'ove, ' is a costat. or what value of ' "oes the e*uatio have o solutios? A. -% B. -) C. & D. % correct aswer! D "i#cult "e$ree! 1 . If -%-%=-%-%=-2, 2, what what is is the value value of ? ? A. /= B. /= C. /= D. /=
7 3 7 7 3 −7
correct aswer! D
4. 20
−v 4
"i#cult "e$ree! 1
0 +212
hich of the followi$ 'est "escri'es the solutios to the ie*ualit show a'ove? A. -)) B. -2%2% C. 3o sol solut utio io D. All real u'er u'ers s correct aswer! C "i#cult "e$ree! 1
2 3
1 3
I the e*uatio show a'ove, ' is a costat. or what value of ' "oes the e*uatio have o solutios? A. & B. 5 C. -& D.
2 3
correct aswer! C
"i#cult "e$ree! 1
. Diitri Diitri is hel6i$ to 6la the school school talet talet show. show. 7ach 6erfore 6erforerr for the talet show has iutes for his or her 6erforace, which which iclu" iclu"es es tras trasitio itio tie tie 'etwee 'etwee 6erfor 6erfora aces ces.. If the itro"uctio for the talet show is 24 iutes lo$ a" the show will last 1&5 iutes, how a "i8eret 6erforaces ca the talet show accoo"ate? A. 21 B. 24 C. 2& D. 29 correct aswer! A "i#cult "e$ree! 2 ). :he 6ro6e 6ro6ert rt taxes taxes i a tow tow "ecre "ecrease ase as the "ista "istace ce fro the local eleetar school icreases. :he $reatest 6ro6ert taxes are 4.&;, a" for ever 15 iles fro the school, 6ro6ert taxes "ecrease ' 5.& 6erceta$e 6oits. If a house is "irectl east or west of the school a" its 6ro6ert taxes are ;, what is the "istace of that house fro the school? A. 15 i iles B. 25 i iles C. 5 iles iles D. 45 il iles es correct aswer! C "i#cult "e$ree! 2 %. Dalia is istalli istalli$ $ a tile aolo aolo save save all all of thei theirr oe oe "uri$ this tie 6erio". A. &5.55+ &5.55+25. 25.55w 55w=25 =25.55 .55+2& +2&.55 .55w w B. &5.55w &5.55w+25 +25.55 .55=25 =25.55 .55w+ w+2&. 2&.55 55 C. 25.55@&5.5 25.55@&5.55+w 5+w=2&.5 =2&.55@25.
[email protected]+w 55+w D. 25.55w+2& 25.55w+2&.55w= .55w=&5.55 &5.55+25.5 +25.55 5 correct aswer! A "i#cult "e$ree!
2. :he ass of a li*ui" solutio is 2& $ras @$ a" its volue volue is 45 illiliters @l. A seco" li*ui" solutio has the sae "esit @ g a" a volue of 255 l. hich of the followi$ e*uatios ml
'est 'est o"e o"els ls the the ass ass i $ra $ras, s, , , of the the seco seco" " li*u li*ui" i" solutio? A. 255 255 = @2& @2&@ @45 45 B. 255 55 = C. D.
8 5 5 8
= =
25 40
m 200
m 200
correct aswer! D
"i#cult "e$ree!
. . :wo ite iteri rior or a$l a$les es of a tria tria$ $le le are are co6 co6le lee et tar ar . :he :he easure of the Grst a$le is half the easure of the seco" a$le, which has a easure of xx "e$rees. hich of the followi$ e*ua e*uati tio os s 'est 'est o"e o"els ls the the su su of the the iter iterio iorr a$l a$les es of this this tria$le? A. x+2x x+2x+9 +95= 5=1% 1%5 5 B. C. D.
2 1 2 x
+x+95=1%5 @x+2x+95=1%5 +x+2x=1%5
correct aswer! B
"i#cult "e$ree!
4. A 6ar sha6e" lie lie a 6eta$o 6eta$o has four e*ual le$th le$th si"es a" oe ue*ual si"e whose le$th is & feet @ft. :he 6erieter of the 6ar is 19& ft. hat is the le$th i feet of oe of the e*ual si"es? correct aswer! 45 "i#cult "e$ree! &. asha asha has 2.& i cha$e i her 6ocet. 6ocet. :he 2.& is a"e u6 of oe *uarter 6lus a e*ual u'er of icels a" "ies. ow a icels "oes asha have i her 6ocet? correct aswer! 1 "i#cult "e$ree! . :he u'er of su'scri'ers to a certai ews6a6er ews6a6er "ecreases "ecreases ' a'out 2,555 each ear. I 2515, there were 19,555 su'scri'ers. I what ear shoul" the ews6a6er ex6ect to have a66roxiatel a66roxiatel ),555 su'scri'ers? correct correct aswer! 251 "i#cult "e$ree!
). A air6la air6lae e 'e$is 'e$is its "esce "escett to la" la" fro fro a hei$ht hei$ht of &,555 &,555 feet @ft a'ove sea level. :he air6laes hei$ht cha$es ' a'out (4555 ft ever iutes. Jou"e" to the earest iute, i a66roxiatel how a iutes will the 6lae la"? Assue that the air6ort ruwa is at sea level. correct aswer! 2 "i#cult "e$ree! %. A car "rivi$ o a strai$ht strai$ht 6ath travels travels a'out 25 feet @ft i seco seco"s. "s. Jou"e" ou"e" to the eare earest st seco" seco",, a66ro a66roxi xiate atel l how a seco"s will it tae for the car to travel 1 ile @i at the sae rate? 1 i=&,2%5 ft. correct aswer! 1 "i#cult "e$ree! 9. As a o'Eect o'Eects s "e6th 'elow the surface surface of a 'o" 'o" of salt water water icr icrea ease ses, s, so "oes "oes the the 6res 6ressu surre acti acti$ $ o the the o'Ee o'Eect ct "ue "ue to atos6heric a" water co"itios. :he rate at which 6ressure icreases is a66roxiatel 11 6ou"s 6er s*uare ich @6si for ever ever icr icrea ease se i "e6t "e6th h of 2& feet feet @ft @ft.. :he :he 6res 6ressu surre at the the surface of the water is 1& 6si. Jou"e" to the earest foot, at what "e6th will the 6ressure acti$ o the o'Eect 'e &5 6si? correct aswer! %5 "i#cult "e$ree! 45. A 6iece of woo" has a ass of 5 $ras @$ a" a volue volue of 45 cu'ic cetieters @c . A seco" 6iece of woo" has the sae "esit @
g 3
a" a volue of 245 c . hat is the ass i
$ras of the seco" 6iece of woo"? correct aswer! 1%5 "i#cult "i#cul t "e$ree!
41. 41. A eteo eteorrolo$i lo$ist st esti stiat ate es that that o a su u "a, a, the the air air te6erature "ecreases ' a'out 4N for ever 1,555 feet @ft of elevatio $ai. a certai "a, the air te6erature outsi"e a air6lae