3 Fase Preliminary Dan 4 Architecture Vision

August 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Session 3

Architecture Context: How to setup the business context & architecture architectur e vision?

TOGAF Training


Session Agenda •

Applying Iteration to ADM

Preliminary Phase

Phase A – Architectur Architecture e Vision


Applying Iteration to the ADM The Architecture Development Method (ADM) is a flexible process that can be used to support the development of architecture as a stand-alone process, or as an extension to other solution development or project management methods. Two process process styles can be adopted within the ADM for the definition of architectures: architectures: ❑

Baseline First

Target First


Activity by Iteration for Baseline First Architectur Architecture e Definition


Activity by Iteration for Target First Architecture Definition


Iteration Cycle




Achitecture Context

Initial Iteration

Establish the approach, principles, scope, and vision for the engagement.

This iteration comprises a pass through the Preliminary and Architecture Vision phases of the ADM.

Architecture Definition (Baseline First)

Ite Itera ratio tion n1

Defin Define e tthe he Bas Baseli eline ne Architecture.

This iteration comprises a pass through the Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology Architecture phases of the ADM, focusing on definition of the baseline. Opportunities, solutions, and migration plans are also Opportunities, considered to drive out the focus for change and test feasibility.

Ite Itera ratio tion n2

Defin Define e th the e Targ Target et Architecture and gaps.

This iteration comprises a pass through the Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology of the ADM, on definitionArchitecture of the targetphases and analyzing gapsfocusing against the baseline. Opportunities, solutions, and migration plans are also Opportunities, considered to test viability.

Iteration n

Refine baseline, target, and

Subsequent Architecture Definitions attempt to


correct and refinefeasible, the target toviable. achieve an outcome that is beneficial, and


Iteration Cycle




Architecture Definition (Target First)

It Iter erat atio ion n1

Defi Define ne the the T Tar arge gett Architecture

This iteration comprises a pass through the Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology Architecture phases of the ADM, focusing on definition of the target. Opportunities, solutions, and migration plans are also considered to drive out the focus for change and test feasibility.

It Iter erat atio ion n2

Defi Define ne the the B Bas asel elin ine e Architecture and gaps

This iteration comprises a pass through the Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, and Technology Architecture phases of the ADM, focusing on definition of the baseline and analyzing gaps against the target. Opportunities, solutions, and migration plans are also considered to test viability.

Iteration n

Refine baseline, target, and gaps.

Subsequent Architecture Definitions attempt to Subsequent correct and refine the target to achieve an outcome that is beneficial, feasible, and viable.


Iteration Cycle




Transition Planning

It Iter erat atio ion n1

De Defi fine ne and and agr agree ee a set set of improvement opportunities, aligned against a provisional Transition Architecture.

The initial iteration of transition planning seeks to gain buy-in to a portfolio of solution opportunities in the Opportunities & Solutions phase of ADM.

Iteration n

Agree the Transition Architecture,, refining the Architecture identified improvement improvement opportunities to fit.

Subsequent iterations of Transition Planning seek to refine the migration plan, feeding back issues into the Opportunities & Solutions phase for refinement.

It Iter erat atio ion n1

Mobi Mobili lize ze arch archite itect ctur ure e governance and change

The initial Architecture Governance iteration establishes a process for governance of change and

management processes.

also puts in place the appropriate appropriate peop people, le, processes, processe s, and technology to support managed access to and change of the defined architecture.

Carry out architecture governance and change control.

Subsequent iterations of the Architecture Subsequent Governance cycle focus on period reviews of change initiatives to resolve issues and ensure compliance.

Architecture Governance

Iteration n

This iteration also delivers a provisional Migration Plan.


Preliminary Prelimina ry Phase •

This phase prepares the organization for undertaking successful enterprise architecture projects •

Understand business environment High level management commitment Agreement on scope

Establish Establish principles governance structure Agree method to be adopted


Preliminary Phase OBJECTIVES




To review the organizational context

Scope the enterprise organizations impacted

Reference Material External: TOGAF & other architecture frameworks

Organizational model for Enterprise Architecture

To identify the sponsor stakeholder(s) To ensure that everyone who will be involved in, or benefit from, this approach is committed

Confirm governance and support frameworks Define & establish EA Team

To enable the architecture sponsor to create requirements To identify and scope the elements of the enterprise organizations To define the "architecture footprint" for the organization To define the framework and detailed methodologies To confirm a governance and support framework To select and implement supporting tools and other infrastructure infrastructure To define the architecture principles

& Organization Identify and Establish Architecture Principles Select & Tailor Architecture Frameworks Implement Architecture Tools

Non-Architectural inputs: Business Strategy Strategy & Plan, Business Framework, Governance & Legal Framework, Budget , Partnership Agreement, IT Strategy Architectural Inputs: Organizational model for EA, Existing Architecture Framework, Existing Architecture Principles, Existing Architecture Repository

Tailored Architecture Tailored Framework Initial Architecture Repository Architecture Principles Restatement of Business Principles, Goals & Drivers Request for Architecture Work


Preliminary Phase: Approach Defining the enterprise scoping 7 Evaluating the enterprise architecture architectur e maturity

Defining the relationships between management

where, what, why, who, and how we do architecture?



Identifying key drivers and elements in the organizational context

Defining the requirements for architecture work

5 Defining the framework to be used


Defining the architecture architecture principles that will inform any architecture work





Enterprise Scoping the scope will determine those stakeholders who will derive most benefit from the new or enhanced enterprise architecture. Which units that will be impacted? Who are the stakeholders?


Enterprise Scoping


Architecture Principles Define the underlying general rules and guidelines for the use and deployment of all IT resources and assets across the enterprise.

Enterprise mission and plans


Enterprise strategic initiatives


External constraints


Current systems and technology


Computer industry trends


Influenced By

Qualities & Principles


Architecture Principles Business Principles 1.

Primacy of principles 2. Maxi Maximi mize ze be bene nefi fits ts to enterprise 3. In Inffor orm mati tio on management is everybody’s business 4. Busi Busine ness ss cont contin inui uity ty 5. Common us use 6. 7. 8. 9.

application Se Serv rvic ice e or orie ient ntat atio ion n Com Complia plianc nce e with with law IT Respo espons nsib ibil ilit ity y Pro Prote tect ctio ion n of of intellectual property

Data P Prrinciples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Application Pr Principles

Data is an as asse sett Data is shared ared Da Data ta is acce access ssib ible le Data trus truste tee e Common vocabulary and data definition 6. Data sec ecu urity rity

1. Tec ech hnolo nology gy independence 2. Easyasy-of of-u -usse

Technology Pr Principles 1. Requ Requir irem emen ent-b t-bas ased ed change 2. Resp Respon onsi sive ve ch chan ange ge management 3. Co Cont ntro roll techn technic ical al diversity 4. Inte Intero rope perrab abil ilit ity y

Each principle is documented in the recommended format: Name, Statement, Rationale, Implications


Management Frameworks to Co-ordinate with TOGAF TOGAF has has to co-exist with and enhance the operational capabilities of other management frameworks that are present within any organization either formally or informally. In addition to these frameworks, most organizations have a method for the development of solutions, most of which have an IT component. componen t. The significance of systems is that it brings together the systems various domains (also known as People, Processes, and Material/Technology) to deliver a business capability


Interoperability and relationships between Management Frameworks


Planning for EA/Business Change Maturity Evaluation As a part of Organizational Organizational Model for EA, EA maturity level provide a strategic measure of the organization's organiz ation's ability to change, as well as a series of sequential steps to improve that ability

The criterias:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ad Admi mini nist strratio ation n Planning Framework Blueprint Co Com mmun unic ica atio tion Complian iance

7. Program 8. Inv Involve lvement  N  o  P   r   o  g  r   a  m

 P   I    n  r   o  f    g  o  r   r   a  m  m  a  l  

 P   R   r   e  o  p  g  e  r   a  a  t    m  a  b   l    e

 P   W  r   e  o  l    g  l    r   a D   m  e  f    i    n  e  d 

 P   M  r   a  o  g  n  r   a  a  m  g  e  d 

 P   t    m  I    C   r   V   o  o  p  n  i    t    r   g  a  t    r   o  i    n  a  l    v   m  u  e  m  o  u  n  e  s 


Planning for EA/Business Change Maturity Evaluation

The cryterias:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Ar Arch chite itect ctur ure e Pro Proce cess ss Ar Archi chitec tectur ture e Devel Developm opmen entt Busi Busine ness ss Link Linkag age e Senior Senior m mana anage geme ment nt iinv nvolv olvem emen entt Opera Operatin ting g un unit it par partic ticipa ipatio tion n Ar Archi chitec tectur ture e commu communic nicati ation on IT Security Ar Arch chit itec ectu ture re Gove Govern rnan ance ce IT Inves Investme tment nt & Acqu Acquisi isitio tion n Strategy

 N  o  n  e

 I    n  i    t    i    a  l  

D   U  e  n  v   d   e  e  l    o  r   p  m  e  n  t  

D   e  f    i    n  e  d 

 M  a  n  a  g  e  d 

 M  e  a  s   u  r   e  d 


EA Tools


Preliminary Phase  – Deliverables Organizational Model for EA

Tailored Architecture Framework

Scope of Organizational Impacted Maturity assessment, gaps and resolution approach Roles & responsibilities f or architecture team(s) Constraints on architecture work Re-use requirements requirements

Tailored architecture method Tailored architecture content (deliverables and artifacts)

Restatement of, or reference to, Business Principles, Business Goals, and Business Drivers

Architecture Principles Configured and deployed tools, including evaluation report if conducted

Request for Architecture Work

Initial Architectur Architecture e Repository

Governance Framework

Budget requirements Requests for change Governance and support strategy


Next week


Phase A – Architecture Vision •

Initiates one iteration of the architecture process •

Sets scope, constraints, expectations Required at the start of every architecture cycle

Create the Architecture Vision

Validates business context

Creates Statement of Architecture work


Phase A – Architecture Vision OBJECTIVES




To ensure that this evolution of the architecture development cycle has proper recognition and endorsement from the corporate management of the enterprise, and the support and commitment of the necessary line management

Establish the architecture project

Architecture reference material

Approved statement of Architecture Work

Non-Architectural inputs: Request for Architecture Work

Refined statements Refined statements of Business Principles, Business Goals and Business Drivers

To validate the business principles, business goals, and strategic business drivers of the organization and the enterprise KPIs

Evaluate business capabilities Assess readiness for business transformation

To define the scope of, and to identify and prioritize the components of, the Baseline Architecture effort

Define scope

To define the relevant stakeholders, and their concerns and objectives To define the key business requirements To articulate an Architecture Vision and formalize the value proposition To create a comprehensive plan To secure formal approval to proceed To understand understand the impact on, and of, other enterprise architecture development cycles ongoing in parallel

Identify stakeholders, concerns, and business requirements Confirm & elaborate business goal, business drivers and constraints

Confirm and elaborate architecture principles, including Business Principles Develop architecture vision Define the Target Target Architecture Value Value Propositions and KPIs Identify the Business Transformation Risks and Mitigation Activities Develop EA Plans and Statement of Architecture Work

Architectural Inputs: Organizational model for EA, Tailor Tailored ed Architecture Framework, Populated Architecture Repository

Architecture Principles Capability assessment Tailored Architecture Framework Architecture Vision Communication Plans Additional content populating the Architecture Repository


Scoping the architecture The Reason: ▪

The organizational authority

The objectives and stakeholder

concerns ▪ The availability of people, finance, and other resources The Approach: ▪

Enterprise Scope or Focus

Architecture Domains

Vertical Scope of Level of Detail

▪ Time Period


Phase A  – Architecture Vision (Deliverables) Statement of Architecture Work

Architecture Principles

Architecture Vision

Scope and constraints

Capability Assessme Assessment nt

Refined key high-level stakeholder requirements

Plan for the architectural work

Tailored Architecture

Baseline Business Architecture, V0.1

Roles and responsibilities

Framework (for Engagement)

Baseline Technology Architecture, V0.1

Risks and mitigating activity Work product performance assessments Business case and KPI metrics

Tailored architecture method

Baseline Application Architecture, V0.1 Tailored architecture content (deliverables & artifact) Configured and deployed tools

Refined statements of Business Principles, Business Goals, and Business Drivers

Baseline Data Architecture, V0.1

Target Business Architecture, V0.1 Target Technology Architecture, V0.1 Target Data Architecture, V0.1 Target Application Architecture, V0.1

Communication Plan


Architecture Vision – Typical Content C ontent


TOGAF ADM Artifact & Deliverables : Architecture Vision


Catalogs, Matrix, Diagrams stakeholder map matrix

Stakeholder Management


Stakeholder Management is an important discipline that successful Stakeholder architecture practitioners practitioners can use to win support from others. It helps them ensure that their projects succeed where others fail. The benefits of successful Stak Stakeholder eholder Management are that: •

The most powerful stakeholders stakeholders can be identified early and their input can then be used to shape the architecture; this ensures their support and improves the quality of the models produced. Support from the more powerful stakeholders stakeholders will help the engagement win more resource, thus making the architecture engagement more likely to succeed. By communicating with stakeholders early and frequently, the architecture team can ensure that they fully understand the architecture process, and the benefits of enterprise architecture; this means they can support the architecture team more actively when necessary. The architecture engagement team can more effectively anticipate likely reactions to the architecture architectur e models and reports, and can build into the plan the actions that will be needed to capitalize on positive reaction whilst avoiding or addressing any negative reactions.


Steps in the Stakeholder Management Process 1. Iden Identi tify fy St Stak akeh ehol olde ders rs • •

Identify the key stakeholders of the enterprise architecture. all the people who are affected by it, who have influence or power over it, or have an interest in its successful or unsuccessful conclusion. It might include senior executives, project organization roles, client organization roles, system developers, alliance partners, suppliers, IT operations, customers, etc.

2. Cla Classif ssify y Stak Stakeh ehold older er Po Posit sition ionss •

Develop a good understanding of the most important stakeholders and record this analysis for reference and refresh during the project. assess the readiness of each stakeholder to behave in a supportive manner

3. Det Determi ermine ne Stakehol Stakeholder der Manag Managemen ementt Appr Approach oach •

Work out stakeholder power, influence, and interest, so as to focus the enterprise architecture engagement on the key individuals.


Categories of Stakeholder


Stakeholder Analysis •


Stakeholder Power Grid


Catalogs, Matrix, Diagrams VALUE CHAINS DIAGRAM


Business Capabilities A capability is defined as “an ability to do something”. A business capability represents the ability for a business to do something . A business capability is a particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome.

Approach : - Top Down - Bottom Up


Business Capabilities


Business Capabilities Heat map Heat maps can show a range of different perspectives. These include maturity, effectiveness, performance, performance, and the value or cost contribution of each capability to the business

Market Planning, Government Relations Management, and HR Management are in need of immediate attention. Partner Management, Customer Management, and Tr Training aining Management have some issues but are of lower priority. Agent Management is a new business capability that the business wishes to develop


Catalogs, Matrix, Diagrams


Conclusion •

Two process styles can be adopted within the ADM Two for the definition of architectures: architectures: Baseline First & Target First Preliminary Phase prepares the organization organization for undertaking successful enterprise architecture projects The Architecture Vision provides the sponsor with a key tool totosell the benefitsand of the proposed s capability stakeholders stak eholders decision-maker decision-makers within the enterprise. Architecture Vision describes how the new capability will meet the business goals and strategic objectives and address the stak stakeholder eholder concerns when implemented.

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