3 Egyptian Mystery Manifestation Keys
May 14, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Copyright © 2022 Limitless Factor Pte Ltd All rights reserved. Published by Rita Bogart. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Notes to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The information contained in this book is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and the performance of the information is assumed by the user, and in no event shall the author.com be liable for any consequential, incidental or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information in this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read.
Individual results may vary.
Ever wonder what the hieroglyphics are saying? Yeah well so did she... This woman risked her life to find out... And she found out about a power that no one is talking about... A power so great it can create legends like Jesus and Moses. Apparently they both attended this “school” that’s still in existence today. Apparently this school taught them the key to their power. If this woman spying on them had been caught, she would have definitely been killed... And I figure if she risked her life for this information, the least we can do is to hear her out...
Click here to learn about the power that she found at the Mystery School...
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER 1: IT IS YOUR FAULT THAT YOU ARE NOT MANIFESTING ............................................................ 4 CHAPTER 2: PREPARING TO MANIFEST ...................................................................................................... 14 CHAPTER 3: THINK BIGGER IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LARGE ........................................................................ 27 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 43
The development of the world of spirituality can be traced back to the ancient history of one of the earlier nations in the world – Egypt. Even scholars have claimed that the Greek philosophy and spirituality is an offspring of the Egyptian ancient mystery school. The Egyptian mystery school covered every aspect of human existence including successes, nature, number, astrology, mathematics, and geometry among others. In this book, I will be taking you through the concepts of manifestation that are practiced by the Ancient Egypt Mystery Schools and how it works with success. Success is a popular recipe everyone strives to have in their kitchen. They want to prepare meals and even try them out on other dishes for personal and public enjoyment. A chef equipped with a fantastic recipe will not hesitate to show how indispensable he is, nor will he struggle to make ends meet because people will patronize him. In this vein, we all crave success and abundance in every positive thing life offers us. However, not many of us have access to this recipe, or should I say not everyone goes through proper apprenticeship to obtain the recipe. The Egyptian mystery school and its teachings on the human capacity to manifest their reality has stood the test of time existing for over 3000 years. Unfortunately, only a few people realize this and pay the price on time. On the other hand, some will blame circumstances for their limitations.
Many a time, we get frustrated over situations in our lives. The truth is, there is no situation that is above our control because we are spiritual beings and we have got the capacity to attract whatever realities we want to ourselves. In this book, I will show you the ancient Egyptian mystery school of ultimate wisdom and knowledge that you can utilize to manifest abundance and enjoy success in your life. The absence of knowledge will blind you and make you take the wrong steps. This book will open your eyes to the appropriate steps to take to reach abundance in every important aspect of your life and effectively reap the reward in the process. You will learn how to take responsibility for your present state even if you think you aren’t the cause of your present condition. Everyone is a product of his knowledge, circle and mindset; hence, you will see your oblivious faults responsible for your poor manifestation. As you read on, you will learn some cause to why you are not manifesting successfully. After discovering your role in the journey, you will learn to take relevant actions to change your manifestation status. These actions will make you sync to the law of abundance and success. The actions will serve as preparatory steps to reach your desired end. There you will know what to do to prepare yourself for manifesting as well as how to manifest. With these ingredients, you can get your recipe for abundance and success; so why not get to work by getting the recipe for yourself as you read the book.
It feels good to be an achiever and to be celebrated all together. Getting celebrated makes us feel fulfilled, and it serves as a reward for our toils and efforts. However, when we keep toiling without any “fruits” or any recognition, frustration sets in. At such time, we begin to doubt our credibility by giving room for despair. During such moments, only a few remember to check their actions to see if they've missed any important steps. That is for the few who bother to check; unfortunately, a large percentage of frustrated individuals don't bother to check and identify the repeated patterns in their process, not to mention of just identifying them. You might be among the few who don't check, and if you always observe your steps, congratulations! You should know that nobody is responsible for your happiness, success, productivity and even sadness; you only permit people to interfere in your life. The ultimate decision lies with you! You are not manifesting your long-coveted abundance and it is your fault. Even if there are external factors limiting you, remember that you can utilize your internal techniques like critical thinking, empathy, socializing, etcetera to remove those external barriers. It is important times that you stop being jealous and making poor remarks about your conditions. You need to identify the cause of your poor manifestations while being aware of the role you play in nurturing them.
Before delving into how you've been restricting your chances of manifesting, it is important to understand what abundance is as well as what it means to manifest it. Abundance is described as a healthy excessiveness or plenitude of something in an individual's life. It could be an abundance of friendship, opportunities, money, talent or creativity, and joy that contribute to a man's success. It is important to know that negative thoughts can be in abundance in a man's life, so we must watch out for what's excessive in our life because of their influence on our productivity. Manifesting is the ability to bring alive one's vision by maximizing one's thoughts. In short, we bring the abstract concepts and ideas we have into a concrete state by materializing things we feel, think about and believe. When this happens, we feel fulfilled because we are able to utilize what we have for the right thing. Thus, to manifest, you need to create through available materials within your reach. You can't just sit and wait for the magic to happen; manifesting involves conscious steps.
Manifesting abundance is the application of one existing resource of which knowledge is significant to obtain an excellent result. It is you living out or being a living testimony of the reservoir of money, friends, influence etc. that you have to achieve success. Since abundance has enough capacity, you can do justice by creating enough tangible results. Very few people can manifest abundance and live successfully because of the following pointers. Self-Doubt The most powerful enemy we can set against our success is ourselves. Ask yourself if you truly believe in your abilities. Do you believe you are worthy of the pictures you are painting, or do you feel inferior to those people around you? Your beliefs are an important factor to be on guard against in manifesting abundance. For instance, as a woman, if you believe you don’t have the power to lead or head any place because of your gender, you could snuff out your potential to be a leader. Neglecting the root of such beliefs is what’s limiting effective manifestation as well as being successful. If you don't shake those doubts and feelings off, you won't manifest in any way. You could have a wide range of networks and resources but never get the appropriate rest because you lack confidence. Suppose you have some juicy ideas which can make life easy for you and others, work on them instead of feeling insignificant to achieve such a feat. If all you see are flaws, then there won't be any chances to appreciate the beauty in your life. Rather than being stuck in the web of negativity, why
not embrace positivity? I advise you to shut out every negative self-talk and become your personal supporter. Poor Planning You can hinder or delay your manifesting by having little or no preparations to accommodate grand success. Desiring abundance is not enough without the right steps to carry it out. The best way to utilize any opportunity is to prepare for them; it isn't advisable to sit and wait for them without aligning ourselves to the requirements of such opportunities. For instance, a staff who gets recommended for a promotion is qualified because he/she has prepared well by excelling in his/her current position. You are not manifesting because you aren't working; it is important that you are in sync with your desires. Think about it - if you want to be the best athlete in the country or world, you need to practice hard every day and “put yourself out there” through competitions, carnivals, gatherings that are in line with your dream. Preparing for manifestations makes you more than deserving of the good stuff when it arrives. Remember that the key to manifesting is a blend of your visualization plus action.
Absence of Specification Humans are fond of exploring different things to satisfy their curiosity and to experience the thrill of the process. As we navigate through different ideas, we might take our stand or get carried away with the varieties available. Those that get carried away often reach one end; confusion. You won't manifest anything if you don't have a destination. A man without a destination is no different from a stray cat. He will be confused, miserable and frustrated because there is no end to his quest. When the excitement begins to wane, he then struggles to catch up with his peers. If all you do is jump from one project to another, then you won't be manifesting for a long time. To manifest abundance means you are aware of your goals, and then you gather relevant resources and utilize them. However, those who lack specialization won't be coordinated or able to use their resources.
When you are not specific, you won't plan; self-doubt coupled with fear and uncertainties would be your companion. Thus, if you are still confused, sit down and genuinely analyze how you want your life to be and pick a stand. Type of Environment (toxic) As popularly known, our environment is a breeding space for us, and its component determines how well we are going to be fashioned in the future. Your environment influences your thought, focus, relationships and attitude. Therefore, if you are in a place that doesn't support your dreams, then you need to leave the place. The lack of belief and what people do in an unhealthy environment will rub off on you. Here’s a scenario: a hairdresser who works in a salon where majority of the customers prefer minimal hair styling will experience dissatisfaction and complaints if he/she tries to score big with fancy hairstyles and bold colour choices. The customer base simply doesn’t appreciate his/her talent. Overtime, the hairdresser may start to doubt his/her own talent in hair designs, simply because of a lack of appreciation. Now, we all know that the best escape for the hairdresser is to leave such an environment and choose to work somewhere else that values fancy hairstyles and bold colour choices. But how many of us are truly capable of doing this? Have you ever been in this exact situation as the hairdresser, but somehow you just never thought of leaving?
This is a scenario that many of us have found ourselves in; an environment that doesn't support our dreams. It is not as easy to leave as compared to saying it, therefore, you must learn to develop antitoxins against their toxic beliefs and statements. Environments like this could be your immediate home, so you should try clearing up the air to encourage your creativity. If it becomes unbearable, then there is really no point staying. I advise you to leave for somewhere peaceful and accommodating. Don’t lose yourself just to accommodate others. Lack of Passion Another crucial thing that limits your manifestation is your lack of energy and drive. Our passions define us and identifies any direct opportunities for us. When any opportunities arise, the drive or energy we have propels us to achieve a credible result. If you aren't passionate about anything in your life, your chances of manifesting are slim. You have to have things you would go the extra mile for because such a drive isn't ordinary; it is fueled with success and vigor. How far are you willing to go to have stability in life? Being lackadaisical about life or ideas will trap you in the pit of pity, depression and stagnation. Thus, check yourself, rate your passion and see how it affects your manifestation. You need to have a proper attitude to life if you want to manifest healthily.
Impatience It's great to be innovative, dreamy and realistic. These three ingredients can command effective results because they incorporate practicality with abstractness. However, you could be too eager to get your result. If you are over-excited about anything, you could get disappointed. You won't manifest overnight, so you should avoid creating short timings for your projects. For example, expecting too much from a 5-month relationship. True that it depends on your partner, however getting things right takes time because both of you have to take deliberate steps out of sacrifice to keep the relationship alive. Results are obtained from the consistent process, which can take a long time; success is achieved with time, so you need to stop being snappy with life. Manifesting abundance is achieved through realistic steps, which are shaped with time and resources. Let your steps sync deeply with your goals and see the astonishing result.
Obsession This section could look like I am about to contradict the importance of Passion in manifesting, but it's different. Being passionate is healthy because you will take steps with your eyes and senses intact. Conversely, obsession prevents you from some realizations attached to your success. If you cling too hard to the outcome of your goals, you will develop some complexes which can stunt your productivity. Being too obsessed or attached to your results will expose you to fear and doubt. Obsession makes you see the flaws in the process, which makes you dwell on the things you don't have yet, instead of working to become the person who has the capacity for such a feat. It makes you trapped in the process, and this robs you of opportunities and enjoyment altogether. Manifesting abundance is characterized by uniting one’s available resources in order to live a fulfilled life. It involves bringing your vision alive by maximizing one's thoughts and resources. To manifest abundance, you must have internal and external control over yourself and important support around you. Friendships/relationships, creativity, money, etcetera are examples of support needed to manifest abundantly. Some factors are responsible for your poor manifestations; they can be externally caused or self-inflicted. Apart from influences beyond your control (of which your approach is important), you can hinder your manifestation through selfdoubts, poor planning, absence of Passion, obsession, impatience, etcetera.
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In this chapter, you will learn how to prepare for full manifestation. As it has been emphasized in the previous chapter, you possess the power and ability to be successful. Everything will go your way once you want it and believe it. Desire comes into reality through manifestation. You will need to prepare your heart, mindset, body and environment. It is time to stop perceiving situations negatively. Manifestation begins with positivity. Let us discuss ways to prepare for manifestation. You might want to focus a lot on this chapter. The keys to your success are right here.
Ways To Prepare for Your Manifestation
Practice peace: an unpeaceful mind cannot manifest. So, to begin your preparation for the manifestation of your goals, you need to embrace peace. Peacefulness is not emptiness or emptying out the mind. Rather, it is decluttering and then filling your mind in peaceful things. Embracing peace also involves engaging in non-chaotic or negative and harmful activities.
It would be best if you were mindful of your thoughts and activities, that is, to be cautious. Consider if an activity is good for your peace before engaging in such activity. Make sure it is peaceful. Avoid distractions and live in the moment. Simplify things; this is the essence of decluttering. Cut out things you do not need. Eat simple but healthy and spend less. Listen to soothing music as you try to declutter your thoughts and go about your day. Make use of incense. Incenses are useful for cleansing the atmosphere of your home or room; Clove, Cedar and Myrrh are examples. Prepare a peaceful and productive routine for each day, and avoid multitasking; you can use a daily planner or journal for this. Write out things you need to do first, then things you want to do, in your journal.
Practice gratitude: to begin your preparation for manifestation, you need to start practicing gratitude, be grateful for the present elements in your life, even the smallest thing. Find the good in everything and even in nothing. The ability to practice gratitude will prepare you for the greater things to come.
Connect to nature: your natural environment will play a great goal in preparing your mind for the good things to come. Take lessons from nature, like how the trees grow regardless of the weather and how the flowers bloom in all the good seasons; you can imagine yourself to these elements from nature, and study philosophies like Taoism that studies and teaches virtues derived from nature.
Surround yourself with positivity: the importance of belonging to a supportive group is not to be underestimated. If possible, surround yourself with people who are willing to manifest. If not, surround yourself
with a highly positive company. People who don't criticize you, discourage you from your path to success, or prejudice people. Be friends and acquaintances with people who value peace and your self-worth.
Spread love and practice self-love: you must understand this. Utmost care for yourself and sacrifice when need be. Prioritizing other people than yourself can be self-destructive. Create boundaries and know when to choose yourself. Do not put yourself in detrimental positions in the name of selflessness. Practice self-care and care for others. Spread positivity as well in everything that you do.
Control your thoughts: always think positively; whenever your thoughts steer towards the negative, ensure that you make a successful effort to steer it otherwise. A positive, peaceful mind will birth positive manifestations. Remember manifestation begins from the mind. You must also correct and control your subconscious, especially certain ideologies or beliefs. Clear all doubts and believe that you will get all you want. Become aware of spotting negative thoughts, so you can toss them out but do not focus on them.
Meditate: Meditation is key to self-realization and mindfulness. Meditation involves a slightly prolonged time where you attempt to train your thoughts in one particular direction. Learn to be aware of yourself. For formal meditation, you may need to set time aside. Meditation does not involve losing consciousness or mindfulness. The essence of meditation is to remain present at the moment within yourself rather than letting your thoughts wander around.
Prepare physically for the manifestation of whatever you want: manifestation is about expressing your faith in reality. Suppose you need
something to happen, it would help if you prepare for it in reality. Want to get married? Start browsing through wedding dresses catalogues, even though you don't have enough factors in setting a wedding ceremony on sail yet. You could visit a dress shop, wear the dress, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are going to get married soon. Need to move out of an apartment? You can begin by gradually pack up your stuff in boxes, even though you have no idea how to get another apartment yet. Speaking your dreams in the little way you can is key to actualizing it.
Celebrate and Value Each Achievement: See each achievement as a stepping stone to your big dreams; see each achievement in a positive light rather than playing it down. Appreciate the little things, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Celebrate your daily wins! Reward yourself for the right things you do daily and take note of it.
Imagine yourself fulfilled:
Note though, that this should not be a
frequent exercise as you might find yourself daydreaming all day or become deluded. Rather, you can indulge in imagination in your meditation sessions, once or twice a month and at the beginning of each year. Imagine yourself fulfilling every one of your goals for that year clearly. Don't just imagine; also believe it. Believe that you can achieve your dreams no matter how difficult they may seem.
How To Manifest Use words of affirmation often Say words of affirmations to yourself and into the day; you have to say it with belief and assurance. Don't just say it as a means of assurance; say it as a means of making things happen; you could look in the mirror and speak positive words of affirmation to yourself, such as: “I am going to get that deal today”
“I am going to lose seven pounds this week” “I am going to make lots of money this week” “I am going to be successful” “I am going to make a difference” “I am going to make a change this week.”
Be clear about your goals and desires Manifestation cannot be achieved in a state of confusion; you need to be clear of the goals you seek to achieve to practice manifestation. You cannot manifest a vague dream. To be rich, you must be clear on how you want to get rich. Do you want to own a chain of fast-food restaurants, be a successful actor, or be a businessman? Manifesting is not just here wishing. It entails being clear and focused on your goals and train of thoughts; it is about knowing what you want and training your thoughts in that direction. It is about being intentional about your thoughts, actions and attitudes and ensuring they are directed towards your goal. Being clear about what you want is the basis of manifesting.
Have a plan You should have a plan to begin your manifestation journey. As mentioned earlier, you need to be clear about your goals. Once you are clear about your goals, you need a game plan. You need to be certain how you are going to achieve your dream goals. Create a workable plan and stick to it.
Imbibe the attitude of gratitude Practice gratitude always. Be grateful for what you have and practice contentment, but not satisfaction. You are contented, but it does not mean you do not yearn for greater achievements and feats. However, you should be contented and be happy and grateful for your smaller feats and achievements. Be grateful even for the littlest positive factors present in your life, such as your friends or the roof over your head.
Shed Shed attitudes that may be detrimental to your success, such as pride and taking criticism negatively or ingratitude or procrastination. Shed these negative attitudes to fast-track your progression. It is important to identify negative attitudes and be able to cut them out on time. Your pattern of habits can affect your manifestation, positively or negatively.
Live in the moment Trying always to control everything hampers your manifestation negatively. Do not give in to your anxious thoughts or try to control everything; sometimes, you have to let go. Even when you get a different outcome than the one you desire, you need to let go and give in to the universe. Live in the moment and live to be happy. Do not overwork yourself. You also need to heed your intuition, especially in dilemmas, follow your heart and stick to your desires.
Take time to listen to the universe When you practice mindfulness, you take time to listen to your universe. Listen to the universe and ask for what you want; of course, the universe isn't going to talk back to you or call your phone or drop you a text. The universe knows how to throw the things you need your way and just how to set up good serendipity for you to achieve your goals. Sometimes the universe may give you less than you expected, or way more than you expected. Stay true to yourself, aim to be happy and go with the flow of the universe.
Meditate on your goals Meditation can help you be clear and focused on your goals; meditation can also help you feel at ease with yourself and the universe. Set time aside to meditate daily - morning or evening. If your schedule is not so tight, you can meditate daily. You can try to adopt different types of manifestation, such as, mantra meditation - by repeating the exact goal you want to achieve, summarized in a sentence, word or phrase, and focusing on the mantra. Yoga, Zen, Chakra, and Qigong are also types of meditation you can practice. Yoga is aimed at relaxation, while Chakra aims at making your core energy fluid, open and aligned. Qigong is an ancient and powerful meditation for aligning one's energy that you can also practice.
Use incense When practising manifestation techniques such as mantra manifestation, use incenses that insulate calm and clarity, and stress relief; examples include lavender, sages, frankincense, rose, myrrh, cinnamon, vanilla, hyacinth, sandalwood, jasmine and nagchampa. Nagchampa breeds balance, good luck and stability. While using incenses or burning, channel your energy towards your dreams or goals. Find what incense works best for you. Clear your mind before lighting up the room, breathe in the fragrance, and focus. Ask the universe for what you want while you meditate. For example, you can use jasmin, mint, clove, and cinnamon incense for financial manifestations. Focus on them while you focus on manifesting your abundance. Rose, musk and lavender are for love, and you can use lotus, eucalyptus or sage for good health and wellbeing.
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Step 1: Your Mindset Success, prosperity, finding love, being healthy, and the positive and negative stuff are a state of mind. The way you think determines your reality. A person's mindset is a person's perspective - the way a person views the world and other topics or ideas. Mindsets include ideologies and belief patterns. Mindsets affect the way an individual thrives in life, especially decisionmaking tactics and our strategies to cope and succeed. When a person thinks something is impossible, it remains impossible until they begin to think of it as a possible feat. Negative beliefs lead to negative thoughts, and negative thoughts lead to negative actions; likewise, limited beliefs lead to limited thoughts, and limited thoughts lead to limited actions. For a larger life, you need to think bigger!
Thinking bigger is one way to make your manifestation in the universe more powerful in alignment with the cosmos. Do not ever think the cosmos cannot accommodate a bigger or better you because of your background
or qualities or looks. The key to a powerful manifesto is to embrace the universe and all that is within it because the universe can give you all that. If you want to be successful, then you have to make a change, a change in your mindset. Mindsets are not unfixable, which is why all things are possible as long as you can conceive them. You need a successful mindset to be successful. Note that changing one's mindset for growth is not an overnight process. It is a constant daily effort to achieve constant growth. It might sound cliche, but never underestimate the power of positive thinking; positive thinking emits growth and success. Your mindset is like the program your mind operates with, and your thoughts and beliefs are the codes, the programming languages.
Here are what you can do to effectively change your mindset:
Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements that help correct the mindset; however unrealistic it may sound, it works. It works. Affirmations can be a mantra, truth you need to realize or see, or goals you need to achieve. Affirmations can also help you defeat self-sabotaging. It isn't just mere wishful thinking.
Although using manifestations can be tricky, it works so easily once you get the hang of it. The first thing you need to understand is that consistency is key. Choose one or two affirmations to practice at a time, instead of making a list. For example, it could be an affirmation of how you want to see yourself or think in the nearest future. For example: “I will be successful; I can do this or that.” Reading a lot of affirmations every day may not be quite helpful. Instead, focusing on one at a time makes it easier to embody and manifest.
Tips For Effective Affirmations 1. Identify: identifying what you need to change is first and foremost. Self-reflection is key to realizing and combatting limiting beliefs. Affirmations are basically baseless without identifying the core basis of a limited belief. It would just be a repeated monotonous ritual without basis. 2. Believe: have faith in your affirmations; do not just read or say your affirmations out because you have to. You need to believe and understand your affirmations beyond the words and syllables that make up the sentence or phrase. You need to make your affirmations
believable; you need to make your affirmations realistic; it is a step-bystep process. Suppose you have just a dollar. You cannot affirm that you will make a billion dollars. Instead, you can affirm in words such as my income will increase, I am going to get comfortable financially. 3. Do not cease your affirmations: although it is mostly taught that affirmations are done in the morning, which is totally not a wrong perception. You can also try to repeat your affirmations all day long at every opportunity you find. A break in the toilet, muttering to yourself as you walk on the streets before you sleep, while you take a shower and eat. You don't have to be audible all the time. You can also say it in your thoughts or write them out repeatedly in your journal. 4. Feel it: it is okay to feel vulnerable while you repeat your affirmations. Feel emotions. You do not have to maintain a strong or confident stance; it is just you and you alone. Feel all the underlying emotions to your affirmations, hurt, anger, shame, need, desperation, ambition, and passion. However, some emotions, such as doubt or disbelief, low selfesteem or worth, must be avoided. 5. Use the mirror: It can also be spiritually helpful; it is like talking to yourself, therefore more effective. When saying your affirmations, stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself. It takes affirmation to the next level spiritually. It enhances self-love as you can see yourself and all its entirety, including obvious flaws and beauties and hidden beauties and flaws.
6. Affirmations against negative thoughts: When you have a negative thought, repeat your affirmation rather than dwelling on that negative thought. Repeating your affirmation is a ready-to-go means to combat your negative thoughts instantly. 7. Make affirmations a habit: making affirmations a daily routine makes it more effective and fast-tracks a change in the mindset. 8. Practice affirmations in groups: you can also practice affirmation in groups because energies are shared, and you can appeal to the universe collectively. We can also feel more motivated when we practice affirmation in groups, especially with people capable of motivating us.
Visualization Visualizing can correct the subconscious from negative to positive over time; it is just like daydreaming except with an intention. Visualize how you
want to see yourself or perceive things frequently. You know what you want to see and you are trying to achieve that a vision. 1. Be Flexible: Adopting a flexible state of mind does not mean that discipline and integrity should be foregone. However, an individual mustn't hold on to regressive ideas, however realistic or upright they may seem. To be progressive, you have to be flexible. A single way or process is not the only way to success. Rather than thinking that you must get a specific kind of job, amount of money or qualification to progress in life, make do with what you have and improvise. The key to spiritual and physical growth is to let go and be flexible. 2. Accept and learn from your mistakes: one way to change a negative mindset is to self-reflect positively, realize one's mistakes and learn from them. Learning from your mistake is not holding on to the past; rather, it is learning lessons from your past so that they can be applied in your future and moving on. It is not spiritually healthy to hold on to the past because holding on to the past does not yield any spiritual benefits. Holding on to the past may cause progressiveness and a negative mindset. When an individual keeps expecting a negative result from the past without learning and trying something new, they remain stuck. 3. Set feasible step-by-step goals: changing one's mindset requires that one changes the perspective from which one perceives a goal. Rather than set goals that are not feasible to achieve, set smaller and
feasible goals as a stepping stone to the bigger ones. Face each goal with positivity rather than levity or negativity.
Dispel Toxic Energy Toxic energy is a great hindrance to progress or a positive mindset. In fact, toxic people are characterized by negative mindsets. It is needless to say that we must avoid negative company and toxic energy to protect your mindset.
Ways to Dispel Toxic Energy • Identify the negative influences around you: the negative influences around you could be friends, family, house, food, media you consume, ideologies you believe in, your fashion choices, or your job. You need to evaluate and identify these negative influences and determine just how to eliminate them. Cut them off with wisdom and priority. For example, suppose your job environment is toxic; you cannot just quit your job without proper planning, especially if you do not have enough savings. • Maintain boundaries: it is probably inevitable that we have to work with and interact with toxic people even if we don’t want to. One important thing to note is that we can always identify toxic people from afar. Establish and maintain boundaries. Guard your boundaries with care.
• Practice meditation and chakra: Chakra is a type of meditation that helps dispel toxic and negative energy, especially when you need to expel negative energy from within you and is a useful form of meditation, especially when you are battling an influx of negative thoughts.
• Clean up your environment: cleaning up can induce peace. It is an activity you should practice often, particularly a space that you hold close to your heart eg. Your home or even your workspace. A cluttered mind lives in a cluttered space. Apart from hygienic benefits, there are also spiritual benefits yielded from living in a clean and serene space. • Practice gratitude: complaining and not seeing the good in things breeds negativity and toxic energy. Rather than complaining all day, see the silver lining in things and the little fears and goals you have achieved. Learn to practice gratitude daily. Please take note of your daily activities and write them down. Practicing gratitude will surely attract more goodness from the universe from you.
• Be Inspired: Rather than being envious of successful individuals around you, make sure to draw inspiration from them and learn from their mistakes and their strengths. Learn from their story as a whole. However, remember to always stay true to yourself. Rather than imitate people, solve problems in your capacity and hold on to your beliefs and morals. However, do not be afraid to learn and grow because flexibility is a prerequisite for growth and positivity.
• Find peace in relaxation: Wash, take a bath and take time to reflect, using scented candles, good soothing music and maybe a glass of wine. Taking a bath is like a ritual to wash off all those negative and toxic energy around and within you. After a good shower or a good bath, you'll feel much better and more positive.
• Connect with nature: connecting with nature can also serve as means of dispelling negative energy from your mind and soul. Take a word in the park or safe part of the woods, or visit your local lake and take it in. You could also try taking vacations to countries with access to nature/ natural phenomenon – check out the wildlife safari in South Africa, climb an active volcano in Bali, see the Northern Lights in Norway. • Commit to growth: when you commit to growth, you will be willing to let go of any hindrance to your growth, such as negativity and toxic energy. Commitment allows for consistency and determination; however difficult it may seem. Also, it is helpful to be mindful of your thought processes and patterns, this way; you are at ease and ready to sieve out negative or toxic thoughts once they peek through.
• Use dry herbs or incense: burning dry herbs as incense is a spiritual exercise you can practice to dispel negative energy from your surroundings, especially in your home. The smoke from the burning cleanses the air and environment of bad energy. Use incense such as sage, juniper, rosemary and frankincense. These are useful for making cleansing smoke to cleanse negative energy and ward them off.
• Crystals Healing: crystals are useful for warding off negative energy and maintaining an atmosphere without it. With crystals, an individual can take charge of their Zen. The black obsidian forwards negative energy off as well as the black tourmaline.
• Salt Cleanse: you can use salt to cleanse your home in many ways, such as dissolving in water and sprinkling or spraying it around the home, lining corners with salt and the entrance of your home and room. You can also use Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan lamps additionally create feelings of peace and security.
Accept Criticism with Positivity One good way to begin to practice a good mindset is to accept or receive criticism with an open mind; no matter how it is received or relayed to you. Approach and dissect criticism while upholding growth as the core end of your existence. Growth should be a priority in daily living and with growth in mind, you should learn to perceive and access criticism aside from its negative connotations or how the person has related or said it. Rather than brushing off criticism or translating it as a comment borne out of grudge, self-reflect and filter out the negativity and keep the possible truths so you can work for them and be mindful of them. What you should do is to let the negative comments get to you in a healthy way for your spiritual well-being, and not be obsessing over the negative
comments or criticism and forgetting to be true to yourself or letting it hamper your self-esteem. Dealing with deconstructive and constructive criticism is important for your physical and spiritual well-being. It is key to understand that no one is above mistakes, and you are not perfect. Therefore, prioritize your goals rather than your pride.
Ways to Handle Criticism with Positivity 1. Listen carefully and honestly so you can genuinely know the intent behind the criticism. Listen calmly before even responding or taking action. Feedback and criticism may not all be intended for a negative outcome; sometimes, it is said to improve mutual living or respect. Rather than being defensive, approach the feedback with care. 2. Decide if the criticism or feedback is constructive or deconstructive. Most people who give deconstruction do not give backup explanations for what they say; they just outrightly say it to hurt you or feel bad about yourself, regardless of how true the criticism or statement may be. Also, you can decide by reflecting whether the statement is true or not. 3. Be appreciative of feedback and criticism, and thank people who give you constructive feedback and promise to improve. 4. Avoid getting defensive or angry. Relax and think before responding.
5. Limit association with toxic people. Avoid associating with people who give constructive feedback too often to belittle you or make you feel small. 6. Make plans to improve; when you receive constructive feedback and criticism, make effective plans to improve.
Step 2: Flexibility The key to being successful is being flexible. Now, being flexible does not mean that you shouldn't stay true to yourself and decisions, it tests your ability to be yourself plus being open to trying new things and facing our challenges and goals from a different perspective. Rigidity births failure. When you are stubborn and will only accept things on a particular way, this thinking is flawed. Always be open to new positive ideas, read books, meet new people, and acquire new ideas and knowledge. There are several ways to achieve an endpoint. Do not have a fixed mindset! Rather, strive to have a growth mindset.
Replace Bad habits Take note of bad habits that limit you, such as procrastination or selfsabotage. Make it a point to quit a bad habit and then pick up a good habit daily. It is a true demonstration of a rugged commitment to self-growth and improvement. Be mindful of your habits and activities, and always be keen
to take note of harmful habits. Plan your days using a daily planner to avoid dilly-dallying and procrastination, and set your priorities straight. However, do not forget to remain flexible and spontaneous.
Embrace yourself and the universe One easy way to forge ahead is to embrace yourself and the universe. Embracing yourself means self-love. Love yourself, accept yourself for who you are, and be ready to grow and develop. Make sure your goals are directed towards your happiness and fulfillment. Your goals shouldn't be focused on pleasing other people or appeasing them. Pursuing self-fulfillment is important for success. If the main driver for your goal is riches and pleasing people, and probably showing off, then you should have a rethink. The main goal of living should be happiness and fulfillment. Embrace the universe and what it has in store for you. Make sure your goals align with your passion. Ask yourself, what makes me happy? What change do I have a passion for? Are my present goals in line with my passion, interests and talents? Changing the mindset for success also involves realigning and rethinking goals in a positive light. Embrace the universe and practice gratitude, be thankful for yourself and embrace helplessness, and learn that it is okay, not be okay sometimes, but you will be okay. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Embracing the universe and what she has in stock for you is key. Go
along with the universe's flow; nothing happens just by chance. If you are not ready, the universe will not throw it your way.
Journal Positively Write out your goals daily; you can also indulge in writing about your desired future or career or family or partner. Writing positively in your journal can induce your subconscious to absorb positive energy.
How to journal positively • Avoid being too obsessive about the past. • Be in the present • Write with gratitude; write about at least five things you're grateful for daily. • Write with purpose and gratitude. • Write out goals you need to achieve and do daily. • Write about things that make you happy and pleasant memories. • Write about happy details, even the most basic things. For example, write about how happy the taste of chocolate makes you feel, or describe the details of your favorite flower or personal favorite place. • Write about the positive changes you've achieved.
This chapter must have been very enlightening and liberating. I believe staunchly that an individual's mindset influences success greatly. It is time
to manifest greatness; you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Align your mindset positively and with your passion. To propel positive growth, you have to embrace change and growth!
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Writing this book has been an uplifting spiritual experience. Hopefully, you felt the same way while reading it too. It is great that you have read this far. Manifestation is not just merely wishing hard. According to the Egyptian mystery school, it is a spiritual transition to reformation. It shows you your innate capacity of how your success relies solely on you. Manifestation is a spiritual means to freedom, liberation from circles and failure, and low selfesteem. With the power and capacity of your human soul, you can bring what does not exist in your real world into being through manifestation. In this book, you have learned ways to quit harmful habits that prevent manifestation and the key ways to prepare for manifestation. Hopefully, reading this book has been spiritually satisfying and inspiring, and you have learned ways to change and shift your mindset to think bigger. Click Here to discover these ancient secrets, and how they can grant you the life you've always wanted.
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