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October 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Siman Nelo Garcia Grade 12 Quirino HUMSS Introducon to the Philosophy of the Human Person Quarter 1 – Module 3.2  

The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

ACTIVITY ACTIVITY 2: REFLECTIONAIRE. Answer the following quesons in your notebook. 1. Examine your tree of life. Are there other potenals that haven’t borne fruit ye? How can you develop these potenals to achieve the goals you have wrien on the branches of your tree? Nothing yet, I develop those potenal of mine to achieve my goals in my life that I have wrien on branches of my tree, to make those potenals as an inspiraon and key to achieve my goals in my life.

2. From your tree do you see possibilies of a meaningful life for you? Why or why not? Yes, because through this tree I can list all of my achievements. And it can help me to be guided in achieving my goals.

2. Do your personal goals have anything to do with your fellow being? What does this show about you? Yes, because they are the reason why I am sll ghng, for me to show them that a can do more on, more than what they have thinking about me.

3. What feeling do you get when you have idened goals, and know your potenals for achieving these goals? What feelings do you get when you are


able to achieve a goal? The feeling that I have get when I have a goal that I want to g get et is bravery. The feeling that I have felt when I got able to achieve a goal that I want to be. Is I feel like I am the most happiest person in the world.

ANALYSIS Share an experience when you have faced failures. Do this by answering the guide quesons below in your notebook. 1. How do you view suering (as a blessing or as a curse)? For me it is a curse because I do not know to cope with it.

2. How do you acknowledge the help of others? I acknowledge the of others by appreciang it. For them, to make there eorts to me worthy.

3. How can forgiveness free us from anger? Forgiveness can free us from anger because it can make our heart open from the dierent types of negavety.


APPLICATION 1. What are your limitaons as a person? What are the things that you consider My limitaon as a person is when see a person who are very drunk and then they invite me to join within them. Which is for me it is not necessary. The thing that I consider is giving the importance of my health.

2. What are your strengths? What are the possible things or status s tatus that you can reach or achieve in the future? My strength is I am exible. The status or things that I will reach soon is to become a nurse, because being a nurse is needed a exible body and atude for the beer service on the paent’s. 3. What are the factors aecng your limitaons? How about possibilies? The factors that aecng my limitaon is when I got inuence with my friends to do a one thiing, even it is against on my limitaon. The possibilies of this is it can make my limitaon over. 4. Do you see yourself improving in 5 – 10 years’ me? How can you say that you are improving? Yes, I see myself improving in 5-10 years’ from now, because I have my determinaon to achieve it. 5. How can you transcend from your current limitaons? I can transcend from my current limitaon through don’t listen to people’s negavity.

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