2PAA107391-510 A en Smart Client For 800xa 5.1 Installation and Configuration PDF

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Smart Client for 800xA   Installation & Configuration

System Version 5.1

  Power and productivity for a better world



Smart Client for 800xA Installation & Configuration System Version 5.1


NOTICE This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referen referenced ced in this document support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the product specifications for the particular ABB product. ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intellectual property in the ABB products described in this document. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document. This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.


The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC and in Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC.

TRADEMARKS All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.

Copyright © 2003-2011 by ABB. All rights reserved.

Release: Doc Do cument number:

December 2011 2PAA107391-510


Table of Contents 

Table of Contents About This User Manual General .............................................. ...................... ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. .................................. ...........9 9 User Manual Conventions Conventions ............................................ ..................... ................................................ ................................................ ............................9 .....9 Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons..................................................................9 Terminology.....................................................................................................................10 Released User Manuals and Release Notes.....................................................................11

Section 1 - Introdu Introduction ction System Architecture .............................................. ...................... ............................................... ................................................ ...................................13 ..........13 Valid Combination for Node Type Type Installation ................................................. ....................... .............................16 ...16


Section 2 - Smart Smar t Client Excel® Interface Installation Prerequisites ............................................... ........................ .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .......................17 17 Installing the Smart Client Excel® Interface ..................................................... .......................... ........................................ .............18 18

Section 3 - Smart Smar t Client Installation Prerequisites ............................................... ........................ .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .......................23 23 Disable User Account Control (UAC) (UAC) ................................................. ......................... ........................................ ................25 25 Installation Procedure......................................................................................................27 Smart Client Server Installation ................................................. .......................... .............................................. ..........................30 ...30 Smart Client Client 800xA 800xA Data Data Provider Provider Installation Installation ................................................ ......................... ..........................33 ...33 Smart Client Server Server and 800xA 800xA Data Provider Provider Installation .................................40 ........................ .........40 Smart Client Aspect Installation ................................................ ......................... .............................................. ..........................41 ...41 Licensing .............................................. ...................... ............................................... .............................................. .............................................. .............................41 ......41 Loading 800xA and Smart Licenses .............................................. ...................... .............................................. ...................... 41 Installation of NLS Package............................................................................................42

Section 4 - Post Installation Verifying Installation ................................................. ......................... ................................................ ................................................ ..............................47 ......47 Firewall Settings ............................................... ........................ ............................................. .............................................. ......................................... .................49 49




Table of Contents 

Configuring the Event Services.......................................................................................50 Configuring the 800xA History Services ............................................ ..................... ............................................... ............................ .... 52 Verifying the the Data Provider Status.................................... Status........ ................................................... .............................................. ....................... 54 Loading System Extensions ............................................... ....................... ................................................. ............................................. .................... 57

Section 5 - Configuration Configuration Tools.........................................................................................................63 Object Type Configuration Tool .............................................. ...................... ................................................... ............................. 63 Date Format Configuration Tool.......................... ool.. ................................................. ................................................ ....................... 70 User Configuration Tool .............................................. ..................... .................................................. ........................................ ............... 72 Special Character Rules ................................................. ........................ ................................................. ...................................... .............. 83 Smart Client Client Database Database Backup Backup and Restore........................................ Restore................. ............................................... ............................ .... 84 Backup Command Line Tool...............................................................................84 Restore Command Line Tool ................................................ ........................ ................................................ ............................... ....... 85

Section 6 - System Upgrade


Upgrade Smart Client v2.1 to v2.2............................................... v2.2........................ .............................................. ................................... ............ 87

Appendix A - Data Providers

Communication Port ................................................. ........................ ................................................ ................................................ ............................... ...... 89 Alarm and Event (EVT800xA) ............................................. ....................... .............................................. .......................................... .................. 89 Program Name ............................................... ...................... ................................................ ............................................... ............................... ....... 89 Default Startup Command ................................................ ....................... .................................................. ................................... .......... 89 Command Line Arguments..................................................................................89 Other Parameters..................................................................................................90 ActiveX Data Object (ADO)......................... (ADO) .................................................. ................................................. ......................................... ................. 91 Program Name ............................................... ...................... ................................................ ............................................... ............................... ....... 91 Default Startup Command ................................................ ....................... .................................................. ................................... .......... 91 Command Line Arguments..................................................................................92 Other Configuration Parameters .................................................. ....................... .................................. ....... 93 COM ................ ........................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ........... .. 94 Program Name ............................................... ...................... ................................................ ............................................... ............................... ....... 94 Default Startup Command ................................................ ....................... .................................................. ................................... .......... 94




Table of Contents 

Command Line Arguments ................................................ ........................ ................................................ .................................. ..........94 94 Other Configuration Parameters..........................................................94 Distributed Data Repository (DDR) .................................................. ......................... ................................................. ..............................95 ......95 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ..................................95 .........95 Default Startup Command....................................................................................95 Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ................................96 .......96 Other Configuration Parameters..........................................................97 Browser (BRW800xA).........................................................................................97 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ..................................98 .........98 Default Startup Command....................................................................................98 Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ................................98 .......98 Other Parameters.................................................................................99 General Utilities (UTI) ............................................. ...................... ................................................ ................................................. ..............................99 ......99 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ..................................99 .........99 Default Startup Command..................................................................................100


Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ..............................100 .....100 Other Parameters...............................................................................101 PPA PPA

................ ......................... ................. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................. ................ ................ ................ ..........101 ..101 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ................................101 .......101 Default Startup Command..................................................................................101 Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ..............................102 .....102 Other Parameters...............................................................................102

Search (SEA800xA) ................................................. ........................ .................................................. ................................................. ............................103 ....103 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ................................103 .......103 Default Startup Command..................................................................................103 Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ..............................103 .....103 Other Parameters...............................................................................104 OPC DA (OPCDA800xA).............................................................................................105 Program Name ............................................ ..................... .............................................. ................................................ ................................105 .......105 Default Startup Command..................................................................................105 Command Line Arguments .................................................. ......................... .................................................. ..............................106 .....106 Other Parameters...............................................................................109




Table of Contents 

OPC HDA (OPCHDA800xA).......... (OPCHDA800xA).................................. ............................................... .............................................. .............................. ....... 109 Program Name ............................................... ...................... ................................................ ............................................... ............................. ..... 109 Default Startup Command ................................................. ......................... ................................................. ................................ ....... 109 Command Line Arguments................................................................................110 Other Parameters............................................ Parameters..................... ................................................ ................................................ ........................... .... 111





About This User Manual General Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user access, password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc., represent possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider based on a risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk assessment, as well as the proper implementation, configuration, installation, operation, administration, and maintenance of all relevant security related equipment, software, and procedures, are the responsibility of the user of the 800xA System.


The Smart Client for 800xA is an application that retrieve r etrievess information from the System 800xA to a personal computer located within a process plant or in a remote location. This user manual is recommended for the users having knowledge of using the 800xA system.

Co nventions User Manual Conv entions

Microsoft Windows Windows conventio conventions ns are normally used for the standard presentation of material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen elements, etc.

Warning, Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons This User Manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to point





About This User Manual  

out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows: Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in electrical shock. Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in  personal injury. Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result in corruption of software or da damage mage to equipment/property equipment/property.. Information icon alerts the reader r eader to pertinent facts and conditions. Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to use a certain function Although Warning Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, fully comply with all Warnin Warning g and Caution notices.



A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA System Guide Functional Description (3BSE038018*). The listing includes terms and definitions that apply to the 800xA System where the usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions giv given en in standard dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms. Term/Acronym



Dynamic Data Repositor y component which is a par t of Smar t Client Server.

For a list of Smart Client terminologies, refer to Smart Client for 800xA, User Guide (2PAA106886*) .




  About This User Manual

Released User Manuals and Release Notes  

Released User Manuals and Release Notes A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) . System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is updated each time a document is updated or a new document is released. It is in pdf format and is provided in the following ways:

Inc Includ luded ed o on n th thee do docum cument entati ation on medi mediaa pr prov ovide ided d wi with th tthe he ssyst ystem em aand nd p publ ublish ished ed to ABB SolutionsBank when released as part of a major or minor release, Service Pack, Feature Pack, or System Revision.

Pub Publis lished hed to A ABB BB Sol Soluti utions onsBan Bank kw when hen a U User ser Ma Manua nuall or Rel Releas easee No Note te iiss updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first bullet. A product bulletin is published each time System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA00 (3BUA000263*) 0263*) is updated and published to ABB SolutionsBank.





Released User Manuals and Release Notes

About This User Manual  





Section 1 Introduction The Smart Client for 800xA is an application that retrieve r etrievess information from the System 800xA to a personal computer located within a process plant or in a remote location. The Smart Client application includes functions to graphically present real-time data in any format. The data can be retrieved from an ABB control system connected to the 800xA System or any third party control system connected to the 800xA System through OPC or other protocols. The Smart Client for 800xA provides intelligent data access and display features to assist the personnel for decision making and thereby improving performance.

System Architecture


The Smart Client for 800xA consists of the following four components: 1.

Smar Smartt Clie Client nt Ser Server - The Smart Client Server is a web server that can be installed in the Microsoft Windows Server node. The configured data is stored and retrieved from the Smart Client Server.


Smart Client Data Provider - The Smart Client Data Provider is an application to which the server application of the Smart Client connects, to fetch information. The Data Provider must be installed in an 800xA node with Information Management or an 800xA Connectivity node. Some of the data providers are OPC DA and OPC HDA.

The Events do not function if the Smart Client Data Provider is installed in an 800xA Connectivity node. This supports only the data access, history data access, PG2 graphics, and PPA trend. 3.

Smart Client Aspect Node - The Smart Client configuration aspects in the 800xA system, that is, the services related to Smart Client in the 800xA system




System Architecture

Section 1 Introduction  

and the Smart Client objects created in the 800xA workplace, are installed in the Smart Client Data Provider Node by default. To view these aspects from any 800xA node (other than the Smart Client Data Provider Node), the Smart Client Aspect Node installation is required. 4.

Smart Client Desktop Node - The Smart Client Desktop is a .NET application downloaded downloade d from a web server server.. It uses a TCP/IP network to connect to the Smart Client Server and subscribes to real time data. The data is fetched from the Smart Client Data Provider.

The Smart Client Desktop allows the user to create presentation displays. These displays are used to monitor different areas in a process plant. The Smart Client Desktop also allows the user to use the existing PG2 graphic displays created in the 800xA system. Trend displays can also be used from the 800xA system. Figu gure re 1 shows the architecture of the Smart Client application. Fi





Section 1 Introduction

System Architecture  

  Figu igurre 1. Sys System tem L Layo ayout  ut  The Smart Client Desktop is launched through the Internet Explorer Explorer.. This connects to the Smart Client Server through a TCP/IP port and subscribes to real-time data. The real-time data is retrieved from the Smart Client Data Provider Node .

The Smart Client Data Provider must be a part of the 800xA system, in a node with Information Management or in a Connectivity Server Server.. The Smart Client Data Provider connects to the 800xA system to subscribe to data, which is retrieved from an ABB control system connected to the 800xA system.




Valid Combination for Node Type Installation

Section 1 In Introduction  

The Smart Client product consists of a distributed set of server nodes and Smart Client Desktop nodes residing on a network. The Client/Server network is used for communication between the servers. The Control network is used to connect controllers to the servers. This is a Local Area Network (LAN) that is optimized for f or high performance and reliable communication with good response times. An aspect server provides the aspect directory and services related to object management, object names, structure names, and security to access the aspects and objects. A connectivity server provides access to controllers.

Valid Combination for Node Type Installation This section provides information on the nodes where the Smart Client components can be installed. 

Smart Cl Client Aspect No Node


The Smart Client Aspect Node installation must be done only in an 800xA node. The Smart Client Aspect Node installation provides the option to engineer Smart Client related objects available in the 800xA system. •

Smar Smartt Cli Clien entt Dat Data a Provide viderr Node Node

The Smart Client Data Provider installation can be done in an 800xA node with Information Management (this is preferable). The events in Smart Client will be available available when the Smart Client Data Provider is installed in an 800xA node with Information Management. The Smart Client Data Provider can also be installed in an 800xA Connectivity Server. In this case, the 800xA based events will not be available in Smart Client. The Smart Client Aspect Node is automatically installed on installing the Smart Client Data Provider. •

Smart Cl Client Se Server No Node

The Smart Client Server Node must be installed in an independent machine (this is preferable). It is also possible to combine the installation of the Smart Client Data Provider and Smart Client Server.




Section 2 Smart Client Excel ® Interface Installation This section describes the procedure to install the Smart Client Excel® Interface application. For more information on using the Smart Client Excel® Interface application, refer to Smart Client for 800xA, Smart Client Excel® Interface (2PAA107390*).



The following prerequisites should be installed on the Smart Client node before installing the Smart Client Excel® Interface: 1.

Mic Micros rosoft oft Of Offi fice ce 200 2007 7 Suit Suitee w with ith SP2 Ins Instal talled led..


Mi Micr cros osof oftt E Exc xcel el 2 201 010 0 mu must st b bee in inst stal alle led. d.


Ad Adob obee Re Read ader er 5. 5.0 0 or ab abo ove ve..


Pa Patch tch IInst nstall allati ation on Order Order ((for for th thee All U User serss Ins Instal tallat lation ion Opti Option) on) –

Ins Instal talll the pat patch ch KB KB976 976477 477 afte afterr ins instal tallin ling g th thee Mic Micros rosoft oft O Off ffice ice 200 2007 7 Suite with SP2 (this must be a manual installation, the patch should be download and installed as distribution is not allowed in the Installer).

Ins Instal talll the patc patch h KB9 KB9802 80210 10 af after ter iinst nstall alling ing the the pa patch tch K KB97 B97647 6477 7 (th (this is mu must st be a manual installation, the patch should be download and installed as distribution is not allowed in Installer).


Windo indows ws Ins Installe tallerr (Th (This is is availab available le b by y def default ault iin nW Windo indows ws 7 Opera Operating ting System).


.NET Frame Framework work 3.5 SP SP1 1 (Th (This is is availab available le b by y def default ault iin nW Windo indows ws 7 O Operat perating ing System).




Instal Ins tallin ling g the the Smart Smart Clien Clientt Excel® Excel® Inte Interf rface ace

Sectio Section n 2 Smart Smart Client Client Exce Excel® l® Inter Interfa face ce Insta Installa llatio tion  n 


Pr Prim imar ary y In Inte tero rop p As Asse semb mbli lies es 200 2007 7


The V Visu isual al St Studi udio o 200 2005 5T Tool oolss for Of Offic ficee run runtim timee (vst (vstor or 3.0 SP SP1). 1).

 ®  Interface Installing the Smart Client Excel ®   Interface Execute the following steps to install the Smart Client Excel® Interface: Click Back to navigate to the previous wizard pages. Click Cancel to cancel the installation. 1.

Double-click the Setup.exe file located in the root directory of the CD drive. Figu re 2 appears if the prerequisites are not installed in the system. Figure

  Figu igure re 2. Prer Prerequ equisi isites tes

– 2.


Click Install to install the prerequisites.

The Welcome Wizard (see Figu Figure re 3) appears after installing the prerequisites.



Sectio Sec tion n 2 Smart Smart Client Client Excel® Excel® Inter Interfa face ce Inst Install allati ation on

Figur Figuree 3. Welcom elcomee window


Instal Installin ling g the the Smart Smart Clien Clientt Excel Excel® ® Interf Interface  ace 


Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program wizard appears (see Figu Figure re 4).

Figur Figuree 4. Ready to In Install stall windo window w




Instal Ins tallin ling g the the Smart Smart Clien Clientt Excel® Excel® Inte Interf rface ace

Sectio Section n 2 Smart Smart Client Client Exce Excel® l® Inter Interfa face ce Insta Installa llatio tion  n 


Click Install to begin the installation.


re 5). Click Next. The Select Installation Folder wizard appears (see Figu Figure Click Browse to specify the installation path. By default, the path is C:\ Program Progr am Files\ ABB\ ABB Smart Client Excel Interface.

  Figur Figuree 5. Selec Selectt Installat Installation ion F Folder  older 


Click Next to continue the installation. The Confirm Installation wizard appears (Fi (Figu gure re 6).




Sectio Sec tion n 2 Smart Smart Client Client Excel® Excel® Inter Interfa face ce Inst Install allati ation on

Figur Figuree 6. Conf Confirm irm Instal Installation lation

Instal Installin ling g the the Smart Smart Clien Clientt Excel Excel® ® Interf Interface  ace 



Click Next to proceed with the installation.


Click Close after the successful installation of Smart Client Excel® Interface Figu gure re 7). (see Fi




Instal Ins tallin ling g the the Smart Smart Clien Clientt Excel® Excel® Inte Interf rface ace

Figur Figuree 7. Instal Installatio lation n Comple Complete te

Sectio Section n 2 Smart Smart Client Client Exce Excel® l® Inter Interfa face ce Insta Installa llatio tion  n 


For more information, refer to Smart Client for 800xA, Smart Client Excel ®   Interface (2PAA107390*) (2PAA107390*).




Section 3 Smart Client Installation This section includes the procedure to install the Smart Client application for different Smart Client node types when retrieving data from an 800xA system.

Prerequisites Tab able le 1 shows the prerequisites to be installed in different nodes to use the Smart Client application.


Table 1. Pre Prere requisit quisites es for eac each h Node Prerequisites

To be Installed in Smart Client Nodes

Internet Information Services 7.0 (see Enabling Internet Information Services (IIS))) (IIS)

Smart Client Server

Internet Int ernet Explorer Explorer 6.0 and later later versi versions ons

Smart Smart Client Client Server Server Smart Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop

Adobe Reader 5.0 or above

Smar t Client Ser ver Smart Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop

Oracle 11g, installed with 800xA Information Management node (optional)


Smart Client Data Provider (for viewing Events in Smart Client)




Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  

Table 1. Pre Prere requisit quisites es for eac each h Node Prerequisites

To be Installed in Smart Client Nodes

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime Libraries (is available on the Smart Client media and prompts if it is not available in the system to install. Hence no manual installation is required.)

Smart Client Server

Microsoft Visual J# .Net Redistributable Package 2.0

Smart Client Server

Smart Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop

Smart Client Data Provider

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (is Smart Client Server available on the Smart Client media and Smart Client Data Provider available as default option in Windows 7 Smart Client Desktop Operating System. Hence it need not be installed for Windows 7)


Tab able le 2 shows the Operating System which is compatible with the different nodes. Table 2. Oper Operating ating S System ystem for eac each h Node Supported Operating Systems

Windows Ser ver 2003

Smart Client Nodes

Smar t Client Server Smart Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop

Windows Ser ver 2008

Smar t Client Server Smart Client Desktop Smart Client Data Provider

Windows XP

Smar t Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop

Windows 7

Smar t Client Data Provider Smart Client Desktop




Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation

Disable User Account Control (UAC)  

Tab able le 3 shows the versions of the Smart Client Data Provider and the Smart Client Server that supports the corresponding version of the 800xA system. Table 3. Suppo Supported rted versi versions ons 800xA System

Smart Client Data Provider

Smart Client Server

System Version 5.0 SP2 Rev D

Version 2.1 SP1

Version 2.2

System Version 5.1 Rev A

Version 2.2

Version 2.2

System Version 5.1 FP1

Version 2.2

Version 2.2

Disable User Account Control (UAC) Perform the following procedure to disable UAC. Windows Server 2008



Op Open en Win indo dows ws Co Cont ntro roll P Pan anel el..


Cha Change nge Wind indow owss Co Contr ntrol ol P Pane anell to C Clas lassic sic Vie iew w.


Double-click User Accounts.


Select Turn User Account Control on or off .


Clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer check box and click OK.

Windows 7


Op Open en Win indo dows ws Co Cont ntro roll P Pan anel el..


Cha Change nge Wind indow owss Co Contr ntrol ol P Pane anell to L Lar arge ge IIcon conss vi view ew..


Click User Accounts.


C hange User Account Control Settings. Select User Accounts > Change


Sl Slid idee tthe he bar bar to Ne Neve verr no noti tify fy aand nd cl clic ick k OK.

Enabling Internet Information Services (IIS). Configure the following roles in the

Internet Information Services 7.0:




Disable User Account Control (UAC)

Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation  

This configuration is only required if the Smart Client Server component is installed in the Windo Windows ws 7 or Window Windowss 2008 Server operating systems. To verify that IIS is enabled, execute the following steps: 1.

In Win indo dows ws 7, na navi viga gate te to Internet Information Services in Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off  and  and configure the roles specified in Step 3.


In Win indo dow ws 2 20 008 Se Serv rveer,




Navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.


In the Server Manager dialog, select Roles in the left window pane.


In the Server Manager dialog, select Roles Summary and click Add Roles in the right window pane.


In the Add Roles Wizard dialog, select Server Roles and select the Web Server (IIS) check box.


Select Role Services in Web Server (IIS) and configure the roles specified in Step 3.


Conf Configure igure the fo follo llowing wing roles for th thee W Windo indows ws 7 and W Windo indows ws 20 2008 08 Ser Server ver operating systems. a.

Web Management Tools (in Windows 7) or Management Tools (in Windows 2008 Server)

IIS Management Console

IIS IIS M Man anag agem emen entt S Scr crip ipts ts an and d Tools ools

IIS M Maanagement S Seervice


Application Development  Features



.NET E Ex xtensibility

AS ASP P (T (The he d dep epen ende dent nt ffea eatu ture re ffor or A ASP SP iiss IS ISAP APII Ex Exte tens nsio ion) n)



Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Installation Procedure  

ISAPI Filters

Server Side Includes



Basic A Au uthentication

Request Filtering

Windows A Au uthentication


Common HTTP Features

Default D Do ocument

Static Content

Directory Browsing

HTTP Errors

HTTP R Reedirection

Installation Procedure


Execute the following steps to install Smart Client application: Double-click th thee Setup.exe file located in the root directory of the CD drive.


Figu Figure re 8 appears if the prerequisites are not installed in the system. The system detects only the following software:  •

Mi Micr cros osof oftt .N .NET ET Frame amework ork 3. 3.5 5 SP1 SP1 Micro Microsof softt Vis Visua uall J# J# .NE .NET T Redi Redist strib ribut utab able le Packag ackage e 2.0 2.0

Mi Micr cros osof oftt Vis Visua uall C++ C++ 2008 2008 Runt Runtim ime e Lib Libra rari ries es

Microsof osoftt XML 4.0 SP3 SP3 par arse serr

The remaining software specified in Prerequisites Prerequisites should  should be installed manually by the user.




Installation Procedure

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  

Figu igure re 8. Prer Prerequ equisi isites tes



Click Install to install the prerequisites.


The Welcome Wizard appears after installing the prerequisites.


Click Next to proceed. The Installation Type wizard appears to select the type re 9). of installation (see Figu Figure



Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Figur Figuree 9. Selec Selecting ting Inst Installati allation on T Type ype


Installation Procedure  


Select the Server Node check box for installing the Smart Client Server 30). (see Smart Client Server Installation on Installation on page 30).

Select the 800xA Data Provider Node check box for installing the Smart Client Data Providers (see Smart Client 800xA Data Provider Installation  Installation  on page 33). 33). The Aspect Node check box is selected automatically, and the user cannot clear the selection of this check box.

Select the Aspect Node check box for installing the Smart Client aspects 41). (see Smart Client Aspect Installation on Installation on page 41).

Select the Server Node check box and the 800xA Data Provider Node  check box for installing the Smart Client Server and the Smart Client Data Provider on the same node (see Smart Client Server and 800xA Data Provider Installation on Installation on page 40). 40).



Smar t Client Server Installation

Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation  

Smart Client Server Installation Before installing the Smart Client Server: (a) A Windows user account should be created. This user account should have the privileges of an Administrator account. The Windows Windows user account can be a local user or must exist on the same domain as the Smart Client Server. (b) The user should install the Central Licensing Server (CLS). For more information on CLS, refer to System 800xA, Configuration (3BDS011222*). (c) The user should install Internet Information Services 7.0. For more information, refer to Enabling Internet Information Services (IIS). (IIS) . Execute the following steps to install the Smart Client Server: 1.

re 9). Select the Server Node check box as the installation type (see Figu Figure


Click Next. The Smart Client Server Details wizard appears (see Fi Figu gure re 10 10). ).


Figu igure re 10. Ser Server ver Det Detail ailss




Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation

Smar t Client Ser ver Installation  


In Smart Client administrator account, enter the Windows administrato administratorr account name (created in Step (a) in the above information). By default, the account name is Administrator .


Select the Security Level as High or Low. By default, the security level is  High.


High - If the Windo Windows ws user account does not exist in the same domain as the Smart Client Server, the system prompts for a user name and password for a valid Windows account. The Windows user account must be registered in the Smart Client user database av available ailable in the Smart Client Server.

Low - A remote user is allowed to access the Smart Client Server without providing a user name and password, if the Windo Windows ws user account is registered in the Smart Client user database.

Click Next. The Choose Destination Location wizard appears (see Fi Figu gure re 11 11). ).


Figur Figuree 11. Selec Selecting ting Dest Destinat ination ion Loca Location tion




Smar t Client Server Installation

Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation  


Click Browse and select the destination folder to install the Smart Client Files \ ABB Smart Server.. By default, the destination path is C:\ Program Files Server Client .


A su summa mmary ry o off th thee in insta stalla llatio tion n se setti ttings ngs is d disp isplay layed ed ((see see Figu Figure re 12 12). ).

Figu igure re 12. Re Revie view w Set Settin tings gs


Click Next to continue the installation. The InstallSheild Wizard Complete  wizard appears on completing the installation (see Fi Figu gure re 13 13). ).




Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Figur Figuree 13. Instal Installatio lation n Compl Complete ete


Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation  


Click Finish to complete the installation.

Smart Client 800xA Data Provider Installation A Windows user should have the Administrator privileges. The Smart Client 800xA Data Providers should be installed on an 800xA Connectivity Server or 800xA Information Manager node. The 800xA events are not visible in the Smart Client if the 800xA Data Provider is installed in the 800xA Connectivity Server Server.. This displays only the real-time values and basic history. To access the Information Management History and Events, install the 800xA Data Provider on an 800xA node with Information Manager. Execute the following steps to install the Smart Client 800xA Data Provider: 1.


Select the 800xA Data Provider Node check box as the installation type (see Figure Figu re 9).



Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  

On selecting the 800xA Data Provider Node check box, the Aspect Node  check box is selected by default.


Figur Figuree 14. 800x 800xA A Data Pr Provid ovider er Node and Asp Aspect ect Node



Figu gure re 15 15). ). Click Next. The System Name wizard appears (see Fi



Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Figur Figuree 15. Syste System m Name Detai Details ls


Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation  


In System Name, enter a name of the 800xA System (this is preferred) or any user specific string (for example, PM1, Mill1, Power). The System Name is used to configure the of Smart Client Services in this node. This is also used as a reference when browsing for Tags Tags in the Smart Client application. By default the System Name is set to Computer Name that can be modified by the user. NOTE: The System Name must be unique among the Data Provider node installation.



Click Next. The Smart Client Server Node Host Name wizard appears (see Figu gure re 16 16). ). Fi



Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  


Figur Figuree 16. Smart Cl Client ient Se Server rver Nod Nodee Host De Details tails


In DNS host name or IP address, enter the host name or IP address of the Smart Client Server Node. The Smart Client Data Provider Node will connect to the corresponding Smart Client Server Node. Step 6 to St Steep 10 10 is  is applicable only for the Smart Client Data Provider installation in an 800xA Information Manager node.



Click Next. The Smart Client Common Database Node wizard appears (see Fi Figu gure re 17 17). ).




Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation  


Figur Figuree 17. Smart Cl Client ient Com Common mon Dat Database abase No Node de


Sele Select ct tthe he ccom ommo mon n da data taba base se b by y se sele lect ctin ing g th thee Common database node check box. If there are several data provider nodes, only one of them must be assigned to be the common database node.




re 18 18). ). Click Next. The Oracle Information wizard appears (see Figu Figure



Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation

Figur Figuree 18. Orac Oracle le Inform Information ation


Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  


Select the Install Smart Client Oracle option to create the Oracle database tables for Smart Client.

10. In Password, enter a password for the Oracle user system. By default, the password for the user System is OCSHIS  and  and the password for the user ops$ocshis is ocshis. 11. Click Next. The 800xA System Software Account wizard appears (see Figu re 19 19). ). Figure




Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Smar t Client 800xA Data Provider Installation  


Figur Figuree 19. 800xA S System ystem S Softwar oftwaree Acco Account  unt 

12. Ente Enterr the use userr name an and d pass password word to acces accesss the 800 800xA xA syst system. em. 13. Click Next. The Port Number wizard appears (see Fi Figu gure re 20 20). ). By default, the port number is 19131.




Smart Sm art Clie Client nt Serv Server er and and 800x 800xA A Data Data Prov Provid ider er In Inst stal alla lati tion on

Figu igure re 20. Port Num Number  ber 

Sect Sectio ion n 3 Smart Smart Clie Client nt In Inst stal alla lati tion  on 


14. Click Next and execute Step 5 to Step 8 (see Smart Client Server Installation Installation)) to complete the installation.

Smart Client Server and 800xA Data Provider Installation Installation Execute the following steps to install the Smart Client Server and the 800xA Data Provider on the same node:



Select the Server Node and 800xA Data Provider Node check boxes as the installation type (see Figu Figure re 9).


Click Next and execute Step 2 to Step 4 (see Smart Client Server Installation Installation). ).


Steep 14 14 (see  (see Smart Client 800xA Data Click Next and execute Step 3 to St Provider Installation). Installation).



Section 3 Sm Smar t Client Installation

Smar t Client Aspect Installation  

Smart Client Aspect Installation A Windows user should have the Administrator privileges. The Smart Client aspects should be installed in the 800xA Aspect Server and other nodes where the Smart Client aspects should be shown. Execute the following steps to install the Smart Client Aspects: 1.

Select the Aspect Node check box as the installation type (see Fi Figu gure re 9).


Click Next and execute Step 5 to Step 8 (see Smart Client Server Installation Installation)) to complete the installation. If the Smart Client application is opened in Data Provide node during the network cable disconnect/connect, client should be re-launched. Smart Client will connect automatically in Server node or in any client.



The 800xA License Server is used for Smart Client licensing. The 800xA License Server must exist in the same Windows domain as the Smart Client Data Provider.

Loading 800xA and Smart Licenses

To load the licenses, refer to the Central Licensing System (CLS) section in System 800xA, Installation (3BSE034678*). Select License Entry from Start > All Programs Programs > ABB Industrial IT 800xA > System > Licensing  and verify if the feature SMART_CLIENTPG2 exists in 800xA Operations .




Installation of NLS Package

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  

The Qty column corresponding to the SMART_CLIENTPG2 feature specifies the quantity of licenses. For example, if Qty is 5, only five clients can access the information from the current Smart Client Data Provider Node. If the sixth client tries to access the Smart Client Data Provider Node, the message User don't have valid license for system name(s):, . So, limited  functionalities available appears, where  and  are the Smart Client Data Provider Node names. The clients can access the node with limited functionality functionality,, that is, the DA, HDA, and Event List will not function, f unction, the Browsers display No System for the corresponding node, the properties will not be subscribed, and the panels containing subscribed properties will be blank.

Installation of NLS Package Package


Install the Native Language Support (NLS) package to localize the Smart Client application. The current version of the Smart Client application only supports the Swedish language package. Execute the following steps to install the NLS package for the Smart Client application: 1.


Execute the setup.exe file in the Language Package folder.



Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Installation of NLS Package  


Figur Figuree 21. Langu Language age P Pack ackage age Installa Installation tion


Click Finish to complete the installation.


Select Region and Language in Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language option.


Se Sele lect ct th thee llan angu guag agee ffor orma matt tto o Swedish (Sweden).




Installation of NLS Package

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  

  Figur Figuree 22. Re Regional gional Setti Settings ngs


Click Apply and then OK to save the changes. The titles in the Menu bar, Context menu, Tren Trends, ds, Events, Panels, and Workplace in the Smart Client Desktop application will be localized to the selected language format after the NLS Installation.




Section 3 Smar t Client Installation

Installation of NLS Package  

Verify the text strings in the .csv file in the Language Package folder folder.. The user can change the Swedish text if required, in this .csv file.





Installation of NLS Package

Section 3 Smar t Client Installation  





Section 4 Post Installation Verifying Installation This section describes some basic checks to verify the installation of the Smart Client application. Smart Client Server Node

Execute the following steps on the Smart Client Server Node: 1.


Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features  if this node is installed in the Windo Windows ws 2008 Server operating systems. Navigate to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs  if this node is installed in the Windo Windows ws 2003 Server operating system.


Verify that ABB Smart Client 2.2 is shown in the list of installed products.


Navigate to Start > Programs > ABB Smart Client > Program Supervision Manager. In the Program Supervision Manager, verify that the COM  and  and DDR services are in the Running Status (represented by a Green icon).


In the Int Intern ernet et Exp Explor lorer er,, spec specify ify the add addres resss http:// / SC . This must launch the Smart Client Desktop component. A download prompt will appear for the first time while launching the Smart Client Desktop.

Smart Client Data Provider Node

Execute the following steps on the Smart Client Data Provider Node: 1.


Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features  if this node is installed in the Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server operating systems.



Verifying Installation

Section 4 Post Installation  

Navigate to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs  if this node is installed in the Windo Windows ws 2003 Server operating system. 2.

Verify that ABB Smart Client 2.2 is shown in the list of installed products.


Navigate to Start > Programs > ABB Smart Client > Program Supervision Manager. In the Program Supervision Manager, verify that the services, ADO,  BRW800xA, OPCDA800xA , OPCHDA800xA , PP PPA A, SEA800xA, and UTI800xA  are in the Running Status (represented by a Green icon).   Various parameters of a Data Provider can be configured. One of the parameter is explained in the following. For example, the Data Provider/Service BR BRW800XA W800XA has a parameter alivetimeout as 60 by default. If the Browsed object has more than 10000 child objects, it may take more time to browse the object resulting in Data Provider  /Service restart. Hence the timeout number ha hass to be increase increased d for the parameter parameter.. To change to a higher timeout for the -alivetimeout parameter, follow the below steps:


1. Stop the corresponding Data Provider by selecting Stop from the right-click menu option on the DataProvider. DataProvider. DataProvider appears as Red icon. 2. Double-click on the DataProvider. DataProvider. A dialog box with the Title Properties -  appears. 3. Select the page Program and change the command line with the modified alivetimeout. To change the Maximum number of restarts allowed for a DataProvider, follow the above steps 1 and 2 to get the pop-up dialog box. Select the page Restart and set the value for Max Restarts. 4.

In tthe he 8 800 00xA xA P Pla lant nt E Exp xplo lore rerr W Wor orkp kpla lace ce:: a.


Veri rify fy th that at th thee ob obje jecct IP800xA, IP800xA Folder  Folder  is  is created in the Control Structure.



Section 4 Post Installation


Firewall Settings  

Verif erify y th that at th thee se serv rvic icee PpSpAlarmEvent, Service is created in the Service Structure.

Smart Client Aspect node

The Smart Client Aspect node is only used to configure the Smart Client PpSpAlarmEvent service. To To verify the installation of the Smart Client Aspect node component, execute the following steps: 1.

Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features  if this node is installed in the Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server operating systems. Navigate to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs  if this node is installed in the Windo Windows ws 2003 Server operating system.


Verify that ABB Smart Client 2.2 is shown in the list of installed products.

Firewall Settings


This section describes the Firewall Settings to be done for the Smart Client application. The port used on the Smart Client Server for any inbound or outbound communication is 19131 if the default port is used (see Figu Figure re 20 20). ). The Smart Client Data Provider or the Smart Client Desktop nodes use the Dynamic or Ephemeral ports (49152 - 65535) to t o connect to the Smart Client Server. Server. To configure a hardware firew firewall all switch ffor or this scenario, the following settings must be done for the effecti effective ve communication between the Smart Client Server, Smart Client Data Provider, and the Smart Client Desktop nodes. •

All Allow ow Por Portt Ra Range nge:: 49 49152 152 - 65 65535 535 fro from m Sm Smart art Cli Client ent Dat Dataa Pr Prov ovide iderr (O (Outb utboun ound) d) to Smart Client Server (Inbound).

All Allow ow Onl Only y Po Port: rt: 19131 19131 from from Sma Smart rt Cl Clien ientt Se Serv rver er (O (Outb utboun ound) d) tto o Sm Smart art Cli Client ent Data Provider (Inbound).

Al Allo low w Po Port rt R Ran ange ge:: 49 4915 152 2 - 65 6553 535 5 fr from om S Sma mart rt C Clie lient nt Des Deskt ktop op N Nod odee (Outbound) to Smart Client Server (Inbound).

All Allow ow Onl Only y Po Port: rt: 19131 19131 from from Sma Smart rt Cl Clien ientt Se Serv rver er (O (Outb utboun ound) d) tto o Sm Smart art Cli Client ent Desktop Node (Inbound).




Configuring the Event Services

Section 4 Post Installation  

Configuring the Event Services The configuration of Event Services must be done on the Smart Client Data Provider Node. Execute the following steps to create an 800xA Event service: 1.

Right-click PpcSPAlarmEvent service in Service Structure > Services and select New Object from the context menu.


Enter PpcSpAlarmEvent_G0 as the name of the service group and click Create.


Ri Righ ghtt-cl clic ick k tthe he se serv rvic icee g gro roup up PpcSpAlarmEvent_G0 and select New Object from the context menu.


Enter PpcSpAlarmEvent_G0_ as the name of the service provider and click Create.

Starting the Event service: To start the event service:




Se Sele lect ct th thee ser servi vice ce pro provi vide derr PpcSpAlarmEvent_G0_ in Service Structure > Services > PpcSPAlarmEvent.


Select the Service Provider Definition aspect.


In Node, enter the correct node name.


Select the Enabled check box in the Configuration tab of this aspect (see Figure Figu re 23 23). ).



Section 4 Post Installation

Configuring the Event Ser vices  


Figur Figuree 23. Starti Starting ng the Even Eventt servi service ce


Click Apply to start this service.

Configuring the number of events: To configure the number of events to be

stored in the Smart Client database: 1.

Se Sele lect ct th thee se serv rvic icee g gro rou up PpcSpAlarmEvent_G0 in Service Structure > Services > PpcSPAlarmEvent.


Select the Service Group Definition aspect.


En Ente terr the the fo foll llo owing wing deta detail ilss iin n tthe he Special Configuration tab of this aspect (see Figu re 24 24). ). Figure


In Events to store, enter the maximum number of events to be stored in the database. The maximum number of even events ts that can be stored is 1,000,000.

Enter the Trace Level as 0.



Configuring the 800xA Histor y Services

Section 4 P Po ost Installation  

Trace Level Level is an option to trace out an issue.  Level 0 logs only the errors or exceptions, Level 1 displays a brief information about the issue, and Level 2 and  Level 3 displays the additional parametric information and function flows.

  Figur Figuree 24. Even Eventt Storag Storagee specif specificati ication on in Event Service


Click Apply to save the changes.

Configuring the 800xA History Services Execute the following steps to create an 800xA Information Manager Message Log. These steps must be executed if an Information Manager Message Log is not previously created. For more information on configuring the History Services, refer to System 800xA  Information Management, Configuration Configuration (3BUF001092*). 1.


Right-click Message Logs node in Node Administration Structure > Inform IT History Object and select New Object from the context menu.



Section 4 Po Post Installation


Configuring the 800xA Histor y Ser vices  

Enter IMMSGLOG as the name of the message log and click Create. Change the mode to ACTIVE in IMMSGLOG

Creating a History Log: To create a history log:


In the Control Structure, right-click an object for which a trend log should be created, and select New Aspect from the context menu.


Se Sele lect ct th thee asp aspec ectt ccat ateego gory ry History Configuration > Log Configuration.


En Ente terr a name name for for the the as aspe pect ct and and ccli lick ck Create.


In Logged Properties, click Add Property Log to add an object property for which the data should be stored.

  Figur Figuree 25. New Property Property Log



Se Sele lect ct tthe he pro prope pert rty y an and d th thee da data ta ttyp ypee of tthe he p pro rope pert rty y.

Select a log template.

Click OK to add a property log. The property log will be displayed in the Logged Properties area in the Log Configuration aspect.

Click Apply to save the changes.



Verifying the Data Provider Status

Section 4 Post Installation  


Figur Figuree 26. Log Conf Configur iguration ation Aspect 

Verifying the Data Provider Status Execute the following steps to verify the status of the data providers: 1. Select Status Display from Start > All Programs > ABB Smart Client. The ADSStatus dialog appears (see Fi Figu gure re 27 27). ). This option is available in the Smart Client Server Node and the Smart Client Data Provider Node. The information displayed in this dialog is retrieve retrieved d from the Smart Client Server. If the Status Display is used in the Smart Client Data Provider Node, the IP address of the Smart Client Server must be specified in the Host field in re 27 27). ). Connection (see Figu Figure




Section 4 Post Installation

Figu igure re 27. Sta Status tus Di Displ splay ay


Verifying the Data Provider Status  


Click Data Provider to display the status of the data providers. COM is getting restarted or the Data Providers are getting restarted restarted:

To ensure that the Smart Client Server and the Smart Client Data Pr Provider ovider Nodes are connected, ping the Smart Client Data Provider Node with the system name from Smart Client Server Node and observe if it responds. If the nodes do not respond, add the names of the systems and the corresponding IP address in the hosts file of the Smart Client Server Node, in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. Starting/Stopping a Data Provider. To start/stop a data provider:



Select Supervision Manager from Start > All Programs > ABB Smart re 28 28). ). Figure Client. The Supervision Manager dialog appears (see Figu



Verifying the Data Provider Status

Section 4 Post Installation  

  Figur Figuree 28. Supe Supervision rvision Mana Manager  ger 


Ri Righ ghtt-cl clic ick k a da data ta p pro rovi vide derr on tthe he ttre reee (s (see ee Figu Figure re 29 29)) and select Start from the context menu to start the data provider. Select Start Recursively Recursively from the context menu, to start the data provider including the child nodes. Select Stop from the context menu to stop the data provider provider..




Section 4 Post Installation

Loading System Extensions  

Figur Figuree 29. Conte Context xt Menu of a data p pro rovide vider  r 

Loading System Extensions


System extensions provide the 800xA System with additional functionality and ABB Smart Client is one of them. Loading system extension for Smart Client is inevitable to install Smart Client Data Provider Node without the 800xA system running. System extension has to be loaded just after the Smart Client installation and the post installation settings. Administrators can refer to System 800xA Post  Installation (3BUA000156*) (3BUA000156*) to load the system extensions. Once the system extensions are loaded ABB Smart Client ABB Program Supervision (ABB Smart Client APS) service can be configured. To configure ABB Smart Client APS Service perform the following: 1.


Sel Select ect the ser servic vicee ““ABB ABB Sma Smart rt C Clie lient nt A APS PS M Mana anager ger”. ”.



Loading System Extensions

Section 4 Post Installation  

  Figur Figuree 30. ABB Sm Smart art Cl Client ient AP APS S Mana Manager  ger 



Ri Righ ghtt ccli lick ck on th thee S Ser ervi vice ce an and d cli click ck New Object. Add a new Service group with name ABBSmartClient_G0. Click Create.



Section 4 Post Installation

Loading System Extensions  

  Figur Figuree 31. Cre Create ate S Servic ervicee Gr Group oup


Unde Underr the serv service ice g group roup add a ser service vice prov provider ider.. Rig Right-cli ht-click ck on the servi service ce


provider group and click New Object. Ente Enterr th thee sservic ervicee p provi rovider der name as ABBS ABBSmartC martClient lient_G0_< _G0_ and click Create.




Loading System Extensions

Section 4 Post Installation  

  Figur Figuree 32. Cre Create ate Ser Service vice Pr Provid ovider  er 


Sel Select ect the nod nodee from from tthe he S Serv ervice ice Pro Provid vider er D Def efini initio tion. n. This node should be the Data Provider node of Smart Client.




Section 4 Post Installation

Loading System Extensions  

  Figuree 33. Data Pr Figur Provider ovider node from the Service Pr Provider ovider Def Definition inition


Selec Selectt Co Config nfiguratio uration n ta tab b to resta restart rt tthe he sservic ervice. e. D Desele eselect ct Enab Enable le aand nd cclick lick Apply. Again, select Enable and click Apply.

Check that the Program Supervision Manager of Smart Client Data Provider Node is started.




Loading System Extensions

Section 4 Post Installation  





Section 5 Configuration Configuration Tools The following are the configuration tools available in the Smart Client product. These configuration tools are executed in the Smart Client Server. •

Object Type Configuration Tool

Date Format Configuration Tool

• •

User Configuration Tool Smart Client Database Backup and Restore

Object Type Configuration Tool


The Object Type Configuration Tool is used to define the object types to be supported in the Smart Client application. The objects that are created in the 800xA system, are displayed in the Property Browser of the Smart Client application. If the objects do not belong to an object type defined in the tool, these objects will be displayed as part of the Property Browser Browser.. For Windows 2008, Select Object Type Configuration Tool from Start > Programs > ABB Smart Client. Programs For Windows 7, Select Object Type Configuration Tool from Start > All Programss > ABB Smart Client. The Object Type Configuration Tool dialog Program appears (see Figu Figure re 34 34). ).




Object Type Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

  Figuree 34. Object Type Configuration Tool Figur Viewing the properties. Select an object from the Object Tree to view the

re 34 34). ). properties of this object in the Property Pane (see Figu Figure


Query - Displays the name of the query. A query is a Smart Client property to map the 800xA object properties required to be subscribed.

Query Group - Displays the name of the query group. A query group is a collection of control properties grouped based on the control types.

Aspect:Property - Displays the corresponding aspect name and the property name in the 800xA system.



Section 5 Configuration

Object Type Configuration Tool  

Exclude - Select the check box corresponding to a property to exclude this property from being displayed in the Property Browser Browser..

Show All - Select this check box to display all the properties in the Property Browser.

Creating an Object Type Group. To add an object type group:


Right-click Object Types from the Object tree (see Fi Figu gure re 34 34)) and select New  from the context menu. OR, Select New from Edit > Object Type Group.


The New Object Type dialog is displayed (see Figu Figure re 35 35). ). Enter a name for the object type group and click OK.

Figur Figuree 35. New Ob Object ject T Type ype Gr Group oup


Creating an Object Type. To add an object type:


Figu gure re 34 34)) and select Rig Rightht-cli click ck an obj object ect typ typee gr group oup fro from m th thee Ob Objec jectt tre treee (s (see ee Fi New from the context menu. OR, Select New from Edit > Object Type.


En Ente terr a n nam amee fo forr th thee ob obje ject ct ty type pe and and cl clic ick k OK (see Figu Figure re 36 36). ). The name of the object type should be the same as the name of the object type in the 800xA System.




Object Type Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

Figur Figuree 36. New Obje Object ct Type Example. The following example describes how to define a property for an object

using a Function Block. 1.

In the Object Type Configuration Tool, select an object from the object tree to view the properties.


In the Aspect:Property, the user can map an 800xA aspect property to the corresponding property in the Object Type Configuration Tool.


The properties of the objects can be viewed in the Smart Client Property Browser and the user can subscribe to these properties. Only the properties for which the Smart Client queries are mapped will be displayed without filtering. Remove the filtering from the other properties to view all properties.




Section 5 Configuration

Object Type Configuration Tool  

Figuree 37. Object T Figur Type ype Configuration T Tool ool - Mapping propertie propertiess for the Object T Type ype





Object Type Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

  Figur Figuree 38. Obje Object ct T Type ype in the Plant Exp Explor lorer  er 


Select File > Save to save the changes.

GuidCorrect Tool

GuidCorrect tool is a tool used to find and fix the broken references in the already saved .pxl files. These .pxl files that are used in this tool are files saved with Trends in Smart Client panel. Broken References. After saving any .pxl file by using object logs from 800xA, if

a specific object is deleted from the structure and added to a different parent in the




Section 5 Configuration

Object Type Configuration Tool  

same/different structure then the Object Id will change to that specific Object. In same/different addition, if the same .pxl file is loaded, it will not find the already sav saved ed object Id resulting in Trend not displayed. .pxl file will always save with object Id in ItemName, which used for updating the controls, and Object path in ItemDisplayName, which will be used for displaying the Object Name. GuidCorrect tool functionality. functionality. GuidCorrect tool finds the broken references as

follows: 1.

Gu Guid idCo Corre rrect ct ttoo ooll ta take kess .p .pxl xl ffil ilee as in inpu put. t.


Fin Finds ds o out ut th thee co corre rrespo spondi nding ng ob objec jectt pat path h pre presen sentt in th thee fi file. le.


Ge Gets ts th thee o obj bjec ectt Id Id o off the the obje object ct path path..


Upd Update atess tthe he .px .pxll file file if bot both h aare re mis mismat matchi ching. ng.


Following are the steps to use Correct Guid Tool: 1.


Open CorrectGuidTool.exe from /ABB Industrial IT/Operate IT/ABB Smart Client/Bin. GuidCorrect tool appears. (see Fi Figu gure re 39 39))



Date For mat Configuration Tool

Figur Figuree 39. Guid GuidCorr Correct ect Tool

Section 5 Configuration  



Prov Provide ide S Smart mart Clien Clientt Se Server rver detai details ls iin n the text textboxe boxess pro provided vided and click on th thee Connect button to connect to the server server..


Click on the Browse *pxl file(s)... button to provide a directory.


Click on the Resolve button to resolve the broken references in all panels in the selected directory and in all sub directories.

The .pxl file is updated with correct GUID, if the Tool finds any broken reference. Clear button clears the status information.

Date Format Configuration Tool The Date Format Configuration Tool Tool is used to define the date and time format used in the Smart Client application.




Section 5 Configuration

Date For mat Configuration Tool  

The date and time formats are used in Graphic Presentation controls such as LCD Panels and DateTime DateTime controls. The user can specify the required date and time formats in these controls. Select Date Format Configuration Tool from Start > All Programs > ABB Smart Client. The Date Format Configuration Tool dialog appears (see Figu gure re 40 40). ). Fi


Figuree 40. Date Format Conf Figur Configuration iguration Tool Setting the date and time format. To set the date and time format:


Righ Rightt-cl clic ick k a form format at in th thee Name column (see Figu Figure re 40 40)) and select Modify  from the context menu. The Time/Date Format dialog appears (see Figure Figu re 41 41). ).




User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

Figur Figuree 41. Modif Modifyy the date/ date/time time format 


In Value, select or enter a date value and click Add.


Click OK to save the changes in the cxl file.


Select File > Save in the Date Format Configuration Tool dialog (see Figure Figu re 40 40)) to save the cxl file.

User Configuration Tool


The User Configuration Tool Tool is used only on the Smart Client Server Node. The System Administrator uses this tool to create the users and assign them to the respectivee user groups (for example, Admin, and Design), for accessing the Smart respectiv Client Desktop with different access rights. By default, the user groups  Admin and Designer  are  are available in the User Configuration Tool. •

Admin - The users belonging to this group can view, modify, and delete panels and workplaces used in the Smart Client application. They can also modify the configuration of other users, for example, assigning the default workplaces or panels.

Designer - The users belonging to this group can design panels and workplaces that are private to the users. They do not have rights to modify the configuration of panels or workplaces of other users.

This tool is also used to create configuration templates. Configuration template is the default configuration of the Smart Client Desktop application, for example, the height, width, and background color of the workplace and panels.




Section 5 Configuration

User Configuration Tool  

Select User Configuration Tool from Start > All Programs > ABB Smart Client. The User Configuration Tool dialog appears (see Fi Figu gure re 42 42). ).

Figur Figuree 42. User Conf Configura iguration tion T Tool ool


Adding a User Group. To add a user group:


Right-click tth he Groups tree (see Figu Figure re 42 42)) and select Create New Group  from the context menu. OR, Drag and drop


into the Groups tree.

The Create Group dialog appears.

Figu igure re 43. Cr Creat eatee Gr Group oup




User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

Enter a name for the user group and click OK. The group name appears in the Groups tree. Adding a User. U ser. To add a user:


Figu gure re 42 42)) and select Create New User from Right-click tth he Users tree (see Fi the context menu. OR, Drag and drop


into the Users tree.

The Create User dialog appears.

Figu igure re 44. Cr Creat eatee Use User  r 

Enter a name for the user. 3.


Select the Create private directory check box to add a private directory for the workplaces and panels created for this user. A directory with the user name will be created in / FILES/ PRIVATE . Only this user will have the read and write access rights to this directory.. The other users cannot modify the workplaces or panels in this directory directory.


Click OK to create this user user.. The user name appears in the Users tree.

Assigning Users to a User Group. Execute one of the following to assign users to

a user group:



Dr Drag ag an and dd dro rop p tthe he us user erss ffro rom m tthe he Users tree to a user group in the Groups tree.


Ri Rig ght ht-c -cllic ick k a us user er in th thee Users tree and select Add to Group from the context menu.



Section 5 Configuration

User Configuration Tool  

Figuree 45. Adding a User to a User G Figur Group roup from the Users tr tree ee


Righ Rightt-cl clic ick k a us user er grou group p iin n tthe he Groups tree and select Include User from the context menu.

  Figuree 46. Adding a User tto Figur o a User G Group roup from the Gr Groups oups tree Adding a Configuration Template. To add a configuration template:


re 42 42)) and select Right-click tth he Configuration Templates tree (see Figu Figure Create New Configuration Template from the context menu. OR, Drag and drop



into the Configuration Templates tree.

The Create Configuration Template dialog appears.



User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

Figur Figuree 47. Cre Create ate Configur Configuration ation T Templa emplate te


Ent Enter er a nam namee fo forr the con confi figur gurati ation on temp templat latee and and cl click ick OK. The configuration template appears in the Configuration Templates tree.

Editing a Configuration Template. To modify a configuration template:



Ri Righ ghtt-cl clic ick k a te temp mpla late te in th thee Configuration Templates tree.


Select Edit from the context menu. The Edit Configuration Template appears (see Fi Figu gure re 48 48). ).




Section 5 Configuration

User Configuration Tool  

  Figur Figuree 48. Edit Confi Configura guration tion T Templa emplate te

All the Property Groups of these templates have a property "Group is user configurable". If "True" " True" is selected for this property, the corresponding property group will be available to the user to modify/configure. Those that are not configurable are listed as the tool tip. For example:  URL links can be used to launch external web applications such as maintenance system or instructions from the Smart Client Desktop. The external




User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

application will be launched in Internet Explorer in a Smart Client popup panel. Up to 5 URL links can be defined. The URL links are available in the context menu when right clicking an object value in Smart Client Desktop graphics or 800xA graphics. To configure an URL link the property Caption is set to the text that shall appear in the context menu. The corresponding URL property is set to the URL string. is the URL link number 1 to 5. For example: Caption1 "WebLink" URL1 "www.abb.com

The URL link can also include variables to make the string context sensitive. For example :

To launch a maintenance system and automatically bring up the page for an object.


Caption1 "Maintenance" URL1 "www "www.maintenance.com?obje .maintenance.com?object=$objectname" ct=$objectname" $objectname will be substituted by the object right clicked when the web page is launched, for example "http://www.mainten "http://www.maintenance.com?object=930FI001 ance.com?object=930FI001"" Two variables $objectname and $externalid can be used in the URL Link. $objectname - the 800xA object name of the object right clicked. $externalid - an external id configured on the 800xA object right clicked. External id can be used in the case the id in the external system does not match the 800xA object name. Create and edit a SmartClient Properties aspect in the 800xA system to specify an external id. The SmartClient Properties aspect is added to the corresponding object in 800xA. The aspect has one property ExternalId. The property value is set to the




Section 5 Configuration

User Configuration Tool  

string that the variable $externalid shall be substituted with when the URL is launched. Custom Script or web reference from a calculated value are not supported in the URL Link. If using $objectname the 800xA object names must exactly match the key in the external system else use $externalid. $externalid. Set the value of the external Id to be the key in the external system. Assigning a Configuration Template to a User. Execute one of the following to

assign a configuration template to a user: 1.

Dr Drag ag an and dd dro rop p tthe he us user erss fro from m tthe he Users tree to a configuration template in the Configuration Templates tree.


Rig igh htt-ccli lick ck a u usser in in tthe he Users tree and select Set Configuration Template


from the context menu. Rig Rightht-cli click ck a con confi figur gurati ation on tem templa plate te in the Configuration Templates tree and select Assign to User from the context menu.


Removing a User, User Group, or a Configuration Template. Execute one of the

following to delete a user, a user group, or a configuration template: 1.

Righ Rightt-cl clic ick k th thee u use serr (fr (from om th thee Users tree), the user group (from the Groups  tree), or the configuration template (from the Configuration Templates tree) and select Delete from the context menu.


Dr Drag ag an and dd dro rop p a us user er (fro (from m tthe he Users tree), the user group (from the Groups  tree), or the configuration template (from the Configuration Templates tree) into the icon.

Replicating Windows Users. Execute the following steps to replicate windows

users: 1.

Laun Launch ch th thee Sma Smart rt Cl Client ient User Conf Configura iguration tion Tool ffrom rom Wi Windo ndows ws p progra rogram m menu, Start > Programs > ABB Smart Client > User Configuration Tool .


Click Replicate to display the following window.




User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

Figur Figuree 49. Users Repli Replicatio cation n wi window ndow



Select Windows in Replicate users from section. A Windows Replicate will only replicate from the local PC user definition or the domain, the PC belongs to, if it is joined to a domain. For Workgroup Environment:

Smart Client application accepts User Workgroup Workgroup Logon Name. For Domain Environment:

Smart Client application accepts the User Logon Name. Since the Domain Environment Environme nt provides User Logon Name and User Logon Name (Pre-Windows 2000), it is preferred that the User Logon Name and the Pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name be the same.



Selec Selectt whe whether ther y you ou wi wish sh to keep exis existing ting users users and g groups roups even even if they are n not ot present in the replicate source (Keep) or to delete them (Don’t Keep).


Click OK. The Select Users or Groups window appears.



Section 5 Configuration

User Configuration Tool  

Figur Figuree 50. Selec Selectt User Userss or Gr Groups oups


Ent Enter er the the n name ame of th thee us user er o orr gro group up y you ou w want ant to aadd dd tto o th thee Enter the object names to select.


Click OK to complete the replication process.


800xA Graphics Home Display Configuration. Execute the following steps to

configure the home display for 800xA Graphics: 1.

Laun Launch ch th thee Sma Smart rt Cl Client ient User Conf Configura iguration tion Tool ffrom rom Wi Windo ndows ws p progra rogram m menu, Start > Programs > ABB Smart Client > User Configuration Tool .


Op Open en Ed Edit it C Con onfi figu gura rati tion on Tem empl plat ate. e. Edit Configuration Template appears.




User Configuration Tool

Section 5 Configuration  

  Figuree 51. Edit Config Figur Configuration uration T Template emplate - PG2 Pr Properties operties



Ed Edit it PG PG2 2R Rel elat ated ed prop proper erti ties es grou group. p. – Caption: This caption will be used to display as a context menu item in 800xA Graphics of Smart Client. – PG2 Data Provider: Provider: Provider name (800XAPG2GRAPHICS) – Home Display: Path of the PG2 Graphics Display ([Structure Name] Root/path1/path2…./PG2DisplayName). To extract/view the path of the Graphic Display right-click on the structure



Section 5 Configuration

Special Character Rules  

aspect of the object in Plant Explorer and select Details in the Description field in the first tab. Path will be visible in the Description text field. Administrator can configure up to two Home displays.

Special Character Rules The following characters are considered special characters. • Th Thee ssea earc rch h wi wild ldca card rd ccha hara ract cter er as aste teri risk sk ((*) *).. • Ite Item m pa path th ssepa eparat rators ors for forwar ward d sslas lash h char charact acter er ((/) /) aand nd d dot ot cchar haract acter er ((.). .). • As Aspe pect ct se sepa para rato torr co colo lon n char charac acte terr (:). (:). • Log separator comma (,). • St Stru ruct ctur uree se sepa para rato torr le left ft aand nd rrig ight ht ssqu quar aree br brac acke kets ts (([) [) and and (] (]). ). • GU GUID ID ssep epar arat ator or llef eftt an and d ri righ ghtt ccur urly ly b bra rack cket etss ({ ({)) an and d (} (}). ). • Backslash (\). • Underscore (_). Rule 1 The special characters forward slash (/), dot (.), comma (,) colon (:), left and right square and curly brackets ([), (]), ({) and (}), and underscore (_) can be part of object, aspect and property names, with the exception of rule 2, 3 and 4 below below.. In Smart Client OPC item paths must always use a backslash (\).


Also use a backslash (\) within a name with a backslash (\).  Example: [Control Structure]Area/Programs:1/Object\5 Structure]Area/Programs:1/Object\55:ControlConnection:V 5:ControlConnection:Value.Min alue.Min must in a Smart Client OPC item path be use as

[Control Structure]Area/Programs\:1/Obje Structure]Area/Programs\:1/Object\\55:ControlConnection:V ct\\55:ControlConnection:Value.Min alue.Min Rule 2 Neverr use an asterisk character (*) in object, aspect or property names. The result is Neve unpredictable. Rule 3 Special characters can not appear last in an intermediate node name in an OPC item it em path, even if used with a backslash.




Smar t Client Database Backup and Restore

Section 5 Co Configuration  

 Example: [Control Structure]Area/Programs\[1\]/Ob Structure]Area/Programs\[1\]/Object:Control ject:Control Connection:V Connection:Value alue is illegal because the right square bracket (]) is last in the intermediate node name. Rule 4 The backslash (\) character may not appear in aspect names.

 Example: [Control Structure]Area/Programs/Objec Structure]Area/Programs/Object:My\\Aspect:V t:My\\Aspect:Value alue is illegal because there is a backslash (\) in the aspect name

Smart Client Database Backup and Restore A command line executable is used to perform the backup and restore of the Smart Client application. Backup Files. The following backup files are generated based on the Smart Client


Node Type Type (that is, Smart Client Server or Smart Client Data Provider): •

Registry settings - \ yyyy-mm-dd_hh-m name>yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm\ m\ SmartClientRegistrySettings.reg

Smart Client Configuration - \ yyyy-mmdd_hh:mm\ SmartClientConfiguration.zip

Smart Client Database Tables - \ yyyy-mmdd_hh-mm\ SmartClientT SmartClientTables.dmp ables.dmp

The  is selected from the command line tool of the Smart Client Backup Tool. The directory yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm is created while starting the backup. To copy the backup to an external media, copy the directory yyyy-mmdd_hh-mm.

Backup Command Line Tool The Backup Command Line Tool performs the backup and is scheduled to execute using the Task Scheduler in Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools. The program name is PpcUtBackup.




Section 5 Configuration

Restore Command Line Tool  

Table 4. Comma Command nd Line Ar Argumen guments ts - Bac Backup kup Modifier



To show the usage (Optional). PpcUtBackup [/?] /d=”Destination Path” /r=InstallOptions [/t=TraceLevel] 

Restore Command Line Tool The Restore Command Line Tool Tool performs the restore. The program name is PpcUtRestore. Perform the following before a restore operation: •

In Inst stal alll th thee Sm Smar artt Cl Clie ient nt ap appl plic icat atio ion. n.

• •

St Stop op th thee Sm Smar artt Cl Clie ient nt 80 800x 0xA A se serv rvic ices es.. Tak akee a ba back ckup up o off th thee Sm Smar artt Cl Clie ient nt aapp ppli lica cati tion onss us usin ing g th thee PpcUtBackup  program (see Backup Command Line Tool on Tool  on page 84). 84).


Table 5. Comma Command nd Line Ar Argume guments nts - Restor Restoree Modifier



To show the usage (Optional). PpcUtRestore [/?] /d=”Destination Path” /r=InstallOptions [/t=TraceLevel] 




Restore Command Line Tool

Section 5 Configuration  





Section 6 System Upgrade This section describes the procedure to upgrade the Smart Client application version 2.1 to version 2.2 on different Smart Client nodes as required.

Upgrade Smart Client v2.1 to v2.2 To upgrade the Smart Client application perform the following steps: 1.

Copy Workpl orkplace ace and Pane Panell files files from \ABB cpmPlus Smart Client\SC\ Files\Public to \SC\WPFiles


Copy Conf Configura iguration tion file filess from \ABB cpmPl cpmPlus us Smart Client\SC\Config to \SC\ConfigFiles


Un Un-i -ins nsta tall ll Sm Smar artt C Cli lien entt 2 2.1 .1..


Go tto o Int Intern ernet et In Infor format mation ion S Serv erver er aand nd re remo move ve S SC C di direc rector tory y.


In Inssta tall ll Sm Smaart Cli lien entt 2 2.2 .2..


Repla Replace ce C Confi onfigurat guration ion and Workpl orkplace ace file in tthe he rrespe especti ctive ve folde folderr (\ABB Smart Client\SC\Config and \ABB Smart Client\SC\Files\Public) from the location \SC




Upgrade Smar t Client v2.1 to v2.2

Section 6 System Upgrade  





Appendix Appendi x A Data Providers Communication Port The following communication ports for a firewall to connect to the Smart Client Server need to be open: – 80 for the Web Server – 1913 19131 1 fo forr re real al ttim imee da data ta tto o the the Sm Smar artt Cl Clie ient nt De Desk skto top p

Alarm and Event (EVT800xA)


Installed on the Smart Client Data Provider node, this data provider provides an interface to the Smart Client 800xA event database.

Program Name PpcDpAlarmEvent.exe

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name SGEVT –alivetimeout 90

Command Line Arguments Tabl ablee 6. Com man mand d Li Line ne A Arg rgume uments nts Parameter





Other Parameters

Appendix A Data Providers  

Table 6. Com (Conti (Continued) nued)mand mand Line Ar Argume guments nts ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default, if argument is omitted is, localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default, if argument is omitted is, 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to SGEVT on the Smart Client Server Node when Smart Client is installed.


Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30.


Argument is set to 90 when Smart Client is installed. trace

Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.

Other Parameters Table 7. Other Param arameters eters





Alarm and event data provider

Star tup


Dellay before sta De start rtiing prog rogram

100 ms

Delay after star ting program

100 ms


Nor mal



Appendix A Data Providers

ActiveX Data Object (ADO)  

Table 7. Othe Otherr P Param arameters eters Affinity



Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program terminate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after


ActiveX Data Object (ADO) The ADO data provideris installed on the Smart Client Data Provider node. It facilitates for a Smart Client Desktop to read and write data to and from a relational database such as Oracle using the ActiveX Data Object (ADO) interface. One Smart Client data provider node is also assigned as the common data base node for f or Smart Client common tables. Another copy of the ADO data provider is installed on this node.

Program Name



Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name SGADO–doublesupport name>SGADO–dou blesupport -dbtype generic –reconnint 20 –reconntmo 60 – alivetimeout alivetime out 30




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Command Line Arguments Tabl ablee 8. Com Comman mand d Li Line ne Argum Argument entss Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default, if argument is omitted is, localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default, if argument is omitted is, 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is setNode to SGADO on the Smart Smar t Client Data Provider when Smart Client is installed.


A second ADO data provider with this argument set to ADOCOMMON is installed on the Smart Client Data Provider Node selected as common data base node when Smart Client is installed. doublesuppor t

Suppor ts double data type. Default, if argument is omitted is, single data type ty pe only. only. Argument is included when Smart Client is installed.


Type of connection.


Argument is set to generic when Smart Client is installed. Reconnect inter val. Engineering unit is seconds. Argument is set to 20 when Smart Client is installed.


Reconnect timeout. Engineering unit is seconds. Argument is set to 60 when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Configuration Parameters  

Table 8. (Cont (Continued inued)Comm )Command and Line Ar Argumen guments ts alivetimeout

Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default, if argument is omitted is, 30. Argument is set to 30 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default, if argument is omitted is, 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.

Other Configuration Parameters Table 9. Other Confi Configura guration tion P Param arameter eterss





ADO data provider.

Star tup


Dela lay y bef befo ore sta start rtiing pro prog gram

6000 0000 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms






Sends quit message and waits for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program terminates, restar t.

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after






Appendix A Data Providers

COM The COM service provider is installed on the Smart Client Server Node. COM acts as the gateway between the other data providers and the Smart Client Desktops.

Program Name PpcSpCOM.exe.

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131

Command Line Arguments Table 10. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts




ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default, if argument is omitted is, localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t the COM ser vice provider listens to. Default, if argument is omitted is, 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.

Other Configuration Parameters Table 11. Othe Otherr Conf Configura iguration tion Pa Parame rameters ters Parameter






Appendix A Da Data Providers

Distributed Data Repositor y (DDR)  

Table 11. Other Configu Configuratio ration n Param arameter eterss Description

Smar t Client ser vice provider.

Star tup


Dela lay y be before sta start rtiing pr progr ogram

100 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms






Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after


Distributed Distribu ted Data Repository (DDR)


The Distributed Data Repository data provider is installed on the Smart Client Server Node. It transfers files between the Smart Client Server Node and the Smart Client Desktop. An example is to read panel files.

Program Name PpcDpDDR.exe.

Default Startup Command -server –port 19131-name 19131-name DDR – security high high -transferroot -alivetimeout -alivetimeout 30




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Command Line Arguments Table 12. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default, if argument is omitted is, 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to DDR on the Smart Client Server Node when whe n Smart Client is installed.



Root director y of Smar t Client. The Smart Client root directory is specified as -transferroot . is the root path for Smart Client files. Path can be:

#1. An empty specification. e.g. –transferroot or –transferroot “”. The root is default directory from SC_HOME environment variable appended By default this Smart is c:\ Program Files\ABB Industrialby IT\SC. Operate IT\ ABB Client \SC. #2. Pointing to a directory e.g. -transferroot c:\ Root. The root is c:\Root. The directory specification may not end with a backward slash (\) character . Default, if argument is omitted is path pointed to by environment variable SC_HOME appended by directory SC. Argument is included without a path specified when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Configuration Parameters  

Table 12. Comma Command nd Lin Linee Ar Argume guments nts alivetimeout

Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 30 when Smart Client is installed.

Other Configuration Parameters Table 13. Other Configu Configuratio ration n Param arameter eterss Parameter



Distributed data repositor y data provider.

Star tup


Dela De lay y bef befor ore e star starti ting ng prog progra ram m

100 100 ms

Delay after start rtiing program

100 ms


Nor mal




Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after



Browser (BRW800xA) This is the data provider providing 800xA browse functionality to the Smart Client Desktop.




Program Name

Appendix A Data Providers  

Program Name PpcDp800xABrowser.exe

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name - name 800XABROWSE name>800XABR OWSER R –autogroupsize 100 -alivetime -alivetimeout out 60

Command Line Arguments Table 14. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost.


Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed. por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to 800XABROWSER on the Smart Client Data Provider Node when Smart Client is


installed. Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 60 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Parameters  

Other Parameters Table 15. Other Param arameters eters Parameter



800xA proper ty browser data provider.

Star tup


Dela lay y be before sta start rtiing pr progr ogram

100 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms





Termination Restar t option

Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after



General Utilities (UTI) The general utilities data provider is installed on both the Smart Client Server Node and Smart Client Data Provider Node. It provides miscellaneous functions, such as accessing a list of scheduled reports.

Program Name PpcDpUtilities.exe.




Default Star tup Command

Appendix A Data Providers  

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name - name SGUTILITIES name>SGUTILITIE S –alivetime –alivetimeout out 30

Command Line Arguments Table 16. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131.


Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed. name

Name of the data provider. Argument is set to SGUTILITIES on the Smart Client Server Node when Smart Client is installed. Argument is set to SGUTILITIES on the Smart Client Data Provider Node when Smart Client is installed.


Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 30 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Parameters  

Other Parameters Table 17. Other Param arameters eters Parameter



Utilities data provider.

Star tup


Dela lay y be before sta start rtiing pr progr ogram

100 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms





Termination Restar t option

Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after



PPA PP A This is the Smart Client 800xA graphics browser data provider.

Program Name PpcDp800xAGraphics.exe

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name SGPPA –alivetimeout 30




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Command Line Arguments Table 18. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to 800XAGRAPHICS on the Smart Client Data Provider Node when Smart Client is installed.



Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 30 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.

Other Parameters Table 19. Other Param arameters eters Parameter



PPA interface data provider.

Star tup





Appendix A Data Providers

Search (SEA800xA)  

Table 19. Other Param arameters eters Dela lay y before sta start rtiing progr ogram

100 ms

Delay after star ttiing program

100 ms






Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program terminate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after


Search (SEA800xA)


This data provider implements the search functionality of the Smart Client Desktop Property Browser.

Program Name PpcDp800xASearch.exe

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name 800XASEARCH name>800XASEAR CH --blobpath -alivetimeo -alivetimeout ut 60

Command Line Arguments Table 20. Comma Command nd Lin Linee Ar Argume guments nts Parameter





Other Parameters

Appendix A Data Providers  

Table 20. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to 800XASEARCH on the Smart Client Server Node when Smart Client is installed.


Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30.


Argument is set to 60 when Smart Client is installed. trace

Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.

Other Parameters Table 21. Other Param arameters eters Parameter



Proper ty Browser data provider.

Star tup


Dellay before sta De start rtiing prog rogram

100 ms

Delay after star ting program

100 ms


Nor mal




Appendix A Data Providers


Table 21. Other Param arameters eters Affinity



Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program terminate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after


OPC DA (OPCDA800xA) Installed on the Smart Client Data Provider (800xA) node, the OPC DA data provider sets up subscriptions to the 800xA OPC server on behalf of the Smart Client Desktop.

Program Name PpcDpOpc.exe


Default Startup Command When installed on an 800xA system: -server -port 19131 -name 800XAOPCDA –opcdaserverhost localhost –opcprogid abb.afwopcdasurrogate.1 abb.afw opcdasurrogate.1 -noitemvalidation -datasource cached –blobpath fastupdaterate 3000 –cachesize –cachesize 100000 –cac –cachedec hedec 10 –alivetime –alivetimeout out 30




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Command Line Arguments Table 22. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Server Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to 800XAOPCDA when Smart Client is installed on an 800xA Data Provider Node.

Opcdaser verhost


Host of the OPC DA ser ver. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed. For a remote OPC server, it will be the name of the remote server.


Prog id of OPC DA ser ver. Argument is set to abb.afwopcdasurrogate.1 when Smart Client is installed on an 800xA Data Provider Node.


Allow OPC DA object write. Default if argument is omitted is OPC DA write is not allowed. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.


Items are not validated if in blob file. Argument is included when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Command Line Arguments  

Table 22. Comma Command nd Lin Linee Ar Argume guments nts datasource

The type of OPC read. Can be set to cached or device. Default if this argument is omitted, is device. If omitted or blank, then by default data provider will read the OPC values from Device OPCDatasource. If set to Device, then data provider will read the OPC values from Device OPCDatasource. If set to Cache, then data provider will read the OPC values from Cache OPCDatasource.


Path for blob file. The blob file stores a snap shot of the OPC DA subscriptions. The snap shot is loaded when the data provider starts up. -blobpath


is the root path where to store the blob files. Path can be:

#1. an empty specification e.g. –blobpath –blobpath “” Save the blob files using default directory from SC_HOME environment variable. By default this is c:\ Program Files\ABB Industrial IT\ Operate IT\ Smart Client  \Blob\\opcblob.bin. #2. pointing to a directory e.g. -blobpath c:\ Blobfiles The blob files are saved under the specified root c:\Blobfiles\\opcblob.bin. The directory specification may not end with a backward slash (\) character Default is path pointed to by environment variable SC_HOME. Argument is included without a path specified when Smart Smar t Client is installed.




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Table 22. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts fastupdaterate

OPC group update rate Engineering unit is milliseconds. Default if this argument is omitted is 1000 milliseconds. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.


Number of cached OPC objects. Default if argument is omitted is 100,000. Argument is set to 100000 when Smart Client is installed.


Cache decrement. Number of percent of total cache size the cache is decremented to when full. Default if argument is omitted is 10. Argument is set to 10 when Smart Client is installed.



Inter val for alive timeout messages. Engineering unit is seconds.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 60 when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Parameters  

Other Parameters Table 23. Other Param arameters eters Parameter Description

Value OPC DA data provider

Star tup


Dela lay y be before sta start rtiing pr progr ogram

100 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms






Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds

Restar t option

If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after



OPC HDA (OPCHDA800xA) Installed on the Smart Client Data Provider node (800xA), OPC HDA sets up subscriptions to the 800xA OPC HDA server on behalf of a Smart Client Desktop.

Program Name PpcDpOPCHDA.exe

Default Startup Command -server -port 19131 -name 800xAOPCHD name>800xA OPCHDA A –opchdaserverhost localhost –opcprogid abb.advhthistoryhdlr.1 –alive timeout 30




Command Line Arguments

Appendix A Data Providers  

Command Line Arguments Table 24. Comman Command d Lin Linee Ar Argumen guments ts Parameter


ser ver

IP address of the Smar t Client Ser ver Node. Default if argument is omitted is localhost. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.

por t

IP por t used to connect to COM ser vice provider. Default if argument is omitted is 19131. Argument is set to 19131 when Smart Client is installed.


Name of the data provider. Argument is set to 800XAOPCHDA when Smart Client is installed on an 800xA Data Provider Node.

opchdaser verhost


Host of the OP OPC HD HDA se ser ver. Argument is set to localhost when Smart Client is installed.


Prog id of OPC HDA ser ver. Argument is set to abb.advhthistoryhdlr.1 when Smart Client is installed on an 800xA Data Provider Node.


Interval for alive timeout messages  Engineering unit is seconds. Default if argument is omitted is 30. Argument is set to 60 when Smart Client is installed.


Trace level for messages. Default if argument is omitted is 0. Argument is not included when Smart Client is installed.




Appendix A Data Providers

Other Parameters  

Other Parameters Table 25. Other Param arameters eters Parameter



OPC HDA data provider.

Star tup


Dela lay y be before sta start rtiing pr progr ogram

100 ms ms

Delay af after star titing program

100 ms





Termination Restar t option

Send quit message and wait for 10 seconds If the program ter minate restar t

Before restar ting wait

30000 ms

Max restar ts


On max restar ts

Change status to Can't Star t

Reset restar t count after






Other Parameters

Appendix A Data Providers  





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