2nd ed basico 5.doc

December 18, 2018 | Author: Luis Delgado Tuni | Category: Neil Armstrong, Moon, Leisure
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BASIC V A.E.F. Starter

- second edition edition - Units 9 - 10

 ___________  NAME:  ____________________________________________________ DATE: ___________  Teacher: ______ __________________ 


Underline the correct word

(5 x 1 = 5 points)

Example: There is / are forty people in the hotel.

1 % +  0 2.

There aren’t some / any books n Sona’s !"n# roo$. Are there some / any &'t(res on the )a!!* There is / are a )on,er-(! "e) o- the $o(ntans -ro$ here. Is there a / some 'a- near here* There isn’t / aren’t an be,s n the roo$.

Underline the correct simple past form. (5 x 1 = 5 points) Example: They wasn’t / weren’t  famous.  famous.

1 Was e ! Were  he !ate* % 2here "ere yo# ! yo# "ere !ast )eeken,* + S(3anne "as ! "ere a )atress a !on# t$e a#o.  Te, an, I "as ! "ere here at 4566 ths $ornn#. 0 Was ! Were o( n Cana,a !ast s($$er* .

Un$er%ine te &orre&t sim'%e 'ast (orm)

(5 x 1 = 5 points)

Example: They wasn’t wasn ’t / weren’t weren ’t famous.

1 Dann $on’t %i*e$ / $i$n’t %i*e the 7!$. % +a$ yo# / Di$ yo# ha"e ,nner n a n'e resta(rant* resta(rant* + 8enn $i$n’t st#$ie$ / $i$n’t st#$y 9(sness n 'o!!e#e.  2hat t$e $i$ yo# "ent / $i$ yo# ,o to the s(&er$arket* 0 2here $i$ yo# ,et / $i$ yo# ,ot that 'oat* It’s n'e. !.

Write te sim'%e 'ast (orm o( te er. in 'arenteses))

(5 x 1 = 5 points)

Example: Neil had  (have)  (have) pizza for lunch lun ch today.

1 That $o"e )as so sa,. I :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ;'rs" astronauts went on $ive more trips. But a$ter that" the ,meri#an !overnment e#ie that they int want to spen millions an millions o$ ollars on trips to the moon. he last man on the moon was there in 16?2. Example: "rmstron# 'rst wal!ed on the moon on uly.  ") *+ ,) ** -) *

1< The 7rst tr& to the $oon )as n :::::. A< 144  9< 146  C< 14%  % On! :::::::: )a!ke, on the $oon on that 7rst tr&. A< one $an 9< t)o $en C< three $en  + In 144B the A$er'ans $a,e :::::::: to the $oon. A< one tr&  9< t)o tr&s C< three tr&s   9e-ore the sto&&e, $akn# tr&s to the $oonB A$er'an astrona(ts $a,e ::::::::  tr&s n tota!. A< three  9< 7"e  C< se"en  0 The !ast tr& to the $oon )as n ::::::::. A< 146

 9< 141 

C< 14%

2. Rea$ te tet a,ain an$ &oose Tr#e or a%se)

(1> x 1 = 1> points)

1 Ar$stron# )a!ke, on the $oon be-ore A!,rn. % A!,rn ha, a 'a$era )hen he )as on the $oon. + Ar$stron# an, A!,rn )ere on the $oon -or a !on# t$e.  T  Ar$stron# an, A!,rn ,,n’t ta!k to anone )hen the )ere on the $oon. 0  The astrona(ts !e-t a ?a# on the $oon.  At 7rstB ne)s o- the $en on the $oon )asn’t on the ra,o.   T statons ,,n’t ha"e &'t(res o- the 7rst )a!k on the $oon.   To,aB &eo&!e ,on’t re$e$ber the 7rst )a!k on the $oon. 4 eo&!e )ere not "er ntereste, n the se'on, tr& to the $oon. 16 The A$er'an #o"ern$ent sto&&e, tr&s be'a(se the )ere e&ens"e. F

 T  T F  T  T T  T  T  T

F F F F F F F F  T

 . RTNG 1) Ans"er te a&ation 2#estionnaire an$ "rite a $es&ri'tion o( yo#r %ast a&ation an$ te '%a&e yo# staye$ in) (5 x 1 = 5 points)

"-"T01N 23E%T01NN"04E

12here )ere o( on o(r !ast "a'aton* 2hen )ere o( there*  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  %2ho )ere o( )th*  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  +D, o( sta at a hote!* 2here )as the hote!*  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  Can o( ,es'rbe the &!a'e*  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  02as t a n'e &!a'e* 2h ;not.5 = 2.5 points)

1 % +  0

To,a s Ro#er’s brth,a. ::::  Ro#er )as )th Nan' at !(n'ht$e. ::::  Ro#er an, Chan,!er )ere at a Me'an resta(rant at !(n'ht$e. The Me'an resta(rant s near the &ark. ::::  Ro#er s h(n#r no). :::: 


3AE/ T 165 2. Listen to a "oman interie"in, a man a.o#t is a&ation) Un$er%ine te &orre&t in(ormation) (5 x >.5 = 2.5 points)

1 His name is /ean l7nn @ /ha8n l7nn. 2 His va#ation was in /pain @ rance .  He went in the s8mmer @ winter. + He went with his friends @ his 9irlfriend. 5 He staye in hotels @ with friends and famil7 .

4 i(

Answer e7 "A/% 3:,MM,: 

# AE second edition. Units 6 ; 1<

1 any 2 any  is +a 5 arent AAAAAAAAA 1 -as he 2 were you  was + were 5 -ere  ________  1 int like 2 i you  int stuy + i you !o 5 i you !et  _______  1 #rie 2 went  !ot + i 5 visite  __________  C*,B0D,:Y 1 in 2 at  at + in 5 at  __________  1 airport 2 swimmin! pool  hotel + pharma#y 5 &ank   ____________  1 starte 2 walke  talke + arrive 5 !reete AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 work  2 Eunay  to ,thens

+ mornin! 5 the &us  _________  :808*4,48  __________ 

:,*4*,D %83D4EH 1 strai!htF turn ri!htF next to 2 on the le$tF &etween :%,483 1, 2B B +* 5*  __________  1 rue 2 rue  Galse + Galse 5 rue 7 Galse ? Galse  Galse 6 Galse 1 > rue  ___________  -:4483 Etuents own answers

 _______  D4E%8483 1I 2I ✓ +I 5I  __________________  1 Eean Glynn 2 Gran#e  winter  + his !irl$rien 5 with $riens an $amily

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