
May 8, 2017 | Author: Parag Vashisht | Category: N/A
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1- LEED PROCESS: 1-Which design decisions can earn a project IN Credit for exemplary performance? B. Purchasing 50%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed building products meet the responsible extraction criteria. D. Sourcing at least 40 products with EPDs from 5 different manufacturers. 2-Which project would not meet the minimum program requirements for certification?

B. A modular classroom that can be moved to another location on the school property. 3-The project team for an office building is considering a composting program. Which statement is true regarding the IN Credit Innovation for a composting program?

C. IN Credit Innovation can only be earned if all occupants of the building are allowed to participate in the program. 4-If a project boundary is not obvious because of ownership by multiple entities, which action should the project team take?

C. Review the minimum program requirements. 5-Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Manage 100% of the rainwater that falls within the project boundary. 6-A project team wishes to get a Credit Interpretation Request on a credit and prerequisite that are unrelated. Which action will assist with this process?

C. Submit two CIRs: one for the credit and one for the prerequisite. 7-A project team member finds an issue not addressed in the LEED reference guide regarding indoor plumbing fixtures and submits a suggested approach to the credit during the standard LEED review process. What is true about this approach?

A. They will receive a determination in the review comments at the discretion of the reviewer assigned to the project. 8-Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

B. Doubling the highest transit service point threshold for alternative transportation. 9-How is the LEED boundary defined for a single building development?

C. The portion of project site submitted for LEED certification.


D. The entire project scope - generally limited to the site boundary. 10-The LEED Pilot Credit for Occupant Engagement is listed only for the O+M rating systems. What is true about a LEED BD+C project's ability to use the credit on the project? C. If the pilot credit does not have your rating system listed as applicable; the project cannot pursue the pilot credit. 11-The owner of a space has had a lot of turnover in the project team, resulting in delays in LEED documentation. How long can the project team wait to submit the construction phase review? C. No later than two years after the project is substantially completed . 12-How can a project team avoid errors and expenses in LEED documentation prior to submitting the project for review?

C. Verify that numeric values (FTE, site area, etc.) are consistent across credits. E. Check for completeness. F. Proofread the submission. 13-The LEED project boundary may not include land that is owned by a party other than that which owns the LEED project unless: B. The land is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building. 14-Which of the following may earn a project IN Credit Innovation for Innovation? D. Implementing a green education program. 15-What best defines the project boundary?

B. Platted property line of the project defining land and water within it. 16-A LEED AP in a goal setting workshop is working on their first LEED BD+C: Schools project. What prerequisites would be applicable to the project and need to be assigned to team members? A. SS Prerequisite Environmental Site Assessment and EQ Prerequisite Minimum Acoustic Performance. 17-Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies? C. Use 100% low-emitting materials.


18-A team member is reviewing the LCA narrative for MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Option 4 Whole-Building Life Cycle Assessment. What table is going to be included in the narrative? B. Table showing the percent changes for all impact indicators between the baseline and proposed buildings. 19-A 2-story mixed use project will have retail space on the first floor and hospitality space on the second floor. Since there more than two rating systems that might be applicable to a project, how should the project team decide which rating system to use? D. If an appropriate rating system falls between 40% and 60% of the gross floor area, project teams must independently assess their situation and decide which rating system is most applicable. 20-A hotel project in a historic district requests that the walk off mats in the primary direction of travel for the main building's entrance be less than 10 feet (3 meters) long due to the constraints of the historic building porch depths. Who should address this request? A. A GBCI certification reviewer. 21-During an early design review, a project team has decided to consolidate the building footprint and add underground parking. These changes can contribute to earning which credits?

B. SS Credit Heat Island Reduction. C. SS Credit Rainwater Management. 22-A national park located in MLO lighting zone 2 has walking paths around a lake, a 150-car parking lot, a national flag in front of the visitors center, and a small amphitheater for giving presentations. The road leading to the park has government mandated lighting. What exterior lighting would be exempt from SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction?

B. National flag, the amphitheater, and the roadway. 23-A project team for a LEED BD+C Healthcare is in a goal setting workshop. What credits would be applicable to the project and need to be assigned to team members?

A. SS Credit Places of Respite, SS Credit Direct Exterior Access, MR Credit PBT Source Reduction – Mercury. 24-The LEED reviewer response from a preliminary review indicates a project will be 1 point short of LEED Platinum. What should the project team do if they still want to pursue LEED Platinum?


A. Submit new or revised documentation for credits that were denied or require more information, or attempt additional credits before submitting the final review. 25-A LEED reviewer has sent a project team technical advice on one of the design credits that was submitted in a split review. What does the project team need to do?

C. Respond to the technical advice the LEED reviewer sent. 26-A project was registered in January of 2013. In April 2013 USGBC published Addenda for a credit the project team is pursuing. What statements are true regarding this project? B. The project team can choose to follow any addenda published after April, 2013 .

D. The project team must follow any addenda published prior to January, 2013. 27-Which special considerations would be part of the LEED project scope?

B. A shared facility that may be used by the project occupants. C. An off-site amenity. 28-Which part of the LEED development cycle is used for streamlining the approach to particular needs, constraints, and opportunities of different project types?

B. Adaptations. 29-A LEED BD+C project will be constructed and operated on a permanent location on existing land, and will be a minimum of 1,000 SF (93 m2). What else must the project do to meet the minimum program requirements? C. The project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with the project and supports its typical operation. 30-A project team in a goal-setting meeting is discussing potential sites and integrative synergies. What strategy would earn the project a LEED credit?

C. Locating the site in an area with a combined surrounding density of 22,000 SF / acre (5,050 m2 / hectare) of buildable land. 31-Which elements are not covered under the LEED BD+C: Core and Shell rating system?

A. Furniture, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E). D. Tenant fit-out. 32-Which action is an example of an overlapping benefit that a project team might find during ongoing discovery while iteratively testing alternatives and refining an analysis?


C. Using the waste heat from a mechanical system to heat hot water. 33-Which action would earn a project an IN Credit?

A. Achieve double the requirements or meet the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing LEED credit. 34-Which design decisions can earn a project IN Credit Option 1 Innovation in a new construction project?

C. Green housekeeping program that uses cleaning chemicals approved by Green Seal. 35-A 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) new office building will have mixed-mode ventilation and steam boilers. The building owner wants to hire a consulting firm owned by a relative for the Cx process. What is true about this decision? C. The firm can be hired if they have worked on at least two other projects that were around 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) in size and had mixed-mode ventilation and steam boilers. 36-A project has achieved one pilot credit, has earned exemplary performance in three credits, and has used a strategy for innovation. How many points would this project earn?

B. 4. 37-Which project strategy would earn an exemplary performance point under IN Credit Innovation Option 3 Additional Strategies?

A. Provide views for 90% of all regularly occupied areas. 38-A 10 acre multi-building development has five buildings. How is the LEED boundary determined if each building will be a separate LEED project?

D. The project team determines the LEED boundary for each LEED project. 39-Which statement is true about Credit Interpretation Requests (CIRs)?

C. CIRs can be submitted for prerequisites. 40-A team in a goal setting-workshop has selected to pursue LEED Gold, identified credits to pursue and assigned responsible parties to each credit and prerequisite. After evaluating possible energy strategies what does the team need to document for IP Credit Integrative Process?

A. How the analysis informed the design decisions in the OPR and BOD.


41-A project building that originally registered as one building has undergone a design change and now has two different structures. Which action should be taken to determine if the building can remain a single project?

C. Contact LEED technical customer service. 42-A project team member has excluded a section of land in order to meet the requirements of one of the LEED credits. Which statement is true about this action?

A. This action is not allowed. 43-An office complex near a lake is being designed. The project will be built on a prime tract of undeveloped real-estate 40 ft. (12 meters) from the lake. The project will be located 1/8 mile (200 meters) from 3 public bus lines. Which credit would NOT be achievable for the project?

B. LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection.


2-Integrative Strategies: 1-A project team has hired a LEED consultant to assist them with their first LEED project. What will the consultant need to tell the project team to take photographs of if they choose to pursue those credits? A. EQ Credit Construction IAQ Management Plan. 2-Identifying at least one on-site, non-potable water source that could be used to offset water demand is required for which credit?

D. Integrative Process. 3-A new government office building will provide individual occupant controls for lighting. What design strategy would most reduce the operational energy use associated with task lighting? B. Integrating individual controls with occupancy sensors . 4-If a project team is pursuing both the Integrative Process credit and EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance, which action should occur first? C. A basic energy analysis prior to conducting the energy simulation . 5-Which situation might be a result of addressing the surrounding density and diverse uses early in the integrative process?

A. Less reliance on automobiles. C. Increased availability of uses within walking distance. 6-During the design phase of a new commercial development the design team finds that changing the orientation of the building and adding exterior horizontal louvers above the South-facing windows will be beneficial. Which credit would NOT be affected by these changes? A. EQ Credit Enhanced Commissioning. 7-A project team is removing cisterns from a project design and will install a green roof instead. The building has a FAR of 1.7. What project area would this change impact the least? A. EA Prerequisite, Fundamental Commissioning and Verification. 8-A project moved beyond the design phase before a green-building consultant was asked to join the project team. The building owner wants to hear about design strategies that can have minimal impact on the project budget. The design consultant suggests using light-colored pervious paving in lieu of a black asphalt parking lot. This design strategy would assist in all of the following credits EXCEPT:


D. SS Credit Open Space. 9-What is the benefit of preparing a concept model for compliance with the Integrative Process credit? C. It can form the basis of the preliminary energy model for a whole-building energy simulation. 10-Which action would NOT earn a project an Innovation credit for a LEED BD+C: New Construction project?

E. Using a new strategy to mitigate the heat island effect. 11-Achieving the greatest effectiveness in cost and environmental performance requires that every issue and every team member be brought into the project at which of the following points?

A. Discovery. 12-Which action must a project team take for implementation of the Integrative Process credit?

B. Document how the analysis informed building and site design decisions in the project's OPR and BOD. 13-A project team has convened to identify targeted LEED credits, identify initial responsibilities and deliverables, and identify potential integrative strategies for achieving performance targets. What is their next step in the project timeline?

B. Conduct a preliminary water budget analysis and preliminary comparative energy modeling. 14-Which statement is true regarding a project team's ability to use the water budget from a school project and apply it to an office project?

A. The application of the school project's water budget will not apply to the office project because water budgets are project-specific. 15-At which phase would a daylight consultant play a critical role?

D. When any information needs to be identified for a daylight simulation. 16-A project team has completed preliminary energy and water research and analysis that will help with the discussions for integrative design opportunities. What should be the project team's next step?

D. Convene a goal setting workshop.


17-Which water-budget information provides enough data for use in the Discovery phase of water-related systems? A. A week's worth of data showing that 5,000 gallons (18,900 liters) of water will be used. 18-A project team for a new hospital is having an integrative design charrette to discuss the budget, schedule, and functional programmatic requirements, health mission statement, credits to target and the LEED certification level. What will the project team need to document from the charrette for IP Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design?

A. Narrative explaining how the health mission statement addresses the credit requirements and a plan of action. 19-A building design includes such green building strategies as a vegetated roof, task lighting, photovoltaic cells, and operable windows. What credit will these design strategies NOT help achieve?

C. EQ Credit Daylight. 20-For which reason would it be suggested that someone review the ANSI Consensus National Standard Guide 2.0 for Design and Construction of Sustainable Buildings and Communities?

C. To become familiarized with the Integrative Process. 21-A project team has discovered local code allows the collection of rainwater for irrigation use and offsetting potable water use to reduce indoor water demand and process water demand. If the project wants to earn Integrative Process credit, rainwater must be incorporated into how many water demand components (indoor, outdoor, process)?

A. 2. 22-A LEED AP is exploring possible strategies for a building's energy related systems. Which aspects must be evaluated for a simple box energy model to earn Integrative Process credit?

D. Site conditions, massing and orientation, building envelope attributes. 23-Which documentation do project teams need to submit for Integrative Process credit?

B. An integrative process worksheet. 24-To be successful with MR Prerequisite Storage and Collection of Recyclables, who should assist in providing input on space requirements and the best infrastructure required for collection?


A. A waste hauler or recycling provider. 25-In an initial goal-setting workshop, which actions would occur?

D. Engagement of the owner and primary project team, setting a target certification level, picking LEED credits and assigning responsibilities. 26-Which outcomes exemplify collaboration among team members?

B. The HVAC system is the right size. D. Rainwater collection can be used for both SS Credit Rainwater Management and WE Credit Outdoor Water-Use Reduction. 27-Which statement is true regarding construction checklists as part of the commissioning process?

A. The contractor is responsible for filling out the checklist and returning it to the CxA. 28-A building owner and primary project team have convened for a goal-setting workshop. Which factors are examples of what would NOT be determined in the workshop? D. The lighting needs of certain workspaces. 29-A project team for a 3-story mixed-use project wants to increase the daylighting of the store on the ground floor to help the owner better display products for sale. What factors are critical for allowing more daylight into the building? B. Design of the exterior envelope. C. Depth of floor plates. 30-In a goal-setting workshop, which information should be documented for IP Credit Integrative Process?

C. Owner's project requirements (OPR) and basis of design (BOD). 31-What rating system is required to conduct a four-hour integrated design charrette to optimize the integration of green strategies?

A. LEED BD+C: Healthcare. 32-Which factors are aided by establishing regular meeting dates and clear communication channels?

A. Resolving issues quickly. C. Streamlining the process.


33-Which of the following are phases of the integrative process?

A. Occupancy, Operations, and Performance Feedback. C. Design and Construction (Implementation).

E. Discovery. 34-Energy-related research for the Integrative Process credit should include all EXCEPT which element? B. Proximity to public transportation.. 35-Integrating which project team member into MR Prerequisite Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning early in the design phase will assist later with earning the related credit?

D. Contractor. 36-A hospital project's preliminary energy model reveals high internal loads. Which suggestion would reduce energy use?

D. Provide daylighting. 37-In the integrative process, which statement is true about how the energy and water systems should be analyzed to identify the most synergies?

D. The energy and water systems should be analyzed at the same time. 38-Which factors should be modeled in a preliminary energy analysis?

D. Only options that have large consequences on energy use. 39-Which project team members' presence on a project would help meet the requirements of multiple credits for a prospective LEED BD+C: Data Center? A. LEED AP BD+C and a qualified CxA. 40-A project team is reviewing a simple box energy model for a large commercial building dominated by external loads. Which strategy can help decrease envelope loads? B. Increasing the insulating value of the glazing and window frame system . 41-A new library will have a 5% energy improvement over a baseline building. The project team is considering increasing ventilation. The project uses mechanical ventilation. This change could have a negative impact on:

D. EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance.


42-Which action does a project team need to take in the discovery phase for waterrelated systems to earn IP Credit Integrative Process?

B. Identify at least one on-site, non-potable water source that could supply a portion of at least two demand components. 43-Which options would be considered when evaluating building envelope performance as part of a simple box energy analysis? D. Effects of the percentage of exterior glazing on energy loads . 44-An owner, architect, and general contractor in a goal-setting workshop for a school project are discussing how installing a large quantity of skylights in the building's roof would increase daylighting in the core of the building. What could help them with this decision and help with earning IP Credit Integrative Process?

D. Perform a preliminary simple box energy model. 45-A new 10 story office building will be built in an arid region. Installing occupancy sensors would impact which credits? D. EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance and EQ Prerequisite Minimum IAQ Performance. 46-The design of a new five-story school includes plans for using stone from local quarries, a rainwater harvesting system, stacking the building program, solar thermal roof panels to heat hot water, and open grid paving. What green building strategies will these design decisions contribute toward?

A. SS Credit Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat. 47-Which tool will assist the project team when conducting a preliminary energy research and analysis for Integrative Process credit?

B. EPA Target Finder. 48-The coordination of energy and water systems for the Integrative Process credit should be addressed before which phase? D. Schematic design. 49-Which factors are included in the analysis of a project's water budget?

C. The on-site supply water. D. The water required by both the building and the associated grounds.


50-A project team for a school wants to increase the daylighting and views for students in classrooms. What issue should be considered if the design team chooses to increase the amount of glazing?

D. Glazing provides less insulating effects compared to standard walls. 51-For Integrative Process credit which factors must project teams assess through simple box energy modeling before completion of schematic design?

D. At least two potential load reduction strategies.

3-location and transportation:


1-A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is conducted on a potential

school site after contamination is suspected at the site. The assessment reveals contamination and the project team decides to remediate the site. This decision helps with what other LEED area? D. LT Credit High Priority Site. 2-A retail project includes 30 FTE and 800 daily visitors. The parking lot will

have 20 employee parking spaces and 100 visitor parking spaces. How many spaces, and of what type, are needed for LT Credit Green Vehicles? A. 6 preferred parking spaces and 3 alternative fueling station spaces. 3-In an urban area an existing building has a parking deck with 200 parking

spaces. A project for a new building adjacent to the parking deck will be allowed to share 100 of these spaces. When determining the parking capacity for the project, how should the parking capacity be calculated? D. By only including the 100 shared spaces. 4-A project team is reviewing a map showing an office project, two functional

entrances, transit stop locations, and walking routes and distances to transit stops. Which transit options do NOT qualify toward LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? A. A rail line a 1-mile (1,600-meters) bicycling distance of both functional entrances to the building. C. A bus line a 1/4-mile (400-meter) walking distance of the project boundary that offers transit in only one direction. 5-A retail project has 100 employee parking spaces in the rear of the building

and 500 customer parking spaces in the front of the building. If the project installs fueling stations for LT Credit Green Vehicles, which distribution strategy would earn the credit? B. Ten (10) fueling stations in the front of the building and (2) fueling stations in the rear of the building. 6-A mixed-use office and retail project has both short and long-term parking.

The office space includes 80 long-term parking spaces, and the retail space has 30 short-term parking spaces. The space has one main entrance for all users. How should the preferred parking be allocated?


B. With 4 long-term preferred parking spaces and 2 short-term parking spaces. 7-How would access to quality transit be documented? D. By a map showing the project, project boundary, transit stop locations, walking routes, and distances to those stops. 8-A new construction project has a single parking lot with a capacity of 425

spaces. If the project team includes EVSE for plug-in vehicles, how many and what type of parking spaces are required for LT Credit Green Vehicles? B. 22 preferred parking and 9 EVSE spaces. 9-A developer of a retail store has located the project site in a dense area

with diverse uses. The uses include the following: Services Category: 2 restaurants, 1 bank Civic and Community Facilities category: 1 park Given this information, which of the following uses, if located within a 1/4-mile (800 meter) walking distance of the project site, would earn LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses? A. A convenience store. 10-What could be classified as a bicycle network? C. A continuous network of bike trails. 11-A mixed-use project team in an urban area wants to reduce pollution by

promoting alternatives to conventionally fueled motor vehicles. The project has retail space on the first floor and residential spaces on the upper floors, as well as shared parking, and can't have preferred parking for green vehicles. Which action must the project team take regarding the discount of parking passes instead of preferred parking for LT Credit Green Vehicles? D. Include the discount in the building policy documents. 12-A project site located on 140 acres (57 hectares) has the following

densities: The land area of the residential portion is 70 acres (28 hectares) and has 700 dwelling units. The land area of the nonresidential portion is 60 acres (24 hectares) or 2,178,000 SF


(202,342 m2), The nonresidential building space is 1,500,000 SF (139,354 m2). What is true about the project's ability to meet the density requirements of LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses? D. The project meets both the residential and nonresidential density of the credit. 13-A developer for a residential project in an urban area is reviewing

potential sites that would reduce vehicle distance traveled. Which site would help with this goal and with achieving LT Credit Bicycle Facilities? A. A site within 3 miles (4800-meters) bicycling distance to 10 diverse uses on a bicycle network. 14-Which EVSE qualification is required for LT Credit Green Vehicles? A. Connection to a network or the Internet for participation in a demand response program or time-of-use pricing. 15-An urban new construction project with a zero lot line will have a roof

vegetated with diverse native and adaptive plants and will be built on a previously developed lot. The surrounding combined density for the project is 63,157 SF / acre (25,558 m2 / hectare). The total building footprint is 57,860 SF with a FAR of 1.7. The vegetated roof is 25,000 SF. What credit would the project NOT be able to earn? D. LT Credit High Priority Site. 16-A project with a three-story underground garage is designing a natural

gas refueling station for green vehicles. Which element must the project include in the design? B. A dedicated exhaust connected to the outdoors. 17-A LEED BD+C project that wants to maximize the number of points in the

Location and Transportation category should consider locating the project in which location? A. LEED v4 LEED ND Certified Plan. 18-When determining the total vehicle parking capacity for a site, which

information should be included? A. Off-street parking available to the project building's users outside of the project boundary.


19-A project team that selects a high-priority site is likely to fulfill the

requirements of which other credit? C. LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection. 20-How would a bicycle network be documented for a project? B. By including a vicinity map showing the bicycle network, route, and distance along the network to eligible destinations. 21-A 90-unit apartment complex in an urban area has 200 residents, 50 peak

visitors, and no employees. How many long-term and short-term bicycle storage spaces would be required for LT Credit Bicycle Facilities? C. 90 long-term spaces and 4 short-term spaces. 22-A developer has purchased two sites next to each other and plans to

combine them in order to develop a new mixed-use project. One of the sites is on the National Priorities List. Which statement is true about the project's ability to earn LT Credit High-Priority Site? A. The project will qualify for the credit, because a portion of the new site is in the high-priority designated area. 23-A commercial office project is adjacent to an existing movie theatre.

Which actions are examples of transportation demand strategies that a project team could implement to reduce parking demand? A. Allow telecommuting. D. Provide public transit subsidies. E. Share the parking lot with the movie theatre. 24-A project has the following transit service summary: Light rail: 80 weekday trips 60 Saturday trips 50 Sunday trips Commuter rail: 40 weekday trips 12 Saturday trips 0 Sunday trips


Given this information, which statement is true about the transit service and the project's ability to earn LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? A. The commuter rail weekend trips can be averaged to meet the minimum required. 25-A project team is pursuing both LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint and

LT Credit Green Vehicles. Which statement is true in order for the team to obtain both of these credits? D. Enough preferred parking must be provided for both green vehicles and carpools/vanpools. 26-If a project team is pursuing the option to install EVSE for green parking,

to which requirements regarding charging must the team adhere? A. The EVSE must comply with regional standards. B. The EVSE must have network capability. D. The EVSE must have a Level-2 capacity or higher. 27-A LEED AP is documenting five uses within walking distance of the main

entrance of an office building. What is an acceptable way to document LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses? C. By including a map showing the project site, location and type of each use, and walking routes from the main entrance to each use. 28-A company is building a distribution center near an airport. Which

additional criteria, if present, would earn the project LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses? D. If the site is within a 1/2-mile (800 meters) driving distance to a freight line. 29-What site would meet the minimum distance requirements to comply LT

Credit Sensitive Land Protection? C. Site 150 feet (45 meters) from a wetland. 30-A LEED AP is collecting information about a site that includes the dwelling

units per acre (hectare) and total floor-area ratio per acre (hectare) of buildings in the surrounding area. What would this information be used for? D. LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Option 1 Surrounding Density.


31-For a LEED BD+C: School Project, which details will the project team need

to show regarding pedestrian access to the school for LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? D. A map with a walkshed boundary. 32-A developer has located an empty building in a historic district that could

be renovated. What should the project team determine next to confirm whether LT Credit High-Priority Site can be earned? D. If the site is an infill site. 33-A technology firm is deciding on a location to build a new data center.

Which of the following sites would be most appropriate? E. Developed site 30 feet from a fishing stream. 34-A multi-story condominium is within a 1/2-mile (800-meter) walking

distance of the following uses: Services Category: 3 restaurants Food Retail Category: 2 grocery stores Civic and Community Facilities Category: 1 child care facility, 2 libraries Given this information, what is the total number of uses and the total number of eligible uses for LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses? C. 8 total uses, 7 eligible uses. 35-A project team is reviewing potential sites that have a diversity of transit

routes. Which site feature would help the project earn more points for LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? C. A site served by a bus route and a light rail route for which no one route provides more than 60% of the total trips. 36-A university housing project with 50 one-bedroom apartments has a

baseline parking capacity of 1 parking space/unit from the ITE handbook. The project will earn 1 point under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses and 1 point under LT Credit Access to Quality Transit. Which is the maximum number of parking spaces the project can have and still earn LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint? B. Thirty (30) spaces.


37-A project in a dense location calculated a parking reduction for LT Credit

Reduced Parking Footprint that falls below the local code minimum design threshold. Which action should the project team take to earn the credit? B. Work with the municipality to secure a zoning variance. 38-The owner of a new construction project located in an urban area with a

zero lot line will provide discounted parking passes to drivers green vehicles. The owner is going to charge $35/month instead of the regular $50/month. What other requirement must the project meet to earn credit for this discount? B. Publicly post the discounted rate. 39-A building owner is reviewing sites that could meet LT Credit Surrounding

Density and Diverse Uses. Which site would earn this credit? D. A site in a community with an average combined density of 22,000 SF/acre in the correct density radius. 40-A school project is located within 1.5 miles walking distance from 916

students in grades 9-12. The school is expected to have 1,200 students when complete. The school has built two walking and biking routes, one going north and the other south. The school has a busing system that uses 6 buses. What is true about the project's ability to earn LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? D. The project has earned the credit. 41-A project team is reviewing potential LEED for Neighborhood Development

sites for retail space. What locations - if selected - would earn the project LT Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location? B. LEED v4 LEED ND Certified Plan or LEED 2009 State 3 LEED ND Certified Neighborhood Development. 42-When mapping the surrounding density within a 1/4 mile (400-meter)

radius of the project site from the site boundary, which details needs to be included in the calculations? D. Buildable land. E. Types of buildings.


43-Which situations, if found during a Phase 1 or Phase 2 site assessment,

would earn a project LT Credit High-Priority Site? B. An on-site pond that tested for high levels of a toxic chemical. C. An area of the site with soil contaminated by oil. 44-On a previously developed site with a water body on the property, which

minor improvements are allowed in the water-body buffer? C. Bike pathways. D. Maintenance shed. E. Grade changes to ensure access for all users. 45-A neighborhood project is planning on certifying to LEED ND Plan. There

are several LEED projects in the neighborhood that have substantially completed designs. Which action sequence will help streamline the documentation process? B. Complete the building design review phase first, then the LEED ND Plan certification. 46-A site is being selected for a company's new corporate headquarters.

What site is the best choice if the project wants to qualify for LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection? B. A previously developed site near similar projects. 47-A 500,000 SF (46,500 m2) mixed-use building pursuing LEED BD+C: New

Construction includes office space and residential space. The office space has 102 regular building occupants and 40 peak visitors. The residential space has 30 units with 40 residents and 20 peak visitors. How many shower facilities are required for LT Credit Bicycle Facilities? C. 2. 48-For international project teams, by which means would sensitive lands be

identified? C. By consulting with a qualified biologist or ecologist. 49-A project site contains a large greenfield area, a pond, and an old parking

lot. The new building design will require building on more than the previously


developed area. Which statement is true about the project's ability to earn LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection? D. The credit can be earned by not disturbing any sensitive land areas. 50-A project team is reviewing a historic building for renovation. When

determining the infill status of the potential site, which elements will be included in the total land area within 1/2 mile (800 meters) of the project boundary? C. Forests. 51-A university housing project with 100 one-bedroom apartments has a

baseline parking capacity of 1 parking space/unit from the ITE handbook. The project will earn 1 point under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses but not earn LT Credit Access to Quality Transit. The project includes offstreet parking. How many preferred parking spaces for carpools must the project include for LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint? D. 3 spaces. 52-An owner has selected a site in a bike-friendly project location. When

laying out the site plan, where must the short term bicycle storage for visitors be located? D. A 100-feet (30 meters) walking distance of any main entrance. 53-A three-story retail project has a main entrance on the first level. The

building has 420 parking spaces in an attached three-story garage with an elevator on the second and third levels that allows access to the main entrance. How many preferred parking spaces are required for LT Credit Green Vehicles, and where should they be located? D. 21 preferred parking spaces closest to the main entrance.

54-developer is building a new supermarket located in an area with the following uses: Services Category: 2 restaurants, 1 bank, 1 laundromat Community-Serving Retail Category: 1 pharmacy Given this information, which statement is true about the project's ability to earn LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses?


D. The project could earn the credit if another use in a different category was within walking distance. 55-Under which circumstance does a project NOT have to provide preferred

parking when attempting LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint? D. If no off-street parking is provided. 56-An apartment building pursuing LEED BD+C: New Construction has two

functional building entries. One entrance is within a 1/4-mile (400 meters) walking distance of a bus stop. The other entrance is within a 1/2-mile (800meters) walking distance of multiple stops of a rail station. Each transit route has service in both directions. Which criterion is true for how these stops count toward LT Credit Access to Quality Transit? B. Only trips from one stop of the rail station may be counted. 57-When calculating a reduction in a project's parking footprint, which

information would allow a project team to determine the baseline parking capacity? C. That the team is working on a 50-unit residential housing project. 58-In which ways can a project team influence change if a LEED project is not

already located near a bicycle network or a transit stop? A. By getting the local government to commit to striping bike lanes or lower the street speed limit. B. By seeing if the local transit agency will commit to providing additional service to the project. 59-Which of the following descriptions does NOT meet the criteria for

sensitive land on which project teams should avoid building? B. An area with trees more than 6 inches (150 millimeters) in diameter at breast height. 60-Which of the following would be an eligible diverse use near a project? C. A planned supermarket located in the same building that will be operating within one year of the LEED project's initial certificate of occupancy. 61-A project team designs a development footprint so that it does not

overlap any sensitive areas on a site. If the project team provides an


impervious pedestrian pathway for occupants to walk around the property, where could the walkway be placed while still allowing the project to earn LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection? C. Within a wetland buffer.

4- Sustainable site: 1-For a mixed-use office and residential project, which space qualifies as

outdoor space for SS Credit Open Space? C. A playground shaded by trees. 2-The project team for an urban school project is reviewing options to

integrate the school with the community. Which strategy would NOT count toward SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities? D. Providing walkable access to 10 or more diverse uses. 3-Which type of external luminaires should be selected to generate well-

shielded, well-directed light? B. Luminaries that minimize up light and light trespass from the site.


4-A building planned for a previously developed site has a zero-lot-line and a

single flat roof. The project has a FAR of 1.7. Given that the project will earn LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses what additional credits could be earned by installing an intensive vegetated roof? A. SS Credit Open Space. B. SS Credit Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat. D. SS Credit Heat Island Reduction. 5-A project team is collecting information for a site assessment. Which

documentation would likely not be used to gather property condition information? B. An ESC Plan. 6-A schools project in a suburban location is building on a previously

developed site. The project site area is 174,240 SF. The building footprint is 65,000 SF and there are 20,000 SF of access roads and parking area. How much of the site does the project have to restore to earn a SS Credit Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat? B. 52,272 SF. 7-A project team has calculated the runoff volume of a project that will need

to be managed. The site includes impervious hardscapes and a parking lot, as well as preserved open space. How much runoff does the project need to manage for the 95th percentile storm event for SS Credit Rainwater Management? B. 100% of the total site runoff. 8-A project is located in an area where the local code does not cover all

requirements of the Construction General Permit (CGP), and some of the local code requirements are less stringent. When developing an ESC plan, which action should the civil engineer take? B. A compliant ESC plan must have been in place prior to construction to earn the prerequisite. 9-A project team must protect which percentage of the greenfield area onsite

from development and construction to earn SS Credit Site Development Protect or Restore Habitat?


C. 40%. 10-A project team has completed a site assessment and will use the results

to inform decisions about rainwater management. Which factor is the primary difference in the credit options the project team must follow for SS Credit Rainwater Management? D. The volume of runoff to manage. 11-A project team reviews a project design and finds that the design does not

comply with SS Credit Heat Island Reduction using the standard non-roof/roof calculation due to the project having multiple roof angles and materials that fall above and below the minimum SRI and SR values. Which action should the project team take next? C. Use the weighted non-roof/roof calculation to see if the design will comply. 12-A lighting designer has completed the lighting boundary for a project site

and is gathering data on luminaires to use for the BUG method for SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction. Some of the luminaires do not have BUG ratings. Which action should the project team take next? B. Use software to calculate the BUG rating for the luminaires that don't have ratings. 13-A site master plan includes the development of stores, restaurants, and

other businesses. The site is not a LEED-ND project. For a LEED BD+C: New Construction project that is part of the site master plan, which statement is true about open space as it relates to SS Credit Open Space? C. Open space adjacent to the building could count toward the credit. 14-A project team will attempt to replicate the natural land cover conditions

for SS Credit Rainwater Management. All EXCEPT which action could help the project team estimate the natural land cover conditions? A. Reviewing other sites nearby. 15-A LEED BD+C: Hospital project located in MLO lighting zone LZ1 has

selected lighting for the parking lot and walkways that have appropriate BUG ratings. The hospital has a helipad which requires additional lighting. The additional lighting for the helipad exceeds the minimum vertical illuminance of SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction. What should the project team do to earn the credit?


B. Exclude the helipad lighting from the credit calculations. 16-The lighting boundary can be modified under all of the following

conditions except: A. When lighting is used solely for façade and landscape lighting in MLO lighting zones 3 and 4, and is automatically turned off from midnight until 6 a.m. 17-Why should a project team for a new office project conduct a site

inventory and corresponding site analysis for project site? D. To identify synergies between the assessment and other LEED credits. 18-A project team has determined a project's lighting zone and is now

working with a lighting designer on the lighting boundary for the project. Which statement is true about creating the lighting boundary site plan? B. The lighting boundary can differ from the project boundary if the change is justified. 19-A project building on a previously undeveloped site has no setback and

will have no open space around the building. What is true about the ability of the project team to achieve SS Credit Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat? B. The project cannot achieve the credit. 20-A project design includes 84 on-site parking spaces and 24 off-street

parking spaces. Of the total 84 on-site parking spaces, 4 are motorcycle parking spaces and 4 are bicycle parking spaces. How many parking spaces must be placed under cover for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction? A. 60. 21-The project civil engineer, landscape architect, and hydrologist are

meeting to confirm that the green infrastructure and low-impact development measures selected for the site are sufficient to manage the required volume of runoff for the 95th percentile of rain events. If they find the design cannot manage the required volume of runoff, which action should be taken next? C. Adjust the design based on the volume each technique can manage. 22-A project's total site area is 280,000 SF (26,000 m2). The total previously

developed area on site is 100,000 SF (9,290 m2). The building FAR is 1.7.


How much financial support would an owner have to provide to earn SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat? C. $112,000. 23-Which actions should a project team take to complete a site assessment? A. Gather information on the property condition. B. Engage local experts. C. Conduct a site inventory. 24-A project team is designing a parking strategy that will include parking

spaces under cover to mitigate the heat island effect. How should the top level of each multilevel parking structure be classified and/or calculated? C. As a non-roof surface if there are parking spaces present or as a roof area if there are no parking spaces present. 25-Encouraging human interaction with wetland and natural areas for open

space can be accomplished with all of the following EXCEPT: A. Side slopes of 1:4 or more. 26-A project site's total area 100,000 SF (9,290 m2), of which 80,000 SF

(7,432 m2) is previously developed. The building has a FAR of 1.8. The project team is considering installing an 8,000 SF (740 m2) green roof. If the green roof is installed, how much additional area would need to be restored to earn SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat? A. 16,000 SF (1,486 m2). 27-A project team has engaged local experts prior to conceptual design to

help inventory site elements. Which action will be aided by filling out the USGBC worksheet to document existing site conditions? B. Informing building location and orientation. 28-For international projects using products that may not have SRI values,

which actions should the project team take to make purchasing decisions for materials that can mitigate the heat island effect? A. Send material samples to labs for testing. B. Compare materials listed in the Cool Roof Rating Council Standard Database.


29-Which strategies would a project team follow to achieve success with LT

Credit Light Pollution Reduction? A. Minimize the overall number of luminaires. B. Specify only necessary side lighting. D. Hire a lighting designer if the calculation method is used. 30-A project team working on light pollution reduction needs to address all

EXCEPT which factor? A. Exterior luminaires located outside the project boundary. 31-Which fact should project teams consider for SS Credit Site Development

Protect or Restore Habitat in an urban versus a rural environment? C. Urban projects have higher density, which changes the strategies for development. 32-The total site area (including the building footprint) of a project is 100,000

SF. The project has a FAR of 1.75. How much vegetated area is required to earn SS Credit Open Space? B. 7,500 SF. 33-Which description identifies the purpose of a site assessment? D. To investigate and document site elements to inform project design and performance. 34-Which strategy would help a project team earn exemplary performance

for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction on a project with a zero-lot line and a low-sloped roof? A. Have 100% underground parking and install a vegetated roof on top of the building. 35-A project design will include bioretention areas, porous paving, rain

gardens, and pervious decking. Which type of strategies are these? C. Green-infrastructure and low-impact development strategies for rainwater management. 36-On which factor will a site's lighting design be based? D. The lighting zone in which the project is located.


37-Which information must a project team calculate in order to manage

rainwater on site when the team has determined natural land-cover conditions? B. The natural land-cover volume and the post-development volume. 38-A school will be providing the community with access to some of the

school's facilities including playing fields and a gymnasium. What must be provided for SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities when a school is providing the facilities? A. Access to toilets after normal school hours.

39-A project's total site area is 280,000 SF (26,000 m2). At the beginning of a project, a landscape architect has categorized all areas of a site as either greenfield (180,000 SF/16,700 m2) or previously developed (100,000 SF/9,290 m2). Which strategy could the project team use to earn SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat? D. Preserve the greenfield and restore 30,000 SF (2,787 m2) of the previously developed area. 40-A project is required to obtain a construction general permit (CGP) prior to

construction. Which statement is true about the project achieving SS Prerequisite Construction Activity Pollution Prevention? C. No additional erosion and sedimentation control plan is necessary. 41-A developer is planning a new 10-story office building in a suburban

location. The project team will pursue LEED BD+C: Core and Shell. In what ways will the Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines benefit this project? A. Helps tenants design and build sustainable interiors and adopt green building practices. 42-A project team is discussing synergies to achieve both SS Credit

Rainwater Management and SS Credit Heat Island Reduction. The project design will include covered parking. Which strategy would help earn both credits? A. Include a vegetated roof. 43-Which strategy is the most effective for reducing overall heat island effect

while additionally supporting the achievement of other LEED credits?


B. Limiting the amount of hardscapes on the site and increasing the landscaping area. 44-A new office project building will be occupied in the month of June when the weather starts getting hot. Which eligible non-roof inclusions would mitigate the heat island effect for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction? A.A paved area shaded by solar thermal collectors. C. High-reflectance paving with an initial SR of 0.33. D. Carports with a three-year aged SR value of 0.28. 45-A project team is planning to restore the soil and habitat of a previously

developed site in parallel. When identifying the areas to be restored, which elements can the project team exclude from the calculations? A. Vegetated landscape areas that are constructed to accommodate rainwater infiltration. 46-Which feature is open space required to have for SS Credit Open Space? C. Usable by people on the site. 47-Which tool would a project team use to calculate the 95th percentile

rainfall event for SS Credit Rainwater Management? B. USGBC Rainfall Events Calculator. 48-A project team is working with school authorities, neighborhood agencies,

and outside companies to identify eligible facilities owned by other organizations that could be made accessible to students. Which space would count toward SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities? C. A swimming pool across the street from the school accessible via a continuous sidewalk. 49-A developer is building an office project in an urban area. The project has

a zero-lot line. Which design feature must the building have to achieve SS Credit Rainwater Management? B. A density of at least 1.5 FAR. 50-Project teams choosing on-site restoration for SS Credit Site Development

- Protect or Restore Habitat must restore which elements?


A. Habitat. E. Soil. 51-Community leaders are meeting with the school board to discuss sharing

some of a new school's facilities. If the community engages in a contract with the school for dedicated-use spaces, in addition to providing access to toilets what other space types would qualify for SS Credit Joint Use of Facilities? C. Police office and a parking lot. 52-Which information of supporting documentation would a project with a

zero-lot line need to document for compliance with the 2012 EPA Construction General Permit? D. A description of special conditions and compliance with any applicable ESC measures. 53-An office park will contain 450 parking spaces. There will be 30 preferred

parking spaces and 3 spaces for van or carpools. The team wants to earn a point for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction by placing parking underground. What should be done to earn the credit? C. Design an underground parking deck for at least 338 parking spaces. 54-An office building is undergoing a major renovation. Currently on site is a

75-car parking deck covered with a white coating that has a 3-year aged SRI of 37. What is the maximum number of new non-covered parking spaces that can be added for the project to qualify for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction? D. 25. 55-When restoring disturbed and compacted soils, which action must the

project team take to restore soils in areas being revegetated? B. Restore the area with specific soil restoration criteria. 56-Which strategies meet the requirements of an erosion, sedimentation, and

control (ESC) plan? A. Plant vegetation such as grass, ground covers, trees, and shrubs to stabilize soils. D. Cover soils with products including mulch, tarps, filters, and fabrics so that soil won't erode.


E. Install structural controls such as earth dikes, silt fences, sediment traps, and catch basins to divert water and to capture sediment from the storm water runoff.

5- Water efficiency: 1-A project team in an arid climate is considering using cooling tower

blowdown as an alternative source of water for irrigation. Which issues should be addressed as a result? A. The timing and reliability of the supply will need to be assessed. C. The salinity of the water will need to be tested. 2-Which types of fixtures are NOT eligible for Water Sense labels? B. Pre-rinse spray valves. D. A waterless toilet. E. A residential clothes washer. 3-Which of the following would be classified as a private lavatory faucet? D. A bathroom faucet in a condominium unit. 4-Which are the primary factors a project team should consider when

deciding which water subsystems to meter? B. The highest water consumers. C. The systems that most closely align with the goals of building management. D. The most expensive systems to operate. 5-A building project can be connected to a supply of reclaimed water. To

which credits could the water be applied to offset potable water use? D. WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction and WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction.


6-After the design phase of a school project the team decided to replace

outdoor basketball courts with an athletic field covered in turf grass. What statement is true regarding this design change? A. The field can be included or excluded in WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction calculations at the project team's discretion. 7-When calculating the landscape water budget for a site, which areas must

be included? A. Trees. F. Groundcover. 8-Which water subsystems must have 100% of the source sub metered for

WE Credit Water Metering? B. Reclaimed water. D. Boiler water. 9-A project with an evaporative condenser uses 100% potable water for

cooling. Which action would the project owner need to take to achieve WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use? B. Hire a water treatment professional to conduct a one-time potable water analysis. 10-The project team for a small office is calculating the daily baseline indoor

water use. There will be two men and one woman in the office. What is the daily baseline water usage? B.14.25 gallons.

11-Why should a project team consider sub metering during the building design when it is relatively easy to locate them? A. A building automation system can included to read the meters. D. The meters can be located in places that can be read manually. 12-An indoor water use baseline case consists of which information? D. The amount of water used if the project used only code-compliant fixtures and fittings.


13-A global restaurant chain is building a new restaurant. The restaurant will

include an ice machine. The project is located in a country that doesn't have ENERGY STAR appliances. What is true about the project's ability to earn WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? D. The project can meet the prerequisite if the appliance meets the ENERGY STAR product specifications available on the ENERGY STAR website. 14-A project team is reviewing alternative sources of water to achieve WE

Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction. The uses of which potable water alternatives are acceptable? C. Foundation dewatering water. D. Reverse osmosis reject water. F. Used process water. 15-When estimating a landscape water requirement (LWR) for a project,

which items would be included in the calculations from the landscape professional? A. Irrigation system elements. C. Planting density/distribution. E. Types of plants. 16-A new 5-story office building is being planned in an urban area. The

building footprint is 50,000 SF (4,645 m2) and has a zero-lot-line. The building will feature an indoor fountain in the lobby, a rainwater collection system to offset indoor potable water use, a high-SRI white roof. What is true about the project's ability to achieve WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction? D. The project is exempt from the prerequisite. 17-How can a project owner share building-level watering meter data with

USGBC on a monthly basis? A. Through a third party data source. C. Through ENERGY STAR's Portfolio Manager. 18-Which water end use, if present on a project, does NOT need to be

metered for WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering?


B. A rainwater collection system. 19-A project team in an area that receives extensive rainfall wants to install a

rainwater cistern to supply 75% of the water needed for irrigation for a LEED BD+C: Healthcare project. The landscape design would include perennial plants and turf grass irrigated with overhead sprinklers. Which outcome would be the result of this design? D. The project would not meet the requirements of WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction. 20-A project team hired a water-treatment professional to analyze the

makeup water for a cooling tower and received the following results: Parameter/Maximum allowable concentrations/Makeup water concentrations Calcium (CaCO3): 1,000 ppm, 200 ppm Alkalinity: 1,000 ppm, 100 ppm SiO2: 100 ppm, 20 ppm Chloride: 250 ppm, 40 ppm Conductivity - 2,000 micro siemens/cm, 400 micro siemens/cm Which is the maximum number of cycles of concentration for this makeup water? A. Five (5) cycles. 21-An office project in an arid climate is going to include a rainwater-

collection system to offset indoor potable water use for toilet flushing. The office will have Water Sense fixtures. The occupancy will be 100 FTEs and 20 average daily visitors. Which item does the project need to include with the narrative for WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction? C. A plumbing system design drawing. 22-A project team trying to achieve LEED BD+C: Multifamily Midrise for a

new residential project would need to do which of the following? D. Specify ENERGY STAR appliances or equivalent. 23-Which water-using equipment can be excluded from the 20% reduction

threshold of WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? A. Janitor's sink. C. Coffee maker.


F. Fixtures regulated by health codes. 24-The Water Sense Water Budget tool uses which variables to determine

how much landscape water a project needs? D. Each location's rainfall and evapotranspiration levels. 25-If a project team is pursuing the prescriptive path of WE Prerequisite

Indoor Water Use Reduction, which information should the LEED AP provide to the MEP engineer to assist in meeting the credit requirements? B. Example fixture cut sheets that fulfill the intent of the credit. 26-A building has a restaurant on the first floor and office space on the

second and third floors. When using the indoor water use calculator, how should the information be calculated? C. Calculate each occupant group separately. 27-Project teams pursuing points under WE Credit Indoor Water Use

Reduction must show which requirements have been met? C. The project fixtures in aggregate meet the requirements. 28-A project design will use no potable water sources for cooling tower

makeup water. A rainwater collection system will store water from the building's roof and a storage pond will collect storm water runoff from the grounds. What is true regarding the project's use of the water? C. The rainwater collected from the roof will require less treatment before use. 29-When occupancy data is entered into the indoor water use calculator; it is

split by default to a 50/50 gender ratio. Under which circumstance should this be ratio changed? C. In a private school exclusively for girls. 30-Under what circumstances are projects exempt from WE Prerequisite

Outdoor Water Use Reduction? C. If the project has no landscaped areas. 31-A landscape designer is calculating the landscape water budget for a

school project. Which areas can be optionally included in or excluded from the calculations?


B. Vegetated playground. 32-The landscape designer for a project has created a design that will not

require long-term irrigation for the property. Which pieces of information will need to be documented in the plant species and water requirement narrative for WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction? C. An indication of why average rainfall will be sufficient. D. A description of the plants. 33-A project team is working in a country that does not have Water Sense

equivalents for fixture performance. For the prescriptive compliance path of WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction, which action should the project team take to achieve the prerequisite? D. Select a fixture performance of at least 20% below the baseline of EPAct 1992. 34-If a project team is going to use aerators without a Water Sense label in

private lavatories as part of a strategy to meet WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction, which is the maximum flow rate allowed? D.1.5 gallons per minute (5.7 liters per minute). 35-An engineer is reviewing the design of a cooling tower for a hospital

project. The design includes a makeup water meter, conductivity controller, and efficient drift eliminators. What else needs to be included for WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? C. Overflow alarm. 36-A project team is working in a country where the Water Sense label is

unavailable and there is no acceptable substitute for the country in the International Water Labeling Program. What is true about the project team's ability to earn WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? D. The fixtures and fittings must comply with the 20%-below baseline requirement. 37-An office project is estimated to have 200 FTE occupants and 30 daily

visitors. The project team is attempting to earn points under WE Credit Indoor Water Reduction. When using the indoor water use calculator, which information will the project team need to enter to accommodate the visitors? B. Nothing, the calculator accounts for reduced usage of fixtures by visitors.


38-A project includes landscaping with irrigation. Which items would

contribute to the 30% reduction required for WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction? C. Native plants and drip lines. 39-A project team is designing a hospital's cooling tower system. To reduce

the building's ongoing operating costs for water use what would be the best non potable sources to offset cooling tower makeup water? C. Air conditioning condensate and rainwater from building roofs. 40-Which action must a project team take to achieve WE Prerequisite

Building-Level Water Metering? B. Measure total potable water use of the site grounds. C. Commit to sharing five years of data with USGBC. E. Measure total potable water use of the whole building. 41-A team member is entering toilet information for calculating the design

case for indoor water use. In addition to the fixture type and its flush rate, which information must be entered into the calculator for the toilet? C. Manufacturer and model. D. Percentage of occupants using the toilet. 42-A project team is designing a 50-story high-rise residential building in an

urban area. Water Sense labeled fixtures and fittings are being reviewed for WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction. Which action should occur to ensure building occupants are satisfied with the fixtures and fittings? A. Determining that fixtures will not have performance problems. 43-A public utility uses proprietary wireless technology to read the water

meter for a project building. Since access to the water-metering data is restricted, which statement is true of the project team's ability to achieve WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering? D. The project team can track water usage through monthly billing statements.


44-Members of a project team are discussing blending potable and reclaimed

water for use in a cooling tower. Which issue should be addressed when considering this strategy? B. Both types of water should be tested first. 45-A project with an evaporative condenser uses 100% potable water for

cooling. Which action would the project team need to take to achieve WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? A. Add a meter for makeup water. 46-A new church is pursuing LEED BD+C: New Construction. The facility will

have soup kitchen to serve the community that includes a commercial dishwasher, ice machine, and combination oven. In addition to the fixtures and fittings, what else must be included in WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? D. Ice machine. 47-Which type of fixture is eligible for Water Sense labels? C. A private lavatory faucet. 48-A project team will not pursue points under WE Credit Indoor Water Use

Reduction. Which information should be documented by the MEP engineer for the prescriptive path of WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? B. Product cut sheets and fixture schedules. 49-The entire water supply for a building is provided by a public water supply

and uses a single water meter. The meter is not accessible for reporting to achieve WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering. Which action can the project team take to track water usage? D. Install a second private water meter downstream of the public water supply meter. 50-A design team is working on water use reduction strategies for a new

school project. What could the project team include to help reduce appliance and process water use for WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction? A. Under counter 1.6 gallon/rack (6.0 liters /rack) dishwashers.


51-A project team will earn one point for WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use

by meeting the maximum number of cycles without additional treatment. Which action can the project team take to earn an additional point? C. Use 20% alternative water sources. 52-A site project has two landscaped sections: one that requires irrigation

and one that does not because it is Xeriscaped. How should the project team calculate the landscape water budget? C. By making two separate calculations, one for the irrigation section and one for the unirrigated area. 53-A project team decides to install a weather-based irrigation controller

system. What will be the result of this decision? C. The system will earn the project a 15% reduction in landscape water requirements (LWR) for WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction. 54-The classification of a sink in a mixed-use project is unclear. Which action

should the LEED AP take when performing the indoor water-use calculations? D. Classify the sink as public. 55-Which system is not included in WE Credit Water Metering? C. Cooling towers.


1-A Core and Shell project in Nevada has a wind energy system added to the roof. According to the US DOE's Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey the estimated electricity the project will use will be 1,000,000 kWh/year. Energy costs in the area are $0.08/kWh. What must the wind system produce to earn 3 points for EA Credit Renewable Energy Production? C. $4,000 of energy.

To earn 3 points, a Core and Shell project must get 5% of the building's annual energy cost from on-site renewable energy.


On-site renewable energy is calculated as a percent of the building's annual energy cost. The correct answer is 5% of the cost, not 5% of the total energy. The estimated energy use is 1,000,000 kWh from the CBECS database. This multiplied by the cost per kilowatt hour gives an annual energy cost of $80,000. $80,000 X 5% (0.05) = $4,00.00. 2-A design firm is bidding on a new school project. What would be the benefit

of creating an energy model and using it as a design tool? A. The design can help inform the integrative process.

3-At which point in a project's schedule must the commissioning authority be

engaged? D. By the end of the design-development phase. 4-A project team on a LEED BD+C: School project is working with a

mechanical and plumbing engineer to verify that the HVAC and service water-heating equipment meets the ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Building's prescriptive requirements. What else needs to be included in the minimum mandatory and prescriptive scope of work? D. Economizers, ventilation, ducts and dampers. 5-A project team is planning to use green power obtained from a separate

campus facility through an internal campus agreement. The project team did not use an energy model for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. No other buildings on campus obtain power from this facility. What is true about the project's ability to earn EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets? A. The campus facility that supplies the power does not have to be Green-e Certified. 6-A project team is using a whole building energy simulation for EA Credit

Optimize Energy Performance. All of the following quality assurance checks would be flagged by the reviewer except: E. The baseline vertical glazing area is less than 40%.


7-A project with a 30,000 sq. ft. building footprint has been designed with a

100% green roof. The project team is revising the design to decrease the size of the green roof by 5,000 sq. ft. and add 5,000 sq. ft. of photovoltaic cells to the roof. What credits will this design change NOT affect? B. SS Credit Heat Island Reduction. 8-What is a trade-off when using a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system? A. Requires a higher refrigerant charge. 9-As an alternative refrigerant to HCFC a project team is considering HFC-

410A. What is the trade-off to when using HFC-410A in the HVAC&R system? B. May require more energy to achieve the same level of cooling as HCFC. 10-An office project in a cold climate burns natural gas on-site for heating

and uses electricity from the grid in warmer seasons for cooling. Which option can be used to mitigate both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions? C. Carbon offsets.

Only carbon offsets can be used for both emission types - non-electricity and electricity. 11-A project has a 150-kW PV array that will produce 210,458 kWh of electricity per year after transmission and conversion losses. The virtual rate for the electricity generated is $0.092/kWh. The total building annual energy cost as determined from CBECS is $60,129. What percentage of renewable energy will the system produce? B. 32%. 210,458 kWh X $0.092 / kWh = $19,362 $19,362 / $60,129 = 32%.


12-A new suburban retail project will be implemented using a bio-fuel based

electrical system. Which bio-fuels are excluded from eligibility for EA Credit Renewable Energy Production? A. Forestry biomass waste, other than mill residue. B. Pressure treated lumber. 13-A new office building with a retail component on the first floor totals

254,000 sf. The building requires a median electrical intensity of 11.7kWh/sf/year. What amount of green power purchased by the operating company will qualify the project for EA Credit Green Power and Carbon Offsets? B. 7,429,500 kWh. Credit is achieved by purchasing 50% renewable power for a period of five years. 254,000 sf X 11.7 kWh/sf/year X 50% = 1,485,900 kWh / year 1,485,900 kWh X 5 years = 7,429,500 kWh. 14-What document includes installation verification checklists, functional

performance tests, issues log that details open and closed issues? B. Cx report. 15-After the owner documents their owner's project requirements (OPR), the

project team will take that document to create the basis of design (BOD). What would be contained in the BOD?


C. Systems and assemblies, governing codes and standards, performance criteria and assumptions. 16-Which first step must all projects take before attempting EA Prerequisite

Minimum Energy Performance? B. Determine the project's climate zone.

The climate zone determines which mandatory requirements from ASHRAE need to be followed; regardless of if an energy model or prescriptive compliance is pursued. 17-A CxA has arrived on a project site to verify the installation and

performance of the systems as part of fundamental commissioning. Which of the following are NOT typical steps the CxA will perform? A. Training operating personnel. 18-A residential building will include a common laundry room, postal area,

and heated swimming pool. An independent CxA has been hired to help the project achieve EA Credit Enhanced Commissioning. What additional activities will the CxA be required for enhanced systems commissioning? D. Develop an on-going commissioning plan. E. Review contractor submittals applicable to the heated swimming pool. 19-In which LEED credit is sampling allowed? B. EA Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification.


20-The owner of a new oceanfront museum project wants to use 50% green

power, but the direct purchase of Green-e certified power is not available through the local utilities. An energy model was not done for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. What information is not required when determining the quantity of RECs to purchase? A. Emissions criteria for the non-renewable portion of the electricity. 21-A 20,000 SF (1,858 m2) retail building is considering meeting EA

Prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance by following the prescriptive compliance path using the Advanced Building Core Performance Guide. Which statement is true of this approach? A. The project can't earn any points under EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance. 22-A project team is installing advanced meters in an office building for

interior lighting, space heating and cooling, receptacle equipment, and fans. Which action would be aided by gathering this data? D. Educating occupants with information about which subsystems use the most energy. 23-A CxA has finished preparing their Cx report for the building owner, and

the project team is compiling the current facility requirements (CFR) and operations and maintenance (O&M) plan. Which information should the CFR and O&M plan include to operate a building efficiently by the facility manager?


C. Set points for all HVAC equipment, sequence of operations for the building, lighting levels. 24-A project team used the prescriptive requirements to meet EA Prerequisite

Minimum Energy Performance. Which statement is true about the project's ability to participate in a demand response program? A. The project team can use space peak-load calculations to calculate the minimum reduction in peak electricity demand. 25-An office project in a hot climate is considering attempting EA Credit

Demand Response. Which actions will the project team need to take in order to participate? B. Participate in a program for at least 10% of peak demand and conduct one full test of the DR plan for fundamental commissioning. 26-A project will include a unique manufacturing process resulting in non-

regulated load savings. Which statement is true regarding how these savings would be addressed in a whole building energy simulation? D. The exceptional calculation method would be used. 27-Each item would be developed for EA Prerequisite Fundamental

Commissioning and Verification except which of the following? A. A simple box energy model.


28-If the performance option is chosen for EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy

Performance, the modeling data can be used to inform decisions in all of the following EXCEPT which credit? A. EA Prerequisite Fundamental Refrigerant Management. 29-A demand response sequence is acceptable for LEED when: C. An independent system operator sends a DR event over the Internet and preprogrammed DR measures are initiated automatically. 30- A building operator is designing and selecting the components of a

building automation system. Which action should additionally be considered at the same time? D. Demand response participation. 31-Which components are a part of monitoring-based commissioning? B. Permanent energy monitoring systems. C. Real-time energy analytics. E. Ongoing commissioning. 32-Which minimum contract length is required for Green Power and Carbon

Offsets? B. Five (5) years. 33-On a project with older existing HVAC&R system that uses CFCs what can

the project team do to earn LEED certification?


D. Replace the HVAC&R system with one that does not use CFCs. 34-When is the performance path more appropriate than the prescriptive

path for energy efficiency? D. When the project wants to achieve Platinum certification. 35-What is the minimum contract length required for Demand Response

credit? D. One year with the intention of multiyear renewal. 36-In which unit is green power measured? D. MWh. 37-The commissioning authority, with the help of the design team and

contractors, is writing functional test scripts for a new school building. Which order will the test scripts typically follow? B. The sequence of operations developed by the engineers. 38-A 400,000 square foot (37,161 square meter) commercial building has a

curtain-wall facade. Which envelope testing methods would be appropriate for this project? A. Thermal imaging. B. A field mock-up. 39-Which of the following are NOT eligible for EA Credit Renewable Energy



B. Passive solar architectural features.



1-Source reduction includes all EXCEPT which strategy? A. Donating materials Donation, resale, or on-site reuse are ways to divert waste, not reduce it at the source. 2-Which materials are included in a whole-building life-cycle assessment? (Choose 3) A. Roof assemblies C. Covered parking F. Footings and foundation This credit requires all that all assessed materials include the complete building envelope and structure elements. These include the following:

Footings Foundations Structural walls Interior wall cladding Structural floors Ceilings Structural parking

Interior finishes, non-structural walls, furniture, and MEP are excluded. 3-What minimum time period must a waste stream audit be conducted for a retail project? B. 24-hour period


This is the minimum. 4- A general contractor is working on documenting the quantity of materials reuse for a project. If a salvaged material came from on-site, how will the contractor determine the replacement value of the material? D. Using a comparable material in the local market, excluding labor and shipping Material reuse is based on the total cost of the materials and the total cost of any reused/salvaged materials.

If a salvaged material came from on-site, the replacement value of the material is determined by comparing the material to something available in the local market. Labor and shipping are excluded, as are any discounts the seller may apply. 5- A project team is reviewing Type III EPDs for the impact reduction of different office chairs in the following categories: Global warming potential (greenhouse gases) Depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer Acidification of land and water sources Eutrophication Formation of tropospheric ozone Depletion of nonrenewable energy resources For product optimization, which factor must the chairs possess? D. A reduction below the industry average in at least three categories For Option 2 Optimization of MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization – EPDs, a reduction below industry standards is required in at least three categories. Note that for Option 2 the product must have an industry wide (generic) EPD or Type III EPD.


6- A project team for a healthcare facility is developing flexibility goals in anticipation of the future expansion of the building. The building may be expanded both up and out. Which overall strategies would help conserve future resources? A. A facade that accommodates new openings and additions B. Oversized corridors F. A structural system to handle increased vertical loads 7- A construction waste-management plan must establish diversion goals, target at least how many materials to be diverted, and explain diversion plans for those materials? C. Five (5) Five (5) material streams must be identified in the plan for diversion. 8- A project will include carpet tile and walk-off mats from one manufacturer, as well as ceramic tile and wood flooring from another manufacturer. All of the products have industry-wide (generic) EPDs. How many permanently installed products would this count toward MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - EPDs? B. 2 It's necessary to know first what constitutes a product in LEED as it applies to these credits. A product is defined by serving the distinct function. This includes the physical components and services needed to serve the intended function of the permanently installed building product. Similar products from the same manufacturer can be counted as separate products if they have distinct formulations, but not if there are aesthetic variations or reconfigurations. In this question there are four distinct products from two different manufacturers. A product-specific declaration, which is made by a manufacturer but is a selfdeclaration, is valued at 1/4 of a product.


An industry-wide ISO-compliant generic EPD is valued as 1/2 of a product. A product-specific Type 3 EPD is valued as 1 product. The item stem mentions four products, all of which have generic EPDs, so each counts as 1/2 of a product, or two total products.

9- A project team is conducting alternative analysis of a project design as part of a whole-building life-cycle assessment. One of the products the design team is considering is not in the LCA tool's data set. Which option does the project team have for the analysis? D. If the product has a critically reviewed LCA or EPD, the product's impact-measure results can be added to the model. If an LCA or EPD is available, the product could be added into the software. 10- Which product would contribute to Option 2 Optimization of MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - EPDs if the product demonstrates a reduction in at least three impact categories? D. Carpet that is third-party certified A product must be third-party certified to count for Option 2. By third-party certified, that means an industry wide (generic) EPD or a product-specific Type III EPD. The product must be permanently installed. The product must perform better than the industry average in at least 3 of 6 impact categories. 11- A project team is close to meeting the 25% threshold for building and material reuse for MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction. Which strategy would assist the project team earn the credit? D. Obtain reused materials from off site for inclusion in the project


If the credit threshold isn't met, the project team could find more materials that would contribute to a greater surface area and count toward the area of reuse. 12- A project team has identified enough qualifying products to meet MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 1 Raw Material Source and Extraction Reporting. What must be submitted for documentation of the credit? C. The corporate sustainability reports from each manufacturer and the building disclosure and optimization calculator 13- For a product to count toward the achievement of MR Credit Building Disclosure and Optimization, Sourcing of Raw Materials, all EXCEPT which statement regarding reporting must be true? C. A report must be published within one year of the product's installation. The report has to be current at the time of installation, not published within one year of installation. 14- A project team is considering options for earning MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 1 Diversion. The school is in a rural area with little waste infrastructure, and the project cannot meet the waste diversion requirements through reuse and recycling. Which strategy should be considered? A. Use any wood waste as biofuel Waste-to-energy is a viable option if reuse and recycling is not available. 15- A developer has purchased a blighted 100,000 SF (9,290 m2) warehouse. Part of the roof and one of the exterior walls, totaling 30,000 SF (2,787 m2), are structurally unsound and must be demolished. The developer will maintain 60,000 SF (5,574 SF) of the surface area of the building. Which statement is true about the project team's ability to earn MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction? A. The project team can pursue Option 3 Building and Material Reuse.


For Option 2, projects are only allowed to exclude up to 25% of the surface area because of deterioration or damage. If more than 25% is considered unsound, the project cannot pursue Option 2. Remember to start by looking at the percentage that is unsound to see if the credit can be pursued. Don't subtract the unsound portion from the total as a means of determining if at least 50% of the area is maintained from that value.

16- A renovation project includes removing part of an old building, re-grading some of the site, and taking down some trees for a building expansion. What item must be included in the calculations for MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 1 Diversion? B. Carpet that is not Green Label Plus certified

The carpet would need to be included in the calculations for the total of all construction waste management. If the carpet were recycled or donated it would be included in the percentage of construction waste diverted from landfills. Notes: Land-clearing debris is excluded from the calculations. 17- Which type of analysis will the project team conduct for a whole-building life-cycle assessment? B. Cradle-to-grave A cradle-to-grave analysis is used to compare a design case building to a baseline building. 18- A project team member was not clear about the specifications for building materials, and a contractor substituted a product with disclosure documentation for a product without disclosure documentation. The replacement product has a GreenScreen v1.2


Benchmark. How should the product be treated as it applies to MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients? D. Exclude the product from the disclosure option and include it in the optimization option Each Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credit has an option for disclosure and another option for optimization. Each option is worth 1 point, and projects can earn 2 points each for the credit. Earning 1 point for Option 2 optimization is allowed without earning Option 1 disclosure for each credit. In this scenario, the product does not have disclosure (because the product was substituted), but it does have optimization by having the GreenScreen v1.2 Benchmark which counts toward Option 2. 19- A project will renovate a building with historic designation into new office space. The surface area of the existing building structure and envelope is 100,000 SF. How much of the existing building will need to be reused to earn 5 points for MR Credit Building LifeCycle Impact Reduction? A. There is no minimum There is no threshold of compliance for Option 1 Historic Building Reuse. However any demolition can't result in the building losing it's historic status. 20- A project includes some salvaged wood flooring costing $50,000 and that was purchased 500 miles (804 km) from the project site. What value does the wood have toward MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials? C. $50,000


The wood meets a sustainability criteria, but since it was purchased more than the 100 miles (160 km) from the project, it is valued at 100% (not 200%) of the cost. See MR Overview Location Valuation Factor. For a product to qualify for the location valuation factor two criteria must be met: 1. Sustainability 2. Extraction, manufacture, and purchase within the radius If the product isn't sustainable, it counts as 0%. If the product meets multiple sustainability criteria, it doesn't count more toward the total (salvaged material that contains recycled content can't be double counted).

21- A project team is reviewing material choices before deciding which products to include. The team located interior wall partitions made with recycled content that have been salvaged from another building. The partitions are available from a company located 50 miles (80 km) from the project site for the price of $20,000. What value do the partitions have toward MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization Sourcing of Raw Materials? C. $40,000 See MR Overview Location Valuation Factor. For a product to qualify for the location valuation factor, two criteria must be met: 1. Sustainability criteria 2. Extraction, manufacture, and purchase within the radius. If the product isn't sustainable, it counts as 0%. If the product meets multiple sustainability criteria, it doesn't count more toward the total (salvaged material that contains recycled content can't be double counted). $20,000 X 200% location valuation factor = $40,000


22- Which type of project would require the project team to conduct a whole-building life-cycle assessment for MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction? A. A new Core and Shell project New buildings can only use Option 4 of the credit. 23- A project team has purchased 7,500 SF (696 m2) of salvaged wood flooring from a barn at a cost of $22,500. How can the reused materials be applied toward LEED credits? B. The surface area of the flooring can be applied to MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, Option 3 Building and Material Reuse; OR the cost of the flooring can be applied to MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 2 Leadership Extraction Practices. The reuse of off-site materials can be applied to only one credit. Building reuse uses surface area. The optimization credit option uses cost or replacement value.

24- A project team is deciding if the project will generate more than 2.5 pounds of construction waste per square foot (12.2 kg/m2). MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 2 Reduction of Total Waste Material is appropriate if the project team is able to take which action? D. Implement source reduction strategies in design and construction Project teams choosing Option 2 need to use source reduction strategies to reduce the quantity of waste generated on site.

25- What documentation for MR Prerequisite Storage and Collection of Recyclables is specific to LEED BD+C: Retail?


A. Waste stream study Retail projects require a waste stream audit conducted over a 24-hour period that must be documented.

26- Which is a key strategy for project teams to earn multiple points and credits for the MR Credits for Building Product Disclosure and Optimization? C. Select materials that double count toward options and credits Materials that have lots of documentation and sustainable attributes can count toward multiple credits. For example in the EPD, credit Option 1 can be earned if materials have an EPD. Option 2 includes a performance requirement for reduction of the product's environmental impacts assessed.

27- A project team believes they can generate less than 2.5 pounds of construction waste per square foot (12.2 kg/m2) by using source reduction strategies such as modular components and prefabricated wall assemblies for the project. What will the project team need to document for MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 2 Reduction of Total Waste Material? B. Total waste per area Project teams choosing Option 2 need to use source reduction strategies to reduce the quantity of waste generated on site. The required documentation is the total waste per area.

28- Cabinetry that is low VOC and made with FSC Certified Wood would contribute to what credits? D. MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 2 Leadership Extraction Practices and EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials FSC wood falls under Option 2 Leadership Extraction Practices. Low VOC products earn credit in EQ Credit Low-Emitting Materials.


29- What products would both contribute towards MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials, Option 2 Leadership Extraction Practices? D. Carpet made with recycled content that is part of a take-back program For this option choose products that meet one of these extraction criteria: Extended producer responsibility Bio-based materials Certified wood Materials reuse Recycled content 30- A project has a cost of $21M. The cost of the optional products and materials (furniture and MEP) for the project is $500,000. Given this information, what is the default materials cost of the project? B. $9,950,000 If the project team doesn't use the actual materials cost, a default materials cost of 45% of the total construction cost can be used. If optional products and materials are included in the credit calculations, the actual value of those materials must be added to the default value. $21,000,000 X 45% = $9,450,000 $9,450,000 + $500,000 = $9,950,000 See MR Overview Determining Product Cost. 31- A project team working a new construction project is attempting to divert construction waste from the landfill. Total construction waste is estimated to be 120 yards. What is the minimum material volume and diversion streams that need to be diverted to earn MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 1 Diversion? B. 60 yards from at least 3 material streams Divert 50% and 3 material streams for Option 1 Diversion, Path 1. Divert 75% and 4 material streams for Option 1 Diversion, Path 2.

32- Why should a project team ensure proper storage locations and sizes for recyclable materials in the building floor plan during the initial design phase? D. To avoid later difficulties in finding available areas for storage after the design is complete Designing the areas early avoids cramming the storage spaces in odd locations later on.


33- The architect and other project designers are reviewing material choices for a new office space. Which reused materials will NOT contribute to optimization of MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials? A. Furniture that has been leased for 1-year In the case of an owner moving to a new site furniture that is leased must have been in service for 2-years to count in the current project. 34- A project team is reviewing a new insulation material that is Cradle to Cradle v3 Gold certified. If they use this product on the project what credits would it contribute to? C. MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients, Option 1 Material Ingredient Reporting and MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients, Option 2 Material Ingredient Optimization Cradle to Cradle products (depending on the level) can be applied to both the disclosure and optimization options of MR Credit Building Product Disclosure and Optimization Material Ingredients. For Option 1 the product must has been certified at the Cradle to Cradle v2 Basic level or Cradle to Cradle v3 Bronze level. For Option 2 the following are accepted: Cradle to Cradle v2 Gold Cradle to Cradle v2 Platinum Cradle to Cradle v3 Silver Cradle to Cradle v3 Gold or Platinum 35- A project team is pursuing MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Option 3 Building and Material Reuse. The surface areas of what elements need to be included in the reused elements table and calculations for documenting the credit? C. Built-in casework, steel structural beams, reused ceiling tiles All three of these elements count in the total surface area and as reused elements. 36- A retail project is using waste-to-energy as a diversion strategy for MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management Option 1 Diversion. A LEED AP has submitted documentation that includes the MR Construction and Demolition Waste Management calculator, waste tracking totals and diverted waste amounts, and the waste material streams. What additional documentation is required? A. Justification for the use of waste-to-energy Waste-to-energy needs to be justified. Additional documentation includes the facility adhering to relevant EN standards. 37- A project team is reviewing ceiling tiles that would contribute to material ingredient optimization. If all of the products have similar prices, which products would contribute


the most to the criteria of 25% of the total of permanently installed materials for the credit? A. Tile that is Cradle-to-Cradle v2 Platinum certified B. Tile with a full GreenScreen Assessment Note which products are worth a higher percentage of cost for Option 2. The correct choices are valued at 150% of their cost. 38- A chair has the following components, weight percentages, and sustainability criteria:

Cotton fabric 5% certified by Rainforest Alliance Plastic seat 30% none Steel frame 65% 40% pre-consumer recycled content

The chair cost $100 What is the total product value as it applies to Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credit? D. $31 The product value is based on the weight of the components that meet the sustainability criteria as a percent of the total product weight. Total product cost ($) X % product component by weight X (%) meeting sustainable criteria $100 X 5% X 100% = $5 $100 X 30% X 0% = $0 $100 X 65% X 40% = $26 = $31 39- A new construction major renovation project is working to convert an historic warehouse into a mixed-use retail and office building. The project is trying to divert as much construction waste as possible from landfills. The following is a construction waste management summary. How many points would the project earn for MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management?

Waste Weight ----------------------------------------------


Excavated soil 50 tons Crushed concrete reused on site 25 tons Steel sent to a recycling center 1 ton Wood sent to a waste-to-energy facility 15 tons Mixed waste sent to a landfill 25 tons

D. 1 The items that qualify toward the credit are are: -Crushed concrete -Steel sent to the recycling center -Wood sent to a waste-to-energy facility Mixed waste sent to the landfill does not count as diverted waste but is included in the calculation of the total amount of waste. Soil and hazardous materials are not included in the calculations. 25 + 1 + 15 + 25 = 66 tons of total waste 25 + 1 + 15 = 41 tons of waste diverted 41 / 66 = 62.1% This is enough to earn one point for the credit because the diversion included 3 material streams and met the 50% minimum diversion.


40- For a building renovation the architect's plan indicates reuse of interior elements including wall partitions, flooring, doors, cabinets, and ceramic bathroom tile. If the total interior surface area is 30,000 SF, how many square feet must be reused to comply with MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction? A. 7,500 SF A minimum of 25% of building materials from off site or on site as a percentage of the surface area must be reused. 30,000 X 25% = 7,500 SF 41- A developer selected a building with a historic designation for a project. The necessary building alterations for bringing the building up to code caused the building to lose its historic status. Which action should the project team consider for earning MR Credit Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction? C. Seek the credit option for Building and Material Reuse for the reuse of the building A building that loses its historic designation may apply for Option 3. 42- Which type(s) of EPD (is/are) always created from a product category rule? C. A product-specific Type III EPD 43- Which design strategy carries the highest value by LEED in the Material and Resources category? B. Reuse Building and material reuse is prioritized and rewarded through credits with higher point values. 44- A tenant is moving into a new space and is planning for the future growth of the company. What project feature allows the space to be changed more easily to support growth? A. Demountable partitions Demountable partitions are one strategy for designing for flexibility. 45- A project team is adding up the number of separate products used on a project to see if the project meets the 20-product minimum required for one of the Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits. Which products would count as two separate products? C. Carpet tile for a lobby with low pile and carpet tile for an office with a higher pile, each from the same manufacturer


The tiles serve different functions and would count as different products even though they are from the same manufacturer. See MR Overview Defining a Product. 46- A project located in a rural area without a recycling program must take which action for MR Prerequisite Storage and Collection of Recyclables?

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