29 Right On 3 Audios

February 3, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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You can also visit one of the many seafront restaurants and try local seafood dishes. Then, after a fun day exploring the city, you can enjoy the city’s lively nightlife. There is something for everyone in Lisbon! For more information on what you can see and do, visit one of the Lisbon tourism websites. Lisbon really is the place to be!

Listening test 1A London is in the south-east of England and has about 8.7 million people. It is a fantastic city for tourists. While there, you can go on a sightseeing tour and see some of the city’s most popular attractions, from Buckingham Palace and Big Ben to the Tower of London. But that’s not all! London offers visitors many other things to do. There are exhibitions at the Science Museum and paintings at the National Gallery. Or, you can go to the Sea Life London  Aquarium  Aquariu m and see amazing amazing sea creatures. The The exciting Camden Market is also a great place to find the perfect souvenirs. Then, after a long day exploring the city, you can relax in one of the city’s parks and enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is something for everyone in London! For more information on what you can see and do, visit one of the London tourism websites. London really is the

Module 2

Listening test 2A Radio host (woman): Good morning listeners and welcome. Today, joining me in the studio is Damian Hale, a local teenager. Damian has just returned home from Kilauea, Hawaii where he witnessed a volcanic eruption. eruption. Was it your first trip to Hawaii, Damian? Boy: No. My grandparents live there so I go every year to visit them. It’s like my second home. Radio host: So, have you seen any volcanic eruptions before? Boy: Yes, the volcano there is very active and has erupted many times, but it doesn’t usually cause any big problems. In fact, we love to watch the volcano in the evenings because sometimes, you can see the lava glow. It’s so amazing! Radio host: Wow! That does sound incredible. So, what was different this time? Boy: Well, this time, there was a huge eruption. Pieces of rock flew through the air and lava erupted from the volcano. Then, the lava started to flow like a river. One piece of rock hit a man and broke his leg.

place to be! Listening test 1B Madrid in the centre of Spain and has about 3.3 million people. people. It is a fantastic city for tourists. While there, you can go on a sightseeing tour and see some of the city’s most popular attractions, from the Buen Retiro Park and Plaza Mayor – the main square  – to the Royal Royal Palace. But But that’s not all! all! Madrid off offers ers visitors many other things to do. There are amazing animals at the Madrid Zoo Aquarium and you can take photographs of them. And don’t forget to visit Serrano Street which has plenty of fashionable

Radio host: How awful! So, what were you doing when the eruption happened? Boy: Well, we had a busy morning shopping at the supermarket. Then, we were in the kitchen making lunch. We were eating on the balcony when suddenly the ground started shaking. It was an earthquake! When it stopped, we noticed lava coming towards us. Radio host: That must have been terrifying! Boy: It was! We were all very frightened. But, it isn’t  just the lava or the earthquake earthquake that that can be dangerous. The volcanic eruption also has lots of toxic smoke which is really bad for you. For me, it’s the most harmful because it’s very difficult to stop yourself from breathing it in. Radio host: So, what did you do? Boy: We decided that the best thing to do would be to pack a few things and leave. We evacuated the

clothes shops. Then, after a long day exploring the city, you can watch a show at a theatre. There is something for everyone in Madrid! For more information on what you can see and do, visit one of the Madrid tourism websites. Madrid really is the place to be! Listening test 1C Lisbon is in the west of Portugal and has about half a million people. people. It is a fantastic city for tourists. While there, you can go on a sightseeing tour and see some of the city’s most popular attractions, from the Belém Tower and the Lisbon Castle to Rossio Square. But that’s not all! Lisbon offers visitors many other things to do. You can visit an open-air market where you can get local organic fruit and vegetables. © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


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AUDIOSCRIPTS Radio Host: Melanie, thank you so much for coming into the studio to tell us your story.

house and went to the community centre. Lots of other families were there, too. Everyone was quite anxious about what would happen next. It’s a good thing we left because the lava destroyed my grandparents’ house. I was sad that we lost all of our things, but, I’m relieved that we are all safe. Radio host: Thank you so much for coming to share your story with us.

Listening test 2C Radio host (woman): Good afternoon listeners and welcome. Today, joining me in the studio is Alex Greene, a local teenager. Alex has just arrived home from Florida in the USA where he survived a hurricane. So, Alex, was this the first time you had been to Florida? Boy: No. My cousins live there so I go twice a year to visit them. It’s like my second home. It’s a really great place to go for a holiday, too. Radio host: Usually the weather in Florida is hot and sunny, isn’t it? It must have been a shock to have a hurricane hit while you were there. Boy: Actually, Boy:  Actually, it wasn’t. wasn’t. They happen happen a lot there. there. In fact, there are more hurricanes in Florida than in any other US state. Some are much stronger than others.  And I don’t don’t like how much much damage they’ve caused caused to the area. Radio host: So, what were you doing on the day the hurricane hit Florida? Boy: Well, we knew it was coming because we saw the weather forecast on TV, so we went to the supermarket to buy food. It wasn’t until we were eating dinner that we heard strong winds outside. Radio host: It’s great that weather forecasts can give us so much information about when a hurricane will hit. So, how did you feel when the hurricane arrived? Were you scared? Boy: Yes, we were. But my cousins have witnessed a lot of them, so they were more calm. We all went

Listening test 2B Radio host (man): Good afternoon everyone and welcome to today’s show! I am joined in the studio by Melanie Fox, a local teenager. Melanie has just got back from a trip to York in the north of England where she was trapped by floods. So, Melanie, was it your first time in York? Girl: No, it wasn’t. We go there every year because my family thinks it is a great place to visit. Radio host: I agree! York is a beautiful city. So, have you witnessed flooding before? Girl: Not really, no. We get a lot of heavy showers here in the UK, especially in the north, but what makes flooding more common in York is that it isn’t far from two rivers. Radio host: So, what happened? Girl: Well, it had been pouring with rain for days. It was very difficult to enjoy our holiday. The rivers overflowed and all the water flooded the town. Radio host: So, what were you doing when the flood hit? Girl: Well, we were watching TV and having dinner when we saw the weather forecast. It didn’t sound

down to the basement and waited for it to pass. It was very noisy outside and the power went off. Radio host: That sounds terrible! Did the hurricane last for a long time? Boy: Not very long, but we waited in the basement for a few hours to make sure it had stopped. Later, when it was over, we saw that the house was okay. However, the wind had blown down a tree in the garden and it had fallen onto the car. There was a lot of damage. Radio host: It must have been very upsetting to see. How did you feel about what had happened? Boy: My cousins were disappointed that the

serious so we went to bed. But when we woke up in the morning, we saw that the whole town had flooded during the night. Radio host: Wow! That must have been frightening. Girl: Yes, it was. Thankfully, the waters weren’t that deep and didn’t move very quickly. What I was mostly nervous about, though, were the dirty waters. Radio host: Yes. Floodwater can be very bad for our  health. So, what happened next? Girl: Well, we were trapped inside the house all day. It was awful. I felt very relieved when the rescue team came to help us. They took us to a community centre where we were safe. At the time, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t have much fun because of the bad weather, but now, I’m just a bit worried that the same thing will happen again next time.

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hurricane damaged the car. But, I was more relieved that everyone was safe and that the hurricane didn’t


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AUDIOSCRIPTS Listening test 3B

injure any of us. Now that I’m home, I’m just worried that a worse one will happen next time I visit. Radio host: I can understand that. Well, Alex, thank you so much for coming to share your story with us.

Ben: Hey Chloe! What plans have you got for this summer? Chloe: Oh, hello Ben! Actually my parents booked our summer holiday last night. Ben: That’s great! Where are you going?

Module 3

Chloe: Well, you know we usually go abroad for sightseeing holidays or city breaks. I always have fun but they’re not my favourite type of holiday. I prefer adventure holidays which is why I’m so excited to go on one this summer in the UK. Ben: I haven’t been on an adventure holiday before. We usually go on beach holidays, however, last year we went on a cruise in the Caribbean. It was fantastic! So, where in the UK are you going? Chloe: We’re going to the Forest of Dean. Ben: Wow! I hear that it’s really beautiful there and a great place to go to relax. Chloe: Yes, that’s what I love most about the forest. I also think it’s great to walk around, explore new places and get close to nature. Ben: I agree. So what will you do while you’re there? Chloe: Well, I’ll ride my bicycle and go swimming at the pool but not before I’ve been horse riding. I love horses and can’t wait to ride one through the forest. Ben: You’ll have a great time there. So, are you all ready to go? Chloe: I think so. We’ve booked some fantastic accommodation in the forest and we’ve packed our suitcases. All that’s left is to buy some food for the  journey..  journey Ben: You’ll have so much fun. Don’t forget to email me!

Listening test 3A Mark: Hey Susie! Have you got any plans for the summer? Susie: Oh, hi Mark! Actually my parents have just booked our summer holiday. Mark: Great! Where are you going? Susie: Well, you know we usually go abroad for a beach holiday or stay in the UK and go camping. I don’t mind camping, but it isn’t my favourite type of holiday. But this year, we’re doing something new. We’re going sightseeing in Italy. We’ve never been there before so we’re very excited! Didn’t you go there last year? Mark: Yes, and I had a fantastic time seeing all the sights. This summer, we’ve booked an adventure holiday in France and a beach holiday in Portugal. I’m very excited! So, where in Italy are you going? Susie: We’re going to Florence for a week. Mark: Wow! Florence is a beautiful and interesting city. What will you do there? You must be excited about trying some Italian food. Susie: Yes, I’m really looking forward to the food and the buildings and monuments. But the thing I really can’t wait for is going to see ‘David’, the famous marble statue at an art gallery. Mark: Ah Mark:  Ah yes, I’ve seen seen it. It was very impressive. impressive. Florence is an amazing city to explore. There is definitely a lot to see and do there. I’d recommend riding a bicycle around the city, that’s how a lot of the locals get around. It’s much cheaper than taking taxis and is more fun than a bus tour. Susie: That sounds like a good idea; although we were planning to walk. Mark: You’ll have a great time there. So, are you ready to go? Susie: Well, we’ve found a place to stay and we’ve booked our museum and art gallery tickets online. So, all that’s left is to put everything into my suitcase! Mark: Have a great time and don’t forget to take lots of photographs! Susie: I won’t! See you soon!

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Chloe: I won’t! See you when I get back! Listening test 3C  Ava: Hi Nick! Have you got any plans for the summer? Nick: Oh, hi Ava! Yeah. My parents booked our summer holiday a few months ago.  Ava: Great! So, where are you going? Nick: Well you know we usually stay in the UK and go on city breaks, like last year when we went to London. City breaks are OK, but I really love nature. That’s why I’m so excited that my parents have booked us a trip to Tanzania to go on safari. Have you visited Tanzania before?  Ava: No, but I went on safari in Kenya last year. I had a fantastic time! This year we have booked a 3

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AUDIOSCRIPTS Millie: He loves music. In fact, he never misses a music festival. But the other day he said he’d like to try computer art. Toby: I’ve never tried computer art, but my friend Kate loves it. She never goes anywhere without her laptop. I think I’ll give it a try some day. Millie: There are so many different art forms to choose from. I wish I had time to try filmmaking. Maybe I’ll do it during the summer holidays. Toby: That’s a great idea! I’ll try it with you.

sightseeing trip in France, but I’d prefer to go on a beach holiday in Greece. I just want to sunbathe and relax. So, where are you going? Nick: We’re going to the Serengeti National Park.  Ava: Wow! I’m sure that will be amazing. There are lots of animals and plants there so you will be able to get close to nature. Nick: Yes, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most. I’m also looking forward to helping animals at risk and meeting new people.  Ava: What will you do while you’re there? Nick: Well, I’m planning to volunteer for a day at a conservation conservati on centre. Of course I’ll see lots of wild animals on a safari. Oh, and I’ll get to meet the Hadzabe people. I think it will be very interesting to learn all about their culture.  Ava: You’ll have a great time there. So, are you all ready to go? Nick: I think so. We’ve booked the safari tour and packed our suitcases. suitcases. All that’s left is to book a taxi to

Listening test 4B  Alice: Hi Charlie! What are you up to? Charlie: Oh, hello Alice. I’ve been listening non-stop to a band I saw at the music festival last week.  Alice: They sound great! You really love music, don’t you? Charlie: Well, I do, but for me, there’s nothing better than painting a picture. Do you enjoy painting, too?  Alice: Yes, I do, but I prefer making sculptures. It’s very creative. Charlie: I’m not good at sculptures but maybe I could try filmmaking or computer art. It’s a bit more challenging than painting.  Alice: Well, my sister Lucy loves computer art, she finds it much more interesting than filmmaking. Charlie: I know filmmaking isn’t for everyone. My brother Thomas doesn’t enjoy it at all.  Alice: What does he like best? Charlie: His favourite art form is literature. He never goes anywhere without a book. He told me he’d like to try pottery some day, though.  Alice: I’ve never tried making pottery, but my friend

the airport!  Ava: You’ll have so much fun. Don’t forget to take lots of photographs of the animals. Nick: I won’t! See you when I get back!

Module 4

Listening test 4A Toby: Hey Millie! What are you doing? Millie: Oh, hi Toby. I’m just looking at some photographs that I took at an exhibition I went to last week.

 Amy loves it. She She went to a pottery pottery workshop workshop last year. I think I’ll try it one day. Charlie: There are a lot of art forms to choose from. I’d love to try something creative like photography. Maybe I’ll do it during the school holidays.  Alice: That’s a good idea! I think I’ll join you!

Toby: They’re great pictures! I didn’t know you enjoyed photography! Millie: Oh, I don’t really! It’s for a class project. For me, there’s nothing better than a good book. You enjoy reading, too, don’t you? Toby: Yes, I like literature a lot. However, I prefer making pottery. It’s very relaxing. Millie: I’m not good at pottery but maybe I could try making a sculpture or painting a picture. It’s a bit more creative than reading. Toby: Well, my sister Sue loves making sculptures, she finds it much more interesting than painting. Millie: I know painting isn’t for everyone. My brother James doesn’t enjoy it at all. Toby: What does he like best?

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Listening test 4C Lydia: Hi Mark! What are you watching? Mark: Oh, hi Lydia. It’s the film I made for the filmmaking competition. Lydia: It looks fantastic! I didn’t know you enjoyed filmmaking so much! Mark: Well, it’s not my favourite. I much prefer taking photographs. What about you? Do you enjoy photography? 4

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AUDIOSCRIPTS Laura: Yes, I have, but they won’t listen. I’m glad that it’s not affecting my friendships or my schoolwork, but I worry that they’ll never stop! James: I understand. I think you’ll need to be very brave to get them to stop. Have you thought about telling your parents or a teacher? Laura: No, actually, I don’t really want them to know. I haven’t even told my real friends about it! James: Well, you might need to tell an adult if they won’t stop picking on you, but first, you need to try standing up to the bullies. Remember, though, you shouldn’t argue with them or do anything to upset them. If you do that, it might get worse. Laura: Yes, you’re right. I’ll try that. Thank you so much.

Lydia: Yes, I like taking pictures, but I much prefer painting. It’s very relaxing. Mark: I’m not very good at painting but I could have a go at making a sculpture. Lydia: Don’t expect our friend Katia to join you. You know she loves literature. She finds reading books much more relaxing than making sculptures. Mark: I know not everyone enjoys making sculptures. In fact, my brother Thomas doesn’t enjoy it at all. Lydia: Which art form is his favourite? Mark: Definitely music. He goes to a lot of music festivals and concerts. He plays the guitar and loves indie music, too. However, he told me he’d like to try computer art. Lydia: I’ve never tried making computer art, but my sister Eloise loves it. She even went to a computer art exhibition last year. I think I’ll try it one day. Mark: There are a lot of art forms to choose from. I really want to try pottery. Maybe I’ll go to a workshop during the summer holidays.

Listening test 5B Louise: Hey Kevin. What’s wrong? Have you been arguing with your brother again? Kevin: Oh hi, Louise. No, it’s not that. After finally settling into my new school, it’s almost time for my exams and I feel terrible. Louise: That doesn’t sound like fun. It sounds like you’re suffering from exam stress. Kevin: The problem is that when I’m trying to study, I feel so tired and stressed that I keep forgetting everything. I find it easier to concentrate in class and I always do my homework, but I can’t focus well when I’m studying. Louise: That’s too bad. Have you made a study timetable? Kevin: Yes, I made one to include all of my subjects and I try to stick to it. I study for one hour and then

Lydia: That’s a good idea! I think I’ll come with you!

Module 5

Listening test 5A James: Hi Laura. You look upset. Are you stressed about exams again? Laura: Hi, James. No, it’s not that. I’ve already prepared for my exams. It’s just that some of my classmates have been picking on me. They’ve been making jokes about the way I look. James: How awful! They don’t sound like real friends

take a break to do something else. I’m so busy that I’ve just been having snacks at my desk rather than eating dinner with my family. Louise: It’s great that you’ve made a study timetable, and that you take some breaks but it sounds like it might be too busy. You don’t need to start a whole new study plan, but you should add in some time to have dinner in the evenings. Diet and sleep are very important. Kevin: Yeah, you’re right. I haven’t been sleeping enough either. I’ve been so worried about the exams that I’ve been staying up late to study. Louise: Oh dear! Well, it sounds to me like you need

to me. It sounds like you’re being bullied. Has this been going on for long? Laura: Just a few weeks. They don’t do it during lessons because the teacher is there. Instead, they come and pick on me while I’m eating my lunch. After  that, I’m so upset that I can’t wait for the end of the day so I can go home. James: That’s awful. What do your friends think about it? Laura: Well, I haven’t spent much time with them recently. I just go home straight after school and do my homework. It isn’t until the morning that I feel anxious because I don’t want to go to school and face the bullies again. James: Laura, you have to do something about this. Have you tried telling them to stop?

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to eat more healthily and get plenty of sleep. It’ll help you concentrate better and reduce exam stress. That


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way, you can study for less time because you’ll be more focused during your study sessions. Kevin: Really? I didn’t know that. I’ll definitely give it a try. Louise: Let me know how it goes. I think within a few days, you’ll be feeling more relaxed. Kevin: I hope so. Thanks for the advice!

Listening test 6A Speaker 1  As a result of of my dad’s job, job, we moved to another country last month. I was sad to leave all my friends behind, but I must admit I was looking forward to a new adventure. Thanks to technology I knew I'd be able to talk to my friends online, and that made me feel a lot better. I can't imagine what it was like years ago mailing a letter overseas and then waiting weeks for a reply.

Listening test 5C Paul: Hi Lynn. What’s wrong? Is someone bullying you again? Lynn: Hi, Paul. No, it’s not that. It’s just that lately, I can’t stop checking my phone and using social media. It’s making my parents angry and if I don’t stop, I think we’ll have an argument. Paul: Oh no! It sounds like you might be addicted. Do you think about it a lot? Lynn: Yes, I’m always thinking about what to post next and if my friends will find it interesting. I also feel very anxious when I can’t find a Wi-Fi connection. Paul: Hmm … it sounds like you need to take a break from it. Have you tried turning off your phone? Lynn: No, it’s not that easy Paul! I always check it first thing in the morning when I wake up and every night just before I go to bed. Sometimes, I even stay up very late chatting online. However, I’m not allowed to take my phone to school, so I don’t use it on the bus or in class, but checking social media is the first thing I do when I get home. Paul: Lynn, I think it’s time you did something about it before it gets even worse. Lynn: Yes, I agree. In fact, I’m so addicted to using social media that I’m not even spending much time

Speaker 2  Talking to my friends online is really hard sometimes, especially after school. That’s because my sister and brother are always on the computer and I can never use it. Thank goodness for my smartphone. Although I can't access the Internet with it, I can still send as many texts and chat with my friends as long as I want. Speaker 3 I'm a very social person so I love talking with friends and meeting new people. I can chat all day long, I'd  just rather do it in person. person. It bothers bothers me when I'm out for dinner and I see people at the table next to me not even talking to each other. They're texting or talking on their phone. Not me. I think people should pay attention to the person they're with. Speaker 4 It seems like everything is about speed these days. Faster Internet. Instant messaging. I wish the world would just slow down a little. I love keeping in touch with friends and family, but I'm tired of looking at another screen. For me, a pen and paper is all I need. So don't expect to find an email in your inbox from me. But go check your mailbox. I'll even include a few pictures. Enjoy.

with my friends. Instead, I’ve been staying at home and going online. Perhaps I should just get rid of my smartphone. That way, I won’t be able to use it. Paul: I don’t think you need to do that. Social media is a great way to speak to your friends online, but I think you should spend more time with them in person. Another idea is to take up a new hobby. This will stop you from thinking about social media all the time and you might also make some new friends. Lynn: Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Paul: Give it a try and let me know how it goes. I’m sure you’ll be feeling better in no time!

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AUDIOSCRIPTS Listening test 6B

Listening test 6C

Speaker 1 Everyone keeps talking about how positive technology is because we can now keep in touch with everyone using social media. It has some benefits but to tell you the truth, I like the old way of doing

Speaker 1 Everyone has a smartphone these days. I use mine to call my friends and family or to post my latest photos on social media. The best thing about having a smartphone, though, is that it’s great being able to

things. You know, meeting someone for coffee and having a chat. I like the idea of being able see to their  expressions and to hear their laughter, and it seems like we’re losing that.

access the Internet with the touch of a button and find whatever you’re looking for. Speaker 2   At first, I thought thought drones were were a bad idea but I ordered something online and a drone delivered the parcel to my house the very same day. I was amazed by how fast and convenient they do it. I will definitely use that delivery service again!

Speaker 2  If you ask any of my friends about what I like doing in my free time, they will definitely say spending hours on my smartphone. They tell me that it is a waste of time, but I disagree. What can I say? I love taking photos and posting them on social media. I know I should stop doing it so much, but that’s hard to do.

Speaker 3 My dad works at a factory that makes robots so we've got one at home. It’s like a vacuum cleaner. It helps us around the house and makes our life so much easier. In fact, I no longer spend so much time helping my mum clean. So, I have plenty of time to relax or to go out and do the things I enjoy.

Speaker 3 I really enjoy chatting to my friend on our favourite forum. We do this every night until the late hours. We love it because we can chat about things we have done and discuss our opinions on lots of topics with people from Australia, Canada and other countries. Every topic is discussed, from health and sports, to the environment and festivals.

Speaker 4 I’ve always loved playing video games in my free time. But, I never imagined that one day we would be able to put on a virtual reality headset and be quickly transported into another world. In my opinion, virtual reality gadgets are a great way to relax and forget about your worries. I always feel much better after spending some time in a virtual world.

Speaker 4 Since the invention of social media, I no longer have to call my friends or send them messages. Everything they want to know about my life or what I want to know about theirs can be seen online. This is why I don’t often go out with friends to catch up anymore. I mean, really, what’s the point?

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Right On! 3

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